Westerbeke Diesel W 46 Parts Manual
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R M AdobeUCSr I f I f Diagram I Z vDC 8ATTERY BATTERY RETURN STMlr SOL 256 Iv PRrHArfR AL UfL 29ALARM 0 P SoW A i9WT SW VIW 0QIES JN243R ReSPONS81lTr 256 AN ON MUST 81 IN noIS lINe TO DISCONNEcr TIE 200AfEIG200NCr F WHEN EAIIINr HE 80ATL VOLT Esei ENGIIVE J TAIZTERS 206 To bue170N OOiVIDUAL CeANKIf siCOOSASWlrCl WITH CONTiNuouS AF VDe WIL IVOiVNlAUY SERVE tHESE tUNCTToNS 5WlrCH TO MAKe CIRCUlr 012431 256 ONNECTToN CONTACT Wlrjl 8 MAY OAMAE CO TtlRpuH EN6INE 8LOCIC WIRING OF AUXILLAIY ALTEIiNATORS SEE FOLLOoNlNG DIARAIoIS MOroiOlA 85 AMP 232vfOrOROLA 720 AMP IIZ3 I 1IF ADDITIONAl PREFURE SWlrCHES ARE TO START THE OIL PReSSURE MANIFeu D TO A BuLKHEAD AND vfOUNTED Ar IE 256 ApPLY jLASrtC Of IGHT 243ECrIICAL TA CONNEC TeD CAUTION 121 TtllS ffQ247fTED BY A RES200 cIRCUI Loc NEAR rHE AND AS CLOSE To THe SOURCE of AS POsSIBLE DIAlfV ANYWHELE IN INJTRfMElVr THE roFfl MOST 1Ntitvc VYll jdPr POwY DISCONNECTS TH243IR rVEL SUPPLY THEREroltfc Jusr iiESiiE THAi rlllZ NSTRIIMENr PANeWIIiINt TO PIEVENr CONiAC 8ETWeeN AND SAL W4C2002 35 SWITCH START I 34 ALGeNArOI200 1 rU P4N243L r tESS IIISnutLIENT PAN200L COMPLcrE IA L lVI 130 I OIL PREsS w NC jWATeR rt243MPr W NO I c7 FUEL LIFT PuMP I 2 AMMEr243i OPTiONALI 25 SPL I TrEIZ OPTlOVAi24 CLOW PLUGS W30 W64EACII 23 GLOW PLUGS W40 I z sw I 2 NEUTA Sll W4RfIIEf I 20 Pl4WEL lEIS INSTPutENrs I I PANeL COPIETE SUPPR243SSIO KIT ALi I 17 TACH Klr AlTERNATO200 1 Ie AL rERNAlo1e 225 SI A 15 SENDEE WATER TEMP I 14 13 SENDEe OIL PRe slIee 2 peE HEA 5114 f pIPEHLAr 1 0 CleeVlr OREAK243R 20ANJ I STAIT2FQ FNe I 8 wf RNESS I I7 HARNES PANEL I KEYSWlrCH tIGlIlnO I 5 VOLrMEr2431Z I SVlITCH PREH200AT I 3 lll PIPESsvliE GAUGE I 2 TEMP I I rACHOMETGR I ITE OE5CRI PTION Oiy iAs JH lAARIIJ llr El VJLI MEHFII f Sw IS TwO PVSH8uTTONS 22284 338S BY KEYSWITCH seE NOTe w T SENDER e FUEL SOL 70100 9SEE NOTEB OP SENDER NOT USED rUL lifT tu P 0 1 j iVZIVII2 7W33v WJ2 Wl8 nOwIOO If EQUIPPE ORN eRN SERifS I ALTERNATOR CAMP 120 8 ALTERNATOR r I I 21 SPLITTER 1r OPTIONAL Jl TO e SERVICE o ATTERY CPT10NoL 8 AMMETER PREHEAT SOL SEE NOTE II IZVDC 0 PUR BRN ORN VEL NEUTRAL S4FETY SWITCH 225 256X AdobeUCSMARINE ENGINE DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM KEYSWITCH TWO PUSHBUTTONS DRAWING 33685 1 This system is supplied on most Westerbeke Diesel Propulsion engines The start circuit and are activated by turning ON the ignition switch To start the engine depress the PREHEAT button to activate the starting aids glow plugsContinue to hold the PREHEAT depressed and depress the START button this will energize the starter and crank the engine Once the engine starts release both buttons NOTE START switch will not function unless PREHEAT button is depressed as the PREHEAT circuit supplies voltage to the START button when is applied to the instruments fuel solenoid fuel li ft pump and to other electr ical devices via the ON posit ion of the keyswitch 2 Later models that have the fuel shutoff solenoid incorporated in the injection pump are shut off with the key switch These models have the option of mechanically shutting off the engine as well Early models were shut off mechanically The option for electri255cal shutoff is available for these early models by the purchase of a shutoff solenoid to replace the deactivated one in the injection pump The DC circuit is protected by a circuit breaker located on the engine Any time excessive current flows the circuit breaker will trip This is a manual reset breaker which must be reset before the engine will operate electrically again CAUTION The builderowner must ensure that the instrument panel wir ing and eng ine are installed so that electr ical devices cannot come in contact with sea water The latest information regarding your engines electrical system is included in the wiring diagram shipped with the engine Be sure to study this wiring diagram and all notes thereon 119 NOTES 118 reconnect the oil hose Unscrew the two magnetic plugs that are located on cor255ners of the main housing The plugs can be checked to see if they are magnetic only after remo255val Touch the inside face with a metallic object such as a screwdriver Clean them and reinstall Usually there are four plugs in the bottom part of the main housing Only two of these are magnetic The other two need not be removed see with SAE 30 motor oil to the proper level see INSTALLATION OIL FILLThe Z erk fitting on the external universal joint should be greased with a light alemite lubri255cant see ENGINE ALIGNMENT2 WATER DRAIN tt1C HOUSING STANDARD PLUG lNOT MAGNETICFor protection from freezing during winter layup remove the small pipe plugs located diagonally oppositeon the front and back of the housing marked Water Drain see illustrationOn the RVIO only one of the water lines going into the watercooled bottom cover must be disconnected to drain the water 3 FLANGE AND ENGINE REALIGNMENT When the boat is launched after being in drydock the lineup of the Vdr ive to the propeller shaft flange and the eng ine to the Vdr ive should be rechecked and corrected if necessary Some engines with rubber mounts may sag and must be raised with adjustments or shims for proper alignment see Flange Alignment and Engine Alignment225 117 A pressure drop warning light is mounted on the instrument panel on Vdrives equipped with an oil cir255culating pump The warning light will stay on until the boat gets under way and the engine speed increases to suf255ficient RPM for the pump to maintain pressure This normally occurs at approximately 1200 RPM but the actual speed may vary by as much as 400 RPM Extended cruising at low RPM such as when trolling is not harmful to the Vdrive even though the warning light may stay Ii t Normal operation is between 6 to 12P 81 The ligh t will go on when the oil pressure drops below 2P8I Loss of oil andor OIL LEVEL GAGE PULL UP TO REMOVE49 PRESSURE insufficient oil level are the major DROP SWITCH causes of pressure drop The oil level should immediately be restored WATER and while running the boat the unit should be checked for leaks If the oil level is normal and the light stays lit when the boat reaches normal cruising speed the wir ing should be checked for loose andor corroded connections If the wiring is correct and the light remains lit the 49 pressure drop switch which is mounted on the side of the Vdr ive see be checked for proper operation The switch can easily be removed and an accurate oil pressure gauge installed in its place If the pressure is normal the switch should be replaced If the pressure is below normal the oil lines should be checked for blockage The pump should be inspected and replaced if necessary The pump is standard on the RV48 and an optional feature on other models not available on the RVIOThe oil level should be checked several times dur ing the season especially on Vdrives without pumps see OIL FILLA clatter or rattle in the Vdrive at low RPM is due to the over255riding of the propeller during the compression stroke of the engine Although annoying it is not harmful It may be reduced by adjusting the idle speed andor tuning up the engine for smoother operation MAINTENANCE 1 OIL CHANGE AND JOINT LUBE After the first 100 hours of operation and every season andor 500 hours thereafter the oil should be changed Run the boat to warm up the Vdrive to operating temperature Turn off the engine Remove the plug in the 6B bottom cover that is opposite the 438 oil s tr ainer Re install aft er dr ain ing Disconnect the oi 1 hose leading from the 438 strainer leave the elbow on the the strainer and clean the outside surface Reinstall the strainer and 116 AdobeUCScases scuppers through the hull are connected to and from the Vdrive to provide independent water cooling and are actuated by the movement of the water With closed cooling systems the Vdrive should be incorporated into the system between the cooler and the suction side of the water pump Proper operating temperatures are from 140 to l80F although safe operating temperatures may be as high as 2l0267F On the models equipped with an oil circulating pump the oil pressure drop switch and the l2Volt warning light should be hooked up per the wiring diagram The switch may be grounded to any part of the Vdrive or engine either terminal may be used for the ground OIL FILL Pullout the oil level gauge Un255screw the breather cap and fill the Vdrive with SAE 30 motor oil through the breather elbow On the RVlO only the oil may be added by r emov ing the plug in the top cover See table below for approximate oil capacities The amount varies with the angle of installation The oil level should be checked with the oil level gauge fully inserted in the unit The proper level is between the Hand L marks on the gauge Add a 2ounce tube of Molykote molybdenum disulfidewhich is supplied with j 12 BREATHER CAP UNSCREW FOR OIL FILLWATER LINE WATER DRAIN I OIL LEVEL GAGE PULL UP TO REMOVE12A BREATHER J ELBOW WATER LINE DRAIN each Vdrive for extra lubrication and breakin It provides protec255tion against scoring or galling of gears bearings and other moving parts Additional Molykote after breakin is not required Reinstall the breather cap The oil level should be rechecked after the unit has been run and allowed to sit for about a minute Add oil if necessary RVlO RV20 RV30 RV40 RV48 Oil capacity 1 pint 2 pints 3 pints 4 pints 4 pints Approx DEALER PREPARATION The propeller shaft and engine alignment must be checked and cor r ected if necessary befor e the boat is delivered Final align255ment should not be attempted until the boat is allowed to settle in the water The oil level must be checked and oil added if required While the boat is being run the water connections should be checked for leak s The oi 1 pr essur e drop switch and warning ligh t i f the Vdr ive is equipped with an oil circulating pumpshould be checked for proper operation Do not transport the boat with the propeller shaft coupling connected Damage to the shaft shaft log and Vdrive can result 115 AdobeUCSLoosen the locking nuts on the adjusting screws Slightly loosen the nuts on the mounting brackets just enough to be able to move the Vdrive Many good installations are ruined by improper propeller shaft flange alignment Accurate alignment will ensure a dr ive train and eliminate many problems that ar ise due to misalignment Final alignment should not be attempted until the boat has been allowed to settle in the water Adjust the Vdr ive until the pilot diameters of the gear shaft flange and the propeller shaft flange engage freely Butt the flange faces together without rotating either flange check with a feeler guage in at least four places as shown in the illustration If the maximum feeler guage that can slip between the flange faces at any point is 003 the unit is properly aligned If a thicker guage can be inserted at any point the Vdrive must be readjusted until proper alignment is obtained Turn the pro255peller shaft flange one quarter turn without moving the gear shaft flange Try inserting the 003 feeler guage as described above The gap will not change if the propeller shaft is straight If it increases the shaft or flange is bent and must be removed and straightened Rotate the propeller shaft flange in two more quarter255turn increments and repeat the procedure The pilot diameters must be rechecked to ensure that they still engage freely Tighten the nuts on the mounting brackets and the locking nuts on the adjusting screws Remove the set screws from the brackets none on RVlO or RV20spot drill and securely tighten Recheck the flange alignment to make sure the Vdr ive did not move out of alignment Secure the two flanges together with the heattreated bolts and special highcollared lock255washers supplied GEAR SHAFT FLANGE FEELER GAGE FLANGE ALIGNMENT WATER AND SWITCH CONNECTIONS 1 ADJUSTING SCREW LOCKING NUT LOOSEN SLIGHTLY TO ADJUST BRACKETS MOUNTING PLATE RV30 RV40 RV48 Hook up the water lines to the two pipe connections on the Vdr ive intake and exhaust lines are one line from the seacock to the Vdrive and another from the Vdrive to the intake of the engine water circulating pump are utilized In some 114 will not vary with mis255alignmen t as the join t is bolted and cannot movePut the JI 31A alignment gauge on the machined diameter of 24ASEAl the JI 24 cover and slide 225 JIA ALIGNMENT GAul it comple tely around 267w 27 SPLINEO CONNECTING SHAF I It will indicate how the engine must be moved to center the splined shaft in the oil seal Remeasur e the joints to see if they are still parallel within 18 It is important that both alignments be checked thoroughly It is poss ible for the splined shaft to be perfectly centered and the flexible joint to be out more than 3267 Premature failure of the JI 26 selfaligning bear ing and seals may occur due to misalignment The zerk fitting located on the cross of the universal jointshould be greased with a light alemite lubricant The above procedure should be repeated after the boat has been placed in operation It is possible for the eng ine to slightly shift and settle especially if it has rubber mounts FLANGE ALIGNMENT INDEPENDENT MODELS Install the propeller shaft flange onto the propeller shaft and tighten the two clamping bolts on the split hub none on RVIOA selflocking set screw is provided for the pro255peller shaft flange Spot dr ill the propeller shaft and securely tighten the set screws All Vdrives are supplied with 3way adjustable mounting brackets 2way on the RVIO and RV20as standard equipment The brackets must face downward to properly absorb propeller thrust The mounting plates can be removed and reversed to fit wider engine bed centers Before installing the Vdr ive loosen all the nuts on the mounting brackets and check to see that the studs are in the center of the slots ZERK FITTING SHORT INSTALLATION REMOVE SCREW TO GET AN ACCURATE MEASUREMENT WRONG LONG INSTALLATION RV20 RV30 LONG INSTALLATION RVl0 RV40 48 r ZERK FITTING ADJUSTING SCREW LOCKING NUT LOOSEN SLIGHTLY TO ADJUST BRACKETS RV10 RV20 center of the slots Retighten the nuts Place the Vdr ive on the engine bed lining it up by eye with the propeller shaft flange as closely as possible Firmly bolt down the Vdrive through the holes provided in the mounting plates 113 AdobeUCSWALTER VDRIVES FLANGE ALIGNMENT DIRECT COUPLED MODELS Install the propeller shaft flange onto the propeller shaft and tighten the two clamping bolts on the spli t hub none on GEAR SHAFT RVIODA selflocking set screw is proFLANGE vided for the propeller shaft flange spot dr ill the propeller shaft and then securely tighten the set screw Many good installations are ruined by improper shaft FEELER GAGE flange alignment Accurate alignment will ensure a smooth operating drive train and eliminate many problems that arise due to misalignment Final alignment should not be attempted until the boat has been allowed to settle in the water After the engine has been installed adjust the mounts per manufacturers instructions until the pilot diameters of the gear shaft flange and the propeller shaft FLANGE FLANGE ALIGN MENT flange engage freely Butt the flange faces together Without rotating either flange check with a feeler gauge in at least four places as shown in the illustration If the max imum feeler gauge that can slip between the flange faces at any point is 003 the unit is properly aligned If a thicker gauge can be inserted at any point the engine must be readjusted until proper alignment is obtained Turn the propeller shaft flange one quarter of a turn without moving the gear shaft flange Try inserting the 003 feeler gauge as described above The gap will not change if the propeller shaft is straight If it increases the shaft or flange is bent and must be removed and straightened Rotate the propeller shaft flange in two more quarterturn increments and repeat the pro255cedure The pilot diameters must be rechecked to ensure that they still engage freely Secure the two flanges together with the heat255treated bolts and special highcollared lockwashers supplied ENGINE ALIGNMENT INDEPENDENT MODELS The engine must be adjusted so that the alignment of the flexible joint is within 3267 An accurate steel rule should be used for this purpose as shown in the illustration On short installations using a flexible joint assembly the faces of the flexible joint must be parallel within 18 Measure this in at least four places around the diameter without rotating the assembly With long installations using the 36 tubular drive shaft also on all RVIODsthe distance from the 33A spool adapter to the bores in the universal joint which is welded to the tubular shaft must be measured on both s ides of the joint Rotate the shaft exactly one quarter turn and measure to the same joint The four distances must be equal within 18 Do not measure to the joint end that is on the spool adapter This distance 112 GENERAL CHECKS 1 Check coupling alignment each time a transmission is replaced in the boat 2 Check shift linkage adjustment to ensure that the shift lever is positioned so that the springloaded the chamfered hole in the side of the shift lever transmission ball enters 3 Connect an oil cooler into the cooler circuit before cranking or starting the engine Various cooler circuits have been used and the correct cooler connections should be located from service literature prior to