200153 Rev1 5432 5444 Technical Man
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SERVICE MANUAL Model 5432 5444 Part Number 200153 Edition 1 October 1990 INDEX 12Fuel System 34Lubrication System 56Combustion System 7Valve Timing 8Compression Liner Cylinder Head 9 10 10Air Cleaner 10Piston and Rings 11Crankshaft 11Connecting Rod 12Gear Train 13Camshaft and Bearings 13Main Bearings 14Injection Pump 15Flywheel 16Water Pump 16Starter 1617Glow Plugs 17Wiring Diagram 18Reference Charts 1924Torque Chart 24 15 20 30 40 50 5411 5416 5424 5432 5444 HORSEPOWER 11 16 24 32 44 NO OF CYLINDERS 2 2 3 4 4BORE STROKE 267 x 275 299 x 323 299 x 323 299 X323 33 x m IN 31 45 68 91 115MAXIMUM RPM 3000 2800 2800 2800 RATIO 221 211 211 211 211TYPE Vertical water cooled 4cycle diesel EQUIPMENT 12 Volt 55 AMP Alternator Electric Starter Ii Glow Plugs Mach Fue 1 Pump Fuel Pump Mach Fuel Pump LUBRICATION Engine 22 Qts 37 Qts 56 Qts 115 Qts 8 Qts Use SAE 30 HD CD or IOW40 heavy duty diesel lubricating oil LUBRICATION Transmission Fill to full mark on dipstick Use autOllatic Std and VDrive transmission fluid Type ATRANSMISSION REDUCTION 21 21 21 21 21COOLING SYSTEM 7 PSI CAP Seawater Fresh water cooling syst cooled 48Qts 6 Qts 8 Qts 8 Qu 14 PSI 14 PSI 14 PSI 14 PSISEA WATn INLET OtTlLET 38 NPTEXHAUST FLANGE 114 NPT 112 NPT 112 NPT Diesel fuel number 2DFUEL 516 IDFUEL INLET HOSE FILTERS FUEL OIL 298854 298854 298854 298854 298854 FILTERS LUBRICATION OIL 299381 298852 298852 299584 299927 OOVERNOR Centrifugal type all speeds 1MODEL 15 20 30 40 50 5411 5416 5424 5432 5444DGlRE OPIUTIHG TlJlPlIAlUIE 175 0 to 1900 MAX OPERATING AHGLIENGIIIE ROTATION Clockv18e when viewed fraa Vbelt PROPELLEIl IlOTATImf Rilbt HaDCl BOTH STD AND VDIlIVEENGllIE WEIGHT Pound 245 365 425 490 545LENGTH Overall 256 280 325 362 360HEIGHT Overall 212 241 246 260 260WIDlB Overall 207 207 207 207 214INJECTlmf TIMING 25 0 before top dead center all od18 2 Construction and Handling Fuel System Fuel system FuelfilterThe fllel system schematic is shown in Fig with the fuel The fuel filter is of the cartridge type shown schematically inflowing in the direction indicated by the arrows To bleed air Fig 2 Under normal conditions it should oly have to befrom the system loosen the vent plug A on the fuel filter replaced every 400 hours To install apply a small amount ofand crank the engine until there are no more air bubbles from fuel to the packing anc tightn securely by handthe vent Tighten vent A nd purge the ail from the injection pump at vent S using the same procedure Note Vent S is a valve When the valve is opened air take vent to the fuel tank through the overflow piP 7 Fuel filter 2 Cover 3 Pipe coupling 4 Vent plug 5 0 ring 6 0 ring 7 Element Fig 2 Fuel Filter Fuel injection timing Fuel injection timing is adjusted by changing the number of shims used between the pump and the gear case it fits into See 1 Fuel tank 6 Nozzle holder Fig 3 One shim corresponds to approximately 5degrees in 2 Fuel cock 7 Overflow pipe crank angle Therefore injection will take place 15 degrees 3 Fuel filter 8 Fuel pump later when a shim is added and 15 degrees earlier when a shim 4 Fuel injection pump A Vent plug filter is removedThe timing is correct when the pointer in the peep 5 Injection pipe 8 Vent plug pump hole on the side of the flywheel housing lines up with the Fig t Fuel System F marked on the flywheel See Fig 4 Fuel injection pump Speed control lever Controllllk pin Inection timing adjust shims Fig 3 Adjustment of Fig 4 Inspection of Injection Timing Injection Timing 3 Fuel injection pump Handling the injection pumpThe inJPctioll pump is the Bos h MiIlP K typ It is a prpi Use care in handling and using the injection pump As mensinn pit1CC of cqIJinmrnt milChirucJ III rlOSf tolerances and its tinned before the injection pump is a precision piece ofperformance directly affect the p1rforfllance of the engine equipment and care should be taken not to drop it or clamp itTherpfore handle it with carl tightly when working on it Also be sure to use only clean fuel that has been filtered Oil drums left outdoors are always ronsidered to contain water so always filter this fuel before using Clean fuel is a must as the fuel is forced through parts of the pllmp and nozzel with clearances of 00004 in 11000mm which may easily be stuck or rusted by even the slightest amount of water in the fuel Installing the injection pump When installing the injection pump make certain that the control rack pin is corrertly placed in the 02 in 5mm wide groove of the fork lever 1 before tightening the attaching bolts Refer to the diagram If the bolts are drawn down with the rack pin off the groove the rack may over travel and stick in this position This would cause