Westerbeke Diesel Apr 99 Parts Manual
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TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 40 Marine Diesel Engine WESTERBEKE WPDS Marine Diesel Generators Publication 20502 Edition 8 July 1980lr WESTERBEKE j WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA MANUAL WESTERBEKE 40 Marine Diesel Engine WESTERBEKE WPDS Marine Diesel Generators Publication 20502 Edition 8 July 1980lr WESTERBEKE j WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 WESTERBEKE 40This marine diese engine previously designated WESTERBEKE a basic engine mode known variously as 499 4107 and4108 You will notice continual references to the latter three engine mode numbers throu90ut tre workshop portion of this manua Theyare used to distinguish anlong the three major engineer1ng changes aready made to the engineWITH 21 SHORT PROFILE SAILING GEARWITH SAO MANUAL VEE DRIVE TRANSMISSION 3SECTION INDEXGENERAL Introduction Operation Installation OVERHAULOTHER OVERHAUL Marine Engine Electrical System Cooling System External SETSHYDRAULIC CRANKING SYSTEMSERVICE BULLETINS 4 IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOFTWARE NOnCEProduct software of all kinds such as product software Such software may bebrochures drawings technical data outdated and no longer accurate and workshop manuals parts changes made by Westerbekes supplierslists and parts price lists and other of which Westerbeke rarely has instructions and specifi in advance are frequently not provided from sources other in the suppliers software until afterthan Westerbeke is not within Wester such changes take placebekes control and accordingly isprovided to Westerbeke customers only Westerbeke customers should also keep inas a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE mind the time span between printings ofCANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT Westerbeke product software and theOF SUCH SOFTHARE MAKES NO IARRANn ES unavoidable existence of earlier nonOR REPRESENTA nONS WITH RESPECT THERETO current lesterbeke software editions inINCLUDING THE ACCURACY TIMELINESS OR the field Additionally most THEREOF AND WILL IN NO beke products include BE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES special features that frequently do notOR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH include complete ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING ORUSE OF SUCH SOFTVJARE In sum product software provided with Westerbeke products whether from WesterFor example components and subassemb beke or other suppliers must not andlies incorporated in Westerbekes cannot be relied upon exclusively as theproducts and supplied by others such definitive authority on the respectiveas engine blocks fuel systems and com product It not only makes good senseponents transmissions electrical co but is imperative that pumps and other products of Westerbeke or theare generally supported by their manu supplier in question be consulted tofacturers with their own software and determine the accuracy and currency ofWesterbeke must depend on such software the product software being consultedfor the design of Westerbekes own by the customer 5 INTRODUCTION IMPORTANT THIS MANUAL IS A DETAILED GUIDE TO THE INSTALLATION STARTUP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR WESTERBEKE MARINE DIESEL ENGINE THE INFORMA TION IT CONTAINS IS VITAL TO THE ENGINES DEPENDABLE LONG TERM OPERA TION READ IT KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE KEEP IT HANDY FOR REFERENCE AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL INVITE SERIOUS RISK NOT ONLY TO YOUR INVESTMENT BUT YOUR SAFETY AS THE DIESEL ORDERING PARTS The diesel engine closely resembles the Whenever replacement parts are neededgasoline engine inasmuch as the mechanism always include the complete part descripis essentially the same Its cylinders tion and part number see separate Partsare arranged above its closed crankcase List furnished if not part of this pubits crankshaft is of the same general type lication Be sure to include theas that of a gasoline engine it has the engines model and serial number Alsosame sort of valves camshaft pistons be sure to insist upon Westerbeke rods lubricating system and packaged parts because will fit partsreverse and reduction gear are frequently not made to the same Therefore itfollows to a great extent specifications as original equipmentthat a diesel engine requires the maintenance as that which any GENERATOR operator would give to a gas Westerbeke diesels are used for botholine engine The most important factors the propulsion of boats and for generatingare proper maintenance of the fuel lub electrical power For generator set appricating and cooling systems Replacement lications all details of this Manualof fuel and lubricating filter elements at apply except in regard to certain porthe time periods specified is a must and tions of the Installation Operation andfrequent checking for contamination ie Maintenance sections Additional inforwater sediment etc in the fuel system mation is provided in the section titledis also essential Another important Generator Sets Section Tfactor is the use of the same brand ofhigh detergent diesel lubricating oildesigned specifically for diesel engines The diesel engine does differ from thegasoline engine however in the method ofhandling and firing its fuel The carburetor and ignition systems are done awaywith and in their place is a single component the Fuel Injection Pump whichperforms the function of both Unremitting care and attention at thefactory have resulted in a capable of many thousands of hoursof dependable service What the manufacturer cannot control however is thetreatment it receives in service Thispart rests with you6 YOUR NOTES 7 INSTALLATION FOREWORD Since the boats in which these engines are used are many and varied details of engine installation are equally so It is not the purpose of this section to advise boatyards and engine installers on the generally well understood and well developed procedures for installation of en gines However the following outline of general procedure is included because it is valuable in explaining the functions of each component the reasons why the precautions to be watched and the relationship of the installation to the operation of the engine There are details of the installation which should have a periodic check and of which the operator should have a thorough understanding to insure good operating conditions for the engine and correct procedure for its OF EQUIPMENT pry against this with crowbar as you may The engine is shipped from the factory distort the securely and properly crated Ac In some cases it may be necessary tocessory equipment is shipped in a separate lift the engine in other than the regularsmall box usually packed with the engine horizontal position It may be that thecrate engine must be lowered endwise through a Before accepting shipment from the small hatchway which cannot be made company the crate should If the opening is extremely restricted itbe opened and an inspection made for con is possible to reduce to some extent thecealed damage If either visible or con outside clearances such as damage is noted you should require cooling piping water tank filtersthe delivering agent to sign Received in mounting lugs etc This accessory equipdamaged condition Also check contents ment should be removed by a competentof the shipment against the packing list mechanic and special care should be takenand make sure note is made of any discrep to avoid damage to any exposed parts andancies This is your protection against to avoid dirt entering openings The partsloss or damage Claims for loss or damage which have been removed should be returnedmust be made to the carrier not to J H to position as soon as the restriction hasWesterbeke Corporation been passed In case it is necessary to hoist theRIGGING AND LIFTING engine either front end upwards or reverse The engine is fitted with lifting rings gear end upwards the attachment of slings Rope or chain slings should be at must be done very carefully to avoid thetached to the rings and the engine lifted possibility of damage to the parts onby means of tackle attached to this sling which the weight may bear It is best ifThe lifting rings have been designed to special rigging work be done by someonecarry the full weight of the engine experienced and competent in the auxiliary slings are not re of heavy or desiredCAUTION Slings must not be so short as ENGINE BOLTSto place the engine lifting eyes in sig It is recommended that bronze hangernificant sheer stress Strain on the bolts of appropriate size be used throughengine lifting eyes must not be in excess the engine flexible mounts Lag screwsof 100 from the vertical A spacer bar are less preferred because their hold onmust be placed between the two lifting the wood is weakened every time they areeyes if supported by valve cover studs moved whereas the lag bolt stays in pos The general rule in moving engines is ition and the nut on top is used to tightto see that all equipment used is amply en the engine down or is removed to permitstrong and firmly fixed in place Move the the engine to be lifted The bolt itselfengine a little at a time and see that it stays in position at all times as a studis firmly supported Eliminate possibil and the bond between the bolt and the woodity of accidents by avoiding haste Do is not weakened by its removalnot lift from the propeller coupling or 8FOUNDATION FOR ENGINE PROPELLER COUPLING A good engine bed contributes much Each Westerbeke Diesel engine is regutoward the satisfactory operation of the larly fitted with a suitable coupling forengine The engine bed must be of rigid connecting the propeller shaft to and neither deflect nor twist enginewhen subjected to the engine weight or the The coupling must not only transmit theposition the boat may have to take under power of the engine to turn the shaft butthe effects of rough seas The bed must must also transmit the thrust either aheadkeep the engine within one or two thous or astern from the shaft to the thrustandths of an inch of this position at all bearing which is built into the reductiontimes It has to withstand the forward gear housing of the engine This couplingpush of the propeller which is applied to is very carefully machined for accuratethe propeller shaft to the thrust washer fitbearing in the engine and finally to the For all engine models a propeller halfengine bolts and engine bed coupling bored to shaft size for the In fiberglas hulls we recommend that specific order is supplied The wooden stringers as in wooden either has a keyway with set screws or ishulls be formed and fitted then glassed of the clamping typeto the hull securely This allows hanger The forward end of the propeller shaftbolts to be installed firmly in wood thus has a long straight keyway Any burrsreducing noise and transmitted vibration should be removed from the shaft end The The temptation to install the engine on coupling should be a light drive fit ona pair of fiberglas angle irons should the shaft and the shaft should not have tobe resisted Such construction will allow be scraped down or filed in order to get aengine vibrations to pass through to the fit It is important that the key behull Flexible mounts require a firm properly fitted both to the shaft and thefoundation against which to react if they coupling The key should fit the side ofare to do their job When possible follow the keyway very closely but should notbed design A and avoid bed design B touch the top of the keyway in the hub of the coupling If it seems difficult to drive the coupling over the shaft the coupling can be expanded by heating in a pail of boil ing water The face of the propeller coupling must be exactly perpendicular to the centerline or axis of the propeller shaft PROPELLER A The type and size of propeller varies with the gear ratio and must be selected to fit the application based upon boat tests To utilize the full power of the engine and to achieve ideal loading con ditions it is desirable to use a propel ler which will permit the engine to reach its full rated speed at full throttle under normal load ALIGNMENT OF ENGINE The engine must be properly and exactly aligned with the propeller shaft No matter what material is used to build a boat it will be found to be flexible to some extent and the boat hull will change its shape to a greater extent than is usually realized when it is launched and operated in the water It is therefore very important to check the engine align 9ment at frequent intervals and to correct In making the final check for alignmentany errors when they may appear the engine half coupling should be held in Misalignment between the engine and the one position and the alignment with thepropeller shaft is the cause of troubles propeller coupling tested with the propellerwhich are blamed often on other causes coupling in each of four positions rotatedIt will create excessive bearing wear 90 0 between each position This test willrapid shaft wear and will in many cases also check whether the propeller half coupreduce the life of the hull by loosening ling is in exact alignment on its shaftthe hull fastenings A bent propeller Then keeping the propeller coupling in oneshaft will have exactly the same effect position the alignment should be checkedand it is therefore necessary that the rotating the engine half coupling to fullpropeller shaft itself be perfectly position each 90 0 from the next onestraight The engine alignment should be rechecked One particularly annoying result of mis after the boat has been in service for onealignment may be leakage of transmission to three weeks and if necessary theoil through the rear oil seal Check to alignment remade It will usually bemake sure that alignment is within the found that the engine is no longer inlimits prescribed alignment This in not because the work The engine should be moved around on was improperly done at first but becausethe bed and supported on the screwjacks the boat has taken some time to take itsor shims until the two halves of the coup final shape and the engine bed and enginelings can be brought together without using stringers have probably absorbed someforce and so that the flanges meet evenly moisture It may even be necessary to reall around It is best not to drill the align at a further for the foundation bolts until The coupling should always be opened upthe approximate alignment has been accu and the bolts removed whenever the boat isrately determined hauled out or moved from the land to the Never attempt a final alignment with water and during storage in a cradlethe boat on land The boat should be in The flexibility of the boat often puts athe water and have had an opportunity to very severe strain on the shaft or theassume its final water form It is best coupling or both when it is being movedto do the alignment with the fuel and In some cases the shaft has actually beenwater tank about half full and all the bent by these strains This does not applyusual equipment on board and after the to small boats that are hauled out of themain mast has been stepped and final rig water when not in use unless they areging has been accomplished dry for a considerable time Take plenty of time in making thisalignment and do not be satisfied with EXHAUST less than perfect results Exhaust line installations vary consid The alignment is correct when the shaft erably and each must be designed for thecan be slipped backwards and forward into particular job The general counterbore very easily and when a are to provide an outlet line with a minifeeler gauge indicates that the flanges mum of restrictions and arranged so thatcome exactly together at all points The sea water rain water or halves of the propeller coupling cannot get back into the engine Thereshould be parallel within 0002 inches A should be a considerable fall in the line between the exhaust manifold flange and the discharge end This slope in the pipe makes it difficult for water to be driven in very far by a wave and a steep drop followed by a long slope is better than a straight gradual slope Avoid any depres sion or trough to the line which would fill with water and obstruct the flow of exhaust gas Also avoid any sharp bends Brass or copper is not acceptable for wet exhaust systems as the combination of salt water and diesel exhaust gas will 10cause rapid deterioration Galvanized If there are more components to beiron fittings and galvanized iron pipe is rigidly connected to each other than for the exhaust line The ex weigh 8 pounds then a flexible exhausthaust line must be at least as large as section must be installed between thethe engine exhaust manifold flange and be manifold outlet and the exhaust in size if there is an especial The exhaust system must be supportedly long run andor many elbows It should or suspended independently of the enginebe increased by 12 in LD for every 10 manifold usually using simple metalfeet beyond the first 10 feet hangers secured to the overhead All dry portions of the exhaust sys tem should be wrapped in suitable insula tion material to keep surface temperatures as low as possible Hany installations use flexible rubber exhaust hose for the water cooled section of the exhaust line because of the ease of installation and flexibility Provide adequate support for the rubber hose to prevent sagging bending and formation of water pockets Always arrange the rubber hose section so that water cannot possibly flow back into the engine Also make sure that enter ing sea water cannot spray directly againstEXHAUST SYSTEM WITH WATER JACKETED the inside of the exhaust piping Otherwise STANDPIPE excessive erosion will occur Most exhaust systems today use a MEASURING EXHAUST GAS BACK PRESSUREwater lift type muffler such as theWesterbeke HydroHush In most Back pressure must be measured on ainstallations there is a dry insulated straight section of the exhaust line andhigh loop after the engine manifold and as near as possible to the engine exhaustbefore the muffler to prevent water manifold The engine should be run atflowing backwards into the engine during maximum load during the measurement periodcranking Setup should be as shown below It is essential not to hang too 1 For normally asperated enginesmuch weight in the form of exhaust system Pressure Test Mercury Test Water rigidly from the engine mani 112 Max PSI 3 Mercury 39fold Generally it is permissible to 2 For turbocharged connect a pipe nipple and a Pressure Test Mercury Test Water Columnwater jacketed exhaust elbow which two 075 Max PSI 112 Mercury 1912components weigh about 8 pounds 4kgWATII OlSCIoIAIIGE WATII LlrT OlAUST iVSTfI WHH QQU JoIUHLP lJ flAX 1 00 Checking The Back Pressure 1 Exhaust pipe flange WATER LIFT EXHAUST SYSTEM WITH 2 Exhaust line HYDROHUSH MUFFLER 3 Transparent plastic hose partly filled 11 with water Measurement A may not To insure satisfactory operation a exceed 39 for normally asperated diesel engine must have a dependable sup engines and 195 for turbocharged ply of clean diesel fuel For this reason engines cleanliness and care are especially im portant at the time when the fuel tank isWATER CONNECTIONS installed because dirt left anywhere in Seacocks and strainers should be of the the fuel lines or tank will certainlyfull flow type at least one size greater cause fouling of the injector nozzles whenthan the inlet thread of the sea water the engine is started for the first timepump The strainer should be of the typewhich may be withdrawn for cleaning while FUEL PIPINGthe vessel is at sea We recommended copper tubing together Water lines can be copper tubing or with suitable fittings both for the reinforced rubber hose In line and the return line Run the tubingany case use a section of flexible hose in the longest pieces obtainable to avoidthat will not collapse under suction be the use of unnecessary fittings and contween the hull inlet and engine and betweennectors The shut off valve in the linethe outlet and the exhaust system This between the fuel tank and engine should betakes up vibration and permits the engine of the fuel oil type and it is importantto be moved slightly when its being re that all joints be free of pressure leaksaligned Do not use street elbows in Keep fuel lines as far as possible fromsuction piping All pipe and fittings exhaust pipe for minimum temperature toshould be of bronze Use sealing compound eliminate vapor locksat all connections to prevent air leaks The fuel piping leading from the tankThe neoprene impeller in the sea raw to the engine compartment should always bewater pump should never be run dry securely anchored to prevent chafing Usually the copper tubing is secured byFUEL TANK AND FILTERS means of copper straps Fuel tanks may be of fiberglass monel The final connection to the enginealuminum plain steel or terne plate If should be through flexible rubber hosesmade of fiberglass be certain that theinterior is gel coated to prevent fibers ELECTRIC PANELfrom contaminating the fuel systemCopper or galvanized fuel tanks should not Th e W es t er be ke a11 e 1ec tr1C pane 1be used It 1S not necessary to mount U 1 lZes an e ec rom c ac horne t er the tl 1 t ttank above the eng1ne level as thepump prov1ded Wlll ra1se the fuel from the fuel 11ft W1 th a bl U1 tIn hour me t er Tac h0 t an k Th e amoun t 0 f l 1 ft h ld b k t meter cables are no longer requ1red S ou e ep f h Sk h 1 m1n1mum 6 f ee t b e1ng maX1mum If a tan k except or t e l pper mec am ca 1 M t d th 1 1 d 11 d b 1S a rea y 1nsta e a ove eng1ne eve 1t 1 1 pane It t oun e t on t e pane t arecan be utilized in this position Great a vo mederlwa er empera ure E h ld gauge an 01 pressure gauge accare shou be taken to ensure that the fuel 1ns t rumen t 1s l 1ght e d Th e a11 system is correctly intalled so that air electric panel is isolated fromlocks are eliminated and precautions takenagainst dirt and water entering the fuel ground and may be mounted where A primary fuel filter of the water col visible It is normally type should be installed betweenthe fuel tank and the fuel lift pump A ELECTRICAL type is available from the Most Westerbeke engines are suppliedlist of accessories The secondary fuel prewired and with plugin is fitted on the engine between the Never make or break connections while thefuel lift pump and the injection pump and engine is running Carefully follow allhas a replaceable element instructions on the wiring diagram sup As the fuel lift pump has a capacity in plied especially those relating to fuseexcess of that required by the injection cicuit breaker the overflow is piped to the fuel Starter batteries should be located astank and should be connected to the top of close to the engine as possible to avoidthe tank or as near the top as possible Toltage drop through long leads It is12bad practice to use the starter batteriesfor other services unless they require lowamperage or are intermittent In caseswhere there are substantial loads fromlights refrigerators radios depthsounders etc it is essential to have acomplete separate system and to current for this by means of asecond alternator or alternator outputsplitter Starter batteries must be of a typewhich permits a high rate of discharge Diesel starting Carefully follow the recommended wiresizes shown in the wiring diagrams so the battery is close toengine and use the following cable sizes ttl for distances up to 8 feet ttlO for distances up to 10 feet 1120 for distances up to 13 feet 1130 for distances up to 16 feetMECHANICAL CONTROLS The recommended practice is to have thestoprun lever loaded to the run positionand controlled by a sheathed cable to apushpull knob at the pilot station Thethrottle lever should be connected to aMorse type lever at the pilot station bya sheathed cable The transmission control lever may beconnected to the pilot station by a flexible sheathed cable and controlled by aMorse type lever The singlelever typegives clutch and throttle control withfull throttle range in neutral positionThe twolever type provides clutch controlwith one lever and throttle control withthe other Any bends in the control cables shouldbe gradual End sections at engine must be securely mountedAfter linkages are completed check for full travel making surethat when the transmission control leverat the pilot station is in forwardneutral and reverse the control lever onthe transmission is on the Check the throttle control leverand the stoprun lever on the fuel injection pump for full travel Some models do not require a stopcable because they have either a fuelsolenoid or an electric fuel pumpExamples of such models are the W58and W52 13 FOR FIRST START 5 Fill fuel tank with clean Diesel fuel oil No2 diesel fuel oil isThe engine is shipped IIdryll with recommended The use of No 1 islubricating oil drained from the permissible but No 2 is and transmission There because of its higher lubricantfore be sure to follow these recom contentmended procedures carefully beforestarting the engine for the first time NOTE If there is no filter in the filler of the fuel tank the recom1 Remove oil filler cap and fill oil mended procedure is to pour the fuelsump with heavy duty diesel lubricat through a funnel of 200 mesh wireing oil to the highest mark on the dip screenstick See table under Maintenance foran approved lubricating oil Do not 6 Fill grease cup on the sea wateroverfill Select an approved grade pump if present with a good gradefrom the listing and continue to use it of water pump grease2 Fill the reverse gear to the highest mark on the dipstick with TYPE A FUEL fluid Do not overfillOil level for the Short Profile Sail The fue 1 i nj ect ion sys tem of a coming Gear is measured before threading pression ignition engine dependsthe dipstick into the housing upon very high fuel pressure duringEngine oil is not recommended because the injection stroke to functionit can foam and it can contain addi correctly Relatively tiny movetives harmful to some transmissions ments of the pumping plungers pro duce this pressure and if any airIf the englne is equipped with a V drive is present inside the high pressurefill to the full mark on the dipstick line then this air acts as a cushionwith the recommended lubricant specified and prevents the correct pressureon the data tag on the V drive housing and therefore fuel injection from being achieved3 Fill fresh water cooling system witha 5050 antifreeze solution only after In consequence it is essential thatopening all petcocks and plugs until all all air is bled from the air is expelled whenever any part of the system has been opened for repair or servicingFill surge tank to within one inchof the top Check this level afterengine has run for a few minutesIf trapped air is released the water BLEEDING PROCEDURES BY MODELlevel may have dropped If so refill tank to within one inch of top 1 Initial Engine Startupand replace filler cap Engine stoppage due to lack of fuel4 Ensure battery water level isat least 38 above the battery a Insure that the fuel tanksplates and battery is fully charged is filled with the properso that it is capable of the extra grade of diesel fueleffort that may be required on the b Fill any large primary filterlfirst start water separator with clean diesel fuel that is installed between the fuel tank and en gine To attempt to fill any large primary filter using the manual priming lever on the en14 gine mounted fuel lift pump may 2 On the fuel injection pump body is a prove futile or require a con 516 bleed screw Bleed Point B siderable amount of priming This may be mounted on a manifold c Turn the fuel selector valve to with a pressure switch Open this On Systems wi th more than one one to two turns do not remove it tank insure that fuel returning and with the priming lever bleed is going to the tanks being used until fuel free of air bubbles flows Stop priming and tighten The above procedures are basic for the bleed screw all initial engine startups or for restarting engines stopping due to 3 On the control cover of the injec lack of fuel tion pump Bleed Point C is a 516 bleed screw Open this W7 AND WPD4 GENERATOR 3600 one to two turns and proceed as inRPM Figyre 1 Stp 2 Note Bypass this bleed pOlnt on the W30 injection pump1 With the use of a 516 box wrench or common screw driver open the 4 W50 injection urn onl Open the bleed screw one to two turns on the 516 bleed screw Bleed Point D outgoing side of the engine mounted on the injector line banjo bolt secondary fuel filter Bleed one to two turns and with the point A With firm strokes on the throttle full open and the engine lift pump priming lever bleed until stop lever in the run position fuel free of air bubbles flows from crank the engine over with the this point Stop priming and gently starter until clear fuel free tighten the bleed screw of air flows from this point Stop cranking and tighten this2 With a 58 open end wrench loosen bleed screw one to two turns the nut securing the injector line to the injector 5 With a 58 wrench loosen one to two Bleed Point B turns the injector line attaching nuts at the base of each injector Decompress the engine with the lever and with the throttle full open and on the top of the cylinder head the engine stop control in the run Crank the engine over with the position crank the engine over with starter W7 ensure that the engine the starter until fuel spurts by the stop lever is in the run position nuts and injector line at each injec and the throttle is full open tor Stop cranking and tighten the 4KW use the defeat position while nut and proceed with normal starting cranking Crank the engine until procedures fuel spurts by the nut and line Stop cranking and tighten the 58 nut and proceed with normal starting WESTERBEKE W13 44KW Fiaure 6 procedures W2l 7 7KvJ 27 11 KW WESTERBEKE W30 Figyre 2 W40 IJPO 10 12 15 Figure 3 W50 WBO 15 Figure 4 These units are selfbleeding wao BR 30Figure 5 W120 BR45 Figure 5 1 Turn the ignition to the ON position and wait 1520 seconds1 Open the banjo bolt on top of the engine mounted secondary fuel fil 2 Start the engine following normal ter 12 turns Bleed Point A starting procedures With firm stroke on the fuel lift pump priming lever bleed until fuel free of air bubbles flows from this point Stop priming and tighten the bolt 15WESTERBEKE W58 WTO 20 Figure 71 Open the bleed screw on the top inboard side of the enginemounted secondary fuel filter one to two turns using a 10mm box wrench Bleed Point A This fuel filter is equipped with a handoperated priming pump With the palm of your hand pump this primer until fuel free of air flows from this point Stop pumping and tighten the bleed screw2 With bleed screw A tightened pump the hand primer several more times This primes the injection pump which is selfbleeding The injection pump Figure 1 incorporates a feed pump which keeps the fuel system primed when the en gine is running thus no external lift pump is required3 Loosen the four injector line at taching nuts at the base of each injector Bleed Point B one to two turns with a l6mm openend wrench Place the throttle in the full open position and crank the engine over with the starter until fuel spurts by the nut and injector lines Stop cranking and tighten each of the four nuts and proceed with normal starting procedure Figure 2 Figure 316 Figure 4 Fi gure 7 Fi gure 5 Typical Mechanical Fuel Lift Pump Figure 6 17PREPARATION FOR STARTING 6 As soon as the engine starts re lease the start switch and the1 Check water level in expansion preheat button and return the tank It should be l to 2 in throttle to the idle position below the top of the tank when immediately cold CAUTION Do not crank the engine more2 Check the engine sump oil level than 20 seconds when trying to start Allow a rest period of at least twice3 Check the transmission oil level the cranking period between the start cycles Starter damage may occur by4 See that there is fuel in the tank overworking the starter motor and the and the fuel shutoff is open backfilling of the exhaust system is possible5 Check to see that the starting battery is fully charged all electrical connections are proper STARTING THE ENGINE WARM ly made all circuits in order and turn on the power at the battery If the engine is warm and has only been disconnect stopped for a short time place the throttle in the partially open position6 Check the seacock and ensure that and engage the starter as above elimin it is open ating the preheat stepSTARTING THE ENGINE COLD NOTE Always be sure that the starter pinion has stopped revolving beforeMost Westerbeke marine diesel engines again reengaging the starter otherare equipped with a cold starting aid wise the flywheel ring gear or starterto ease in the starting of your engine pinion may be damagedwhen cold Ensure that the electrical connection to1 Check to see that the stop lever the cold starting aid is correct if installed is in the run position Extended use of the cold starting aid beyond the time periods stated should2 Place the throttle in the fully be avoided to prevent damage to the aid open position NEVER under any circumstances use or3 Press the IIPreheat button in and allow anyone to use ether to start your hold for 15 to 20 seconds engine If your engine will not start then have a qualified Westerbeke marine4 While holding the Preheat button ll mechanic check your engine in turn the keyswitch to the liON or IIRun position This activates the panel gauges lights and fuel solenoid or electric fuel pump if WHEN ENGINE STARTS so equipped Continue to turn the keyswi tch to the II Sta rt pos it ion 1 Check for normal oil pressure and hold for no more than 20 sec immediately upon engine starting onds Some units may be equipped Do not continue to run engine if with a pushbutton to start rather oil pressure is not present within than the keyswitch and in these 15 seconds of starting the engine cases the electrical system is activated by fuel pressure 2 Check Sea Water Flow Look for water at exhaust outlet Do this5 If the engine fails to start in without delay 20 seconds release start switch and preheat for an additional 3 Recheck Crankcase Oil After the 1520 seconds then repeat step 4 engine has run for 3 or 4 minutes 18 subsequent to an oil change or new NOTE The SAO transmission requires that installation stop the engine and when backing down the shift lever must check the crankcase oil level This be held in the reverse position since is important as it may be necessary it has no positive overcenter locking to add oil to compensate for the mechanism oil that is required to fill the engines internal oil passages and oil filter Add oil as necessary STOPPING THE ENGINE Check oil level each day of opera tion 1 Position shift lever in neutral4 Recheck Transmission Oil Level 2 Idle the engine for 2 to 4 minutes This applies only subsequent to an to avoid boiling and to dissipate oil change or new installation In some of the heat such a case stop the engine after running for several minutes at 800 3 If equipped with a stop lever pull RPM with one shift into forward and the knob and hold in this position one into reverse then add oil as until the engine stops This stops necessary Check oil level each the flow of fuel at the injection day of operation pump After the engine stops re turn the control to the run positionS Recheck Expansion Tank Water Level to avoid difficulty when restarting if engine is fresh water cooled the engine This applies after cooling system has been drained or filled for the 4 Turn off the keyswitch Some models first time Stop engine after it do not use the stop lever as they has reached operating temperature are equipped with a fuel solenoid of 17S oF and add water to within or electric fuel pump which shuts one inch of top of tank off the fuel supply when the key switch is turned to the off The system is pressurized when S Close the and the pressure must bereleased gradually if the filler cap is 6 Disconnect power to system withto be removed It is advisable to pro battery switchtect the hands against escaping steamand turn the cap slowly until the resistance of the safety OPERATING is felt Leave the cap in thisposition until all pressure is released 1 Never run engine for extendedPress the cap downward against the periods when excessive overheatspring to clear the safety stops and ing occurs as extensive turning until it can be lifted damage can be causedoff 2 DO NOT put cold water in an over6 Warmup Instructions As soon as heated engine It can crack the possible get the boat underway cylinder head block or manifold but at reduced speed until water temp gauge indicates 1301S00 F 3 Keep intake silencer free from If necessary engine can be warmed lint etc up with the transmission in neutral at 1000 RPM Warming up with the 4 Do not run engine at high RPM with transmission in neutral takes longer out clutch engaged and tends to overheat the transmission S Never Race a Cold Engine as internal7 Reverse Operation Always reduce damage can occur due to inadequate engine to idle speed when shifting oil circulation gears However when the transmission is engaged it will carry full engine 6 Keep the engine and accessories load clean 197 Keep the fuel clean Handle it with extreme care because water and dirt in fuel cause more trouble and ser vice life of the injection system is reduced8 Do not allow fuel to run low because fuel intake may be uncovered long enough to allow air to enter the injection system resulting in engine stoppage requiring system bleeding9 Do not be alarmed if temperature gauges show a high reading following a sudden stop after engine has been operating at full load This is caused by the release of residual heat from the heavy metal masses near the combustion chamber Prevention for this is to run engine at idle for a short period before stopping it High temperature reading after a stop does not necessarily signal alarm against restarting If there is no functional difficulty temperatures will quickly return to normal when engine is operat ing20 TEN MUST RULES IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT for your safety and your engines dependability ALWAYS 1 Keep this Manual handy and read it whenever in doubt 2 Use only filtered fuel oil and check lube oil level daily 3 Check cooling water temperature frequently to make sure it is 1900 or less 4 Close all drain cocks ad refill with water before starting out 5 Investigate any oil leaks immediately NEVER 6Race the engine in neutral 7Run the engine unless the gauge shows proper oil pressure 8Break the fuel pump seals 9Use cotton waste or fluffy cloth for cleaning or store fuel in a galvanized container 10 Subject the engine to prolonged overloading or continue to run it if black smoke comes from the exhaust 21 ATTENTION After you have taken delivery of yourengine it is important that you make thefollowing checks right after the firstfifty hours of its operationFIFTY HOUR CHECKOUT INITIALDo the following 1 Retorque the cylinder head bolts 2 Retorque the rocker bracket nuts and adjust valve rocker clearance 3 Check and adjust if necessary the forward drum assembly and the reverse band on manual SAO and SA1 trans missions 4 Change engine lubricating oil and oil filter 5 Check for fuel and lubricating oil leaks Correct if necessary 6 Check cooling system for leaks and in spect water level 7 Check for loose fittings clamps connections nuts bolts vee belt tensions etc Pay particular atten tion to loose engine mount fittings These could cause CHECKOUTDo the following FIGURE 2 1 Check sea water strainer if one has been installed CAUTION The use of different brands of 2 Check water level in cooling system lubricating oils during oil changes has 3 Check lubricating oil level in sump been known to cause extensive oil sludg Fill to highest mark on dipstick ing and may in many instances cause com 4 Turn down grease cup on water pump plete oil starvation if used one full turn 6 Start engine and run for 3 or 4 5 Check lubricating oil level in trans minutes Stop engine and check oil mission Fill to highest mark on filter gasket for leaks Check oil dipstick sump level This is important as it may be necessary to add oil to comSEASONAL CHECKOUT MORE OFTEN IF POSSIBLE pensate for the oil that is requiredDo the following to fill the engines internal oil 1 Check generator or alternator V passages and oil filter Add oil as belt for tension necessary Change oil in transmission 2 Check water level in battery Use SAE 30 High Detergent Lubricating 3 Change oil in sump Oil Service DG DM or DS Do not 4 Replace lubricating oil filter overfill See note below Fig 2 See Note 5 Fill sump with diesel lubricat IMPORTANT NOTE ing oil to high mark on dipstick IT IS MANDATORY THAT THE CHECKS 3 4 5 Refer to Specification page for AND 6 BE ATTENDED TO WHEN TOTAL OPERATING proper quantity of oil Do Not TIME REACHES 150 HOURS IN SOME INSTANCES Overfill See Note THIS TOTAL IS REACHED BEFORE END OF SEASON 22 7 Clean Air Filter if supplied 3 Fill fresh water cooling system with ost models have an air silencer antifreeze of a reputable make Refer that does not require filtering to Cold Weather Precautions material and therefore does not 4 Start engine When temperature gauge require cleaning The time indicates l7s 0 F shut engine down and period for replacing the air drain lubricating oil Remove and re filter depends on operating con place filter Fill sump with High De ditions therefore under extreme tergent Lubricating Oil ly dirty conditions the seasonal 5 Remove air filter Carefully seal air frequency should be increased intake opening with waterproofed adhes The correct time periods for ive tape or some other suitable medium replacing the filter will greatly 6 Seal the exhaust outlet at the most c assist in reducing bore wear cessible location as close to the en thereby extending the life of the gine as possible engine 7 Remove injectors and spray oil into 8 Check engine for loose bolts nuts cylinders etc 8 Replace injectors with new sealing 9 Check sea water pump for leaks washer under each injector Turn engine 10 Wash primary filter bowl and screen slowly over compression If filter bowl contains water or sedi9 Top off fuel tank completely so that no ment filter bowl and secondary oil air space remains thereby preventing fuel filter need to be cleaned more water formation by condensation frequently 10 Leave fuel system full of fuel 11 Replace secondary fuel filter element 11 Change fuel filters before putting the 12 Replace air filter engine back in service 12 Wipe engine with a coat of oil orEND OF SEASON SERVICE grease1 Drain fresh water cooling system by re 13 Change oil in transmission moving the surge tank pressure cap and 14 Disconnect battery and store in fully opening all water system petcocks charged condition Before storing the2 Remove zinc rod usually located in battery the battery terminals and heat exchanger and see if it needs cable connectors should be treated to replacing The zinc rod will take prevent corrosion Recharge battery care of any electrolysis that may occur every 30 days between dissimilar metals Insert new 15 Check alignment zinc if necessary 23 LUBRICATING OILS Lubricating oils are available for Westerbeke Diesel engines which offer an of performance to meet the requirements of modern operating conditions such assustained high speeds and temperatures These oils meet the requirements of the U S Ordnance Specification MILL2l04BAPI Service CC Any other oils which also conform to these specifications but arenot listed here are of course also suitable SAE DESIGNATION COMPANY BRAND OO45 0 F 45 0 80 0 F OVER 80 0 FAmerican Oil Co American Supermil Motor Oil lOW 20W20 30BP Canada Limited BP Vanellus lOW 20W20 30 BP Vanellus 10W30 10W30 10W30Chevron Oil Co RPM DELO MultiService Oil lOW 20W20 30Cities Service Oil Co CITGO Extra Range lOW 20W20 30Continental Oil Co CONOCO TRACON OIL lOW 20W20 30Gulf Oil Corporation Gulflube Motor Oil XHD lOW 20W20 30Mobile Oil Company Delvac 1200 Series 1210 1220 1230Shell Oil Company Shell Rotella TOil lOW 20W20 30Sun Oil Company Subfleet MILB lOW 20W20 30Texaco Inc Ursa Oil Extra Duty lOW 20W20 3024 YOUR NOTES ENGINE OVERHAUL The following sections contain detailed information relating to the proper operation of the major components and systems in the engine Included are disassembly rework and reassembly instruc tions for the guidance of suitably equipped ard staffed marine engine service and rebuilding facilities The necessary procedures should be undertaken only by such facilities Additional operating are included in the Operation Section of this manual Any replacements should be made only with genuine Westerbeke partsCONTENTS SECTIONENGINE DESCRIPTION ATECHNICAL DATA BFAULT DIAGNOS IS DCYLINDER HEAD EPISTON AND CONNECTING RODS FCYLINDER BLOCK LINERS GCRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS HFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING JTIMING CASE AND DRIVE KTIMING LLUBRICATION SySTEM MCOOLING SYSTEM INTERNAL NFUEL SySTEM P SECTION A Eng i ne Descri ptionThe 4108 4107 and 499 Series Diesel Engines with uniform heat distribution Intimate mixing of the fuelwhich this manual is concerned is an indirect injection and air over a wide speed range is ensured which infour cylinder four stroke power unit creases the engines performance efficiency and flexiThe 4108 and 4107 has a bore of 3125 in 794 mm bility The upper part of the combustion chamber isand a stroke of 35 in 889 mm and the 499 has a machined in the cylinder head and is hemispherical inbore of 30 in 762 mm and a stroke of 35 in 889 hape the lower part being formed by an insert in themm form of an accurately machined plug located in the cylinder head this contains the throat this manual whenever the Ieft or right the combustion chamber to the cylinder Fuel is introhand side of the engine is referred to it is that side duced into this chamber by means of pintle typeas viewed from the flywheel end of the engine atomiser Block and CrankcaseThe cylinder block is of monoblock construction cast Valve with the crankcase it is manufactured fromhigh duty cast iron alloy The valves are operated by cast iron mushroom typeThe 4108 engine is fitted with dry type unshouldered tappets located in guides machined in the liners and the 4107 and 499 engines are block through push rods to forged steel rocker leversfitted with wet liners flanged at the top and sealed with lead bronze lined steel backed wrapped bushesat the bottom by two synthetic rubber rings located in Valve clearances are adjusted by means of a hardenedthe cyl inder block ball ended screw and locknut at the push rod end ofBoth liner types are centrifugally cast from high duty the rocker leveralloy ironCylinder Head and Valves CrankshaftThe cylinder head is a specially toughened high dutyallow casting and is secured to the cylinder block by The crankshaft is forged from and nuts both are phosphated for increased steel with four integral balance weights The 4108torque The joint between the cylinder crankshaft is treated by Tufftride process The rearhead and block is made from a black composite of the crankshaft is machined to accommodate thematerial and is known as a Klinger type gasket thrust washers which are replaceable copper lead lined steel backed which control the crankshaft endTwo overhead valves are fitted to each cylinder push float and are positioned either side of the rear mainrod operated via the valve mechanism mounted on the bearing An oil thrower anrl flywheel location flange arehead and enclosed by a pressed steel cover Each inlet also machined at the rear end while the front end isvalve has a synthetic rubber oil deflecting seal both keyed for a power take offinlet and exhaust valves are retained by two springslocated between a hardened steel seat and a hardenedspring cap secured by split conical collets All valvesoperate in unshouldered cast iron guides pressed intothe head Main Bearings Three main bearings are provided for the System and are of the replaceable prefinished thin wall steel backed aluminium tin lined type The high dutyThe H system of combustion is known as the pre cast iron bearing caps are dowel located and each iscombustion type being formed completely in the secured by two high tensile steel setscrews locked bycylinder head thus giving a flat topped piston with tab washersENGINE maintains an intermittent feed by drillings in the spigot and idler gear to lubricate the timing gear arrangement and to the centre camshaft bearing where due toThe special cast iron alloy camshaft which has chill special machining on the centre camshaft journal anhardened cams is mounted in a low position on theright hand side of the cylinder block and supported by adequate reduced pressure feed is maintained at the rocker assembly The oil pump incorporates a pressurethree bearings machined directly into the cylinder relief valve which limits the maximum oil pressureblock These bearings are pressure lubricated by meansof internal drillings and the cams and tappets are while the oil filter incorporates a bypass valve whichsplash lubricated prevents the engine being starved of oil should the filter element become Rods and Bearings Fuel Injection EquipmentThe connecting rods are molybdenum alloy steelstampings with H section shank the big end parting A distributor type fuel injection pump is flange mountedface is incl ined at 45 to the axis of the rod and on to a drive housing cast on the left hand side of theserrated for cap location The caps are each secured cylinder block It is mounted horizontally at the frontby two high tensile steel setscrews The big end bear of the engine and gear driven via a splined drive shafting bores are fitted with replaceable prefinished thin The majority of pumps incorporate a mechanical govwall aluminiumtin lined steel backed bearings The ernor and an automatic advance and retard mechanismsmall end bores being fitted with bronze lined steelbacked bushings The fuel lift pump is of the diaphragm type mechanical ly operated by an eccentric on the engine camshaftTiming Gear Arrangement via a small pushrod It is located on the tappet in spection cover on the right hand side of the engine andThe camshaft and fuel injection pump are driven by is equipped for hand primingthe crankshaft gear via an idler gear This helical geartrain which makes provision for fuel pump is located on the front face of the cylinder Cooling System Fresh Water Circuitblock and enclosed by a pressed steel cover bolted toa steel backplate A centrifugal type circulating water pump is fitted toThe camshaft and fuel injection pump drive gears are the front face of the cylinder block to assist the from spheroidal graphite cast iron the circulation through the cylinder block and head Thecrankshaft 1nd Idler gears being of steel treated by water outlet is via a thermostat housing which is castthe Sulfinuz or Tufftride process integral with the cylinder head the thermostat restricts the flow of water when the engine is cold and brings about a faster warm up When the water temperature reaches a predetermined paint the thermostat opensPistons and Piston Pins and allows normal coolant circulation The water pump is belt driven from the crankshaft pulleyThe pistons are manufactured from special high alloy fitted with three compression ringsand one oil control ring above the piston pin and one oilcontrol ring below The upper oil control ring comprisesfour laminated segments The piston pins are of the fullyfloating type located axially in the piston by circlips Thepiston has a steel insert rolled into the top SystemThe lubrication of the engine is by full pressure feedfrom a rotor type oil pump driven by spiral gears fromthe camshaft An oil strainer is fitted on the end of thepump inlet pipe the pump then delivers the oil via afull flow filter bolted on the fuel pump side of thecylinder block to the main ali gallery This gallery isdrilled lengthwise through lie crankcase drillings fromthe main oil gallery to the main bearings and drillingsin the main crankshaft journals to the crankpin journals provide the lubrication for the crankshaft Oilfeeds are also taken to Hle idler gear spigot which ENGINE injectors are located in an accessible position on Starting Aidthe left hand side of the cylinder headThe nozzles are of the pintle type To aid starting under cold conditions is made for mounting a fuel filter on either heater is fitted into the induction manifoldside of the cylinder head The filter should be of thepaper element type and of approved design Tachometer Drive Provision is made on the right hand side of the engine for a drive at half engine speed to be taken from the oil pump spiral gear to a mechanical tachometer SECTION B Technical dataEngine DataWesterbeke 4108 and 4107 499Bore nominal See Page B3 3125 in 7937 mm 300 in 762 mmStroke 35 in 889 mm 35 in 889 mmNo of Cylinders Four FourCubic Capacity 1074 in 1760 litre 99 in 1621 Ratio 22 1 20 1Firing Order 1 3 4 2 13 4 2Cycle FourStroke System Indirect Injection Indirect Details 499 4107 4108Maximum Rated Output 34 bhp at 3000 revmin 37 bhp at 3000 revmin 37 bhp at 3000 rev minMaximum Torque Output 731bf It 101 kgl m 79 Ibl 1092 kgl m 791bl It 1092 kgl mRecommended Torque TensionsThe following torque figures will apply with the component s lightly oiled belore assembly 4107 and 499 4108Cylinder Head Nuts 42 Ibl It 581 kgl m 60lbfft 83 kglmConnecting Rod Setscrews 42 Ibf ft 581 kgf m 42 Ibf ft 581 kgf m Main Bearing Setscrews 85 Ibf It 115 kgl m 851bfft115 kgfmFlywheel Setscrews 60 Ibf It 83 kgf m 60 Ibl It 83 kgf mIdler Gear Hub Setscrews 36 Ibl It 498 kgl m 32 Ibf ft 44 kgl mCrankshaft Pulley Setscrews 1501blft205 kglm 150 Ibfft 205 kgl mInjector Securing Nuts 12 Ibf It 17 kgl