making the cooler installation 4 Use a cooler of sufficient size to ensure proper cooling 5 Check engine rotation transmission pump setting and the pro255peller rotation prior to assembling the transmission to engine 6 Check oil pressure and temperature when transmission function indicates that a problem exists 7 Use the recommended fluid for filling the transmission 8 Fll the transmission prior to starting the engine 9 Check oil level immediatly after the engine has been shut off 10 Use a clean container for handling transmission fluid 11 Replace cooler line after a transmission failure prior to installing a new or rebuilt transmission 12 Check fluid level at operating temperature III ROUTINE CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE ANNUAL CHECKS 1 PROPELLER AND OUTPUT SHAFT ALIGNMENT This check also should be made any time the propeller strikes a heavy object and after any acci255dent where the boat has stopped suddenly Shaft alignment should also be checked after the boat has been lifted by a hoist or moved onto a trailer 2 SHIFT LEVER POSITIONING The selector controls must position the sh i ft lever exactly in F Nand R selection pos it ions with the ball poppet centered in the shift lever hole for each position 3 BOLT TORQUE Check all bolts for tightness 4 COOLER CONNECTIONS Check water lines oil lines and connections for leakage Make sure lines are securely fastened to prevent shi ft ing 5 CHANGING OIL boats Work boats the oil becomes smelling A seasonal oil change is recommended in pleasure require more frequent changes Change oil any time contaminated changes color or becomes rancid 6 TRANSMISSION FLUID Automatic transmission fluids are recommended for use in all transmissions DAILY CHECKS 1 Check transmission oil level 2 Check for any signs of oil leakage in the bellhousing at gasket sealing surfaces or at the output shaft oil seal 3 A quick visual check of the general condition of the equipment may detect any faulty equipment 4 Listen for any unusual noises and investigate to determine the cause of any such noises WINTER STORAGE Drain water freez ing in collecting from cooler transmission oil clima tes and 110 cooler This prevent harmful will prevent deposits from 7 NEUTRAL Move the shift lever to center position the springloaded bail will enter the chamfered hole in the side of the shift lever and will pro255perly locate the lever in neutral position with shift lever so posi255tionned flow of oil to clutches is blocked at the control valve The interruption of power transmission is ensured 8 FORWARD Move the shift lever to extreme forward position the springloaded ball will enter the chamfered hole in the side of the shift lever and will properly locate lever in forward position 9 REVERSE Move the transmission shift lever to extreme rearward position the springloaded ball will enter the chamfered hole in the side of the shift lever and will properly locate it in the reverse position 10 FREEWHEELING Under sail with the propeller turning or at trolling speeds with one of two engines shut down the gear maintains adequate cooling and lubrication 11 COOLING PROBLEMS Water passages inside the cooler will sometimes become clogged this will reduce cooling capacity and cause overpressuring Back flushing of the cooler will sometimes help to flush the foreign material from the cooler passages The cooler and hose should be thoroughly flushed or replaced in the event a failure has occurred Metallic particles from the failure tend to collect in the case of the cooler and gra255dually flow back into the lube system Replace oil cooler to prevent contamination of the new transmission Water hoses may collapse and reduce or completely shut off flow to the cooler Collapsed hoses are usually caused by ag ing of the hoses or improper hose installation Hose installation should be made with no sharp bends Hoses should be routed so there is no possibi255Ii ty for eng ine sh i ft ing to cause hoses to pull loose or become pinched A visual inspection of hoses while under way will sometimes allow detection of faulty hoses Reduction or complete loss of water flow can be caused by a faulty water pump A rubber water pump impeller will sometimes fail and after such a failure the cooler passages may be restr icted by the particles of rubber from the failed impeller Water pump cavitation may be caused by improper or faulty plumbing or an air leak on the inlet side of the pump The water pump may not prime itself or may lose its prime when inlet plumbing is not properly installed It is possible for cross leaks to occur inside the cooler permitting oil to flow into the water or water flow into the oil 109 3 LUBRICATION The properties of the oil used in the transmission are extremely impqrtant to the proper function of the hydraulic system Therefore it is imperative that the recommended oil automatic transmission fluid ATFType A be used CAUTION Be certain the cooler is properly installed and the contains oil before cranking or starting the engine 4 CHECKING OIL LEVEL The oil level should be maintained at the full mark on the dipstick Check oil level prior to starting engine 5 FILLING AND CHECKING THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Check daily before starting the engine The hydraulic circuit inclu255des the transmission oil cooler cooler lines and any gauge lines connected to the circuit The complete hydraulic circuit must be filled when filling the transmission and this requires purging the system of air before the oil level check can be made The air will be purged from the system if the oil level is maintained above the pump suction opening while the engine is running at approximately 1500 RPM The presence of air bubbles on the dipstick indicates that the system has not been purged of air New applications or a problem installation should be checked to ensure that the oil does not drain back into the transmission from the cooler and cooler lines To inspect for oil drain back check the oil level immediately after the eng ine has been shut off and again after the engine has been stopped for more than one hour overnight is excellentA noticeable increase in the oil level after this waiting period indicates that the oil is draining from the cooler and cooler lines The external plumbing should be changed to prevent any drain back 6 STARTING ENGINE place transmission selector in neutral before starting the engine Shifts from any selector position to any other selector position may be made at any time and in any order if the engine speed is below 1000 RPM it is recommended that all shifts be made at the lowest feasible engine speed 108 WARNER HYDRAULIC 1 DESCRIPTION Westerbeke eng ines are furnished with Warner hydraulic direct dr ive and reduction gear assemblies The direct drive transmission consists of a planetary gear set a for255ward clutch a reverse clutch an oil pump a pressure regulator and rotary control valve All parts are contained in a cast iron housing along with the necessary shafts and connectors to provide forward reverse and neutral operation A direct drive ratio is used for all forward operation In reverse the speed of the output shaft is equal to the input shaft speed but in the opposite dir ection Helical gearing is used to provide a quieter operation that can be obtained with spur gearing Oil pressure is provided by the crescent type pump The drive gear is keyed to the drive shaft and operates at transmission input speed to provide screened oil to the pressure regulator From the regulator valve the oil is directed through the proper cir255cuits to the bushings and antifriction bearings requiring lubrica255tion A flow of lubricant is present at the required parts whenever the front pump is turning and the supplied lubricant is positive in forward neutral and reverse conditions The unit has seals to prevent the escape of oil Both the input and output shafts are coaxial The input shaft is splined for the installation of a drive damper and the output shaft is provided with a flange for connecting to the propeller shaft 2 CONTROL LEVER POSITION The position of the control lever on the transmission when in forward should be shifted to the point where it covers the letter F on the case casting and is located in its proper position by the pop255pet ball CAUTION The Warranty is cancelled if the shift lever poppet spring andor ball is permanently removed the control lever is changed in any manner or repositioned the linkage between remote control and transmission lever shift lever does not have sufficient travel in both directions This does not apply to transmissions equipped with Warner Gear electrical shift control107 2 OIL QUANTITY HBW 5 approximately 04 liter HBW 10 approximately 06 liter HBW 20 approximately 08 liter HBW 50 approximately 03 liter HBW 100 approximately 035 liter HBW 150 approximately 055 liter HBW 150V approximately 10 liter HBW 220 approximately 075 liter HBW 250 approximately 075 liters HBW 360 approximately 140 liters HBW 360A approximately 150 liters HBW 400 approximately 200 liters HBW 450 approximately 180 liters 3 FLUID LEVEL CHECKS Check the fluid level in the transmission daily Correct fluid level is indicated by the index mark on the dipstick See item 1 under use the same fluid grade when topping off 4 FLUID CHANGE Change the fluid for the fir st time after 25 hours of operation then at intervals of at least once per year 5 CHECKING THE CABLE OR ROD LINKAGE The cable or rod linkage should be checked at fr equent in tervals Also check the zero position of the operating lever on the control consoleand of the actuating lever on the gearboxat this time The minimum lever travel from the neutral position to the operating positions OA OBshould be 35mm for the outer and 30mm for the inner pivot point Make certain that these minimum values are safely reached Check the cable or rod linkage for easy movability see item 6 under INSTALLATION6 OVERHAUL Disassembly of the transmission in the field is not recommended If an overhaul or repair is needed the work should be done by Westerbeke or an authorized Westerbeke service center 106 3 OPERATION OF GEARBOX The zero position of the operating lever on the control console must coincide with the zero position of the actuating lever on the transmission Shifting is initiated by a cable or rod linkage via the actuating lever and an actuating cam The completion of the gear changing operation is controlled Gear changing should be smooth not too slow and continuous without Direct changes from forward to reverse are per255missible since the multipledisc clutch permits gear changing at high RPM including sudden reversing at top speeds in the event of danger 4 OPERATION WITHOUT LOAD Rotation of the propeller without load eg while the boat is sailing being towed or anchored in a riverand idling the engine with the propeller stopped will have no detrimental effects on the gearbox Locking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake is not required as locking is possible by engaging the reverse gear Do NOT sail while engaged in forward 5 LAYUP PERIODS If the transmission is not used for periods of more than 1 year it should be filled completely with fluid of the same grade to prevent corrosion Protect the input shaft and the output flange by means of an anticorrosive coatingif required 6 PREPARATION FOR REUSE Drain the transmission of all fluid and refill to the proper level with the prescribed fluid MAINTENANCE 1 TRANSMISSION FLUID To ensure troublefree operation of the clutch use only automatic transmission fluid ATFUnder no circumstances should the fluid contain any additives such as molybdenum sulphite Commercial Automatic Transmission Dexron II is recommended 105 Fluid ATF Type A or The position of the cover plate underneath the actuating lever is to ensure equal lever travel from neutral to position A or B CAUTION Do not loosen the capscrews mounting this assembly Removal or disturbing of the shift cover will void all warranty by Westerbeke When installing the gearbox make certain that shifting is not impeded eg by restricted movability of the cable or rod linkage by unsuitably positioned guide sheaves too small bending radius etc7 ENGINEGEARBOX COMPARTMENT Care should be taken that the enginegearbox compartment is properly ventilated OPERATION 1 INITIAL OPERATION Fill the gearbox with automatic transmission fluid The fluid level is indicated by the index mark on the dipstick see illustrationTo check lIulCllevel TransmiSSion In Operation TransmiSSion Casing Full Mark Surlace Do nOI screw In tor fluid level checks VenT FlUid Level 0267 To check the fluid level just insert the dipstick Do not screw in Retighten the hex screw with the dipstick after the fluid level check Do not omit the Oring seal 2 OPERATING TEMPERATURE The maximum permissible temperature of the transmission fluid is this temperature is to be exceeded an optional fluid cooler is available 104 protection against corrosion for at least one year if the units are properly stored 2 PAINTING THE GEARBOX ALWAYS COVER THE RUNNING SURFACES AND SEALING LIPS OF THE RADIAL SEALING RINGS ON BOTH SHAFTS BEFORE PAINTING Make certain that the breather hole on the oil filler screw is not closed by the paint Indicating plates should remain clearly legible 3 CONNECTION OF GEARBOX WITH ENGINE A torsioelastic damping plate between the engine and the transmission is to compensate for minor alignment errors and to protect the input shaft from external forces and loads Radial play should be at least 05mm 4 SUSPENSION OF ENGINEGEARBOX ASSEMBLY IN THE BOAT To protect the gearbox from detrimental stresses and loads provision should be made for elastic suspension of the enginegearbox assembly in the boat or craft The fluid drain plug of the gearbox should be conveniently accessible 5 POSITION OF GEARBOX IN THE BOAT The inclination of the gearbox unit in the direction of the shafts should not permanently exceed an angle of 20 degrees 15 degrees for the Vdr ive model225 See gearbox also can be mounted with the output shaft in the upward position Interchange the fluid dipstick and the fluid drain plug in this case 102 5 SHAFT BEARINGS Both the input and the output shafts are carried in taper roll bearings The in termedia te gear and the movable gear s are carr ied in sturdy needle roller bearings 6 SHAFT SEALS External sealing of the input and output shafts is provided by radial sealing rings The running surface on the shafts is casehardened 7 LUBRICATION The transmissions are The bearings are generously supplied with splash fluid and fluid mist INSTALLATION 1 DELIVERY CONDITION For safety reasons the gearbox is NOT filled with fluid for shipment The actuating lever is mounted on the actuating shaft Before leaving the factory each transmission is subjected to a test run with the prescribed ATF fluid The residual oil remaining in the transmission after draining acts as a preservative and provides 101 FUNCTION The transmission uses a multipledisc clutch system mounted on the output shaft The thrust force required for obtaining positive frictional engagement between the clutch discs is provided by a servo system This essen255tially comprises a number of balls which by the rotary movement of the external disc carr ier are urged against inclined sur faces pro255vided in pockets between the guide sleeve and the external disc carrier and in this manner exert axial pressure The thrust force and as a result the transmittable friction torque are thus to the input torque applied Due to the cup springs the clutch disc stack and a limitation of the range of axial travel of the external disc carrier 57the thrust force cannot exceed a predetermined value The actuating sleeve 60is held in the middle position by pins To initiate the shifting operation the actuating sleeve 60need merely be displaced axially by a shifting fork until the arresting force has been overcome Then the actuating sleeve 60is moved automa tically by the spr ingloaded pins while the external disc carr ier which follows this movement is rotated by the fr ic255tional forces exerted by the clutch discs and the shifting operation is completed as described above Input Power flow in lever position A B 100 AdobeUCS4 MULTIPLEDISC CLUTCH INCLUDING OPERATION POWER TRAIN The engine torque is applied to the input shaft 36in the specified direction of rotation and in shifting position A forwardvia gear 44the clutch discs 51 and 52to the external disc carr ier 57and from there via the guide sleeve 59to the output shaft 66In shifting position B reversethe torque is transmitted from the input shaft 36via the in termedia te gear not shown in 65clutch discs 51 and 52to the external disc carrier 57the guide sleeve 59and the output shaft 6699 HBW SHORT PROFILE SAILING GEAR DESCRIPrION 1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION The Type HBW Short Profile Sailing Gears are equipped with a iven helical gear ing system The multipledisc clutch requir es only minimum effort for gear changing making the transmission suitable for singlelever remote control via a rod linkage Morse or Bowden cable The torque transmission capacity of the clutch is exactly rated pre255venting shock loads from exceeding a predetermined value and thus ensuring maximum protection of the engine The transmission units are characterized by low weight and small overall dimensions The gearbox