United States Coast Guard Navigation Rules ( Obsolete)
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US Department Commandant Mailing Addressof Transportation United States Coast Guard 2100 2nd Street SW Washington DC 0593001United States Phone 202 2670352Coast Guard COMDTINST M166722C 1 October 1995COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION M166722CSubj Navigation Rules PURPOSE This instruction forwards International and Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations for use by Coast Guard personnel2 ACTION Area and District Commanders commanders of mainte nance and logistics commands and unit commanding officer shall ensure implementation and compliance with this manual3 DIRECTIVES AFFECTED COMDTINST M166722B is cancelled4 DISCUSSION a This manual contains the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea 1972 72 COLREGS It also contains the Inland Navigation Rules which were enacted by law on 24 December 1980 and became effective for all Inland waters except the Great Lakes on 24 December 1981 The Inland Rules became effective on the Great Lakes on 1 March 1983 Some differences do remain between the International and Inland Rules The sidebyside pre sentation of the Rules in this publication will allow mariners to deter mine those differences b On 19 November 1989 nine amendments to the 72 COLREGS became effective These nine amendments are technical in nature and are incorporated in this publication The Coast Guard has adopted several amendments to the Inland and International Rules and Annexes which are also included in this revision This publica tion includes all revisions through 30 September 1995COMDTINST M166722C5 ORDERING INFORMATION a Following initial distribution of this publication Coast Guard and Navy units should order additional copies from Defense Mapping Agency Combat Support Center Washington DC 203150030 Attn PMSR b The public may purchase this publication from the US Government Printing Office GPO at GPO Bookstores located in many Cities from GPO sales agents located in principal ports or by telephone at 202 7833238 The book is also available for order by mail from Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office PO Box 371954 Pittsburgh PA 1525079546 CHANGES AND CORRECTIONS Notices of changes to the Navigation Rules and Regulations will appear in the Federal Register Local Notice to Mariners Weekly Notice to Mariners and Commandant Notice Comments should be addressed to Commandant GMOV3 Rudy K Peschel Chief Office of Navigation Safety Waterway Services 2 RECORD OF CHANGESCHANGE DATE OF DATE BY WHOMNUMBER CHANGE ENTERED ENTERED CONTENTSI NAVIGATION RULES AND REGULATIONS International and Inland 1 PART AGeneral 2 Rule 1Application 2 Rule 6 Rule 3General Definitions 6 PART BSteering and Sailing Rules 12 SectionSubpart IConduct of Vessels In Any Condition of Visibility 12 Rule 4Application 12 Rule 5Lookout 12 Rule 6Safe Speed 14 Rule 7Risk of Collision 16 Rule 8Action to Avoid Collision 18 Rule 9Narrow Channels 20 Rule 10Traffic Separation SchemesVessel Traffic Services 22 SectionSubpart IIConduct of Vessels In Sight of One Another 26 Rule 11Application 26 Rule 12Sailing Vessels 26 Rule 13Overtaking 28 Rule 14Headon Situation 30 Rule 15Crossing Situation 30 Rule 16Action by Giveway Vessel 32 Rule 17Action by Standon Vessel 32 Rule Between Vessels 34 SectionSubpart IllConduct of Vessels In Restricted Visibility 36 Rule 19Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility 36 PART CLights and Shapes 38 Rule 20Application 38 Rule 21Definitions 40 Rule 22Visibility of Lights 42 Rule 23Powerdriven Vessels Underway 44 Rule 24Towing and Pushing 52 Rule 25Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars 70 Rule 26Fishing Vessels 78 Rule 27Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability to Maneuver 86 Rule 28Vessels Constrained by Their DraftReserved 100 Rule 29Pilot Vessels 102 Rule 30Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground 104 Rule 31Seaplanes 110 i PART DSound and Light Signals 112 Rule 32Definitions 112 Rule 33Equipment for Sound Signals 112 Rule 34Maneuvering and Warning Signals 114 Rule 35Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility 118 Rule 36Signals to Attract Attention 122 Rule 37Distress Signals 124 PART EExemptions 126 Rule 38Exemptions 126 ANNEX IPOSITIONING AND TECHNICAL DETAILS OF LIGHTS AND SHAPES 130 ANNEX IIADDITIONAL SIGNALS FOR FISHING VESSELS FISHING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY 148 ANNEX IllTECHNICAL DETAILS OF SOUND SIGNAL APPLIANCES 150 ANNEX IVDISTRESS SIGNALS 160 ANNEX VBLANKPILOT RULES165III INTERPRETATIVE RULES 172IV LINES OF DEMARCATION 174V PENALTY PROVISIONS 198 Violations of International Navigation Rules and Regulations 198 Violations of Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations 198 Penalties for negligent operations 200 Duties related to marine casualty assistance and information 200 Duty to provide assistance at sea 201 Injunctions 201VI ALTERNATIVE Inland 202VII WATERS SPECIFIED BY THE SECRETARY 205VIII VESSEL BRIDGETOBRIDGE RADIOTELEPHONE REGULATIONS 206IX LEGAL CITATIONS 213X CONVERSION TABLE 214 ii Introduction International Rules The International Rules in this book were formalized in theConvention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions atSea 1972 and became effective on July 15 1977 The Rules com monly called 72 COLREGS are part of the Convention and vesselsflying the flags of states ratifying the treaty are bound to the RulesThe United States has ratified this treaty and all United States flagvessels must adhere to these Rules where applicable President GeraldR Ford proclaimed 72 COLREGS and the Congress adopted them asthe International Navigational Rules Act of 1977 The 72 COLREGS were developed by the Consultative Organization IMCO which in May 1982 wasrenamed the International Maritime Organization IMO In November1981 IMOs Assembly adopted 55 amendments to the 72 COLREGSwhich became effective on June 1 1983 The IMO also adopted 9more amendments which became effective on November 19 1989The International Rules in this book contain these amendments These Rules are applicable on waters outside of established navigational lines of demarcation The lines are called Lines and delineate those waters upon which marinersshall comply with the Inland and International Rules Lines are contained in this book iii Inland Rules The Inland Rules in this book replace the old Inland Rules WesternRivers Rules Great Lakes Rules their respective pilot rules rules and parts of the Motorboat Act of 1940 Many of theold navigation rules were originally enacted in the last provisions were added to cope with the of water transportation Eventually the navigation rules forUnited States inland waterways became such a confusing patchwork ofrequirements that in the 1960s several attempts were made to reviseand simplify them These attempts were not successful Following the signing of the Convention on the for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 a new effort wasmade to unify and update the various inland navigation rules Thiseffort culminated in the enactment of the Inland Navigational RulesAct of 1980 This legislation sets out Rules 1 through 38 the mainbody of the Rules The five Annexes were published as regulationsIt is important to note that with the exception of Annex V to the InlandRules the International and Inland Rules and Annexes are very similar in both content and format The effective date for the Inland Navigation Rules was December241981 except for the Great Lakes where the effective date wasMarch 1 1983 ivNAVIGATION INTERNATIONAL General PART AGENERAL RULE 1 Application a These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas andin all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels b Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of spe cial rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads harborsrivers lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas andnavigable by seagoing vessels Such special rules shall conform asclosely as possible to these Rules C Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of anyspecial rules made by the Government of any State with respect toadditional station or signal lights shapes or whistle signals for shipsof war and vessels proceeding under convoy with respect to additional station or signal lights or shapes for fishing vessels engaged infishing as a fleet These additional station or signal lights shapes orwhistle signals shall so far as possible be such that they cannot bemistaken for any light shape or signal authorized elsewhere underthese Rules1 1 Submarines may display as a distinctive means of identification an intermittent flashingamber yellow beacon with a sequence of operation of one flash per second for three 3seconds followed by a three 3 second offperiod Other special rules made by the Secretaryof the Navy with respect to additional station and signal lights are found in Part 707 of Title32 Code of Federal Regulations 32 CFR 707 INLAND General PART AGENERAL RULE I Application a These Rules apply to all vessels upon the inland waters of theUnited States and to vessels of the United States on the Canadianwaters of the Great Lakes to the extent that there is no conflict withCanadian law b i These Rules constitute special rules made by an appropriate authority within the meaning of Rule 1 b of the International Regulations ii All vessels complying with the construction and equipment requirements of the International Regulations are considered to be in compliance with these Rules c Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules made by the Secretary of the Navy with respect to addi tional station or signal lights and shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy or by the Secretary with respect to additional station or signal lights and shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet These additional station or sig nal lights and shapes or whistle signals shall so far as possible be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light shape or signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules Notice of such special rules shall be published in the Federal Register and after the effective date specified in such notice they shall have effect as if they were a part of these Rules2 2 Submarines maydisplay as a distinctive means of identification an intermittent flashingamber yellow beacon with a sequence of operation of one flash per second for three 3seconds followed by a three 3 second offpealed Other special rules made by the Secretaryof the Navy with respect to additional station and signal lights are found in Part 707 of Title 32Cede of Federal Regulations 32 CFR 707 3 INTERNATIONAL General RULE 1CONTINUED d Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the the purpose of these Rules e Whenever the Government concerned shall have determinedthat a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fullywith the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the numberposition range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes as well as to thedisposition and of soundsignaling appliances suchvessel shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the num ber position range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes as well as tothe disposition and of soundsignaling appliances asher Government shall have determined to be the closest with these Rules in respect to that vessel 4 INLAND General RULE 1 CONTINUED d Traffic separation schemes may be established for the purposesof these Rules Vessel traffic service regulations may be in effect incertain areas e Whenever the Secretary determines that a vessel or class ofvessels of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with theprovisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number positionrange or arc of visibility of lights or shapes as well as to the disposition and of soundsignaling appliances the ves selshall comply with such other provisions in regard to the numberposition range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes as well as to thedisposition and of soundsignaling appliances as theSecretary shall have determined to be the closest possible compliancewith these Rules The Secretary may issue a certificate of for a vessel or class of vessels specifying the compliance with these Rules The Secretary of the Navy shallmake these determinations and issue certificates of for vessels of the Navy f The Secretary may accept a certificate of alternative by a contracting party to the International Regulations if hedetermines that the alternative compliance standards of the contract ing party are substantially the same as those of the United States 5 INTERNATIONAL General RULE 2 Responsibility a Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel or the ownermaster or crew thereof from the consequences of any neglect tocomply with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution which maybe required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the of the case b In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall behad to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any including the limitations of the vessels involved whichmay make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoidimmediate danger RULE 3 General Definitions For the purpose of these Rules except where the context a The word Vessel includes every description of water craftincluding craft and seaplanes used or capable ofbeing used as a means of transportation on water b The term Powerdriven vessel means any vessel propelled bymachinery c The term sailing vessel means any vessel under sail providedthat propelling machinery if fitted is not being used d The term Vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishingwith nets lines trawls or other fishing apparatus which but does not include a vessel fishing with trollinglines or other fishing apparatus which do not restrict e The word Seaplane includes any aircraft designed to maneuver on the water f The term Vessel not under command means a vessel whichthrough some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver asrequired by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of theway of another vessel g The term Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver means avessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability tomaneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keepout of the way of another vessel 6 INLAND General RULE 2 Responsibility a Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel or the ownermaster or crew thereof from the consequences of any neglect tocomply with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution whichmay be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the of the case b In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shallbe had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any including the limitations of the vessels involvedwhich may make a departure from these Rules necessary to avoidimmediate danger RULE 3 General Definitions For the purpose of these Rules and this Act except where thecontext otherwise requires a The word vessel includes every description of water craftincluding craft and seaplanes used or capable ofbeing used as a means of transportation on water b The term powerdriven vessel means any vessel propelled bymachinery c The term sailing vessel means any vessel under sail providedthat propelling machinery if fitted is not being used d The term vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishingwith nets lines trawls or other fishing apparatus which but does not include a vessel fishing with trollinglines or other fishing apparatus which do not restrict e The word seaplane includes any aircraft designed to maneu ver on the water f The term vessel not under command means a vessel whichthrough some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver asrequired by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of theway of another vessel g The term vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver means avessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability tomaneuver as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keepout of the way of another vessel vessels restricted in their ability tomaneuver include but are not limited to 7 INTERNATIONAL General RULE 3CONTINUED The term Vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver shallinclude but not be limited to i a vessel engaged in laying servicing or picking up a navigation mark submarine cable or pipeline ii a vessel engaged in dredging surveying or underwater operations iii a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons provisions or cargo while underway iv a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft v a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations vi a vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course h The term vessel constrained by her draft means a powerdriven vessel which because of her draft in relation to the availabledepth and width of navigable water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is following i The word underway means that a vessel is not at anchor ormade fast to the shore or aground j The words length and breadth of a vessel means her lengthoverall and greatest breadth k Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only whenone can be observed visually from the other I The term restricted visibility means any condition in is restricted by fog mist falling snow heavy or any other similar causes 8 INLAND General RULE 3CONTINUEDi a vessel engaged in laying servicing or picking up a navigationmark submarine cable or pipelineii a vessel engaged in dredging surveying or a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring or cargo while underwayiv a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraftv v a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations andvi a vessel engaged in a towing operation such as the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate fromtheir course h The word underway means that a vessel is not at anchor ormade fast to the shore or aground i The words length and breadth of a vessel means her lengthoverall and greatest breadth j Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only whenone can be observed visually from the other k The term restricted visibility means any condition in is restricted by fog mist falling snow heavy or any other similar causes 9INTERNATIONAL General BLANK 10 INLAND General RULE 3CONTINUED I Western Rivers means the Mississippi River its Pass and Southwest Pass to the navigational dividing the high seas from harbors rivers and other inlandwaters of the United States and the Port AllenMorgan City AlternateRoute and that part of the Atchafalaya River above its junction withthe Port AllenMorgan City Alternate Route including the Old Riverand the Red River m Great Lakes means the Great Lakes and their connecting andtributary waters including the Calumet River as far as the Thomas JOBrien Lock and Controlling Works between mile 326 and 327 theChicago River as far as the east side of the Ashland Avenue Bridgebetween mile 321 and 322 and the Saint Lawrence River as far eastas the lower exit of Saint Lambert Lock n Secretary means the Secretary of the department in which theCoast Guard is operating o Inland Waters means the navigable waters of the UnitedStates shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing thehigh seas from harbors rivers and other inland waters of the UnitedStates and the waters of the Great Lakes on the United States side ofthe International Boundary p Inland Rules or Rules mean the Inland Navigational Rulesand the annexes thereto which govern the conduct of vessels andspecify the lights shapes and sound signals that apply on inlandwaters and q International Regulations means the International Regulationsfor Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 including annexes currently inforce for the United States 11 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules PART BSTEERING AND SAILING RULES Section IConduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility RULE 4 Application Rules in this Section apply to any condition of visibility RULE 5 Lookout Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight andhearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the pre vailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of thesituation and of the risk of collision 12 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules PART BSTEERING AND SAILING RULES Subpart IConduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility RULE 4 in this subpart apply in any condition of visibility RULE 5 Lookout Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight andheading as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of thesituation and of the risk of collision 13 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 6 Safe Speed Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that shecan take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stoppedwithin a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances andconditions In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be amongthose taken into account a By all vessels i the state of visibility ii the traffic density including concentrations of fishing ves sels or any other vessels iii the of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions iv at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from back scatter of her own lights v the state of wind sea and current and the proximity of navigational hazards vi the draft in relation to the available depth of water b Additionally by vessels with operational radar i the efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment ii any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use iii the effect on radar detection of the sea state weather and other sources of interference iv the possibility that small vessels ice and other floating objects may not be detected by radar at an adequate range v the number location and movement of vessels detected by radar vi the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity 14 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 6 Safe Speed Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that shecan take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stoppedwithin a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances andconditions In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be amongthose taken into account a By all vessels i the state of visibility ii the traffic density including concentration of fishing ves sels or any other vessels iii the of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions iv at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from back scatter of her own lights v the state of wind sea and current and the proximity of navigational hazards vi the draft in relation to the available depth of water b Additionally by vessels with operational radar i the efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment ii any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use iii the effect on radar detection of the sea state weather and other sources of interference iv the possibility that small vessels ice and other floating objects may not be detected by radar at an adequate range v the number location and movement of vessels detected by radar and vi the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to determine the range of ves sels or other objects in the vicinity 15 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 7 Risk of Collision a Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to theprevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist b Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted andoperational including longrange scanning to obtain early warning ofrisk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent systematic observationof detected objects c Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of especially scanty radar information d In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall be among those taken into account i such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass heading of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change ii such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close range 16 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 7 Risk of Collisiona Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to existb Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and operational including longrange scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation of detected objectsc Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information especially scanty radar informationd In determining if risk of collision exists the following considera tions shall be among those taken into account i such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass heading of an approaching vessel does not appreciably change ii such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close range 17 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 8 Action to Avoid Collision a Any action taken to avoid collision shall if the circumstances ofthe case admit be positive made in ample time and with due regardto the observance of good seamanship b Any alteration of course andor speed to avoid collision shall ifthe circumstances of the case admit be large enough to be to another vessel observing visually or by radar a succession of small alterations of course andor speed should be avoided c If there is sufficient sea room alteration of course alone may bethe most effective action to avoid a closequarters situation providedthat it is made in good time is substantial and does not result inanother closequarters situation d Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be suchas to result in passing at a safe distance The effectiveness of theaction shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally pastand clear e If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess thesituation a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off bystopping or reversing her means of propulsion f i A vessel which by any of these rules is required not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel shall when required by the circumstances of the case take early action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the other vessel ii A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if approaching the other vessel so as to involve risk of collision and shall when taking action have full regard to the action which may be required by the rules of this part iii A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded remains fully obliged to comply with the rules of this part when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision 18 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 8 Action to Avoid Collision a Any action taken to avoid collision shall if the circumstances ofthe case admit be positive made in ample time and with due regardto the observance of good seamanship b Any alteration of course or speed to avoid collision shall ifthe circumstances of the case admit be large enough to be to another vessel observing visually or by radar a succes sion of small alterations of course or speed should be avoided c If there is sufficient sea room alteration of course alone may bethe most effective action to avoid a closequarters situation providedthat it is made in good time is substantial and does not result inanother closequarters situation d Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be suchas to result in passing at a safe distance The effectiveness of theaction shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally pastand clear e If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess thesituation a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off bystopping or reversing her means of propulsion f i A vessel which by any of these rules is required not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel shall when required by the circumstances of the case take early action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the other vessel ii A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe pas sage of another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if approaching the other vessel so as to involve risk of collision and shall when taking action have full regard to the action which may be required by the rules of this part iii A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded remains fully obliged to comply with the rules of this part when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision 19 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 9 Narrow Channels a i A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable ii paragraph ai and Rule 14a a powerdriven vessel operating in narrow channels or fairways on the Great Lakes Western Rivers or waters specified by the Secretary and proceeding downbound with a following current shall have the right ofway over an upbound vessel shall propose the manner and place of passage and shall initiate the maneuvering signals prescribed by rule 34ai as appropriate The vessel proceeding upbound against the current shall hold as necessary to permit safe passing b A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shallnot impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate onlywithin a narrow channel or fairway c A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of anyother vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway d A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only withinsuch channel or fairway The latter vessel may use the sound in Rule 34d if in doubt as to the intention of the crossingvessel e i In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding the appropriate signal pre scribed in Rule 34c The vessel to be overtaken shall if in agreement sound the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34c and take steps to permit safe passing If in doubt she may sound the signals prescribed in Rule 34d ii This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her oblig ation under Rule 13 f A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairwaywhere other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shallnavigate with particular alertness and caution and shall sound theappropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34e g Any vessel shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoidanchoring in a narrow channel 20 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 9 Narrow Channelsa i A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fair way which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable ii paragraph ai and Rule 14a a power driven vessel operating in narrow channels or fairways on the Great Lakes Western Riversor waters specified by the Secretary and proceeding downbound with a following current shall have the rightofway over an upbound vessel shall