m 121bllt 17 kgfm The tab and shim washers may be discarded where used 0 n earlier engines but the setscrews must be tightened tothe torque loading Wear LimitsThe following wear limits indicate the condition when it is recommended that the respective items should be servicedor Head Warping Longitudinal 0006 in 015 mmCylinder Head Warping Transverse 0003 in 008 mm concave 0005 in 013 mm convexMaximum Bore Wear when new liners are necessary 0006 in 015 mmCrankshaft Main and Big End Journal Wear 0001 in 003 mmCrankshaft Main and Big End Journal Ovality 00005 in 001 mmMaximum Crankshaft End Float 0020 in 051 mmValve Stem to Guide Clearance inlet 0005 in 013 mmValve Stem to Guide Clearance exhaust 0006 in 015 mmValve Head Thickness at outer edge 0025 in 064 mmRocker Clearance on Shalt 0005 in 013 mmCamshaft Journals Ovality and Wear 0002 in 005 mmCamshaft End Float 0020 in 051 mmIdler Gear End Float 0010 in 025 mmValve Head Depth below Head Face inlet and exhaust 0048 in 1220 mm TECHNICAL DATAB3 MANUFACTURING DATA AND DIMENSIONS The data regarding clearances and tolerances is given for personnel engaged upon major overhauls CYLINDER BLOCK Total Height of Cylinder Block between Top Bottom Faces 41084107499 99369939 in 252374252451 mm Parent Bore Dia for Cylinder Liner 4108 32493250 in 8252582550 mm Parent Bore Dia for Cylinder Liner 4107499 Wet Liners Main Bearing Parent Bore 41084107499 2395023955 in 6083360846 mm Camshaft Bore Dia No1 41084107499 1794117955 in 4556845606 mm Camshaft Bore Dia No2 41084107499 17841787 in 4531445390 mm Camshaft Bore Dia No3 4108 4107 499 17761778 in 4511045161 mm Tappet Bore Dia 41084107499 0562056325 in 1427514307 mm Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing Bore Dia 41084107499 1812518141 in 4603746078 mm Cylinder Liner 4108 Cast Iron Type Dry Interference Fit Interference Fit of Liners 00030005 in 00760127 mm Inside Dia of Liner after Finish Boring and Honing 312513126 in 7937517940 mm Height of Liner in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 00230027 in 05840686 mm above Overall Length of Liner 649516505 in 164973165227 mm Cylinder Liner 4107 and 499 Cast Iron Type Wet Push Fit Inside Dia of Liner PreFinished 499 3003001 in 7620176225 mm Inside Dia of Liner PreFinished 4107 31253126 in 793741794 mm Thickness of Top Flange 499 03125103145 in 793717988 mm Depth of Recess in Block for Liner Flange 499 0311503135 in 791217963 mm Thickness of Top Flange 4107 025010252 in 63564 mm Depth of Recess in Block for Liner Flange 4107 02490251 in 63256375 mm Height of Liner in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 4107 and 499 0003 in 0076 mm Above 0001 in 0025 mm below Liner Flange Outside Dia 499 36183621 in 9189891973 mm Cylinder Block Top Bore for Liner Flange 499 36253627 in 9207591125 mm Clearance Fit of Liner Flange to Block Bore 4107 and 499 000410009 in 01020229 mmPistons 4108Type Flat ToppedOverall Height Skirt to Crown 31473150 in 7993480010 mmCenter Line of Piston Pin to Piston Skirt 1157 in 29388 mmPiston Height in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 00020006 in 00510152 mm AboveBore Dia for Piston Pin 106255106275 in 2698926994 mmCompression Ring Groove WidthTop 0080500815 in 20452070 mmCompression Ring Groove Width2nd 0064500655 in 16381664 mmCompression Ring Groove Width3rd 0064500655 in 16381664 mmOil Control Ring Groove Width4th 012610127 in 32003225 mmOil Control Ring Groove Width5th 01900191 in 48264851 mm Note There is a Steel Insert fitted above the Top Groove Pistons 4107 and 499 Type Flat Topped Overall Height Skirt to Crown 3146 in 7991 mm Center Line of Piston Pin to Piston Skirt 1344 in 3414 mm Piston Height in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 000850012 in 022030 mm Above Bore Dia for Piston Pin later 499 and all 4107 engines 093755093775 in 23812382 mm Early 499 engines 087505087525 in 22222223 mm Compression Ring Groove WidthTop 0080100811 in 2034206 mm Compression Ring Grooves Width 2nd and 3rd 0064500655 in 16381664 mm Oil Control Ring Grooves Width 4th and 5th 019010191 in 48264851 mmTECHNICAL DATAB4Piston Rings Parallel FacedSecond and Third Compression Internally Control Laminated Control Slotted ScraperTop Compression Ring Width 0077100781 in 19581984 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002400044 in 00610112 mmSecond and Third Compression Ring Width 0061500625 in 15621587 mmRing Clearance in Groove 000210004 in 00510102 mmFifth Scraper Ring Width 0186501875 in 47374762 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002500045 in 00630114 mmRing GapTop Compression 000910014 in 02290356 mmRing GapSecond and Third Compression 00090014 in 02290356 mmRing GapFifth Scraper 00090014 in 02290356 mmPiston Ring Gaps quoted are measured in a ring gauge of 3125 in 7938 mm bore In practice lor every 0001 in0254 mm difference in cylinder bore diameter Irom gauge size 0003 in 0762 mm should be allowedPiston Rings 4107 and and Industrial EnginesTop Compression Parallel Cast IronSecond and Third Compression Internally Control Chrome Plated Spring Loaded Control Slotted Scraper 499 Agricultural engines have taper faced cast iron compression rings fitted in the second and third ring groovesTop Compression Ring Width 0077100781 in 1961984 mmRing Clearance in Groove 00020004 in 00510102 mmSecond and Third Compression Ring Width 0061500625 in 15621587 mmRing Clearance in Groove 000210004 in 00510102 mmFourth and Fifth Scraper Ring Width 0186501875 in 47374762 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002500045 in 00640114 mmRing GapCompression Rings Chrome Vehicle 00120017 in 0301043 mmRing GapOil Control Rings Cast Iron Vehicle 00090014 in 02290356 mmRing GapCompression Rings Cast Iron Agricultural and Industrial 000910014 in 02290356 mmPiston Ring Gaps quoted are measured in a ring gauge 01 3000 in 7620 mm bore lor 499 engines and 3125 in7938 mm bore for 4107 engines In practice lor every 0001 in 0254 mm difference in cylinder bore diameterfrom gauge size 0003 in 0762 mm should be allowedPiston Pin 4108Type Fully Dia of Piston Pin 1062510627 in 2698726993 mmLength of Piston Pin 26732687 in 6789468250 mmFit in Piston Boss Pin 4107 and 499Type Fully Dia of Piston Pin 09375 in09377 in 2381223817 mmEarlier Engines 087508752 in 222252223 mmFit in Piston Boss End Bushing 4108Type Steel Backed Lead Bronze LinedLength of Small End Bushing 09350955 in 2374924257 mmOutside Dia of Small End Bushing 12211222 in 3101331039 mmInside Dia before Reaming 10495110545 in 2665726784 mmInside Dia alter Reaming 10631510632 in 2700427005 mmClearance between Small End Bushing and Piston Pin 00004500007 in 0011400178 mm TECHNICAL DATABSSmall End Bushing 4107 and 499Type Steel Backed Lead Bronze LinedLength of Small End Bushing 08650885 in 22002248 mmOutside Dia of Small End Bushing on later 499 and all 4107 engines 10651066 in 27052708 mmEarly 499 engines 1002510035 in 25462549 mmInside Dia after Reaming on later 499 and all 4107 engines 09382093875 in 23832384 mmEarly 499 engines 087571087625 in 22242226 mmClearance between Small End Bushing and Piston Pin 00005000125 in 001003 mmNote Bushings to be reamed to suit respective Piston Pins and are provided with a reaming Rod 4108Type H SectionCap Location to Connecting Rod Serrations Offset 45 to the HorizontalBig End Parent Bore Dia 214621465 in 5450854521 mmSmall End Parent Bore Dia 121875121975 in 3095630981 mmLength from Centre Line of Big End to Centre Line of Small End 621716219 in 157912157963 mmBig End Setscrew 0375 in in UNFConnecting Rod End Float 0006500105 in 01650267 mmConnecting Rod 4107 and 499Type H SectionCap Location to Connecting Rod Serrations Offset 45 to the horizontalBig End Parent Bore Dia 214611465 in 5450854521 mmSmall End Parent Bore Dia on later 499 and all 4107 engines 10625110635 in 26992701 mmEarly 499 engines 10011001 in 2542543 mmLength from Centre Line of Big End to Centre Line of Small End 64056407 in 1626916274 mmBig End Setscrew 0375 in i in UNFConnecting Rod End Float on later 499 and all 4107 engines 0006500105 in 016027 mmEarly 499 engines 0007500105 in 0191027 mmConnecting Rod Alignment and small end bores must be square and parallel with each other within the limits of 0010 in 025 mm measured 5 in 127 mm each side of the axis of the rod on test mandrel as shown in Fig B1 With the small end bushfitted the limit of 0010 in 0025 mm is reduced to 00025 in 006 mm i f E r E E E O Lt ON 00 1 1 Sin 127mm I Sin CN 1 J 127mm o 0 o Lt J r J 81TECHNICAL 4108 4107 499Overall Length 21125 in 536575 mmMain Journal Dia Nos 1 and 2 224822485 in 5709957112 mmMain Journal Dia No3 2247512248 in 5708657099 mmMain Journal Length NO1 140625 in 35719 mmMain Journal Length No2 14961504 in 3799838202 mmMain Journal Length NO3 14991502 in 3807538151 mmMain Journal Fillet Radii 01250141 in 31753581 mmCrankpin Dia 199952000 in 5078750800 mmCrankpin Length 1187511895 in 3016230213 mmCrankpin Fillet Radii 015625017187 in 5321164 in 396914366 mmSurface FinishAll Journals 816 microin 0204 micronMain Journal and Crankpin Regrind Undersizes 001000200030 in 025051076 mmOil Seal Helix Dia 221075221175 in 5615356178 mmOil Seal Helix Width 005010080 in 12702032 mmOil Seal Helix Depth 00040008 in 01020203 mmFlange Dia 3998539995 in 101562101587 mmFlange Width 0500 in 12700 mmSpigot Bearing Recess Depth 0875 in 22225 mmSpigot Bearing Recess Bore 1250 in 31750 mmCrankshaft End Float 00020015 in 005080381 mmSpecial NoteThe crankshaft fitted to the 4108 engine is hardened by the Tufftride processSpecial precautions are therefore necessary when regrinding Only very light cuts should be taken especially in theregion of the fillet radii and adequate cooling should be ensured during grinding regrinding the crankshaft it should be crackdetected and demagnetised then retreated by the Tufftride processafter which the crankshaft should again be crackdetected and demagnetised Where facilities are not available to reharden the crankshaft by this process a factory replacement crankshaft should be obtainedFillet radii and surface finish must be maintained during all crankshaft regrinding Length of NO3 main journal not toexceed 1516 in 38506 mm after regrinding Where necessary use oversize thrust washers to bring crankshaft endfloat within the correct Thrust Washers Steel BackedLead Bronze FacedPosition in Engine Rear Main BearingThrust Washer Thickness STD 00890091 in 22612311 mmThrust Washer Thickness OS 0096501005 in 245112553 mmThrust Washer Outside Dia 32453255 in 8242382677 mmThrust Washer Inside Dia 259012600 in 6578666040 mmMain Bearings Prefinished Steel Backed Aluminium Tin LinedShell Width 12451255 in 3162331877 mmOutside Dia of Main Bearing 23955 in 60846 mmInside Dia of Main Bearing 22505122515 in 5716357188 mmRunning ClearanceNos 1 and 2 000200035 in 00510089 mmRunning ClearanceNo 3 000250004 in 00630102 mmSteel Thickness 0060 in 1524 mm MaxAluminium Thickness 0012001225 in 03050311 mmConnecting Rod Bearings Prefinished Steel Backed Aluminium Tin LinedShell Width 087010880 in 2209822325 mmOutside Dia of Con Rod Bearing 21465 in 54521 mmInside Dia of Con Rod Bearing 2001520025 in 5083850863 mmRunning Clearance 000150003 in 00380076 mmSteel Thickness 0060 in 1524 mm MaxAluminium Thickness 0012001225 in 03050311 mm TECHNICAL DATAB7Camshaft 4108 4107 499NO1 Journal Length 13471351 in 3421434315 mmNO1 Journal Dia 17911792 in 4549145517 mmNo 1 Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 1794117955 in 4556845606 mmNo 1 Journal Running Clearance 0002100045 in 00510114 mmNo2 Journal Length 1250 in 31750 mmNO2 Journal Dia 17811782 in 4523745263 mmNo2 Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 17841787 in 4531445390 mmNo2 Journal Running Clearance 00020006 in 00510152 mmNo3 Journal Length 1000 in 25400 mmNO3 Journal Dia 17731774 in 4503445060 mmNo3 Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 17761778 in 4511045161 mmNO3 Journal Running Clearance 00020005 in 00510127 mmCam Lift 0266 in 6766 mmOilways for Rocker Shaft Lubrication NO2 Thrust Plates 4108 4107 499Type 180 0 Oil Impregnated Sintered IronThrust Plate Outside Dia 25552557 in 6489764948 mmCylinder Block Recess Dia for Thrust Plate 2558525685 in 6498665240 mmClearance Fit of Thrust Plate in Recess 000150013 in 00380330 mmThrust Plate Inside Dia 1500 in 38100 mmThrust Plate Thickness 016010162 in 40604115 mmCylinder Block Recess Depth for Thrust Plate 01580164 in 40094166 mmThrust Plate Height in relation to Cylinder Block Face 0004 in 0102 mm above or belowCamshaft End Float 00030013 in 00760330 mmValve and Fuel Pump TimingRefer to later section on timing page L1CYLINDER HEAD Length of Cylinder Head 20000 in 508000 mmOverall Depth of Cylinder Head 26172633 in 6647266878 mmResurfacing Allowance on Cylinder Head Face NILOn no account can the cylinder head face be for Water Leakage Test 20 Ibflin 2 14 kgflcm2Valve Seat Angle 45Bore in Cylinder Head for Guide 0499505005 in 1268712713 mmBore in Cylinder Head for Combustion Chamber Inserts 12501252 in 3175031801 mmDepth of Bore in Cylinder Head for Combustion Chamber Inserts 03730376 in 94749550 mmCombustion Chamber Inserts 4108 4107 499Outside Dia of Insert 12481249 in 3169931724 mmDepth of Insert 03740375 in 94999525 mmHeight of Insert in relation to Cylinder Head Face 0002 in 0051 mm above or belowClearance Fit of Insert in Cylinder Head Bore 00010004 in 00250102 mmMethod of Location in Cylinder Head By Cylinder Block Face and Expansion WasherValve Guides Inlet Dia 0314503155 in 79888014 mmOutside Dia 050125050175 in 1274412757 mmInterference fit of Guide in Cylinder Head Bore 000075000225 in 00190057 mmOverall length of Guide 2130 in 54102 mmGuide Protrusion Above Top Face of Cylinder Head 080010815 in 2032020701 mmValve Guides Exhaust Dia 0314503155 in 79888014 mmOutside Dia 050125050175 in 1274412757 mmInterference fit of Guide in Cylinder Head Bore 000075000225 in 00190057 mmDepth of Counterbore 0380 in 9650 mmOverall Length of Guide 2440 in 61980 mmGuide Protrusion above Top Face of Cylinder Head 080010815 in 2032020701 mmTECHNICAL DATAB8Valves Inlet Stem Dia 03120313 in 792517950 mmClearance fit of Valve Stem in Guide 0001500035 in 00380089 mmValve Head Dia 141011414 in 3581435916 mmValve Face Angle 45Valve Head Depth Below Cylinder Head Face 0028 in 0711 mm 10039 in 0991 mmOverall Length of Valve 45924608 in 116637117043 mmSealing Arrangement Rubber Oil SealValves Exhaust Stem Dia 0311503125 in 791217937 mmClearance Fit of Valve Stem in Guide 000210004 in 00510102 mmValve Head Dia 11911195 in 3025130353 mmValve Face Angle 45Valve Head Depth Below Cylinder Head Face 0021 in 053 mm 10032 in 0813 mmOverall Length of Valve 46004616 in 116840117246 mmSealing Arrangement No Seal fitted to Exhaust ValveInner Valve Springs where fittedFitted Length 1530 in 38862 mmLoad at Fitted Length 286 I bf 2 I bf 130 kgf 091 kgFitted Position Damper Coil to Cylinder HeadOuter Valve Springs Length 1780 in 45212 mmLoad at Fitted Length 560 Ibf 28 Ibf 254 kgf 127 kgfFitted Position Damper Coil to Cylinder HeadRocker Levers between Center Line of Adjusting Screw and Center Line of Rocker Shaft 10421058 in 2646726873 mmLength between Center Line of Rocker Lever Pad and Center Line of Rocker Shaft 15671583 in 3980240208 mmInside Dia of Rocker Lever Bore 071825071950 in 1824318275 mmOutside Dia of Rocker Lever Bushing 07205107215 in 1830118326 mmInterference Fit of Bushing in Rocker Lever 0001000325 in 00250082 mmFinished Inside Dia of Rocker Lever Bushing 06245062575 in 1586215894 mmClearance of Rocker Lever Bushing on Rocker Shaft 00007500035 in 00190089 mmValve Clearances between Valve Stem Tip and Rocker Lever 0012 in 030 mm ColdRocker Shaft Length of Shaft 145625 in 369887 mmOutside Dia of Shaft 062225062375 in 1580515843 mmLubricCltion Oil Feed from Cylinder Head through Central Passage to Individual Rocker LeversPush Rods Length 852718560 in 2165821742 mmOutside Dia 0250 in 6350 mmTappets Length 2250 in 57150 mmOutside Dia of Tappet Shank 056010561 in 1422414249 mmCylinder Block Tappet Bore Dia 05621056325 in 1427514307 mmTappet Running Clearance in Cylinder Block Bore 0001000325 in 00250082 mmOutside Dia of Tappet Foot 124511255 in 3162331877 mm TECHNICAL DATAB9TIMING GEARS GearNumber of Teeth 48Inside Dia of Gear Boss 175017514 in 4445044486 mmOutside Dia of Camshaft Hub 1749617509 in 4443044473 mmTransition Fit of Gear and Hub 0000900018 in 00230046 mmFuel Pump GearNumber of Teeth 48Inside Dia of Cylinder Block Bore for Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1812518141 in 4603746078 mmOutside Dia of Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1814518152 in 4608846106 mmInterference Fit of Drive Hub Bearing in Cylinder Block Bore 0000400027 in 00100069 mmInside Dia of Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1312513135 in 33343378 mmOutside Dia of Fuel Pump Gear Drive Hub 1310513115 in 3328733312 mmRunning Clearance of Drive Hub in Bearing 0003100051 in 00790129 mmDrive Hub End Float 000210010 in 00510254 mmIdler Gear and HubNumber of Teeth 57Inside Dia of Gear Boss 1718717197 in 4365543680 mmInside Dia of Gear Boss with Bushing Fitted 1562515641 in 3968739728 mmOutside Dia of Gear Hub 1561215619 in 3965439668 mmRunning Clearance of Gear on Hub 0000300016 in 00080041 mmIdler Gear Width 1310513135 in 3328733363 mmHub Width 1316513185 in 3343933490 mmIdler Gear End Float 000210007 in 00510178 mmCrankshaft GearNumber of Teeth 24Inside Dia of Gear 125012512 in 3175031780 mmCrankshaft Dia for Gear 125012506 in 3175031756 mmTransition Fit of Gear on Crankshaft 0000600012 in 00150030 mmTiming Gear between and Camshaft Idler Gear 000150003 in 00380076 mmLUBRICATJG SYSTEM Oil Pressure 3060 psi 2142 kgfcm2 at maximum engine speed and normal working Position Camshaft side of engine opposite No2 Location End of suction pipe to lubricating oil pumpTypical Sump Level Imp pt US pt LitreStandard Sump 70 84 40Note The above sump capacities are intended to be used as a guide and actual capacities should be governed by thelevel indicated on the Oil PumpType Rotor TypeNumber of LobesInner Rotor Three or FourNumber of LobesOuter Rotor Four or FiveMethod of Drive By Spiral Gears from the CamshaftPump Rotor to Outer Rotor 0000500025 in 00130063 mmOuter Rotor to Pump Body 00110013 in 028033 mmI nner Rotor End Clearance 0001500003 in 00380076 mmOuter Rotor End Clearance 0000500025 in 00130063 mmInside Dia of Bore for Pump Shaft 050010501 in 1270012725 mmOutside Dia of Pump Shaft 04983104986 in 1265512664 mmRunning Clearance Shaft in Bore 0001400027 in 00360069 mmLubricating Oil Pump Drive GearNumber of Teeth 12Inside Dia of Gear Bore 0496504970 in 1261112624 mmOutside Dia of Oil Pump Drive Shaft 0498304986 in 1265512664 mmI nterference Fit of Gear on Shaft 0001300021 in 00330053 mmLubricating Oil Pump Drive Gear Backlash 001550019 in 03940483 mmRelief ValveType Spring Loaded Setting 5065 Ibfinl 3546 kgfcmlLength of Plunger 09375 in 23813 mmOutside Dia of Plunger 0558505595 in 14191421 mmInside Dia of Valve Housing Bore 0560505625 in 14241429 mmClearance of Plunger in Bore 00010004 in 00250102 mmOutside Dia of Spring 03680377 in 93479576 mmSpringFree Length 15 in 3810 mmSpringSolid Length 0754 in 1915 mmLubricating Oil FilterType Full FlowElement Type PaperByPass Valve Setting Opens between 1317 Ibfin l 09112 kgfcm2 pressure of Valve Spring Loaded BallCOOLING SYSTEM 4108 4107 499Type Water CooledCylinder Block and Head ThermoSyhpon Impeller AssistedEngine Water Capacity Approx 10 US Wax CapsuleOpening Temperature 175182F 795835CFully open at 200205 F 93596CMinimum Travel at Fully Open Temp 03125 in 794 mmWater PumpType driven from Dia of Shaft for Pulley 0590505908 in 1499915006 mmInside Dia of Pulley Bore 058810589 in 1493514961 mmInterference Fit of Pulley on Shaft 0001500028 in 00380071 mmOutside Dia of Shaft for Impeller 049810499 in 1264912675 mmInside Dia of Impeller Bore 0497104975 in 1262412636 mmInterference Fit of Impeller on Shaft 000050002 in 00130051 7lm TECHNICAL DATAB11Outside Dia of Impeller 30943125 in 78588179375 mmImpeller to Body Clearance 000510025 in 012710635 mmWater Pump Seal Type Synthetic RubberCarbon FacedInside Dia of Seal for Impeller Shaft 0472 in 11989 mmOutside Dia of Seal 1102 in 27991 mmWater Pump Insert Type Phosphor BronzeSurface Finish of Sealing Face to be 1220 microin 0305 micronOutside Dia of Insert 162416245 in 4125041263 mmInside Dia of Insert Bore in Water Pump Housing 16251626 in 4127541300 mmLater water pumps are fitted with ceramic faced insertsFuel Lift PumpType AC Delco Diaphragm YJ SeriesSpring Colour Code GreenMethod of Drive From Eccentric on Camshaft via Push rodTotal Stroke of Operating Lever 0192 in 4877 mmStatic PressureNo Delivery 47 Ibflin2 028049 kgflcm2Pump to Distance Piece Gasket Thickness 00180022 in 04570559 mmDistance PieceLift Pump to Tappet Inspection Cover 0256 in 6502 mmFuel Injection PumpMake CAVType DPARotation Clockwise Viewed from Drive EndPlunger Dia 6 Governed 4108 4107 499Timing Letter A ANo 1 Cylinder Outlet W WMechanically GovernedTiming Letter C C CNo 1 Cylinder Outlet W W WTeCHNICAL DATAB12Static Timing PositionThe static timing position varies according to application but cal be obtained by referring to the first group of lettersand digits of the fuel pump setting code stamped on the fuel pump identification plate ie First Group of Static Timing Piston Displacement RemarksFuel Pump Code BTDC BTDC EH39 MH26 1 MH27 18 0108 in 275 mm PH28 PH30 CH35 f 19 0120 in 305 mm PH34 20 0134 in 340 mm LH23 20 0134 in 340 mm 4107 engines rated up to and including LH29 LH31 22 0160 in 406 mm 2500 revmin 4107 engines rated above 2500 revmin DH19 I 26 0226 in 574 mm AH28 BH26 JNote For 4107 and 499 mechanically governed engines rated above 3000 and 2500 revmin respectively the statictiming is altered to 22 BTDC piston displacement 0160 in 406 mm For 4108 engines prior to engine and 108UD20214 the static timing was 19 BTDC piston displacement 0120 in 305 mm When resetting these pumps it is advisable to set at the figures quoted in above tableFor 4107 industrial engines having a fuel pump coding of PH30 and an idling speed of 1000 revmin the static timingis 21 BTDC and a piston displacement of 0147 in 373 Marine Industrial4107 Marine IndustrialMake CAVHolder Type Type Letter BGMin Working Pressure 135 atm 2000 Ibfin2 or 140 kgfcm2Setting Pressure 150 atm 2200 Ibfin2 or 155 kgfcm2Note Earlier atomisers bearing the identification code lette r J had a setting pressure of 140 atm When servicing ofthese atomisers is carried out they should be reset in accordance with the settings quoted aboveStarting AidMake CAVType 12 VoltMaximum Current Consumption 129 Amperes at 115 VoltsFuel Flow Rate through Unit 4349 cm 3 min at 70F 21CHeight of Reservoir above Centre of Thermostart 4510 in 114254 cm SECTION D Fault Diagnosis Fault Possible CauseLow cranking speed 1 2 3 4Will not start It starting 31 32 33Lack of power 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 32 33Misfiring 89 10 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 25 26 28 29 30 32Excessive fuel consumption 25 27 28 29 31 32 33Black exhaust 11 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33Bluewhite exhaust 4 16 18 19 20 25 27 31 33 34 35 45 56Low oil pressure 4 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 58Knockin g 9141618 19 22 26 28 29 3 1 33 35 36 45 46 59Erratic running 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 20 21 23 26 28 29 30 33 35 45 59Vibration oil pressure 53 54 57Excessive crankcase pressure 2531 33 3 45 55Poor compression 11 19 25 28 29 31 32 33 34 46 59Starts and stops 10 11 12Key to Fault Fmdmg Chart 1 Battery capacity low 31 Worn cylinder bores 2 Bad electrical connections 32 Pitted valves and seats 3 Faulty starter motor 33 Broken worn or sticking piston ringso 4 Incorrect grade of lubricating oil 34 Worn valve stems and guides 5 Low cranking speed 35 Overfull air cleaner or use of incorrect grade of 6 Fuel tank empty oil 7 Faulty stop control operation 36 Worn or damaged bearings 8 Blocked fuel feed pipe 37 Insufficient oil if sump 9 Faulty fuel lift pump 38 Inaccurate gauge10 Choked fuel filter 39 Oil pump worn11 Restriction in air cleaner 40 Pressure relief valve sticking open12 Air in fuel system 41 Pressure relief valve sticking closed13 Faulty fuei injection pump 42 Broken relief valve spring14 Faulty injectors or incorrect type 43 Faulty suction pipe15 Incorrect use of cold start equipment 44 Choked oil filter16 Faulty cold starting equipment 45 Piston seizurepick up17 Broken fuel injection pump drive 46 Incorrect piston height18 Incorrect fuel pump timing 47 Damaged fan19 Incorrect valve timing 48 Faulty engine mounting Housing20 Poor compression 49 Incorrect aligned flywheel housing or flywheel21 Blocked fuel tank vent 50 F au Ity thermostat22 Incorrect type or grade of fuel 51 Restriction in water jacket23 Sticking throttle or restricted movement 52 Loose fan belt24 Exhaust pipe restriction 53 Choked radiator25 Cylinder head gasket leaking 54 Faulty water pump26 Overheating 55 Choked breather pipe27 Cold running 56 Damaged valve stem oil deflectors if fitted28 Incorrect tappet adjustment 57 Coolant level too low29 Sticking valves 58 Blocked sump strainer30 Incorrect high pressure pipes 59 Broken valve spring SECTION E Cylinder Head E2E1 To Remove the Cylinder Head 1 Completely drain the cooling systemBefore commencing to overhaul the cylinder head 2 Disconnect the battery that all joints gaskets and any other parts ex 3 Remove the securing nuts and detach the exhaustpected to be required are available pipe from the exhaust manifold Blank off the endRemove any external components from the vicinity of of the exhaust pipe to prevent entry of any foreijnthe cylinder head cover atomisers and fu1 pump matter E3CYLINDER HEADE2 E6E4 7 Remove the cylinder head cover together with the4 Uncouple the water outlet connection on the front breather pipe of the cylinder head 8 Unscrew the oil feed pipe to the rocker shaft at5 Remove the air cleaner and place somewhere level the cylinder head end Refer to Fig E2 for its ready for servicing location 6 Disconnect the fuel pipe and electrical connection 9 Remove the eight rocker shaft bracket securing to the starting aid located in the induction mani nuts evenly and remove the rocker shaft complete fold Refer to Fig E1 with the oil feed pipe Refer to Fig E3 E5 CYLINDER HEADE3E7 E910 Remove the eight push rods and place somewhere safe possibly in the cylinder head cover to 16 Remove the cylinder head securing nuts and lift avoid the possibility of any being accidentally bent off the cylinder head complete with inlet and ex11 Unscrew the small banjo bolts on the tops of the haust manifolds Refer to Fig E5 atomisers and remove the leakoff pipe by unscrew NOTE On 499 and 4107 engines to prevent liner ing the union on top of the fuel filter movement should the engine be turned with the12 Remove the low pressure fuel pipes between the cylinder head removed it is suggested that the liners fuel filter and the fuel pump remove the fuel filter are held in position by suitable tubing placed over two after disconnecting the feed pipe from the lift of the cylinder head studs and locked with nuts and pump blank off all pipes and ports to prevent washers ingress of foreign particles13 Remove the four high pressure fuel pipes from the fuel pump to the injectors Blank off fuel pump out let ports To Remove the Valves14 Remove the injector securing nuts and carefully remove the injector Refer to Fig E4 All valves are numbered The cylinder head is marked Blank off the exposed ports on the injectors with corresponding numbers Refer to Fig E615 Uncouple the alternator adjusting link 1 Remove collets by compressing the valve springs as shown in Fig E7 2 Remove the spring caps springs seals where filted and spring seats Remove valvesE8 E10CYLINDER CHAMBER INSERTSThese can be gently tapped out of their locations bymeans of a short length of curved bar through theinjector bore When refitting they must be located bymeans of expansion washers in the recesses provided E13as shown in Figs EB and any carbon from the cylinder headf the water jacket within the cylinder head shows signs VALVE GUIDESof excessive scale then a proprietary brand of descaling solution may be used if possible the cylinder The worn guides should be removed either byhead should be tested for water leakage after such means of a press and a suitable dolly or the valvetreatment at the pressure given on Page B7 guide removal tool shown in Fig E10 Before fitting the new guides remove any burrs fromVALVE SPRINGS the cylinder head parent bores then smear the bores with clean oil and either press in the new guides orIt is advisable to fit new valve springs whenever the pull them in by means of the tool shown in Fig E11engine undergoes a major overhaul Where a top over until the guide protrusion above the head top face ishaul only is being carried out the springs should be that quoted on Page B7examined paying particular attention to squareness of NOTE Special care should be exercised during thisends and pressures developed at specific lengths the operation as the guides being made of cast iron aredetails of which can be found on Page BB therefore comparatively brittleE12 E14 CYLINDER HEADES INLET EXHAUST VALVE K VALVE H c I I 1 r GRAD611 E15 AInlet BA1530 in to 1531 in803125 in to 03175 inC0015 in chamfer at 45 in to 1297 in803125 in to 03175 inC0015 in chamfer at 45 Max F t IVALVES AND VALVE SEATS E16The valves should be checked in their for wear and replaced if wear has taken place Material EN32A Case Hardened and Ground ensure that the wear is in fact on the valve stem andnot in the guide bore before replacing the valve Inlet DimensionsThe valve and valve seat faces should be reconditioned A275 inin the normal way using specialised equipment or withgrinding compound according to their condition A 82 invalve seat hand operated cutting tool is shown in C075 inFig E12 Valves should always be refitted to their 00309 in to 0310 inoriginal seats and any new valve fitted should be suit E116inat45ably marked to identify its position if removed at a later F116inat45date Refer to Fig E6 for illustration of valve num G132 in Radiusbering Before refitting the valves it should be ascertained H1238 in to 1239 inwhether the valve head depth relative to the cylinder J0222 in to 0225 inhead face is within the limits given on Page B8 This K1523 in to 1533 indepth can be checked as shown in Fig E13 byplacing a straight edge across the face of the cylinder Exhaust Dimensionshead then by careful selection of feeler gauges measuring the distance between the straight edge and the A275 inhead of the valve 82 inWhere this depth exceeds the maximum limit and even C075 inthe fitting of a new valve does not reduce this depth 00309 in to 0310 inbelow the maximum limit then the remedy is to fit a seat insert the procedure for this is given indetail commencing on this page F116 in at 45When refacing valves or valve seats care should be G132 in Radiustaken to see that only Ihe minimum amount of metal H1018 in to 1019 innecessary to obtain a satisfactory seat is removed and J0222 in to 0225 inthat as narrow a valve seat as possible is maintained K1287 in to 1297 inHand Grinding After all the valves have been lapped in the valve head depths relative to the cylinder head face should beWhen grinding or lappingin valves make certain that all checked to ensure that they are within the limits givensigns of pitting are removed from the seats on Page B8CYLINDER HEADE6 To Dismantle the Rocker Shaft Assembly 1 Remove the retaining circlips from each end of the rocker shaft 2 Withdraw the rocker levers springs and support brackets from the rocker shaft 3 Unscrew the oil feed pipe from the banjo and reo move the banjo When refitting this feed pipe it should be noted that the end of the pipe locates the banjo position on the shaft Examine the rocker bushings and shaft for wear The rocker levers should be an easy fit on the rocker shaft without excessive side playE17 New rocker levers are supplied complete with bushing fitted and reamed to size NOTE When fitting new bushes ensure that the oil feed holes are in alignment before pressing home and when pressed fully home that the holes coincideVALVE SEAT INSERTS Refer to Fig E17Valve seat inserts are not fitted to production enginesbut may be fitted in service To ReAssemble the Rocker Shaft AssemblyWhen fitting inserts ensure that only genuine are used 1 Refit the oil feed banjo and locate with theIn order to fit these inserts proceed as follows feed pipe1 Fit new valve guides as described on Page EA 2 Refit the rocker levers springs and support2 Using the new valve guide bore as a pilot machine brackets in the opposite order to which they were the insert recess in the cylinder head face to the removed Lightly oil the components during reo dimensions shown in Fig E15 assembly and ensure that each rocker lever does3 Remove all machining swart and thoroughly clean not bind on the shaft The assembly should now be the insert recess removing any burrs which may as shown in Fig E18 be present4 Using the valve guide bore as a pilot once again press the insert home with the inserting tool this PUSH RODS tool is shown fully dimensioned in Fig E16 Check the push rods for straightness if any are bent NOTE The insert must not under any circum then fit new replacements stances be hammered in neither should any lubri cation be used5 Visually inspect to ensure that the insert has been To Refit the Valves pressed fully home ie is flush with the bottom of the recess Lightly oil the valve stems to provide the initial lubrica6 Recut the valve seat at an included angle of 90 tion which will give the normal 45 seat until the Replace valves springs spring plates washers collars valve head depth reaches the minimum limit which and collets taking care that the numbers on the valves is given on Page B8 Lightly lap the valve to its correspond to the numbers stamped adjacent to the new seat valve seat see Fig E6 E18 CYLINDER HEADE7NOTE Valve springs incorporate a damper coil andcare should be taken to ensure that this damper coilis to the bottom of the spring ie nearest the cylinderhead when fittedInner valve springs are not required for engines ratedat 3000 rev min and below4108 and 499 marine diesel engines are fitted with rubber sealing rings on inlet valves onlyAll latest 4107 and 499 marine diesel engines incorporate oil deflectors on both inlet and exhaust valvesIn the case of earlier 4107 and 499 marine dieselengines which incorporate rubber sealing rings on theinlet valves only oil deflectors should be fitted to bothinlet and exhaust valves after the valve assembly hasbeen dismantled With this arrangement a different valvespring seating washer is required for exhaust valvesa different valve spring seating washer is required forexhaust valvesWhere a groove is cut on the inlet valve stem a rubbersealing washer should be fitted in addition to the deflector to stop the latter from becoming canted on thestemOil deflectors should not be fitted to 499 vehicle and4108 HEAD GASKETAlways use a new cylinder head gasket Ensure thatthe correct type is used4108 EnginesWith this engine the gasket is made of a black composite material and is known as the Klinger type ItMUST be fitted DRY and on no account should be usedIt is very important that the gasket is placed the steel beading may be nipped betweenthe cyl inder head face and the top of the liner 4107 and 499 Engines 6These engines use a copper and asbestos or alter 7 8natively a steel laminated gasket The copper andasbestos type should be fitted with a good qualitysealing compound but the laminated steel type shouldbe fitted DRYTo Refit the Cylinder Head1 Place the cylinder head gasket carefully in posi tion on the cylinder block top face the gasket is marked TOP FRONT to indicate how it should be fitted Refer to Fig E22 E19 1 Retaining Collets2 Lower the cylinder head into position on top of the gasket ensuring that it lays perfectly level 2 Spring Caps3 Lightly lubricate both cylinder head studs and nuts 3 Inner Valve Springs with engine oil then tighten the nuts progressively 4 Outer Valve Springs in three stages in the sequence shown in Fig E23 5 Spring Seating Washers to the torque given on page B2 This final torque 6 0 Sealing Ring Inlet Valves only tightening stage should be repeated to ensure that no loss of tension has taken place on any studs 7 Inlet Valve earlier in the sequence 8 Exhaust ValveCYLINDER HEADE8E20 E214 Fit the push rods in their locations then carefully 6 Adjust the valve clearances to 0012 in 03 mm fit the rocker shaft assembly noting that the valve as follows adjusting screw ends locate in their respective Turn the engine so that the valves of No1 cylinder push rod cups and the oil feed to the rocker shaft are in the position of valve overlap ie the period is located correcly between the opening of the inlet valve and the5 Locate the oil feed pipe nut just finger tight at this closing of the exhaust valve In this position adjust stage then evenly tighten the rocker shaft bracket the clearances of No 4 cylinder valves similarly securing nuts to a torque of 12 15 Ibf It 17 with the valves of No 3 cylinder in the overlap 2 kgf m now lighten the oil feed pipe nut position adjust the valves of No 2 cylinder With When correctly located the oil feed pipe will be valves of No 4 in the overlap position adjust the as shown in Fig E2 valves of No 1 cylinder and finally with valves of NOTE If the oil feed pipe nut is tightened before NO2 cylinder in overlap position adjust valves on the rocker shaft bracket securing nuts the pipe NO3 cylinder will either be strained or the olive pulled off the 7 Replace the alternator adjusting link and tension feed pipe the V belt Refer to Page N1 E22 CYLINDER HEADEgE238 Replace the injectors Refer to Page P but do Replace the rocker shaft as previously described and not tighten the securing nuts set the valve clearances to 0012 in 030 mm COLD9 Replace the leak oft pipe assembly and four high Start engine and check oil flow to rocker levers if pressure fuel pipes to the injectors Tighten the satisfactory refit cylinder head cover and air cleaner injector securing nuts Finally check for oil leaks and rectify immediately if10 Replace the fuel oil filter and the low pressure any are visible fuel pipes between filter and lift pump and filter and fuel pump11 Reconnect the electrical and fuel supplies to the NOTE for 4108 Engines Only starting aid12 Reconnect the exhaust pipe to the manifold It is essential that the cylinder head nuts are retorqued to13 Reconnect the water outlet connection at the front 60 Ibfft 83 kgf m after the first 6to 12 hours withtheengine of the cylinder head hot and in the sequence shown in Fig E2314 Fill the cooling system with clean water ensuring the drains are closed Check for water leaks15 Bleed the air from the fuel system as described on Page P8 L16 Reconnect the the EngineProceed as instructed on Page P11 with the enginerunning at a fast idle check that the oil pressure issatisfactory and that the oil reaches the rocker assembly and oozes gently from the rocker levers at thisspeedAfter the engine has been thoroughly warmed up itshould be shut down the rocker shaft removed andthe cylinder head nuts checked so that any loss oftorque tension can be corrected by tightening the nutsto the torque given on Page B2 and in the order shownin Fig E23 E24 SECTION F Pistons and Connecting RodsF1 F2To Remove Pistons and Connecting Rods1 Remove the cylinder head assembly Refer 0 suitable piston ring tool such a tool is shown in Page E1 Fig F32 Remove the oil sump Refer to Page M1 NOTE The laminated segments or spring loaded NOTE Any ridges or carbon deposits around the rings fitted in the fourth ring groove should be top of the cylinder bores should be removed with removed by hand a suitable scraper before piston removal is With 4108 pistons there is a steel insert rolled attempted into the top ring groove during piston manufacture3 Rotate the crankshaft until one pair of big ends are It should be regarded as an integral part of the at bottom dead centre then remove their respec piston and no attempt should be made to remove tive connecting rod cap securing bolts4 Remove the connecting rod caps and bearing shells Refer to Fig F1 NOTE If the bearing shells are serviceable they should be suitably marked to identify them to their original locations5 Push the pistons and connecting rods carefully out through the top of the block and remove as shown in Fig F26 Rotate the crankshaft through 180 0 to bring the remaining pair of big ends to bottom dead centre and repeat removal operations When piston removal has been carried out keep each piston and rod assembly separate each to each as marked Mark the pistons on the crown before removing the piston pin to indicate the FRONT in relation to the FRONT marking cast on the connecting rodsTo Remove Pistons and Rings from theConnecting Rods1 Remove the piston rings from each piston using a F3PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF2 it from its location2 Remove the circlip retaining the piston pin and push out the piston pin to release the connecting rod NOTE Should difficulty be experienced in re moving the piston pin warm the piston in a suit able clean liquid usually water to a temperature of 100120F 40S0C this will then enable the pin to be pushed out quite Examine the pistons for scoring and any signs of groove damage2 Check the clearance of the piston rings in their respective grooves by placing the ring outer face into the groove and a suitable sized feeler between the ring and groove face NOTE All ring gaps ring groove clearances etc are given in the Technical Data Section on Pages AS and A63 Check the fitted gaps of the piston rings bearing in mind that in worn cylinder bores these gaps should be checked at the bottom of the bore4 Check the fit of the piston pin in the small end bush ing if excessive replace the small end bushingS To renew the small end bushing remove the old one by means of a suitable press and dolly Press in the new bushing ensuring that the oil holes coin cide when fitted Ream out the new bushing to suit the piston pin then check the rod for parallelism and twist Refer to Page A76 Examine the big end bearing shells for any signs of wear or pitting F4To Refit the Pistons to the Connecting Rods 1 Warm the piston in a suitable clean liquid to a temperature of 100 120 0 F 40 SOC whichIf the original pistons are to be refitted they must be will enable the piston pin to be easily to the same connecting rods ie No 1 into the piston bore when the piston and rod havepiston to NO1 connecting rod assembly Refer to Figs been correctly alignedF4 and FS for location of piston and rod numbering 2 Place No 1 piston onto its head noting the posiAny new components fitted should be numbered the tion of the mark previously made to indicate thesame as those which they replace FRONT F5 PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF33 Hold No 1 connecting rod with the small end between the piston pin bores so that the word FRONT cast on the rod is towards the same side4 Push the piston pin into the piston thus locating the connecting rod in position5 Fit the two retaining circlips ensuring that they locate correctly in their recesses Refer to Fig F6 NOTE If the engine has been in service for some considerable time it is advisable to fit new circlips even if the old ones do not appear to be strained or damaged6 Repeat this procedure for the three remaining pistons and connecting rodsFitting the Piston Rings Fit piston rings to the piston Rings vary accordingto engine type and application as follows readingfrom the top of the piston4108 Engines1 Plain parallel faced compression2 Internally stepped compression3 Internally stepped compression4 Laminated segment oil control5 Slotted scraper F7 4107and 499 Marine and Industrial Engines rated at 3000 rpm or below 1 Plain parallel faced compression 2 Internally stepped compression 3 Internally stepped compression 4 Laminated segment oil control 5 Slotted scraper After an appropriate period of service when indica tions of piston ring andor cylinder bore wear may be come apparent a replacement ring pack has been made available for fitting exclusively to 499 service engines and includes a taper faced ring for fitting in NOTE All the rings quoted above except the laminated and spring loaded type may be fitted by means of an expanding tool of the type shown in Fig F3 These rings being made of cast iron are therefore com paratively brittle so when fitting care should be taken not to expand any ring more than is necessary to just clear the AND CONNECTING RODSF4 PISTON CROWN SECOND AND FOURTH SEGMENTS FIRST AND THIRD SEGMENTS F8Laminated Segment Rings 2 Fit the second segment on top of the first so that when compressed as described above the endsThe procedure for fitting the laminated type is different point upwards Position the gap at 180 to that of 0in as much as the ring comprises four separate seg the first segmentments these may be fitted by hand in the with the piston crown uppermost1 Fit the first segment to the piston so that when 3 Fit the third segment as in 1 above with the gap held horizontally between the thumb and fingers immediately above the gap of the first segment and radially compressed the ring ends point downwards see Fig F8 4 Fit the fourth segment as in 2 above with the Place this ring on the bottom face of the fourth gap immediately above the gap of the second seg ring groove with the gap over the piston pin bore ment If all the segments have been fitted correctly then they will be positioned as shown above CD F9 PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF5 The gaps of the remaining rings should De stag gered alternately along the piston pin axis Liberally lubricate the rings in their grooves and see that they can move freely in their locations this does not apply to the laminated type in the fourth groove which if correctly fitted should nol move freely due to the outward pressure of the top and bottom segments on the ring groove walls When all the rings have been fitted they should be as shown in Fig F8Always ensure that internally stepped or taper facedrings are correctly fitted They are marked TOP orBTM bottom to ensure correct replacementThe top compression and slotted oil control rings maybe fitted either way upSpring Loaded Scraper Ring 7 Fit the two connecting rod securing bolts andWhen fitting the chrome plated spring loaded scraper lighten evenly to the torque quoted on Page B2ring see Fig F9 the following procedure should be NOTE Locking tabs are not fitted to these boltsadopted 8 Repeat this procedure for No 4 piston and con1 Fit internal expander 1 necting rod assembly2 Fit two rail rings 2 at the bottom of the groove 9 Rotate the crankshaft to bring numbers 2 and 33 Fit spiral ring 3 crankpins to bottom dead centre4 Fit two top rail rings 2 10 Repeat procedures 2 7 to fit the two remainingWhen fitting rail rings the gaps should be staggered assemblies 11 Refit the lubricating oil sump Refer Page M4 12 Refit the cylinder head assembly Refer Page E7To Fit Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Fitting New PistonsBefore fitting the piston and connecting rod assemblies With new 4108 and 4107 pistons a machining allowto their respective cylinder bores thoroughly clean ance is provided on the crown of the piston to enableand liberally coat each bore with clean engine oil the necessary material to be removed by means of a1 Turn the engine until the crankpins of say numbers lathe so that when fitted the piston height above the 1 and 4 cylinders are at bottom dead centre cylinder block top face will be within the limits quoted2 Using a suitable ring clamp of the type shown in on Page B3 Fig F10 carefully compress the rings of No1 To determine the exact amount to be removed from piston and hold in this position the piston crown the piston connecting rod and bear3 With the word FRONT on the connecting rod ing assembly will have to be fitted to its respective facing the front of the engine insert the rod care cylinder bore as previously described and the piston fully into No1 cylinder bore height above the cylinder block top face measured NOTE The cylinders are numbered 1 2 3 4 with the particular piston at top dead centre This starting from the front water pump end of the piston height can be measured by means of a piston engine It is extremely important that these com height gauge of the type shown in Fig F11 Repeat ponents marked as shown in Figs F4 and F5 for each new piston to be fitted and mark each piston are returned to their original locations with the number of the cylinder bore it will belong to4 The piston head may be gently tapped with the not on the top as any marking here will be removed shaft of a hammer as shown in Fig F10 until all by the machining When each piston has been the rings have entered the cylinder bore skimmed it should be checked again when finally re5 Draw the rod towards the crankpin place the top fitted to ensure that any new piston fitted is now within half bearing shell in position locating the tag in the limits quoted Once the piston height is correct the machined slot and liberally oil draw the rod mark any such piston on the crown with the number onto the crankpin of its respective bore Refer to Fig F56 Fit the lower half bearing shell to the connecting rod cap locating the tag in the machined slot liberally oil and fit the cap to the crankpin ensur ing that the numbers on the rod and cap coincide as shown in Fig F4PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF6It will of course be appreciated that grade F pistonsare suitable for topping to give other grades wherethese are not to handAfter fitting pretopped pistons the distance betweenthe cylinder block face and piston crowns should bechecked to ensure the limit is as already quoted SeeFig F11 F11 SECTION G Cylinder Block and LinersCYLINDER LINERS 4108 ENGINESThe cylinder liners fitted to the 4108 series enginesare centrifugally cast alloy iron they are an in the cylinder block parent bore and of the thinwalldry typeReboring of these liners is not possible and new linersshould be fitted when a rebore would normally be considered checks of the cylinder bore are carriedout by means of the gauge tool shown in Fig G1When checking liners each one should be measuredin three positions top centre and bottom the readings being taken parallel and at right angles to thecentre line of the cylinder block giving six readingsfor each cylinder boreWhen checking the fitted internal bore of a new thinwall liner it is advisable to allow a period of time toelapse for the liner to settleTo Renew Cylinder Liners1 Remove all the various comopents from the cylinder block Refer to the appropriate sections for details of their removal2 Using a shouldered metal disc slightly smaller on the outside diameter than the parent bore dia G1 meter and a suitable press press the liners care fully out through the top of the cylinder block the centrifugal cast iron wet type They have flanges at the top and are sealed at the bottom by means of NOTE Support the block locally in the area of the two rubber sealing rings which fit in machined re top of the liner cesses in the cylinder block3 Lightly lubricate the outside of the liner with clean engine oil ready for fitting4 As the liner must protrude above the cylinder block top face and not be pressed fully home when fitted correctly a solid stop washer should be available designed to give the correct liner protrusion NOTE The limits for liner protrusion are given on page B3 and may be checked as shown in Fig G25 Press the liner into the bore progressively until it reaches the solid stop washer6 Bore and finish hone the liners to the dimension quoted on Page B3 NOTE Where boring equipment is mounted on the top face of the cylinder block fit a parallel plate between the boring bar and cylinder block face Such a plate should be thicker than 0027 in 0686 mm7 Reassemble the engine components to the cylinder block Refer to the appropriate sections lor assembly of theseCYLINDER LINERS 4107 and 499Cylinder liners fitted to 4107 and 499 engines are of G2CYLINDER BLOCK AND 499 engines had only one sealing ring at the All 4107 and later 499 engines have four small holesbottom of the liner drilled along the fuel pump side of the cylinder block4107 and 499 cylinder liners have prefinished bores each one breaking through into the area between theUnder normal circumstances the liner would only two sealing rings at the bottom of ech cylinder linerneed to be renewed during major overhaul but should These holes permit any coolant which may have leakedit be necessary to remove the liner for any other past the upper sealing ring to escape thus this can be carried out without removal of the the bottom sealing ring of any pressure above it andcrankshaft preventing coolant from entering the engine sumpIf at any time the cylinder liners are removed and In the case of a new engine or where cylinder linersthese same liners are to be refitted then before they andor sealing rings have been fitted it is possibleare removed from the cylinder block they should be that a slight leakage of coolant could occur from thesesuitably marked so that they may be refitted to their holes This should ease as the liners and sealing ringsoriginal parent bore and in the same position in that settle down after the initial period of running but wherebore that is thrust side of the liner to the thrust side difficulty is experienced then the use of BARSEAL inof the cylinder block the cooling system in accordance with the manufac turers instructions is approvedTo Renew Cylinder