castings are made of a highstrength aluminum alloy chromized for improved sea water resistance and optimum adhesion of paint The transmissions are Maintenance is restricted to fluid level checks see Maintenance2 GEAR CASING The rotating parts of the HBW transmission are accommodated in an oil255tight casing divided into two halves in the plane of the vertical axis cooling ribs ensure good heat dissipation and mechanical rigidity A fluid filler screw with dipstick and a fluid drain plug are screwed into the gear casing The filler screw is provided with a breather hole The shaft for actuating the multipledisc clutch extends through a cover on the side of the gear casing 3 GEAR SETS The transmission is equipped with shaved casehardened helical gears made of forged lowcarbon alloy steel The mUltispline driving shaft connecting the transmission with the engine is hardened as well The driven shaft propeller sideof the transmission is fitted with a forged coupling flange except on the Vdrive model 98 TRANSMISSIONS 97 NOTES 96 When tested on the nozzle tester the injection nozzle can reproduce these two spray types for visual inspection Initial throttled spray occurs when the tester lever is operated at a rate of 60 up and down in one main spray occurs when the lever is operated rapidly at a rate of 4 to 6 a Initial Throttle Spray When the nozzle is producing this spray only the atomization is generally poor and the pattern is straight then conical Evidence of afterdribble fuel dribbling after injection is also present All these are due to the injected fuel being throttled by the pintle protruding from the valve While the nozzle is producing this spray check the needle valve for chattering in synchronism with the cyclic motion of the lever if so then the needle valve is free from any sticking or hitching tendency If not the nozzle and needle valve must be cleaned by washing and then retested Evidence of offcenter spray or spray indi255cates that the injection nozzle needs thorough cleaning b Terminating Main Spray With the tester lever operated at a rate of 4 to 6 the initial throttle spray is minimally visible The spray under this condition may be regarded as main spray The main spray should be a good straight cone consisting of finelyatomized fuel particles without any large droplets fuel particles without any large droplets and should terminate with no dribble or dripping fuel at the tip Seating Tightness An injection nozzle tested and adjusted as above and found to pro255duce a good spray pattern may be reused in the engine provided that it passes this final test seating tightness test With the injection nozzle mounted on the nozzle tester raise the pressure slowly to 100 or 110kgcm2 1422 or 1564psiwithout exceeding the set pressure of 120kgcm2 1706psiso that the needle valve will not unseat Hold the pressure and observe the nozzle tip there should be no evidence of fuel oozing out to form a dribble If such evidence is noted the contacting faces of the needle valve and seat must be repaired by lapping in the manner previously suggested or the entire injection nozzle must be replaced NOTE Check injection nozzle for spray pattern every 1200 hours and remove carbon deposits around nozzle tip Over255haul or replace as needed95 1 2 3 4 5 6 AdobeUCS2 Reassembly Sequence Follow the reverse of disassembly sequence NOTE If the needle valve and nozzle proper have to be re255placed be sure to wash the replacement parts in a pool of kerosene after removing their protective films of plastic wash off the rust preventive oil from the nozzle proper by strok ing the needle valve back and for th in the needle valve stem bored Inspection Needle valve and nozzle body 1 Immerse needle valve and nozzle body in a pool of clean kero255sene insert the valve into the body and move the valve back and forth to be sure that the sliding contact is smooth without evidencing any excessive clearance The entire injection nozzle must be replaced if the fit is found defective 2 Visually examine the having a power of 4 or nozzle 5 body with a magnifying glass 3 Inspect the needle valve for distortion or damage at its seating part and for wear of its end face in contact with the pressure pin 4 Poor sea ting contact may be corrected if the defective condition has not advanced too far by lapping the valve against the seat with a coat of clean lube oil applied to the sea ting faces If this does not help the injection nozzle must be replaced Nozzle holder and distance piece Check the fit between nozzle holder and distance piece Determine the quality of the fit from contact patterns obtained with the use of red lead paste defective fit will be obvious by an abnormally high rate of return oil leakoffflow Pressure spring and pressure pin 1 Replace any pressure spring that is otherwise defective and out of square carefully for these defects broken cracked or Inspect each spring 2 Inspect each pressure pin for wear at its end faces one for pressure spring and the other for needle valve Leakoff pipe packing If the packing is found to be in a deteriorated condition replace it 93 b Removal and Installation 1 Removal Sequence a Connectors 14 Pcsb Fuel Feed pipes 2c Fuel return pipe 3d Fuel leakoff pipe 4nuts 54 pcse Fuel injection nozzle assemblies 2 Installation Sequence Follow the reverse of remo255val sequence Fuel injection nozzle tightening torque Unit kgm lbft5 261 05 362 261 36CAUTION After removing injection nozzles be certain to cover ends of injection pipes and nozzle holes in cylinder head to prevent entry of dirt c Disassembly and Reassembly NOTE Before disassembly collect data on the nozzle by testing it for injection pressure beginning of pattern and internal oiltightness all in the manner already descr ibed Throughout the disassembly cleaning and reassembly work handle each nozzle assembly with care to protect in particular the nozzle tip1 Disassembly Sequence a b c d e f g Retaining nut 1hold it in a viseNozzle holder 2Nozzle tip 3Distance piece 4Pressure pin 5Spring 6Washer 7Disassembling Nozzle Holder lRetaining nut 2Nozzle holder 3Nozzle tip 4Distance piece 5Pressure pin 6Spring 7Washer 8Nut 9Gasket 8 251g t7 49 Injection Nozzle Assembly Disassembled View 92 AdobeUCS4 Idling and Maximum NoLoad Speed Adjustments These adjustments are initially made at the factory during engine testing To adjust idle speed loosen the 8mm locknut and adjust the stop screw 1clockwise to increase idle speed or to lower idle speed normal idle speed is between out to lower 8 rnrn stop screwnormal idle speed is between 700850 RPM This may vary with and reduction gears used Noload speed is adjusted and sealed at the factory with 8mm stop screw 2RPM full open throttle in neutral is 3220 RPM Do not tamper with this adjustment NOTE Propeller load should hold engine speed between 29003000 RPM full open throttle underway and in for255ward gear 1 Any time RPM is questionable ensure that tachometer calibration is correct with engine speed before attempting other adjustments 5 Fuel Injection Nozzles a Description The injection nozzle pro255vides a means of spraying fuel delivered under pressure from the injection pump into the precombustion chamber The noz zle spr ays oil in a conical pattern of finelyatomized droplets The mating surfaces of the nozzle holder body dis255tance piece and nozzle are to be oil tight The injection pressure is adjusted by an adjusting washer Increasing the thickness of the washer will increase the spr ing tension and hence the injection pressure and vice versa 91 9 If 8 5 lRetaining nut 2Nozzle tip 3Distance piece 4Pressure pin SSpring 6Washer 7Nozzle holder 8Gasket 9Nut Inspection Nozzle Sectional view 7 6 4 2 the filter as needed Check the cover gasket and if damaged replace it Clean the magnet and cover thoroughly To remove the plunger first remove the spring retainer 6from the plunger tube 12Then remove the washer 7Or ing seal 8valve 9plunger spring 10and plunger 11from inside the tube Wash these parts in clean diesel oil and remove the oil and other using compressed air CAUTION The plunger tube 12has very small wall thickness Be careful not to deform the tube during removal of the plunger parts Carefully handle the plunger to prevent it from being dented or otherwise damaged Assembling 1To assemble and washer retainer install the plunger plunger spring valve Oring in that order and secure assembled parts with the 2Install the filter element and then the magnet and gasket in the cover and tighten the cover with a 17mm wrench to the ends of the slotted stop Servicing and Checking the Electric Fuel Pump 1Changing the Filter After the first 50 hours of operation and thereafter every 200 hours remove the lower cap of the pump using a 17mm wrench and replace the filter element 2Checking the Electric Fuel pump Operation Turn on the ignition switch for a generator use PREHEATThe pump should produce a clicking sound If the pump does not produce any operating sound check with a DC voltmeter to determine that 12 Volts is being supplied to the pump If 12 Volts is being supplied to the pump and the pump still does not make any operating sound replace the fuel pump assembly If 12 Volts is not present at the pump check the unit circuit breaker electr ical connections and switch Fuel delivery free flowis 225cc 48 pintsevery 15 seconds The electrical fuel pump should maintain a positive fuel inlet pressure to the injec255tion pump during engine operation 90 3 Fuel pump This is a transistor type12Volt DC fuel pump The reciprocating motion of the pump plunger is controlled by a transistorized circuit The osc illator section incorporates transistors diodes and resistors When the transistor circuit is closed and the solenoid coil is excited a sucking force acts on the plunger This forces it down against the spring force and the fuel pushing up the deli very valve that leads in to the plunger When the transistor circuit is opened the plunger is pushed back upward by the spring force forcing the fuel out of the ou tlet por t and at the same time the inlet valve opens and the fuel enter s the lower chamber 12 6 IIDiaphragm 17 Outlet vain 3Solenoid coil IRSpring 4I ilter 19 Inkt valve IShltLr l IVLr Fuel Pump Disassembly and Reassembly of the Electric Fuel pump for Cleaning Because this transistorized fuel pump is totally enclosed only the cover filter and plunger assembly require cleaning Using a 17mm wrench remove the cover 1See illustration belowThen the cover gasket 2magnet 3and filter 4can be removed from the pump body 5Removing Filter IICover 2Cover gasket 3Magnet 4hlter 5Body 6Spring retainer 7Washer 8Oring 9Valve 10Plunger spring I IPlunger 12Plunger tube Removing Plunger 89 2 Fuel Filter The fuel fi lter is a sp inon type a manual priming pump Its mounting housing has a Servicing Remove the filter element by unscrewing it from the filter housing with the aid of a small filter wrench Care should be taken to catch any fuel that may be spilled while removing the filter NOTE In installations with fuel tanks located above engine height to prevent fuel syphoning when the filter is removed shut the fuel OFF at the tank shutoff during this servicing Turn the fuel back ON once a new filter has been installed Install the new filter simply by applying some fuel to the sealing gasket of the filter and screwing it carefully onto the filter housing Tighten approximately 34 of a turn once the sealing gasket contacts the housing Turn the ignition key ON to activate the fuel pump This will prime the filter and vent any air from itNOTE The manual priming pump on the filter housing may be used to accomplish this same function without having to turn the ignition key ON It takes approximately 20 pumps to prime the filterElECTRIC LIFT INCOMING FUEL CARTRIDGE 88 FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY INJECTOR PUMP FUEL RETURN THROTTLE CONNECTION AdobeUCS4 5 6 7 8 e Visually examine shaft 2for wear in the areas of the bearing journals and the area of seal 9contact Replace if badly worn or damaged f Visually examine pump housing 8for any wear or damage in the areas of the shaft bearing outer journals and housing area where the impeller turns in 6 Raw Water Pump Engine Mounting a Care must be taken when mounting the raw water pump to the mounting flange The slotted drive in the shaft of the sea water pump should fit onto the drive tang fr om the eng ine The slotted dr i ve and the tang should not be forced against each other when the raw water pump is secured This would cause undue stress on the pump bearings and the drive tang gear Lock Washer 267Ji Flat Washer SeaWater Pump Sea Water Pump Mounting Stud b Alignment is just as critical as the drive clearance The raw water pump intentionally has no pilot because the location of the timing cover and the mounting flange vary when bolted to the engine To assure that the pump shaft is axial centeredwith the driving tang install the pump with its gasketsjust snuggly With the fuel lever on the injection pump in the OFF position crank the engine for a few seconds so the raw water pump will align with the drive tang Visually verify movement of the pump as it aligns during cranking Secure the pump by tightening up on its four holddown nuts NOTE water This pump procedure must be followed any is removed or loosened for 86 time any the raw reason 5 Raw Water Pump 51 The pump is a positive replacement type pump engine driven with a replaceable neoprene impeller Disassembly 7 a Remove front cover scr ews and washers 13 14and front cover 12with gasket 5 11 b with a pair of screw drivers positioned 180267 apart on the impeller 10carefully pry the impeller from the shaft and out of the pump body 14 13 c Remove screw 7 and take 12 cam 8 out of the pump 11 d Remove key 3 from the 10 impeller shaft 2225 8 e Support the pump base in an arbor press or similar press and push the impeller shaft 4 2and bearings 4 out of the pump housing 6225 f Properly support bearings 4and remove from shaft 2In some disassembly bear ings may remain in pump housing In those cases support the housing and push bearings out g Push seal 9from inner housing Note placement of seal in housing seal lipto reinstall correctly225 52 Inspection a Visually examine impeller blades suspected impeller 10Look for any cr acked or wor n Ma ter ial should be flex ible Replace if b Visually examine cover 12inner surface Replace if there is any indication of wear or grooving from the impeller turning on the inner surface c Check cam 8for wear Replace as needed d Check bearings 4and rotate Look for binding and any indi255cations of damage 85 AdobeUCS43 d Check the pump shaft bearing journals for wear Replace the shaft if the journals are excessively worn e Check the sur faces of the pump case where the bear ings are fitted for excessive wear or damage Replace the case or the pump assemblyif those sur faces on the case are found in bad condition NOTE Upon assembling the water pump tur nit by means of the pulley making certain that the pump rotation is smooth without any signs of a Install bearings 2on pump shaft land install the shaft in pump case 4225 b Install snap ring 5in pump case on pulley side S c Install larger half of unit seal 7 in the pump case and smaller half of seal in the impeller 8 screw the 1 impeller onto the shaft d Install cover 9 3 e Install spacer 3 onto the pulley side of the shaft 2 position the woodruff key in the shaft keyway and install the pulley onto the shaft fasten the pulley to the shaft with the lockwasher and water pump shaft nut f Rotate the shaft to check that the impeller does not interfere with cover g Apply water pump grease thru the Zerk fitting 12 cubic inchesDo not overfill 84 Capacity20cc c To remove impeller 3sup255port the shaft with a stand and unscrew impeller NOTE The impeller is on the shaft The thread is righthandedd Remove spacer 5from the shaft at the pulley side of the pump case e Remove snap ring 6from the pulley side of the pump case f Pull shaft 8off the pulley side of the pump case and remove bearings 7and 9from the shaft 42 Inspection a Examine the pump operation by slowly rotating it If the pump is erratic in rota255tion replace bearings bearings b Visually check the impeller for corrosion or breakage Replace a defective impeller Also check for signs of rubbing If such rubbing is evident check the cause The impeller and case or cover if found damaged due to rubbing must be replaced with new ones c Check the condition of the unit seal is badly worn or damaged 83 Replace the seal if it I t SYSTEM FRESH AND RAW WATERDI WATER INJECTED ELBOW V r r I I t l lJ COOLANT RECOVERY TANKf MANIFOLD HEAT EXCHANGER TO HOT WATER TANK OIL LINES 1 Fresh Water Circuit THERMOSTAT Refer to the illustration above Fresh water culated through the circuit by the beltdriven mounted on the front of the engine block INCOMING RAW WATER coolant is fresh water cir255pump The circulating pump draws coolant from the discharge side of the hea t exchanger and moves it through the eng ine blockhead The thermostat located in a housing at the top forward part of the cylinder head controls the operating temperature of the engine by opening and closing to regulate coolant flow through the engine blockhead The coolant passes through the opened thermostat and the exhaust manifold to the lower discharge of the manifold through the lube oil cooler The coolant then passes through the