excess fuel flow allowing the engine to overspeed which would result in engine failure 1 Injection pump assy 14 Adjusting plate 2 Delivery valve holder 15 Control rack 3 Delivery valve spring 16 Pump housing 4 Delivery valve gasket 17 Control sleeve 5 Delivery valve 18 Upper spring sheet 6 Cylinder pump element 19 Plunger spring 7 Air bleeder screw 20 Lower spring sheet 8 Packing 21 Shim 9 HolloIII screw 22 Tappet assy 10 Packing 23 Roller 11 Tappet guide pin 24 Roller bushing 12 Clamp pin 25 Roller pin 13 Bolt Fig 5 Fuel Injection Pump 4 Fuel injection nozzle Spray patternThe luel infection nozlle like the lu1 infection pump is also The nozzle cracking pressure and fuel spray pattern are mosta precision piece 01 eQuipment and should be treated with the accurately checked by using a nozzle pop tesT stand If asame amount 01 care pop test stand is not available remove the nozzles from the The nozzle cracking pressure engine leaving the pressure lines connectedThe nozzle cracking pressure is adjusted by adding or sub shims Irom the top 01 the nozzle spring Adding a Hold the nozzles so that the high pressure spray from them0004 in O1mm shim will increase the cracking pressure by will not in any way impinge upon unprotected skin Theabout 142 psi 10 kgcm 2 The nozzle crack ing pressure is atomized fuel will easily penetrate the skin and cause blood1990 to 2133 psi 140 to 150 kglcm 2 poisoning Set the speed control lever at W O T and operate the starter The needle valve if it is working properly will produce a high pitched pulsating sound like that of a flute as fuel is sprayed Ollt If this sound is not heard or other problems are noted reler to the Fuel Injection Pump Nozzle Maintenance Std in 41 in Engine UPrecaution D 1 Assembly and disassembly of the nozzle should be done in fresh clean fuel 2 The nozzle should always be installed as an assembly 7 Delivery nipple 7 7 Nozzle spring never by component parts 2 Delivery nipple 2 8 Push rod 3 Remember never to let the nozzle spray contact unpro 3 Nut 9 Pressure pin holder tected flesh 4 Washer 70 Nozzle nut 4 Tighten the retaining nut to 435 to 58 ftlb 6 to 8 kgfm 5 Nozzle holder body 77 Nozzle piece Any torque higher than this will cause slow action of the 6 Adjusting washer needle valve and poor injection Fig 6 Fuel Injection Nozzle 22 Lubrication System Good Bad Oil pump pickup screen The oil pllmp pickup is located in the crankcase as shown in Fig 9 and is fitted with a metal screen If the screen becomec plugged wash it off with diesel fuel or kerosene pftAZI Lubrication system The entire lubrication system is illustrated in Fiq 8 Oil from the pump is forced through the replaciable parer element 4 filter The filter is equipred with a pressure regulated valve to 6 keep the pressure through the filter at 6471 psi 455 5 kgfcm 2 From the filter part of the oil goes to the crankshaft to lubricate the crankpins and the remainder goes to lubricate the rocker arms An oil prfSsure switch is located in the passage from the filter and controls the oil pressure If the oil pressure falls below 14 psi 10 kgf cm 2 the oil warning lamp will light on the 7 Pressure spring 4 Nozzle body dash panel If the oil pressure lamp stays on after the engine 2 Pressure pin 5 Needle valve is running at normal speed shut the engine off immediately 3 Pressure pin holder 6 Nozzle piece Find and correct the cause of the low oil pressure before operating again Fig 7 Nozzle If the pressure regulating valve in the filter fails and the pressure rises a safety valve will limit the pressure to 140 psi 10 kgf Icm 2 5 Probable cause of low oil pressure n1 Clearance on one of the hearings is to great2 One of the rocker arms is too loose I I I j SJ t LtHLli 3 Faulty pressure regulating valve pressure lower than normal replace the oil filter or clean the valve on the old one with kerosene or diesel fuel 1 I Jr W v tl J j rTo I llItJ i pump t Ij djl Oil pan Drain plug Fig 9 Detail of Oil Pump Pickup Rocker arm Rocker arm shaft Relief valvescreen Cover Fig 8 Lubrication System Safety valve assy 4 Safety tlalve 5 Plug Oil filter 6 Spring1 Rlplace the nil lilttr 111 Ivmy other oil change evmy 150 7 Oring hours 8 Relief tlalve2 Undm normal condition it is only nrpssary to change 9 Oring th nil liltpr ilt the 511ilild intprvals If howevpr thp 70 Plug pn9ine is used in EXTREME L Y dirty conditions the 77 Oring rrSur I 1ulati111 Vii IVI lnd Sillety valvp should also be 12 Oil filter cartridge assy rmllrwci and rlpilnld 13 Oil filter cartridge3 Whfllver the oil liltrr I placed rom the Ponin under Fig 70 Oil Filter 74 Label no loan lor il fpw nrirnllp until tltn filtEr has hppn fillPtl ann thfl1 arid nil to rllar lip 1m what i5 contained in the liltpr 7 Relief valtle compo 4 