Westerbeke Diesel W 10 Two Parts Manual
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TECHNICAL MANUAL WESTERBEKE 1oTWO 128TWO MARINE DIESEL ENGINES WMD 3 KW 60 HERTZ WMD 24 KW 50 HERTZ MARINE DIESEL GENERATORS PUBLICATION 33403 EDITION TWO JUNE1993j rv WESTERBEKE WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK j 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 USA TEL 5088237677 FAX 5088849688 WEBSITE IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOFTWARE NOTICEProduct software of all kinds such as brochures data operators and workshop manuals parts listsand parts price lists and other information specifications provided from sources other thanWesterbeke is not wi thin Westerbeke s control and accordingly is provided to Westerbeke customers only as a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THECONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO INCLUDING THE OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENT BELIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES OR INJURY INCURRED INCONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING OR USE OFSUCH SOFTWAREFor example components and subassemblies incorporated inWesterbekes products and supplied by others such as engineblocks fuel systems and components transmissions electrical components pumps and other products are generally supported by their manufacturers wi th their own software andWesterbeke must depend on such software for the design ofWesterbekes own product software Such software may be outdated and no longer accurate Routine changes made byWesterbekes suppliers of which Westerbeke rarely has noticein advance are frequently not reflected in the until after such changes take customers should also keep in mind the time spanbetween printings of Westerbeke product software and theunavoidable existence of earlier noncurrent editions in the field Addi tionally mostWesterbeke products include that frequently do not include complete sum product software provided wi th Westerbeke from Westerbeke or other suppliers must not and cannot be relied upon exclusively as the definitive authority onthe respective product It not only makes good sense but isimperative that appropriate of Westerbeke orthe supplier in question be consulted to determine theaccuracy and currency of the product software being consultedby the INDEXGENERAL Introduction Operation Installation OVERHAULOTHER OVERHAUL Marine Engine Electrical System Cooling System External Transm iss ionsGENERATOR SETSSERVICE BULLETINS INTRODUCTION IMPORTANT THIS MANUAL IS A GENERAL GUIDE TO THE INSTALLATION STARTUP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR WESTERBEKE MARINE DIESEL ENGINE THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS IS VITAL TO THE ENGINE I S DEPENDABLE LONG TERM OPERATION READ IT KEEP IT IN A SAFE DRY PLACE KEEP IT HANDY FOR REFERENCE AT ALL TIMES FAILURE TO DO SO WILL INVITE SERIOUS RISK NOT ONLY TO YOUR INVESTMENT BUT YOUR SAFETY AS THE DIESEL The diesel engine closely resembles the gasoline engine inasmuchas the mechanism is essentially the same Its cylinders are arrangedabove its closed crankcase its crankshaft is of the same general typeas that of a gasoline engine it has the same sort of valvescamshaft pistons connecting rods lubricating system and reverse andreduction gear Therefore it follows to a great extent that a diesel enginerequires the same preventative maintenance as that which any intelligent operator would give to a gasoline engine The most are proper maintenance of the fuel lubr icating and coolingsystems Replacement of fuel and lubricating filter elements at thetime periods specified is a must and frequent checking for contamination i e water sediment etc in the fuel system is alsoessential Another important factor is the use of the same brand ofnhigh detergent diesel lubricating oil designed specifically fordiesel engines The diesel engine does differ from the gasoline engine howeverin the method of handling and fir ing its fuel The carburetor andigni tion systems are done away wi th and in their place is a the Fuel Injection Pump which performs the function ofboth Unremitting care and attention at the factory have resulted in aWesterbeke engine capable of many thousands of hours of What the manufacturer cannot control however is the treatment it receives in service This part rests with youORDERING PARTS Whenever replacement parts are needed always include the completepart description and part number see separate Parts List Be sureto include the engine I s model and ser ial number Also be sure toinsist upon Westerbeke factory packaged parts because nwill fitparts are frequently not made to the same specifications as GENERATOR SETS Westerbeke diesels are used for both the propulsion of boats andfor generating electrical power For generator set applications alldetails of this Manual apply except in regard to certain portions ofthe Installation Operation and Maintenance sections is provided in the section titled Generator SetsSection T 2 INSTALLATION FOREWORD Since the boats in which these engines and generators are used are many and varied details of engine installation are equally so It is not the purpose of this section to advise boatyards and engine installers on the generally well understood and well developed procedures for installation of engines However the following outline of general procedure is included because it is valuable in explaining the func tions of each component the reasons why the precautions to be watched and the relationship of the installation to the operation of the engine There are details of the installa tion which should have a per iodic check and of which the operator should have a thorough understanding to insure good operating conditions for the engine and correct procedure for its OF EQUIPMENT The engine is shipped from the factory mounted securely and properly crated Accessory equipment is shipped in a separate small boxusually packed with the engine crate Before accepting shipment from the transportation company thecrate should be opened and an inspection made for concealed damageIf either visible or concealed damage is noted you should require thedelivering agent to sign Received in damaged condition Also checkcontents of the shipment against the packing list and make sure noteis made of any discrepancies This is your protection against loss ordamage Claims for loss or damage must be made to the carrier not toJ H Westerbeke AND LIFTING The engine is fitted with lifting rings Rope or chain slings should be attached to the rings and theengine lifted by means of tackle attached to this sling The liftingrings have been designed to carry the full weight of the auxiliary slings are not required or desired CAUTION Slings must not be so short as to place the enginelifting eyes in significant sheer stress Strain on the enginelifting eyes must not be in excess of 10 from the vertical A spacerbar must be placed between the two lifting eyes if supported by valvecover studs The general rule in moving engines is to see that all equipmentused is amply strong and firmly fixed in place Move the engine alittle at a time and see that it is firmly supported of accidents by avoiding haste Do not lift from the propeller coupling or pry against this with crowbar as you may distortthe coupling In some cases it may be necessary to lift the engine in other thanthe regular horizontal position It may be that the engine must belowered endwise through a small hatchway which cannot be made largerIf the opening is extremely restricted it is possible to reduce tosome extent the outside clearances such as generator cooling pipingwater tank filters mounting lugs etc This accessory be removed by a competent mechanic and special care should be 3taken to avoid damage to any exposed parts and to avoid dirt The parts which have been removed should be returned toposition as soon as the restriction has been passed In case it is necessary to hoist the engine either front endupwards or reverse gear end upwards the attachment of slings must bedone very carefully to avoid the possibility of damage to the parts onwhich the weight may bear It is best if special rigging work be doneby someone experienced and competent in the handling of heavy BOLTS It is recommended that bronze or stainless hanger bolts ofappropr iate size be used through the engine flexible mounts Lagscrews are less preferred because their hold on the wood is weakenedevery time they are moved whereas the lag bolt stays in position andthe nut on top is used to tighten the engine down or is removed topermit the engine to be lifted The bolt itself stays in position atall times as a stud and the bond between the bolt and the wood isnot weakened by its FOR ENGINE A good engine bed contributes much toward the satisfactory operation of the engine The engine bedmust be of rigid construction andneither deflect nor twist when subjected to the engine weight or theposition the boat may have to takeunder the effects of rough seasThe bed must keep the engine withinone or two thousandths of an inchof this position at all times Ithas to withstand the forward push Aof the propeller which is appliedto the propeller shaft to thethrust washer bearing in the engineand finally to the engine bolts andeng ine bed In fiberglas hulls we recommend that similar wooden str ingersas in wooden hulls be formed andfitted then glassed to the hullsecurely This allows hanger boltsto be installed firmly in woodthus reducing noise and B Preformed fiberglas engine bedswhen used should be of to properly support the engine and should be well glassed tothe hull when installed The temptation to install the engine on a pair of fiberglas angleirons should be resisted Such construction will allow engine vibrations to pass through to the hull Flexible mounts require a firmfoundation against which to react if they are to do their job Whenpossible follow bed design An and avoid bed design Sn 4 Supports between the bed stringer and extending out from thestringers out to the hull may be required for proper support and toaid in the absorption of COUPLING Each Westerbeke Diesel engine is regularly fitted with a connecting the propeller shaft to the engine The coupling must not only tr ansmi t the power of the eng ine toturn the shaft but must also transmi t the thrust ei ther ahead orastern from the shaft to the thrust bear ing which is built into thereduction gear housing of the engine This coupling is very for accurate fit For all engine models a propeller halfcoupling bored to shaftsize for the specific order is supplied The coupling either has akeyway with set screws or is of the clamping type The forward end of the propeller shaft has a long straight keywayAny burrs should be removed from the shaft end The coupling shouldbe a light drive fit on the shaft and the shaft should not have to bescraped down or filed in order to get a fit It is important thatthe key be properly fitted both to the shaft and the coupling Thekey should fit the side of the keyway very closely but should nottouch the top of the keyway in the hub of the coupling If it seems difficult to drive the coupling over the shaft thecoupling can be expanded by heating in a pail of boiling water Theface of the propeller coupling must be exactly perpendicular to thecenterline or axis of the propeller shaftPROPELLER The type and size of propeller varies with the gear ratio and mustbe selected to fit the application based upon boat tests To utilizethe full power of the engine and to achieve ideal loading conditionsit is desirable to use a propeller which will permit the engine toreach its full rated RPM at full throttle under normal loadALIGNMENT OF ENGINE The engine must be properly and exactly aligned with the propellershaft No matter what material is used to build a boat it will befound to be flexible to some extent and the boat hull will change itsshape to a greater extent than is usually realized when it is launchedand operated in the water It is therefore very important to checkthe engine alignment at frequent intervals and to correct any errorswhen they may appear Misalignment between the engine and the propeller shaft is thecause of troubles which are blamed often on other causes It willcreate excessive bearing wear rapid shaft wear and will in manycases reduce the life of the hull by loosening the hull fasteningsA bent propeller shaft will have exactly the same effect and it istherefore necessary that the propeller shaft itself be One particularly annoying result of misalignment may be leakage oftransmission oil through the rear oil seal Check to make sure thatalignment is within the limits prescribed The engine should be moved around on the bed and supported on thescrewjacks or shims until the two halves of the couplings can bebrought together without using force and so that the flanges meet 5evenly all around It is best not to drill the foundation for thefoundation bolts until the approximate alignment has been Never attempt a final alignment with the boat on land The boatshould be in the water and have had an opportunity to assume its finalwater form I t is best to do the alignment wi th the fuel and watertanks about half full and all the usual equipment on board and afterthe main mast has been stepped and final rigging has Take plenty of time in making this alignment and do not besatisfied with anything less than perfect results The alignment is correct when the shaftcan be slipped backward and forward into thecounterbore very easily and when a feelergauge indicates that the flanges come at all points The two halves ofthe propeller coupling should be parallelwithin 0001 inches perinch diameter ofcoupling A In making the final check for alignmentthe engine half coupling should be held inone position and the alignment with the propeller coupling tested with the in each of four posi tions rotated90 between each position This test will also check whether the propeller half coupling is in exact alignment on its shaft Thenkeeping the propeller coupling in one position the alignment shouldbe checked rotating the engine half coupling to full position each 90from the next one The engine alignment should be rechecked after the boat has beenin service for one to three weeks and if necessary the It will usually be found that the engine is no longer inalignment This is not because the work was improperly done at firstbut because the boat has taken some time to take its final shape andthe engine bed and engine stringers have probably absorbed somemoisture It may even be necessary to realign at a further period The coupling should always be opened up and the bolts removed whenever the boat is hauled out or moved from the land to the water andduring storage in a cradle The flexibility of the boat often puts avery severe strain on the shaft or the coupling or both when it isbeing moved In some cases the shaft has actually been bent by thesestrains This does not apply to small boats that are hauled out ofthe water when not in use unless they are dry for a SYSTEM Exhaust line installations vary considerably and each must bedesigned for the particular installation The prime requirements areto provide an outlet line with a minimum of restrictions and arrangedso that sea water rain water and condensation cannot get back intothe cylinders of the engine The sea water supply line feeding raw cooling water into thesystem must be routed so as to prevent a siphoning of raw waterthrough this line into the exhaust system filling the muffler andengine cylinders This line should be routed at least 12 inches above 6the water line and an antisiphon break installed at the top of itsloop This loop should be high enough above the water line so as notto be below it at various angles of heel when under sail Lines feeding raw cooling water to stuffing boxes if installedmust be installed so as to prevent siphoning of water back into theengine exhaust and engine cylinders as above Most exhaust systems today use a water lift type muffler such asthe Westerbeke HydroHush In most installations there is a dryinsulated high loop after the engine manifold and before the mufflerto prevent water flowing backwards into the engine during cranking It is essential not to hang too much weight in the form ofexhaust system components rigidly from the engine it is permissible to directiy connect a pipe nipple and a water jacketed exhaust elbow which two components weigh about 8 pounds 4 kg If there are more components to be rigidly connected to each other than will weigh 8 pounds then a flexible exhaust section must be I installed between the manifold outlet and these exhaust system components ENCINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST MANI FOLDWATER INJECTED ELBOW MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE VESSEL WATER LINE 12min 48 max I I IENCINE INSTALLATIONS WITH EXHAUST MANIFOLDWATER INJECTED ELBOW AT OR BELOW JVESSEL WATER LINE The exhaust system must be supported or suspended independently ofthe engine manifold usually using simple metal hangers secured to theoverhead All dry portions of the exhaust system can be constructed of common black iron pipe and should be wrapped in sui table to keep surface temperatures as low as possible Many installations use flexible rubber exhaust hose for the water 7cooled section of the exhaust line because of the ease of flexibility Provide adequate support for the rubber hose to prevent sagging bending and formation of water pockets The exhaustline must be at least as large an ID as the OD of the exhaustelbow hose attachment nipple It should be increased in size by12 ID for every 10 feet beyond the first 10 feet Always arrange the rubber hose section so that water cannotpossibly flow back into the engine Also make sure that entering seawater cannot spray directly against the inside of the exhaust excessive erosion will occur The use of brass or copperis not acceptable for wet exhaust systems as the combination of saltwater and diesel exhaust gasses will cause rapid deterioration of EXHAUST GAS BACK PRESSURE Back pressure must be measured on a straight section of theexhaust line and as near as possible to the engine exhaust manifoldThe engine should be run at maximum load during the Setup should be as shown below1 For normally aspirated engines Pressure Test Mercury Test Water Column 112 Max PSI 3 Mercury 392 For turbocharged engines Pressure Test Mercury Test Water Column 075 Max PSI 112 Mercury 1912Checking The Back Pressure1 Exhaust elbow2 Exhaust line3 Transparent plastic hose part Exhaust Elbowly filled with A may not exceed 39for normally aspirated engines and195 for turbocharged enginesWATER CONNECTIONS Seacocks and strainers should be of the full flow type at leastone size greater than the inlet thread of the sea water pump Thestr ainer should be of the type which may be wi thdr awn for cleaningwhile the vessel is at sea Mount the strainer below the water lineto insure selfpriming Water lines can be copper tubing or wirewound reinforced rubberhose In any case use a section of flexible hose that will notcollapse under suction between the hull inlet and engine and betweenthe outlet and the exhaust system This takes up vibration and per 8mits the engine to be moved slightly when it is being realigned Donot use street elbows in suction piping All pipe and fittings shouldbe of bronze Use sealing compound at all connections to prevent airleaks The neoprene impeller in the sea raw water pump should neverbe run dryCOOLANT RECOVERY TANK Your Westerbeke diesel isdesigned for and supplied wi th a COOLANT FILL CAPremote coolant recovery tank COCKPITOnce the engine has been ini TANK j RECOVERY tially filled via its pressure ALTERNATE MOUNTING cap occasional topping off can STRAP POSITIONSbe done through the recoverytank Coolant level can beeasily and frequently monitored CABIN Mount the recovery tank abovethe engine and inside the cabinwhere it will always be visible Take care that the plastictubing between the engine and therecovery tank is led so that itwill not chafe or kinkFUEL TANK AND FILTERS Fuel tanks may be of fiberglas monel aluminum plain steel orterne plate If made of fiberglas be certain that the interior isgel coated to prevent fibers from contaminating the fuel systemCopper or galvanized fuel tanks should not be used It is notnecessary to mount the tank above the engine level as the fuel liftpump provided will raise the fuel from the tank The amount of liftshould be kept minimum 6 feet being maximum If a tank is above the engine level it can be utilized in this positionGreat care should be taken to ensure that the fuel system is so that airlocks are eliminated and precautions takenagainst dirt and water entering the fuel A primary fuel filter of the water collecting type should beinstalled between the fuel tank and the fuel lift pump A is available from the list of accessor ies The secondary fuelfil ter is fitted on the engine between the fuel lift pump and theinjection pump and has a replaceable element As the fuel lift pump has a capacity in excess of that required bythe injection pump the return is piped to the fuel tank and should beconnected to the top of the tank and the return extended down into thetank To insure satisfactory operation a diesel engine must have adependable supply of clean diesel fuel For this reason cleanlinessand care are especially important at the time when the fuel tank isinstalled because dirt left anywhere in the fuel lines or tank willcertainly cause fouling of the injector nozzles when the engine isstarted for the first timeFUEL PIPING We recommend fuel hose or copper tubing together with sui tablefittings both for the supply line and the return line Run the 9tubing in the longest pieces obtainable to avoid the use of unnecessary fittings and connectors The shut off valve in the line between the fuel tank and engine should be of the fuel oil type and itis important that all joints be free of pressure leaks Keep fuel lines as far as possible from exhaust pipe for to eliminate vapor locks The fuel piping leading from the tank to the engine always be securely anchored to prevent chafing Usually thecopper tubing is secured by means of copper straps The final connection to the engine should be through flexiblerubber hosesELECTRIC PANEL The Westerbeke allelectr ic panel utilizes an electronic tachometer with a builtin hourmeter hourmeter only on on the panel are a voltmeter water temperature gauge and oilpressure gauge Each instrument is lighted The allelectr ic panelis isolated from ground and may be mounted where visible It is normally EQUIPMENT Most Westebeke engines are supplied prewired and with Never make or break connections while the engine isrunning Carefully follow all instructions on the wir ing especially those relating to fusecircuit breaker requirements Starter batter ies should be located as close to the engine aspossible to avoid voltage drop through long leads It is bad practiceto use the starter batter ies for other services unless they requirelow amperage or are intermittent In cases where there are substantial loads from lights refrigerators radios depth sounders etcit is essential to have a complete separate system and to current for this by means of a second alternator oralternator output splitter Starter batteries must be of a type which permits a high rate ofdischarge Diesel starting Carefully follow the recommended wire sizes shown in the wir ingdiagrams Plan installation so the battery is close to the engine anduse the following cable sizes II for distances up to 8 feet 110 for distances up to 10 feet 20 for distances up to 13 feet 130 for distances up to 16 feetMECHANICAL CONTROLS The recommended practice is to have the stoprun lever loaded tothe run position and controlled by a sheathed cable to a pushpullknob at the pilot station The throttle lever should be connected toa Morse type lever at the pilot station by a sheathed