domestic water heater flow controller and into the engines heat exchanger where it is finally cooled by the raw water circuit 81 AdobeUCSe After reassembling the pump complete with its strainer immerse the strainer in a pool of oil and run the drive gear by hand to make certain that the pump is capable of sucking oil in 3 Oil Filter The filter is mounted on the righthand side of the crankcase at its center part The oil bypass valve for letting the oil bypass the filter is actually a relief valve located in the center por255tion of the element This valve is set to open when the pressure across the filter rises to 1002kgcm2 14228psiwhen the valve opens the oil flows directly from the inlet side to the outlet side The filter must be serviced regularly or before the filter becomes so dirty that it actuates the bypass valve The oil filter has a builtin relief valve operating in response to the oil pump discharge pressure This valve starts relieving when the pressure rises to 303kgcm2 theexcess oi 1 to the oi 1 pan and limiting the pressure of oil reaching the engine oil gallery to a constant level 31 Disassembly 1 Remove filter 1and relief valve 2from filter bracket 332 Inspection The filter should be replaced after each 100 hours of opera255tion or whenever its filter255ing per formance has not iceably deter ior ated Inspect the filter to notice any signs of rupture or fissure if so replace filter Visually exa255mine examine the filter bracket for any distortion and cracks 80 d Rotor Shaft Diameter Inspect the shaft for damage and check it for wear by measuring with a micrometer Determine the available clearance of the shaft in the pump body from the micrometer readings if the serv ice limit in terms of clearance value is exceeded or if the shaft is in badlydamaged condition replacement is necessary 23 Reassembly a Install inner rotor to pump shaft with pin b Place pump shaft in pump case Install pump drive gear to the shaft with pin c Place outer rotor in pump case and install pump case cover complete with gasket and oil strainer NOTE If pump shaft or drive gear has been replaced a new pin hole must be made by dril255ling through the gear mounted on the shaftd After replacing the cover check to be certain that the match marks are correctly indexed If the cover is in the wrong position relative to the case the pump will not draw in oil Tighten the bolts after check ing to be sure that the marks are correctly matched 79 Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Service limit Rotor shaft 0496 diameter Shaft to body 000157 clearance Fitting covertocase by matching marks AdobeUCS22 Inspection a Running clear ance between outer rotor and inner rotor Using a feeler gauge check the clearance at var ious positions If the reading exceeds the service limit replace both rotors Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Service limit Clearance between 0013 015 025 inner rotor and 000051 rotor b Sliding clearance rotors and cover between This clearance is required not to be gr ea ter than OlSmm OOOOS9linIf this limit is exceeded grind off the rna ting face of the body to reduce the clear255ance Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Clearance between 004009 015 rotors and cover 00016 0003500059c Radial clearance between outer rotor and pump body Insert a feeler gauge be255tween the outer rotor and the body If the clearance checked is gr ea ter than the limit replace the worn part Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Clearance of outer 02028 05 rotor in body 00079 00110002078 Checking rotortorotor clearance Checking rotorto cover clearance Checking rotortobody clearance LUBRICATING SYSTEM 1 Lube Oil Circulation A trochoid rotary pump draws oil from the oil pan through the oil strainer and delivers it under pressure to a fullflow oil filter then the cleaned oil is forwarded into the oil gallery inside the crankcase From the gallery the oil is distr ibuted to the various parts of the engine The pump is driven from the camshaft The oil filter is a replacable cartridgetype element through which the oil is forced 2 Oil pump The pump is loca ted ins ide the righthand rear por t ion of the crankcase Its main shaft is driven from the skew gear formed to the camsha ft 21 Disassembly a Loosen and remove the four capscrews and washers 9lOsecuring oil strainer IIgasket 12and oil pump cover 8to the oil pump 3and separate the strainer gasket and cover from oil pump case b To facilitate removal of outer rotor 5turn the oil pump case upside down c Drive out the oil pump drive gear taper pin 2and remove drive gear Ifrom main shaft 4225 Pullout the main shaft from pump case d Drive out inner rotor pin 7and separate inner rotor 6and outer rotor 5from 77 3 8 119 10 b The front crankshaft pulley has timing marks embossed on its from O267 top dead center TDCto 40267 before top dead center BTDin fivedegree increments Locate the 20267 and 25267 marks and place a visible mark halfway between the two points to represent 23267 c Rotate the eng ine by hand to position the number one piston on its compression stroke Continue rotating the engine to align the 23267 mark on the crankshaft pulley with the timing pointer and stop d On the side of the injection pump body is an oval cover plate mounted to the pump body by two screws that are wir ed together Cut the connecting lock wire remove the screws and cover plate inc Iud ing the gasket NOTE Some fuel will be lost from inside the pump when this cover is removed Be prepared to catch it in a containere Inside the opening in the injection pump is a circlip and the rotor body of the pump The rotor body has a scr ibe mark on it with the Letter E stamped above it The scribe mark should align with the topflat surface of the circlip If the mark does not align loosen the injection pump secur ing nuts and gently rotate the injection pump body up or down to align the scribe mark with the circlip flat The pump is now statically timed to the engine Secure the pump to its mounting flange replace the pump side cover and gasket and lock wire the side cover attaching bolts NOTE Do not overtighten the side cover attaching boltsReattach fuel supply and return lines to and from injection pump Connect highpressure injector lines between the injection pump and injectors Do not cross or mix up these lines E Scribe mark 76 Installing Late Model Injection Pump a Remove drive tang plate from front of injection pump drive gear and locate scribe mark on face of gear that designates mating splines for master spline on injection pump drive shaft b Locate master spline on injection pump drive shaft and position to correspond to scribe mark on drive gear by rotating injection pump drive shaft c Carefully slide the injection pump onto the engine mounting flange centering the master spline with the scribe mark on the drive gear and engage the two d Snug up on the injection pumps three securing nuts and rotate the injection pump so as to align the 23267 scribe on the injec255tion pump flange with the timing scr ibe on the front cover Tighten the 3 securing nuts o 0 VIEWED FROM SEA WATER PUMP SIDE Master spline scribe Verifying Injection Pump Timing a Locate timing pointer on front gear cover This pointer is located at about the 10 OOoclock position when viewing the front crank shaft pulley 75 Flange plate side mark Timing pointer Front pulley Injection PUil side marks AdobeUCSFUEL INJECTION PUMP Two styles of injection pumps were used with this engine Early DPA J3942F490 This type had a taperedkeyed drive shaft Later DPA J3942F580 This type had a splined drive shaft with a master spline The injection pump is mounted to the engine front plate It is secured to the front plate by three studs with Ilmm hex nuts and washers Installing Early Model Injection pump a Rotate engine so as to position keyway in pump drive gear at 1200 oclock b Rotate injection pump drive shaft to position keyway at 1200 oclock Insert woodruff key in keyway c Carefully slide pump onto the engine mounting flange and guide the tapered drive shaft with woodruff key into the drive gear d When drive shaft is positioned in the drive gear secure in drive gear by threading raw water pump drive tang onto the pump drive shaft protruding from the drive gear e Snug the injection pump up to the front plate with the three securing nuts and washers position the 23267 scribe mark on the pump flange in line with the scribe on the front cover Tighten the three securing nuts 1200 I Flange plate sIde mark 74 Injection pump side marks 19 Install the timing gear case 1to the front plate pro255perly Use sealing washers behind the head of bolt 2to prevent oil leaks 20 Install front crankshaft pull255ey Take care not to damage front crankshaft seal when slipping pulley onto crankshaft and through the front seal 21 Install the DC charging alternator mounting bracket and mount the alternator 22 Install alternator drive belt as follows a Attach fan belt pulley to the b Adjust the fan belt tension to a slack of 12mm 12in23 Install the starting motor 24 Install the oil filter mounting adaptor filter oil lines and lube oil cooler with all related hoses 25 Install transmission drive damper to the flywheel 26 Install the transmission bellhousing transmission adaptor plate 27 Install all four mounting brackets and mounting isolators and 28 Install flow control and heat exchanger with related plumbing Replace hoses and clamps as needed 29 Install rear lifting eye with preheat solenoid and main DC circuit breaker 30 Install senders and switches clean Make certain all contacts are 31 Reinstall engine electrical harness 73 f Connect oil pipe to connector securely Then adjust the valve clearance to 02Smm OOlinfor both intake and exhaust valves in cold setting 16 Adjust valve clearance as follows The valve clearance specification for this engine is 02Smm 00098 in for both in take and exhaust valves Th is value assu255mes that the engine is at normal temperature there being no tem255perature difference throughout the body of the engine The checking and adjusting procedure is as follows a Rotate the crankshaft slowly to bring the piston in No1 cylinder to Top Dead Center TDC This can be accomplished by observing rocker arms of No4 cylinder As you turn the crankshaft the rocker arm of this cylinder rises stop turning the crankshaft just when intakevalve rocker arm beg ins to go down after exhaustvalve rocker arm has come up all the way Under this condition adjust valve clearance in the usual manner on the intake and exhaust valves of No1 cylinder intake valve of No2 cylinder and exhaust valve of No 3 cylinder b Turn the crankshaft one complete rotation 360and hold it there Adjust the clearance on intake and exhaust valves of No 4 cylinder exhaust valve of No 2 cylinder and intake valve of No 3 cylinder 17 Install the rocker cover and gasket 18 Install the fresh water pump assembly as follows a Install water pump assembly b Install the bypass hose bet255ween the manifold and tee below the thermostat 72 Coolant bypass hose 14 Install the cylinder assembly as follows head a Apply liquid packing to both sur faces of the new gasket 1with a brush or spray gun After waiting 3 or 4 minutes place the gasket on the crankcase 2and install cylinder head 3Use two guide bolts 4to prevent the gasket from moving when placing cylinder head on the crankcase b Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of 12 kgm 868 Ibftat exhaust side and 105 kgm 76 Ibftat intake side in the sequence shown in the cylinder head bolt tightening 15 Install the push rods rocker shafts as follows and a Insert the push rods 1into the tappets b Install rocker shaft as255sembly as follows c Insert Orings 3into oil pipe 2and connect the oil pipe to the front and rear rocker shafts Then tem255porarily install each bracket to the cylinder head d Temporarily tighten two or three threads on the oil pipe union nut and connec255tor e Secure tne preinstalled brackets by tightening four bolts at the front and rear sides uniformly to a torque of 15 kgm 1085 IbftTighten the long bolts 4fir st 71 14 12 o 0 2 10 11 o 0 o 1 3 7 Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence 12 Install the backplate and flywheel as follows a Install dowel crankshaft end block pins in and engine b position back plate to engine block fitting over dowel pins and bolt to block c position flywheel on crank255shaft using aligning dowel pin Flywheel bolt tightening torque Unit kgm llrft85 261 05 615 261 3613 Reassemble the cylinder head as follows a Press valve guide 2into cylinder head 1as shown in illustration on right lC Part 36518 55 Valve guide installation tool Install stem valve guide the breast of guide groove seal 3to Completely the seal in the fit the b Install valve 4 valve spring 5and retainer 6in this order Compress the spring with a valve lifter to install valve cotter 7securely Install caps 8when installing rocker shaft assembly c Install holders exhaust cylinder thermostat nozzle glow plugs and manifold to the head 70 lCylinder head 2Valve guide AValve guide installer B BAs installed length 18 rnm 0709 in1 9 Cylinder head asembly lCylinder head 2valve guide 3stem seal 4valve 5valve spring 6Retainer 7valve cotter 8valve cap 9combustion chamber jet d Tighten camshaft thrust plate to crankcase gaining access to the thrust plate and securing bolts through machined holes in camshaft gear 9 Install the follows idler gear as a Install idler gear by rna tching the timing mark on each gear 10 Install the oi 1 pump assembly as follows a Install oil pump 1into the oil pump installation hole in the crankcase and mesh the pump drive gear with the camshaft pump drive gear b Install one end of the oil strainer stay 2to No 2 bearing cap with distance piece 3inserted between both Install the other end of the stay to oil strainer 4by bolts 511 Install the oil pan and torque pan bolts to 07 kgm 51 lbft225 69 Timing gear match marks meeting each other ICamshaft gear 2Crankshaft gear 3Idler gear 4Injection pump gear d Install sleeve onto the rear end of cr ank sha ft Apply clean eng ine oi 1 to the internal surface of oil seal 1and secure it with bolts 2by using an oil seal aligner e Apply gasket cement to the tip of bolts 3as they fit into the four throughbolt holes in the bearing cap Tighten the bolts to a torque of O4kgm 29 lbft225 8 Install the front plate as follows a Apply gasket cement to both sides of the front plate packing and attach the packing to the front face of crankcase Secure front plate 1with injection pump fastened by two bolts 2The tightening torque of the bolts is 21 kgm 152 lbftb Heat camshaft gear on a hot plate to between l50267C and l80267C and fit gear to shaft c Apply a light film of oil to the camshaft journals and bushings Then carefully install the camshaft into engine block 68 b Tighten connecting rod clamping nuts to a torque of 55 kgm 39771 IbftNOTE Rotate the crankshaft7 Install the retainers and gaskets as follows a Install retainers 1to the external peripheries of main bear ing caps No1 and No3 with the flange facing the inside of the case b Apply good quality gasket cement on both sides of oil pan gasket 2and attach it to crankcase Make sure tha t the gasket is comple255tely attached in the grooves Ain the caps c Apply gasket cement to both ends of rubber packing 3and insert the packing into cap 67 4 Install the follows crankshaft as a Install thrust plate 1and two woodruff keys 2to the crankshaft and drive on crankshaft gear 3by using suitable hollow drift Ab Install crankshaft to the crankcase 5 Install the rna in bear ing caps as follows a Apply eng ine oi 1 to the crankshaft journals and pins and install the crankshaft into the crank255case securely Attach lower main bearing 1to main bearing cap 2front center and rearand install the cap in place by aligning it with dowel pin Aon crankcase b Measure the crankshaft end play with a thickness gauge Replace No1 main bearing if the end play is out of Tighten main bearing capscrews 3to a torque of 85 kgm 61 463 IbftNOTE Rotate crankshaft to ensure no unusual binding or resistance occurs6 Install the connecting rod bearing caps as follows a Install lower connectingrod bearing 2into cap 1and apply eng ine oi 1 to the internal surface of the bear ing Then install the cap with the matching mark on the cap aligned with mark Aon the rod 66 b Drive idler shaft 2into crankcase by using installer B225 c Lightly apply engine oil to the crankpins and install main bearings upper225 Securely engage the bearings with the crankpins 3 Install the piston assembly as follows Install upper connectingrod bearing 1into the large end of connecting rod Apply engine oil to the internal sur255face of bearing and on the ex ternal per iphery of piston Posi t ion piston ring s so that ring gaps are located 90267 in relation to each other as shown Then insert piston assembly 2into crankcase Alignment marks on the con255necting rod must face the camshaft side Put attaching capscrews 3into rod in advance Insert piston assembly into its cylinder with the aid of a pistonring installing tool NOTE Pistonrod assembly is installed from crankshaft side of engine block65 No1 ring gap No2 Precombustion chamber side c Install compression rings and oil control ring as shown in illustration at top right using standard piston ring expanding tool NOTE No 2 ring has an R marked on its top side Be sure that