Perkins L4 Workshop Manual
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uuu Perkins Engines Limited Peterborough England Grams Phone Peterborough 3241 Cables Perkoil Peterborough Telex Publication No 5675 Reissued November 1966 PRICE 20 PRiNTED IN ENGLANDJJ Fale IJl FOREWORD PageV GENERAL INFORMAnON Section ENGINE DESCRIPTION AND PHOTOGRAPHS A DO AND DO NOT B SETTINGS STARTING FAULT FINDING AND THE DATA ENGINE C D E ENGINE MAINTENANCE POST DELIVERY CHECKOVER F LAID UP ENGINE PROCEDURE F PERIODICAL ATTENTIONS F F FILTERS FROST PRECAUTIONS G ENGINE OVERHAUL CYLINDER LINERS H PISTONS CYLINDER AND HEAD CONNECTING RODS J K CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARIIGS L CAMSHAFT AND DRIVE M TIMING N SCHEDULE OF CLEARANCES AND TOLERANCES p FL MECHANICAL WATER LUBRICATING FUEL FAN YWHEEL AND INJECTION PUMP DYNAMO AND GOVERNOR SYSTEM FL SYSTEM YWHEEL ADJUSTMENT HOUSING Q R S T U V L4 MARINE ENGINES W1 SERVICE INSTRUCTION PERPETUITY SCHEME SERVICE FACILInES APPENDIX LUBRICATING OIL DATA FILM LIBRARY PERKINS DRIVE RS CLUB APPROVED SERVICE TOOLSPageIV ol I All threads used on the L4 Engine except on proprietary equipment and the crankshaftare Unified 1 Pipe SeriesThe crankshaft and starting dog nut are threaded 1 American ff NationalFine 14 TP1 Unified threads are not BSF and althooghBSW havethe samenomber of threads per inch as Unified not recommended doe to a differencein the thread form The enginenumber is stamped on the top rear light hand side of the cylinder block as shown in the diagram below Tbis number should be quoted when requesting information or ordering Palts This publication produced by the Technical Publications Department of the Perkins Senice Division and every envour is made to ensure that the information contained in this mannal correct at the date of pubtication but doe to continuous manufacturers reservethe right to make notice Diagram showing position of Engine No 60126251 Page V FOREWORD The Diesel Engine closely resem bles lts petrol THA T HlS PRODUCT WILL RECEIVE INf counterpart inasmuch as the mechanismis essen SERVICE That part restswith you tially the same lts cylinders are arranged above its closed crankcaseits crankshaft is ODeof the This manual is designedto be a guide to the same general type as that of a petrol engine it Distributors of and Dealers in equipment fitted with the Perkins L4 Diesel engine and to others bas the same sort of valves camshaft pistons who are concernedwith the sale and subsequent connecting roos and lubrication system maintenanceof such engines It follows therefore that to a great extent it Perkins Engines Ltd are at one with all these requires the same treatment as that which any Distributors and Dealers in the desire to ensure intelligent and careful operator would accord to a that the Perkins Diesel engines in the hands of petrol engine and that gross negligencesuch as usersshall give running the engine short of oil with sludged Dil or with the water boiling will have the same An essential factor in the attainment of that object is efficient servicing The Company pro vides a number of facilities with that end in view Where the Diesel Engine does differ from the one of them is this manual In presenting it to petrol motor however is in th method of hand responsible Distributors and Dealers the Com ling and firing its fuel Carburetter and ignition pany are in effect inviting their cooperation and systemsare doDeaway with and in their place is at the time providing an effective aid to that a single componentthe Fuel Pumpwhich per cooperation farms the functions of both This confers upon Immediately this manual is received hand it the Diesel a quite since the over to the foreman who will be responsiblefor chancesof breakdown are halved In tact it may carrying out the maintenance operations which be axiomatically stated that a Diesel Engine never are Do not pleasefile it in the bas an involuntary stop other than ODecaused office through to abuseunIess there is a shortageof fuel The issue of this manuaI bas been descrihed above as being ODeof the many aids which Per The fuel pump though very simple in principle kiDs Engines Ltd provide in order to ensure must necessarilybe a piece of precision engineer efficient servicefor the enginesthey market Two ing Many yearsof experienceand many hundreds of the others may appropriately he mentioned of thousandsof miles of running ensure that the here fuel pump fitted to Perkins engines will given ordinarily decent treatment continue to function is provided at Peterborough faultlessly It must however be regarded in the where the mechanics employed by Distributors samelight as a it shouldnot Dealers and users are given instruction OD the be interfered with and that its repair should it the engine Deedattention is definitely beyond the skill of any Then there is the Perkins Perpetuity Plan which but specially trained workmen Like the magneto is in fact an peculiar it is built as a unit So that in the rare event of description having numerous special advantages failure it cao be replaceden bloc A booklet describing this can be obtained on request Unremitting care and attention at the Perkins factory have resulted in an engine capable of In conclusion we recommend Dealers Distri hundreds of hours of profitable service WHAT butors and usersto the Service THE HOW Division of Perkins EnginesLtd Peterboroughin EVER CONTROL IS THE TREATMENT case of Deed 1 Page Al J Perkins L4 vertical fourstroke Crankshaft and Main Bearings Power Units They are entirely of British design The crankshaft is made from an alloy steel and manufacture and embody the results of stam ping with hardened main and crankpin in the production of Diesel journais The crankshaftruns in engines over a period of many years hearings which are lead bronze lined and indium flashed The materials and workmanship throughout are of the highest class Most parts are guaranteed ConnectingRods being used everywherein the The connecting rods are of alloy steel H courseof manufactureand all parts passthrough a system of thorough inspection where they are section stampingswith shell big checked to the closest limits Each engine is end bearings which are lead bronze lined and subjected to stringent tests before leaving the indium flashed Works Pistons General The pistons are flat topped They are of light aluminium alloy with ample metal in the crown to The Perkins lA Diesel with which tbis manuaI carry off the heat of combustion Three com is concerned is a Cour cylinder unit having a pression rings of which ODe is of laminated steel bore and stroke of 4 in 10795mm and 4i In and ODe scraper ring are fitted above the gudgeon 12065mm respectively pin There is ODe scraper ring below that pin The gudgeon pins are of the fully floating type Cylinder Block The cylinder block and crankcase comprise a Timing Drive onepiece high duty alloy iron casting Centri The camshaft and fuel pump are gear driven fugal cast iron wet liners are fitted which are the timing case being a separate casting secured flanged at the top end and fitted with sealing rings to the front end of the cylinder block Provision at the lower end is made for mounting a gear drive on the timing case meshing with the timing gear train for driving Cylinder Head a hydraulic pump or uther low power auxiliary The cylinder head is an alloy iron casting securedto the cylinder block by a large number Lubrication l l of weU spaced through studs The overhead valves are operated by push rods from flat faced Lubrication is high pressureforce reed thrOUgh out the engine The pump a gear type is secured tappets in the cylinder block the rocker assembly to the cylinder block and is driven by spiral gears being mounted on top of the cylinder head The from the camshaft It is fully capable of main 1 whole assembly is enclosedin a light alloy die cast cover All valves are of special alloy steel the taining an all running speeds inlet being larger to ensure maximum volumetric FoeI Injection Equipment 1 efficiency The spherical combustion chamber is formed half in the head and half by a detachable The unit type fuel pump is fiange mounted steel cap on the timing case The atomisers are two hole type fitted in an Camshaft accessible position on top of the cylinder head The low level camshaftis situated in the offside ODe spray is directedinto the of the cylinder block and is supported by three and the other into the cylinder ensuring easy starting hearingsJ j Page A2 Engine Cold Starting Equipment The cooling water is pump circulated by a centri Comprises a hand pump tankfugal pump which is mounted on the front end of piping induction heater and starter and heaterthe cylinder block ft is driven together with the switches The induction heater is not in contactdynamo bya Vee belt from the engine crankshaft with the burning gasesin the cylinder It is located in the inlet venturi and is in use only during The internal water passagesare arranged to give starting under very cold conditionsa brisk circulation of water around the and atomiser seating The fan is mountedon the forward end of the water pump Electric Starting Equipment A 12volt starter is flange mounted on theAir Intake flywheel housing A large air cleaner is fitted through which mustpassalI air drawn into the engine Harmful dust Dynamois thus excludedand the lire of the 12Volt earth return type completewith The air cleaneris connected box and fuse box It is mounted on the off sideto the venturi inlet which houses the butterfly of the cylinder block and is belt driven by a Veethrottle valve control belt from the crankshaft r INDEX TG ENGINE PHOTOGRAPHS I Breather Pipe 2 Fuel Filter 3 Pipe from Pneumatic Uovernor to Air Intake 4 Inlet to Fuel Injection Pump 5 Fuel Pump Stop Control Lever 6 Cylinder Block Water Drain Coc 7 Lubricating Dil Filter 8 Sump 9 Fan Belt 10 Main Leakoff Pipe 11 Timing Case 12 Fuel Injection Pump 13 Water Pump 14 Fan 15 Water Dutlet to Radiator 16 Atomiser Leakoff Pipe 17 Fuel Injection Pipe 18 Atomiser 19 Cylinder Head Cover 20 Exhaust Manifold 21 Air Intake 22 Butterfly Control Lever 23 Dynamo 24 Lubricating Dil Filler 25 Starter Motor 26 Front Engine Support 27 Facing for Alternative Front Engine Support 28 Fuel Lift Pump 29 Hand Primer for Fuel Lift Pump 30 Mechanical Governor 31 Mechanical Governor Dperating Lever 32 Inlet to Fuel Lift Pump 33 Dipstick 34 Sump Drain Plug 35 36 Dil Bath Air Cleaner l l l 1 1 Page BI SETTNGS AND DATA B Bore 4linorI0795mm Stroke 4i in or 1206 mm 4 Swept volume 442 litres 270 cuin Compression ratio 175 I Firing order I 3 4 2 Horsepower See below Maximum torque 182lbsft 2517 kgm at 1000 rpm Pistons Light Alloy Spil I timing 21 degrees BTC Atomiser Body BKB 35S87 or BKB32S630 Atomiser Nozzle BDL IIOS6116 Injection piessure See page TIl Valve lift 465 in or 11811 mm Valve Face and Seat Angle 450 Dil Pressure at max engine speed and normal working temperature 2550 Ibs per sq in 176352kgsq cm Valve clearance 010 in or 254 mm When checking and adjusting valve clearances the engine should be tumed to bring the respective pistons to TDC on compression TorqueTensions CylinderHead Nuts Con Rod Setscrews LbsFt kgm 808511061175 10010513821451 Main Bearing Setscrews 12513017291800 75 1037 With referenceto the Cylinder Head Nuts these should be rechecked with the engine hot It will be after overhaul or rectification work bas been carried out there will be a settling period which will allowaslight variation on the figures quoted This is not detrimental to the perform anceof the engineand there is no necessity to interfere with the settings On no account should attempts be made to increasethe torque already quoted by retightening with a torque spanner SUMP CAPACITIES Combines 2 gallons 908litres 745 Tractor 2 gallons 908litres FordsonMajor Tractor ol gallons 6 pints1249 litres Claas Combine 2 gallons 908litres lndustrial 3 eallons3 pints 1531litres HORSE POWER Combines 56 bhp at 1940rpm 745 Tractor 50 bhp at 1500rpm FordsonMajor Tractor 45 bhp at 1500rpm Industrial 62 bhp at 2000rpm Claas Combine Up to 59 bhp at 2000rDmPage B2 Settingsand Datacontinued Details of Industrial engine ratings caD be obtained upon requestfrom the plant manufacturers or engine manufacturers In the case of queries on other types of application apply to Service Division quoting the engine number Derating for Altitude Where enginesare called upon to operate in rarefied by altitude such engines should be derated For details regarding engine derating for altitude apply to Service Division Perkins Engines Ltd Peterborough or to those listed on Page 11 IMPORTANT NOTE ALL Screw Threads used on the L4 engine except on proprietary equipmnt and the crankshaft are Unified Series and American Pipe Series The crankshaft and starting dog nut are threaded 1 inch American National Fine 14 TPI l l l r Page Cl PREPARAnON FOR STARnNG The engineis now ready for starting Check the radiator water level Move the speed control lever to full open Check the enginesump oil level position Seethat there is tuel oil in the tank COLD STARnNG EQUIPMENT Where a pneumatic govemor is fitted make Method of Operationquite sure that the connections on the pipetrom the butterfly valve to the govemor on the The small hand pump see Fig CI is contuel pump are light structedwith inlet and outlet ports On the upward stroke of the pump fuel is drawn through a copper Check that the starter battery is tully charged pipe trom the supply tank into the pump bodyand that all electrical connections are all circuits in order On the downward stroke tuel is pressure ted through the outlet port and a copper pipe to an atomiser fitted in the venturi A swirl in thePriming the Foei System atomiser causesthe fuel to be sprayed into the In the caseof a new engineor an enginewhich venturibas been laid up it is important that the fuelsystemis bIed as follows PressureFed Systems Slackensmall plug on tbe top of tbe final fuelfilter and operate tbe band primer on tbe fuelliflpump ontil fuel tree trom air Fig Clthe plug hole Tighten the plug Slacken the bleed screw on the top of the tue The spray is directed on to a heater plug seepump Fig C2 which is also fitted into the veoturi Again operate the hand primer on the fuel lift The resistaoce wire 00 the heater plug is heatedpump until fuel issuestrom the bleed screw and by an electric current when the heater button isall signs of air have disappeared pressedon the HeaterStarter switch Tighten the bleed screw securely and give the As the pistons travel down 00 the suction strokeprimer a tew more strokes in order to deliver the the fuel spray which bas been fired by the hotfuel through the relief valve on the tue filter resistaoce wire on the plug is drawn into theclearing this part of the systemof air cylinder bare to assistin easystarting The wiring diagram see Fig C3 shows allGravity Fed Systems of the HeaterStarter switch Slacken smalI plug on the top of tbe final fuel and Heater plug and turn on fuel tank supply until fuel treetrom air issuestrom tbe plug hole Tighten the Use of Equipmentplug The hand pump is usedin conjunction with the Slacken the bleed screw on tbe top of the fuel induction heater and HeaterStarter switch forpump and allow fuel to run until no trace of air starting in cold weatherremains Excessiveuse of the hand pump is to he depre Tighten tbe bleed screw securely whilst fuel is cated as it is liable to he harmful to the enginestill issuing and could damage the piston ringsPage C2 Starting the With addition to the hand Press the Heater switch for about half apump two electric push button switchesmarked minute count forty fairly slowly Then with Heater and Starter respectivlyare mounted the Heater switch still pressed and the throttleon the or fully opened cngage the starter motor at thenear to the enginecontrols Theseare for starting same time giving short strokes on the handthe engine pump an other applications a starter engaging lever The engineshould then startis provided insteadof the button switch previously If it doesnot wait half a minute and try againmentioned If the engine doesnot start at the third attempt In warm weatheror if the engine bas been only somefault is presentand an berecently stoppedopen up the throttle and engage madethe starter motor If the battery is sufficiently charged to turn the NOTE Always be sure that the starter pinionstarter motor quickly the engine should start bas stopped revolving before reengaging the starter motor otherwise the starter ring or pinion may be damagedCold Starting Equipment Af ter using the hand pump always make sure In cold weatherif the that the plunger is screwed down and the reedthe cold starting equipment should be used tap turned off otherwise a leakage may occur with damaging results See that there is fuel oil in the reservoir tankif fitted Main Tank Supply Turn on the supply tap to the hand pump In certain fuel systems no separatetank is fitted lTnscrew the pump plunger and give it one lnstead the hand pump draws fuel from thcstroke of about half an inch final fuel filter I aio N Q Fig C3 Wiring Diagram Fig C2 Plug Heater1 Storting the Page C3 In this casethe procedureis as laid down above the exhaust valves are opened thereby relieving exceptthat the tap provided on the filter should the compressionto facilitate easy turning be turned on before using the equipment To start put the in he Af ter use be sure to turn olf the tap and screw vertical position turn the engineover smartly 8nd down the hand pump otherwise fuel may drain drop the decompressor lever from the main tank into the engine It should be noted that where a decompressor shaft is fitted loss of compressionin ODe or more Maintenanceof Equipment cylinders may be causedby this shaft fouling one Use fuel oil in the system or more of the rocker levers thus preventing Check unions pipes and supply tank fOTleaks closure of a valve or valves The remedy is a ney cylinder head cover joint Inspect every 1000hours to make sure that all connectionsand terminals are tight on Heater If the engine is particularly cold lift the de Starter switch and Heater plug and turn the engine over a few time before attempting to start If any difficulty is found in operating the pump especially on the downward pressure stroke To Stop the Engine inspectthe atomiser swirl and jet hole A spring loaded stop control is located near the normal engine controls and functions by cutting Hand Starting off the fuel oil at the fuel injection pump Engines not provided with electric starting To operate pull the knob and hold in this equipment are fitted with a position until the engineceases to rotate Ensure in the valve cover that the control returns to the run position other The is positioned on the wise difficulty may be experiencedin restarting front of the valve cover When the lever is raised the engine1 Pagp Dl DIFFICULT STARnNG Test the atomisersaf recommendedin SectionS and clean them if necessary No Foei at Atomisers The lubricating oil usedshould be of an approved a No fuel in tank b Fuel lift pump not working Pressurered type SeeAppendix systemonly Cc Slack connections in tbe fuel system Sticking Rocker rl Air in the fuel systemTrace from suction Ir tbe rockers stick the causemay be tbe use side of unsuitable oil sbortage of oil or sludging Go over the whole of tbe above and make sure Use only oil of an approvedtype SecAppendix that the atomisers are fully primed and tbat the Ir tbere is a sbortageof lubricant tbe passages and pinging tt or squeakingtt noise is heard from pipes to tbe rockers sbould be cbecked each atomiser when the engine is turned over by hand Fuel Oll It is essential to use clean fuel Dil fret from Enginenot being turned over quickly enough water dirt or sand The Particularly in cold weather cation for fuel Dil is given in SectionS Providing a Lubricating oil too thick Sec Appendix clean fuel is usedno trouble should he experienced b Battery not fully charged Fit fully charged witb the fuel systembut dirty Dil willlead to trouble battery due to choked filters damaged fuel pump and c Engine gummy due to standing in tbe atomisers If the engine tends to run weIl for a cold short period and then to die awayor stop altogether tbe fuel system should immediately be suspected Use thc cold starting equipmentif fitted See Tbe trouble may be due to the lift pump not Section C working properly to a loost pipe joint allowing air to get into the fuel systemto a dirty fuel filter or Low Compression to a choked fuel pipe The prefilter in the fuel This may be due to dry cylinders and piston lift pump when fitted should be cleaned by rings worn piston rings worn cylinders or leaky washing in clean fuel Dil but tbe final filter should valves not need attention more than once in 1000hours when a completely new filter element should he fitted If the conditions lead to dust or con Test atomisers for ping or squeak as tamination of the fuel