Ball valve 2 0 ring 5 Valve sheet 3 Spring Fig 11 Pressure Regulating Valve 6 Valve Combustion air of course IS brought in through the intake valve when the descending piston creates a partial vacuum in the cylinder Valve stem seals should be replaced whenever they are reo moved If the stem seal are replaced coat the stem liberally with oil before inserting in the valve guide to prevent burning thf valve stem seal 5 0 1 Safety valve body 2 Safety valve spring 3 0 ring 4 Oil filter base 5 Safety valve 2l 0 Fig 12 Safety Vallie Complete Replacing engine oil 1 Dr lin and replace the engine oil after the first 35 hrs of operation and every 75 hrs thereaftpr 2 The oil is easier to change if the enfjine is warm 3 Do not mix different brands of oil If a different brand of oil must be used drain the oil and replace with all one 1 Valve cap 5 Valve stem seal brand Also do not mi x oils of different viscosities 2 Valve spring retainer 6 Valve guide 3 Vallie spring collet 7 Valve 4 Valve spring3 Combustion System Combustion chamber Fig 14 Structure of Valvesrhe engine utilizes a swirl type precombustion chamber The dimensions of the replacement valves and valve guides are See Fig 13 Fuel and air are mixed in this shown in Fig 15 When new valve guides are installed theharnber resulting in more efficient combustion A glowplug bores should be reamed to 0316 to 0315 in 8030 tos employed to preheat the fuel for easy starts down to 5 F 8015mm after installation The valve head must be recessed 15C 0043 to 0055 in 11 to 14mml from the face of the cylin der head to prevent it from hitting the top of the piston rf03160317in 02805mmT 0313 0314in A Finished ID of guide installed in cylinder O 7960An975rmmJ head 0315031m1r 8015 8030mmJ r1ID Jt 0 r 1059 7067in 1295 1303in 269 27 TmmJ 7329 33 7miiiT 1 Nozzle holder 4 Cylinder head Fig 75 Standard Dimensions 2 Nozle piece packing 5 Combustion chamber of Valves Vallie Guides 3 Glowplug Valve Gap Fig 13 Combustion Chamber 0043 0055in 77 74mmJ Fig 16 Sinking of Valve 7 Valve timingWhen the vtlvp cleartncr hilS Deen tdrusrl ilS shown inFig 17 the sttndard valVf timing shown in thp chart can beattained L Adjust r r 2 i l Valve clearance OCl 00070009 in nut 1 t 018022 T I mm In L C II c i Fig 17 Adjustment of Valve Clearance Intake valve orens 20 B TOC I ntakf valvp closes 45 A BOC E xhalls t valve orens 50 B BOC E xhaus valve t closps 15 J A TOC Valve clearance 0007 to 0009 in 018 to 022 mm withengine cold Rocker Arms 0550 0553in 74002404jmJ e 0550 0551 in T13j39B4 j lIJ11 r Fig 18 Standard Relative Position of Rocker Arms 8 Compression release Release wire is optional parts Compression 11 part a showlI in Fiq lr Pilil I IPVN 11I11 ilS positionfill a II wi q dlf to fP Ihat till rn all111 is th1I cmprl5siOfl is Iaflj rll I nlnrssinll rllnaseIS til Ill liSX wllpn thl battery is Inw IH whell starling inenid wrlt1111 Tn IIS Ihl fnlllprsinll 1flpS prltlfilt th Operation position I I ll QIIlWpIIlQ as IISlIill pli ttll CoIllIHssinn rlIils IIIh oul ilSIill il possiblE illld hold it thlII whi uOlllkinq tlw pnJinThis pHllall rilSlS thP fnqim OIllPSSIOn enahlillq il trturn laster in enid wpalhr r whtI the hillpry is low Oncethl cnginl is turning lasl fmouqh to start rrlrlSf the lever andthp r1Qilw will startNOTE Make sure the compression release has returned to the operating position by pushing the knob all the way in 1 Rocker arm 5 Compression release nut 2 Oil filler cap 6 Compression release bolt 3 Compression rese lever 7 Shaft 4 Adjustment access cover 8 Valve Fig 20 Adjustment of Compression Released Fig 19 Compression Released Top Top clearance should be 0028 0035 in 07 to 09 mmlDo not pull the compression release lever when the engine is Tn adjust ue cylindpr Qaset shims 0006 in 015 mm thickrunning at high speed or under load If it is necessary to use each onto the hpad sidethe compression release while the engine is running reduce the For chfCking the melSumment place 11 piece of luse on thespeed to idle before doing so ristol1 top and fix th cylinder head sfCurely on the cylinder Adjustment of compression release head flange The meaiurernpnt is taken hy the fuse The liner isI Set exhaust valve in totally rinsed position ICVf1 with thp cylinder frame at top urface2 Remove dlcomrression adjustlllent window cover from Thf gasket shims can be reused so do not lose them cylinrler heild cover Head3 Milke valve clearanr as 0 with lise 01 dncompression adJlJst holl From this position turn thp bolt furthr by 1 to 15 turns Opcompression clealancp will then be sct at 0030 to0044 in 075 to 1125mm which is the designed clearance4 After adjusting be sure tn lock adjust bolt securely so that it will not unWrn while engine is in service5 Make certain that the cleanrance