Sigmar: Test Baatmagasinet Marine Boiler Test /comparison
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TEST water heaters in the 20litre classWet heat home comfort on boardThis test of Water Heaters for Yachts has There are wide differences betbeen carried out by the Boating Magazine ween water heaters In the the leading motor one the temperature of the hotboat magazine in Scandinavia Thearticle is written and photographed by water fell by only 39 degreesJan Harry Svendsen and reported in over 12 hours of cooling issue nr 7 of 2004 This article is reprinted The worst of them lost more thanwithout any changes or comments byIndel Marine Italy producer of Isotemp 20 degrees and cost the mostWater Heaters The translation fromNorwegian language to English hasbeen made by authorised Member of of Professional water heaters in the 20litre classT he difference between a warm pleas COOLANT AS HEAT SOURCE drawback of this solution is that the tank is ant shower and a cold shower that Most of the water heaters in the test have heavy It weighs as much as 23 kilograms makes you shiver is no more than 135 the same basic design idea An insulated tankdegrees an hour While the Isotemp Basic has is connected to the boats freshwater system ISOTEMP GOODa heat loss of only 033 degrees an hour over and the engine cooling system The engine WEBASTO hours the Sigmar Thermoinox loses as coolant is conveyed through a heat exchang The ATI BB 2212 had the highest temmuch as 168 degrees However the Sigmar er inside the tank and heats up the water perature after one hour of heating using theis not the overall loser in the test It redeems Most of the tanks are additionally supplied heat exchanger 688 degrees Thats moreitself by having a slightly higher tempera with a heating element which makes it possi than 20 degrees warmer than the Mobithermture after the heating cycle has ended than ble to heat up water from the shore power MWH020 and the QL WaterHeater withthe Webasto which does not manage to sup supply 482 and 485 degrees respectively The picply a drop of water over 40 degrees after a Vetus has chosen a different solution ture changes when we have left the watercooling period of 12 hours with two tanks one inside the other The heaters standing for twelve hours without freshwater is in the inner tank while the en heating Then the Vetus provides the hottest gine coolant circulates in the outer tank The water at 552 degrees while the WebastoTO ENSURE THAT the test results were repeatable and that the tanks operated in they were tested on the bench Here the tank of the Vetus is connected20L does not manage to supply water a valve it is possible to choose to add coldwarmer than 399 degrees The limit for a water to the hot water drained from thecomfortable shower temperature is around heater Better use is made of the hot water40 degrees in this way What is of greatest interest however is Another advantage is that using thishow many litres of water over 40 degrees valve it is possible to adjust how hot waterthe heaters manage to supply after 12 hours the heater is to deliver This reduces the danof cooling ger of burns particularly if there are youngHere the Isotemp Basic is in a class of its children on boardown From its 24 litre tank it supplies asmuch as 23 litres of water at a temperature CHECK OUTPUTabove 40 degrees The Vetus is also good All the water heaters in the test with the THE TANKS were taken apart so that wewith 17 litres from a 20 litre tank The exception of the Vetus were equipped with a could study their Slim 20 and Quick Nautic Boiler heating element as standard Connecting thedeliver 15 litres The Sigmar Thermionox hotwater tank to the boats shore power sysand the ATI BB 2212 are disappointing tem ensures that there is also hot water when SAFETY THERMOSTAT FAILEDwith nine and eight litres respectively Both the boat is moored With a builtin thermostat All the heating elements are equipped with ahave a capacity of 22 litres By far the worst the efficiency of the hotwater tank is like at thermostat and in the vast majority of casesis the Webasto It does not manage to deliv home Most of the tanks in the test have heat these are adjustable The exception is theer so much as a drop of water above 40 de ing elements that deliver around 800 Watts Isotemp which has a thermostat fixed at 75grees after 12 hours The exception is the ATI which has a 1500 degrees For the water heaters from Sigmar Watt element It is basically a good one but Mobitherm QL and Webasto the temperature MIXER VALVE IS USEFUL the drawback is that most shore power sys was a few degrees above the value at which Part of the secret behind the good re tems have many users connected to the same the thermostat was set while the rest of thesults achieved by the Isotemp is the mixer outlet Too high a wattage in the element may tanks were a few degrees below the set temvalve Both the Isotemp Slim 20 and the therefore lead to the fuse in the shore