decreasetbe maintenance already mentioned Ir any atomiser rails to give interval this pinging or squeaking noise when that Always after disturbing fuel line washers cylinder is pulled smartly over compressionand it bas been made certain that the atomiser is fully replace with ncw washersto ensurethe joints are primed then the atomiser should he tested by air tight removingit from the cylinder Air Cleaner Disconnect pipes on other atomisers while making this test In accordance with periodical attentions Section F clean the filtering element in paraffin and if of tbe oil bath type dip in oil Sticking Valves Trouble witb sticking valves may be due to In those filters wbicb need it new engine oiJ overbeatingtbe result of cboked atomisersor tbe should be poured into the base up to tbe level use of unsuitable lubricating oil mark I Page D2 z z z zoC 0 z A z o 0 5 0 A m 0 0 A Ic 0 I z AQ z ti 0 U 0 0 A z z U Q u U 0 z z z oC 0 c oC A c OC 0 U z SU Qz z t oC a e 0 a 2 0 z z A o z 0 0 I 5 z u z z O oCz zoC o ta c c c 0 0 oC AQZ Q oCoC 0 c U c z oC Z 2 Z 2 A c w z 0 oC Qo I Z OC A c l C 0 U oC NZ o z N c U e 0 z o t s E Q z oCo o 0 o oC o 0 ZZ Z o 0 oz 00 oC o zm u 5u z o 0 m c 0 c z Oz 5 0 e 0 0 0 U o z z c f 9 0 zc CO u mO c J 0 J c c Pd c c c 0 u Z L W n L os oo Z u u Qo zO Z 0 os os Q O C W U Z O i z U os Q m z c g c L O mmO c oj O z 26 Z 00 oscol Od 0 l o L l P Q c 8 nS 0 c co u Z c c I c O I w z 8 0 c 5c os os m Q z Z 4 o Zo 0 2 o c 8Q0 5 Ao v Q0oS58 0 O8coI z m r 8g w E 0 m 0 Q Q02 u Ao c c5 Q 0 80 c c 0 0 0 c c 8 g c z Q Ao Ao X oICoI Ei v g z o Z c 8 Qol 0 O Q c o c c rQe 00P 8 L mmo r r I 11 Page El AND DO KEEP THE ENGINE CLEAN DO drain cylinder block if engine is being left DO keep this hook where it is conveniently idle in frosty weatherdrain tap on fuel pump side of block accessible DO remove filler cap before DO pay particular attention to lubrication draining the cooling system DO use only approved grades of lubricating oilo DO close these drain cocks and refill with water DO use only GENUINE PERKINS PARTS before attemptingto restart next morning DO when in doubt read this Manual DO keep all bolts and Duts tight DO eliminate all air from the fuel system and keep all fuel oil unions AIR TIGHT DO Nor guess For additional information con DO examine engine oil level in sump daily and tact suppliers of the Industrial Plant replenish if necessary Tractor or Engine DO completely change engine oil in accordance DO NOT neglect the routine attentions speci with periodical attentions SectionF fied in SectionF DO NOT storefuel oil in a DO renew element in lubricating oil filter in accordance with periodical attentions DO NOT race the engine in neutral Section F DO NOT run the engine unless the gauge DO check oil flow to rocker shaft and examine SHOWS OIL PRESSURE the valvespringsin accordancewith periodical DO NOT with any adjust attentions Section F ments DO use only filtered fuel oil Never tip into DO NOT break the fuel pump or venturi seals the tank a halfempty barrel of fuel oil the remember if broken Jour Guarantee bung of which may have been out fOTweeks may be void DO keep a check on the temperature of the DO NOT continue to run the engine if the cooling water lt should not be allowed to cooling water boils boil The best temperature is 170F or DO NOT forget to keep the fan belt adjusted 77C but where a cap is fitted then the coolant temperature may DO NOT continue to run the engine if black be slightly higher smoke is coming from the exhaust DO NOT if the engine stops without apparent DO attend immediately to fuel and lubricating reason rail to make sure first of all oil leaks that fuel is reaching the fuel pump DO grind in valves when necessary DO NOT omit to wipe the engine over oc DO check valve clearance from time to time casionally with a clean rag 010 in 25 mm with warm engine DO NOT take the fuel pump to pieces DO tighten cylinder head DutS in correct order DO NOT use cotton waste or any fluffy cloth See Fig H3 when cleaning DO quote engine number when ordering parts DO NOT use any but approved brands of lubri DO keep essentialparts in store cating oil DO drain radiator if engine is being left idle in DO NOT subject the engine to continuous over frosty weather loadingJ Page FJ A TTENTI 0 N S FPOSTDELIVERY CHECKOVER EVERY SOHOURS Af ter a customtr bas taken delivery of bis Check fan belt adjustment See Section RPerkins diesel engille it is advisable in bis own Clean air cleaner and renew Dil See Dateinterest thai a genera I check over of the engine Top up batteries with distilled waterbe carried out after the first 25 hours in service It is also recommended that this adopted where an engine bas been EVERY 250 HOURSlaid up tor a considerable period before it is Refill Greaseron Dynamoagain put into service Clean water trap bowl and gauze element This check over should comprise the following Clean element in lubricating oil filterpoints Drain oil trom sump and renew I Drain lubricating oil sump and refill up to the ruIl mark on the dipstick with new clean Clean strainer in sump oil Do not overfill When the sump is Unscrew drain plug on final tuel filter replace drained the sump strainer should he removed plug when clean tuel appears and cleaned Flush radiator with clean water 2 Check and if necessary adjust slow running Clean and treat the battery terminals speed 3 Check external nuts tor tightness These periods should be decreased to 100hours 4 Check and adjust valve clearances010 in maximum when engineis operating under adverse conditions 25 mmo hot 5 Check fuel pipes trom tank to fuel injection pump common chamher tor leaks EVERY 500 HOURS 6 Check tor lubricating oil leaks and rectify Clean and checkatomisers if necessary Renew feIt element in lubricating oil filter 7 Check cooling systemtor leaks and inspect radiator water level Clean gauze trap in fuel oil filler when fitted 8 Checkfan belt tor tension Clean strainer in lubricating oil filler 9 Carry out raad test to check general per formanceof engine EVERY 1000HOURS 10 Check enginemounting balts tor tightness It is also advisable to check the cylinder head Drain fuel tank remove and cleanstuds to ascertain that they are tightened to the Inspect commutator and brushesof dynamocorrect torque as given on page Bl Removecylinder head cover Thereafter maintenance periods should he in Examine valve springs and check valve the following instructions ance It is assumed thai electrical equipmentwill have Inspect valve rocker assemblyfor been checkedtor such points as dynamo Renew element in final fuel filterrate of charge effectiveness of connections andcircuits etc Note The time for cleaning the air cleaner dependson operating conditions therefore under Keep Eogioe Oeso extremely dusty conditions the time limit recomDAllV mended above for cleaning should he decreased Checkwatcrin radiator The correct maintenanceof the air cleaner win Check oil level in sump make sure the engine greatly assist in reducing bare wear therebyis level extending the life of the engine I IPageF2PRESERV AllON OF LAID UP ENGINES noted that deterioration of the fuel oil may be Where an application which is powered by a the months the application isPerkins engine is to be laid up for several months idleit is advisable that some measure of protection If this occurs the fuel oil may become conbe afforded the engine to ensure that it suffers taminated with a waxlike substancewhich willno ill effect during the intervening period before quickly clog the fuel filtering arrangement onceoperations are recommenced the engine is returned to service It is recommended therefore that the following Therefore before inprocedure be adopted and applied immediately respectof a unit primed with normal fuel oU whichthe unit is withdrawn from service bas lain idle for severalmonths it i5 recommended I Thoroughly clean aU external parts of the that the fuel tank be drained and the interior of the tank thoroughly cleaned The fuel oU drained engine off should be discarded as unfit for further use 2 Run the engine until wellwarmed through Stop the engine and drain lubricating oil Fuel oil contained in the remainder of the fuel system should also he dispelled and the paper sump element in the final fuel filter 3 Drain water from radiator and engine which the system may then be rechargedwith cylinder block fresh clean fuel oil 4 Remove and clean gauze strainer in sump starting the engineshould then and ruil flow filter element be in accordancewith the procedure detaUedin 5 Clean out engine breathing system SectionC 6 Af ter replacing filters fill sump to correct NOTE level with clean new lubricating oil or with Where a preseryativeis used in the lubricating a suitable preservative fluid oil sump this should be drained off and replaced 7 Remove atomisers and spray into cylinder by prior to restarting the engine bores a t pint 14 litres of lubricating oil at the end of the storageperiod In the caseof a divided between the cylinders preservative beingutilised to chargethe fuel system 8 Replace atomisers and turn engine slowly this need not necessarilybe drained off before over compressions returning the engine to service Therefore wben 9 Remove air cleaner and any intake pipe which a preservativeis used in this respect the relevant may be fitted between the air cleaner and manufacturers of the fluid should be contacted venturi Carefully seal venturi orifice with seekingtheir guidanceas to whether their product waterproofed adhesive tape or some ot her should he drained away prior to restarting the suitable medium engme10 Remove exhaust pipe and seal opening in When draining Marine enginesthe end plate ot manifoldas in 9 the water pump should be removedto allow drain ageof any water trapped betweenthe bladesof the11 Disconnect battery and store in fully charged impellor Af ter the pump bas been drained the condition Before storing the bartery ter impeUor sbould be lubricated with Marfak 2HD minals should be treated to prevent corrosion Greaseafter which the impellor should be turned The fuel system may either be drained and to ensure penetration of the grease When thecharged with a suitable preservative or alternatively engine is put back into serviceunder no circumit may be left primed with normal fuel oil stancesshould it be run with the interior of the Where the Iatter course is taken it should be water pump dry l r PageF 3 FROST damage by trost should he a Locking of the impelJor by ice due to thr taken if the engine is to be left exposed to pump drain hole being blocked by sedi inclement weather either by adequately draining ment the water systemor where this is not convenient b The locking of the seaJthrough the freezing an antifreezeof reputablemake and incorporating of globuJesof moisture between the sea a inhibitor may he used and the gland Should it be your policy to protect enginestrom Operators are therefore advised to take these trost damageby adding antifreezeto the cooling operating in temperatures beIoVv systemit is advisable that the manufacturers of freezing point the relevant mixture be contacted to ascertain 1 Before starting the engineturn the fan and Yvhethertheir products are suitable tor use in ater pump by hand this will indicateif Perkins engines and also to ensure that their freezing bas taken place If freezing bas products wil have no harmful effect on the cool taken place this should tree any ice forma ing It is OUT experience that the tion best results are obtained from antifreeze which conforms to British Standard 3151 2 If it is impossibleto turn the pump by hand the radiator and engineshould be filled with Where the use of an antifreezeis contemplated warm water in respect of an L4 marine engine employing a 3 To avoid this trouble the operator should closed circuit cooling system advice should be when all water bas been drained run the soughttrom the relevant engine tor a tew secondsat idling speed their product will have no thus dispersing any moisture remaining in detrimental effect on the rubber impellor of the the pump freshwater pump Af ter an bas been usedthe When draining the water circulating system it cooling system should be thoroughly flushed in is not enough merely to open the radiator drain accordance with the manufacturers instructions tap the ODeon the cylinder block must also be before refilling with normal coolant opened This tap is located midway along the fuel pump side of the cylinder block If the foregoing action is taken no harmful Wnen the engine is drained the water pump is effectsshould be experiencedbut Perkins Engines also drained but rotation of the pump may he Ltd cannot be held responsible for any Crost preventm by damage or corrosion which may be incurred Page G 1 FILTERS A prime consideration in the maintenance of upon the surface of the oil carried in a reservoir that of cleanliness The air and in the lower part of the filter casing fuel oil that enters the cylinders must be scrupu As aresuit particles of foreign matter are lously clean and so also must the lubricating oil carried into the oil by their own momentum and In the Perkins L4 Diesel engine particular are there trapped The air then passes through a attention bas beenpaid to the provision of means steel wire element before Teachingthe indution foT in respectof these manifold and in that element are deposited any Three filtration systems are provided Air other particles of foreign matter which stil remain Fuel Oil and Lubrication and all that the operator in the air after its contact with the oil needsto do is to take steps to ensure that the Maintenance filters are kept in such a state that they will most Examine and replenish oil and clean in accor effectively perform their functions dance with periodical attentions Section F Removetop cover and lift out element Wash in paraffin or fuel oil and allow to drain Empty oil from outer cas and scrape out Wash outer casewith para ffin or fuel oil and refill with oil to the level indi cated do not overfill top cover care to be taken to seethat the joint ring is in good condition and is sealingbefore tightening the top cover down Fig G J Gil BathAir Filter AIR Fn TERS Air is filtered as it enters the inlet manifold by use of ODeor the other of the followmg filters 1 Dil Bath type 2 Air Maze type Tractor type The systemof operation of the air filters afford a high measure of protection to the engine if properly maintained Fig G2 Prefilter The time for cleaningthe air operating conditions therefore under extreme dusty conditions the time limit recommendedin Air Maze type Tractor type the periodical attentions for cleaning should be In the tractor oil bath filter the air is drawn in through the intake pipe and down through the The correct maintenanceof the air cleaner will centre of the filter to the oil bath Here the air greatly assist in reducing bare wear thereby impinges upon the surface of the oil and particles extending the life of the engine of foreign matter are carried into the oil by their own momentum and trapped Tbe air then Oil Bath Type Filter passesup the sides of the filter through the wire In this type of filter the incoming air impinges male and out through the connection at the topJJJJ r JPage G2 Maintenance Examine replenish oil and clean in accordance with periodical attentions SectionF Remove oil container and empty out the oil Scrapeout all thorough ly wash in paraffin or fuel oil Inspect the wire gauzeand if filter body from installation and wash in paraffin or fuel oil Allow to drain before reassembly Refill oil container to the level indicated do not overfill and reassem bIe to filter Fig GJ Fig GS IMPORTANT NOTE Tbe efficiency of tbe cleaner is sucb tbat if tbe cleaning of tbe filter is not carried out at appro priate be serious ly atfected becausetbe presenceof irnpurities in tbe cleanerwill restrict tbe air passage In tbe event of below par it is a good plan first to cbeckup on tbe cleaner to ascertainif clogging of tbe filter is tbe cause FUEL ou FllTERS Of all the factors on which of a Diesel engine fuel oil is the most important The efficient operation and length of life of the fuel pump elementsand of the on the use of clean fuel oil secondthe provision of suitable filters third attention to these filters Protection fot the Perkins L4 engineis provided by the following filters readingfrom the tank to the pump 1 Water Trap Fig G4 2 Prefilter Pa1eG3 When reassembling take care that a good joint is made betweenthe top of the bowl and the filter body as any leakage of air here that is on the suction side of the fuel pump rnay causeair looks in the fuel system Paper Element Filter It is not possible to clean the paper element in this filter1 It should be renewedevery 1000hours Every 250 hours unscrew the drain plug at the bottom of the filter bowl and allow fuel to fiow through until clean fuel oil appears Replace drain plug To remove the element unscrewthe larger nut in the rentTeof the cover and drop the filter bowl clear SeeFigs G3 and G4 Remove the dirty element and throw away Fig G5 Before putting new element in position clean the filter bowl and inspect the relief valve Ensure that the rubber joints are in good con dition if not replace by new Fig G6 Fuel Filter in section showing fuel fiow throUgh element LUBRICAnNG On FILTERS The importance of using clean lubricating oil Tbe arrangement of these two filters varies in the fust place and providing means to ensure lccording to application Cn some applications both filters are fitted on others either one or the other is fitted 3 Paper element type filter Water Trap This filter varies according to application The gauze strainer is contained in an easily removablebowl and should be cleaned in accor dance with periodical attentions SectionF Prefilter This units main purpose is to protect the fuel lift pump It bas a comparatively coarseelement See Fig G 2 This elementis contained in an easily removable bowl and should be cleaned in accordancewith periodical attentions SectionF To remove element for cleaning unscrew knurled nut at the bottom of the bowl Swing the stirrup clear and remove filter bowl Removeelement and wash in paraffin or clean fuel oil Clean out and wash filter bowl in clean paraffin or fuel oil Fig G7Page G4 Wash strainer in clean paraffin or fuel oil and replace Sump Strainer f The sump strainer is a wire gauzestrainer which fits over the suction pipe to the lubricating oil pump It should be cleanedin accordance with periodi cal attentions Section F For instructions regarding removal and cleaning of sump strainer see Section P Maln Full Flow Filter The element of this filter should be removed r and thoroughly washed in paraffin The time period for cleaning and renewing the element is given in Periodical Attentions Section F It is a good plan to have a to put this elementin the filter and the filter back into service again whiJst the other element is being cleaned This procedure saves time Fig G8that it is always clean in use is hardly secondtothe importance of cleanliness in respectof fuel oil r It is imperative therefore that lubricating oilfi1tersare not negiected Moreover if the periodical attentions recommendedare carried out andthc correct grade of clean oil useda very long lirecan he obtained from the Perkins engine To filters are provided r 1 Oil Filler Strainer 2 Sump Strainer 3 Main fuU flow FilterOil Filler Strainer The purpose of this strainer is to prevent the sump when the engineis bejagfilled with lubricating oU It should be cleanedin accordance with periodical attentions SeeSection FTo Removeand Clean Dil Filler Strainer Tbe oi filler strainer is situated at the bottomof the Dil filler tube betweenthe Dil fiJler and thccylinder block To remove for cleaning unscrew the bolt at rthc base of the Dil filler remove oil filler and Fig 09trainer r r r11 rage G5 5 Remove bypassvalve assembly This is best etfected by means of a piece of wire bent to form a hook at one end 6 Removedrain plug at base of filter casing and clean filter casing with paraffin 7 Reassemble filter unit in reverse order to dismantling lt should be noted that the bypass valve assemblyshould always be replaced in a position adjacent to where the filter is mounted to the cylinder block CAUTION Ir tbe filter element is not cleaned as recom mended tbe flow of oil tbrough the filter is re stricted Tbis does not however prevent oil passing to the engine for when restriction takes place the bypass valve opens and permits un filtered oil to continue to flow round the engine The consequence of this need not be described Do not tberefore omit to clean tbe element as Fig GIO prescribed To Removeand Clean Element Unscrew nut on cover and remove cover Remove bypassvalve assemblySee Fig G7 Remove element See Fig G8 Cleanelementin paraffin and allow to dry before replacing See Fig G9 Removedrain plug at base of filter casing and clean filter casing witb paraffin To order of