is nnt too wide To chprk this turn crankshaft hy hand and makp certain valve rlisk dos not contact with pistion toP Fig 21 Top Clearance 9 Boring and replacing the cylmder linerReferrinj tn Fig 22 the insidf diaewl 1 the liner shouldbe checd at points 12 and anr in thp rlirfrtinns a andbL The Imer on which the wer has pxcperlpcJ thp Strvice limiteiln tw bOHn ilun honpd In OoO in 0 Omm nversizeThp finishpj dimensions are 3 248 249 in 82500 R2S21lfT1 and 101 013 in 7GSno 76519mlll1 An oversiled piston and I inqs must Ihell be lIsedwith thIS IrnpI OnCt this WISild linr has exclPJpd its wearlimit it should be replacfd Wllh A nnw om Tl install il nfWliner coat the olJtirjp liwrJlly with oil push into II blorkwith a press and finish to til standArd ril When Ihis is donea standard sin piston must allain hI IIsld i 1 I IGj E i N c1t co NO t r i 1 Fig 23 Tightening of Cylinder Head Bolts Air cleaner Ig 1 Under normal conditions clpan the dust cap one a WPfk I I p If the engine is used in a dirty environment clean it more I I N 0 M d J j L often Under no circumstances should dust bp allowj to aCfumulate to more than half the cap capacity If a lilrrw en I Il piecc of 1apr or other obstruction gets stuck in th air intakf X j Il c 3130 3131in remove it immediately Always install the cover with the stamped TOP uppermost If the cover is installfrj ll1side j2 HP down by mistake the dust and dirt will not enter the rap and L 7950 795 the filtPr witt plug prematurely 34944 34856 in 44 HP 188505 88535mml Clllan the element every 100 to 200 hours of o1eratinn KpPf th dust cap in place while cleaning the filter to 1reVfllt r Standard size j ver size cntamination If a red signal of the dust indicator attached on the air clpaner 2992 2993in 3012 3013in J2 HP 76500 76519mml ilppears remove the element and clean or replace with new 76 019m elements After that push down reset button to returning its 33465 33473 in 33661 33670 in signal 44 HP 85000 85022mml 85500 85S22mml Fig 22 Standard Dimensions of Cylinder Liner and Liner Bore in Block Tightening cylinder head capscrews Fig 23III Th liqhtrninq tHClll of th ylindr 11al CiJpsrrpws is 10 54 to 58 ftlbs 75 to 80 kg m Nlllnbers 11 13 and 15 1 Aircleanerassy 2 17 in the diagram are studs The nut on these studs 3 2 Body 1 should ill tlP tiqhtenpd 10 this Ill 3 Air cleaner element IIssy 42 All tlH Cillsrrpws 1St il tiqhwncj llllitmrnly Tn d 5 4 Wing nut 6 this tilhtfn all lh rilpsrVJ ill til ordN il1licatPi nn 5 Baffle cover 7 the ilaqrart IIntil thrv ill Jtlst SwI T1un tiqht n poch 6 Cover nn 1 ollrl turn ilt il tim thIS sam seClllncp tach 7 Clamp tilllp unlil all havp blen lIrlhtnfd 10 lh rtqllirffl tOlqllP 8 Lavel31 TI1 Lylini hPAd CilliUtW should h rftiqlltpned if 9 Lavel thl pnqin has not hen Ilpci fr a IOllq til1H The valvr 10 Indicator assy lash shotllrj also he adillstfrj prh lirnr tl cylinder heild Fig 24 Air Cleaner UII5CIwS jt flOrqwd If th rylidr IHiJd qasbt hilS Ilpn rellaCtd rim tht l fnl lbOJl 30 rtinlltfS and rptlqhtln til rylindpr 1111 IPSW as 10 Main Moving Parts Crankshaft and connecting rod Pistons and piston rings 1 The crankshaft is a heat treated steel alloy forging TheThr 01S1Ons ilnd piston rinqs H shown In Fig 26 If the crank pins are induction hardened for additional wearcvlindr Ilnrrs have hecn bOIi ovcri oversize pistons resistance Crankshaft endplay is 0006 to 0012 in 015and rtngs must hr usel The 0iston is marl If high silicon to 031 mmAIAIIV imel is Cilm ground The tor cmnprPssion ring is a 2 The crankpin bearings are aluminumchrome plateej kvstnne vrf the seronel rompression ring is When installing the connecting lnt undercut anej tllr oil control ring is of the a Clean both surfaces expansion type b Apply engine oil to the threads of the connecting rod S End gap of rings on poston in cylinder capscrews before installing and tighten each to 27 to I Diameter of piston skirt thru t of pilto pin bar E Diameter of piston skirt perpendicular to piston pin 304 ftJbs 37 to 42 kgm The bearing caps are matched to each connecting rod and should not be interchanged Also since there are var iations in machining from side to side each bearing cap and connecting rod are marked and should be assembled so that the marks line up 3 In the ewmt that the crankpins become worn and are no longer serviceable undersized bearings may be used When installing the undersize bearings observe the fol 0081 0082in lowing precautions 7205S2iJ70mm a Machine the crankpin diameter and radii to within 0197 0198in a few thousandths of the correct dimensions and 5010 5ijjoU7 finish qrind to the exact dimensions 05 0Q6j b After finish grinding the bearing diameter and the radii 23000 23013mm chamfer the diameter of the oil hole with an oilstone I 0012 00 