cable The transmission control lever may be connected to the pilot station by a flexible sheathed cable and controlled by a Morse typelever The singlelever type gives clutch and throttle control withfull throttle range in neutral position The twolever type providesclutch control with one lever and throttle control with the other Any bends in the control cables should be gradual End sections 10at engine and transmission must be securely mounted After linkagesare completed check the installation for full tr avel making surethat when the transmission control lever at the pilot station is inforward neutral and reverse the control lever on the moved into the respective position Some models do not require a stop cable because they have a fuelrun solenoid Examples of such models are the WS8 and the WS2 20KWand ISKW generators Check the throttle lever on the injection pump and insure thatfull movement of the lever is provided by the cable 11 FOR FIRST START The engine for safety reasons is shipped dry with lubricating oil drained from the crankcase and fluid from the be sure to follow these recommended procedures starting the engine for the first time 1 Remove the oil filler cap and fill the sump with diesel oilhaving an API spec of CC or better Refer to the technical data section of this manual for the proper amount of oil the sump shouldreceive 2 Fill the cooling system with a mixture of antifreeze and freshwater 5050 The mixture should be strong enough to protect Open bleed petcocks to allow air to bleed from the systemwhile it is being filled 3 Fill the reverse gear to the highest mark on the dipstick withthe proper lubricant for the model gear as specified in Section of this manual Vdrives must be filled separately 4 Fill the fuel tank with clean 2 diesel fuel The use of 1is permissible but 2 is preferred because of its higher lubr icantcontent 5 Ensure that the battery is fully charged and the is correctFUEL SYSTEM The fuel injection system of a compression ignition engine dependsupon very high fuel pressure during the injection stroke to Relatively tiny movements of the pumping plungers producethis pressure and if any air is present inside the high pressureline then this air acts as a cushion and prevents the and therefore fuel injection from being achieved In consequence it is essential that all air is bled from thesystem whenever any part of the system has been opened for repair orservicing Selfbleeding units need only have the fuel brought to the fuelconnection on the engine The system when activated will selfbleed The selfbleeding feature of the engine will not bleed thevessels fuel system from the tank to the engine in all casesBLEEDING PROCEDURES BY MODELInitial Engine Startup Engine stoppage due to lack of fuel a Insure that the fuel tanks is filled with the proper grade of diesel fuel b Turn the fuel selector valve to On Systems with more than one tank insure that fuel returning is going to the tanks being used 12 c Fill any large primary filterwater separator with clean diesel fuel fuel that is installed between the fuel tank and engineThe above procedures are basic for all initial engine startups or forrestarting engines stopping due to lack of fuelWESTERBEKE WIOTwo 3KW W13 44KW W21 77KW W27 llKW W33 12SKWThese units are selfbleeding1 Turn the ignition to the ON position Generators PREHEAT and wait 2030 seconds2 Start the engine following normal starting WS2 lSKW WS8 20KW W70 2SKW WIOO 32KW1 Open the bleed screw on the top inboard side of the enginemounted secondary fuel filter one to two turns using a lOmm box wrench Bleed Point A This fuel filter is equipped with a hand operated priming pump with the palm of your hand pump this primer with slow steady pumps until fuel free of air bubbles flows from this bleed screw Stop pumping and retighten the bleed screw NOTE An electric fuel pump is incorporated in the fuel system on new model units which when activated by turning the ignition on Generator Preheat will bleed the filter of air through Bleed Point A2 With bleed screw A tightened continue to pump the hand primer operate the electric fuel pump several more times so as to bleed and prime the fuel injection pump3 Loosen the four injector line attaching nuts at the base of each injector Bleed Point B one to two turns with a 16mm open end wrench Place the throttle in the full open position and crank the engine over with the the starter until fuel spurts by the nut and injector lines Stop cranking and tighten each of the four nuts and proceed with normal starting procedure Electric Fuel Pump A 13PREPARATION FOR STARTING1 Check water level in expansion tank It should be 12 to 1 in below the top of the tank when cold If remote plastic recovery tank is used the level should be at the cold mark2 Check the engine sump oil level3 Check the transmission fluid level4 See that there is fuel in the tank and the fuel shutoff is open5 Check to see that the starting battery is fully charged all electr ical connections are properly made all circui ts in order and turn on the power at the battery disconnect6 Check the seacock and ensure that it is openSTARTING THE ENGINE COLD1 Check to see that the ft stopft lever if incorporated is in the ftrunft position Place the throttle in the full run position and the gear lever in the neutral position2 Engines with keyswi tches Turn the swi tch to the ON posi tion This energizes the instrument panel electric fuel pump and injec tion pump fuel solenoid3 Preheat for 15 to 20 seconds Panels with keyswitches Push in on the key to activate the pre heat and hold in panels with pushbuttons Panels with pushbuttons Push in on the preheat button to acti vate preheat and hold it in Generators Depress preheat switch and hold4 Start the engine Panels with keyswitches While continuing to hold the key pushed in for preheat turn the key to the start position Panels with pushbutton start Continuing to hold the preheat but ton in press the start button Generators Continuing to hold preheat depressed depress start swi tch5 Start Once the engine starts release the keyswitch push buttons and return the throttle immediately to near the idle position 1000 1500 RPM Generators Release the start toggle switch only Continue to hold the preheat toggle switch depressed until oil pressure shows 20 25 PSI then release the preheat toggle Check for proper oil pressure and insure that there is raw water coolant discharge with the exhaust6 If the engine fails to start in 20 to 30 seconds of cranking discontinue the starting and allow the starter to cool for a 14 preiod of time at least twice that used when cranking Then repeat steps 3 through 5 CAUTION Excessive cranking can damage the starter as well as fill the exhaust muffler and that portion of the system between the muffler and engine with raw cooling water possibly getting it back into the engineSTARTING THE ENGINE WARMIf the engine is warm and has only been stopped for a short timeplace the throttle in the par tially open position and engage thestarter as above eliminating the preheat stepNOTE preheat must be depressed on generator units whenever it isbeing startedNOTE Always be sure that the star ter pinion has stopped again reengaging the starter otherwise the flywheel ringgear or starter pinion may be use of the cold starting aid beyond the time periods statedshould be avoided to prevent damage to the aidNEVER under any circumstances use or allow anyone to use ether tostart your engine If your engine will not start then have aqualified Westerbeke marine mechanic check itWHEN ENGINE STARTS1 Check for normal oil presure immediately upon engine starting Do not continue to run engine if oil pressure is not present within 15 seconds of starting the engine2 Check Sea Water Flow Look for water discharge with the exhaust Do this without delay3 Recheck Crankcase Oil After the engine has run 3 or 4 minutes subsequent to an oil change or new installation stop the engine and check the crankcase oil level This is important as it may be necessary to add oil to compensate for the oil that is required to fill the engines internal oil passages and oil filter Add oil as necessary Check oil level prior to each days operation4 Recheck Transmission Fluid level This applies only subsequent to a fluid change or new installation In such a case stop the engine after running for several minutes at 800 RPM with one shift into forward and one into reverse then add fluid as necessary Check fluid level each day of operation5 Check Expansion Tank Water Level This is done stopping the engine and removing the fresh water fill cap from the tank To remove the cap press down on it with the palm of the hand and twist the cap until 15 the resistance of the safety stops is felt Slowly release palm pressure from the cap and allow any pressure built up in the system to escape Take care not to be scalded or burned by escaping stearn or water Leave the cap in this position until all pressure is released Then press the cap firmly downward to clear the safety stops and continue turning it until it can be lifted off Add coolant as needed to bring the level to within one half inch of the top of the fill neck NOTE Systems with metal remote expansion tanks Coolant level should be checked at this tank and the level maintained about one half to three quarters full The fill cap on the engine should not be removed to check the system as coolant will be lost when this cap is removed NOTE Engines equipped with the plastic coolant recovery tank The level in the tank should be checked and coolant added as needed The engine fresh water cooling system is filledfull when this recovery tank is used and this tank collects coolant from the engine through expansion as the engine reaches operating tem perature 170 190 F and returns this coolant to the engine through contraction as the engine cools WARNING The cooling system is pressurized when the engine is at operating temperature or overheated and the pressure in the system must be released with caution as the filler cap is removed It is advisable to protect the pands against escaping stearn or water as the cap is turned6 Warmup Instructions As soon as possible get the boat underway but at reduced speed until water temperature gauge indicates l30l50F If necessary engine can be warmed up with the transmission in neutral at 1000 1500 RPM7 Reverse Operation Always reduce engine to idle speed when shifting gears However when the transmission is engaged it will carry full engine loadSTOPPING THE ENGINE1 position shift lever in neutral Remove load from generator2 Idle the engine for 2 to 4 minutes to avoid boiling and to dissi pate some of the heat3 Engines equipped with stop handles Pull the handle out and hold until the engine stops completely Engines stopped by means of the throttle lever Move the throttle to idle and apply added pressure to move the throttle below idle and in to shut off Engines with keyswitch shut off Just turn the key off 16 NOTE Be sure to place the stop handles and throttle levers into the run position4 Turn off the keyswitch Some models do not use the stop lever as they are equipped with a fuel solenoid or electric fuel pump which shuts off the fuel supply when the keyswitch is turned to the OFF position5 Close the seacock6 Disconnect power to system with battery PRECAUTIONS1 Never run engine for extended periods when excessive overheating occurs as extensive internal damage can be caused2 DO NOT put cold water in an overheated engine It can crack the cylinder head block or manifold3 Keep air intake silencer free from lint etc4 Never Race a Cold Engine as internal damage can occur due to ina dequate oil circulation5 Keep the engine and accessories clean6 Keep the fuel clean Handle it with extreme care because water and dirt in fuel cause more trouble and service life of the injection system is reduced dramatically7 Do not allow fuel to run low because fuel intake may be uncovered long enough to allow air to enter the injection system resulting in engine stoppage requiring system bleedingB Do not be alarmed if temperature gauges show a high reading following a sudden stop after engine has been operating at full load This is caused by the release of residual heat from the heavy metal masses near the combustion chamber Prevention for this is to run engine at idle for a short period before stopping it High temperature reading after a stop does not necessar ily signal alarm against restarting If there is no functional dif ficulty temperatures will quickly return to normal when engine is operating NOTE Oil and water temper ature instruments will remain at or near their last reading when the panel power is shut off with the engine 17 TEN MUST RULESIMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT for your safety and your engines 1 Keep this Manual handy and read it whenever in doubt 2 Use only filtered diesel fuel and check lube oil level daily 3 Check cooling water temperature frequently to make sure it is 190 or less 4 Check engine coolant prior to each days use 5 Investigate any oil leaks immediately 6 Check transmission lubricant prior to each days useNEVER 6 Race the engine in neutral when cold 7 Run the engine unless the gauge shows proper oil pressure 8 Tamper with the injection pump 9 Use cotton waste or fluffy cloth for cleaning or store fuel in a galvanized container 10 Subject the engine to prolonged overloading or continue to run it if black smoke comes from the exhaust 18 ATTENTION After you have taken delivery of your engine it is important thatyou make the following checks right after the first fifty hours of itsoperation Note Transmissions generally require fluid change after thefirst 25 to 30 hours of operation Refer to the Transmission Sectionof this manual for detailsFIFTY HOUR CHECKOUT INITIALDo the following1 Retorque the cylinder headbolts2 Retorque the rocker br acketnuts and adjust valve Change fuel filter elements4 Change engine lubricating oiland oil filter5 Check for fuel and lubr icatingoil leaks Correct if necessary6 Check cooling system for leaksand inspect water level7 Check for loose fittingsclamps connections nuts boltsvee belt tensions etc Pay particular attention to loose enginemounts and engine mount fittingsThese could cause misalignment8 Check conditions of zinc anodein engine heat exchangerDAILY CHECKOUTDo the fOllowing1 Check the sea water strainer if one has been installed2 Check water level in cooling system3 Check lubricating oil level in sump Fill to highest mark ondipstick4 Check fluid level in transmission Fill to highest mark ondipstick with proper fluidSEASONAL CHECKOUT MORE OFTEN IF POSSIBLEDo the following1 Check generator alternator and sea water pump V belts forproper tension2 Check water level in battery3 Change oil in sump See Note4 Replace lubricating oil filter Figure 2 See Note5 Fill sump with diesel lubricating oil to highest mark on dipstickRefer to Specification page for proper quantity of oil Do Not Overfill but be sure the proper amount of oil is placed in the sumpSee Note 19 CAUTION The use of different brands of lubricating oils during oil changes has been known to cause extensive oil sludging and may in many instances cause complete oil starvation6 Start engine and run for 3 or 4 minutes Stop engine and checkoil filter gasket for leaks Check oil sump level This is importantas it may be necessary to add oil to compensate for the oil that isrequired to fill the engines internal oil passages and oil filterAdd oil as necessary See NoteIMPORTANT NOTEIT IS MANDATORY THAT THE CHECKS 3 4 5 AND 6 BE ATTENDED TO WHENTOTAL OPERATING TIME REACHES 150 HOURS IN SOME INSTANCES THIS TOTALIS REACHED BEFORE END OF SEASON7 Clean Air Filter if supplied Most models have an air silencerthat does not require cleaning8 Check engine for loose bolts nuts etc9 Check sea water pump for leaks10 Clean pr imary filter bowl and screen If filter bowl containswater or sediment filter bowl and secondary fuel filter need becleaned more frequently11 Replace secondary fuel filter element12 Change the fluid in the transmission Refer to the of this manual for Fresh Water Cooling System The use of a 5050 solution of antifreeze and fresh water is recommended for use in the fresh watercooling system year round This solution may require a of antifreeze depending on the areas winter climate Should more antifreeze be needed drain an approximate amount fromthe engine block and add a more concentrated mixture Operate theengine to insure complete circulation throughout the system Recheck2 Lubrication System With the engine warm drain ALL the lubricating oil from the oil sump Remove and replace the oil filterplace some paper towels and a plastic bag around the filter to catchthe oil while removing it When installing the new oil filter be sure to apply a smallamount of oil on the sealing Oring at the base of the filter Fillthe sump with the correct amount of oil for your engine model Use anoil wi th an API Spec CC Run the engine and check for proper oilpressure and insure that there are no leaks Do not leave old eng ine lubr icating oil in the sump over thewinter layup period Lubricating oil and combustion deposits combineto produce harmful chemicals which can reduce the life of internalengine parts3 Transmission Drain the lubricant from your transmission andorVdrive Refill with the proper lubricant to the full mark on dipstick Run the engine and shift the transmission intoforward and reverse onetwo times Stop the engine and check oil level add lubricant as needed Check for leaks4 Fuel System Top off your fuel tanks with 2 diesel fuel Fueladditives should be added at this time to control algae and conditionthe fuel Care should be taken that additives used are compatible 20with primary used in the system Change the elementin your primary fuel if it contains one andor cleanthe separator sediment bowl Change the fuel filter elements on the engine and bleed the fuelsystem as needed Start the engine and allow it to run for 5 to10 minutes to insure that no air is left in the fuel system and checkfor any leaks that may have been created in the fuel system dur ingthis servicing and correct as needed5 Sea Water Circuit Close the thru hull sea cock Remove the rawwater intake hose from the sea cock Place the end of this hose intoa 5gallon bucket of clean fresh water Before starting the enginecheck the z inc pencil found in the pr imary heat exchanger on theengine and clean or replace it if required Clean your sea strainerif one is installed on the inside of the hull Start the engine and allow the raw water pump to draw the freshwater through the system When the bucket empties stop the engineand ref ill the bucket wi th an antifreeze solution slightly strongerthan needed for winter freeze protection in your area Start the engine and allow all of this mixture to be drawn throughthe raw water system Once the bucket empties stop the engine Thisantifreeze mixture should protect your raw water circuit from freezingduring winter layup as well as providing corrosion protection Remove the impeller from your raw water pump some antifreeze mixture will accompany it so catch it in a bucket Examine theimpeller Acquire a replacement if needed and cover gasket Do notreplace the impeller back into the pump until the Spring commissioning6 with a clean cloth lightly soaked in oil place it in the openingof the intake manifold so as to block it closed DO NOT shove thecloth out of sight into the intake manifold If you cannot see itnext Spring and you attempt to start your engine you may need theassistance of a servicing dealer Make a note to remove this clothpr ior to star tup The exhaust through hull can be closed in thissame manner7 Disconnect the propeller shaft coupling from the transmission Ifthe boat remains in the water during winter storage this need not bedone This is a good time to check the security of the coupling to thepropeller shaft Insure also that the coupling set screws are tightand wired so as not to loosen The engine alignment to the propellershaft should be checked in the spring when the boat is placed back inthe water and the mast stepped and the rigging tuned8 Controls and Linkage Check the security of control connectionsto the engine and transmission Lubricate these controls and insurethat they move freely Engines with pUlltype shutoff levers shouldbe left in the run position during winter storage9 Starter Motor Lubr ication and cleaning of the starter dr iveplnlon is advisable if access to the starter permits its easy removalInsure that the battery connections are shut off before attempting toremove the starter Take care to properly replace any electrical connections removed from the starter10 Removing the injectors from the cylinder head and squirting somelight lube oil down the injector hole into the cylinders is notnecessary for the few months the engine is laid up for the winterHowever if you anticipate a longer layup period 12 months 21please follow through with this procedure It will prevent theadher ing of the piston rings to the cylinder walls Insure that youhave the proper hardware to replace the sealing washers for the injectors and return line connections11 Spares This is a good time to look over your engine and see ifexternal items such as belts or hoses may need replacing come Check over your basic spares ki t and order i terns noton hand or replace those items used during the winter layup such asfilters and zincs12 Batteries If batteries are to be left on board during the winterstorage per iod insure that they are in a state of full charge andwill remain that way to prevent them from freezing If not it wouldbe wise to remove OILS Lubricating oils are available for Westerbeke Diesel engines whichoffer an improved standard of performance to meet the requirements ofmodern oper ating conditions such as sustained high speeds and ternperatures Use a good brand of oil that has an API Service Spec of CC orbetter Use the following chart to select the proper viscosity of oil foryour Westerbeke engine Ambient Temperature Viscosity Above 80 F SAE 30 or 1030 30 80 F SAE 20 or 1030 Below 30 F SAE 10 or 1030 22 ENGINE OVERHAULThe following sections contain relating to the proper operation character istics of the major components and systems of the eng ineIncluded are disassembly rework andreassembly instructions for the guidanceof suitably equipped and staffed mar ineengine service and rebuilding facilitiesThe necessary procedures should be undertaken only by such facilitiesAddi tional operating character istics areincluded in the Operation Section of thismanualAny replacements should be made only withgenuine Westerbeke partsGeneral Specifications 32Engine Cylinder Head 37Engine Crankcase 47Lubrication System 60Fuel System 65Governor System 77Maintenance 81Technical Data 85 23WESTERBEKE 10 Two 12BTwo PROPULSION Right Side Left Side 24WESTERBEKE WMD 3KW GENERATOR Side Left Side 25 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS Westerbeke 10Two 12BTwo EXHAUST CONN INPT I AW WATE OUT fUEL 1 NLET 27 FfMILf r 1075 1957 l 24 KW 3 KW GENERATOR 11581 FlAW WATER OUT iD HOSC VEL INLET 27NPT 075 2150 I37 2000 2850 4G I 1 625 Dimensions are subject to change 26 ENGINE NUMBER1 The engine serial number is stamped on the ID plate attached to the exhaust manifold2 The engine serial number is stamped as shown below Engine number 1001 COOOThe engine block serial number will also be found stamped in the block on a flange justbelow the number two injectorThe generator serial number is found stamped in the outside housing of the generator onthe left side when viewed from the front of the engine 27 SECTIONAL VIEWS OF ENGINE1 Longitudinal cross section 1 2 3 4 S 13 16 17 27 20 21 23 24 2S1 Fresh water pump 10 Push rod 19 Crankshaft plate2 Water outlet fit II Tappet 20 Front bearing housing3 Exhaust valve 12 Camshaft 21 Gear case4 Intake valve 13 Oil pump 22 Oil drain plug5 Oil filler cap 14 Piston 23 Oil pan6 Rocker arm shaft 15 Connecting