Westerbeke Diesel W 30 Parts Manual
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TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 30 Marine Diesel Eng ine F 0 r mer I y Fo u r 91 PUBLICATION 11874 Edition Five September 1980j WESTERBEKE j MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 30 Marine Diesel Eng ine F 0 r mer I y Fo u r 91 PUBLICATION 11874 Edition Five September 1980j WESTERBEKE j MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 3SECTION INDEXGENERAL Introduction Operation Installation OVERHAULOTHER OVERHAUL Marine Engine Electrical System Cooling System External SETSHYDRAULIC CRANKING SYSTEMSERVICE BULLETINS 4 IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOFTIARE NOTICEProduct software of all kinds such as product software Such software may bebrochures drawings technical data outdated and no longer accurate and workshop manuals parts changes made by Hesterbekes supplierslists and parts price lists and other of which esterbeke rarely has instructions and specifi in advance are frequently not provided from sources other in the suppliers software until afterthan Westerbeke is not within Wester such changes take placebekes control and accordingly isprovided to Westerbeke customers only Iesterbeke customers should also keep inas a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE mind the time span between printings ofCANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT Westerbeke product software and theOF SUCH SOFnARE MAKES NO WARRANTI ES unavoidable existence of earlier nonOR WITH RESPECT THERETO current Westerbeke software editions inINCLUDING THE ACCURACY TIMELINESS OR the field Additionally most THEREOF AND WILL IN NO beke products include BE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES special features that frequently do notOR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH include complete ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING ORUSE OF SUCH SOFTWARE In sum product software provided with Westerbeke products whether from WesterFor example components and subassemb beke or other suppliers must not andlies incorporated in Jesterbekes cannot be relied upon exclusively as theproducts and supplied by others such definitive authority on the respectiveas engine blocks fuel systems and com product It not only makes good senseponents transmissions electrical com but is imperative that pumps and other products of Iesterbeke or theare generally supported by their manu supplier in question be consulted tofacturers with their own software and determine the accuracy and currency ofWesterbeke must depend on such software the product software being consultedfor the des i gn of les terbeke sown by the cus tomer 5 INTRODUCTION IMPORTANT THIS MANUAL IS A DETAILED GUIDE TO THE INSTALLATION STARTUP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR WESTERBEKE MARINE DIESEL ENGINE THE INFORMA TION IT CONTAINS IS VITAL TO THE ENGINES DEPENDABLE LONG TERM OPERA TION AD IT KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE KEEP IT HANDY FOR REFERENCE AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL INVITE SERIOUS RISK NOT ONLY TO YOUR INVESTMENT BUT YOUR SAFETY AS THE DIESEL ORDERING PARTS The diesel engine closely resembles the Whenever replacement parts are neededgasoline engine inasmuch as the mechanism always include the complete part descripis essentially the same Its cylinders tion and part number see separate Partsare arranged above its closed crankcase List furnished if not part of this pubits crankshaft is of the same general type lication Be sure to include theas that of a gasoline engine it has the engines model and serial number Alsosame sort of valves camshaft pistons be sure to insist upon Westerbeke rods lubricating system and packaged parts because will fit partsreverse and reduction gear are frequently not made to the same Therefore it follows to a great extent specifications as original equipmentthat a diesel engine requires the maintenance as that which any GENERATOR operator would give to a gas Westerbeke diesels are used for botholine engine The most important factors the propulsion of boats and for generatingare proper maintenance of the fuel lub electrical power For generator set appricating and cooling systems Replacement lications all details of this Manualof fuel and lubricating filter elements at apply except in regard to certain porthe time periods specified is a must and tions of the Installation Operation andfrequent checking for contamination ie Maintenance sections Additional inforwater sediment etc in the fuel system mation is provided in the section titledis also essential Another important Generator Sets Section Tfactor is the use of the same brand ofhigh detergent diesel lubricating oildesigned specifically for diesel engines The diesel engine does differ from thegasoline engine however in the method ofhandling and firing its fuel The carburetor and ignition systems are done awaywith and in their place is a single component the Fuel Injection Pump whichperforms the function of both Unremitting care and attention at thefactory have resulted in a capable of many thousands of hoursof dependable service What the manufacturer cannot control however is thetreatment it receives in service Thispart rests with you6 YOUR NOTES 7 INSTALLATION FOREWORD Since the boats in which these engines are used are many and varied details of engine installation are equally so It is not the purpose of this section to advise boatyards and engine installers on the generally well understood and well developed procedures for installation of en gines However the following outline of general procedure is included because it is valuable in explaining the functions of each component the reasons why the precautions to be watched and the relationship of the installation to the operation of the engine There are details of the installation which should have a periodic check and of which the operator should have a thorough understanding to insure good operating conditions for the engine and correct procedure for its OF EQUIPMENT pry against this with crowbar as you may The engine is shipped from the factory distort the securely and properly crated Ac In some cases it may be necessary tocessory equipment is shipped in a separate lift the engine in other than the regularsmall box usually packed with the engine horizontal position It may be that thecrate engine must be lowered endwise through a Before accepting shipment from the small hatchway which cannot be made company the crate should If the opening is extremely restricted itbe opened and an inspection made for con is possible to reduce to some extent thecealed damage If either visible or con outside clearances such as damage is noted you should require cooling piping water tank filtersthe delivering agent to sign Received in mounting lugs etc This accessory equipdamaged condition Also check contents ment should be removed by a competentof the shipment against the packing list mechanic and special care should be takenand make sure note is made of any discrep to avoid damage to any exposed parts andancies This is your protection against to avoid dirt entering openings The partsloss or damage Claims for loss or damage which have been removed should be returnedmust be made to the carrier not to J H to position as soon as the restriction hasWesterbeke Corporation been passed In case it is necessary to hoist theRIGGING AND LIFTING engine either front end upwards or reverse The engine is fitted with lifting rings gear end upwards the attachment of slings Rope or chain slings should be at must be done very carefully to avoid thetached to the rings and the engine lifted possibility of damage to the parts onby means o tackle attached to this sling which the weight may bear It is best ifThe lifting rings have been designed to special rigging work be done by someonecarry the full weight of the engine experienced and competent in the auxiliary slings are not re of heavy or desiredCAUTION Slings must not be so short as ENGINE BOLTSto place the engine lifting eyes in sig It is recommended that bronze hangernificant sheer stress Strain on the bolts of appropriate size be used throughengine lifting eyes must not be in excess the engine flexible mounts Lag screwsof 100 from the vertical A spacer bar are less preferred because their hold onmust be placed between the two lifting the wood is weakened every time they areeyes if supported by valve cover studs moved whereas the lag bolt stays in pos The general rule in moving engines is ition and the nut on top is used to tightto see that all equipment used is amply en the engine down or is removed to permitstrong and firmly fixed in place Move the the engine to be lifted The bolt itselfengine a little at a time and see that it stays in position at all times as a studis firmly supported Eliminate possibil and the bond between the bolt and the woodity of accidents by avoiding haste Do is not weakened by its removalnot lift from the propeller coupling or 8FOUNDATION FOR ENGINE PROPELLER COUPLING A good engine bed contributes much Each Westerbeke Diesel engine is regutoward the satisfactory operation of the larly fitted with a suitable coupling forengine The engine bed must be of rigid connecting the propeller shaft to and neither deflect nor twist enginewhen subjected to the engine weight or the The coupling must not only transmit theposition the boat may have to take under power of the engine to turn the shaft butthe effects of rough seas The bed must must also transmit the thrust either aheadkeep the engine within one or two thous or astern from the shaft to the thrustandths of an inch of this position at all bearing which is built into the reductiontimes It has to withstand the forward gear housing of the engine This couplingpush of the propeller which is applied to is very carefully machined for accuratethe propeller shaft to the thrust washer fitbearing in the engine and finally to the For all engine models a propeller halfengine bolts and engine bed coupling bored to shaft size for the In fiberglas hulls we recommend that specific order is supplied The wooden stringers as in wooden either has a keyway with set screws or ishulls be formed and fitted then glassed of the clamping typeto the hull securely This allows hanger The forward end of the propeller shaftbolts to be installed firmly in wood thus has a long straight keyway Any burrsreducing noise and transmitted vibration should be removed from the shaft end The The temptation to install the engine on coupling should be a light drive fit ona pair of fiberglas angle irons should the shaft and the shaft should not have tobe resisted Such construction will allow be scraped down or filed in order to get aengine vibrations to pass through to the fit It is important that the key behull Flexible mounts require a firm properly fitted both to the shaft and thefoundation against which to react if they coupling The key should fit the side ofare to do their job When possible follow the keyway very closely but should notbed design A and avoid bed design B touch the top of the keyway in the hub of the coupling If it seems difficult to drive the coupling over the shaft the coupling can be expanded by heating in a pail of boil ing water The face of the propeller coupling must be exactly perpendicular to the centerline or axis of the propeller shaft PROPELLER The type and size of propeller varies with the gear ratio and must be selected to fit the application based upon boat tests To utilize the full power of the engine and to achieve ideal loading con ditions it is desirable to use a propel ler which will permit the engine to reach its full rated speed at full throttle under normal load ALIGNMENT OF ENGINE The engine must be properly and exactly aligned with the propeller shaft No matter what material is used to build a boat it will be found to be flexible to some extent and the boat hull will change its shape to a greater extent than is usually realized when it is launched and operated in the water It is therefore very important to check the engine align 9 ment at frequent intervals and to correct In making the final check for alignment any errors when they may appear the engine half coupling should be held in Misalignment between the engine and the one position and the alignment with the propeller shaft is the cause of troubles propeller coupling tested with the propeller which are blamed often on other causes coupling in each of four positions rotated It will create excessive bearing wear 90 0 between each position This test will rapid shaft wear and will in many cases also check whether the propeller half coup reduce the life of the hull by loosening ling is in exact alignment on its shaft the hull fastenings A bent propeller Then keeping the propeller coupling in one shaft will have exactly the same effect position the alignment should be checked and it is therefore necessary that the rotating the engine half coupling to full propeller shaft itself be perfectly position each 90 0 from the next one straight The engine alignment should be rechecked One particularly annoying result of mis after the boat has been in service for one alignment may be leakage of transmission to three weeks and if necessary the oil through the rear oil seal Check to alignment remade It will usually bemake sure that alignment is within the found that the engine is no longer in limits prescribed alignment This in not because the work The engine should be moved around on was improperly done at first but because the bed and supported on the screwjacks the boat has taken some time to take itsor shims until the two halves of the coup final shape and the engine bed and engine lings can be brought together without using stringers have probably absorbed some force and so that the flanges meet evenly moisture It may even be necessary to reall around It is best not to drill the align at a further for the foundation bolts until The coupling should always be opened up the approximate alignment has been accu and the bolts removed whenever the boat isrately determined hauled out ormoved from the land to the Never attempt a final alignment with water and during storage in a cradlethe boat on land The boat should be in The flexibility of the boat often puts athe water and have had an opportunity to very severe strain on the shaft or theassume its final water form It is best coupling or both when it is being movedto do the alignment with the fuel and In some cases the shaft has actually beenwater tank about half full and all the bent by these strains This does not applyusual equipment on board and after the to small boats that are hauled out of themain mast has been stepped and final rig water when not in use unless they areging has been accomplished dry for a considerable time Take plenty of time in making thisalignment and do not be satisfied with EXHAUST SYSTEManything less than perfect results Exhaust line installations vary consid The alignment is correct when the shaft erably and each must be designed for thecan be slipped backwards and forward into particular job The general counterbore very easily and when a are to provide an outlet line with a minifeeler gauge indicates that the flanges mum of restrictions and arranged so thatcome exactly together at all points The sea water rain water or halves of the propeller coupling cannot get back into the engine Thereshould be parallel within 0002 inches A should be a considerable fall in the line between the exhaust manifold flange and the discharge end This slope in the pipe makes it difficult for water to be driven in very far by a wave and a steep drop followed by a long slope is better than a straight gradual slope Avoid any depres I sion or trough to the line which would fill with water and obstruct the flow of exhaust gas Also avoid any sharp bends Brass or copper is not acceptable for wet exhaust systems as the combination of salt water and diesel exhaust gas will 10cause rapid deterioration Galvanized support for the rubber hose to preventiron fittings and galvanized iron pipe is sagging bending and formation of for the exhaust line The ex pocketshaust line must be at least as large as Always arrange that water dischargethe engine exhaust manifold flange and be into the rubber hose section is behind aincreased in size if there is an especial riser or sufficiently below the exhaustly long run andor many elbows It should flange so that water cannot possibly flowbe increased by 12 in LD for every 10 back into the engine Also make sure thatfeet beyond the first 10 feet entering sea water cannot spray directly against the inside of the exhaust piping Otherwise excessive erosion will occur MEASURING EXHAUST GAS BACK PRESSURE Back pressure must be measured on a straight section of the exhaust line and as near as possible to the engine exhaust manifold The engine should be run at maximum load during the measurement period Setup should be as shown below 1 For normally asperated engines Pressure Test Mercury Test Water Column 112 Max PSI 3 Mercury 39 2 For turbocharged enginesEXHAUST SYSTEM WITH WATER JACKETED Pressure Test Mercury Test Water Column STANDPIPE 075 Max PSI 112 Mercury 1912 To insure vibration doesnt transmit tohull use a flexible section preferably ofstainless steel no less than 12 at each end and installed asclose to the engine as possible Thisflexible section should be installed withno bends and covered with insulating material The exhaust pipe should be by brackets to eliminate anystrain on the manifold flange studs use flexible rubber exhausthose for the water cooled section of theexhaust line because of the ease of installation and flexibility Provide adequate Checking The Back Pressure 1 Exhaust pipe flange 2 Exhaust line 3 Transparent plastic hose partly filled withwater Measurement A may not exceed 39 for normally asperated IfAT III lIFT 1t4AU5T itSTn engines and 195 for turbocharged WITH U MUFFI engines WATER CONNECTIONS Seacocks and strainers should be of the 110 00 full flow type at least one size greater than the inlet thread of the sea water pump The strainer should be of the type which may be withdrawn for cleaning while the vessel is at sea WATER LIFT EXHAUST SYSTEM WITH Water lines can be copper tubing or HYDROHUSH MUFFLER wirewound reinforced rubber hose In 11any case use a section of flexible hose the use of unnecessary fittings and conthat will not collapse under suction be nectors The shut off valve in the linetween the hull inlet and engine and between between the fuel tank and engine should bethe outlet and the exhaust system This of the fuel oil type and it is importanttakes up vibration and permits the engine that all joints be free of pressure leaksto be moved slightly when its being re Keep fuel lines as far as possible fromaligned Do not use street elbows in exhaust pipe for minimum temperature tosuction piping All pipe and fittings eliminate vapor locksshould be of bronze Use sealing compound The fuel piping leading from the tankat all connections to prevent air leaks to the engine compartment should always beThe neoprene impeller in the sea raw securely anchored to prevent chafingwater pump should never be run dry Usually the copper tubing is secured by means of copper straps FUEL TANK AND FILTERS The final connection to the engine Fuel tanks may be of fiberglass monel should be through flexible rubber hoses aluminum plain steel or terne plate Ifmade of fiberglass be certain that the interior is gel coated to prevent fibers ELECTRIC PANEL from contaminating the fuel systemCopper or galvanized fuel tanks should not The Westerbeke allelectric panelbe used It is not necessary to mount the utilizes an electronic tachometertank above the engine level as the fuel lift with a builtin hour meter Tachopump provided will raise the fuel from the meter cables are no longer requiredtank The amount of lift should be kept except for the Skipper 6 feet being maximum If a tank panel Mounted on the panel areis already installed above engine level it a voltmeter water temperaturecan be utilized in this position Great gauge and oil pressure gauge Eachcare should be taken to ensure that the fuel instrument is lighted The allsystem is correctly installed so that air electric panel is isolated fromlocks are eliminated and precautions taken ground and may be mounted whereagainst dirt and water entering the fuel visible It is normally prewired A primary fuel filter of the water collecting type should be installed betweenthe fuel tank and the fuel lift pump A ELECTRICAL type is available from the Most Westerbeke engines are suppliedlist of accessories The secondary fuel prewired and with plugin is fitted on the engine between the Never make or break connections while thefuel lift pump and the injection pump and engine is running Carefully follow allhas a replaceable element instructions on the wiring diagram sup As the fuel lift pump has a capacity in plied especially those relating to fuseexcess of that required by the injection cicuit breaker the overflow is piped to the fuel Starter batteries should be located astank and should be connected to the top of close to the engine as possible to avoidthe tank or as near the top as possible voltage drop through long leads It is To insure satisfactory operation a bad practice to use the starter engine must have a dependable sup for other services unless they require lowply of clean diesel fuel For this reason amperage or are intermittent In and care are especially im where there are substantial loads fromportant at the time when the fuel tank is lights refrigerators radios depthinstalled because dirt left anywhere in sounders etc it is essential to have athe fuel lines or tank will certainly complete separate system and to providecause fouling of the injector nozzles when charging current for this by means of athe engine is started for the first time second alternator or alternator output splitterFUEL PIPING Starter batteries must be of a type We recommended copper tubing together which permits a high rate of dischargewith suitable fittings both for the supply Diesel startingline and the return line Run the tubingin the longest pieces obtainable to avoid12 Carefully follow the recommended wiresizes shown in the wiring diagrams so the battery is close toengine and use the following cable sizes 1 for distances up to 8 feet 10 for distances up to 10 feet 20 for distances up to 13 feet 30 for distances up to 16 feetMECHANICAL CONTROLS The recommended practice is to have thestoprun lever loaded to the run positionand controlled by a sheathed cable to apushpull knob at the pilot station Thethrottle lever should be connected to aMorse type lever at the pilot station bya sheathed cable The transmission control lever may beconnected to the pilot station by a flexible sheathed cable and controlled by aMorse type lever The singlelever typegives clutch and throttle control withfull throttle range in neutral positionThe twolever type provides clutch controlwith one lever and throttle control withthe other Any bends in the control cables shouldbe gradual End sections at engine must be securely mountedAfter linkages are completed check for full travel making surethat when the transmission control leverat the pilot station is in forwardneutral and reverse the control lever onthe transmission is on the Check the throttle control leverand the stoprun lever on the fuel injection pump for full travel Some models do not require a stopcable because they have either a fuelsolenoid or an electric fuel pumpExamples of such models are the W58W13 W27 and W33 13 FOR FIRST START 5 Fill fuel tank with clean Diesel fuel oil No2 diesel fuel oil isThe engine is shipped IIdry with recommended The use of No 1 islubricating oil drained from the permissible but No 2 is and transmission There because of its higher lubricantfore be sure to follow these recom contentmended procedures carefully beforestarting the engine for the first time NOTE If there is no filter in the filler of the fuel tank the recom1 Remove oil filler cap and fill oil mended procedure is to pour the fuelsump with heavy duty diesel lubricat through a funnel of 200 mesh wireing oil to the highest mark on the dip screenstick See table under Maintenance foran approved lubricating oil Do not 6 Fill grease cup on the sea wateroverfill Select an approved grade pump if present with a good gradefrom the listing and continue to use it of water pump grease2 Fill the reverse gear to the highest mark on the dipstick with TYPE A FUEL fluid Do not overfillOil level for the Short Profile Sail lhefuel injection system of a coming Gear is measured before threading pression ignition engine dependsthe dipstick into the housing upon very high fuel pressure duringEngine oil is not recommended because the injection stroke to functionit can foam and it can contain addi correctly Relatively tiny movetives harmful to some transmissions ments of the pumping plungers pro duce this pressure and if any airIf the engine is equipped with a V drive is present inside the high pressurefill to the full mark on the dipstick line then this air acts as a cushionwith the recommended lubricant specified and prevents the correct pressureon the data tag on the V drive housing and therefore fuel injection from being achieved3 Fill fresh water cooling system witha 5050 antifreeze solution only after In consequence it is essential thatopening all petcocks and plugs until all all air is bled from the air is expelled whenever any part of the system has been opened for repair or servicingFill surge tank to within one inchof the top Check this level afterengine has run for a few minutesIf trapped air is released the water BLEEDING PROCEDURES BY MODELlevel may have dropped If so refill tank to within one inch of top 1 Initial Engine Startupand replace filler cap Engine stoppage due to lack of fuel4 Ensure battery water level sat least 38 above the battery a Insure that the fuel tanksplates and battery is fully charged is filled with the properso that it is capable of the extra grade of diesel fueleffort that may be required on the b Fill any large primary filterfirst start water separator with clean diesel fuel that is installed between the fuel tank and en gine To attempt to fill any large primary filter using the manual priming lever on the en 14 gine mounted fuel lift pump may 2 On the fuel injection pump body is a prove futile or require a con 516 bleed screw Bleed Point B siderable amount of priming This may be mounted on a manifold c Turn the fuel selector valve to with a pressure switch Open this liOn Systems with more than one II one to two turns do not remove it tank insure that fuel returning and with the priming lever bleed is going to the tanks being used until fuel free of air bubbles flows Stop priming and tighten The above procedures are basic for the bleed screw all initial engine startups or for restarting engines stopping due to 3 On the control cover of the injec lack of fuel tion pump Bleed Point C is a 516 bleed screw Open this W7 AND WPD4 GENERATOR 3600 one to two turns and proceed as inRPMl Figyre 1 Step 2 Note Bpass this bleed point on the W30 lnjection pump1 With the use of a 516 box wrench or common screw driver open the 4 W50 inection um onl Open the bleed screw one to two turns on the 16 bleed screw Bleed Point D outgoing side of the engine mounted on the injector line banjo bolt secondary fuel filter Bleed one to two turns and with the point A With firm strokes on the throttle full open and the engine lift pump priming lever bleed until stop lever in the run position fuel free of air bubbles flows from crank the engine over with the this point Stop priming and gently starter until clear fuel free tighten the bleed screw of air flows from this point Stop cranking and tighten this2 With a 58 open end wrench loosen bleed screw one to two turns the nut securing the injector line to the injector 5 With a 58 wrench loosen one to two Bleed Point B turns the injector line attaching nuts at the base of each injector Decompress the engine with the lever and with the throttle full open and on the top of the cylinder head the engine stop control in the run Crank the engine over with the position crank the engine over with starter W7 ensure that the engine the starter until fuel spurts by the stop lever is in the run position nuts and injector line at each injec and the throttle is full open tor Stop cranking and tighten the 4KW use the defeat position while nut and proceed with normal starting cranking Crank the engine until procedures fuel spurts by the nut and line Stop cranking and tighten the 58 nut and proceed with normal starting Fi ure 6 procedures II II II IIWESTERBEKE W30 Fjgyre 2 II II W40 klPO 10 12 15 Flgure 3 W50 wao 15 Fjgure 4 These units are selfbleeding W80 BR 30Figure 5 W120 BR45 Figure 5 1 Turn the ignition to the ON position and wait 1520 seconds1 Open the banjo bolt on top of te engine mounted secondary fuel fll 2 Start the engine following normal ter 12 turns Bleed Point A starting procedures With firm stroke on the fuel lift pump priming lever bleed until fuel free of air bubbles flows from this point Stop priming and tighten the bolt 15WESTERBEKE W58 WTO 20 Figure 71 Open the bleed screw on the top inboard side of the enginemounted secondary fuel filter one to two turns using a 10mm box wrench Bleed Point A This fuel filter is equipped with a handoperated priming pump With the palm of your hand pump this primer until fuel free of air flows from this point Stop pumping and tighten the bleed screw2 With bleed screw A tightened pump the hand primer several more times This primes the injection pump which is selfbleeding The injection pump Fi gure 1 incorporates a feed pump which keeps the fuel system primed when the en gine is running thus no external lift pump is required3 Loosen the four injector line at taching nuts at the base of each injector Bleed Point B one to two turns with a 16mm openend wrench Place the throttle in the full open position and crank the engine over with the starter until fuel spurts by the nut and injector lines Stop cranking and tighten each of the four nuts and proceed with normal starting procedure Figure 2 Figure 316 Figure 4 Fi gure 7 Figure 5 Typical Mechanical Fuel Lift Pump Figure 6 17PREPARATION FOR STARTING 6 As soon as the engine starts re lease the start switch and the1 Check water level in expansion preheat button and return the tank It should be l to 2 in throttle to the idle position below the top of the tank when immediately cold CAUTION Do not crank the engine more2 Check the engine sump oil level than 20 seconds when trying to start Allow a rest period of at least twice3 Check the transmission oil level the cranking period between the start cycles Starter damage may occur by4 See that there is fuel in the tank overworking the starter motor and the and the fuel shutoff is open backfilling of the exhaust system is possible5 Check to see that the starting battery is fully charged all electrical connections are proper STARTING THE ENGINE WARM ly made all circuits in order and turn on the power at the battery If the engine is warm and has only been disconnect stopped for a short time place the throttle in the partialiy open position6 Check the seacock and ensure that and engage the starter as above elimin it is open ating the preheat stepSTARTING THE ENGINE COLD NOTE Always be sure that the starter pinion has stopped revolving beforeMost Westerbeke marine diesel engines again reengaging the starter otherare equipped with a cold starting aid wise the flywheel ring gear or starterto ease in the starting of your engine pinion may be damagedwhen cold Ensure that the electrical connection to1 Check to see that the stop lever the cold starting aid is correct if installed is in the run position Extended use of the cold starting aid beyond the time periods stated should2 Place the throttle in the fully be avoided to prevent damage to the aid open position NEVER under any circumstances use or3 Press the Preheat button in and allow anyone to use ether to start your hold for 15 to 20 seconds engine If your engine will not start then have a qualified Westerbeke marine4 While holding the Preheat button mechanic check your engine in turn the keyswitch to the ON or Run position This activates the panel gauges lights and fuel solenoid or electric fuel pump if WHEN ENGINE STARTS so equipped Continue to turn the keyswitch to the Start position 1 Check for normal oil pressure and hold for no more than 20 sec immediately upon engine starting onds Some units may be equipped Do not continue to run engine if with a pushbutton to start rather oil pressure is not present within than the keyswitch and in these 15 seconds of starting the engine cases the electrical system is activated by fuel pressure 2 Check Sea Water Flow Look for water at exhaust outlet Do this5 If the engine fails to start in without delay 20 seconds release start switch and preheat for an additional 3 Recheck Crankcase Oil After the 1520 seconds then repeat step 4 engine has run for 3 or 4 minutes 18 subsequent to an oil change or new NOTE The SAO transmission requires that installation stop the engine and when backing down the shift lever must check the crankcase oil level This be held in the reverse position since is important as it may be necessary it has no positive overcenter locking to add oil to compensate for the mechanism oil that is required to fill the engines internal oil passages and oil filter Add oil as necessary STOPPING THE ENGINE Check oil level each day of opera tion 1 Position shift lever in neutral4 Recheck Transmission Oil Level 2 Idle the engine