this side faces the piston crown when installed in its groove as shown in illustration at center rightd Install No 3 oil control ring and expander as shown in illustration at bottom right 2 Reassemble follows the cr ankcase as a Press three camshaft ings 1into camshaft bush255holes in crankcase by using adapter AIf the fit exceeds the repair limit machine the holes and install new bushingsMake certain the oil holes in cam bush ings align with Driving Driving in camshaft bushing 64 ICompression rings 20il control ring This mark faces the piston crown connecting part 1 1 2 Oil control ring and expander installed REASSEMBLY 1 Reassemble the connecting rod and piston as follows a Press bushing into small end of the connecting rod Ensure that the oil holes in bushing and rod are aligned b Heat piston on a hot plate to between 100267C and 120267C 212267F and 248267FInstall small end of connecting rod into boss and connect piston and piston pin by slowly inserting piston pin into piston NOTE Insert snap ring into one end in advanceInstall the connecting rod to the p is ton so tha t the cylinder number side will face the camshaft and the combustion chamber side of the piston will face away from the camshaft when the assembly is installed on the cr ank shaft 63 Combustion chamber side Camshaft side Stamped cylinder number side Piston and connecting rod assembly AdobeUCSI f AdobeUCSTiming Gears 1 It is important that the backlash in each mesh is within the repair limit If the limit is exceeded r educe the backlash by replacing the worn gear To measure backlash place a feeler gauge squarely between two gear teeth Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Backlash 012 024 03 00047 0009500122 Check the r ad ial clear ance be255tween the idler bushing and shaft by measur ing with a micrometer Compute the clear ance fr om the read ing s taken and if the repair limit is exceeded replace the bushing Specifications Unit mm inItem Nominal Standard Repair limit Fit of shaft 36 0025 0075 01 in idler 1417000098 00029 50004bushing 3 Check the idler end play with a thickness gauge Replace the thrust plate to reduce the play if the thickness gauge reading exceeds the repair limit Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Idler end play 001 035 0 00040013861 Checking idler end play I f I f OInstall the main bearings in the crankcase without the crankshaft securing each bear ing cap by tightening the bolts to 85 kgm 615 Ibftand measure the diameter from two positions Aand Bas indicated in the illustration Measure the journal with a micrometer From these readings compute the radial clearance Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Fit of main 003 0089 02 bearings on 00012 Check each mainbearing shell for crush Shells that are loose in the bor e or have an excessive crush must be replaced A crush of up to O04mm O0016inwhich will yield a load of 500kg 11031bis recommended positions for measuring main bearing iW Main bearing crush Crush 0004 mm Camshaft 1 Check the camshaft end playas outlined for Where the end play exceeds the repair limit plate Specifications Unit mm inItem Nominal Standard Repair value limit Camshaft end 50 005 0112 03 play 0197000197 0012000441the timing gears replace the thrust 2 Inspect the camshaft journals for abnormal wear and damage the camshaft must be replaced if any of the three journals is found in disrepair 3 Using a micrometer measure each cam of the camshaft to read Dl cam heightand D2 diameterthen compute the difference bet255ween Dl and D2 If this difference is less than the service limit replace the camshaft 58 AdobeUCSThe end play is due to the differ255ence between the width of thrust bear ing and the dimens ion Aindi255cated below 4 Runout Support the crankshaft as shown and roll it to measure its deflection with a dial gauge Distortion is onehalf on the deflection dial gauge readingif it exceeds the standard reduce it by bending the crankshaft in a press Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Crankshaft runout 002 05 0000800205 Main Bearing Inspect each main bearing for evidence of wiping or fatigue failure scratches from im255bedded dirt particles and improper seating on the bore bearing capUpon inspec255tion determine whether the bearing should be replaced or not Check each main bearing that will be installed during engine reassembly to determine the specified radial clearance The checking procedure is as follows 57 Journal width for thrust bearing Checking crankshaft for runout Measuring main bearing ID 000394 to 000472in000394 to 000472inI f I f NOTE If the fit or clearance of main bearings on journals is still in excess of O2rnrn O008ineven if new bearings are used or if the taper or out of roundness is not less than O03rnrn OOOI2ingrind the journals to the next undersize2 Crankpins a Inspect each crankpin for surface flaws such as roughing scratches pitting and burrs repair the crank255pins as necessary by grinding to the next under255size or replace the cr ankshaft b Using a micrometer measure each crankpin take a total of readingsto determine the wear outofround and taper any of the limits is exceeded repair by grinding to the undersize or replace the crankshaft Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair Service limit limit Diameter of 650015 015 0035 09 journal 2 559000059 000590035 000138 Out of roundness of crankpins and journals om 00004003 max 00012Taper of crankpins and journals Diameter of 58 0035 0055 020 crankpin 228rO001380008 000217 02 003 0089 00079Fit of journals 00012 Uneven in main bearings 000350wear 003 0001255 four If next Crankcase 1 Inspect the outside and inside surfaces for evidence of cracking Visually examine the cylinder bores for scuffing rusting erosion or any abnormal wear Using a str aigh tedge check the top face for rna t ing with cylinder headfront face for mating with front plateand rear face for mating with rear platefor flatness 2 Make sure that the top face of the crankcase is flat within the standard specified below If the standard is exceeded reface the top by using a sur255face grinder to make it flat within the specified standard Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Warpage of crankcase 005 max 02mm gasketed surface 1 Journals a Inspect each journal for surface flaws such as roughing scratches pitting and burns and as neces255sary repair the journals by grinding to the next under255size or replace the cr ankshaft b Measure each journal with a micrometer take a total of four readingsto determine the wear outofround and taper cylindr icali ty225 If any of the limits are exceeded repair by grinding to the next undersize or replace the crankshaft 54 Checking crankcase top for flatness A8I I C I I D Checking crankcase top for flatness positions for measuring journal with a micrometer c Check the contact pattern of the connectingrod bearing on the crankpin by placing the large end into its operating position with the crankshaft laid out on a bench and by applying a paste of red lead or Prussian blue to visualize the contact Be sure to tighten the capscrews to the specified torque 55kgm 398IbftThe contact should occur over 75 of the entire surface if not replace the bearing NOTE The above job of checking the contact pattern may be eliminated where the crankpin is ground to the specified tolerance and the bearing has been replaced This is because a replacement bear ing is precis ionfinished to ensure the specified extent of contactd Check each bearing shell for crush Shells found to be loose in the bore or have an excessive crush must be replaced A crush of up to O04mm OOIGinwhich will yield to a load of 350kg 772Ib is pre255scr ibed As in the case of the main bear ing shells some crush is needed for securing a proper fit without which the bearing might roll or jump in place resulting in localized over255loading and consequent flak255ing burning or fatigue failure Check to be sure that the crush disappears to allow the bear ing cap to mate the large end positively when the capscrews are tightened to 55kgm 398 lbft53 225 o CrushO to 004 rnrn 00016 inconnecting rod bearing crush AdobeUCS6 Check the bearings as follows a Inspect each bearing for evidence of wiping or fatigue failure scratches by imbedded dirt particles and improper seating on the bore Determine by inspection whether the bear ing should be repaired or replaced b Check the radial clearance between crankpin and bearing if the repair limi t specified below is exceeded by the checked clearance replace the bearing Where the crankpin is to be ground to the next undersize use a replacement bearing of that undersize The two bearing undersizes are O25mm O00984inand O50mm O01969in225 Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit 58 267035 Crankpin diameter 0055 020 2283 0001380008 00217 Radial clearance 0035 0100 0200 between bearing and crankpin 000138 000394000787D Dl D2 2 positions for measuring connecting rod bearing with a micrometer 52 I f I f AdobeUCSI f t 177 AdobeUCS3 Replacing pistons Replace the piston with a new one if the measurement exceeds the serv ice limit When any pistons have to be replaced the variance in weight among the pistons must not exceed the limit It is recommended that the cylinder number be stamped on the pis ton selected for use in a particular cylinder for convenient identification When the cylinder sleeves are bored to the oversize the pistons and piston rings of the same oversize dimension should be used There are two over255sizes for pistons and piston rings 025 mm000984in and 050mm 001969 inThe variance in weight among the pistons per engine should be 3 grams max 4 Piston ring gaps Always check piston ring gaps before assembling rings on piston Insert rings into the cylinder squarely by using a piston Check gaps with feeler gauge Front of engine t Piston weight Piston weight marking Piston ring Checking piston ring gap Specifications Unit mm inItem Piston ring gap 5 Piston ring grooves Insert the compression and oil rings of known thicknesses into the grooves measure the side clearance with a feeler gauge A225 Standard 030 050 00118 00197Service limit 15 Unit267 mm inItem Standard Repair limit No1 compression 0050 0080 020 Fit in ring ring 000197 No2 compression ring 0025 0060 015 Oil ring 000098 0002360005948 and Piston Rings 1Pistons Inspect each piston for any abnormal wear of its sliding surface cracks at the crown and evidence of melting or fusion Examine the ring grooves for stepped wear and sloped wear Replace those pistons found in bad condition 2 Piston clearance in the bore Using a micrometer measure each piston at the positions listed below and compute the radial clearance at each posi255tion by referr ing to the bore diameter of its sleeve deter255mined in the previous text Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Service limit Standard 8390 33031025 000988415 33130Diameter oversize 02 at skirt A050 001978440 Top 0545 0610 002146 002402Top of 2nd ring 0425 0490 Fit in land 001673 Bottom of 3rd 0245 0310 ring land 000965 001220Skirt 0085 0150 000335 00059 I47 B B iJB AdobeUCSI f AdobeUCSIntake valve insert caulking tool Valve Springs part if365l6 Exhaust valve insert caulking tool Par t if 36517 Inspect each spr ing for cr acks and check it for squareness fr ee length and asinstalled length against these specifications sparelfess tIm slIrjiKe gage plate Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Repair limit Valve spring free length 4885 476 1923218740425 Valve spring squareness 0016098max Load compress spring to initial working lenfth 19 261 1 15 43 mm 169 in419 261 manifold To check exhaust manifold disassemble the end plates Clean the gasket surfaces and remove any carbon buildup inside the manifold Reassemble using new end plate gaskets and good quality gasket cement 45 valve spring tester f I f AdobeUCSValve Guides and Valve Seats 1 Check each valve for carboning burning wear or other defects on the head also check cap end and stem for cracks Replace the valve if damaged 2 Check each valve guide for wear Remember the guide wears more rapidly at the ends Measure the inside diameter of the guide at each end and at the middle from both direc255tions Measure the outside diameter of each valve stem If the measurement exceeds the Valve guide ose i t I 30 I 158 t 188 Dimensions in romMaterial S53C J P 225 repair 1 imi t given in the table Valve guide removal tool Wear on valve guide below replace the valve guide 3 Valve face and valve seat Check valve face and valve seat for wear and contact If the valve face is worn excessively reface it by using a valve refacer To reface the valve proceed as follows Specifications Unit mm inItem Standard Service limit Clearance Intake 0055 0085 015 of valve 000217 in 00700100 020 valve guide Exhaust guide 18 261 03 length out267 0709 261 0012side hole 8 0045 0060 01 Intake 0315 stem 000236 diameter 8 0060 Exhaust 0080 015 0315 00023600059 000315 Specifications Unit mm in1 Item Nominal Standard Repair Service limit value limit Angle 30260 n Sinkage 26102 13 Valve 08 I0 m seat A Face Width 14 0055261Ol4 16 seatVJ Reface up to angle Valve margin 17 0067261O1 12 Counterbore Valve 43 AND REPAIR CYLINDER HEAD 1 Inspection Check the gasketed sur face of the cylinder head for flatness by using a straightedge and thickness gauge as in the case of checking the crankcase sur255faces Refer to page 54 Crankcase paragraph 2This check is to be made with the precombustion chamber jets removed Use a surface grinder to reface the cylinder head as necessary to the specified flatness Specifications Unit mm inItem Warpage of gasketed surface of cylinder head 2 Precombustion Replacement Standard Repair limit 005 max 02 Jet Do not remove the precombustion chamber jets unless their replacement is necessary To remove the jet if cracks are noted in it or if head must be machined to it out by driving with a flatfaced drift pin inserted through the glow plug hole as shown Before installing the jet wash the precombustion chamber cavity clean and drive the jet into position with its orifice poin ting to the center of the cylinder Calk one portion with a punch AIntake port BExhaust port CJet DCaulking position 42 I I I C D E Checking cylinder head gasketed surface for flatness Removing precombustion chamber jet A B D C j Remove valve guide 12from cylinder head 13by using remover AValve guide Z5C C remover 110 I I 30 158 188 b Dimensions in mmPar t 36519 41 225 A o 12 13 AdobeUCS14 Disassemble the rocker assembly as follows shaft a Remove snap rings both ends of each shaft 1on rocker b Remove rocker assembly 2c Remove rocker shaft bracket 3225 d Remove rocker assembly 4e Remove rocker shaft spring 5225 15 Disassemble the cylinder head as follows a Remove glow plugs b Loosen and remove bolts securing exhaust manifold c Remove exhaust manifold d Loosen and remove thermostat cover capscrews and washer s 123and remove ther255mostat cover 4e Remove thermostat gaskets 6and spacer from cylinder head f Remove valve cotters depress valve spr ing valve Ii fter g Remove retainer 95 7 8225 by h Remove valve spring 10i Take out valve 1140 5 7 6 8 256e 9 I 101 I 11 AdobeUCS12 Remove the main bearing shells 13 Disassembly piston and con255necting rod as follows a Remove compression rings 1and oil ring by using piston ring tool Ab Remove oil scraper expander spr ing 2c Remove snap ring 3by using snap ring tool Bd Remove piston pin 4by using drift punch Cf e Remove piston pin and connecting rod upper225 bushing bearing NOTE Heating the piston by resting the piston crown down on an electric hot plate will allow for easier removal of the piston pin3 8 Remove the flywheel and back plate 9 Remove the connecting rod bearing caps and bearings lower shellsby loosening and removing the attaching bolts Keep each cap and bearing with respective rod 10 Remove the main bearing caps by loosen255ing and removing the attaching bolts 11 Remove the crankshaft a Withdraw each rod and piston as255sembly from the bottom of the block b Loosely replace the bearing and rod caps Make sure that each bearing and rod cap is replaced in the exact location from which it was originally removed Also make sure that the caps are not turned 1800 when replaced Revised January of 1988 38 7 11 II 5 Removal of front gear train a Remove pulley pUlley front retaining crankshaft nut and b Remove timing gear cover Early models Remove injec255tion pump drive gear with cover c Remove idler gear bolt 1thrust plate 2idle gear 3and d Remove camshaft nut 4thrust gear 5retaining bushing retaining plate and 6 Remove the camshaft assembly as follows 7 a position engine block so that the cylinder head mounting surface is down b Carefully withdraw the camshaft 1from the engine block c Remove all push rod solid lifters from engine block Remove the injection follows front plate pump assembly and as a Loosen attaching bolts 1b Remove front plate c Late models injection pump drive gear is retained on bear ing on fr on t plate use suitable puller to remove 37 4 6 6 Remove the injection pump holddown bolts and carefully so as not to drop the drive shaft woodruff key into the coverwithdraw the injection pump NOTE Although the drive gear will appear very loose in its position it will not change mesh with its drive idle gearB Later Models DPAJ3942F49D Later style injection pumps each have a splined dr ive shaft with a master spline The drive gear