power Basic have this as standard Using system blowing All the thermostats are additionally DRAIN The tank of the Vetus is drained SMALL SLEEVE COUPLING The tank is drained by unscrewing a plastic lid This solution via the small sleeve coupling Not only does this will result in wastewater when the tank take a long time it is also difficult to attach a hose has to be drained to the sleeve couplingSAFETY THERMOSTAT The Isotemp isthe only water heater in the test with asafety thermostat that works on boilingdry The blue box is the safety thermostat while the operating thermostat THERMOSTAT All the water heaters in MIXER VALVE The tanks from Isotemp have a miis the white box the test with the exception of the xer valve as standard The temperature of the wa Isotemp have an adjustable thermostat ter to be supplied by the heater is set here Cold However the safety thermostat failed on water is mixed in with the hot water to attain the all the thermostats correct with a safety thermostat This is in six bar The deviations between specified and heavy Vetus charge no less than NOKtended to trip if the water heater is switched on opening pressure and actual opening pres 3855 for their tank and if you want a heatingand there is no water in the tank boiling dry sure were minimal for these tanks element the price rises to NOK 4617 Theor if the ordinary operating thermostat fails Quick Nautic Boiler offers a lot for the monOnly the Isotemp had a system that worked the SAME MAKE ey With a guide price of NOK 2350 it is theway it was meant to After just under five min We have brought together nine different most inexpensive tank in the test The 20litreutes the safety thermostat tripped on both the tanks in this test But four of these tanks are tank nevertheless delivers 15 litres of hot waSlim 20 and Basic The element in the Vetus of the same make Sigmar has produced the ter and in material selection it is superior toand ATI shortcircuited and blew the fuse on tanks for Mobitherm QL and Webasto the other tanks in the test Stainless steelthe shore power side On the other water However there are some differences be AISI 316 is used in the tank heating coilheaters the operating thermostat took over the tween the tanks The Thermionox has a tank and in the casing around the tank Despitejob of the safety thermostat and switched on capacity of 22 litres while the Webasto QL low price good performance and quality maand off with an empty tank and Mobitherm have 20litre tanks terials the tank of the Quick comes third be Webasto for its part has its own heat ex cause the safety thermostat did not trip in the POOR CONNECTING OPTIONS changer for the connection of external heat boilingdry test The Quick is therefore beatA combined oneway valve and safety for example a Webasto heater en by the Isotemp Slim 20 Its performance isvalve is fitted on all the tanks This valve The QL and Mobitherm on the other the same as that of the Quick with regard tohas several functions including preventing hand are completely identical tanks which hot water but the Slim 20 has a mixer therhot water from running out of the tank In our test results also show to be the case mostat as standard and has a safety thermoaddition the valve is used when the water They track each other with regard to both stat that works The drawback is the priceheater is to be drained The drawback with the number of litres above 40 degrees the The Isotemp costs nearly NOK 1000 moremost of the valves is that the diameter of the tank can deliver and the temperature after than the Quickdrain coupling is too small This makes it heating has ended The heat loss is also Modest performance and a high pricedifficult to attach a hose to the valve and at identical for the two tanks It might be should make the tanks from both QL andthe same time it takes too long to drain the thought that identical tanks would cost the Mobitherm uninteresting The Isotemptank A welcome exception is the Vetus same They do not The QL costs NOK Slim 20 for example is cheaper to buy thanwhich has a valve with a decent connection 3125 while the Mobitherm carries a price the Mobitherm MWH20for a hose on the safety valve The draw tag of NOK 3750 Mobitherm thus charges Both the Sigmar Thermoinox and theback with the Vetus solution is that they NOK 600 more than QL for exactly the ATI BB2212 have a capacity of 22 litreshave chosen to have a separate unit to drain same tank 1 85 NOK However they do not manage to deliverthe tank This is done by unscrewing a more than nine and eight litres of water resmall plastic lid This solution is not ideal ISOTEMP BEST spectively at a temperature aboveand will cause wastewater in the boat This test provides ample proof that expensive 40 degrees The only tank worse than these All the tanks with the exception of the is not always best The Webasto 20 L is the is the Webasto 20 L which does not proIsotemp and Quick have safety valves that most expensive and worst tank in the test