rod 24 Oil screen7 Rocker cover 16 Crankshaft pulley 25 Rear plate8 Cylinder head 17 Crankshaft 26 Flywheel9 Cylinder block 18 Crankshaft gear 282 Lateral cross section 221 Exhaust manifold 9 Cylinder head 16 Fuel filter2 Rocker cover 10 Piston 17 Ring gear3 Push rod 11 Starter 18 Oil level gauge4 Rocker arm 12 Rear plate 19 Oil filter5 Exhaust valve 13 Water drain hose 20 Oil screen6 Glow plug 14 Crankshaft 21 Oil pan7 Nozzle holder 15 Cylinder block 22 Oil drain plug8 Intake pipe 29 GENERAL Vertical 4 cycle OH water Chamber Swirl type chamberNumber of Cylinders 2Bore x stroke 65 mm 256 in x 68 mm 268 inTotal Displacement 451 cc 2752 ciCompression Ratio 251Firing Order 1 2Engine Performance 95 HP at 3000 RPM 10 Two Model 120 HP at 3600 RPM 12BTwo ModelDry Weight Propulsion 205 Pounds Generator 308 PoundsFuel 2 Diesel FuelFuel Injection Pump Bosch M TypeGovernor Centrifugal weight typeNozzle Throttle typeFuel Injection Pressure 160 kglcm 2Lubrication System Forced Lubrication trochoid pumpOil Pump Trochoid TypeEngine Oil Capacity Limit upperlower 28 liters l 8 litersCooling Water Capacity Approx 16 liters in engine properStarter Solenoid operated overrunning clutch cranking type 12V 09 KWAlternator 12 Volt 35 ampGlow Plug Sheathed plug quick heat type 30 PERFORMANCE CURVESThis performance shows the values under standard ambient conditions 760 mmHg temperature 20 0 C humidity 65 10 Two and 12BTwo Propulsion Engine TORQUE L BFT i I I I I HORSEPOWER I I COINT I 1 I I I 050 F U E LeO N SUM P T ION I lrl I 045 LB PER HPHR o Ililj040 1400 2000 3000 3600 RPM WMD 3 KW Generator Model 60 Hertz WMD 24 KW Generator Model 50 Ratings Deratings EngineModel Volts AmS Hertz Phase Wire PF KW RPM Start30612 120 25 60 2 10 30 35 each 1000 ft 1800 Remote above sea level30613 120240 251125 60 3 10 30 1 for each 100 F 1800 Remote above 85F ambient24512 220 10 50 2 10 24 10 for continuous 1500 Remote duty and remedies for general engine trouble are listed as PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYHard Starting1 Slow cranking a Viscosity of engine oil Use oil of lower viscosity high b Battery discharged Charge battery c Battery is old Replace battery d Poor connection of Clean terminals and cable connectors battery terminal e Faulty starter Overhaul or replace starter f Faulty starter Bendix Check starter amperage draw Replace drive or repair starter if necessary2 Injection system trouble a Air in fuel system Allow system to self bleed b Fuel filter clogged Replace fuel filter element c Injector pressure low Adjust injector pressure d Nozzle injection failure Clean or replace nozzle e Lack of pressure from Overhaul or replace injection pump injection pump f Injection timing too Check and adjust injection timing early propulsion 25 BTDC Generator 25 BTDC3 Engine a Lack of compression 1 Improper valve Adjust valve clearance clearance 2 Incorrect contact of Lap valves to head valve seat 3 Seizure of valve stem Replace valve and valve guide 4 Valve spring broken Replace valve spring 5 Leakage from cylinder Replace gasket head gasket 6 Piston ring sticking Replace piston and piston ring 7 Worn piston rings and Repair as needed cylinder b Glow plug burned Replace glow plug c Insufficient operating Adjust time per temperature Check time for glow plug connections and solenoid d Incorrect setting of Set to starting position full open throttle lever e Governor spring out of Correct spring position 32SYMPTOMS PROBABLE CAUSES REMEDYLack of Power1 Lack of compression See Lack of Compression under Hard Starting2 Improper adjustment of injection system a Improper injection timing Adjust injection timing b Injectors misfiring Overhaul or replace injectors c Low injector pressure Check injector nozzle and adjust injector pressure3 Lack of fuel a Air in fuel system Check connections and fuel tank b Filter clogged Replace filter c Fuel tank contaminated Clean tank and replace filters4 Lack of intake air Check air intake for obstruction5 Overheating a Lack of cooling water Replenish water check for leaks b Vbelts loosened Adjust or replace c Heat exchanger clogged Clean d Improper injection timing Correct injection timing e Lack of engine oil Replenish engine oil check for leaksExcessive Oil Consumption1 Oil leakage a Faulty oil seals Replace oil seals b Gear case gasket damaged Replace gasket c Gear case bolts loosened Tighten bolts d Drain plug loosened Tighten plug e Oil pipe connector Tighten connector bolt loosened f Rocker cover gasket Replace gasket damaged g Rocker cover bolts Tighten bolts loosened2 Oil up a Piston ring end gaps Correct ring positions incorrectly positioned b Connecting rod tilted or Replace connecting rod distorted c Wear of piston ring Replace ring d Wear of piston and Replace piston and rebore cylinder cylinder3 Oil down a Faulty stem seal Replace stern seal b Wear of valve and valve Replace valve and valve guide guide 33SYMPTOM REMEDYNoise or Abnormal Sound1 Crankshaft or main bearing a Excessive wear of bearing Replace bearing and grind crankshaft b Excessive wear of crank Grind to proper undersize shaft c Bearing melted Replace bearing and check oil line2 Connecting rod and connecting rod bearing a Wear of connecting rod Replace bearing and grind crank pin big end bearing b Wear of crank pin Grind crank pin c Connecting rod bent Straighten or replace3 Piston piston pin and piston ring a Wear of cylinder Rebore cylinder to oversize and replace piston b Wear of piston pin Replace piston pin c Seizure of piston Replace piston d Piston ring worn or Replace piston ring damaged4 Valve mechanism and other a Wear of camshaft Replace camshaft b Excessive valve clearance Adjust valve clearance c Wear of timing gear Replace gear d Wear of water pump Replace bearing bearing 34 ADJUSTMENT OF VALVE CLEARANCE1 Remove the rocker cover In loosen the rocker arm lock nut fI2 and while turning the adjusting screw fI3 measure and adjust the valve clearance with a thickness gauge between the valve stem and rocker arm position A 1 32 With the No 1 cylinder at TDC on compression stroke adjust the clearance of the intake and exhaust valves of the No 1 cylinder Then with the No 2 cylinder at TDC on compression stroke adjust the clearance of the intake and exhaust valves of the No2 cylinder3 To posi tion the No 1 cylinder for TDC of compression stroke align the timing mark on the gear case with that on the crankshaft pulley position No 2 cylinder at TDC of its compression stroke by rotating the crankshaft 1704 After the adjustment securely tighten the rocker arm nut while holding the adjusting screw from rotating Note The cylinder head holddown bol ts should be torqued before the valve adjustment is made Valve Clearance both intake and exhaust engine cold 025mm 35 CYLINDERHEAD BOLT TIGHTENING TORQUENote The cylinder head bolts when being torqued should be broken free onequarter toonehalf tum then torqued to the value given and in the proper order as Torque 253 289Ibft 35 40 kgm 36 CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICING OF CYLINDER HEADCylinder HeadThe cylinder head is made of a cast iron and has great rigidity andexcellent cooling property It is of the overhead valve type and theintake port and exhaust port are of crossflow type and the valveseats and guides are chamber and glow plug are provided at the lefthand side of thehead to insure complete fuel combustion and better engine Head GasketThe cylinder head gasket ismade of airtight and and has stainlesssteel grommets in the cylinderbore area The gasket iscoated wi th sealant on bothsides except where the cylinder bore periphery is to prevent oil and water no gasket sealantis needed during assemblingAn engine model markstamped on the upper side of is c C Ethe gasket cylinder head side to help insure and Valve SpringThe intake valve has a large diameterhead to increase the intake effic iency Both the intake and exhaustvalves are steel and the exhaust valvehas a welded special head to withstand a higher heat Stem sealThe upper part of the valve guide isprovided with a valve stern seal to Valve guideprevent oil leakage into the cylinderThe valve spring is made of a highrigidity valve spring steel Thespr ing spr ing retainer and retainerlock of the intake valve are identicalto those of the exhaust valve 37Combustion ChamberThe combustion chamber is of a swirl chamber type The swirl chamberis made of a heatresisting steel and is pressed into the cylinderhead The swir I chamber should not be disassembled because it ismachined wth the head after being pressed into the cylinder headRocker Arms and Rocker ShaftRocker arms are made of a special cast iron Rocker shaft is made ofbar steel and the surface is cemented Oil to the rocker arms androcker shaft is supplied through the rocker cover oil holeRocker CoverThe rocker cover is made of aluminum diecast and the upper part isprovided with an oil passage to supply oil to the rocker section via asupply tube from the front cam bearingThe cover is also provided with a fill port for engine oilServicing the Cylinder Remove the exhaust manifoldb Remove the oil pipe from the cylinder headc Remove the fuel return lined Remove the fuel injection lines from the injectorse Remove the injectorsf After removing the glow plug lead wire remove the glow plugg Remove the rocker coverh After removing the rocker shaft holddown bolts remove the rocker arms rocker shaft and rocker support assembly After removing the rocker assembly pullout the push rodsi Loosen and remove the cylinder head bolts in the illustrated order 38 m 10 o Q 9 1 JO8 6 4 o 0j Remove the head gasket etck Using a valve spr ing compressor compress the valve spr ing and remove the retainer spring and valve Keep the removed valves and related parts in order by each Check the cylinder head for visible water leakage or damage before cleaning2 Prior to inspection and repair clean each part carefully and remove oil scale carbon and paint3 Clean oil holes with compressed air and make sure they are not HeadCheck the cylinder head forcracks damage and water leakagebefore cleaningMake sure the oil passage is the bottom of the cylinderhead for any warpage Check asillustrated using a straightedge and thickness gauge 39Valve GuideCheck the clearance from valve stem tovalve guide and if it exceeds theservice limit replace the valve guide 145 155and valve When replacing a valvewi th its stem worn also replace thevalve guide Valve guideTo replace the valve guide use apress and remove the worn guide bypressing it out from the underside ofthe head out through the topTo install a new guide press it into the cylinder head from the upperside obtaining the illustrated dimension After installing the valveguide check the valve stem to guide clearance and if the clearanceis less than the standard value ream the guide to achieve the SeatCheck the valve seat for any damage andincorrect contact and if as illustrated lap the valve and seat withlapping compoundIf the valve seat surface recedes morethan the service limit replace thecylinder head The receding of thevalve seat surface can be checked bymeasuring the installed height of the valve springCAUTION Check the valve guide for any wear before cor recting thevalve seat If necessary replace the guide Amm Bmm Cmm 237 217 25 A rIValveIf the thickness T of the valve headexceeds the service limi t replace thevalveIf the top end A of the valve stemsurface in contact with the rocker armis worn or dented repair or replace 40Valve SpringCheck for cracks and damageMeasure the free length and load of the spring if defective replaceCheck the squareness of the spring if excessively tilted replace svri1Ce gage plate Rocker Arms and Rocker ShaftI f the rocker arm par t in contact with the valve is excessively worn or damaged replaceAlso check the adjusting screwand if the surface in contactwith the push rod is replaceCheck the ID of the rocker armbushing and the 00 of therocker shaft rocker area and if theclearance is excessive replacethe rocker arm assemblyPush RodCheck the push rod for bending and wear at both ends and if defective and Clean thoroughly each assembly part prior to assembly2 When assembling apply oil to sliding and rotating parts 41Securely install the valve stern seal into the valve guide Note The valve stern seal is not reusableCoat the valve stern wi th eng ine oil and insert it into the valveguide Then install the retainer wi th the redpainted end of thevalve spring at the retainer side compress the spring with a and install the retainer lockInstall the rocker arm rocker shaft and rocker bracket Wheninstalling apply engine oil to the bore of the rocker arm bushingThe cylinder head gasket iscoated wi th sealant and thereis no need of applying anyadditional sealantTighten the cylinder headbolts in the illustrated orderto the specified torqueInstall the rocker arm andshaft assembly on the top ofthe cylinder head and tightenthe bolts to the the glow plug andtighten to the the nozzle holdergasket and install andtighten the nozzle holderassembly to the Replace the gaskets and washers with new ones and apply sealant to specified areas2 When installing the injectors do not turn the body side but turn the retaining nut 42Install the glow plug lead wireAdjust the valve clearanceWith the piston Gf each cylinderat the top dead center ofcompression stroke insert afeeler gauge between the valvestem tip and the rocker arm faceand adjust to the specifiedclear ance cold by use of theadjusting screw 43 of crankcase is of the fulljacket type made of cast iron alloy andformed integral with the cylindersThe main bearing is of the bushing type made of special copper alloywith back metal and is flashplated The crankshaft thrust isreceived and maintained by the front bearing crankshaft is a highcarbon steel and the ma1nbearings and connecting rodjournals are to increase thewear resistance Thebalancer is formed integralwith the and Ring GearThe flywheel is designed to provide a great inertial efficiency and tominimize torque variation The ring gear is shrinkfitted to theflywheel and gear teeth are to increase to wearPiston Piston Pin and Piston RingThe piston is made of special light alloy and is elliptic and taperedgetting smaller upward to provide the best contact with the piston pin is a hollow special alloy steel pin and is the surface The piston pin is pressed into the connectingrod and fixed by use of a special fitting toolEach piston is provided with four piston rings three and one oil ring No 1 ring and oil ring are hard chromeplated on the surface in contact with the cylinder 44connecting RodThe connecting rod is a high carbon steel forging and the rod is ofIsection and the big end is of hor izontally split construction toincrease rigidityThe piston pin is pressed into the small end of the rod The connecting rod bear ing is made of special copper alloy with back metaland is GearsAll the timing gears arespur gears The camshaftgear is driven by thecrankshaft gear and thegovernor gear is dr i ven bythe camshaft camshaft is a high carbon steel forging and is formed integralwi th the cam for the injection pump and the cam lobes and journalsare camshaft is supported in machined holes in the crankcase Thefront journal is provided wi th an oil hole to supply oil intermi ttently to the cylinder head and rocker armsCamshaft thrust is received by the front side of the crankcase and bya surface provided in the timing gear front coverThe rear end of the camshaft is provided with a slot to drive the oilpumpTappet and Push RodThe tappet is tubular and is surface Tappettreated on the bottom surface and therod receIvIng area The tappet isinstalled offset from the cam center and as the cam rotates thus preventing uneven wear of the bottom of thetappetThe push rod is made of bar steel and 1 Offsetboth ends are specially hardened 45Oil PanThe oil pan is made of sheet metal and is provided with an oil drainhose attached to the sump oil drain boss 46 DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION OF SystemRemove engine electrical Mar k leads for 35 amp DC alternator anddrive beltRemove starter motorRemove the glow plugsCooling SystemRemove sea water pump mounting bracket thermostat housing thermostat pump drive belt hoses and primary heat exhaust manifold with idle stop ontrol fuel solenoid assembly generator modelFuel SystemRemove electric fuel pump and engine mounted fuel filter assemblyRemove high pressure liner from injection pump to fuel return line from injectors and to injection pumpRemove injectors and sealing HeadRemove rear lifting eye and rocker box cover with oil supply lineRemove rocker arm assembly and push rodsRemove cylinder head hold down bolts and lift cylinder head fromblockLift tappets out of block with use of a magnetic pencilRemove the oil pan and gasketRemove transmission damper plate and bellhousing generator seegenerator sectionRemove the flywheel and backplate 47Remove the oil pumpLoosen the front crankshaft pulley nut and remove the front pulleyRemove the front gear case cover and gasketAfter removing the governor weight assembly remove the snap ring andthen the governor gearDraw the camshaft and gear from the the sleeve crankshaft gear and plateRemove the connecting rod caps and draw the pistons and connectingrod assembly through the top of the block Keep the rod caps andbearings in order by cylinder so that there will be no mixing Markthe rod and cap on one sideRemove the front bearing housing from the crankcaseDraw out the crankshaft from the crankcase hole Be careful notdamage the main of Piston and Connecting RodSet the piston and connecting rod assembly on the body of a specialtool as illustrated insert the push rod of the tool into the pistonpin hole and remove the piston pin by pressing it out with the aid ofa hydraulic press Do not use the guide of the tool when removing thepiston pinCAUTION1 Be sure to use hydraulic press when removing the piston pin Do not attempt to hammer it out If an excessive pulling force is required to remove the piston pin due to adhesion replace it wi th a new one Do not apply the load of more than 3000 kg 6600 lbs to the pin setting tool 482 When setting the piston and connecting rod on the tool body be sure that the small end of the connecting rod is placed properly on the receiving area of the tool body a 925 PuSh rod Identification mark Tool body 1 Body 2Guide 3 Push Check the crankcase for signs of water leakage oil leakage and damage before cleaning it2 Pr ior to inspection and repair clean each par t and remove the dust oil carbon deposits and water scale3 Clean the oil galler ies by applying compressed air and be sure that the holes are not clogged and are clean and the crankcase for cracksand damage If the crankcaseCheck the water jackets for presence of water scale and rustand clean as needed 49Using a cylinder gauge measure the cylinder bore at three in X and Y directions and if necessary rbore the cylindersto oversize or replace the block if beyond repair XXis th thrust Piston Pin and Piston RingCheck the piston for evidence of seizure streaks and wear and ifdefective replaceMeasure the 00 of the piston and if excessive wear is foundreplace If the piston to cylinder wall clearance is the cylinder to the next oversize or replace the piston Thepiston 00 should be measured at the lower part of the skirt acrossthe thrust facesWhen an oversize piston is usedfinish the cylnder bore oversize aswell First measure the of the oversize piston to beused diameter in the thrust directionat the lower part of the pistonskirt rebore the cylinder so thatthe clear ance between the piston andthe cylinder wall will be the valuespecified in the data section andfinally cross finish by honingMeasure the piston ring sideclearance and if necessary replacethe ring If the clearance is stillexcessive with a new ring replace piston ring end gap and ifthe end gap is excessive replace thering 50To measure push the ring with a piston into the least worn partskirt of the cylinder as illustrated and measre the end gap usinga feeler gauge r PistonIf the clearance between the piston pin and piston or the bore of thesmall end of the connecting rod is excessive replace the piston pinassembly or connecting rod RodUsing a connecting rod aligner measure the bend and distortion of therod and if excessive bend or distortion is found repair or replaceAfter installing the connecting rod on the cr ankshaft measure thethrust clearance and if the clearance is excessive replace the rodassembly twist theak J c I I J r the crankshaft journals and pins for damage and seizure Alsomeasure the crankshaft 00 and if wear is exceSSlve finish thecrankshaft to the next undersize and replace the main bearing and connecting rod bearing with new parts of the same undersize 51CAUTION Correct the bend before grinding the crankshaft Finish each fillet to the illustrated RMeasure the crankshaft end playand if it exceeds the specifiedvalue replace the front mainbearing housing To measurethe end play install thecrankshaft and main bearinghousing install the gearsleeve and pulley tighten thenut and then apply a dial gaugeto the end of the crankshaftMain bearing and connecting rod bearingCheck the bearing surface for flaking melting seizure and and if defective replaceWith each main bearing and connectingrod bearing installed in the crankcase bear ing housing and connectingrod measure the 10 of the bearingsThen measure the 00 of thecrankshaft journals and pins andcalculate the oil clearanceIf the oil clearance is not wi thinthe specifications replace thebearingI f the standard oil clear ance is notobtained even with the new bearinggrind the crankshaft undersize andinstall a bear ing of the same undersize 52To replace the main bearing use the special tool Bearing InstallerPart Number 337421 To remove the main bearing install the guide ring to the installer body as illustr ated To pull the main bearing out of the bearing housing push it from the front side to the rear side To remove the main bearing at the rear of the Fo fmnt bring crankcase remove the oil seal and then push the bear ing inward from the rear side of the crankcase Bearing Installer2 To install the main bearing assemble the main bearing installerbody and guide ring as illustrated and press in the bearing in thesame direction of removalSince the front bearing is to installed 25mm inside from the reference surface at the bearing installation side use the furnished tooladapter ring Marking 1 Guide ring 4 Bearing housing front 2 Main bearing or crankcase rear I Bearing installer 3 Guide ring 3 Bearing installer 2 Main bearing Removing the Main Bearing Installing the Main Install the main bear ing so that the oil hole of the bear ing aligns with that of the crankcase Set the oil hole position of the main bearing to the mark line stamped on the collar of the installer body and then press the bearing in while aligning the oil hole with that of the crankcase After setting do not turn the tool or bearing Be sure that the butting part of the main bearing is in the illustrated position2 Before installing the bear ing apply eng ine oil to the outside surface of the bearing Be sure to use a press to install the bearing Install the bearing squarely 53Timing GearsCheck each gear for incorrect wear and damage and ifdefective the clearance between the camshaft journals both front andrear and the shaft hole in the crankcase and if the clearance isexcessive replace the camshaft or crankcaseIf the cam face is damaged or the cam lobe is worn in excess of theservice limit replace the camshaftCheck the slot for driving the oil pump for any wear and if the wearis excessive the bottom of the tappet the surface contacting the cam andreplace the tappet if the bottom is excessively cracked spalled orstreakedPush RodReplace if the wear at both ends the push rod on a surface plateand measure the bend in the centerand if it is excessively bent overthe standard value repair orreplace 54 ASSEMBLY AND Clean each part