l8in 8 If this is not done an oil film will not form and the 010in 249mm 030 l 1 0TJ ill bearing will siezeoz8 O1950 1962mm ri II l c The crankpin should always be superfinished to 0000016 in 00004 mm or less 01957 0965inJt I k 4978 4990mm L A 81 l J 0 d Select the bearing from the chart that necessitates the removal of the least amount of metal from the crank pin Do not deviate from the chart dimensions as the 9J 10 OOlBm bearing life will be reduced if they are machined 025045mm e To determine the running clearance assemble the con Fig 26 Standard Dimensions of Piston necting rod bearing cap and bearing as described in and Piston Rings SPCtion 2 and measure the diameter anywhere within the 1200 angle indicated in Fig 28 ald subtract the Standard size Over size crankpin dia meter from this figure 2992in 3012in A 76mm 2986 2987in 765mm 3005 3006in 1 The piston pin bushings are of lead bronze The inside diameter of the bushing should be finished I 75839 75859mm 76339 76359mm 2 HP to 0906 to 0907 in 23025 to 23040 mm 2989 2990in 3008 3009in E lAo 75915 75935mm E643 3346 in 3366 in 44 185mm 1855mm I 3341 3342 in 3360 3361 in HP 84855 84875mm 185355 85375mm 3343 3344 in 3363 3364 in t E 184915 84935mm 185415 85435mm Over size Name of Part Part No Mark Piston 05 05 OS 002in 05mrn Piston ring 05 05 OS 32 HP Cylinder liner 301210 3013in 76500 to 76519mm 1 2JlR ma x to 2JlR max by honingL i 44 HP Cylinder liner 3366 to 3367 in 85500 to 85522mm 12JlR max to 2pR ax by honing 11 031 nI4 111 JIm RMfflll 004 0 06 tr r SntmJ o r300 46 13J 31mm Fig 28 Crankpin for Undersize Bearing ll 0155 10267 I 1036 IfRI 116000 16WI 9B 160lR l09065090 12301 09059 123002 10 1m o 143 0 753m rrR 870 9 Jtmt 2nu2tuSm S g 5 UnmJ 2050 205200 52064 52 3 0 1RO 193 o 3 0753 lB 19 13mm1 f1 2248 1910 13mm1 o 058 t059m 1510851 1 rw H 4112 4fflmm j JI i iIi fll fl1 1I A Oieme 01 pitonpin buhing ef instelletion 1 0018 00 Fig 29 Standard Dimensions of Connecting Rod l9lrJ2 Bearing and Bushing Fig 27 Standard Dimensions of Crankshaft and Bearings Metal Size Part No Bearing Crankpin Diam 0 Running Clearance Mark 020 I 1522122971 020mm undersize 17228 to 17234 in 020US32 HP 040 1522122981 040mm undersize 43759 to 43775mm 17149 to 17156 in 43559 to 43575mm 040US 0001379 to 0003661 in 17228 to 17234 in 0035 to 0093mm 020 1547122971 020mm undersize 020US44 HP 040 1547122981 040mm undersize 43759 to 43775mm 17149 to 17156 in 43559 to 43575mm 040US 12 Main Components Camshaft gear Gear train Rptlf to Fiq 31 Place the camshaft retainer plate on theB SIIr to asspmblf thl Clears by matchinq thp millinCi marks cillTlshaft first Shim the camshaft retailer plate out from the115 shown in Fig 30 Thp backlash of each gear is 0002 to camshaft 0003 to 0009 in 1007 to 022 mml with shims0005 Ill 00415 to 0 54 mrnl that can be pulled Ollt after the gear is installed Heat the gear to approximatply 176 F SOoCI and slide on the shaft until it blltts liP aqainst thl retairfr plate Remove spacer shims If the qnar will not slide on the shaft easily it too may be heated tll a sliqhtly higher temperature as described above i l 0003 OOO9in 007 022mmJ 1 Camshaft gear 4 Circlip 2 Camshaft 5 Pin plug 3 Camshaft retainer plate 6 Key Fig 31 Assembly of CamshBft Gear with Camshaft Camshaft and camshaft bearings Standard dimnnsions are shown in Fig 32 Camshaft running 5 clearance is 0002 to 0004 in 005 to 0091 mm Z 40 T 34T1 39 T 2 1 Crankshaft gear 4 Camshaft gear 2 Oil pump drive gear 5 Fuel injection pump drive 3 Idle gear gear Fig 30 Mating Marks of Gear Train Crankshaft gear hl to al10llt 170 F 80n CI and sl idn on cranlshaft If the shaft 1111d bore riimrmsiom arp such that the qPu will not slide fl5i1y it may bl heated to a slightly hihrr tnmperature I ill iljtl IlJlIlUI 51Z1513i1t for installation 13113111 1515 15 f1lrJL F frr trl 1 JL f Fig 32 Standard Dimensions of Camshaft and Bearings 13 Main bearing assy Main bearing housingInsert the bearings in the main bearill housing halves as in Installation of crankshaft with lain bearings in engine blockdicatec1 in Figs 33 34 usill tht thrust washers only on the Slide the crankshaft assembly into the engine block beingJournal nearest the flywheel Coat the Crilnkshilft journals and careful not to nick or scrape the crankpins After the assemblyth bearing surfaces with enqine oil f1il the housinq hillves is in position make sure the oil passages are correctly lined uPwith bearings on the rrankshaft eOill Ihl capSTCW ihreilds Install the main bearing housing to engine block lockingwith engine oil and tighten ttl 21 to 25 fUbs 3 to 35 kgIll capscrew and washer from the side to position the hOllsing andM8 then install cafscew 2 from the bottom and torque to 47 tn 50 ItIbs 65 to 7 kgm Ml0 7 Bearing 2 