LinersRemove all components from cylinder blockRemove liners using a suitable liner removing tool seeFig G4Once the liner has cleared the rubber sealing rings inthe cylinder block the liner can be removed by handRemove any corrosion and burrs which may be presentat the inner ends of the landingsRenew the rubber sealing rings in the grooves at thebottom landsTo ease fitting of the liners when the rings have beenplaced in position smear the liners with soft soap orsoapy waterPlace liner in position and press home by hand ensuring that the rubber sealing rings remain in theirgrooves see Fig G5The liners are a push fit and no force is requiredAfter fitting the liners the cylinder block should bewater tested at a pressure of 20 Ibflin 2 14 engine as required and to for the various componentsNote If engine is overheated it could have an adverseaffect on the liner sealing rings G5 SECTION H Crankshaft and Main Bearings 019 mm oversize thrust washers are available which if used on one side of the rear main bearing only will reduce crankshaft end float by 00075 in 019 mm and by 0Q15 in 038 mm if used on both sides The limits for the crankshaft end float are given on Page B6 The main bearing caps are numbered and are not The main bearing shells are located by means of tabs which locate in slots in the bearing housings NOTE Before renewal of the main bearings is attempted make absolutely certain that the correct replacements are available reference to the relevant parts list will ensure this but for identification purposes the ney bearings should have an annular groove machined in the inner bearing face along the centre line of the feed holes when the bearings are correctly located these feed holes will correspond exactly with those machined in the cylinder block On later 4107 and 499 engines the annular oil groove in the main bearing parent bore cylinder block and bearing cap has been deleted Adequate lubrication is maintained by repositioning the oil feed holes radially in the shell bearings and continuing to machine the annular groove in the bearing on theH1 centre line of these feed These later type shell bearings may be used on bothThe crankshaft runs in three prefinished replaceable early and later type engines whereas the early typethinwall steel backed aluminium tin lined bearings of shell bearings must NOT on any account be end float is controlled by thrust washers to later engines where the annular groove in the mainlocated either side of the rear main bearing 00075 in bearing parent bore has been deleted H2CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH2H3 H4To Renew Main Bearings and Thrust WashersRemoval of the main bearings and thrust washers can 7 Rotate the bearing shell on the crankshaft until itbe carried out without removing the crankshaft by the locates correctly with the tag in the machined slotfollowing procedure 8 Locate the lower half bearing shell in the main1 Remove the engine from its application bearing cap liberally lubricate and refit2 Remove the sump and suction pipe assembly 9 Tighten the two securing setscrews to positively3 Slacken the setscrews which secure the main locate the bearing shells then slacken a turn or bearing caps two4 Remove completely one of the main bearing caps 10 Repeat items 38 for the remaining two bearings and remove the bearing shell from the cap NOTE To enable the rear main bearing cap to be5 Remove the top half of the bearing shell by push removed first remove the two oil seal housing ing it on the opposite side to the one having the setscrews as shown in Fig H3 locating tag with a suitable strip of wood and 11 Finally tighten the main bearings to the torque rotating it on the crankshaft as shown in Fig H1 given on Page B26 Inspect the bearing shells and if replacements are necessary continue by lightly lubricating and in serting the new top half bearing shell plain end first into the side having the tag location Renewal of the thrust washers is accomplished by carrying out the following procedure 1 Remove the two setscrews securing the two rear main bearing oil seal half housing as shown in Fig H3 2 Remove the rear main bearing cap securing set screws 3 Remove the rear main bearing cap and from it the two lower half thrust washers Refer Fig H4 4 The single upper half thrust washer is removed by rotating it with a thin piece of wood until it can be lifted out of its recess NOTE The new thrust washers should be lightly lubricated before fitting The steel faces of the lower thrust washers should face inwards towards the bearing cap Refer Fig HS the steel face of the upper thrust washer should also face in wards 5 Locate the upper thrust washer half as shown in Fig H6 place the lower halves either side of the rear main bearing cap as described and refit the cap 6 Tighten the setscrews evenly and finally to theH5 torque given on Page B2 CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH37 Check that the crankshaft end float is within the limits given on Page B6 by means of feeler gauges as shown in Fig H7 If incorrect oversize thrust washers are available to give an overall reduction of 0D15 in 038 mm Refer to Page H28 Refit the two setscrews securing the rear main oil seal half housing NOTE If any leakage of oil is apparent from this seal then new seals should be fitted to the half housings as described under the heading Crank shaft Rear End Oil Seal or fit a new assembly9 Refit the suction pipe assembly and sumpTo Remove the CrankshaftTo remove the crankshaft it will be necessary to removethe engine H71 Remove the starter motor flywheel and flywheel housing2 Remove the crankshaft front pulley timing case cover timing gears and fuel pump drive hUb NOTE The rear seal half housing securing set Refer to Page K1 for details of their removal screws will require removal to enable the rear3 Remove the securing setscrews also any studs main bearing cap to be removed Refer to Fig fitted and remove the timing case back plate H34 Remove the sump and lubricating oil pump com 7 Lift out the crankshaft and place where it is not plete with suction and delivery pipes Refer to likely to be damaged ready for inspection Page M1 for removal of these 8 Remove the top half main bearing shells5 Remove all the connecting rod setscrews con 9 Finally remove the top half oil seal housing necting rod caps and bearing shells Refer to Page F1 NOTE All the bearing shells should be marked to indicate top or bottom and number of the rod To Refit the Crankshaft assembly 1 First ensure that crankshaft oilways are clear6 Unscrew the main bearing caps 2 Place the three top bearing shells in position then oil liberally with clean engine oil NOTE Unless a new set of main bearings is being fitted those removed must be returned to their original locations 3 Place the crankshaft in position 4 Locate the upper thrust washer in position as shown in Fig H6 5 Fit the three lower bearing shells oil and fit the three main bearing caps in their respective loca tions NOTE Ensure at this stage that the two lower thrust washer halves are positioned correctly either side of the rear main bearing cap when it is fitted 6 Check the main bearing setscrews prior to fitting for signs of stretch or thread damage Where damage or any doubt exists fit new replacements 7 Fit the setscrews then tighten evenly to the torque tension given on Page B2 8 Check that the crankshaft can be rotated freely if satisfactory check the crankshaft end float by means of feeler gauges as shown in Fig H7 Should it not be within the limits quoted on Page B6 then oversize thrust washers are available to give the necessary adjustment Refer to PageH6 H2CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH49 Fit new sealing strips to the rear main bearing oil seal housings and refit the housings as described under the heading Crankshaft Rear End Oil Seal on Page HA10 Liberally oil the crankpins locate the connecting rod bearing shells again ensuring their correct relative positions then fit th8 connecting rod caps as described on Page F5 The crankcase should now be as shown in Fig H211 Refit the lubricating oil pump complete with suc tion and delivery pipes Refer to Page MA12 Refit the sump using new seals and gaskets Refer to Page M113 Refit the timing case back plate fuel pump drive hub timing gears timing cover and crankshaft front pulley Refer to later text commencing on Page K1 for their reassembly14 Refit and correctly align the flywheel housing as described in Section J15 Refit the flywheel and starter motor H8CRANKSHAFT REAR END OIL SEAL 3 With the thumb or finger press the remainder of the strip into the groove working from the centreThis sealing arrangement consists of two half housings then use any convenient round bar to further bedbolted around the rear of the crankshaft The bore of in the strip by rolling and pressing its inner diathese housings is machined to accommodate a rubber meter as shown in Fig HB This procedure takescored asbestos strip which in conjunction with a right advantage of the friction between the strip and thehand helix machined between the thrust collar and the groove at the ends to compact the rope whileflywheel mounting flange to the dimensions given on ensuring that the projections of the end faces ofPage B6 acts to return the surplus oil reaching the the rope remain as setseal The two half housings fit over this helix and the 4 Fit the sealing strip to the other half housing in acontact of the sealing strips with the crankshaft pre similar mannervents leakage beyond this pOint 5 Remove all traces of the old gasket from the cylinder block rear face and fit a new gasket treated with aNOTE When traces of oil become apparent from suitable sealing compundbehind the flywheel and a faulty rear oil seal is sus 6 Lightly coat the faces of the housing with a suitablepected first ensure that the crankcase is breathing sealing Any build up in crankcase pressure could 7 Spread a film of graphite grease over the exposedcause oil to be forced past the rear sealing arrange inside diameter surface of the stripment If crankcase pressure is normal and new seals B Assemble the half housings around the to be fitted the following procedure should be rear journal and fasten together by the two setadopted with the crankshaft in position screws See Fig H31 Set up a half housing in the vice with the seal 9 Swivel the complete seal housing on the shaft to recess uppermost bed in the strips and to establish that the assembly2 Settle approximately 1 in 25 mm of the strip at turns on the crankshaft each end into the ends of the groove ensuring 10 Bolt the seal housing in position on the block and that each end of the strip projects 00100020 in the rear main bearing cap then finally tighten the 025050 mm beyond the half housing joint face securing setscrews SECTION J Flywheel and of the Adaptor Plate and FlywheelIt is most important that the adaptor plate and flywheel be correctly aligned with thecrankshaft If the plate and housing have been removedas is necessary for a complete overhaul the greatestcare must be taken on replacement to insure accuracyof alignment The appropriate procedure is as followsSee that the faces of both the rear of the cylinder blockand the adaptor plate are perfectly clean and free the adaptor plate to the cylinder block with setscrews and spring of the Adaptor Plate FaceSecure the base of an indicator gauge to the flange ofthe crankshaftSet the needle of the gauge against the vertical face ofthe adaptor plate See Fig J1 J2Turn the crankshaft and check that this face is perpendicular to the crankshaft axisFlywheel housing face should be within a limit of 006total indicator reading of being truly at right angles tothe crankshaft axis All adjustments to bring the adaptor plate within the limits must be on the adaptor plate and under NO CONDITIONS must the rear of the cylinder block be interfered with When the adaptor plate is properly aligned to the above limits tighten the setscrews evenly Ream the dowel holes and fit the correct length and size of dowels Fitting Flywheel and Checking Alignment With the flywheel and crankshaft flange perfectly clean and free from burrs place the flywheel on the crank shaft flange Insert the setscrews complete with tab washers into the flywheel holes and tighten evenly Secure the base of the indicator gauge to the adaptor plate With the flywheel at top center set the needle of the gauge on the periphery at TDC See Fig J2 Turn the crankshaft and check the indicator the flywheelJ1 should run true within 012 in total indicator AND HOUSINGJ2 See that the face of the housing is perfectly clean and free from burrs Secu re the housing to the adaptor plate with setscrews and spring washers but not overtight so as to allow adjustment Attach the indicator gauge to the flywheel centre and set the needle of the gauge to the interior of the bored hole in the flywheel housing See Fig J4 Turn the crankshaft and check that this hole is truly central The housing is adjusted until the bored hole is central The hole in the housing should be truly central with the crankshaft within a limit of 006 total indicator readingJ3With the base of the indicator gauge still bolted to theadaptor plate adjust the indicator so as to set the needleagainst the vertical machined face of the flywheel SeeFig J3Again turn the crankshaft and check the indicator theflywheel should be within 0005 per inch of total indicator reading of being truly at rightangles to the crankshaft axisWhen the flywheel is correctly aligned lock the by means of the tab washers J5 Alignment of the Flywheel Housing Face With the base of the indicator gauge still bolted to the flywheel centre adjust the indicator so as to set the needle against the vertical machined face of the flywheel housing and again turning the crankshaft check that this face is perpendicular to the crankshaft axis See Fig J5 The limits for this facing are the same as those given for the adaptor plate facing When the housing is prop erly aligned to the above limits tighten the securing setscrews evenly Ream the dowel holes and fit the correct length andJ4 size dowels SECTION K Timing Case and Drive tion taking care not to damage the rubber lip of the oil seal on the crankshaft pulley key 2 Loosely fit the front cover securing setscrews and nuts 3 Fit the crankshaft pulley to centralise the seal then tighten the securing setscrews and nuts 4 Fit the crankshaft pulley retaining setscrew or dog nut and tighten to the torque given on Page B2 5 Refit the V belt and tension as described on Page N1 To Remove the Idler Gear and Hub 1 Remove the timing case front cover as previously described in this section 2 Tap back the locking tabs and unscrew the two idler hub securing setscrews 3 The setscrews idler gear and hub may now be removed together as shown in Fig K1K1 4 Clean and thoroughly examine the gear and hub for signs of excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo carry out the following procedure it is assumed thateither working space exists with the engine in place orit is removed from the application To Refit the Idler Gear and HubTo Remove the Timing Case Cover 1 After ensuring that the oilways in the hub and gear1 Slacken alternator mounting bolts release the are clear hold the gear in position with the adjusting arm setscrew and remove the alternator timing marks correctly aligned drive belt2 Remove the crankshaft pulley retaining setscrew or dognut and withdraw the pulley which is a keyed fit on the crankshaft3 Remove the securing setscrews and nuts from the timing case and carefully remove the cover taking care not to catch the rubber lip of the oil seal on the crankshaft pulley locating keyTo Renew the Crankshaft Front Oil Seal1 Using a suitable dolly and press remove the oil seal from the timing case cover by pushing out through the front2 Locate the new seal in position so that the lip faces inwards3 Press in the new seal from the front until it just butts against the seal retaining lip giving local support to the cover as the seal is pressed homeTo Refit the Timing Case Cover1 Using a new gasket lightly coated with a suitable sealing compound place the front cover in posi K2TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK2 NOTE If the cylinder head assembly has not been disturbed then the cylinder head cover and rocker shaft should be removed in order to allow the camshaft to be turned to facilitate the aligning of the timing marks2 Insert the hub as shown in Fig K2 so that the holes in the hub and the cylinder block are in alignment and secure with the two setscrews NOTE Clearance is provided in the setscrew holes of the idler gear hub to provide the necessary backlash adjustment for the timing gears3 Using the adjustable idler gear backlash between both crankshaft gearidler gear and camshaft gearidler gear should be set within the range given on Page B9 with the gears held together in order to take up the effect of bearing clear ance Backlash may be checked by the use of feeler gauges as shown in Fig K34 When the backlash has bam correctly set finally tighten the idler gear hub securing setscrews to the torque given on Page B25 Check the idler gear end float as shown in Fig KA K3 the limits are given on Page B96 Lock the idler gear hub securing setscrews with the tabwashers NOTE The timing gears when correctly set should appear as shown in Fig l1 To Remove the Fuel Pump Gear7 Refit the timing case front cover etc as pre viously detailed in this section 1 Remove the timing case front cover 2 Remove the idler gear and hub 3 Remove the three securing setscrews and ease the gear from its location on the fuel pump drivng hUb 4 Examine the gear for signs of excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo Remove the Camshaft Gear1 Remove the timing case front cover2 Remove the three securing setscrews and ease the gear away from its location3 Examine the gear for signs of excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo Refit the Camshaft Gear1 Remove the idler gear and hub cylinder head cover and rocker shaft if not previously removed2 Refit the gear to the camshaft ensuring that the D marks on the gear and camshaft hub respec tively align as shown in Fig KS3 Refit the three securing setscrews and tighten to a torque of 1921 Ibf ft 2629 kgf m NOTE Only the plain nonslotted holes in the camshaft gear are to be used and these will align with the tapped holes on the camshaft hub when the D marks are in alignment4 Refit the idler hub and gear timing case front cover etc as previously detailed in this section K4 TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK3K5 K6To Refit the Fuel Pump Gear 4 Refit the low and high pressure fuel pipes to the fuel pump1 Refit the fuel pump gear so that the timing marks 5 Refit the fuel pump drive gear idler gear and hub on the gear and hub respectively are in alignment timing case front cover etc as shown in Fig K62 Refit the three securing setscrews and tighten to a torque of 1921 Ibf It 2629 kgf m To Remove the Timing Case Back Plate3 Refit the idler gear and hub timing case front 1 R2move the timing case front cover and timing cover etc gears 2 Remove the fuel pump and drive hub 3 Remove the securing setscrews and studs whereTo Remove the Fuel Pump Drive Hub fitted 1 Remove the timing case front cover and fuel pump gear2 Remove the low and high pressure fuel pipes from the fuel injection pump3 Remove the fuel pump securing setscrews and withdraw the pump4 Remove the drive hub locating circlip and with draw the drive hub from its bearing Refer Fig K75 Examine the drive hub also the bearing in which it runs for signs of excessive wear surface cracks pitting etc NOTE The bearing is an interference fit in the cylinder block and replacement is carried out by means of a suitable dolly and puller or press if the block is completely stripped the new one being fitted in the reverse mannerTo Refit the Fuel Pump Drive Hub1 Replace the drive hub in the bearing and locate with the circlip as shown in Fig KB2 Check the drive hub end float by means of feeler gauges placed between the front face of the bearing and the rear face of the drive hUb The end float limits are given on Page B93 Refit the fuel pump as detailed on Page P4 K7TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK4 4 Remove the fuel lift pump tappet inspection cover and fuel lift pump operating push rod 5 Turn the engine over so that the sump is now uppermost NOTE At this stage if it is not possible to turn the engine over then the tappets should be lifted to the top of their locations and secured with suitable clips 6 Remove the sump and lubricating oil pump assem bly Refer to Page M1 for details of their re moval 7 Remove the timing cover back plate as previously detailed this will show the camshaft and thrust plates as illustrated in Fig K13 8 Ease the camshaft out from the block and catch the two thrust plates as they come out of their recess in the cylinder block 9 Withdraw the camshaft as shown in Fig K9 taking care to ensure that the cams and journals are not damaged during this operationK8 10 The tappets may now be removed by lifting them out of their locations Refer to Fig K11 or by removal of the retaining clips if the engine is still the normal way up 11 Examine camshaft and tappets for signs of exces4 Lift the timing case back plate clear from the cam sive wear surface cracks pitting etc shaft hub and crankshaft gear NOTE The crankshaft gear is an interference fit on the crankshaft Should its removal become necessary then this can be accomplished by the use of a suitable puller To Refit the Tappets and Camshaft 1 If the tappets have been removed liberally lubri cate them with clean engine oil and return to their respective locations Secure with clips ifTo Refit the Timing Case Back Plate applicable 1 Fit the timing case back plate to the cylinder block 2 Carefully refit the camshaft into the cylinder block using a new gasket and suitable sealing compound exercising the same care as used during its re2 Refit any studs removed and secure with the set moval screws3 Refit the fuel pump drive hub and fuel pump4 Refit the timing gears timing case front cover etcTo Remove the Camshaft and TappetsTo remove the camshaft it may be necessary to removethe engine from the application and place in a stand where it can be turned upside downThe purpose of this is to prevent the tappets fromfalling out of their locations when the camshaft is removed If however it is not possible to turn the engineover in this manner then this problem may be overcome by attaching suitable clips when the cover has been removed to each tappet tohold them in their locations when the camshaft is withdrawn from the block1 Remove the engine from the application and mount in a suitable dismantling stand where available correct way up2 Remove the cylinder head cover rocker shaft and push rods3 Remove the timing case front cover and timing gears Kg TIMING CASE AND DRIVEKS K10 1 Drive Hub 2 Lubricating Oil Pump Drive Gear 3 Groove for reduced oil pressure feed to Rocker Shaft 4 Bearing JournalsK11 K12TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK6 K14K133 Before the camshaft is pushed fully home locate 6 Turn the engine over so that the cylinder block top the two thrust plates Refer to Fig K12 one of face or cylinder head if fitted is uppermost which locates on the dowel in the recess in posi 7 Refit the timing gears timing case front cover etc tion either side of the camshaft hub when correct as previously detailed ly located the camshaft can be pushed fully home 8 Refit the fuel lift pump operating push rod Refer and will appear as in Fig K13 to Fig K14 tappet inspection cover after re4 Refit the timing case back plate as previously des moving any retaining clips and fuel lift pump cribed Refer to Fig P95 Refit the lubricating oil pump assembly and sump 9 Reassemble the remainder of the engine com as described on Pages M1 and M4 ponents in accordance with the instructions given for each in the relevant part of this section SECTION L Timing L1General crankshaft is uppermost as shown in Fig L1 This will bring Nos 1 and 4 pistons to TOCAs timing gears are employed the factory settingremains constant It is also worth remembering that 2 Fit the camshaft gear to its hub ensuring that thethe removal of the cylinder head in no way effects 0 marks are correctly aligned Refer to Fig K5either the fuel pump or the valve timing Secure with the three setscrews 3 Similarly fit the fuel pump gear to the fuel pumpTIMING MARKS drive hub ensuring that the stamped timing marksWhen the engine is originally timed at the factory align as shown in Fig K6 Secure with the threecertain marks are stamped on the gears so that if for setscrewsany reason the engine timing has to be disturbed thento reset to the original timing is quite straight forward 4 Replace the idler gear so that the double dots on the idler gear are matched to the single dot on the crankshaft gear and single line or dot on the camshaft gear while the single dot on the idler gear matches with the double dots on the fuelTo Reset the Engine to the Original Timing pump gear These timing marks when correctly positioned will appear as shown in Fig L1Before commencing the retiming procedure it isassumed that a the camshaft fuel pump and idlergears have all been removed and b the camshaft is 5 Locate the idler gear with the hub and the twofree to turn by hand If the cylinder head assembly is securing setscrews using a new tabwasherstill in position it is advisable to remove the injectorsand rocker shaft to facilitate the retiming operations 6 Backlash adjustment should be carried out as described under the heading To Refit the Idler1 Turn the engine until the keyway in the front of the Gear and HubTIMINGL2 Checking Fuel Pump TimingSee Page P5 Checking Valve Timing To check the valve timing proceed as follows 1 Turn the crankshaft until the valves of No 4 cylinder are on overlap 2 In this position set the valve clearance of No 1 inlet valve to 0039 in 1 mm 3 Turn the engine slowly in the normal direction of rotation until the clearance of No 1 inlet valve is just taken up In this condition it will just be poss ible to rotate No 1 inlet valve push rod between the thumb and the forefinger 4 Nos 1 and 4 pistons will now be at TDC if the timing has been correctly set NOTE No adjustment is provided for valve timing should the timing be incorrect and the camshaft gear has been correctly fitted to the camshaft hUb the error will probably be due to incorrect align ment of the original timing marks on the drive gears Recheck as detailed on Page L1 When valve timing is originally set and checked during production a timing tolerance of plus or minus 2 flywheel degrees is allowed for item 4 above When the timing has been correctly set do nOl forget to reset No 1 inlet valve clear ance to the correct figure check TDC NOTE When the timing has been reset great care should be exercised when first turning the engine for should the timing be incorrectly set even by only one tooth there is the possibility that a valve head will strike the piston crown SECTION M Lubrication System To Refit the Sump 1 Lightly apply a coating of a suitable sealing com pound to the crankcase and sump faces position the gaskets so that all the holes align NOTE When the gaskets are being placed in posi tion it is important that the mitred ends go right up into the recesses in the front and rear main bearing caps 2 Lightly apply a coating of sealing compound to the cork strips then press these strips into the grooves provided in the main bearing caps 3 Place the sump in position and fit all the retaining setscrews tighten evenly 4 Replace the dipstick and sump drain plug then refill with clean new oil of an approved grade to the correct level Do not overfillM1 To Remove the Oil PumpThe importance of correct and clean lubrication 1 Drain the engine oil and remove sumpcannot be stressed too highly and all references toengine oil should be taken to mean lubricating oil 2 Remove the strainer from the end of the falls within the specification given in the appen oil suction pipe Refer to Fig M1 dix Care should be taken to ensure that the 01 chosenis that specified for the climatic conditions under 3 Unscrew the delivery pipe securing nuttothe cylinder block and the setscrew securing the sucwhich the engine is operated tion pipe assembly to the rear main bearing capTHE LUBRICATING OIL PUMPThe oil pump fits into a machined bore in the clyinder block and is located by means of a screw locked by a tab washer Refer to Engine Photographs for its locationThe oil pump is driven through spiral gears fromthe camshaft on the other end of the drive shaft ispressed and pinned a four lobed rotor This rotormeshes with and drives a five lobed rotor which is freeto rotate within the cast iron pump bodyNOTE Length of oil pump set screw is critical If replaced by a longer unit oil pump shaft will lock andgear failure will resultTo Remove the Sump1 Remove the sump drain plug and drain the oil2 Remove the dipstick sump securing setscrews and remove the sump M2sw 0 ROCKER HAfT ASSEMBLY c I SPLASH I I I ANI I Oil MIST I t I TO I VALVf AND I GUDE ASSEMBLIES I aJ D o J REDUCED PRESSUR o FEED I z I en en I m s t I t t t I s N PLASH AND OIL MIS PI ASH AND OIL MIS IPLASH AND OIL MII PLASH AND OIL MIS t II tI t t PLASH I I IDLER GEAR AND HUB MAIN Oil GALLERY FUEL OIL jfUIN BA k O IH 1J rvf GRAVITY PUMP DRIVE HUB LUBRICA liNG IL LUBRICATION SYSTEMM3M4 M51 Relief Valve Housing2 Rotor Housing 2 Install the drive shaft complete with inner rotor3 Hole for Locating Screw then the outer driven rotor ensuring that the face4 Pump Drive Gear which carries the chamfered edge enters the pump body first Refer Fig M5 now carry out the three following dimensional checks a Check the clearance between the inner and outer rotors Refer Fig M64 Tap back the tab washer locking the location screw and support the lubricating oil pump assem b Check the clearance between the outer rotor bly if the engine is the normal way up while the and the pump body Refer Fig M7 locating screw is removed c Check the clearance between the rotors and5 Remove the lubricating oil pump assembly from the end cover assembly using a straight edge the cylinder block as shown in Fig M2 and feeler gauges Refer Fig MBTo Dismantle the Oil Pump1 Remove the delivery and suction pipes The pump will now be as shown in Fig M42 Withdraw the drive gear by means of a suitable puller3 With the pump suitably held in a vice using protective clamps remove the four securing set screws and remove the end cover assembly NB This end cover assembly also incorporates the pressure relief valve housing4 Withdraw the drive shaft complete with inner rotor NB It is advisable not to remove this inner rotor from the shaft as this item is not available as a separate part See later note5 Withdraw the outer Inspect for signs of wear cracks pitting etc M6LUBRICATION SYSTEMM4 M9 1 Outlet to Main Oil Filter 2 Relief Valve PlungerM7 3 Plunger Spring 4 Spring Cap NOTE The relevant clearances for these dimen 5 Retaining Cotter Pin sional checks are given on Page B10 they are the clearances applicable to a new pump and are in tended to be used as a guide Should a lubricating oil pump be worn to such an extent that it ad versely effects the working oil pressure then a re 2 Insert the drive shaft complete with inner rotor placement pump should be obtained into the pump body 3 Replace the end cover assembly and fit the four securing setscrews Ensure correct positioning soTo ReAssemble the Oil Pump that the suction and delivery pipes will locate correctly1 Insert the outer rotor ensuring that the face which carries the chamfered edge enters the pump body 4 Press the oil pump drive gear onto the shaft first Refer Fig M5 5 Finally rotate the pump by hand to ensure that it turns quite freely To Refit the Oil Pump 1 Refit the suction and delivery pipes do not tighten the pipes at this stage 2 Place the lubricating oil pump assembly in posi tion locate with the securing screw and lock it with the tab washer 3 Tighten the delivery pipe at both ends refit the setscrew securing the suction pipe assembly 4 Tighten the suction pipe at the pump end then refit the strainer on the end of the suction pipe NOTE The strainer which fits on the end of the suction pipe should be thoroughly cleaned in suit able cleaning fluid before being refitted It is good practise to remove this strainer and clean it thoroughly on every occasion when the sump is removed 5 Replace the sump as previously detailed and secure with the setscrews 6 Fill the sump to the correct level with clean oilM8 of an approved grade LUBRICATION SYSTEMMS NOTE Caution should be exercised when restart is given on Page B9 The pressure will drop whilst ing the engine as it will take a moment or two for the engine is idling and also a slight drop will be ex the oil pump and pipes to prime therefore the perienced when the oil is hot this is quite normal If engine speed should be kept to a minimum until however the oil pressure is suspected of being too either the gauge shows satisfactory pressure where high or too low then reference to the possible faults fitted or the oil pressure warning light is ex listed under these headings given on Page 01 may tinguished prove helpful NOTE Whenever the oil pressure reading is question able use a direct reading mechanical oil pressureThe most satisfactory way to prime the lubricating oil gauge attached directly to engine oil gallery on blockpump is to motor the engine for approximately 1020seconds before any attempt is made to start the LUBRICATING OIL FILTERSengine To ensure cleanliness of the lubricating oil a sump strainer and a main full flow type of oil filter are fitted The sump strainer consists of a gauze wire container which is fitted over the end of the lubricating oil pumpOIL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE suction pipe All oil must pass through this strainer before it reaches the oil pumpThe oil pressure relief valve is contained in a with the oil pump end cover which is securedto the rotor housing by four setscrews This relief valvecontrols the maximum oil pressure by allowing a springloaded plunger to move and bypass excess oil backto the sump when the predetermined spring pressuregiven on page 810 is exceededTo Dismantle the Oil Pressure Relief Valve1 Drain the engine oil from the sump2 Remove the sump securing setscrews and carefully remove the sump3 Continue as for removing the oil pump as pre viously detailed4 Remove suction and delivery pipes5 Remove the four securing setscrews and remove the end cover assembly6 Remove the cotter pin from the end of the housing and withdraw the spring cap spring and plunger An exploded view of the assembly is shown in Fig M97 Thoroughly clean the parts inspect for wear or damage and renew if necessaryTo ReAssemble the Oil Pressure Relief Valve1 Replace the plunger spring and spring cap then secure with the cotter pin2 Secure to the lubricating oil pump body by means of the four setscrews3 Continue as detailed for refitting the lubricating oil pumpOIL PRESSUREAlways ensure that with the engine running oilpressure is registering on the gauge or the oil light is do vary according to climatic conditionsand even between individual engines but the oil pressure range at normal working speed and temperature SECTION N Internal Cooling System 1 4ALTERNATOR BELT 5To Adjust the Alternator Belt 6Alternator belt adjustment is achieved by altering theposition of the alternator as detailed below1 Slacken the alternator adjusting lever setscrew2 Slacken the two mounting bolts3 Move the alternator either towards or away from the engine to either slacken or tighten the belt N24 Lock in the desired position by tightening the alter nator adjusting lever setscrew5 Check the tension if correct the tension is such 1 Pump Body that without undue pressure the thumb applied 2 Seal midway between the water pump and crankshafl 3 Shaft Bearings pulleys can depress the belt approximately i in 4 Retaining Circlip 10 mm as shown in Fig N1 5 Pump Shaft 6 Spacer 7 Flange Oil Seal Retaining 8 Retainer Oil Seal 9 Flange Water Pump Thrower 10 Impeller 11 Seal 12 Insert 6 If the tension is correct tighten the two alternator tobracket mounting bolts NOTE When a new belt is filted it is advisable to recheck the adjustment after only a comparatively short running period This is to allow for the initial stretch which is common to new belts once this initial stretch has taken place the belt may be checked in accordance with Operator Instructions To Remove the Alternator Belt 1 Slacken the alternator adjusting lever setscrewN1 2 Slacken the mounting boltsCOOLING SYSTEMN23 Pivot the alternator towards the cylinder block4 Turn the engine slowly by hand and work the alter nator belt off the water pump pulley5 The belt can now be lifted from the alternator and crankshaft pulleys and removed from the engine6 Examine the belt for signs or fraying or cracks in the rubber and renew if necessaryTo Refit the Alternator Belt Refitting the belt is just a reversal of the removal operations Adjust the belt tension as previously detailed under the heading To Adjust the Alter nator Belt If a new belt has been fitted refer to the note given after the details on fan belt adjustment N4To Remove the Water Pump 2 Remove the water pump pulley by means of a Slacken generator securing setscrews and remove suitable puller the holes in the pulley face may be driving belt utilised for this purpose Refer to Fig N3 Unscrew the four setscrews securing the water 3 Press the shaft out of the pump body from the pump and backplate to cylinder block pulley end complete with water pump thrower in sert seal and impeller Remove water pump and back plate 4 Remove the impeller from the pump drive shaft by means of a suitable puller or press 5 Remove the bearing retaining circlip then using a suitable mandrel press the two shaft bearings complete with spacer out through the front of theTo Dismantle the Water Pump pump body 6 Remove the felt seal and retaining flanges1 Remove the pulley securing nut or circlip where fitted Inspection 1 Examine the pump body for cracks corrosion or any other damage Renew where necessary 2 Examine the shaft and bearing assembly for wear or corrosion Renew where necessary 3 Examine the water thrower flange for damage or corrosion Renew where necessary 4 Examine the water pump seal and insert for ex cessive wear scoring or cracks on the sealing faces Renew where necessary 5 Remove rust and scale from the impeller and ex amine for excessive corrosion or other damage Renew where necessary 6 Examine the pump pulley for signs of cracks corrosion or any other damage Renew where necessary To ReAssemble the Water Pump Refer to Fig N2 1 Insert the oil seal retainer 8 and oil seal 2N3 followed by the oil seal retaining flange 7 COOLING SYSTEMN32 Fit the two bearings 3 and spacer 6 onto the shaft 5 and pack the space between the two bear ings approximately 3f4 full of high melting point grease3 Press the bearings and shaft assembly into the pump body impeller end first and locate with the circlip 44 Press the water thrower flange 9 into position on the drive shaft5 Thoroughly clean the insert recess and drain hole in the pump body6 lightly coat the inner diameter of the insert recess and outside diameter of the insert with grade AVV Loctite7 After removing any traces of oil or grease from the insert press it fully home Remove all traces of surplus Loctite NOTE Special care must be taken during this operation not to mark the face upon which the seal registers8 Place the carbonfaced seal 11 on the drive shaft so that this face registers with the insert face N59 Press the impeller onto the shaft over this seal until the clearance given on Page A13 exists be tween the back face of the impeller and the pump body This clearance can be checked as shown in Fig N410 Press the pulley fully onto the shaft and fit the securing nut or circlip where applicable 2 Remove expansion tank or thermostat housing whichever is applicable NOTE 4108 Engines Only When the pulley is 3 Lift out thermostat as in Figure N5 originally pressed onto the shaft during production a pressure of 23 tonin 2 is required Therefore it is recommended that if the pulley interference on the shaft is such that a substantially reduced pressure will press the pulley back onto the shaft then a replacement pulley andor shaft should be fitted To Test the Thermostat 1 Immerse the thermostat in a suitable container of water and slowly heat An accurate thermometer should be available to check the temperature of To Refit the Water Pump the water as it rises 2 Note the temperature at which the valve in the 1 Fit the backplate followed by the water pump to unit commences to open This temperature should the cylinder block using new gaskets lightly coated be as stamped on the unit by the manufacturers with suitable sealing compound 3 If the unit does not function properly then a re 2 Secure the water pump assembly to the cylinder placement thermostat will be required as no block with the four setscrews adjustment of these units is possible 3 Refit the alternator belt and adjust to the correct tension To Replace the Thermostat THERMOSTAT Replacing the thermostat is a reversal of the re moval procedure A new gasket should be fitted between the thermostat housing and the water outlet connection To Remove the Thermostat 1 Drain the coolant from the engine block SECTION P Fuel SystemFUEL OIL FILTERSThe element in this filter is of the paper type andtherefore no attempt should be made to clean it Itslife will be governed by the quality and condition ofthe fuel passing through it but under average conditions the element should be renewed in accordance with the in Operator Section This period would naturally be reduced if it was apparent from the condition of the element if removed and in spected that conditions warranted itTo Renew the Filter Element1 Unscrew the filter bowl securing bolt in the centre of the headcasting Refer to Fig P52 Lower the filter bowl clear as shown in Fig P6 then discard the fuel therein together with the old element3 Inspect the sealing rings and replace if damaged P6 in any way FUEL LIFT PUMP4 Place the new element in position inside the filter bowl and offer up the bowl firmly and squarely so Testing the Pump in Position that the top rim of the filter bowl locates centrally 1 Disconnect the outlet pipe lilt pump to filter against the sealing ring in the filter head casting leaving a free outlet from the pump5 Hole in this position while the securing bolt is 2 Rotate the engine and note if there is a well located and screwed home defined spurt of fuel from the outlet port once every two engine revolutions NOTE If the sealing rings are in good order and the bowl is located correctly no excessive tighten NOTE As an alternative the pump may be ing will be required to obtain a leak proof seal operated by means of the hand primer as shown in Fig P which should give the same result6 Prime the fuel system as detailed on Page PS every time the priming lever is operated However should the engine happen to have stopped in such NOTE Some filter bowls have a drain plug fitted a position that the eccentric operating the lift in this case the relevant manufacturers service pump is in the maximum lilt position then it will literature should be consulted not be possible to operate the hand primer properly If such a condition arises the remedy is to rotate the engine one complete revolutionP5 P7FUEL SYSTEMP2To Remove the Lift Pump To ReAssemble the Lift Pump1 Disconnect the pipes from the inlet and outlet Examine the casting and ensure that there is ports Seal the ends of the pipes to prevent the sufficient material to provide a sound staking when entry of foreign matter new valves are fitted2 Remove the two nuts and washers holding the Clean the valve recesses to allow the new valves Dump to the tappet inspection cover Withdraw the to be correctly fitted pump spacer and gaskets 1 Insert a new valve gasket in each valve recess 2 Place the new valves in the recesses The valve in the inlet port should be fitted with the spring outwards ie towards the diaphragm flange and the valve in the outlet port fitted in the reverse position 3 Press the valves home with a suitable piece of tubing approximately 916 in 1429 mm insideTo Dismantle the Lift Pump diameter and 1 in 1905 mm outside diameter1 Before dismantling make a file mark across the two flanges for location purposes when the pump is being reassembled2 Remove the five cover screws and separate the two main castings then remove the diaphragm assembly from the lower half by turning the dia phragm through 90 in either direction NOTE The diaphragm and pull rod assembly is a permanent assembly and no attempt should be made to separate the parts3 Remove the retaining clip from one side of the pump body and push out the rocker arm retaining pin Withdraw the rocker arm etc from the body4 Prise out the valves with a screwdriver or other suitable Check the diaphragm assembly and renew if the material is split or checked or if serious wear is apparent in the link engagement slot2 The diaphragm spring should be replaced if faulty or corroded A new spring should have the same color identification Refer to Page Bll3 Replace the valves unless they appear to be in per fect condition4 Examine the rocker arm operating lever rocker arm retaining pin and rocker arm return spring for wear Replace any parts where necessary5 Replace all joints seals and washers as routine procedure6 Examine upper and lower castings for wear or distortion Slight distortion of flanges can be remedied by grinding the flange face to restore flatness P8 FUEL SYSTEMP34 Stake the casting in six places between the original stakings round each valve with a suitable punch NOTE Valves fitted to earlier lift pumps were held in position with a retaining plate and two screws On no account should attempts be made to stake the valves of this earlier type pump5 Place the rocker arm retaining pin in the appro priate hole in the lower casting and push through until it protrudes slightly inside6 Fit one packing washer and link into the casting moving the pin in slightly to retain them7 Fit the rocker arm and return spring and retain by moving the pin in further ensuring that the spring seats correctly8 Fit the remaining packing washer then push the rocker arm retaining pin through the link washer and casting until the ends protrude equally beyond the outside of the casting9 Retain by securing with the two clips pg10 Insert the new rubber sealing washer followed by the steel seating washer and diaphragm return spring11 Place the diaphragm assembly over the spring with the pull rod downwards locating the top of the spring in the diaphragm protector washer12 Now position the pull rod so that the flat notcheo blade has one of its thin edges facing the rocker arm Press downwards on the diaphragm assembly and twist it through 90 0 in either direction this action will engage and retain the pull rod in the fork of the link13 Operate the rocker arm against the diaphragm spring pressure until the diaphragm is level with the body flange FUEL INJECTION PUMP14 Place the cover assembly in position and line up the file marks made on the flanges prior to dismantling Description15 Still holding the diaphragm level with the body The fuel injection pump is of the DPA distributor flanges fit the five flange securing screws tighten type It is a precision built unit incorporating a simple evenly and securely hydraulic governor or alternatively one of the mech anical flyweight type depending upon the application to which the engine is fitted To Remove the Fuel Injection Pump 1 Remove the four high pressure pipes between the pump and the injectors and blank off all ports to prevent the ingress of foreign particles 2 Remove the low pressure fuel pipes from the inlet and outlet connections and blank off all portsTo Refit the Fuel Pump 3 Disconnect the stop and throttle controls and their return springs1 Fit the spacer using a gasket on either side 4 Remove the two nuts and the socket headed set2 Enter the pump operating lever into the recess In screw which secure the fuel pump to the mount the tappet inspection cover as shown on Fig P9 ing flange together with their spring and plain and secure with the two nuts and washers washers3 Reconnect the low pressure fuel pipes to the inlet 5 Carefully withdraw the fuel pump from its mount and outlet ports IngFUEL SYSTEMP4To Refit the Fuel Injection Pump1 Replace the fuel pump mounting flange gasket where necessary2 Fit pump as shown in Fig P8 ensuring that the master spline on its quill shaft is correctly posi tioned to engage with the female splines within the fuel pump drive hub NOTE This master spline ensures that the pump will only locate in the drive hub in one pOsition for timing purposes Further when fitting the me chanically governed injection pump which uses a separate quill shaft the noticeably shorter splined end is fitted in the injection pump3 When the splines are in correct alignment the pump can be pushed in until the mounting flanges meet and the securing nuts and setscrew with their washers can be fitted4 Before tightening align the timing marks scribed P11 on the fuel pump mounting flanges as shown in Fig P11 Tighten the setscrew and nuts5 Refit the low pressure pipes to the inlet and outlet FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING connections Reference should be made to the details given on6 Refit the high pressure fuel pipes Page L1 covering engine timing If this timing sequence has been followed regarding the timing7 Reconnect the throttle and stop controls together gears and the timing marks on the mounting flanges with their return springs are correctly aligned as shown in Fig P11 then the8 Prime the fuel system with fuel oil as detailed on fuel pump timing should be correct Page P8 A further check is possible and utilises the intrnal9 Fuel pump timing can be checked as detailed in timing marks within the pump body To be able to see the following text these marks necessitates the removal of the inspection cover On the fuel pump rotor inside the fuel pump are a number of scribed lines each one bearing an indi vidual letter A timing circlip one end of which has a straight edge is positioned inside the pump body and is preset so that when the appropriate scribed line on the fuel pump rotor aligns with the straight end of the circlip it denotes commencement of injection static timing see Fig P12 NOTE On earlier pumps the timing circlip had a scribed line on one end and on these pumps the scribed line on the fuel pump rotor should be aligned with the scribed line on the circlipP10 P12 FUEL FUEL PUMP TIMING1 Ensure that the fuel pump is correctly fitted with the scribed line on the mounting flange aligning with the adjacent mounting flange on the cylinder block see Fig Pll2 Position the crankshaft so that No 1 piston is at TDC on its compression stroke3 Remove the cylinder head cover4 Slacken the valve adjusting screw on No1 exhaust valve sufficiently to allow the rocker lever to be moved to one side and the push rod removed rotate the rocker lever on the shaft so that the valve spring cap is accessible for using the valve spring compressor5 Remove the collets spring cap and springs from No 1 exhaust valve and allow the valve to rest on the top of the piston6 With the aid of a dial indicator in contact with the end of the valve now resting on No 1 piston it will be necessary to position the crankshaft so P13 that the piston will be 0120 in 305 mm BTDC this being the equivalent of 19 on the engine fly wheel Refer Fig P13 To do this turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction to normal rotation approximately an NOTE eighth of a turn and then forward until the required position is registered on the indicator This en For mechanically driven Westerbeke ables the backlash in the timing gears to be fuel injection pumps see Operations taken up pages 1314 and Service Bulletin NOTE The above setting is for 4108 marine pages V3 V7 V9 and V31 for engines For other applications and engines see information and disregard the Page B12 following hydraulic injection pump7 Remove the inspection plate on the fuel pump material enabling the rotor to be seen Fig P128 With No 1 piston at the static timing point on its Maximum Speed Setting compression stroke the scribed line on the rotor Refer to Figs P14 and P15 marked A for hydraulically governed engines or C for mechanically governed engines should align with the straight edge or scribed line on the The maximum speed screw 5 is set and sealed by timing circlip the manufacturers and must not be altered or tam pered with in any way unless factory authority is first9 If the timing is incorrect proceed by either obtained and any adjustments necessary are carried a making any necessary adjustments by means out by experienced personnel As with all seals on the of the holes in the fuel pump gear they are pump unauthorised removal may render the guarantee slotted enabling the drive shaft to be turned void relative to the gear when the securing set screws are slackened Refer to Fig K6 or The maximum no load speed may vary according to b by slackening the two nuts end socket headed the application to which it is fitted reference may be setscrew which secure the fuel pump to the made to the code number stamped on the fuel pump mounting flange and turning the pump body data plate The last four numbers in the code indicate in the direction required the maximum no load engine speed therefore in the case of the following example it would be 4480 revmin10 When the