has a dash mark on the front indicating which splines must engage the master spline on the drive shaft ensuring the injection pump is in the correct timing sequence with the engine Pump Removal Procedure 1 Remove the fuel supply and return lines from the injection pump 2 Remove the three bolts that hold the injection pump onto the front cover plate and withdraw the pump from the engine NOTE When reinstalling the injection pump the drive tang plate bolted to the front of the drive gear must be removed to expose the dash mark that indicates the splines which mate with the master spline on the inject ion pump dr ive shaft when reinstalling the shaft in the drive gear21 Removal of the fuel injectors aRemove the fuel return line from the top of the injectors by removing the four 25mm attaching nuts NOTE There are sealing washers return banjos and the injector s should be replaced upon the These sealing injector washers bWith a suitable 3Dmm deep socket unscrew the injectors from the cylinder head cRemove the copper injector sealing washers from the head once the injectors are removed NOTE These sealing washers should be replaced upon reassembly dPut injectors aside by an authorized for cleaning CAVBOSCH 35 and rebuilding in shop or Injection Repair Shop 14 Remove the air intake silencer 15 Remove the highpressure injec255tion lines between injection pump and injectors 16 Remove the air intake manifold and breather hose 17 Remove the engine oil filter and mounting bracket from the engine block 18 Remove the eng inemoun ted fuel filter with electr ic fuel lift pump and related lines Note the positions of sealing washer s that a ttach fuel lines to the fuel filter the injec255tion pump and the electric fuel pump Scribe 19 Remove the fuel injection pump NOTE Scr ibe rna ting marks on pump body flange and the timing gear case before removalA Early Models DPAJ3942F580 Early model injection pumps had tapered drive shafts each with a woodruff key that fit into the injection pump drive gear and was held in place in the drive gear by a threaded tang used to drive the raw water pump Pump Removal Procedure 1 Remove drive tang locking plate and unscrew drive tang 2 Manually rotate engine to position keyway in injection pump drive gearshaft at 1200 This is important so that when the injection pump is removed the woodruff key will not drop down into the front cover 3 Remove fuel supply and return line from the injection pump 4 Loosen the three bolts holding injection pump to front cover plate Inner holddown bolt for injection pump is removed with the aid of a 10mm flexible 14inch drive socket 5 Place a soft metal drift punch against the threaded drive255shaft end of the injection pump protruding through the drive gear With a hammer give the drift punch a sharp blow This should dislodge the pump from the drive gear 34 AdobeUCS4 Remove oil cooler and oil hoses Note location of oil hoses on oil filter bracket for correct reattachment NOTE Reversing of lube oil cooler hoses on the oil filter bracket will prevent proper oil circulation 5 Remove engine heat exchanger and related hoses NOTE Lube oi 1 cooler and heat exchanger can be cleaned and pressuretested by a conventional automotive radiator shop6 Remove the engine bellhousing circuit breakerpreheat solenoid mounting platelifting eye 7 Remove the engine flywheel NOTE Loosen the front crankshaft pulley nut before removing the flywheel8 Remove engine backplate 9 Remove the engine alternator drive belt support bracket and adjusting strap 10 Remove the enginemounted sea water pump Set aside for ex255amination and possible rebuilding II Remove the hose from the elbow on the thermostat cover remove the wire from the sending unit remove the thermostat cover gasket and thermostat 12 Remove the fresh water cir255culating pump with connecting hoses Remove bypass hose between tee fitting below ther255mostat and upper front portion of exhaust manifold Bypass installed on production units C609 and on13 Remove the exhaust manifold expansion tank in its entirety Disassemble separately clean all surfaces install new gaskets when assembling Use good quality gasket cement 33 I Flywheel Bolt Pattern Disconnect wire leave sender unit in the elbow ENGINE DISASSEMBLY PREPARATION FOR DISASSEMBLY A Clean the exterior of the engine of any deposits of dirt and oil B Be careful not to damage each disassembled component part C Arrange parts in the order of disassembly Mark or label parts as needed to ensure proper mating and reassembly Keep parts clean D Drain all fluids and oil from engine block and transmission prior to engine disassembly E Place the engine on a suitable stand or bench for disassembly F Remove the engine electrical harness in its entirety Tag ter255minal ends to help ensure proper refitting Oil Sump Drain Coolant Drain On Engine Block REMOVING ENGINE EQUIPMENT AND PARTS Remove parts in the following order 1 2 3 Remove the engine starting motor Remove the tr ansmiss ion and related hardware Transmission overhaul should be accomplished by the manufacturers authorized service facilityRemove plate the from transmission damper the engine flywheel 32 Heat Exchanger Drains e r DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Starter Current Draw Transmission Propeller Recommendation using standard transmission 188130 l2Volt 16 KW reduction type Cranking Cold 225250 Amps Mechanical 1881 Variety of transmission and reduction ratios available consult Master Distributor 18inch diameter x 10 pitch two blade or l8inch diameter x 8 pitch three blade Propeller should allow engine to reach its rated speed 3000 RPM 100at full open throttle underway LUBRICATION SYSTEM Valve Oil Filter Oil Sump Capacity in qts ltrsFilter Capacity in qts ltrsOil Cooler on oil filter adapter SpinOn Fullflow replaceable 35828 7 661 94Fresh water cooled full flow FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM Circulating Pump Capacity in qts ltrsper minute at 3000 RPM pump speed Thermostat in 267F CCentr ifugal type with metal impeller belt driven 81 6 81180 82wax type Cooling System Capacity in qts ltrs100 95approximate COOLING SYSTEM RAW WATER Raw Wa ter Pump Flow Rate in gal ltrsper minute at 3000 rpm engine speed measured at discharge into exhaust elbow Heat Exchanger Positive displacement neoprene type impeller Gear driven 12 npt inletoutlet 95 100 359 378Copper tube type with removable end caps and zinc anode DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM System DC Alternator Glow plugs continued29 12Volt DC negative ground 50Amp 12Volt internal voltage regulator Sheathed type one per cylinder 105 Volts 83 Amps Number of Piston Rings Valve Arrangement Valve Timing valve Clearance Intake and Exhaust Coldin inches romStarter Two compression rings one oil scraper with spring expander Overhead Intake Open 30267 BTDC Close 50267 ABDC Exhaust Open 74267 BBDC Close 30267 ATDC 0009 0010 025l2Volt reduction type 16 KW FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Lift Pump Capacity in qts ccFuel Lift Capacity in ft mFuel Injection Timing Fuel Injection Pump Type Fuel Injectors Injection Pressure in psi kgcm2Fuel Filter l2Volt plunger type replace255able filter element 023 225free flow every fif255teen seconds or better 4 1223267 1 BTDC DPA Injection pump J3942F580 lateJ3942F490 type automatic advance with mechanical gover255nor Self bleeding Bosch type spray angle o degrees 142 10 1706 0 120 OSpinon replaceable paper element type 24363 LUBRICATION SYSTEM Oil Pump Oil Pressure in psi Trochoid type Idle 2030 175 246Idlerated rpm 306024642l 1 3 4 2 LUBRICATING OILS Lubr icating oils are available for Westerbeke Diesel eng ines which offer an improved standard of performance to meet the requirements of modern operating conditions such as sustained high speeds and Use a good brand of oil that has an API Service Spec of CC or better Use the following chart to select the proper viscosity of oil for your Westerbeke engine Ambient Temperature Above 80 F 30 80 F Below 30 F 26 Viscosity SAE 30 or 1030 SAE 20 or 1030 SAE 10 or 1030 6 Place a clean cloth lightly soaked in oil in the opening of the intake manifold so as to block it closed DO NOT shove the cloth out of sight into the intake manifold If you cannot see it next Spring and you attempt to start your engine you may need the assistance of a servicing dealer Make a note to remove this cloth prior to startup The exhaust thruhull sea cock can be closed in this same manner 7 Disconnect the propeller shaft coupling from the transmission If the boat remains in the water during winter storage this need not be done Th is is a good time to check the secur i ty of the coupling to the propeller shaft Ensure also that the coupling set screws are tight and wired so as not to loosen The engine alignment to the propeller shaft should be checked in the Spring when the boat is placed back in the water the mast stepped and the rigging tuned 8 Controls and Linkage Check the secur ity of control connections to the engine and transmission Lubricate these controls and ensure that they move freely Engines with pUlltype shutoff levers should be left in the run position during winter storage 9 Starter Motor Lubrication and cleaning of the starter drive pinion is advisable if access to the starter permits its easy remo255val Disconnect the starter battery before attempting to remove the starter Take care to replace proper ly any electr ical connections removed from the starter 10 Removing the injector s from the cylinder head and squir ting some light lube oil down the injector hole into the cylinders is not necessary for the few months the engine is laid up for the winter However if you anticipate a longer layup period 12 months or moreperform this procedure It will prevent the adhering of the piston rings to the cylinder walls Ensure that you have the proper hardware to replace the sealing washers for the injectors and return line connections 11 Spares This is a good time to look over your engine and see if external items such as belts or hoses may need replacing come spring commissioning Check over your basic spares kit and order items not on hand or replace those items used during the Winter layup such as filters and zinc pencils 12 Batteries If batteries are to be left on board winter storage period ensure that they are in a state of and will remain that way to prevent them from freezing would be wise to remove them 25 dur ing the full charge If not it When installing the new oil filter be sure to apply a small amount of oil on the sealing Or ing a the base of the filter Fill the sump with the correct amount of oil for your engine model Use an oil with an API Spec CC Run the engine and check for proper oil level and pressure and ensure that there are no leaks Do not leave old engine lubricating oil in the sump over the winter layup per iod Lubr icating oil and combustion deposits combine to produce harmful chemicals which can reduce the life of internal engine parts 3 Transmission Drain the lubricant from your transmission andor Vdr ive Refill with the proper lubr icant to the full mark on the transmission dipstick Run the engine and shift the transmission into forward and reverse onetwo times Stop the engine and check the transmission oil level add lubricant as needed Check for leaks 4 Fuel System Top off your fuel tanks with 2 diesel fuel Fuel additives should be added at this time to control algae and condition the fuel Care should be taken that additives useed are compatible with primary used in the system Change the element in your primary fuel if it contains one andor clean the separator sediment bowl Change the fuel filter elements on the engine and bleed the fuel system as needed Start the eng ine and allow it to run for 5 to 10 minutes to ensure that no air is left in the fuel system and check for any leaks that may have been created in the fuel system during this servicing Correct as needed 5 Sea Water Circuit Close the thru hull sea cock Remove the raw water intake hose from the sea cock Place the end of this hose into a 5gallon bucket of clean fresh water Before starting the engine check the z inc pencil found in the pr imary heat exchanger on the engine and clean or replace it if required Clean your sea strainer if one is installed on the inside of the hull Start the engine and allow the raw water pump to draw the fresh water through the system When the bucket empties stop the engine and refill the bucket with an antifreeze solution slightly stronger than needed for winter freeze protection in your area Start the engine and allow all of this mixture to be drawn through the raw water system Once the bucket empties stop the engine This antifreeze mixture should protect your raw water circuit from freezing during winter layup as well as providing corrosion protection Remove the impeller from the raw water pump some antifreeeze mixture will spill so use a container to catch itExamine the impeller If impeller needs to be replaced acquire a new impelller and a cover gasket place in a plast ic bag and retain for later installation tape plastic bag to pump to avoid misplacing the parts225 24 and add MAINTENANCE PERIODIC ATTENTION When you have taken delivery of your engine it is important that you make the following checks immediately after the first 50 hours of its operation NOTE Transmissions generally require fluid change after the first 25 to 30 hours of operation Refer to the Section of this manual for detailsFIFTY HOUR CHECKOUT INITIALDo the following 1 Retorque bolts the cylinder head 2 Retorque the rocker br acket nuts and adjust valve rocker clearance 3 Change fuel filter elements 4 Change engine lubricating oil and oil filter S Check for fuel and lubr ica t ing oil leaks Correct if necessary 6 Check cooling system for leak s and inspect water level 7 Check for loose fittings clamps connections nuts bolts Vbelt tensions etc Pay particular attention to loose engine mounts and engine mount fittings These could cause misalignment 8 Check condition of zinc anode in engine heat exchanger 9 Adjust engine idle speed if needed 10 Check for proper movement and security of throttle and shift linkage DAILY CHECK 1 Check sea water strainer Clear any accumulated debris 2 Check primary fuel filterwater separator Drain any water pre255sent in the separator 3 Check coolant level in recovery tank Maintain half full when cold 4 Check lubricating oil level in sump Maintain level at full mark 5 Check lubricant level in transmission andor VDrives Maintain at full mark on dipstick 6 Visually check over engine for any noticeable abnormalities ie loose belts brackets leaks etc 22 TWELVE RULES IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT 225225 for your safety and your engines dependability ALWAYS 1 Keep this Manual handy and read it whenever in doubt 2 Use only filtered diesel fuel and keep fuel tank full 3 Check cooling water temperature frequently to make sure it is in the 170267 190267 F range during operation 4 Check engine coolant prior to each days use 5 Investigate any oil leaks immediately 6 Check transmission lubricant prior to each days use 7 Check engine lube oil level in sump prior to each days use NEVER 8 Race the engine in neutral when cold 9 Run the engine unless the gauge shows proper oil pressure 10 Tamper with the injection pump 11 Use cotton waste or fluffy cloth for cleaning or store fuel in a galvanized container 12 Subject the engine to prolonged overloading or continue to run it if black smoke comes from the exhaust as this is an indication of an overload condition 21 AdobeUCS4 Turn off the keyswi tch Some models do not use the stop lever they are equipped instead with a fuel solenoid which shuts off the fuel supply when the keyswitch is turned to the OFF position 5 Close the seacock at operators discretion6 Disconnect power to system with battery switch at operators discretion225 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS 1 Never run engine for extended periods when excessive overheating occurs as extensive internal damage can be caused 2 DO NOT put cold water in an overheated engine cylinder head block or manifold 3 Keep air intake silencer free from lint etc It can crack the 4 Never Race a Cold Engine internal damage can occur due to ina255dequate oil circulation 5 Keep the engine and accessories clean 6 Keep the fuel clean Handle it with extreme care as water and dirt in fuel can cause additional trouble resulting in service life of the injection system being reduced dramatically 7 Do not allow fuel to run low because fuel intake may be uncovered long enough to allow air to enter the injection system resulting in engine stoppage and requiring system bleeding 8 Do not be alarmed if the temperature gauge shows a high reading following a sudden stop after eng ine has been oper ating at full load This is caused by the release of residual heat from the heavy metal masses near the combustion chambers To prevent this run engine at idle for a short period before stopping it A high temperature reading after a stop does not necessarily signal alarm against restarting If there is no functional difficulty will quickly return to normal when engine is operating 20 5 Check expansion tank water level This is done by stopping the 6 engine and removing the fresh water fill cap from the manifold expansion tank To remove the cap press down on it with the palm of the