Capscrew 3 Locking tab 4 Main bearing housing 5 cpscrew 6 Locking tab 7 Locking tab Fig 34 Main Bearing Housing 7 2 3 7 Bearing 2 Thrust washer 3 Thrust washer 4 Crankshaft journal 5 Main bearing 6 Capscrew 7 Locking tab Fig 33 Main Bearing Housing 4 with 8 Locking tab Thrust Washets o d Main bearing housing 1 51565157 in 130968 130986mml Main bearing housing 2 51956 51963 in 131968 131986mml 5235 5236 in 22047 22055 in 1 156000 56019II1I1I1 Main bearing housing 3 1132968 132986mml 53137 53144 in Main bearing housing 4 1134968 134986nvnl 14 Idler gear Injection pump camshaftSecurp he idler gear shaft to the engine hlock with 3 cap Injection pump camshaft Fig 37 Install the bearings andscrews torque to 17 to 20 ftlbs 24 to 2B kgml lind bend governor unit on the camshaft and install in the engine blocktabs of tllb washer Install gfar as lhown make sure it runs Hour Meter Unit Fig 37 Insert the tang on the end offreflv hilS a running clellrance of 0001 to 0002 in 0020 to the hour meter drive shaft into the slot on the end of the00f4 rnml ami OOOB to 0020 in 020 to 051 mm end injection pump camshaft and install as per the l fi 1 Idler gear 2 Spacer 13 1 3 Retaining ring 4 Shaft thr 5 Bushing 6 Spacer 7 Engine block 8 9 Capscrew Tab washer 7 Fig 36 Idler Gear 1 Fuel injection pump 5 Injection pump gear 2 Speed control lever 6 Governor system 3 Fuel control system 7 Injection pump CJlmshaft 4 Hour meter unit 8 Idling apparatus Fig 37 Injection Pump Camshaft Assy 15 Attaching flywheel to the entire contact SIJrfilCf rardull CDilt the cnntilCt 1 Rust inhibitor and antifreeze should be used in accordsurface with engine oil wilsh illl the oil off with gasoline ami ance with the in the related manualsdry It throughly Put the flywhpf1 on imd tnrqlll the Cilfscrews 2 Be sure to remove all debris that may be plugging thl finsto 70 10 77 ftlbs 1010 11 lrn Bpnd the IrlCking tabs back 3 Chllk the rubber shock mount nuts periodically to beon the washers sure they are tight Tensioning of fan belt Cooling water pumpThe fan belt tension is ilejUstpri hv rnovinq thp altlrnator Tn install the cooling fan pulley on the pump securely tightenbrackeT in Of out The belt is properly tensioned when the the nut 4 to 506 to 579 ftlbs 7 to 8 kgf m torquebelt deflection midway between the alter nator Dillie and thecrankshaft pulley is 025 to 035in 7 tl 9 mm with a forceof 20 Ibs applied Proper bplt tension is essential for goodenginp cooling and belt life See Fiq 8 Fan pulley Tension pulley Alternator pulley 1 Pulley 9 2 Bearing 3 Key 4 Nut r 5 Body W 6 Shaft 025 to 035in 7 to 9mm i 7 Rotator 8 Case iI 9 Seal I Fan drive pulley Fig 38 Fan Belt Tensioning Fig 39 Water Pump Starting Motor The starting motor is of the rerJlJctinn tyre drive The assembly is shown in Fig 43 t Yoke 2 Armature 3 Packing 4 Brush holder 5 Brush spring 6 Packing 7 Magnetic switch 8 Gear 1 9 Gear2 10 Ball 1 t Over running clutch 12 Drive end frame 13 Through bolt t4 Screw 10 II 14 Fig 43 Starter Assembly 16 Starter specifications Insufficient brush contact Dirty or worn commutator Precautions in care and handling of starter motor 1 I The starting motor must be installed properly for the Code No 299574 starter pinion to mesh with the engine ring gear as it should If the ring gear and pinion do not mesh properly TyJe the pinion and starter housing may be damaged and in Reeluction extreme cases the starter may not even turnr 21 If the startel switch is turned on and the engine turns Nominal 12V but will not start the cause is probably in the fuel system voltage Check the fuel lines and correct as necessary Nominal 14kW 31 In attempting to start an engine never use the starting output motor for more than 30 seconds at a time without a pause Direction of Clockwise viewed from to let is cool down The starting motor heats up very rotation pinion end rapidly when used and if it is used continously for moreL than 30 deconds the solder may melt from the armature or the coil 01 lead wires may melt Also the battery will Trouble shooting be discharged to such a degree and wont have sufficient If the battery turns extremely slow or not at all the cause may power for another attempt at starting A good rule TO lie If1 the battery wiring or the starter The headlights are follow is to crank for 1Q seconds and pause for lOse a very convenient tool for tracing the cause of the trouble conds Repflat until the engine starts Headlight method 41 If the starting motor is too far forward the pinion will The use of this method of course assumes that the headlights not mesh properly with the ring gear and cause rapid are functioning normally piston wear Adjust for proper mesh 1 Headlights are dim 51 Do not turn the starter switch while the engine is running