fuel pump timing has been set turn the Code Example EH39 120004480 engine against the normal direction of rotation NOTE If the fuel pump data plate is damaged or de once again to the appropriate piston displacement faced so as to make it impossible to read accurately to check that the squared end of the circlip is now or if there is no code stamped on the plate you are aligned with the line on the rotor advised to contact your nearest CAV Distributor or11 When the fuel pump timing has been correctly set Westerbeke slowly turn the engine to TDC in the normal direction of rotation remove the indicator and refit NOTE The engine must not be allowed to operate at the valve springs a speed in excess of that specified or severe damage12 Refit the push rod and reset the valve clearance may occurFUEL SYSTEMP6IDLING SPEED ADJUSTMENT d Accelerate the engine to maximum no load rev min and immediately return to idlingThis adjustment is carried out by means of the idling Should the period of return from maximum screw 4 it is carried out in conjunction to idling exceed three seconds the device has beenwith the setting of the antistall device with the engine screwed in too farwarmed through as detailed in the following textAntiStall Device However should stalling occur then the device has not been screwed in far enough Therefore the necesRefer to Figs P14 and P1S sary adjustment should be made to suit whichever isa Slacken the locknut 2 sufficiently to enable the the case antistall device body 1 to be unscrewed two complete turns This idling speed may vary according to application refer to relevant manufacturers service literatureb Adjust idling speed to 625 revmin with the idling adj ustment screw 4c Now screw down the antistall device body 1 until there is a very slight increase in engine speed bring back half a turn and lock with the lock nut 2 1 Antistall device body 2 Antistall device body locknut 3 Air vent screw 4 Idling adjustment screw 5 Maximum Speed Fuel Pump AIR CLEANERS AND FUEL replacing injectors in the cylinder head it isessential that a new correct type copper washer isfitted between the nozzle body and cylinder headThe first symptoms of atomiser trouble usually comeunder one or more of the following headings 1 Misfiring2 Knocking in one or more cylinders3 Engine overheating4 Loss of power5 Smoky exhaust black6 Increased fuel for Faulty InjectorIf an injector is suspected of being faulty try thismethod to isolate itLoosen the union nut at the injector end of thehigh pressure fuel pipe If each injector is isolatedin turn in this way with the engine running at approximately 1000 revmin tightening each union nutfirmly before proceeding to the next then the faultyinjector when isolated in this manner will have littleor no effect on the care should be taken to prevent the hands orface from getting into contact with the spray as theworking pressure will cause the oil to penetrate theskin with easeInjector of holders and nozzle types together withpressure settings are given on Page B12NO ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO ADJUST THE P16INJECTION PRESSURE WITHOUT AN INJECTOR 1 CapnutTESTING PUMP OF THE TYPE ILLUSTRATED IT ISQUITE IMPOSSIBLE TO ADJUST THE SETTING OF 2 Spring capINJECTORS WITH ANY DEGREE OF ACCURACY WITH 3 Shim washerOUT PROPER EQUIPMENT 4 Nozzle spring 5 Identification tab washer 6 Spindle 7 Fuel inlet unionInjector Identification 8 Nozzle holder body 9 Securing flange Injectors can be identified by code letters stamped 10 Nozzle needleon a tab washer fitted under the spring cap nut seeFig P16 or alternatively the code is stamped on the 11 Nozzle bodyinjector body Details of codings can be found on 12 Nozzle capnutPage B12 13 Copper sealing washerFUEL SYSTEMP8Fuel Pipes High Pressure 3 Slacken the vent screw on the top of the fuel filter Refer to Fig P20When replacing the fuel pipes it should be noted that 4 Operate the priming lever on the fuel feed pumpno two pipes are the same each is formed to suit an Refer to Fig P and when fuel free from airindividual injector position This is important when bubbles issues from each venting point a replacement pipe as each one has a the screws in the following orderdifferent part number 1 Filter cover vent screwFor purposes high pressure fuel pipes 2 Head locking screw vent are now supplied with olives fitted as shown 3 Governor cover vent valvein Fig P17 The earlier type pipe assemblies with 5 Slacken the pipe union nut at the pump inletolives fitted in the reversed position are still satisfac operate the priming lever and retighten when fueltory oil free from air bubbles issues from around the threads 6 Slacken the unions at the injector ends of two of the high pressure pipes 7 Set the throttle at the fully open position and ensure that the stop control is in the run posi tion 8 Turn the engine until fuel oil free from air bubbles issues from both fuel pipes 9 Tighten the unions on both fuel pipes and the engine is ready for startingP17The pipes should be clean wash in clean fuel oiland blow through the fine bore with compressed air ifthere is any doubt the olives at each end should notbe split or unduly compressed otherwise leakage willresult and a new pipe will be neededEnsure when fitting that the pipe fits squarely at bothends and that the union nuts are tightened firm Iy butnot the Fuel System P18The air must be vented from the fuel system whenever Priming Procedure after Changing a Filterany part of the system between the fuel tank and injection pump has been disconnected for any reason Elementor when the system has been emptied of fuel 1 With the vent screw on the filter cover removedNo attempt must be made to start the engine until the and the union at the filter end of the return pipeinjection pump has been filled and primed as serious filter to tank slackened operate the feed pumpdamage can be caused to the pump due to lack of priming lever until oil free from air bubbles from the filter cover vent 2 Replace the vent plug and continue to operateThe method of priming detailed below ensures that the priming lever until oil free from air bubblesonly fuel which has passed through the paper filter issues from around the threads of the return pipeelement can reach the interior of the pump union 3 Tighten the return pipe union1 Slacken the air vent valve on the top of the control 4 Slacken the union at the filter end of the filter to gear housing on hydraulically governed pumps injection pump feed pipe and operate the priming refer Fig P15 or on the front of the governor lever until oil free from air bubbles issues from housing on mechanically governed pumps refer around the union threads Fig P18 5 Tighten the feed pipe union The pump and filter2 Slacken the vent valve fitted on one of the two are now filled and primed and ready for further hydraulic head locking screws Refer to Fig P19 service FUEL SYSTEMP9P19 P20 Ql OTHER OVERHAUL CONTENTS SECTION PAGEMARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Q Activation by Keyswitch 1980 onwards Q2 Activation by Fuel Pressure Q4 Activation by Lube Oil Pressure Q6COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNAL RTRANSr ISS IONS S Type SAl Manua 1 S 2 Type SAO Manua 1 S 9 SAl and SAO Clutch Adjustments S21 SAl and SAO Reduction Units S23 Type RB Freewheeling S25 Paragon P21 Series Hydraulic S29 Warner Hydraulic S35 Short Profile Sailing Gear S41Q2SECTION Q MARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ACTIVATION BY KEY SWITCH This system is supplied on most Wester beke engines beginning May 1980 Essen tially activation of the circuit is accomplished by the ignition position of the key switch No oil pressure switch is required The engine is preheated by depressing the preheat push button The engine is cranked by turning the key switch to the rightmost momentary pos ition Voltage is maintained to the instruments fuel solenoid or fuel lift pump if sup plied and to other electrical devices via the ignition position of the key switch Models which have a fuel solenoid or elec tric fuel pump may be turned off via the key switch Models with mechanical fuel lift pumps or no fuel solenoid are stopped by pulling a stop cable The circuit is protected by a circuit breaker located near the starter Any time excessive current flows the circuit breaker will trip This is a manually resettable breaker and must be reset before the engine will operate electrically again CAUTION the builderowner must ensure that the instrument panel wiring and engine are installed so that electrical devices cannot come in contact with sea water The latest information regarding your engines electrical system is included on the wiring diagram shipped with the engine Be sure to study this wiring diagram and all the notes thereon Q3 ACTIVATION BY KEYSWrrCH SECTION Q SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 12vDC BATTEill BATTERY RETURN rSI SOL rARTEFl 0 WI RI NG DIAGRAM SEENOTEe w 7 SENDER ALTERNATOR r29 J 0 Pw r A r SOL W80NU Lo 1 tI 21 OPTIONAL SPLITTER TO B1 SERVICE CPTIONTTERf l N SW AMMETER C0 PREHEAT SOL SSO NOTEB ap SENDER PREHEATER NOT USED RNQ4 MARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ACTIVATION BY FUEL PRESSURE Push Button Start This system is supplied on all four and six cylinder Westerbeke engines beginning January 1975 Basically the system is very simple and eliminates the need for a separate switch position to activate the engine alarm system when supplied Starting is accomplished by operation of the start push button which causes the starting motor to crank Once the engine is running fuel pres sure developed in the low pressure side of the fuel injection pump operates a fuel pressure switch Voltage is then applied to the alarm system if supplied and to the alternator for excitation and for all instruments When the engine is stopped fuel pres sure drops and the fuel pressure switch removes voltage from these devices When an engine is supplied with a pre heating device the device is energized by a separate push button NOTE It is important that your engine installation includes fuses or circuit breakers as described under Ownership Responsibility on the wiring diagram supplied with your engine Q5 ACTIVATION BY FUEL PRESSURE PUSH BUTTON STARn rI 5TART w IlTART SW PANEL ASSEMBLY PAMA IN 1 I 0 I I I I I 1 L J L 0 z 0 Q OPTIONAL LJ2 ALAfM rI ptl I CD OP HE ATQ I WH I WH I I ED S P NDEk 0 l CrlART FOR STARTER MOTORS c rlEATERS r roE 0 co1 iol I 1 I mr I I I I I I I I I I I 5TARiER I I Ron TTI I 1 ATT I 1 I I I 1 I J1 L I I JI L J I Drawing No 19201Q6 Marine Engine Electrical System ACTIVATION BY LUBE OIL PRESSURE Keyswitch Start This system is supplied on all 4 and 6 cylinder Westerbeke diesels produced prior to January 1975 Operation is very simple Putting the start switch in the Run posi tion energizes an alarm system when sup plied Returning the start switch to Off position deenergizes the alarm Turning the start switch to Crank posi tion operates the starting motor and starts the engine Upon starting the start switch is released to the Run position When the engine develops oil pressure voltage is supplied to the alternator for excitation and to all instruments When ever the engine stops loss of oil pres sure removes voltage from these devices When an engine is furnished with a pre heating device it is energized by a sep arate push button at the key switch panel When an engine is furnished with an electric stop solenoid it is energized by a separate push button at the key switch panel NOTE It is important that your engine in stallation includes fuses or circuit breakers as described under Owners Res ponsibility on the wiring diagram supplied with your engine Q7 ACTIVATION BY LUBE OIL PRESSURE KEYSWITCH STARn I I I I I G 1 I i rAIJ 0o i J j l I f flrit I A rEl ABl E r I 4 Tel Q eJ I 10 LATOR 1m c C P SENDER W SENDER FOUR6C FOUR91 FOUR154 FOUR230 SIX346 11 NOT uED I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I L J I I I J I I I Drawing No 15245Q8 YOUR NOTES SECTION R COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNAL1 DESCRIPTION charge of the sea water pump to theWesterbeke marine diesel engines are heat exchanger sea water inlet Afterequipped with fresh water cooling passing through the tubes of the heatTransfer of heat from engine fresh exchanger the sea water may enter a tranmission oil cooler if presentwater to sea water is accomolishedin a heat exchanger similar in func and 1f sea water cooled Ultimatelytion to an automotive radiator Sea the sea water enters a water injectedwater flows through the tubes of the wet exhaust system the most popularheat exchanger while fresh water type of exhaust system in use Inflows around the tubes The sea the case of larger engines the sea ater flow is divided prior to enterwater and fresh water never mixwith the result that the cooling 1ng the exhaust systems so that awater passages in the engine stay portion is dumped directly overboardclean and a portion is used to cool the exhaust system Full sea water flow2 FRESH ATER CIRCUIT entering the exhaust system would create unnecessary exhaust backHeat rejected during combustion as pressureell as heat developed by friction1S absorbed by the fresh water whose 4 SEA WATER PUMPflow is created by a fresh water cir Thesa waer pump is self priming andculating pump The fresh water flowsfrom the engine through a fresh water pos1t1e d1splacement It is a rotarycooled exhaust manifold a heat ex pump w1th a nonferrous housing and achanger in most cases an oil cooler neoprene impeller The impeller hasand returns to the suction side of flexible vanes which wipe against a curved cam plate within the impellerthe fresh water circulating pump housing producing the pumping actionThe flow is not necessarily in this On no account should this pump be runorder in every model When starting ry There should always be a sparea cold engine most of the external 1mpeller and impeller cover gasketflow to the heat exchanger is pre aboardvented by the closed thermostatSome amount of bypass is maintained 5 SEA WATER PUMP IMPELLER REPLACEMENTto prevent overheating in the As the engine warms up the The following instructions are begins to open up allowing and indicative only Specific instrucfull flow of engine fresh water thru tons where applicable may be packagedthe external cooling system w1th your replacement impeller3 SEA WATER CIRCUIT a Remove the front cover taking careThe sea water flow is created by a to salvage the gasketpositive displacement neoprene lnpellerpump gear pump in certain special b Remove the impeller by pullingcases Normally the pump draws sea straight outwards parallel towater directly from the ocean via the the pump shaft This is bestsea cock and sea water strainer Some done with a pair of pliers aptimes a transmission oil cooler or plied to the impeller hubpehaps a V drive will be piped on the c Coat the replacement side of the sea water pump and the chamber into which itGenerally it is better to have as few mounts with greasedevices on the suction side of the seawater pump as possible to preclude d Carefully align the impeller keypriming difficulties Usually sea way or other locking mechanismwater flows directly from the disR2 with the shaft Take care that 8 THERMOSTAT all the impeller blades bend in the same direction and trailing Generally thermostats are of two types One is simply a choking device which e Inspect the front cover for wear opens and closes as the engine tempera A worn front cover should ulti ture rises and falls The second type mately be replaced Sometimes has a bypass mechanism Usually this it can be reversed as an emer is a disc on the bottom of the thermo gency measure but not when stat which moves downward to close off stamped markings would break the an internal bypass passage within the seal between the cover and the head Both types of thermostats from impeller blades 1980 onwards have two 316 diameter holes punched through them to serve as f Reinstall the end cover with a a bypass while the engine is warming new gasket up This prevents overheating in the exhaust manifold during engine warmup g Be doubly sure to check quickly These two holes total approximately for sea water flow when starting 006 square inches of area and replace the engine The absence of flow ment thermostats must be equal in this indicates that the pump may not design characteristic be priming itself properly When replacing a thermostat be sure This situation must be investi that it is rotated so as to not gated immediately or damage to strike the thermostat housing pro the new impeller will result jections inside the head temperature from overheating senders or temperature switches which may be installed close to the6 ENGINE FRESH HATER thermostatIt is preferable to fill your engine A thermostat can be checked for propwith a 50 mixture er operation by placing it in a panThis precludes the necessity of drain of cold water and then raising theing coolant in the winter Since most temperature of the water to a contain preservative agents The thermostat should open noticeof one kind or another rusting within ably with travel on the order ofthe engine is minimized Also the anti 14 12 and be fully opened whenfreeze mixture boils at a higher tem the water is than water giving coolingsystem Ilhead room II 9 ENGINE LUBE OIL COOLERWhen draining the engine open thepressure cap first to relieve the Lubricating oil carries heat away fromvacuum created by draining the engine bearings and other friction surfaces The oil circulates from the lube oil pump through the engine7 FILLING THE FRESH WATER SYSTEM through the engine oil cooler and back to the oil pumpIt is very important to completely fillthe fresh water system before starting The oil cooler may be cooled either bythe engine It is normal for air to engine fresh water or by sea waterbecome trapped in various passages soall high points must be opened to atmos 10 TRANSMISSION OIL COOLERphere to bleed entrapped air When anengine is started after filling with Certain transmissions require oil coolcoolant the system may look deceptively ing In these cases the until the thermostat opens At this oil cooler is usually cooled by seatime when water flows through the exter wateral cooling circuit for the first timepockets of air can be exposed and rise Normally sea water enters this coolerto the fill point Be sure to add cool after exiting the heat exchanger butant at this time not always R3 TWO PASS MANIFOLD Note Drawing is indicative only Specific models may vary in detail TO EXHAUST WAtERPUMP CAPR4 SINGLE PASS MANIFOLD Note Drawing is indicative only Specific models may vary in detail SURGE EXHAUST TANK MANIFOLD ER BOARD H r EXCHANGER FRESH FROM WATER P c cI P SEA PUMP 4 COCK RAW WATER PUMP FROM SEA RAW WATER COCK FRESH WATER ENGINE OIL r IUSED ON HYD HYDRAULIC GEAIltcxp tJ RAULIC GEAR QLb COOLER1 ONLY SECTION TYPE SA 1 MANUALDesc ri pti onThe manua Ily operated re The number of hours that can be run betweenverse gear multiple disc clutch oi I changes varies with the operati ng conand a planetary reverse gear train These units ditions Under normal conditions the oilare self contained and are independent of the should be changed every 100 hours or eachengine lubrication system season whichever is Mode I and Seria I Numbers and Part NumbersOn the forward drive the reverse gear case and The model numbers and serial numbers are onmultiple disc clutch are locked together as a the name plate on the cover of the coupling The multiple disc clutch is The parts lists accompanying the exploded viewslocked or clamped by the pressure produced are intended on Iy to identify the parts in regardswhen the shift lever is moved to the forward to disassembly and assembly and are not intendposition Thus the propeller shaft turns in the ed to be used to identify parts by number Tosame direction as the engine order parts refer to the part numbers and names as given in the above mentioned parts listsThe reverse drive is obtained by clamping there verse band around the re verse gear cae whi c hcontains the planetary reverse gear train Thereverse band is clamped when the shift lever is to the reverse position The reverse motion is then obtained by driving through the The accompanying chartsgears thus turning the propeller shaft opposite should be studied and the suggestions carriedto the engine rotation out prior to any disassembly to determine as may be AlsoWith the shift lever in the neutral position the the exploded views and the accompanying dismultiple disc clutch and the reverse band are cussions should be carefully read and underunc lamped and the planet gears run idle and stood so that any or all of the service work asthe prope lIer shaft remains stationary indicated from the charts may be carried out properlyIt is desi rable to start the engi ne wi th the transmission in neutral thus avoiding moving theboat in either direction It is recommended DISASSEMBLY OF the shifting be done at speeds be low 1000RPM and preferably in the 800 RPM range or As in any servicing operation cleanliness is alower to prolong the life of the engine trans must and a II ru les for good workmanship applymission and of the boat Some of these rules are as followsLubri cation 1 Use only clean fluid In any cleaning orIt is recommended that SAE 30 oi I be used for washing of The quantity of oi I depends uponthe ang Ie of i nsta lIati on as we II as the reduct 2 Use only clean oil for lubrication whenion model The level should be maintained at pressing parts The level shouldbe checked periodically to ensure proper oper 3 Never use a hammer to drive ball bearingsation in place S34 Never press a ba II bearing so that the force 3 Slide entire reverse gear housing straight is carried through the ba lis 3 inches unti I housing is c lear of engine gear 92 and lift re5 Use only properly sized wrenches in re verse gear housing assembly c lear of en moving or securing nuts and capscrews gine6 Replace gaskets and 0 rings with nev 4 Remove pi lot roller bearing 95 from materia I engine gear 92 if it remains on engine gear7 Work on a c lean bench and protect gear teeth and oi I sea I surfaces from nicks and 5 Remove front end plate 93 from trans sc ratc hes sionREMOVAL OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY 6 Remove engine gear 92 from engineFROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING following engine manufacturer1s recom mendation only if necessary to replaceNOTE To facilitate removal of the transmission from the engine it is simpler to remove 7 If necessary to replace remove oil sealthe reduction gear assembly first Make cer 94 from front end platetain that all of the oil is removed from the reverse and reduction unit before removal is at REMOVAL OF GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY FROMtempted REVERSE GEAR HOUSING1 Remove capscrews and lockwashers around RE DUCTI ON MO DE L flange of reduction gear housing 1 Remove screw 81 from arm of yoke 792 Strike gear half coupling flange with soft and remove ba II joint 80 and lockwash mallet to break reduction gear unit from er 82 from eye of link on reverse band reduction adapter plate Slide entire re assembly duction unit straight back approximately 3 inches unti I reduction unit clears reduct 2 Loosen capscrews in yoke and remove cross ion drive gear and lift reduction unit clear shafts 78 from sides of housing being of reverse gear housing assembly careful not to damage oil seals 68 in housingNOTE Refer to reduction gearservice manual for disassembly and assembly of reduction 3 Remove yoke 2 from operating sleeve unit assembly 40 through cover opening in housi ngREMOVAL OF REVERSE GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY FROM ENGINE 4 Remove reverse band assembly from gear case assembly from front of housing1 Remove capscrews and lockwashers from flange of cover 4 and remove cover NOTE On older reverse bands using the drag link it wi II be necessary to remove the2 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that pins that anchor the reverse band to the secure reverse gear housing 6J to front housing before removing reverse band from end plate 58 or timing gear cover housing 845 Remove eotter pin from reverse gear 16 Press gear half coupling 68 from ball tai Ishaft and remove reverse gear tai Ishaft bearing 63 and press ball bearing from nut 69 direct drive plate 616 Support reverse gear housi ng face down so 17 If necessary to replace remove oil seal that gear case may drop free approximate Iy 47 from direct drive plate 61 2 inches7 Press on reverse gear tJi Ishaft unti I tai 1 shaft is free of reduction drive gear 768 Lift reverse gear housing straight up unti I housing clears tai Ishaft10 Remove capscrews that secure reduction adapter plate 79 to reverse gear housing and remove reduction adapter plate ba II bearing 72 and reduction drive gear 76 from reverse gear housing11 Press ball bearing 72 and reduction drive ear 76 from reduction adapter plate 79 and press ba II bearing from reduction drive gearNOTE When disassembling direct drive units use the following procedure12 Bend tang of lockwasher 66 away from locknut 96 and remove hom reverse gear tailshaft by holding gear half coupling 68 with spanner wrench13 Support reverse gear housi ng face down so that gear case may drop free approx imately 2 inches14 Press on reverse gear tailshaft until tail shaft is free of gear ha If coupli ng Lift reverse gear housing straight up from gear case assembly unti I housing clears tai 1 shaft15 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that secure direct drive plate 6 to reverse gear housing 60 and remove direct drive plate 61 be II bearing 63 and gear ha If coupling 68 from reverse gear hous ing 60 S5 Early models 14 th i ck rTr7 4 18 long f 4 12 long 58 th i ck Late OF THE REVERSE BANDTOG DISASSEMBLY OF GEAR CASEGLE OPERATED TYPE 1 Remove thrust washer 73 from end of1 Remove screw 55 nut 58 and lock reverse gear tai Ishaft on reduction units washer 57 that secures brace 56 to and Woodruff key 74 sea I washer ear of reverse band 51 and thrust washer 64 from end of tatl s haft on di rect dri ve un i ts 2 Remove cotter pin 54 bandand remove pin 53 that holds short 2 Remove lockscrew 42 and lockwasher lever 52 in forked ear of reverse band 41 from screw collar 37 and remove Remove short lever screw collar from gear case by unscrewing Lift operating sleeve assembly 40 from3 Removelocknut 50 from adjusting screw tai Ishaft when removing screw collar 44 and remove adjusting screw and assem bled levers from reverse band 3 If finger assembly 36 seems loose or worn remove from screw collar 37 by4 Remove adjusting nut 50 from adjusting removing cotter pins 39 and finger pins screw 38 5 Remove cotter pins 47 from ends of pins 4 Lift pressure plate 35 andclutch plates in assembled levers and disassemble link 34 and 33 from end of gear case 48 adjusting bolt 44 and pins 46 5 Bend tang of lockwasher 30 away fromCAUTION Do not disassemble link 48 or sidesoflocknut 31 61 or disturb setting of jam nut 24 and remove locknut and lockwasher whi Ie clamping reverse gear tai Ishaft6 If necessary to reline reverse band re move rivets holding reverse band lining to reverse bandS66 Properly support gear case on clutch plate disassembly However do not disassemble carrier 27 and press tai Ishaft 29 or unless required 28 24 and clutch plate carrier 27 Lift clutch plate car 11 Drive pinion shaft 6 of one of the short rier from gear case pinions 11 from threaded end of gear case approximately 12 inch Push pin7 Remove case ba II bearing retaining ring ion shaft on through with dummy shaft 26 from groove in gear case Push dummy shaft unti I centered in short pinion 11 and short pinion spacer 78 Remove capscrews 14 and lockwashers Remove short pinion and dummy shaft from 13 from case roller bearing race 12 inside of gear case 12 Remove remaining short pinions from gear9 Remove case roller bearing retaining rings case 15 from case roller bearing race 12 and remove case roller bearing 16 from The prope Iler gear 24 can be pressed race from the case ba beari ng 25 at this time10 Before removal of the short or long pin ions is attempted first inspect the gear 13 Remove long pinions 5 using dummy teeth for indication of wear Also rotate shaft as in removing short pinions each pinion to c heck for rough spots dur ing rotation If further inspection or re 14 Remove thrust pads 2 from inside gear placement is necessary proceed with the case 1 GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY 25 S7 ASSEMBLY OF REVERSE BAND AND YOKE TO GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY92 TOGGLE OPERATED REVERSE BAND ASSEMBLY STANDARD 4758 YOUR NOTES S9 TYPE SAO Westerbeke Paragon manually operated reverse gear units consist of amultiple disc clutch and a planetary reverse gear train The units are self contained and are independent of the engine lubrication the forward drive the reverse gear case and multiple disc clutch are lockedtogether as a solid coupling The multiple disc clutch is locked or clamped by thepressure produced when the shift lever is moved to the forward position Thus thepropeller shaft turns in the same direction as the engineThe reverse drive is obtained by clamping the reverse band around the reversegear case which contains the planetary reverse gear train The reverse band isclamped when the shift lever is moved and held in the reverse position Thereverse motion is then obtained by driving through the gears thus turning the propeller shaft opposite to the engine rotationWith the shift lever in the neutral position the multiple disc clutch and the reverseband are unclamped and the planet gears run idle and the propeller shaft is desirable to start the engine with the transmission in neutral thus avoidingmoving the boat in either directionIt is recommended that the shifting be done at speeds below 1000 RPM and preferably in the 800 RPM range or lower to prolong the life of the engine of the boatTROUBLE SHOOTINGThe trouble shooting charts below and on the next page should be studied and thesuggestions carried out prior to any disassembly to determine as well as possiblewhat the trouble may be Also the exploded views and the accompanying discussions should be carefully read and understood so that any or all of the service workas indicated from the trouble shooting charts may be carried out YAs in any servicing operation cleanliness is a must and all rules for good workmanship apply Some of these rules are as follows 1 Use only clean fluid in any cleaning or washing of parts 2 Use only clean oil for lubrication when pressing parts together 3 Never use a hammer to drive ball bearings in place 4 Never press a ball bearing so that the force is carried through the balls 5 Use only properly sized wrenches in removing or securing nuts and cap screws 6 Replace gaskets and 0 rings with new material 7 Work on a clean bench and protect gear teeth and oil seal surfaces from nicks and scratches NOTE Remove the reverse and reduction gear as a complete unit before removing the oil to avoid fouling the bilgesS10 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTS Chart 1 GEAR DRAGGING DRIVE SHAFT ROT ATES EITHE R FORWARD OR REVERSE WITH SHI FT LEVER IN NEUTRAL I l Check For I I I I 1 DEFECTIVE FORWARD CLUTCH PLATES J 3 BINDING IN PLANET ARY ASSEMBLY 1 4 OVER ADJUSTMENT ON I 2 REVERSE BAND ENGAGING GEAR CASE I FORWARD AND REVERSE REMEDy I I or 1 ard cl utch 11 ate warped and stick ing h Lngine gear hearings worn excessivel Hemove and replace clutch plates causing misalignment of engine shaft He place necessary parts Check misalignment 2 InlpfOper reverse hand adjustment Adjust of engine gear reverse band as outlined under adjustment Check the following items 4 Overadjustment of either forward and reverse a Hearings ann gears worn excessively in gear or both will result in loss of neutral Check case Replace neces sary parts and readjust as outlined under adjustment Chart 2 GEAR SLIPPING OR SLOW TO ENGAGE WITH SHIFT LEVER IN FORWARD OR REVERSE 1 I Check For I I 1 WORN CLUTCH PLATES I I 3 WORN REVERSE BAND I I 2 FORWARD CLUTCH NOT ENGAGING I I 4 REVERSE BAND NOT ENGAGING j REMEDY I Ierllove fnrward clurch 1lares and check flr Remov reverse band and check for wear Re car Ieplace if Iorn excesivel place lining if worn he low rivets Improper reerse band adjustment Adjust as 2 lmproler forward clutch adjusrment AdJusr as outlined under adjustment outlined under adJustmenr Sl1 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART Chart 3 GEAR INOPERATIVE DRIVE SHAFT OOES NOT ROTATE WITH SHIFT LEVER IN FORWARD OR REVERSE I I Chk For I I I 1 I 1 FAILURE OF PLANETARY ASSEMBLY I 4 REVERSE BAND NOT ENGAGING GEAR CASE I I I 1 2 FAILURE OF REDUCTION GEAR 5 BROKEN OUTPUT SHAFT I 3 FORWARD CLUTCH NOT ENGAGING I REMEDY 1 Remon gear case assemoly and check for b Forward clutch plates worn Replace clutch defective or damaJcd pans Replace defective plate or d arnaJed parrs 4 Check the following items 2 Remove reduction geu assemhly and check for a Improper reverse band adjustments djust defective or damaJed parts Replace defective reverse band as outlined under adjlJlllent or damaed parts Refer to reduction gear h Reverse hand lining worn Replan lininl serv ice manual c Cracked ears or hent or damaged linkage 5 Check the follo ing items parrs Rcplace defective 1I1lIerial a Imlrolt fOfud cllJtch adjustment djust 5 Check for hroken output shaft lelllc k for Ird clutch as outlined untkr adjustment fctin shafrNOTE Disassembly need be carried out only as far as is necessary to correctthose difficulties which interfere with proper marine gear OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY FROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING IF INSTALLEDNOTE Remove the reverse gear with reduction gear attached as a complete unitbefore draining oil to avoid fouling the bilges 1 Remove starter motor 2 Disconnect propeller half coupling and slide back approximately 4 inches 3 Remove capscrews securing reverse gear to bel1housing 4 Strike gear half coupling flange with soft mallet to break reverse gear from bellhousing Slide entire reverse and reduction gear streight back approxim ately 3 inches until reverse gear clears bellhousing and lift units clear of enine Refer to Reduction Gear section of manual for disassembly and assembly of reduction unitS12 32 5 63 182 371 22I 35 7842 47 46 41 75 88 54 49 45 7 85 62 56 48 71 44 72 SAO MANUAL TRANSMISSION s 13 6S 9462 67 6266 SAO MANUAL 25 TRANSMISSION 25S14 REMOVAL OF REVERSE GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY FROM ENGINE 1 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that secure reverse gear housing 3 to front end plate 5 2 Slide entire reverse gear housing 3 straight back approximately 3 inches until housing is clear of front plate engine gear 1 and lift reverse gear housing assembly clear of front plate 5 3 Remove pilot roller bearing 60 from front plate engine gear 1 if it remains on gear 4 If necessary to replace front end plate 5 oil seal 22 or bearing 37 proceed as follows a Remove capscrews and lockwashers securing front end plate 5 to engine flywheel housing b Slide front end plate 5 straight back approximately two inches until front plate engine gear 1 is clear of flywheel housing and lift clear of engine c Remove retaining ring 36 bearing 37 retaining ring 35 and oil seal 22 d Replace new oil seal and bearing if required REMOVAL OF GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY FROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING REDUCTION MODEL 1 Remove four capscrews cover seals 33 cover 10 and gasket 4 from reverse gear housing 3 2 Through cover opening in reverse gear housing 3 rem0ve nut 70 lock washer and screw securing adjustment nut lockspring 68 to ear of brake band assembly 62 Remove lock spring 3 Remove adjustment nut 66 from reverse cam 65 Remove reverse cam 65 from eye in yoke 34 and slide out reverse cam 65 from reverse cam slide assembly 63 4 Remove cross shaft 13 from reverse gear housing 3 as follows a Loosen the two capscrews securing the yoke 34 to the cross shaft 13 b With small end of housing toward mechanic slide cross shaft 13 from left to right being careful cross shaft doesn It come in contact with operating sleeve bearing 50 or Woodruff key 26 in cross shaft under yoke arm 34 isnlt forced against cross shaft oil seal 20 in right side of housing Remove the two Woodruff keys from cross shaft c Slide cross shaft out of housing and remove brace 67 and lift yoke 34 from operating sleeve 50 5 On dipstick side of housing remove roll pin 24 securing brake band lock ing pin 12 that secures brake band to housing Remove locking pin and inspect 0 ring 23 and replace if damaged 6 Slide brake band 62 from gear case assembly 41 and remove band from front of housing 7 Remove cotter pin and nut 18 2 from reverse gear tailshaft 2 2 8 Support reverse gear housing 3 with front end down so that gear case 41 may drop free approximately two inches 9 Press on reverse gear tailshaft 2 2 until tailshaft is free of reduction drive gear 87 10 Lift reverse gear housing 3 straight up until housing clears tailshaft 2 2 SIS 11 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that secure reduction adapter plate 85 to reverse gear housing 3 a Remove reduction adapter plate with attached bearing 88 and reduc tion drive gear 87 b Press bearing with drive gear from adapter plate c Press bearing from drive gear DIRECT DRIVE UNIT perform procedlres 1 through 6 above 12 Bend tang of lockwasher 19 away from locknut 181 and remove nut from reverse gear tailshaft 21 by holding gear half coupling 14 with spanner wrench Remove lockwasher 13 Support reverse gear housing 3 face down so that gear case may drop free approximately 2 inches 14 Press on reverse gear tailshaft 21 until tailshaft is free of gear half coupling 14 Lift reverse gear housing 3 straight up from gear case assembly 41 until housing clears tailshaft 21 15 Remove capscrews and lockwashers that secure direct drive plate 15 to reverse gear housing 3 a Remove direct drive plate 15 with attached bearing 25 and gear half coupling 14 from reverse gear housing 3 b Press gear half coupling from bearing c Press bearing from drive plate d If necessary to replace remove oil seal 21 from direct drive OF GEAR CASE 1 Remove thrust washer 162 and retainer ring 6 from end of reverse gear tailshaft on reduction units and Woodruff key 27 seal washer 6 and thrust washer 161 from end of tails haft on direct drive units 2 Remove lockscrew 55 and lockwasher from screw collar 53 and remove screw collar from gear case by unscrewing Lift operating sleeve assembly 50 from tailshaft when removing screw collar 3 Lift pressure plate 49 and clutch plates 48 and 54 from end of gear case 4 Properly support gear case on clutch plate carrier and press tailshaft 21 or 2 2 from propeller gear 43 and clutch plate carrier Lift clutch plate carrier from gear case 5 Remove case ball bearing retaining ring 59 from groove in gear case 6 Remove capscrews 14 and lockwashers 13 and case bushing 23 from gear case 7 Before removal of the short or lon pinions is attempted first inspect the gear teeth for indication of wear Also rotate each pinion to check for rough spots during rotation If further inspection or replacement is necessary proceed with the disassembly However do not disassemble unless required 8 Drive pinion shaft 20 of one of the short pinions 22 from threaded end of gear case approximately 12 inch Push pinion shaft on through with a dummy shaft 9 Push dummy shaft until centerec in short pinion 46 and short pinion spacer 56 Remove pinion shaft 42 from front end of gear case 10 Remove remaining short pinions 46 from gear case 11 Press propeller gear 43 from the case ball bearing 58 12 Remove long pinions 44 using dummy shaft as in removing short pinionsNOTE Bushings are pressed into the long and short pinionsS16 INSPECTIONAll parts should be thoroughly cleaned before inspection Parts showing excessivewear should be replaced 1 Ball and roller bearings should be examined for indication of corrosion and pitting on balls or rollers and races 2 Long and short pinion bushings should be examined for wear 3 Pinion shafts should be examined for wear or brinelling 4 Long and short pinion spacers should be examined for wear 5 Long and short pinion bore diameters should be examined for wear 6 All gear teeth should be examined for pitch line pitting unever wear pattern or excessive wear 7 All shafts should be examined for wear on splines and shoulders 8 Clutch plates should be examined for flatness roughness indicating of excessive heating and wear or peening of driving lugs 9 Clutch plate carrier should be examined for wear and peening of lugs and splines 10 Examine all oil seals for rough or charred lips 11 Reverse band links pins etc should be examined for wear or bending 12 Reverse band lining should be examined for wearNOTE Lining should be replaced before rivets come in contact with gear case 13 Gear case should be examined for wear from reverse band linking short or long pinions wearing into inside faces or wear in clutch plate slots on threaded end 14 Screw collar and finger assembly should be examined for wear 15 Pressure plate should be examined for wear 16 All old gaskets should be replaced 17 Operating sleeve assembly should be examined for wear 18 Engine gear should be examined for wear on oil seal surfaces case roller bearing race pilot bearing race and gear teeth for pitch line pitting uneven wear or excessive wear NOTE When uneven gear teeth wear has been noticed check engine gear for eccentricity Maximum eccentricity at pilot bearing race is 005 inches 19 Where special vibration dampers are used as flexible couplings check springs and splines for wear ASSEMBL Y OF GEAR CASE 1 If pinion gears 45 and 46 bushings 21 and pmlOn shafts 42 were removed from gear case 41 assembled as follows a Insert dummy shaft into long pinion 44 NOTE Use same dummy shaft as used in disassembly b Insert four bushings 21 equally spaced around dummy shaft to center shaft in gear then assemble remaining bushings NOTE Smear dummy shaft with cup grease to prevent bushings from dropping out Install bushing spacer 56 in gear next to first row of bushings c Lay gear case 41 on side and insert long pinion 44 in case to align with hole in outer row S17 d Insert pmlOn shaft 42 plain end first into unthreaded end of gear case and push through pinion as far as rear wall of gear case forcing out the dummy shaft e Remove dummy shaft and start pinion shaft into rear wall of case Do not drive pinion shaft all the way into gear case until all shafts are inserted f Assemble remaining long pinions in gear case g Using dummy shaft insert short bushings 47 into short pinion 46 in same manner covered in paragraphs a and b above With short pinion use pinion spacer 56 h Insert short pinion 46 into gear case pinion toward front of case to line up with hole in inner row and insert pinion shaft 20 as described in d above i Assemble remaining short pinions in gear case 2 Assemble case bushing 23 to gear case with edges of race in line with flats on pinion shafts Replace lockwashers 13 and capscrews 14 3 Insert propeller gear 24 through rear of gear case in mesh with long pinions 4 Press case ball bearing 58 into gear case and onto propeller gear by supporting entire assembly on propeller gear inside front end of gear case Make certain that case ball bearing is seated properly on propeller gear and into gear case Install case ball bearing retaining ring 59 in groove in gear case next to case ball bearing 5 Press clutch plate carrier 27 onto reverse gear tailshaft 21 or 2 2 6 Align splines on reverse gear tailshaft and press tailshaft through pro peller gear until propeller gear is seated against the clutch plate carrier already on tailshaft Support the entire assembly on propeller gear inside front end of gear case during pressing operation 7 Place Woodruff key 61 on end of tailshaft inside propeller gear 8 Install clutch plates in clutch plate cavity in rear of gear case starting first with bronze clutch plate 54 and alternating steel plate 34 and bronze clutch plate 9 Install pressure plate 49 on top of last bronze clutch plate in clutch plate cavityNOTE Make certain that all plates ride freely and that no binding is apparentduring assembly 10 Assemble finger assembly 52 to screw collar 53 using finger pins 51 and securing with cotter pins 11 Thread screw collar 53 onto gear case assembly 41 approximately half of the thread length 12 Place operating sleeve assembly 50 onto tailshaft Position ball ends of finger assembly over sleeve assembly 13 Continue screwing screw collar onto gear case 41 until finger assembly will snap over center and lock into position against the shoulder of the pressure plate 49 14 Push operating sleeve assembly 50 forward until finger assemblies are free 15 Place lockwasher over end of lockscrew 55 and thread lockscrew into one hole near edge of screw collar 53 Rotate screw collar until dog on end of lockscrew lines up with closest hole in pressure plate 16 On reduction tailshafts install retaining ring on reverse gear tailshaft making certain that retaining ring is seated properly in groove in reverse gear tailshaftS18 CAUTION The forward clutch is not properly adjusted at the end of this assembly Proper adjustment is made after installation in boat is complete Follow instruc tions as outlined under section on adjustments ASSEMBL Y OF REVERSE GEAR CASE IN REVERSE GEAR HOUSING REDUCTION MODEL 1 Place new gaskets 8 7 and 4 on front rear and top of reverse gear housing 3 2 If removed for replacement install new oil seals 20 in cross shaft holes in housing 3 Support gear case assembly 41 on propeller gear 43 inside front end of gear case so that reverse gear housing 3 will not rest on face when lowered over gear case assembly 4 Lower reverse gear housing 3 over gear case assembly with reverse gear tailshaft 2 2 protruding thllUgh bore in rear of housing 5 Place thrust washer 16 2 with counterbored side down over reverse gear tailshaft 2 2 Make certain that thrust washer seats properly on shoulder of retaining ring 6 on tailshaft 22 6 Press reduction drive gear 87 into ball bearing 88 7 PIce new gasket 8 on reverse gear housing 3 and press reduction drive gear 87 and ball bearing 88 on reverse gear tailshaft 22 until ball bearing is seated against thrust washer 16 2 Thread on reverse gear tailshaft nut 182 8 Press reduction gear adapter plate 85 over ball bearing and secure with necessary bolts 9 Install reduction gear crescent 74 10 Tighten all capscrews Tighten reverse gear tailshaft nut 182 until cotter pin can be installed through castellation in nut and hole in reverse gear tailshaft 11 Install cotter pin and bedn ends over nut 12 Place new gasket 72 on reduction adapter plate 85 13 Install brake band assembly 62 onto gear case assembly 41 in reverse gear housing 14 With reduction adapter plate 85 facing mechanic insert yoke 34 through cover opening in housing placing forked arms of yoke over pins of oper ating sleeve assembly 50 Ensure part number of yoke is facing mechanic 15 Align and hold hole in brace 67 on inside right hole in yoke and push cross shaft through yoke and brace to left side of housing 16 Pull cross shaft out from right side of housing approximately one inch and insert Woodruff key in cross shaft to the right of each yoke hole to posi tion yoke to cross shaft 17 Secure yoke to cross shaft by tightening the two cap screws in yoke 18 Slide reverse cam 65 through reverse cam slide assembly 63 and in hole in arm of yoke 34 19 Position pin in brake band 62 in hole in brace 67 20 Replace and tighten adjustment nut 66 to reverse cam slide assembly 63 21 Secure lock spring 68 over adjustment nut 66 with screw lockwasher and nut 70 DIRECT DRIVE UNIT 22 After paragraph 4 above place thrust washer 161 over reverse gear tailshaft Place seal washer 6 over reverse gear tailshaft against thrust S19 washer and install Woodruff key 27 in keyway in tailshaft 23 If removed for replacement press new oil seal 21 into direct drive plate 15 Press ball bearing 25 into direct drive plate 24 Place direct drive plate oil seal and ball bearing assembly on suitable support and press gear half coupling 14 into oil seal 21 and ball bear ing 25 until gear half coupling is seated against ball bearing Care must be taken not to damage oil seal during assembly 25 Align direct drive plate and gear half coupling up with key in reverse gear tailshaft and press together until ball bearing is seated against thrust washer 161 26 Place lockwasher 19 over reverse gear tailshaft with tang in keyway in gear half coupling and thread locknut 181 on reverse gear tailshaft 27 Install lockwashers and capscrews in holes in direct drive plate and bolt to reverse gear housing 28 Tighten all capscrews Tighten locknut 181 and bend up one tang on lockwasher 19 over locknut 29 Continue with paragraphs 13 through 20ASSEMBLE TRANSMISSION TO ENGINE 1 If front end plate 5 was removed from reverse gear housing 3 or engine flywheel housing proceed as follows a Replace oil seal 22 or bearing 37 if necessary b Slide engine gear 1 into flywheel housing damper spline c Align mounting holes in front end plate 5 with holes in flywheel housing and secure with lockwashers and capscrews d After installing on engine check engine gear for runout Maximum eccentricity is 005 inches at pilot roller bearing 2 Insert two studs three inches long in two opposite bolt holes in front end plate 5 3 Check to be certain that pilot roller bearing 60 is properly installed in propeller gear inside gear cas e 4 Start reverse gear housing 3 over the two studs and slide housing over engine gear 1 right up against flywheel housing It may be necessary to rotate gear case slightly to properly mesh teeth on engine gear and short pinions in gear case 5 Install lockwashers and caps crews in holes around flange of housing 6 Remove the two studs and install remaining lockwashers and capscrews Tighten all OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY TO REVERSE GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLYNOTE Refer to reduction gear assembly and disassembly procedures 1 Install two studs 3 12 inches long in two opposite holes in reduction adapter plate 2 Position reduction gear assembly over studs with oil drain plug at bottom and slide onto reduction drive gear It may be necessary to rotate reduc tion ring gear slightly to properly mesh gear teeth 3 Install lockwashers and capscrews around flange of reduction gear housing and tighten uniformlyS20 YOUR NOTES S21 SA1 AND SAO MANUAL CLUTCH the transmission secured to the engine I Back out the lockscrew 42 unti I the dogreplace all water lines etc However do on the end of the lockscrew is clear of thenot connect the shifting linkage until all the hole in the pressure plate 35adjustments have been made and are satisfactori Iy tested 2 Rotate the screw Coli ar 37 to the righ t until the lockscrew 42 is opposite theBefore securing the propeller half coupling to next hole in the pressure plate 35the gear half coupling check to make certainthat the coupl ings do not run out more than 3 Tighten the lockscrew making certain that002 inches wi th respect to each other Study the dog on the end properly enters the holesection AI ignment to Engine II on Pages in the pressure plate14 and 15 of Technical Manual 4 Continue this until a decided effort is reThe transmission should be filled with new oil qui red to shift into forward specified under lubrication 26 foot poundsThe transmission can be parti ally adjusted be 48fore the engine has been run However acomplete running test is necessary to satisfactori Iy determine whether the adjustments havebeen properly madeThe preliminary adjustments for the forwarddrive are made as follows remove reversecover plate rotate pressure finger assemblyand screw coli ar 37 until lock screw 42is up and facing you Then working care bl04 50fully to avoid dropping either screw or toolsinto clutch housing SAl Reverse Adjustment Top View The prel iminary adjustments for the reverse drive are made as follows 1 Loosen the locknut 50 on the inside of the upright ear at the top of the reverse band 2 Tighten the adjusting nut 50 on the outside of the ear until both nuts are again tight against the ear of the reverse band 3 Repeat until a decided snap is required to Typical Forward shift into reverse Clutch Adjust ment SAl SAO 4 Do not tamper with adjustment of Iink 48 5 For Four99s and early Four107s there was a cam operoted reverse adjustment Simply turn screw head 103 clockwise one flat at a time until satisfactory reverse engagement is obtained see Figure 3S22 If further adjustments are necessary continue the adjustments as outl ined above unti I satis factory operation is reached It should be noted however that the adjustments should be carried out only unti I satisfactory operation is reached since it is possible to overadjust the transmission If the transmission is overad SAO Reverse justed it will be more difficult to shift into Adjustment forward and reverse and the parts wi II be heav Top View 103 ily stressed and subject to early fatigue fail ure Therefore once the preliminary adjust ments have been made only a very small am ount of adjustment will be necessary for either forward or reverse Usually an adjustment of Replace the cover on the reverse gearhousing a half a step on the forward or at the most a The transmission is ready for a preliminary test full step is required for full adjustment Only which may be done at dockside a very small adjustment is required for the re verse drive Check all of the mooring Iines before continu ing the test On the forward drive a full step of adjustment is as outlined above or is made