Balmar ars 4 Manual
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I you for choosing your Model ARS4 multistage regulator This regulator has been designed to maximize the charging efficiency of your alternator and can also be used with many other regulated alternatorsThe ARS4 is preprogrammed at the factory for universal outofthebox operation with most batteries Builtin selectable programsfor DeepCycle Lead Acid AGM Gel and Optima batterytypes are also available Manual equalization required forsome battery types is also available The ARS4 offers theability to monitor and respond to alternator conditions when combined with optional sensor MCTSAII the regulator in a dry wellventilated place away from areas of excessheat andor vibration Avoid locations where regulator or wiring be exposed to sprayed water or coolant2 If not preconnected at the factory attach the inline fourplex plug to the regulator see Figure 1ound wire BLACKGround terminal See Figure 4 on Page 2 for location3The BROWNignitione activates the regulator Attach the BROWNwire to a switched 12VDC source The ignition switch or an switch are both acceptable connection points Atoggle switch may be added to this circuit to shut down the alternator manually when increased propulsion is needed4Attach the wire in a location where it will sense the batterybeing charged Likely connections include 1positive output 2switch multibattery bankse battery THE BATTERY SIDE OF THE ISOLATORnal supplying charging current to the larger battery bankIf using a dualoutput alternator the RED wire must connect to one ofthe alternator output posts If battery banks are unequal in size connectat the larger battery bank If the smaller battery shows signs of overcharging move the RED wire to the alternator post supplying thesmaller battery The RED wire carries up to 6 amps and is equippedwith a builtin 10amp mini fuse and holder If lengthening of theRED wire beyond eight feet is necessary increase wire size to and Operators ManualCAUTION IIff yyoouu aarree aatt ssyysstteemm wwee tthheeuussee ooff aa Time TimeIX Advisory CodesXSystem Wiring WarranTABLE OF CONTENTS19009 61st Ave NE 4 Arlington WA98223Phone 3604356100 Fax 3604353210 EMail Web Revised October 2001PmaxpM CXEjCFD ia bddaXaYEhTXEEh DD Eh DEhDY Eh GD QXGDGzGzYYY Ej eDDEhEiaEja Ej EaDYCTCTZX I c RX8e8c8YKPXEDY aFFF Fab KKpE PXaFYh EFRXY EFPXYCCddbQXdd 8 CXY Trust Inc10UVeriSign Time Stamping Service Root1402UNO LIABILITY ACCEPTED cc ia bddaXaYEhTXEEh DD Eh DEhDY Eh GD QXGDGzGzYYY EEhDEjBEEdjEja Ej eDDEhEiaEja Ej EaDYCTCTZX I c RX8e8c8YKPXEDY aFFF Fab KKpE PXaFYh EFRXF ha8Y EFPXYCCKRXIIa TX CUXYTX CTXY XY KSKQZX YXRU namepost prep33fMONO pU CXEjCFD ia bddaXaYEhTXEEh DD Eh DEhDY Eh GD QXGDGzGzYYY EEhDEjBIdEdia bjaFDFEEdjEja Ej eDDEhEiaEja Ej EaDYCTCTZX I c RX8e8c8YKPXEDY aFFF Fab KKpE PXaFYh EFRXY EFPXYCCddbQXdd 8 CXY KSKQZX INSTALLATION the two BLACKground wires at the preferred ground at therear of the alternator see Figure 2 for typical alternator ground connec6Connect duplex plug with wires to the alternatorSome alternators may require ring terminal connections If your alternator doesnt provide for a plug connection see your alternator manual forIf your system utilizes a mechanical tachometer the stator wire will notDO NOT CONNECT THE STATOR WIRE TO THE REGULATOR UNDER THAT optional Alternator Temp Sensor to the Alternator Temp shown in Figure 5 OBSERVE POLARITYAttach sensor to alternator case as shown in Figure 3Installing a toggle switch between the positive and negative wires ofthe Alternator Temperature Sensor cable allows you to reduce alternator output and horsepower load by 50 Small Engine Mode9The Dash Lamp terminal provides a circuit for dash mounted visualor audible system warnings Terminal output is when activated by low voltage 128Voltage1V over bulk225Fwould include an incandescent LED or audible alarm connected atone side to a source of 12volt positive and the second terminal connected to the dash lamp circuit at the regulator When a those mentioned above occurs the lamp circuit goes toground completing the circuit and activating the alarm III OPERATIONOnce the regulator is properly installed and connected tothe rest of the charging system it is ready to use a bank of eight 8be illuminated to provide programming mode diagnosticand advisory information At startup all eight LED lightswill illuminate for approximately three seconds Figure 6Arrows indicate illuminated LEDsThe initial display will be followed by a display whichindicates battery program type Figure 7xthis display will indicate that the regulator is set inUniversal Factory Program mode indicated by a singlegreen LED furthest from amber LEDo green LEDsindicate Flooded Deep Cycle Three green LEDs indicateGel Four green LEDs indicate Absorbed Glass MatAGM A single green LED closest to the illumiFigure 10for illustration of program settings as indicatedat start upThe display will then cycle through thevarious charging stages Figure 8green LED furthest from the amber LEDindicates 45second start delay Two illuminated green LEDs indicate soft rampand bulk charging stage Three illuminated green LEDs indicate absorption stageFour illuminated green LEDs indicatefloat stage See Figure 9for illustration ofcharging stages