thoroughly Especially clean carefully oil holes bearings bearing lower holes and inner wall of cylinders2 Be careful not to mix nuts and bolts Metric and SAE bolts are used on various engine assemblies3 During assembly recheck clearances and insure parts are being assembled in their proper order and facing in the correct direc tion in relation to the engine block eg pistons piston rings bearings and bearing caps4 Apply lubr icating oil to moving parts dur ing assembly Insure that moving parts when assembled on the engine rotate or slide and are not subject to binding or excessive tension5 If there are mating marks scr ibed dur ing disassembly reference them correctly for assembly6 Use new gaskets lockwashers orings etc7 Tighten the bolts and nuts on important parts of engine to spe cified torques using a reliable torque wrench8 Use liquid sealants when required on nuts bolts and gaskets Refrain from using tape of Piston and Connecting RodAssemble the piston and connecting rod in the following manner usingthe special tool Piston Pin Setting Tool Part Number 335821 Insert the piston pin into the push rod of the tool and screw the guide fully into the push rod2 Insert the push rod piston ring and guide assembled in the preceding Push rod paragraph into the piston pin hole of the piston and further into the small end of the connecting rod Make sure that the front mark arrow on the top Arrow mark on piston head of the piston and the identif ication mark of the connecting rod face in the Piston same direction Apply engine oil suf Tool body ficiently to the piston pin surface and inside the small end of the con necting rod 553 Set the piston connecting rod and tool assembled in the pre ceding paragraph to the tool body To set lign the notch of the guide with that of the body and insert the assembly into the tool body Then turn the guide 90 degrees After setting be sure that the small end of the connecting rod securely rests on the receiving part of the tool body Also check that the front mark arrow on the top of the piston and the identification mark of the connecting rod are facing upward4 With the piston set on a hydrau lic press press the piston pin into the piston The hydraulic pressure should be between 500 1500 kg 1100 1300 Ibs If the pin requires a greater or lesser pressure replace the connecting rod or piston and pin assembly The pin is pressed into a prescribed position by the guide After the installa tion is completed turn the push rod 90 degrees align the notch of the guide with that of the tool body and remove the piston and connecting rod assembly from the tool installing the piston and connecting rod verify that the pistonpin is equally pressed in against the center of the rod If the pinhas been installed unequally correct it In such a case check of Piston RingsSince piston rings differ in shape fromone another they must be installed as paying attention to the posi tion and direction They must beinstalled so that the manufacturers rJNo2mark and size mark face the top of thepiston No3Insert the crankshaft into the crankcase Apply engine oil to the main Ibearings and journals and take care not Oilringto damage the main bearingInstall the front bearing housing 56 Bearing housing Pulley Install the crankshaft plate cr ankshaft gear and sleeve Install the cr ankshaft plate wi th the cham fered side directed toward the rear of the eng ine crankshaft gear wi th the stepped side directed toward the front Nut rP Sleeve of the engine and sleeve with the nCrankshft chamfered square end toward the front gear Washer of the engine Stopper plata Temporarily install the sleeve stopper washer and crankshaft pulley and after tightening the nut check the cr ankshaft end play I f the end play is excessively larger than the specified value recheck the bearing housing Also verify that the crankshaft gear and sleeve are pro per ly installed After checking the end play loosen the nut and remove the pulley and washer Insert the piston and connecting rod assembly into the cylinder install the connecting rod cap and tighten to the specified torque Insert the bol ts at the connecting rod side and tighten the nuts from the cap side When inserting the piston use a piston ring compressor and be sure j that the front mark arrow on the h o l piston head and the identification mark on the connecting rod are directed toward the front of the engine Also make sure that each piston ring end gap is not in the direction of thrust of the piston or in line with the piston pin and that the adjacent ring end gaps are at least 90 degrees apart Key the camshaft gear to the camshaft and insert the camshaft into the crankcase Make sure that the mating mark of the crankshaft gear aligns with that of the camshaft gear as illustrated Apply oil to the bearing surfaces when installing 57 Install the governor gear andinstall a snap ring onto the shaftThen install the governor weightassembly and sliding shaftInstall the gear case with governor linkage assembled In thiscase attach a gasket coated with a good br and of sealant to the gearcase before the crankshaft pulley Donot forget to install thecrankshaft spacer stopper washerand crankshaft pulley washerInsure these washers maintaintheir positios when installing and tightening the front pulley nutTorque the front pulley nut i6 the proper the oil pump the the flywheel and tightenthe bolts to the specified torqueInstall the oil screen and oil panInsert the tappets dll lObeInsert the push rods into the tappet hole centerInstall the cylinder head assemblySee Cylinder Head the injection pumpassembly and fuel lines SeeFuel SystemInstall the oil filter I f theoil pressure swi tch and oilpressure sender have not beeninstalled yet apply sealant totheir threads and install themUse the proper socket forinstalling the oil pressureswi tch Install the fuel filter assemblyand electric fuel pump 58Install the fresh water pump and drive pulleyInstall the starter and alternator See Electrical SystemInstall the alternator belt Adjust the tension of the belt byadjusting the the thermostat housing sea water pump bracket and the primary heat and related hosesAttach the idle stop fuel run wir ing harness Insureharness is properly supported andprotected from chafing and heatInstall the damper plate adapterand transmission Generatoruni ts refer to text on gener atorremoval and installation 59 LUBRICATION lubr icating system is of fullforce type using a trochoid gearpump with a fullflow oil filter The oil pump is driven through theOldhams coupling located at the rear end of the camshaft The oilfrom the oil pump is regulated by a check valve filtered by thecartridge type oil filter and supplied to each part of the enginethrough oil galleries in the engine blockl Oil Filter 72 Relief Valve 93 Oil Pump4 Dipstick5 Pickup Line6 Oil Pressure Switch7 Oil Ffll CapB Rocker Arm 13 t9 Rocker Shaft10 Camshaft11 Crankshaft12 Sump13 Oil Line to Rockers 2 1 6 4 2 60Engine Oil1 Engine oil to be used Use HD eng ine oil heavyduty oil API spec of CC and change the oil every 100 hours of operation initially at 50 hours2 Changing of engine oil To change the engine oil warm up the engine Shut it down and then remove the oil dr ain hose from its suppor t br acket at the front of the engine Two wrenches are needed to do this one to hold the fitting on the hose and the other to unscrew the securing cap Lower the hose into a container large enough to hold the oil and allow the sump to drain A pump may be used to draw the oil out through this hose When the sump is completely drained reposition the drain hose on its support bracket and replace the hose capplug and tighten securely Refill the engine oil sump with the correct amount of oil as spe cified in the data section of this manual NOTE Check the oil level reading on the oil sump dipstick Allow a few minutes after adding the new oil for it to settle into the oil sumpOil FilterThe oil filter is an easytohandle cartr idge type filter with thefilter body and element formed integralIf the element has been contaminated or clogged and the oil before and after the element has become more than about1 kgcm 2 the builtin relief valve opens to allow the oil to flow toeach part of the engine wi thout passing through the oil filter element Therefor e it is impor tant to check and change the oil regularly The filter interior requires no cleaning The filter must bereplaced with a new one every 100 hours of operation initally at50 hoursRemoval and Replacement of Oil FilterIf it is difficult to remove the filter by hand use a special available or wrap a Vbelt around itTo install tighten the oil filter fully by hand Tightening torque 11 to 13 kgmConfirm that the Oring is properly fitted in the Oring grooveApply a thin coat of engine oil to the Oring Prior to installingthe filter on the engine run the engine after filling with oil andcheck for pressure and leaks Check the oil level after shutting theeng ine off and add oil to br ing the level up to the full mar k asneeded 61Oil PumpThe oil pump is of trochoidtype and is mounted at therear of the crankcase Theoil filter is attached tothis oil pumpThe oil pump incorporates arelief valve which when thedelivery pressure becomesmore than 35 kgcm 2 relieves excess pressure bypassing oil back into theoil sumpWhen disassembling the oil pumppay attention to the following itemsI Apply engine oil to the rotating parts before assembling2 After assembling check that the pump shaft turns smoothly3 Measure the clearance between the outer rotor and the pump body using a feeler gauge and if the clearance is excessive replace the rotor assembly or the pump body or both4 Measure the clearance between the outer and inner rotors using a feeler gauge and if the clear ance is excessive replace the rotor assembly5 To check the clear ance between the rotor and cover inser t the rotor into the pump body and apply a straight edge across the body face If the clearance does not conform to the standard replace the rotor assembly or body 626 Assembling the oil pump a Install the rotor assembly in the oil pump body b Install the oil pump shaft to the crankcase with its lug properly fi tted in the slot in the camshaft c Replace the Oring with a new one and install the pump cover Apply oil to the Oring and install it squarely on the 0 ring grooveOil Pressure SwitchThe oil pressure swi tch is located at the rear right side of thecrankcase and when the lubricating system pressure becomes lower than18 to 23 PSI dur ing normal oper ation this swi tch oper ates an alarmbuzzer When the alarm sounds check the oil pressure and water temperature gauges on your instrument panel NOTE The alarm can also be activated by an overheat switch which will activate the alarm should the operating temperature of the engine reach 205 F Should the oil pressure be low stop the engine and the oil pressure switches and if they do not meet the specifications replace them NOTE Generator units have a twoprong oil pressure and water temperature switch which interrupts the circuit for the fuel run solenoid when tripped thus shutting down the generator automati cally 63Checking Oil Pressure1 Warm up the engine2 Remove the oil pressure sender and connect a mechanical oil pressure gauge instead3 Set the eng ine speed at 3000 RPM and measure the oil pressure If the oil pressure is less than the specifica tion check the lubricating system Oil pressure Greater tnan 35 kgcm 2 50 lbin 2 at 3000 RPM NOTE Insure proper oil is being used that meets temperature requirements and the API Spec of CC or better 64 FUEL SYSTEMFuel from the fuel tank is brought to the engine by the aid of electric fuel pump Note A filterwater separatoris recommended to be installed in the fuel supply line between thefuel tank and the connection to the electric fuel pump Fuel passesthrough the electr ic pump to the eng inemounted fuel f il ter and thento the high pressure injection pump The injection pump delivers thefuel through high pressure lines to each inj ector The injectorsspray the fuel into the engines combustion chambers where it ignitesFuel not used is returned to a fitting on the injection pump where itcombines with unused fuel from the injection pump and is returned tothe fuel tankFuel Filters Engine MountedThe fuel filters are easy to handle cartridge type and constructed ofpaperOne filter element is located in the base of the electr ic fuel pumpand the other is located in the filter housing adjoining the electricpump Note Both elements should be replaced after the ini tial50 hours of engine operation and then every 200 hours or once a seasonas neededChanging the Fuel FiltersThe fuel filter element located in the electr ic fuel pump can beremoved by undoing the base of the pump A 17 rom wrench 5 rom thickshould be used to undo the base Turn the base clockwise to replaceFuel will spill from the pump when the base is removed so be preparedto catch it Remove the base and filter element Install the newelement insure the sealing gasket in the base cover is in good condition and the round magnet is in the center of the cover filter element in the cartridge is a paper type and to remove itunscrew the knurled retainer ring and drop the ring and lower housingoff the filter bracket Fuel will spill from the housing so beprepared to catch it The filter element is then withdrawn from thefilter bracket Two Orings are located in this bracket and should bereplaced as needed One seals the lower housing and the other sealsand holds the filter element in placeReplace the filter element and the lower housing and retainer ring andtighten the retainer ringCaution When threading the retainer ring onto the bracket take carenot to cross thread it It should thread easily onto the bracketuntil the lower housing contacts the sealing Or ing Hand tightenonly 65Bleed the air from the electric fuel pump and this filter cartridge bysimply turning on the keyswitch generator depress preheat switchfor 30 to 40 seconds then start the unit and check for leaksFuel PumpIn a transistor type12 volt DC fuel pump the of the pump plunger is controlledby a transistorized circuitThe oscillator section diodes and resistorsWhen the transistor circuit is closedand the solenoid coil is excited asucking force acts on the plungerforcing it down against the spring forceand the fuel pushing up the deli veryvalve that leads into the plungerWhen the transistor circuit is openedthe plunger is pushed back upward by the 1 Diaphragm 6 Plunger 2 Oscillator 7 Outlet valvespr ing force forcing the fuel out of 3 Solenoid coil 8 Springthe outlet port and at the same time 4 Filter 9 Inlet valvethe inlet valve opens and the fuel 5 Filter coverenters the lower chamber Fuel and Reassembly of the Electric Fuel Pump for CleaningSince this tr ansistor ized fuel pump is of a totally enclosed typeonly the cover filter and plunger assembly require cleaningUsing a 17 rom wrench remove the cover 1 as illustrated Then thecover gasket 2 magnet 3 and filter 4 can be removed from thepump body I Cover 4 Filter 6 Spring retainer 10 Plunger spring 2 Cover gasket 13 Body 7 Washer 11 Plunger 3 Magnet 8 Dring 12 Plunger tube Removal of Filter 9 Valve 13 Body Removal of Plunger 66Replace the filter as neededCheck the cover gasket and if damaged replace it Clean the magnetand cover thoroughlyTo remove the plunger first remove the spring retainer 6 from theplunger tube 12 Then remove the washer 7 Oring seal 8valve 9 plunger spring 10 and plunger 11 from inside the tubeWash these parts in clean diesel oil and remove the oil and other contaminants using compressed airCAUTION THE TUBE 12 HAS VERY SMALL WALL THICKNESS BE CAREFUL NOTTO DEFORM THE TUBE DURING REMOVAL OF THE PLUNGER AND THE HANDLE THE PLUNGER TO PREVENT IT FROM BEING DENTED OROTHERWISE To assemble install the plunger plunger spring valve Oring and washer in that order and finally secure them with the retainer so that they will not come out2 Install the filter element and then the magnet and gasket in the base cover and tighten the cover with a 17 mm wrench to the ends of the slotted stopServicing and Checking the Electric Fuel Pump1 Changing the FilterAfter the first 50 hours of operation and thereafter every 200 hoursremove the lower cap of the pump using a 17 mm wrench and replace thefilter element2 Checking the Electric Fuel Pump OperationTurn on the ignition switch generator preheat The pump shouldproduce a clicking sound If the pump does not produce any operatingsound check with a DC voltmeter to determine that 12 volts is beingsupplied to the pump If 12 volts is being supplied to the pump andthe pump still does not make any operating sound replace the fuelpump assembly If 12 volts is not present at the pump check the unitcircuit breaker electrical connections and switch 673 Checking the Discharge Rate of the Fuel PumpCheck the discharge rate as illustratedThe pump must deliver over 200 cc 422pints of fuel in 15 secondsFuel Injection PumpThis fuel injection pump is a doublebarrel pump installed in thecylinder block and consists of pump element plunger assembly delivery valve tappet and smoke set device The pump is mounted at thefront right side of the cylinder block and delivers the fuel underpressure when the pump cam rotation pushes the plunger up through a fixed stroke1 Control of Injection RateThe fuel injection rate is increased or decreased by chang ing therelative position of the plunger lead and plunger barrel The plungeris rotated by the control pinion installed on the outer periphery ofthe plunger barrel The lower flange of the plunger fits in the slit of this plnlon andthe rotation of the pinion is transmitted directly to the plungerThis control pinion is driven by engine power through the weights operated through centr ifugal force governor sleeveand throttle linkage Therefore when the fuel rack moves to theright the amount of fuel injected decreases and when the fuel rackmoves to the left the fuel increases 1 Delivery valve holder 2 Delivery valve seat Q 3 Control rack 4 Pump body j 5 Tappet 6 Stopper 7 Delivery valve spring 8 Delivery valve 9 Air vent screw 10 Plunger barrel iJ 11 Lock pin iJ 12 Control pinion 13 Plunger 14 Union bolt 15 Upper seat 16 Spring 17 Lower seat 18 Return spring 682 Smoke SetA smoke set is installed to control the maximumfuel injection rateThe stopper is held by a spring in the illustrated position Thisposition is the smoke set position To start a cold engine thethrottle lever is pulled fully toward the maximum number of rotationand the control rack is moved by the governor lever in the directionof the arrow overcoming the spr ing force of the stopper thus injection The fuel injection rate between the two barrelsis adjusted by the plunger barrel which rotates on the adjusting platewith cam mechanism located on the opposite side of the control rack Spring Adjusting plate Plunger barrel Lever3 Delivery ValveIn addition to the function to deliver the fuel into the injector lineafter the fuel pressure has increased sufficiently high the deliveryvalve has another important function to prevent nafterdripn from thenozzle tip after completion of injectionWhen the fuel pressure above the plunger has dropped at the completion ofinjecting the delivery valve pistonmoves to close the delivery valve seatbut at that time the compressed fuelstill remains in the line which resultsin the afterdrip from the nozzle tipTo prevent this afterdripping thedelivery valve piston sucks back thefuel remaining in the injection linebefore the delivery valve is seated During injection End of injectionthus reducing the fuel pressure in theinjector line almost to zero 69Disassembly of the Fuel Injection Pump1 Remove the fuel injec tion lines and return lines2 Loosen the injection pump mounting bolts and lift the pump assembly out of the engine block position the throttle arm about half open to position the fuel rack ball joint at the notch in the block for removal3 Record the thickness and quantity of pump adjusting shims in order to facilitate adjustment at the time of reassembly4 Disassembly of the Fuel Pump CAUTION Do not recklessly try to disassemble the fuel injection pump Pump adjustment requires a test bench and acquired skill Avoid disassembly and adjustment of the pump when this equipment and knowledge are not available Before disassembling close the fuel inlet and outlet and clean the exterior of the pump Fill a container with clean diesel oil and put disassembled parts in it Keep in order the disassembled parts except those to be replaced so that they may be reassembled in their original positions and that no mixing with other parts will occur a Remove the deli very valve holder Take out the valve spring valve and Oring b Take out the gasket and valve seat 70 c Straighten the tappet guide pin lock plate push in the tap pet slightly pull off the guide pin using a needle nose pliers and take out the tappet d Remove the spring and upper seat e Remove the pinion f Draw out the plunger barrel upward from the pump housing Keep the removed plunger barrels and plungers in sets Never mix plunger and barrel assemblies g Remove the cotter pin washer return spring and smoke set and pullout the control Delivery Valve Seat Delivery VIIlveCheck the contact surface of the delivery valve seat and if not showinggood contact replace the deliveryvalve The delivery valve should showa slight resistance when beingwithdrawn from the valve body when theother hole is closed off wi th one ISfinger2 Plunger BarrelCheck the plunger for seizure damageand rust Also check that the plungerslides smoothly when it is lubricatedwith diesel fuel and inserted into thebarrel If the plunger is found not Barelto slide smoothly into the barrelreplace the assembly The repair ofthe plunger is not permitted it mustbe replaced 713 Control Rack and PinionReplace the rack and pinion whoseteeth are worn or damaged4 TappetCheck the outer periphery of tappetroller and shaft for wear and damageand if defective Partial Assembly of Fuel Injection Pump Assembly a Insert the plunger barrel with the notch properly aligned with the dowel pin of the pump housing b Install the Oring to the delivery valve holder c Install the spring seat gasket and valve assembly to the valve holder and temporarily install this to the pump housing Be sure to install the Oring properly d Install the control rack e Assemble pinions to the Pinion control rack with their center Deep deep teeth properly aligned bottoms with the aligning marks on the control rack respectively f Install the spring upper seat and spring Control rack Aligning marks g Assemble the plunger and spring lower seat and install the assembly with the mark nL n on the plunger flange facing the control rack side 72 h Insert the tappet pay attention to the shim inserted align the tappet guide hole with the dowel pin hole of the housing and insert the tappet guide pin Before inserting the tap pet guide pin attach the lock plate and bend it to lock after the guide pin is installed i Install the smoke set stopper return spring and washer and install a cotter pin j Tighten the delivery valve holder to 30 1bft2 Installation and Adjustment of Fuel Injection Pump a To install the pump assembly use the same thickness adjusting shim under the pump as removed Confirm that the projection of the control rack fits properly in the forked Control rack end of the governor lever The shim is available in nine Pump types from 02 mm thickness to 10 mm in increments of 01 mm AdjUsting b Connect the fuel feed hose and shim bleed the injection pump by turning on the keyswitch or depressing the preheat switch generators c Confirm the injection timing First remove the deli very valve holder and after pulling out the delivery valve and spr ing install the deli very valve holder only Tur n the crankshaft so as to bring 11 piston coming up on its compression stroke The injection time is the moment when the fuel flowing from the outlet port of the valve holder stops flowing Compare this moment