for 2 to 4 minutes This applies only subsequent to an to avoid boiling and to dissipate oil change or new installation In some of the heat such a case stop the engine after running for several minutes at 800 3 If equipped with a stop lever pull RPM with one shift into forward and the knob and hold in this position one into reverse then add oil as until the engine stops This stops necessary Check oil level each the flow of fuel at the injection day of operation pump After the engine stops re turn the control to the run position5 Recheck Expansion Tank Water Level to avoid difficulty when restarting if engine is fresh water cooled the engine This applies after cooling system has been drained or filled for the 4 Turn off the keyswitch Some models first time Stop engine after it do not use the stop lever as they has reached operating temperature are equipped with a fuel solenoid of 17S oF and add water to within or electric fuel pump which shuts one inch of top of tank off the fuel supply when the key switch is turned to the off The system is pressurized when 5 Close the and the pressure must bereleased gradually if the filler cap is 6 Disconnect power to system withto be removed It is advisable to pro battery switchtect the hands against escaping steamand turn the cap slowly until the resistance of the safety OPERATING is felt Leave the cap in thisposition until all pressure is released 1 Never run engine for extendedPress the cap downward against the periods when excessive overheatspring to clear the safety stops and ing occurs as extensive turning until it can be lifted damage can be causedoff 2 DO NOT put cold water in an over6 Warmup Instructions As soon as heated engine It can crack the possible get the boat underway cylinder head block or manifold but at reduced speed until water temp gauge indicates 1301S00F 3 Keep intake silencer free from If necessary engine can be warmed lint etc up with the transmission in neutral at 1000 RPM Warming up with the 4 Do not run engine at high RPM with transmission in neutral takes longer out clutch engaged and tends to overheat the transmission 5 Never Race a Cold Engine as internal7 Reverse Operation Always reduce damage can occur due to inadequate engine to idle speed when shifting oil circulation gears However when the transmission is engaged it will carry full engine 6 Keep the engine and accessories load clean 197 Keep the fuel clean Handle it with extreme care because water and dirt in fuel cause more trouble and ser vice life of the injection system is reduced8 Do not allow fuel to run low because fuel intake may be uncovered long enough to allow air to enter the injection system resulting in engine stoppage requiring system bleeding9 Do not be alarmed if temperature gauges show a high reading following a sudden stop after engine has been operating at full load This is caused by the release of residual heat from the heavy metal masses near the combustion chamber Prevention for this is to run engine at idle for a short period before stopping it High temperature reading after a stop does not necessarily signal alarm against restarting If there is no functional difficulty temperatures will quickly return to normal when engine is operat ing20 TEN MUST RULES IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT for your safety and your engines dependability ALWAYS 1 Keep this Manual handy and read it whenever in doubt 2 Use only filtered fuel oil and check lube oil level daily 3 Check cooling water temperature frequently to make sure it is 1900 or less 4 Close all drain cocks and refill with water before starting out 5 Investigate any oil leaks immediately NEVER 6Race the engine in neutral 7Run the engine unless the gauge shows proper oil pressure 8Break the fuel pump seals 9Use cotton waste or fluffy cloth for cleaning or store fuel in a galvanized container 10 Subject the engine to prolonged overloading or continue to run it if black smoke comes from the exhaust 21 ATTENTION After you have taken delivery of yourengine it is important that you make thefollowing checks right after the firstfifty hours of its operationFIFTY HOUR CHECKOUT INITIALDo the following 1 Retorque the cylinder head bolts 2 Retorque the rocker bracket nuts and adjust valve rocker clearance 3 Check and adjust if necessary the forward drum assembly and the reverse band on manual SAO and SAl trans missions 4 Change engine lubricating oil and oil filter 5 Check for fuel and lubricating oil leaks Correct if necessary 6 Check cooling system for leaks and in spect water level 7 Check for loose fittings clamps connections nuts bolts vee belt tensions etc Pay particular atten tion to loose engine mount fittings These could cause CHECKOUTDo the following 1 Check sea water strainer if one has been installed 2 Check water level in cooling system 3 Check lubricating oil level in sump Fill to highest mark on dipstick 4 Turn down grease cup on water pump if used one full turn 5 Check lubricating oil level in trans mission Fill to highest mark on dipstick FIGURE 1SEASONAL CHECKOUT MORE OFTEN IF POSSIBLEDo the following 1 Check generator or alternator V belt for tension 2 Check water level in battery 3 Change oil in sump Oil may be sucked out of sump by attaching a suction hose 38 ID over the out side of the oil sump pipe located aft of the dipstick Figure 1 See Note next page 4 Replace lubricating oil filtr Fig 2 See Note next page 5 Fill sump with approximately 45 US quarts of diesel lubricating oil to high mark on dipstick Do not over fill See Note next page FIGURE 2 22 CAUTION The use of different brands of 3 Fill fresh water cooling system with lubricating oils during oil changes has antifreeze of a reputable make Refer been known to cause extensive oil sludg to Cold Weather Precautions ing and may in many instances cause com 4 Start engine When temperature gauge plete oil starvation indicates l75 0 F shut engine down and 6 Start engine and run for 3 or 4 drain lubricating oil Remove and re minutes Stop engine and check oil place filter Fill sump with High De filter gasket for leaks Check oil tergent Lubricating Oil sump level This is important as it 5 Remove air filter Carefully seal air may be necessary to add oil to com intake opening with waterproofed adhes pensate for the oil that is required ive tape or some other suitable medium to fill the engines internal oil 6 Seal the exhaust outlet at the most ac passages and oil filter Add oil as cessible location as close to the en necessary Change oil in transmission gine as possible Use SAE 30 High Detergent Lubricating 7 Remove injectors and spray oil into Oil Service DG DM or DS Do not cylinders overfill See note below 8 Replace injectors with new sealing washer under each injector Turn NOTE slowly over compression IT IS MANDATORY THAT THE CHECKS 3 4 5 9 Top off fuel tank completely so that noAND 6 BE ATTENDED TO WHEN TOTAL OPERATING air space remains thereby preventingTIME REACHES 150 HOURS IN SOME INSTANCES water formation by TOTAL IS REACHED BEFORE END OF SEASON 10 Leave fuel system full of fuel 11 Change fuel filters before putting the 7 Clean Air Filter The time period for engine back in service replacing the air filter depends on 12 Wipe engine with a coat of oil or operating conditions therefore under grease extremely dirty conditions the season 13 Change oil in transmission al frequency should be increased The 14 Disconnect battery and store in fully correct time periods for replacing the charged condition Before storing the filter will greatly assist in reducing battery the battery terminals and bore wear thereby extending the life cable connectors should be treated to of the engine prevent corrosion Recharge battery 8 Check engine for loose bolts nuts every 30 days etc 15 Check alignment 9 Check sea water pump for leaks 10 Wash primary filter bowl and screen If filter bowl contains water or sedi ment filter bowl and secondary oil fuel filter need to be cleaned more frequently 11 Replace secondary fuel filter element 12 Replace air filterEND OF SEASON SERVICE1 Drain fresh water cooling system by re moving the surge tank pressure cap and opening all water system petcocks2 Remove zinc rod usually located in heat exchanger and see if it needs replacing The zinc rod will take care of any electrolysis that may occur between dissimilar metals Insert new zinc if necessary 23 LUBRICATING OILS Lubricating oils are available for Westerbeke Diesel engines which offer an of performance to meet the requirements of modern operating conditions such assustained high speeds and temperatures These oils meet the requirements of the U S Ordnance Specification MILL2l04BAPI Service CC Any other oils which also conform to these specifications but arenot listed here are of course also suitable SAE DESIGNATION COMPANY BRAND 0045 0F 45 0 80 0 F OVER 80 0FAmerican Oil Co American Supermil Motor Oil lOW 20W20 30BP Canada Limited BP Vanellus lOW 20W20 30 BP Vanellus 10W30 10W30 10W30Chevron Oil Co RPM DELO MultiService Oil lOW 20W20 30Cities Service Oil Co CITGO Extra Range lOW 20W20 30Continental Oil Co CONOCO TRACON OIL lOW 20W20 30Gulf Oil Corporation Gulflube Motor Oil XHD lOW 20W20 30Mobile Oil Company Delvac 1200 Series 1210 1220 1230Shell Oil Company Shell Rotella Tail lOW 20W20 30Sun Oil Company Subfleet MILB lOW 20W20 30Texaco Inc Ursa Oil Extra Duty lOW 20W20 3024 YOUR NOTES 25 ENGINE OVERHAUL Type Number of cylinders 4 Bore 28745 to 28760 in 73012 to 7305 mm Maximum oversize bore l1nlinered cylinder o40 in 102 mm Linered cylinder 020 in 51 mm Stroke 35 in 889 mm Capacity 9088 cu in 1489 cc Compression ratio 23 1 Firing order 1 3 4 2 Torque 64 lb ft 885 kg m at 1900 rpm Idling speed 300 rpm Max continuous speed 2500 rpm Angle of installation 12 0 max Cylinder head Valve seat angle 45 Valve seat face width 089 in 229 mm Valves Position Overhead Lift 317 in 803 mm Diameter Head Iolet 1370 to 1375 in 348 to 349 mm Exhaust 1151 to 1156 in 292 to 294 mm Stem Inlet 3422 to 3427 in 869 to 870 mm Exhaust 34175 to 34225 in 868 to 869 mm Stem guide clearance Inlet 00 5 to 0025 in 04 to 06 mm Exhaust 002 to 003 in 05 to 08 mm Valve rocker clearance Running 015 in 38 mm cold Timing 021 in 53 mm Seat face angle 44 Seat face width 090OIO in 22925 mm Valve guides Length Inlet 2203 in 56 mm Fitted height above head 563m in 1429 mm Diameter Outside 5635 to 5640 in 1431 to 1433 mOl Inside 34425 to 34475 in 874 to 876 mm Oversizes outer diameter j 010 in 25 mm Valve springs Free length Inner 1875 in 4763 mm Outer 22343 in 5675 mm Fitted length Inner 14375 in 3651 mm Outer 15625 in 3969 mm Pressure Valve closed Inner 20llb 907454 kg Outer 5052 lb 22907907 kg Working coils Inner 61 Outer 5 Wire diameter Inner 104 in 264 mm Outer 144 in 366 mm Core diameter Inner 715 to 730 in 1816 to 1854 mm Outer 993 to 1007 in 2522 to 2558 mm Tappets Type Flat base barrel type Diameter 81125 to 81175 in 2060 to 2062 mm Oversizes 010 in 020 in 25 mm 51 mm26 SPECIFICATIONS continued Rocken Bushes Inside diameter reamed in position 6255 to 626 in 1589 to 1590 mm Bore of arm 7485 to 7495 in 1901 to 1903 mm Rocker ratio 141 Pistoas Material and type Aluminium solid skirt Clearance at bottom of skirt 0036 to 043 in 091 to 109 mm Width of ring groove Compression No1 00816 to 0826 in 207 to 210 mm Nos 2 and 3 0806 to 0816 in 205 to 207 mm Oil control 1578 to 1588 in 401 to 403 mm Oversizes 010 in 020 in 030 in 040 in 25 mm 51 mm 76mm 102mm Piston rings Number 3 compression I chromeplated 2 tapered 2 oil control Width Compression 0771 to 0781 in 196 to 198 mm Oil control 1552 to 1562 in 394 to 397 mm Fitted gap No 1 compression 012 to 020 in 30 to 51 mm Nos 2 and 3 compression and oil control 008 to 013 in 20 to 33 mm Clearance in groove No1 compression 0035 to 0055 in 09 to 14 mm Nos 2 and 3 compression 0025 to 0045 in 06 to 11 mm Oil control 002 to 04 in 05 to 10 mm Oversizes 010 in 020 in 030 in 040 in 25 mm 51 mm 76 mm 1002 mm Gnclgeon pins Type Floating located in piston by circlips Fit In piston 00035 in 009 mm clearance to 00005 in 001 mm interference In connecting rod 0002 to 0009 in 005 to 023 mm Diameter 9998 to 1000 in 2539 to 254 mm Length 2360 to 2375 in 5994 to 6032 mm Crankshaft Journal diameter 20005 to 2001 in 50813 to 50825 mm Crankpin diameter 20005 to 2001 in 50813 to 50825 nun Undersizes journals and crankpins 010 in 020 in 25 mm 51 mm Endfioat taken on thrust washer at centre main bearing 002 to 003 in 05 to 08 mm Main bearings Number and type 3 shell type Material Steelbacked copperlead Length 1213 to 1223 in 3081 to 3106 mm Inner diameter 20025 to 20032 in 50863 to 50881 mm Running clearance 0010 to 0027 in 025 to 068 mm Undersizes for reground journals 010 in 020 in 25 mm 51 mm Connecting rods Length centres 6498 to 6502 in 16505 to 16515 mm Sideclearance 008 to 012 in 20 to 30 mm Smallend bush inner diameter reamed in position 10002 to 10007 in 2540 to 2542 mm Bigend bearings Material Steelbacked copperlead Length 963 to 973 in 2446 to 2471 mm Diameter Inner 20025 to 20032 in 50863 to 50881 mm Running clearance 001 to 0027 in 025 to 068 mm Undersizes for reground crankpins o 010 in 020 in 25 mm 51 mm 27 SPECIFICATIONS con tin u e d Camsbaft Journal diameter Front 178875 to 178925 in 45434 to 45447 mm Centre 172875 to 172925 in 43910 to 43922 mm Rear 162275 to 162325 in 41218 to 41231 mm Endfioat taken on thrust plate at front end 003 to 007 in 08 to 18 mm Camshaft beariDp Number 3 Type Steelbacked white metal Inner diameter reamed in position Front 179025 to 179075 in 45472 to 45485 mm Centre 173025 to 173075 in 43948 to 43961 mm Rear 162425 to 162475 in 41256 to 41269 mm Running clearance 001 to 002 in 025 to 051 mm Valye timine Chain pitch 375 in 9525 mm Number of pitches 54 Chain type Duplex roller Valve to rocker clearance Running 015 in 38 mm Timing check 021 in 53 mm Inlet valve Opens 5 BTDC Closes 45 AB DC With 021 in 53 mm valve Exhaust valve Opens 45 BBDC rocker clearance Closes 5 ATOC Timing markings Dimples on timing wheels timing disc on crankshaft pulley and pointer on crankcase front cover Tensioner type Renold springloaded slipper type with oil feedFlywheel Diameter 11375 in 289 mmLubrication System Pressure Pump type Eccentric rotor External filter Tecalemit fullflow Oil pressure Idling 15 Ibsq ill 105 kgcm l Normal running SO Ibsq in 352 kgcm I Release valve spring Free length 2859 in 7264 mm Fitted lensth 2156 in 5477 mm at 13 lb 612 kg load Kecommended lubrication oil See Page BI TRANSMISSIONS SAO Direct Drive 21 RG SAOV Vee drive Direct Drive 167 1 and 2 1 RG RB Freewheeling sailing gear 191RG or Warner Gear All ratios Propeller rotation All left hand except Warner 1 91 1ENGINE MOUNTS All Models Flexible SYSTEM Type Centrifugal Pump Thermostat Thermostat Setting 176Fto 183F Water Capacity Fresh 7 Qualts28 SPECIFICATIONS con tin u e d FUEL SYSTEM Lift pump AC mechanical Type U Static pressure no delivery S Ibsq in 3S kgcmW Injection pump CAV 1st type DPA3246496 2nd type DPA3246776 or DPA3246776B 3rd type DPA3246847 Injectors CAV PiDtaux Nozzle type Early engines BDNOSPC6209 Later engines BDNOSPC6389 Nozzle holder type Early engines DKB3SSDS091 Later engines DKB3SSDSIU Opening pressure 135 atmospheres Main filter CAV bowlless Type FS583602O Static injection timing 22 BTDC fully retarded CAPACITIES Sump including filter 45 Quarts TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS Engine Cylinder head nuts 71 lb ft 98 kg m Main bearing nuts 75 lb n 1037 kg m Bigend bolts 3S lb n 485 kg m Flywheel nuts 37 lb ft 5007 kg m Injector securing nuts 12 lb ft 17 kg m Injector nozzle nut SO lb n 70 kg m Rocker bracket nuts 25 lb It 304 kg m Manifold nuts IS lb ft 21 kg m Engine rear distance piece bolts in 20 lb ft 28 kg m tin 30 lb ft 41 kg m Water pump bolts 17 lb ft 23 kg m Fuel injection pump Governor housing securing screws 40 lb in 046 kg m Distributor rotor screw 28 lb in 32 kg m Cam advance screw 400 lb in 46 kg m Drive plate screw Direct 160 Ib in 185 kg m Indirect Ring spanner and torque adaptor centres at 26 in 66 mm 140 lb in 61 kg m Ring spanner and torque adaptor cenlres at 5 in 127 mm 115 lb in 132 kg m Transfer pump rotor 65 lb in 75 kg m End plate set bolt 45 lb in 52 kg m Hydraulic head locating fitting 35 lb in 405 kg m Advance unit housing cap nut 110 lb in 1251g m Advance unit housing stu1 60 lb in 9 kg m Advance unit hOllsing pring cap and end plu 250 lb in 29 kg m Hydraulic head lockil screw 170tbintl 96kgm Highpressure outlet unions and banjo pipe bolts 270 I in 3l kg m Control and shutotT lever bolt or nut 30 lb in 34 kg m Fuel inlet connection 360 lb in 415 kg m Add 5 atmospheres to the opening pressure when letting new injectOR or after fittin DeW sprinp to allow Cor settIiDa or tho UUecor components A SECTION A THE ENGINE Section Bigend and replacing A13 Camshaft Linersremoving and replacing A3S Removing and replacing A34 Crankcase front coverremoving and replacing A30 Crankshaft and main and replacing A39 Cylinder headremoving and replacing A18 Cylinder linersfitting A41 Decarbonizing A2S Description AI Engine front plateremoving and replacing A37 and replacing A36 Flywheel starter ringremoving and replacing A40 Fuel injection pump Driving gear lubricator and lubricator filter gauzeremoving and repladng A6 Driving and replacing A33 Gearbox distance pieceremoving and replacing A3S Inlet and exhaust and replacing A17 Lubrication system A3 Oil filterexternal AS Oil pressure AS Oil pressure release valve A7 Oil pump Dismantling and reassembling A12 Removing and replacing All Oil and replacing AtO Piston and connecting rod Dismantling and reassembling A20 Removing and replacing A19 Piston ringsremoving and replacing A21 Piston sizes and cylinder bores A22 Service tools End of Section Sump Draining A4 Removing and replacing A9 and replacing A27 Timing chain Removing and replacing A32 and replacing A31 Valves Grinding A24 Guidesremoving and replacing A26 Removing and replacing A23 Timing check A29 Valve rocker A2S Valve rocker shaft Bushesremoving and replacing A16 Dismantling and reassembling AIS Removing and replacing Al4 Valve seat insertsfitting ArJSIitre DieselSecond Edition Issue I 60740 11 1 11111111 111 I I I I 1 11 I 11111111 1111 THE ENGINE Longitudinal SectionI AaoqOI 111 1 11111111111111 I 1 1111111 111111 I 1 2 41r A THE ENGINE Transverse Section i A8091J 11 1111111 h 25 22 26 J iI r 27 I i l 39 1 l t 1 1 I i i I I I I 121 I AlOne J 111 11111111111 11111111 1111 1111111 1 II 11111111 KEY TO THE ENGINE EXTERNAL COMPONENTS No Description No Description No Description i I I Gearbox distance piece 45 Sump 88 i 2 3 Joint washer for distance piece Screw for distance piece 46 47 Drain plug for sump Washer for drain plug 89 Thermostat Thermal transmitter I 90 Valve rocker cover 4 Locking washer for screw 48 Joint washer for sump 91 Joint washer for valve rocker cover 5 Locking washer for screw 49 Screw assembly for sump 92 Rubber bush for valve rocker cover 6 7 Locking washer for screw Screw for distance piece 50 51 Cylinder head Plug for water jet boss and air vent 93 94 Cup washer for valve rocker cover Cap nut for valve rocker cover t I 8 9 Locking washer for screw Locking washer for screw 52 53 Plug for oil hole Plug for core support hole 95 96 Washer for cap nut Exhaust manifold I I 10 Crankcase front cover 54 Plug for core support hole 97 Air inlet manifold 11 12 13 Joint washer for front cover Screw for front cover to front plate Washer plate for screw 55 56 57 Welch plug Combustion chamber inscrt Ball for insert 98 99 100 Joint washer Hub for fuellDJcction pump Joint washer for injection pump hub I S f 14 Spring washer for screw 58 Joint washer for cylinder head 101 Screw for injection pump hub i 15 Screw for front cover and plate to crankcase 59 Washer for cylinder head stud 102 Joint washer for fuel injection pump i t 16 17 Washer plate for screw Spring washer for screw 60 62 Nut for cylinder head stud Heater plug 103 104 Timing indicator Screw for indicator S i I 18 19 Screw for front cover to bearing cap Washer plate for screw 63 64 Connection for heater plug Fuel injector assembly 105 106 Plain washer for screw Spring washer for screw S f I f 20 21 22 23 24 Spring washer for screw Crankshaft oil seal Cylinder side cover with elbowrear Cylinder side coverfront Joint washer for side cover 65 66 67 68 69 Joint washer for injector nozzle holder Hcat shield for injector nozzle Washer for heat shield Seal washer for injector atomizer Stud for injector nozzle holder 107 108 109 110 Ill Cylinder and crankcase assembly Welch plug Main bearing stud Camshaft front bearing liner Screwed plug for oil gallery i I 25 26 Screw for side cover Washer for screw 70 71 Plain washer for stud Spring washer or stud ll2 113 Washer for plug Plug for oil gallery i i 27 28 Crankcase vent pipe Screw for vent pipe clip 72 73 Nut for stud Banjo bolt for injector leakoff pipe ll4 lI5 Cap for front main bearing Cap for centre main bearing ii 29 Plain washer for screw 74 Washer for banjo bolt 116 Cap for rear main bearing 30 Dynamo rear bracket 75 Fuel leakoff pipe for injectors ll7 Joint for front and rear main bearing cap f 31 Screw for dynamo bracket 76 Short stud for rocker bracket ll8 Spring washer for main bearing cap stud i 32 33 Spring washer for screw Pillar for dynamo adjusting link 77 78 Long stud for rocker bracket Stud for water outlet elbow ll9 120 Nut for main bearing cap stud Engine front mounting plate t 34 35 Spring washer for pillar Nut for piUar 79 80 Stud for exhaust manifold Stud for air and exhaust manifold 121 122 Joint washer for mounting plate Screw for front mounting plate i 36 37 38 Nut for link to pillar Plain washer for nut Spring washer for nut 81 82 83 Clamp wdsher for air and exhaust manifold Plain washer for air and exhaust manifold Nut for air and exhaust manifold 123 124 125 Spring washer for screw Long stud for cylinder head Short stud for cylinder head I 39 Dynamo adjusting link 84 Water outlet elbow 126 Stud for fuel injection pump 41 Oil gause union 85 Joint washer for water outlet elbow 127 Water drain tap 42 Washer for union 86 Plain washer for stud 128 Washer for drain tap 43 Oil level indicator 87 Nut or stud 129 Dust cap for oil level indicator 44 Guide tube for oil level indicatort J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIII 11 1 111 11111 0 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 11 1 1 111 11111111 11 1111 1 1111111 I II 11 11 1111111 1111 111 THE ENGINE INTERNAL COMPONENTS 12 lJIf 111 65 ft9 i 9 1 1 i j t I f f i 1 y j 37 IJ f i38 jiiP f i I I i I t l i i I I O Ii 5 I I 7 I i I I f 5251 t t 57 i AOf3 I 11 1111 1 11 11 111 KEY TO THE ENGINE INTERNAL COMPONENTS No Description No Description No Description I Valve rocker shaft 33 Spring washer 70 Piston ringNos 4 and 5oil control 2 Rocker spacing spring 34 Set screwlong 71 Camshaft 3 Rocker brackettapped 35 Spring washer 72 Camshaft locating plate 4 Rocker bracketplain 36 Oil strainer 73 Screw for locating plate 5 Spring 37 Set screw 74 Shakeproof washer for screw 6 Rocker shaft washer 38 Spring washer 75 Camshaft gear 7 Split cotter pin 39 Joint washer for oil strainer 76 Key for camshaft gear 8 Valve rocker 46 Oil pump driving spindle 77 Nut for camshaft gear 9 Valve rocker bush 47 Fuel injection pump driving spindle 78 Lock washer for nut 10 Tappet adjusting screw 48 Connecting rod assemblyNos I and 3 79 Timing chain tensioner slipper head II Adjusting screw locknut 49 Connecting rod and capNos 2 and 4 80 Cylinder for chain tensioner 12 Rocker shaft locating screw SO Connecting rod bearing 81 Spring for chain tensioner 13 Locking plate for locating screw S Bolt for connecting rod cap 82 Body for chain tensioner 14 Plain washer for rocker bracket stud 52 Lock washer for bolt 83 Tensioner backplate 15 Spring washer for rocker bracket stud 53 Bush for connecting rod littleend 84 Joint washer for tensioner body 16 17 18 Nut for rocker bracket stud Tappet Pushrod 54 5S 56 Crankshaft Crankshaft main bearing Crankshaft thrust washerupper 85 Plug for tensioner body 86 Lock washer for plug 87 Bolt for tensioner I 19 70 21 Screwed plug for rocker shaft Plain plug for rocker shaft Crankshaft pulley and vibration damper 57 58 59 Crankshaft thrust washerlower Bolt for flywheel Nut for flywheel bolt 88 Lock washer for bolt 89 Timing chain 90 Inlet valve I f 22 23 Timing disc Screw for timing disc 60 61 Lock washer for nut Crankshaft gear 91 Exhaust valve 92 Outer valve spring i 24 Starting nut 62 Crankshaft gear and pulley key 93 Inner valve spring 25 Lock washer for starting nut 63 Crankshaft gear packing washer 94 Valve spring bottom collar 26 Flywheel assembly 64 Crankshaft oil throwerfront 95 Valve guide shroud 27 Starter ring 65 Piston 96 Valve packing ring 28 Oil pump body 66 Gudgeon pin 97 Valve cotter 29 Dowel 67 Circlip for gudgeon pin 98 Orclip for valve cotter 30 Oil pump rotor assembly 68 Piston ringNo lcompression 99 Valve spring cap 31 Oil pump cover 69 Piston ringNos 2 and 3compression 100 Valve guide 32 Set screwshort A THE ENGINE timing chain is of the doubleroller type and a slipperSection AI type oilfed timing chain tensioner is fitted The forgedsteel crankshaft is sup ported by three main bearings of generous dimensions to DESCRIPTION give adequate bearing surfaces in order to withstand the The Westerbeke 25 HP diesel engine is of the indirect considerable loads experienced in diesel engines Theinjection type with four cylinders having a nominal bearings are of the steel shell type lined with leadcopperbore of 2875 in 73 mm and a stroke of 35 in Crankshaft thrust washers of steelbacked white metal889 mm with a compression ratio of 23 1 are fitted on each side of the centre main bearing The cylinder block and crankcase is a onepiece casting The connecting rods are ofHsection forged steel withIn ighquality cast iron ensuring maximum rigidity and renewable big and sma11end bearings Like the mainstrelgth Fulllength water jackets are provided so that bearings the bigend bearings are of the steel shell typeeven cylinder temperatures alld high wear resistance are lined with The bigends are diagonally split to permit the pistons The cylinder head carries the valve operating gear and connecting rods to be withdrawn upwards throughinlet and exhaust valves fuel injectors and heater plugs the cylinder boresLarge circulation passages are cast in the head ensuring Oil jet holes are drilled in the upper halves of theadequate cooling The combustion chambers are the bigends and these supply the cylinder walls with Comet V type The combustion intake exhaust lubrication The smallends are fitted with Clevite bushesmanifold and expansion tank is a one piece aluminum Aluminium pistons of the solid skirt type are fittedcasting mounted to the lefthand side of the cylinder head and a specially shaped crown is incorporated to suit the of the combustion chamber A quickly detachable rocker cover embodying an oil Three compression and two oil control rings are fittedfiller encloses the overhead valve gear which is pushrod and the floatingtype gudgeon pin is secured in by means of circlips The top compression ring is chrome The forgedsteel camshaft is mounted in the lefthand plated while the peripheries of the other two are taperedside of the cylinder block and is supported by three white Inlet valves of large head diameter are used to promotemetal bearings The cam profiles are designed to prevent good charging and oil seals are fitted to the stems of allsurge and to givl quiet operation of the valve gear The valves A8STARBOARD AND PORT VIEWS MODEL FOUR91 A9A IIIIII 111111 11111 11111 III Irn Z 0 B i I 8 t I rJ I 4r I I I tl 11111 1I1t 111 111111111111 1111111 II 11 11111 111111110 THE ENGINE A The oil pump is of the eccentric rotor nondraining and crankshaft to the main bigend and camshafttype and is driven from the camshaft bearings and the fuel injection pump drive coupling A fullflow oil filter is mounted on the side of the From the camshaft rear bearing oil at reduced pressure crankcase is fed through drilled passages in the crankcase cylinder The fuel injection pump is of the CAV distributor head rocker shaft rear bracket and rocker shaft to the type incorporating an automatic advance device and a valve rockers and adjusting screws Surplus oil from the governor both of which are hydraulically operated The valve rockers returns to the sump via the pushrod pump is flangemounted on the righthand side of the tunnels to lubricate the tappets From the front camshaft engine and is driven by the camshaft through a shaft and bearing oil is supplied at reduced pressure to the timing gear mounted transversely in the crankcase chain tensioner through a drilled passage in the front of The fuel lift pump is of the AC mechanical type and the cylinder block to lubricate the timing chain Surplus is driven by the engine camshaft Fuel oil is delivered to oil from the timing chain returns to the sump through the injection pump via an external filter of the CAV two holes in the front main bearing cap Lubrication of bowlless type having a renewable paper element the cylinder bores is effected by jet holes drilled in the CA V Pintauxtype fuel injection nozzles are used connecting rod bigend bearings and a leakoff pipe returns any backleakage of fuel from the injector nozzles to the supply side of the fuel system Section A4 The leakoff pipe is connected to the main fuel filter to provide continuous airventing of the filter and to prevent DRAINING THE SUMP the buildup of excessive pressure inside the filter The sump is pumped out by attaching a 38 A centrifugal fresh water pump mounted on the front of ID hose over the dip stick tube This operathe cylinder block and the raw water pump mounted below tion should be performed immediately after athe combmatlon manIfolds and expansion tank along with run while oil is hot Refill at once with new oilthe alternator are belt driven from the crankshaft pully of the same brand and gradeThe cooling system is controlled by a thermostat in the Section AScylinder head EXTERNAL OIL FILTER The external filter is of the fullBow type thus ensuring that all oil in the lubrication ircuit passes through the filter before reaching the bearings Oil is passed through the filter from the pump at a pressure controlled at 50 lbsq in 35 kgem by the engine oil pressure release valveSection A3 Should the filter become completely choked due to neglect a balance valve is provided to ensure that oil LUBRICATION SYSTEM will still reach the bearings The oil supply is carried in the sump below the The filter element is removed by block and the filler cap is fitted on the valve the case from its base A small amount of spillrocker cover The oil level indicator rod is on the right age will occur when this is done and a smallhand side of the engine and is marked to indicate both waste container should be held underneath asthe maximum and minimum leels the element is unscrewed An eccentricrotor oil pumplocated in the lefthand side of the crankcase is drivenfrom the camshaft Oil is drawn through a gauze inside the sump and is delivered through in the crankcase to the fuel injection pump drivegear lubricator and the oil pump driving spindle via apenciltype filter gauze and to a nonadjustable plungertype release valve all of which are located at the rear ofthe crankcase on the lefthand side From the release valveoil is fed through a drilling across the rear of the crankcase and a horizontal feed gallery in the righthand sideof the crankcase to the external fullflowtype oil filterFrom the cle3l1 side of the filter oil passes through the oilcooler into main oil gallery and then through drillings in the crankcase A11A THE ENGINE When reassembling ensure that the copper joint washers are in good condition and wiII make an oiltight joint Section A7 OIL PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE The nonadjustable oil pressure release valve is situated at the rear on the lefthand side of the crankcase and is held in position by a large hexagon nut sealed by a fibre washer The release valve spring maintains a valve cup against a seating machined in the cylinder block During major overhauls or in the event of low oil pressure when it is known that all other components of the engine are in good condition the release valve should be removed using tool 18G69 and examined to ensure that the cup is seating correctly and that the spring has not lost its tension If the valve cup is scored or shows signs of wear it should be renewed The release valve spring should be checked by measur ing its free length it should be renewed if it is below the specification given in the GENERAL DATA section The valve seating can be checked by applying engineers blue to the conical face of the valve and testing for continuous marking Should the seating be damaged the valve cup mut be lapped in using valve grindingin tool 18G69Section A6 FUEL INJECTION PUMP DRIVING GEAR LUBRICATOR AND LUBRICATOR FILTER GAUZE The fuel injection pump driviog gear is through a lubricator and lubricator filter igauze both of which are screwed into tappings in themain feed passage from the oil pump on the lefthandside of the engine J A474ttAW At every alternate engine oil change tht lubricator andthe filter gauze should be withdrawn and cleaned in Fig A2petrol A stiff brush should be used to remove the Location of the fuel injection pump driving earparticles of sludge from the filter gauze and the lubri lubricator and the lubricator filter on the left mdcator should be blown clean with compressed air side of the crankcaseA12 THE ENGINE A Pump out sump Refer to Section A4 Remove dipstick Remove dipstick tube bracket Disconnect dipstick tube ferrule nut and remove tube Unscrew the 19 securing bolts with washers and detach the sump from the crankcase Clean