by loosening With the engine running at idle speed shift the lockscrew 42 and rotating the screw the transmission into forward and reverse not coil ar 37 to the right unti I the next hole in ing how well the transmission responds the pressure plate 35 can be lined up under the lockscrew A half a step is made by tak If the transmission does not engage in one or ing the lockscrew out of the hole that it is in both of the forward or reverse positions further and placing it in the hole adjoining it in the dockside adjustments are necessary Continue screw coil ar Then rotate the screw coil ar to the adjustments as outlined above untit the the right until the next hole in the pressure transmission will engage in both forward and plate is lined up under the dog of the lock reverse drives screw Make certai n th at the lockscrew en ters the hole properly or it will bind up the forward A complete running test is necessary to deter cI utch mine that the transmission is properly adjusted The transmission should not sl ip or break When the transmission is properly adjusted away under full power conditions in the forward repl ace the cover and secure all external bol ts drive and should hold in reverse under all nor and fasteners Before replacing the shifting mal reversing conditions linkage check to make certain that it oper ates freely olld does not bind or drag Repl ace the linkage on the transmission shift lever and secure properly WHEN CLUTCH SLIPPING IS NOTICED STOP AND ADJUST AT ONCE POPER ADJUSTMENT WILL MAINTAIN YOUR CLUTCH FOR YEARS BUT A SLIPPING CLUTCH MAY DESTROY ITSELF CAUSING COSTLY REPAIRS S23 SA1 AND SAO REDUCTION reduction gears consist of an internal ring gear and adrive gear that offers a variety of reduction are no adjustments necessary to maintain the reduction gears in properrunning OF REDUCTION UNITNOTE Disassembly need be carried out only as far as necessary to correctthose difficulties which interfere with proper marine gear reverse and reduction gear as a complete unit before removing the oil toavoid fouling the bilges 1 Remove oil drain plug from bottom of reduction gear housing 86 and drain oil from unit Make certain that all lubricating oil is removed from reverse gear unit 2 Remove capscrews and lockwashers from flange of reduction gear housing and slide entire reduction unit straight back approximately 3 inches until reduction unit clears reduction drive pinion 3 Bend tang of lockwasher 78 away from locknut 77 Remove locknut using suitable wrench and lift lockwasher from shaft 4 Remove gear half coupling 75 with gear type puller or by supporting entire assembly under flange of gear half coupling and press agamst shaft to force coupling from assembly 5 Support reduction gear housing so that flanged shaft assembly can drop free approximately 2 inches and press flanged shaft assembly from reduction gear housing 6 Remove retaining ring 76 from groove next to ball bearing 84 in3ide reduction gear housing and press ball bearing from housing 7 If necessary to replace remove oil seal 79 8 Remove Woodruff key 80 from flanged shaft and remove seal washer 74 and spacer 73 9 Press ball bearing 84 from flanged shaft using two holes in flange 10 Remove capscrews and lockwashers from rim of flanged shaft and remove ring gear 71 from flanged parts should be thoroughly cleaned before inspection Parts showing excessivewear should be replaced 1 Ball bearings should be examined for indications of corrosion and pitting on balls and races 2 All gear teeth should be examined for pitch line pitting uneven wear pattern or excessive wear 3 Examine oil seal for rough or charred lips 4 Retaining rings should be checked for burrs or deformities 5 All gaskets should be Y OF REDUCTION UNIT 1 Replace oil drain plug into reduction gear housing 86 2 Press ball bearing 84 into reduction gear housing 86 and install retain ing ring 76 into groove next to ball bearingS24 3 If removed for replacement press new oil seal 79 into reduction gear housing 4 Place flanged shaft over ring gear 71 and line up holes in flange with those in ring gear 5 Place lockwasher over capscrew and insert capscrew into hole in flanged shaft and secure flanged shaft to ring gear 6 Press ball bearing 84 onto flanged shaft Place spacer 73 over shaft next to ball bearing and place seal washer 74 over shaft next to spacer 7 Install Woodruff key 80 into keyway in flanged shaft 8 Place reduction gear housing over small end of flanged shaft and start ball bearing 84 on flanged shaft into bore in housing by tapping housing with a soft mallet 9 Turn unit over with small end of housing down and press on center of flanged shaft until spacer 73 is seated against ball bearing 84 in reduc tion housing 10 Support unit on inside of flanged shaft with large end of unit down and press gear half coupling 75 onto shaft end and into ball bearing until coupling is seated against ball bearing Care must be taken to line up keyway in coupling and key in shaft before pressing together 11 Place lockwasher 78 over end of flanged shaft with tang on inside of lockwasher in slot on flanged shaft Place locknut 77 onto shaft and secure using suitable wrench 12 Bend one tang of lockwasher into slot on locknut 13 Install two studs 3 12 inches long into two opposite holes in reduction adapter plate 14 Position reduction gear assembly over studs with oil drain plug at bottom of housing and slide onto reduction drive ge8r It may be necessary to rotate reduction gear slightly to properly mesh gear teeth 15 Install lockwashers and cClpscrews around flange of reduction gear hous ing and tighten uniformly S25 TYPE RS Volvo Penta gear type 2 Remove the bolts holding the reverse gearRB has abuiltin reduction gear with reduct to the engine and pull the reverse gearion ratio 1911 Engagement IIAhead li or IIAs carefully aft so that ittern II takes place by means of se Ifadjusting cones is re leased from the enginewhich are held in the engaged position partlywith the he Ip of the prope IIer thrust 3 Remove the bolt 12 and pull off the coup ling flange 10 Also lift off the rubberWhen engaging IIAhead ll the output shaft is protector 18 The key 15 need not bemoved with its cone so that it meshes with the removedfront cone When IIAstern li is engaged theoutput shaft is moved backwards and meshes 4 Remove the reverse gear lever from thewith the inner cone which operates via an inter cont rol shaft 1 Then remove the covermediate gear The direction of rotation of the 2 Pull out the control shaft 1 and theoutput shaft wi II therefore be reversed In the eccentric stud 9 note the position of theneutral position the cone is held by the locking stud which has marked sidesplunger insiJch a potition that there the cone and the gear whee I 5 Remove the bolts which secure the gear with ratio 1 9 1 has a gear housing 32 to the casing 33 Partseparate oi I changer and is watercooled the casing from the housing by means of light blows with a mallet 6 Remove the bolts 22 and take out the shaft 17 with the sleeve 20 8 Remove the bolts 23 and the washer 24 P lace one of the bolts 23 in the center ho Ie of the support beari ng 27 and pu II off the gear wheel 30 If the ball bear ing 29 is to be removed from the gear wheel remove the bolts 25 and the ring 26 after which the ball bearing is press ed out Fig 1 RB type gear ratio 19 1 1 Plug for oil filling 9 Lift out the cone 28 2 Oil dipstick 3 Plug for draining oil 4 Drain plug for cooling water 10 Remove the gear wheel 31 with bearing 34 from the housing 33 Forthe reduct ionreverse gear with ratio 1 9 11 removREPAIR INSTRUCTIONS REMOVING ing is made easier by tapping carefu IIy on the bevelled side of the gear wheel 31The repair instructions refer to Fig 2 for ratio19 1 11 See Fig 2 Remove the bo Its 38 The1 Disconnect the cooling water connections flange 44 need not be removed from the rQti 0 1 9 1 Remove the prope lIer shaft shaft Press out the shaft 42 together with and push it aft the cover 43 and the ba II bearing Pres826 Fig 2 Crosssection of gearratio 19 1 sure is applied to the shaft journal for the cleaned At the same bearing 35 Take care to ensure that the time inspect the parts and replace those that are needle bearing 35 is not damaged Pro worn Fit new gaskets Oring and spring wash tect the bearing from dirt and place it so ers Check carefully to see that allsealing ring that it will take up the same position again are undamaged when being fitted See Fig 2 Friction lining wear on the gear12 Drive out the shaft 40 wheel 31 which is most subjected to wear is 37 and the bearing 36 With regard to compensated for by increasing the thickness of taking care of the bearings see point 11 the shim 21 as follows Place the cone 28 in the gear wheel 31 and measure the distance13 See Fig 2 Removal of flange 44 and IIX II shown in Fig4 The amount by which the bearing 3 from the shaft 42 should be measurement IIX II is less than 85mm 335 11 de done in a press after the locking flange has termines how much the thickness of the shim 21 been removed Pressure must not be applied shall be increased For example if the distance to the outer circumference of the flange measures 83mm 3 29 11 then a 2mm 008 11 thick 44 shim should be fitted If the wear is so great that the measurement IIXII is less than 81mm 319 11 INSPECTION then the worn parts must be replaced The frict ion linings in the gear whee I and cone are notBefore the reverse gear is refitted all its com S271 Fit the bearing 36 and the gear wheel 12 Fit the flange 9 shaft 1 locking plung 37 a Iso press the shaft into the housing er 8 sleeve 4 spring 5 and the plung er housing 6 Oil the parts liberally be2 Fit the gear wheel 31 with bearing 34 fore fitting The flange 9 is fitted so that i 11 to the housi ng 33 its sides marked 0 follow the longitudin a I di rec ti on of the engi ne Fi t the reverse3 See Fig 2 Fit together the shaft 42 gear lever and check the movements of the bearing 39 cover 43 end the flange lever from neutra I to Ahead and Astern 44 into one unit Thp ta II bearing 39 positions respectively which should be is fitted so that the recess on one side of equidistant If the movement in one dir the bearing Fig7 faces opposite the ection is appreciably more than in the other teeth on the shaft 42 If the sea ling ri ng direction this is to be adjusted by turning in the cover 43 shows the least sign of the flange 9 This is shaped such that the damage or if it has been removed from the center of the rectangu lar portion is offset cover itshould be replaced bya new one in relation to the center of the cylindrical A protecting sleeve should be used to pre portion guide If the flange is fitted so vent damage to the sea Ii ng ri ng by the pas that the projecting side faces forwards the sage of the keyway in the shaft 42 movement of the reverse gear lever from the Ahead position to Neutra I is de4 See Fig 2 Fit the shaft unit into the creased If theflange is turned half a turn housing 33 Take care to ensure that the so that the projecting side faces aft the gear whee I on the shaft 42 meshes with movement of the lever from IJeutral to both gear wheels 37 and 31 the Astern position is decreased5 See Fig 2 Fit the needle bearing 35 Then check that the reverse gear engages in both the Ahead and Astern posi tions6 Fit the cone 28 in the gear whee I 31 13 Fit the reverse gearto the engine Regard7 Fit together the bearing support 27 bear ingthe reverse gear withratio 19 1 fit ing support 27 bearing 29 cover 24 ting is faci litated if the rubber bushings on and the gear wheel 30 into one unit and the dri vi ng studs 45 as we II as the ho les and tig hten on the cover 24 The ba II for these in the engine flywhee I are care bearing is fitted so that the recess one side fu II y coated wi th ta Ic of the bearing faces away from the teeth on the gear whee I 30 The bearing sup port 27 and the washer are fitted so that the middle throuh hole comes upwards8 Place the unit in the cone 289 Fit the shaft 17 and the sleeve 20 onto 1 Spr ing hous ing the cone 28 2 Interlock pin 3 Control shaft 4 Cover10 Fit the reverse gear housing 32 over the 5 Flange assembled parts and tighten it onto the 6 Bearing housing 7 Iverse gear housi ng 33 h01 sing11 Fit the and the coup ling flange 10 Before fitting c heck that the bolt 12 is well tightened and that the key 15 is properly bedded down in its key way in the shaft 17 Fig 3 Rear section of reverse gearS28 1 Set the reverse gear lever in the neutral the lever retainer and the shaft must be position turned 2 Remove the bolts which hold the bearing a Remove the spring housing 1 Fig 3 housing 6 Fig 3 to the housing 7 and lift out the locking plunger 2 Pull the bearing housing aft several milli meters this is faci litated by carefully en b Remove the cover 4 without pulling it gaging the lever insert a knife between off the shaft the sea ling surfaces and loosen the basket carefu IIy so that it remains in contact with c lift the shaft 3 with cover 4 from the only one of the sealing surfaces housi ng and turn the shaft 1800 ha If a turn Turn also the flange 5 half a turn and fit the shaft 4 Refit the parts 3 Turn the bearing housing to the desi red If the remote control for the RB reductionre position and tighten down the housing verse gear is fitted it may not be done in such a way that a constant pressure operates on the If the keyway on the shaft is in such a po reverse gear control components In both sition after being moved round that the re Ahead and Astern positions the remote con verse gear lever cannot be fitted the shaft trol devicemustbe so that and flange are turned as follows On the the propeller thrust can maintain the cones in shaft there is only one keyway so that both the reverse gear in the engaged position DATA Type Volvo Penta RB 19 1 Ratio Ahead 19 1 Ratio Astern 173 1 Lubricating system Circulation type Oil capacity approx 05 liter 1 quart Oi I grade Service DS Oi I viscosity SAE 20 Oi I change Every 100 hours Prope IIer type Lefthand thread Weight approx 28 kg 61 lb S29 PARAGON P21 SERIES HYDRAULICI SPECIFICATIONS A Description Chart MODEL REDUCTION RATIO DIREC TION OF ROTATION P21L DIRECT ALL LEFT HAND P22L 1 5 1 AS VIEWED FROM P23L 21 THE OUTPUT END P24L 25 1 OF THE TRANS P25L 31 MISSION B Model and Serial Numbers Each reverse gear has a model number and a serial number These numbers are on the name plate located on the housing of the transmission MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER CHART DIRECT DRIVE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS P2 Gear Size 1 Direct Drive 5J1234 Transmission Serial No L Left Hand Rotation Unit REDUCTION GEAR MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS P 23 L 5J5678 P2 I Gear Size 15 1 J 5J5678 Trans Reduction 2 0 1 f Reduction Gear L Left Hand Rotation Unit mission Serial Gear Si z e 25 1 Ratio No 30 1S30 II INTRODUCTION ward drive is through a multiple disc clutch arrangement while the reverse drive utilizes a reverse clamp band and planetary gear Tlansmissions have been designed for smooth train The transmission oil is Circulated jJd operation and dependability in marine use The cooled through a separate external oil cooler transmission is self contained having an oil core which is in turn cooled by the engine pressure system and oil supply completely water Paragon transmissions are fUIllihed separated from engine lubricating oil systems with either direct drive or reduction gear Gear reduction ratios and correspondlng Translllission oil under pressure is used to model identification numbers are listed in engage a forward or reverse drive The for Section I under SPECIFICATIONS III INSTALLATION 4 Install and tighten four bolts with lock washers through the transmssion A The installation instructions below are for housing flange into the engine adnpteI use when the original transmission has been plate Remove the 312 studs Install removed for servicing and must be re and tighten the two remaining bolts installed or when the transmission unit with lockwashers through the t rans is to be adapted as nonoriginal eqUip mission housing flange ment to a marine engine D The transmission and propeller shall ClU B It is important that the engine and trans pling must be carefully aligned before the mission rotatio1s are matched The direc propeller shaft is connected to the trans tion of rotation of an engine is defined in mission in order to avoid vibration dnd this manual as the direction of rotation consequent damage to the transmission of the engine crankshaft as viewed from the engine and boat hull during operation output end of the transmission A clock To align the coupling move the proptlier wise rotation of the engine is a right hand shaft with attached coupling flange vard rotation and a rotation of the transmission so that the faces f the the engine is a left hand rotation propeller shaft coupling flange tnd Lrans miSSion shaft coupling fhnge are in con A letter R or L appearing on the tact The coupling flange faces should be transmisSion serial number plate illus in contact throughout their entire circum trated in Section I SPECIFICA TIOS ference The total runout or gap hetweell indicates whether the transmission is for the faces should not exceed 002 at any use with a right or left hand rotating point If the runout exceeds 002 repOSi engine tion the engine and attached transmission by loosening the engine support bolts and C The hydraulic transmission is attached to adding or removing shims to raise or cer the engine in the following manner either end of the engine If necessary move the engine sideways to adjust the 1 Insert two 312 studs in opposite runout or to align the coupling flange transmission mounting holes in the faces laterally Tighten the engine SUflport engine adapter plate bolts and recheck the alignment of the coupling before bolting the coupling flanges 2 Place the transmission against the tuds together Connect the coupling flanges with so that the studs go through two f the bolts lockwashers and nuts matching holes in the transrnisGion E Connect the oil cooler lines to the trans housing flange mission 3 Slide the transmission along the studs F Connect the shift control cable froni the toward the engine so that the spline on cockpit control station to the transmission the shaft at the front ofthe transmission control valve lever shown in Figure on enters the matching splined hole in the page 5 Place the transmission control engine vibration dampener valve lever in the neutral pOSition and S31 adjust the shaft control cable length until or reverse position and should return the cockpit control station hand lever is exactly to the neutral position when the in the neutral position Move the cockpit hand lever is in the neutral position control hand lever to forward and reverse positions several times while observing the G Remove the oil dipstick shown in Figure transmission control valve lever motion on page 5 and fill the transmission with The transmission control valve lever should Type A transmission fluid to the mark on move fully into forward or reverse position the dipstick Replace the dipstick in the when the hand lever is moved into forward transmission housingIV OPERATION Starting Procedure 1 Always start the engine with the trans Principle of Operation mission in NEUTRAL to avoid moving the boat suddenly forward or back The transmission forwud and reverse drives 2 When the engine is first started allow it a re operated by transmission oil under pres to idle for a few moments Stop the engine sure An interned gear type oil pump delivers and check the transmiSSion oil level Add the transmission oil under pressure to the oil if necessary to bring the oil level up external oil cooler The transmission oil is to the mark on the transmission dipstick returned still under pressure to the oil riistrihution tube and relief valve The relief NOTE valve maintains the oil pressure by remaining closed until the oil pressure reaches 60 PSI ON SUBSEQUENT STARTUPS THE When the lntro lever is shiUe to the TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL MAYBE forward position oi I under pressure is de CHECKED BEFORE RUNNING THE livered to the multiple disc clutch piston ENGINE WHEN ENGINE OIL IS which moves to clnnp the clutch discs and CHECKED planeta ry reverse gca r case together The 3 Start the engine again with the transmission ctiscs md case then revolve as a solid cou in NEUTRAL and allow the engine towarm pling in the direction of engine rotation The up to operating temperature reverse drive is engaged by shifting the control lever to thE reVErse posItion so that 4 Shift the transmission into FORWARD or oil under pressure is delivered to the reverse REVERSE as desired If the engine should piston The reverse piston moves to clamp stall when the transmission is shifted to the reverse hand lround the planetary gear FORWAHD or REVERSE place the trans case preventing the planetary gear case mission in NEUTRAL before restarting the Irom moving but allowing the plwetary gears engine to revolve to drive the output or propeller It is recommended that shifting be done at shaft in a di rection opposite to the rotation speeds below 1000 RPM and preferably in of the engine With the control lever in the the 800 RPM or idle engine range to pro neutral positioll pressurized oil is prevented long the life of the engine transmission from entering the clutch pston or reverse and boat EMERG ENCY shifts may be at band piston lnd the propeller shaft remains higher engine speeds but this is not a 5 tt ti on1 ry recommended practiceS32v MAINTENANCE are full If necessary refill to the mark on the dipstick to ensure proper operation Lubricltion of the transmiSSion The transmiSSion oil level should be checked each ti me the engine The llodels P200 P300 and P400 trans oil level is checked before running the missions are selfcontained units indepen engine dent of the engine lubricating systems The units are lubricated by pressure and by The oil in the transmission should be splash from its own oil The type of oil changed every 100 hours or each season recommended is Transmission Fluid under normal conditions However the Type commonly used for automatic number of hours that can be run between transmissions in automobiles oil changes varies with the operating condi tions Drain plugs are located at the The quantity of oil depends upon the angle bottom of the reverse gear housing and the of installation as well as the reduction reduction gear housing model The level must be mnintained at the mark on the dipstick clOd should be checked periodically to ensure satisfac B Adjustments tory operation No adjustment is necessary for the FOR When tilling for the first time or refilling WARD drive multiple disc clutches and the after nn oil chnnge check the level after reverse band is self adjusting to compen running for a few minutes to make certain sate for lining wear so that no external thn the oil cooler and the various passages reverse band adjustment is necessary OIL DIPSTICK OIL BREATHER OIL COOLER RETURN OIL TO COOLER COUPLING FLANGEC Trouble Shooting Chart S33 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES AND METHODS OF CORRECTIONlEAR INOPERATIVE Drive Shaft does not operate with selector valve in forward 1 Low Oil Pressure a Low oil supply Add oil refer to or reverse lubrication b Faulty oil gauge Replace gauge Oil gauge slow to register air or obstruction in oil gauge line Clean and bleed oil gauge line c Plugged oil lines 01 passages Clean lines or passages d Oil pressure relief valve scored and sticking Remove relief valve Clean valve and valve bore in control valve housing with crocus cloth to free valve or replace e Defective pistons and oil distributor seal rings Replace seal rings f Defective oil pump Check for wear and replace if necessary 2 High Oil Temperature a Low oil supply Add oil refer to lubrication b Low water level in cooling system Add vater and check for leaks c Plugged raw water inlet screen Clean screen d Collapsed or disintegrated water inlet hose Replace hose e Air leak in cooling water suction line Heplace suction line f Raw water pump impeller worn or damaged Replace impeller g Clogged or dirty 011 cooler element Remove and clean 3 Reverse Band not engaging Planetary a Reverse band lining worn out Gear Cage Replace lining b Defective reverse piston 0 ring Heplace 0 ring 4 Failure of Planetary Remove gear case assembly and check Assembly for defective or damaged parts Replace defective or damaged parts 5 Failure of Reduction Hemove reduction gear assembly and Gear check for defective or bmaged partsI Heplace defective or Jamaged parts IS34 PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSES AND METHODS OF CORRECTIONGEAR DRAGGING Drive Shaft rotates either forward or reverse with Forward clutch plates warped and Selector Valve in neutral 1 Defective forward sticking Remove clutch plates and pOSition Clutch Plates replace 2 Defective forward Forward clutch piston release spring Clutch Piston Release broken or weak Replace spring Spring 3 Binding in Planetary a Bearings and gears worn excessively Assembly in gear case Replace necessary parts b Input shaft bearings worn excessively causing misalignment of input shaft Replace necessary partsGEAR SLIPPING OR SLOW TOENGAGE With Selector Valve in forward or reverse pOSition 1 Low Oil Pressure See Gear Inoperative 1 2 Worn forward Clutch Remove forward clutch plates and check Plates for wear excessively replace clutch plates 3 Reverse Band not See Gear Inoperative 3 engaging Gear CaseINTERNAL AND EXTERNALLEAKS 1 Water in Lubricating a Hole in oil cooler element permitting Oil water to seep into oil compartment Replace oil cooler element b Oil cooler gaskets Check gaskets and replace 2 Excessive Oil in Engine Crankcase or Defective front end plate oil seal Flywheel Housing Replace oil seal 3 Oil on Exterior of Marine Gear a Oil seeping from breather Check for too high oil level b Defective rear end oil seal Replace oil seal 4 Loss of Oil from Transmission a Check for defective gaskets and seal SJ WARNER HYDRAULICDES CRIPTION be shifted to the point where it covers VVesterbeke Four107 the letter F on the case casting andEngines are also furnished with VVarner is located in its proper position by thehydraulic direct drive and reduction poppet ball The VVarranty is cancelledgear assemblies if the shift lever poppet spring and or ball is permanently removed or if theThe direct drive transmission consists control lever is changed in any mannerof a planetary gear set a forward or repositioned or if linkage betweenclutch a reverse clutch an oil pump remote control and transmission shiftand a pressure regulator and rotary lever does not have sufficient travel incontrol valve All of these are con both directions This does not apply totained in a cast iron housing along with transmissions equipped with shafts and connectors to Gear electrical shift controlprovide forward reverse and A direct drive ratio is used LUBRICATIONfor all forward operation In reverse The properties of the oil used in thethe speed of the output shaft is equal toinput shaft speed but in the opposite transmis sion are extremely Helical gearing is used to to the proper function of the quieter operation than can be system Therefore it is extremely important that the recommended oilobtained with spur gearing automatic transmission fluid A TFOil pressure is provided by the cres Type A be usedcent type pump the drive gear ofwhich is keyed to the drive shaft and PROCEDURE FOR at transmission input speed TRANSMISSION WITH OILto provide screened oil to the pressure VVhen filling the transmission oilregulator should be added until it reaches theFrom the regulator valve the oil is full mark on the dipstick The quandirected through the proper circuits tity of oil depends upon the angle ofto the bushings and antifriction bear the installation The unit should beings requiring lubrication A flow of turned over at engine idle speed for alubricant is present at the required short time in order to fill all circuitsparts whenever the front pump is turn including the cooler and cooler pipinging and it should be noted that supplyis positive in forward neutral and PROCEDURE FOR CHECKING OILreverse conditions LEVELThe unit has seals to prevent escape The oil level should be checked imof oil mediately after shutting off engine and sufficient oil added to again bring theBoth the input and output shafts are transmission oil level to the full markcoaxial with the input shaft splined on the dipstick assembly The dipstickfor the installation of a drive damper assembly need not be threaded into theand the output shaft provided with a case to determine the oil level Itflange for connecting to the propeller need only be inserted into the caseshaft until the cap or plug rests on the sur face surrounding the oil filler holeCONTROL LEVER POSITION The transmission should be checkedThe position of the control lever on periodically to assure proper oil when in forward should and oil should he added if necessaryS36 CHANGING OIL It is recommended that the transmis sion oil be changed once each season After draining oil from the unit the removable oil screen should be thoroughly cleaned before refilling the transmission with the recom mended oil A TF Type A REDUCTION GEAR BOX The reduction gear box operates in conjunction with the direct drive unit The reduction gear box consists of a planetary gear set which reduces the input revolutions to a fixed ratio It is recommended that all installa tions using a reduction gear have a suitable locking device or brake to prevent rotation of the propeller shaft when the boat is not under direct pro pulsion If the marine gear is not in operation and the forward motion of the boat causes the propeller shaft to rotate lubricating oil will not be cir culated through the gear because the oil pump is not in operation Over heating and damage to the marine gear may result unless rotation of the pro peller shaft is prevented Except in an emergency shift from forward to reverse drive through neutral at engine speeds below 1000 rpm to prevent damage to the engine or marine gear 541 SHORT PROFILE SAILING GEAR1 Description11 Brief description The Short Profile Sailing Gears are equipped with a positively driven mechanically operated helical gearing system The servooperated multipledisc clutch requires only minimum effort for gear changing making the transmission suitable for singlelever remote control via a rod linkage Morse or Bowden cable The torque transmission capacity of the clutch is exactly rated preventing shock loads from exceeding a predetermined value and thus ensuring maximum protection of the engine The transmission units are characterized by low weight and small overall dimensions The gearbox castings are made of a high strength aluminum alloy chromized for improved sea water resistance and optimum adhesion of paint The transmissions are Maintenance is restricted to oil level checks see Maintenance AIR VENT HOLES42 12 Gear casing The rotating parts of the HBW transmission are accomodated in an oiltight casing divided into two halves in the plane of the vertical axis Amply dimensioned cool ing ribs ensure good heat dissipation and mechanical rigidity An oil filler screw with dipstick and an oil drain plug are screwed into the gear casing The filler screw is provided with a breather hole The shaft for actuating the mUltipledisc clutch extends through a cover on the side of the gear casing 13 Gear sets The transmission is equipped with shaved casehardeneo helical gears made of forged lowcarbon alloy steel The multispline driving shaft connecting the trans mission with the engine is hardened as well The driven shaft propeller side of the transmission is fitted with a forged coupling flange 54314 Multipledisc clutch including operation power train The engine torque is applied to the input shaft 36 in the specified direction of rotation and in shifting position A see item 12 via gear 44 the frictionally engaged clutch discs 51 and 52 to the external disc carrier 57 and from there via the guide sleeve 59 to the output shaft 66 I n shifting position B see item 12 the torque is transm itted from the input shaft 36 via intermediate gear 26 gear 65 clutch discs 51 and 52 to the external disc carrier 57 the guide sleeve 59 and the output shaft 66 Function The transmission uses a positively driven mechanically operated multipledisc clutch system mounted on the output shaft The thrust force required for obtaining positive frictional engagement between the clutch discs is provided by a servo system This essentially comprises a number of balls which by the rotary movement of the external disc carrier are urged against inclined surfaces provided in pockets between the guide sleeve and the external disc carrier and in this manner exert axial pressure The thrust force and as a result the transmittable friction torque are thus proportional to the input torque applied Due to the cup springs 48 supporting the clutch disc stack and a limita tion of the range of axial travel of the external disc carrier 57 the thrust force cannot exceed a predetermined value so that the torque transmission capacity of the clutch is limited The actuating sleeve 60 is held in the middle position by springloaded pins To initiate the shifting operation the actuating sleeve 60 need merely be displaced axially by a shifting fork until the arresting force has been overcome Then the actuating sleeve 60 is moved automatically by the springloaded pins while the external disc carrier which follows this movement is rotated by the frictional forces exerted by the clutch discs and the shifting operation is completed as de scribed above Input 36 Output544 15 Shaft bearings Both the input and the output shafts are carried in amply dimensioned taper roller bearings The intermediate gear and the movable gears are carried in sturdy needle roller bearings 1 6 Shaft seals External sealing of the input and output shafts is provided by radial sealing rings The running surfaces on the shafts are casehardened 17 Lubrication The transmissions are The bearings are generously supplied with splash oil and oil mist 5452 Installation21 Delivery condition For safety reasons the gearbox is NOT filled with oil for shipment The actuating lever is mounted on the actuating shaft Before leaving the factory each transm ission is subjected to a test run with the prescribed ATF oil The residual oil remaining in the transmission after draining acts as a preservative and provides reliable protection against corrosion for at least 1 year if the units are properly stored22 Painting the gearbox Before painting the gearbox take care to remove any oil films by means of suit able agents eg HST safety cleansing fluid Always cover the running surfaces and sealing lips of the radial sealing rings on both shafts before painting Make certain that the breather hole on the oil filler screw is not closed by the paint Indicating plates should remain clearly legible23 Connection of gearbox with engine A torsioelastic damping plate between the engine and the transmission is to compensate for minor alignment errors and to protect the input shaft from external forces and loads Radial play should be at least OSmm24 Suspension of enginegearbox assembly in the boat To protect the gearbox from detrimental stresses and loads provision should be made for elastic suspension of the enginegearbox assembly in the boat or craft The oil drain plug of the gearbox should be conveniently accessible25 Position of gearbox in the boat The inclination of the gearbox unit in the direction of the shafts should not per manently exceed an angle of 20 degrees see illustration The gearbox can also be mounted with the output shaft in the upward position I nterchange the oil dipstick and the oil drain plug in this case546 26 Operation of gearbox Gear changing requires only minimum effort The gearbox is suitable for single lever remote control Upon loosening the retaining screw the actuating lever see illustration can be moved to any position required for the control elements cable or rod linkage Make certain that the lever does not contact the actuating lever cover plate 9 the minimum distance between lever and cover should be 05 mm The control cable or rod should be arranged at right angles to the actuating lever in the neutral position of the lever The shifting travel as measured at the pivot point of the actuating lever between the neutral position and end positions A and B should be at least 35 mm for the outer and 30 mm for the inner pivot point A larger amount of lever travel is in no way detrimetal However if the lever travel is shorter proper gear engagement might be impeded which in turn would mean premature wear excessive heat generation and result ing damage o Minimum shifting movement 35 35 for Bowden cable Clamping screw to be tightened to torque of 18 Nm Oil drain plug 547 Oil dipstick and oil filler screw 17 mm width across flats A B Min distance of actuating lever 05 mm The position of the cover plate underneath the actuating lever is to ensure equal lever travel from neutral position to A and B When installing the gearbox make certain that shifting is not impeded eg by restricted movability of the Bowden cable or rod linkage by unsuitably positioned guide sheaves too small bending radius etc27 Enginegearbox compartment Care should be taken that the enginegearbox compartment is properly ventilated3 Operation31 I nitial operation Fill the gearbox with oil of the recommended grade see items 41 and 42 The oil level should be the index mark on the dipstick see illustration Casi ng su rface Dipstick Correct readings up to Oil level 20 0 inclination in direction of shafts JrI1AATTFTypeA or Dexron II To check the oil level just insert the dipstick do not screw in Retighten the hex screw with the dipstick after the oil level check548 32 Operating temperature The max permissible temperature of the transmission oil is 130 0C 33 Operation of gearbox Shifting is initiated by a cable or rod linkage via the actuating lever and an actuat ing cam The completion of the gear changing operation is automatic and cannot be influenced by external control The actuating lever is mounted on an actuating shaft and fixed by means of a retaining screw Gear changing should be smooth not too slow and continuous without inter ruption The multipledisc clutch permits gear changing at high engine rpm in cluding sudden reversing at top speeds in the event of danger 34 Operation without load Rotation of the propeller without load eg while the boat is sailing being towed or anchored in a river as well as idling of the engine with the propeller stopped will have no detrimental effects on the gearbox Locking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake is not required since lock ing is possible by engaging the reverse gear 35 Layup periods If the transmission is not used for periods of more than 1 year it should be com pletely filled with oil of the same grade to prevent corrosion Protect the input shaft and the output flange by means of an anticorrosive coating if required 36 Preparation for reuse Drain the transmission of all oil and refill to the proper level with the prescribed oil S494 Maintenance41 Transmission oil To ensure troublefree operation of the clutch only use oil of the recommended type Under no circumstances should the oil contain any additives such as molybdenum sulphite We recommend commercial Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF Type A or Dexron II42 Oil quantity HBW 5 approx 04 Itr HBW 10 approx 06 Itr H BW 20 approx 08 Itr Use the index mark on the dipstick as a reference43 Oil level checks Check the oil level in the transmission daily Correct oil level is the index mark on the dipstick see item 31 Always use the same oil grade when topping up44 Oil change Change the oil for the first time after about 25 hours of operation then at inter vals of at least 1 year45 Checking the Bowden cable or rod linkage The Bowden cable or rod linkage should be checked at shorter time intervals The minimum lever travel from the neutral position to operating positions OA OB should be 35 mm for the outer and 30 mm for the inner pivot point Make certain that these minimum values are safely reached Check the cable or rod linkage for easy movability see item 2946 OlERHAUL Disassembly of the transmission in the field is not recom mended If an overhaul or repair is needed the work should be done by Westerbeke or an authorized Westerbeke service center SECTION T GENERATOR SETSCONTENTS PAGEControls Manual Starter Disconnect Toggle Switches T12 Manual Starter Disconnect Rotary Switch T2Starter Disconnect By two Air Switches and one Time Delay Relay T8 By two Air Switches and two Time Delay Relays Tll By Air Switches or Alternator T14 By Alternator Output On 1y T 17 By DC Battery Charge Generator T20 By Centrifugal Speed Switch T23Auxiliary Charging and Cranking 14indings T25Type JC Generator Revolving Field T29Dynamomi tor T 40Type YO Generator T 45 T12 MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCHES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1 olr1fl Cl1 1PD Tr WI RI NG DIAGRAM SEE NOTE WT5NDEFI e FUEL SOL SNOnOPSENOER tl PREHEATER o REHEAT SOL PUR 12 01 L PRESSURE SWITCH REMOTE CONTROL PANELIUAR VIEW T13 MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE manually controlled series of Westerbeke marine diesel generatorsis equipped with toggle switches on the engine control panel andoptionally at remote panels The following instructions and methodsof correcting minor problems apply only to such toggle switch controlsAll three switches are momentary contact type and serve the 1 Preheat The PREHEATDEFEAT toggle switch is a double pole single throw switch The switch serves two purposes pre heating the engine for easy starting and defeating or by passing the engine protective oil pressure switch The defeat function turns on the fuel solenoid instrument power and alternator excitation 2 Start The STARTDEFEAT toggle switch is a double pole single throw switch The switch also serves two purposes starting the engine and defeating or bypassing the oil pressure switch The latter pole serves the same function as in the preheat switch 3 Stop The STOP toggle switch is a single pole single throw normally closed switch This switch provides power to the fuel solenoid instrument cluster and alternator excitation after the oil pressure switch has closed upon starting Opening of this switch opens the power circuit to the fuel solenoid thus stopping the flow of fuel to the engine and stopping the engineENGINE OPERATION 1 Preheat Depress the PREHEAT switch The voltmeter panel lights gauges and meters and fuel solenoid will activate The PREHEAT switch should be depressed for twenty seconds in conjunction with thermostarts installed in intake manifold and forty to sixty seconds in conjunction with glowplugs Start While still depressing the PREHEAT switch depress the START switch This will engage the start solenoid Panel power and the fuel solenoid will be activated Upon engine firing release the start switch Do not release the PREHEAT switch until oil pressure reaches 15 psi Then as long as the high water temperature and low oil pressure pro tective circuit does not activate the set will remain energized and continue to run 3 Depress the STOP switch to stop the engine This opens the power feed to the fuel solenoid stopping the fuel flow to the engine It must be depressed until the generator stops rotatingT14 REMOTE ENGINE 6PERATION For remote operation of the generator system the same three switches are used The PREHEAT START switches are connected in parallel with the local panel switches and serve the same functions as in the the local panel The STOP switch is in series with the local panel STOP switch and serves the same functions as in the local panel The generator may be stopped from local or remote positions AC GENERATORS Once the diesel generator sets have been placed in operation there is little or no control adjustment required by the AC Generator When starting the generator it is always a good plan to switch off all AC loads especially large motors until the engine has come up to speed and in cold climates starts to warm up These precautions will prevent damage by unanticipated operation of AC machinery and prevent a cold engine from being stalled OVERSPEED If equipped with this option If the engine governor loses control and the engine speed accelerates a relay is actuated that deenergizes the fuel solenoid and stops the engine A red light on the panel illuminates and remains lighted To extinguish the light reset the overspeed relay by depressing the engine STOP switch When the reason for the overs peed shutdown is corrected the engine is ready to be restarted T15 TROUBLESHOOTI NG MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE PROTECTIONThe engine control system is protected by a 20 Amp manual reset circuitbreaker located on the engine as close as possible to the power sourceAn additional circuit breaker is located at the fuel solenoid PIN 23041when this solenoid is used This solenoid is not used on WTO as injection pump has solenoid includedManual control toggle switch of Trouble Probable Cause Verification1 Preheat depressed a Battery switch 1 Check switch andlorno panel indications or power not on battery solenoid not b 20 AMP circuit 1 Reset breaker if opensenergized breaker tripped again check preheat solenoid circuit and run circuit for shorts to ground2 Start depressed a Battery switch 1 Check switch andlorno panel indications or power not on battery solenoid notenergized Start b 20 amp circuit 1 Reset breaker If opensolenoid not engaged breaker tripped again check start solen oid circuit and run circuit for shorts to ground3 Start depressedpane1 a Fuel solenoid 1 Check mechanical OK Start PIN 23041 circuit tioning of fuel OK Fuel solen breaker tripped for plunger bottomingoid not functioning 2 Reset breaker and repeat start cycle 3 If repeated tripping check for defective breaker fuel solenoid4 No ignitioncranks a Faulty fueling 1 Check for fuel todoesnt start Fuel system generator systemsolenoid energized 2 Check for air in fuel system bleed system 3 Fuel lift pump failure5 Failure to stop a Fuel solenoid 1 Stop engine by freeing PIN 23041 fuel pump lever That return spring failing shut off fuel check fuel solenoid link age and repair for free movement b Stop switch 1 Disconnect power leads fail ure thru stop switch Test switch for proper opera tion by continuity test c Fuel injection 1 Stop engine with fuel pump failure line shut off T166 Engine stops a Low oil pressure 1 Check oil fresh water or overheated and sea water cooling b Low oil pressure 1 Check for satisfactory swi tch fails to operation with switch close bypassed c High water tempera 1 Same as above ture switch open at too low a temperature d Switch and wiring 1 Inspect all wiring for loose connections and short circuits7 Not charging a Alternator drive 1 Check drivebelt and its battery tension Be sure alter nator turns freely Check for loose connec tions b Regular unit and 1 With engine running alternator momentarily connect B CMA series only to field A good alterna tor will produce a high charge 50 amps If no res pons rep 1ace alternator Check for shorting of al ternator output connections to ground8 Battery runs down a Oil pressure switch 1 Observe if gauges and panel light are on when engine is not running Test the nor mally open oil pressure switch by disconnecting one lead If lights go out re place oil pressure switch b High resistance leak 1 Check wiring Insert sen to ground sitive 025 amp meter in battery lines Do not start engine Remove con nections and replace until short is located c Low resistance leak 1 Check all wires for tem to ground perature rise to locate fault d Alternator 1 Disconnect alternator at output after a good bat tery charging If leakage stops replace alternator protective diode plate That failing replace alter natorT2 Generator Set Controls MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT ROTARY SWITCH 1020 KW SATTERY 12VDC BATTERY RETURN STARTER MOTOR START SOL RELAY 1 eJ AMP h OUT FUSE lOA ALTERNATOR SLOW BLOW WITH SUPPRESSORS PANEL AMP CROUND I I m o MANUAL SWITCH WTS I OPs I l 1 VZ 91 I TBI I RUN Z I LI GHT h IIt HOUR METER 2 I 33JtIW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 ICO I I 3 SUPPRESION I I I DIODE I I I I I I START SOL RELAY I I I I 8 OPSW I I l 16 PREHEAT RELAY I I I L J REMOTE STATION OPTIONAL Drawing 15123 T3 MANUAL CONTROL The Manual Control series of Westerbeke marine diesel generatorsis equipped with a bar handle rotary control switch on the engine paneland optionally at a remote panel The following instructions and methodsof correcting minor problems apply to the following manual control REFERENCE DIAGRAMSWPDS 100 Four107JC 15123 15687WPDS 125 Four107JC 15123 15687WPDS 150 Four107JC 15123 15687WPDS 200 Four154JC 15123 15687WPDS 300 Four230UR 15227 15555WPDS 450 Six346UR 15227 15555The five rotary switch positions on the panel and on the remote panel aremarked to indicate the functional state of the control circuit1 SAFETY The 12 volt DC power to control circuit is interrupted wheneither the panel or remote switch is in the SAFETY position Its purposeis to positively shut down the set from either station A running engine willstop and cannot be restarted when either switc is in SAFETY Turn panel switchto SAFETY when servicing engine to prevent an attempted startup at the remotestation2 OFF The normal stopping position is OFF When a remote panel is the usualstation from which the generator is operated the engine panel switch is leftin the OFF position which allows full control by the remote switch3 RUN The normal operating position When the set is running a red lightemitting diode LED is illuminated above the RUN position on the remote panelThis s a warning to operators not to engage the starter on a running engine4 DP CIRCUIT DEFEAT momemtary spring return When the set is not runningthe low oil pressure shutdown switch is open preventing the fuel solenoid fromoperating The DEFEAT position provides direct energization of the fuel solenoidat full battery voltage by bypassing the oil pressure switch In addition the instrument panel independently of the oil pressure switch an oilpressure switch provides power to the panel when the engine is running Thetemperature gauge may be checked without starting the engine by use of this switchposition At the remote panel the LED is illuminated when either panel or remoteswitch is positioned to DEFEAT This checks the RUN light and more that there is sufficient charge in the batteries to crank the engines START momentary spring return This position energizes the cranking motorthrough a solenoid relay The bypass and LED connections activated by the DEFEATposition are maintained in the START position When ignition occurs the startingmotor is disengaged by releasing the switch from the START position At the remotestation the LED is extinguished by the drop in system voltage as the crank motoris engaged Relighting of the LED signifies that ignition has occurredT4 ENGINE OPERATION 1 STARTING AT THE ENGINE PANEL Installations with remote stations must set the remote switch to OFF A Turn switch to DEFEAT and pause to allow the fuel solenoid to operate Check panel lights and instruments for appropriate indications and the hour meter blinking The ammeter shows a momentary large discharge and a small sustained discharge depending on the use of preheaters Preheat twenty seconds in the DEFEAJ position on Model IPDS 20 B Turn the switch from DEFEAT to START and hold there while the engine cranks When engine ignition occurs allow the switch to return to DEFEAT and hold until the oil pressure indicator rises Then release to the RUN position 2 STARTING AT THE REMOTE PANEL Check that the LED is not illuminated due to the engine already running A The egine mounted switch must be on OFF B Turn the switch to DEFEAT and hold Verify that LED illuminates Hod briefly for fuel solenoid engagement to occur On Model WPDS 20 which is preheated hold DEFEAT twenty sonds C Turn the switch to START Observe that LED extinguishes momentarily When LED again flares up brightly ignition has occurred Release to DEFEAT holding there sufficiently long for the oil pressure to rise Then release the switch to RUN 3 SHUT OFF To shut the engine off simply turn the switch to OFF or SAFETY When there is a remote panel shut off requires that both switches be in the OFF position or either switch be placed in the SAFETY position AC GENERATORS Once the diesel generator sets have been placed in operation there is little or no control adjustment required by the AC Generator When starting the generator it is always a good plan to switch off all AC loads esoecially large motors until the engine has come up to speed and in cold climaes starts to warm up These precautions will prevent damage by unanticipated operatio of AC machinery and prevent a cold engine from being s tall ed SPECIAL CONTROLS ON WPDS 30 AND WPDS 45 The engine panels on these generators have four additional features 1 OVERSPEED If the engine governor loses control and the engine speed ac celerates a relay is actuated that deenergizes the fuel solenoid and stops the engine A red light on the panel illuminates and remains lighted To extinguish the light reset the overspeed relay switch to the OFF or SAFETY condition When the reason for the overspeed shutdown is corrected the engine is ready to be restarted T5 2 FIELD BREAKER The generator automatically monitors its power output A sustained overload or short circuit in the output lines causes the FIELD BREAKER to open This removes the generator