to the timing mark on the crankshaft pulley on the front cover mark If the stan dard injection timing cannot be obtained adjust by increasing or decreasing the thickness of the adjusting shim As the shim thickness changes 01 mm the inj ection timing changes about 1 Where the above operation cannot be done the adjustment may be made without removing the valve and spring In this case remove injection line 1 at the injector side and slowly turn the crankshaft pulley nut with a wrench The injection timing is the moment when the fuel appears and swells at the end of the pipe and this is about 1 later than the normal injection timing The injec tion timing must be checked when the plunger is in the smoke set position that is full open throttle 73Injector NozzleThe fuel from the fuel injection pumppasses through the fuel passage in thenozzle holder body and is the nozzle into the The excess fuel at the nozzleflows through the nozzle holder theupper nipple and the return line andreturns to the fuel tank I Hexagon nut 7 Pressure pin 2 Packing ring 8 Distance piece 3 Washer 9 Retaining nut 4 Body 10 Nozzle 5 Shim washer II Flange 6 of the Injector1 Remove the return line from the injector upper attach ment2 Remove the fuel injection line from the injector3 Loosen the injector nut and remove the assembly4 Disassemble the nozzle holder assembly in the following manner a With the retaining nut held in a vice remove the nozzle holder using a wrench on the nozzle holder body When holding the retaining nut in the vice use an aluminum or copper plate between the nut and the vice b Remove the shim pressure ring flange pressure pin and distance piece 74 c Take out the nozzle from the retaining nut If the nozzle is too hard to remove lightly tap i t wi th a wooden piece and remove taking care not to damage the needle the nozzle for incorrect contact and damage and if the nozzle assemblyCheck the pressure spring for damageAssembly of Nozzle and Injector Assembly CAUTION Before assembling put the parts in diesel oil and clean them well DO NOT wipe the cleaned parts with cloth When installing the nozzle holder body and retaining nut be sure to tighten them to the specified torque Inusfficient torque will cause poor compression If torqued excessively the nozzle needle will drag affecting injection performance1 Install the nozzle assembly spacer and pressure pin to the retaining nut2 Install the shim spring and flange in the body and install them to the abovementioned retaining nut and torque the retaining nut to the specification3 Tighten the nipple gasket and Test1 Injection Start Pressure Test a Measure the injection start pressure using a nozzle tester and if out of standard make adjustment to obtain the specified pressure by increasing or decreasing the adjusting shims Adding shims increases the pressure and reducing shims decreases the pressure b As the thickness of the adjusting shim changes 01 mm the pressure changes about 10 kgcm 2 To change the shim hold the retaining nut with a vice and remove the pump body with a wrench Tighten the retaining nut to the spe cified torque 752 Injection Test The chattering test intermittent small amount injection test is considered as passed if intermi t tent clear cut injection with sound is obtained when the tester lever is slowly oper ated In this case the injection must be straight in the same direction as the nozzle Good 8ad axis Spray in different direc tions or in sever al lines is not acceptable Also a large coarse spray is not acceptable3 Afterdrip Test In the preceding chattering test if the fuel collects on the tip of the nozzle and dripping occurs after injection the nozzle must be replaced because it is defective A very small amount of fuel may u u LJ collect on the nozzle tip This is Good 8ad Bad caused by chattering and therefore is not a defect4 Spray Condition Test When the tester lever is operated fast abour 200 strokes per minute the fuel must be sprayed in fine mist straight in the direction of the nozzle axis Coarse spray is not of the Nozzle Holder the nozzle holder assembly to the cylinder head and tighten tothe specified torque Replace the nozzle holder gasket wi th a newone 76 GOVERNOR governor functions to keep the engine running at a constant speedby balancing the centrifugal force acting on the governor weights andthe governor spring tension As the engine speed increases thegovernor weights 8 open to move the sliding shaft 6 forward andthe control rack of the injection pump is moved by the governorlever 5 in the direction of reducing the fuel injection rate Atthe same time the governor spring 3 is pulled by the governorlever 5 until the spring force is balanced with the of the governor weights thus maintaining the constant enginespeedIf the speed control lever 1 is pulled toward HIGH SPEED thegovernor spr ing 3 is pulled and the governor control rack is movedby the governor lever 5 toward increasing fuel injection rate toincrease the engine speed which is kept constant when the of the governor weight is balanced wi th the governor spr ingforce 9 1 10 3 4 5 6 1 Speed control lever 2 Camshaft 8 Governor weight breather 3 Governor spring 9 Injection pump 4 Cam gear 10 Gear case 5 Governor lever 11 Air breather pump 6 Sliding shaft 12 Crankshaft gear 7 Idle gear 13 Crankshaft 77Governor of the governor lever is builtinside the gear case oneend of the lever in contactwith the injection pumpcontrol rack and the otherend with the governor weightsliding shaftThe lever is held at thecenter by a shaft which isfitted to connect the shaftwith the control Remove the alternator bel t See nCooling Systemn 2 Remove the crankshaft pulley nut then the pulley3 Remove the fuel injec tion pump See nFuel Injection pumpn4 Remove the gear case bolts then the gear case5 Remove the governor spring6 Remove the nu t washer and spring lever and remove the throttle control lever from the gear case7 Remove the nu t washer and spr ing lever then the governor lever set bolt and remove the governor lever8 Remove the governor weight assembly and sliding shaft from the pump camshaft 78Inspectionl Governor Lever Check the connections of the governor lever wi th the sliding shaft and with the control rack and if defective replace2 Governor Spring Check the spring for deterioration and breakage and if defec ti ve replace Do not stretch the springGovernor WeightThe governor weight is installed on the governor gear in mesh with thecam gear In order to improve the governor regulation the slidingshaft is provided with a stopperThe governor gear is fi tted in the gear shaft on the crankcase sideand is retained by a snap ringThe shaft is made hollow to receive the sliding The governor weight can be disassembled by the same procedures as for the governor lever 79Inspection1 Governor Assembly a Check the weight for wear and damage and if defective replace b Check the operating part of the sliding shaft for damage and see if the operation is smooth If defective For reassembling reverse the order of disassembly and after the reassembly is completed check that the operation is smooth 80 ToolsTool No Tool Name Use 33582 Piston pin For drawing out or setting tool pressfitting piston pin 33742 Bearing For drawing out or installer pressfitting main bearing with ring adapter for front bearing 33584 Compression For testing com gauge adapter Straight type without check pression Mounts in place of glowplug valve 5818 UNF thread for gauge 33781 Compression gauge For testing with builtin compression check valveIn addition to the above the following are needed Common servicetools bearings puller valve seat cutter valve guide installer oilfilter wrench and other measuring instruments 81 OVERHAULING When to Overhaul the EngineUsually the overhauling time of the engine is determined by reducedengine power decreased compression pressure and increased fuel andengine oil comsumptionBut the reduced engine power may be caused not only by the trouble ofthe engine itself but also by damaged nozzle or improper adjustment ofthe injection pump For this reason it will be most advisable totake a compression check of the engine before undertaking the decrease in compression pressure is caused by many fctorsand it is not so easy to find which factor is the cause Thereforethe cause for trouble should be determined on the basis of records ofregular inspection and maintenanceIf the trouble is caused by the wear of the cylinder and piston thefollowing symptoms will appear 1 Reduced engine power and decreased compression pressure 2 Increased fuel consumption 3 Increased consumption of lubricating oil 4 Poor engine starting 5 Increased noise from engine partsUsually two or more of the above symptoms appear at the same timeSymptoms 2 and 4 are caused by excessive fuel injection timing and plunger and nozzle wear and they are alsoser iously affected by electr ical system trouble such as faulty battery alternator starter and glow plug Therefore in order todetermine the overhauling time of the engine it is recommended to useas a guide the decrease of the compression pressure due to the wear ofthe cylinder and piston aand at the same time to take into consideration the oil consumption and other itemsThe compression pressure is the source of the explosive power of thediesel engine and without sufficient compression pressure cannot be achieved even if other parts of the engine arenormalIn order to determine the overhauling time of the diesel engine it isimportant to measure the engine compression pressure regularly Sincethe compression pressure varies with engine RPM check the speed alsoThe engine RPM can be measured at the front end of the crankshaft 82Measuring Compression Pressure1 Remove the glow plug from the cylinder whose com pression pressure is to be measured2 Install a pressure gauge adapter in the screw hole of the glow plug and con nect a pressure gauge3 Turn the engine over wi th the starter and when the eng ine speed has become stabili zed record the engine speed and pressure gauge4 Measure the compression pressure of other cylinders in the carne manner CAUTION It is wrong to judge the status of the other cylinder by measuring only one cylinder Be sure to measure both of Engine Condition by Compression Pressure1 When the engine is new the compression pressure is a little high because of the close fit between mating parts but after that the pressure decreases gradually as the parts get worn2 When the compression pressure has decreased below the acceptable limits the engine should be by Increased Consumption of Engine Oil If the engine oil comsumption has increased by about 50 more than the standard consumption as 100 the engine should be in the engine taking the following precautions The orderof disassembling and reassembling may be different depending on thechange of Carefully check for visible problems prior to disasembling or cleaning because some faults may not be found after disassembling or cleaning2 Drain all water oil and fuel before disassembling 833 Clean or wash the exterior of the engine4 Use proper tools and observe the order of disassembling Keep disassembled parts in proper order and protect as necessary Also take special care to prevent the fuel system parts from being con taminated by dirt or dust5 Do not disassemble or remove the parts that require no disassem blyAssemble the engine taking the following precautions1 Prepare all necessary parts for reassembling2 Clean or wash the parts and apply oil as needed3 Check all gaskets washers and oil seals and replace them with new ones4 Be sure to install in proper directions and positions see dowel pins mating marks and specified directions When tightening torque is not specified tighten evenly to an ordinary torque Apply a sealant where specified5 After completion of reassembly recheck for abnormality Prepare for starting the engine Run the engine at idle sufficiently for test run 84 SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE LIMITS STANDARD SERVICE VALUE LIMIT1 Compression pressure 320 RPM 32kgcm 2 Approx 26kgcm 22 Difference of compression pressure between cylinders max 2Skgcm 23 Order of fuel injection 1 24 Fuel injection timing BTDC of compression stroke when started at smoke set position 255 Cylinder Head a Bottom surface distortion OOSmmless b Valve guide ID 66rnm c Valve seat angle 45 d Valve seat width 15 18 e Valve seat sinkage 1 rnrn6 Valve Clearance engine cold 02Smm7 Valve a Stern OD 66rnm b Clearance between stern and guide intake OlOmm c Clearance between stern and guide exhaust OlSrnm d Seat face angle 45 e Valve head thickness margin width Imm8 Valve Spring a Free length 44rnm b Installed loadheight 1000Skg376rnm 15 c Squareness 20 39 Rocker Arm a Clearance between rocker arm and shaft 004mm 02rnm10 Crankcase a Cylinder ID 6Smm 09Srnm b Tolerance on oversize cylinder bore o 003rnm for each oversize c Taper of cylinder bore within OOlrnm 85 STANDARD SERVICE VALUE LIMIT11 Piston a Type Solid type b Material Aluminum Alloy c OD skirt end 6495mm d Piston to cylinder wall clearance 03mm e Oversize available 025 050 075mm12 Piston Pin a Type Semifloating b Piston to pin clearance 008mm c Pressin load with connecting rod 500 l500kg13 Piston Ring a No of rings Compression 3 No 1 chromeplated Oil 1 chromeplated b Ring side clearance Compression No 1 03mm No2 003 008mm 02mm No 3 003 008mm 02mm Oil ring 003 007mm 02mm c Ring end gap 020 050mm 15mm14 Connecting Rod a Type Forged Ibeam b Bend and distortion 0l5mm or less c Big end thrust clearance 01 035mm 05mm15 Connecting Rod Bearing a Type Kelmet metal with back metal b Oil clearance 0035 0050mm 015mm c Undersize 025 050 075mm16 Crankshaft a Type Fully b Bend 005 mm or less c End play 01 03mm d Journal OD 54mm 095mm e Pin 00 42mm 095mm f Undersize finish dimensions Journal US 025 standard value 025 0040 0055 US 050 standard value 050 0040 0055 US 075 standard value 075 0040 0055 86 STANDARD SERVICE VALUE LIMIT g Pin us 025 standard 025 0035 0050 US 050 standard 050 0035 0050 US 075 standard 075 0035 005017 Main Bearing a Type Kelmet metal with back metal b Oil clearance 0029 0090mm 015mm c Undersize 025 050 07Smm18 Crankshaft Plate a Thickness 4 Olmm19 Camshaft a Drive method Gear b Clearance between journal and cylinder block hole 015mm c Cam lobe diameter both intake and exhaust 25S9mm lOrnm d Cam lobe diameter pump cam 4400mm lOmm20 Tappet a Clearance between tappet and cylinder block hole 015mm21 Push Rod a Bend 03mm or SYSTEM1 Quantity of Engine Oil 28 liters upper limit excluding 18 liters lower limit 3 liters in oil filter2 API Service SEec API spec CC or better3 Viscosity a Summer 20C or higher SAE 30 or 10W30 b Spring fall 5 20C SAE 20 or 10W30 c Winter SC or lower SAE 10W30 87 STANDARD SERVICE VALUE LIMIT4 Oil pump a Type Trochoid type b Check valve opening ressure 3Skgcm2 c Clearance between ou er rotor and body 030mm d Clearance between outer rotor and inner rotor 02Smm e Clearance between rotor and cover 02SmmS Oil Pressure Switch a Generator normally open 18 23 PSI to close b Propulsion normally closed 18 23 PSI to openFUEL SYSTEM1 Fuel 2 diesel fuel2 Fuel Filter TYEe Filter paper type cartridge3 Fuel PumE a Type type b Delivery rate 200cc or more 15 sec 12V free flow4 Fuel Injection Pump a Model NDPFR2M b Fuel injection rate Smoke set SS 1800 RPM 171mrn 3st At start set MS 150 RPM 27Srnrn 3 st Difference between cylinders 2mm 3 rev cyl or less standardS Nozzle a Type Throttle b Model NDDN4SD24 c Injection start pressure 160 10 kgcm 2 lSOkgcm 2 or less 0GOVERNOR1 Type Centrifugal weight type 88 STANDARD SERVICE VALUE LIMITCOOLING SYSTEM1 Fresh Water Pump a Type Centrifugal impeller type b Water Temperature Switch normally closed 20SF S to operate2 Sea Water Pump a Type positive displacement GPM at 3000 RPM GPM at 1800 RPM at discharge from SYSTEM1 Starter a Type overrunning b Outputvoltage 09KW l2VDC c Direction of rotation Clockwise as viewed from pinion side d Noload terminal voltage 11SVDC e Noload current 60A or less f Noload speed 6S00 RPM or more g Pinion gap OS 20mm2 Alternator a voltage l2VDC b Current 3S amp c Regulator Internal IC type l44VDC 03V d Noload output Terminal voltage l3SVDC Current 7 amp Speed 1300 RPM or less e Load output Terminal voltage l3SVDC Current 30 amp or greater Speed 2S00 RPM or less3 Glow Plug a Type Sheathed quick heating type b Rated current 10SV c Resistance 016 ohms at normal temperature 89 TABLE OF TIGHTENING TORQUES Kgm IbftCylinder head bolt M8 35 40 25 29Rocker cover nut MB 05 07 4 5Connecting rod cap nut 32 35 23 25Flywheel bolt MIO 65 70 46 51Crankshaft pulley nut M24 150 200 lOB 144Oil filter 11 13 8 9Nozzle holder 50 60 36 43Nozzle holder and retaining nut 60 80 43 58Glowplug 15 20 11 15UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATEDGrade 6T 6mm boltnut 07 10 5 7 8mm boltnut 16 23 12 17 10mm boltnut 32 47 23 24 12mm boltnut 56 B2 41 59 14mm boltnut 77 105 56 76Grade 8T and 88 6mm boltnut B 12 6 9 8mm boltnut 18 27 13 20 10mm boltnut 37 55 27 40 12mm boltnut 64 95 46 69 14mm boltnut 104 140 75 101Grade 5 capcrew 14 UNC 12 15 9 11 14 UNF 15 18 11 13 516 UNC 25 28 18 20 516 UNF 29 32 21 23 38 UNC 37 46 28 33 38 UNF 41 48 30 35 716 UNC 61 68 44 49 716 UNF 69 76 50 55 12 UNC 94 101 68 73 12 UNF 101 111 73 80 90 OTHER OVERHAUL CONTENTS PAGEMARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Activation by Keyswitch 1980 onwards 92 Starter Motor 95 A1ternator 99COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNAL Type HBW Short Profile Sailing Gear 114 Type BW Transmission 122 91 ACTIVATION BY KEYS WITCH SCHEMATIC DIAGAM IZVOC eAiTIt eATTA RTUJt WIRI NG DIAGRAM So NOlE e w SENOEA NIT ON rUEL SOL we wtJ2 w 70 WIOO WZj z6 OWIOO IF CQUI t 0 FREHEAT SOL SCEtlTES oP SENDER 12NOT USEO Reo 1 W04V c 92 MARINE ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ACTIVATION BY the ignition switch ON activates the instrument panel Theoil and water temperature gauges will zero the voltmeter will indicate battery voltage and the hourmeter will start to record time Thealarm buzzer should sound The e1ectr ic fuel pump will star t the key will activate the preheat circuit This closes asolenoid on the engine with an audible click and supplies 12 volts tothe engine glow plugs Preheat as needed for weather conditions Anoticeable voltage drop will indicate on the voltmeter when the preheat circuit is to preheat turn the key to START This energizes thestarter and turns the engine over Once the engine starts release thekeyswitch It should spring back to the ON position and pop out ofthe preheat positionThe voltmeter shu1d indicate a charge from the alternator 135 145vol ts The oil pressure and the alarm buzzer should shut off Oilpressure opens the oil pressure switch in the alarm circuit shuttingoff the alarm The water temperature switch operates the oppositeIt closes when an overheat condition exists and the operating temperature of the engine reaches 205 F and sounds the alarm Thetachometer will reg ister eng ine speed as it takes impulses from thealternator as it charges If the alternator does not produce acharge the tachometer will not operate The hourmeter will continueto record time The hourmeter is on a separate 12 volt circuitThe circuit is protected by a circuit breaker located on the engineAny time excessive current flows the circuit breaker will trip Thisis a manual reset breaker which must be reset before the engine willoperate electrically againCAUTION The builderowner must ensure that the instrument panelwiring and engine are installed so that electrical devices cannot comein contact with sea waterThe latest information regarding your eng ine s electr ical system isincluded on the wiring diagram shipped with the engine Be sure tostudy this wiring diagram and all notes thereonGLOW PLUG A glow plug is provided in each combustion chamber in order toensure smooth engine starting during the cold weather The tip of the glow plug glows red hot when energized on preheat 93 When 12 volts positive is connected to the glow plug terminal andthe negative to the sheathing the glow plug tip should glow redhotTo check energize 2 to 4 times for about 30 seconds each Do notenergize too long because it will damage the plug If the glow plugs installed on the engine take too long to glowredhot one of the glow plugs is shor ted Usually the glow plugtakes about 25 seconds or less to glow redhot A glowplug can be checked for an open circuit fault by using acircuit tester and checking the continuity between the positive terminal on top of the glowplug and the cylinder head I f there is nocontinuity the glowplug should be voltmeter can be a useful instrument in determining the status ofyour electrical system and warn you when an abnormality occurs Thevoltmeter will indicate differently depending when the readings aretakenFully charged batteries that are in a static state should read between123 and 126 volts on the dial The term static means that the battery has not been charged or discharged for at least 2 hours If thereading is between 11 and 115 volts then the battery is about halfdischarged and should be charged to insure its usefulness If theengine is started and the needle does not go up this would indicatethat no charge is being delivered to the batteryWhen the battery is being charged the needle should be between 126and 13 volts The needle may move up to about the 146 volt rangetoward the end of the charge cycle at which time the needle dropsback to the 126 to 13 volt range as voltage regulation controls thisfunction If the battery voltage exceeds 15 volts this indicatesthat the battery is being overcharged and will damage the battery ifleft unchecked The voltage regulator is most likely at faultWhen the battery is being charged hav ing electr ical loads placedupon it and no charging current applied it is normal for the needleto indicate between 114 and 126 volts tachometer is operated by pulses generated from anyone of theal ternator phases The pulse fr equency is determined by the rotational speed of the alternator rotor The rotor speed is dependentupon the engine crankshaft speed and the RATIO of the to the cr ankshaft pulley The tachometer in an is calibrated by Westerbeke for the standard alternator if anoptional alternator ie 90 amp is used to operate the tachometerthe calibration should be checked Also when a tachometer isreplaced the new instrument must be calibrated CAUTION WHEN CALIBRATING THE TACHOM ETER USE A PHILLIPS SCREW DRIVER WITH AN INSULATED SHAFT1 Use a motor tester with an RPM indicator another tachometer or a strobotach to determine the speed of the crankshaft turning2 Remove the plastic plug and flatwasher located on the rear of the tachometer3 Insert an insulated Phillips screwdriver into the calibration control slot and slowly turn to increase the RPM reading clockwise to decrease reading direction of screw as viewed from the rear of the tachometer case An accurate calibration setting is more easily achieved at the higher side of the dial scale4 Replace plastic plug and The starter is a DC series motorwith a pinion whichis smoothly moved by magnetic swi tchoperation into and out of mesh withthe flywheel ring gear It is made up roughly of a motorwhich generates power an which transmits the torque andprevents the overrunning after theeng ine star ts and a magnetic switchwhich moves the pinion into mesh with I Magnetic switch 7 Yokethe ring gear and sends the load 2 Shift lever 8 Polecurrent to the motor 3 Front bracket 9 Field coil 4 Over running clutch 10 Armature 5 Stop ring II Brush 6 Center bracket 12 Rear bracket 95 The stationary par t consists of yoke pole piece f iel coilfront bracket center and rear brackets and magnetic switch and therotating part consists of armature and overrunning clutchThe magnetic switch is made up of an iron core plunger and connectorcoil and the plunger and clutch are connected with a Turn the battery swi tch off or remove the ground terminal from the battery2 Remove the wires from B terminal