pro pose the manner and place of passage and shall initiate the maneuvering signals prescribed by Rule 34ai as appropriate The vessel proceeding upbound against the current shall hold as necessary to permit safe passing b A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shallnot impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate onlywithin a narrow channel or fairway c A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of anyother vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway d A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if suchcrossing impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely navigateonly within that channel or fairway The latter vessel shall use thedanger signal prescribed in Rule 34d if in doubt as to the intention ofthe crossing vessel e i In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34c and take steps to permit safe passing The overtaken vessel if in agreement shall sound the same signal If in doubt she shall sound the danger signal prescribed in Rule 34d ii This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her oblig ation under Rule 13 f A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel orfairway where other vessels may be obscured by an shall navigate with particular alertness and caution andshall sound the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34e g Every vessel shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoidanchoring in a narrow channel 21 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 10 Traffic Separation Schemes a This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under anyother rule b A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall i proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane ii so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone iii normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane but when joining or leaving from either side shall do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable c A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid crossing traffic lanesbut if obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicableat right angles to the general direction of traffic flow d i A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use the appropriate traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme However vessels of less than 20 meters in length sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic zone ii subparagraph di a vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port offshore installation or structure pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore traffic zone or to avoid immediate danger e A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leavinga lane shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separationline except i in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger ii to engage in fishing within a separation zone f A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic shall do so with particular caution g A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a trafficsepara tion scheme or in areas near its terminations h A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by aswide a margin as is practicable i A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of anyvessel following a traffic lane j A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall notimpede the safe passage of a powerdriven vessel following a traffic lane 22 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 10 Traffic Separation Schemes a This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes and does notrelieve any vessel of her obligation under any other Rule b A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall i proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane ii so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone iii normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane but when joining or leaving from either side shall do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable c A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid crossing traffic lanes butif obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable atright angles to the general direction of traffic flow d i A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use the appropriate traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme However vessels of less than 20 meters in length sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic zone ii subparagraph di a vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port offshore installation or structure pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore traffic zone or to avoid immediate danger e A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leavinga lane shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separationline except i in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger or ii to engage in fishing within a separation zone f A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of schemes shall do so with particular caution g A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a scheme or in areas near its terminations h A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by aswide a margin as is practicable i A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of anyvessel following a traffic lane j A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall notimpede the safe passage of a powerdriven vessel following a traffic lane 23 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 10Continued k A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged inan operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a scheme is exempted from complying with this Rule to theextent necessary to carry out the operation I A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged inan operation for the laying servicing or picking up of a submarinecable within a traffic separation scheme is exempted fromcomplying with this Rule to the extent necessary to carry out theoperation 24 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 10Continued k A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged inan operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a scheme is exempted from complying with this Rule to theextent necessary to carry out the operation I A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged inan operation for the laying servicing or picking up of a submarinecable within a traffic separation scheme is exempted fromcomplying with this Rule to the extent necessary to carry out theoperation 25 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules Section IIConduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another RULE 11 Application Rules in this section apply to vessels in sight of one another RULE 12 Sailing Vessels a When two sailing vessels are approaching one another so as toinvolve risk of collision one of them shall keep out of the way of theother as follows i when each has the wind on a different side the vessel which has the wind on the pod side shall keep out of the way of the other ii when both have the wind on the same side the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to leeward iii if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to windward and cannot determine with certainty whether the other vessel has the wind on the port or on the starboard side she shall keep out of the way of the other b For the purposes of this Rule the windward side shall bedeemed to be the side opposite to that on which the mainsail iscarried or in the case of a squarerigged vessel the side opposite tothat on which the largest foreandaft sail is carried 26 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules Subpart IIConduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another RULE 11 Application Rules in this subpart apply to vessels in sight of one another RULE 12 Sailing Vessels a When two sailing vessels are approaching one another so as toinvolve risk of collision one of them shall keep out of the way of theother as follows i when each has the wind on a different side the vessel which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other ii when both have the wind on the same side the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to leeward and iii if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to windward and cannot determine with certainty whether the other vessel has the wind on the port or on the starboard side she shall keep out of the way of the other b For the purpose of this Rule the windward side shall be deemedto be the side opposite to that on which the mainsail is carried or inthe case of a squarerigged vessel the side opposite to that on whichthe largest foreandaft sail is carried 27 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 13 Overtaking a anything contained in the Rules of Part B Sections I and 11 any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out ofthe way of the vessel being overtaken b A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up withanother vessel from a direction more than 225 degrees abaft herbeam that is in such a position with reference to the vessel she isovertaking that at night she would be able to see only the sternlight ofthat vessel but neither of her sidelights c When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly d Any subsequent alteration of the bearing between the twovessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel withinthe meaning of these Rules or relieve her of the duty of keeping clearof the overtaken vessel until she is finally past and clear 28 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 13 Overtaking a anything contained in Rules 4 through 18 anyvessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vesselbeing overtaken b A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up withanother vessel from a direction more than 225 degrees abaft herbeam that is in such a position with reference to the vessel she isovertaking that at night she would be able to see only the sternlight ofthat vessel but neither of her sidelights c When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly d Any subsequent alteration of the bearing between the twovessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel withinthe meaning of these Rules or relieve her of the duty of keeping clearof the overtaken vessel until she is finally past and clear 29 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 14 Headon Situation a When two powerdriven vessels are meeting on reciprocal ornearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shallalter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port sideof the other b Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel seesthe other ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see themasthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line andor bothsidelights and by day she observes the corresponding aspect of theother vessel c When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly RULE 15 Crossing Situation When two powerdriven vessels are crossing so as to involve riskof collision the vessel which has the other on her own starboard sideshall keep out of the way and shall if the circumstances of the caseadmit avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel 30 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 14 Headon Situation a Unless otherwise agreed when two powerdriven vessels aremeeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involverisk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that eachshall pass on the port side of the other b Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees theother ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelightsand by day she observes the corresponding aspect of the other ves sel c When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly d paragraph a of this Rule a power drivenvessel operating on the Great Lakes Western Rivers or by the Secretary and proceeding downbound with afollowing current shall have the rightofway over an upbound vesselshall propose the manner of passage and shall initiate themaneuvering signals prescribed by Rule 34a1 as appropriate RULE 15 Crossing Situation a When two powerdriven vessels are crossing so as to involverisk of collision the vessel which has the other on her starboard sideshall keep out of the way and shall If the circumstances of the caseadmit avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel b paragraph a on the Great Lakes WesternRivers or water specified by the Secretary a vessel crossing a rivershall keep out of the way of a powerdriven vessel ascending ordescending the river 31 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 16 Action by Giveway Vessel Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of anothervessel shall so far as possible take early and substantial action tokeep well clear RULE 17 Action by Standon Vessel a i Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall keep her course and speed ii The latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her maneuver alone as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action in compliance with these Rules b When from any cause the vessel required to keep her courseand speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided bythe action of the giveway vessel alone she shall take such action aswill best aid to avoid collision c A powerdriven vessel which takes action in a crossing situationin accordance with subparagraph aii of this Rule to avoid collisionwith another powerdriven vessel shall if the circumstances of thecase admit not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side d This Rule does not relieve the giveway vessel of her obligationto keep out of the way 32 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 16 Action by Giveway Vessel Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of anothervessel shall so far as possible take early and substantial action tokeep well clear RULE 17 Action by Standon Vessel a i Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall keep her course and speed ii The latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her maneuver alone as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action in compliance with these Rules b When from any cause the vessel required to keep her courseand speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided bythe action of the giveway vessel alone she shall take such action aswill best aid to avoid collision c A powerdriven vessel which takes action in a crossing situationin accordance with subparagraph aii of this Rule to avoid collisionwith another powerdriven vessel shall if the circumstances of thecase admit not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side d This Rule does not relieve the giveway vessel of her obligationto keep out of the way 33 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 18 Between Vessels Except where Rules 9 10 and 13 otherwise require a A powerdriven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver iii a vessel engaged in fishing and iv a sailing vessel b A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver and iii a vessel engaged in fishing c A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall so far aspossible keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver di A vessel other than a vessel not under command or a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft exhibiting the signals in Rule 28 ii A vessel constrained by her draft shall navigate with particular caution