as indicated by the ARS4display during normal startup normal operation the regulatorwill delay alternator startup for 45 seconds to allow belts to seat and to occur After the initial startdelay the regulator will ramp to over a oneminute periodOnce bulk charging voltage is reached theregulator will remain in the bulk stage fora minimum of 36 minutes At the end ofthe 36minute period the regulator willcompare actual battery voltage with target voltage based on battery typedetermine whether to advance to absorption stage or add additional at bulk voltage until target voltage is reachedOnce in absorption stage the regulator wil remain at absorption voltage for a minimum of 120 minutes Additional 6minute increments will be added thereafter until target voltage is will remain in float stage for a minimum of six hours after which it will cycle back to absorption stage for aminimum of 36minutes This cycle will continue throughout engine operationNOTE THE REGULATOR WILL AUTOMATICALLY RETURN TO THE BEGINNING OF THE IF THE ENGINE IS SHUT DOWN AND RESTARTED IVBASIC PROGRAMMING ARS4 regulators are factory preset for universal plugandplay operation with mostbattery types In addition to the default factory program both models feature for DeepCycle flooded AGM Gel and Optima battery types A list ofdetailed voltage and time values for the various presets is available on the Page 2Figure 4eed switch located beside the first green LED enables useradjustment The switch works in two specific actions as described in the box at rightTo select a program for your battery type1Turn ignition key to its ON position Allow the regulator to cycle through the45second start delay and into the rampupbulk stage indicated by the two illuminated green LEDs2Using the supplied magnetic screwdriver as shown in Figure discussed in the shaded box below The 5 amber light and 6 flashing redlight will illuminate to indicate switch activation Figure 123The red LED will stop flashing and the 7 amber light will illuminate to indicate the battery preset program mode is engaged Figure 134As you continue to hold the green lights on the left half of the LED display will be illuminated onebyone toindicate battery type The first green LED on the left will indicate Program 1 Universal Factory Programyou continue to hold the magnet to the switch the display will cycle to the first two green LEDs 2 Deep Cycleee green LEDs indicating Program 3 Gelfour green LEDs indicating Program 4 AGMeen LEDclosest to amber LED indicating Program 5 OptimaFigure 135When the desired preset program is indicated release the reed switch byremoving your magnetic tool from the switch Once a preset has beenselected and the switch has been deactivated the 5 amber light will goout indicating that the switch has been deactivated The green LED lightswill remain for several second before going out Figure 126Once the green lights have gone out you may change your selection by reThe program choices will scroll inreverse order Note Keep in mindthat the display will stop scrollingonce it reaches selection one or fivedepending on whether you areascending or descending in the program modeo change the direction of scroll release the switchwait for the green lights to go outand reapply the magnet The display will scroll in the opposite direc7If the switch is not reactivated forseveral seconds the 7 amber LEDwill flash to indicated that the program changes have been saved andthe display will return to the the activation and of the switch by lowscrewdriver on the upper the switch by removing the magnet from the switch primarily during user programming this action requiresuntil desired values are shown onthe display Once the desired setting is reached the magnet isremoved to deactivate the Programming provides the ability to modify factory preset programsto meet specific charging needs Advanced programming includes system voltage adjustment system time adjustment and equalization time and Equalization is only suggested for batteries noted as in Figure 5 on Page 2our battery manufacturer for equalization time and voltage must be initiated through the advanced programming mode It isNOT a standard mode of operation Both EQ time and voltage must be set to occur Equalization will occur immediately after the programhas been saved into memory EQUALIZATION VALUES MUST BE SETWHILE ENGINE IS RUNNINGOnce equalization is complete the regulator will return to its preset programmode NOTE Advanced Programming modifications can be removed from theregulators memory by reselecting the original program for your battery typeNOTE 2 The Advanced Programming Mode will cycle three times before saving new settings to memory To enter to Advanced programming the magnetic reed switch LED 5 will illuminate andLED 6 will flash several times Figure 142Continue holding switch LED 6 stops flashing then LED 7 indicates the regulator has entered the program mode RELEASEthe switch AS SOON AS THE 7 AMBER LAMP IS the green preset program lights illuminate 3Once the switch is released the 5 amber LED will go out The 7 amberLED will remain for several seconds and will be replaced by the 8amber LED indicating that the regulator is in the System mode THE DISPLAY WILL SCROLL THREE TIMES THROUGH ALL OFTHE ADVANCED