excitation and the output ceases The engine will continue to run with no AC output After de termining and correcting the cause of overload the FIELD BREAKER can be reset with the engine still running 3 C VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT This rheostat allows the output voltage to be adjusted a few percent in relative value A second adjustment can be made using a potentiometer mounted on the printed circuit voltage regu lator in the cabinet 4 lOA SLOW BLOW This fuses principle function is the protection of the fuel solenoid which rapidly overheats if its ability to complete its stroke and bottom is impeded A second function is general protection of the 12 volt control wiring against inadvertant overload The set shuts off and gives no indication of panel power in the DEFEAT and START position when the fuse blows Replace only with slow blow 5 ampere fuses The slow blow feature allows the initial solenoid surge currents to pass Permanent damage to the fuel solenoid can result from overfusing MANUAL CONTROL TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTSNature of trouble Probable cause Verification1 No panel A Remote or engine switch 1 Visual check indications or on SAFETY switch response B Engine panel fuse 1 Check replace 5 amp slow blow 2 Repeated blowingcheck for short circuits and fuel solenoid bottoming C Battery 1 Check connections and disconnect switch 2 Jump B to start solenoid coil If cranks battery is OK D Continuity grounding 1 Check voltage point by point or shorted circuits from battery through ammeter Tighten loose connections and locate ny faults2 Doesnt crank A Start solenoid 1 Bypass solenoid with heavy wire panels and If cranks OK start solenoid or voltages are OK coil input at fault B Crank by engine switch 1 Remote cable wire too small for but not hy remote panel length of run Open circuitT6 C Starter jammed 1 Voltage drops and starter motor heats Remove motor Check pinion ring gear and engagement mechan ism Replace as required D Starter engagement 1 Apply voltage to B and S on solenoid and switch starter No response Check starter motor return lines R Both connected to battery3 No ignition A Fuel solenoid 1 Check 12V on terminals at DEFEAT cranks doesnt position Check for free mechani start fueled and cal action Adjust spring and link primed ages Replace solenoid if weak overheating or dead 2 No Voltage Test with bypassed oil pressure switch then bypassed tem perature switch If no voltage check wiring B Overspeed relay 1 Check solenoid return circuit 30 and 45 KW through relay Check relay move ment and contacts 2 A faulty overs peed circuit will hold relay closed Reset with switch and isolate cause C Faulty fueling system 1 See engine maintenance section D Preheat not working 1 Check preheat solenoid relay 20 KW and glowplugs 2 Glowplugs burned out Replace and check pressure switch shut off operati on4 Failure to shut A Fuel solenoid return 1 Stop engine by freeing fuel pump Ym spring lever That failing shut off fuel Check fuel solenoid linkage and repair for free movement B Control circuit or 1 Stop engine by removing fuse sw itch fa i 1ure Locate malfunction by voltage test after removing wire from the start solenoid relay and replacing fuse C Fuel injection pump 1 Stop engine with fuel line shut failure off Repair or replace oump D Major engine fault 1 Stop engine with fuel line cutoff That failing plug air inlet with rags Put maximum load on genera tor to attempt to stall engine T7 Engi ne stops A Low oil pressure or 1 Check oil fresh water and sea in RUN overheated water cooling B Low oi 1 pressure switch 1 Check for satisfactory operation fails to close with switch bypassed C High water temperature 1 Same as above switch open at too low a temperature O Switch and wiring 1 Inspect all wlrlng for loose con nections and short circuits6 Not charging A Alternator drive 1 Check drivebelt and its tension battery Be sure alternator turns freely Check for loose connections B Regulator unit and 1 With engine running momentarily alternator connect B to field A good alter nator will produce a high charge 50 amps If no response replace alternator Check for shorting of alternator output connections to ground7 Battery runs A Oil pressure switch 1 Observe if gauges and panel light down are on when engine is not running Test the normally open oil pressure switch by disconnecting one lead If lights go out replace oil pres sure switch B High resistance leak 1 Check wiring Insert sensitive to ground 025 amp meter in battery lines Do not start engine Remove con nections and replace until short is located C Low resistance leak 1 Check all wires for temperature to ground rise to locate fault O Alternator 1 Oisconnect alternator at output after a good battery charging If leakage stops replace alternator protective diode plate That fail ing replace alternatorT8 B BATT B t111t 51 RETE SWI 0 0 ON N5T LAMPS OFF AUTO 5W2 j GENERATOR CONTROL Tilting Panel Start disconnect by two air switches TOI Single glass enclosed time delay relay RI CRZ DRAWING NO 16619 CRI TD T9 START DISCONNECT BY TWO AIR SWITCHES Single Glass Enclosed Time Delay Relay T0 start generator from the local position throw switch 6 to ON To start it from the remote position throw switch 7 to ON Switch 6 must then be in the AUTO Dosition This applies B Pas to the instruments the time delay coil TO through CRl NC the start solenoid coil through CRl NC and then the tWIJ air slflitches in series normally closed contacts to B Neg return the time delay coil TO through CRlNC and the fuel solenoid through CR2NC2 To stop return switch 6 to OFF or open 7 if control is AUTO Always leave a nonrunning set with switch in the OFF SET STARTS1 hen the set starts and runs both air switches operate immediately discon necting the start solenoid even if only one operates the solenoid would disconnect Aftrr 2pxiately 20 seconds after either switch 6 or 7 is closed TO imes out 6nd closes energizing relay CR which locks itself up through contacts CRlNO When CR operates the fuel solenoid then gets holding current through resistor Rl the oil pressure and water temperature 5witch2S the norally open contacts of both air switched which are closed hile the set is oating and through contacts CR2NO An oil rsssure sr waJ temerature failure will shut down the set and it will not restart since CRlNC and CR2NC are locked To restart from an oil pressure or wasr tmperature shut down throw switch 6 or 7 to the OFF position momentar ily which releases relay CR and then back to the ON position1 After apJroximatly 30 seconds TO ties out as before and closes ener gizing and locking up relay CR as above CRlNC opens immediately drop ino out the start solenoid Sinc the air switched have not closed the uet solenoid is deenergized by the ooening of contact CR2NC To restart the generator after it has been shut down by the cranking limited turn switch 6 or 7 momentarily to the OFF position thereby dropping out relay CR Tventy seconds or less after last cranking has stopped TO Jill cool sufficiently to allow a restart attempt by putting switch 6 or 7 in the ON position TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS 16619NATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION1 ENGINE ONIT CRANK DEFECTIVE START SOLE PLACE 12 VOLTS ON COIL OF SOL NOlO ENOID IF ENGINE CRANKS TROUBLE IS IN CONTROL PANEL IF IT IJON1T CRANK PUT B POS ON CONTACT THAT LEADS INTO STARTER IF ENGINE CRANKS TROUBLE IS IN START SOL ENOl D I F ENGINE DOES NOT CRANK STARTER IS DEFECTIVE CR RELAY CHECK CRl NC CONTACTS FOR OPEN CIRCUIT DEFECTIVE AIR SWITCH CHECK AIR SWITCHES FOR OPEN IN THE NC POSITION2 SET RUNS FOR LESS CR2 NO DOESNT CLOSE CHECK TO SEE IF CONTACT CLOSES THAN 30 SECOrj OS AIR StITCHES DEFEC CHECK BOTH TO SEE IF THEY CLOSE AND SHUTS DmN TIVE In SIiITCH DEFECTI VE CHECK FOR OPEN OP SWITCH DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR OPEN RESISTOR Rl DEFECTIVE CHECK RESISTCE 4 OHMS3 SET SHUTS DOJN SAME AS STEP 2 OR CHECK SPRING TENSION INTERMITTENTL Y FUEL SOLENOID DEFECT CHECK ALIGNMENT CHECK SOLENOID llLTERNATOR INT DEFECTIVE REGULATOR lITH GEN OFF CHECK FOR VOLTAGE CHARGE DEFECTIVE ALTERNATOR AT AUXILIARY TERML TO GROUND IF YOU HAVE VOLTAGE THE ISOLATION DIODES ARE SHORTED REPLACE PLACE JUMPER FROM FIELD TERML TO AUX IF JUMPER PROVIDES COR RECT OUTPUT REG IS DEFECTIVE IF NOT BRUSHES OR ROTOR CIRCUIT DEFECTIVE ItJITH ENGINE RUNNING AT FAST IDLE CONNECT VOLTMETER FROM AUX TO GROUND WITH READING OF 150 TO 15 7 VOLTS rOVE VOL TMETE R POS LEAD TO OUTPUT THIS SHOULD BE 8 TO 12 VOLTS LOWER THAN VOLTAGE NOTED AT THE AUX TERML5 jTG DEFECTIVE GAUGE ANDOR SENDER CHECK GAUGE AGAINST A TEST THERMO METER IN SURGE TANK GAUGE SHOULD BE SAME TO 10 F HIGHER CHECK SENDER OPG DEFECTIVE SAME CHECK OP HTH TEST GAUGE AT SENDER TAP7 FUEL SOLENOID TO DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR SHUT DOWN WITH WIRE OVERHEATS REMOVED FROM OP OR WT SWITCH IF NO SHUT DOWN REPLACE TO AND CHECK ITS WIRING FOR BREAKS CR DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR OPEN COIL AND LOW RESISTANCE OF NO CONTACTS lJHEN CLOSED T 11 B BATT B II 551 BLK 0 I I I I I I I I I I GRN I I 0 FU I I RED I I I I YEL REMOTE ON SWI ON INST LAMPS0 SW2 OFF o AUTO OP5 GENERATOR CONTROL T i 1 tin 9 Pan e 1 HMStarter disconnect bytwo open delay relays a 1 RI OP WT CR2 CR2 DRAWING NO l33l3E 10 TTD2 CRI OPERATION 1 To start generator from the local posi tion throw switch 6 to On To start it from the remote position throw switch 7 to On Switch 6 must then be in the Auto position This applies B Pos to the instruments the time delay coil TD through CRl NC the Start Solenoid coil through CRl NC the air switches in series normally closed and also the Fuel Solenoid through CR2 NC ASSUME SET STARTS 1 When the set starts and runs both air switches operate immediately discon necting the start solenoid even if only one operates the solenoid would dis connect 2 After 30 seconds cranking limiter TD times out and closes energizing relay CR which locks itself up thrugh con tacts CRl NO fuen CR operates the fuel solenoid then gets holding current through resistor Rl the oil pressure and water temperature switches the normally open contacts of both air switches which are closed while the set is operating and through contacts CR2 NO An oil pressure or water temper ature failure will shut the set down and it will not restart since CR is locked up To restart set throw switch 6 or In to the Off position momentarily which releases relay CR and then back to the On position ASSUME SET DOES NOT START 1 After 30 seconds cranking limiter TD times out and closes energizing and locking up relay CR as above CRl NC opens immediately dropping out the start solenoid Since the air switches have not closed the fuel solenoid is deenergized by the opening of contact CR2 NC To restart the generator after it has been shut down by the cranking limiter turn switch 6 momen tarily to the Off position thereby dropping out relay CR and then back to the On position T13 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS 13313ENATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION1 ENGINE WONT CRANK DEFECTIVE START SOL PLACE 12 VOLTS ON COIL OR SOL ENOID ENOID IF ENGINE CRANKS TROUBLE IS IN CONTROL PANEL IF IT WONT CRANK PUT BPOS ON CONTACT THAT LEADS INTO STARTER IF ENGINE CRANKS TROUBLE IS IN START SOL ENOID IF ENGINE DOES NOT CRANK STARTER IS DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE CR RELAY CHECK CRI NC CONTACTS FOR OPEN CIRCUIT DEFECTIVE AIR SWITCH CHECK AIR SWITCHES FOR OPEN CIR CUITS TTD2 NC OPEN CIRCUIT CHECK FOR OPEN2 SET RUNS FOR TWO CR DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR OPEN COIL OR SHORTED MINUTES AND SHUTS CONTACT CR2NC DOWN TTDl DEFECTIVE CHECK TTDI3 SET RUNS FOR 30 SECS CR2 NO DOESNT CLOSE CHECK TO SEE IF CONTACT CLOSES THEN STOPS AIR SWITCHES DEFECT CHECK BOTH TO SEE IF THEY CLOSE IVE WT SWITCH DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR OPEN OP SWITCH DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR OPEN RESISTOR Rl DEFECTIVE CHECK RESISTANCE 4 OHMS4 SET SHUTS DOWN IN SAME AS STEP 3 OR CHECK SPRING TENSION TERMITTENTLY FUEL SOLENOID DEFECT CHECK ALIGNMENT CHECK SOLENOID5 ALTERNATOR WONT DEFECTIVE REGULATOR WITH GEN OFF CHECK FOR VOLTAGE CHARGE DEFECTIVE ALTERNATOR AT AUXILIARY TERMINAL TO GROUND IF YOU HAVE VOLTAGE THE ISOLATION DIODES ARE SHORTED REPLACE PLACE JUMPER FROM FIELD TERMINAL TO AUX IF JUMPER PROVIDES COR RECT OUTPUT REG IS DEFECTIVE IF NOT BRUSHES OR ROTOR CIRCUIT DEFECTIVE WITH ENGINE RUNNING AT FAST IDLE CONNECT VOLTMETER FROM AUX TO GROUND WITH READING OF 150 TO 157 VOLTS MOVE VOLTMETER POS LEAD TO OUTPUT THIS SHOULD BE 8 TO 12 VOLTS LOWER THAN VOLT AGE NOTED AT THE AUX TERMINAL6 WTG DEFECTIVE GAUGE CHECK GAUGE SENDER CHECK SENDER7 OPG DEFECTIVE SAME AS STEP 6T148 B 551 CR2 502 CD CL RI 3n sor CRI R2 4n NOTECD ope CD WTG ON SWI PR2 CLl OFF I AUTO REMOTE ON SW2 PR PRI WT AS NOTE CD R2 WAS 10 OHMS WITH OLD FUEL SOLENOID REG 1015 KW WPDS GENERATOR WITH STARTER DISCONNECTED BY AIR SWITCH OR ALTERNATOR OUTPUT DRAWING NO 12868C T15 12868 SBlUBNCE OF OPBRATIONS1 THROW CONrROL SWITCH TO RUN2 CR ENERGIZES3 CR2 NO CLOSES FS AND SS ARE ENERGIZED4 STARTER S IS ENERGIZED5 ENGINE STARTS6 AIR SWITCH CLOSES AT APPROXIMATELY 400rpm A IF ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE AT AUX TERMINAL BUILDS UP BEFORE AIR SWITCH CLOSES SO AND TD ARE ENERGIZED VIA ALT AUX OUTPUT B IF AIR SWITCH CLOSES BEFORE ALT VOLTAGE BUILDS UP SO AND TD ARE BNERGIZED BY BPOS THRU AIR SWITCH7 SD1 N 0 OPENS NOW FS IS HELD IN AT REDUCED CURRENr VIA RESISTOR R2 SO2 NC OPENS DEENERGIZING SS AND DISENGAGING STARTER8 OIL PRESSURE BUILDS UP AND OP OPENS9 TD HEATS AND TD1 CLOSES PR CANNOT DEBNERGIZE CR SO ENGINE CONrlNUES TO RUN10 IF ENGINE FAILS TO START IN APPROXIMATELY 40 SECONDS CRANKING LIMIT HEATS AND CONrACTS OPEN THUS DEENERGIZING CR CR1N0 OPENS AND FUEL SOLBNOID DROPS OOT STOPPING ENGINE RESET CL AFTER APPROX ONE MINUTE IF DESIRED11 LOW OIL PRESSURB OR HIGH WATER TEMP AFTER TD ACroATES APPROX 15 SECONDS ENERGIZES PR THUS DRCPPING OUT CR AND STOPPING ENGINET16 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS 12868 NATURE CF TROOBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 ENGINE WONT CRANK DEFECTIVE START SOLENOID PLACE 12VOLTS ON COIL IF DEFECTIVE REPLACE 2 ENGINE WONT CRANK AIR SWITCH DEFECTIVE DISCONNECT BATTERY AND MAKE BUT SD RELAY PULLS CONrINUITY TEST ACROSS SWITm IN aJTPUT TERM AT ALTER CHECK TWO OUTPUT DIODES FOR NATOR SHORTED TO AUX SHORT PRIMARY RELAY SHORTED mECK PRNO FOR SHORT CRANKING LIMITER POPPED PUSH RESET OPEN CRANKING LIMITER DEFECT CHECK FOR OPEN CIRCUIT IVE CRANKING RELAY DEFECT CHECK COIL IVE 3 ENGINE CRANKS BUT FUEL SOLENOID DEFECTIVE CHECK LINKAGE FOR PROPER ALIGN WONT START MENT THROW SWITCH TO ON AND SEE IF PLUNGER PULLS IN IF NOT CHECK SDl FOR OPEN CHECK FUEL SYSTEM AFTER 30 SECS CL POPS RESET AFTER 1 MIN OUT 4 STARTER KICKS IN AND AIR SWITCH NOT PULLING mECK VANE OUT IN START DI SCONNECT RELAY CHECK RSLA Y IS DEFECTIVE 5 ENGINE RUNS FOR 15 PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT ENGAG CHECK FOR LOW OIL SEC APPROX THEN ING ENGINE WATER TEMPTOO HIGH SHUTS DOWN DEFECTIVE WATER TEMP SWITCH DEFECTIVE OIL SWITCH PRl RELAY CONTACTS SHORTED CHECK FOR LOW WATER 6 ENGINE RUNS STOPS DEFECTIVE FUEL SOLENOID MAY CHECK 0000 BUT WONT BUILD INTERMITTENTLY FOR UP ENOOGH MAGNETISM NO APPARENr REASON THEN ENGINE RESTARTS DEFECTIVE 400M RESIS CHECK RESISTAJICE ITSELF TOR CRANKING RELAY CHECK CONTACT CRINO 7 AMMETER NOT CHARGING DEFECTIVE ALT OR REG CHBCK OUTPUT AT AUXTERML ULATOR PLACE JUMPER FROM AUXTERM L TO FI ELD TERMINAL A IF THERE IS AN OOTPUT SHUT SET DOWN RESTART AND IF STILL CHARGI NG IT I S ALRIGHT IF NOT REGULATOR IS DEFECTIVE B IF THERE IS NO OUTPUT ALTER NATOR IS PROBABLY DEFECTIVE T 178 B PRI WT ALT BL K 4lilUUiIJ3l REG 1015 KW WPDS GENERATOR WITH STARTER DISCONNECTED BY ALTERNATOR OUTPUT ONL Y DRAWINGNO 13795BT18 E22 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS 1 Control SW to ON 2 CR energizes 3 CR2 NO closes FS and 55 are energized cranking limiter is energized Alternator field is energized thru the 75 OHM resistor 4 Starter is energized s Engine starts 6 SO and TO are energized via Alternator auxiliary output 7 501 NC opens Now FS is held in at reduced current via 10 OHM resistor 502 NC opens deenergizing 55 and disengaging the starter 8 Oil pressure builds up and OP opens 9 TO heats and TONO closes PR cannot deenergize CR so engine continues to run 10 If engine fails to start in approx 40 seconds cranking limiter heats and contacts open thus deenergizing CR CRlNO opens and fuel solenoid drops out stopping engine Reset CL after approx 1 minute if desired 11 Low oil pressure or high water temp after TO actuates approx 15 sees energizes PR thus dropping out CR and stopping engine T 19 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTSNATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION1 ENGINE RUNS FOR APPROX PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT A CHECK FOR LOW OIL 15 SECS THEN SHUTS ENGAGING B ENGINE WATER TEMP TOO DOWN HIGH C DEFECTIVE WATER TEMP SWITCH D DEFECTIVE OIL SWITCH E TIME DELAY RELAY SHORTED2 ENGINE RUNS STOPS IN DEFECTIVE FUEL SOLEN MAY CHECK GOOD BUT UNT TERMITTENTLY FOR NO AP OlD BUILD UP ENOUGI RESIDUAL PARENT REASON THEN RE MAGNETISM STARTS ITSELF DEFECTIVE 10 EM RE CHECK RESISTANCE SISTOR CRANKING RELAY CHECK CONTACT CRlNO3 AMMET ER NOT CHARGING DEFECTIVE ALTERNATOR CHECK OUTPUT AT AUXILIARY OR REGULATOR PLACE JUMPER FROM AUXILIARY TERMINAL TO FIELD TBRML A IF THERE IS AN OUTPUT SHUT SET DOWN RESTART AND IF STILL CHARGING ITS ALRIGHT IF NOT DEFECTIVE REGULATOR B IF THERE IS NO OUTPUT YOU PROBABLY HAVE A DEFECTIVE ALTERNATORT20 B B 55 CD G CR2 5D2 CL RI 0 AMP SOl CR I oPs PRo CL SWI SW2 ON REMOTE G AUTO PRI PREHEAT wr SW3 S TO REG 1015 KW WPDS GENERATOR WITH STARTER DISCONNECTED BY DC BATTERY CHARGING GENERATOR DRAWING NO 13742 T21 13742 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS1 Control SW to ON2 CR energizes3 CR2NO closes FS and 55 are energized CL is energized4 Starter is energized5 Epqine starts6 SD and TD are energized via DC generators output7 SD1NC opens Now FS is held in at reduced current via 10 OHM resistor SD2NC opens deenergizing 55 and disengaging the starter8 Oil pressure builds up and OP opens9 TD heats and TDNO closes PR cannot deenergize CR so engine continues to run10 If engine fails to start in approx 40 seconds cranking limiter heats and contacts open thus deenergizing CR CR1NO opens and fuel solenoid drops out stopping engine Reset CR after approx 1 minute if desired11 Low oil pressure or high water temp after TD actuates approxo 15 sees energizes PR thus dropping out CR and stopping engineT22 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS NATURE OF TROOBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 ENGINE RUNS FOR APPROXo PROrBCTIVE CIRCUIT A CHECK FOR LOW OIL 15 SECS THEN SHUTS ENGAGING B ENGINE WATER TEMP TOO DOWN HIGH C DEFECTIVE WATER TEMP SWITCH D DEFECTIVE OIL SWITCH E TIME DELAY RELAY SHORTED 2 ENGINE RUNS STOPS IN DEFECTIVE FUEL SLEN MAY CHECK GOOD BUT NT TERMITTENfLY FOR NO AP 010 BUILD UP ENOOGH RESlLUAL PARENT REASON THBN RE MAGNETISM STARTS ITSELF DBFBTIVE 10 JM RE CHECK RESISTANCE SISTOR CRANKING RELAY CHECK CONfACT CR1NO 3 AMMETER NOT CHARGING DEFECTIVE GENERATOR OR CHECK OOTPUT AT AI REGULATOR A IF THERE IS AN OUTPUT REGULATOR IS PROBABLY DEFECTIVE B IF THERE IS NO OUTPUT YOO PROBABLY HAVE A DEFECTIVE GENERATOR T23 B B SSI 0 CR 2 S02 CL RI N O N C SOl GEN I CD I CD 01 R3 AI CRt R2 NO IOn S SW3 SWI TO SW2 REMOTE Sw G ON AUTO P PRI CLI NC NC 1015 KW WPDS GENERATOR WITH AUXILIARY CHARGING WINDING AND STARTER DISCONNECTED BY CENTRIFUGAL SPEED SWITCH DRAWING NO 13743T24 13743 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 1 SWl switch to on position CR energizes 2 SS and FS energize cranking limiter is energized Starter is en ergized Voltage is fed to meters 3 Engine starts 4 At 400 rpm overspeed switch SW3 closes energizing SD and TD SD2 opens removing voltage from cranking limiter and start solenoid Start er drops out SD1 opens putting a 10ohm resistor in series with the fuel solenoid 5 Generator builds up voltage and charging current is taken from auxiliary winding AI thru diode Dl 6 The TD relay is energized after 15 seconds by which time the oil pres sure has built up opening the low oil pressure switch If oil pres sure becomes low or the water temp too hi the respective switches will close thereby placing a ground on PR which opens PRl removing voltage from CR which opens CR1 CR2 removing voltage from FS PR2 gives PR a permanent ground for shutdown 7 To restart turn control switch to off and start engine If problem has not beea corrected engine will shut off again in 15 seconds e If engine fails to start in approx 40 seconds cranking limiter heats up and contacts open thus deenergizing CR CR1 NO opens and fuel solenoid drops out stopping engine Reset CL after approx one min ute if desired T25 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTSNATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION1 ENGINE WONT CRANK DEFECTIVE STARTER OR PLACE 12 VOLTS ON COIL OF START SOLENOID SSG IF SOLENOID ENERGIZES STARTER IS DEFECTIVE IF SOLENOID DOES NOT ENERGIZE SOLENOID IS DEFECTIVE2 ENGINE WONT START DEFECTIVE FS CHECK FUEL SOLENOID LINKAGE DEFECTIVE SD RELAY CHECK SD1 NC3 ENGINE STARTS BY IT CR2 NO DEFECTIVE CHECK CR2 NO FOR SHORT SELF4 ENG IN E CRANKS START DISCONNECT RELAY CHECK COIL OR SDNC STARTS BUT STARTER DEFECTIVE DOES NOT DISENGAGE SPEED SWITCH DEFECTIVE SEE IF IT CLOSES liEN ENGINE STARTS5 ENGINE CRANKS CR1 NO DEFECTIVE CHECK CnACT STARtS BUT STOPS 10 OHM RESISTOR DEFECT MEASURE RESISTANCE AND RESTARTS IT IVE SBLF FUEL SOLENOID TOO WEAK CHECK SPRING TENSION ON SOL TO PULL ITSELF IN ENOID ARM6 ENGINE RUNS SHUTS PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT ENER CHECK FOR LOW OIL OR HIGH DOWN AFTER 15 SECS GIZED WATER TElIP OIL PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED WATER TEMP SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED PROTECTION RELAY DE CHECK CONTACT PR2 NO FECTIVE7 BATTERY RUNS DOWN IN D1 SHORTED REPLACE A DAY BUT TAKING GOOD CHARGET26 Bt 5 12 VDC EN 3Jl 55 I 014 0 J CD SWI 204 SD oloFF CL Iii AUTOL TO eSC wtfe Mo7e Pi 5W2 C51 01 2 WT5 SI I 55 1015 KW WPD GENERATOR WITH AUXILIARY CHARGING AND CRANKING WINDINGS DRAWING NO 12970 T27 SUEICE OF OPERATIONS1 WITH SWITCH IN ON POSITION THE FUEL SOLE1iOID AND START SOLENOID ARE ENER GIZED PUTTING BATTERY VOLTAGE TO THE GENERATOR STARTER2 ENGINE STARTS3 WHEN THE VOLTAGE BUILDS UP ITS TAPPED OFF AT TERMINAL A AND ENERGIZES THE RELAY4 SD1 OPENS PUTTING A 10 OHM RESISTOR IN SERIES WITH THE FUa SOLENOID SD2 OPENS REMOVING VOLTAGE FROM THE START SOLENOID WHICH DISCONNECTS THE STARTER AND CRANKING LIMITER5 IN TIiE EVENT THE ENGINE WONT START FOR SOME MECHANICAL REASON VOLTAGE IS APPLIED TO THE HEATING ELEMENT OF THE CRANKING LIMITER AND IF NOT REMOVED BY S02 WInUN 30 SECONDS WILL OPEN CONTACT CL SHUTTING DOWN THE SET UNTIL THE RESET IS PUSHED6 THE TD RELAY IS ENERGIZED AFTER 15 SECONDS BY WHICH TIME THE OIL PRESSURE HAS BUILT UP OPENING mE LOW OIL SWITCH IF OIL BECOMES LOW OR THE WATER TEMP TOO HIGH THE RESPOCTIVE SWITCHES WILL CLOSE THEREBY PLACING A GRlJND ON PR WHICH OPENS CONTACT PR2 REMOVING VOLTAGE FROM THE FUEL SOLENOID AND CLOSING PR1 THUS GIVING PR A PERMANENT GROUND FOR SHUT DOWNT28 12970 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS NATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRBCTIVE ACTION 1 ENGINE FAILS TO CRANK CRANKING LIMITER OPEN PRESS RESET SD2 DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR AN OPEN PR2 DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR AN OPEN START SOLENOID DE PLACE 12 VOLTS ON COIL OF FECTIVE START SOLENOID IF SOL ENOID ENERGIZES STARTER STARTER DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE IF IT DOESNT ENERGIZE SOLENOID DE FECTIVE REVERSE CURRENT RELAY CHECK FOR SHORT DEFECTIVE 2 ENGINE CRANKS SD1 IC CHECK FOR AN OPEN WONT START 3 ENGINE STARTS BUT SD RELAY CHOCK COIL CHBK CcfTACTS STARTER STAYS ENGAGED CHARGING RESISTOR R4 CHECK FOR OPEN 4 ENGINE STARTS RUNS FUEL SOLENOID DEFECTIVE CHECK LINKAGE SPRINGPOS THEN STOPS ITSELF SIBLY SOLENOID TOO WEAK THEN RESTARTS 10 CIIM RESI STOR MEASURE RESISTAICE 5 ENGINE RUNS AND SHUTS PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT EN CHECK LOW OIL HIGH WATER DOWN AFTER 15 SECSo ERGIZED TEMP SWITCHES OIL PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED WHEN YOU HAVE PRESSURE WATER TEMP SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED PROTECTIVE RELAY CHECK CONTACT PR1 NO T29 GENERATOR TYPE JC REVOLVING FIELD Iagneciter is the trade name of OKANS These WPDS generating plants use a 4pole static exciter system As the name implies it hasrevolving field generator with static exciter no IilOving parts but uses magnetic amplifiers andMagneciter to excite the field and regulate the rectifiers to supply direct current to the alternaplants ac output tors revolving field and regulate the ac output The generator is mounted to the engine crank Because it is a relatively new deelopment acase through the adapter brief description of the Iagnecjters operation isThe rotor is directly connected by flexible disc given here to aid understanding and repairto the engine flywheel A ball bearing housed inthe generator end bell supports the outboard The 1 agneciter functions as a power supply forcollector ring end of the rotor The end bell is the revolving field and a voltage regulator Byin turn supported by studs through the stator regulating the amount of current to the fieldassembly to the adapter Because of it construc it controls the ac output of the generator Here istion the generator cant be removed from the how it worksengine as a complete unit II AC SlAlOR i OUlPUT The generators ac output is drawn from thestator windings which also supply 120 volts to the static exciter supply RESIDUAL MAGNElISM I OOR STARS ROCESS I MAGJECIlER I I EXCIlER lAND VOLlAGE I REGULAlOR1 o To aid servlcmg and repair all output leadsfrom the generator and connections to the exciterare marked with metal tags The lead and terminal markings are noted on the plant wiringdiagram See this section Fig 4A Schematic Alternator and Exciter BRUSH HOLDER GENERATORni ADAPTER MAGNECITER KEYS COVER BEARING HOUSING COLLECTOR RI NGS Fig 4B Revolving Field Generator Cross Section1 30 current flow in the gate winding Therefore the control regulates the current in the generators field which controls the generators output RECTIFIERS More demagnetizing current in the control 120 V AC FIELD winding less current in the gate winding and TERMINALS generator field and a lower output voltage WIAlOIN CTERS Next we must introduce a regulator so that the current in the control windings will depend on the voltage output of the generator The regulator must allow little or no current flow up to a certain output voltage and a large flow above that vol Fig 4C Power Supply tage That is the purpose of the circuit shown in Fig 4 E This circuit uses rectifiers to allow The circuit shown in Fig 4C is the power the current to flow in only one direction and a supply Its a full wave rectifier made up of 2 control reactor The control reactor is the vol half wave rectifiers and supplies direct current to tage sellsitive control of the regulator Its char the field In order to regulate the generator acteristics are shown in Fig4 F Below the proper output voltage some form of control over the current flowing in the field is necessary Two gate reactors provide this control Fig 4D 120 v AC EMIIIAS CONTROL AC REAC7OR TERM INALS Fig 4E Contrul Circuit FIELO RECTIFIERS WINOING RECTIFIERS Fig 4D Power Supply with Gate Reactors Each gate reactor is a metal doughnut shaped core with 2 windings an output or gate winding and a control winding The amount of current o 50 100 GENERATOR OUTPUT VT4G the reactor allows to flow in the gate winding is dependent on the amount of magnetism in the core The current flow increases the gate Fig 4F Control Reactor opens when there is more magnetism in the ore until finally when the core is saturated the oltage little lllrent flows through the reactor so gate is all the way open the reactor then does not little eurrent flows in the control indings This oppose ell rren t flO Since the rectifiers allow allOn full eurrent to the field windings When current in the gate winding to flow in only direc thE reuetor saturates magnetically it suddenly tion it can ad only to magnetize the core If allos a lot of curren t to flow through the control the magnetism in the eore were decreased this winding redueing the current to the field ind yoldd reduce the current flow through the gate ings This reduees the generators output voltage winding That i the purpose of the control which in turn reduces the current through the winding control reactor and control windings back to the set requirements The regulator then holds When current flows in the control windings it voltage at a preset level determined by the con dcercases the magnetism in the core reducing the trol reactor L 31 2 RACr01f Tff STABILIZING I RSISTOR c Cz GI r iI I I L J l 0 fNPUr C Y 62 Cl 5 L FILD fcALIBRAfEO SHUNT J CAMPING RESIS TOR ILD RCTJL Fig 4G Typical Magneciter Circuit This is the basic circuit but some refinements Replace the brushes when they wear to abouthave been added Compound windings on each 516 long Dont use a substitute brush thatlarge reactor help to retain voltage control may look identical It might have entirely diffthrough changes in load and an output voltage eren t electrical resistor allows adjustment of the outputvoltage by changing the voltage across the controlreactor Fig 4 G41 AdjustDlents OUTPUT VOLTAGE Its possible bymeans of controls in the magneciter to make 8RUsmall changes in the generator output voltage HOLDONT use these controls to increase above the rated voltage ie 120 V 240 V On the 06SX Magneciter an adjustable tappedresistor controls the voltage output It isadjustable over a range of about 5 percent withthe highest voltage when the tap is moved to the L top of the resistor Fig 4H Removing Brushes42 laintenance The generator normally needs little care other 422 Generator Bearing The generathan periodic inspection of the exciter ball bear tor bearing is preIuhricated for life and sealeding collector rings and brushes every 1000 hours It requires no servicing 421 Brushes To examine the brushes 423 Exciter The exciter contains nobrush springs and slip rings remove the exciter moving parts Periodically blowout any dustcover at the rear end of the generator Note that and make certain that all components and connecthe exciter mounts on a hinged plate Remove tions are securethe screws from the right side of the plate andswing the assembly outwara To remove the 424 Collector Rings The collectorbrush holders unscrew the 4 machine screws on rings must be clean and free of scratchesthe end bell near the ballbearing burrs and marks If necessary use No 00 sandT32 paper to clean the surface Never use emery voltage output with the battery connected to cloth or other conducting abrasives Fl and F2 trouble is in the alternator see Sect 432 for testing and repair 43 Testing and Repair If repair work is necessary on the generator it 4312 UnderVoltage Condition Either should be performed by a competent electrician the alternator or Magneciter could be defective who is familiar with operation of electric gener But the defect is probably in the Magneciter so ating equipment check it first using Sect 433 and the Magne citeI chart 431 In the event of abnormal generator output voltage observe 43 1 3 OverVoltage or Fluctuating Vol the following procedures tage If the engine is operating at the correct speed trouble is most likely in the viagneciter 4311 No Voltage Build Up First re See Sect 433 and the Magnectier trouble move the exciter cover and with the plant running shooting chart operate the residual reset button on the Magne citeI 432 Alternator Testing M0 st alternator testing can be performed without dis If output voltage wont build up after pushing assembling the generator the reset button flash the field Connect a voltmeter across the ac output Then run the 4321 Rotor Continuity Tests Remove plant and touch the leads of a 12 volt battery in the brushes so none touches the collector rings series with an 810 ohm current limiting resistor to the excitertobrush leads positive to 1 Using an ohmmeter test for grounding be Fl and negative to F2 If the resistor tween each slip ring and the rotor shaft werent used battery current could destroy the Magneciter rectifiers Watch the voltmeter If 2 Test for short or open circuit in rotor winding voltage builds up to normal the trouble was due by measuring resistance of winding I t should to lost residual in the field If the voltmeter measure between 2 5 and 3 ohms at 70F indicates a low voltage the Magneciter is prob If an accurate ohmmeter isnt available check ably defective see Sect 433 and the Magneciter the rotor for open circuit or grounding with a chart for repair If there is no dc test lamp Fig 4J Fig 41 Flashing the Field See Sect 4311 T33 3 Replace the rotor if it is grounded or has If any windings are shorted opencircuited oran open circuit or short grounded replace the stator assembly Before replacing the assembly check the leads for 4322 Stator Continuity Tests Discon broken wires or insulation and replace any defecnect the generator output leads in the control box tive lead If this does not correct the fault reUse the wiring diagrams in Sect 10 to determine place the assembly It isnt practical to attemptthe output lead coding to rewind a defective stator except in a competent1 U sing either the test lamp or an ohmmeter rewinding shop check each winding of the stator for grounding to the laminations or frame 4323 Battery Charging Winding Tests NOTE Some generators have ground con Remove the lead from the battery polarity re nections to the frame Check the wiring dia connection block to ammeter at the ammeter grams Install a dc voltmeter between the lead and ground At governed engine speed the average dc output should be 7 to 9 volts If the output is defective test for open circuit or grounding in the leads and windings If leads are defective replace them If the winding is defective re place the stator 4324 Collector Rings If the collector rings are grooved outofround pitted or rough so that good brush seating cant he main tained remove the rotor Sect 44 and refinish the rings in a lathe Remove or shield the ball bearing during refinishing TEST LAMP FOR TESTING FOR OPEN CIRCUITS AND GROUNDS 4325 Ballbearing If the ball bearing USE A 3 OR 4 CANDLEPOWER BULB becomes noisy worn or otherwise defective re place it Remove the old ballbearing with a Fig 4J Continuity Test Lamp gear puller and drive or press a new one into place2 Using an accurate ohmmeter test the resis tance of each stator winding Compare the 433 Magneciter Testing and Repair resistances obtained All windings of equal If generating failure is traced to the NIagnecitcl output voltage should indicate about the see the llagneciter chart same resistance An unusually low reading Perform tests on the components with either an indicates a short a high reading an open cir ohmmeter or a 115 volt test lamp Fig 4 K cuit Always isolate the component being tested by If the ohmmeter required for this test isnt removing its leads Before testing make certain available check for open circuits with the test that no part of the Magneoiter is grounded Use lamp the tests in the following sections to determine i v L 25 W4TT SLr r BULB L TPAVSFOKMEK WITH CLIIMPS SEP4R4TE PKIM4RY 4NO SELON04 Rv I f FOR SIIFETY Fig 4K 115V Continuity Test Lamp Use for testing MagneciterT34 whether the components are functioning prop 5 Connect one test lead to the control winding erly Replace any components found defective lead and the other test leads to one of the gate winding leads and observe the bulb 433 1 Reactors Test the control reactor with an ohmmeter using the resistance values in RESULTS the Table of Resistances Fig 4 L Use the 1 Reactor is serviceable if bulb is dark for following method to test each gate reactor steps 3 and 5 but bright for step 4 COTROL LARGE REACTOR fODEL OF REACTOR BUILDUP MAGNECITER C to 31 C to 1 CI to C2 GI to G2 RELAY COIL OGSX1NlB 12 oj 55 66 None Fig 4L Table of Resistances Magneciter 1 Make certain that no part of the Magneciter 2 Reactor is defective if bulb lights with low is grounded intensity for step 3 indicating presence of a short in either gate winding or control wind 2 Isolate the gate winding Gl G2 by discon ing If bulb lights at all during step 5 the necting one lead from its point of connection control and gate winding are shorted to and the con trol winding by disconnecting both gether If bulb fails to light in step 4 there is leads Cl C2 from their points of connection very likely an open circuit in either the gate CAUTION The accuracy and reliability of winding or control winding resistance values depends on the accuracy of the ohmmeter used Reliable readings If any reactor is defective replace it such as found between Gl and G2 cant be 4332 Rectifiers Test each rectifier be accurately read with a multimeter lieved to be defective by isolating it and measuring the resistance first in one direction then in the 3 Connect one test lead to Gland the other to other If the rectifier is operating properly one G2 and observe the light bulb reading will be much higher than the other If the 115 volt test lamp is used first touch the 4 With the test leads still connected to the gate tester probes together and observe the brightness winding leads short across leads C 1 and C 2 and of the bulb Then touch them across the again observe the bulb retifier If the bulb lights brightly or not at all Fig 4M Testing Field Rectifier T35 the rectifier is defective If it lights dimly this 14 Pull the end bell off the Alternator indicates that the rectifier is passing current in only one direction and is functioning properly Replace any rectifier found defective 15 Slide the Stator assembly off of its studs being careful not to drag it heavily along the rotor 4 4 Disassembl y Genera tor Keep the weight supported do not let it rest on rotor which IS now unsupported at bearing 1 Disconnect the battery so the plant wont end accidently start 2 Remove the exciter cover and open exciter This reveals the Hex head of the speed gover nor mechanism and the starter disconnect speed switch 3 Disconnect leads El E2 Fl and F2 4 Remove three 1420 screws that fasten magneciter hinge to end bell and lift magne citer away being careful not to damage speed switch or governor mechanism 5 Remove micro switch from its bracket and disconnect two leads These may be un Fig 4N Removing Rotor soldered from their tabs or the tabs may be unscrewed from the svitch itself 16 Remove eight screws that hold Blower Fan drive disc and rotor to Flywheel Lift out 6 Remove speed switch MicroSwitch Mount rotor ing Bracket from end bell to avoid possibility of damaging it while performing further dis 15 Assembly Generator assembly 1 Reverse procedure for 44 7 Remove speed governor by unscrewing hex 2 CAUTIO When assembling Governor end of its shaft mechanism on armature through stud set up to 25 foot pounds torque and rotate engine Tap the Hex end of Governor 8 Remove four machine screws on the end bell shft until it runs true If allowed to run near the ball bearing and lift out the brush out appreciably the entire assembly may holders Fig 4 H malfunction causing starter motor over speed Starter overspeed may result in 9 Remove lead from the tapped adjustable destruction of the starter motor resistor in the Flywheel housing blower open mg 10 Remove load wires and generator leads from Terminal block 11 Remove screws from control box mounting brackets and lay control box forward out of the way 12 Remove top half of Alternator saddle lift Alternator end free of lower half saddle and block under Flywheel Housing 13 Remove Hex nuts from the rim of the end bell Fig 40 Speed GovernorApply to WPDS sets built before serial numbers ending in A68 or before those WPDS sets built with Battery Charging installing or reconnecting after service 2wire or 240volt 2wire power source Fig 4Pwork be sure all battery connections are securely Use the connection for two wire service whentightened Observe correct Battery Connection one load exceeds the rated capacity See Yiring Diagram on pages 15 16 the load when connected for threewire serviceVoltage Selection on Reconnectible Single Load Connections Refer to the figure 4PPhase Generators New plants are supplied which illustrates the load connection for theas ordered but all WPDS plants may be recon output shown on your plants nameplate Seenected for use as 120240volt 3wire 120volt switchboard instructions here when a switch board is used TIT3 01 UNGROUNDED LOADT3 WIRE BLACK jIIN 0 1111 t WIRE BLACK 0 120 V 01 240 TI T4 ww V z JIjIN GROUNDEDLOAD w GROUNDED LOAD T2 WIRE WHITE n T4 WIRE BLACK JOIN AND ROUND UNGROUNDED LOAD WIRE BLACK 01 t f1 0 111 r 120 V 0 t GROUNDED LOAD WIRE WHITE Z 240 V T2 T3 01 t 0 Ww 120 V t UNGROUNDED LOAD WIRE BLACK 0 T z w C I Phase Reconnecti ble Genrator 60cycle moa1 has code 3 gives 2wire or 3wire service Fig4P i vvwl RES CHARGE liOCONTROL BOX r FF2 r lT A C T l I STATOR J r STATIC n T2 IIECITER 9 U T3 1 I Ea I L i r4 81 CHARGING WINONG 82 Revolving Field3R Reconnectible for 120 240 or 120240 Volt Single Phase Fig 4QInternal Generating Diagram T37 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART 8 REVOLVING FIELD GENERATOR TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYEngine runs but voltage wont Residual magnetism gone See Sect 431 for troublebuild up shooting Dead short in load Inspect load and correct Magneciter defective See 9 Magneciter Open circuit ground or short Test as per Sect 432 Re in revolving field place if necessary Open circuit ground or short Test as per Sect 432 Re in stator place if unsteady but engine Loose connection Clean and tighten not fluctuating Poor brush contact Reseat or replace brushes Clean slip ringsFrequency drops under heavy Low engine power See Chart 1load Engine Poor governor adjustment Adjust engine governor Sect 34Voltage drops under heavy Defective magneciter See Chart 9load little frequency change wont deliver rated Unbalanced load on lines Adjust loadcurrent Defective magneciter See Chart 9 Magneciter Defective field windings Test and replace if overheats Overloaded Reduce load Partial short in load Correct short Poor ventilation Increase ventilation TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE output voltage Incorrect adjustment of out See Section 4 1 put control resistor Engine governor set wrong Check engine speed adjust speed governor Defective Magneciter See Chart 9 in generator Defective bearing Replace Collector rings out of round Turn down in latheT 38 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART 9 Troubles are listed in advancing order from no output voltage to a rated but fluctuating output voltage The relationship between trouble and cause is not always consistent from model to model so the following information must be used as a guide not an absolute rule Before proceeding be sure that connections are in accordance with Figure 4Q NATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Generator will not build up Circuit breaker in off or Reset and close breaker voltage tripped position Open in circuit breaker Stop plant and check breaker continuity No AC power to Magneciter Check AC voltage at EIEz with the plant operating Voltage should be five per cent of the rated voltage If check continuity from EIEz back to the generator Partial loss of residual in With plant operating place Rotor a jumper across GIGZ until voltage begins to buildup then remove Pair of Field Rectifiers either Test rectifiers and replace if 1 4 or 2 3 open defective Both Field Rectifiers 2 and 3 Test rectifiers and replace if shorted defective Output voltage slow to build Either Field Rectifier 2 or 3 Test rectifiers and replace if up Circuit breaker opens in shorted defective about five seconds Output voltage slow to build Either Field Rectifier 1 or 4 Test Rectifier and replace if up and five per cent below shorted defective rated voltage after build up Voltage regulation poorBe cautious when on an operating plant T39 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART 9 Continued NATURE OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONOutput voltage slow to build Open circuit in one or more Test rectifier and replace ifup and higher than rated vol Control Rectifier if defectivetage after build up Check soldered connections to voltage slow to build Open in one Field Rectifier Test rectifiers and replace ifup and ten to twenty per cent if defectiveabove rated voltage after build Open circuit in Gate winding If Field Rectifiers 1 and 2up GIG2 of Recactor A or B check okay check continui ties of Gate windings GIG2Output voltage builds up nor Shorted winding of Control Test Control Reactor andmally but less than rated volt Reactor if defectivetage after build upOutput voltage builds up nor Compound winding SIS2 in Check wiring diagram formally with slightly less than stalled backward or has open polarity of Compound windrated voltage at no load and circuit ings through Reactors A andlow voltage at full load B and test for voltage builds up nor Compound windings SS in Check wiring diagram formally but 20 per cent above stalled backward through one polarity of Compound windingrated voltage after build up Reactor A or B through Reactor A or BVoltage regulation poorOutput voltage builds up nor Open circuit in Control Check continuity from themally but is twentyfive per Rectifier bridge junction of Control Rectifierscent above rated voltage after 1 and 2 to the junction ofbuild up Control Rectifiers 3 and 4Output voltage builds up nor Shorted turn in gate winding Test Reactors A and B formally but 125 to 150 per cent GIG2 of Reactor A or B shorted turns and replace ifabove rated voltage after defectivebuild upOutput voltage builds up nor Control winding CIC2 of Rec Check circuit connections ofmally but 100 to 200 per cent actor A or B polarized incor both Reactors A and Babove rated voltage after build rectlyup No regulation possible Shorted turn in Control wind Test Reactors A and B for ing CIG2 of Reactor A or B shorted turn and replace if defective Open in Control Circuit Check continuity from El to E2 through Control Circuit PICTORIAL 2 SCHEMATIC I p 6 CONTROL WINDING 3 2 rI 250 II I I 15 1 11 120 VAC 60 CY l 5iIil pos I Y it I It 1 N 11 1 13775 No 16 wire 10 9 f flf27Cf r is f3j stCiresfcfual N0 T4wre reset J3 H 7 4 14268 It 6 l r426I 1 5 2 Bfitorstai1ji rig Rectjfj e ROS 4 1 114271 Reactorcontrol CALI BRATE 0 2 r 1 14265 sJtoro t ccnfro 1 114263 EF A TURN SHUNT 4 Reactorgate POLARITY DOT Item Qty Part No Description CONTROL WINDING TOLERANCES J H WESTEREKE CORP GATE EXCIPT AI NOTED BOSTON MASS 02122 WHEN MOUNTED ON I WINDING I DIECIMAL SCALIE DRAWN BV 13 S GEN THE NONE BV F V WILL BE ON TOP OF AROVIED REACTORI RACTIONAL STAT 1C ExcrTER WPDS 10 TITLIE TH ROUGII WPD5 20 4107 4IS4 ANIIULAR DATIE I DRAWINII NUMBIER 6 2G73 15687 DYNAMONITOR OPERATION OMS 210 125 15 13797 Rev B 1 With generator control switch to AUTO position and demand control switch to AUTO apply a load greater than 60 watts across linel to neutral This com pletes the DC circuit by actuating relay Kl through resistor Rl and R2 thereby connecting the load to ground 2 Kl actuates Kl2NO closes reducing series resistance in Kl coil path holding Kl closed when cranking reduces B plus voltage The closing of KllNO puts B plus on remote R which starts the generator 3 The generator builds up voltage and activates K3 K33NC opens the DC circuit K3lNO and K32NO close completing the AC circuit The gener ator output is through transformer Tl back to the load K2 energizes K21NC opens removing B minus from the AC circuit and K2NO closes com pleting the control circuit keeping Kl energized and a constant B plus on the remote terminal OMS 310 125 15 1 With generator switched to AUTO position and demand control switch to AUTO apply a load greater than 60 watts across the output Ll to neutral or L2 to neutral 120 VAC This completes the DC circuit actuating relay Kl through resistors Rl and R2 and the load is thereby connected to ground 2 Kl actuates Kl2NO closes reducing series resistance in Kl coil path holding Kl closed when cranking reduces B plus voltage The closing of KllNO puts B plus on remote R which starts the generator 3 The generator builds up voltage and K3 actuates closing contacts K31NO and K32NO also K33NC and K34NC open separating the AC and DC lines A If load is across Ll to neutral the path through Tl is complete and K21 actuates K2NC opens removing B minus from AC line K2NO closes putting B minus to Kl which keeps B plus on remote R B If load is across L2 to neutral the path through T2 is complete ana K22 actuates K2NC opens removing B minus from AC line K2NO closes putting B minus to Kl which keeps B plus on remote R NOTE Rl is a sensitivity resistor which determines the voltage applied to Kl which starts the generator If the variable resistor is set low any insignificant load including stray leakage due to moisture may start the set If the resistor is set too high it may take a larger load than desirable to start the generator We recommend the setting be to such that a 60 watt lamp will start the generator whereas a 25 watt lamp will not T43 B II TI K31 B DMS2 0 TI 5 R2 KIZ 8 CD B AUTO ON 270fL 2001 K II 3rOFICD 7 GI IZOV KZNO R LOADiNrlB rtl LOAD I11 7 Gz 12OV K3Z K34 T20 TZOo i DMS3 Drwg 137978 o IF AC SYSTEM NEGATIVE GROUND THE HAS THE NEUTRAL GROUNDED GROUNDED IN COMMON AC L1NEi7 MUST BE WITH HE CONNECTED A5 8 SHOWN DYNAMONITOR DM2 AND DM3 1015 KW AUTOMATIC DEMAND CONTROL DRAWING NO 13797 BT44 TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS NATURE OF tROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 ENGINE FAILS TO CRANK CRANKING LIMITER OPEN PRESS RESET SD2 DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR AN OPEN PR2 DEFECTIVE CHECK FOR AN OPEN START SOLENOID DE PLACE 12 VOLTS ON COIL OF FECTIVE START SOLENOID IF SOL ENOID ENERGIZES STARTER STARTER DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE IF IT OOESNT ENERGIZE SOLENOID DE FECTIVE REVERSE CURRENT RELAY CHECK FOR SHORT DEFECTIVE 2 ENGINE CRANKS SDl OC CHECK FOR AN OPEN WONT START 3 ENGINE STARTS BUT SD RELAY CHOCK COIL CHOCK CtwrACTS STARTER STAYS ENGAGED CHARGING RESISTOR R4 CHECK FOR OPEN 4 ENGINE STARTS RUNS FUEL SOLENOID DEFECTIVE CHECK LINKAGE SPRINGPOS THEN STOPS ITSELF SIBLY SOLENOID TOO WEAK THEN RESTARTS 10 EM RESI STOR MEASURE RESISTAOCE 5 ENGINE RUNS AND SHUTS PROTECTIVE CIRCUIT EN CHECK LOW OIL HIGH WATER DOWN AFTER 15 SECS ERGIZED TEMP SWITCHES OIL PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED WHEN YOU HAVE PRESSURE WATER TEMP SWITCH REPLACE SHORTED PROTECTIVE RELAY CHECK CONTACT PRl NO T 45 YO GENERATORS OVERALL LENGTH BLOWER TORQUE TO 130 TO 150 FT LBs LIIlic RO TOR THROUGHSTUD ORING SEAL ROTATING RECTIFIER ASSEMBLIES ENGINEGENE RATOR ADAPTER ROTOR FIGURE 1 GENERATOR SECTIONAL VIEWAC GENERATOR DESCRIPTIONThe YO generators beginning with Spec AA Figure 1are fourpole revolving field brushless models of dripproof design includes both single and three F and FL are from the exciter field winding and arephase 60 and 50 hertz type generators The generatorrotor connects directly to the eng ine crankshaft with atapered shaft and key The generator is fastened tothe engine by the which passesthrough the rotor shaft it has a nut on the outside ofthe end bell A centrifugal blower on the front end of 43E SINGLEthe rotor shaft circulates the generator cooling air T2 T1 53C PHASEwhich is drawn in through the end bell cover anddischarged through an outlet at the blower endA ball bearing in the end bell supports the outer end of 1 Y1I1the rotor shaft The end bell and generator statorhousing are attached by which rn 18 THREE 9X THREE PHASE T2pass through the stator assembly to the engine I T3 518 PHASEgenerator adapter The brushless exciter stator TOmounts in the end bell while the exciter rotor and itsrotating rectifier assemblies mount on the generator FIGURE 2 SINGLE AND THREE PHASE GENERATORrotor shaft SCHEMATIC COMPOSITE T46connected to the output terminals of the Leads 1 and 2 are connected to the statorwindings and provide reference voltage and inputpower to the voltage regulator These five leads areconnected at the factoryFigure 2 is a composite illustration showing four output leads forsinglephase units 12 output leads for 3phase broad range unitsand four output leads for code 9X 3phase 347600 volt generators RESIDUAL MAGNETISM IN ROTOR OPERATION PROCESSThe basic operation of the generator and voltage BRUSH LESSregulator involves the stator voltage regulator exciter field and armature a full wave bridge rectifierand the generator rotor Figure 3 Residual AC EXCITER in the generator rotor and a permanent embedded in one exciter field pole begin the REFERENCE BRUSH LESS EXCITER VOLTAGEvoltage buildup process as the generator set starts FIELDrunning Singlephase AC voltage taken from one ofthe stator windings is fed to the voltage regulator as areference voltage for maintaining the generator out VOLTAGEput voltage The AC reference voltage is converted to 6198 REGULATORDC by a silicon controlled rectifier bridge on thevoltage regulator printed circuit board and fed into FIGURE 3 EXCITATION BLOCK DIAGRAMthe exciter field windings The exciter threephase AC voltage that is converted toDC by the rotating