procedure Ensure that tbe felt sealing ring around tbe by pass valve piston and tbe rubber sealing wasber are in good condition NOTE On certain applications the lubricating oil filter is fitted as shown in Figs G10 and 11 To removeand clean the elementof this filter 1 Unscrewbolt and removetop cover 2 Removespring and 3 Removeelement 4 Cleanelementin paraffin or fuel oil Allow to dry before replacing Fig GIl 1 Page Hl CYLINDER HEAO The Diesel engine rarely if ever needs the Remove push rods periodical decarbonising that is accepted as a Remove leak off pipes to atomisers matter of course with the petrol engine insofar Remove pressure pipes to atomisers that in an engine operating on the diesel cycle Remove atomisers carbon beyond a superficial coating does not Remove main leak off pipe fonn and accumulatein the combustion chamber and on the pistons as in the case of the petrol Uncouple union on pipe connecting the venturi and the pneuma tic governor where fitted engine Take off cylinder head Duts and removecylinder Oing to its higher thermal efficiencythe valves head completewith and venturi of the also much more free from trouble due to overheating that is of course To RemoveValves providing the engine is reasonably maintained All valves are numbered I to 8 commencing from the front of the engine Af ter aperiod dependingupon the condition The cylinder head is marked with corresponding under which the engine is operated the valves numbers opposite the valve seats see Fig H2 may need attention This will become apparent Compress the spring cap and springs with a by loss of compressionin which casea top over valve spring compressorand remove the splitcone haul may be necessary collets Remove the spring caps and springs thus liberating the valve which can be taken Preparation out when the cylinder head is turned upside Begin by assemblingall the joints and other down parts required as called for in the Perkins parts List Grinding Valves The valves and valve seats should be recon Drain all water from the radiator and cylinder ditioned in the orthodox way using grinding block The drain cock for the cylinder block isJ on the fuel pump side of the engine Disconnec the exhaustpipe from the compound or by means of specialised The valve seat and face angle is 45 equipment the cylinder head EXA1IUNA nON Cylinder Head To Remove Remove the air cleaner Examine all parts for wear having in mind tbe Take oir cylinder head cover following points Uncoupleunion on oil pipe to rocker assembly Valve Springs RemoveDuts holding rocker shaft assembly Valve springs deteriorate because of fatigue Remove retaining plates and lift oir rocker resulting from the combined effect of heat and the above named oil pipe with it normal working of the springs Af ter aperiod Fig Hl Showing Rocker Shaft Assembly J rPage H2 Cylinder Head headbottom faceis not lessthan 057ins 145mm inlet and 053 ins 135 mm exhaust Maximum not exceed140 ins 356 mm inlet and exhaust Check this by putting a straight edge across the bottom face of the cylinder head and measuring the distance between the straight edgeand the valve head as illustrated in Fig H2 Tbe efficiencyof a diesel on the maintenance of good compression therefore when grinding in valves make certain thai no signs of pitting are left on the seatings Valves should he ground in until a continuous high mark is present the full way round the seating both on the valve and on the valve seatingin tbc Fig H2 Checking Yalve Head Clearance and method head At the same time care should be taken to of marking valves avoid unnecessary grinding away of the seatolhe spnng becomesweak and is then prone to Valve Guidesfailure This of course applies to all types ofengines Examinethe guidesfor wear if necessary replacc A ncw set of springs shouid be fitted whenever with ncw guidestbe engine undergoesa major overhaul To remove oid guides pressout or uso a suitRocker Levers and Bosbes ablc drift Washthe rocker assembly thoroughly in paraffin To fit ncw guides clean and remove any humExamine the rocker lever bushesfor wear The Smear tbc outer surfacc with clean oil androckers should be an easyfit on the shaft without using a suitable press drive home play up to the collar Care should be exercised It as a result of inadequate lubricatioD aDY as the collar approaches the cylinder head asrocker busheshave seizedODthe rocker shaft the the guides arc made of cast iron and will have worked loose OD the bushes comparatively brittIeShould this have occurred it will be advisableto fitnew rockers andjor bushes Cylinder Head Should it be necessaryto dismantie the rockershaft bie as shown in Fig Hl Remove exhaust manifold and clean off any carbon deposit formed in the cylinder headValves and Valve Seats Wasb out and thoroughly clean tbe water There will be little wear of the valve sterns or passages in tbe bead out andtheir guides provided that the lubrication of these finally cleaning with has always beenadequate If the water jacket of the cylinder head shows Examine the valves for cracks Check wear signs of excessivescale a proprietary brand ofof valve sternsand their fit in guides If the sterns descaling solution should be usedare wam fit ncw valves Number aU new valves to correspond with the of the old valves It is not as a rele necessaryto remove the When fitting new valves take care that the covers of the combustion chambersduring a valve head and the cylinder rarely fonns in thesechambers 1 Cylinder Head Page H3 Should it be necessary to remove these covers To tighten thecylinder headDutsa torque wrench ncw copperjoints should be fitted when they are shouldbe usedsetto the tensiongivenin SectionB replaced and pulled down in the order marked in Fig H3 lf ncw copper joints are not available the old With tb push rods in position replacetbe rocker unes may be used provided they are softened shaft assembly Examine the oil pipe union and before being refitted ensure that it is in good condition Connect union to cylinder head To softenthe joints heat them to a dull red heat Where necessary reconnect the pipe from the and quenchin cold water pneumatic governor to the venturi Special care is necessarywhen refitting these Replace atomisers See Section S covers to ensure that there are no leaks at the Replaceleak off pipes and cold starting equip joints otherwisethere will be a loss of compression ment and the efficiencyof the enginevillbe impaired For fitting of fuel pipes see Section S Reassembly Cylinder Head Valve Clearance shouldbesetto 010in 25mIn springscollars and collet When adjusting valve clearances the engine chamber caps and joints should he turned to bring the respective pistons to T DC on compression Fit exhaust manifold gaskets and exhaust manifold To adjust slackenthe lock nut and with a 010in 25 mm top of the valve stem and the rocker lever face turn the adjusting Head screw by meansof a the correct clearanceis obtained Tighten the locknut Before replacing cylinder head it is extremely important to ensure that the cylinder block and STARTING THE ENGINE cylinder head racesare perfectly clean Proceed as instructed in Section C When replacing the cylinder head a new gasket Af ter warming up tbe engine should be sbut should be used Cover both sides with a thin down and the cylinder head Duts again tightened coating of good jointing compound and before witb a torque wrench set to the tension given in placing over the cylinder head studs ensure that Section B The nuts should be tightened in the the gasket is correctly positioned The gasket is order shown in Fig H3 marked to indicate hcw it should be replaced Reset valve clearance to 010 in 25 mm Having placedthe gas ket in position ensurethat Tbe cylinder head cover cao aow be replacd the cylinder bead face is perfectly clean and place A ncw joint should be fitted and care should b in position over the cylinder head studs taken to sec that it is correctly positioned 2 6 J Fig H3 Diagram showing order in which cylinder head nut must bc tightened Page 11 The pistonsare of light alloy with fully floating Keep each piston and connecting rad assembly gudgeon pingwhich work in the bush fitted to the separateeach to each as marked connectingrod small end The gudgeon ping are held in position by meansof circlips To The pistons are fitted with three compression Remove circlips trom the piston using long rings and two oil control or scraper rings The nosedpliers top compression ring is a plain the secondachrome plated and Ta remave the gudgeonpins warm the pistons the third is composed of four laminated rings in liquid to a temperature of loooF120oF Seefig J2 3849C The pins can then be pushedout The tourth and fifth rings are slotted scrapers To Fit Small End Bushes Pistonsare numberedfrom 1 to 4 commencing Removepiston and connectingrad from engine with No lat the front of the engine Remove gudgeon ping see above Each connectingrad and cap are also numbered The small end bushes are a press fit into the I and I 2 and 2 etc Seefig J1 connectingrods The connecting rad and cap mating faces are Pressout aId bush with suitable press serrated la ensurecorrect positioning and should on no accountbe filed Remove any sharp edges around smal elld parent bare To Conn ecting Rod Assemblies Pressin new bush ensure that oiI hole Ul buih coincides with hole in top of connecting rad Remove cylinder head ass Ream out new bush to guit gudgeon pin see embly seeSection H Section V and check for parallelism Removesump seeSectP To Assembie Piston and Connecting Rod Insert gudgeon pin into position to do this it seeSection P may be necessary to heat piston in liquid to a Turn engine until two conn temperature of looo120oF 3849C The ecting roos are at bottom gudgeon pin can then be pushed easily into posi centre then remove setscrews tion and locking washers Tf original pistons are bejag used they must be reassembled to the same connecting rods eg l1 Remove caps and hearing piston stamped I must go with connecting rad shells stamped with the figure 1 For markings of Push piston and connecting connecting rad see fig J 1u rad out of the top of the Fig J1 Showing cylinders Fit circiips check to ensure that they fit correctly markingof connec into the grooves in the piston Tt is advisable to mg ro d s Turn engine until remaining fit new circiips even if the oid ODesdo not appear connectingrods are at bottom to be damaged or strained centre then repeat removal operations i Should there be carbon ridges in the cylinder aDres remove them using a scraper for the Fittings New Rings Pistonsand rings must be thoroughly washedto purpose remove any oil or greasewhich may be presentuPage 12 Pistonsand Fit the the top of the first so that when held compressed as describedabove the ring ends point upwards Position the gap at 1800to the first segmentgap The third segmentshould be fitted on the top of the secondso that whencompressed asdescribd the ring ends point downwards Position the gap immediately above that of the first segment Fit the fourth segmenton top of the third so that when held and compressedthe ring ends point upwards Position the gap above that of the secondsegment When the four laminations are fitted to the r piston check that they are fitted correctly If fitted correctly there will appear a gap between the bottom two laminations and the Fig 12 of piston rings top two laminations as illustrated in fig J3I Plain compression ring 3 When fitting ncw rings to original pistons2 Chrome plated com 4 and 5 Slotted scraper ring clean out piston ring grooves using the old ring presaion ring NOTE In the case of combine engines the chrome from the appropriate groove for this tDlated compression ring is omitted and replaced by a Examine the piston skirt and if there is anyplain compression ring of the same type as fitted in scoring the piston must not he usedagainNo 1 ring groove The piston should be examined carefully for bruising of the ring groovesand to ensurethat the Check rings tor correct gap which must be rings move freely in their grooveswithin the limits given in SectionV NOTE When fitting new rings to wom Fit the rings to the piston in the order shown in cylinder liners the ring gaps should be checkedatfig J2 The gaps of the two compression and a bore diameter of 4250 in 108 mmscraper rings must be arranged so that they areequally spacedaround the piston and not in line To Fit Piston and Connecting Rod to Cylinderwith one another Block AII connectingrods and capsare plainJymarked When fitting achrome plated with a number their position incare should be taken to ensure that it is fitted the engine For method of marking see Fig JJcorrectly The ring is suitably marked to indicate hese numhers are stamped on that side of thehow it should be replaced connecting rods and caps which are machined to When fitting the third laminated compression take the locating lips of the hearingsring care should be taken that the tour laminations are correctly assem bied to the piston J To assembieto piston proceed as follows Examine the laminations and it will be observed that the tree endsof the ring are not cut squaretothe circumference but slope away either to theright or lelt dependingon which war up the ring C I is tumed I Fit the first segmentto the piston 50 that whenheld horizontally in the palm of the hand andradially compressedthe ring ends point downwards Position this ring at the bottom of the Fig J3 Showing how the laminated with the gap over the gudgeon pin bare ring should be fitted into its groove Pistons and Connecting Rodscontinued Page J3 When fitting pistons and connecting rods to Fitting New Pistons cylinder block and crankshaft ensure that the side It is important when fitting ncw pistons to l of the connecting rod which is stamped with the number goes to the camshaft side of the engine checkthe distancefrom the crown of the piston to the face of the cylinder block Insert the pistons and connecting rods into the cylinder bores from the top ensuring that piston When the crank is at top dead centre the crown and Tod stamped No I are fitted into No I of the piston must be 007 to 012 in 178 to 305 cylinder bore and No 2 into No 2 cylinder bore mm above the face of the cylinder block If the and so on counting from the front of the engine piston standshigher than this then the crown must When fitting assem blies deal with them in the be reducedby taking the necessary amount otT in order land 4 then 2 and 3 Turn the crankshaft a lathe If the piston height is below the minimum until the appropriate crankpins are at BDC figure quoted above that piston must be rejected if a first class performance is requiredJ To minimise the possibility of breaking piston rings it is advisable to use a piston ring guide Take care not to damage the rings Should To take this measurement the piston assembly and connecting rad must be fitted to tbe cylinder the piston accidentally drop partly into the block and crankshaft as previously described bore and is held suspended by a piston ring it must be taken out again and the ring examined to When assem bied turn crankshaft to bring piston sec if it is cracked or broken to T DC and place a straight edgeacrossthe top Pull the connecting Tod to the crankpin and of the piston and with a set of feeier gauges insert the half bearing measuretbe distance between the straight edge and tbe top face of the cylinder block SeC Fit cap and cap half hearing Fig J4 NOTE When replacing connecting Tod set screws new locking washers must always be used ConnectingRod Weigbts The top and bottom halfshelis are not inter The finishedweight of connectingrods in engine changeable with each other due to the locating sets should balance within two ounces lips of the two halfbearings being offset in In order to effect this rods are batched as relation to one another follow Tlghten connecting Tod setscrews using a torque wrench set to the tension given in Section B Code Minimum Maximum No Ieight Ileight 12 4 Ib 10oz210kg 4 Ib 12oz215kg 13 4 Ib 2 oz 215kg 4 Ib 14oz 221kg 14 4 lb 4 oz 221kg 5 lb 227kg It is necessary therefore when ordering spare for an individual enginethat the appropriate code nurnber of the connecting rod set be quoted This code number can be found etchedeither on Nos I or 4 connecting rod on the machined shoulder which is adjacent to the fuel pump side of the engine Cn spare rods however tbe code nurnber is Fig 14 Checking di stance between straight edge and present on each rod cylinder block facc Page KI Tbe liners fitted to Perkins L4 engines are In order to facilitate the fitting of the liners centrifugal cast iron wet liners Tbey are fianged at tbe top and rubber type sealing rings are fitted at the bottom sec Fig Kl when the two rings have been placed in position on the liner smear them with soft soap or soapy water Under normal liner would Place liner in position and presshome by hand only needto be renewedduring a major overbaul ensuring that the rubber sealing rings remain in but shluld it be necessary to remove tbe liner for their any other reason this caD be carried out with 1 out removal of the crankshaft If at any time the cylinder liners are removed and th sameliners are to be refitted then before removing the liners from the cylinder block ensurethey are suitably marked so that they may be refitted to their original parent bare and in tbc same position in that bare that is thrust side of the liner to the thrust side of the cylinder block To RemoveLiners Remove cylinder head See Section H Remove Sump See Section P Remove oil pump See Section P 1 and removepistons SeeSectionJ Remove liner using a suitabe liner removing tooI When the rubber sealing rings have cleared the bottom landing the liner can be removedby hand To Fit New Liners When fitting ncw liners it is essentialthat ncw pistons and rings are also fitted On no account should old pistons he fitted to new Iiners For fitting of new pistons see Section J Over a period of service corrosion may have The liners are a push fit and no force is required taken place at the inner ends of the Iandings but should a liner require more pressurethan caD This corrosionand any burrs which may he present be applied by the fingers place a suitable piece of wood across the top Bange and press home should be removedwith a scraperor emery cloth Fit the rubber sealing rings in the grooves Af ter fitting the liners the cylinder block should be water tested to a pressureof 20 25 Ibs per 1 provided in tbe Iower diameter of the liner See sq in 14 176 kgjsqcm Fig KI Care should be taken not to stretch theserillgS as they are not elastic and if stretched Reassemble engine as required and to instruc lViII not return to their farmer size tions given for the various componentsJ Page L CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGS Af ter regrinding the sharp corners on the Dil 1 Tbe crankshaft runs in waysshould be removedand the able shell hearings which are lead bronze lined detectedagain and demagnetised and indium flashed NOTE It is important that the RADII on the main journals and Crankpins are maintained If To Remove cylinder head See Section H theseare neglecteda fatigue fracture is liable to Remove sump See Section P occur Remove lubricating oir pump See Section P CRANKSHAFr DATA Remove pistons and connecting rods Sec Description Dimensions Remarks Section J Main Joumal Diameter Take off timing case front cover and remove STD 2998252999 ins Surfacefinish idler gear not to exceed 76167617mm Remove timing case bottom cover 010 in 2988252989ins 16 micro ins Remove starter motor 4 microns 25 mm 75907592mm Remove flywheel and assembly 020 in 2978252979 ins Remove the cranks haft Teat end seal 51 mm 75657567 mm Remove main hearing caps and half hearings 030 in 2968252969ins Lift out crankshaft 76 mm 75397541 mm Crankshaft Regrinding Mam Joumal Rad 0 Eaminationror Wear regrind the Crankshaftthe kin Must be following points should be checkedto ensureit is t 015 in maintained suitable fot further grinding 318356mIn Tbe Crankshaft should be crackdetected and Rear Main Joumal Width STD 2062520635ins Not to exceed then demagnetised in order to remove any polar isation which may be present 52395241mm 20785 5279 Tbe main joumal and crankpin mm after re be checkedfot ovality and measuredto ascertain grind Crankpio Diameter the next appropriate size to which the Crankshaft caD be reground ie 010 25 mm 020 STD 2748252749 iBs Surfacefinish 51 mm 030 76 mm from Standard If 69816982 mm not to exceed 010 in 2738252739 ins 16 micro ins the crankshaft requires regrinding below 030 76 mm it is recommended that ncw crankshaft 25 mIn 69556957 mm 4 microns 020 in 2728252729 ins he fitted It should be noted however that in the home 51 mIn 69306932 mm 030 in 2718252719 ins market an exchange scheme is in operation where by reconditioned Crankshafts are available at a 76 mm 69046906 mm Crankpin Rad certain cast providing the Crankshaft being exchanged is not