having full regard to her special condition e A seaplane on the water shall in general keep well clear of allvessels and avoid impeding their navigation In where risk of collision exists she shall comply with theRules of this Part 34 INLAND Steering and Sailing Rules RULE 18 Between Vessels Except where Rules 9 10 and 13 otherwise require a A powerdriven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver iii a vessel engaged in fishing and iv a sailing vessel b A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver and iii a vessel engaged in fishing c A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall so far aspossible keep out of the way of i a vessel not under command and ii a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver d A seaplane on the water shall in general keep well clear of allvessels and avoid impeding their navigation In circumstances how ever where risk of collision exists she shall comply with the Rulesof this Part 35 INTERNATIONAL Steering and Sailing RulesSubpart IllConduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility RULE 19 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility a This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another whennavigating in or near an area of restricted visibility b Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to theprevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility A powerdriven vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver c Every vessel shall have due regard to the and conditions of restricted visibility when complyingwith Rules of Section I of this Part d A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of anothervessel shall determine if a closequarters situation is developing andorrisk of collision exists If so she shall take avoiding action in ampletime provided that when such action consists of an alteration of courseso far as possible the following shall be avoided i an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam other than for a vessel being overtaken and ii an alteration of course toward a vessel abeam or abaft the beam e Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision doesnot exist every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam thefog signal of another vessel or which cannot avoid a with another vessel forward of her beam shall reduce herspeed to the minimum at which she can be kept on course She shall ifnecessary take all her way off and in any event navigate with extremecaution until danger of collision is over 36 INLAND Steering and Sailing RulesSubpart IllConduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility RULE 19 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility a This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another whennavigating in or near an area of restricted visibility b Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to theprevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility A powerdriven vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver c Every vessel shall have due regard to the and conditions of restricted visibility when complyingwith Rules 4 through 10 d A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of anothervessel shall determine if a closequarters situation is developing orrisk of collision exists If so she shall take avoiding action in ampletime provided that when such action consists of an alteration of courseso far as possible the following shall be avoided i an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam other than for a vessel being overtaken and ii an alteration of course toward a vessel abeam or abaft the beam e Except where it has been determined that a risk of collisiondoes not exist every vessel which hears apparently forward of herbeam the fog signal of another vessel or which cannot avoid a closequarters situation with another vessel forward of her beam shall reduceher speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on course Sheshall if necessary take all her way off and in any event navigate withextreme caution until danger of collision is over 37 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes PART CLIGHTS AND SHAPES RULE 20 Application a Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers b The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunsetto sunrise and during such times no other lights shall be such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified inthese Rules or do not impair their visibility or distinctive character orinterfere with the keeping of a proper lookout c The lights prescribed by these Rules shall if carried also beexhibited from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may beexhibited in all other circumstances when it is deemed necessary d The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day e The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply withthe provisions of Annex I of these Regulations 38 INLAND Lights and Shapes PART CLIGHTS AND SHAPES RULE 20 Application a Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers b The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunsetto sunrise and during such times no other lights shall be such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified inthese Rules or do not impair their visibility or distinctive character orinterfere with the keeping of a proper lookout c The lights prescribed by these Rules shall if carried also beexhibited from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may beexhibited in all other circumstances when it is deemed necessary d The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day e The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply withthe provisions of Annex I of these Rules 39 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 21 Definitions a Masthead light means a white light placed over the fore andaft centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc ofthe horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light fromright ahead to 225 degrees abaft the beam on either side of thevessel b Sidelights mean a green light on the starboard side and ared light on the port side each showing an unbroken light over an arcof the horizon of 1125 degrees and so fixed as to show the lightfrom right ahead to 225 degrees abaft the beam on its respectiveside In a vessel of less than 20 meters in length the sidelights maybe combined in one lantern carried on the fore and aft centerline ofthe vessel c Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicableat the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 675 degrees fromright aft on each side of the vessel d Towing light means a yellow light having the as the sternlight defined in paragraph c of thisRule e Allround light means a light showing an unbroken light overan arc of the horizon of 360 degrees f Flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at afrequency of 120 flashes or more per minute 40 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 21 Definitions a Masthead light means a white light placed over the fore andaft centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc ofthe horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light fromright ahead to 225 degrees abaft the beam on either side of thevessel except that on a vessel of less than 12 meters in length themasthead light shall be placed as nearly as practicable to the foreand aft centerline of the vessel b Sidelights mean a green light on the starboard side and a redlight on the port side each showing an unbroken light over an arc ofthe horizon of 1125 degrees and so fixed as to show the light fromright ahead to 225 degrees abaft the beam on its respective side Ona vessel of less than 20 meters in length the sidelights may becombined in one lantern carried on the fore and aft centerline of thevessel except that on a vessel of less than 12 meters in when combined in one lantern shall be placed as nearly aspracticable to the fore and aft centerline of the vessel c Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicableat the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 675 degrees from rightaft on each side of the vessel d Towing light means a yellow light having the as the sternlight defined in paragraph c of thisRule e Allround light means a light showing an unbroken light overan arc of the horizon of 360 degrees f Flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at afrequency of 120 flashes or more per minute g Special flashing light means a yellow light flashing at at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute placed as farforward and as nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline ofthe tow and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon ofnot less than 180 degrees nor more than 225 degrees and so fixed asto show the light from right ahead to abeam and no more than 225degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel 41 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 22 Visibility of Lights The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensityas specified in Section 8 of Annex I to these Rules so as to bevisible at the following minimum ranges a In a vessel of 50 meters or more in length a masthead light 6 miles a sidelight 3 miles a sternlight 3 miles a towing light 3 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 3 miles and b In a vessel of 12 meters or more in length but less than 50meters in length a masthead light 5 miles except that where the length of the vessel is less than 20 meters 3 miles a sidelight 2 miles a sternlight 2 miles a towing light 2 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 2 miles and c In a vessel of less than 12 meters in length a masthead light 2 miles a sidelight 1 mile a sternlight 2 miles a towing light 2 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 2 miles and d In an inconspicuous partly submerged vessel or object being towed a white allround light 3 miles 42 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 22 Visibility of Lights The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity asspecified in Annex I to these Rules so as to be visible at thefollowing minimum ranges a In a vessel of 50 meters or more in length a masthead light 6 miles a sidelight 3 miles a sternlight 3 miles a towing light 3 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 3 miles and a special flashing light 2 miles b In a vessel of 12 meters or more in length but less than 50meters in length a masthead light 5 miles except that where the length of the vessel is less than 20 meters 3 miles a sidelight 2 miles a sternlight 2 miles a towing light 2 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 2 miles and a special flashing light 2 miles c In a vessel of less than 12 meters in length a masthead light 2 miles a sidelight 1 mile a sternlight 2 miles a towing light 2 miles a white red green or yellow allround light 2 miles and a special flashing light 2 miles d In an inconspicuous partly submerged vessel or object being towed a white allround light 3 miles 43 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 23 Powerdriven Vessels Underwaya A powerdriven vessel underway shall exhibit i a masthead light forward ii a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so iii sidelights iv a stern light Powerdriven vessel underway Same for Inland 44 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 23 Powerdriven Vessels Underwaya A powerdriven vessel underway shall exhibit i a masthead light forward except that a vessel of less than 20 meters in length need not exhibit this light forward of amidships but shall exhibit it as far forward as is practicable ii a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so iii sidelights and iv a stern light Powerdriven vessel underwayless than 50 meters in length Same for International 45 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 23CONTINUED b An aircushion vessel when operating in the shall in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph a ofthis Rule exhibit an allround flashing yellow vessel when operating in the mode vessel less than 50 meters in length 46 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 23CONTINUED b An aircushion vessel when operating in the shall In addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph a of thisRule exhibit an allround flashing yellow light where it can best beseen Aircushion vessel when operating in the displacement mode vessel less than 50 meters in length 47 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 23CONTINUEDc i A powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph a of this Rule exhibit an allround white light and sidelights ii a powerdriven vessel of less than 7 meters in length whose maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph a of this Rule exhibit an all round white light and shall if practicable also exhibit sidelights iii the masthead light or allround white light on a powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may be displaced from the fore and aft centerline of the vessel if centerline fitting is not practicable provided that the sidelights are combined in one lantern which shall be carried on the fore and aft centerline of the vessel or located as nearly as practicable in the same fore and aft line as the masthead light or the allround white vessel of less than 7 meters in length whose maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots 48 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 23CONTINUEDc A powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph a of this Rule exhibit an allround white light and sidelights Powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length Same for International Lights and Shapes Blank 50 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 23CONTINUED d A powerdriven vessel when operating on the Great Lakesmay carry an allround white light in lieu of the second mastheadlight and sternlight prescribed in paragraph a of this Rule Thelight shall be carried in the position of the second masthead light andbe visible at the same minimum range Powerdriven vessel on Great Lakes 51 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24 Towing and Pushinga A powerdriven vessel when towing shall exhibit i instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23ai or aii two masthead lights in a vertical line When the length of the tow measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200 meters three such lights in a vertical line ii sidelights iii a sternlight iv a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight v when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters a diamond shape where it can best be seen Powerdriven vessel towing asterntowing vessel less than 50 meters in length length of tow exceeds 200 meters Same for Inland 52 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED b When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead arerigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a powerdriven vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 23 Composite unit underwayless than 50 meters in length Same for Internationala A powerdriven vessel when towing shall exhibit i instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23ai or aii two masthead lights in a vertical line When the length of the tow measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200 meters three such lights in a vertical line ii sidelights iii a sternlight iv a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight v when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters a diamond shape where it can best be seen Powerdriven vessel towing asterntowing vessel less than 50 meters in length length of tow 200 meters or less Same for International 53 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24 Towing and Pushing b When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead arerigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as apowerdriven vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 23 Composite unit underway Same for Inland 54 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED b When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead arerigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as apowerdriven vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 23 Composite unit underwayless than 50 meters in length Same for International 55 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24 CONTINUED c A powerdriven vessel when pushing ahead or except in the case of a composite unit shall exhibit i instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23ai or aii two masthead lights in a vertical line ii sidelights iii a stern vessel pushing ahead or towing vessel less than 50 meters in length 56 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED c A powerdriven vessel when pushing ahead or except as required by paragraphs b and i of this Ruleshall exhibit i instead of the light prescribed either in Rule 23ai or 23aii two masthead lights in a vertical line ii ii sidelights and iii two towing lights in a vertical vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside towing vessel less than 50 meters in length 57 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED d A powerdriven vessel to which paragraph a or c of thisRule apply shall also comply with Rule vessel towing asternlength of tow 200 meters or less The after masthead light is optional for vessel less than 50 meters in length Same for Inland e A vessel or object being towed other than those mentioned inparagraph g of this Rule shall exhibit i sidelights ii a sternlightiii when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters a diamondshape where it can best be seenVessel or object being towedlength of tow exceeds 200 meters Same forInland 58 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED d A powerdriven vessel to which paragraphs a or c of this Ruleapply shall also comply with Rule 23ai and vessel towing asternlength of tow 200 meters or lessWhen masthead lights for towing or pushing are exhibited aft a ight is required Same for International e A vessel or object other than those referred to in paragraph g ofthis Rule being towed shall exhibit i sidelights ii a sternlight and iii when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters a diamond shape where it can best be seenVessel being towedlength of tow 200 meters or less Same 59 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED f Provided that any number of vessels being towed alongsideor pushed in a group shall be lighted as one vessel i a vessel being pushed ahead not being part of a composite unit shall exhibit at the forward end sidelights ii a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a sternlight and at the forward end sidelights Vessel being pushed ahead not being part of a composite unit Vessel being towed alongside 60 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED f Provided that any number of vessels being towed alongsideor pushed in a group shall be lighted as one vessel i a vessel being pushed ahead not being part of a composite unit shall exhibit at the forward end sidelights and a special flashing light and ii a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a sternlight and at the forward end sidelights Vessel being pushed ahead not being part of a composite unit Vessel being towed alongside 61 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUEDg An inconspicuous partly submerged vessel or object orcombination of such vessels or objects being towed shall exhibit i if it is less than 25 meters in breadth one allround white light at or near the forward end and one at or near the after end except that dracones need not exhibit a light at or near the forward end ii if it is 25 meters or more in breadth two additional allround white lights at or near the extremities of its breadth iii if it exceeds 100 meters in length additional allround white lights between the lights prescribed in subparagraphs i and ii so that the distance between the lights shall not exceed 100 meters iv a diamond shape at or near the aftermost extremity of the last vessel or object being towed and if the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters an additional diamond shape where it can best be seen and located as far forward as is practicable Dracone being towed 62 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED g An inconspicuous partly submerged vessel or object beingtowed shall exhibit i if it is less than 25 meters in breadth one allround white light at or near each end ii if it is 25 meters or more in breadth four allround white lights to mark its length and breadth iii if it exceeds 100 meters in length additional allround white lights between the lights prescribed in subparagraphs i and ii so that the distance between the lights shall not exceed 100 meters Provided That any vessels or objects being towed alongside each other shall be lighted as one vessel or object iv a diamond shape at or near the aftermost extremity of the last vessel or object being towed and v the towing vessel may direct a searchlight in the direction of the tow to indicate its presence to an approaching vessel 63 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED h Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vesselor object being towed to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed inparagraph e or g of this Rule all possible measures shall betaken to light the vessel or object towed or at least to indicate thepresence of such vessel or object 64 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED h Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for avessel or object being towed to exhibit the lights prescribed inparagraph e or g of this Rule all possible measures shall betaken to light the vessel or object towed or at least to indicate thepresence of the unlighted vessel or object Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED BLANK 66 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED i paragraph c on the Western Rivers exceptbelow the Huey P Long Bridge on the Mississippi River and onwaters specified by the Secretary a powerdriven vessel whenpushing ahead or towing alongside except as paragraph b appliesshall exhibit i sidelights and ii two towing lights in a vertical line pushing ahead on Western Rivers above the Huey P Long Bridge on the Mississippi River 67 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED i Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for avessel not normally engaged in towing operations to display thelights prescribed in paragraph a or c of this Rule such vesselshall not be required to exhibit those lights when engaged in towinganother vessel in distress or otherwise in need of assistance Allpossible measures shall be taken to indicate the nature of between the towing vessel and the vessel being towedas authorized by Rule 36 in particular by illuminating the towline 68 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 24CONTINUED j Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for avessel not normally engaged in towing operations to display thelights prescribed by paragraph a c ori of this Rule such vesselshall not be required to exhibit those lights when engaged in towinganother vessel in distress or otherwise in need of assistance Allpossible measures shall be taken to indicate the nature of between the towing vessel and the vessel beingassisted The searchlight authorized by Rule 36 may be used toilluminate the tow 69 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 25 Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars a A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit i sidelights ii a stern light b In a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in length the in paragraph a of this Rule may be combined in onelantern carried at or near the top of the mast where it can best beseen Sailing vessel underway Same for Inland 70 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 25 Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars a A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit i sidelights and iia stern light b In a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in length the in paragraph a of this Rule may be combined in onelantern carried at or near the top of the mast where it can best beseen Sailing vessel underwayless than 20 meters in length Same for International 71 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUED c A sailing vessel underway may in addition to the in paragraph a of this Rule exhibit at or near the top ofthe mast where they can best be seen two allround lights in avertical line the upper being red and the lower green but theselights shall not be exhibited in conjunction with the combined by paragraph b of this Rule Sailing vessel underway Same for Inland 72 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUED c A sailing vessel underway may in addition to the in paragraph a of this Rule exhibit at or near the top ofthe mast where they can best be seen two allround lights in avertical line the upper being red and the lower green but theselights shall not be exhibited in conjunction with the combined by paragraph b of this Rule 73 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUEDd i A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length shall if practicable exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph a or b of this Rule but if she does not she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision ii A vessel under oars may exhibit the lights prescribed in this Rule for sailing vessels but if she does not she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision Sailing vessel underwayless than 7 meters in length Same for Inland 74 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUEDd i A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length shall if practicable exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph a or b of this Rule but if she does not she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision ii A vessel under oars may exhibit the lights prescribed in this Rule for sailing vessels but if she does not she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision Vessel under oars Same for International 75 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUED e A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled bymachinery shall exhibit forward where it can best be seen a conicalshape apex downwards Vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by machin erySame for Inland except that a vessel of less than 12 meters in length is not required to exhibit the dayshape 76 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 25CONTINUED e A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled bymachinery shall exhibit forward where it can best be seen a conicalshape apex downward A vessel of less than 12 meters in length isnot required to exhibit this shape but may do so 77 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 26 Fishing Vessels a A vessel engaged in fishing whether underway or at anchorshall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule b A vessel when engaged in trawling by which is meant thedragging through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus usedas a fishing appliance shall exhibit i two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being green and the lower white or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the other ii a masthead light abaft of and higher than the allround green light a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel engaged in trawlingnot making way Same for Inland 78 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 26 Fishing Vessels a A vessel engaged in fishing whether underway or at anchorshall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule b A vessel when engaged in trawling by which is meant thedragging through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus usedas a fishing appliance shall exhibit i two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being green and the lower white or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the other a vessel of less than 20 meters in length may instead of this shape exhibit a basket ii a masthead light abaft of and higher than the allround green light a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so and iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel engaged in trawlingnot making way vessel less than 50 meters in length Same for International 79 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE engaged in trawlingmaking way vessel less than 50 meters in length Same for Inland 80 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE engaged in trawlingmaking way Same for International 81 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 26CONTINUEDc A vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling shall exhibit i two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being red and the lower white or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in a vertical line one above the other ii when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 meters horizontally from the vessel an allround white light or a cone apex upward in the direction of the gear and iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawlingnot making way Same for International 82 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 26CONTINUEDc A vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling shall exhibit i two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being red and the lower white or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in a vertical line one above the other a vessel of less than 20 meters in length may instead of this shape exhibit a basket ii when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 meters horizontally from the vessel an allround white light or a cone apex upward in the direction of the gear and iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawlingnot making way Same for International 83 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 26CONTINUED d The additional signals described in Annex II to apply to a vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity toother vessels engaged in fishing e A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lightsor shapes prescribed in this Rule but only those prescribed for avessel of her length 84 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 26CONTINUED d A vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vesselsengaged in fishing may exhibit the additional signals described inAnnex II to these Rules e A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit thelights or shapes prescribed in this Rule but only those prescribed fora vessel of her length 85 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27 Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability to Maneuvera A vessel not under command shall exhibit i two allround red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen ii two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel not under commandnot making way Same for Inland 86 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability to Maneuvera A vessel not under command shall exhibit i two allround red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen ii two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen and iii when making way through the water in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph sidelights and a sternlight Vessel not under commandmaking way Same for International 87 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED b A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver except a vesselengaged in mineclearance operations shall exhibit i three allround lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white ii three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a diamond iii when making way through the water a masthead light or lights sidelights and a sternlight in addition to the lights pre scribed in subparagraph i iv when at anchor in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in subparagraphs i and ii the light lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30 Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuvermaking way vessel less than 50 meters in length Same for Inland 88 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27Continued b A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver except a vesselengaged in mineclearance operations shall exhibit i three allround lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white ii three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a diamond iii when making way through the water masthead lights sidelights and a sternlight in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph bi and iv when at anchor in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in subparagraphs bi and ii the light lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 30 Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverat anchor vessel less than 50 meters in length Same for International 89 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED c A powerdriven vessel engaged in a towing operation such asseverely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability todeviate from their course shall in addition to ht e lights or in Rule 24a exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed bi and ii of this Rule 90 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED c A vessel engaged in a towing operation which severely restrictsthe towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from theircourse shall in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed bi and ii of this Rule exhibit the lights or in Rule 24 Vessel engaged in towing operation which severely restricts towingvessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their courselength oftow does not exceed 200 meters towing vessel less than 50 meters inlength Same for International 91 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED d A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations whenrestricted in her ability to maneuver shall exhibit the lights andshapes prescribed in subparagraphs bi ii and iii of this Ruleand shall in addition when an obstruction exists exhibit i two allround red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the side on which the obstruction exists ii two allround green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to indicate the side on which another vessel may pass iii when at anchor the lights or shapes prescribed in this paragraph instead of the lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30 Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations when restricted in ability to maneuvermaking way with an obstruction on the starboard side Same for Inland 92 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED d A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations whenrestricted in her ability to maneuver shall exhibit the lights andshapes prescribed in subparagraphs bi ii and iii of this Ruleand shall in addition when an obstruction exists exhibit i two allround red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the side on which the obstruction exists ii two allround green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to indicate the side on which another vessel may pass and iii when at anchor the lights or shape prescribed by this para graph instead of the lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 30 for anchored vessels Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations when restricted inability to maneuvernot making way with an obstruction on the starboard side Same for International 93 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED e Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving it impracticable to exhibit all lights and shapes prescribed inparagraph d of this Rule the following shall be exhibited i three allround lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white ii a rigid replica of the International Code flag A not less than 1 meter in height Measures shall be taken to ensure its all round visibility Small vessel engaged in diving operations Same for Inland 94 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED e Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving it impracticable to exhibit all lights and shapes prescribed inparagraph d of this Rule the following shall instead be exhibited i Three allround lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white ii A rigid replica of the international Code flag A not less than 1 meter in height Measures shall be taken to insure its allround visibility Small vessel engaged in diving operations Same for International 95 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED f A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall in additionto the lights prescribed for a powerdriven vessel in Rule 23 or to thelights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 asappropriate exhibit three allround green lights or three balls One ofthese lights or shapes shall be exhibited near the foremast head andone at each end of the fore yard These lights or shapes indicatethat it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within 1000meters of the mineclearance vessel Vessel engaged in mineclearance less than 50 meters in length Same for Inland 96 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED f A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall in additionto the lights prescribed for a powerdriven vessel in Rule 23 or to thelights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 asappropriate exhibit three allround green lights or three balls One ofthese lights or shapes shall be exhibited near the foremast head andone at each end of the fore yard These lights or shapes indicatethat it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within 1000meters of the mineclearance vessel Vessel engaged in mineclearance operations Same for international 97 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED g Vessels of less than 12 meters in length except those engagedin diving operations shall not be required to exhibit the lights andshapes prescribed in this Rule h The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels indistress and requiring assistance Such signals are contained inAnnex IV to these Regulations 98 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 27CONTINUED g A vessel of less than 12 meters in length except whenengaged in diving operations is not required to exhibit the lights orshapes prescribed in this Rule h The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels indistress and requiring assistance Such signals are contained inAnnex IV to these Rules 99 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 28 Vessels Constrained by their Draft A vessel constrained by her draft may in addition to the for powerdriven vessels in Rule 23 exhibit where theycan best be seen three allround red lights in a vertical line or acylinder Vessel constrained by her draft 100 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 28 Reserved 101 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 29 Pilot Vessels a A vessel engaged on postage duty shall exhibit i at or near the masthead two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being white and the lower red ii when underway in addition sidelights and a sternlight iii when at anchor in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph i the light lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30 for vessels at anchor b A pilot vessel when not engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibitthe lights or shapes prescribed for a similar vessel of her length Vessel engaged on pilotage dutyunderway Same for Inland 102 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 29 Pilot Vessels a A vessel engaged on postage duty shall exhibit i at or near the masthead two allround lights in a vertical line the upper being white and the lower red ii when underway in addition sidelights and a sternlight and iii when at anchor in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph i the anchor light lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30 for anchored vessels b A pilot vessel when not engaged on postage duty shall exhibitthe lights or shapes prescribed for a vessel of her length Vessel engaged on pilotage dutyat anchor vessel of less than 50 meters in length Same for International 103 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 30 Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground a A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen i in the fore part an allround white light or one ball ii ii at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in subparagraph i an allround white light b A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may exhibit an allround white light where it can best be seen instead of the in paragraph a of this Rule c A vessel at anchor may and a vessel of 100 meters and morein length shall also use the available working or equivalent lights toilluminate her decks Vessel at anchorless than 50 meters in length Same for Inland 104 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 30 Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground a A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen i in the fore part an allround white light or one ball and ii at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in subparagraph i an allround white light b A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may exhibit an allround white light where it can best be seen instead of the in paragraph a of this Rule c A vessel at anchor may and a vessel of 100 meters or more inlength shall also use the available working or equivalent lights toilluminate her decks Vessel at anchor with deck illumination Same for International 105 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 30CONTINUED d A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragrapha or b of this Rule and in addition where they can best be seen i two allround red lights in a vertical line ii three balls in a vertical line Vessel aground Same for Inland 106 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 30CONTINUED d A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragrapha or b of this Rule and in addition if practicable where they canbest be seen i two allround red lights in a vertical line and ii three balls in a vertical line Vessel agroundless than 50 meters in length Same for International 107 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 30CONTINUED e A vessel of less than 7 meters in length when at anchor not inor near a narrow channel fairway or anchorage or where othervessels normally navigate shall not be required to exhibit the lightsor shape prescribed in paragraphs a and b of this Rule f A vessel of less than 12 meters in length when aground shallnot be required to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed di and ii of this Rule 108 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 30CONTINUED e A vessel of less than 7 meters in length when at anchor not inor near a narrow channel fairway anchorage or where other navigate shall not be required to exhibit the lights or in paragraphs a and b of this Rule f A vessel of less than 12 meters in length when aground shall notbe required to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed di and ii of this Rule g A vessel of less than 20 meters in length when at anchor in aspecial anchorage area designated by the Secretary shall not berequired to exhibit the anchor lights and shapes required by this Rule 109 INTERNATIONAL Lights and Shapes RULE 31 Sea planes Where it is impracticable for a seaplane to exhibit lights andshapes of the or in the positions prescribed in theRules of this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closelysimilar in and position as is possible 110 INLAND Lights and Shapes RULE 31 Sea planes Where it is impracticable for a seaplane to exhibit lights andshapes of the or in the positions prescribed in theRules of this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closelysimilar in and position as is possible 111 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals PART DSOUND AND LIGHT SIGNALS RULE 32 Definitions a The word whistle means any sound signaling of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies withthe specifications in Annex III to these Regulations b The term short blast means a blast of about one c The term prolonged blast means a blast of from four to sixseconds duration RULE 33 Equipment for Sound Signals a A vessel of 12 meters or more in length shall be provided with a whistle and a bell and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length shall in addition be provided with a gong the tone and sound of which cannot be confused with that of the bell The whistle bell and gong shall comply with the specifications in Annex III to these Regulations The belt or gong or both may be replaced by other equipment having the same respective sound provided that manual sounding of the prescribed signals shall always be possible b A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged to carry the sound signaling appliances prescribed in paragraph a of this Rule but if she does not she shall be provided with some other means of making an efficient sound signal 112 INLAND Sound and Light Signals PART DSOUND AND LIGHT SIGNALS RULE 32 Definitions a The word whistle means any sound signaling of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies in Annex III to these Rules b The term short blast means a blast of about 1 c The term prolonged blast means a blast of from 4 to 6seconds duration RULE 33 Equipment for Sound Signals a A vessel of 12 meters or more in length shall be provided with awhistle and a bell and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length shallin addition be provided with a gong the tone and sound of whichcannot be confused with that of the bell The whistle bell and gongshall comply with the specifications in Annex III to these Rules Thebell or gong or both may be replaced by other equipment having thesame respective sound provided that manualsounding of the prescribed signals shall always be possible b A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged tocarry the sound signaling appliances prescribed in paragraph a ofthis Rule but if she does not she shall be provided with some othermeans of making an efficient sound signal 113 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 