rectifier assembly The resultantDC voltage excites the generator rotor winding to INSTALLATION AND the stator output voltage for the AC load generator rotor also produces AC voltage in the YO generators have the capability of being winding of the stator which is converted to in a number of different voltage connections and atdirect current for battery charging different voltages in a single connection The connec tions and voltages which can be obtained from a given generator are defined by the generator voltage code on the nameplate and listed in Figure 6 To prevent generator damage do not attempt to operate a generator with a given voltageVOLTAGE REGULATOR code in any connection or at any voltage not listed for that voltage codeThe linevoltage regulator VR22 or VR23 on theSpec AA JSeries generator sets is an all solid state NOTE 1 When connecting the generator output leads for a new ordevice that is no relays or tubes are needed Basic different connection or when the operating voltage of a of the voltage regulator are voltage connection is to be changed be sure that jumper wire W1 0 on VR is properly connected from terminal V to V V2 or V as listed in Figure 6 to provide the correct reference voltage Printed circuit board VR21 Voltage reference transformer T21 NOTE 2 Connect the wire from transformerTX to terminal VR Commutating reactor CMR21 for code 53C and 518 50 Hertz generators Connect TX to VR216 for code 3C 18 and 9X 60 Hertz generators Connect the Field circuit breaker CB21 rest of the wires on the voltage regulator assembly according to the Voltage adjust rheostat R22 Optional wiring diagram and wiring tabulation chart which applies to your generator setFigure 4 shows the above components and wiring diagrams for typical control boxes on Generator sets without a control panel orelectric generating sets The electrical schematic and switchboard containing AC instruments such asprinted circuit board are shown in Figure 5 voltmeters ammeters running time meter frequency meters and line circuit breakers are shipped from theThe voltage adjust rheostat Rn is optional on either factory with the AC output leads separated in theVRn or VR23 voltage regulator assembly When Rn is output box On generator sets with it is connected between VR2 and VR23 containing AC instruments the AC output leads areFigure 5 and the jumper between VR2 and VR22 wired as specified on the customers purchase orderFigure 4 is removed to deliver only the voltage specified T47 r I CR6 I I R1 R8CMR2Ir RI2 R7 R21 lI 2500nd I VOLTAGE C8 R20 I ADJUST RHEOSTAT I I RI9 jl 2 l RI8 R9 H 8 IT I COM Ii4 4r DC OUTPUT 150Hz 5 CRI5 VO L T AGE TO I I L 60H I z 6Wi RI C5 EXCITER I I I I I I C2eMRlil I L I 11 RIO IIIwR27 I I I L I L 9 REGULATOR SCHEMATIC REF DES DESCRIPTION ICI Integrated Circuit 01 Trans istorN PN TIl Transformer Reference Voltage CMR21 Commutating Reactor R27 Potentiometer WW 8KOhm R26 Potentiometer WW25KOhm R25 ResistorFilm 422KOhm 14W R24 ResistorFilm 464KOhm 14W R23 Res i stor IOOhm 12W R22 Resistor 8200hm 2W R21 ResistorFilm 267K 14W R20 ResistorFilm 153K 14W RI9 ResistorFilm 309K 14W RI8 ResistorFilm 280K 14W RI6 Resistor 82KOhm 12W R1517 Res istor 180KOhm 12W RI4 Resistor 27000hm 12W RI3 ResistorFilm 12IKOhm 14W RII12 ResistorWire Wound 4K 5W R9 Resistor I MEG Ohm 12W R8IO Resistor lOOKOhm 14W R7 Resistor 270KOhm 12W R6 ResistorFilm 174KOhm 14W R5 Resistor 2 MEG Ohm 12W R4 Resistor 3KOhm 12W R3 Res i stor 330KOhm 12W R2 Resistor 220KOhm 12W NOTE The 2500 ohm externa I voltage adjust potentIo RI Resistor 33KOhm II2W meter connects between pin I and pin 3 See regulator CRI7 Trans istorUn i juncti on schematic If your set does not have an external CR1316 RectifierGate Control voltage adjust potentiometer pin I is jumpered to CR 12 14 15 RectifierDiode pin 2 See Figure 4 CR5 DiodeZener 18V CR34611 RectifierDiode 400MA 400V CR2 DiodeZener 20V CRI DiodeZener 56V CIO Capacitor 47MFD 400V C9 Capacitor 39MFD IOOV C8 Capacitor I MFD IOOV C4 C5 Capac itor IMFD 200V C3 C7 Capacitor 22MFD 200V C2 C6 Capac i tor 47MF D IOOV CI Capac itorE lectrolytic IOOMF D IOV FIGURE 5 VOLTAGE REGULATOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDT48 I 0 0 ul t 41 LOAD TO 0 0 8 l GENERATOR CONNECTION GENERATOR CONNECTION J SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM WIRING DIAGRAM o tf t t 4 tl CONNECT XI TO VR21S FOR 41 50HERTZ CONNECT XI TO 41 JI VR216 FOR 60 HERTZ 4 Ji G EN ERATORS A B C A B C3C 1201240 I 60 VI LI L2 LI L2 LI LO L253C 120240 I 151230 1101220 I I I 50 50 SO VI V2 V3 FT4 T2 13 L2 T3 TI ir4 T2 L2 T2 3 4 10 L2 TI T2 A A A 1 A1 n T TI T3 T2 T TI T2 T3 T LO LI L2 L3 18 1201208 3 60 VI LI L2 A w TI T8 1271220 3 60 V2 1391240 3 60 V4 oJ w T7 TI T2 TIO AAA oJ T5 518 110190 3 SO VI oJ T6 C 12 LO 1151200 3 SO V2 II T3 C 9 1201208 3 SO V3 CL T4 T5 T6TI0 Til TI2 TI T7 T2 T8 T3 T9 L3 1271220 3 SO V4 LI LO LI L2 L3 18 240416 3 60 VI L2 TI 254440 3 60 V2 w T4 T5 2 2771480 3 60 V4 III T7 TIO TiT TI2 LO 518 2201380 3 50 VI II JT9 230400 3 SO V2 w III T 240416 3 SO V3 Tr TIO Til TI2 TI T T7 T2 TS T8 T3 T6 T9 254440 3 SO V4 L3 LI LO L2 L3 LI A A A A A 18 120240 3 60 VI C J t Tl oJ w T4 518 1101220 3 SO VI 0 III w Til TP I 151230 3 50 V2 II T8T TIO w III T2 TI T 12 1201240 3 50 V3 T T7 T2 TIO T5 T8 T3 111 T6 T9 L2 g LO LI L2 18 1201240 I 60 VI C A AAA A t T3 TI oJ w 0 TS T2 T 518 1101220 I SO VI w LO oJ III T9 TI2 T7 115230 I SO V2 Til TIO 1201240 I 50 V3 8 T8 L2 T2 T T7 TI2 TI T6 T3 TS T8 TIO T9 Til LI LI L2 AA C 18 120 I 60 VI t oJ T w Q TI2 0 T9 518 110 I 50 VI oJ w Til oJ T TIO I 50 V2 oJ 115 C T 12 iTS II C TI T7 T6 TI2 T3 T9 TS Til T TIO T2 T8 120 I SO V3 CL L2 LI L2 L3 LO 9X 3471600 3 60 LI L2 V4 TI T2 W TO LO n TI T2 T3 TO112oc L3 FIGURE 6 GENERATOR WIRING AND RECONNECTION DIAGRAMS 149VOLTAGE RECONNECTION WITH OPTIONAL INSTRUMENTSThe optional AC instruments on the control panelsuch as voltmeters ammeters transformers andrunning time meters are intended for use withspecific nameplate voltages Control componentsmay have to be changed to match new current ratingswhen field reconnection for other voltage codes orvoltages are madeUnder no circumstances shall the generator be connected in anyother manner than shown in Figure 6Severe damage will result if leads are incorrectly connected orimproperly insulated Use extreme care In checking leads to assureproper connections TSO ADJUSTMENTS AND adjustment and test procedures herein arereferenced in the generator tables 0pages 1820 The following information is needed by VOLTAGE REGULATOR to effectively service or repair beginning with Spec AA The solid state voltage regulators VR21 can be checked out on the bench for proper operation or location of faulty components The following test A equipment oneeach is required for a proper CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT TEST EQUIPMENT REF DESIGNATIONThe calibration adjustment is made using an accurate S SwitchAC voltmeter to observe generator output voltage and CMR21 Reactorto set the correct no load voltage If voltage regulator F Fuse S AmpsVR21 printed circuit board has been replaced it maybe necessary to make a calibration adjustment To T1 Transformer Variable 2 Amp 01S0Vobtai n the correct output voltage proceed as follows V2 Voltmeter DC 2 of Full Scale 3 Scale OSO and 01S0V and 010V 1 If set has a voltage adjust potentiometer R22 on the meter panel set pointer halfway between V1 Voltmeter AC 2 10VAC 1 1S0V minimum and maximum positions R1 Resistor 1000hm 400 W T21 Transformer Input 31S0386 2 With unit running at no load turn generator voltage potentiometer R26 on VR21 Figure 4 clockwise to increase output voltage turn R26 to decrease output voltage Bench Check 1 Remove voltage regulator from unit according to 8 procedure given for voltage regulator replace ment 2 Referring to Figure 7 and Table 1 connect testVOLTAGE STABILITY ADJUSTMENT equipment to the printed circuit board VR21Voltage stability is set at the factory but if printed terminals as followscircuit board VR21 has been replaced or if R27 has been unnecessarily adjusted itmay be necessary to reset stability Set stability asfollows 1 With generator set running at no load turn potentiometer R27 Figure 4 to a position where voltage tends to be unstable or hunt 2 Turn R27 clockwise slowly until voltage first stabilizes This setting will result in stable voltage under all conditions in maximum voltage regulator response time T51 CONNECT FROM TO E Jumper VR21V1 VR21V4 Jumper VR211 VR212 FLASHING THE FIELD Lead CMR211 VR2110 The following procedure is used for momentarily Lead CMR214 VR219 Lead T21X1 flashing the exciter field with a low voltage which VR216 Lead T21X2 VR214 restores the residual magnetism in the alternator AC Voltmeter Across T21H1 H2 rotor Flashing the field is usually necessary when DC Voltmeter Across CR217 8 installing a new brush less exciter stator wound VARIAC Across T21H1 fused assembly but seldom is necessary under other and H2 circumstances Always check generator residual voltage at terminals 1 and 2 to be certain whether or3 Open switch in 120 VAC supply to VARIAC not flashing the field is necessary Generator residual4 Plug VARIAC into 120 VAC source voltage should be at least 20 VAC at rated speed If5 Proceed with checkout according to steps in residual is too low and the output voltage will not Table 1 build up flash the field as follows 1 Locate terminals 7 and 8 on voltage TABLE 1 VOLTAGE REGULATOR CHECKOUT Y1 AC 1NPUT VOL UGE LESS THAN Y2 OC OUTPUT VOL UGE MORE THAN STEP TES r NAIIE PROCEDURE REQU 1RElENTS NO 1 BUILO UP SET Y TO 25 VAC Y2 SHALL BE 12 YOC SET PDT R26 TO HOLO 2 CA 1I BRAT I ON SET Y TO 120 VAC Y2 BETIEEN 5070 YDC 3 RANGE A SET Y TO 123 VAC Y2 SHALL BE 3D YOC B SET Y TO 125 VAC Y2 SHALL BE 10 YOC 4 RANGE A SET Y TO 115 VAC V2 SHALL BE 15 VDC B SET V TO 117 VAC V2 SHALL BE 10 VOC lAX 5 va LUGE SET V TO 150 V V2 10 VOLTS SET V SO Vz I S NEAR lAX I lUll Va SHOULD DROP TO 50 VOLTS 6 DAIPING RAPIDLY TURN POT R27 FRUII FULL THEN RISE TO ORIGINAL VALUE COUNTER CLOCKIISE POSITION TO FULL SfEpmm2FTWii27 TO VR21 rl tP rO I JUMPER XI I I INCREASE VI I WIOJUMPER vcjJ COMM 9 DAMPING W a 7 l I I I RI IZ DC OUTPUT VOLTMETER REACTORCOM L 1 FIGURE 7 VOLTAGE REGULATOR CHECKOUT TEST EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS T52 12 AMP DC 300 VOLT DIODE 6VOLT DRY CELL BATTERY FIGURE 8 FLASHING THE FIELD regulator printed circuit board VR2 other lead to CR1 CR2 and CR3 in turn record 2 Use a six volt dry cell battery with two clip leads a resistance value of each rectifier 12 amp DC 300 volt avalanche diode and a 10 3 Connect one lead to F2 stud and connect other ohm resistor as shown in Figure 8 If a six volt lead to CR3 CR4 and CRs in turn record battery is not available a 12 volt automotive resistance value of each rectifier battery can be used by increasing the 10ohm 4 Reverse ohmmeter leads from step 2 and record resistance to 20ohms or a 24 volt automotive resistance value of each rectifier F to CR CR2 battery can be used by increasing the resistance and CR3 and FL to CR4 CRs and CR6 to 40ohms 5 All three resistance readings should be high in one test and low in the other test If any reading is A series resitor MUST be used to protect the meter Polarity must be observed high or low in both tests rectifier assembly is defective 3 After starting engine touch positive battery 6 Replace defective rectifier assembly with new lead to VR2U and negative lead to VR27 identical part contact terminals just long enough until voltage starts to build up ordamage regulator system Use 24Ibsln torque when replacing nuts on F and F CR CR CR CR CRs and CR WARNING Be cautious when working on a generator that Is running to ayold electrical shocksTEST PROCEDURESAll of the following tests can be performed of the generator as shown in the illustrations herein Use the following test proceduresfor testing generator components in conjunction withthe tables FTESTING ROTATING RECTIFIERSTwo different rectifier assemblies make up therotating rectifier bridge assembly Figure 9 Using anaccurate ohmmeter test each CR using negative andpositive polarities Test rectifiers as follows 1 Disconnect all leads from assembly to be tested 2 Connect one test lead to F stud and connect FIGURE 9 TESTING ROTATING RECTIFIERS T 53 10 AC OHMMETER R17 LEAD R15 FIGURE 11 TESTING DIODES AC as shown in Figure 12 The resistance reading should be one megohm or greater Reverse 9 ohmmeter leads to anode and cathode resistance should again be one megohm or greater FIGURE 10 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER BRIDGE 3 Using a 6volt dry cell battery and a 200ohm series resistor observe correct polarity and con nect battery leads to anode and cathode as shown G in Figure 13 Observe polarity and connect a DC voltmeter across the 200 ohm resistor The voltmeter should now read zero Jumper anode toTESTING OUTPUT BRIDGE DIODES gate voltmeter should now read 6volts RemoveThe output bridge rectifier diodes Figure 10 CR12 jumper voltmeter should still read 6voltsCR14 and CR1S are located on the voltage regulator because the SCR remains turned on until voltageprinted circuit board Using an accurate ohmmeter is removed from anode to cathodetest diodes CR12 CR14 and CR1S as follows 1 Disconnect at least one lead of diode 2 Connect one lead to each end of diode and observe resistance reading Figure 11 OHMMETER 3 Reverse ohmmeter leads and again observe resistance readings A good diode has a higher reading in one direction than the other If both readings are high or low diode is defective 4 Replace defective diodes with new identical parts HTESTING SeRSTwo identical silicon controlled rectifiers SCRSCR13 and CR16 control the DC output voltage to theexciter field These SCRS are mounted in heat sinkson the voltage regulator and are tested as follows 1 Unsolder leads from CR13 and CR16 2 Using high scale on ohmmeter connect ohmmeter leads to anode and cathode of the SCR FIGURE 12 SCR RESISTANCE TEST T 54 J TESTING REFERENCE TRANSFORMER The transformer T2 has four leads marked H H2 X and X2 HH2 are the primary leads XX2 are the secondary leads VOLTS H1 lAA H2 T21 DRY CELL X1 VVl X2 BATTERY 1 Resistance between HH2 should be 122 to 150 ohms 2 Resistance between XX2 should be 157 to 192 ohms 3 Resistance between HX HX2 H2X and H2X2 should be infinity 4 Resistance from any terminal to transformer frame should be infinity 5 If any of the above conditions are not met install a new reference transformer 8212 K TESTING BRUSHLESS EXCITER STATOR FIGURE 13 SCR VOLTAGE TEST Like the generator the brushless exciter stator Figure 14 can be tested for open or shorted windings and grounds because the SCR remains turned on until voltage is removed from anode to cathode Testing for Open or Shorted Windings4 If the SCR does not pass either test it is defective Disconnect F and FL exciter field leads from Replace defective SCR with a new identical part terminal block in generator end bell The resistance between field leads should be 122 10 at 20 C 68 I F Testing for GroundsTESTING REACTOR Connect ohmmeter between either field lead andThe reactor assembly CMR2 leads are marked 1 2 3 exciter stator laminations Use ohmmeter set at RXand 4 Wires 12 and 34 are wound on the same iron 100 scale An ohmmeter reading of Jess than infinitycore oc indicates defective ground insulation 1 2 LAN CMR21 VY1 3 41 Resistance between 12 and 34 should be about 04ohms2 Resistance between 1323 14 or 24 should be OHMMETER RESISTANCE BETWEEN infinity 00 F1 AND F2 SHOULD BE 122 OHMS 103 Resistance from any terminal to reactor frame should be infinity4 If any of the above conditions are not met install a new reactor FIGURE 14 TESTING EXCITER FIELD T55 4 Replace grounded rotor with new identical part OHMMETE CONTACT ONE PROD TO EACH OF THE FIELD LEADS AND OTHER PROD TO ROTOR SHAFT CR5 IF ROTOR IS GOOD THERE WILL BE NO 8215 READING ON OHMMETER FIGURE 15 TESTING EXCITER ARMATURE FIGURE 16 TESTING ROTOR FOR GROUNDS LTESTING BRUSHLESS EXCITER ROTOR Testing for Open or Shorted All resistance values should be within 10 ofThe brushless exciter rotor Figure 15 can be tested values specified in Table 2 at 20 C 68 F Performfor open or shorted windings or grounds tests as follows 1 Remove rotor leads F and FL from rotating rectifier for Open or Shorted Windings 2 Using ohmmeter check resistance between FUse a Wheatstone Bridge for this test Disconnect and F2 leads Figure 17 See Table 2 for propermain rotor field leads which connect to rotating resistance assemblies at F and P Disconnect leadwires from diodes CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CRs and CR6 If resistance is low there are shorted turns If resistance isTest between exciter lead pairs TP PP and TP high rotor winding is open In either case rotor must be should be 05 to 06 ohms at 20 C 68 F 3 Replace defective rotor with new identical partTesting for GroundsConnect leads of ohmmeter between each CR leadand exciter rotor laminations use RX 100 scale onohmmeter An ohmmeter reading less than infinityNO indicates defective ground insulation OHMMETER MTESTING GENERATOR ROTORFor these tests use an ohmmeter on RX 100 scaleTesting for GroundsOn brushless type generators check for groundsbetween each rotor lead and the rotor shaft Figure16 Perform tests as follows CONTACT ONE PROD TO ONE FIELD LEAD AND 1 Remove rotor leads F and FL from rotating OTHER PROD TO OTHER FIELD LEAD 8213 RESISTANCE VALUES ARE GIVEN IN TABLE 2 rectifier assemblies 2 Connect ohmmeter leads between F and rotor shaft and between FL and rotor shaft Meter should not register FIGURE 17 TESTING ROTOR FOR AN OPEN CIRCUIT 3 If meter registers rotor is grounded T56 TABLE 2 RESISTANCE VALUES FOR ROTORS FROM KELVIN BRIDGE Resistance in Ohms at 25C 77F THREE PHASE MODELS TEST BETWEEN WIRE PAIRS 10 KW 60 HZ 205209 TIT4 T7TIO T3T6 T9T 12 T2TS T8T II 15 KW 60 HZ 250255 SINGLE PHASE MODELS TEST BETWEEN WIRE PAIRS TIT2 T3T4 FIGURE 18 TESTING STATOR WINDINGS accurate instrument for this test such as a Kelvin N Bridge The proper resistance values are given in Table 3 according to KW ratings and voltage codesTESTING GENERATOR STATOR All resistances should be 10 of value shown atUsing proper test equipment check the stator for 20C 68Fgrounds opens and shorts in the windings If any windings are shorted open or for Grounds replace the stator assembly Before replacing the assembly check the leads for broken wires or insulaSome generators have ground connections to the frame Check tionwiring diagramUsing an ohmmeter set at RX 100 test each stator 0winding for shorts to laminations A reading less thanone megohm indicates a ground WIRING HARNESS CHECK Carefully check wiring harnesses as followsTesting for Open or Shorted Windings 1 Inspect all wires for breaks loose between coil leads shown in Figure and reversed connections Refer to applicable18 all pairs should have equal resistance Use an wiring diagram TABLE 3 RESISTANCE VALUES FOR STATORS 10 KW 60 HZ 1 PH 172 10 KW 60 HZ 3 PH 340 15 KH 60 HZ 1 PH 087 15 KW 60 HZ 3 PH 220 T 572 Remove wires from terminals at each end and using an ohmmeter check each wire end to end for continuity or opens3 Using an ohmmeter check each wire against each of the other wires for possible shorts or insulation breaks under areas covered by wrap REMOVE JUMPER WHEN VOLTAGE ping material ADJUST R22 IS USED FOR REFERENCE VOLTAGE REGULATION4 Reconnect or replace wires according to applicable wiring diagram WID o PVR21 REPLACEMENT VR22Use the following procedu re for replacing the PC board 1 Stop engine VR21 2 Disconnect and if necessary label the following wires 3 4 5 or 6 7 8 9 and 10 3 Remove four screws at corners 4 Remove used PC board 5 Install new PC board secure with four screws 6 Reconnect wires removed in step 2 at the proper terminals 7 Place jumper W10 at proper terminals for your particular voltage code and voltage connection See Figure 6 NOTE FIELD BREAKER IS 8 Perform voltage calibration and stability adjust MOUNTED ON ment procedures to obtain the correct generator REFERENCE PANEL VOLTAGE COMMUTATING output voltage and stability with new PC board in TRANSFORMER REACTOR set T 58 GENERATOR battery to prevent accidental starting After disassembly all parts should be wiped cleanof engine and visually end bell cover to reveal rotorth rough SuPpORr ROTORstud nut WITH HOST AND S LING TO AVOID BENDING THROUGHRemove nuts end bell and STUDstator assembly Figure 20 Screwdriver slots inadapter provide a means for prying stator loose INSERT PRY BEHIND 01 C R VdE L THROUGHBe careful not to let stator touch or drag on rotor AI R CiUTLET OPENIJGRemove baffle ring from adapter Turn nut to end of stud While pullingrotor outward with one hand strike nut a sharp TURN NUT OUT TOblow Support rotor with hoist and sling to avoid END OF Figure 21 Use a THROUGHSTuD STRIKE WITH SOFTheavy soft faced hammer to loosen the rotor from AMMER NHILEits tapered shaft fit If rotor does not come loose PRYINGstrike it a sharp downward blow in center oflamination stack Rotate rotor and repeat until itcomes loose Be careful not to hit bearing or FIGURE 21 ROTOR HOUSING BRUSH LESS EXCITER BLOWER ROTOR ROTOR I L I STATOR ROTOR THROUGHSTUD THROUGHSTUD COVER FIGURE 20 GENERATOR ASSEMBLY Install stator throughstuds in adapter Clean and inspect all mating surfaces Install stator and end bell Torque nuts on throughstuds to 35 to 38 ftIbs Coat mating area between generator bearing and end bell bearing hole with a thin film of Molykote Torque down nut 5560 ft or equal lb The rotor and stator are automatically align Install in engine crankshaft ed because stator and bearing support were Install key in the crankshaft tightened in step 8 Tap end bell to align at horizontal and verti Slide rotor over throughstud and onto plane use a lead hammer to relieve stresses crankshaft Be careful not to let weight of rotor rest on or bend the throughstud components recheck torque Install end cover Install baffle ring T59 GENERATOR D AC output voltage builds up but field breakerA few simple checks and a proper tripsprocedure can locate the probable source of troubleand cut down time To correct a problem answer the question of the step either YES or NO Then refer to the step number in the 1 Check all modifications repairs replacements answer column and proceed to that step next performed since last satisfactory operation of set to be sure that connection of generator leads are Letters A through P in the Test Procedure column correct A loose wire connection overlooked refer to detailed procedures in the Adjustments and when installing a replacement part could cause Tests section pages 815 problems An incorrect connection an opened circuit breaker or a loose plugin printed circuit board are all potential malfunction areas to be eliminated by a visual check TABLE A No Build Up of AC Output Voltage j Yes I No Test Proc 2 Unless absolutely sure that panel instruments are 1 Is Field Brea ker CB21 accurate use portable test meters for on control panel ON 2 3 3 Visually inspect components on VR2 Look for 2 Connect jumper wire across dirt dust or moisture and cracks in the printed terminals of Field Breaker solder conductors Burned resistors arcing CB21 Does AC output tracks are all identifiable Do not mark on printed voltage build up 4 circuit boards with a pencil Graphite lines are If voltage builds up conductive and can cause short circuits between REPLACE FIELD BREAKER componentsThe question and answer guide 3 Push to reset Field Breaker Does AC output voltagewhich follows gives a stepbystep procedure for build up 4checking the generator components Refer to Figure If voltage builds up but22 for an electrical schematic of the generator andvoltage regulator connections is high low unstable or causes tripping of Field Breaker refer to Tables B C or PROCEDURESThis information is divided into 4 Disconnect alternator statortables A B C and D as follows leads 1 2 from TB211 and A No build up of AC output voltage TB212 on VR22 Is reference B AC output voltage builds up but is unstable voltage across 1 2 20 VAC C AC output voltage builds up but is high or low or more 14 13 DC CRI2 CRI3 CRI4 EXCITER F2 W9 OUTPUT CRIS AND CRI6 FIELD FI VOLTAGE ARE ON VR21 fr7 VOLT REG tt B Pe BOARD BRUSHLESS VR21 EXCITER CRS CMR21 T21 ROTATING RECTIFIER CB21 D 0 ASSEMBLIES REFERENCE VOLTAGE T I THROUGH VOLTAGE REGULATOR T40RTI2 ASSEMBLY FIGURE 22 ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC T60TABLE A continued Yes No Test Proc TABLE B AC Output Voltage Builds UP But Is Yes No Test Proc I Unstable 5 Is exciter field voltage across F1 and F2 on end bell 1 Are there any loose or broken terminal block 70 VDC or wires or connections on more 6 voltage regulator assembly If not check wiring harness VR22 2 W9 from end bell to VR22 terminals 3 and 4 2 Is W9 exciter field wiring harness from VR22 to End 6 Is brush less exciter stator bell OK 3 field winding OK 7 K 3 Does adjustment of Damping 7 Are diodes CRlCR2 CR3 Control R27 potentiometer CR4 CR5 CR6 in rotating on VR21 result in stable rectifier assemblies OK 8 F voltage 4 A Check all diodes more than one may be 4 Replace PC Board VR21 P defective 8 Are brush less exciter rotor Do not replace the printed circuit board until windings OK 9 L toJoAoo the trouble not on the PC board has been located and corrected to avoid damage to new PC board 9 Is generator rotor field winding OK 10 M TABLE C AC Output Voltage Yes No Test10 Are generator stator Builds UP But is Proc windings OK 11 N High or Low11 Is commutating reactor 1 Is set running at correct RPM CMR21 OK 12 I See appropriate engine manual to set RPM 2 12 Is reference transformer T21 OK 18 J 2 Does adjustment of Voltage Adjusting knob for R2213 Flash exciter field Is on VR22 result in correct reference voltage across output voltage 3 A 1 and 2 now 20 VAC or more 14 5 E 3 Does adjustment of potentiometer R26 on VR2114 Reconnect generator leads result in correct output 1 2 to TB211 and voltage 4 A TB212 on VR22 Does reference voltage build up 15 4 Is correct voltage reference V4 to VI V2 or V3 on15 Is regulator DC output VR21 being used voltage across VR217 and Refer to Figure 6 5 VR218 7 VDC or more See Figure 22 5 16 5 Are generator output leads properly connected Refer16 Are SCRs CR13 and to Figure 6 6 CR16 OK 17 H 6 Replace voltage regulator17 Are diodes CR12 CR14 PC board VR21 P and CR15 OK 18 G18 Replace voltage regulator PC board VR21 P UetthoPcCIcbS toeated and corrected to avoid damage to new PC board T 61TABLE D AC Output Voltage Yes No Test Builds Up But Field Proc Breaker Trips 1 Does AC output voltage build up to 140 or more of rated voltage before Field Breaker trips 2 7 ADJUSTMENTS AND TESTS REFERENCE 2 Are there any loose or LIST broken wires or con A VOLTAGE CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT nections on VR22 3 B VOLTAGE STABILITY ADJUSTMENT C BATTERY CHARGE RATE ADJUSTMENT 3 Is diode CR15 on VR21 OK 4 G D VOLTAGE REGULATOR CHECKOUT E FLASHING THE FIELD 4 Are T21 windings and F TESTING ROTATING RECTIFIERS connections OK 5 J G TESTING OUTPUT BRIDGE DIODES H TESTING SCRS 5 Are generator stator I TESTING REACTOR leads properly connected J TESTING REFERENCE TRANSFORMER Refer to Figure 6 6 K TESTING EXCITER STATOR L TESTING BRUSHLESS EXCITER ROTOR 6 Replace VR21 P ARMATURE M TESTING GENERATOR ROTOR 7 Are diodes CR1 CR2 CR3 N TESTING GENERATOR STATOR CR4 CR5 CR6 in rotating O WIRING HARNESS CHECK rectifier assemblies OK 8 F P VR21 REPLACEMENT Check all diodes more than one may be defective 8 Is brush less exciter stator winding OK 9 K 9 Is generator rotor field winding OK 10 M10 Is brushless exciter rotor OK 11 L11 Are generator stator windings OK 6 N SECTION UHYDRAULIC CRANKING SYSTEMCONTENTS U 3ILLUSTRATIONS U 4SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS U 6 Hydraulic Cranking U 6 Hydraulic Hand Pump USHYDRAULIC PUMP U 10SERVICE SAFETY SEAL ACCUMULATORS U13ELECTRICAL SYSTEM LIFE SPHERE U21u z D3 DESCRIPTIONThe Hydraulic Cranking System below pro E Accumul ator a th i ck wall piston typevides positive instant starting for internal com cyl inder where fluid energy is storedbustion engines regardless of temperature ex under pressure to actuate the crankingtremes adverse weather or long shut downs motor Various capacities are avail of energy sources such as batter depending upon application Preloadies this self containing hydraulic cranking ed with noncombustible nitrogen whichsystem is well adapted to operations requiring it maintains precautions against fire or explosions F Unloading Valve a ball check valveThe principal components of the hydraulic which bypasses the hydraulic fluidcranking system are as follows back into the reservoir atfer system reaches required operating pressureA Reservoir contains supply of hydraulic fluid for system at atmospheric pressure G Filter keeps fluid in system free from contaminants B H and Pump recharges the system in hand pump installations and for emergency re H Engine Pump Life Sphere a power charging in engine pump systems Also pump which automatically recharges the provides slow cranking for timing and system for subsequent starts thereafter engine tuneup diverts fluid back into reservoirC Control Val ve controls flowofhydraul I Pressure Gauge indi cates accumul ator i c fl ui d for sys tem at atmosph eri c press pressure ure to cranking motor Integral with Model CM2 and CMC cranking motors J Star Val ve prevents hydrau Ii c CIIccumu lator from energizing system when inD Cranking Motor a positive displace closed position ment high torque hydraulic motor Rotor is splined to output shaft which carries drive pinion and an overrunning cI utchU4 AIR INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR BLEED PETCOCK lIFESPHERE STARBOARD AND PORT VIEWS us WATER FILL CAP DIPSTICK AND SUMPPETCOCK SUCTION TUBE OIL FILL CAP LUBE OIL FILTER LIFEBOAT STARBOARD AND PORT VIEWSU6 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR HYDRAULIC CRANKING MOTOR DISASSEMBLY1 Clamp motor housing 2 in a vise Remove pinion gear housing 25 and mounting flange 29 which are fastened to motor housing 2 by four screws 272 Remove inspection plate 22 and its two fastening screws with lockwashers 23 23A With a screwdriver move anchor plate of starting drive 26 toward the pinion gear to uncover set screw locking drive assembly 26 on motor shaft 9 Back set screw out of shaft 9 and slide starting drive assembly 26 off shaft Remove key or keys 26A from shaft3 Before removing port plate 3 put indexing mark between port plate and motor housing 2 to enable proper positioning of port plate at reassembly Remove eight cap screws 5 that hold port plate 3 to housing 24 Remove barrel assembly 13 from motor shaft 9 Take pistons 14 out of barrel 135 To remove shaft 9 from housing 2 remove seal holder retaming ring 21 Press shaft out of housing from port plate end Shaft bearing 16 and seal holder 20 will come out on shaft 96 To remove thrust bearing 15 apply even heat to motor housing 2 Bearing will fall out when housing is jarred against wooden block or bench CAUTION DO NOT APPLY EXCESSIVE HEAT Do not remove thrust bearing 15 unless it is to be replaced EXAMINATION OF PARTS Pinion Gear Housing 25 Visually check housing for cracks or other damage Check needle bearing 24 for damage or wear Replace if necessary Starting Drive Assembly 26 Examine pinion gear to be sure that teeth are not worn excessively or chipped from interference with ring gear Check anchor plate that holds the starting drive spring to be sure it has not split or spread where spring anchors Port Plate 3 The port plate face where barrel rides must be smooth and free of scoring Slight scuff marks can be removed by lapping on surface plate Check needle bearing 8 for wear or damage Replace if necessary To remove bearing 8 apply even heat to port plate 3 CAUTION DO NOT APPLY EXCES SIVE HEAT Bearing will fall out when port plate 3 is jarred against wooden block or bench Do not remove bearing 8 unless it is to be replaced Check threads on inlet and outlet ports Motor Barrel 13 and Pistons 14 Examine ported face of barrel for scratching or scoring Slight scuff marks can be removed by lapping on surfac1la teo Bores in barrel 13 as well as diameters of pistons 14 should be smooth and free of scoring Closed ends of pistons may show brinnelling where they contact thrust bearing 15 but no burrs or flat spots on surface 10tor Shaft 9 Check ends of shaft for wear or scoring Check bearing 16 Replace if necessary Motor Housing 2 Visually check housing for cracks or other damage Be sure that thrust bearing 15 rolls free and smooth Inspect tapped holes for thread damage Seal Holder 20 and 0 Rings 18 19 Examine holder for cracks or damage Replace 0 rings with new ones U7 REASSEMBLY1 Be sure all parts are clean and free of burrs before starting reassembly2 Install ball bearing 16 and retaining ring 17 on shaft 9 Press shaft 9 am ball bearing 16 into housing 2 Install seal holder 20 and 0 rings 18 19 on shaft 9 The recessed side of seal holder 20 should be next to ball bearing 16 Install retaining ring 213 With pistons 14 in barrel 13 line up splines and install barrel 13 on shaft 9 Using pinion gear housing 25 to help position shaft put port plate 3 on being sure to line up indexing marks There should be slight precompression of spring 12 with port plate 3 against barrel 13 If not replace spring 12 Tighten cap screws 5 alternately and pull port plate 3 down evenly Torque to 150 in Ilbs TEST PROCEDURE1 Mount hydrotor in suitable holding fixture and connect all hoses to appropriate fittings as illustrated in System Schematic Section2 Remove pinion gear housing 25 Open control valve Start engine pump to circulate oil through com plete system with control valve remaining open thus purging system of air Examine hydrotor and all fittings for possible leaks before releasing control alve Allow system pressure to build up to 3000 psi at which pressure the unloading valve bypasses oil back into reservoir Again examine for leaks in system Should pressure fail to rise instantly to 1500 psi and then build up gradually to 3000 psi it would indicate system was not purged completely Purge again if necessary Note If at any time leaking occurs externally the unit must be disassembled to correct leakage before proceeding vith test CAUTION ALWAYS RELEASE ALL HYDRACLIC PRESSURE BEFORE DISCONNECTING ANY LINES 4 After it has been determined that unit is not leaking open control valve Permit unit to operate until accumulator hydraulic charge has been exhausted Release control valve The system will now recharge to 3000 psi 5 ltach TSE 8606 Lock Testing Tool see Service Tool Section to motor housing 2 at same location as proided for pinion gear housing previously removed in step two Align keyway in TSE 8606 with key 26A in shaft 9 Fasten TSE 8606 to motor housing 2 by inserting two pinion gear housing fastening screws hand tight 180 apart 0 6 rOe control valve slowly to full open position Hold open for approximately 3 to 4 seconds before closing hik control alve is in full open position the pressure drop from 3000 psi to 2500 psi must not occur in less rlll1 3 seconds7 Proceed to test each of the pistons inside hydrotor in like manner as described above by rotating lock test tool in increments as provided until all seven pistons have been tested Should pressure drop faster than specified when testing one particular piston it will of course indicate internal leakage This could be a piston which would require replacement Note Turn lock test tool and shaft one full turn and retest before replacing any one particular piston A Pfllfc drop at all positions indicate that port plate fastening screws 5 are not proper y torqued or that there is imufficient spring tension to keep motor cylinder 13 against port plate 3 It may be necessary to lap port plate 3 and motor cylinder 13 on a lapping plate or replace spring 12 tC eliminate leakage if they do not seal properly8 Mter preceding test is completed sLop engine pump Remove lock testing tool Grease motor shaft 9 Install key or keys 26A and starting drive assembly 26 on shaft 9 Tighten set screw into shaft 9 by holding anchor plate out of the way with screwdriver Install pinion gear housing 25 and tighten fastening screws 27 Torque to 175 in fIbs9 Move control valve to full open position Allow system to discharge completely Hydraulic pressure auge should now read 0 psi CAUTION DO NOT DISCONNECT ANY LINES UNTIL HYDRAULIC PRESSURE IS COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED10 Remove hydrotor from test circuit Drain remaining quantity of oil from hydrotor and close all openings with a suitable plug to prevent entrance of foreign matter during storage or shipmentus SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR HYDRAULIC HAND PUMP 2 30 A438 DISASSEMBLY 1 Disconnect operating lever 30 from pump hous 3 Remove discharge check valve seat 12 from end ing 1 and plunger 22 Remove retaining ring 23 of plunger 22 Discharge check valve 16 and and clevis pin 24 before removing link assembly 27 spring 17 will drop out of plunger 2 Remove plunger gland retaining ring 28 from 4 Remove oil inlet fitting 6 from end of pump pump housing 1 Gland 29 will come out on housing Inlet check valve 10 and spring 11 will plunger 22 when plunger is pulled from housing 1 drop out of housing 1 Remove gland 29 from plunger 5 Back out bleeder screw 4 and remove ball 2 U9 EXAMINATION OF PARTSPump Housing 1 Check for cracks and other visible plunger gland 29 A wear pattern may be evidentdamage Bore of Clindcr must be smooth with no but no scores or scratches should be present ReplacepItting or scoring All threads should be checked seals 1315 and backup ring H with npw onesIt is not necessary to remove plug 7 unless there has Examine discharge check valve 16 spring 17 andbeen leakage at threads Bleed ball valve 2 and its check valve seat 12 Replace any damaged partsseat in housing must be checked Replace ball valve 2 if damaged Replace 0 ring 3 on bleedscrew with new one Operating Lever 30 Check roller chain link 27 for wear or damage Replace if necessaryInlet Fitting 6 Examine internal and Inspect inlet check valve seat for nicks or Plunger Gland 29 With 0 ring 20 and backscratches Replace 0 rings 5 9 and backup up ring 21 removed check gland on plunger shankring 8 with new ones Examine inlet check valve to be sure it does not bind 0 rings 18 20ball 10 and spring 11 Replace if damaged and backup rings 19 21 should be replaced withPlunger 22 Check plunger for scoring on large new onesdiameter and on plunger shank where it rides in ASSEMBLYNote Make sure that all parts are clean before as 3 Imert plunger 22 into housing bottoming 5embling To facilitate asocmbly use light plunger in pump bore Install plunger gland 29 011 or grcac on 0 rings and backup rings being sure that external 0 ring 18 is closest to leading edge Press gland 29 in until groove forI Install inlet check valve spring 11 and ball 10 retaining ring is uncovered then insert ring 28into housing 1 With 0 rings 5 9 and backup ring 8 on inlet fitting 6 install fitting into 4 Drop bleed ball valve 2 into place and withhousing Tighten fitting securely being sure that 0 ring 3 in position insert bleed screw 4inlet check valve 10 seats properly in end of inlet Tighten bleed screw 6 5 Install link assembly 27 to plunger 22 and2 Install discharge check valve spring 17 and ball operating lever 30 Place operating lever 30 in16 into plunger 22 With 0 ring 13 in place position and insert clevis pin 24 and retaining ringthread valve seat 12 into plunger and tighten 23 Put other side of link on and secure with clipsecurely TEST PROCEDURE1 nt hand pump in suitable holding fixture and in prenure gauge readingconnect all hoses to appropriate fittings as illustratedin Test Circuit Schematic leaving discharge connec 5 Move plunger in the full extent of its travel untiltion loose Slowly operate hand pump until all air plunger bottoms in housing Disconnect inlet lineis expelled Retighten connection This operation from pump Holding plunger in this position preswill also assure that plunger is free in housing With sure in pump chamber at 3000 psi cautiously triphigh pressure valve open operate hand pump long inlet check valve ball with probe Phenol or similarenough to sufficiently purge system rna terial to be used as probe A steady pressure reading of 3000 psi indicates that discharge check2 Close high pressure vahe start engine pump and valve plunger 0 rings and bleed valve are sealingcharge system to approximately 2800 psi While system properly If leakage occurs at this point it will beis being charged inspect for leakage If a leak is necessary to correct and retest as stop engine pump and correct leak with test 6 Open high pressure valve slowly and release pres sure to 0 psi CAUTION DO NOT DISCON3 Operate hand pump to charge system to 3000 psi NECT ANY HIGH PRESSURE LINES UNTILObserve pressure gauge closely to determine that unit HYDRAULIC PRESSURE IS COMPLETELY EXis pumping on each stroke Pump is double acting HAUSTED Locate pump plunger in midposition and release 7 Remove hand pump from test circuit Drainoperating handle Any movement of handle indicates remaining quantity of oil from hand pump and closeleabge past inlet check valve or 0 rings on inlet all openings with a suitable plug to prevent There should not be any perceptable drop of foreign matter during shipment or storageV10 SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR HYDRAULIC PUMP TYPE Fixed Displacement Piston Type ROTATlON Clockwise or SPEED 600 RPM to 3600 RPM UNLOADING VALVE Integral and Pressure Adjustable PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT RANGE 15003000 PSI NORMAL PRESSURE CUTOUT 3000 PSI NORlv1AL PRESSURE CUTIN 2500 PSI SELF PRIMING AND SELF BLEEDING MAXIMUM SUCTION HEAD 3 Ft HOUSING Cast Aluminum WEIGHT 512 lbs DRIVE TORQUE 9 in lbs OPSI 28 in lbs 3000 PSI Operation at speeds above 3600 RPM may result in pump damage Consult the factory on high speed a pplica tions INSTALLATION INFORMATION The pump may be mounted radially in any position how ever the return port located in the flange portion of the pump must be located above the horizontal centerline to insure adequate internal lubrication Failure to do so may result in serious damage to the pump If unusual interference problems are encountered it is permissable to rotate the flange 180 0 Caution is re commended not to separate the two parts more than 14 Further separation will cause camshaft seal damage when reassembling RECOMMENDED PULLEY 4000 Diameter for A or B Size Belt 625 Bore 7 t t j t 11 11 FtI Ii 1tJc 111 11 6 41 t TC rift7 ps tQOO I L j 5 a 4 III 3 Q 2 1 t t 4 tt Cij 5 200 2 10 301 UMP S D RPM H OUTT 250 MfTT 2501 4 HDLS IZa l l Ltr ot81 07 WOODRUff t 1188 3312 6188 fDnmJ 4906 3250 1 J NPTT NUT RE5IIWIR rr 11LJ I t2J UMLDADlPfG y PRLSSUR SCMW 14250 IROTtt TIOM CI SK 200815 UOUHTING BRACKET DRDR SPARATELY l 1250 r HU t r 5688 sOO20Uf2A f 1750 DIA l 2500 J75R 141141 OIA 4 HOLES HYDRAULIC PUMP e f fU12 HYDRAULIC OIL MILH5606 Hydraulic Oil for Use with Hydraulic Cranking System The use of this hydraulic oil wi16 afford 0stimum performance of the system in the temperature range from 130 F to 40 F This oil has good viscosity and temperature and contains no pour point depressant mater ials The pour point is 65 0F and the flash point is 200 0F The weight is 725 pounds per gallon at 60 F It is compatable with Buna N Seals The following brand name oils obtainable in most localities are also suit able Name Brand Supplier UNIVIS J43 Code WS 2997 Esso Standard Oil Co Mobile AeroHydraulic Oil HFA RL 102A SoconyMobile Oil Co Inc RPM Aviation Hydraulic Oil No2 Standard Oil Of California Aircraft Hydraulic Oil AA or A Texaco Inc Brayco 756 Code P190 Bray Oil Co Hydraulic Oil Code 566 Golden Bear Oil Co Royco 756 Royal Lubricant Co Aero Shell Fluid 4 ASF 4 She 11 Oil Co If temperatures below 100F will not be encountered a reputable brand of quality nondetergent SAE 5W engine oil may be utilized Texaco Regal Oil A R and 0 is also acceptable D13SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FORACe SAFETY ACCUMULATORS U 14 OISASSEMBL Y1 Prior to any liisasselllhly work the Ilitrogell gas must he hied frolll the accumillator Remove cap 118 and loosen lock Ilut until gas escapes2 Remove valve 11 Where accull1ulator includes a safety fuse holder 4 do not remove it unless the 0 ring 4A or fuse holder 4 are to he replaced hecause of leakage3 Secure cylinder 1 in a pipe vise and reillove screw 10 lockwasher 9 rctaining plate 8 Screw 1220 fitting into air valve port and push end cap 7 away from ring segments 12 and 13 Remove ring segments and pull out end cap 7 Leave fitting in cap for reassemhLy4 Repeat same procedure for removing the oil end cap 2 as for removing the air end cap 7 being sure to use the proper fitting for the oil port size Leave fitting in cap for reassemhly5 With a wooden dowel push piston 6 out of cylinder 16 Remove the 0 rings 3 and teflon rings 5 from piston 6 and end caps 2 and 7 EXAMINATION OF PARTSCylinder 1 Use a drop light to examine the bore of the cylinder The bore must be smooth and free of scra tches Check segment ring groovesCaps 2 and 7 Examine for damage check fitting threads valve threads and fuse holder thread if holder has been removedPiston 6 Examine for scra tches or scoring on o d The piston must be checked in cylinder to be sure it moves freely throughout the entire length of cylinderAir Valve 11 Examine threads and replace if damaged Check for damaged valve seatTeflon Rings 5 Replace if damaged 0 Rings 3 Replace all 0 rings with new ones REASSEMBLY Thoroughly clean all parts before assembly dirt particles larger than 40 microns cannot be tolerated1 Use oil or grease to lubricate the 0 rings 3 and install them and teflon rings 5 on piston 6 Install teflon rings before installing 0 rings Refer to illustration for positioning of teflon rings2 Coat JD of cylinder with light oil Use loading sleeve covering the split ring groove carefully insert the piston 6 including its 0 ring and teflon rings into the housing bore with the closed end first Observe that back up rings are correctly installed and 0 rings are coated with BM 1546 grease 0 rings must not be twisted or otherwise damaged Once piston has entered cylinder push it half way down in cylinder3 Install 0 rings 3 and teflon rings 5 to cap ends 2 and 7 with 0 ring toward the fluid end Install teflon rings before installing 0 rings Apply light grease to 0 rings 3 to insure that it remains in plale Using loading sleeve slide end cap 2 into the housing beyond the normal position Be sure oil end cap is on the side with the head of the piston 64 Install retainer ring segments 12 and 13 and hold in place Push piston 6 against oil end cap to position end cap 2 against the retainer plate 8 lockwasher and screw 9 and 10 5 Using loading sleeve slide end cap 7 into the housing beyond the normal position Install retaining rings 12 13 and hold in place Push end cap 7 into position same as gas end cap above by using a wooden dowel from the oil end Release pressure and remove assembly fittings 6 Install valve 11 with 0 ring llA torque valve 11 to 4550 ft lbs DO NOT tighten the lock nut Where safety fuse holder 4 with 0 ring 4A was removed install with new 0 ring 4A and torque to 2025 ft lbs 7 The accumulator is now ready to be charged with nitrogen gas Read instructions pgs 3 4 Continue to charge accumulator until desired pressure is attained Close valve on nitrogen tank and tighten lock nut on air valve to 140160 in lbs Remove charging hose and install protection cap 118 U 15 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF CHARGING AND GAGING ASSEMBLY CGA 300389CHECKING PRECHARGE ADDING PRECHARGE1 Before attaching chuck 9 to air valve VA 0093 1 Connect nut 8 to nitrogen tank and tightenbe sure valve 5 is in the doed WARNING DO NOT USE OX YGEN NOR SIMILAR COMposition Valve is dosed when BusTIBLE TYPE GASEShandle is turned 90 degrees from shown in 1llustra tion See Note Valve 5 on the CGA assembly be in the open poqtion beforc opening the nitrogen tank valve Valve2 Hand tighten chllck 9 suffi fi is not designed to withstand pressure in the to compress gasket in order Jirection of the arrow stamped on the body when into prevent gas leakage the closcd position 3 After completing step 2 above slowly open the3 Place a 34 wrench on upper nitrogen tank valve to allow tank prcssure into the acnut of air valve and tmn in a cumulator closing it occasionally to allow needle oncounter clockwise direcrion until ga ge 1 to se nle in position If more pressure thanprecharge pressure on ga uge 1 is desired is allowed to enter the accumulator close theindicated VA OOUl air valve on the accumulator and nitrogen tank valve and disconnect the CGA assembly from the nut on air valve will stop tllrnmg after tank Repeat the steps for reducing precharge 3 to 4 turns ollsly PRECHARGE CAUTION NEVER DISCONNECT THE eGA ASSEM1 With charging and gaging assembly connected to BLY FROM THE ACCUMULATOR AIR VALVE ANDORair valve per the above instructions carefully open andclose valve 5 until the desired precharge prcssure is NITROGEN TANK VALVE UNTIL EACH IS FULLY LOCKindicated on gage 1 Lock upper nut and disconnectthe CGA asscmbly E I IN THE OFF POSITION NOTE Use this charging and gaging assembly with VA 200932 Valve MS 288891 Do not use with inner tube type needle valves C Fl 3122 lINEr THREAD I I QOH14 N0LH I CGHA550 I ri lIYXllllJlltSL H fLt A2588 o 6 0U 16 TEST PROCEDURE FOR ACCUMULATORS1 After the accumulator has been charged to the desired close the valve Allow pump to charge the accumu preslure it should be immersed in a tank containing lator to 3000 PSI Open the hydraulic valve to allow a noncorroaive liquid Stoddard solvents Varsol by stored oil in the aecumulator to flow back into the EIIO etc and checked for proper sealingof the 0 reservoir Repeat this charge and discharge cycle rings on accumulator piston The oil inlet port of the several times to insure the piston is not sticking or accumulator must be left open during this teat Also binding check for possible leaks of the Air Valve Assembly 11 cap 11B removed Air bubbles in the liquid indicate 6 During the CYCling test inspect for possible oil leaks nitrogen leakage at caps and discharge fitting of accumulator2 Drain dry and allow the accumula tor to set undisturbed 7 When the test cycle has been completed remove the for a minimum period of one hour With Service Tool acclmula tor from the test circuit CGA 300389 recheck the gas pressure in the accum ulator See Note 1 CAUTION Always release all hydraulic pressure in the system before disconnecting any lines3 If the pressure is lower by more than 50 the accumu lator must again be connected to Service Tool CGA Close the oil port with a suitable plug to prevent en 300389 and additional nitrogen added Repeat steps 1 trance of foreign matter during storage and shipping and 2 NOTE 1 With Service Tool CGA300389 fastened securely4 A CYCling test should be performed to assure that ac to the Air Valve Assembly 11 loosen nut on cumulator is functioning properly The accumulator air valve The gauge will indicate the amount may be connected to any simple test circuit consist of nitrogen gas pre charge pressure in the accu ing of a reservoir pump accumulator and a valve mula tor Before removing gauge tighten lock nuton air valve When using this tool the hy5 The hydraulic valve should remain in the open position draulic pressure in the accumulator should be until the pump has run a sufficient period to bleed all zero before attaching the gauge device to the air from the line With the pump still operating accumulator U 17 TROUBLE SHOOTING THE CRANKING SYSTEMCAUTION Before serVlcmg any part of the Hydrator system the accumulator pressure must be released to prevent possible injury to personnel TROUBLE REMEDYA NO SYSTEM PRESSURE1 Air In Engine Driven Pump All RPA model pumps are self bleeding Check for dirt in pum p piston bleed hole See that bleed hole is facing the inlet port To assist pump in expelling air fill the pump with oil through the return port2 Hand Pump l3leed Valve Open Check to insure hand pump bleed screw located above the inlet port is tight Sec B 23 Drive Belt Slipping Belt Driven Pump Adjust belt for proper tension4 Drive Gear Loose Direct Driven Pump Secure gear to drive shafts Unlolding Valve ByPaSSing Oil to the Reser Oil will be passing through the return port indicating the unload voir ing valve spindle in the RPA model pumps is stuck in the open position or the pressure Idjusting screw is backed off Check to insure the unloading vllve spindle is free Turn the Hljust ing screw clockwise to move the spindle into the closed position Suction Line Plugged Remove and clean Make sure the swivel ends are correctly attJchedB LOW SYSTEM PRESSURE1 Unloading Valve set too low Turn adjusting screw on all RPA model pumps clockwise to in crease system pressure to desired level2 Hand Pump Bleed Valve Leaking Remove bleed screw and ball Use ball to recoin seat1 Engine Pump Valves Leaking Repllce inlet valve or recoin seats of the three ball checks4 Low Oil Leve I Add oil to reservoirC CRANKING SPEED TOO LOW1 System Fluid Too Ieavy Check fluid in system USE MILIioOo Hydraulic Oil or equivalent Oil must be com patible with Buna N seals2 Engine Oil Too lleavy Replace oil with proper viscosity grade Refer to the Engine Lubrication Oil Specifications Control Valve lot Fully Open Types VCA Valve body sticking in valve housing Replace valve cage and valve assembly4 Inlet Line Restricted Check plumbing from Accumulator to Hydrotor to insure hoses a re not colla psed and are free of obstructionss Excessive Internal Leakage in Hydrotor Examine Hydrotor internally for broken thrust bearing plate scored port plate frozen piston or broken cylinder spring Continued