vide a drop of water warmer thanopen at a pressure of four bar The manufac The Isotemp Basic is the best With its tank 40 degrees The price is also very high soturers information was in good agreement capacity of 24 litres it delivers 23 litres of you need to have a very good reason towith our test results during our pressure water at a temperature above 40 degrees after choose the Webasto tanktest However it is poor when the ATI and a cooling period of 12 hours The Basic costsWebasto valves already start to ooze at NOK 3350 but a mixer valve comes as stanthree bar dard Vetus is also a tank with good perfor Both the Isotemp and the Quick have mance No less than 17 litres from its 20litrevalves that do not open until a pressure of tank is good but the tank is both expensive Tes tw Isotemp Basic 24 Price NOK 3350 inn The ISOTEMP BASIC has good la belling to CONCLUSION er The Isotemp Basic is the show winner in the test It supplies where the various a lot of hot water in relation to hoses are its size and has low heat loss to be con The water heater is well put nected together in all its details and has a high level of equipment A mixer valve for example is standardThe Isotemp Basic has a tank capa acidproof steel AISI 316 A casing THE CONSTRUCTION makes no temperature at 558 degrees This iscity of 24 litres It can be mounted ho made of nonmagnetic stainless steel compromises The heat exchanger relatively modest when the and vertically but in that AISI 304 protects the tanks insulati goes in several loops and the hea ture of the water that circulated ting element is angled downwardscase with the connection points fa on The insulation is of polyurethane for optimum output through the heat exchanger had acing down The water heater has very foam temperature ofstrong feet that are spotwelded to a The thermostat of the heating ele The Isotemp Basic has low heat 70 degrees However the capacity ofstrap that goes round the tank Mixer ment is not adjustable but is pro loss After 12 hours the total heat loss the water heater is impressive and heating element are grammed to trip at 75 degrees The was only 39 degrees That gives an 12 hours of cooling the tank safety thermostat works as intended average heat loss per hour of only as much as 23 litres of water at a Both the tank and the heat ex on boiling dry and trips quickly It has 033 degrees After one hour of engi temperature above 40 degreeschanger are made of highgrade to be reset manually ne running we measured the water CONCLUSION The Isotemp Slim 20 is a good Isotemp Slim 20 Price NOK 3265 hotwater tank Its modest di mensions mean that it also CONNECTION is fits into tight spaces thanks to good labelling of the va The water heater has a high rious con level of equipment and has nection useful capacity points THE CONSTRUCTION of the Slim 20 L is identical to the Basic Here too the heating ele ment is angled down but be cause the tank is smaller the heating coil has fewer loopsThe Isotemp Slim 20 has a tank ca Both the tank and heat exchanger on boiling dry and trips quickly It capacity of the water heater is appacity of 20 litres It can be mounted are made of highquality acidproof has to be reset manually proved After 12 hours of and vertically but in that steel AISI 316 A casing protects The Isotemp Slim 20 has an ave the tank delivers 15 litres of water atcase with the connection points fa the insulation The insulation is of rage heat loss after 12 hours the to a temperature above 40 degreescing down The water heater has polyurethane foam tal heat loss was 121 degrees Itstrong feet that are spotwelded to a The thermostat of the heating ele provides an average heat loss ofstrap that goes round the tank Mixer ment is not adjustable but is pro one degree per hour After and heating element are grammed to trip at 75 degrees The for one hour we measured the waterstandard safety thermostat works as intended temperature at 627 degrees The CONCLUSION The Quick Nautic Boiler is a good hotwater tank Quick Nautic Boiler Price NOK 2350 The tank is reasonably pri ced but is costly in choice of material It has useful ca pacity and an efficient heat exchanger A disappoint ment is the safety thermos tat which does not work as intended THE HEATING COIL is strong and well dimensioned The wa ter heater ought to have had rather better insulationThe Quick Nautic Boiler has a tank The QUICK has a clear front with good The safety thermostat is integrated The Quick Nautic Boiler has relaticapacity of 20 litres and can be labelling The fact that the text is cast into the thermostat housing which sits vely high heat loss after 12 hours themounted horizontally and vertically into the plate means that problems on the outside the tank This works po total heat loss was 156 degrees This with gluedon slips are avoidedThe water heater has simple feet orly because the sensor is too far gives an average heat loss per hour ofwelded to a strap that goes round the of steel AISI 316 