Probable cause Low battery faulty contact at one of If this is done the ninion gear will contact the ring the connections faulty wiring If the qear Jhich is turning with the full force of the engine battery remains discharged because of a which may cause a broken pinion bent shaft broken malefaction in the charging system it housing etc should be corrected before charging the battery to prevent the problem Glow Plugs from reocGuring The glow plugs are the sheath type with the wiring diagram as 2 With battery fully charged shown in Fig 44 a Symptom Lights do not light Probable cause Battery terminal not properly connected b Symptom Lights become extemely dim when crank 1 Glowplug ing the engine and starter slows down or 2 Glowplug stops controller Probable cause 3 Starter switch Bad engine rotational resistance too 4 Main switch great I 5 Regularor Starter does not turn satisfactorily 6 Alrernaror Armature shaft bent 7 Battery Worn ushing 8 Starrer Pole core screw loose Field coil grounded or insulator short Fig 44 Circuit Diagram for Glow Plugs circuited Armature coil grounded or insulator shortcircui ted cl Symptom Ughts are bright bllt starter does not turn or turns very slowly Probable causes Starter terminal not connected properly Solenoid switch not making contact Solenoid not working coil grounded or insulator short circuitedl FaUlty starter switch contact 17 ENGINE CONNECTIONS Universal Diesel PANEL CONNECTIONS E Q I en 3JCll I Connect to ACC term on switch C 2 CYl 1co 1r GlOW PLUG r GLOW I PLUGS FUEL PUMP w Q 00 Reference Chart Engine MaximumParIS Items SlPciflcations Standard Value Remarks Limit I When installing apply a generous Cylinder hfoad tightness Ml0 x 125 542 579 ftlbs i 75 8 kgm coat of engine oil onto the entire r Cylinder head surface dstortion 0002 in below surface of j h btt 1005mm below I ntakeexhaust valve sPat thickness 45 0059 in 115mm I i 00276 0 0354 in Top clearance 107 09 mm i O059in fl5mm1 10 Standard 10 32 HP 29Q21 29929 in 76000 76019mm I 29980 in 3011Ql1In 7615mml 176500 76519mm 44 HP 3400 33473 In I I 185850mm Pston clearance t HP OOO 00905 10 r 10065 OI64mm At piston skert 144HP 00026 00066 In4I u Height above block surface 100650167mm4 Type Dry 000098 in 0025 mm1 Ir Standard 00 HP 29921 in 176mm Oversize 0020 in 05 mm r44HP 33465 in 185mmJ c Pistonpin boss 10 09055 09060 in 09071 in o 123000 23013 mm 12304mm interference Clearance Pistonpin clearance 00004 in 00004 in 001 I mm 1001 I mm Rong gap toP 2nd 00118 00178in 00492 in 05 oversize top ring surface should 9945m 1125mm be 00079 in 02 mm below i 00098 00158in piston side surface g Top ring WIdth Keystone IVpe 1025045mm a 2nd ring width Oil ring 00768 00772in 1 95 1962mm 01960 0 1965in 4978 499 mm Ring groove clearance 00037 00047 in 10093 0 120mm 00008 0 0020 in 0 00019 in O2mmJ J 1002 0052 mm1 t i i t I c 00 09056 09059in a 12300223011 mm c o 00006 00015 in 00059 in Pintobush clearance 0014 0038 mml 0 15mmlt Small end 10 1 0236 10244 in i Pin 2600026021 mml OOOO79in without bush l to02mm a Small end width Large end 10 10236 jn 26 mm 18504 18512 in Connecting rod 5 147000 47 02Omm 4in f100m g without bush toOOO79in c c OOOO79m to 02mm 8 Large end width 10079 1 0118 in to02mm 256 25 7 mm Rod torsion 00008 in 0002 in When installing apply a generous see diagraml O02mm 005mml coat of engine oil onto the entire Roo bolt torQue MSx I 2676 3038 surface of each bolt fUbs 37 42 kgml l9 Parts Items Maximum Specifications Standard Value Remarks Limitf f 111 10 17327 17345 in 4401 44056mml wIth metal Width 07429 07531 ill 1887 1913 mml Center thickness 00 185 in 47 mml 0058300589 in 1482 1495 mml Running clearance 00014 00038 in 00079in 0035 0097 mml 02mml Axial clearance 00157 00236in Crank armtoIarge end clearance 0406mml1 Il Crankshaft jllrnal dia 20441 20449 III 151921 5194mm Main bearing 10 20465 20481 in 1Running clearan 00079 in 5198 52025mml 00016000411n 02mm with metal 1004 0 104mml Crankshaft metal 21 0742907531 in width 1887 1913 nl fl Cr nkshaft jurnal dia 20449 20449 in 51921 5194mm IRunning clearance 00079 in 00016 00046 in 102mml GearSide main bearing 10 20465 20488 in 5198 52 039mml 1004 O 118 mml CD with metal c Crankshaf1 metal 11 07823 07925 in width 11987 2013mml Crankshaft metal 1I 00 22485 22474 in 157111 57084mml f 1 1 Crankpm jurnal dia 17307 1 7313 ill 00047in When installing apply a generous 43959 43975mml 012 mm coat of engine oil onto thp entire surface of each bolt Crankshaft side clearance 00059 00122 in 0 15 031 mml CrJnk bearinq cap 217293fUbs boll 1 torque M8 125 3 35kgml Crank bearinl call M lOx 125 470506 It Ibs boll 2 torque 65 7 kgmlf 11 Cam bering ID 1574815758 in IRunning clearan x 4000040025mm 1 57215728 m1 3993439950mml I00020 00036 1M 10050 0091 mml 