VIS TROUBLE REMEDYC CRANKING SPEED TOO LOW CONTD1 Line size too long andor too smlll Discharge line from the Hydrator to the reservoir causing high back pressure Discharge hose should be at lea st one size larger than inlet hose Eliminate elbows and reducers where possible Insert I tee containing a gage in the Hydrator dis charge port Attlch the dischlrge hose lnd measure back pressure which should not exceed 75 pSiD LOSS OF FLUID FROM RESERVOIR 1 External Leaks With pressure in system check all hoses and fittings for leaks Tighten or replace fittings and any defective parts2 Hydrator Shaft Seal Leaking Remove Hydrator inspection cover or welsh plug and look for signs of Hydraulic oil on the Bendix drive the Hydrator shaft and inside the pinion gear housing Replace shaft seal assem bly3 Engine Pump Shaft Seal Lea king Replace shaft seal using proper tool to prevent seal damage4 Hand Pump Seal Leaking Remove plunger gland and replace inner and outer 0 ringsE LOSS OF PRESSURE WHEN ENGINE IS NOT RUNNING 1 Ambient Temperature Decrease A small decrease in pressure is normal due to decrease in temperature Pressure will decrease approximately 3 psi per degree P temperature change 2 Engine Pump Check Valve Leaking Exanline unloading valve spool for damaged 0 rings Re coin bll check seats in unloading valve portion of the engine driven pump 3 Hand Pump Leaking Disconnect inlet line from reservoir Leakage from inlet fitting means that either the relief valve alone or both the inlet und outlet check vulves are defective Cleun ball seats in pump body and replace balls and springs if necessary See B 2 and D 44 Control Valve Leaking To test for leakage disconnect plumbing at inlet to Hydrator If seepage is present replace 0 rings in type VA 2021 NO valves or replace valve assembly in type VeA valves i External Leakage In System Visua lly lac a te source of oil leakage 3nd tighten a pplicable con nection Use of teflon tape on pipe threads is permissible if properly applied 6 Loss of Accumulator PreCharge Nitrogen Test for precharge after opening bleed screw on hand pump Inst311 a glge assenlbly on the accumulator air valve Open valve and read nitrogen pressure Correct nitrogen pressure appears on the accumulator name plate usually one half the system operating pressureF HAND PUMP FAILS TO RAISE SYSTEM PRESSURE 1 I3leed Valve Open or Leaking See A 2 and 13 2 2 Check Valves Leaking Hand Pump handle will not stay in neutral position but will move to one end of the stroke Examine for broken ball check springs or damaged check valve seats Recoin seats using the ball checks Make sure there are no foreign particles in the pump U19 TROUBLE REMEDY F HAND PUMP FAILS TO RAISE SYSTEM PRESSURE CONTD3 Suction Line Plugged Remove and clean4 Fluid Level Low Add oil to reservoir S Piston Seal Damaged See D 4 G HYDROTOR TURNS BUT ENGINE DOES NOT 1 Pinion lot Engaging Flywheel Ring Gear Incorrect flange to ring gear dimension Change pinion gear housing and flange assembly2 Bendix I rive Broken Replace Bendix drive Operator should disengage Hydrotor as soon a s engine sta rts Prolonging the period during which clutch overruns will reduce clutch life Incorrect rive Hydrotor may be assembled for LH rotation but with a RH drive Change to correct Hydrotor drive H LOSS OF ACCUMULATOR PRECHARGE NITROGEN 1 Damaged Seal on Piston Overhaul the accumulator Caution Release all hydraulic pressure before removing the accumulator from the system and release all nitrogen pressure before disassembling the accum ulator2 Defective Air Valve Release pressure in system by opening bypass valve on hand pump TIlen open air valve to release remaining precharge before attempting to remove valve from accumulator Replace air valve3 Damlged Seal On End Cap Apply liquid sJap on accWllUlator end cap Bubbling of soap in dicates a leak past end cap seal Release nitrogen precharge before removing cap to replace seals4 Defective Safety Fuse Replace safety fuse assembly after releasing all nitrogen pres sureI HIGH PRESSURE IN SYSTEM1 Defective Gage Replace gage2 Unloading Valve Not Operating Properly Clean and adjust to specified operating pressure Check that the plunger is not binding or sticking There is a SOD lb dif ferential between cutout and cutinJ FLUID EMERGES FROM THE RESERVOIR FILLER CAP WHEN ENGINE IS CRANKED1 Filter Element in Filler Cap Loaded with Dirt epbce filler cap2 Excess Fluid in Reservoir Check fluid level when the accumulator is empty The fluid level should be approximately 212 from the top of the tankK FLUID EMERGES AROUND PISTON ON HAND PUMP1 Damaged Piston Seal See D 4L CRANKING CYCLE TOO SHORT1 Insufficient Accumulator Capacity Add more andor larger accumulators Continued U20 TROUBLE REMEDYL CRANKING CYCLE TOO SHORT CONTD 2 Faulty Pressure Gage If gage is reading higher than actua I system pressure oil volume in the accumulator will be less Replace gage3 Excessive Internal Leakage in Hydrator See C 54 Hydrator Too Small Check engine cubic inch displacement to determ ine that the hydraulic cranking motor is the correct size5 Accumulator Precharge Too High With the fuel shut off to prevent engine from starting crank the engine until a 11 oil is used If the gage then registers zero pressure install a gaging assembly on the air valve and drop the precharge to 12S0 psi Repeat cranking cycle If gage will still drop to zero 3t end of cr3nking cycle reduce pre charge to 1000 pSi6 Accumul3tor Precharge Too Low Open the bypass valve on the hond pump to disch3rge oil from the accumulator Install a gaging assembly on the accumulator air valve If precharge is less than 1 sOO psi add nitrogen Make sure precharge holcls by testing for nitrogen leakage per paragraph HM IMPROPER DRIVE ENGAGEMENT1 Insufficient Depth of Tooth Engagement Standard dimension from flange to ring gear is 200 Measure with depth gage If greater than 200 depth of engagement will not be adequate2 Tooth Engagement Too Deep Bendix collar behind teeth will be marked by ring gear In sert spacer between hydrator flange and ring gear housing3 Improper Mesh of Drive and Ring Gear Use bluing or other marking fluid on Bendix pinion Install Hydrator and crank engine one or two turns Remove Hydrator and check contelet areas for proper mesh U21 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Life SphereThe Life Sphere engine configuration contains an electrical system which is prewired at the factory and operates on a negative grounded 12 volt system Included in the Westerbeke is a 50ampere alternator voltage regulator instrument panel and battery cablesThe panel contains a builtin tachometer with hour meter oil pressure gauge water and an ammeterEach instrument is gasketed at the panel and the panel is backlighted All electrical wires fromthe instrument panel are terminated at an amphenol connector whi ch is mounted to a at the rear of the alternator All other electrical wires from the alternator voltage regulator sensors and the number 6 gauge wire from the positive battery terminal are terminated toa mating amphenol connector The tachometer drive shaft with outer cable housing is suppliedwith loose equipment shipped with the engine One end of the tachometer drive cable is installed in the panel tachometer receptacle and secured with its outer cable housing nut The otherend of the drive cable is installed in the engine block drive shaft receptacle located above theengine dipstick and secured with its outer cable housing nut The engine block tachometer driveshaft receptacle is protected by a threaded cap before cable installation TO LOAD I AMP I wT SENDER fALT I fleo IOPSW IVOLT REd I I OP SENDER I BATTERY r2VDc 60At1 I L JMtiJU2l YOUR NOTES SECTION V SERVICE BULLETINS The following Bulletins contain supplementary and updated information about various components and service procedures which are important to the proper functioning ofyour engine and its support systems You should familiarize yourself with the subjects andmake sure that you consult the appropriate your engine requires service or overhaul V2 SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 17 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 10MODEL Westerbeke 40 and WPDS 1015SUBJECT Sea Water Pump Clearance and Al ignment Clearance Adequate longitudinal clearance between the sea water pump shaft and the driving shaft is established by the use of multiple pump gaskets The number of gaskets required can vary from 1 to 4 Enough gaskets must be used so that the shaft ends do not mate See figure 1 WATER PUMP GAKn5 DRI VE SHAFT DRI VER NOTE puMP SHAFT DRIVEN The application of liquid or paste type Prussian blue at points indicated by arrows will give positive indications of pump drive contact which will require the use of additional gaskets If the proper clearance is not maintained the sea water pump shaft will force the fuel pump drive hub against its bushirg The bushing will seize to the drive hub and rotate in its housing Bushing wear and loss of oil pressure will result When replacing the sea water pump be sure that the same number of gaskets is replaced and there is the required clearance Alignment Alignment is just as critical as clearance The latest 12 pump intentionally has no pilot because the location of the timing cover itself is not precise To assure that the pump shaft is axial with the driving shaft install the pump with the four nuts just snugged WITH THE FUEL STOPLEVER OFF crank the engine for a few seconds If the nuts have not been overtightened the drive tang will cause the pump to align itself It is best to deliberately offset the pump against its studs so you can visually verify movement of the pump as it centers itself during cranking The nuts should then be tightened This procedure must be repeated anytime the pump is loosened J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 16742 V3 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE April 23 1968 BULLETIN NUMBER 11 MODEL Westerbeke 40 and WPDS 1015 SUBJECT Instructi ons for Repl aci ng Injecti on Pump Dri ve Hub Bushi ng 00503231 Remove cis Pulleys2 Remove water pump3 Remove timing cover4 Mark idler gear and fuel pump gears before removing fuel pump gear This is very important in order to retain proper relation of gears and eliminate retiming of engine 5 If fuel pump hub bushing is worn as suspected gear and bushing will pull right out of block6 Remove quill shaft from injection pump splined pump drive shaft7 Remove gear from drive hub8 Remove hub bushing retaining circlip9 If bushing is frozen on hub tighten forward end of bushing in vise and drive hub of bushing with brass drive taking care not to damage female splines in hub10 Place hub flange on top of vise and with small brass punch knock out drive key from hub11 Clean hub shaft with crocus cloth or similar material pre oil and fit new bushing Check that bushing rotates freely Replace circlip12 Clean bushing hole in block13 With plastic or similar soft headed mallet drive newly assembled bushing in place hitting squarely on center until it has definitely bottomed out against block Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 tS17 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 PINV4 WESTERBEKE SERVICE BULLETIN 11 Continued 14 After bushing is in place recheck for free rotation of hub making sure no binding is evident 15 Line up master spline of drive hub with master spline of fuel pump drive 16 Replace fuel pump drive shaft by passing it through drive hub until it enters into pump drive When shaft comes up against fuel pump drive it may be necessary to hold a slight finger pressure against drive shaft and rotate slightly left and right until shaft enters pump drive NOTE On drive shaft longer portion mates in drive hub 17 After shaft is in place uaing a brass or similar hammer drive the water pump drive key into hub 18 Reinstall pump drive gear making sure gear teeth are matched same as on removal 19 Line up corresponding scribe marks on drive hub and drive gear then insall and tighten 3 drive gear bolts NOTE If scribe marks are not properly aligned timing ill be off 20 Reinstall timing cover 21 Reinstall pulleys 22 When installing Sherwood pump refer to attached bulletin Service bulletin 10 42368 V5 SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 3 1968 BULLETIN NUMBER 16MODEL Model SA Transmi ssi onsSUBJECT Reduction Gear Rati 0 Identi fi cation To identify the reduction gear ratio on SA transmissions look for digits marked on the back side of the adapter plate See Drawing Below Location of Ratio Identification These digits represent the following ratios DIGITS RATIO R015 15 1 R020 21 R025 251 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 1617 5BB7700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 PIN V6 SERVICE BULLETINDATE 61569 BULLETIN NUMBER 20MODEL All EnginesSUBJECT Connecting Pressure Sensing Devices to Oil Galleries Oil pressure sensing devices such as senders and switches must never be connected directly to any oil gallery of an engine The reason is simply that continued engine vibration causes fatigue of the fittings used to make such a connection If these fittings fail the engine loses its oil pressure and very quickly seizes Such pressure sensing devices must be bulkhead mounted and connected to the oil gallery using an appropriate grade of lubricating oil hose Any fittings used to connect the hose to the gallery must be of steel or malleable iron Brass must not be used for this purpose J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 fSf71 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 11967 V7 SERVICE BULLETINDATE June 15 1969 BULLETIN NUMBER 21MODEL Westerbeke 40SUBJECT Repl aci ng Injection Pump Dri ve Hub Part Number 12632 NOTE When replacing the drive hub the new hub will have no timing mark scribed on it For this reason the ollowing procedure must be adhered to step by step When the pro cedure is completed and beore replacing the timing cover a new mark is to be punched on the drive hub to coincide with the existing scribe mark on the uel pump drive gear 1 Remove the small cover on side o injection pump 2 Turn engine in direction o rotation clockwise looking aIt Use a socket and long bar on crankshaIt nut and turn by hand 3 While turning shaIt look into opening in injection pump It will be noted that pump rotor has a series o letters on it with a scribe mark beneath each letter It will also be noted that there is a large snap ring visible through the opening 4 Rotate the shat until the scribe mark or the letter c lines up with the edge ot the lower end ot the snap ring There is also a letter G on the rotor do not comuse it with C 5 At this point 1 piston is at 22 0 beore top dead center 6 Remove crank shat pulleys when removing the crankshaIt nut i the shat is moved beore removing the pulley reset the letter C with the snap ring in the pump 7 Remove water pump 8 Remove timing cover 9 Mark the idler gear and uel pump gearThis is very important in order to retain proper relation o gears and eliminate complete engine retiming 10 Remove uel pump gear rom drive hub 11 Obtain three 3 516 ine threaded bolts about 3 long threaded all the way These are to be threaded into the holes on the drive hub and turned in against the ront plate to pull the hub and bronze bushing out ot the block as an assembly Note Tighten bolt equally in sequence to pre vent galling the bronze bushing in the block Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AllaN INOUSTRIAL PARK AllaN MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AllaN TELEX 92 PIN 11967V8 SERVICE BULLETIN 21 Contiuued REPLACING INJECTION PUMP DRIVE HUB 12 When the hub and bushing are removed pullout the pump splined drive shaft which will now be visibleo 13 Remove circlip rrom old hub and transrer bushing to new hub using new circlip 14 With plastic or similar soft headed mallet drive assembly back into block hitting squarely on center until it has definitely bottomed out against block 15 After bushing is in place recheck for rree rotation of hub making sure no binding is evident 16 Line up master spline of hub with master spline of fuel pump drive 17 Replace fuel pump drive shaft by passing it through drive hub until it enters into pump drive When the shaft comes up against fuel pump drive it may be necessary to hold a slight finger pressure against the drive shaft and rotate slightly lert or right until shaft enters pump drive NOTE ON DRIVE SHAFT LONGER SPLINED END MATES INTO DRIVE HUB 18 Rotate hub until letter C is back on scribe mark 19 Reinstall drive gear making sure letter C is lined up before securing boltso 20 Remark hub to correspond with mark on gear 21 Using soft headed hammer insert water pump drive key into hub until it bottoms out 22 Install timing gear cover pulley and water pump 23 Put cover back on injection pump and bleed pump using procedure in manual 61569 Form A967 SERVICE BULLETIN V9DATE June 1969 BULLETIN NUMBER 29MODEL Westerbeke 40SUBJECT Injection Pump Hi story1 First Pumps Marine DPA 3243880 Spring 7123898J Code PH30S0083190 Generator DPA 3248700 Spring 7l23898T Code PH3050021880 NOTE ABOVE PUMPS CAN BB USED ON EInIER APPLICATIONS BY CHANGING GOVBRNOR SPRING AND CHANGING NAMEPLATB2 Second Pumps Fitted from Engine No 107U6037 These pumps cannot be changed for previous pumps owing to a timing mark change 3 0 pump 60 engine Marine OPA 3248830 Code PH 3050083190 Spring 7123898J Generator DPA 3249050 Code PH3050021880 Spring 7l23898T NOrE THESB PUMPS CAN BE USED ON BITHBR APPLICATIONS BY CHANGING GOVERNOR SPRING AND CHANGING NAMEPLATB3 Third Pumps Notetwo marine numbers Marine DPA 3249030 Code PH305OO53l90 Spring 7l2394J Marine DPA 3249020 Code PH3050063190 Spring 7123898H Generator DPA 3248990 Code PH 3050091880 Spring 71238900 NOTE THESE PUMPS CAN BB USED ON BITHBR APPLICATIONS BY CHANGING GOVBRNOR SPRING AND CHANGING NAMEPLATE Pallps lited in N3 can be changed completely for pumps listed in N2 as the timing remains the sameSUMMARY N1 pumps for engines earlier than 107U6037 2 and 3 pumps for engines later than 107U6037 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARI AVON MASS 02322 6f7 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 82 PINV 10 LEvER LiN No Code GovArm Hole Throttle Lever 1101 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 2 1 03 5 2 2 6 2 3 7 3 1 8 3 2 9 3 3 ONiRoL ARM 0 Indicates hydrau11cally governed PH 3050083190 GOVBRNOR MAIN SPRING POSITIONS l code for spring osition GOVBRNOR LINK SETTING This is measured between the inside of the metering valve lever pin and the inside of the governor control cover stud The measurements should be made with the vernier caliper held with the rule parallel to the axis of the pump A few applications require the link setting to be set using the Visual Cutoff Tool 7144601 such information being specified on relevant test data sheets The link length is specified to satisfy two main factors for governor performance 1 Fuel cutoff at maximum speed 2 with fuel delivery at maximum fuel Whilst most governors will operate satisfactorily with the nominal link length some units fail for the above reasons and can be corrected by an alteration to the link length The following procedure should therefore be adopted 1 Set to nominal link length before commencing test 2 If unit fails for no cutoff at maximum governed speed reduce link length 3 If unit fails for maximum fuel interference increase link length Note however that incorrectly machined worn or wrongly assembled parts can produce the same faults and alteration to link length which may be correct will not necessarily effect a solution Should adjustment to the link setting fail to correct the fault then this should be reset to the nominal lenQth and the trouble looked for elsewhere Where adjustment to the governor link length has been made the sequence of the governor setting tests must be repeated and the test requirements satisfied Adjustment must NOT be made beyond the specified tolerance GOVBRNOR CONlRCL SPRING The sketch above indicates clearly the hole numbers in the governor control arm and the throttle shaft link in which the main governor spring is assembled ADVANCBRETARD DEVICES A number of variations of this device are now in produc and great care must be taken when testing and adjusting Details of permissibl adjustments are given on the test plans concerned and it is important that 2 V11 1 The maximum amount of shimming allowed is not exceeded 2 Where an unhardened spring cap is used a 05mm shim is fitted over the pip inside the cap The unhardened cap can be identified by the thickness of the Smm against 3mm for the hardened cap formerly used 3 Tests are carried out strictly in the order specified on the relevant test planVACUUM TESTIt will sometimes be found that due to the flexible pipe connecting the vacuumgauge to the pump being partially filled with air an incorrect reading willresult To correct this slacken the pipe connection at the gauge end with thefuel supply turned on Wait until fuel flows from this pipe then retighten unionFOR DPA TET PLANSThe governor setting speed quoted in the test plan is for tst purposes onlyThe maximum governed speed must be finally set on the engine according to instructionThe following test data is not given in the test plan for coded pumps and mustbe obtained from the setting code on the pump nameplatea Maximum fuel setting c Governor checking speeds d Governor spring Maximum fuel setting speed governed pUllpSExample of setting code Al7S800 I Note S See Note NOTElPrefix indicates pump tested with BDN12SD12 nozzles Not required for testpurposes The letter A will normally be used to indicate that the pump is testedwith BDN12SD12 nozzles but in the case of Perkins engines different prefix letterswill be used These will indicate BDN12SD12 nozzles as before but in addition willalso indicate the engine type to which the pUllp is fittedNOTE 2max fuel setting The maximum fuel setting code is given in mm 3 strokeand must be divided by 5 to obtain the setting value in cc200 strokesNOTE 3max fuel setting speed The figure given in the code indicates pump rpmwhich must be used for setting the maximum fuel aboveNOTE 4governor spring position The numbers 1 to 9 will be used to indicate thevarious spring positions as shown in the guide on page 2 Hydraulically governedpumps will have the figure 0 in this part of the codeE 5 Maximum noload speedengine RPM 3V12 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE November 27 1972 BULLETIN NUMBER 49 MODEL Westerbeke 40 SUBJECT B1 eedi ng and Primi ng Fuel System 1 Ensure fuel shut offvalve is open should be tumed with starter motor one com plete revolution 2 Position shift lever to neutral 5 Loosen bleed screw B Operate priming le 3 Position fuel stoprun and throttel control le ver E as in step 4 above then tighten screw vers to maximum open positions 6 Loosen bleed screw C Operate priming le 4 Loosen bleed plug A Operate priming le ver E as in step 4 above then tighten screw ver E When fuel free of air bubbles issues from bleed plug tighten plug 7 Loosen the four union nuts D Operate the starter motor when fuel free of air bubbles NOTE If the engine camshaft cam driving issues from un ion nuts tighten nuts the fuel lift pump is on maximum lift it will not be possible to obtain a full pumping stroke 8 Start engine in full throttle for maximum fuel with the priming lever E and the engine Immediately return throttle to idle speed when engine starts J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 512 PIN 15140 SERVICE BULLETIN V13 DATE April 2 1973 BULLETIN NUMBER 52 MODEL WPOS 1015 SUBJECT Test Procedure for OMS2 and OMS3 OynaMonitor 3 WI RE 120 240 VOLT 2 WIRE IOVOLT I I TI N N LI OoN ITO I GEN TI GEN TI 0 J 1 Connect DM DynaMonitor Tl T2 and N to generator junction box as shown above if not already done 2 Connect OM to generator as follows if not already done OynaMoni tor Generator 1 10 2 11 3 6 ground 3 Connect a nO watt load between Ll and neutral Turn generator control and DM to remote 5 Arljust 20n ohm potentiometer slowly until generator just starts Turn off DM Generator should shut down 7 Disconnect the 60 watt load and connect a 25 watt load between Ll and neutral R Switch DM to remote Generator should not start If it does repeat steps 3 through 8 C Wi th the 200 ohm potenti ometer adjusted correctly swi tch DM to ON Generator should start If not a malfunction s indicated 10 Remove any extraneous connections which may have been used for this test Return both DM and generator control to their normal mode of operation Secure generator J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INOUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 8fT 5887700 CABLE WEBTCORP AVON TELEX e2 PIN 15269 V14 SERVICE BULLETINDATE February 1974 BULLETIN NUMBER 68MODEL Four107SUBJECT Servi ce Repl acement of Pi ston Ri ng Sets Replacement piston ring sets have been made available for service use on Fourl07 engines should it become apparent after an appropriate period of service that piston ring andor cylinder bore wear may have taken place These ring sets may only be used where the existing liners are not renewed The following instructions are advised for guidance and should be strictly adhered to when undertaking to fit new piston rings to a Fourl07 engine a After removal of the piston discard the rings b Thoroughly clean the piston not forgetting the ring grooves c Examine the piston for signs of scoring wear or damage of any kind paying special attention to the ring grooves THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE WORN DIMENSIONS OF THE PISTON RING GROOVE WIIJIH ARE AS FOLLOWS THE GROOVES BEING NUMBERED FROM THE CROWN DOWNWARDS PISTON GROOVE MAXIMUM WORN DIMENSION WIIJIH 1st 084 inch 2nd 3rd 0695 inch 4th 5th 195 inch d If necessary replace with a new piston e Fit new piston ring set part number 12906 to engines rated up to 3000 RPM and 12337 to engines rated in excess of 3000 RPM The difference being only in the ring fitted to the 4th piston groove see below 1st Tapered Compression Ring t i 2nd 3rd Internally Stepped Compression Ring o o 0 r0O OO c 4th Spring loaded laminated Scraper Ring Microland Slotted Scraper Piston Ring Arrangement Shown Fourl07 Engines Rated up to 3000 RPM RING SET PARI NUMBER 12906 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 6f7 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 92PIN 19055 V15 Service Bulletin 68 Page 2 NOTE Ring set part number 12337 is identical to 12906 with the exception of the ring supplied for the 4th groove For this groove the microland slotted scraper ring is supplied as in the 5th groove of both ring sets Each ring set provides sufficient rings for one piston only For a complete engine therefore four will be required FITTING OF PISTON RINGS hth the exception of the laminated ring fitted in the 4th groove of applications rated up to 3000 RPH the correct method of fitting will be apparent from the diagram overleaf Detailed instructions in respect to this type ring are contained below IMPORrANT a Before refitting the pistons the glaze should be removed from the working surface of the liners by means of a medium grade emery cloth applied in a semirotary movement b Care must be taken however to ensure that no abrasive matter is allowed to fall onto the crankshaft journals and bearings Also all traces of abrasive matter must be removed from the engine before reassembly Below are part numbers and pertinent information to ensure ordering proper ring sets As you will note the rings used vary with engine rated RPH and whether new or original liners are used PARr NO RING SET REMARKS 12738 Ring Set 1 New Liner 3000 RPM 499 To Ser 7034969 12819 Ring Set 1 New Liner 3000 RPM4107 From Ser7034969 12958 Ring Set 1 WORN Liner 3000 RPM 499 From Ser7007685 12840 Ring Set 1 New Liner 3000 RPM 499 From Ser7007685 12898 Ring Set 1 vmRN Liner 4000 RPM 499 From Ser7007685 12905 Ring Set 1 New Liner 3000 RPM4107 12906 Ring Set 1 WORN Liner 3000 RPM4107 12907 Ring Set 1 New Liner 4000 RPM4107 12337 Ring Set 1 IvORN Line r 4000 RPH4107 c c274 PIN 19055V16 SERVICE BULLETINDATE 5674 BULLETIN NUMBER 69MODEL All marine generators and marine enginesSUBJECT Exhaust system failures When engine sea water is fed into an exhaust system so that the full stream strikes a surface erosion may cause premature failures Proper design of either a water jacketed or a water injected wet exhaust system to prevent this problem requires that the sea water inlet be positioned so that the entering stream of sea water does not strike a surface directly Also the velocity of the entering sea water stream should be as low as possible which is achieved by having inlet fittings as big in diameter as possible In addition to the above design considerations it s usually advan tageous to divide the sea water flow at the point of entry to the exhaust system so that only a portion of it enters the exhaust system The remainder is normally piped directly over the side The proper proportion of the sea water flow to pass through the exhaust system can only be determined by trial and error The goal is to prevent excessive exhaust temperatures with the least amount of sea water J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 817 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 24444PIN 19149 V17 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 29 1974 BULLETIN NUMBER 72MODEL AllSUBJECT ity between Manufacturers of Gauges and Senders In recent years we have purchased gauges and senders from four different manufacturers In no case may the gauge of one manufacturer be used with the sender of another manufacturer In some cases the wiring of either or both the gauge and the sender varies by manufacturer Thus it becomes important when ordering a replacement gauge or ordering a replacement sender to order a matched set or to know conclusively who the manufacturer isAmmeters are electrically STEWARTWARNER VOO FARIA NOVOX 2 OrA CASE 2 38 OIA CASE 2 OIA CASE 2 orA CASEAmmeter 11581 11931 16550 19165Oil pressure gauge 11544 11914 16548 19166Oil pressure sender 11542 11916 16551 19167Water temp gauge 11545 11913 16549 19168Water temp sender 11543 11915 16552 19169Adapter ring to in 16023 LAMP 16023 16023stall 2 dia gauge in and and and2 38 dia panel S8 44 AM P S8 44 S8 44cutout GND B SND LAMP Jiring diagram SNDB LAMP SNDB SN GND B Also see GND S8 36 GND J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELE 112 4444PIN 19190 VIB SERVICE BULLETINDATE June 19 1974 BULLETIN NUMBER 73MODEL FourI07SUBJECT Lube Oi 1 Sump Di psti ck There have been some reports that a very few Four107 engines have been shipped with an incorrect oil sump dipstick To insure that you have the correct dipstick place yours alongside the drawing If it is not iden tical regarding the part number stamped and the II max ll IIminll marks shown report it to Service Dept at the JH Westerbeke Corp for immediate replacement No Charge If you prefer you may remrk your present dipstick to correspond with the marks on the drawing J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON fIIASS 02322 51715887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 PIN 19200 V19 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE March 15 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 80 MODEL Westerbeke 40LB 40LS LB49 SUBJECT Westerbeke Westerbeke Lubce1 improves diesel engine cold starting and perfonnance starts at 20 F within 5 seconds in conjunction with hydraulic starting systems It delivers a predetennined quantity of lubricating oil at a directly above the engines intake valves during cranking and when the enginehas started reloads itself from the engine oil to deliver this oil is taken from the hydraulic starter return line Lubcel is designed for use with American Bosch hydraulic PressureDue to the high flow rate in the Bosch hydraulic system the return line builds upbetween 50 and 100 PSI Close to the starter this pressure is used to energise theLubce 1Engine Oil PressureThe Lubce1 requires 2030 seconds to reload at 30 PSI lube oil pressure The engineshould never be run for less than a minute or two if the Lubce1 is to be kept fullycharged 11 th oi 1SERVICE1 Engi ne OilThe Lubce1 unit is not sensitive to tYres of oil used With Hesterbeke Four107Pilot 20 and LB49 cold starting in be1Q111 freezing temperatures it is imperative touse a good brand of SAE 5W20 oil2 lIydrau 1i c F1 ui dle use Esso EP9 hydraulic fluid in our tests but any good grade equivalent hydraulic or te1emotor oil may be used In no case should oils be mixed3 Repai r and OverhaulAll Lubce1 units should be overhauled every two years A Factory exchange program is J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 92 4444 PIN 19473 V20Service Bulletin 80 Con Itavailable to facilitate this Spare parts are available thru our parts department4 Bleeding air from LubcelIi til engine running and oi 1 pressure more than 30 PSI Back off the two top screwsin tile diaphram housing to expel air Vlhen oil is seen secure the bilo screws Bringengi ne to idle If the engine shows a short burst of power when idled there is more ai rin the diaphram housing Repeat step 9 To flood delivery lines start and stop engineabout 4 or 5 times Engine should be run at least 30 seconds each time TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTFault Cause Remedylo oil delivery Failure to reload Check engine oil pressure must be over 30 PSI Check piston action Should require less than 25 PSI to house Needle valve closed Open valve see table below r1ode1 Turns from closed position Pilot 20 2 12 4107LB 2 12 4 lOlLS 2 12 LB49 4Engine will not shut down Piston 0 rings damaged Close needle valve to stop oil flow Check for rough or worn bore and replace 0 ringsEngine speeds up briefly Air in diaphram Bleed air from Lubce1 see SERVICE1 second when idledHydraulic fluid discolored Diaphram ruptured Replace diaphram and changeor contaminated by motor oil hydraulic and lubricating oilPersistant oil leaks Hydrau1ic or engine Pressures should not be above 100 PSI oi 1 pressure too hi gh Refer to workshop manual for lube oil system and hydraulic starting system detailsPN 19473 conlt Page 2 311 75 V21 WESTERBEKE lUB eEL LUBRICATING 01 L SYSTEM LUBCEL DELIVERY RATE I ADJUSTING SCREW FACTORY SET DO NOT ADJUST 6 ENGI NE LUBRICATI NG HYDRAULIC SYSTEM HYDRAULIC FLUID TANKOUTLET HYDRAULICINLET STARTER HYDRAULIC PUMP STARTER VALVE ACCUMULATOR DRWG 19457PI 19473 con It Page 3 31175V22 WESTERBEKE lUBCElITE P NAME REMARKS QUAN 19371 HOUSING Diaphragm Hyd Side2 19268 DIAPHRAGM3 lCl274 HOUSING Diaohragm Piston Side4 19279 GASKET5 19278 ANIFOlD6 19280 PISTIN7 19342 ORING 28 15618 BAll9 19352 SPRING1 19313 SCRE1 Assy14 19428 PLATE15 19429 PLATE 417 19315 NAMEPUHE18 1 19331 LINE Delivery Assy Pil ot20lB182 19453 LIE De 1i very As s y Fourl07lB18 3 19290 LINE Delivery Assy lB49191 19470 KIT Field Installation Four107lB192 19471 KIT Field Installation Fourl07lSPN JJ19473 cant Page 4 31175 SERVICE BULLETIN V23DATE October 3 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 81MODEL AllSUBJECT HydroHush Muffler Installation The diagram on the reverse side shows a proper installation of the Hydro Hush stainless steel muffler Make sure installation is such that water cannot enter engine at any angle of heel or pitch Muffler remains approximately twentyfive percent full of water after engine is shut down with maximum thirtythree inch lift used Muffler must be installed as close to foreaft centerline of boat as possible There must be an unblocked vent to atmosphere at the high point of the sea water circuit where it passes above the waterline to break the vacuum which would encourage siphoning through the sea water circuit upon engine shutdown Such siphoning would fill the engine with sea water through its exhaust Pipe the air vent with approximately 316 copper tubing to discourage water flow through it when the engine is running If water flows through the air vent when the engine is running pipe it over the side or into the transom exhaust outlet But be sure it will drain upon engine shutdown and function properly as a siphon break by venting the sea water circuit to atmosphere Use as few right angle fittings as possible If there is any question as to back pressure check your engine manual Exhaust line diameters indicated are minimums Refer to engine manual for specifics regarding run lengths and sizes greater than indicated The installation tips given are to be used as a guide only We cannot be responsible in any way for muffler installation We presume basic understanding of good marine practice on the part of the installer J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 l17 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVONTElEJC 112 PIN 19468V24 HYDROHUSH BELOW ENGINE AIR VENT EHUST 7 PNIJI704 HYDRO HUlH AIR VENT i n 1 6 IN 1 It iMIN It A A ZlD HOSE IN I I I l lr I Ji L itT11n4r4 I 33 AlI SEE WTER PUP I EHAUST II 3111 OUTLET II II v I rr I II r 1 l I NSUL TlON trl IlJ J A r I l I i r l vrrr L 7 01 itTj1o PN 13174 HYDROHUSH I f IIh I AIR VENT MUST E INST LLED AT HIGHEST J r J r r J l L r IEA AfTER ENGINE SHUT DOWN PREVENTING POINT AND ASOVE WTER LINE IN WTER CIRCUIT TO 8RE K VACUUM L I SIPHONING Of SI WTIR INTO INI Drwg 15294 HYDROHUSH ABOVE ENGINE Page 22 V25 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 19 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 82MODEL AllSUBJECT Battery BATTERY MODEL BATTERY AMPERE HOURS VOLTAGE W7 WPD4 6090 12 VDC W13 44 KW 90125 12 VDC W21 77 KW 90125 12 VDC W27 11 KW 90125 12 VDC W33 90125 12 VDC W30 125150 12 VDC W40 WPD1015 KW 125150 12 VDC W50 125150 12 VDC W58 WTO20 KW 125150 12 VDC W60 WBO20 KW 150170 12 VDC W80 30KW 170200 12 VDC 120 45 KW 200 minimum 12 VDC The ampere hour range shown is minimum There is nn real maximum J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 20442 V26 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE September 4 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 84MODEL AllSUBJECT Heat Exchanger Rubber End Cap Many heat exchangers supplied on our various products incorporate a molded rubber end cap to facilitate inspection of the tubes There have been occasions on which engine overheating has been caused by the improper positioning of this rubber end cap It is absolutely essential that the molded channel running across the inside of the cap be positioned over the baffle of the heat exchanger according to the drawing below In any cases of engine overheating where such a rubber end cap is used it should be checked for proper positioning along with other routine J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 tJ7J 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 1124444PIN 20684 SERVICE BULLETIN V27DATE September 18 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 87MODEL All Marine EnginesSUBJECT Alternator Output Spl itter GENERAL DESCRIPTION The splitter is a solid state device which allows two batteries to be recharged and brought to the same ultimate voltage from a single alternator as large as 120 amp and at the same time iso lates each battery so that discharging one will have no effect on the other Charging rates are in proportion to the batteries voltage state of discharge This method precludes the necessity and even the desira bility of a rotary switch for selecting which battery is to be charged It also assures that ships services cannot drain the engine starting battery INSTALLATION 1 Mount splitter on a metal surface other than the engine preferably in an air stream if available Do not install near engine exhaust system Install with cooling fins aligned vertically 2 Be sure to use a wire size appropriate to the output of the associated alternator In full power systems number 4 wire is recommended from the alternator to the splitter and from the splitter to the batteries 3 Connect the alternator output terminal to the center splitter terminal 4 Connect one splitter side terminal to one battery s 5 Connect the other splitter side terminal to the other batterys 6 When the splitter is installed both batteries will see a charging voltage 810 volts less than usual This voltage drop can be regained if desired by connecting the regulator wire directly to the alternator output terminal instead of the regulator terminal TEST INFORMATION When the engine is not running the side splitter ter minals should read the voltage of the respective battery The center splitter should read zero voltage With the engine running and alternator charging the side splitter ter minals should read the same voltage which should be the voltage of the regulator or somewhat less The center splitter terminal should read 82 volts higher than the readings of the side terminals Conti nued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 fJ17 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEJC 112 PIN 20745V28 BYPASSING SPLITTER In the event of failure batteries may be charged directly from alternator by connecting either splitter terminal 1 or 2 to terminal A bypassing the splitter itself This should not be done simultaneously for both batteries unless they are and will remain at the same voltaqe state of charge SPLITTER STARTER e ALTERNATOR 1 STARTING BATTERY 5 FUSE PNZ0654 5HI P5 SERVICE B LOADS Z 0 0 5 E RV ICE BATTERYS POWER DISCONNECT DRWG 20701 SWITCH 975 V29 SERVICE BULLETINDATE Apri 1 28 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 92MODEL AllSUBJECT Water Temperature and Oil Pressure Gauges Given a presumably faulty gauge indication with the instrument panel ener gized the first step is to check for 12 VDC between the ign 8 and neg 8 terminals of the gauge Assuming there is 12 volts as required leave the instrument panel ener gized and perform the following steps 1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the gauge reads zero the normal reading for this situation 2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground and see if the gauge reads full scale the normal reading for this situation If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge is undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with the conductor from the sender to the gauge or with the sender If either of the above gauge tests is negative the gauge is probably defective and should be replaced Assuming the gauge is OK preoceed as follows Check the conductor from the sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for continuity Check that the engine block is connected to ground Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the battery is connected to the starter both plus and minus the ground side will not necessarily be connected to the block If the sender to gauge conductor is OK and the engine block is grounded the sender is probably defective and should be replaced J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MAS5 02322 8715887700 CABLE WE5TCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 21616V30 SERVICE BULLETINDATE June 22 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 93MODEL AllSUBJECT Adjusting Paragon P200 Series Reverse Band If the boat moves forward when the gear is in neutral at proper idle speed the reverse band may be out of adjustment When adjusting be very careful not to get reverse band too tight or it will burn out If the boat goes backwards when in neutral it may be too tight The following adjustment procedure should only be carried out when it is not possible to obtain the service of an authorized Paragon trans mission service dealer To Adjust On the outside left side of the gear there is a bolt in the mounting pad Under its head arel to 3 washers Remove one washer This should stop forward boat movement But under NO circumstances use fewer than one washer nor more than three J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON IIfASS 02322 tJ17 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 PIN 21683 V31 SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 9 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER94MODEL AllSUBJECT Fuel Pressure Switch Insta 11 ati on Overleaf is a parts list and an illustration showing the proper installation of the fuel pressure switch used on most of our engine products J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARI AVON MASS OZ3ZZ 6175887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELE 9Z PIN 21564 w N RlVISIOH RKCOD UTH lOR I eM FUEL I NJECTION PUMP ON ENGI NE 3 I 19187 I flEr H SCREW 8 9442 cLlT WASHER I 7 e 320 0 RlrlG If OD I 111383 I FUEL PReSSURe SWITCH 5 IIGIS I PLUG 4 9321 0 RING 9t 0 D f I 3 9185 ADAPTER I 2 926 COPPER W4SHR I I Ig204 SCREW ASsy BiccO DESCRIPTiON QTf ORAWV B J S ALL ENG I N ES IyONE IAovoy DWG FUEL PRES swITCH TO A FUEL I NJECTION PUMP EJ7 21743 MAOK IN USAtE NNN4D ID SERVICE BULLETIN V33DATE 7 July 80 Rei ssued BULLETIN NUMBER 95MODEL AllSUBJECT Domesti c Hot Water Heaters PRINCIPLE The heater is connected in series with the engines freshwater circuit This allows full water flow for maximum heat transfer to the heater The series installation also avoids several potential pitfalls of installations in which the heater is in parallel with either the engines bypass or its internal freshwater circuit The only potential disadvantage of a series installation is flow restriction due either to a restrictive heater design a large engine water flow such as models W58 W80 W120 or a combination of both Installation The shorter the length of plplng to and from the heater the better The elevation of the heater should assure that the top of its internal coil is no higher than the engine pressure cap If the heater must be higher than this at any heel angle then the optional remote fill tank must be installed to be the highest point of the circuit Piping between the engine and heater should rise continuously from the heater to the engine so that trapped air will rise automatically from the heater to the engine If trapped air can rise to the heater then a petcock or other convenient method of bleeding that air is a necessity Study the attached sketches A convenient place to interrupt the engine cool ing circuit is between the thermostat housing outlet and the exhaust manifold inlet This is also the hottest water available CAUTION While most owners want the hottest water available it is possible for scalding water or even steam to come from the faucets Since the heater is in series with the engine cooling water any other conven ient point of the circuit can also be interrupted for heater installation Some engi neheater combinations requi re that a bypass ni ppl e be ins ta 11 ed in parallel with the heater This is required to maintain an adequate fresh water flow for cooling capability The table below shows the minimum diameter of bypass nipples in these situations HEATER MODEL SENDURE ALLCRAFT RARITAN 38 NPT W 30 W40 38 NPT W 50 12 NPT 158 12 NPT 12 NPT 34 NPT 180 1j 2 1PL 12 NPT 3t NPT W1W fJPT 12 NPT 34 JPT Please see sketches on overleaf J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 tJf7 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVONTELEX 112 PIN 21814 V34 ENGI NE THERMOSTAT HOUSING DUAL PASS MANIFOLD ItITfRRUPT LTERNATE p A CES TO ONNECTIRUrT AN D IN HEATER SERIES ENGINE THERMOSTAT HOUSING PR SINGLE PA ESSURE CAP M MANIFOLD So PRESSURE THAUTENGINE BE HIGHER CAP fiLL WATERALTERN HEATER AlE INHIGHER ST THEN If HE ATER ENGINE COIL IS PRESSURE CAP BYPASS NIPPLE UNPRE5SURIZED CAP OPTIONAL COOLANT SERVICE BULLETIN V35DATE May 1 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 107MODEL All Model sSUBJECT Thermostats Beginning approximately May 1980 thermostats supplied by the factory have a bypass hole sufficient to allow adequate water flow through the exhaust manifold head and block during engine warmup This flow is mandatory especially in the case of marine engines and generator sets which have significant load applied soon after startup We strongly recommend that only genuine WESTERBEKE thermostats be used in WESTERBEKE products to assure proper design in this regard J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INOUSTRIAl PARI AVON MASS 02322 6111 588 7700 CASlE WESTCORP AVON TElE 92 44014PiN 24707 V36 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 5 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 108MODEL ALLSUBJECT Circuitry Change for Marine Propulsion Engines With the W58 we introduce a new electrical circui which will eventually be used on most models Some features of the new circuit are as follows 1 A voltmeter is substituted for an ammeter Naturally an ammeter can still be installed separately 2 All wires between the engine and the instrument panel need not be heavier than 14 AWG 3 The panel contains controls for preheating and starting the engine eliminating the necessity for a separate control panel Of course the controls can be installed remotely from the panel by the builder if desired 4 The circuit allows commonization of the instrument panel across the broadest possible range of engine models simplifying the distribution of spare parts 5 The circuit allows commonization of engine wiring harnesses across the broadest range of engine models simplifying the distribution of spare parts The same connectors and color coding of the connector poles are used on both new and old harnesses and cables Functional color codesare not necessarily the same in new and old circuits The new panel will not operate with an older engine and new engines will not operate with an older panel Because the connectors are the same a physical mating of old and new components is possible but neither the panel nor the engine will operate and no harm can be done by accidental mismatching Please see diagram on overleaf J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 16175887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVONTELEX g24444PIN 24720 V37 SCHEMATIC OIAGFlAM WIRING DIAGPAM UEL e 50l Wo ONLY PREHAT SOL raltfl0l5ENOR V38 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 5 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 109MODEL W58SUBJECT Two Pass Manifold The W58 employs a two pass manifold It is a key feature of a new cooling system first appearing on the W58 The system s vented by the pressure cap at the return side of the fresh water circulating pump the point of the lowest pressure within the system This has the advantage of increasing cooling capacity by preventing cavitation at the fresh Idater pump under higher temperature conditions This system will ultimately be incorporated on most models The schematic on the overleaf shows the water flow Operation of the circuit is as follows 1 The thermostat has a permanent bypass port of 06 square inches to assure water flow through the manifold while the engine is warming up Replacement thermostats must have this permanent bypass port 2 Hot water leaving the engine thermostat housing passes through the inside half of the water jacketed exhaust manifold to the heat exclanger inlet 3 Water leaving the heat exchanger enters a fresh water cooled oil cooler if used 4 Water leaving the oil cooler or heat exchanger enters the outside half of the water jacketed manifold 5 The outside half of the manifold is comprised of two sections a cooling path adjacent to the exhaust passage and an air removal path which allows entrained air to rise to the top of the manifold 6 The pressure cap is located at the top of the air removal path 7 From the manifold coolant returns to the suction side of the fresh water pump The system is designed to accept an optional coolant recovery tank This useful accessory offers several advantages including 1 A remote fill point for the circuit in which case it should be located slightly higher than the engines pressure cap Conti nued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAl PARI AVON MASS 02322 617 588 7700 CABIE WESTCORP AVON TEIEX 924444 24721PIN V39 2 A means of conveniently observing the water level in the ci rcuit 3 A means of assuring that the circuit is always completely full of cooling water 4 The coolant recovery system operates without diverting engine cooling water It is a oneway connection to the system which provides a place for expanding water to go while the engine is warming up and conversely a source of water to refill the system as the engine cools down TO EXHAUST SySTEM Ef6INE FRfH VArESTRAINER a OIL tMPSA WATERPUMP V40 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 20 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 110MODEL AllSUBJECT Ammeter vJi re Si zes Ammeters may be installed in conjunction with any 4esterbeke marine diesel engine or diesel generator set The range of the ammeter must be appropriate for the maximum output of the alternator Additionally the wire size for the alternator output circuit including the ammeter varies with the total length of that circuit The table below shows the maximum current that can be carried various total distances by various wire sizes to and from source to load HIRE SIZE TABLE Total Length MAXIMUM CURRENTAMPS System of wire in I Volts feet 35 40 55 60 70 85 120 12 to 5 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 12 5 to 10 10 10 8 6 6 6 4 12 10 to 20 6 6 6 6 3 2 1 12 20 to 30 6 4 4 2 12 30 to 40 4 2 2 1 0 0 24 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 24 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 24 10 to 20 10 8 3 6 6 4 4 24 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 24 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 32 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 32 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 32 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 32 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 32 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN 24737
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