protects the tan away from the heating element 13 degrees After one hour of enginetank Heating element is standard ks insulation which is made of poly During our test the water heater knoc running we measured the water temequipment urethane foam ked against the operating thermostat perature at 643 degrees The capaci Both the tank and the heat ex The thermostat of the heating ele on boiling dry In other words the safe ty of the water heater is are made of acidproof steel ment is adjustable in the ty thermostat did not work as inten After 12 hours of cooling the tank deliAISI 316 A casing also of acidpro 2080 degree range ded vers 15 litres of water at a temperature above 40 degrees Vetus WH20A THE LABELLING of the connecti Price NOK 3855 CONCLUSION Vetus supplies a tank with solid performance Its capa city is very good and it has on points is useful However the distinctive low heat loss However the design of tank is too expensive with the tank an electric heating element it makes costs NOK 4617 Its design correct also makes the tank heavy fitting very im portant DOUBLE The Vetus has an inner and an outer tank with the engine coolant circulatingThe Vetus has a tank capacity of outer tank in which the engine coo in safety thermostat is intended to in the outer tank Its design20 litres and can be mounted hori lant circulates The inner tank is protect against boiling dry but the makes the tank heavyzontally and vertically The water he made of nonmagnetic stainless steel element shortcircuited before theater has strong feet screwed into the AISI 304 The outer tank is made of thermostat tripped perature at 63 degrees The capacitytank itself A heating element is not steel The design of the tank makes it The Vetus has a low water loss af of the water heater is very good Afterstandard despite the high price of very heavy The insulation is poly ter twelve hours the total water loss 12 hours of cooling the tank deliversthe water heater urethane foam with a casing of vinyl was 78 degrees This results in an 17 litres of water at a temperature The design of the Vetus differs ra but there is polystyrene at each end average water loss per hour of above 40 degreesdically from the other tanks in the The heating element is adjustable 065 degrees After an hour of enginetest There is an inner tank and an in the 40 to 80 degree range A built running we measured the water tem QL Water Heater Price NOK 3125 CONCLUSION The QL Water Heater is a THE CONNECTION POINTS are simple hotwater tank The usefully la belled heating loop is Ushaped The insu and therefore makes poor lation is use of the coolant Only unprotec 12 litres of hot water above ted 40 degrees is also on the low side The tank is identi cal to the Mobitherm MWH 020The QL Water Heater has a tank ca with any protective casing THE CONSTRUCTION of the tank is butes to the water in the water heaterpacity of 20 litres and can be moun The thermostat of the heating ele simple and the material is acidpro having the lowest temperature togetted horizontally and vertically The ment is adjustable the temperature of steel AISI 316 The heat ex her with the Mobitherm after onewater heater has simple feet that are range is from 30 to changer is very rudimentary as the hour of engine running The tempera test results also showspotwelded to a strap that goes 80 degrees The safety mechanism ture is onlyround the tank does not work as intended on boiling The QL Water Heater has low wa 485 degrees After 12 hours of coo Both the tank and the heat ex dry the sensor is located too far ter loss after 12 hours the total water ling the tank delivered 12 litres of wachanger are made of acidproof steel away from the heating element The loss was 59 degrees This gives a ter at a temperature aboveAISI 316 The insulation is of poly result is that the water heater knocks total heat loss per hour of 049 degre 40 foam but is not equipped against the operating thermostat es An inefficient heating coil contri Mobitherm MWH020 Price NOK 3750 CONCLUSION The QL Water Heater is a simple hotwater tank The heat coil is Ushaped and thus makes poor use of the coolant Only 12 litres of hot water above 40 degrees is on the low side The tank is identical to the QL Water HeaterThe Mobitherm has a capacity of USEFUL labelling of the connection SIMPLE CONSTRUCTION and the ves an average heat loss per hour of20 litres and can be mounted hori points on the tank material is acidproof AISI 316 steel 044 degrees An inefficient heat coil The insulation is unprotected The test shows that the heat ex contributes to the water in the waterzontally and vertically The water he changer is rudimentary The tank isater has simple feet spotwelded to a The thermostat of the heating ele heater having the lowest temperatu identical to the QLstrap that goes round the tank ment is adjustable the temperature re together with the QL after oneBoth the tank and heat exchanger hour of engine running The tempe range is from 30 to 80 degrees