hand and twist the cap until the resistance of the safety stops is felt Slowly release palm pressure from the cap and allow any pressure built up in the system to escape Take care not to be scalded or burned by es255caping steam or water Leave the cap in this position until all pressure has been released Then press the cap firmly downward to clear the safety stops and continue turning until it can be lifted offNOTE Systems with metal remote expansion tanks coolant level should be checked at this tank and the level main255tained at about half full The fill cap on the engine should not be removed while checking the system as coolant will be lost when this cap is removedNOTE Engines equipped with the plastic coolant recovery tank The level in the tank should be checked and coolant added as needed The engine fresh water cooling system is full when recovery tank is used the tank collects coolant from the eng ine through expansion as the eng ine reaches operating temperature 170267 coolant to the engine through contraction as the engine coolsWarmup instructions As soon as possible get the boat underway but at reduced speed until water temperature gauge indicates 130150267F If necessary engine can be warmed up with the transmission in neutral at 1000 1500 RPM 7 Transmission operation Always reduce engine speed to idle when shifting gears However when the transmission is engaged it will carry full engine load STOPPING THE ENGINE 1 position shift lever in neutral Remove load from generator2 Idle the engine for 2 to 4 minutes to avoid boiling and to dissi255pate some of the heat Generator run at noload3 Engines equipped with stop handles Pull the handle out and hold until the eng ine stops completely The sonic alarm buzzer will sound when oil pressure drops Turn off keyswitch Engines with keyswitch shutoff Just turn the key OFF NOTE Oil pressure gauge and water temperature gauge will remain close to normal readings shown while engine was running when instrument panel is deenergized by turning key OFF19 STARTING THE ENGINE WARMIf the engine is warm and has been stopped for a short period of time place the throttle in a partiallyopen position the transmission in NEUTRAL then depress the PREHEAT and START buttons Once engine starts release both buttons and place the throttle in idle position NOTE PREHEAT button must be pushed in order to energize START buttonNOTE Always make certain that the starter pinion has stopped revolving before reengaging the starter other255wise the flywheel ring gear or starter pinion may be damaged Extended use of the preheat beyond the time periods stated should also be avoided to prevent damage to the preheat elements NEVER under any circumstances use or allow anyone else to use starting ether to start your engine If your engine will not start then have a qualified Westerbeke marine mechanic check it WHEN THE ENGINE STARTS 1 Check for normal oil pr essure immed ia tely upon eng ine start ing Do not continue to run engine if oil pressure is not present within 15 seconds of starting the engine 2 Check sea water flow Look for water discharge with the exhaust Do this without delay 3 Recheck cr ankcase oil After the eng ine has run 3 or 4 minutes subsequent to an oil change or new installation stop the engine and check the crankcase oil level This is important as it may be necessary to add oil to compensate for the oil that is required to fill the eng ine s internal oil passages and the oil filter Add oil as necessary Check oil level prior to each days operation 4 Recheck transmission fluid level This applies only subsequent to a fluid change or new installationIn such a case stop the engine after running for several minutes at 800 RPM with one shift in to forward and one into rever se then add fluid as necessary Check fluid level before each day of operation WARNING The cooling system is pressurized when the engine is at or above operating temperature The pressure in the system must be released with caution as the filler cap is removed It is advisable to protect the hands against escaping stearn or water as the cap is turned 18 2 Place the transmission shift lever in the neutral position This is particularly important with engines having hydraulic transmissions A neutral safety switch on the transmission pre255vents starter energizing should the shift lever on the hydraulic transmission be other than in neutral start 3 Open the throttle halfway Turn the ignition key ON This will energ ize the instrument panel cause the sonic alarm buzzer to sound engine not running no oil fuel pump to function and the electric run solenoid innthe injection pump to be energized to run 4 Preheat for 15 20 seconds Panels with keyswitches Push in on the key to activate the pre255heat and hold it in Panels with pushbuttons Push in on the PREHEAT button to acti255vate preheat and hold it in Generators Depress PREHEAT switch and hold5 Start the engine 6 Panels with keyswitches While continuing to hold the key pushed in for preheat turn the key to the start position Panels with pushbutton start Continuing to hold the PREHEAT but255ton in press the START button NOTE PREHEAT must be depressed to energize Continuing to hold PREHEAT depressed press the START switch Star t Once the eng ine starts buttonsand return the throttle position 1000 1500 RPMrelease the keyswitch push255immedia tely to near the idle Generators Release the START toggle switch only Continue to hold the PREHEAT toggle switch depressed until oil pressure shows 20 25 PSI then release the PREHEAT toggleCheck for proper oil pressure and ensure that there is raw water coolant discharge with the exhaust 7 If the engine fails to start in 20 to 30 seconds of cranking discon tinue the start ing and allow the starter to cool for a period of time at least twice that used when cranking Then repeat steps 4 through 6 CAUTION Excessive cranking can damage the starter as well as fill the exhaust system between the muffler and engine with raw cooling water possibly allowing raw water into the engine Shut the thruhull sea cock and open it once engine starts Investigate a hardstarting problem and correct it 17 NOTE The selfbleeding feature on the Model W46 relates to the engines fuel system only Fill any large pr imary filter water separator with clean diesel fuelThe previous procedures are basic for all initial engine startups or for restarting engines that have stopped due to lack of fuel PREPARATION FOR STARTING 1 Check the coolant level in plastic remote recovery tank The level should be roughly half way between Full and Add NOTE In installations using metal remote expansion tank 24177 for domestic water heater locations the plastic remote recovery tank is not needed Maintain metal tank half full when system is cold2 Check the engine oil level in sump 3 Check transmission lubricant level NOTE In Combinations VDrive has separate lubrication Check separately4 See that there is fuel in the tank and that the fuel shutoff valve is open 5 Ensure the engine starting battery is fully charged and all electr ical connections have been proper ly made Pay par t icular attention to the battery ground connection to the engine and that the instrument panel harness is fully plugged into the engine har255ness plug Turn the battery selector switch to ON 6 Check that the seacock is open and all hose connections are tight Hose material used between seacock strainer and engine raw water pump should be of good wall construction andor wirereinforced 7 Check the exhaust connections to engine and make certain that all clamps holding hoses to engine and muffler are tight Ensure that the raw water supply to exhaust elbow is plumbed through good hose preferably wirereinforced and that this hose is properly routed to prevent syphoning STARTING THE ENGINE COLD1 Check to make certain that the PULLTOSTOP lever is pushed back into the RUN position This was used on earlier models and was later replaced by an electric shutoff solenoid incorporated into the fuel injection pump that functioned by turning the ignition key ON or OFF The manual shutoff was retained as an option 16 OPERATION PREPARATION FOR FIRST START The engine for safety reasons is shipped DRY 225225225 with lubri255cating oil drained from the crankcase and fluid drained from the transmission Therefore be sure to follow these recommended proce255dures carefully before starting the engine for the first time 1 Remove the oil filler cap and fill the sump with diesel oil having an API spec of CC or better Refer to the technical data tion of this manual for the proper amount of oil the sump should receive do not neglect to include filter quantity 2 Fill the cooling system with a mixture of antifreeze and fresh water 5050The mixture should be strong enough to protect against freezing Open air bleed petcocks on the exhaust manifold or ther255mostat housing when installed to allow air to bleed from the system while it is being filled 3 Fill the reverse gear to the highest mark on the dipstick with the proper lubricant for the model gear as specified in the Transmission Section of this manual Vdrives must be filled separ255ately 4 Fill the fuel tank with clean 2 diesel fuel with a Cetane rating of 45 or better 5 Ensure that the battery is fully charged and the electrolyte level is correct FUEL SYSTEM The fuel injection system of a compression ignition engine dieseldepends upon very high fuel pressure dur ing the injection stroke to function correctly Minute movements of the pumping plungers produce this high fuel pressure However if any air is pre255sent inside the highpressure line this air will act as a cushion and prevent the correct pressure as well as fuel injection from being achieved Therefore it is essential that all air is bled from the system whenever any part of the system has been opened for repair or ser255vicing The Westerbeke selfbleeding fuel system on the Model W46 is semiautomatic If you run out of fuel make a filter change or in any other way disassemble the fuel system the system will then con255tain air which may prevent the engine from starting If this should occur turn the keyswitch on allow the electric pump to run for two minutes and crank the engine for approximately seven seconds If the engine has not started wait for approximately thirty seconds more of electric pump action and crank engine again These time periods may vary from engine to engine15 CONTROLS Depending on the engine model those with mechanical shutdown levers on the injection pump should be operated with a sheathed push pull cable located in the cockpit area These mechanical shutdown levers are generally springloaded to the run position NOTE On earlier W46 models the mechanical shutoff lever was a standard feature La ter models had an electr ic fuel shutoff solenoid in the injection pump as a standard feature and the option of a mechanical shutoff lever or bothControl cable attachment brackets are provided on the for the attachment of throttle shift and shutoff cables when usedThese brackets are designed to accept Morse style contol cables Singlelever or duallever controls can be used NOTE Singlelever controls should not be used with models that already have throttle and engine shutoffs as a combined lever on the engineControl cables should be installed in accordance with the installation instructions After control cables are and secured check for full travel of the cable making certain that the transmission shift lever moves fully into the selected mode Forward or Reverse that it positions the lever pro255perly in Neutral and that these positions correspond with the posi255tion of the control lever in the cockpit Check the throttle lever on the injection pump and ensure that full movement of the throttle lever is allowed by the cable from the idle stop screw to the full throttle stop On models having the mechanical shutdown lever check that the lever moves fully into the shutoff position and returns to its full run position l4 Deluxe Panel This panel is prewired with 15 feet of harness and a 6prong plug into the engine harness The panel contains a oil pressure guage water temperature guage DC voltmeter ignition switch pushbuttons for PREHEAT and START and a sonic alarm buzzer NOTE Alarm Buzzer An engine alarm system is standard with each propuls ion unit Two switches are installed on the engine one to sense oil pressure and one to sense cooling water temperature Should a loss of oil pressure or high cooling water temperature occur the respective switch will trip activating the alarm buzzer and alerting the operator Operator should note that the alarm buzzer will sound when the ignition key is turned on After the engine is started and oil pressure rises above 2025 PSI the alarm buzzer will turn offELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT All Westerbeke diesel engines are supplied prewired with a 6prong plug to accept either the standard or deluxe instrument panels Two additional plugin connectors are adjacent to this plug for connecting to the alarm buzzer leads adjacent to the panel plug Carefully follow all instructions on the DC wir ing diagram supplied with each unit especially those relating to fusec ir cui t breaker requirements Generatorsand DC battery switches Starter batteries should be located as close to the engine as possible to avoid voltage drop through long leads It is bad practice to use the starter batter ies for other services unless they require low current or are intermittent In cases where there are substan255tial loads from lights refrigerators radios depth sounders etcit is essential to have a complete separate system and to provide charg ing current for this system by means of a second alternator or alternator output splitter Starter batteries must be of a type which permits a high rate of discharge Diesel starting225 Carefully utilize the recommended wire sizes shown in the wiring diagrams Plan installation so the battery is close to the engine and use the following cable sizes 1 10 20 30 for distances up to 8 feet for distances up to 10 feet for distances up to 13 feet for distances up to 16 feet 13 Multistrand Copper Cable tax the f i I f The exhaust system must be supported or suspended independently of the engine manifold usually using simple metal hangers secured to the overhead All dry portions of the exhaust system can be constructed of com255mon black iron pipe and should be wrapped in suitable insulation material to keep surface temperatures as low as possible Seasonal inspection of the exhaust system iron components is advised This is to allow for the removal of any carbon or scale buildup on the inside of the exhaust that will create backpressure problems reducing engine performance and cylinder head service life Many installations use flexible rubber exhaust hose for the water255cooled section of the exhaust line because of the ease of installation and flexibility Provide adequate support for the rubber hose to pre255vent sagg ing bending and formation of water pockets The exhaust line must be at least as large an I D as the O D of the exhaust elbow hose attachment nipple It should be increased in size by 12 10 for every 10 feet beyond the first 20 feet Always arrange the rubber hose section so that water cannot possibly flow back into the engine Also make sure that entering sea water cannot spray directly against the inside of the exhaust piping Otherwise excessive erosion will occur The use of brass or copper is not acceptable for wet exhaust systems as the combination of salt water and diesel exhaust gas will cause rapid deter ioration of this material Again seasonal inspection of the interiors of the metal portion of the exhaust system is advised in order to remove scale and carbon deposits MEASURING EXHAUST GAS BACK PRESSURE Back pressure must be measured on a straight section of the exhaust line and as near as possible to the engine exhaust manifold The engine should be run at maximum load during the measurement period Setup should be as shown below 1 For normally aspirated engines Pressure Test Mercury Test 15 Max PSI 3 Mercury 2 For turbocharged engines Pressure Test Mercury Test 075 Max PSI 112 Mercury WATER CONNECTIONS Seacocks and strainers should be of the fullflow type at least one size greater than the inlet thread of the sea water pump The strainer should be of the type which may be withdrawn for cleaning while the vessel is at sea Mount the strainer below the water line to ensure selfpriming 10 Water Column 39 Water Column 1912 From Heal Excnanger Exnau1 Elbow SYSTEM Exhaust line installations vary considerably and each must be designed for the particular installation The prime requirement is to provide an outlet line with a minimum of restrictions arranged so that sea water rain water and condensation cannot get back into the cylinders of the engine The sea water supply line feeding raw cooling water into the system must be routed to prevent siphoning of raw water through this line into the exhaust system filling the muffler and eng ine cylin255ders This line should be routed at least 12 inches above the water line and an antisiphon break installed at the top of its loop This loop should be high enough above the water line so as not to go below it at various angles of heel when under sail Lines feeding raw cooling water to stuffing must be located to prevent siphoning of water exhaust and engine