damagedand is suitable for re 0 0Jt in This must be grinding to a limit of 030 76 mm l 015 in maintained Regrinding 476513mm All the required for re Crankpin Width grinding the Crankshaftis givenunder Crankshaft STD 17801785ins Not to exceed Data All limits listed thereunder must he 45214534 mm 180 4572 adhered to and the main joumals and Crankpin mm after re must be free from grinding marks grind Page L2 Crankshaftand Main Should the Crankshaft rear flange need re The thrust washers fit in the recesses the rear i in 952 mm of the flanse on either side of the rear main bearing housing andwidth must not be ground The should be assembied with the flat steel side to theof the flange width may be ground to a minimum hearing housing The end float of the crankshaft isdiameter of 5238 in 13305mm Surfacefinish measured between the crank cheek and the thrustnot to exceed 16 micro ins 4 microns washers This measurement should be between 0085 and 0155 in 22 and 39 mm If greater To Fit Ne Main Bearings and Thrust Washers or smaller than this amount fit new thrust washers The main bearings being of the prefinished or oversize thrust washers if necessary strip type the fitting of these should present nu difficulty Crankshaft Rear End Seal To prevent errors occurring in fitting top and On early enginesthis a housing bottom half bearings the locating lips and the and rubber seal recesses in the caps and bearing housings are When removedit should be inspectedfor cracks offset in relation to one another or scratches on the bearingsurface If this surface The bearing caps and crankcaseare numbered is damagedin any way a new sealshould be fitted 13 No I being at the front of the engine To fit a new seal proceed as follows To avoid the caps being inadvertently assem bied Removeold sealby pressingit out of the housing to the crankcasethe wrong war round the locating Lightly smear the outer edge of the new seal dowels and dowel holes are also offset with soft soap Under normat the time the main to be renewed the crankshaft Place seal in position and press in by hand as will Deed to be removed for regrinding How far as it will go this should be approximately halfever if for any reasonone or more of the bearing way in Pressing in halfway by hand ensures should have to be renewed or removed for in that the seal is caD be carried out on Nos land 2 Pressin with a pressuntil the bevelled edge or bearings without the necessity of removing the the seal is level with the outer face of from the engine Proceedas follows Remove sump See Section P MODIFIED CRANKSHAFf AND REAR ou Take olf tbe cap of the hearing in question SEAL Slacken remaining bearing cap setscrewsone Later L4 a crankshaft and or two turns rear oil seal of modified design Neither of these Remove the lower half of the bearing from the componentsare individually with bearingcap their earlier counterparts so that if the latest type With a suitable piece of wood push out the top crankshaft is 0 be fitted to an engine previouslyhalf of the hearingby rotating it on the crankshaft utilising an unmodified crankshafta modified rearapplying the tooi to the side opposite the locating oil seal must also be fittedlip The locating lips are on the camshaft side The modification to the crankshaft affects thatof the engine part of the shaft around which the rear oil sea Inspect the bearing shells and if thor require is fitted this portion of therenewing inserta new half hearing in the top shaft had a nomina diameterof 5 in plain end first Fit new half hearing to the equivalent nominaI dimension in the case ofcap Do not remove more than one bearing at the modified shaft is 3i in 7938 mm Furthera time more the modified crankshaft has a shallow spiral Replacecap and tighten setscrews Ijghtly bfore oil groove machined to a depth of 004008 inproceedingto next bearing 10 to 20 mm in that section upon which the Having replaced the bearings and caps pull rear scat bearsdown the setscrews with a torque wrench set to With the advent of this latest type crankshaftthe tension given in Sction B the bore of the modified rear Dil seal is machined Crankshaftand Man Page L3 to accommodatea rubber cored asbestosstrip 9 Swivel the on the shaft This strip consists of two sections one for each to bed in the strips and to establjsh that the of the two now composethe assemblyturns easily on the shaft seal cover The strip itself farms a positive seal 10 Bolt the seal housingin positjon on the block with the rear end of the crankshaft and rcoar main hearingcap and finally tighten When fitting the seal with the crankshaft in with setscrews position the following procedure should be adopted Replacing Crankshaft I Set up a half housing in a vice with the seal Ensurethat all oilways are clear SeeLubricating Diagram Fig P2 2 SettIe approximately I in 254 mm of the Check main bearing setscrewsfor stretch or strip at each end into the ends of the groove damage to threads Affected setscrewsmust be ensuring that each end of the strip projects scrapped 010020 in 2551 mIn beyond the half housing joint face Allow the middle of the In no case should setscrewsother than those seal to bulge out of the groove during this supplied by the engine manufacturer be used as they are of special heat treated highgrade steel opcration Clean bearing housmgs and place top half 3 With the finger or thumb pressthe remainder of the strip into the groove working from the centle Then use any bar hearings in position Place crankshaft in position to further bed the strip by rolling and pressing Fit lower halvesof hearingsto hearing caps and its inner diameter This procedure takes place in position Ensure that the thrust washers advantageof the friction between tne strip on No 3 hearing are fitted correctly and the groove at the ends to compact the Place tab washers in position and tighten set rope whilst ensuring that the projections of screws the end racesof the rope remain as set Fit sameto other half housing in similar manner For final tightening of the setscrewsa torque wrench should he used set to the tension given 5 Remove all traces of the old joint from the in Section B cylinder block rear face and fit new joint treatedwith a compound Lock setscrews in position by meansof the tab washers 6 Lightly paint the faces of the two housings Fit crankshaft rear end oil seal as previously with a suitable jointing compound described 7 Spread a film of graphited greaseover the as required lnd to tbe exposedinner diameter surface of the strip instructions given fot the various operations 8 Assemblethe half housingsaround the rear It is important that new locking washers of of the crankshaft and fasten together by the the correct type are fitted when setscrewshave two setscrews been removedJJJJ 1 Page M DRIVE M To RemoveCamshaft and plaiD washersfinally lock setscrews with locking wire Removecylinder head SeeSection H Remove timing case front cover To Replace Camshaft Remove sump See Section P See tbat tappets are in position Replace camsbaft Remove lubricating oil pump See Section P Replace idler gear but do not lock idler gear Remove timing case Power Take Olf facing retaining setscrew cover Reset timing SeeSection N Note timing marks See Section Nl as required and to tbe 1 Removeidler gear instructions given for tbc various operations Ir engineis in a swivel stand turn enginecom To RemoveFoei Pump pletely over Ir not lar engine over at an angle Removefuel injection pipe lines from atomisers This wilt prevent the tappets dropping out when and fuel pump the camshart is removed Disconnect fuel supply lines Removecamshaft Remove tbe tbe fuel pump to tbe timing caseand removefuel pump To RemoveCamshaft Gear To remove tbe fuel pump gear remove tbe three To from camshaftremove tbe gear to tbe fuel pump the three setscrews in the centre of the gear adaptor The gear can now be removedfrom the camshaft To Replace Foei Pump Ir the gearbas tbe fuel pump To Gear refit gear or if necessary fit Tbe three clearanceholes drilled at equaI angies The three slotted holes in tbe gear are for fitting are the holesfor attachingthe gearto the camshaft the gear to the fuel pump adaptor Tbc three slotted holes are for use with the fuel Fit fueI pump to timing case pump Time fueI pump in conjunction witb the engine When fitting to the camshaft as given in Section N turn the camshaft untiI No I cam is upright It Replace atomisers will be observedthat a tapped hole on the cam Connectup fueI supply lines shaft hub is also at the top in line with No I cam Look at the gear and it will be noticed that one of Replace fueI injection pipes the holes in the gear has the letter D adjacent When fitting a new or pump to it remove the pump and pour suffi cient engine oil into the spring chamber untiI oil Placc the gear on the hub with thesetwo holes comes out of the overflow Refit the inspection in line cover 1 J 1 Page N 1 TIMING N NOTE When checking and adjusting valve clearances the engineshould be turned to bring the respective pistons to TDC on compression The timing or resettl1gof the timing on the the fuel pump adaptor in line with the scribed line Perkins L4 engine can be simply and expediently on the pointer of the fuel pump carried out if the following instructions are fol Rotate camshaft to bring inlet and exhaust lowed valvesof No 4 cylinder to rocking position It is well to remembr hat if tbc cylinder hcad With the crankshaft set as has been removed it does not in any way affect idler gear in position ensuring that the timing the timing of the engine marks line up correctly Replace idlcr gear set screwtightcn and lock with tab washer MARKINGS The timing gears are marked as shown in Fig N1 VALVE nG so that if for any reason the timing has to be If for any reason a new camshaft gear bas been broken the engine can easily be reset to its fitted it may be necessaryto retime the engine original timing Fit replacement gear as instructed in Section L Tbere are two different markings on the Cuet and proceed as follows pump adaptor One is a scribed line marked with tbe letter S whicb should coincide witb Bring Nos I and 4 pistons to T DC That T DC bas been obtained on Nos I and 4 pistons tbe scribed line on the pointer of the Cuet pump can be checked by examining the flywheel or the wben the engine is set at T DC firing on No r crankshaft at the front end where the key for the cylinder Sec Fig N 2 fan belt pulley should be at the top of its periphery Tbe altemative scribed line on tbe fuel pump Remove idler gear adaptor denotes spill timing 21 BTC In the caseof L4 enginesfitted to the Marshall Crawler Tractor the spill timing is 24 BTDC To obtain access to the fuel pump markings it is necessary to remove the inspection plate situated on the left hand side of the timing case To Reset Engine to its Original Timing Remove atomisers Brlng Nos I and 4 pistons to the top That TDC bas been obtained can he checked by examining tbe flywheel or tbc front end of the crankshaft where the key of the fan belt pulley should he at tbc top of its periphcry Set fucl pump gear with scribed linc S on 1 1Page N2 Turn camshaft until equal lift is obtainecl on Turn thc enginc through two revoluons of thctbc tappcts of No 4 cylinder crankshaft and checkthe fuel pump timing accord ing to instructions for checking injection timing Turn fuel pump gear until scribed line markedwith the letter S on thc fuel pump adaptor isin linc with the scribed linc on the pointer on the TO CHECK TIlInNGfue pump To check timing proceed as follows Placetbc idler gear in position a Valve Timing Remove valve cover Replace push rods and rocker sbft assemblyCheck valve and injection timing If found to be Remove atomisers correct tighten idler gear retaining jetscrew andlock witb tab washer For Turn engine until equal lift is obtained on the tappets of No 4 cylinder In this position setand cbeckingvalve timing secmethod To ChecJTiming the clearance on No I inlet valve to 025 in 64mm r Turn enginein the normal direction of rotation until the inlet push rad of No 1 cylinder just beginsto tighten This is the point at which the inlet valve begins10 openINJECTION TIMING Checkthrougb the inspectionhole in tbe flywbeel T bousing that tbe flywbeel T DC mark is centra If thc fucl pump bas beenremovedor a replace witbin tbe inspection hole Ifthe TDC mark onment pump is to bc fitted it will be necessary to the flywhee is witbin plus or minus 3 of TDCtime thc fucl pump in conjunction with thc engine r position then the valve timing is correct Proceed as follows Having checked the valve timing thc valve Remove atomisers be reset to 010 in 25 mm with engine warm When checking and adjusting r valve clearancesthe engine should be tumed to Remove valve cover bring the to TDC on com pression Turn enginc to bring Nos 1 and 1 pistons totbc top No 1 piston being on thc compression b Injection Timingstroke thc rockers of No 4 cylinder being justrocking To check the fuel pump timing proceed as follows Check that Nos 1 and 4 pistons ace at T DCby cxamining thc flywhccl Turn the fuel pump gear until the scribed lino Remove valve covermarked S on the fuel pump adaptor is in lino r Remove tbe inspection plate 011the side of thewith the scribed lino on the pointer of the fuel timing casepump Turn the engine in the normal direction of r Providing tbe engine is still set as mentioned rotation and bring Nos 1 and 4 pistons to the topabove the fuel pump maf then be placed in No 1 pistcn being on the compression strokposition and tbe securing the rockers of No 4 cylinder being just rocking T r Timing conllnued Page N3 Check that Nos 1 and 4 pistons are at T OC Sbould tbc scribed lines mentioned above not by examining the flywheel coincide adjustment CaDbe made by slackcning tbe three setscrews in tbe ccntre of tbe fuel pump Check through tbe inspection hole that the gear tben turning thc fuel pump adaptor in thc scribedline marked S on the fuel pump adaptor direction required is in line with the scribedline on the pointer of the To obtam accessto tbe tbe fuel pump See Fig N2 plate on thc front uf tbe timing casecover1 Fig N2 Diagram showing fuel pump gear and scribed linesJJ I r1 Page PI SYSTEM CP Note Lubricating Gil SpeciJications in Appendix are in line with the feed from the centre main bering oil flows to the top face of the cylinder Tbe importance of correct and clean lubrication block Since thesedrillings coincide but momen cannot be stressed toa highly and all referencesto tarily for every revolution of the camshaftonly a engineoil should be taken to mean lubricating oil which raIls within the in the Appendix Care should be taken that the oil of oil is deliveredto the drilling leading to the top tlce of the cylinder block This drilling matchesup with a vertical passage chosenis that specifiedfor the climatic conditions to the top face of the cylinder undcr which the engine is operated head from whencethe oil is taken by an external Tbe sump should be filled with suitable lubri pipe to the hollow rocker shaft Drillings in this Iantto the correct level but do not attempt to shaft allow the oil to passto the rockersthe over overfill above the ruIl mark Before filling or flow being returned to the sump by way of the checking the dipstick ensure that the engine is push rod chamber level Gil also flows from the front main hearing bracketvia a hole drilled in the front of the cylinder Gil Circulation block to the idler gear spigot from which it escapes Tbe system of lubritation is pressure reed to through a drilling in the boss of the idler gear main and big end beanngsto camstlaft bearings to lubricate the timing gears and to vaJverocker assembly A further drilling from No I Main Bearing The pump draws oil through the strainer from Housing conveysoil to the front the sump and delivers it by an extern al pipe surplus oil returning to the sump inside tbe a drilling in tbe side of tbe cylinder block thence through the lubri Oil Pressure cating oil filter bracket to the lubricating oil filter Sec tbat oil pressureis registeredon the gauge From the tilter it is delivered througb a second The actual pressure may vary with individua drilling in the lubricating oil filter bracket and engines and under different operating conditions cylinder block to the pressure rail wbich is an but shoud he 2550 Ibs per sqin 176352kg internal passagewitbin the crankcase holes are sqcm at working temperature and maximum drilled which lead from the pressure rail to tbe engine speed crankshaft main hearingsand holes dril led in tbe Ir the oil pressureas registeredon the gauge is cranksbaft carry oil to the big end bearings below normal check the following in tbe order Surplus oil returns to the sump gJvenbelow A seal prevents oil leaking from the rear end I Dipstick Ensure that there is sufficient oi of the crankshaft in the sump The smalt end bushesare lubricated by splash 2 Oil pressure gauge Check for accuracy and lubricating oil mist with master gauge 3 Lubricating oil filter May be choked clean A passage from tbe centremain bearing conveys or rencw oil to tbe centre camshaft hearing which is also in open communication with the top face of the F 4 Sumpstrainer This may bechokedremove cylinder block by means of a vertical drilling clean and replace for removal instructions sec In conjunction with tbe Page P2 this Jatterdrilling servesto provide oil at a teduced 5 Lubricating oil pump Ensure that suction pressureto tbe top face of tbe cylinder block and and delivery pipe unions are tight thenceto the rocker assembly 6 Oil pressure relief valve Foreign matter The camshaft journal contains two drilled may be preventing the valve from closing For passages and when as in Fig P2 these drillings cleaning ifistructions Page P3 1Page P2 Lubrication the climate in which the engine is operated See Appendix General Particular care must be taken to wipe oir any water which may have splashedonto the enginear any time sincewater which may find its war into the sumpfrom the exterior will tend to form sludge Failure to change the oil at the recommended intervals is the oil seems good at the time of recommended change Dirty lubricating oil filters aggravatethe forma tion of sludgewhich in turn will further choke the filters Regular filter inspection and cleaning at the specified periods is essentialsee Section F To RemoveClean and ReplaceSump Strainer Drain oil into a after removing the drain plug Remove setscrews holding sump OP strainer cover This cover is situated near the drain plug Drop cover and strainer will come away witb cover Wash and clean strainer in clean fuel oil orThe OU PressureRelief Valve paraffin To reassemble reversetbe order of operations r 1he oil pressure reliefvalve which is incorporated Ensure that the oil pump suction pipe enters thcin the pump prevents the ex hole provided in the as might the engineis cold If reasonablecare is taken when removing and replacing sump strainer cover tbc joint wiIl not When the predetermined pressure is exceeded require renewingevcry time the strainer is removedthe valve spring and sameof theoil is bypassedback into the sump Tbat continuesuntil the oil warms up and fiows at the desired To RemoveSnmp roressure Tbe valve then closes Removedrain plug and drain ofT oil Cn early engines the oil pressurerelief valve Remove integral with the bottom cover of the Remove sump strainer as oil pump and to obtain accessto the Removeall setscrews securingsump to crankcasevalve for cleaning seePageP3 and lower sump As from Engine No 6032453however lubri Removeall traces of old joints and sump corkcating oil pumps ipcorporate a detachable pressure strip from timing casebottom cover and rear main relief valve which is screwedinto the outlet side bearing capof the pump body SeeFig Pl The action ofthis valve is identical to that described above To Replace Sumpand cleaning instructions are given on page P3 Assembiencw joints and cork stripsMen to Renewthe Oil Lightly smear crankcase races with a thin Thc oil in tbc sump must be drained in accor coating of jointing compound and place jointsdance witb periodical attentions Section F and in position ensuring all holes line up replacedby new oil of a for When placing joints in position it is importantIu Lubricalion that the mitred ends go right up into the recesses Reassemble Page P3 bottom cover to pump using a ncwu of the timing case bottom cover and rear main hearing cap Cut cork joints to required length and lightly coat one face and the two sideswith jointing com bottom coverjoint When reassembling bottom cover to pump note the waming gjven on page P4 On engines subsequent to No 6032453 the pound and place in position lubricating oil pump relief valve may be rmloved To facilitate assemblyof the sump screw two and cleaned without dismantling the pump fromu guide studs into the crankcaseone on each side the engine The studs will position the sump accuratelyand Af ter the sump bas locking prevent displacementof