PROGRAMMING MODES SYSTEM VOLTAGE SYSTEM TIME EQ VOLTATHE DESIRED ADJUSTMENT MODE IS REACHED BEFORE ACTIVATING THE SWITCHVISYSTEM VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENTThe Voltage Adjustment mode increases or decreases the voltage values builtinto the preset programs based on battery type Note Changes in charging voltages affect ALL stages of the charging program Keep in mind that the displayhas been programmed to provide approximately five seconds between valuechanges This time period is provided to ensure correct adjustments To adjustsystem voltage values1When the LED indicates entry into the system voltage mode indicatedby the 8 amber light ACTIVATEHOLD the switch with your The display will begin to cycle up through the values shownFigure 15 NOTE To reverse scrolling direction release the switchwait until the green lights turn off and reactivate and hold the switch tocycle the opposite direction 2When the display indicates your desired voltage adjustment RELEASE3After several seconds the green indicator lights will turn off4If no changes are made to your selection the 8 amber light will flashonce indicating that your selection has been acceptedThe display willadvance to the System Time Adjustment modeVII SYSTEM TIME ADJUSTMENTThe System Time Adjustment enables you to modify charging time values tomeet your battery banks specific charging needs Keep in mind changes incharging times affect ALL charging stages To modify charging time values1When the LED display indicates entry into the system time adjustmentmode as shown in Figure 16 ACTIVATEHOLD the switch with yourmagnet The display will cycle up through the values shown in Figure16 NOTE To reverse scrolling direction release the switch wait untilthe green lights turn off and reactivate and hold the switch to cycle theopposite direction Keep in mind that the display has been programmedto provide approximately five seconds between value changes2When the display indicates your desired system time adjustment release3After several seconds the green LEDs will turn off 4If no changes are made to your selection the 7 and 8 amberwill flash once indicating that your selection has been accepted The display will advance to the Equalization Voltage Adjustment modeVIII EQUALIZATION VOLTAGEThe onset of sulfation can be lessened in some battery types by periodic introduction of elevated voltage to the battery See Figure 4on Page 2 to determineif your battery type will benefit from equalization Voltage values are based onsystem voltages determined by your preset program CAUTION Consult withyour battery manufacturer for recommended equalization time and voltageBoth time and voltage values must be set for equalization to occur 1When the LED indicates entry into the EQ Voltage mode as shown inFigure 17 ACTIVATEHOLD the switch with your magnet The display will show system voltage When you activate the switch the displaywill scroll up through the voltage values shown in Figure 17 Reversingthe process will scroll downward2When the display indicates yourdesired EQ voltage value3After several seconds the green4If no changes are made to yourselection the 6 red and 7 amberlights will flash once indicatingthat your selection has beenaccepted The display will mode IX EQUALIZATION TIMEThe final mode in the Advanced Programming cycle is Equalization TimeAdjustment To change the duration of EQ time1When the LED display indicates entry into the Equalization TimeAdjustment mode as shown in Figure 18 ACTIVATEHOLD the switchwith your magnet The display will show the system default time Releasethe switch wait for the green light to go out and reactivatehold Time Adjustment values will scroll through the valuesshown in Figure 18 Reversing the process will scroll downward2When the display indicates your desired EQ time value release the3After several seconds the green indicator lights will turn off4If no changes are made to your selection the lights will flash once indicating that your selection has been accepted The Advanced will cycle two more times If no other changes are made to selections the changes will be saved A flashing 8 amberLED at the end of the final cycle indicates that your selections have been will occur immediately after the EQ time and voltage valueshave been saved into memory Once equalization is completed the regulator will return to regular charge mode governed by your preset batteryprogram CAUTION Contact your battery manufacturer for recommended EQ time and voltage values Do not attempt equalization unless recommended by the battery manufacturerX WARNING ADVISORY CODESARS4 multistage regulators are equipped to provide diagnostic information via the LED display To access the basic display mode see Section IIIycled through its initial startup themagnetic switch with your magnetic tool2The 6 red LED will begin to flash as the regulator scans through its diagnostic circuit3When the regulator senses a situation requiring attention the flashing 6 red LED will alternate with of green LED lights4Each LED grouping will correFigure 19displayed for several seconds atwhich point the regulator willcontinue to search for all codesare displayed the regulator willreturn to basic display modeXI SUGGESTED SYSTEM WIRINGOptimal regulator operation