cylinders as above boxes if installed back into the engine Most exhaust systems today use a water lift type muffler such as the Westerbeke HydroHush In some installations there is a dry insulated high riser located after the engine manifold and before the muffler to prevent water flowing backwards into the engine during cranking It is essential not to hang too much weight in the form of exhaust system components rigidly from the engine manifold Generally it is permissible to directly connect a pipe nipple and a waterjacketed exhaust elbow Both components weigh approximately 8 pounds 4 kilogramsIf there are more components to be rigidly connected to each other and they weigh more than 8 pounds then a min flexible exhaust section must be I installed between the manifold 6 outlet and the exhaust system min componen ts JLine 12 min SYPhon Break ill 33327 Teenol ENGINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST MANI255FOLD WATER INJECTED ELBOW MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE VESSEL WATER LINE Included 6 1 Water Line ENCINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST INJECTED ELBOW AT OR BELOW VESSEL WATER LINE 9 CAUTION Vented loop must be in a locatIon where it will remain above the waterline durIng all attitudes of the vessels operation AdobeUCSTake plenty of time in making this alignment and do not be satisfied with anything less than perfect results The alignment is correct when the shaft can be slipped backward and forward into the counterbore very easily and when a feeler guage indicates that the flanges come exactly together at all points The two halves of the propeller coupling should be parallel with 0001 inch per inch diameter of coupling AIn mak ing the final check for alignment the engine halfcoupling should be held in one position and the alignment with the propeller coupling tested with the propeller coupling in each of four positions Arotated 90 between each position This test will also check whether the propeller halfcoupling is in exact alignment on its shaft Then keeping the propeller coupling in one position the alignment should be checked by rotating the eng ine halfcoupling in 90 increments checking dimension Aof each 90 position until the halfcoupling has been rotated full circle The eng ine alignment should be rechecked after the boat has been in serv ice for one to three week sand if necessary per forming the alignment again It usually will be found that the engine is no longer in alignment This is not because the work was improperly done at first but because the boat has taken some time to take its final shape and the engine bed and engine stringers have probably absorbed some moisture It may even be necessary to realign once again at a later time The coupling should always be opened up and the bolts removed whenever the boat is hauled out or moved from the land to the water and during storage in a cradle The flexibility of the boat often puts a very severe strain on the shaft or the coupling or both when it is being moved In some cases the shaft has actually been bent by these strains This does not apply to small boats that are hauled out of the water when not in use unless they have been dry for a time 8 The forward end of the propeller shaft has a long str aignt keyway Any burrs should be removed from the shaft end The coupling should be a light drive fit on the shaft and the shaft should not have to be scraped down or filed in order to get a fit It is important that the key be properly fitted both to the shaft and the coupling The key should fit the side of the keyway very closely but should not touch the top of the keyway in the hub of the coupling If it seems difficult to drive the coupling over the shaft the coupling can be expanded by heating in a pail of boiling water The face of the propeller coupling must be exactly perpendicular to the centerline or axis of the propeller shaft PROPELLER The type and size of propeller varies with the gear ratio and must be selected to fit the application based upon boat tests To utilize the full power of the engine and to achieve ideal loading conditions it is des ir able to use a propeller wh ich will permit the eng ine to reach its full rated RPM at full throttle under normal load underway ALIGNMENT OF ENGINE The eng ine must be proper ly and exactly aligned with the propeller shaft No matter what material is used to build a boat it will be found to be flexible to some extent and the boat hull will change its shape to a greater extent than is usually realized when it is launched and operated in the water It is therefore very important to check the engine alignment at frequent intervals and to correct any errors when they may appear Misalignment between the engine and the propeller shaft is the cause of troubles which are often blamed on other causes It will create excessive bearing wear rapid shaft wear and will in many cases reduce the life of the hull by loosening the hull fastenings A bent propeller shaft will have exactly the same effect and it is therefore necessary that the propeller shaft itself be perfectly straight One particularly annoying result of misalignment may be leakage of transmission oil through the rear oil seal Check to make sure that alignment is within the limits prescribed The engine should be moved around on the bed and supported on the iso255lator adjusting nuts until the two halves of the couplings can be brought together without using force so that the flanges meet evenly all around It is best not to drill the foundation for the foundation bolts until the approximate alignment has been accurately determined Never attempt a final alignment with the boat on land The boat should be in the water and have had an opportunity to assume its final water form It is best to do the alignment with the fuel and water tanks about half full and all the usual equipment on board after the mainmast has been stepped and final rigging has been accomplished 7 In fiberglas hulls we recom255mend that similar wooden stringers as in wooden hulls be formed and fitted then glassed to the hull securely This allows hanger bolts to be installed firmly in the wood thus reducing noise and transmitted vibration The engine support stringers must be wide enough and have a good flat sur255face to properly carry the full width of the engine mounting isolator Isolator overhang andor rounded stringer surface is very detrimental to the ability of the enginemounting isolator to retain vibration within the isolator Preformed fiberglas engine beds when used should be of sufficient thickness to properly support the engine and should be well glassed to the hull when installed The temptation to install the engine on a pair of fiberglas angle Note Avoid excessive height use solid stringer construction Airons should be avoided Such construction will allow engine vibra255tions to pass through to the hull Flexible mounts require a firm foundation against which to react if they are to do their job When possible follow bed design A and avoid bed design B see Supports between the bed stringers and extending from the stringers to the hull may be required for proper support and to aid in the absorption of vibrations PROPELLER COUPLING The propeller shaft coupling fitted to the Westerbeke engines output flange must transmit not only the power of the engine to turn the propeller shaft and propeller but must also transmit the thrust of the either ahead or astern The coupling should be carefully machined for a slight force fit onto the shaft and an accurate mating surface for coupling to the output flange of the transmission For all engine models a propeller halfcoupling bored to shaft size for the specific order is supplied The coupling either has a keyway with set screws or is of the clamping type 6 The general rule in moving engines is to see that all equipment used is amply strong and firmly fixed in place Move the engine a little at a time and see that it is firmly supported Eliminate the possibi255lity of accidents by avoiding haste Do not lift using the propeller coupling or pry against this with a crowbar as you may distort the coupling In some cases it may be necessary to lift the engine in other than the regular horizontal position It may be that the engine must be lowered endwise through a small hatchway which cannot be made larger If the opening is extremely restricted it is possible to reduce to some extent the outside clearances by removing components such as generator cooling piping water tank filters mounting lugs etc This accessory equipment should be removed by a competent mechanic and special care should be taken to avoid damage to any exposed parts and to avoid dirt entering these openings The parts which have been removed should be returned to position as soon as the restriction has been passed In case it is necessary to hoist the engine either front end upwards or reverse gear end upwards the attachment of slings must be done very carefully to avoid the possibility of damage to the parts on which the weight may bear It is best if special rigging work be done by someone experienced and competent in the handling of heavy machi255nery ENGINE BOLTS It is recommended that bronze or stainless hanger bolts of appropriate size be used through the engine flexible mounts Lag screws are less preferred because their hold on the wood is weakened every time they are moved whereas the hanger bolt stays in position and the nut on top is used to tighten the engine down or is removed to permit the engine to be lifted The bolt itself stays in position at all times as a stud and the bond between the bolt and the wood is not weakened by its removal FOUNDATION FOR ENGINE A good engine bed contributes much toward the satisfactory operation of the engine The engine bed must be of rigid construction and neither deflect nor twist when subjected to the engine weight or the position the boat may have to take under the effects of rough seas The bed must keep the engine within one or two thousandths of an inch of this position at all times It has to withstand the forward push of the propeller which is applied to the propeller shaft to the thrust washer bear ing in the eng ine and finally to the eng ine bolts and engine bed 5 INSTALLATION FOREWORD Since the boats in which Westerbeke engines and generators are used are many and varied details of engine installation are equally so It is not the purpose of this section to advise boatyards and engine installers on the generally wellunderstood and welldeveloped proce255dures for installation of engines However the following outline of general procedure is included because it is valuable in explaining the functions of each component the reasons why the precautions to be watched and the relationship of the installation to the operation of the engine There are details of the installation which should have per iodic checks and of which the operator should have a thorough understanding to ensure good operating conditions for the engine and correct procedures for its servicing INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT The engine is shipped from the factory mounted securely and pro255perly crated Accessory equipment is shipped in a separate small box usually packed with the engine crate Before accepting shipment from the transportation company the crate should be opened and an inspection made for concealed damage If either visible or concealed damage is noted you should require the delivering agent to sign Received in damaged condition Also check contents of the shipment against the packing list and make sure proper notation is made of any discrepancies This is your protection against loss or damage Claims for loss or damage must be made to the carrier not to Westerbeke Corporation RIGGING AND LIFTING The engine is fitted with lifting eyes Rope or chain slings should be attached to the eyes and the engine lifted by means of tackle attached to this sling The lifting eyes have been designed to carry the full weight of the engine therefore auxiliary slings are not required or desired CAUTION Slings must not be so short as to place the engine lifting eyes in significant sheer stress Strain on the engine lifting eyes must not be in excess of 10267 from the vertical A spacer bar must be placed between the two lifting eyes if supported by valve cover studs 4 ORDERING PARTS Whenever replacement parts are needed always include the complete part description and part number see separate Parts ListBe sure to include the eng ine s model and ser ial number Also be sure to insist upon Westerbeke parts because willfit parts frequently are not made to the same specifications as original factory equipment GENERATOR SETS Westerbeke diesels are used for both the propulsion of boats and for generating electrical power For generator set applications all details of this Manual apply except in regard to certain portions of the Installation Operation and Maintenance sections Additional information is provided in the section titled Generator Sets 3 INTRODUCTION IMPORTANT THIS MANUAL IS A GENERAL GUIDE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DEPENDABLE LONG TERM OPERATION READ IT TO THE INSTALLATION STARTUP WESTERBEKE MARINE DIESEL ENGINE MANUAL IS VITAL TO YOUR ENGINES KEEP IT IN A SAFE DRY PLACE KEEP IT HANDY FOR REFERENCE AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL INVITE SERIOUS RISK NOT ONLY TO YOUR INVESTMENT BUT YOUR SAFETY AS WELL UNDERSTANDING THE DIESEL 225 The diesel engine closely resembles the gasoline engine in as much as the mechanism is essentially the same Its cylinders are arranged above its closed crankcase its crankshaft is of the same general type as that of a gasoline engine it has the same type of valves camshaft pistons connecting rods lubricating system and reverse and reduction gear Therefore it follows to a great extent that a diesel engine requires the same preventive maintenance as that which any intelligent operator would give to a gasoline engine The most important factors are proper maintenance of the fuel lubricating and cooling systems Replacement of fuel and lubricating filter elements at the time periods specified is a must and frequent checking for contamination i e water sediment etc in the fuel system is also essent ial Another important factor is the use of the same brand of high detergent diesel lubr icating oil developed specifically for diesel engines The diesel engine does differ from the gasoline engine however in the method of handling and fir ing its fuel The carburetor and ignition systems are done away with and in their place are the fuel injection pump and fuel injectors which perform the functions of both Continuous care and attention at the factory have resulted in a Westerbeke eng ine capable of many thousands of hour s of dependable service What the manufacturer cannot control however is the treat255ment it receives in service This part rests with the OwnerOperator 2 1 IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOFTWARE DISCLAIMER Product software of all kinds such as brochures dr awings technical data operators and workshop manuals parts lists and parts price lists and other related and specifications provided from sources other than Westerbeke is not within Westerbekes control and accordingly is provided to Westerbeke customers only as a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR WITH RESPECT THERETO INCLUDING THE ACCURACY TIMELINESS OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES OR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING OR USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE For example components and subassemblies incorporated into Westerbekes products and supplied by others such as engine blocks fuel systems and components transmissions electri255cal components pumps and other productsare generally sup255ported by their manufacturers with their own software and Westerbeke must depend on such software for the design of Westerbekes own product software Such softwar e however may be outdated and no longer accurate Routine changes made by Westerbeke s suppliers of which Westerbeke rarely has notice in advance are frequently not reflected in the suppliers software until after such changes take place Westerbeke customers should also keep in mind the time span between pr intings of Westerbeke product software and the unavoidable existence of earlier noncurrent Westerbeke software editions in the field Additionally most Westerbeke products include special features that frequently do not include complete In summation product software provided with Westerbeke pro255ducts whether from Westerbeke or other suppliers must not and cannot be relied upon exclusively as the definitive authority on the respective product It not only makes good sense but is imperative that appropriate of Westerbeke or the supplier in question be consulted to deter255mine the accuracy and currency of the product software being consulted by the customer TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 46 Marine Diesel Engine Publication 34907 Edition One May 1987 j y WESTERBEKE WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 46 Marine Diesel Engine Publication 34907 Edition One May 1987 rvWESTERBEKE J I MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 AdobeUCS
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