that the water heater knocks againstare made of highquality acidproof rature is only 482 degrees After 12 The safety thermostat does not the operating AISI 316 The insulation is of hours of cooling the tank delivered work as intended on boiling dry the The Mobitherm Cal 020 has low 12 litres of water at a foam but is not equip sensor is located too far away from heat loss after 12 hours the total above 40 degreesped with any protective casing the heating element The result is heat loss was 53 degrees This gi CONCLUSION The Sigmar Thermoinox is a Sigmar Thermoinox Price 2575 simple water heater The choice of material is good but the insulation can be improved A heat loss of more than 20 degrees over 12 hours is scandalous Its capacity is also very poor The water heater only managed to deliver nine li tres of hot water from its tank of 22 litresThe Sigmar Thermoinox has capa POOR insulation on the Sigmar SIMPLE TANK The heat coil is a sim 201 degrees This gives an averagecity of 22 litres and can be mounted Thermoinox but the connection ple U and the water heater has high heat loss per hour of 168 and vertically The water points are well labelled heat loss After one hour of engine running theheater has simple feet that are spot not equipped with any protective ca the operating thermostat Here too water heater delivers water at a temwelded to a strap that goes round the sing the sensor for the thermostat is loca perature of 606 degrees The capatank The thermostat of the heating ele ted too far away from the heating ele city is however lamentable Both the tank and the heat ex ment is adjustable from 30 to ment The water heater only manages tochanger are made of acidproof steel 80 degrees The safety thermostat The Sigmar Thermoinox has the deliver nine litres of water aboveAISI 316 The insulation is polyuret does not work as intended on boiling highest heat loss in the test After 40 degreeshane foam but the water heater is dry The water heater knocks against 12 hours the total heat loss was CONCLUSION ATI BB 2212 Price NOK 2530 The ATI BB 2212 is a hotwa ter tank with an unusual choice of materials Instead of acidproof steel the insi de of the steel tank has been enamelled A plus point for a powerful heat exchanger but the capacity of the tank is inadequate heat exchanger for optimum utili sation of the engine coolant Unfortunately the tank hasThe ATI has capacity of 22 litres and THE CONNECTIONS on the tank of the ling dry because the heating ele high heat loss and poor capa ATI ought to have been labelled better citycan be mounted horizontally and ver ment shortcircuits The ATI is thetically The water heater has simple The ATI is the only tank in the test to only tank in the test to have a zinc one hour of heating We measured use 38 inch couplings on the inlet andfeet that must be screwed onto the outlet of the freshwater side anode fitted as standard on the hea the temperature as being as high asstraps that go round the tank ting element 688 degrees A decent heat ex The tank is made of steel but the sistant aluminium protects the insula The ATI has high heat loss After changer with as many as 16 loops issurface is enamelled and heattre tion 12 hours the total heat loss was responsible for the good resultated at 860 degrees The heat ex The thermostat of the heating ele 192 degrees This gives an average Unfortunately the capacity of the tankchanger is made of copper and the ment is adjustable in the range from heat loss of 16 degrees per hour On is not good It only manages to deliinsulation is made of polyurethane 0 to 70 degrees The safety thermos the other hand the water heater has ver eight litres of water aboveA casing of anodised seawaterre tat does not work as intended on boi the highest water temperature after 40 degrees Webasto 20 L Price NOK 4340 CONCLUSION The Webasto 20 L is the big surprise in the test It might THE WEBASTOS tank has many connection be thought that the name points would oblige It evidently with good does not do so in this case labelling The capacity of the tank is below criticism it does not manage to deliver a drop of water above 40 degrees In addition its price is far too highThe Webasto has a capacity of In addition to the heat exchanger OWN HEAT COIL for use together The Webasto 20 L has relatively20 litres and can be mounted hori which is connected to the engine co with boat heaters The high location high heat loss After 12 hours the tozontally and vertically The water he oling system the water heater has of the heat exchanger that circulates tal heat loss is 173 degrees This gi the engine coolant contributes toater has simple feet spotwelded to its own heat exchanger for the con the poor test result ves an average heat loss per hour ofstraps that go round the tank nection of external heat for example 144 degrees The water temperatu Both the tank and the heat ex Webasto boat heaters as intended on boiling dry The water re after one hour of engine runningchanger are