the joints wire and unscrew the relief valve assemblyfrom Placethe sump in position and insert the screws the sideof the oil pump body of the valve assembly should be in accordancewith Remove guide studs instructions detailed below When all the setscrews have been insertedu tighten evenly all round Do not overtighten To DismantIe the Oil Pump setscrews Removepump from engineSeeabove Replace sump strainer and cover plate as Removelocking wire from suction and delivery previously described pipe banjo balts and remove pipes In the case1 To Removeand Refit OU Pump of No 6032453it will be necessary to remove the relief valve assemblyin Remove sump and sump strainer see previous order to releasethe delivery or outlet pipe headings Removethe setscrews securingthe bottom cover Disconnect Dil pump delivery pipe from the and gear housing crankcaseunion Tbe idler gear can now be removed centre main hearing cap thus releasingthe Dil suction pipe Pressoff spiral driving gear Unscrew the lubricating oil pump locating set Tbe drive shaft and gear can now be removed screw This screwis situated outside the cylinder To remove gear from shaft use suitable press block See Fig Pol To remove the idler gear shaft withdraw the The oil pump may ncw be removedSeeFig Pol split pin fust the shaft caD then be pressedout Unless areplacement shaft is to be fitted it is not To refit reversethe above order of operations necessaryto remove this shaft and pin To Removeand Clean OU PressureRelief Valve Tbe cleaning of the pressure relief valve bas With engines prior to No 6032453 the oil been dealt with under a previous heading pressurerelief valve forms part of the oil pump bottom cover The breaking pressureis set and Inspection1 adjusted at the factory and unless special test All the parts of the pump should be cleaned equipmentis available no attempt should be made and inspected for wear The fit of the shaft in to dismantie the oil pressurerelief valve the pump body should be carefully checked The To obtain access to the relief valve foT cleaninR shaft should work easily without lateral movement proceedas follows in the bushesfitted in the body If the bushesare wom they should be replaced Removesump and sump strainer If tbc oil pump gears show signs of wear they oil pump from engine shouid be renewed Removethe setscrews securingthe bottom cover and removebottom cover To Reassemble the Dil Pump Wash the valve in clean fuel oil and blow the Pressdrive shaft gear on to shaft The end of valve dry with compressed air the shaft should be flush with the bottom faceof the Secthat the balI and bali seatare perfectly clean gear and bedding correctly Assembiegear and shaft to pump body T Page P4 Lubrication System continued Assembie idler gear pump housing and joint Using a suitable press press the spiral driving to body secureby using setscrewswith suitable gear on to tbe shaft Tbe shaft end should be distancepieces just level with the top face of the spiral gear Check that there is idler gear and bottom and gears coverto pump body usingnew Place bottom cover joint on bottom face of for tbc secunng setscrews housing and with a straight edgeand feeier gauge WARNlJlGWHERE APPLICABLE WHEN check tbe straight edgeand REASSEMBLING BOTrOM COVER CARE face of gears This be 002in MUST BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT to 006 in 051 to 152mm ft is important that THE COVER IS ASSEMBLED WITH THE this clearancedoes not exceed006 in 152 mm otherwisethe pump output will be insufficient and OIL RELlEF VALVE ON THE DELlVERY SIDE OF THE PUMP the lubricating system adversely affected New joints should be used when carrying Qut Replace suction and delivery pipes and lock the above test banjo balts with locking wire pump housingand idlef gear Reassemblc pump to enginc r r r r r r f r F r 1 1 1 V1 aD I fl I1 I I o i I ooocoo ii L i 3 I s U gQ i I 3 u iJ I or I U a 11 Q3 c N Q 0 0 j IL ff c1 133 I OOZ Z S 1J S U N rv 3 g C I T 0 M S g CJ I 1 d tJ a L I lJ g 2 g 2 N 0 N 00 Q 19 u K r C oi Q 0 I I r 1 I I O o w 0 n l J 1JJ1 11 0 JO z u z Q H C1 0 cc 1 OOn 3Q oooo a Q o IQ h a Q n QC 5 I Co X JO Co7 LJ k 0 0 0 0 1 O 1 O 3 o 1 0 I 0 z 3 o 0 z sg I I 3 s 1 I I I I 00 CXocn11uu Paee Q W A TER PUMPQ The cooling water is circulated by a centrifugal When reassemblingto cylinder block a new type pump mounted on the front end of the joint should be used to cnsure that a watertight cylinder block and driven by a Vee belt from joint is made the engine crankshaft Provision is made for To Dismande Water Pump fitting a fan on the front of the water pump pulley Remove split pin from slotted nut securing water pump pulley and removenut and washer Tbe pump does not require greasing as the Iearingsare treated with a special greasebefore Removewater pump pulley assembly Removeimpeller from shaft Remove front bearing re taining circlip using long f3 j 1r14 nosepliers for the purpose Removerear seal G Ol Using a suitable press press the shaft out of the body from the impeller end leaving tbe thrower loose in the body Thesecan now be removedfrom the body Removethe front sealand tlanges The two bearings and distance piece will still be on the water pump shaft These can be removed byJ J means of a suitable press Inspection Fil Ql WaterPumpin Section Ir the water pump drive shaft shows signs of wear in the region of the bear I Body 6 Hearings 12 DistantePiece 2 Impellcr 7 Plain Washer 13 Front Scal ings the shaft must be 3 Sbaft 8 Split Pin Retaining Plate renewedas a wam shaft in 4 RcarScal 9 Slotted Nut 14 Front Scal SThrowcr 10 Pulley IS Front Seal this region wilt allow the 11 Circlip Housing inner race of the bearingto rotate on the shaft To Remoyeand Refit Water Pump Clean impeller and check for cracks and broken Slacken dynamo securing screws and remove blades fan belt Examine casing for cracks Removefan Washhearingsin thin lubricating oil and examine for pitting corrosion or wear Ir necessaryrenew Unscrew nuts securingwater pump to cylinder block and removewater pump hearings To refit pump to cylinder block is a reversalof To ReAssemble Water Pump the above procedure 1 Press rear hearing on to shaft fit hearing r f Page Q2 then presson front bearing hand to ensure that ther is no undue re Ensure that each hearing end cover faces istance to rotation outwards towards the ends of the shaft 8 Presson the pulley making certain that no 2 The front seal retaining plate should then he rearward axial movemem of the shaft is r placed in position against the back face of incurred the rear hearing This retaining plate is dished and when positioned the centre 9 The impelle should now be pressed on to the of the plate must not be in contact with the shaft With the impeller fitted care should rear bearing be taken to ensurethat a clearanceof 015 025 in 38 to 64 mm is 3 Fit the feit sealand sealhousingso that these the inner edge of the impeller vanes and the bear on the retaining plate water pump body As a guide to obtaining a 4 Prcssthe water pump thrower on to the shaft so that the thrower Rangefaces towards the rear bearing correct clearancein this respectthe impeller should be so positioned as to allow a straight edgeto the back face of r S The whole of the foregoing assemblyshould the pump body and the two raised extractor then be pressedinto the water pump body hole racesin the teat of the impeller from the front end and the circlip securely 10 Refit plain washerand slotted nut and secure positioned in the recessforward of the front with a new split pin bearing Before pressing the assemblyinto r the pump body however the bearings and Modified Water Pump the two bearingsshould be half filled with a high melting point grease L4 to No 6036233 arc fittcd 6 Fit the rear sealinto the pump body ensuring with a modificd water pump r that the carbon face is positioned towardsthe This latcst assembly Fig Q2 incorporates rear ofthe pump body When fitted the seal largcr impcller shaft bcaringsthan must rest squarelyon its scat and not be utiliscd and accordingJythc interior dimensions canted in any way of tbc body have beenamcnded r 7 At this stage the shaft should be turned by In addition the dimensioningof the latcst water 0 Cl 015 1 Body 2 Impe11cr I 3 Shaft 4 RcarScal 5 Bcarings 6 7 Sclf Locking Nut Pulley r 8 Circlip k 9 Distancc Piccc 0 10 11 12 Front ScaI Rctaining Platc Fro t cal Housing Front Scal r 7j 0 Ql Modified Water Pump inSection T r r uu pump body and pulley result in a very limited these components so that the Page Q3 A modification to the impeller shaft dispenses with the thrower flange previously fitted at the rearu labyrinth sealing effect obtained offers increased restriction to the passage front bearing of dust to the water pump of the front seal and selflocking nut replacesthe retaining slotted nut and split pin previously fitted to retain the water pump pulleyu Sincethe width of the pump bearingshave been The processof dismantling and reassemblyuf increaseda shorter distance piece is now fttted the water pump applicable between the bearings and the to the latest type pump with the exceptionof those diameter use of a larger front remarks in respect of the thrower flange andu circlip slotted pulley retaining nut and split pinJ I u Page Rl FAN AND DYNAMOBELT Incorrect adjustment of the fan and dynamo the radiator The output of the dynamo would belt can result in the fraying of the belt and even also he reduccd tual failure To ensure the belt is correctly adjusted it should be checked every 50 hours Method of AdjustmeDL Tight adjustmentwill tend to overloadthe bearings in the dynamoand water pump which consequently Pressthe fan belt with the thumb at the centre may result in damage to these components If poiDt betwecnthe water pump and the cranksbaft the adjustment is too slack belt slip wil occur pulley in a sideways direction Sec Fig Rl Check the amount of movement of tbe fan belt which should he tin 1905 mm if correctly adjusted Metbod of Adjustment Unscrew the dynamo adjusting lever setscrew the setscrew securing adjusting lever to timing case and dynamo support bracket bolts Th dynamo caD then be moved inwards towards the engine to slacken the belt and in an outwards direction to ghten it When the belt is tensioned correctly tighten dynamo adjusting lever setscrew the setscrew timing case and support bracket balts In the event of a new belt being fitted it is ad1 visabie to check the adjustment again after a few hours running to ensure no initial stretching has occurred Should this have developed re dj ust a already described DynamoBracket LOating Screw This adjustablewhen in position Fig Rl in the rear arm of the dynamo support bracket This couJdresuJtin overheatingof the enginedue and should alwaysbe tight againsttbe rear dynamo to the reduced efficiency of the water pump and lug before tbe support bracket nuts and bolts are the inability of the fan to draw cool air through tightenedIUu FUEL Page SIu SY STENl S This sectionis included mainly for the benefit of for those in outofthe way placesu As dcscribed the maintenance and repair operations are made to appear quite simple in reality the risk of amistake occurring which would causedamageto costly parts is such as to make it inadvisable for any but experts to undertake the workQUi The principal componentsof tbe equipmentfor delivering the fuel oil to tbe are filters fuel lift pump fuel pump and atomisers the lift pump is removed and a blanking plate fitted in its place The lift pump is of the simple springreturned Tbe fuel lift pump lifts tbe fuel from tbe plunger type It is driven by one of the cams on tank to tbe fuel pump which conveysit in measured quantities and at appropriate intervals to the atomisers Tbe normal course of tbe fuel from the tank the camshaft of the fuel pump on the side of which it is fitted It is shown in Fig 51 A hand primer is fitted Fig 51 for use if tlle supply of fuel from the tank has at any time failed To use this primer unscrew me handle which to the engineis by way of first the fuellift pump tben tbe paper element type fi1ter tbe fuel pump is free to lift and then pump by hand until the and the atomisers pipes lift pump and fuel pump are ruIl of fuel oiJ To ensure that this is so proceed as instructed On certain installations the fuel system is on page 56 gravity red and therefore no fuel lift pump is fitted Tbe fi1ter system in these applications onsists of a water trap and a paper elementtype Fuel Pump filter The fuel pump is an instrument of precision Two conditions are essentialfor efficient opera lts working parts are made to extremelyfine limits tion and mishandling in any shape or form or the First that the fuel oil should he cleanfree from entry of the smallest particle of dirt into its watersuspended dirt sandor other foreign matter working parts may damage it and diminish its and shouldconform to the following specification accuracyof operation Hence the importance of ensuring that the fuel is thoroughly fi1leredbefore Britisb Standard2869 1957 Class A the pump is reached Second that tbe fuel reaches the fuel pump When fitting a new or pump in a perfectlyclean state removethe pump and pour suffi Fuelshould he filtered tank cient engine oil into the spring chamber until oil Given ninety per cent at least comesout of the oil overlow Refit the inspection of potential engiDetroubles would be eliminated cover The attention of tbc operator is on that account the oil level and top up with eamestly directed towards those paragraphs of fresh oil when necessaryevery 100 hours or as this Manual which refer to the care and upkeep often as is necessary to maintain the correct leve of tbe filtering apparatus The outside of the pump should be cleanedbefore removing the to ensuredirt does The FueJLift Pump not enter thc pump The Cuelift pump is fitted in pressure red Refer now to Fig Sll the sectional Jrawing systemsoniy In the caseof gravity red systems of the fuel pumpPage 52 Fue fnection Oil is supplied from the lift pump through the the port When that happens communication isfuel inlet connection 25 and entirely fills the established betweenthe oil above the plunger andfuel pump gallery 23 That is a tubular passage that in the gallery via la lhe vertIcal Srooverunning the fuillength of the Cue pump and closed b the annular groove c the port in the pumpat lhe end opposite to the inlet by the vent barrel See Fig S2plug This fuel pump gallery is 11lat is the position shown in the ports with all the pump barrels 19 of Fig S2 In the baseof the body of the pump is a cam Tbe Dil then ceases to flow to the In contact with each cam is a cam roller is merely thesepassages to tbe14 fuel pump gallery The roller is held in close contact with thecam by the spring 15 The top of this tappetis in closecontact with the lower end of the pump yplunger 20 contact being maintained between L plunger and tappet by the pressureof the oU abovethe plunger As the pump plunger falls oil fiows into the barrel through the port As the plunger rises itclosesthe port and propels the oil past the deliveryvalve 21 into the pipe leading to the atomiser Fig S2 showshow the upper part of the pumpplunger is formed Observe that an annular E t w J v G AC rgroove is cut in the plunger The lower edge of p this groove is level or horizontal the upper edgeB is helical In addition there is avertical groovecut right to the top of the plunger and runninginto the annular groove This groove is the meansof varying the quantity of Cueldelivered per stroke See below u The first sketch in Fig S3 shows the working olend of the plunger and barrel with the fuel port in the latter which it should be rememberedis in communication with the fuel gallery 23 of S the pump Fig SlI The plunger is shown at the bottom of its stroke with the cam at its bottomdead centre IJ p x As the camshaft turns the plunger rises but nothing happensuntil the top end of the plunger Qbas reached the upper edge of the port in the barrel and closes it Then the oU is propelled I IJ past the delivery valve and injection commences FIG SI FuEL LIFT PUMP The camshaft of the fuel pump is direct driven from the engine timing gear at half engine speed Tbe preliminary fiJler is not always supplied It is timed like the magneto or distributor B TappetRoller S a petrol engineso that the closing of the port E FuelOutlet T Valve Plugs F Outlet Valve U commencing of fuel delivery to the engine G Plunger Spring Sealing Washen H Inlet Valve V Spring Chamber Capsthat is injection comesat a J Inlet W Lift Pump Bodyin the compression stroke The timing of course L Plunger X N Guide SpindIe Gauze Containeris preciselythe sameCoreach cylinder P Preliminary Filter Y SpindIe Guide Oil continues to fiow until the helical upper Gauze Z PrimeredgeB of the groovein the pump plunger uncovers Q ClampingNut AC Inlet Plug Filter R Firna Sm G117 Fue lnjection Page S3 The upper and helical edge of the annular position the vertical groove is now in line with groovethus servesas a valve The higher that the delivery port to the fuel pump gallery whicbu edge is in relation to the top of the plunger the sooner the cutoir and the less quantity of oil supplied to the atomiser per stroke By varying the level of that edge the quantity is thus put into communication with the top of the plunger and oil passes It is not deliveredto the atomisers down this vertical groove as the pump plunger rises Rotation of the plunger into these different of oil supplied is controlled 1 positions is brought about in this war Near the lower end of each plunger are two lugs see Fig To alter that level so that it uncoversthe port in the pump barrel to vary the quantity of fuel 53 The lugs are held in a slot on the actuating delivered the plunger is turned in its barre by a sleeve which is mounted on the outside of the simple means to he pump barrel and can be rotated Clampedto the upper end of each sleeveis a toothed quadrant In the first and second sketches of Fig S2 the The teeth of the quadrant are engagedby a rack plunger is tumed to one extreme position with the on the control rad Fig 511 To and fro move vertical groove just clear of anc of the two port ment of the rack turns the quadrants the sleeves holes in the pump barrel In that position the and the plungers helical edge of the circular groove is at its lowest Between the fuel pump and the atomisers are point and so far as the port in tbc barrel is delivery valves 21 one to each pump plunger concemed the maximum these serve the important purpose of preventing quantity of oil is delivered dribble at the atomisers They do that by causing That is the setting of the a sharp cut off in the oil supply at the end of plunger for starting tbc each injection engine Fig 54 showsa delivery valve It is at one and In the third and fourth the sametime a poppet valve and a piston valve sketches the plunger is The head is poppet valve shapedand below that shown set fot normal is a cylindrical portion which servesas a piston running The precise valve In the lefthand sketch of Fig 54 the position is varied by valve is shown closed tuming the plunger so This valve bas a high lift so that as shown in that a greater or lesser Fig 54 the cylindrical part of the valve risesclear quantity of oil is de of the valve scat when the valve is fully open livered to conform with The war in which this valve operatesto prevent the demand for power dribble at the atomiser is as follows The otber extreme 50 long as the fuel pump is delivering fuel oil position of the plunger the pressureof that oil on the underside of the FIG SJ Pump element is shown in the fifth valve keeps it wide open as in the third sketch shown in section sketch This is the stop of Fig 54 J rPage S4 Fue Injection Systemcontnlld against the resistanceof the light spring shown r As soon as the helicat edge of the annulargroovc on the pump plunger uncovcrs the port disposed within the righthand chamberin the pump barrel the pressurcof the oil belowthe dclivery valve falls and that valvc is promptly It will be as the butterfly valve is closed the vacuum increases and the diaphragm rclosedby its spring As it falls the effectsof the moves to the of the piston part of the valvc within The centte of the diaphragm is coupled to thetbc seat causesa drop in pressurcin the pipe totbc atomiser causing the nozzle valve to snap control rod of the fuel pump Movement of this rod towards the governor tends to reduce the ron to its seat sharply cutting off tbe fuel supply supply of fuel to the atomisers as explained onso tbat there is na dribble page S3 A steelpeg is used to centralise the upper end Thus closing the butterfly valve increasestheor the valve spring and also to reducethe capacity vacuum in the chamber moves the diaphragmof the holder thereby improving injection control to the light and reducesthe suppy of Cue to the engine The butterfly valve is operated by the throttle valve levers and in that way the speed Thc