the sump thoroughly with paraffin allow to dry and blowout any residue with compressed air Before refitting the sump to the crankcase inspect the front and rear main bearing cap cork seals and the sump to crankcase joint washer If the seals and joint washer Fig A3 are found to be in good condition and have not been Removing lire oil pressure release Iaile cup with tool damaged during removal of the sump they may be used 18G69 again but it is always advisable to renew the sump joint washerSection A8 When fitting a new sump to crankcase joint washer clean the joint faces on the sump and crankcase ensuring that all traces of the old joint washer are removed Smear OIL PRESSURE the crankcase joint face with grease and place the new Provided the oil filter element is clean and in good joint washer in position Lift the sump into position andcondition the oil pressure during normal running and install the securing screws tightening them in a diagonalwhen the engine is idling should be in accordance with sequence commencing at the centre and working outthe figures given in the GENERAL DATA section As wards to the ends of the sumpthe filter element becomes choked the pressure willbecome progressively less and on an engine known tobe in good condition a drop of between 10 to 15Ibsq in7 to 10 kgfcm below the normal pressure is anindication that the filter element has become choked and Section AIOis being bypassed This can be remedied by renewingthe oil filter element REMOVING AND REPLACING Should there be a noticeable drop in oil pressure THE OIL STRAINERwhen it is known that the oil filter element is in a good Remove the sump as described in Section A9and clean condition the following points should be The oil strainer is mounted direct onto the base ofchecked the oil pump and is removed by unscrewing the three I Ensure that there is a good supply of the correct set screws and spring washers which secure it to the oil grade of oil in the engine sump pump cover 2 Check the oil pressure release valve Section A7 Clean the strainer in kerosene using a stiff bruh to 3 Check the operation of the oil pressure gauge by dislodge the sludge particles from the strainer gauze substitution Replacement is a reversal of the procedure to remove 4 Ensure that the oil strainer in the engine sump is renewing the strainer to oil pump joint washer clean and not choked with foreign matter 5 Check the oil pump for correct operation and wear Section A12 ensuring that there is no air leakage between the pump cover and body Section AII 6 Check that the working clearance of aU bearings to which oil is supplied under pressure is not excessive REMOVING AND REPLACING THE see GENERAL DATA OIL PUMP AND DRIVING SPINDLE Remove the sump and oJl strainer as described in Sections A9 and AtOSection A9 Unscrew and remove the three nuts with plain and spring washers securing the pump to the crankcase and REMOVING AND REPLACING THE SUMP withdraw the pump Remove the drain plug which is located on the left Remove the pump to crankcase joint washerhand side of the sump and drain the contents into a Before the oil pump driving spindle can be withe wnsuitable container the fuel injection pump and the fuel injection pump A13A THE ENGINE 1 Lubricate all parts with clean engine oil 2 Ensure that the outer rotor is installed in the pump body with its chamfered end at the driving end of the rotor pocket in the pump body 3 After reassembling check the pump for freedom of action Section A13 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE BIGEND BEARINGS Remove the sump oil strainer and oil pump Sections Fig A4 A9 AlO and AIl Unlock and remove the bigend bearing cap bolts The lobe cleaa1lce should not exceed 006 in withdraw the bearing caps detach the connecting rods 152 mm when the oil pump rotors are in the posi from the crankshaft and extract the bearing liners tions illustrated As the bearings are of the shimless type it is essential that no attempt be made to adjust them Worn spindle must be removed as described in Sections should always be renewedDl2 and A33 The bearing liners are located in their housings by a Replacement is a reversal of the foregoing procedure small tag on one side of each liner engaging a a new oil pump to crankcase joint washer ing groove in the connecting rod and bearing cap It should be noted that the bearings are fitted so that the tags are on the same joint edge of the bearing housingSection A12 although on opposite corners Connecting rods and bearing caps are mated pairs and DISMANTLING AND REASSEMBLING a bearing cap must only be refitted to the connecting rod THE OIL PUMP from which it was originally taken To assist when reassembling both the connecting rod and cap are Unscrew the two securing screws and carefully with stamped with the cylinder number to which it is fitteddraw the cover which is located on the base of the oil as shown in Fig A6 Bearing liners have no such markpump body by two dowels ings and when used liners are to be refitted they should Withdraw the outer rotor and the inner rotor complete be suitably marked with the position in the connectingwith oil pump shaft from the pump body rodthat is rod half or cap halfand the connecting Thoroughly clean all parts inkeFosine and inspect them rod numberfor wear The rotor endfloat and lobe clearances should A punch should not be used to mark the linersbe checked as follows Replacement is a reversal of the foregoing procedure 1 Install the rotors in the pump body place a lubricating the crankpins and bearing liners liberally with straightedge across the joint face of the pump clean engine oil and fitting new bearing cap bolt lock body and measure the clearance between the top washers Tighten the bearing cap bolts to the torque face of the rotors and the under side of the straightedge The clearance should not exceed 005 in 127 mm In cases where the clearance is excessive this may be remedied by removing the two cover locating dowels and carefully lapping the joint face of the pump body 2 Check the diametrical clearance between the outer rotor and the rotor pocket in the pump body If this exceeds 010 in 254 mm and cannot be remedied by the renewal of either the pump body or the rotors then the pump assembly should be renewed 3 With the rotors installed in the pump body measure the clearance between the rotor lobes when they are in the positions shown in Fig A4 If the clearance is in excess of 006 in 152 mm the rotors must be renewed Fig A5 Reassembly is a reversal of the dismantling procedure Checking the oil pump rotor endJIoat which sir dnoting the following points not exceed 005 in 127 mmAl4 THE ENGINE A Section AIS DISMANTLING AND REASSEMBLING THE VALVE ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY Unscrew and remove the rocker shaft locating screw from the rocker shaft rear mounting bracket Withdraw the split pin and plain and spring washers c from each end of the valve rocker shaft and slide off the rockers brackets and spacing springs noting their positions on the rocker shaft Unscrew the plug from the front end of the rocker shaft the plug in the rear end of the rocker shaft is a drive fit and should not normally be removed Thoroughly clean all components with kerosene dry and then clear the oil ways in the rear rocker bracket rocker shaft and valve rockers with compressed air Fig A6 When reassembling commence with the rear bracket and secure the rocker shaft in position ensuring that the The connecting rod bigend bearing locating tags A dowel end of the locating screw properly engages the and grooles B The figures c indicate the cylinder locating hole in the rocker shaft The valve rockers and from which the rod and cap were remoled remaining rocker brackets are but used parts should be replaced on the rocker shaft in their original positionfigure given in the GENERAL DATA section usingtorque wrench ISG372 Section A16Section A14 REMOVING AND REPLACIG ROCKER BUSHES Remove and dismantle the rocker shaft Sections A14 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE and A15 VALVE ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY To remove and replace worn rocker bushes the use of Unscrew the two nuts securing the valve rocker cover Service tool lSG226 is recommended the bushes and thewithdraw the plain washers cup washers and sealing rockers can be very easily damaged by using and lift off the valve cover taking care not to drifts Place the rocker on the anvil and drive out thedamage the cork gasket worn bush Fig A7 Place a new bush on the driver and position the bush Slacken the 14 cylinder head nuts a turn at a time in with the butt joint at the top of the rocker bore and thethe order shown in Fig A9 until the load has been oil groove in the bush at the bottom of the rocker borereleased Spanner ISG694 should be used to slacken the as shown in Fig ASthree nuts located below the valve rocker shaft This wiIIavoid distortion of the cylinder head as four of the valverocker shaft bracket retaining nuts also serve to retainthe cylinder head Completely unscrew these four nutsand remove the remaining four nuts retaining the rockershaft brackets noting the rocker shaft locating screw lockplate positioned under the righthand nut securing therocker shaft rear bracket Remove the valve rocker shaftcomplete with rockers and brackets Replacement is a reversal of the above the cylinder head retaining nuts to the torquefigure given in the GENERAL DATA section in theorder shown in Fig A9 The nuts should be tightenedhalf a turn at a time with torque wrench ISG372 usingspanner lSG694 to tighten the three nuts located belowthe rocker shaft Before replacing the valve rocker cover check andadjust the valve rocker clearances as described in Section Fig A7A2S Fitting a mire rocker bliSh Ising SeTlice toollSG226 A15 A THE ENGINE The exhaust manifold and manifold gasket can be withdrawn after the two remaining nuts with plain washers securing it to the cylinder head have been removed When reassembling which is a reversal of the above procedure remove all traces of the old gasket from the cylinder head and manifold joint faces and fit a new gasket Do not forget to fit the foremost manifold clamp washer at the same time as the exhaust manifold is fitted Bleed the fuel system Section 010 Fig A8 Showing the correct position for a mhe rocker bush A Oilways n Joint in rockcr bush c Oil groovc It will be necessary to drill the oil holes in the bush to coincide with the oilways in the rocker The oil hole Section AIS to the adjuster end can be drilled before the bush is fitted extra care being taken to keep the holes of the REMOVING AND REPLACING bush and rocker in line during the pressingin operation THE CYLINDER HEAD If the holes are drilled after fitting the following Drain the water from the cooling system procedure should be adopted Remove the adjuster screw Remove the inlet and exhaust manifolds Section A17 and use a 093 in 236 mm drill to drill out the end plug and the valve rocker shaft assembly Section A14 and to continue the oiay through the bush Replug the Withdraw the eight pushrods storing them carefully so end after this operation with a rivet Part No 5C2436 that they may be replaced in their original pmitions and weld the plug into position The oil hole in the top One way of doing this is to punch eight small holes in a of the rocker barrel should be continuld through the piece of cardboard number the holes and insert each bush with a No 47 drill 0785 in 198 mm pushrod into its corresponding hole in the card Finally burnishream the bush to the dimensions Disconnect the fuel feed pipes from the injectors and given in the GENERAL DATA section the injection pump and remove the pipes complete with clamps and damper bushes Seal off the fuel injection pump and the injector unions with sealing caps 180216 to prevent the ingress of foreign matter Remove the remaining 10 cylinder head retaining nuts and washers and lift the cylinder head with a direct pull to withdraw it evenly up the studs NOTEThe cylinder head joint face is machined with Section AI7 the combustion chamber inserts installed As the inserts are a loose fit in the cylinder head they should be removed REMOVING AND REPLACING THE and suitably labelled with their cylinder number so that INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS they may be replaced in their original positions When reassembling which is a reversal of the above procedure ensure that the surface of both the cylinder Close inlet and outlet raw water seacocks Open drain 12tap on right side of cylinder block Open drain taps onbottom of heat exchanger Disconnect hose from Disconnect hoses from heat exchanger adjustment bracket and remove belt Remove the two hoses from raw water pump Disconnect exhaust pipe from integral manifold Remove airfilter Remove bolt securing each end of manifold tocylinder head then remove the remaining four nutsLift off manifold with heat exchanger and water pumpattached Fig A9 Cylillder head nut slackening and tightening seque e Al6 THE ENGINE A clear of the cylinder bore Withdraw the connecting rod and piston from the top of the cylinder block and refit the bearing cap The bigend bearings are offset in the connecting rods the bearings of Nos 1 and 3 connerting rods are offset towards the rear and those for Nos 2 and 4 towards the front When used parts are to be refitted it is essential that they are installed in their original positions To facilitate this each connecting rod and cap is stamped with the cylinder number see Fig A6 to which it was fitted Before fitting new parts should be marked in a similar manner Before replacing the piston and connecting rod which is a reversal of the above procedure set the piston ring gaps at 180 0 to each other Fig AI0 It is essential that the pistons and connecting rods are Spanner I8G 694 and torque wrench 18G 372 are lIsed installed in their own cylinder bores and the same way to tighten the three cylinder head 1S Ivcated below round ie the combustion cavity ill the piston crown the rocker shaft and the oil jet hole ill the bigend bearing must be on the side of the engine opposite to the camshaft Use piston ring compressor 18G 55 A see Fig AlIhead and cylinder hlock arc clell1 Coat both sides of to facilitate the installation of the piston in the bore andthe copper asbestos type glskct with Hylomar SQ32 to avoid the breaking of the piston ringsjointing compound The later compound type gasket Fit new lock washers and tighten the bigend bearingmust be fitted dry One side of the gasket is marked cap bolts to the figurc given in the GENERAL DATAFRONT and TOP fr correct rerlacement section using torquc wrench 18G 372 Replace the pushrods ensuring that each one isinstalled into the position from which it was and refit the valve rocker shaft assembly Tightenthe cylinder head nuts a quarter of a turn at a time in the Section A20order shown in Fig A9 with torque wrench 18G 372 setto break at the torque figure given in the GENERAL DISMANTLING AND section Spanner I8G 694 should be used to A PISTON AND CONNECTING RODtighten the three nuts located below the rocker shaft Remove the two circlips securing the gudgeon pin in Check and adjust the valve rocker clearances as its position using circlip pliers I8G 1004 and press thedescribed in Section A28 gudgeon pin out Suitably mark the pistons and gudgeon Bleed the fuel system of air as described in SectionDlO start the engine and allow it to run at a fastidling speed until it is thoroughly warm Stop the engineremove the valve rocker cover retightcn the cylinderhead nuts as described above and check and adjust thevalve rocker clearances if A19 REMOVIlG AD REPLACIJG A PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD The pistons and connecting rods can be withdrawnonly from the top of the cylinder block Remove the Sllmp as described in Section A9 theoil strainer Section AI 0 tle inlet and exhaust AI7 and the cylinder head Section A18 Unlock and remove the bigend bearing cap boltswithdraw the bearing cap release the connecting rod Fig AlIfrom the crank pin journal and push the connecting rod Refitting a pison and connecting rod using Se iceand piston assembly upwards until the piston rings are too18G 55 A to compress the piston rings AI7A THE ENGINE smoothly ground hacksaw blade or a disused 020 in 50 mm feeler gauge may be used for this operation Raise one end of the ring out of its groove and insert the blade between the ring and the piston Rotate the blade around the piston applying slight upward pressure to the raised portion of the ring until it rests on the land above the ring groove The ring can then be eased off the piston Before refitting the rings clean the grooves in the piston and remove any carbon deposit Care must be taken not to remove any metal or excessive sideplay between the ring and the groove will result with conse quent increased oil consumption and loss of gastightness The periphery of No1 compression ring is chromium plated while the peripheries of Nos 2 and 3 compression rings arc tapered To assist correct reassembly the upper faces of the tapered rings are stamped with the word TOP New rings must be tested in an unworn part of the cylinder bore to ensure that the entis do not butt together Insert the piston into the cylinder bore push the new ring onto the top of the piston to ensure that the ring is square with the cylinder bore and measure the gap with a feeler gauge The correct ring gaps are given in the GENERAL DATA section Fig AI2 Removing a gudgeon pin eireip Ising eirclip pliers 18G 1004 Section A22 pins to facilitate reassemhly to their original connecting PISTONS SIZES AND CYLINDER BORESrods When fitting new pistons selective assembly is neces Check the gudgeon pin and connecting rod littleend sary and to facilitate this the pistons are stamped withbush for wear against the dimensions given in the identification figures on their crowns Oversize pistonsGENERAL DATA section If the littleend bush isworn it should be removed and a new bllSh instaliedusing a light press When fitting a new littleend bush ensure that the buttjoint of the bush is on the camshaft side of the connecting rod that the oil grooves in the bush are at the topof the littleend bore and that the oil holes in the bushand connecting rod are aligned with each other After installing new littleend bushes must be finishreamed to the dimemion given in the GENERALDATA section New gudgeon pins should be fItted by The gudgeon pin should be a hard handpushfit at a room temperature of 20 C 68 0 F When reassembling the piston to the connecting rodensure that the combustion cavity in the piston erownis on the same side of the connecting rod as the oil jethole in the bigend bearing Secure each gudgeon pin in position with the twocirclips ensuring that they fit well into their groovesSection A21 Fig A13 Sho1ling the correct position for a connecting rod REMOVLG AND REPLACING littleend bush PISTON RINGS A Oilway c Bush joint on camshaft sideIn the absence of a special piston ring expander a B Oil groove of connecting rodA18 TIlE ENGINE A Section A23 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE VALVES Remove the inlet and exhaust manifolds Section A17 and the cylinder head Section Al8 Detach the circJips from the valve spring cap retainers compress each pair of valve springs using valve spring compressor 18G45 and detach the two valve cap re tainers from the stem of the valve Release and remove the valve spring compressor and remove the valve spring cap valve guide shroud valve oil seal inner and outer valve springs and valve spring lower collar Withdraw the valves from their guides keeping them in their relative positions when removed from the ngine to ensure replacement in their original valve guides The valves are numbered on their heads I to 8 commencing from the front of the engine If new valves are fitted they should be identified in a similar manner To replace fit each valve mto its guide and install the lower collar inner and outer valve springs valve guide Fig A14 shroud and valve spring cap Remove the eireip and compress the valve springs with Compress the valve springs and fit a new oil seal to the Service tool 18G45 valve stem in the bottom ofthe spring cap retainer groove Do not refit the old seals or oiltightness may be lost with consequent increased oil consumption It will be food that the new seals are more easily fitted if they are soaked iDare marked with the actual oversize dimensions A piston engine oil for a short time before usestamped 020 is only suitable for a bore 020 in 508 Refit the valve spring retainers remove the valve springmm larger than the standard bore similarly pistons compressor and replace the retainer circlipwith other markings are only suitable for the oversize Owing to the limited clearance between the crowns ofbore indicated the pistons and the cylinder head joint face when the After reboring an engine or whenever fitting pistons pistons are in the TDC position it is imperative that thediffering in size from those removed from the engine top faces of the valve heads stand down 018 to 038 inensure that the size of the piston fitted is stamped clearly 46 to 96 mm below the joint face of the cylinder headon the top face of the cylinder block alongside the The dimension is checked by placing a cylinder bore Pistons are available in the across the cylinder head joint face and measuring thesizes indicated in the following table clearance between the under side of the straightedge and the top faces of the valves Valves having a standdown clearance greater than the above limit may adversely affect the engine compression and should be renewed Suitable bore Metric Piston marking size equhalent STANDARD 2R757 to 73043 to 28760 in 73050 mm OVERSIZE 010 in 254 mm 28857 to 73297 to 28860 in 73304 mm 020 in 508 mm 28957 to 73551 to 28960 in 73558 mm 030 in 762 mm 29057 to 73805 to i 29060 in 73812 mm 29157 to Fig A15 040 in 1016 mm 74059 to 29160 in 74066 mm Checking the valve standdown in relation t he cylinder head joint face A19 A THE ENGINE should be ground to its seat with a semirotary motion and occasionally allowed to rise by the pressure of the light coil spring This assists in spreading the paste evenly over the valve face and seat It is necessary to carry out the grinding operation until a dull even mat surface free from blemish is produced on the valve seat and valve face On completion the valve seat and ports should be cleaned thoroughly with a rag soaked in paraffin dried and then thoroughly cleaned by compressed air The vahes should be washed in paraffin and all traces of grinding paste removed A4839 Section A25 Fig A16 DECARBONIZING Grinding ill a lre using Service tool 18G29 Occasionlllly Ii the lalve off its seat to spread the Remoe the inlet and the exhaust manifold Section grinding paste clly over the seat and lQJe face A17 Remove the cylinder head and gasket Section Al8If when fitting new valves the standdown is found to and withdraw the valves as decribed in Section A23 andbe less than the above limit adjustment should be carried the fuel injectors as described in Section D16out hy refacing or grinding the valves Section A24 Plug the waterways in the cylinder head and cylinder block with dean rag If special equipment for decarbonizing is not A24 it will be necessary to scrape thc carbon deposit from the piston crown and the cylinder head using a blunt scraper vAINEGRINDING An odd length of copper tubing with the end flattened Operational efficiency of the and filed up makes an ideal scraping tool which will not engine depends largely on the maintenance of good scratch compression therefore contact between the valve faces A ring of carbon should be left round the periphery and their seatings should be perfect of the piston crown and the rim of carbon round the top Remove the valves as described in Section A23 and of each cylinder bore should not be removed An old clean them thoroughly Examine the face of each valve for signs of pitting any badly pitted valves being either renewed or refaced with a suitable grinder For details of the valve scat angle see the GENERAL DATA section If the valve seats in the cylinder head show signs of pitting or unevenness they should be refaced by the use of the valve seat cutting tools illustrated at the end of Section A When using these tools which save lengthy and wasteful grinding in care must be exercised to remove only as little metal as is necessary to ensure a true seat Worn seats u5ually have a glasshard surface and the glaze breaker should be used to prepare the seat surfacefor any recutting that may be necessary should be used to maintain the valve seats attheir correct width as given in the GENERAL DATA 10 Q section 6 When grinding a valve onto its seating the valve faceshould be smeared lightly with a fine or paste and then lapped to its seat too118G29 Avoid the usc of excessive quanti Fig A17ties of grinding paste and see that it remains in the region Badly pitted valle seats should be refaced usingof the valve seating only Senice tools 18G25 18G25A 18G25B 18G25C A light coil spring placed under the valve head will 18G27 18G167 18G167A 18G167B 18G167Cassist considerably in the process of grinding The valve and 18G174D0420 THE ENGINE A outwards until they protrude 562 in 1423 mm above the machined face of the valve spring seat see Fig A18 Valve guides with an outer diameter 010 in 254 mm oversize are available for fitment where the normal fit bas been impaired during the removal of an old guide Section A27 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE TAPPETS Remove the valve rocker shan assembly Section Al4 and withdraw the pushrods taking care to store them as described in Section A18 so that they may be replaced in their original positions Fig AlS Remove the inlet and exhaust manifolds as described Showing the correct location of the valve guides in Section A17 Dimension A 562m ill I423 mmpiston ring sprung into the bore and resting on the top Remove the two securing bolts and washers andof the piston will facilitate this operation withdraw the two side covers and joint washers The cylinder head is next given attention Remove the Lift out the tappets from their guides in the cylindercarbon deposit from the valves valve ports and cylinder block keeping them in their respective positions so thathead Cleaning of the spherical combustion chamber in they may be replaced in their own guidesthe cylinder head is not necessary as the heat generated New tappets must be fitted by selective assembly so thatduring combustion is such as to prevent the buildup of they just fall into their guides under their own weightcarbon on the walls of the chamber Any accumulation when lubricated with engine oilof carbon in the valve guides should be removed by Worn tappet bores mlly be cleaned up by fine finishdipping the valve stem in kerosene and oscillating machining and tappets 010 in and 020 in 254 mmthe valve in its guide until it is free and 508 mm oversize are available Remove all traces of carbon dust with compressed air Reassembly is a reversal of the foregoing procedureor by the vigorous use of a tire pump and then clean ensuring that the side cover joint washers will make anthoroughly with kerosene and dry off oiltight joint and adjusting the valve to rocker clearances as described in Section A28 Bleed the fuel system Section 010Section A26 REMOVLIG AND REPLACING THE VALVE GUIDES Remove the inlet and exhaust manifolds Section A I 7 Remove the cylinder head Section AIS and theappropriate valve and spring as described in SectionA23 Support the cylinder head with wooden blocks anddrive the valve guide outwards from the exhaust or inletport with a suitable drift The drift should take the formof a hardenedsteel punch 5 in 127 mm in diameterand not less than 5 in 127 em in length with a locatingspigot 312 in 79 mm in diameter machined on oneend for a length of I in 254 cm to engage the bore ofthe guide New valve guides must be fitted in the same direction Fig AI9that is through the inlet or exhaust portand driven Cbecking and adjusting the vahe rocker clearances A21A THE ENGINE Section A29 VALVETIMING CHECK The pointer secured to the under side of the crankcase front cover and the timing disc mounted behind the crankshaft pulley are used to check the valve timing The timing disc has two sets of graduations from 0 to 35 marked at 5 intervals and it is the set of graduations with the zero mark identified 14 which is used for the valvetiming check A pulley with timing marks on the periphery of the vibration damper is installed on later engines The latest engine has a timing mark scribed on the pulley and a degree plate 011 the timing cover Set the valve rocker clearance of No1 cylinder inlet valve to 021 in 53 mm Crank the engine and determine the exact point at which No 1 cylinder inlet valve is about to open A clock gauge mounted on the cylinder head with its indicator in contact with the valve spring cap will Fig A20 facilitate this operation If the valve timing is correct and in accordance with the valvetiming diagram sec Fig The timing mark and timing plate Sholln inset is the A21 No 1 piston will be at 5 BTDC as indicated timing disc and timing poill1er fitted to early engilles by the alignment of the scribed line on the pointer with the 5 mark on the timing discSection A28 Do not omit to reset the inlet valve clearance to 015 in 381 IDOl when the timing check bas been completed ADJUSTING THE VALVE ROCKER CLEARANCES Section A30 If the engine is to give its best performance and the valves arc to retain their maximum useful life it is REMOVING AND REPLACING essential to maintain the correct valve rocker clearance THE CRANKCASE FRONT COVER The correct clearance for both inlet and exhaust valves Drain the cooling system is 015 in 381 mm when the engine is cold and as theengine has been designed to operate with this clearanceno departure from it is permissible Provision for adjusting the valve clearance is made illthe rocker arm by an adjustable screw and locknut The rocker adjusting screw is released by slackeningthe hexagon locknut with a spanner while holding thescrew against rotation with a screwdriver The valveclearance can then be set by carefully rotating the rockerscrew while checking the clearance at the other end of therocker with a feeler gauge This screw is then relockedby tightening the hexagon locknut while again holdingthe screw against rotation It is important to note that when setting the valveclearance the tappet of the valve being operated uponmust be on the back of its camthat is opposite thepeak As the position of the tappet on its cam cannot beobserved and to avoid cranking the engine more than isnecessary rocker adjustment is more easily carried out inthe following order Adjust No1 rocker with No8 valve fully open 3 6 It5 4 SDC ASiOI I 2 7 Fig A21 8 1 6 3 Valvetiming diagram with valve rocker clearance set 4 5 at 021 in 53 mmlnlet valve opens at A and closes 7 2 at D Exhaust valve opens at c and closes at 8A22 THE ENGINE A and adaptor 18Gl34BD see Fig A24 Pack the inner groove of the oil seal with grease to provide initial lubrication To reassemble replace the oil thrower on the crank shaft yith its concave side facing away from the engine Fit a new joint washer and install the crankcase front cover tightening the securing screws fingertight Centralize the crankcase front cover with thr crankshaft using tool 18G3 for early engines and tool HSGI046 for later engines then tighten the set screws to secure the front cover in this position Remove the centralizing tool and refit the crankshaft pulley Section A31 REMOVING DISMANTLING AND REPLACING THE TIMING CHAIN TENSIONER Press back the startinghandle dog locking washer Remove the crankcase front cover Section A30and using spanner 18G98 see Fig A22 unscrew dog from the crankshaft Withdraw the Press back the locking washer and unscrew the plugcrankshaft pulley uing tool 18G2 see Fig A23 from the base of the chain tensioner body Insert a in Unscrew the nine set screws with plain and spring 318 mm Allen key to engage the tensioner securing the crankcas front cover to the engine and turn the key in a clockwise direction to retractnoting the positions from which they are removed in the tensioner slipper into the unloaded position seeorder to facilitate reassembly Withdraw the crankcase Fig A26 Between a half and one fuU tum is aU thatfront cover and joint washer is necessary Unlock and remove the two set bolts and For safe keeping remove the oil thrower from the end withdraw the tensioner assembly tensioner back plateof the crankshaft and joint washer from the engine Remove the oil seal from the crankcase front cover and Withdraw the plunger and slipper assembly from theremove all traces or the joint washer from the joint faces tensioner body and engage the lower end of the cylinderof the front coer and the engine front mounting plate with the Allen key Turn the key clockwise holding the Insert a new oil seal into the crancae front cover key and plunger securely until the cylinder and springwith the lip of the 5eal facing inwards using tool 18G 134 are released from inside the plunger Fig A23 Fig A24 Withdrawing the crankshaft pulley using Senice tool Replacing the oil seal in the crankcase front co 18G2 using Service tool 18G134 and adaptor 18G134DD A23 A THE ENGINE joint washer and the back plate and secure the assembly to the cylinder block After refitting the tensioner check the slipper head for freedom of movement and ensure that it does not bind on the back plate when it is moved in the body Release the tensioner by inserting and turning the Allen key in a clockwise direction until the slipper head moves forward under spring pressure