and S ter minal3 Remove the mounting nut then the CAUTION It is not necessarily a starter problem if the engine does not start even when the starter swi tch is depressed The trouble may rest with the solenoid circuit breaker battery or engine itself Therefore check the circuit for starting without removing the starter and if no abnormality is found then remove it from the engine and test it1 Checking of Starter Circuit a Battery state of charge b Battery connections clean and tight battery switch ON c Circuit breaker test d Proper size wire to starter e Good ground connection f Proper size battery 45 amp hour minimum2 Noload Test SWItch If the starter and battery areconnected as illustrated and when theswitch is closed the starter willrotate It is judged as normal if thestarter rotates smoothly at the speedstated below I f any abnormali ty isfound in this test check in accordance with the following procedures 96a Checking of brushes Check the brushes and the insu lated condi tion of brush holders on the pressure side of the brush spr ingb Checking of armature 1 Check for short cir cuit using a growler tester 2 Check grounding There should be no continuity between the commutator and the armature shaft 3 Check commutator Check undercut depth and roughness3 Checking of Field CoilCheck for grounding These should be no continuity between one endbrush of the coil and yoke In this case the shunt coil groundingwire will be for disconnection There must be continuity at both ends ofcoil between brushesCheck condi tion of installation If the pole piece and coil areloosened or damaged replace them as yoke assembly The pole pieceis caulked to the yokeCheck the solenoid If the pinion fails to move out into mesh withthe ring gear check the solenoid in the following mannera Continuity test Continuity must exist between the terminals 5 and M and be tween the terminal 5 and body If the resistance is zero it means the solenoid is defective and must be replaced 97b Pullin Test The pullin coil is judged as normal if the plunger is attracted and the pInIon comes out when the battery is connected Removed Connector between the solenoid terminals S and M CAUTION Do not apply voltage continuously for more than 10 secondsc Holding Test Wi th the battery connected bet ween the solenoid terminal S and the body pullout the pinion by hand as far as the pinion stopper If the pinion does not I Removed Connector return when released the holding coil is considered normal CAUTION Do not apply voltage continuously for more than 10 secondsd Return Test With the battery connected be tween the solenoid terminal M and the body pullout the pinion by hand as far as the pinion Removed Connector stopper If the pinion returns immediately when released both coils are considered as normal CAUTION Do not apply voltage continuously for more that 10 seconds5 Checking of Pinion Gap If the battery is connected between the solenoid terminal 5 andthe starter body the pinion will jumpout and stop In such a state pushthe pinion lightly back toward thearmature and measure the gap between Stop ringthe pinion and the stop ring I IMeasured value of pinion gap should II be 05 20 mm Ii Pinion gap 98 To adjust the clearance increase or decrease the number of fiberwashers on the solenoid mounting surface Increasing the the amount of clearance CAUTION Avoid applying voltage continuously for over 20 seconds to prevent overheating of the solenoid In this test after reassembling if the pinion fails to jump out or if the pinion gap is too big or too small faulty shift lever improper installation of plunger spr ing or faulty solenoid is reassembling reverse the order of disassembling CAUTION In the installed position of the starter the starter shaft must be exactly in parallel with the axis of center of the engine The starter must be securely installed so it will not move when starting the engine If the tightening is insufficient or if any foreign substance exists on the mounting surface the bracket may be broken or cocking of the starter may occur Insure the mounting surfaces are clean The star ter per formance largely depends on the wir ing and bat tery Use proper size wire for the distance between the battery and the starter and tighten the terminals DO NOT USE A HIGHVOLTAGE TESTER SUCH AS A MEGGER OTHERWISE A DAMAGED DIODE RESULTS DURING HIGHSPEED OPERATION OF THE ENGINE DO NOT DISCONNECT THE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE TERMINAL OF THE BATTERY FROM THE A TERMINAL OF THE REGULATOR A VOLTAGE SURGE WILL OCCUR THAT WILL DAMAGE ALTERNATOR DIODES SHOULD THESE CONNECTIONS BE OPENED DO NOT RUN THE ENGINE WITH THE LEAD DISCONNECTED FROM THE B TERMINAL OF THE ALTERNATOR THE INTERNAL REGULATOR VOLTAGE COIL WILL BE DAMAGED WHEN MAKING A RAPID CHARGE OF BATTERY USING A QUICK CHARGER BE SURE TO DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CABLES OTHERWISE DAMAGED ALTERNATOR DIODES WILL RESULT WHEN USING A STEAM CLEANER BE CAREFUL NOT TO ALLOW DIRECT CONTACT OF STEAM WITH THE ALTERNATORThe charging system consists of an alternator with internal engine mounted circuit breaker battery and Because of the use of ICs integrated circuits the electronic voltage regulator is very compact and is builtin the rearbracket of the alternator 99Charging Voltage Test1 Turnkeyswitch offon marine engines or disconnect the oil 0 to Ltaipressure switchwire on generator sets2 frompositive terminal ofbattery and Batteryconnect anammeter in series betweenthe cable andpositive terminal of thebattery3 Connect a voltmeter between terminal L of alternator andground Check to ensure that the voltmeter reading is zero Ifthe pointer of the voltmeter deflects a voltage present adefective alternator or wiring is suspected4 Turn keyswitch on or connect the oil pressure switch terminalto ground but do not start the engine The voltmeter readingshould be considerably lower than the battery voltage If thevoltmeter reading is much the same as the battery voltage adefective alternator is suspected5 With the ammeter terminals shortcircuited start the SURE THAT WHEN THE ENGINE IS STARTED NO STARTING CURRENT ISAPPLIED TO THE AMMETER6 Remove the short circuit across the ammeter terminals andincrease the engine speed immediately to approximately 2000 to3000 rpm Take the ammeter reading7 If the ammeter reading is SA or less take the without changing the engine speed 2000 to 3000 rpmThe reading is the charging voltageNOTE Since the electronic voltage regulator is a type the charging voltage varies with the temperature around the rear bracket of the alternator must be measured and the charging voltage corrected to thetemperature Description Standard value Charging voltage 144 03V at 20C 6SF Temperature compensation OlVlOC sOF gradient 1008 If the ammeter reading is more than SA continue to charge thebattery until the reading falls to less than SA or replace thebattery with a fully charged one An alternative method is tolimit the charging current by connecting 14 ohm 25W resistor inseries with the batteryOutput Test1 Disconnectthe batteryground cable RelilJl2 Disconnect Oi to Loadthe cable fromterminal B ofalternator andconnect anammeter Band this cable3 Connect avoltmeter between terminalB andground 4 Set theengine tachometerNote The RPM is that of the alternator The pulley vs crank pulley is 178 to 1 All readings are at135 VDC5 Connect battery ground cable to battery The indicate the battery voltage6 Start the engine7 Turn on the 12 volt accessories equaling the amperage outputof the alternator accelerate the engine to the specified speed2000 to 3000 RPM and measure the output current The outputcurrent should be close to alternator maximum outputOutput current 1300 RPM 2500 RPM 5000 RPMCold 20 C 68 F 7 amp 30 After removing the three through bolts insert a the front bracket and stator While prying it remove thefront bracket and rotorNOTE If the screwdriver is inserted too deep the stator coilmight be damaged2 Hold the rotor in a vise and remove the pulley nut Thenremove the pulley fan spacer and seal Next remove the rotorfrom the front bracket and remove the seal3 Unsolder the rectifier from the stator coil lead wires andremove the stator assembly 101NOTE Make sure that the solder is removed quickly in less thanfive seconds If a diode is heated to more than lSOC 3l0Fit might be damaged4 Remove the condenser fromterminal B5 Unsolder the plates B andL from the rectifier assembly6 Remove the mounting screwand B terminal bolt and removethe electronic voltage regulatorand brush holder The regulatorand brush holder cannot beseparated7 Remove the Brush and brush spr ingreplacement When only a brush or brushspring is to be replaced it canbe replaced without removing thestator etc wi th the brush holder assembly raised as shownunsolder the pigtail of the brushNOTE If the terminals L and B of the rectifier assembly arebent damage might result to the rectifier molding Thereforethe plates Band L should be gently bent at the method for disassembling the stator winding unit and the integrated circuitdiode from the rear bracketOnce the front bracket and rotor assembly are separated from therear half of the alternator1 Insert a between the statorcore and the edge of the rearbracket on the same side as thebrushholder Raise this sideof the stator core away from thebracket so as to open a gap ofabout 12 inch BE CAREFUL NOTTO ALLOW THE SCREWDRIVER BLADETO ENTER FAR ENOUGH TO TOUCH THESTATOR WINDING2 Maintaining the 12 inchgap insert the screwdriver between the stator core and thebracket on the rectifier sideand move the stator the brushholder for adistance of 12 to 34 of aninch without lifting it from thebracket 1023 Insert a 2 Philips screwdriver through this opening andremove the two screws holdingthe rectifier4 Remove the nut anchor ingthe B terminal bolt and thecapaci tor mounted thereto onthe outside rear of thebracket Then remove the thirdPhilips screw holding thebrushholder to the bracketS Carefully withdraw and rectifier fromthe rear bracket as one uni tWith the bracket out of the way it is easy to unsolder the statorwinding leads from the rectifier quickly to avoid heat damage tothe diodes and IC chips It is also easier to renew brushesbecause there is no need to bend the connecting plates between thebrushholder and the rectifier and possible damage the reversing this procedure make sure that the stator windingleads are gently pushed back from possible contact with the rotorbody after seating the stator into the rear Assembly1 Check the outside circumference of the slip ring for dirtinessand roughness Clean or polish with fine sandpaper if requiredA badly roughened slip ring or a slip ring worn down beyond theservice limit should be replaced Description Standard value Service limit mm in rom inSlip ring OD 33 12992 322 12677Runout 003 0012 02 008 or less2 Check for continuity between thefield coil and slipring If there is nocontinui ty the fieldcoil is the rotorassembly 103 3 Check for con tinuity between the slip ring and shaft or core If there is continui ty it means that the coil or slip ring is grounded Replace the rotor assemblyStator Assembly 1 Check for continuity between the leads of the stator coil If there is no continui ty the stator coil is defective Replace the stator assembly 2 Check for an open circui t between the stator coil leads and the stator core If there is continuity the stator is grounded and must be replaced 104Rectifier Assembly Heatsink Assembly Test Check for con tinuity between the heats ink and stator coil lead connection terminal with an ohm meter there is If con g ID i tinui ty in both directions the diode is short IfJ TERMINAL 8 circuited HEAT5NK Replace the rec A5SEMBLY tifier assembly Heatsink Assembly Test Check for con tinuity between the heatsink and stator coil lead connection terminal If there is con tinui ty in both directions the diode is short U circuited Replace the rec tifier assembly Diode Trio Test Using an ohm meter check the three diodes for continuity in both directions If there is either con tinui ty or an open circuit in both directions rlICJC7tjtTJ the diode is defective Replace the rec tifier assembly 105 Brush and Brush Rig 1 Check the length of the brush A brush worn down to the ser vice limit line should be replaced Description Standard value Service limitLength of brush 18 mm 709 in 8 mm 315 inLoad of brush spring 304 to 422 N 206 N 5 lbs 7 to 1 lbs 2 Check the brush spring pressure to make sure the brush moves smoothly in the brush holder Reassembly Reverse the disassembly procedure but pay special attention to reassembly of the following 1 Install seals in front and rear of the front bearing as shown 2 To install the rotor assembly in the rear bracket push the brushes into the brush holder insert a wire to hold them in raised position and then install the rotor NOTE After installation remove the wireSERVICE refer to the Service Bulletin Section at the rear of the manualas there are several that relate to the electrical system 106 COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNAL1 marine diesel engines are equipped with fresh watercooling Transfer of heat from engine fresh water to sea water isaccomplished by a heat exchanger similar in function to an Sea water flows through the tubes of the heat exchangerwhile fresh water flows around the tubes The sea water and freshwater never mix with the result that the cooling water passages in theengine stay clean2 FRESH WATER CIRCUITHeat rejected dur ing combustion as well as heat developed by fr iction is absorbed by the fresh water whose flow is created by a freshwater circulating pump The fresh water flows from the engine througha fresh water cooled exhaust manifold a heat exchanger in most casesan oil cooler and returns to the suction side of the fresh water circulating pump The flow is not necessarily in this order in everymodel When starting a cold engine most of the external flow to theheat exchanger is prevented by the closed thermostat Some amount ofbypass is maintained to prevent overheating in the exhaust manifoldAs the engine warms up the thermostat begins to open up allowing fullflow of engine fresh water through the external cooling system3 SEA WATER CIRCUITThe sea water flow is created by a posi ti ve displacement pump gear pump in certain special cases Normally the pumpdraws sea water directly from the ocean via the seacock and sea waterstrainer Sometimes a transmission oil cooler or perhaps a Vdrivewill be piped on the suction side of the sea water pump Generallyit is better to have as few devices on the suction side of the seawater pump as possible to preclude priming difficulties Usually seawater flows directly from the discharge of the sea water pump to theheat exchanger sea water inlet After passing through the tubes ofthe heat exchanger the sea water may enter a transmission oil coolerif present and if sea water cooled Ultimately the sea water entersa water injected wet exhaust system the most popular type of exhaustsystem in use In the case of larger engines the sea water flow isdi vided pr ior to enter ing the exhaust systems so that a portion isused to cool the exhaust system Full sea water flow would exhaust back pressure4 SEA WATER PUMPThe sea water pump is self priming and positive displacement It is arotary pump with a nonferrous housing and a neoprene impeller Theimpeller has flexible vanes which wipe against a curved cam platewithin the impeller housing producing the pumping action On noaccount should this pump be run dry There should always be a spareimpeller and impeller cover gasket aboard 1075 SEA WATER PUMP 32617 IMPELLER REPLACEMENTThe following instructions are general and indicative only where applicable may be packaged wi th your Remove the four screws and washers that hold the front cover to the pump body Remove the cover and gasketb Grasp the impeller hub wi th a pair of pliers and withdraw the impellerc Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to impeller blade ends of new impeller Line up impeller hub screw with slot in pump shaft and insert impeller into pump until flush with cover mounting surfaced Immerse the new gasket in water for a moment before installing Install the gasket cover screws and washers Note No sealant is needed on the cover gasket for proper sealing In you intend to reuse the cover gasket immerse it in water until reassembly of the cover The gasket will shrink when dried out i r Y 6 SEA WATER PUMP 32617 SEAL REPLACEMENTa Remove the pump from the mounting bracket and remove the dr ive pulleyb Remove the front cover and impeller as above Remove the cam and inner wear platec Remove the plastic bearing shield from the pulley shaft end of the pump with the aid of a small screwdriver Push through the small recess in the outer circumference of the shield and pry it out With snap ring pliers remove the large outer snap ring positioned in the pump body 108d Support the pump and with a soft dowel that fits into the slot of the shaft Carefully press the shaft out of the pump Press away from the impeller bore In most instances the bear ings plastic spacer and Oring will come out with the shaft If the bearings remain in the pump when pressing out the shaft be sure to support the bearings by the inner racee Reach in from the impeller bore side and withdraw the seal with needle nose pliers Clean the seal areaf Apply a liberal amount of petroleum jelly to the seal lip and then dip the seal in water and press the seal squarely into the seal bore lip facing the impeller bore Use the inner wear plate to position the seal flush with the impeller bore inner surfaceg Apply lubricant to pump shaft and bearings outer surface position plastic spacer and Oring on shaft Press bearings and shaft assembly on outer race of bearings Take care to see that the shaft passes through the seal without damaging it Press the shaft assembly in until it bottoms in the pump body Rotate the shaft to insure it is freeh Replace the large outer snap ring and plastic bearing shieldi Replace the inner wear plate and cam Apply a small amount of sealant to the cam inner surface and the screw holding screw The inner wear plate if worn or grooved can be reversedj Replace the impeller as described in 57 SEA WATER PUMP 32617 SHAFT AND BEARING REPLACEMENTIf shaft and bearing replacement become necessary it is the pump be replaced8 FRESH WATER PUMPThe water pump is a type and is installed atthe front top of the crankcase Thepump shaft is supported doublerow radialball bear ings which are greased andsealed Drain the cooling water The drain plug is located on the righthand side of the crankcaseb Remove the water hosec Remove the alternator and sea water pump beltsd Remove the pulleye Remove the water pump Check the parts for cracks damage and water leakage and if defective replaceb Check the rotating condition of the impeller and shaft If they make noise or do not rotate smoothly replace them as an assemblyc Check the fan if equipped for cracks and damage and if defec tive replaced Check the belts for elongation and cracks due to deterioration and if defective reassembling rever se the order of disassembly The alternatorbelt adjustment can be made in the following mannera Adjustment of Alternator Belt The al ternator bel t should deflect 10 to 12 rom deep when pressed at the center point bet ween the water pump pulley and the alternator or alternator pulley Adjust the alternator belt tension by moving the alter nator After adjustment securely tighten the pivot bolt Crankshaft pulley and adjusting arm bolt9 ENGINE FRESH WATERIt is preferable to fill your engine with a 50 mixture This precludes the necessity of draining coolant in the winterSince most antifreezes contain preservative agents of one kind oranother rusting within the engine is minimized Also the boils at a higher temperature than water giving coolingsystem head room 110When draining the engine open the pressure cap first to relieve thevacuum created by draining10 FILLING THE FRESH WATER SYSTEMIt is very important to completely fill the fresh water system beforestarting the engine It is normal for air to become trapped invar ious passages so all high points must be opened to atmosphere tobleed entrapped air When an engine is started after filling wi thcoolant the system may look deceptively full until the At this time when water flows through the external coolingcircuit for the first time pockets of air can be exposed and rise tothe fill point Be sure to add coolant at this timeAfter a number of seasons use of the engine water scale and rust mayoccur in the block water jacket and exchanger resulting in considerable reduction of cooling efficiency Therefore it is necessaryto flush the cooling system once every two or three years CAUTION Adhere to the manufacturers instructions when using the additive Do not mix different brand products Be sure to put the proper amount of antifreeze in water and agi tate well before adding it to the cooling system Du not use a concentrated antifreeze solution11 thermostats are of two types One is simply a chokingdevice which opens and closes as the engine temperature rises andfalls The second type has a bypass mechanism Usually this is adisc on the bottom of the thermostat which moves downward to close offan internal bypass passage wi thin the head Both types of thermostats from 1980 onwards have a hole punched through them to serveas a bypass while the engine is warming up This in the exhaust manifold during engine thermostats must be equal in this design replacing a thermostat be sure that it is rotated so as to notstrike the thermostat housing projections inside the head temperature senders or temperature switches which may be installed closeto the thermostat Also insure the bypass hole is not blocked by anypart of the housingA thermostat can be checked for proper operation by placing it in apan of cold water and then raising the temperature of the water to aboil The thermostat should open noticeably with travel on the orderof 14 n 12 n and be fully opened when the water is boiling12 WATER TEMPERATURE SWITCHThe water temperature switch is located in the thermostat housing atthe front of the cylinder head This switch will close on a propulsion at 205 F to activate an alarm buzzer and on a it will open to deenergize the fuel run solenoid to shut theengine off III13 WATER TEMPERATURE SENDERThe water temperature sender is located in the thermostat housing atthe front of the cylinder head It senses the temperature of thewater flowing through the thermostat and electr ically transmits thisreading to a water temperature gauge in the engine instrument panel14 TRANSMISSION OIL COOLERCertain transmissions require oil cooling In these cases oil cooler is usually cooled by sea waterNormally sea water enters this cooler after exiting the heatexchanger but not always 113 HBW SHORT PROFILE SAILING BRIEF DESCRIPTIONThe Type HBW Short Profile Sailing Gears are equipped with a positively driven mechanically operated helical gearing system The servooperated multipledisc clutch requires only minimum effort for gearchanging making the transmission suitable for singlelever remotecontrol via a rod linkage Morse or Bowden cableThe torque transmission capacity of the clutch is exactly rated preventing shock loads from exceeding a predetermined value and thusensuring maximum protection of the engineThe transmission units are characterized by low weight and smalloverall dimensions The gearbox castings are made of a aluminum alloy chromized for improved sea and optimum adhesion of paintThe transmissions are Maintenance is restrictedto oil level checks see Maintenance2 GEAR CAS INGThe rotating parts of the HBW transmission are accomodated in an oiltight casing divided into two halves in the plane of the verticalaxis Amply dimensioned cooling ribs ensure good heat dissipation andmechanical rigidityAn oil filler screw wi th dipstick and an oil drain plug are screwedinto the gear casing The filler screw is