position of tbc control rack by mcans of of the engineis the quantity of fucl delivered to tbc engineis rcgulated as describedabove is determined by Now here is a point of the very greatestima pneumatic governor This govemor part of portancethich is in tbe farm of a venturi in the enginc Any leaks in the joints of the pipe 29 in theinduction system operates the control rack pipe itself or in the diaphragm will to tbc degrecof vacuum in tbc vcnturi the degree of vacuum and cause the engine topassagc run raster than it should and ide erratically Hence the instructions given later urging cara Tberc is a buttertly valve in the venturi Whenthat valve is closed or nearly closed tbe suction in ensuring that there are no air leaks in the system ron tbc engine side of it is tbc valvc is opened If the pipe 29 were to become detached or be eft uncoupled and the engine run it woud A pipe 29 connects this venturi passagcwitb race and very smous damage be causeda governor casing which is mounted on tbc fucl Hence the warning repeated later that thepump See Fig Sll engine must never be run unless the venturi Reference to the drawing of tbc pneumatic control unit pipe and induction manifold are il1govemor Fig Sll will enable its operation to position and all joints are tightbe understood Tbc important elcmcnt is tbe tlexible 28 which divides the space insidetbc govcrnor casing into two which that on tbe right is airtight This airtight compartment is in tbc venturi by means of a pipe 29 Thevacuum in tbc vcnturi is thus cmmunicated totbe airtight compartmcnt and tbc righthand sideof tbc diaphragrn r Tbc chambcr to the left of the diaphragrnis not subject to vacuum closed open Tbc diaphragrn thereforc is constantly subjectto a pressurc tending to move it to the right FIG 54 Delivery Valve r r uu Fuel lniection Contro1lingthe Idllng Speed Page S5 in the fifth sketch of Fig S2 the no Cue positionu tion An important function of this pneumatic govemor is that of controlling the idling speed Atomisers of the engine Af ter leaving the fuel pump the fuel passes Tbat is the speedat which it rotates when the through short steel pipcs 35 to the atomisers butterfly is in its nearly closed position That Atomisers perform the function of injecting the position is detennined and limited by an adjust fue in the form of fine spraysinto the cylinders able stop mounted on the body of the venturi at the moment when the air in the cylinder has With the butterfly valve control lever in this been comprcssedand as the result of the com limiting position the vacuum in the airtight prcssion is at a temperature sufficient to ignite chamber is at a maximum and the diaphragm the incoming fuel together with the fuel pump control rad is as An atomiser compriscs two principal parts far to the right as the damping spring desribed the nozzle45 with its valve44 and the atomiser below will allow it to go Tbe minimum quantity body 41 of fuel just sufficient to idle the engine is then being delivered The atomiser nozzle and nozzle valves are the important parts They are shown in Fig S8J Vader these conditions there is a tendencyfor the engine to hunt that is for its speed to fluctuate Fuel is fed to tbc upper channel in the nozzle from the atomiser body and travels thencealong a number of drilledholcs to the lower circumfer It is to eliminate hunting and to ensure a ential channel The outlet from the Iatter is oteadyidling speedthat the damping mechan normally closed by the valve as shown ism shown on the extremeright of the pneumatic The atorniser body complete with nozzle and govemor is provided Refer agam to FIg Sll nozzle valve lis shown in Fig Sll The nozzle isJ Tbe idling control spindle 33 which is under the control of a small strong spring 32 contacts the centre of the diaphragm when the latter is in held in place by the nozzle holder cap nut 43 This holds the upper face of the nozzle in close contact with the corrcsponding lower face of the the extremeright or idling position and steadies atomiser body A metal to metal joint is made it Adjustment is provided for the positioo of this here Fuel is supplied thrOUgh the fue inlet con spindie nection 36 and drilled holes down to the channel in the face of the nozzle Screwing the adjustment in drives the spindie further io and increasesthe idling speed In the centreof the atomiser body is the spindle 42 surmounted by the valve spring 40 and Adjustmeot of the idliog speed is etfectcd by washeron the top of which bearsthe compIession altemate manipulation of the screw 00 the end screw38 There is a lock nut on this screw A of the poeumatic governor and the stop foT the coveringnut protectsthe upper part of the Itomiser venturi lever body and the This is a very delicate operation ooly to be The small quantity of fuel wbich bypasses attempted by experts Tt is complcted at the the nozzle valve and accumulatcs within thc works for every cngine atomiser body lubricatcs the mcchanism and is led away by a pipe 37 connectedto the teakalT There is another adjustable stop 00 the venturi nippe stud At the start of injection the fue to limit the maximum speedof the enginewhich pump delivels fue at a bigh prcssure into th is sealed Disturbance of this seal may iovolve channe round the lower end of the nozzle Tbe forfeiture of the manufacturers guarantee prcssureof this fue on the end surfaceof the cone Tostop the cngine the stop lever 34 is moved of the valve lifts it against the tension of the clockwisc carrying the control rack with it and spring and fuel passes through two small bocs in tuming the pump plungcr into the position shown the end of tbc nozzle as two fine spraysPage S6 Fue Injection CAREOF THE INJEcnON EQUIPMENTTHE FILTERS SeeSection G Condition or suggcsted Possible Cause Location rcmcdy for correct LIFTPUMP working Tbe inlet valve of the lift pump is accessible f Main pipe Main filter Llean and vent air asafter removal of the hand primer Tbe outlet line filter i nstrUcted In this page is under the plug T Fig SI Theevalves a Air locked Main filter Vent air by openingand their seatsmust he perfectly clean system vent screw on main filter and allowing fue Tbe following are with the lift 0 flow until perfectly free from bubblcs Seepump and the way in which they can he remedied below r1 Lift Pump does not dever FueL Air Venting the Foei System Condition or suggestcd If tbe fuel systembas been openedat any timePossiblc Causc location rcmedy for correct working sar for au overhaul it is necessary to ensurethat a Fuel tank Fuel tank Must contain an ade all air bas been removed before attempting to empty quate supply start the engine This should he done as follows b Fuel cock Fuel cock Must be open to iu closed ruIl extentc Preliminary Preliminary filter Remove by loosening PressureFed Systems filter choked gauze P round nut Q and lift ing fixing strap R Slacken small plug on the top of final filter Wash in clean fuel lil or paraffin Ir and operate the hand primer on the fuel lift damaged replace pump until Cuefree from air fake care to repJace washer S the plug hole Tighten the plugd Inlet or Valves F H Remove by unscrewing outlet valve hexagon plug T and Slackentbe bleed cock on the top of the fuel fouJed or primer Z Clean in damaged fuel oil or paraffin pump Take care to screw plug Tand primer Z Again operate the hand primer on the fuel lift in to the full etent pump unti fuel issuesfrom the bleed cock and all when replacinge Plunger or Plunger L and Etract after unscrew signs of air have disappeared tappet spin tappet spindIe jng cap V Oean in dIe fouled N fuel oil or paraffin Tighten the beed cock securely and give the r or damaged primer a few more strokes in order to deliver tbe NOTE If damaged return complete with body to Cuethrougb the relief valve on tbe final filter nearest authorised clearing this part of thc systcm of air agent r2 Lt Pump does oot dever Sufficient Fuel Gravity Fed Systems Condition or suggested Slacken small plug on the top of the final filterPossible Cause Location remedy for correct and turn on fuel tank supply tap until fuel free working from air bubbles issues from the plug holea Connection Connection pipe Sec that aJI joints and Tighten the plug or pipes beo pipes are perfectly air tween the tight lift pump Slacken the bleed cock on the top of the fuel r and Cuel pump and allow fuel to run until no trace of air pump teak ing remainsb nIet or out Yalves F H rreat as for d Iet valves Tighten the bleed cock securely whilst fuel is leaking still issuingc Plunger Plunger L Treat as ror 1 0 leakingd Plunger Plunger Replace spring spring G ENGINE TROUBLES darnagede Preliminary Preliminary Treat as for 1 c Fuel injection difficulties can arise on the engine filter ob filter trnd Gg1l7 P from severalcauses some of which mav he traced Iel Injecton Pag 57 to the Cuet pump Such difficulties with the 2 Enginedoesnot pull likely causeand suggested cure are set out on the following tabie The fust move when a Cuel pump is be to uncouple the piping betweenthe fuel pump and the atomisers If the Quantity of a Delivery fuel delivered valve 21 engineis then rotated with the pump control rod per stroke set at ruil load position it will be seen whether insufficient b Pressure Ir leaking clean joint or not the Cuelis being delivered Observeeach system joints racesand tighten discharge outlet on the fuel pump to see if all are in order On the following 3 Engine emits black smoke table the word pump applies to the pump unit Condition or sugaested block as a whole or to individual elementsand Possible Cause Location remedy for correct working the numbers reCerred10 are shown in Fig Sll Quantity of Ca Regulating Ir moved duo to scrow Cuedelivered quadrant 24 being 10050proceed as per stroke in r excessive 1 Engine will not Start or Stops after a short time Condition or suggcsted Poiblc Causc Location remedy for correct working Control rad a Pump Proceedasin r hasjammcd plunger20 Pump does not a Fuel cock Must be open b Control rod Proceedasin r deliver fuel NOTE Ir air is in system the suction side of lift b Fuel tank Must contain an ade quate supply pump should fust be examined c Fuel inlet pipe or filter elements Clean pipes examine filter elements and if choked clean them as descnbed in Section G PNEUMAnc GOVERNOR Adjustment of tbe pneumatic govemor is d Air in pump Air vent filter and pump as described on etfected at the works when the engineis erected page 56 It is an operation requiring considerable skill e Delivery Clean and inspect Ir Tbe idling stop on the buttertly valve and tbe Valve21 worn or damaged re place both valve and adjusting screw on the cap of the govemor have seating to be manipulated altematively until smooth f Pump plunger20 Return the pump in tact to the nearest service station or to running at the desired idling speed is achieved No is in fact needed Perkins Engines ltd Any deterioration in the smoothnessof idling is Pump does g Air in pump Air vent filter and not deliver fuel uniformly h Delivery valve spring 22 pump as described on page 56 Replace if broken due to some defect which bas arisen elsewhele and should he looked for under the paragraphs in tbis section devoted to care of tbe fuel system j Delivery If damaged on face or generally valve guide replace k Tappet See f above1 spring 1S MAINTENANCE 1 Pump 5ee f above Tbe tmiest pinhole or crack in the leather plunger 20 diaphragm will affect the operation of the gover m Fuel inlet Proceed as c pipes or filter nor If such a ault is suspected test in this way elements a Remove vacum pipe n Fuellift This pump may not he pump operating efficiently b Move the stop lever into stop position See instructions on page 56 c Place a finger over the diaphragm housing 0 Tappet ad Proceedas in f above union in order to seal it justing scrcw p Cam profiles Proceed as in f above d Releasethe stop leverIJJ Page S8 Fue Injection r F r r FIG SS Removing diaphragm from pneumatic govemor e Tbe control rod should then slowly return For preference usea picce of sheetmetal about to the maximum speed position after a tin 190 mm wide shaped at tbc end to fit quick initial movement for a fraction of the curve of the rim and sharpened to an edge the distance Ir it returns quickly for the similar to that of a screwdriver whole movement and the housings are r Lift the edgc of tbc rim carefully at round clampedfirmly togetherthen the diaphragm is leaking and should be replaced by an When tbc rim is frec slide tbc socket at tbe back of tbc diaphragm off tbc pin in tbc control authorised agent Instructions for replace ment are given below rod r If the diaphragm appearsto be sound as indi Be careful not to mark tbc face of tbc fuel cated by this test suspectthe vacuum pipe and pump on to which the governor casing fits test in a similar way Replacethe union of this To rcplace tbc diaphragm first place the socket pipe on the governor casing and uncouple it at on tbc pin in tbc control rod the butterfly end Repeat the test as before but Then prcssthe rim tirmJy in its place placing the finger on the uncovered end of the vacuum pipe Replacc the governor casing being careful to screw the setscrewsvery tightly and evenly in position To Renew Leather Diaphragm To renew the Ieather diaphragm proceed as follows CAunON Disconnectthe vacuum pipe Tbe pneumatic governor depndstor its action Take out the screws holding the pneuma tic upon set up in the air intake pipe of the engine by the venturi control valve governor in place If this should be removed either by itself or with Tbe diaphragm will then he accessible lt is the inlet manifold during overhaul or it the vaCUUJT held in a light Usection meml riJn which must be prised from the cas ing Sec Fig S5 pipe unions are not always kept perrectly tight then the governor may rail to operate causing Great care must be exercisedin this operation damage to the engine t Fuel Injection Systemcominued Page IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE Examine the brass nippies which wlll be found ENGINE BE RUN WITHOUT VENTURI on each end of thesepipes CONTROL UNIT VACUUM PIPE OR If the union nuts have at any time been over 1 rNLET MANJFOLD tightened there is a risk that the nippies will have cracked or been unduly compressed If 50 Atomisers leakage will result Each atomiser body consists of a steel body held to the cylinder head by means of a flange In this connectionbear in mind that the working pressurewhich thesejoints must sustain is several and two studs thousand pounds per sq in Only a perfect Tbe joint between the atomiser and cylinder joint is satisfactory head is made by a specialcopper washerbetween the lower face of the nozzlecap nut and the metal It is quite easyto of the cylinder Clean up a length of pipe near the end using a fine cut file for the purpose until the nipple wil When preparing to fit the atomiser into place in the cylinder head care should be taken that slide on tI it only this special type of copper washer is used Remove tbe nipple and replace the union nut to make this joint The metal of the cylinder and steel washer The Iatter must have its coun head the facesof the copper joint ring and the tersunk face towards the nipple on the nozzle holder cap nut should be perfectly clean if a leakproof joint is Now press the nipple on to the pipe leaving to resut 164 in 40 mm of the Iatter protruding It is advisableto fit a ncw joint washer when Hold the pipe in tbe vice 50 that the niiPle the atomiseris replacedafter having beenremoved rests on the washer and the washer rests on the for any reason top of the vice Rivet the protruding portion of the pipe over 1 Ensure that the old washer has been removed from atomiseror cylinder head the nipple Take care that the hole in the pipe is not closed This joint washer should be an easy but not loosefit for the atomiser nozzle and it is because whilst rivetting 1 this is such an important feature that the washers especiallymade for the purpose should be used Clean off witb a fine cut file and none other On no account should ordinary When refitting take care that it is the brass sparking plug type was hers be used nipple which makes the joint and not the actual riveted portion of the pipe The atomiser can now be fitted in place care being taken to sec that it is an easy fit in the Af ter fitting ncw nippies WASH THE FUELu cylinder head and on the holdingdown studs so that it can be placed down on the copper joint without force of any kind The nuts on the flange should then be tightened down evenly in order to prevent the atomiser nozzle being canted PIPE WITH CLEAN FUEL OIL using either the atomiser testing pump or the engine fuel pump thus removing any filings which may be in the pipe Offer up the pipe to the delivery valve and and so nipped in the cylinderhead This is atomiser unions to check that the pipe fits square very important sinceany unevenness in tightening at both ends Do not fit one and then bend the down may of the atomisernozzle pipe to square it with the other union resulting in its failure and will most certainly result in blowby When fitting tbe pipe tighten the unions alter nately a little at a time first one end and then the Foei Pipes other No two of the pressurepipes from fuel pump to atomisersare alike Keep this in mind when If the nippIes have been properly fitted and the replacing pipe is squareto the unionsat eachend asdescribed J I Fuel SlO rpreviouslyno force wiil be neededto makea goodjoint No force should be used Use only a standard openendedi in by 1in rspanner If the union is tightened excessively the nipplemay collapse and split Tbe same danser exists rif the pipe is not square to and central with theunion When changing an atomiser always remove the rpipe entircly Never undo only ODeend leavingthe other tight Never bqid the pipe FIG 56 5howing plalc Cor holding Atorniscr whilc is bcinl disrnantlcd r MAINTEN AN CE Atomisers should he taken out for examination Often tbe pamcular atomiser or atomisersat regular intervals How long this interval should causing trouble maf he determined by releasingbe is difficult to advise becauseof the widely r thc pipe union nut on each atomiser in turn withdifferent conditions under which enginesopera te the enginerunning at a fast tickover This willWhen combustion conditions in the engine are prevent fuel heing pumped through the nozzlegood and the fuel tank and filtering system are to the enginecylinder thereby altering the fust classorder it is often sufficient revolutions If after slackeninga pipe union nutif the atornisersare tested twicc yearly tbe cngine revolutions remain constant this For detailed times refer to periodical mainten denotesa faulty atomiseriince Section F It is no use taking atomisers Tbe nuts from the flangcofthe doubtful atomiscrout for attention ess the equipment described should bc rcmovcd and tbc complete unit witbon page Sll is available or spare atomisersare drawn from tbc cylinder head and tumcd roundat hand for substitution atomiscr nozzle outwards unwipcd on its The nearer thc ideal conditions of good fitting pipc and tbc unions retightcacd After slackenwith adequate cooling and absolutely clean fuel ing tbc unions of tbc other atomiscr pipes toarc realised the less attention the atomiscrs will avoid the possibility of tbc enginc starting thenced and so the langer their efficient life In enginc should bc tumcd until tbc nozzlc spraysthis conncction sinco there is no other item of into tbc rir whcn it wiJl bc sccnat onceif tbc spraytbc equipment upon which thc performance of is in order If tbc spray is unduly wct or streaky or obviouslyto anc sideor tbc atomiscran engine depends so much it pays the uscr nozzlc dribbles tbe spray holes should behandsomely to sec that the engine never runswith anv of its atomisersout of order probcd with the specialtooi ET120SeefIg S9 Ir aftcr probing tbc spray holes tbc condition of tbc atomiser is still faulty removc tbc in Semce unit The first symptomsof usuallyrail in ODeor more of the following headings Great care shoud be taken to prevent the hand from setting into contact with the spray as the I Knocking in one or more cylinders working pressurewil cause oil to penetrate the 2 Engine overheating skin with case 3 Loss of power Tbc spare atomiser from the tooi kit should be tltted the faulty unit being placed in the tooi kit 4 Smoky exhaust black securely wrapped in ciean or 5 Increased fuel consumption rag for attention on the maintnanc Inch Fue lnjection Page SII The only exception is in the case of atomisers fttted to L4 in Marshall Crawler tv Tractors where the setting is 160 atmospheres rJJft i Atomisers set at 120 white painted capsand the caps of atomisers set at 160 atmospheres are painted silveru lI An altemative means of identiftcation is a tab washer fttted under the atomiser cap nut bearing the letter J for 120 atmospheres V for 160 atmospheres or the letter L4 atomisers supplied under the Perpetuity 