against the timing chain Do not attempt to turn the key antidockwise or force the sUpper head into the chain by external pressure Secure the bolts with the locking plate replace the bottom plug and lock with the tab washer Section A32 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE TIMING CHAIN Remove thc crankcase front over Section A30 and Fig A25 crank the engine until the timing marks on the chain Install the securing screws finger tight and centralize wheels are opposite one another as shown in Fig A26 the crankcase front cover with the crankshaft using This will permit reassembly without the necessity to Service tool 18G3or early engines and tool 18GI046 rotate either the crankshaft or the camshaft for later engines It should be Doted that the valves and pistons will foul and possibly damage each other if the crankshaft and under certain conditions the camshaft are rotated when the Check the bore in the tensioner body for ovality If timing chain has been removed ovality is greater than 003 in 0762 mm when measured If owing to further dismantling of the engine rotation on diameters near the mouth of the bore then the com of the crankshaft or camshaft is found necessary the plete chain tensioner should be renewed valve rocker shaft assembly should be removed as Inspect the slipper head for wear If it is badly worn a described in Section A14 new slipper head and cylinder assembly should be fitted Press back the locking tab and remove the plug from to the existing body provided the bore of the body is the base of the chain tensioner body Insert a i in Allen within the limit given above key to engage the tensioner cylinder and tum the key The components should be cleaned thoroughly in clean in a clockwise direction to retract the tensioner slipper petrol and the 125 in 318 mm diameter inlet oil hole into the unloaded position in the spigot and the 040 in I 02 mm outlet oil hole in the slipper should be cleaned with compressed air before reassembling When the tensioner is in operation and the engine is running oil from the lubrication system enters thespigot on the back face under pressure and lubricatesthe bearing surface through a hole in the slipper padThe pad is held against the chain by the CIi1 spring Should the chain stretch with use the slipper plungerrises and the limiting peg bearing on the top of thehelical slot rotates the cylinder until the next recess in thelower edge of the slot comes into line with the limiting pegand prevents the plunger returning to its original positionand allowing the timing chain to become slack again When reassembling insert the spring in the plungerand place the cylinder on the other end of the spring Compress the spring until the cylinder enters theplunger bore engaging the helical slot with the peg in Fig A26the plunger Hold the assembly compressed in this Crank the engine until the timing dimples 1 and 2position and engage the Allen key Turn the cylinder are opposite each other before removing the until the end of the cylinder is below the peg chain and chain wheels The crain tensioner is retractedand the spring is held compressed Withdraw the key and into the unloaded position by turning the Allen key 3insert the plunger assembly in the body Replace the in a clockwise direction24 THE ENGINE A lock washer using spanner 18G98 to tighten the nut Release the chain tensioner as described in Section A31 and reassemble the remaining components as detailed in Sections A30 and CCl Section A33 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE FUEL INJECTION PUMP DRIVING SPINDLE Remove the fuel injection pump as described in Section 012 Unscrew the countersunk securing screw and withdraw the fuel injection pump hub and joint washer from the crankcase Withdraw the fuel injection pump driving spindle from Fig A27 the crankcase turning the spindle in a clockwise direction Unscrew the camshaft chain heel slCllrng nut with to disengage it from the skew gear on the camshaft spanner l8G98 When refitting the driving spindle No 1 piston must be at 22 BTDC on its compression stroke The engine is set in this position by means of the timing disc on the crankshaft pulley and the pointer secured to the under Knock back the lock washer and using spanner l8G98 side of the crankcase front cover see Fig A20 Itunscrew the camshaft chain wheel securing nut Remove should be noted that the timing disc has two sets ofthe nut lock washer noting that its locating tag fits into timing marks graduated from 0 to 35 in S divisionsthe camshaft chain wheel keyway and it is the set with the zero mark identified 14 which The camshaft and crankshaft chain wheels complete is used for this operation Crank the engine until thewith timing chain may now be withdrawn by easing each inlet valve of No 1 cylinder is just closed No 1 pistonchain wheel forward a fraction at a time with suitable will now be commencing its compression stroke Consmall levers As the crankshaft chain wheel is withdrawn tinue to crank the engine slowly until No 1 piston is atnote the packing washers located on the crankshaft 22 BTDC as indicated by the timing disc and behind the chain wheel To remove these Insert the fuel injection pump driving spindle into thewashers the two halfmoon keys must first be withdrawn crankcase with the master spline of the spindle in thefrom the end of the crankshaft The washers need only be 7 oclock position As the driving spindle engages theremoved when new crankshaft or camshaft componentsare to be fitted in which case realignment of the chainwheels will be necessary To determine the thickness ofpacking washers required assemble and secure the chainwheels to their respective shafts using the and a suitable distance piece to secure the wheel Press both shafts towards the rear of theengine to take up all endfloat Place a the sides of the camshaft chain wheel teeth andmeasure with a feeler gauge the gap between the straightedge and the sides of the teeth on the crankshaft chainwheel see Fig A28 Subtract 005 in 3 mm fromthe feeler gauge reading and add the resultant thicknessof crankshaft gear packing washers When replacing the timing chain and wheels ensurethat the keys in the crankshaft and camshaft are in the12 oclock and 1 oclock positions respectively as seenfrom the front Assemble the wheels into the timing chainwith the two dimples on the chain wheels opposite oneanother and in line with the chain wheel centres as inFig A26 Keeping the wheels in this position pushthem onto the shafts as far as they will go It may benecessary to rotate the camshaft slightly to align the Fig A28camshaft key with the keyway ill the camshaft chain Checking the chain wheel alignment with a strhtwheel Secure the camshaft chain wheel with its nut and edge and feeler gauge A2SA THE ENGINE Reassem bJy is a reversal of the dismantling procedure noting the following I Lubricate the camshaft journals liberally with clean engine oil 2 Refit the timing chain and gears realigning the gears if necessary as described in Section A32 3 Centralize the crankcase front cover as described in Section A30 4 Install the fuel injection pump and the injection pump driving spindle as described inSections A33 and D12 5 Bleed the fuel system as described in Section D10 Fig A29 Section A35 Set No I piston at 22 BTDC on its compression REMOVIG AD REPLACING stroke and refit the injection pump driving spindle THE CAMSHAFT BEARING LINERS with the master spline in the 5 oclock position If the camshaft bearing clearances are excessive new bearing liners must be fitted Thinwall whitemetal linersskew gear on the camshaft it will turn in an anticlockwise are used and removing and refitting are facilitated by thedirection until the master spline is in the 5 oclock use of tool 18GI24A and adaptors 18G124B UsG 124F and lSG 124H New liners should be lineream Refit the fuel injection pump hub using a new joint ed to give the correct running clearance see GENERALwasher and replace the fuel injection pump as detailcd in DATA using tool 18Gl23A with cutters 18G123BSection D12 18G123E and 18G123F and pilots 18G123L 18G123T Bleed the fuel system Section DI 0 I8GI23AB 18G23AC and 18Gl23AD Removing the front and rear liners Insert the small end of the adaptor 18GI24F into theSection A34 camshaft front liner from the inside of the cylinder block thread the body of the tool onto the centre screw REMOVING AND REPLACING and pass the screw through the adaptor from the front THE CAMSHAFT of the block Place the slotted washer on the flat at the rear of the centre screw and insert the tommybar into the centre screw behind the slotted washer Tighten up the wing nut to withdraw the worn liner The rear liner is withdrawn by the same method using Remove the fuel injection pump and driving spindle the adaptor 18G 1248 and withdrawing the liner fromSections Dl2 and A33 the rear of the block Remove the sump oil pump and oil pump drivingspindle Sections A9 and AII Removing the centre liner Remove the valve rocker shaft assembly pushrods Insert the stepped pilot adaptor 18G 124H into theand tappets Sections A14 and A27 camshaft front liner bore from the inside of the block Remove the fuel lift pump Section D3 Remove the and the adaptor 18GI24C into the centre liner from thecrankcase front cover timing chain and chain wheels rear small end firstSections A30 and A32 With the body of the tool positioned on the centre Unscrew the three securing screws with shakeproof screw pass the screw through the pilot adaptor and thewashers to release the camshaft retaining plate and carc adaptor in the centre linerfully withdraw the camshaft from the front of the crank PIce the slotted washer on the flat at the rear of thecase centre screw and insert the tommybar into the screw Before reassembly assemble the camshaft retaining behind the slotted washerplate and the chain wheel to the camshaft and check the Tighten up the wing nut to withdraw the linercamshaft endfloat against the dimensions given in theGENERAL DATA section by measuring the clearance Replacing the front and rear linersbetween the retaining plate and the thrust face of the Place the new liner on the smallest diameter of thecamshaft front journal adaptor 8G 124F and insert the adaptor into the car If the endfioat is excessive the retaining plate should shaft front liner bore from the inside of the block largestbe renewed diameter firstA26 THE ENGINE A Replacing the ccntre liner Insert the stepped pilot adaptor into the camshaft front liner from the inside of the block Place a new centre liner on the small end of the adaptor l8G124C and position the adaptor in the centre liner bore from the rear largest diameter first It should be noted that two types of centre liner are available These liners are but the liner having a clinchtype jOint chamfered edges and iI ow stamped on its outer surface must be fitted with the arrow pointing 9 towards the front of the engine Ensure that the oil holes in the liner and the cylinder block are lined up and remain so during the whole operation Fig A30 With the body of the tool positivr1d on the centre Replacing the camshaft celllre bearing liner using screw insert the screw through the PIt adaptor and Service tool 18G124A with adaptors 18G124Jl md the adaptor in the centre liner bore 18G124C Position the larger of the two D washers on the centre screw with the cutaway portion turned away I Wing nut 6 Bearing liner 2 Body 7 Large 0 washer from the butt joint of the liner this joint mast be 3 Adaptor 18GI2H 8 Slotted washer covered by the washer 4 Centre screw 9 Tommybar Place the slotted washer on the flat at the rear of te S Adaptor 18G124C centre screw and insert the tommybar into the centre screw Tighten up the wing nut to pull the liner into position Line up the oil holes in the liner and the cylinderblock and make certain they remain correctly positioned Reaming the front and rear Iblersduring the whole operation Insert the taper pilots 18G123AB and 18G123AC into Thread the body of the tool onto the centre screw the centre and rear liners pass the screw through the adaptor located in the Place the plain pilot 18G123L on the arbor followedfront liner from the front of the block by the cutter l8G123E Position the larger of the two D washers on the Pass the arbor through the front liner and the pilotcentre screw with the cutaway portion turned away located in the centre linerfrom the butt joint of the liner this joint must be covered Place the cutter 18G123B on the arbor and push theby the washer arbor through the taper pilot in the rear liner Place the slotted washer on the flat at the rear of the Secure the cutters in their respective positions showncentre screw and insert the tommybar into the screw in Fig A31 ensuring that the cutter locating pins arebehind the slotted washer engaged in the correct numbered hole provided in the Tighten the wing nut to pull the liner squarely into arborposition The cutter for the front liner will cut first with the The rear liner is replaced by the same method using arbor piloting in the centre and rear liners Clear awaythe adaptor 18G124B and pulling the liner into position the swarf frequently during the operation The cutterfrom the rear of the block for the rear liner will follow with the arbor piloting in Fig AJl Cutters and pilots positioned for reaming the canshaft front and rear bearing liners Shown inset are the pilots and cutter positioned for reaming the centre liner A Polition No6 D Position No 10 c Position No9 A27 A THE ENGINE the front and centrc liners Clear away all the swarf the top of the flywheel Tighten the flywheel securing before the plain pilot is allowed to enter the front liner nuts to the figure in the GENERAL DATA section When the cut in the rear liner is finished free the using torque wrench 180372 cutters and withdraw the arbor Install the fuel injection pmp as described in Section 012 and bleed the fuel system as described in Section Reaming the ceutre liner 010 Set up for the second part of the operation by inserting the pilots 18GI23T and 18GI23AD in the front and rear liners Pass the arbor through the pilot in the front liner and Section A37 place the cutter 18G123F on the arbor Push the arbor through the centre liner and the pilot located in the rear REMOVING AND REPLACING liner THE ENGINE FRONT PLATE Secure the cutter in the position shown inset in Fig A31 ensuring that the locating pin of the cutter engages thc correct numbered hole in the arbor Ream the centre liner release the cutter and withdraw the arbor Remove the nuts securing the engine front mounting IMPORTANTIt is essential that the cutter Bntes brackets to their flexible mounts are kept dear of swarf at aU times during the cutting Remove the crankcase front cover timiDg chain and operation preferably witb airblast equipment The timing chain tensioner Sections A30 A31 and A32 eatter sbould be withdrawn from the liner halfway Attach the engine by means of a sling to an overhead through the cut and the Warf removed from the cutter lifting appliance and raise the engine to relieve the load and the liner on the engine front mountings Feed the reamer very slowly and keep tbe cutters dry Unscrew the three securing screws with shakeproof The arbor should be lightly lubricated before assembling washers and remove the camshaft retaining plate Remove the cutters and pilots the three set screws with spring washers and withdraw the front plate and joint washer Section A36 REMOVING Arm REPLACING THE FLYWHEELRemove transmission Section Disconnect and label wires from starter motor and starter motor with solenoidRemove wiring bracket from top of nuts securing the rear mounting brackets toflexible mountTake the weight off the rear of the engine preferably with asling attached to the rear lifting bracket Do not jack upunder sumpRemove capscrews and lockwashers securing bell housing toback plateRemove damper plateRemove the 6 nuts and tab washers securing flywheel to thecrankshaft and remove flywheel When reassembling crank the engine until the 14 zeromark on the timing disc mounted on the crankshaft pulleyis in line witb the scribed line on the pointer located onthe under side of the crankcase front cover Nos 1 and Fig A324 pistons are now at TDC and the flywbeel should be WithdraWing the front main bearing cap usininstalled with the TDC 14 mark OD its periphery at Service tool 18G42A and at4plor 180418A28 THE ENGINE A Reassembly is a reversal of the foregoing procedure Remove the bearing liners from the bearing caps andfollowing the instructions given in Sections A30 A31 the housings in the crankcase marking the bearingand A32 when installing the timing gears and the crank liners so that they may be replaced in their originalcase front cover positions A punch hould not be used for this purpose The bearing liners are located in their housings by a small tag on one side of tile liner engaging a A38 groove in the bearing housing and cap In the case of a run bearing the oilways in the crank shaft and cylinder block should be cleaned thoroughly REMOVING AND REPLACING THE ith petrol or paraffin and then blown clean with com FLYWHEEL HOUSING BACK PLATE pressed air The oil pump and oil strainer should also Remove the transmission the starter the fly be dismantled and cleaned Sections AIO AI1 andwheel housing and the flywheel The back A 12 and the fuel injection pump driving gear lubriplate is now exposed and the capscreWi and cator filter gauze should be removt 1 and cleanedlocks may be removed Tap the back plate to Section A6 It is also advisable to re1ew the externalloosen it from the dowels and gasket Before oil filter element Section A5 to ensure that all clean gaskt surface carefully and metal is removed from the Iubricating systemuse a new gasket Thoroughly clean the thrust faces of the crankshaft centre main journal the bearings and the thrust washers It may be noticed that the back plate has a and install them in the crankcase Mount a dial gauge onslight warp when removed from the engine the front end of the crankcase with its indicator restingThis is of no concern as it will straighten when on the front face of the crankshaft front main journalthe affixing screws are tightened to the block Prcss the crankshaft as far as possible to the rear andand to the flywheel housing holding it in this poition zero the dial gauge Now press When assembling be sure all dwels are in the crankshaft forw1rd as far as possible and note the reading on the dial gauge the difference from zero beingplace to assure alignment of parts the amount of crankshaft endfloat If necessary renew tIle thrust washers fitting them by selective assembly and ensuring that the oil grooves face outwards towards the crankshaft webs Thrust washers 003 in 076 mm oversize are available When installing new bearings no scraping is A39 as the bearings are machined to give the correct diametri cal clearance REMOVING AND REPIACIOG Reassembly is a reversal of the dismantling procedure THE CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGS noting the following points Remove the crankcase front cover timing chain and I If any of the crankshaft components are renewedtiming chain wheels Sections A30 and A32 do not jurget to aligl the crankshaft chain wheel Remove the starter motor the flywheel and the gear with th camshaft chain wheel as detailed inbox distance piece Sections N3 A33 and A38 Section A32 Remove the sump oil pump and oil strainer Sections 2 Coat the rear main bearing cap to cylinder blockA9 AlO and All Slacken the nuts securing the fuel horizontal joint surface with Hylomar SQ32injectors sufficiently to relieve the engine compression and jointing compoundso facilitate rotation of the crankshaft 3 Tighten the main bearing cap nuts to the figure Remove the valve rocker shaft assembly Section A 14 given in the GENERAL DATA section usingto prevent the pistons and valves fouling each other when torque wrench 18G372the crankshaft is rotated The pushrods should be 4 Remove the fuel injection pump and check andremoved for safe keeping as detailed in Section AI8 adjust if necessary the injection pump drive timing Disconnect the connecting rods from the crankshaft as as detailed in Section 012described in Section A13 pushing each rod and pistonto the top of its cylinder bore as oon as it is disconnected Unscrew and remove the six selflocking nuts andspring washers from the main bearing cap studs With Section A40draw the main bearing caps using tool 18G42A withadaptor 18G42B noting the lower halves of the crankshaft REMOVING AND washers located on each side of the centre main THE FLYWHEEL STARTER RINGbearing cap The centre main bearing cap is stamped with To remove the old starter ring from the flywheel drillthe word FRONT to assist reassembly holes through the flange of the gear and then split the Lift the crankshaft out of the crankcase and remove gear using a hammer and chisel and taking care JJor tothe upper halves of the crankshaft thrust washers damage the flywheel A29A THE ENGINE IIH I I fG l F Fig A34 Fig A33 Vare seat machining dimensions Cylinder liner pilots should be made 10 the above Inlet A Ehaust D dimensions from case hardening steel and case c 14965 to 14975 in I 12775 to 12785 in hardened The pilot extension should be made from 38011 to 38036 111m 3448 to 3247 ml11 55ton hardening and tempering steel hardened in oil D 1375 to 1380 in M 1156 to 1161 in 3493 to 3505 mm 936 to 2949 mm and then tempered at a temperature of 550 C E 1250 in 3175 TIm I 1031 in 2619 mm 1020 F F 085 to 090 in p OS5 to 090 in 2161l 229 mm 216 to 229 mm Pressingout pilot G 273 to 276 in Q 273 to 276 in A 2 U in 758 mm 693 10 701 mm 693 to 701 mm o 2862 in 7269m mm I Maximum radius 015 in R Maximum radius 015 in c 1i in 4445 mm 38 mm 38 mm D i in 1905 mm J 75 s 45 E i in BSW thread K 45 Pressingin pilot F 3 in 8731 mm This operation should be followed by natural cooling o 3i in 7739 mm when the shrink fit will be permanently established and H 2850 in 7239m mm J Ii in 3175 mm no further treatment required K i in 1905 mm L 015 in 38 mm Pilot extension Section A41 M 14l in 3683 em N tin 2222 mm p i in 1587 mm FITTING CYLINDER LINERS Q i in 1587 mm Should the condition of the cylinder bores be such that R I in 254 mm flats s in BSW thread they cannot be cleaned up to accept the recommended T Ii in 3175 mm oversize pistons dry cylinder liners can be fitted This operation may be carried out by the use of specialized Make certain that the bore of the new ring and its proprietary equipment or with a power press using pitotmating surface on the flywheel are free from burrs and adaptors to the dimensions shown in Fig A33 The pressare perfectly clean must be capable of 3 tons 3048 kg pressure to fit new To fit the new ring it must be heated to a temperature liners and 5 to 8 tons 5080 to 8128 kg to remove oldof 200 to 2300 C 392 to 446 0 F Do not exceed this liners If liners have not previously been fitted the otherwise the temper of the teeth will be must be machined and honed to the dimensions given inadversely affected The use of a con the table belowtrolled furnace is recommended Place the heated ring onthe flywheel with the lead on the ring teeth uppermost The expansion will allow the ring to be fitted without To remove worn linersforce by pressing or tapping it lightly until the ring is Dismantle the engine and remove the cylinder headhard against its register studs Machine bores of cylillder block to this Interferellce jit of Machine liner bore dimension before Outside diameter liner ill cylinder to this dimensioll jilling liner of liner block bore after fitting 30165 to 3017 in 30185 to 301925 in 0015 to 00275 ill 28745 to 2876 inA30 76619 to 76631 mm 76669 to 76688 mm 038 to 069 mm 7301 to 7304 mm I TIlE ENGINE A Place the cylinder block face downwards on suitable Section A42wooden supports on the beef ofthe press making sure thatthere is sufficient space between the block and the bed of FIITING VALVE SEAT INSERTSthe press to allow the worn liner to pass down Insertthe pilot complete with extension into the bottom of the Should the valve seatings become so badly worn orliner and carefully press the liner from the bore pitted that the normal workshop cutting and refacing tools cannot restore them to their original standard ofTo press in De liners efficiency special valve seat inserts can be fitted To fit Thoroughly clean the inside of the bores and the outside the inserts machine the seating in the cylindlr head to theof the liners Stand the cylinder block upright on the bed dimensions given in Fig A34 and press in the insertsof the press insert the pilot guide in the top of the liner which have an interference fit of 0025 to 0045 in 063and position the liner with its chamfered end in the top to 114 mm Finally grind or machine the seatings toof the bore Make certain that the liner is square with the dimensions given in Fig A34 The throat of eachthe top of the block and that the ram of the press is over valve seat must blend into the throat in the cylinderthe centre of the pilot Press the liner into the bore head Normal valve grinding may be cessary to ensure Finally bore the cylinder liners to the dimensions efficient seating and before reassembly the valve standgiven in the table at the bottom of page A30 down should be checked as detailed in Section A23 A31 D THE FUEL SYSTEM Section Dl DESCRIPTION The fuel is drawn from the supply tank by a mechanical diaphragmtype lift pump which is operated by the engine camshaft It is imperative that the fuel is absolutely free from foreign matter and in addition to the gauze type filters in the fuel lift and injection pumps a filter of the renewable paper element type is installed in the feed line from the lift pump to the injectjon pump The injection pump which is of the CAV distributor type meters and forces fuel under high pressure via Pintaux injection nozzles into the combustion chambersThe Pintaux nozzle which is of the pintle type em bodying an auxiliary hole to facilitate starting has beendesigned expressly for use with the Ricardo Comet V Fig Dltype combustion chamber which is employed in thisengine The use of these designs ensures easy starting Section through the fuel lift pumpunder arctic conditions especially when used in con 1 Filter gauze 11 Pivot pinjunction with the heater plugs which are fitted 2 Sealing ring 12 Link 3 Outlet port 13 Priming cam The accelerator is connected to the control lever on 4 Delivery valve 14 Pullrodthe injection pump which embodies a governor and S Diaphragm 15 Hand priming leverautomatic advance unit both of which are hydraulically 6 Diaphragm spring 16 Pumping chamber 7 Rocker arm spring 17 Sediment 8 Engine camshaft 18 Inlet valve 9 Camshaft eccentric 19 Inlet port 10 Rocker arm Section D3Section D2 REMOVING AND REPLACING DESCRIPTION OF THE FUEL LIFT PUMP THE FUEL LIFT PUMP The fuel lift pump is mounted on the lefthand side Unscrew the banjotype union bolts to release the two of the crankcase and is operated by an eccentric on the fuel pipes from the lift pump The fuel feed pipe from the engine camshaft A hand priming lever permits pumping supply tank should be plugged to prevent the loss of fuel a supply of fuel through the main fuel filter to the Remove the two nuts and spring washers which secure injection pump for bleeding the system of air whenever the pump to the crankcase and withdraw the pumpany component has been dismantled or disconnected complete with its gasket As the engine camshaft revolves the eccentric lifts Before replacing the pump which is a reversal of thethe pump rocker arm which moves the pullrod together procedure to remove lubricate the rocker arm and thewith the diaphragm downwards against the spring rocker arm pin with clean engine oil pressure thus creating a partial vacuum in the pumping Renew the gasket between the pump and the block and to facilitate the fitting of the pump crank the Fuel drawn from the tank enters the sediment cham engine to bring the eccentric on the camshaft into theber and then passes through the filter gauze and the extreme released position so that its small side willsuction valve into the pumping chamber On the return contact the rocker armstroke the spring pressure pushes the diaphragm up After installation bleed the fuel system of air aswards forcing the fuel from the pumping chamber described in Section 010 Start the engine and checkthrough the delivery valve and port to the main fuel filter the pump and its fuel line connections for leaks After When the main fuel filter is full a pressure is created correcting any leaks the fuel system should be rebledin the pump chamber This pressure will hold the diaphragm downwards against the spring pressure and itwill remain in this position until the main fuel filter Section D4requires further fuel The rocker arm operates the connecting link which allows an idling movement of the DISMANTLING AND arm when there is no movement of the fuel pump THE FUEL LIFT PUMPdiaphragm Before dismantling thoroughly clean the exterior of A spring keeps the rocker arm in constant contact the pump and scribe a mark across the upper to IJwerwith the eccentric thus eliminating noise half body joint flanges for guidance when reassemblingD4 THE FUEL SYSTEM D of the rocker arm which engages the camshaft is permis sible but if it exceeds 0010 in 254 mm the rocker arm should be renewed The diaphragm spring seldom requires renewing but should it be necessary ensure that the new spring bean the same identiftion colour as the original spring Reassembly is a reversal of the dismantling procedure noting the following To install the valves first place a new gasket in position and then insert the outlet valve spring end foremost into its port The inlet valve cannot be installed incorrectly owing to a restriction in the port The rocker arm should be a tap fit in the body and if due to wear it is freer than this the holes in the body may be closed by peening to restore the fit When installing the diaphragm and pullrod assembly ensure that the upper end of the diaphragm return spring is centred properly in the diaphragm lower protector washer and place the diaphragm in the pump body with its locating tab in the 11 oclock position see Fig 02 Fig D2 Press the diaphragm downwards and turn it anticlock Diaphragm assembly diagram wise through an angle of 90 to engage the slots in the pullrod with the link fork This will place the pullrod I Pump mounting flange 2 Initial position of diaphragm locating tab in the correct working position and at the same time 3 final position of diaphragm locating tab align the holes in the diaphragm with those in the pump body flange Remove the set bolt and fibre washer securing the To assemble the two pump body subassemblies push domed cover to the lift pump body detach the domed the rocker arm towards the pump body until the dia cover and its sealing ring and lift off the filter gauze phragm is level with the body joint flange Place the Unscrew the set screws and separate the two halves upper half of the pump in position ensuring that the of the pump body marks scribed on the joint flanges during dismantling Release the valve retaining plate from the upper half coincide and install the body securing screws finger of the pump body by removing the two securing screws tight Press the rocker arm towards tbe pump body to and lift out the inlet and outlet valves Carefully remove position the diaphragm at the bottom of its stroke With the valve gasket the diaphragm held ID this position tighten the body Lightly press the centre of the diaphragm downwards securing screws in diagonal sequence to take the weight of the return pring turn the dia phragm assembly clockwise through an angle of 90 to release the diaphragm pullrod from the operating linkfork and withdraw the diaphragm assembly and its Section DSreturn spring Remove the retaining clips from the ends of the TESTING THE FUEL LIFT PUMProcker arm pin and press the pin out of the body to Before installing an overhauled pump it should berelease the rocker arm rocker arm distance washers tested for performance and air leaks In the absence afrocker arm spring and link special test equipment the pump may be tested in the Detach the spring from the priming lever and body following simple but effective mannerassembly Immerse the pump in a bath of clean paraffin and Further dismantling of the body is not advisable as flush it through by operating the rocker arm six to eightthe priming lever is secured to its spindle by riveting times Remove and empty the pump seal the suction Before reassembling thoroughly clean all components side of the pump by placing a finger firmly over the inletin paraffin and blow clean the cavities in the pump body union marked in and operate the rocker arm severalwith compressed air times Upon removal of the finger from the inlet union Check the body castings for cracks and using a a distinct sucking noise should be heard denoting ensure that the diaphragm and engine the pump has developed a reasonable degree of flanges are true If they are found to be dis In a similar manner seal the delivery side of the pumptorted they may be lapped to restore their flatness and press the rocker arm inwards to charge the pumping Examine the two valve assemblies for signs of wear chamber with air If the pump is in good condition theand renew them if they are not in perfect condition air in the pumping chamber should be held under m Very little wear should be tolerated on the rocker arm pression for two or three seconds Repeat this t butpin and rocker linkage Slight wear on the working facc immediately the pumping chamber is charged with air DSD THE FUEL SYSTEM nection is not required and is fitted with a sealing plug while the second inlet connection allows