34 Maneuvering and Warning Signals a When vessels are in sight of one another a underway when maneuvering as authorized or required bythese Rules shall indicate that maneuver by the following signals onher whistleone short blast to mean I am altering my course to starboardtwo short blasts to mean I am altering my course to portthree short blasts to mean I am operating astern propulsion b Any vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed inparagraph a of this Rule by light signals repeated as the maneuver is being carried out i these light signals shall have the following significance one flash to mean I am altering my course to starboard two flashes to mean I am altering my course to port three flashes to mean I am operating astern propulsion ii the duration of each flash shall be about one second the interval between flashes shall be about one second and the interval between successive signals shall be not less than ten seconds iii the light used for this signal shall if fitted be an allround white light visible at a minimum range of 5 miles and shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these Regulations 114 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 34 Maneuvering and Warning Signals a When powerdriven vessels are in sight of one another andmeeting or crossing at a distance within half a mile of each othereach vessel underway when maneuvering as authorized or requiredby these Rules i shall indicate that maneuver by the following signals on her whistle one shod blast to mean I intend to leave you on my port side two shod blasts to mean I intend to leave you on my starboard side and three short blasts to mean I am operating astern propulsion ii upon hearing the one or two blast signal of the other shall if in agreement sound the same whistle signal and take the steps necessary to effect a safe passing If however from any cause the vessel doubts the safety of the proposed maneuver she shall sound the danger signal specified in paragraph d of this Rule and each vessel shall take appropriate precautionary action until a safe passing agreement is made b A vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed inparagraph a of this Rule by light signals i These signals shall have the following significance one flash to mean I intend to leave you on my pod side two flashes to mean I intend to leave you on my starboard side three flashes to mean I am operating astern propulsion ii The duration of each flash shall be about 1 second and iii The light used for this signal shall if fitted be one allround white or yellow light visible at a minimum range of 2 miles synchronized with the whistle and shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these Rules 115 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 34CONTINUED c When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway i a vessel intending to overtake another shall in compliance with Rule 9ei indicate her intention by the following signals on her whistle two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean I intend to overtake you on your starboard side two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean I intend to overtake you on your port side iithe vessel about to be overtaken when acting in accordance with Rule 9ei shall indicate her agreement by the following signal on her whistle one prolonged one short one prolonged and one short blast in that order d When vessels in sight of one another are approaching eachother and from any cause either vessel fails to understand the inten tions or actions of the other or is in doubt whether sufficient action isbeing taken by the other to avoid collision the vessel in doubt indicate such doubt by giving at Feast five short andrapid blasts on the whistle Such signal may be supplemented by alight signal of at least five short and rapid flashes e A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairwaywhere other vessels may be obscured by an intervening sound one prolonged blast Such signal shall be answered witha prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be withinhearing around the bend or behind the intervening obstruction f If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than100 meters one whistle only shall be used for giving maneuveringand warning signals 116 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 34CONTINUED c When in sight of one another i a powerdriven vessel intending to overtake another power driven vessel shall indicate her intention by the following signals on her whistle one short blast to mean I intend to overtake you on your starboard side two short blasts to mean I intend to overtake you on your port side and ii the powerdriven vessel about to be overtaken shall if in agreement sound a similar sound signal If in doubt she shall sound the danger signal prescribed in paragraph d d When vessels in sight of one another are approaching eachother and from any cause either vessel fails to understand the inten tions or actions of the other or is in doubt whether sufficient action isbeing taken by the other to avoid collision the vessel in doubt indicate such doubt by giving at least five short andrapid blasts on the whistle This signal may be supplemented by alight signal of at least five short and rapid flashes e A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairwaywhere other vessels may be obscured by an intervening sound one prolonged blast This signal shall be answered witha prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be withinhearing around the bend or behind the intervening obstruction f If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than100 meters one whistle only shall be used for giving maneuveringand warning signals g When a powerdriven vessel is leaving a dock or berth sheshall sound one prolonged blast h A vessel that reaches agreement with another vessel in ameeting crossing or overtaking situation by using the prescribed by the BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act 85 Stat165 33 USC 1207 is not obliged to sound the whistle by this Rule but may do so If agreement is not reachedthen whistle signals shall be exchanged in a timely manner and shallprevail 117 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 35 Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility In or near an area of restricted visibility whether by day or nightthe signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows a A powerdriven vessel making way through the water shallsound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast b A powerdriven vessel underway but stopped and making noway through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2minutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about2 seconds between them c A vessel not under command a vessel restricted in her ability tomaneuver a vessel constrained by her draft a sailing vessel avessel engaged in fishing and a vessel engaged in towing or pushinganother vessel shall instead of the signals prescribed in paragraphsa or b of this Rule sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutesthree blasts in succession namely one prolonged followed by twoshort blasts d A vessel engaged in fishing when at anchor and a in her ability to maneuver when carrying out her work atanchor shall instead of the signals prescribed in paragraph g of thisRule sound the signal prescribed in paragraph c of this Rule e A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the lastvessel of the tow if manned shall at intervals of not more than 2minutes sound four blasts in succession namely one by three shod blasts When practicable this signal shall bemade immediately after the signal made by the towing vessel f When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead arerigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as apowerdriven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed inparagraphs a or b of this Rule 118 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 35 Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility In or near an area of restricted visibility whether by day or nightthe signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows a A powerdriven vessel making way through the water shallsound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast b A powerdriven vessel underway but stopped and making noway through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2minutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about2 seconds between them c A vessel not under command a vessel restricted in her ability tomaneuver whether underway or at anchor a sailing vessel a vesselengaged in fishing whether underway or at anchor and a vesselengaged in towing or pushing another vessel shall instead of the signals prescribed in paragraphs a or b of this Rule sound atintervals of not more than 2 minutes three blasts in one prolonged followed by two short blasts d A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the lastvessel of the tow if manned shall at intervals of not more than 2minutes sound four blasts in succession namely one by three short blasts When practicable this signal shall bemade immediately after the signal made by the towing vessel e When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead arerigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as apowerdriven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed inparagraphs a or b of this Rule 119 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 35CONTINUED g A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than oneminute ring the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds In a vessel of 100meters or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart ofthe vessel and immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shallbe sounded rapidly for about 5 seconds in the after part of the vesselA vessel at anchor may in addition sound three blasts in one short one prolonged and one shod blast to give warning of her position and of the possibility of collision to an h A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required thegong signal prescribed in paragraph g of this Rule and shall inaddition give three separate and distinct strokes on the before and after the rapid ringing of the bell A vesselaground may in addition sound an appropriate whistle signal i A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged togive the abovementioned signals but if she does not shall makesome other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2minutes j A pilot vessel when engaged on postage duty may in addition tothe signals prescribed in paragraphs a b or g of this Rule soundan identity signal consisting of four short blasts 120 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 35CONTINUED f A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than 1 minutering the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds In a vessel of 100 meters ormore in length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vesseland immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shall besounded rapidly for about 5 seconds in the after part of the vessel Avessel at anchor may in addition sound three blasts in one short one prolonged and one shod blast to give warningof her position and of the possibility of collision to an g A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required thegong signal prescribed in paragraph g of this Rule and shall inaddition give three separate and distinct strokes on the before and after the rapid ringing of the bell A vesselaground may in addition sound an appropriate whistle signal h A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged togive the abovementioned signals but if she does not shall makesome other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2minutes i A pilot vessel when engaged on postage duty may in additionto the signals prescribed in paragraphs a b or g of this Rulesound an identity signal consisting of four short blasts j The following vessels shall not be required to sound signals asprescribed in paragraph f of this Rule when anchored in a area designated by the Secretary i a vessel of less than 20 meters in length and ii a barge canal boat scow or other nondescript craft 121 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 36 Signals to Attract Attention If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any vesselmay make light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for anysignal authorized elsewhere in these Rules or may direct the beamof her search light in the direction of the danger in such a way asnot to embarrass any vessel Any light to attract the attention ofanother vessel shall be such that it cannot be mistaken for any aid tonavigation For the purpose of this rule the use of high or revolving lights such as strobe lights shall beavoided 122 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 36 Signals to Attract Attention If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any vesselmay make light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for anysignal authorized elsewhere in these Rules or may direct the beamof her search light in the direction of the danger in such a way asnot to embarrass any vessel 123 INTERNATIONAL Sound and Light Signals RULE 37 Distress Signals When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall useor exhibit the signals in Annex IV to these Regulations DISTRESS SIGNALS 72 COLREGS 124 INLAND Sound and Light Signals RULE 36 Signals to Attract Attention When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall useor exhibit the signals in Annex IV to these Rules The distress signals for inland waters and the same as those displayedon the facing page for international waters with the following described A high intensity white light flashing at regular intervals from 50 to 70 times per minute 125 INTERNATIONAL Exemptions PART E EXEMPTIONS RULE 38 ExemptionsAny vessel or class of vessels provided that she complies with therequirement of the International Regulations for Preventing collisionsat Sea 1960 the keel of which is laid or which is at a of construction before the entry into force of these Regulationsmay be exempted from compliance therewith as followsa The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22 untilfour years after the date of entry into force of these Regulationsb The installation of lights with color specifications as prescribed in Section 7 of Annex I of these Regulations until four years after the date of entry into force of these repositioning of lights as a result of conversion from Imperialto metric units and rounding off measurement figures 126 INLAND Exemptions PART EEXEMPTIONS RULE 38 Exemptions Any vessel or class of vessels the keel of which is laid or which isat a corresponding stage of construction before the date ofenactment of this Act provided that she complies with of a The Act of June 7 1897 30 Stat 96 as amended 33 USC154232 for vessels navigating the waters subject to that statute b Section 4233 of the Revised Statutes 33 USC 301356 forvessels navigating the waters subject to that statute c The Act of February 8 1895 28 Stat 645 as amended 33USC 241295 for vessels navigating the waters subject to thatstatute or d Sections 3 4 and 5 of the Act of April 25 1940 54 Stat 163as amended 46 USC 526 b c and d for motorboats navigatingthe waters subject to that statute shall be exempted fromcompliance with the technical Annexes to these Rules as follows i the installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22 until 