provided wi th a shaft for actuating the multipledisc clutch extends through acover on the side of the gear casing3 GEAR SETSThe transmission is equipped with shaved casehardened helical gearsmade of forged lowcarbon alloy steel The mUltispline driving the transmission with the engine is hardened as wellThe driven shaft propeller side of the transmission is fitted with aforged coupling flange except on the Vdrive model 1144 MULTIPLEDISC CLUTCH INCLUDING OPERATION POWER TRAINThe engine torque is applied to the input shaft 36 in the of rotation and IN SHIFTING POSITION A forward viagear 44 the frictionally engaged clutch discs 51 and 52 to theexternal disc carrier 57 and from there via the guide sleeve 59to the output shaft 66IN SHIFTING POSITION B reverse the torque is transmitted from theinput shaft 36 via intermediate gear 26 gear 65 clutchdiscs 51 and 52 to the external disc carrier 57 the guidesleeve 59 and the output shaft 66 FUNCTIONThe transmission uses a positively driven mechanically clutch system mounted on the output shaftThe thrust force required for obtaining positive frictional the clutch discs is provided by a servo system This essentially compr ises a number of balls which by the rotary movement ofthe external disc carrier are urged against inclined surfaces provided in pockets between the guide sleeve and the external disccarrier and in this manner exert axial pressure The thrust forceand as a result the transmittable friction torque are thus proportional to the input torque applied Due to the cup springs 48 supporting the clutch disc stack and a limitation of the range of axialtravel of the external disc carrier 57 the thrust force cannotexceed a predetermined value 115The actuating sleeve 60 is held in the middle position by springloaded pins To initiate the shifting operation the 60 need merely be displaced axially by a shifting fork untilthe arresting force has been overcome Then the actuating sleeve 60is moved automatically by the springloaded pins while the externaldisc carr ier which follows this movement is rotated by the fr ictional forces exerted by the clutch discs and the shifting operationis completed as described above Power flow in lever position A 85 SHAFT BEARINGSBoth the input and the output shafts are carried in amply roll bearingsThe intermediate gear and the movable gears are carried in sturdyneedle roller bearings6 SHAFT SEALSExternal sealing of the input and output shafts is provided by radialsealing rings The running surface on the shafts is casehardened7 LUBRICATIONThe transmissions are The bear ings aregenerously supplied with splash oil and oil mist DELIVERY CONDITIONFor safety reasons the gearbox is NOT filled with oil for shipmentThe actuating lever is mounted on the actuating shaftBefore leaving the factory each transmission is subjected to a testrun with the prescribed ATF oil The residual oil remaining in after draining acts as a preservative and protection against corrosion for at least 1 year if the unitsare properly stored2 PAINTING THE GEARBOXALWAYS COVER THE RUNNING SURFACES AND SEALING LIPS OF THE RADIALSEALING RINGS ON BOTH SHAFTS BEFORE PAINTING Make certain that thebreather hole on the oil f iller screw is not closed by the plates should remain clearly legible3 CONNECTION OF GEARBOX WITH ENGINEA torsioelastic damping plate between the engine and the transmissionis to compensate for minor alignment errors and to protect the inputshaft from external forces and loads Radial play should be at least05 mm4 SUSPENSION OF ENGINEGEARBOX ASSEMBLY IN THE BOATTo protect the gearbox from detrimental stresses and loads be made for elastic suspension of the enginegearbox assemblyin the boat or craftThe oil drain plug of the gearbox should be conveniently accessible5 POSITION OF GEARBOX IN THE BOATThe inclination of the gearboxunit in the direction of theshafts should not an angle of 20 degrees15 degrees for the Vdrivemodel See gearbox can also be mountedwith the output shaft in theUPWARD position Interchangethe oil dipstick and the oildrain plug in this case 1176 OPERATION OF GEARBOXThe adjustment of the shift lever on the transmissjon when attachingthe shift control cable to it is of prime importance to ensure properclutch engagement and long service life for the control cable when attached to the transmission shift arm balljoint connector should be attached so as to be at a 90 angle wi ththe lever and transmission in the neutral posi tion The transmission shift arm can be rotated on the transmission sidecover shifting shaft by loosening the securing bolt 13mm androtating the shift arm to produce the 90 angle between the arm andthe shift cable when the transmission is in neutral Insure thatthere is at least 020 inch clearance between the shift arm and theshift cover before retightening the securing boltThe shift cable and pedestal control must allow the transmission shiftarm to move from the neutral posi tion into the forward or a MINIMUM of 1 37 inches 35mm when the outermost balljoint attachment hole is used on the shift arm or 118 inches 30mmwhen the inner is used Use of the inner attachment hole is preferred Ref Illustration Minimum Travel inner hole used 118 I 30mm I 1J 1 I Shift Cable Attachment from Rear o Shift Arm Securing BoltFailure to properly adjust the shift arm and cable to produce theMINIMUM shift arm travel required for clutch engagement will result inclutch slippage and eventual the shift arm and shift cable to produce shift lever movement greater than the minimum is recommended 118Movement at the shift arm preferably should be 1S to 2 inches of armmovement into the forward and reverse position Cockpit controls mustbe of a design that will allow for this desired cable travelThis shift lever travel should be verified at initial periodically thereafter at least once a yearWhen shifting the transmission from the controls in the vessels cockpit it should be done smoothly and without hesitation dump it intogear The position of the shift cover plate underneath the actuating leveris factory adjusted to ensure proper operation of the transmission andis sealed with LocTite orange Therefore do not loosen the 4capscrews Removal or disturbing of this cover will void all by WesterbekeWhen installing the gearbox make certain that shifting is not impededeg by restricted movability of the cable or rod linkage byunsuitably positioned guide sheaves too small bending radius etc7 ENGINEGEARBOX should be taken that the enginegearbox compartment is INITIAL OPERATIONFill the gearbox with automatic transmission fluid The fluid levelshould be the index mark on the dipstick see illustration To check luld level Transmission on Operation Vent 4Ii Hole Seang Washer TransmisSion Casing Surface Vent I I I Full Mark Do not screw In lor luld level checks 119To check the fluid level just insert the dipstick DO NOT SCREW INRetighten the hex screw with the dipstick after the fluid level checkDo not omit the oring seal2 OPERATING TEMPERATUREThe maximum permissible temperature of the transmission fluid is130C If this temperature is to be exceeded an optional oil cooleris available3 OPERATION OF GEARBOXThe zero position of the operating lever on the control console mustcoincide with the zero position of the ctuating lever on Shifting is initiated by a cable or rod linkage via theactuating lever and an actuating cam The completion of the gearchanging operation is controlledGear changing should be smooth not too slow and continuous Direct changes from forward to reverse are permissible since the multipledisc clutch permits gear changing at highRPM including sudden reversing at top speeds in the event of danger4 OPERATION WITHOUT LOADRotation of the propeller without load freewheeling eg while theboat is sailing being towed or anchored in a river as well asidling of the engine with the propeller stopped will have no detrimental effects on the gearboxLocking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake is not requiredsince locking is possible by engaging the reverse gear DO NOT sailwhile engaged in forward5 LAYUP PERIODSIf the transmission is not used for periods of more than 1 year itshould be COMPLETELY filled with fluid of the same grade to Protect the input shaft and the output flange by means ofan anticorrosive coating if required6 PREPARATION FOR REUSEDrain the transmission of all fluid and refill to the proper levelwith the prescribed TRANSMISSION FLUIDTo ensure troublefree operation of the clutch use only fluid ATFUnder no circumstances should the fluid contain any additives such asmolybdenum sulphite 120We recommend commercial Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF Type A orDexron II2 FLUID QUANTITYHBW 5 approximately 04 literHBW 10 approximately 06 literHBW 20 approximately 08 literHBW 50 approximately 03 literHBW 100 approximately 035 literHBW 150 approximately 055 literHBW 150V approximately 10 literHBW 220 approximately 075 literHBW 250 approximately 075 literHBW 360 approximately 140 literHBW 360A approximately 150 literHBW 400 approximately 200 literHBW 450 approximately 180 literUse the index mark on the dipstick as a reference3 FLUID LEVEL CHECKSCheck the fluid level in the transmission daily Correct fluid levelis the index mark on the dipstick see item 1 under OPERATION Always use the same fluid type when topping up4 FLUID CHANGEChange the fluid for the first time after about 25 hours of operationthen at intervals of at least once per year5 CHECKING THE CABLE OR ROD LINKAGEThe cable or rod linkage should be checked at shorter time intervalsCheck the zero position of the operating lever on the controlconsole and of the actuating lever on the gearbox on this occasionThe minimum lever travel from the neutral posi tion to the OA OB should be 35 mm for the outer and 30 rnrn for theinner pivot point Make certain that these minimum values are safelyreached Check the cable or rod linkage for easy movabili ty seeitem 6 under INSTALLATION6 of the transmission in the field is not recommended Ifan overhaul or repair is needed the work should be done by Westerbekeor an authorized Westerbeke service center 121 BW manual transmissions rotate opposite to the engine when in forward gear Shifting effort is very low The input power on the BW3is transmitted to the output shaft by helical spur gears when in forward In reverse this task is taken over by a high performance rollerchain The unit also incorporates a servi conetype clutch The BW7and BW12 transmit their power with casehardened helical gears and inreverse there is an intermediate gear The reversing process on theseis carried out by a servo double disc Fill the transmission with 20 to 40 SAE weight engine oil the same as is used in the engine2 Oil capacity BW3 approximately 035 liter BW7 approximately 10 liter BW12 approximately 10 liter3 Check the oil level daily with the engine stopped The level must be between the upper and lower dipstick marks when the dipstick is completely into the housing4 Change the oil initially after the first 30 hours thereafter every 250 hours once per year minimum The BW7 and BW12 have a dr ain plug for oil removal Oil may also be removed by suction through the dipstick tube where oil is added5 Operating oil temperature must not exceed l20C 250FOPERATION1 Normal shifting should be done below 1500 RPM2 The BW3 may be locked in reverse when sailing or freewheeled in neutral3 The BW7 and BW12 may be locked in either forward or reverse when sailing or freewheeled in Never loosen the shift lever cover screws except in the course of qualified servicing as this upsets a critical adjustment2 Disassembly of the transmission in the field is not recommended If an overhaul or repair is needed the work should be done by Westerbeke or an authorized Westerbeke service center 122 GENERATOR SETSCONTENTS PAGEManual Starter Disconnect Toggle Switches 124Generator 3KW 60 Hz and 24KW 50 Hz 130 123 MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCHES SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM WIRING DIAGFIAM Sit lIIOIe I wTNOCR I I AlTRNATOA I I I I I L I e futl L I I 1 I Itv1 LFI 8A PMHAT SOL OIL SSURESWITCH aLIIO SIItIESo IS ALTEIINATOJI IZVOlT IoO I I 4mttl 124 MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE manually controlled series of Westerbeke marine diesel generatorsis equipped wi th toggle swi tches on the eng ine control panel andoptionally at remote panels The following instructions and methodsof correcting minor problems apply only to such toggle three switches are momentary contact type and serve the 1 Preheat The PREHEATDEFEAT toggle switch is a double pole single throw swi tch The swi tch serves two purposes pre heating the engine for easy starting and defeating or bypassing the engine protective oil pressure switch The defeat function acti va tes the fuel run solenoid instrumen tation alternator excitation electric fuel pump and supplies DC voltage to the start switch 2 Start The START toggle switch is a double pole single throw swi tch The swi tch when depressed supplies 12 volt DC power to the starter solenoid energizing the starter to start the engine 3 Stop The STOP toggle switch is a single pole single throw normally closed swi tch This swi tch provides power to the fuel run solenoid instrument cluster and alternator excita tion after the oil pressure switch has closed upon starting Opening of this swi tch opens the power circui t to the fuel run solenoid thus stopping the flow of fuel to the engine and stopping the engineENGINE OPERATION 1 Preheat Depress the PREHEAT switch This will activate the instrument panel gauges and lights The fuel run solenoid will be activated drawing the throttle arm into the run position The preheat solenoid will close and supply voltage to the glow plugs The electric fuel pump will be activated Hold the preheat switch depressed 15 to 60 seconds depending on ambient temperature 2 Start Continuing to hold the PREHEAT switch depressed depress the START switch This will energize the starter solenoid engag ing the star t Once the eng ine f ires and star ts to run release the START swi tch only Continue to hold the PREHEAT switch depressed until the engine oil pressure reaches 25 PSI then release it 3 Stop Depress the STOP switch and hold it until the engine stops completely Remove any load from the generator before 125 stopping it The STOP switch opens the circuit to the fuel run solenoid deenergizing it moving the throttle arm into the shut off position stopping the engineREMOTE ENGINE OPERATIONFor remote operation of the generator system the same three switchesare used The PREHEAT and START swi tches are connected in parallelwith the local panel switches and serve the same functions as in thelocal panel The STOP switch is in series with the local panel STOPswi tch and serves the same functions as in the local panel Thegener ator may be stopped from local or remote posi tions The greenindicator light in the remote panel signals that the engine hasstarted and to release the START swi tch only Hold the for a few more seconds to allow oil pressure to riseAC GENERATORSOnce the diesel generator sets have been placed in operation there islittle or no control adjustment required by the AC Generator Whenstarting the generator it is always a good plan to switch off allAC loads especially large motors until the engine has come up tospeed and in cold climates starts to warm up These prevent damage by unanticipated operation of AC machinery andprevent a cold engine from being stalled 126 MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE PROTECTIONThe engine control system is protected by a 20 amp manual reset circuit breaker located on the engine as close as possible to the Control toggle switch Probable Cause depressed Battery switch or Check switch andor batno panel indications power not on tery fuel pump 20 amp circuit Reset breaker if opensand preheat solenoid breaker tripped again check preheatnot energized solenoid circuit and run circuit for shorts to groundStart switch Connection to Check no solenoid faultystarter engagement Faulty switch Check switch with ohm meter Faulty solenoid Check that 12 volts present at solenoid connection Loose battery Check battery connection connection Low batteries Check battery charge stateStart depressed Poor connections to 1 Check indications OK fuel solenoid positioning of fuelStart solenoid OK Defective fuel run solenoid for plungerFuel solenoid not solenoid PN 23041 2 Manually check movement of fuel run solenoid plunger and throttle armNo ignition cranks Faulty fueling system 1 Check for fuel todoes not start Fuel generator systemsolenoid energized 2 Check for air in fuel system Allow system to selfbleed 3 Fuel lift pump failure 127No ignition cranks Faulty fueling system 4 Filters cloggeddoes not start Fuel Replace filters andsolenoid energized allow system to self bleed by depressing PREHEAT switch onlyFailure to stop Fuel solenoid Stop engine by manually PiN 23041 return moving the throttle spring lever to shut off That failing shut off fuel and air Check fuel solenoid linkage and repair for free move ment Stop switch failure Stop engine by depres sing emergency stop switch on engine or manually moving throttle to shut off Test switch with ohmmeter Fuel injection pump Depress emergency shut failure off switch on engine Stop engine by opening the high pressure injec tor lines at the injec tors stop air intakeEngine stops Low oil pressure or Check oil fresh water overheated and sea water cooling Low oil pressure Check for satisfactory switch fails to close operation with switch bypassed Check with ohmmeter High water tempera Same as above temperature switch opens at too low a temperature 20 amp circuit breaker Same as above tripping High exhaust tempera Same as above ture switch open at too low a temperature Emergency stop switch Check operation of or stop switch in switch with an ohmmeter panel defective and opening fuel run solenoid circuit 128Engine stops Switch and wiring Inspect all wiring for loose connections and short circuitsNot charging battery Alternator drive Check drive belt and its tension Be sure alter nator turns freely Check for loose connec tions Check output with voltmeter Insure 12 V present at regulator runs down Oil pressure switch Observe if gauges and panel lights are acti vated when engine is not running Test the oil pressure switchBattery runs down High resistance leak Check wiring Insert to ground sensitive O2S amp meter in battery lines Do not start engine Remove connections and replace after short is located Low resistance leak Check all wires for tem to ground perature rise to locate fault Alternator Disconnect alternator at output after a good battery charging If leakage stops Remove alternator and bench test Repair or replace 129 TECHNICAL DATA30 KW 115 VAC 250 AMP at 115 VAC44 KW 115 VAC 347 AMP at 115 VAC60 KW 115 or 115230 VAC 257 AMP at 230 VAC65 KW 115 or 115230 VAC 270 AMP at 230 VAC77 KW 115 or 115230 VAC 335 AMP at 230 VAC80 KW 115 or 115230 VAC 340 AMP at 230 VAC110KW 115 or 115230 VAC 460 AMP at 230 VAC125KW 115 or 115230 VAC 520 AMP at 230 VACFrequency 60 Hertz Standard 50 Hertz available at reduced ratingRPM 1800 60 Hertz 1500 50 HertzVoltage Normal 115 VAC 230 VAC Maximum No load 132 VAC 264 VAC Minimum Full load 108 VAC 216 VACExcitation Voltage 115 VAC output voltage 130 r 230V 1 Internal Wiring Diagram Internal Wiring Diagram 3 and 44 KW 3 Wire 3 and 44 KW 2 Wire 115230 Volt 115 Volt AC AC Field Field Excitation Excitation Rectifier Rectifier Armature Armature AC AC230v Internal Wiring Diagrams 6 125 KW 115v and 11523Ov r l15V 1 115V115V4 2 AC Field Excitation Rectifier Armature AC Field Excitation Rectifier Wiring Same as for 230v 131 GENERAL MODELS 3 KW l25KW 60 Hertz 24 KW 94KW 50 HertzNo Electrical Output1 Remove load from generator and verify no output directly at generator output leads with voltmeter2 Check for proper electrical connections Refer to Internal Wiring diagrams NOTE Gener ator armature slip rings and brush rigs are numbered from inboard at the windings or flywheel end outward toward the rear support bearing2A Residual Voltage Check Disconnect field leads from 5VoitsAC 25 Volts AC 25 Volts AC bridge rectifier Note posi tion of leads on rec t i fie r to and to Operate the generator and check AC out put no load on generator Hot H Measure voltage between neutral lead and hot leads Hot Neutral Neutral 2 Wire Unit 3 4 Wire Units 132 2wire unit 5 Volts AC Hot lead to neutral 3 and 4 wire unit 25 volts AC each hot lead to neutral approximte Residual Voltage checks OK You can assume the rotating armature and brush rig are OK The generator problem lies in the rec tifier andor field coils Residual voltage not present Check brush rig and static capaci tors Check rotating armature resistance values and continuity check found elsewhere in this manual3 Test operation of generator by bypassing bridge rectifier Apply 12 volts DC to field leads on bridge rectifier to and to Run generator no load Measure voltage output at generator leads Generator output with 12 volts DC excitation to the field coils should be 50 to 70 Volts AC If 50 to 70 volts AC is produced this should indicate that the generator is OK and that the bridge rectifier is defective4 If no voltage is produced check the static capacitors that it is not shorted to ground If found faulty remove connection from output terminal at brush rig and repeat Step 35 Flash Field Coils units may lose their residual magnetism 1423Ov 11 from extended stor age rough handling during installation or disassembly and Internal Wiring Diagram assembly for instal Basic 4 Wire lation etc re quiring the field coils to be excited wi th 6 to 12 volts DC to restore the 612 Volt magnetism to the DC Battery generator This is done in the follow ing manner Stop the engine and remove the generator end bell cover This will expose the cooling fan brush Armature rig assembly and AC rectifier Check internal wiring refer to figure The positive lead from the field coils is connected 133 to the positive marked terminal on the rectifier and the negative lead from the field coils is connected to the opposite UNMARKED terminal on the rectifier Using jumpe leads with insu lated alligator clips connect 6 to 12 volts DC battery positive to the positive of the rectifier and negative to the UNMARKED ter minal of the rectifier for approximately 10 seconds This should restore magnetism to the stationary field coils Be careful not to connect DC voltage to the AC terminals on the rectifier as this will damage the rectifier Remove the alligator clip connections replace the end bell cover and operate the generator and check AC output voltage6 Check for a short or open in the rotating armature or in the sta tionary field coils ROTATING ARMATURE RESISTANCE VALUES 30 44KW 2wire 1 ohm or less slip ring to slip ring 30 44KW 3wire 1 ohm or less between slip rings 1 and 3 NOTE No continuity should be found between slip rings 1 2 and 2 3 on the 3wire unit If so an internal short in the armature winding exists Replace the armature 65 77 80 110 1 ohm or less between slip rings 1 3 and l25KW and 2 4 NOTE 3 and 4wire units There should be no continuity found between slip rings 1 2 2 3 and 3 4 If continuity is found an internal short exists between these windings and the armature should be replaced NOTE All units There should be no continuity found between any of the slip rings and the armatures central steel shaft If con tinui ty is found the windings are shorted to the shaft and the armature should be replaced Rotating armature slip rings are numbered from inboard of the generator flywheel end outward to the rear support bearing When referring to 2 3 and 4wire units these are the number of generator output leads being connected to the load You will find on the 110 and 12 5KW units that there are 8 leads corning from the brush rig and are combined for a total of 4 output leads The number of wires can also be related to the number