fuel oil surplus to the injection pump requirements to return to the dirty side of the filter This connection is fitted with a non return valve to ensure that unfiltered fuel cannot find its way into the injection pump body Passages in the filter head connect the filter inlet connections to the centre tube of the filter clement As the upper end of the centre tube is sealed fuel at lift pump pressure passes down the centre tube into the base casting and then upwards through the filter element to the outlet connection in the filter head An auxiliary pipe connects the vent connection on the top of the tilter head to the injector leakoff pipe pro viding continuous airventing of the fiI r during opera tion The paper element is not intended to be washed or cleaned in any way and should be renewed at the recom mended intervals Section D7 REMOVING AND REPLACING Fig D3 THE FUEL FILTER Main fuel filter components Thoroughly clean the outside of the filter 1 Retaining bolt 6 0 ring Disconnect the fuel inlet and outlet pipes and the 2 Washer 7 Element fuel leakoff pipe from the filter head taking care not 3 Head casting 8 Sealing ring S Sealing washer 9 Base caSing to lose the sealing washer positioned on each side of the banjotype unions Unscrew the two bolts alld nuts securing the filter toimmerse the pump in a bath of clean paraffin and the mounting bracket on the exhaust manifold and withinspect the diaphragm clamping flanges for signs of air draw the filter from the engineleakage When replacing the filter which is a reversal of the Finally flush the pump through with clean fuel oil above procedure ensure that the washers positioned onto remove all traces of paraffin each side of the banjotype unions are in good condition and will make fueltight joints Upon completion the fuel system must be bled to remove all air as described in Section 010Section D6 DESCRIPTION OF TIlE MAIN FUEL FnTER The main fuel filter which is mounted at the front of Section DSthe exhaust manifold is a CAV isthe paper element which is contained in a thin metal DISMANTLING AND is clamped between the filter head and base THE FUEL FILTERcastings Unscrew the retaining bolt and sealing washer from The filter components are held together by a split the centre of the head casting and detach the basebolt arrangement comprising a centre stud mounted in casting from the filterthe filter base and a threaded bolt which passes through Remove the filter clement using a twisting movementthe filter head to screw into the centre stud to release the element from the head casting Withdraw Synthetic rubber rings located in the filter head and the three sealing rings from their locations in the headbase castings effect a seal between the outer rims of the and bltSe and the head and base castings An 0 ring Unscrew and tJ1l0VC Ute blanking flQg with Sherlocated in an annular groove in the centre boss of the and the bead castiDfilter head and over which thj centre tube of the element Wash Cbe1Ut 4 dtNse castings the blankiasfits seals the dirty side of the filter from its cleD side plug andthenonrlIrl ftlvefiR IlCtrot and allow cbm The head casting is provided with two inlet two to dty Do not user oottoowak or etotb wiperi e Cbyoutlet and a single vent connection One cet con them Easure thatllD residuens left ia the passaPSiaD6 THE FUEL SYSTEM D 1 Slacken the union nut at the filter end of the injection pump feed pipe Operate the lift pump and when the fuel passing the union is free from air bubbles tighten the union nut 2 Unscrew the blanking plug in the unused outlet connection on the filter head sufficiently to allow fuel at lift pump pressure to pass the thread on the plug Operate the lift pump and when the fuel issuing from around the plug thread is free from air bubbles tighten the plug 3 Slacken the two air bleed valves on the fuel injection pump One bleed valve is located on the governor housing while the other is incorporated on one of the hydraulic head locking screws Operate the lift pump and when the fuel flowing from both bleed valves is free from air bubbles tighten the valves Fig D4 Main ftlel filter air bleed points 4 Slacken the union nut at the injector end of any two highpressure pipes Ensure that the stopthe head casting by blowing them clear with compressed control is in the run position and set the acceleraair tor in the fully open position Crank the engine Discard the filter element and sealing rings which until the fuel flowing from both pipes is free fromshould be renewed as normal routine procedure air bubbles then tighten the pipe union nuts Check the operation of the nonreturn valve S Start the engine and allow it to run until it is firing Assemble the sealing plug and washer to outlet con on all No 3 and the nonreturn valve to inlet connection No 4 in the head casting After renewing the main fuel filter element providing Fit new sealing rings to the head casting ensuring that the engine is not cranked during this operation it is onlythey are properly located in their grooves Assemble a necessary to bleed the fuel filter as described in operanew element strengthened rim uppermost to the head tions 1 and 2 before starting the enginecasting using a twisting movement to seat it on the seals of tbe injection pump mech Place the base casting in position using a new sealing aDbim is effected by fuel oil UDder pressure tberefore noring to make the joint between the element and the attempt should be made to bleed tbe fuel system by towingcasting and secure the assembly with the retaining bolt the vehicle in gear as tbis may result in serious damage toand washer tbe iDjection pumpSection D9 RENEWING THE FUEL FaTER ELEMENT Thoroughly clean the outside of the filter Support the filter base casting and unscrew the retaining bolt with copper seal washer located in the centre ofthe filter head casting Detach the base casting and usinga twisting movement separate the element from the headcasting Remove the three sealing rings from their locations in the head and base castings Wash the base casting in gasoline and when dryremove any residue Reassemble using a new element and sealing ringsfitting the element with its strengthened rim uppermost After reassembly bleed the fuel filter and the fuel injection pump as described in Section 010Section 010 AIRVENTING BLEEDING THE FUEL SYSTEM Fig DS The following procedure should be used to airvent the Fuel injection pump air bleed points The location offuel system after first ensuring that there is an adequate the air bleed point on the latertype goven is psupply of fuel in the fuel tank shown inset DD THE FUEL SYSTEM Fig D6 Section through the juel injection pump I End plate aDd regulating valve S Drive shaft 9 Cam ring 2 Transfer pump 6 Pumping plunger 10 Automatic advance device 3 Metcringvalve and hydraulic governor 7 Pumping and distributing rotor I I Head locating fitting and nonreturn 4 Backleakage connection S Hydraulic head valveSection DII the pressure of the fuel from the transfer pump also provides a means of bypassing the transfer pump OF THE FUEL INJECl10N PUMP handpriming the injection pump Referring to Fig D7 The jnjection pump js a singlecylinder opposed it will be seen that the valve is cylindrical and inletmetering pump fitted with a small free piston the travel of which is limited by twoa governor and an automatic advance mechanism both light springs When priming the injection pump fuel at lift pump pressure enters the central port in the regulatingof which are hydraulically operated valve sleeve and moves the free piston against the pres The pump the main features of which are shown inFig D6 is ftangemounted on the engihe and is driven sure of the piston retaining spring to uncover the primingby a splined shaft having a master spline at each end to port in the lower end of the valve sleeve The priming port is connected by a passage in the end plate to theensure correct location delivery side of the transfer pump thus enabling the fuel A central rotating member forms the pumping and to bypass the stationary transfer pump and prime thedistributor rotor this is driven by splines from the drive injection pumpshaft and in turn drives a transferpump which is mounted on the outer end of the rotor When the injection pump is in operation fuel at transfer The transfer pump raises the fuel pressure to an inter pressure enters the lower end of the valve sleeve forcingmediate level and as its capacity is many times the the free piston upwards against the regulating springmaximum requirements of the injection pump a regulat As the engine speed increases the transfer pressure risesing valve housed in the pump end plate allows the excess moving the piston against the pressure of the regulatingfuel to be bypassed back to the suction side of the spring to progressively uncover the regulating port 1transfer pump the valve sleeve and allow a metered flow of fuel to by The pressure regulating valve in addition to regulating pass back to the inlet side of the transfer pumpDS THE FUEL SYSTEM D rollers on the cam lobes is prevented by the fuel in the B cylinder being trapped by a nonreturn ball valve in the locating holt When the engine stops the advnce mechanism is allowed to return to the retarded position under the influence of the piston springs by normal leakage of fuel bctleen the piston and the cylinder Machined on each lobe of the cam ring immediately after the peak of the cam is a retraction curve Under running conditions when thc injection cycle is completed the distributor port in the rotor and the outlet port in the hydraulic head are still in partial alignment with each other As the plunger rollers move off the peaks of the cams the retraction curves allow the plungers to move slightly outwards This movement of the plungers effects a sudden reduction of pressure in the injection line so preventing secondary injection and allowing the injedion nozzle needle valve to snap onto its seating to terminate the spray of fuel into the combustion chamber without dribble The distributor part of the rotor has a central axial Fig D7 passage which connects the pumping space between the Sectioll throllg17 tfle endplate alld reguhllillg ahe plungers with the four inlet ports and single distributing A Priming 7 Regulating riSkn port drilled radially in the rotor The radial hole at the n Regulating 8 Piston retaining spring outer end of the rotor is the distributing port and as I Jnlet conned inn 9 Fud passage hl transfer the rotor turns this port is aligned successively with 2 Sleeve retaining spring pump inlet the outlet ports in the hydraulic head from which the 3 Nylon filter 10 Regulating port injectors are fed via external highpressure pipes The inlet 4 Sleeve guide plug 11 Fuel passag to transfer 5 Regulating spring pump nutlet or charging ports are equally spaced around the rotor at 6 Regulating sleee an intermediate position and as the rotor turns these are aligned successively with the inlet or metering port The transfer pressure therefore is controlled by abalance between the regulating spring pressure and of the injection pump at any moment The pumping and distributing rotor revolves and is aclose fit in the stationary hydraulic head Thc pumpingsection of the rotor has a transverse bore containing 4twin opposed pumping plungers These plungers areoperated by means of a cam ring carried in the pumphousing through rollers and shoes which slide in therotor The cam ring has four internal lobes operatingin diagonally opposite pairs The opposed plungers haveno return springs but are moved outwards by fuel underpressure from the transfer pump the flow of fuel andoutward displacement of the plungers being determinedby the setting of the metering valve and the speed atwhich the pump is rotating As a result the rollers which 5operate the plungers do not follow the contour of theinternal cam ring entirely but will contact the cam lobesat points which will vary according to the amount of 6plunger displacement An automatic advance control mechani5lTI is fittedwhich operates by rotating the cam ring within the pumpbody A ballended lever screwed into the cam ring isoperated by a piston sliding in a cylinder One side of the Fig D8piston is springloaded while the other side is subject Alllomaric Qhance mechanismto fuel at transfer pressure which is admitted to thecylinder through a port and the hollo locating bolt to 1 Pump housing 5 Pumping plunger 2 Cam ring 6 Automatic advance move the cam ring into the fully advanced 3 Pumping and distributing 7 Cam advance screwposition Any tendency for the cam ring to return to rotor 8 Piston springsthe retarded position due to the impact of the plunger 4 Roller 9 Automatic advance housing D9D THE FUEL SYSTEM area of the port being that part which is uncovered by the inner edge of the annulus When the control lever is moved to give increased speed the metering valve is pushed to the fully open position by the governor spring As the engine speed increases transfer pressure increases also and this pressure will move the metering valve back against the governor spring pressure until a balance is reached to reduce the effective area of the metering port Should the engine speed drop the consequent reduc tion in transfer pressure will allow the governor spring to reassert itself and move the metering valve towards the fully open position to stabilize the engine speed Movement of the control lever towards the idling stop reduces the compression of the governor spring and equilibrium is reached when the force exerted on the metering valve by the fuel at transfer pressure is balanced by compression of the governor spring The governor spring compression becomes progressively less as the control lever is moved towards tht idling stop and this Fig D9 enables the reduced at low speeds to Enlarged View of a cam ring lobe operate the metering valve and perform the governing function throughout the idling range I Cam peak 2 Retraction curve Operation of the shutoff lever rotates a spindle the inner end of which is machined to form a cam Thisin the hydraulic head This port admits fuel to the rotor cam engages the under side of the shutoff washerunder control of the metering valve which is hydrauli secured to the top of the metering valve by a governed nut and lifts the valve to a position where the metering The hydraulic governor is housed in the casting which port in the hydraulic head is blanked off and so stops thecarries the pump control and shutoff levers The control enginelever is mounted on a pinion shaft which meshes with a In operation fuel at lift pump pressure enters the pumprack which is free to move on the metering valve stem through the connection on the pump end plate and passes The metering valve slides in a transverse bore in the through a fine nylon gauze filter to the inlet side of thehydraulic head into which bore the diagonally driUed transfer pumpmetering port opens A damping valve is carried on the From the transfer pump the fuel passes through ametering valve stem against a shoulder and the governor passage in the hydraulic head to an annular groovespring is held between the damping valve and the rackThe damping valve slides in a cylindrical bore in thepump body which is filled with the fuel and acts as adashpot to damp out any violent movement of themetering valve A flat machined on the pinion shaft andan adjustable stop screw mounted on the limits the rotation of the pinion shaft to controlthe maximum speed of the engine Idling speed is controlled by the springloaded screwon the governor housing which limits the movement ofthe rack on the metering valve stem towards the stopposition At idling speed the upper end of the meteringvalve bears against a springloaded plunger incorporatedin the hydraulic governor housing air vent valve whichdamps out any oscillations of the metering valve tomaintain the idling speed The governor is operated by fuel at transfer pressurewhich is fed from the annular groove surrounding thepump rotor The fuel passes through the hollow metering Fig D1Ovalve into an annular space around the valve via holes Section through the hydraulic go Vernordrilled transversely in the valve Endwise movement of the metering valve varies the 1 Shutoff lever S Metering port 2 Rack 6 Metering valvearea of the metering port in the hydraulic head which 3 Governor spring 7 Pinion shaftregisters with the annulus around the valve the effective 4 Damping valve 8 Idling stop screwDIO TIlE FUEL SYSTEM D plungers The roller shoes which slide in slots in the rotor have specially shaped projecting ears which engage eccentric slots in the top and bottom adjusting plates Two lugs on the top adjusting plate engage slots in the bottom adjusting plate to locate the plates one to A the other The top adjusting plate is clamped to the rotor by the drive plate the adjusting plate being cut away in the areas of the drive plate securing screws to permit adjustment of the plates by rotation The maximum out ward travel of the pump plungers is limited by the ears of the roller shoes coming into contact with the curved slot sides in the adjusting plates As the slots are eccentric rotation of the adjusting plates relative to the rotor provides a means of adjusting the maximum plungerB stroke Section D12 Fig Dll REMOVING AND REPLACING THE FUEL INJECDON PUMP The injection cycle A Inlet stroke 2 Pumping and distributing Thoroughly clean the exterior of the fuel injection B Injection stroke rotor pump unstrap the wiring harness from the highpressure 1 Fuel inlet 3 Pumping plungers pipes and disconnect the pipes from the injection pump 4 Fuel to injector and the fuel injectors Withdraw the pipes complete with clamp and damper bushes and seal the injection the rotor and thence to the governor outlet unions and the fuel injector inlet unions withmetering valve The position of the metering valve sealing caps 18G216depends upon the setting of the control lever which Remove the external oil filter by unscrewing the twovaries the governor spring pressure on the valve Any bolts which secure it to the crankcase variation in pump speed is accompanied by an increase Disconnect the acceleraior and stop controls from the or decrease in transfer pressure which will move the levers on the pump and unscrew the two nuts to valve to increase or decrease the effective area the stop control abutment bracket from the end of theof the metering port and so regulate the flow of fuel at fuel injection pumpmetering pressure into the pumping section of the rotorThe volume of fuel passing into the pumping element isthus controlled by the transfer pressure the position ofthe metering valve and the time during which an inletport in the rotor is aligned with the metering port in thehydraulic head When one of the rotor inlet ports is aligned with themetering port in the hydraulic head fuel at flows into the rotor and forces the apart the amount of plunger governed by the quantity of fuel which can flowinto the rotor while the ports are aligned As the rotorturns the inlet port is cut off and the pump plungersbegin to be forced inwards by their rollers bearing on apair of cam lobes This causes an immediate rise inpressure and as the single distributor port in the rotor 5comes into register with an outlet port in the hydraulichead the plungers force the fuel up the central bore ofthe rotor and out to the respective injector The maximum amount of fuel delivered at one charge Fig Dl2is controlled by limiting the maximum outward move Maximum fuel adjustmentment of the plungers In Fig D12 is shown an endon 1 Top adjusting plate 4 Pumping end of rtrview of the rotor and it will be seen that the cam rollers 2 RoUer shoe ear S Pumping plungerare carried in shoes which bear against the ends of the 3 Roller DllD THE FUEL SYSTEM direction to take up any backlash in the injection pump drive Hold the gauge in this position and chrn n tie timing pointer on the injection pump drive hlb is in line with the mark on the edge of the gauge if nUiry slacken the two set screws and move the poiM t Ene it up with the mark on the gauge Tighten Ihe eI SI WS to secure the pointer in the correct position and i we the timing gauge NOTEAfter every occasion of injcclioll lMP re moval or attention to the crankshaft camshaft or liming gear the position of the timing pointer on th injection pump drive bub should be checked and adjusttG if neles sary as described abole Rotate the injection pump drive shaft and prtn the master spline on the drive shaft at 7 oclock when Fig D13 looking on the drive end of the pump with jh hydraulic governor housing uppermost This will facilitau the entry Checkillg the position of the injection pump timing of the drive shaft into the drive coupling on the engine pointer usillg timing gauge 18G629 Place a new joint washer in position on the pump mounting studs and offer up the injection pump to the engine engaging the pump drive shaft with the drive Disconnect the fuel feed and return pipes from their coupling on the engine and fitting the lower securing unionog the fuel injection pump and plug these unions nut and washer finger tight as the pump i pushed onto to prevent the ingress of foreign matter the mounting studs Fit the remaining two securing nuts Unscrew the three securing nuts with plain washers and washers finger tight and then rotate the body of theand withdraw the pump from the engine injection pump about its axis to line tip the timing mark When replacing the fuel injection pump on the engine on the pump mounting flange with the timing ointerit is necessary to set the static injection timing so that Tighten the three nuts to secure the injection pump inthe commencement of injection occurs when the pistons this positionare at 22 BTDC on their compression strokes Reassemble the remaining components reversing the To ensure correct timing relationship between the order of dismantling and ensuring that both the pump and the engine the injection pump drive tor and the stop control levers on the injection pump haveshaft and the drive coupling on the engine are provided a full range of muvement when their rcspecttc controlswith master splines also a timing mark is scribed on the are flange of the fuel injection pump and a timing Bleed the fuel system as described ill SecLiGn D IOpointer is secured to the injection pump hub in the and start the Before fitting the injection pump the position of thetiming pointer on the injection pump drive hub should bechecked and adjusted if necessary with injection timinggauge 18G629 Crank the engine in the normal directionof rotation until the master spline in the injection pumpdrive coupling is in the 4 oclock position No 1 pistonwill now be on its compression stroke Continue tocrank the engine slowly until No 1 piston is at 2rBTDC on its compression stroke as indicated by thetiming disc or timing mark on the crankshaft pulley oron later engines the timing plate see Fig A20 Notethat the timing disc has two sets of graduations and it isthe set the zero mark of which is identified 14 which isused for this operation Check the position of the masterspline in the injection pump drive coupling which shouldDOW be at 5 oclock see Fig A29 Insert timing gauge 18G629 into the injection pumpdrive hub engaging the splined end of the gauge withthe internal splines of the drive coupling The masterspline in the drive coupling will allow the gauge to Fig D14engage the coupling in one position only Turn the gauge Align the timing mark on the injection pllmp mOllntilby hand undue force is not necessary in a clockwise flange with the timing pointer 011 the drive hllbDl2 TIlE FUEL SYSTEM DMuimum ad idliDg speed adjustments Section DIS Before making these adjustments it is imperative thatthe air cleaner is correctly serviced and fitted and the DFSCRJPTION OF THE FUEL run until it has attained its nonnal running The fuel injectors are of the Pintaux type developed fortemperature use with the Ricardo Comet V combustion chamber toMaximllm speed assist starting under cold conditions The Pintaus nozzle 1 Slacken the locknut and unscrew the idling damper is a pintletype nozzle having an auxiliary spny bole located 011 the top of the governor housing two which directs a spray of fuel into the hottest zone of the complete turns Tighten the locknut to secure the combustion chamber damper in this position This will prevent the idling The nozzle consists of two parts the nozzle valve and damper interfering with the operation of the the nozzle body The nozzle valve takes the form of a metering valve during the setting of the maximum plunger aceurately lapped into the nozzle body to the speed closest possible fit within which it will work freely 2 Using a tachometer to check the engine speed The inner end of the valve is reduced in diameter to adjust the maximum speed stop screw to give an produce a stem upon which a valve face is formed the engine maximum light running speed of 2500 stem being extended to form a pin or pintle which fits rpm Fit the rubber plug plug retaining plate and into a comparatively larpodiameter hole in the nozzle set screw early pumps or locking sleeve later body The auxiliary spray bole is drilled in the nozzle pumps and seal the screw with wire and lead seal body at an angle to the pintle hole entering the nozzle using sealing pliers 180 541 Check and adjust the seating below the line of contact between tbe valve and idling speed seat Fuel is fed to the mouth of the nozzle through vertical drillings in the nozzle body which terminate inIdling speed an annular gallery just above the valve seating 1 With the engine stopped unscrew the idling The nozzles are beld in position in the cylinder damper until it is known to be out of contact with by suitably designed holders a nozzle nut the the metering valve Tighten the locknut to secure the damper in this position 2 Start the engine and adjust the idling stop screw to give an engine idling speed of 800 rpm 3 Screw in the idling damper until the idling speed is increased slightly then unscrew the damper one third of a turn and tighten the locknut to secure it in position 4 Run the engine at about 2500 rpm and release the throttle to test for stalling and slow de celeration a If the engine stalls screw in the idling damper slightly and carry out a further test b If deceleration is slow the idling damper should be unscrewed slightly and a further test carried out 5 Check the operation of the shutotT control NOTEAfter every adjustment of the idliDg damperalways ensure that the engine is not idling directly on theidling damper D21 D THE FUEL SYSTEM pressure is higher and the valve is withdrawn from the pintle hole allowing the bulk of the fuel to be discharged13 through it A small proportion of fuel continues to be discharged through the auxiliary hole which does not affect the engine performance and prevents the formation12 12 of carbon in the hole 113 4 Section D16 IO REMOVING AND REPLACING 5 THE FUEL INJECTORS Disconnect the highpressure feed pipes from the unions on the nozzle holder bodies 9 6 Unscrew the bolts noting the copper sealing washers positioned on each side of the banjotype unions to release the fuel leakoff pipe from the injector nozzle 8 holder cap nuts and the union on the main fuel filter 7 head 793 Unscrew and remove the cap nut from each injector Fig D27 nozzle holder Section through a fuel injector Remove the eight nuts and spring washers securing the nozzle holders to the cylinder head and withdraw I Injector cap nut 8 Nozlle valve each injector in turn using tool 18G491A Assemble the 2 Joint washer 9 Spindle 3 Locknut 10 Inlet union tool using the appropriate centre screw adaptor and 4 Joint washer 11 Spring the unthreaded legs Place the leg locating sleeves over S Nozzle holder 12 Washer the nozzle holder studs and position the tool with the 6 Nozzle nut 13 Spring cap nut legs in the sleeves Screw the centre screw adaptor onto 7 Nozzle body the spring cap nut Insert the tommybar into the small hole in the adaptor ensuring that its free end bearstwo components together the faces of which are lapped against one of the legs to prevent the adaptor turningto form a highpressure seal and tighten the centre screw nut to withdraw the injector Each holder contains a spindle and spring which serve nozzle assemblyto retain the nozzle valve on its seating The upper end of If the injectors are to be removed for any spring is located in an adjustable cap nut enabling length of time seal off the f d ted unions using sealingthe pressure at which the valve is forced off its seating to caps 18G216 and then wrt each injector assembly inbe regulated A fuel inlet connection is provided to accept grease proof papertile highpressure piping from the injection pump andthe body of the holder is drilled to allow passage of thefuel to the gallery in the nozzle body A leakoff pipe isconnected to the small tapped hole in the top of the capnut to return the accumulation of fuel which leaks pastthe nozzle valve to the Jowpressure side of the fuelsystem This slight leakage of fuel also serves to lubricatethe nozzle valve In operation the pressure in the annular gallery inthe nozzle body is built up by the delivery of fuel fromthe injection pump When the pressure in the galleryreaches injection pressure determined by the spindle andspring in the nozzle holder the valve is raised from itsseating in the nozzle body and fuel is forced through thepintle and auxiliary holes in the form of a finely atomizedspray As the pressure in the gallery drops injection intothe combustion chamber is terminated by the snapFeturn of the nozzle valve onto its seating At engine starting speed when the injection pressureis low the valve is not lifted sufficiently to clear the Fig D28pintle hole and the bulk of the fuel is discharged through Withdrawing an injector nozzle using Service the auxiliary hole At normal running speed the injection 18G491AD22 THE FUEL SYSTEM D Fig D29 Section through the cylinder head showing an injector nozzle heat shield and atomizer seal washer Remove the atomizer seal washers from inside theinjector nozzle heat shields and the nozzle holder sealingwashers from the cylinder head If necessary withdrawthe injector nozzle heat shields and sealing washersfrom the injector bores in the cylinder head be experienced in removing the heat shields itmay be found necessary to remove the cylinder head andwithdraw the combustion chamber inserts as detailed inSection AIS when the heat shields can be driven outfrom the inside of the combustion chambers Plug the injector bores in the cylinder head to preventthe ingress of foreign matter into the combustion chambers and cylinders When replacing thoroughly clean the injector boresin the cylinder head and ensure that the copper sealingwashers are in good condition and will make a gastightjoint Renew the atomizer seal washers fitting themwith their two edges pointing downwards as shown inFig D29 Place the injector assemblies in position and tightenthe securing nuts evenly to the figure given in theGENERAL DATA section using torque wrench18G537 Reconnect the highpressure feed pipes to the unionson the nozzle holder bodies and refit the fuel leakoftpipe ensuring that the copper sealing washers arepositioned on each side of the banjotype unions D23 Ql OTHER OVERHAUL CONTENTS SECTION PAGEMARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SySTEM Q Activation by Keyswitch 1980 onwards Q2 Activation by Fuel Pressure Q4 Activation by Lube Oil Pressure Q6COOL NG SYSTEM EXTERNAL RTRANSMISSIONS S Type SAO Manual S 9 SAl and SAO Clutch Adjustments S21 SAl and SAO Reduction Units S23 Paragon P21 Series Hydraulic S29 Warner Hydraulic S35 Short Profile Sailing Gear S41Q2SECTION Q MARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ACTIVATION BY KEY SWITCH This system is supplied on most Wester beke engi nes begi nni ng ray 1980 Essen tially activation of the circuit is accomplished by the ignition position of the key switch No oil pressure switch is required The engine is preheated by depressing the preheat push button The engine is cranked by turning the key switch to the rightmost momentary position Voltage is maintained to the instruments fuel solenoid or fuel lift pump if sup plied and to other electrical devices via the ignition position of the key switch Models which have a fuel solenoid or elec tric fuel pump may be turned off via the key switch Models with mechanical fuel lift pumps or no fuel solenoid are stopped by pulling a stop cable The circuit is protected by a circuit breaker located near the starter Any time excessive current flows the circuit breaker will trip This is a manually resettable breaker and must be reset before the engine will operate electrically again CAUTION the builderowner must ensure that the instrument panel wiring and engine are installed so that electrical devices cannot come in contact with sea water The latest information regarding your engine1s electrical system is included on the wiring diagram shipped with the engine Be sure to study this wiring diagram and all the notes thereon Q3 ACTIVATION BY KEYSWITCH SECTION Q SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IZYDC BofCITlEtlf TMTP TEO WIRING DIAGRAM NOT USED BL U NOTE 8 B 0 WTSENDER ON wA1eR TEMPT rTCH 01 L ESSUe ON SWITCIt ALTERNATOR i Ijf il L li I OPTIONAL zJ ALARM fUEL SOL wa ONLY WZl L PREHEAT SOL saNOua OPSENOER i PREHEATER BLO ON tEE NOTEANOT USED ON llIoIIIIIlIir 0Q4 MARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEN ACTIVATION BY FUEL PRESSURE Push Button Start This system is supplied on all four and six cylinder Westerbeke engines beginning January 1975 Basically the system is very simple and eliminates the need for a separate switch position to activate the engine