made of acidproof ste The thermostat of the heating ele heater knocks against the operating is 572 degrees It is AISI 316 The insulation is made ment is adjustable the temperature thermostat This happens because that the tank does not deliver waterof polyurethane foam but it is not range is from 30 to 80 degrees the sensor of the thermostat is located above 40 degrees after 12 hours ofequipped with any protective casing The safety thermostat does not work too far away from the element cooling TEST water heaters in the 20litre class simulates a natural cycle as found on a board with a pressure increase of 01 bar How we performed leisure craft The temperature was measured Measurements were performed when the the test The circulation of the engine coolant was then started up again to equalise the temperature valve started to ooze water and when there was full opening T he test was performed in the heavy lab drop which the one litre of cold water had The test was performed in March and oratory of the Department of Maritime brought about The circulation this time was April 2004 Sciences at Vestfold University College interrupted after half an hour The tank was HIVE in Horten A Fluke 54 II temperature then left standing for 12 hours to simulate a gauge was used as measuring equipment The night on board Cold water was added to the instrument was calibrated in a liquid bath at tank after 12 hours with a flow rate of four IKM Laboratorier in Tananger In addition a litres a minute The temperature was mea pressure gauge was used during the pressure sured for each 15 seconds or for each litre testing of the tanks The pressure gauge is ac drained from the tank curate to 5 per cent The test on the heating elements of the tanks A test bench was used during the test A hot was carried out by setting the thermostat to water tank with a 3000 Watt heating element max The tank was then filled with water at a delivers coolant at a temperature of 70 de temperature of 20 degrees and then it was grees A circulating pump was used to circu plugged in The temperature as measured when late the coolant through the heat exchanger in the thermostat tripped for the first time The the water heaters The speed of the pumps test on the safety thermostat was carried out by could be regulated and they could be adjusted the tank being connected to the power source so that the flow through the heat exchanger of WITHOUT there being water in the water the tank was 3 litres a minute The tanks were heater The time before the safety thermostat fitted and connected before each test They tripped was then measured Several of the tanks were then filled with freshwater at a tempera did not pass the test and for these the test was ture of 20 degrees before circulation of terminated after 30 minutes coolant was started The circulation was in The pressure test on the safety valve was terrupted after an hour when precisely one undertaken by filling the tanks with water and litre of cold water 20 degrees was added then adding compressed air The compressed through the freshwater inlet of the tank This air was let into the tank by means of a WATER HEATERS IN THE 20LITRE CLASSWater heater Isotemp Isotemp Quick Vetus QL Mobitherm Sigmar ATI Webasto Basic Slim 20 Nautic Boiler WH20A Water MWH020 Thermoinox BB 2212 20L HeaterTemp after1 hour engine running 558 627 643 63 485 482 606 686 572Temp after12 h cooling 519 506 487 552 426 429 405 496 399Heat loss 39 121 156 78 59 53 201 192 173Heat lossdegrees per hour 033 1 13 065 049 044 168 16 144No litres waterabove 40 degrees 23 litres 15 litres 15 litres 17 litres 12 litres 12 litres 9 litres 8 litres 0 litresTemp with heatingelement 696 672 783 662 823 828 839 625 811Time before trips 4 min 50 sec 4 min 01 sec Element shortcircuits Element shortcircuits Residual waterafter draining 02 litres 04 litres 078 litres 265 litres 076 litres 01 litres 092 litres 365 litres 068 DATAVolume 24 litres 20 litres 20 litres 20 litres 20 litres 20 litres 22 litres 22 litres 20 litresLength 480 mm 660 mm 505 mm 540 mm 387 mm 391 mm 538 mm 492 mm 401 mmWidth 395 mm 287 mm 327 mm 406 mm 352 mm 351 mm 299 mm 318 mm 347 mmHeight 400 mm 302 mm 313 mm 430 mm 395 mm 374 mm 299 mm 326 mm 384 mmWeight 11 kg 115 kg 109 kg 23 kg 9 kg 8 kg 11 kg 14 kg 9 kgHeating element output 750 watt 750 watt 500 watt 1000 watt 800 watt 800 watt 800 watt 1200 watt 800 wattOpening of safety valveOozing 6 bar 56 bar 56 bar 42 bar 39 bar 36 bar 37 bar 3 bar 31 barFull opening 6 bar 6 bar 58 bar 44 bar 43 bar 44 bar 42 bar 4 bar 37 barDiameter of couplings Heat exchanger 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Inlet cold water 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 38 12 Outlet hot water 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 38 12Price 1 85 NOK 3350 3265 2350 3855 3125 3750 2575 2530 4340 Indel Marine I 61019 S Agata Feltria PU Italy Phone 39 0541 848030
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