of slip rings on the rotating armature FIELD COIL RESISTANCE TOTAL 30 44KW 325 ohms 5 65 77 80KW 222 ohms 5 110 l25KW 142 ohms 5 134 NOTE There should be no continuity found between the field coils and the generator body7 Replacement of Field Coils Field coils are connected in series and the reisitance value given above in this text is the total of the four field coils To determine the resistance value of one divide by four Each field coil has a mounting position on the generator housing and cannot be interchanged with another field coil When installing a replacement field coil s the installer must insure that the coil is correct for the mounting position in the housing and will have the correct polarity when excited with 9 12 volts DC The field coil shoes that hold the coil securely to the generator housing are held in palce by bolts that must be properly tightened when the coil and shoe are installed to the generator housing When connecting the coils in series insure the butt connections are good and secure and positioned away from rotating parts To insure the field coils have been posi tioned properly in the generator housing and will have the correct polarity the following test must be made before reassembly of the generator 1 Connect a 9 12 volt DC battery to the leads off the coils that would normally be connected to the and connectors of the bridge rectifier These leads are unmarked and the polarity in their connection to the DC battery is not important NOTE When removing the leads from the battery and recon necting them to the bridge rec tifier you should maintain the same polar i ty as used in this test plus lead to on rec tifier and negative to unmarked connection on rectifier 2 Wi th a 3 inch iron bolt or its equivalent place this bolt bet ween each adjoining field coil 912 shoe It should be held in Volt Battery DC place by the magnetic attraction set up between the coilshoes by the 9 12 volts excitation of the field coils Should this fail to happen between any of the four adjoining coilsshoes then an incorrect coil is installed and must be removed and the correct one installed otherwise the generator when assembled will not produce proper voltage 135Low Voltage Output1 Verify voltage output at generator output leadswith load applied to generator check no load condition also Check voltage at the load Check rating for generator and verify load with amp probe at output leads Check all connections to insure they are clean and secure Insure that the wire size carrying the voltage to the load is of sufficient size so as not to produce a voltage drop NOTE Beware of motor starting loads and the amperage draw placed on the generator from these types of loads Generally the amperage draw of a motor at start up will be 3 5 times the amperage needed when running2 Check generator with Hertz meter No Load Hertz 61 615 51 515 No Load Voltage 131 135 Volts Generator Cold No Load Voltage 126 130 Volts Generator Hot3 Test Bridge Rectifier Bridge rectifier may be faulty and should be checked as follows 1 Set ohmmeter scale on Rxl DC zero the meter Point 5 2 Connect the Rectifier Mounting Hole lead from the meter to Point i4 with the Point 3 lead from the meter momentarily contact points iI 2 3 and 5 No deflec tion of the needle should occur showing infinite resistance 3 Remove the lead from Point 4 and connect the lead to Point 4 and with the lead momentarily touch Points iI i2 and 3 Points 1 and 3 should show an aohm resistance 2 ohms Point 2 shoudl show a 40ohm resistance 5 ohms 4 Touch Point 5 with the lead no deflection of the needle should occur IF THE RECTIFIER FAILS ANY OF THE ABOVE TESTS IT IS DEFECTIVE AND SHOULD BE REPLACED 1364 Check field coil resistance as per specification given in A65 Insufficient cooling of the generator Ambient air enter ing the generator should not exceed 104F 40C Operating efficeincy of the generator decreases as the ambient air temperature entering the generator end bell increases above 104F Generators in confined areas may require the ducting of cool outside air into the compartment and directed toward the inlet at the generator end bell6 Check condition of brushes for wear and contact with slip rings on armature Insure brushes are not sticking in holdersHigh Voltage Output1 Verify voltage at generator output leads No load voltage 126 130 volts Generator Hot 61 616 Hertz 51 515 Hertz2 Check internal wiring of generator leads attached to brush rig and leads from brush rig feeding AC to br idge rectifier Refer to Internal wiring schematics These internal wiring diagrams are applicable to related 50 Hertz units as well 137YOUR NOTES 138 SERVICE BULLETINSThe following Bulletins contain supplementary andupdated information about various components andservice procedures which are important to theproper functioning of your eng ine and its suppor tsystemsYou should familiar ize yourself wi th the subjectsand make sure that you consult the s whenever your engine requires serviceor overhaul 139 SERVICE BULLETINDATE 61579 BULLETIN NUMBER 20MODEL All enginesSUBJEC Connecting Pressure Sensing Devices to Oil Galleries Oil pressure sensing devices such as senders and switches mustnever be connected directly to any oil gallery of an eng ine Thereason is simply that continued engine vibration causes fatigue of thefittings used to make such a connection If these fittings fail theengine loses its oil pressure and very quickly seizes Such pressure sensing devices must be bulkhead mounted and connected to the oil gallery using an appropr iate grade of lubr icatingoil hose Any fittings used to connect the hose to the gallery mustbe of steel or malleable iron Brass must not be used for this purpose J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE 5674 BULLETIN NUMBER 69MODEL All Marine Generators and Marine EnginesSUBJECT Exhaust System Failures When engine sea water is fed into an exhaust system so that thefull stream strikes a surface erosion may cause premature failures Proper design of either a water jacketed or a water injectednwetn exhaust system to prevent this problem requires that the seawater inlet be positioned so that the enter ing stream of water doesnot strike a surface directly Also the velocity of the entering seawater stream should be as low as possible which is achieved by havinginlet fittings as big in diameter as possibleIn addition to the above design considerations it is usually advantageous to divide the sea water flow at the point of entry to theexhaust system so that only a portion of it enters the exhaust systemThe remainder is normally piped directly over the side The of the sea water flow to pass through the exhaust systemcan only be determined by tr ial and error The goal is to exhaust temperatures with the least amount of sea water J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK AIION MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AIIONTELEX 924444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE 4483 BULLETIN NUMBER 82MODEL AllSUBJECT Battery BATTERY AMPERE HOURS VOLTAGEW7 WPD4 6090 12 VDCWI0Two 3KW 90125 12 VDCW13 4KW 90125 12 VDCW21 77KW 90125 12 VDCW27 llKW 90125 12 VDCW33 125KW 90125 12 VDCW30 125150 12 VDCW40 WPDI015 125150 12 VDCW50 125150 12 VDCW52 15KW 125150 12 VDCW58 20KW 125150 12 VDCW60 WBO20KW 150170 12 VDCW70 25KW 170200 12 VDCW80 30KW 170200 12 VDCWI00 32KW 200 minimum 12 VDCW120 45KW 200 minimum 12 VDCThe ampere hour range shown is minimum There is no real maximum J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARI AVON MASS 02322 tSfT 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 124444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 18 1975 BULLETIN NUMBER 87MODEL All Mar ine EnginesSUBJECT Alternator Output Spli tterGENERAL DESCRIPTION The spli tter is a solid state device whichallows two batteries to be recharged and brought to the same from a single alternator as large as 120 amp and at the sametime isolates each battery so that discharg ing one will have noeffect on the other Charging rates are in proportion to the batteries voltage state of discharge This method precludes thenecessity and even the desirability of a rotary switch for selectingwhich battery is to be charged It also assures that ships servicescannot drain the engine starting Mount splitter on a metal surface other than the engine pre ferably in an air stream if available Do not install near engine exhaust system Install with cooling fins aligned vertically2 Be sure to use a wire size appropriate to the output of the asso ciated alternator In full power systems number 4 wire is recom mended from the alternator to the spli tter and from the spli t ter to the batteries3 Connect the alternator output terminal to the center splitter ter minal4 Connect one splitter side terminal to one battery s5 Connect the other splitter side terminal to the other battery s6 When the splitter is installed both batteries will see a charging voltage 810 volts less than usual This voltage can be regained if desired by connecting the regulator wire directly to the alternator output terminal instead of the regulator terminalTEST INFORMATION When the engine is not running the side should read the vol tage of the respective battery Thecenter splitter should read zero voltageWith the engine running and alternator charging the side should read the same voltage which should be the voltage ofthe regulator or somewhat less The center splitter terminal shouldread 82 volts higher than the readings of the side terminals Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CA8LE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 1124444PIN SERVICE BULLETIN 87 Continued Alternator Output SplitterThis unit is sealed for maximum life and is not SPLITTER In the event of failure batteries may be from alternator by connecting either splitter terminal 1 or2 to terminal A bypassing the splitter itself This should not bedone simultaneously for both batteries unless they are and willremain at the same voltage state of charge sPLITTER sTARTER POWER DISC SW REGULATOR Ntti IoB STARTING BATTERYS POWER DISCONNECT SWITCH PN206S4 SHI P5 SERVICE 20 a LOtOS OsERVI CE BAiTERYSSEE NOTE LTERNATOR DRVJG ti 2070 INOTE On Alternators which have an isolation diode between their output and regulator terminals such as the Motorola units used with mostWESTERBEKE engines the regulator wire should be removed from the REGterminal and reconnected to the OUTPUT terminal as shown The diodein the splitter will provide an equivalent voltage drop SERVICE BULLETINDATE April 28 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 92MODEL AllSUBJECT Water Temperature and Oil Pressure GaugesGiven a presumably faulty gauge indication with the instrument panelenergized the first step is to check for 12 VDC between the ign Band neg B terminals of the gaugeAssuming there are 12 volts as required leave the instrument panelenergized and perform the following steps 1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the gauge reads zero the normal reading for this situation 2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground and see if the gauge reads full scale the normal reading for this situationIf both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge is undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with the conductor from the senderto the gauge or with the senderIf either of the above gauge tests is negative the gauge is and should be the gauge is OK proceed as follows Check the conductorfrom the sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for that the engine block is connected to ground Some startershave isolated ground terminals and if the battery is connected to thestarter both plus and minus the ground side will not necessarily beconnected to the blockIf the sender to gauge conductor is OK and the engine block isgrounded the sender is probably defective and should be replaced J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVDN MASS 02322 617j 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 924444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 20 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 110MODEL AllSUBJECT Ammeter Wire SizesAmmeters may be installed in conjunction wi th any Westerbeke mar inediesel engine or diesel generator set The range of the ammeter mustbe appropriate for the maximum output of the the wire size for the alternator output the ammeter var ies wi th the total length of that circui tThe table below shows the maximum current that can be carried varioustotal distances by various wire sizes to and from source to load WIRE SIZE TABLE Total Length MAXIMUM CURRENTSystem of wire in Volts feet 35 40 55 60 70 85 120 12 1 to 5 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 12 5 to 10 10 10 8 6 6 6 4 12 10 to 20 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 12 20 to 30 6 4 4 2 1 1 1 12 30 to 40 4 2 2 1 1 o o 24 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 24 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 24 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 24 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 24 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 o 32 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 32 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 32 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 32 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 32 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 o J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INOUSTRIAL PARK A liON MASS 02322 617 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 92 4444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 6 1982 BULLETIN NUMBER 114MODEL All Mar ine EnginesSUBJECT Domestic Water Heater Installation Using Westerbeke There are two 78 hose connections at the end of the manifoldwhich provide a parallel flow of engine cooling water to and from theheater These connections are part of the FLOWCONTROLLER which assures aflow of hot water through the heater at all times and yet restriction of engine cooling water flow caused by the heater all simply and Remove the returnbend which normally connects the 78 hosespuds on engines as shipped from the factory Connect these spuds to theheater with 78 ID wire inserted hose The spud marked out indicatesthe flow from the engine and the spud marked in indicates the flow returning to the engineHoses should rise continuously from their low point at the heater and tothe engine so that trapped air will rise naturally from the heater to theengine If trapped air can rise to the heater then an air bleed petcockust be installed at the higher fitting at the heater for bleeding the airNhile filling the system Avoid loops in hose runs which will trap airIf any portion of the engine cooling water circuit to or from the heaterrises above the engines own pressure cap then the pressurized tank must be installed in the circui t to be the highest pointThe tank kit Part Number is 24177 Install the remote expansion tank in aconvenient location such as a sail locker for ease of checking fresh watercoolant levelThe cap on the engine mounted expansion tankmanifold should not be openedonce the system is installed and filledThe hose connection from the heater to the remote expansion tank should berouted and supported so as to rise continuously from the heater to the tankenabling any air in the system to kits are available for retrofit to late 1980 1981 and 1982Westerbeke mar ine eng ines which employ the twopass exhaust mani foldThe kit numbers are Kit 32276 for engines whose exhaust manifold is on the left side of the cylinder head W21 RD60 W27 RD80 W33 Kit 32274 for W13 and Kit 32275 for W52 and W58 engines whose exhaust manifold is on the right side of the cylinder head J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 67 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 4444PIN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IEMOVe flE1URN SEP ISJppLEO rn ellGl SERVICE BULLETINDATE August 14 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER 125MODEL All Propulsion Oil Pressure Switches When removing and installing oil pressure switches of the type illustrated below care should be taken to use the correct type socket specifically designed to correctly fit the metal circumference of these switches The correct socket can be acquired through wellknown tool manufac turers such as SnapOn New Britain Cromwell Proto and others The use of channel lock pliers visegrips or pipe wrenches is not advised in that they may cause damage to the seal between the metal body and the plastic center insert resulting in a leak andor switch failure DUAL PRONG SINGLE PRONG J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 tSf7J 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 112 PIN SERVICE BULLETIN DATE August 25 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER 127 MODEL 30 44 77 110 l25KW Generators SUBJECT Fuel ShutOff solenoid 23041 Adjustment Should it be necessary to disturb the mounting of a fuel shutoff solenoid for unit maintenance or repair or to replace a failed sole noid the following procedure must be observed when replacing the solenoid on the generator with the solenoid deenergized and attached to its mounting bracket 44 Mounting Clamp the solenoid plunger should be manually bot tomed in the solenoid and the throttle arm manually moved to the run position so as to be within 010 020 inches of contacting the throttle stop screw The linkage connecting the throttle arm and solenoid plunger should then be connected and adjusted to maintain these positions when the solenoid is electr ically energ ized with the preheat switch on the instrument panel NOTE On 44KW generators the solenoids position may have to be changed by moving it fore or aft under the mounting clamp that holds it against the air intake silencer to properly install and adjust the connecting linkage to the throttle arm Figure A MANUAL CHECK Terina Check the operation and bottoming of the fuel solenoid plunger manually by doing theTeal Llli Aux following 1 SYNCHRO Terrlin1 1 Connect an ohmmeter across the terminal STARr and vacant auxiliary terminal on the back of the fuel solenoid Figure A 2 Wi th the fuel solenoid in the stop posi r tion 01 ohms resistance should be found across these two terminals I I NTfRNL I 3 Manually moving the throttle arm into the I CC5wITcN run position and bottoming the fuel sole I I Ohm noid plunger a resistance of about 15 to I I Meter 30 ohms should them register on the meter indicating that the plunger has bottomed against the internal swi tch deenerg izing the pull in windings Failure to insure manually that the fuel solenoid operates as described above will result in the failure of the solenoid when operated electrically The fuel solenoid may fail within 30 seconds if the plunger does not bot tom when electr ically energ i zed J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 5171 S887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 824444 PINWhen operated electrically by use of the preheat switch on theinstrument panel the fuel solenoid plunger should move smoothly andrapidly into the solenoid with no binding or hesitation drawing thethrottle arm into the run position 010 020 inches off the throttlestop screw as the plunger bottoms in the fuel solenoidNOTE The throttle arm stop screw is adj usted and wiredsealed atthe factory to allow the throttle arm to move to the proper no loadspeed and voltage for the generator Further adjustment should not beneeded Tampering with this stop screw without proper may affect the generators warranty SERVICE BULLETINDATE December 6 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER 133MODEL W10Two W13 W2l W27 W30 W33 W40 W50 W52 W58 W70 W80 W100 W120 All Related Z inc Pencil 11885 A zinc pencil PN 11885 is located in the sea water cooling circuit of all primary heat echangers on the above models The purpose of the zinc pencil is to sacrifice itself to electrolysis action taking place in the salt water cooling circuit This zinc pencil should be per iodically checked by unscrewing it from its mounting boss on the exchanger For the lcoation of the zinc on your model refer to the cooling system section of your parts manual Replace the zinc pencil as inspection dictates Refer to Illustration A Should material be flaking off the zinc it should be scraped clean or be replaced by a good solid zinc pencil If it appears that a lot of material has been flaking off the zinc then it is advised that the end cap of the exchanger be removed and the flaked material be cleaned from that area of the exchanger A new end cap gasket should be on hand in case it is needed when replacing the end cap Refer to Service Bulleting 84 when removing end caps made of rubber ILLUSTRATION A ZINC 11885 REPLACE CLEANREPLACE J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK AIION MASS 02321 8171 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AIION TELEX 824444PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE December 28 1983 BULLETIN NUMBER 134MODEL 3KW 44KW 77KW llKW l2sKW Related to 50 Hertz UnitsSUBJECT Fuel Solenoid PN 23041 Fuel solenoid adjustment and operation as outlined in Service Bulletin 127 should be verified as part of the prestartup inspection commissioning of the generator During installation the adjustment of the fuel solenoid may be affected due to handling and positioning of the unit in the vessels hull Periodic inspection of the solenoids operation is also recommended at the initial 50hour servicing and every 200 hours thereafter NOTE The flexible rubber boot cover ing the solenoid must not be removed as this helps protect the plunger from contaminants and aids in withdrawal of the plunger when the solenoid is deenergized periodically examine the plunger to ensure that it is clean Generally no lubrication is needed on this plunger Per iodic lubr ication is needed on the ball joint connection between the plunger and the throttle arm J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK AIION MASS 02322 571 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AIIONTELEX 92 PIN SERVICE BULLETINDATE April 3 1984 BULLETIN NUMBER 137MODEL 3KW 4 4KW 7 7KW 8KW llKW 12 5KW Also related 50 Her tz UnitsSUBJECT Cooling Fan Secur ing Nut Generator units must have proper air circulation while running to pro vide for combustion air for use by the engine and for cooling the generator unit minimum 250 CFM all units through l25KW for gener ator end cooling The fan on the back end of the above model generators plays an impor tant part in moving air through the generator for cooling In instal lations where surrounding air is limited outside air should be ducted to the area of the screened end bell inlet to provide this needed air for cooling and combustion as well The secur i ty of the generator fan hold down nut should be checked at installation commissioning at the initial 50hour servicing of the generator unit and periodically thereafter 200300 hours FIGURE A FLAT WASHER Cooling Fan Securing Nut FIGURE A Securing Nut Torque 25 lbft over J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK AIION MASS 02322 6171 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AIIONTELEX 1124444PINThe cooling fan securing nut should be tight enough so that when forceis applied to rotate the fan by pushing on the outer edge and bladeswith the palm of your hand protect the hand with a cloth or gloveyou should be able to turn the generator and engine without the fanslipping on the shaft If properly torqued and fan still slipsreplace the of generator cooling air through the generator must beavoided The generator compartment ventilation must be sufficient toprevent generator air that the screened endbell inlet and the screened dischargeslots at the flywheel are not obstructed preventing good air circulation through the generator while it is running
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