alarm system when supplied Starting isaccomp1ished by operation of the start push button which causes the starting motor to crank Once the engine is running fuel pres sure developed in the low pressure side of the fuel injection pump operates a fuel pressure switch Voltage is then applied to the alarm system if supplied and to the alternator for excitation and for all instruments When the engine is stopped fuel pres sure drops and the fuel pressure switch removes voltage from these devices When an engine is supplied with a pre heating device the device is energized by a separate push button NOTE It is important that your engine installation includes fuses or circuit breakers as described under Ownership Responsibility on the wiring diagram supplied with your engine Q5 ACTIVATION BY FUEL PRESSURE PUSH BUTTON STARn rj INTAIJtT PANEL AS5EMLY fIIl1It VIC rl I TACHHOUR I I I ETER i I OrR 1w I I 1T1T 5W IMlf lit I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I L J lI I I I oPTIONAL ALH ty I 6 0 rl jtM I e 0 I 1 I L J I I O I I L46rI I I I I I I up NO TARl FI I IIIN f t t1 i I l feN I CHART FOR TARTER MOTORS rJ HEATERS if I 10 L II f r I e OT J1oC J I I I 1 Po Olo QYBI 1 rOUR4 I QJo I o I I IClt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J L I I L JI L J Drawing No 19201Q6 Marine Engine Electrical System ACTIVATION BY LUBE OIL PRESSURE Keyswitch Start This system is supplied on all 4 and 6 cylinder Westerbeke diesels produced prior to January 1975 Operation is very simple Putting the start switch in the Run posi tion energizes an alarm system when sup plied Returning the start switch to Off position deenergizes the alarm Turning the start switch to Crank posi tion operates the starting motor and starts the engine Upon starting the start switch is released to the Run position When the engine develops oil pressure voltage is supplied to the alternator for excitation and to all instruments When ever the engine stops loss of oil pres sure removes voltage from these devices When an engine is furnished with a pre heating device it is energized by a sep arate push button at the key switch panel When an engine is furnished with an electric stop solenoid it is energized by a separate push button at the key switch panel NOTE It is important that your engine in stallation includes fuses or circuit breakers as described under Owners Res ponsibility on the wiring diagram supplied with your engine Q7 ACTIVATION BY LUBE OIL PRESSURE KEYSWITCH START 1 fIitAIEL C BE r r I P SENDER FOUR50 FOUR 91 FOUR154 FOUR230 SIX346 e r Ow rv I 111 I 1 1 1 I 1 0 uO I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I L J 1 1 1 1 I 1 I Drawing No 15245Q8 YOUR NOTES SECTION R COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNAL1 DESCRIPTION charge of the sea water pump to diesel engines are heat exchanger sea water inlet Afterequlpped wlth fresh water cooling passing through the tubes of the heatTransfer of heat from engine fresh exchanger the sea water may enter awater to sea water is accomo1ished transmission oil cooler if presentin a heat exchanger similar in func and if sea water cooled Ultimatelytion to an automotive radiator Sea the sea water enters a water injectedwater flows through the tubes of the wet exhaust system the most popularheat exchanger while fresh water type of exhaust system in use Inflows around the tubes The sea the case of larger engines the sea ater flow is divided prior to enterwater and fresh water never mixwith the result that the cooling lng the exhaust systems so that awater passages in the engine stay portion is dumped directly overboardclean and a portion is used to cool the exhaust system Full sea water flow2 FRESH WATER CIRCUIT entering the exhaust system would create unnecessary exhaust backHeat rejected during combustion as pressureell as heat developed by frictionlS absorbed by the fresh water whose 4 SEA WATER PUMPflow is created by a fresh water cir Thesa waer pump is self priming andculating pump The fresh water flows posltle dlsplacement It is a rotaryfrom the engine through a fresh water pump wlth a nonferrous housing and acooled exhaust manifold a heat ex neoprene impeller The impeller haschanger in most cases an oil cooler flexible vanes which wipe against aand returns to the suction side of curvd cam plate within the impellerthe fresh water circulating pump houslng producing the pumping actionThe flow is not necessarily in this On no account should this pump be runorder in every model When starting dry There should always be a sparea cold engine most of the external impeller and impeller cover gasketflow to the heat exchanger is pre aboardvented by the closed thermostatSome amount of bypass is maintained 5 SEA WATER PUMP IMPELLER REPLACEMENTto revent overheating in the As the engine warms up the The following instructions are begins to open up a11wing and indicative only Specific instrucfull flow of engine fresh water thru tions where applicable may be packagedthe external cooling system with your replacement impeller3 SEA WATER CIRCUIT a Remove the front cover taking careThesa waer flow is created by a to salvage the gasketposltlVe dlsp1acement neoprene inpe11e b Remove the impeller by pullingpump gear pump in certain special straight outwards parallel tocases Normally the pump draws sea the pump shaft This is bestwater directly from the ocean via the done with a pair of pliers apsea cock and sea water strainer Some plied to the impeller hubtimes a transmission oil cooler orpehaps a V drive will be piped on the c Coat the replacement side of the sea water pump and the chamber into which itGenrally it is better to have as few mounts with greasedevlces on the suction side of the seawae pum a possible to preclude d Carefully align the impeller keyprlmlng dlfflculties Usually sea way or other locking mechanismwater flows directly from the dis R2 with the shaft Take care that 8 THERMOSTAT all the impeller blades bend in the same direction and trailing Generally thermostats are of two types One is simply a choking device which e Inspect the front cover for wear opens and closes as the engine tempera A worn front cover should ulti ture rises and falls The second type mately be replaced Sometimes has a bypass mechanism Usually this it can be reversed as an emer is a disc on the bottom of the thermo gency measure but not when stat which moves downward to close off stamped markings would break the an internal bypass passage within the seal between the cover and the head Both types of thermostats from impeller bl ades 1980 onwards have two 316 diameter holes punched through them to serve as f Reinstall the end cover with a a bypass while the engine is warming new gasket up This prevents overheating in the exhaust manifold during engine warmup g Be doubly sure to check quickly These two holes total approximately for sea water flow when starting 006 square inches of area and replace the engine The absence of flow ment thermostats must be equal in this indicates that the pump may not design characteristic be priming itself properly When replacing a thermostat be sure This situation must be investi that it is rotated so as to not gated immediately or damage to strike the thermostat housing pro the new impeller will result jections inside the head temperature from overheating senders or temperature switches which may be installed close to the6 ENGINE FRESH WATER thermostatIt is preferable to fill your engine A thermostat can be checked for propwith a 50 mixture er operation by placing it in a panThis precludes the necessity of drain of cold water and then raising theing coolant in the winter Since most temperature of the water to a contain preservative agents The thermostat should open noticeof one kind or another rusting within ably with travel on the order ofthe engine is minimized Also the anti 14 12 and be fully opened whenfreeze mixture boils at a higher tem the water is than water giving coolingsystem head room II 9 ENGINE LUBE OIL COOLERWhen draining the engine open thepressure cap first to relieve the Lubricating oil carries heat away fromvacuum created by draining the engine bearings and other friction surfaces The oil circulates from the lube oil pump through the engine7 FILLING THE FRESH WATER SYSTEM through the engine oil cooler and back to the oil pumpIt is very important to completely fillthe fresh water system before starting The oil cooler may be cooled either bythe engine It is normal for air to engine fresh water or by sea waterbecome trapped in various passages soall high points must be opened to atmos 10 TNSMISSION OIL COOLERphere to bleed entrapped air When anengine is started after filling with Certain transmissions require oil coolcoolant the system may look deceptively ing In these cases the until the thermostat opens At this oil cooler is usually cooled by seatime when water flows through the exter wateral cooling circuit for the first timepockets of air can be exposed and rise Normally sea water enters this coolerto the fill point Be sure to add cool after exiting the heat exchanger butant at this time not always R3 TWO PASS MANIFOLD Note Drawing is indicative only Specific models may vary in detail TO EXHAUST 5 rS TE IvSEA WArEkPUMPR4 SINGLE PASS MANIFOLD Note Drawing is indicative only Specific models may vary in detail SURGE EXHAUST TANK MANIFOLD FROM J Q C P SEA h COCK RAW WATER PUMP OIL FILTER 0I I OIL COOLER FROM SEA RAW WATER COCK FRESH WATER ENGINE OIL I IUSED ON HYD HYDRAULICn Cl RAULIC GEAR QU COOLER If ONLY SECTION YOUR NOTES S9 TYPE SAO Westerbeke Paragon manually operated reverse gear units consist of amultiple disc clutch and a planetary reverse gear train The units are self contained and are independent of the engine lubrication the forward drive the reverse gear case and multiple disc clutch are lockedtogether as a solid coupling The multiple disc clutch is locked or clamped by thepressure produced when the shift lever is moved to the forward position Thus thepropeller shaft turns in the same direction as the engineThe reverse drive is obtained by clamping the reverse band around the reversegear case which contains the planetary reverse gear train The reverse band isclamped when the shift lever is moved and held in the reverse position Thereverse motion is then obtained by driving through the gears thus turning the propeller shaft opposite to the engine rotationWith the shift lever in the neutral position the multiple disc clutch and the reverseband are unclamped and the planet gears run idle and the propeller shaft is desirable to start the engine with the transmission in neutral thus avoidingmoving the boat in either directionIt is recommended that the shifting be done at speeds below 1000 RPM and preferably in the 800 RPM range or lower to prolong the life of the engine of the boatTROUBLE SHOOTINGThe trouble shooting charts below and on the next page should be studied and thesuggestions carried out prior to any disassembly to determine as well as possiblewhat the trouble may be Also the exploded views and the accompanying discussions should be carefully read and understood so that any or all of the service workas indicated from the trouble shooting charts may be carried out in any servicing operation cleanliness is a must and all rules for good workmanship apply Some of these rules are as follows 1 Use only clean fluid in any cleaning or washing of parts 2 Use only clean oil for lubrication when pressing parts together 3 Never use a hammer to drive ball bearings in place 4 Never press a ball bearing so that the force is carried through the balls 5 Use only properly sized wrenches in removing or securing nuts and cap screws 6 Replace gaskets and 0 rings with new material 7 Work on a clean bench and protect gear teeth and oil seal surfaces from nicks and scratches NOTE Remove the reverse and reduction gear as a complete unit before removing the oil to avoid fouling the bilges TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTS Ch art 1 GEAR DRAGGING DRIVE SHAFT ROTATES EITHER FORWARD OR REVERSE WITH SHIFT LEVER IN NEUTRAL I l Check For I I I 1 1 DEFECTIVE FORWARD CLUTCH PLATES I 3 BINDING IN PLANETARY ASSEMBLY T 4 OVER ADJUSTMENT ON I 2 REVERSE BAND ENGAGING GEAR CASE I FORwARD AND REVERSE REMEDy Forllard clutch r1ate 9arred and stickin b Inineear hearins lIorn excessively Remove and rerlace clutch rlates causin misalilnment of enine shaft Re rlace necessary rarts Check misaJinment2 Imrruper reveue hand adjustment Adjust of enine lear reverse band as outlined under adjustment Check the fol109in items 4 Overadjustment of tither forward and reverse a learinls and lears worn excessively in lear or hoth vill result in loss of neutral Check case Repllce necessary rarts and readjust as outlined under adjustment Chart 2 GEAR SLIPPING OR SLOW TO ENGAGE WITH SHIFT LEVER IN FORWARD OR REVERSE I I Check For I I 1 wORN CLUTCH PLATES 1 I I 3 WORN REVERSE BAND I I I 2 FORWARD CLUTCH NOT ENGAGING J I 4 REVERSE BAND NOT ENGAGING I REMEDyI Hemove forward clutch pldtes and check or RernlVe reverse hand and check for wedr He liIr Ierlace if lIorn excessively place Iinin if lorn helo9 rivets2 Improper forward clutch adjustment Adjust dS 1 Imrroper reverse band adjustment Adjust as outl ined under ad justment outl ine under ad ju stment Sl1 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART Chart a GEAR INOPERATIVE DRIVE SHAFT roES toT ROtATE WITH SHIFT LEVER IN FORWARD OR REVERSE I I Chord For I r I I 1 FAILURE OF PLANETARY ASSEMBLY I 4 REVERSE BAND NOT ENGAGING GEAR CASE I I 2 FAILURE OF REDUCTION GEAR I 1 S BROKEN OUTPUT SHAFT I I 3 FORWARD CLUTCH NOT ENGAGING J REMEDY 1 Hemoe rear ce aOemhly and check for b orward clutch plateli lIorn Heplace clutch defective or damnld parcs Replace clefective plate or Iamued parts 4 Ched the followin items 2 Rlme reduction Jlar assemhly and check for a Improper reverse hand adjustmem dut defective or damaed parts Replace defective reverse band as outlined under aljll trlll1t or dClmaled parts Refer to reduction lCear h Ieverse hand lininlt worn Hlllace linin service manual c Cracked eals or bent or cllmalct Iinkaltt Ched the followin items parts leplaCe defectivc material OI Iproper fUiut clutch iutjustment djust S Ched for broken output shaft Heplll e1 Url Oint clutch as Iludincd undtr adjustment fcctic shaftNOTE Disassembly need be carried out only as far as is necessary to correctthose difficulties which interfere with propr marine gear OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY FROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING IF lljSTALLEDNOTE Remove the reverse gear with reduction gear attached as a complete unitbefore draining Oil to avoid fouling the bilges 1 Remove starter motor 2 Disconnect propeller half coupling and slide back approximately 4 inches 3 Remove capscrews securing reverse gear to be11housing 4 Strike gear half coupling flange with soft mallet to break reverse gear from bellhousing Slide entire reverse and reduction gear streight back approxim ately 3 inches until reverse gear clears bel1housing and lift units clear of engine Refer to Reduction Gear section of manual for disassembly and assembly of reduction unitS121I42 76 85 80 48 44 72 71 SAO MANUAL TRANSMISSION 513 94 7 SAO MANUAL 2STRANSMISSION 2S514 REMOVAL OF REVERSE GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY FROM ENGINE 1 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that secure reverse gear housing 3 to front end plate 5 2 Slide entire reverse gear housing 3 straight back approximately 3 inches until housing is clear of front plate engine gear 1 and lift reverse gear housing assembly clear of front plate 5 3 Remove pilot roller bearing 60 from front plate engine gear 1 if it remains on gear 4 If necessary to replace front end plate 5 oil seal 22 or bearing 37 proceed as follows a Remove capscrews and lockwashers securing front end plate 5 to engine flywheel housing b Slide front end plate 5 straight back approximately two inches until front plate engine gear 1 is clear of flywheel housing and lift clear of engine c Remove retaining ring 36 bearing 37 retaining ring 35 and oil seal 22 d Replace new oil seal and bearing if required REMOVAL OF GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY FROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING REDUCTION MODEL 1 Remove four capscrews cover seals 33 cover 10 and gasket 4 from reverse gear housing 3 2 Through cover opening in reverse gear housing 3 rem0ve nut 70 lock washer and screw securing adjustment nut lockspring 68 to ear of brake band assembly 62 Remove lock spring 3 Remove adjustment nut 66 from reverse cam 65 Remove reverse cam 65 from eye in yoke 34 and slide out reverse cam 65 from reverse cam slide assembly 63 4 Remove cross shaft 13 from reverse gear housing 3 as follows a Loosen the two capscrews securing the yoke 34 to the cross shaft 13 b With small end of housing toward mechanic slide cross shaft 13 from left to right being careful cross shaft doesnt come in contact with operating sleeve bearing 50 or Woodruff key 26 in cross shaft under yoke arm 34 isnt forced against cross shaft oil seal 20 in right side of housing Remove the two Woodruff keys from cross shaft c Slide cross shaft out of housing and remove brace 67 and lift yoke 34 from operating sleeve 50 5 On dipstick side of housing remove roll pin 24 securing brake band lock ing pin 12 that secures brake band to housing Remove locking pin and inspect 0 ring 23 and replace if damaged 6 Slide brake band 62 from gear case assembly 41 and remove band from front of housing 7 Remove cotter pin and nut 182 from reverse gear tailshaft 22 8 Support reverse gear housing 3 with front end down so that gear case 41 may drop free approximately two inches 9 Press on reverse gear tails haft 2 2 until tailshaft is free of reduction drive gear 87 10 Lift reverse gear housing 3 straight up until housing clears tailshaft 2 2 SIS 11 Remove caps crews and lockwashers that secure reduction adapter plate 85 to reverse gear housing 3 a Remove reduction adapter plate with attached bearing 88 and reduc tion drive gear 87 b Press bearing with drive gear from adapter plate c Press bearing from drive gear DIRECT DRIVE UNIT perform procedlres 1 through 6 above 12 Bend tang of lockwasher 19 away from locknut 181 and remove nut from reverse gear tailshaft 21 by holding gear half coupling 14 with spanner wrench Remove lockwasher 13 Support reverse gear housing 3 face down so that gear case may drop free approximately 2 inches 14 Press on reverse gear tailshaft 21 until tailshaft is free of gear half coupling 14 Lift reverse gear housing 3 straight up from gear case assembly 41 until housing clears tailshaft 21 15 Remove caps crews and lockwashers that secure direct drive plate 15 to reverse gear housing 3 a Remove direct drive plate 15 with attached bearing 25 and gear half coupling 14 from reverse gear housing 3 b Press gear half coupling from bearing c Press bearing from drive plate d If necessary to replace remove oil seal 21 from direct drive OF GEAR CASE 1 Remove thrust washer 162 and retainer ring 6 from end of reverse gear tailshaft on reduction units and Woodruff key 27 seal washer 6 and thrust washer 161 from end of tails haft on direct drive units 2 Remove lockscrew 55 and lockwasher from screw collar 53 and remove screw collar from gear case by unscrewing Lift operating sleeve assembly 50 from tailshaft when removing screw collar 3 Lift pressure plate 49 and clutch plates 48 and 54 from end of gear case 4 Properly support gear case on clutch plate carrier and press tailshaft 21 or 22 from propeller gear 43 and clutch plate carrier Lift clutch plate carrier from gear case 5 Remove case ball bearing retaining ring 59 from groove in gear case 6 Remove capscrews 14 and lockwashers 13 and case bushing 23 from gear case 7 Before removal of the short or lon pinions is attempted first inspect the gear teeth for indication of wear Also rotate each pinion to check for rough spots during rotation If further ispection or replacement is necessary proceed with the disassembly However do not disassemble unless required 8 Drive pinion shaft 20 of one of the short pinions 22 from threaded end of gear case approximately 12 inch Push pinion shaft on through with a dummy shaft 9 Push dummy shaft until centerec in short pinion 46 and short pinion spacer 56 Remove pinion shaft 42 from front end of gear case 10 Remove remaining short pinions 46 from gear case 11 Press propeller gear 43 from the case ball bearing 58 12 Remove long pinions 44 using dummy shaft as in removing short pinionsNOTE Bushings are pressed into the long and short parts should be thoroughly cleaned before inspection Parts showing excessivewear should be replaced 1 Ball and roller bearings should be examined for indication of corrosion and pitting on balls or rollers and races 2 Long and short pinion bushings should be examined for wear 3 Pinion shafts should be examined for wear or brinelling 4 Long and short pinion spacers should be examined for wear 5 Long and short pinion bore diameters should be examined for wear 6 All gear teeth should be examined for pitch line pitting unever wear pattern or excessive wear 7 All shafts should be examined for wear on splines and shoulders 8 Clutch plates should be examined for flatness roughness indicating of excessive heating and wear or peening of driving lugs 9 Clutch plate carrier should be examined for wear and peening of lugs and splines 10 Examine all oil seals for rough or charred lips 11 Reverse band links pins etc should be examined for wear or bending 12 Reverse band lining should be examined for wearNOTE Lining should be replaced before rivets come in contact with gear case 13 Gear case should be examined for wear from reverse band linking short or long pinions wearing into inside faces or wear in clutch plate slots on threaded end 14 Screw collar and finger assembly should be examined for wear 15 Pressure plate should be examined for wear 16 All old gaskets should be replaced 17 Operating sleeve assembly should be examined for wear 18 Engine gear should be examined for wear on oil seal surfaces case roller bearing race pilot bearing race and gear teeth for pitch line pitting uneven wear or excessive wear NOTE When uneven gear teeth wear has been noticed check engine gear for eccentricity Maximum eccentricity at pilot bearing race is 005 inches 19 Where special vibration dampers are used as flexible couplings check springs and splines for wear ASSEMBL Y OF GEAR CASE 1 If pinion gears 45 and 46 bushings 21 and plnlOn shafts 42 were removed from gear case 41 assembled as follows a Insert dummy shaft into long pinion 44 NOTE Use same dummy shaft as used in disassembly b Insert four bushings 21 equally spaced around dummy shaft to center shaft in gear then assemble remaining bushings NOTE Smear dummy shaft with cup grease to prevent bushings from dropping out Install bushing spacer 56 in gear next to first row of bushings c Lay gear case 41 on side and insert long pinion 44 in case to align with hole in outer row Sl7 d Insert pmIOn shaft 42 plain end first into unthreaded end of gear case and push through pinion as far as rear wall of gear case forcing out the dummy shaft e Remove dummy shaft and start pinion shaft into rear wall of case Do not drive pinion shaft all the way into gear case until all shafts are inserted f Assemble remaining long pinions in gear case g Using dummy shaft insert short bushings 47 into short pinion 46 in same manner covered in paragraphs a and b above With short pinion use pinion spacer 56 h Insert short pinion 46 into gear case pinion toward front of case to line up with hole in inner row and insert pinion shaft 20 as described in d above i Assemble remaining short pinions in gear case 2 Assemble case bushing 23 to gear case with edges of race in line with flats on pinion shafts Replace lockwashers 13 and capscrews 14 3 Insert propeller gear 24 through rear of gear case in mesh with long pinions 4 Press case ball bearing 58 into gear case and onto propeller gear by supporting entire assembly on propeller gear inside front end of gear case Make certain that case ball bearing is seated properly on propeller gear and into gear case Install case ball bearing retaining ring 59 in groove in gear case next to case ball bearing 5 Press clutch plate carrier 27 onto reverse gear tailshaft 21 or 22 6 Align splines on reverse gear tailshaft and press tails haft through pro peller gear until propeller gear is seated against the clutch plate carrier already on tailshaft Support the entire assembly on propeller gear inside front end of gear case during pressing operation 7 Place Woodruff key 61 on end of tailshaft inside propeller gear 8 Install clutch plates in clutch plate cavity in rear of gear case starting first with bronze clutch plate 54 and alternating eel plate 34 and bronze clutch plate 9 Install pressure plate 49 on top of last bronze clutch plate in clutch plate cavityNOTE Make certain that all plates ride freely and that no binding is apparentduring assembly 10 Assemble finger assembly 52 o screw collar 53 using finger pins 51 and securing with cotter pins 11 Thread screw collar 53 onto gear case assembly 41 approximately half of the thread length 12 Place operating sleeve assembly 50 onto tailshaft Position ball ends of finger assembly over sleeve assembly 13 Continue screwing screw collar onto gear case 41 until finger assembly will snap over center and lock into position against the shoulder of the pressure plate 49 14 Push operating sleeve assembly 50 forward until finger assemblies are free 15 Place lockwasher over end of locks crew 55 and thread lockscrew into one hole near edge of screw collar 53 Rotate screw collar until dog on end of lockscrew lines up with closest hole in pressure plate 16 On reduction tailshafts install retaining ring on reverse gear tailshaft making certain that retaining ring is seated properly in groove in reverse gear The forward clutch is not properly adjusted at the end of this assemblyProper adjustment is made after installation in boat is complete Follow instructions as outlined under section on Y OF REVERSE GEAR CASE IN REVERSE GEAR HOUSING REDUCTION MODEL 1 Place new gaskets 8 7 and 4 on front rear and top of reverse gear housing 3 2 If removed for replacement install new oil seals 20 in cross shaft holes in housing 3 Support gear case assembly 41 on propeller gear 43 inside front end of gear case so that reverse gear housing 3 will not rest on face when lowered over gear case assembly 4 Lower reverse gear housing 3 over gear case assembly with reverse gear tailshaft 22 protruding through bore in rear of housing 5 Place thrust washer 162 with counterbored side down over reverse gear tails haft 2 2 Make certain that thrust washer seats properly on shoulder of retaining ring 6 on tailshaft 22 6 Press reduction drive gear 87 into ball bearing 88 7 Plcce new gasket 8 on reverse gear housing 3 and press reduction drive gear 87 and ball bearing 88 on reverse gear tailshaft 22 until ball bearing is seated against thrust washer 162 Thread on reverse gear tailshaft nut 18 2 8 Press reduction gear adapter plate 85 over ball bearing and secure with necessary bolts 9 Install reduction gear crescent 74 10 Tighten all capscrews Tighten reverse gear tailshaft nut 182 until cotter pin can be installed through castellation in nut and hole in reverse gear tailshaft 11 Install cotter pin and bedn ends over nut 12 Place new gasket 72 on reduction adapter plate 85 13 Install brake band assembly 62 onto gear case assembly 41 in reverse gear housing 14 With reduction adapter plate 85 facing mechanic insert yoke 34 through cover opening in housing placing forked arms of yoke over pins of oper ating sleeve assembly 50 Ensure part number of yoke is facing mechanic 15 Align and hold hole in brace 67 on inside right hole in yoke and push cross shaft through yoke and Lrace to left side of housing 16 Pull cross shaft out from rigt side o housing approximately one inch and insert Woodruff key in cross shaft to the right of each yoke hole to posi tion yoke to cross shaft 17 Secure yoke to cross shaft by tightening the two cap screws in yoke 18 SUde reverse cam 65 through reverse cam slide assembly 63 and in hole in arm of yoke 34 19 Position pin in brake band 62 in hole in brace 67 20 Replace and tighten adjustment nut 66 to reverse cam slide assembly 63 21 Secure lock spring 68 over adjustment nut 66 with screw lockwasher and nut 70 DIRECT DRIVE UNIT 22 After paragraph 4 above place thrust washer 161 over reverse gear tailshaft Place seal washer 6 over reverse gear tailshaft against thrust 519 washer and install Woodruff key 27 in keyway in tailshaft 23 If removed for replacement press new oil seal 21 into direct drive plate 15 Press ball bearing 25 into direct drive plate 24 Place direct drive plate oil seal and ball bearing assembly on suitable support and press gear half coupling 14 into oil seal 21 and ball bear ing 25 until gear half coupling is seated against ball bearing Care must be taken not to damage oil seal during assembly 25 Align direct drive plate and gear half coupling up with key in reverse gear tailshaft and press together until ball bearing is seated against thrust washer 161 26 Place lockwasher 19 over reverse gear tailshaft with tang in keyway in gear half coupling and thread locknut 18 1 on reverse gear tailshaft 27 Install lockwashers and capscrews in holes in direct drive plate and bolt to reverse gear housing 28 Tighten all capscrews Tighten locknut 181 and bend up one tang on lockwasher 19 over locknut 29 Continue with paragraphs 13 through 20ASSEMBLE TRANSMISSION TO ENGINE 1 If front end plate 5 was removed from reverse gear housing 3 or engine flywheel housing proceed as follows a Replace oil seal 22 or bearing 37 if necessary b Slide engine gear 1 into flywheel housing damper spline c Align mounting holes in front end plate 5 with holes in flywheel housing and secure with lockwashers and capscrews d After installing on engine check engine gear f0r runout Maximum eccentricity is 005 inches at pilot roller bearing 2 Insert two studs three inches long in two opposite bolt holes in front end plate 5 3 Check to be certain that pilot roller bearing 60 is properly installed in propeller gear inside gear case 4 Start reverse gear housing 3 over the two studs and slide housing over engine gear 1 right up against flywheel housing It may be necessary to rotate gear case slightly to properly mesh teeth on engine gear and short pinions in gear case 5 Install lockwashers and capscrews in holes around flange of housing 6 Remove the two studs and install remaining lockwashers and capscrews Tighten all OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY TO REVERSE GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLYNOTE Refer to reduction gear assembly and disassembly procedures 1 Install two studs 3 12 inches long in two opposite holes in reduction adapter plate 2 Position reduction gear assembly over studs with oil drain plug at bottom and slide onto reduction drive gear It may be necessary to rotate reduc tion ring gear slightly to properly mesh gear teeth 3 and capscrews around flange of reduction gear housing and tighten uniformlyS20 YOUR NOTES S21 SA1 AND SAO MANUAL CLUTCH the transmission secured to the engine I Back out the lockscrew 42 until the dogreplace all water lines etc However do on the end of the lockscrew is clear of thenot connect the shifting linkage until all the hole in the pressure plate 35adjustments have been made and are satisfactorily tested 2 Rotate the screw Collar 37 to the right until the lockscrew 42 is oPEosite theBefore securing the propeller half coupling to next hole in the pressure plate 35the gear half coupling check to make certainthat the couplings do not run out more than 3 Tighten the lockscrew making certain that002 inches wi th respect to each other Study the dog on the end properly enters the holesection IIAlignment to Engine II on Pages in the pressure plate14 and 15 of Technical Manual 4 Continue this until a decided effort is reThe transmission should be filled with new oil quired to shift into forward specified under lubrication 26 foot poundsThe transmission can be parti ally adjusted be 48fore the engine has been run However acomplete running test is necessary to satisfactorily determine whether the adjustments havebeen properly madeThe preliminary adjustments for the forwarddrive are made as follows remove reversecover plate rotate pressure finger assembly O50CI1d screw collar 37 until lock screw 42is up and facing you Then working care n4 50fully to avoid dropping either screw or toolsinto clutch housing SAl Reverse Adjustment Top View The preliminary adjustments for the reverse drive are made as follows 1 Loosen the locknut 50 on the inside of the upright ear at the top of the reverse band 2 TIghten the adjusting nut 50 on the outside of the ear unti I both nuts are again tight against the ear of the reverse band 3 Repeat until a decided snap is required to Typical Forward shift into reverse Clutch Adjust ment SAl SAO 4 Do not tamper with adjustment of link 48 5 For Four99s and early Fourl07s there was a cam operated reverse adjustment Simply tum screw head 103 clockwise one flat at a time until satisfactory reverse engagement is obtained see Figure 3S22 If further adjustments are necessary continue the adjustments as outlined aove until satis factory operation is reached It should be noted however that the edjustments should be carried out only unti I satisfactory operation is reached since it is possible to overadjust the transmission If the transmission is overad SAO Reverse justed it will be more difficult to shift into