may depend on wiring layout based on battery configuration and method of battery separation used The diagrams on Pages 8 9 illustrate some common recommended wiring layoutsTWO BANKS DUO CHARGESINGLE OUTPUT SWITCHDUAL the causes of failures in an electrical system is a step by step process We recommend that you inspectand clean all system electrical connections before you begin your search to determine if the failure can be attributed toone of the two main components of your charging system the alternator andor the voltage regulator Most charging system problems will be corrected by performing the following steps 1Remove and clean all charging system electrical connections from the alternator through the batteries thisincludes the ground sideoltage regulators harness for resistance Wires and terminals can andwill become corroded and need to be cleaned or all batteries to their proper fully charged state and determine if they are serviceable If your batteries arefloodedtype use your hydrometer to determine their and tighten alternator belt If the belt shows signs of wear or damage now is an ideal time for replacement Always replace existing belts with the finest quality replacements available After determining that your batteries and wiring are in suitable condition use the following tests to determine if charging problems are a result of a faulty alternator or regulator The following tests provide an opportunity to isolate thealternator regulator and wiring harness in order to determine which component may be malfunctioning In order topreform these tests you will need an independent multimeter preferably a digital typegency a 12V lightbulb can be used to help determine if power or working grounds exist An amp meter and a battery hydrometer with athermometer are also helpful diagnostic REGULATOR FIELD TESTSTest A The alternator and regulator can be tested for function by determining if a magnetic field exists at the alternators pulley shaft or rear bearing To test1With the ignition in the OFF position place the head of a steel screwdriver near the nut on the pulley shaft ornear the rear bearing of the alternator There should be no evidence of a magnetic field pulling the the the ignition without starting the engine to activate the voltage regulator If an oil pressure switch isused a jumper across the switch will activate the allowing time for the regulators startup delay place the head of a steel screwdriver near the nut on thepulley shaft or near the rear bearing of the alternator There should be evidence of a magnetic field pulling thescrewdriver toward the alternator If a magnetic field is present the voltage regulator alternator brushes androtor are likely to be working properly If the system is not chargingremove the alternator and have it inspected by a qualified alternatorTest B If there is little or no magnetic pull at the pulley shaft or at the rearbearing initiate the following test1With the key off and the engine off remove the large harness plugfrom the the end of a short length of electrical wire to the RED connector slot of the regulator harness and the other end of the wire to theBLUE connector slot See figure at right This bypasses the your steel screwdriver inspect for a magnetic field as your voltmeter check for voltage on the blue wire at the alternator If voltage does not exist the harness may be at fault If voltagedoes exist at the harness but charging is not occurring the alternator is likely to be a magnetic field is present Both harness and alternator brushes and rotor appear to be working properly If no magnetic field is present proceed with the next test Test C Testing the actual output of the alternator is known as Full Field Testing This can be accomplished byjumping a positive 12VDC current to the field terminal at the rear of the alternator This test eliminates both the regulator and the harness making it easier to isolate your investigation to the alternator CAUTION Ensure that all equipment is turned off prior to starting the engine Voltage is unregulated during this test and could electronics DO NOT let the engine run any longer than necessary to detect chargingXII ALTERNATOR AND REGULATOR 10 11 To test the a jumper wire to the positive post of the alternator or on the battery side of the isolator if an isolator is inuse Use a SHIELDED alligator clip for post attachment Unintentional contact between the alligator clip andthe alternator case could result in damage to your electrical the fieldstator plug from the rear of the alternator and attach the other end of the jumper wire to thealternators Field terminal Fttach a female spade connector to the field end of the wire for a solid connection CAUTION Do not allow the wire to contact the case while it is attached to the positive post The case isgrounded and severe damage could occur3The regulator is now bypassed When the ignition is engaged and the motor is started the voltage should riseand charging current should be present 4The motor should be run long enough to determine that charging voltage is present Unregulated voltage can risequickly Do not allow extended unregulated charging to occur without carefully monitoring voltage levelsIf the alternator fails to generate voltage during field testing