01611 in f795 m J f Axial clParance 0002800087 in 13134 in iV r 3336mmJ 007 022 mml ik J III E u Carn hft 02165 in 55mn 05451 1386mmJ Cam heillht 13134 in 3336 mml 20 MaximumPrts Items Specfcatons Stllndard Vail Remarks Limit gear Number of teeth crank 34 Number of teeth idel gear 79 Number of teeth earn Ifar 68 io 0 Number of teeth c Inlectlon pump gear 68 t Number of teeth oil pump 45 drive gear Number of teeth oil pump drive gear I 40 Number of teeth oil pump rive gear 2 39 a 001631oo4s4 in 00118n 0 041S I 154mml 03mm Backlash Shlnkillf 00433 0OSS1 in 11 14mm Facl angle 4So Valve guide bore should be reamed after inserted into cylinder head Intake bore 1 29531 3031 in 329 33 I mm Exhaust bore 1 OS9110669 n Ol 269 27 I mm Stem da 0313403140 in 7960797Smm Valve guide 10 o 31S63161 in 801S8030mm Stem guide clearance a oo160028 in 004 007 mm Valve clearance o 007100B7 in When cold 0 18 022 mm Free length 1641716614 in 417 422 m Sprong pressure 2646 Ibsl 3839in Load lind length when installed s 12Icg3S1Smm 0 VI Ol 3 Sprong pressurp loss IS when installed Overall length A 5984 in IS2 mm B S8189 58346 in 1478 0 1482 mm 0 CI Dia 023232402 in Q S961 mm 21 Maximum Pr fn Specifi tions Standard Value Limit Remarks Intake valve opened At 20 BTOC Intake vaillt closed At4S0 ABOC g E xhau5t valve opened At SO BBOC I 0 E xhaut valve cIClSPd At 15 AToC ftj Ignition process 1342 Inlertectlon timing 2So26 BTOC Trochoid tooth wIdth Use Engine Oil CO 10SI Above nOF 125D CI SAE30 Between 32F noF 100C 08622 08630in 2SoCI SAE20 12190 2192mml Below 32F 100CI SAEIOW Outer rolor 00 19669 19685in lOW30 4996 5Ooomml Q E T rClChoid tobody 0OO350063 in Q rlcarance 009 016 mml 5 Trochoidtobody side 0000059 in clearance 010015 mml 64 71 psi Oil pressure 14S 5 kgfcm21 Pump capacIty At pump 2000 rpm 58 Gallonmin 12211minlf Model f 1 Cam speed 1400 rpm Rack position 0354 in 19 mml Q Injection pressure 1990 psi 140kgcm E c Pump plunger dia 02165 inIS5mm 1 U Pump stroke 0 02756 in 17 mm I ii Pump discharge 00013 II 00015 inlrev 123 1 mm 3 rey1 e 1 c Model NOONI2S012 0 19902133 psi z 1njeclion pressure I 140150kgfcm2 22 Parts Spec if ications Maximum Items Standard Value Remarks Limit Cooling system Forced circulation Wltpr pump ClIltlllulal lmp with thermostat impeller Gear case tn impeller 002320437 in Water temperature c Icarance Circulation 059 111 mml Tatallift 1934lbs in 2 lmAg Flow ratr Packing thickness E 264 Gallonmin 1002minl or more CI i Impeller dia ij 26312642 in 166 9 67 lmml Pump speed 3450 3550 rpm 0 0 u Thlrmostat actuatiCn temperature Radiator cap pressure Fan belt Ifngth Model 12V llOAH ElectrOlyte specfic gravity dscnarge 1120 II Electrolyte specific 1280 gravity charge 68F 20C I Electrolyte specific 130 lravity ovPldischarqP I Voltagr Alternator 12V Current 0 Check nterval E c 0 Brush sprlOQ oressure 11I5ul1Itio resistancp No failure at SOOMV 0 Constant voltagt ij 5 Current II Cutin vnltage 0 23Part II I terns SncIcations Standard Value Maximum Remarks L1 Nbrnjtpi9j1 r Numbp 01 teeth 89 FIn gear Insulaton rpslstane No failure at 500MV Check onltrval EYfrv 1000 Insulation resistance service hours Outnut 14kW Nominal valuer ff Head srI bolt and nu Ml0 x 125 54 2 579ft Ibs ApplV a generous coat of 75 8 kglm engine oil onto the entire surfaces of all imporlant r Ivwheel set bolts set bolts Q 773 796 fUbs 11011 kgfm e o M12lC 125 I Cranksl1f1 rnain betr in Ml0 x 125 470 SO 6 It Ibs o CD set cap holts 65 7 kglm E Cranitshllft can bolts M8 x 125 217 253 fUbs 5 a 30 35 kglm E Rocker bracket set studs M8 xl 25 174 203 fUbs 24 28 kgfm Rod bolts M8 xl 268 304 IUbs 37 42 kgfm t General t bolts M12 571 665 IUbs All these torques are applied to and studs 79 92 kgfm those S45C bolts and studs which haVe relief number 7 or Ml0 354 412 fUbs 49 57 kgfm punch marks e o I 5 CD M8 174203f1lbs 124 28 kglrn O M6 72 83 fUbs 110 I IS kgfrn Bolt Torques ftlbs kgfm Material Grade Standard Bolt Special BOlt Special Boll IlraIDia 5541 S20C S43C S48C Refined SCR3 SCM3 Refined 4 M 6 58 69 080 095 72 83 100 115 90 105 125 1451 130 152 180210 174 203 240 2801 217 253 300 3501 M 8 f Ml0 1 289 333 I 400 460354 41 O 20 7 M12 11 463 535 I 640 0 J 5J 10SOgp M14 196 926 111001280 9111085 12601500 H 12301447 117002000 12301410 1170019501 447664 120002300 19172242 265031001 M16 1 1 M18 1808 2098 12500 2900 2025 2351 128003250 2532 2965 3500 4100 M20 2459 2893 13400 4000 2712 3182 3750 4400 36164195 15000 58 00 24Bolt matllial 01II15 F hown by numbers punchoo ern the bolt hPadsPrrr to lrlhtHnl he surl to check aut the numbprs as shown below Punched NumbPr Bolt Material Grade Nnne Standard Bolts 5541 S20C 7 SfPCial BOilS 548C 5431 Refined 9 Special Bolts SCM 3 5CR 3 Refined 2
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