Adjustment forward and reverse and the parts wi II be heav Top View 103 ily stressed and subject to early atigue ail ure Therefore once the prellmmary adust ments have been made only a very small am ount of adjustment will be necessary for either forward or reverse Usually an adiustment of Replace the cover on the reverse gear housing a half a step on the forward or at the most a The transmission is reedy for a prel iminary test full step is required for full edjustment Only which may be done at dockside a very small edjustment is required for the re verse drive oeck all of the mooring Iines before continu ing the test On the forward drive a full step of adjustment is as outlined aove or is made by loosening With the engine running at idle speed shift the lockscrew 42 and rotating the screw the transmission into forward and reverse not collar 37 to the right until the next hole in ing how well the transmission responds the pressure plate 35 can be lined up under the lockscrew A half a step is mede by tak If the transmission does not engage in one or ing the lockscrew out of the hole that it is in both of the forward or reverse positions further and pi acing it in the hole adjoining it in the dockside ediustments are necessary Continue screw coil ar Then rotate the screw coil ar to the ediustments as outlined above untif the the right until the next hole in the pressure transmission will engage in both forward and plate is lined up under the dog of the lock reverse drives screw Make certain that the lockscrew enters the hole properlyorit will bind up the forward A complete running test is necessary to deter clutch mine that the transmission is properly edjusted The transmission should not slip or break II When the transmission is properly adjusted away under full power conditions in the forward replace the cover and secure all external bolts drive and should hold in reverse under all nor and fasteners Before replacing the shifting mal reversing conditions linkage check to make certain that it oper ates freely aJIId doesnotbindor drag Replace the linkage on the transmissiDn shift leverand secure properly WHEN CLUTCH SLIPPING IS NOTICED STOP AND ADJUST AT ONCE PROPER ADJUSTMENT WILL MAINTAIN YOUR CLUTCH FOR YEARS BUT A SLI PPI NG CLUTCH MAY DESTROY ITSELF CAUS I NG COSTLY REPAIRS S23 SA1 AND SAO REDUCTION reduction gears consist of an internal ring gear and adrive gear that offers a variety of reduction are no adjustments necessary to maintain the reduction gears in properrunning OF REDUCTION UNITNOTE Disassembly need be carried out only as far as necessary to correctthose difficulties which interfere with proper marine gear reverse and reduction gear as a complete unit before removing the oil toavoid fouling the bilges 1 Remove oil drain plug from bottom of reduction gear housing B6 and drain oil from unit Make certain that all lubricating oil is removed from reverse gear unit 2 Remove capscrews and lockwashers from flange of reduction gear housing and slide entire reduction unit straight back approximately 3 inches until reduction unit clears reduction drive pinion 3 Bend tang of lockwasher 7B away from locknut 77 Remove locknut using suitable wrench and lift lockwasher from shaft 4 Remove gear half coupling 75 with gear type puller or by supporting entire assembly under flange of gear half coupling and press agalnst shaft to force coupling from assembly 5 Support reduction gear housing so that flanged shaft assembly can drQP free approximately 2 inches and press flanged shaft assembly from reduction gear housing 6 Remove retaining ring 76 from groove next to ball bearing B4 inide reduction gear housing and press ball bearing from housing 7 If necessary to replace remove oil seal 79 B Remove Woodruff key BO from flanged shaft and remove seal washer 74 and spacer 73 9 Press ball bearing B4 from flanged shaft using two holes in flange 10 Remove capscrews and lockwashers from rim of flanged shaft and remove ring gear 71 from flanged parts should be thoroughly cleaned before inspection Parts showing excessivewear should be replaced 1 Ball bearings should be examined for indications of corrosion and pitting on balls and races 2 All gear teeth should be examined for pitch line pitting uneven wear pattern or excessive wear 3 Examine oil seal for rough or charred lips 4 Retaining rings should be checked for burrs or deformities 5 All gaskets should be OF REDUCTION UNIT 1 Replace oil drain plug into reduction gear housing B6 2 Press ball bearing B4 into reduction gear housing B6 and install retain ing ring 76 into groove next to ball bearingS24 3 If removed for replacement press new oil seal 79 into reduction gear housing 4 Place flanged shaft over ring gear 71 and line up holes in flange with those in ring gear 5 Place lockwasher over capscrew and insert capscrew into hole in flanged shaft and secure flanged shaft to ring gear 6 Press ball bearing 84 onto flanged shaft Place spacer 73 over shaft next to ball bearing and place seal washer 74 over shaft next to spacer 7 Install Woodruff key 80 into keyway in flanged shaft 8 Place reduction gear housing over small end of flanged shaft and start ball bearing 84 on flanged shaft into bore in housing by tapping housing with a soft mallet 9 Turn unit over with small end of housing down and press on center of flanged shaft until spacer 73 is seated against ball bearing 84 in reduc tion housing 10 Support unit on inside of flanged shaft with large end of unit down and press gear half coupling 75 onto shaft end and into ball bearing until coupling is seated against ball bearing Care must be taken to line up keyway in coupling and key in shaft before pressing together 11 Place lockwasher 78 over end of flanged shaft with tang on inside of lockwasher in slot on flanged shaft Place locknut 77 onto shaft and secure using suitable wrench 12 Bend one tang of lockwasher into slot on locknut 13 Install two studs 3 12 inches long into two opposite holes in reduction adapter plate 14 Position reduction gear assembly over studs with oil drain plug at bottom of housing and slide onto reduction drive gear It may te necessary to rotate reduction gear slightly to properly mesh gear teeth 15 Install lockwashers and cClpscrews around flange of reduction gear hous ing and tighten uniformly 529 PARAGON P21 SERIES HYDRAULICI SPECIFICATIONS A Description Chart MODEL REDUCTION RATIO DIRECTION OF ROTATION P21L DIRECT ALL LEFT HAND P22L 1 51 AS VIEWED FROM P23L 21 THE OUTPUT END P24L 251 OF THE TRANS P25L 31 MISSION B Model and Serial Numbers Each reverse gear has a model number and a serial number These numbers are on the name plate located on the housing of the transmission MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER CHART DIRECT DRIVE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS 21 L 5J1234 P2 Gear Size 1 Direct Drive L Left Hand Rotation Unit 5J1234 Transmission Serial No REDUCTION GEAR MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS 23 L 5J5678 P2GeorSize 2 3 f Reduction Geor 15 1 2 O 1 f Reduction Gear L Left Hand Rotation Unit 5J5678 Trans mi ion Sei 01 Size 25 1 Ratio No 30 1S30 II INTRODUCTION ward drive is through a multiple disc clutch arrangement while the reverse drive utilizes a reverse clamp band and planetary gear Transmissions have been designed for smooth train The transmission oil is Circulated and operation and dependability in marine use The cooled through a separate external oil cooler transmission is self contained having an oil core which is in turn cooled by the engine pressure system and oil supply completely water Paragon transmissions are furnished separated from engine lubricating oil systems with either direct drive or reduction gears Gear reduction ratios and corresponding Translllission oil under pressure is used to model identification numbers are listed in engage a forward or reverse drive The for Section I under SPECIFICA TIONS III INSTALLATION 4 Install and tighten four bolts with lock washers through the transmission A The installation instructions below are for housing flange into the engine adapter use when the original transmission has been plate Remove the 312 studs Install removed for servicing and must be re and tighten the two remaining bolts installed or when the transmission unit with lockwashers through the trans is to be adapted as nonoriginal equip mission housing flange ment to a marine engine D The transmission and propeller shaft cou B It is important that the engine and trans pling must be carefully aligned before the mission rotations are matched The direc propeller shaft is connected to the trans tion of rotation of an engine is defined in mission in order to avoid vibration and this manual as the direction of rotation consequent damage to the transmission of the engine crankshaft as viewed from the engine and boat hull during operation output end of the transmission A clock To align the coupling move the propeller wise rotation of the engine is a right hand shaft with attached coupling flange toward rotation and a rotation of the transmission so that the faces of the the engine is a left hand rotation propeller shaft coupling flange and trans mission shaft coupling flange are in con A letter R or L appearing on the tact The coupling flange faces should be transmission serial number plate illus in contact throughout their entire circum trated in Section I SPECI FICA TIONS ference The total runout or gap between indicates whether the transmission is for the faces should not exceed 002 at any use with a right or left hand rotating point If the runout exceeds 002 reposi engine tion the engine and attached transmission by loosening the engine support bolts and C The hydraulic transmission is attached to adding or removing shims to raise or lower the engine in the following manner either end of the engine If necessary move the engine sideways to adjust the 1 Insert two 312 studs in opposite runout or to align the coupling flange transmission mounting holes in the faces laterally Tighten the engine support engine adapter plate bolts and recheck the alignment of the coupling before bolting the coupling flanges 2 Place the transmission against the studs together Connect the coupling flanges with so that the studs go through two of the bolts lockwashers and nuts matching holes in the transmission housing flange E Connect the oil cooler lines to the trans mission 3 Slide the transmission along the studs F Connect the shift control cable from the toward the engine so that the spline on cockpit control station to the transmission the shaft at the front ofthe transmission control valve lever shown in Figure on enters the matching splined hole in the page 5 Place the transmission control engine vibration dampener valve lever in the neutral poSition and adjust the shaft control cable length until or reverse position and should return the cockpit control station hand lever is exactly to the neutral position when the in the neutral position Move the cockpit hand lever Is in the neutral position control hand lever to forward and reverse positions several times while observing the G Remove the oil dipstick shown in Figure transmission control valve lever motion on page 5 and fill the transmission with The transmision control valve lever should Type A transmission fluid to the mark on move fully into forward or reverse position the dipstick Replace the dipstick in the when the hand lever is moved into forward transmission housingIV OPERATION Starting Procedure 1 Always start the engine with the trans Principle of Operation miSSion in NEUTRAL to avoid moving the boat suddenly forward or back The transmission forward and reverse drives 2 When the engine is first started allow it are operated by transmission oil under pres to idle for a ffw moments Stop the engine sure An internal gear type oil pump deltvers and check the transmission oil level Add the transmission oil under pressure to the oil if necessary to bring the oil level up external oil cooler The transmission oil is to the mark on the transmission dipstick returned still under pressure to the oil distribution tube and relief valve The relief valve maintains the oil pressure by remaining NOTE cl03ed unt J the oi J pressure reaches 60 PSI ON SUBSEQUENT STARTUPS THE When the rontroJ lever is shUte to the TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL MAYBE forward position oil under pressure is de CHECKED BEFORE RUNNING THE livered to the multiple disc clutch piston ENGINE WHEN ENGINE OIL IS which moves to clamp the clutch discs and CHECKED planetary reverse gear case together The 3 Start the engine again with the transmission discs and case then revolve as a solid cou in NEUTRAL and allow the enginetowarm pling in the direction of engine rotation The up to operating temperature reverse drive is engaged by shifting the control lever to the reverse position so that 4 Shift the transmission into FORWARD or oil under pressure is delivered to the reverse REVERSE as desired If the engine should piston The reverse piston moves to clamp stall when the transmission Is shifted to the reverse band arollnd the planetary gear FORWARD or REVERSE place the trans case preventing the planetary gear case miSSion in NEUTRAL before restarting the from moving but allowing the planetary gears engine to revolve to drive the output or propeller It is recommended that shifting be done at shaft in a direction opposite to the rotation speeds below 1000 RPM and preferably in of the engine With the control lever in the the 800 RPM or idle engine rang to pro neutral pOition pressurized oil is prevented long the life of the engine transmission from entering the clutch piston 01 reverse and boat EMERGENCY shifts may be at band piston nnd the propeller shaft remains higher engine speeds but this is not a stationary recommended practice832V MAINTENANCE are full If necessary refill to the mark on the dipstick to ensure proper operation A Lubrication of the transmission The transmission oil level should be checked each time the engine The Models P200 P300 and P400 trans oil level is checked before running the missions are selfcontained units indepen engine dent of the engine lubricating systems The units are lubricated by pressure and by The oil in the transmission should be splash from ts own oil The type of oil changed every 100 hours or each season recommended is Transmission Fluid under normal conditions However the Type A commonly used for automatic number of hours that can be run between transmissions in automobiles oil changes varies with the operating condi tions Drain plugs are located at the The quantity of oil depends upon the angle bottom of the reverse gear housing and the of installation as well as the reduction reduction gear housing model The level must be maintained at the mark on the dipstick and should be checked periodically to ensure satisfac B Adjustments tory operation No adjustment is necessary for the FOR When filling for the first time or refilling WARD drive multiple disc clutches and the after an oil change check the level after reverse band is self adjusting to compen running for a few minutes to make certain sate for lining wear so that no external that the oi I cooler and the various passages reverse band adjustment is necessary OIL TO COOLER COUPLING FLANGE S33C Trouble Shooting Chart PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES AND METHODS OF CORRECTIONGEAR INOPERATIVE Drive Shaft does not operate with selector valve in forvard 1 Low on Pressure a Low oil supply Add oil refer to or reverse lubrication b Faulty oil gauge Replace gauge on gauge slow to register air or obstruction in on gauge line Clean and bleed oil gauge line c Plugged oil lines or passages Clean lines or passages d Oil pressure relief valve scored and sticking Remove relief valve Clean valve and valve bore in control valve housing with crocus cloth to free valve or replace e Defective pistons and oil distributor seal rings Replace seal rings f Defective oil pump Check for wear and replace if necessary 2 High Oil Temperature a Low oil supply Add oil refer to lubrication b Low water level in cooling system Add vater and check for leaks c Plugged raw water inlet screen Clean screen d Collapsed or diSintegrated water inlet hose Replace hose e Air leak in cooling water sucUon line Replace suction line f Raw watar pump impeller worn or damaged Replace impeller g Clogged or dirty oil cooler element Remove and clean 3 Reverse Band not engaging Planetary a Reverse band lining worn out Gear Cage Replace lining b Defective reverse piston 0 ring Replace 0 ring 4 Failure of Planetary Remove gear case assembly and check Assembly for defective or damaged parts Replace defective or damaged parts 5 Failure of Reduction Remove reduction gear assembly and Gear check for defective or damaged parts Replace defective or damaged partsS34 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES AND METHODS OF CORRECTIONGEAR DRAGGING Drive Shaft rotates either forward or reverse with Forward clutch plates warped and Selector Valve in neutral 1 Defective forward sticking Remove clutch plates and position Clutch Plates replace 2 Defective forward Forward clutch piston release spring Clutch Piston Release broken or weak Replace spring Spring 3 Binding in Planetary a Bearings and gears worn excessively Assembly in gear case Replace necessary parts b Input shaft bearings worn excessively causing misalignment of input shaft Replace necessary partsGEAR SLIPPING OR SLOW TOENGAGE With Selector Valve in forward or reverse position 1 Low Oil Pressure See Gear Inoperative 1 2 Worn forward Clutch Remove forward clutch plates and check Plates for wear excessively replace clutch plates 3 Reverse Band not See Gear Inoperative 3 engaging Gear CaseINTERNAL AND EXTERNALLEAKS 1 Water in Lubricating a Hole in oil cooler element permitting Oil water to seep into oil compartment Replace oil cooler element b Oil cooler gaskets Check gaskets and replace 2 Excessive OU in Engine Crankcase or Defective front end plate oil seal Flywheel Housing Replace oil seal 3 Oil on Exterior of Marine Gear a Oil seeping from breather Check for too high oil level b Defective rear end oil seal Replace oil seal 4 Loss of Oil from Transmission a Check for defective gaskets and seal S35 WARNER be shifted to the point where it covers Westerbeke Four107 the letter F on the case casting andEngines are also furnished with Warner is located in its proper position by thehydraulic direct drive and reduction poppet ball The Warranty is cancelledgear assemblies if the shift lever poppet spring and or ball is permanently removed or if theThe direct drive transmission consists control lever is changed in any mannerof a planetary gear set a forward or repositioned or if linkage betweenclutch a reverse clutch an oil pump remote control and transmission shiftand a pressure regulator and rotary lever does not have sufficient travel incontrol valve All of these are con both directions This does not apply totained in a cast iron housing along with transmissions equipped with shafts and connectors to Gear electrical shift controlprovide forward reverse and A direct drive ratio is used LUBRICATIONfor all forward operation In reversethe speed of the output shaft is equal to The properties of the oil used in theinput shaft speed but in the opposite transmis sion are extremely Helical gearing is used to to the proper function of the quieter operation than can be system Therefore it is with spur gearing important that the recommended oil automatic transmission fluid ATFOil pressure is provided by the cres Type itA be usedcent type pump the drive gear ofwhich is keyed to the drive shaft and PROCEDURE FOR at transmission input speed TRANSMISSION WITH OILto provide screened oil to the pressure When filling the transmission oilregulator should be added until it reaches theFrom the regulator valve the oil is full mark on the dipstick The quandirected through the proper circuits tity of oil depends upon the angle ofto the bushings and antifriction bear the installation The unit should beings requiring lubrication A flow of turned over at engine idle speed for alubricant is present at the required short time in order to fill all circuitsparts whenever the front pump is turn including the cooler and cooler pipinging and it should be noted that supplyis positive in forward neutral and PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING OILreverse conditions LEVELThe unit has seals to prevent escape The oil level should be checked imof oil mediately after shutting off engine and sufficient oil added to again bring theBoth the input and output shafts are transmission oil level to the full markcoaxial With the input shaft splined on the dipstick assembly The dipstickfor the installation of a drive damper assembly need not be threaded into theand the output shaft provided with a case to determine the oil level Itflange for connecting to the propeller need only be inserted into the caseshaft until the cap or plug rests on the sur face surrounding the oil filler holeCONTROL LEVER POSITION The transmission should be checkedThe position of the control lever on periodically to assure proper oil when in forward should and oil should be added if necessaryS36 CHANGING OIL It is recommended that the transmis sion oil be changed once each season After draining oil from the unit the removable oil screen should be thoroughly cleaned before refilling the transmission with the recom mended oil AT F Type A REDUCTION GEAR BOX The reduction gear box operates in conjunction with the direct drive unit The reduction gear box consists of a planetary gear set which reduces the input revolutions to a fixed ratio It is recommended that all installa tions using a reduction gear have a suitable locking device or brake to prevent rotation of the propeller shaft when the boat is not under direct pro pulsion If the marine gear is not in operation and the forward motion of the boat causes the propeller shaft to rotate lubricating oil will not be cir culated through the gear because the oil pump is not in operation Over heating and damage to the marine gear may result unless rotation of the pro peller shaft is prevented Except in an emergency shift from forward to reverse drive through neutral at engine speeds below 1000 rpm to prevent damage to the engine or marine gear S41 SHORT PROFILE SAILING GEAR1 Description11 Brief description The Short Profile Sailing Gears are equipped with a positively driven mechanically operated helical gearing system The servooperated multipledisc clutch requires only minimum effort for gear changing making the transmission suitable for singlelever remote control via a rod linkage Morse or Bowden cable The torque transmission capacity of the clutch is exactly rated preventing shock loads from exceeding a predetermined value and thus ensuring maximum protection of the engine The transmission units are characterized by low weight and small overall dimensions The gearbox castings are made of a high strength aluminum alloy chromized for improved sea water resistance and optimum adhesion of paint The transmissions are Maintenance is restricted to oil level checks see Maintenance AIR VENT HOLE FLYWHEEL ENDS42 12 Gear casing The rotating parts of the are accomodated in an oiltight casing divided into two halves in the plane of the vertical axis Amply dimensioned cool ing ribs ensure good heat dissipation and mechanical rigidity An oil filler screw with dipstick and an oil drain plug are screwed into the gear casing The filler screw is provided with a breather hole The shaft for actuating the multipledisc clutch extends through a cover on the side of the gear casing 13 Gear sets The transmission is equipped with shaved casehardened helical gears made of forged lowcarbon alloy steel The multispline driving shaft connecting the trans mission with the engine is hardened as well The driven shaft propeller side of the transmission is fitted with a forged coupling flange S4314 Multipledisc clutch including operation power train The engine torque is applied to the input shaft 36 in the specified direction of rotation and in shifting position A see item 12i via gear 44 the frictionally engaged clutch discs 51 and 52 to the external disc carrier 57 and from there via the guide sleeve 59 to the output shaft 66 In shifting position B see item 12 the torque is transmitted from the input shaft 36 via intermediate gear 26 gear 65 clutch discs 51 and 52 to the external disc carrier 57 the guide sleeve 59 and the output shaft 66 Function The transmission uses a positively driven mechanically operated multipledisc clutch system mounted on the output shaft The thrust force required for obtaining positive frictional engagement between the clutch discs is provided by a servo system This essentially comprises a number of balls which by the rotary movement of the external disc carrier are urged against inclined surfaces provided in pockets between the guide sleeve and the external disc carrier and in this manner exert axial pressure The thrust force and as a result the transmittable friction torque are thus proportional to the input torque applied Due to the cup springs 48 supporting the clutch disc stack and a limita tion of the range of axial travel of the external disc carrier 57 the thrust force cannot exceed a predetermined value so that the torque transmission capacity of the clutch is limited The actuating sleeve 60 is held in the middle position by springloaded pins To initiate the shifting operation the actuating sleeve 60 need merely be displaced axially by a shifting fork until the arresting force has been overcome Then the actuating sleeve 60 is moved automatically by the springloaded pins while the external disc carrier which follows this movement is rotated by the frictional forces exerted by the clutch discs and the shifting operation is completed as de scribed above Input 36 Output544 15 Shaft bearings Both the input and the output shafts are carried in amply dimensioned taper roller bearings The intermediate gear and the movable gears are carried in sturdy needle roller bearings 16 Shaft seals External sealing of the input and output shafts is provided by radial sealing rings The running surfaces on the shafts are casehardened 17 lubrication The transmissions are The bearings are generously supplied with splash oil and oil mist S452 Installation21 Delivery condition For safety reasons e gearbox is NOT filled with oil for shipment The actuating lever is mounted on the actuating shaft Before leaving the factory each transmission is subjected to a test run with the prescribed ATF oil The residual oil remaining in the transmission after draining acts as a preservative and provides reliable protection against corrosion for at least 1 year if the units are properly stored22 Painting the gearbox Before painting the gearbox take care to remove any oil films by means of suit able agents eg HST safety cleansing fluid Always cover the running surfaces and sealing lips of the radial sealing rings on both shafts before painting Make certain that the breather hole on the oil filler screw is not closed by the paint Indicating plates should remain clearly legible23 Connection of gearbox with engine A torsioelastic damping plate between the engine and the transmission is to compensate for minor alignment errors and to protect the input shaft from external forces and loads Radial play should be at least OSmrn24 Suspension of enginegearbox assembly in the boat To protect the gearbox from detrimental stresses and loads provision should be made for elastic suspension of the enginegearbox assembly in the boat or craft The oil drain plug of the gearbox should be conveniently accessible25 Position of gearbox in the boat The inclination of the gearbox unit in the direction of the shafts should not per manently exceed an angle of 20 degrees see illustration The gearbox can also be mounted with the output shaft in the upward position Interchange the oil dipstick and the oil drain plug in this caseS46 26 Operation of gearbox Gear changing requires only minimum effort The gearbox is suitable for single lever remote control Upon loosening the retaining screw the actuating lever see illustration can be moved to any position required for the control elements cable or rod linkage Make certain that the lever does not contact the actuating lever cover plate 9 the minimum distance between lever and cover should be 05 mm The control cable or rod should be arranged at right angles to the actuating lever in the neutral position of the lever The shifting travel as measured at the pivot point of the actuating lever between the neutral position and end positions A and B should be at least 35 mm for the outer and 30 mm for the inner pivot point A larger amount of lever travel is in no way detrimetal However if the lever travel is shorter proper gear engagement might be impeded which in turn would mean premature wear excessive heat generation and result ing damage o Minimum shifting movement Clamping screw to be tightened to torque of 18 Nm Oil drain plug S47 Oil dipstick and oil filler screw 17 mm width across flats A B Min distance of actuating lever 05 mm The position of the cover plate underneath the actuating lever is to ensure equal lever travel from neutral position to A and B When installing the gearbox make certain that shifting is not impeded eg by restricted movability of the Bowden cable or rod linkage by unsuitably positioned guide sheaves too small bending radius etc 27 Enginegearbox compartment Care should be taken that the enginegearbox compartment is properly ventilated3 Operation31 Initial operation Fill the gearbox with oil of the recommended grade see items 41 and 42 The oil level should be the index mark on the dipstick see illustration Casi ng su rface Dipstick Correct readings up to Oil level 200 inclination in direction of shafts lii1AATTFTypeA or Dexron II To check the oil level just insert the dipstick do not screw in Retighten the hex screw with the dipstick after the oil level check548 32 Operating temperature The max permissible temperature of the transmission oil is 130 0e 33 Operation of gearbox Shifting is initiated by a cable or rod linkage via the actuating lever and an actuat ing cam The completion of the gear changing operation is automatic and cannot be influenced by external control The actuating lever is mounted on an actuating shaft and fixed by means of a retaining screw Gear changing should be smooth not too slow and continuous without inter ruption The multipledisc clutch permits gear changing at high engine rpm in cluding sudden reversing at top speeds in the event of danger 34 Operation without load Rotation of the propeller without load eg while the boat is sailing being towed or anchored in a river as well as idling of the engine with the propeller stopped will have no detrimental effects on the gearbox Locking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake is not required since lock ing is possible by engaging the reverse gear 35 Layup periods If the transmission is not used for periods of more than 1 year it should be com pletely filled with oil of the same grade to prevent corrosion Protect the input shaft and the output flange by means of an anticorrosive coating if required 36 Preparation for reuse Drain the transmission of all oil and refill to the proper level with the prescribed oil 5494 Maintenance41 Transmission oil To ensure troublefree operation of the clutch only use oil of the recommended type Under no circumstances should the oil contain any additives such as molybdenum sulphite We recommend commercial Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF Type A or Dexron II42 Oil quantity H BW 5 approx 04 Itr HBW 10 approx 061tr H BW 20 approx 08 Itr Use the index mark on the dipstick as a reference43 Oil level checks Check the oil level in the transmission daily Correct oil level is the index mark on the dipstick see item 31 Always use the same oil grade when topping up44 Oil change Change the oil for the first time after about 25 hours of operation then at inter vals of at least 1 year45 Checking the Bowden cable or rod linkage The Bowden cable or rod linkage should be checked at shorter time intervals The minimum lever travel from the neutral position to operating positions OA OB should be 35 mm for the outer and 30 mm for the inner pivot point Make certain that these minimum values are safely reached Check the cable or rod linkage for easy movability see item 2946 OVERHAUL Disassembly of the transmission in the field is not recom mended If an overhaul or repair is needed the work should be done by Westerbeke or an authorized Westerbeke service center V1 SECTION V SERVICE BULLETINS The following Bulletins contain supplementary and updated information about various components and service procedures which are important to the proper functioning ofyour engine and its support systems You should familiarize yourself with the subjects andmake sure that you consult the appropriate your engine requires service or overhaul V2 SERVICE BULLETINDATE 61569 BULLETIN NUMBER 20MODEL All EnginesSUBJECT Connecting Pressure Sensing Devices to Oil Galleries Oil pressure sensing devices such as senders and switches must never be connected directly to any oil gallery of an engine The reason is simply that continued engine vibration causes fatigue of the fittings used to make such a connection If these fittings fail the engine loses its oil pressure and very quickly seizes Such pressure sensing devices must be bulkhead mounted and connected to the oil gallery using an appropriate grade of lubricating oil hose Any fittings used to connect