9Jf Schemehave green painted caps with white Ol c silver on the top or a tab washerunder the atomiser cap nut signifying the setting and typeu k FIG 57 The spray should now be observed for uni formity at a rate of pumping of not less than 20 strokes per minuteu Each should be a misty spray spreadingto about ExaminadoD and TestiDg 3 inches75 mIn diameter at about one root away A bench suitable for working with atomisersis from tbc atomiser nozzle then breaking into a preferably with glass 00 top vcry Me mist There should be two spraysfromu It should he enrely reservedfor this work and cach atomiser nozzle one pointing outwards from kept absolutelyfree from din The use of cotton the top hole and the other pointing downwards wasteor fluffy rags must be absolutely forbidden from the lower hole when the atomiser is in a The bench should have a dust proof drawer position correspunding to its working positionu for holding the atomiser cleaningtools and equip An atomiseris good for service if whenoperating ment describedin detail below tbc atomiser testing pump at the abovc speedit gives two etfectivc sprays as above described A plate made up as shown in Fig 56 should An atomiser is dirty and requircs recondition he secured to the bench lts purposeis to hold theu ing if a when proccedingas abovc it throws out atomiser securely whilst various maintenance solid wet jets and not braken up spray or b operaons are proceeding if eithcr of the holesare chokedor partially choked An No ET122AFig 57 so that spray issues from one hole in theu should he available This outfit bas beenspecially atomiscr only or appreciably more spray issues designed to provide a reliable means of tesng from one hole than the othcr and setting the atomisers It is made up of parts In this connection as tbc Perkins enginc idles similar to the injection to engilles at about 500 rpm the atolniser is never calledu The doubtfuI atomiser should be removed from its wrappings A and fitted I still unwiped0 the testing pump I No observaons should be madeuntil at leastten fuil strokes l I of the hand pump havebeengiven to expel all air from the system Atomiser Pressures r ti ca r The pressureat which the spray breaks should then be recorded I 0 v and checked against the recom rCMISD NOULI TOMIS 00 asu Acr NO VALV mended pressure which is 120 FIG S8 Diagrams of Atomiser and Atomiser Body the letters have atmospheres referencc in the lext J J JPage 512 Fuelnjection rupon to walk in the engine more slowly than 250 the atomiser nozzle should he cLeanand bnght free from undersurface C injectionsper minute Thus by taking the atomiser of the flange the face of the atomiser body D spray at 20 strokes per minute ample margin isallowed 4nd the interior retaining shoulder of the nozzle r When removing an atomiser from the testing holder cap nut All of thesemust close valve by rotating he handwheeland absolutely cLeanlyand squarely to fonn the highscrew olf the union nut a little at a time so that pressure joint between the atomiser body and the pressure raIls gradually nozzle Atomisers are set to operate at th pressures The atomiser body should now he previously works If a from the plate and together with the cap nutncw atomiser nozzle is fitted to an atomiser body immersedin clean paraffin and left to soak in a suitable container The nozzle valve should be it is necessaryto reset the pressure After theatomiser bas been in service fOT same time the grasped by the stalk between finger and thumbopening pressuretends to raIl but provided that and withdrawn carefully for examination Thethe atomiser nozzle holes do not choke up there stem of the nozzle valve should be clean and bright and free from high spots bad scratches ris no need to adjust the pressure NO ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO or dull patches and the grooves free from dirtADJUST THE INJECTION PRESSURE meta particles or other foreign matterWITHOUT A PROPER TESTING PUMP The stem and the valve scat of the nozzl rAND PRESSURE GAUGE AS DESCRIBED valve should now be examined and if dirty orAND ILLUSTRATED IT IS QUITE coked cleaned until bright metal is TO ADJUST THE SETTINGOF ATOMISERS WITH ANY DEGREE OF WITHOUT PROPER EQUIP Assumingthat the nozzlevalve bas beensoaking and the two surfaces A and B on the topMENT If the atomisers are interfered with on the of the atomiser nozzle flange already that so maar turns of the adjusting are clean and free from damagethe inside of thescrew representsso maar pounds they may vary atomiser nozzle should he examinedThe kit ofasmuch oae and another tools shownin Figs S9and SlO are recomrnended The three small drilled passages G Fig S8With engine should be explored to seethat they are clear and rcannot possibly give of its best If the spray is still after clean followed by an examination of the valve brushing the carbon away from around the stem bore in which the nozzle valve slides This atomiser nozzlewith the fine wire brush specially surface should be clean and bright and free fromdesigned for the purposeand illustrated in Fig S9 high spots or scratches or dull patches The valve seating 1 Fig S8 should now come the atomiser should be placed on the atomiser holding plate already described see Fig S6 under observation under a strong light to ascer Before attempting to dismantle the atomiser tain whether or not it is free from dirt or carbon If this is not so and indeed in any case it is r the tension on the spring should be releasedby unscrewing the compression screw38 The nozzle advisablc to usc tbc soft brass scat scraper No holder cap nut 43 Fig Sll should be slackened ETO70 scc Fig S9 to remove any carbon or with the special ring spanner provided ETll6 particles that may he imprisoned on the scat seeFig SIO To hold the nozzle holder cap nut The gallery H Fig S8shouldncw be cleancd in the vice or to use illfitting packed or adjus with tbc ajd of the special soft brass scraper Notable spannersor wrenchesis to invite disaster ETO71sec Fig S9 to ensurethat it is also clean Examine the pressureface of the nozzle holder and frec from dirt or carbon cap nut to see it is not damagedso as to have The spray holes in tbc atomiser nozzle endc nipped the atomiser nozzle in any way should he probed with thc specialtooi ET120see The nozzle holder cap nut should aow be Fig S9removedand the atomisernozzle completely lifted In caseswhere the holes cannot be cleaned byfrom the atomiser body fOT examination The this process the complete atomiscr should besurf acesccA and B in Fig S8 on the top of rctumed packedas described L Fueinjection Page SI3 COMPLETEKIT taken to ensure that the highly ground face D Fig S8 is clean and free ET 141 from scratches This face must register with the atomiser nozzle flange cleanly and squarelyto forn1a and must therefore he handled in such a war as to avoid damageto the surface l1I1 The exterior of the atomiser body of courseshould be from Jf dirt and grease in the usual manner 1 ff Periodically the interior it of is advisable the atomiser to dismantie body tou 1 examine the springs40 Fig S11spring plate and nozzle spindie 42 Wben dismantling the special spanners Nos ETl17 and ETl18 sec Fig SlO shouldu be applied for the removal of the nozzle J bolder spring cap 39 Fig SII which is revealed after the removal of the gj l l ETI20 I I ET124I ET138 covering protection cap The interior of I the atomiser body and the palts removed ET068 ETO71 11069 ET072 should he washed carefully to remove J FIG S9 Complete Kit of TooI for use when cleanin and overhauling atomisers above Assuming that the spray holes have been any dirt or moisture If the spring and the parts are in good condition they should be reassem bied carefully cleaned satisfactorily the atomiser nozzle caD aud perferably after having been slightly coated then he placedin the container to soak in paraffio with lubricating oil or preferably assembiedin the atomiser flushing tooi No ET427 Fig SlOand thoroughly flushed The serviceable life of the atomiser valve spring through to ensure that all carbon particles are can be by careful treatment removed trom the inside of the atomiser nozzle and be taken to avoid the damage Tbe nozzle valve should now he polished by likely to be causedby moisture corrosion arising rubbing with an absolutely clean clotha piece in or by reasonof condensation J of used boiled cotton is bestupon which there is no suggestion of fluff Particular attention should he given to the valve seato This and the smaller owing to temperature changes in service It is these valve springs should beu above it called the stem inspected cleaned and greased whenever the and cone in Fig S8 can he cleaned with the atomisers are removed for cleaning whilst care should be taken in storing sparesto preclude alf fine brass wire brush Toensure that the stem possibility of the access of moisture and coneare free from any particlesthe soft brass stem cleaner No ETOn should be applied with a rotary action pressingthe nozzle valve into the ReAssembly of Atomisers cleaning tooi with the fingers Tbe atomiserbody and now Af ter ensuringthat the exterior of the atomiseru be assembIed carefully after having immersedthe nozzle is clean and free from carbon the valve each in clean fuel oil to ensure and atomiser nozzle may be assem bied together that they are free from dirt Tbe nozzleholder cap This should be after the two parts have been nut 43 should be crewedon to the body by thoroughly washed in clean paraffin or fuel oil use of the special spanner Excessive tighteningu and placed together preferably with the tingers whilst submergedin the clean oil Tbe atomiserbody shouldnow receive attention it should be washedin clean paraffin care bein of the nozzle holder cap nut may result in con striction or distortion of the atomiser nozzle and its care should be exercised to ensurethat the leveraee aDDliedis not cxcessivePage 514 Fuelnjection Systemconnnuea r Af ter cleaning the atomiser shoud he testedalwayson the atomiser testing pump as previously The rnodified atomiser is rdescribed If the pressure at hich the spray the previous type providing a new type not that quoted above it can he adjusted teakoIrpipe is fitted To ensure this new typeby the spring adjusting screw and lock nut usingspanner ET119 Fig SlO teakoIr pips are autornatically supplied with all Sparesand the modi r A perfect atomiser when tested by pumping fied type Previoustype through it in the open air gives a short pinging sound as the fuel emergesfrom theholes no matter how slowly tbe fuel be pumped re lS0supplied with the previous type auxiliary teakoIrpipes in order to effect with engines incorporating the later type atornisers rAfter tbe atomiser has been in service for sometime the pinging changes to a cracklingsound It is not until tbe atomisersounds deadthat its condition is likely to affect tbe running ofthe engine When replacing tbe atomiser in the cylinderhead follow carefully tbe instructions for fittinggiven on page S9 WASHERS LOCKNUT MODIFlED ATOERS ADJUSTING As from EngineNo 6012782 a modified atomiser SCREW SHIMWASHER was introduced on L4 engines the two main differences from the previous type being the aux iliary leakoff pipe connectionand the screwseeFig 512 The auxiliary leakoff pipe connectionis now on NOZZLE the side of the atomiser body fixing fiangewhereas previously it was situatedjust abovethe inlet pipe union nut This of a new type SPINOLE r INLETauxiliary leakoff pipe The atomiser adjusting screw now screwsdirectly into the atomiser body and also comprisesthe atomiser valve spring cap r o ET 6 e 5 rCfff1 4 FJL1 NOZZLE CAP NUT HOLDER r 0 Er 2 f Q L E T S lYfi F I1 1 NOZZLE YALYE r i 0 lA r eT7 tf NOZZLE E T 137 E T 427 rFig SlO Spanners and clcaning tools ror usc with atomisers Fig S12 Diagram of Modified Atomiset r I1I1O 33 0 n i n n n n 3 0 C O 0 no 0 n oo Ccn n 5nn o o o 0 0 n 3 1 a 0 c Cl j 11 z 0 0 r1 1 r1 C Z 0 m Ij Z m 0 C m ZJ z AoAoAoAo NN NNN c ZZZZCOO10 oooO 3 N 3 01 Q 3 NN 5OEoQoO5 N r w w 1 0 o O 0 0 C a OQOQO Z3g 0 o z JI 0 O Q g o no 5 n 3 2 w Q1 I wg tn 0 w JL Page Tl CT Certain L4 engines are equippedwith a mechani cal governor in place of the pneumatic governor This governoris set and adjustedbefore the engine leaves the factory and no further adjustment shouid be necessary Any settings and adjustments which may be necessaryas when the engine has undergone a major overhaulor the fuel pump hasbeenremoved should only be carried out by trained personnel Instrucons tor Governor To carry out the it will be necessaryto remove the cover situated at the front of the govemor and the govemor housing rear cover1 Preliminary Settings 1 Ensure that the governor weights move FIG T2 freely when operated with the finger If they are stiff it is probably due to distortion set up in the weight carrier when holding screwsare tightened reached unscrew adjusting screw oDe turn The idling spring control screw is situated at the rear To correct this it will be necessaryto remove of the fuel pump See Fig T 3 carrier plate and seetbat tbe rear face is clean and 3 Reducetension on mainspring with control free from dirt Seealso that tbe front of the fuel lever in ruil speed position pump gear is clean and free from dirt 4 Set anchorageto innermost 2 Hold the stop controllever on the fuel pump position R Min See Fig Tl in the stop position and screwin tbe idling spring control screw until the spring is coil bound ie 5 Place govemor lever in the idle position until adjustmentof the screwjust begins to move presstoes of forked lever on to sleevetbrust race tbc stop control lever Wben this position is and adjust fuel pump actuating lever until this is clear of fuel pump push rad by t in 159 mm when fuel pump control rad is at maximum fuel position See Fig T2 Allen key 532in across flats is required to unlock and lock fuel pump actuating leverJ Seethat by moving the weightsto the outermost position the fuel purup control rad moves to the point of no fuel within t in 159 mm of total control rad movement Test Bed Procedure A Start engineand warm up to 160F71C water and oil B Set engineto rated load and speed lt win FIG T he necessaryto increasethe main spring tensionJJJPage T2 echanica WARNING In no any attempt be made to increaseidling speedwith the idling spring control screw i E Finally recheck governing from ruIl load SCREWIDLING CON TROL half load to no load to ensure FUEL PUMP the governor is stabIe throughout its range Field Procedure Tbe preliminary settingsare as already described and should be carried out then proceedas follows 1 Start engineand warm up to 160cF71cC 2 Set lever to running position and check maximum no laad rpm Such inertia laad as is available should then be applied and removed in rapid successionto check the stability of the governor Any should be made as described in Test Bed Procedure para FIG T3 graph C 3 Carry out operation D in Test Bed Procedureuntil full laad caDjust be obtained at tbe appro 4 Finally recheck maximum no laad r pmpriate speed Main spring tension adjustment is and idling rpmcarried out by alteration of the govemor springcontrol lever adjusting screw See Fig T4 C note speed If this is load andtry a sudden removal to check stability of thegovemor Greater stability may be obtained by increasingtbc R of tbe spring lever by rotatingthc spring anchorage Eccentric adjustment between R Min and R Max being obtainable seeFig T1 D Having obtained setlever to idling position and check light load idlingspeed Adjust as necessaryon the idling stopscrew Fig T4 Ir it is not possible to reduceidling speedto tbe required rpm by adjustmentof tbe idling stop screw it wil be reduce the load in tbe idling spring This cao be obtained by screwing out tbe fuelpump idling spring control screw at tbe TeaTofthe fuel pump SeeFig T3 Pae U FLYWHEEL ANDu Ij ensurethat the mating facesof the cylinder block or back plate when fitted and housing are per fectly clean and free from bumu Put the housing on to the studs replace spring washers and nuts Tighten nuts evenly do not overtighten so as to allow adjustmentu Alignment of Flywheel Housing Bore of Secure the base of an indicator stand to the fiange the crankshaft A Ir Set the needIeof the gaugeto the interior of the bored hole in the fiywheel housing See fig UI Ic r i Turn tilt crankshaft and check that this hole is ntral The housing is adjusted until the bored hole is central with the crankshaft within the following limits total Diameter of Houslng Bore x Allowance TIR Up to 141 in 0006in 362mrn 015mm 7 141to 2Ot in 0008in fr 362 to 511 mm 020mm I 2Ot to 251 in 0010in ra 511 to 648 mm 025mm Fis UI 251 to 31 in 0012in 648 to 787 mm 030mm It is most important tbat tbe flywbeel bousing Alignment of Flywheel Housing Face he correctly aligned witb tbe cranksbaft tberefore With the base of the indicator standstill secured if a bousing bas been removed tbe greatestcare f1i must be taken on replacementto ensureaccuracy of alignment For conveniencein turning tbe engine it is advisable to release but not remove tbe nuts holding tbe atomisersin place when carrying out alignment of flywheel and flywheel housing To RemofeFlywheel Remove the locking wire from the set screws1 which securetbe flywheelto the crankshaft flange Turn the engineto bring oae setscrew Removetros setscrew to tbe top and screwin a stud in its j place as a temporary measure to prevent the tlywheel from dropping Remove remainder of setscrews Remove flywheel To RemofeFlywheel Hoing Removeflywheel Removal of Duts and spring washersfrom the studs securingtbe flywheel housing to the cylinder block or back plate if fitted win enable the flywheel housing to be removed To Refit Flywheel Housing Before fitting or refitting flywheel housing FigU2faze U2 FlywheeJand Flywheel tbe cranksbaft flange adjust to set tbe needIeof tbe indicator against tbe vertical machinedface on the flywhee1 housingSeefig U2 Turn cranksbaftand checkthat this faceis at rightanglesto tbe cranksbaft axis This facing must bewithin tbe following limits tota1indicator readingofbeing at truc right anglesto tbecranksbaft Bore MaxAllowance TIR Up to 141 in 0006 in 362mm 015mm 141 to 2Ot in 0008 in 362 to 511 mm 020 mm 2Ot to 25t in 0010 in 511 to 648 mm 025 mm 25t to 31 in 0012 in 648 to 787 mm 030 mm AU adjustments to bring tbe within tbe limits specifiedmust be on tbe flywhee1 housing and under NO CONOmONS must tbe rear of tbe cylinder b1ock or adaptor plate be interfered witb When tbe housing is aligned to tbe above limits Fig U4 tighten the securing Guts evenly order to wnen removing but the following must Ream tbe two dowe1holes and fit the correct also be carried out length and size of dowe1s Secthat the flywhecl face and crankshaft flange To Reit Flywheel are perfectly clean and free from burrs before The rep1aced in the reverse fitting the flywheel When replacing the evenly and for final tightening a torque wrenchshould be used set to the in SectionB Checking Alignment of Flywheel When the flywheel bas been removed it is necessary to check the alignment on replacement as mentionedabove Secure the base of a dial indicator stand to tbe flywheel housing Witb the flywheel at top centre set the needle of tbe indicator on tbe flywheel periphery at T DC seeFig U3 Turn the crankshaft and check the clock The flywheel should run truc within 012 in 31 mm total indicator reading With tbc base of thc indicator stand still bolted to tbc flywheel housing adjust to bring thc indicator vertical machined face of the flywheel Seefig U4 Again turn the crankshaft and check the clock The flywheel should be within 0001 in per inch 002 mmoper 25 mm of radius from the centre of flywheel to indicator needIe When tbe flywheel bas been checked fot thc correct limits lock thc setscrews with we L I I Page VILJu SCHEDULE OF CLEARANCES TOLERANCES Vu All threads ed 00 the L4 Eogine except 00 prGprietary equipment and the crankshaft are Unified Series aod Americao Pipe Series Tbe crankshaft aod starting dog nut are threaded1 inch Americao Natiooal Fine of 14 TPIUI The new threads are not with BSF and althougb BSW have the same number of threads per inch as the Unified Coarse Series intercbanging is not recommendeddoe to a difference in thread formU The data regarding clearnncesand tolerancesare given as a guide for personnel engagedupon major overhaulsu 2 Tbe figures in the column Permissible Dimensionst are the drawing sizesto which tbe parts are made These dimensionsareu given in limit farm and representtbe minimum and maximum sizes to which parts may be accepted when new as ror example 4985 499 111ntPn The difference 1 fnr qhft the between nimtpr minimum and maximum dimensionsu 3 quoted in para 2 is known as thc manufacturing tolerance Thisu tolerancc is necessary as an aid to manufacture and its numerical valuc is an expression of the accuracy of the design it mayalso be considered as a numerical expression of the desired quality of work manship For