a malfunction of the alternator is likely Contact your repair shop or Balmars technical service staff for VOLTAGE REGULATOR TESTWhen you have inspected and repaired any wires and connections inspectedbelts and replace as needed and after you have determined that your batteries are properly charged set your voltmeter to 12V and connect the voltmeters negative lead to the BLACK ground wire at the regulator is accomplished by inserting the negative lead alongside theground wire in the regulator harness plug see Figure 31elead alongside the wire referred to in each specific test With the connected to the regulators ground test for voltage at the pointslisted below1With the ignition in the OFF position and your voltmeters groundwire connected to the regulators ground check for voltage on the ignitiones in the regulator plugby inserting the positive lead of the voltmeter alongside each wire in the regulator harness plug The readRed WireBrown WireBlue WireExpected Reading12 V 0 V0 VYour Reading2With the ignition in the ON position engine not runningour voltmeters ground wire connected to theregulators ground check for voltage on the red ignitiones in the regulator plug The voltmeter should readRed WireBrown WireBlue WireExpected Reading12 V 12 V7 12 VYour Reading3With the ignition in the ON position with engine running at 1400 rpm fast idleour voltmeters groundwire connected to the regulators BLACK wire check for voltage on the red in the regulator plug The voltmeter should readRed WireBrown WireBlue WireExpected Reading12 14V12 V3 11 VYour Reading 115 128 VDC battery voltage at rest no charging occurringe isolated and your RED sensinge shows voltages otherthan those shown above make sure that the wire is connected on the battery side of the isolator The REDwire must see the battery directly 135 145 VDC battery voltage when charging Testing voltage at regulatorIf your readings differ substantially from the Expected Readings listed in the charts above the regulator may be malfunctioning or there may be a continuity problem Contact our technical support staff at 360100 Keep yourrecorded readings in the spaces provided below the Expected Readings so you can share them with the technical support person If your readings match those listed in the charts your regulator should be working correctly Continuewith tests below to determine if your alternator may be the source of charging difficultiesIf the preceding tests do notprove the existence of a failure within the regulator or alternator we recommend you contact a licensed marine electrician who can test your system for wiring and circuit damage or other system failures that could be responsible forcharging difficulties If you determine that repair service is necessary for either your alternator or regulator pleasegather the following information before contacting our service of of voltage readings on red brown and blue wire at regulator with engine off key on4Voltage readings on red brown and blue wire at regulator with engine running at a fast ideal 1400 rpmXII LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTYBALMAR warrants to the original the product is free from any defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase If any such defect is discovered within the warrantyperiod BALMAR will replace the regulator free of charge subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upondelivery or shipping prepaid to BALMAR This warranty DOES NOT apply to defects or physical damage resulting from abuse neglect accident improperrepair alteration modification or unreasonable use of the products resulting in breakdown cracked or broken casesnor are parts damaged by fire water freezing collision theft explosion rust corrosion or items damaged in shipment in route to BALMAR for repair BALMAR assumes no responsibility for consequential damage or loss orexpense arising from these products or any labor required for service or repairBALMAR WILL NOT repair or be held responsible for any product sent without proper identification and returnaddress or RA number clearly marked on the package You must include proof of date and place of purchase photocopy of purchase invoicee cannot be responsible for repairs or replacement In order to expedite warrantyclaims more efficiently BALMAR asks that prior to returning a defective product for repair you call their department for a warranty return authorization number If factory service is required you can contact our BALMAR Customer Service Department Monday 730 AM to 530 PM PST100Material required for the repair or replacement for the defective part or product is to be supplied free of charge upondelivery of the defective regulator to BALMAR 19009 61st Ave NE Arlington WA 98223 Customer is responsiblefor all return transportation charges and any air or rush delivery expense BALMAR reserves the right to to repair or replace defective componentsTHE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ONHOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS NO PERSON AGENT DEALER IS AUTHORIZED TO GIVEANY WARRANTY19009 61st Ave NE Arlington WA 98223 Phone 3604356100Fax 3604353210 Email Web Ballard Commercial Industries Inc BALMARPub BC00004 6 03
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