
Latitude Longitude Calculator and Converter


Enter Latitude and Longitude in any of the formats below. Negative numbers are W or S and can be entered as a negative number or as W or S. Both latitude and longitude may be entered in the first box. If you enter a comma in the first box, the second box is ignored and the first box is assumed to contain both latitude and longitude. You can use one format for latitude and another format for longitude.

There are several application specific formats in the output that can be copied and pasted into those applications.

If there are other formats that you would like to see included, just drop me a note.

Examples of Valid Input

Decimal Degrees -122.7523
Degrees Decimal Minutes W122 45.128
Degrees Minutes Decimal Seconds -122 45 8.28 or 37:40:30.7

Example of Invalid Input

W122°45'8.28 (just use spaces instead of degree or minute characters) ie W122 45 8.28


If including both latitude and longitude on the latitude line, you MUST separate the two fields with a comma!


"Latitude, Longitude" or Latitude:
Name (For gpx format only):


Decimal Degrees Degrees Decimal Minutes Degrees Minutes Decimal Seconds NSEW
Latitude 37.675194 37 40.5116 37 40 30.7 N
Longitude -122.380014 -122 22.8008 -122 22 48.05 W

Google maps format 37.675194, -122.380014
Garmin format N37.675194      W122.380014
OpenCPN format 37 40.5116 N      122 22.8008 W
xml gpx format <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <wpt lat="37.675194" lon="-122.380014">

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