the example referred to in para 2 thc tolerance isu 4 00005 If when carrying out a major overhaul it is found that a bush and corresponding shaft have worn and that the majority of wear hasu taken place in the bush it may be necessary to renew the bush only Similarly if the majority of wear has taken place on the shaft it might only be necessary to rencw thc shaftu 5 During the overhaul of wom components personal initiative must be exercised at all times It is obviously uneconomical to return wom parts to service with an expectation of lire which may involveu labour costs agai1 at an carly date 6 Further information can be obtained on request rom the Service Division Perkins Engines Ltd Peterborough Englandu To ensure rou obtain the best results from your engine and to safeguard your own guarantee fit only genuineu Perkins Parts These are readily obtainable throughout the wor IdJ J PageV2 SCHEDULE OF BunnING CLEARANCES AND TOLERkCESTO BB ADHEREDTO WHEN OVERHAULING ENGINES TO FACTORY STANDARDS ENGINE TYPE L4I SCHEDULE OF BmLDG Page V3 CLEARANCES AND TOLERANCES TO BE ADHERED TO WHEN OVERHAUUNG ENGrnES TO FACTORY STANDARDS NGrnE TYPE L4Page V4 SCHEDULE OF BUnDING CLEARANCES AND TOLERANCES TO BE ADHERED TO WHEN OVERHAULING ENGINES TO FACTORY STANDARDS ENGINE TYPE U T r r r I Qu Page Y5 SCHEDULE OF BrnLDG CLEARANCES AND TOLERANCES TO BE ADHERED TOu WHEN OVERHAULING ENG TO FACTORY STANDARDS ENGINE TYPE Uuuuu uu uuuuuuuuJ J L4 MARINE ENGINESWlcOc Settingsand Data L4 MARINE Maximum Rating 58 BHP at 2000 rpm W ahead to astern or vice versa the engine throttle must passthrough the idling position thus enabling Sump Capacity gallons 136 litres an easygear changeto be attained In conjunction with tbis control system pro Engine Types vision may be madefor the fitting of a cable to the There are two principal types of L4 Marine throttle so that the throttle may be partly opened ngine one type having pneuma tic governing to and the other having When an oil operated gearbox is fitted an oi The standard pneumatic governing is set tor cooler must be fitted in order to cao the gearbox variabie speedwhich is controlled by a lever from oil The mounting for this cooler is on the top the air intake venturi of the gearbox The mechanically governed engine is virtually An interlocking control may afso be usedin the identical to its pneuma tic governed counterpart case of a pneumatically governed engine fitted the one main difference being the mechanica with a governor incorporated in the timing gear housing The system employed ensuresthat the engine This governor also is of variabie speed and is throttle is automaticaly returned to iding when controlled by a lever on the side of the governor the gear lever enters the neutral position An housing forward of the fuel injection pump ampe measure of protection is thus afforded the gearbox inasmuch as when engaging or Gearboxes changing gears the engine throttle must alway The 14Marine enginemay be fitted with either be in or pass through the idling position How a mechanicalor hydraulic operated gearbox ever with n bath casesthe drive to the gearbox is taken irrespectiveof t type of gearbox fitted there is from an input shaft fitted to the engineflywheel no systemof Iinkage offered whereby the gearbox Lubrication of the mechanica I gearbox is by may be effectively coupled to the engine throttle meansof gravity The gearbox possesses its own controls sump from which the oil is picked up by a rotating Reduction gears of 2 1 and 3 1 fot Ieft or disc and deivered to a drip plate at the top of right hand rotation propellors may be fitted as the gearbox which passesthe lubricant to the optional equipment working parts NB When converting a mechanical gearbox The hydraulic gearbox incorporates its own oil pump and is in no war dependent on the from straight through drive to 2 I or 3 1 enginetor its oil supply coupling at the rear of the box must be replaced Where an oil operated gearbox is fitted to an reduction the split type balI race behind the by a standard type of balI race engine employing pneumatic goveming a single lever throttle control systemmay be incorporated linking the gearbox to the enginethrottle By this Gearbox and Input ShaftRemoval means gearbox engagement is determined by Both types of gearbox may be removed in the movement of the throttle lever With the engine following manner idling initial movement of the throttle lever engagement of the gearoox with shaft out increasing engine speed Engine rpm may Remove 12 setscrews and washers located then be increaseri by further opening of the around gearbox periphery throttle control lever beyond a predetermined Withdraw gearboxtrom input shaft point Thus the engine cannot be speededin neutra The input shaft which is affixed to the engine gear thertby eliminating the risk of damagewhen flywheel may be removedas follows the gearoox is engaged When changing trom Cut locking wire 1 1 t4 MARINE ENGINESW2 Remove eight securing setscrews and A 12 or 24volt insulating return system may be washers fitted as optional extra The dynamo is loatedon the starboard sideof the engine The starter motor Replacing Input Shaft and Gearbox is flange mounted on the port side cf the engine First ensure that the tlywheel housing and tly the starter pinion engagingwith the starter ring cn wheel are correctly aligned SeeSection U the flywheel at the aft end of the engine Using the eight setscrews completewith washers I fit the input shaft to the engine tlywheel and tighten evenly Securethe baseof a clock the and adjust the clock so as to set ce D the needle on the outside diameter of the input I shaft and check that the shaft is central The limit in respectof inpu1 shaft concentricity is set 7Z at 003 in 076 mm total indicator reading With satisfactory alignment attained the secur ing setscrews should then be wired together The gearbox may then be eased into position on the input shaft With the care should be taken to ensurethat tbe key on the input shaft is in line with the keyway in the gear box hearing Secure the gearbox to the tlywheel houing by meansof the 12 setscrews and washers and refit propellor shaft Locating RingMechanical Gearbox A modified bevel locating ring locking plate has been incorporated in mechanical gearboxes for I fitment to L4 marine engines This latest locking plate is trucker in section than the original type and of different specification material and bas been incorporated to eliminate any possibility of bending or failure of the plate in service With the advent of tbis modification the locking medium whereby this plate is securedwas altered bid so that now two holes fr in BSF by f6 in 1429 mm deep are drilled and tapped in the locating ring and pinion cageto accommodate Allen grubscrews two fr in BSF by tin 1270mm cg long FigWI or It should be noted that after assembly the edges 1 and 2 From the 18 Diameter Pilot holes in t evelloca ting Ring drill two holes 1764 Diameter to a depth of of the slots bevel ring locating 38 in bevel wh1 casiCW and tap 516 BSF to a depth plates should be peenedover as also should the ot 14 in bevel wheel cAing to accommodate two Allen Screws 516 BSF x 12 in length These two holes drillings into wbich are fitted the grubscrews must not be drilled and tapped until the bevel locating r Details of are illustrated in ring has been locked in position with locking plates and slots peenedover Figure Wl illustration and it is recommended that 3 Bevel locating ring locking slots peened over locking all gears sent in for servicebe similarly modified plates or when necessary Water Circulation Electrical Equipment The engine may he so arranged as ro accom With the L4 Marine engine a 12volt earth modare any one of the foIIowing three types of return systemis employedas standard equipment cooling system r or L4 MARINE ENGINESW3 along the keel of the craft Prior to reaching the water pump the coolant passes through the lubri cating oU cooler which is fitted as standard equip ment to engines employing this type of cooling system The coolant then enters the engineat theu forward end of the cylinder block and is expelled at the forward end of the cylinder head From the cylinder head the water is discharged backu into the keel pipes via the cool ing jacket It will be observedthat this is a closed circuit type of cooling system the water in the keel pipes being cooled by the water throughu I which the craft passes With this type of cooling systema thermostat is fitted as optional extra Information Keel Pipes may be obtainedon requestfrom ServiceDiviu sion Perkins EnginesLimited Peterborough Indirect Cooling System Heat Exchangeru This type of cooling system utilised in con junction with a heat separate water pumps viz the rubber impelleru and centrifugal types The rubber impeller type pump is used to circulate sea water through the heat exchanger which is affixed to the front of the cylinder head Overboard dischargeis taken through the exhaust manifold cooling jacket The lubricating oil cooler which is indirectly cooledu engines is fitted to the front end of the engine sump and is on the suction side of the sea water pump Circulation of the closed fresh water systemisu etIected by means of the centrifugal pump which is belt driven from the crankshaft pulley Water is drawn from the heat exchanger and enters theu cylinder block at the rear of the water pump Af ter circulation through the engine the water is expelled from the front of the cylinder head back into the heat exchangeru The top part of the heat exchanger fornls a header tank fjr the fresh water and a pressure type filler caf with overflow pipes is providedu The valve in the cap operates between 3 and 4ilbssq in 2330 kgsq cm A thermostat is supplied as standard for this type of cooIing systemu Water Pum From the foregoing it will be apparent that alt L4 Marine engines irrespective of applicationu incorporate the rubber impeller type of water pump while those indirect heatuu lA MARINE cooling also incorporate a water pump When replacing the cam fitted in the impellerof the centrifugal variety housing be certain to treat the entire top surface rear face and securing setscrewhole with a Water Pump able jointing compoundNOTE This cam will go Sincethe centrifugal type water pump employed into placeone war onlyon those Marine engines incorporating indirect With the assem bied pump fitted to the engineheat exchanger cooling systems is identica backlash between the pump and Iamshaft gearswith that pump titted to L4 engines in genera should be 003 in to 009 in 08 to 23 mm for this type of pump achieve this in production two joints may havemay be obtained by referring to Section Q been fitted betweenthe pump gear wheel housing and the ngine timing case Should this be SQRubber Impeller Type ensure that both joints or two new joints are This type of pump is gear driven inasmuchas a replacedwhen refitting the pumpgear wheel attached to the impeller driving shaft ti the engine is to be withdrawn from serviceis in constant meshwith the enginecamshaft gear for any length of time it will be the pump itsef being ocated on the star effect lubrication of the rubber impeller at theboard side of the engine directly below the commencementof the storage period Tbis maydynamo be achieved by removing the end cover Item 1Removal aod Dismaotling Fig W2 and placing glycerine betweenthe vanes First disonnect water inlet and outlet hoge if the impeller Item 2 Fig W2connections The pump may then be detached by Exhaust the setscrews that secure it to the enginetiming case The exhaust manifold is water cooled and constructed of cast iron An air releasecock is To dismantie the pump proceed as follows provided at the forward end of the manifold Remove rear end cover jacket whereby any air present in th water Remove impeller cooling systemmay be removed Remove wearplate W ith the front bearing cover removed a suitable OU Coolerpress may be used to press out the impeller shaft Provision is made at the front end of tle sumptogether with the front bearing leaving the driving for the fitment of an oir coolergear wheelloose in its housing With this heat from the engine oir is lost as it The cam in the impeller housing maf then he circulates round a systemof tubes through whichdetached by removing the single securing setscrew are pumped water from the cooling system Remove rubber seal in impeller housing With the fitting of a hydraulic gearbox a Remove rubber 0 ring further similar type oir cooler must be titted in Remove distancepieces order to cool the gearbox oirtThe mounting for this additional cooler is on the top of the gearbox The driving gear wheel housing and impeller The pump necessary to lift the oil is nclosedinshaft rear hearing may then be removed from the the gearboxpump body Finally remove front rubber seal Sump Oir Pump Hand Operated To reassemble the water pump the reverse On the majority of marine installations it isorder of the above procedure should be adopted impossible to gain accessto the sump drain plugcare being taken when replacing the rubber which is situated on the bottom of the sumpimpeller that the blades alllay in the same direc Therefore in order to facilitate the draining ottion relative tv the rotation of the pump ie the engine oil a hand pump may be providedblades trailing This pump when used must be titted emote from When reassembling ensure that the rubber the engine Drainage of the sump is etfected byimpeller is coated with a layer of water resisting operation of the pump after attachirg a length ofgrease It should also be noted that if necessary suitable piping to the inlet side of the pump andthe impeller may be dismantled without removing placing the free end of the pipe into the SIImpviathe water pump the dipstick orifice J 14 MARINE EN GINEs W 5 L4 MARINE ENGINESy DAlLY Check Dil level in sump and gearbox strainer when fitted Examine engine holding down balts u Checkcooling water circulation Drain oil trom sump and fill with new lubricatlt oil pressure Clean feIt elementin lubricating oil filter Check water level in header tank of heat Unscrew drain plug on final fuel filter replace exchangerwhen fitted vhenclean fuel appearsu EVERY 50 HOURS Clean gearbox oil filter hydraulic type gearbo EVERY 500 HOURS Clean and only Renew feIt elementin lubricating oil filter Check and if necessary top up batteries with Clean gauze trap in Jubricating filter body distilled water EVERY 100 HOURS EVERY 1000HOURSu When fitted examine heat exchangerfur scale Check oil level in reduction gearbox where fitted formation and descaJe if necessary Lubricate and examine adjustment of single Inspect commutators and brushes of dynamo and starter motoru lever throttle control if fitted Clean prefilter if fitted to lift pump Renew element in Final Fuel Filter Checkoil filw to rocker shaft WheneverEngine is removednom Boat Examine valve springs and check tappets Clean sump straineru Examine and clean water inlet weed trap and Cleanout fuel tank For preservation of laid up engines see page F 2uu uUiUUuY APPROVED Available trom V L Churchill Co Ltd Daventry England PD IC Valve Guide Remover and Replacer R6 P3144 3152 83152 4192 4203 Engine Type All Removes water pump pulley on1yon With tbis tooI all valve guidescan he removedand 6305 L4 4270 499 4107 4108 replaced provided pulIer bars are available Removeswater pump pulley and camshaft gear on PD ICI PuIIer Bars 6354 Engine Type All Two bars are supplied for usewith PD ICto suit PD lSSA2 SDM1D Adjustable PuJIer Adaptors h in and i in ict valve guide bores Engine Type P3 P4 P6 To remove Iow position water pump pulley PD IC2 Valve Guide RepJacing Stop EngineType 499 4107 4108 PD lSSA4 smaU Adjustabie ruller Adaptor When the valve guide is replaced using one of EngineType thesestopsit will ensurethat the guide protrudes P3144 3152 B3152 4192 4203 the correct amount above tbe top face of the Removal of Dil pump gear cylinder head No 3 Tension Wrench PD IC3 Valve Guide Replacing Stop Engine Type All Engine Type 6354 4236 t in squaredrive 25 to 170lbf ft Remarks SeePD 1C2 PD ISO Cylinder Liner Remover and Replacer PD lC4 Valve Guide ReplacingStop Engine Type Engine Type 6354 4236 3152 03152 4203 04203 P3 P3144 B3152 3152 4192 4203 6305 P4 P6 6288 6305 Remarks SeePD lC2 PD 1501Cylbttr Liner RemoverRepfaer Pa 38 U3 Piston AssemblyRing Engine Type Engine Type All 6354 4236 3152 03152 4203 D4203 This is an expandable piston assemblyring for 6305 Stctand all enginetypes For usewith PD 150 PD 37 Flywheel Runout Gauge 316X Vatve SeatCutter HandJe Engine Type All EngineType AII With this tooi a check caD speedily be made on This tooi is required for the operation of ali the alignment of the or cutters and pilots back plate 31610Valve Seat Cutter Pilot PD 418 PNon Height and Vatve Depth Gauge Engine Type Engine Type All P3 P3144 3152 B3152 4107 499 4108 For checkingpiston heightsand valve depths 4192 4203 P4 P6 6288 6305 PD 155A SomDAdjustable ruller This pilot is suitable for all guides that have a Engine Type All nominal frr in id bore CaD be used with suitable adaptors to remove 31612ValveSeat CutterPilot water pump pulley oil pump drive gears and camshaft gear Engine Type L4 4270 R6 F340 56 4236 6354 PD 155Al Small Adjustable PuUerAdaptors This pilot is suitable for all guides having a Engine Type nominal t in iid boreJJ Pilot 7066Orcfip Pliers T EngineType 42360015in oversize Engine Type AII This piJot is for vaJve bores which have been Two types of points are available t in shaft size reamed0015 in oversize t in 1 in B shaft sire I in 3 in 31613Valve SeatCutter Pilot Alignment Jig Engine Type 42360030in oversize Engine Type All This piJot is for vaJve bores which have been Enables a quick check to be made on the align reamed0030 in oversize ment of connecting rods various adaptors are PD 137 Valve Bore Reamer 0015 in overstze required as follows EngineType 4236 336 MultiPurI8e Con Rod Arbor T This reamer is only suitable for guideJess cylinder Engine Type All heads Required with the above tooIPD 138 Valve Bore Reamer 0030 in oversize PD 3361 Adaptor rEngine Type 4236 Engine Type This reamer is onJysuitable for guideJess cyJinder P3 P3I44 B3152 3152 4192 4203 P4heads P6 6288 6305PD 31723Valve SeatCutter Exhaust This adaptor is fitted into the big end bore whenPD 31726Valve SeatCutter fnlet checking alignment Thin wall bearings Breaker Exhaust PD 3363 Adaptor317G25 GJazeBreaker fnlet Engine Type L4 4270Engine Type Remarks SeePD 3361P3 P3144 B3152 3152 4192 4203 P4P6 6288 6305 PD 3365 AdaptorThe above cutters have beendesignedto cut seats Engine Type 499 4107to the correct angle and at the same time reduce Remarks SeePD 3361seat width It is strongly the PD 3366 Adaptorglaze breakers be used first as this will greatly Engine Type 6354 4236reducethe chattering of the cutters Remarks SeePD 3361PD 31725Valve SeatCutter Exbaust 6118 VaJveSpring CompressorPD 31729Valve SeatCutter fnlet Engine Type All317GJOGlaze Breaker Exhaust and fnlet Thirivalve spring compressorbas beendesig1ed toEngine Type remove valve springs without removing the cylinL4 4270 R6 F340 der head providing the adaptors are SeePD 31723 PD 61181Valve Spring SeatCutter Exbaust and Inlet Engine Type 499 4107 Breaker Exbaust and fnlet The adaptor is fitted to the rocker shaft securingEngine Type studs6354 4236 D4203 D3152 PD 61182 Valve Spring SeePD 31723 Engine TypePD 31718Valve SeatCutter Exhaust P3 P4 P6 6288 6305 S6PD InJet Remarks SeePD 6118 1317G19 Glaze Breaker Exhaust and fnJetEngine Type PD 61183 Valve Spring Engine Type 499 4107 4108 P3144 B3152 3152 4192 4203 L4Remarks SeePD 31723 4270 R6 F340FC9900 Ator Tester Remarks SeePD All PD Compressor AdaptorThis is a portable tester fitted with a paper filter Engine Type 6354 4236element Remarks SeePD 61181 D PD 130Foei PumpAllen Screw Wreoch 6000c4 Comon Tester Adaptor Engine Type 4192 4203 499 4107 4108 Engine Type 6354 4270 4236 Used to removethe Allen fuel Remarks See6000c3 injection pump 6000C9 ComD Tester Adaptor Tester Engine Type 499 4107 4108y EngineType Seeadaptor details Remarks See 6003 Usedlor compressions when using he following adaptors 6400 Crankshait F1l1etRadii Rollblg Tooi Engine Types 6000C3Comon Tester Adaptor P4 4192 4203 P6 6288 6305 4270 Engine Type For co1d rolling of fillet radii on certain crankshaft P3 P6 P3144 83152 3152 P4 4192 main joumals 4203 6288 6305 L4 R6 F340 This adaptor replacesthe atomiserlor compres 64001 Adaptor Set SjOR testing For use with the aboveI uu3 1 00 CoO C 0 OU CE 0 00 C 1 OU u 00 T Co U U u 0 1 Co 5Q ocuO N 0 c OOCC cn Q J cu cu Ecu CU uu J 0 N C C T C u C C u J 000 C C 0 oG CO 00 0 C oG 0 CJO 0 u 00 u U 0 ou 0 wolU u 2 U c Q 0 99 C 5 c5 z ol U CUNU 0Q u cu U U 9 0 C t Cv Cu w A C 0 U CUUU C E oU U 00 V C C IC U tCO E C 0 u e 8 5 0 U o 0 go C O5 C C 2 go g V 3 rn u t0 0 C JA C E 0 C Cv u u C 0000 0 I o 0 8 C u 0 C u U E C 0 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