the hose to the gallery must be of steel or malleable iron Brass must not be used for this purpose J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INlHlnttA Nil AIION o 81700 c TCOIIIt IIONT1t PIN 11967 SERVICE BULLETIN V3 DATE Revised 72981 BULLETIN NUMBER 38 MODEL W30 SUBJECT Lubricating Oil Sump Capacity The proper lubricating oil sump capacity for the Model W30 engine is 45 quarts Due to the varying angles of engine installation the proper amount of oil in the engine may register as much as one inch above the full mark on the dipstick The maximum installation angle for this engine is 12 degrees Therefore it is important to go by the engine manual rather than the dipstick to determine the proper quantity of oil After once properly filling the engine with oil in the specific hull it is advised to mark the dipstick shosing the actual full level It is important to keep the engine oil sump properly filled to insure sufficient engine lubrication under conditions of pitch and heel Be careful not to overfill the oil sump J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INOUSTRIAL PARK AVON IIIASS 02322 871 887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 2PIN 16339 V4 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE 5674 BULLETIN NUMBER 69 MODEL All marine generators and marine engines SUBJECT Exhaust system failures When engine sea water is fed into an exhaust system so that the full stream strikes a surface erosion may cause premature failures Proper design of either a water jacketed or a water injected wet exhaust system to prevent this problem requires that the sea water inlet be positioned so that the entering stream of sea water does not strike a surface directly Also the velocity of the entering sea water stream should be as low as possible which is achieved by having inlet fittings as big in diameter as possible In addition to the above design considerations it is usually advan tageous to divide the sea water flow at the point of entry to the exhaust system so that only a portion of it enters the exhaust system The remainder is normally piped directly over the side The proper proportion of the sea water flow to pass through the exhaust system can only be determined by trial and error The goal is to prevent excessive exhaust temperatures with the least amount of sea water J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIIOIII IIIDueTA AI AIIOIII MAee 02322 7IS 7700 CAe weTCO AIIOT1C 2PIN 19149 SERVICE BULLETIN V5DATE May 29 1974 BULLETIN NUMBER 72MODEL AllSUBJECT 1ity between Manufacturers of Gauges and Senders In recent years we have purchased gauges and senders from four different manufacturers In no case may the gauge of one manufacturer be used with the sender of another manufacturer In some cases the wiring of either or both the gauge and the sender varies by manufacturer Thus it becomes important when ordering a replacement gauge or ordering a replacement sender to order a matched set or to know conclusively who the manufacturer is Ammeters are electrically STEWARTWARNER von FARIA NOVOX 2 OIA CASE 2 38 OIA CASE 2 OIA CASE 2 OIA CASEAmmeter 11581 11931 16550 19165Oil pressure gauge 11544 11914 16548 19166Oil pressure sender 11542 11916 16551 19167Water temp gauge 11545 11913 16549 19168Water temp sender 11543 11915 16552 19169Adapter ring to in 16023 LAMP 16023 16023stall 2 dia gauge in and and and2 38 di a panel S8 44 AM p S8 44 S8 44cutout GND SND LAMP SNDBWiring diagram LAMP SND8 GND Also see fTSN GND B S8 36 GND J H WESTERBEKE CORP 1I0N NDUTIIL PII 1I0N II 02322 f71 7700 C L WTCOP 1I0NTX 24444PIN 19190 V6 SERVICE BULLETINDATE October 4 1974 BULLETIN NUMBER 74MODEL FOUR91 and FOUR60SUBJECT Air Filter Element Part 16010 On a few engines we find the air filter is very sensitive to a poor environment and clogs easily sometimes in as few as 20 to 30 hours The symptoms are Loss of RPM Loss of Power Black Smoking Check the air filter first remove it and see if situation clears Here are prime causes of air filter choking 1 Leaking exhaust on exhaust piping allowing soot to be expelled and sucked into element 2 Lint or fiberglass in engine compartment drawn into filter element 3 Excessive oil contamination from crankcase breather It is not advisable to run without a filter even though removal appears to cure the problem You run a great danger in drawing foreign matter right into the engine and ruining it Likewise if the surge tank water cap is at all loose you can draw water in through the manifold opening REPLACE THE FILTER DONT REMOVE IT J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIfOIil INOUSTRIA AR AIfOIII AS 02122 f7 7700 CAe WSTCOR AIfOIII T1 824444PIN 19308 SERVICE BULLETIN V7DATE August 27 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 76MODEL Four91 W30SUBJECT Proper bleeding procedure for hydraulically governed fuel injection pumps incorporating an engine antistall deviceAn antistall device is incorporated on fuel injection pumps fitted to the Four91engines This device is located on top of the fuel pump governor housing justbeneath the air vent bleed screw In fact the bleed screw and antistall deviceare a complete assembly incorporating parts 1 2 and 3 as shown on the diagramThe antistall device has a spring loaded pin which comes in direct contactwith the top end of the fuel injection pump metering valve preventing rapidupward movement of the metering valve to the fuel cutoff position during rapidengine deceleration Rapid deceleration or rapid retarding of the this device installed would normally cause engine stalling should be noted here that under normal bleeding procedures it is only necessary to bleed the bleed screw 5 shown on the diagramHowever if excessive air entering the injection pump makes it necessary tobleed screw 1 in the diagram during the fuel pump bleeding procedure whenloosening or tightening the bleed screw 1 two wrenches should be used Oneis to loosen the bleed screw and one is to hold the antistall device body 2to prevent it from turning and upsetting the adjustments If during the bleeding procedure screw 2 shown in the diagram is inadvertently turned in or clockwise during bleeding the result will be excessive engine RPM which cannot becontrolled by retarding the throttleIf the adjustment of the antistall device has been disturbed or when installinga replacement pump the procedure for resetting it is as follows 1 Loosen the locknut 3 sufficiently to enable the antistall device body 2 to be unscrewed two complete turns 2 Set engine idle speed with idling stop screw 4 to 800 RPM 3 Turn the antistall device body 2 clockwise until there is a barely perceptible increase in the idling speed Now hold device body 2 with wrench and tighten locknut 3 4 Accelerate the engine to maximum no load RPM and return the throttle rapidly to the idling position Should the period of return from maximum RPM to idling RPM speed exceed three seconds this is an indication that the device has been screwed in too far However should engine stalling occur this is an indication that the device J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INOUSTRIAL ARK AVON MASS 02322 71 7700 CAL WSTCOR AIfONTL1C 824444PIN 19329V8 SERVICE BULLETIN 76 conlt has not been screwed in far enough In either case readjustment should be made accordingly CAUTION Use extreme caution when tighteniny the locknut or the bleed screw because the threaded boss that the assembly is screwed into is pressed into the governor housing It is not an integral part Therefore if it is loosened or turned through overtorquing replacement of the complete governor housing may become necessary On all prewired engines dating from early 1975 onwards bleed screw 5 has been relocated to the opposite side of the fuel injection pump PN19329 82774 Page 22 V9 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 19 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 82MODEL AllSUBJECT Battery BATTERY MODEL BATTERY AMPERE HOURS VOLTAGE W7 WPD4 6090 12 VDC W13 44 KW 90125 12 VDC W21 77 KW 90125 12 VDC W27 11 KW 90125 12 VDC W33 90125 12 VDC W30 125150 12 VDC W40 WPD1015 KW 125150 12 VDC W50 125150 12 VDC W58 WTO20 KW 125150 12 VDC W60 WBO20 KW 150170 12 VDC W80 30KW 170200 12 VDC W120 45 KW 200 minimum 12 VDC The ampere hour range shown is minimum There is no real maximum J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARI AVON ASS OZ3ZZ tst 7 J 588 7700 CABLE WESTCoRP AVON TELEX IIZ4444PIN 20442 V10 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE September 4 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 84 MODEL All SUBJECT Heat Exchanger Rubber End Cap Many heat exchangers supplied on our various products incorporate a molded rubber end cap to facilitate inspection of the tubes There have been occasions on which engine overheating has been caused by the improper positioning of this rubber end cap It is absolutely essential that the molded channel running across the inside of the cap be positioned over the baffle of the heat exchanger according to the drawing below In any cases of engine overheating where such a rubber end cap is used it should be checked for proper positioning along with other routine J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL ARK AVON MASS 02122 7 7700 CALE WESTCOR AVON TELEX 2PIN 20684 SERVICE BULLETIN VllDATE Aprtl 4 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER 87MODEL All Marine EnginesSUBJECT Alternator Output Splitter GENERAL DESCRIPTION The splitter is a solid state device which allows two batteries to be recharged and brought to the same ultimate voltage from a single alternator as large as 120 amp and at the same time iso lates each battery so that discharging one will have no effect on the other Charging rates are in proportion to the batteries voltage state of discharge This method precludes the necessity and even the desira bility of a rotary switch for selecting which battery is to be charged It also assures that ships services cannot drain the engine starting battery I NSTALLA TI ON 1 Mount splitter on a metal surface other than the engine preferably in an air stream if available Do not install near engine exhaust system Install with cooling fins aligned vertically 2 Be sure to use a wire size appropriate to the output of the associated alternator In full power systems number 4 wire is recommended from the alternator to the splitter and from the splitter to the batteries 3 Connect the alternator output terminal to the center splitter terminal 4 Connect one splitter side terminal to one battery s 5 Connect the other splitter side terminal to the other batterys 6 When the splitter is installed both batteries will see a charging voltage 810 volts less than usual This voltage drop can be regained if desired by connecting the regulator wire directly to the alternator output terminal instead of the regulator terminal TEST INFORMATION When the engine is not running the side splitter ter minals should read the voltage of the respective battery The center splitter should read zero voltage With the engine running and alternator charging the side splitter ter minals should read the same voltage which should be the voltage of the regulator or somewhat less The center splitter terminal should read 82 volts higher than the readings of the side terminals Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON NOUTIIAL AII AVON MA OIlIII1I7J 7700 CAeL W TCOII AVONTLIl PIN 20745V12 This unit is sealed for maximum life and is not repairable BYPAS5ING SPLlTIR In the event of failure batteries may be charged directly from alternator b connecting etther splitter terminal 1 or 2 to terminal A bypassing the splltter itself This should not be done simultaneously for both batteries unless they are and will remain at the same voltage state of charge SPLITTER 5TARTER POWER DISC SW IooG 6 REGULATOR STARTING BATtERY S WHT POWER DISCONNECT A SWITCH PN206S4 SH PS SERVICE Z LifooIoQ 13 LOADS 5ERVI CE BATTERYS SEE NOTE ALTERNATOR DRWG 2070 I It NOTE On Alternators which have an isolation diode between their output and regulator terminals such as the Motorola units used with most WESTERBEKE engines the regulator wire should be removed from the REG terminal and reconnected to the OUTPUT terminal as shown The diode in the splitter will provide an equivalent voltage drop SERVICE BULLETIN V13DATE April 15 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 89MODEL Westerbeke 30 formerly 491SUBJECT Internal Changes Since is a serial number nameplate riveted to the block behind and just below thelube oil cooler It is best seen by shining a flashlight upwards from below Thisbasic block serial number is composed of a prefix and a suffix The suffix is thelast three to six characters following the last slash or hyphen The prefix is allwhich precedes the last hyphen or slashOnly the suffix has been transposed to the Westerbeke nameplate through April 1976It becomes the first portion of the serial number on the Westerbeke nameplate thelast portion is a shipping code for internal use onlySince the introduction of the engine in 1969 there have been four used in part to denote various internal engineering changes to the blockWhen ordering parts these suffixes are an integral part of the engine serialnumber and must be the following changes have taken place 1 a slight water pumpchange not affecting 2 a major water pump change requiring anew cylinder block 3 enlarged water passages requiring a new block head andhead gasket implemented simultaneously with a new valve retention design eliminatingthe cotter retaining clip and the cylindrical seal The main purpose of thisbulletin is to outline these changes with their serial number cut off points Seethe table on the reverse side of this Service BulletinThe new head gasket is usable on any previous engine and must be used from the changepoint onwards The new water pump must be used from the change point onwards andcannot be used in an earlier engine block The new valves must be used from thechange point onwards and should be used as replacement parts along with the newcotter and top cup We will only supply cylinder blocks and block assemblies fromcurrent productionAll this information is included in Edition 6 of the Westerbeke 30 Parts List beingissued in April 1976 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAl PARK AVON AlASS 02322 f7 587700 CABlE WESTCORP AVON TElEX 824444PIN 18978 ENGINEERING CHANGES PART NUMBERS Description Block Serial No Approx I Years Block Water Pump Head Head Gasket Exhaust Valve Intake Valve Valve Cotter Valve Spring TJU Cup Valve Stem Seal 15BBU 1503 Not thru 4389 6971 Avail 14485 14601 14458 14457 14546 14575 14576 AEH 1052 501 thru 600 and 56815 thru 56854 7273 NO ENGINEERING CHANGESSlight freshwater affecting AEH 106ability thru 326 73 14604Major impeller diameterfrom 2916 to21316 and newvalve new 15P786Avalves cotter 0101 Notspring cup thru 0443 7475 Avail 17909 17626 17631 20716 20261Bi gger new and 0444head gasket onwards 76 14470 17852 17892 V15 SERVICE BULLETINDATE Apri 1 28 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 92MODEL AllSUBJECT Water Temperature and Oil Pressure Gauges Given a presumably faulty gauge indication with the instrument panel ener gized the first step is to check for 12 VDC between the ign B and neg B terminals of the gauge Assuming there is 12 volts as required leave the instrument panel ener gized and perform the following steps 1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the gauge reads zero the normal reading for this situation 2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground and see if the gauge reads full scale the normal reading for this situation If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge is undoubtedly OK and the problem lfes either with the conductor from the sender to the gauge or with the sender If either of the above gauge tests is negative the gauge is probably defective and should be replaced Assuming the gauge is OK preoceed as follows Check the conductor from the sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for continuity Check that the engine block is connected to ground Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the battery is connected to the starter both plus and minus the ground side will not necessarily be connected to the block If the sender to gauge conductor is OK and the engine block is grounded the sender is probably defective and should be replaced J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INOUSTItIAL Altl AIION IIASS 02322 71 5 7700 CA8LE WETCOIt AIIONTELEX 2 PIN 21616V16 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE June 22 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 93 MODEL All SUBJECT Adjusting Paragon P200 Series Reverse Band If the boat moves forward when the gear is in neutral at proper idle speed the reverse band may be out of adjustment When adjusting be very careful not to get reverse band too ti ght or it will burn out If the boat goes backwards when in neutral it may be too tight The following adjustment procedure should only be carried out when it is not possible to obtain the service of an authorized Paragon trans mission service dealer To Adjust On the outside left side of the gear there is a bolt in the mounting pad Under its head are 1 to 3 washers Remove one washer This should stop forward boat movement But under NO circumstances use fewer than one washer nor more than three J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIA ARI AIION IIASS 02122 f71 7700 CAe WSTCOR AIIONTIfIfJC 2PIN 21683 V17 SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 9 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER94MODEL AllSUBJECT Fuel Pressure Swi tch Installation Overleaf is a parts list and an illustration showing the proper installation of the fuel pressure switch used on most of our engine products J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIOil IliOUSTlIlAL PAIII AION MASS OZ3ZZ fr7 588 7700 CABLE WESTCOIIP AIOil TELEX 8Z4444PIN 21564 1 1 II VISION COfiD t 1HIDIlICM U co fUEL INJECTION PUMP ON ENINE 9 19187 HEY lb SCREW I 8 9442 cLIIT WISIIEe 7 320 0 RING 1 OD I 11383 FUEL PRESSvRE sWlrCH c 5 IItDl PLUG 4 9321 ON RIIlt 91 o D I 3 918S ADAPTER I 2 1J26 COP11 WASHeR I 9204 rSc7eWASsY RiceD QTY DIICIIAL CTONAL ANGULA D 7 rUWNO NU 21 7 4 3 t IIADIIN us NE D 0 SERVICE BULLETIN V19DATE 7 July 80 Rei ssued BULLETIN NUMBER 95MODEL AllSUBJECT Domesti c Hot Water Heaters PRINCIPLE The heater is connected in series with the engines freshwater circuit This allows full water flow for maximum heat transfer to the heater The series installation also avoids several potential pitfalls of installations in which the heater is in parallel with either the engines bypass or its internal freshwater circuit The only potential disadvantage of a series installation is flow restriction due either to a restrictive heater design alarge engine water flow such as models W58 W80 W120 or a combination of both Installation The shorter the length of piping to and from the heater the better The elevation of the heater should assure that the top of its internal coil is no higher than the engine pressure cap If the heater must be higher than this at any heel angle then the optional remote fill tank must be installed to be the highest point of the circuit Piping between the engine and heater should rise continuously from the heater to the engine so that trapped air will rise automatically from the heater to the engine If trapped air can rise to the heater then a petcock or other convenient method of bleeding that air is a necessity Study the attached sketches A convenient place to interrupt the engine cool ing circuit is between the thermostat housing outlet and the exhaust manifold inlet This is also the hottest water available CAUTION While most owners want the hottest water available it is possible for scalding water or even steam to come from the faucets Since the heater is in series with the engine cooling water any other conven ient point of the circuit can also be interrupted for heater installation Some engineheater combinations require that a bypass nipple be installed in parallel with the heater This is required to maintain an adequate fresh water flow for cooling capability The table below shows the minimum diameter of bypass nipples in these situations HEATER MODEL SENDURE ALLCRAFT RARITAN f W30 38 NPT W40 38 NPT W 50 12 NPT H58 12 NPT 12 NPT 34 NPT r HaQ 12IiPL 12 NPT 31NPT JJlO 12 rlPr 12 NPT 34 NPT Please see sketches on overleaf J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK AIION If ASS 01111 f71 5 7700PIN 21814 CALE WESTCORP AIION TELEX 14444 V20 ENCtI NE rHEROSTAT HOUSING 4 DUAL PAS S MANIFOLD LTERNATE p A INTERRUPT CES TO ONNECTIRUrT AND I EATER N SERIES ENGINE THERMOSTAT HOUSING BY PASS NIPPLE PR SI NGLE PAS ESSURE CAP M MANIFOLD S PRESSURE TI1AUT BE HIGHER R E OrE ENGI NE CAP TANK FILL WATERALrERNAi HEATER f IN5TH IGHR THE IF HEATER N ENGINE COIL CAP P RESSURE IS t1 I BYPASS N IPPLE OPTIONAL COOLANT SERVICE BULLETIN V21DATE January 22 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 102MODEL 491 Engines Older ModelsSUBJECT Paper Air Filter Element Replacement PN 16010 A metal and attaching elbow is available for replacing paper airfilter elements in use on older Model 491 Wester beke Engines The use of this will enable engine owners to vent the crankcase gases into the intake by connecting the vent on the engine rocker cover with a length of 12 10 hose to the 90 0 fitting on the metal These parts may be through any authorized Westerbeke dealer Part PIN Metal 21536 Elbow 13335 Tubing 2 inches 16353 Hose 12 10 6 inches 11775 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INOVTRIAL AR AVON MA 02322 f71 5887700 CABLIf WIfTCOR AVON TIfLIf1C 2PIN 24291V22 SERVICE BULLETINDATE January 22 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 103MODEL Four91 and W30 Engines Older ModelsSUBJECT Tach Drive Cover Plate A tach drive cover plate and gasket are available for older Four91 and W30 engines Westerbeke Part 22123 Plate Westerbeke Part 14667 Gasket By removing the two holddown bolts for the tach drive it can be carefully lifted out with its gear and the cover plate and gasket put in its place and secured with the two bolts The parts may be through any authorized Wester beke dealer J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK A liON IIASS 02122 71 887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AIIONTELEX 24444 24292PIN SERVICE BULLETIN V23DATE January 22 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 104MODEL Westerbeke 30 and 50SUBJECT Sea Water Pump Pulley Set Screw PN 11357 The sea water pump pulley on the Westerbeke 30 and 50 engines is keyed to the sea water pump shaft and locked in position with a heat treated 532 Allen head set 11 screw Westerbeke PN 11357 Particular attention should be paid to this set screw at the time of commission ing of the engine and during regular servicing of the engine Ensure that it is tight If not remove the set screw and apply a good locking liquid to the set screw threads and reinstall and tighten with the aid of a 532 Allen wrench 11 PULLEY SEA lATER PUMP S SCREW N 11357 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON IIIA55 02322 817 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 1124444PIN 24293 V24 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 1 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 107MODEL All ModelsSUBJECT Thermostats Beginning approximately May 1980 thermostats supplied by the factory have a bypass hole sufficient to allow adequate water flow through the exhaust manifold head and block during engine warmup This flow is mandatory especially in the case of marine engines and generator sets which have significant load applied soon after startup We strongly recommend that only genuine WESTERBEKE thermostats be used in WESTERBEKE products to assure proper design in this regard J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIA PARI AVON ASS 02122 1 7700 CAS W TCORP AIION T6X 2PIN 24707 SERVICE BULLETIN V25DATE May 20 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 110MODEL AllSUBJECT Ammeter Wire Sizes Ammeters may be installed in conjunction with any Westerbeke marine diesel engine or diesel generator set The range of the ammeter must be appropriate for the maximum output of the alternator Additionally the wire size for the alternator output circuit including the ammeter varies with the total length of that circuit The table below shows the maximum current that can be carried various total distances by various wire sizes to and from source to load WIRE SIZE TABLE Total Length MAXIMUM CURRENTAMPS System of wire in I Volts feet 35 40 55 60 70 85 120 12 1 to 5 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 12 5 to 10 10 10 8 6 6 6 4 12 10 to 20 6 6 6 6 3 2 1 12 20 to 30 6 4 4 2 1 1 1 12 30 to 40 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 24 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 24 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 24 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 24 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 24 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 32 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 32 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 32 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 32 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 32 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL ARIC AVON IIASS 02322 17 7700 CABLE WESTeOR AVON TELEX 2PIN 24737V26 SERVICE BULLETINDATE December 6 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER133MODEL WlOTwo W13 W2l W27 W30 W33 W40 W50 W52 W58 W70 W80 WlOO W120 All Related Z inc Pencil 11885A zinc pencil PN 11885 is located in the sea water cooling circuit ofall primary heat echangers on the above models The purpose of thezinc pencil is to sacrifice itself to electrolysis action taking placein the salt water cooling circuit This zinc pencil should beper iodically checked by unscrewing it from its mounting boss on theexchanger For the lcoation of the zinc on your model refer to thecooling system section of your parts manual Replace the zinc pencilas inspection dictates Refer to Illustration AShould material be flaking off the zinc it should be scraped cleanor be replaced by a good solid zinc pencilIf it appear s that a lot of mater ial has been flaking off the zincthen it is advised that the end cap of the exchanger be removed andthe flaked material be cleaned from that area of the exchanger A newend cap gasket should be on hand in case it is needed when replacingthe end capRefer to Service Bulleting 84 when removing end caps made of rubber lJJ N V J cc I u cc ZINC 11885 REPLACE CLEANREPLACE J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDIJSTRIAL PARK A liON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AIION TELEX 92 4444PIN 33577 V27 SERVICE BULLETINDATE December 5 1984 BULLETIN NUMBER 139MODEL A11 Propul sion and Generator Model sSUBJECT HydroHush Muffl er Install ations The illustrations shown with this text should be used as a guide when making an installation of a HydroHush Muffler When used in conjunction with propulsion engine the HydroHush Muffler should be mounted close to the foreaft center line of the boat When used with a generator unit the muffler should be as close as possible to the generator All installations should be such that the entry of water into the engine exhaust manifold and cylinders is prevented while under sail and at various angles of heel from following seas when backing down or any other condition Units installed with the exhaust manifoldwater injected exhaust elbow at or below the water line of the vessel must install a vent or syphon break in the sea water supply line to the water injected exhaust elbow The seawater supply line must be looped above the water line a minimum of six 6 inches with the vent or syphon break installed at the top of this loop The vented loop when used can be a mechanical syphon break as shown in the illustration or a simple tee arrangement with a small hose or tube 31614 inch 10 routed to the transom exhaust discharge or to a separate thruhull fitting located above the water line This hose or tube must be routed in such a way that it will drain of water when the engine is shut down and allow air into the sea water supply hose and injection elbow The syphon break or vent is installed to break the vacuum in the sea water cooling circuit and thereby discourage syphoning of sea water through this circuit and subsequently filling of the exhaust and engine cylinders with sea water When used syphon breaks should be checked periodically for proper operation and should be installed in a location where should they leak sea water it would not leak onto the engine or its accessories The syphon break or vent must be located above the vessel IS water line high enough so as to remain above the water 1i ne at ill angl es of vessel heel and pitch The HydroHush Muffler remains approximately 30 full of water after engine shutdown when there is a maximum of 48 inches of lift on the discharge side The installation information given in this text is to be used as a guide only Westerbeke cannot be responsible in any way for muffler installations Wester beke presumes the installer to have a basic knowledge of marine installation requirements J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 023221617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444 33934PINV28 HydroHush Muffler Installations Page 2 Use as few right angle fittings as possible The use of wire reinforced hose is recommended and the hose should be routed to produce the bends needed The use of 90 0 and 45 0 fittings contribute to the rise of engine exhaust back pressure Refer to the Unit Technical Manual for back pressure specifications The exhaust hose diameters shown are minimums Exhaust hose diameter for the discharge hose will have to be increased if the length of run from the HydroHush Muffler to the thruhull discharge is excessive 25 1 to 30 1 depending on the number of bends CAUTION THE SEA WATER PUMP WILL CONTINUE TO FILL THE EXHAUST SYSTEM WITH SEA WATERDURING CRANKING THE ENGINE EXHAUST PRESSURE DURING CRANKING 1AY NOT BE STRONG ENOUGH TO EXPEL THE WATER FROM THE MUFFLER AND PREVENT THE SYSTEM FROM FILLING UP WITH SEA WATER AND ENTERING THE EXHAUST MANIFOLD AND CYLINDERS IF ENGINE CRANKING EXCEEDS 3040 SECONDS APPROXIMATELY CLOSE THE SEA WATER THRU HULL AND OPEN IT U1MEDIATEL Y AFTER THE ENGINE STARTS V29 Page 3 ENGINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST MANIFOLDWATER INJECTED ELBOW AT OR BELOWVESSEL WATER LINE maxENGINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST MANIFOLDWATER INJECTED ELBOW MINIMUM OF 6INCHES ABOVE VESSEL WATER LINEV30 Page 4 GENERATOR INSTALLATIONS Syphon Break n r 7l 12 Raw Water Pump Raw Water Generator Installations with Intake Thru exhaust manifoldwater injected Hull Fitting elbow at or below vessel water Generator Below Water Line 1i ne Raw Water Pump Raw Water Generator Installations with Intake Thru Hull Fitting exhaust manifoldwater injected elbow minimum of 6 inches above Generator Above Water Line vessel water line V31 SERVICE BULLETINDATE 12385 BULLETIN NUMBER 148MODEL ALL PROPULSION ENGINESSUBJECT FIELD PN 11917 The used in propulsion engine instrument panels contains two separate electrical circuits with a common ground One circuit operates the hourmeter and the other the tachometer The hourmeter circuit operates on 12 charging voltage supplied to the terminal on the back of the instrument The tachometer circuit operates on AC voltage 68 volts fed from one of the diodes in the alternator and supplied to the tach inp terminal while the engine is running and the alternator producing battery charging voltage 130148 volts DC The following are procedures to follow when a fault in either of the two circuits in the HOURMETER FAULT CHECK 1 Inoperative 1 Check for proper DC voltage between and terminals A Voltage present meter defective repair or replace B Voltage not present trace and electrical connections for fault Jump 12 Volts DC to meter terminal to verify operation TACHOMETER FAULT CHECK 1 Inoperative 1 Check for proper AC voltage between Tach Inp terminal and terminal with engine running A Voltage present attempt adjusting meter through calibration access hole No results repair or replace meter B AC voltage not present check for proper alternator DC output voltage C Check for AC voltage at tach terminal on alternator to ground D Check electrical connections from tach Inp terminal to alternator connection J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 34791V32 2 2 Sticking 1 Check for proper AC voltage between IItach inp1I terminal and terminal 2 Check for good ground connection between meter Terminal and alternator 3 Check alternator is well grounded to engine block at alternator pivot bolt 3 Inaccurate 1 With handheld tach on front crankshaft pulley retaining nut or strobe type tach read front crank shaft pulley RPM Set engine RPM with hand or strobe tach at 15001800 RPM 2 Adjust tachometer with small Phillips type screwdriver through calibration access hole in rear of tachometer covered with translticent plug Zero tach and bring to RPM set by strobe or hand tach Verify RPM at idle and at high speed 25003000 RPM Adjust tach as needed Tachometer Input AC Voltag Terminal Battery VoltageDC V33Page 3 SERVICE BULLETIN 148 LATE MODEL TACHOMETER Replaces Earlier Model as Shown on Page 2 of this Bulletin Access Hole for Tachometer Calibration Ground Terminal Tachometer Input AC Voltage Terminal Battery VoltageDC
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