4 years after the effective date of these Rules except that vessels of less than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt ii the installation of lights with color specifications as prescribed in Annex I to these Rules until 4 years after the effective date of these Rules except that vessels of less than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt iii the repositioning of lights as a result of conversion to metric units and rounding off measurement figures are permanently exempt and 127 INTERNATIONAL Exemptions RULE 38CONTINUED d i The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of less than150 meters in length resulting from the prescriptions of Section 3aof Annex I to these Regulations permanent exemption ii The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of 150 meters or more in length resulting from the prescriptions of Section 3a of Annex I to these Regulations until 9 years after the date of entry into force of these Regulations e The repositioning of masthead lights resulting from of Section 2b of Annex I to these Regulations until 9years after the date of entry into force of these Regulations f of sidelights resulting from the prescriptions ofSections 29 and 3b of Annex I to these Regulations until 9 yearsafter the date of entry into force of these Regulations g The requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed inAnnex III to these Regulations until 9 years after the date of entryinto force of these Regulations h The repositioning of allround lights resulting from of Section 9b of Annex I to these exemption 128 INLAND Exemptions RULE 38CONTINUEDiv the horizontal repositioning of masthead lights prescribedby Annex I to these Rules 1 on vessels of less than 150 meters in length permanent exemption 2 on vessels of 150 meters or more in length until 9 years after the effective date of these Rulesv the restructuring or repositioning of all lights to meet of Annex I to these Rules until 9 years after theeffective date of these Rulesvi powerdriven vessels of 12 meters or more but less than 20meters in length are permanently exempt from the provisions ofRule 23ai and 23 aiv provided that in place of theselights the vessel exhibits a white light aft visible all round thehorizon andvii the requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed inAnnex III to these Rules until 9 years after the effective date ofthese Rules 129 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX I Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes1 Definition The term height above the hull means height above the upper most continuous deck This height shall be measured from the position vertically beneath the location of the light2 Vertical positioning and spacing of lights a On a powerdriven vessel of 20 meters or more in length themasthead lights shall be placed as follows i the forward masthead light or if only one masthead light is carried then that light at a height above the hull of not less than 6 meters and if the breadth of the vessel exceeds 6 meters then at a height above the hull not less than such breadth so however that the light need not be placed at a greater height above the hull than 12 meters ii when two masthead lights are carried the after one shall be at least 45 meters vertically higher than the forward one b The vertical separation of masthead lights of shall be such that in all normal conditions of trim the afterlight will be seen over and separate from the forward light at adistance of 1000 meters from the stem when viewed from sea level c The masthead light of a powerdriven vessel of 12 metersbut less than 20 meters in length shall be placed at a height abovethe gunwale of not less than 25 meters 130 INLAND ANNEX I Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes 8401 Definitions a The term height above the hull means height above theuppermost continuous deck This height shall be measured from theposition vertically beneath the location of the light b The term practical cutoff means for vessels 20 meters ormore in length 125 percent of the minimum luminous intensityTable 8415b corresponding to the greatest range of visibility forwhich the requirements of Annex I are met c The term Rule or Rules means the Inland contained in Sec 2 of the Inland Navigational Rules Act of1980 Pub L 9659194 Stat 3415 33 USC 2001 December 241980 as amended 8403 Vertical positioning and spacing of lights a On a powerdriven vessel of 20 meters or more in length themasthead lights shall be placed as follows 1 The forward masthead light or if only one masthead light is carried then that light at a height above the hull of not less than 5 meters and if the breadth of the vessel exceeds 5 meters then at a height above the hull not less than such breadth so however that the light need not be placed at a greater height above the hull than 8 meters 2 When two masthead lights are carried the after one shall beat least 2 meters vertically higher than the forward one b Thevertical separation of the masthead lights of powerdriven vesselsshall be such that in all normal conditions of trim the after light willbe seen over and separate from the forward light at a dis tance of1000 meters from the stem when viewed from water level c The masthead light of a powerdriven vessel of 12 metersbut less than 20 meters in length shall be placed at a height abovethe gunwale of not less than 25 meters 131 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IContinued d A powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length maycarry the uppermost light at a height of less than 25 meters abovethe gunwale When however a masthead light is carried in additionto sidelights and a sternlight or the allround light prescribed in rule23ci is carried in addition to sidelights then such masthead lightor allround light shall be carried at least 1 meter higher than thesidelights e One of the two or three masthead lights prescribed for apowerdriven vessel when engaged in towing or pushing anothervessel shall be placed in the same position as either the light or the after masthead light provided that if carriedon the aftermast the lowest after masthead light shall be at least45 meters vertically higher than the forward masthead light f i The masthead light or lights prescribed in Rule 23a shall be so placed as to be above and clear of all other lights and obstructions except as described in subparagraph ii ii When it is impracticable to carry the allround lights pre scribed by Rule 27bi or Rule 28 below the masthead lights they may be carded above the after masthead lights or verti cally in between the forward masthead lights and after mast head lights provided that in the latter case the requirement ofSection 3c of this Annex shall be complied with g The sidelights of a powerdriven vessel shall be placed at aheight above the hull not greater than three quarters of that of theforward masthead light They shall not be so low as to be interferedwith by deck lights h The sidelights if in a combined lantern and carried on apowerdriven vessel of less than 20 meters in length shall be placednot less than 1 meter below the masthead light i When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in avertical line they shall be spaced as follows i on a vessel of 20 meters in length or more such lights shall be spaced not less than 2 meters apart and the lowest of these lights shall except where a towing light is required be placed at a height of not less than 4 meters above the hull ii on a vessel of less than 20 meters in length such lights shall be spaced not less than 1 meter apart and the lowest of these lights shall except where a towing light is required be placed at a height of not less than 2 meters above the gunwale iii when three lights are carried they shall be equally spaced 132 INLAND ANNEX I Continued d The masthead light or the allround light described in Rule23c of a powerdriven vessel of less than 12 meters in length shallbe carried at least one meter higher than the sidelights e One of the two or three masthead lights prescribed for apowerdriven vessel when engaged in towing or pushing anothervessel shall be placed in the same position as either the light or the after masthead light provided that the lowestafter masthead light shall be at least 2 meters vertically higher thanthe highest forward masthead light f 1 The masthead light or lights prescribed in Rule 23a shall be so placed as to be above and clear of all other lights and obstructions except as described in paragraph f2 of this section 2 When it is impracticable to carry the allround lights pre scribed in Rule 27bi below the masthead lights they may be carried above the after masthead lights or vertically in between the forward masthead lights and after masthead lights provided that in the latter case the requirement of 8405d shall be complied with g The sidelights of a powerdriven vessel shall be placed atleast one meter lower than the forward masthead light They shallnot be so low as to be interfered with by deck lights h Reserved i When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in avertical line they shall be spaced as follows 1 On a vessel of 20 meters in length or more such lights shall be spaced not less than 1 meter apart and the lowest of these lights shall except where a towing light is required be placed at a height of not less than 4 meters above the hull 2 On a vessel of less than 20 meters in length such lights shall be spaced not less than 1 meter apart and the lowest of these lights shall except where a towing light is required be placed at a height of not less than 2 meters above the gunwale 3 When three lights are carried they shall be equally spaced 133 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IContinued j The lower of the two allround lights prescribed for a vesselwhen engaged in fishing shall be at a height above the sidelights notless than twice the distance between the two vertical lights k The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30ai whentwo are carried shall not be less than 45 meters above the afterone On a vessel of 50 meters or more in length this forward anchorlight shall be placed at a height of not less than 6 meters above thehull3 Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights a When two masthead lights are prescribed for a the horizontal distance between them shall not be less thanone half of the length of the vessel but need not be more than 100meters The forward light shall be placed not more than one quarterof the length of the vessel from the stem b On a powerdriven vessel of 20 meters or more in length thesidelights shall not be placed in front of the forward masthead lightsThey shall be placed at or near the side of the vessel c When the lights prescribed in Rule 27bi or Rule 28 areplaced vertically between the forward masthead lights and the aftermasthead lights these allround lights shall be placed at a horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters from the fore and aft centerlineof the vessel in the athwartship direction d When only one masthead light is prescribed for a powerdriven vessel this light shall be exhibited forward of that a vessel of less then 20 meters in length need notexhibit this light forward of amidships but shall exhibit it as farforward as is practicable 134 INLAND ANNEX I Continued j The lower of the two allround lights prescribed for a vesselwhen engaged in fishing shall be at a height above the sidelights notless than twice the distance between the two vertical lights k The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30ai whentwo are carried shall not be less than 45 meters above the afterone On a vessel of 50 meters or more in length this forward anchorlight shall be placed at a height of not less than 6 meters above thehull 8405 Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights a Except as specified in paragraph b of this section whentwo masthead lights are prescribed for a powerdriven vessel thehorizontal distance between them shall not be less than one quarterof the length of the vessel but need not be more than 50 metersThe forward light shall be placed not more than one half of thelength of the vessel from the stem b On powerdriven vessels 50 meters but less than 60 metersin length operated on the Western Rivers and those in 8925 the horizontal distance between masthead lightsshall not be less than 10 meters c On a powerdriven vessel of 20 meters or more in length thesidelights shall not be placed in front of the forward masthead lightsThey shall be placed at or near the side of the vessel d When the lights prescribed in Rule 27bi are between the forward masthead lights and the aftermasthead lights these allround lights shall be placed at ahorizontal distance of not less than 2 meters from the fore and aftcenterline of the vessel in the athwartship direction 135 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX I Continued 4 Details of location of lights for fishingvessels dredgers and vessels engaged in underwater opera tions a The light indicating the direction of the outlying gear from avessel engaged in fishing as prescribed in Rule 26cii shall beplaced at a horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters and notmore than 6 meters away from the two allround red and white lightsThis light shall be placed not higher than the allround white in Rule 26ci and not lower than the sidelights b The lights and shapes on a vessel engaged in dredging orunderwater operations to indicate the obstructed side andor the sideon which it is safe to pass as prescribed in Rule 27di and iishall be placed at the maximum practical horizontal distance but inno case less than 2 meters from the lights or shapes prescribed inRule 27bi and ii In no case shall the upper of these lights orshapes be at a greater height than the lower of the three lights orshapes prescribed in Rule 27bi and ii 136 INLAND ANNEX I Continued 8407 Details of location of lights forfishing vessels dredgers and vessels engaged In a The light indicating the direction of the outlying gear from avessel engaged in fishing as prescribed in Rule 26cii shall beplaced at a horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters and notmore than 6 meters away from the two allround red and white lightsThis light shall be placed not higher than the allround white in Rule 26ci and not lower than the sidelights b The lights and shapes on a vessel engaged in dredging orunderwater operations to indicate the obstructed side andor the sideon which it is safe to pass as prescribed in Rule 27di and iishall be placed at the maximum practical horizontal distance but inno case less than 2 meters from the lights or shapes prescribed inRule 27bi and ii In no case shall the upper of these lights orshapes be at a greater height than the lower of the three lights orshapes prescribed in Rule 27bi and ii 137 INTERNATIONAL Screens for sidelights The sidelights of vessels of 20 meters or more in length shall befitted with inboard screens painted matt black and meeting of Section 9 of this Annex On vessels of less than 20meters in length the sidelights if necessary to meet of Section 9 of this Annex shall be fitted with inboardmatt black screens With a combined lantern using a single and a very narrow division between the green and redsections external screens need not be fitted6 Shapesa Shapes shall be black and of the following sizes i a ball shall have a diameter of not less than 06 meter ii a cone shall have a base diameter of not less than 06 meter and a height equal to its diameter iii a cylinder shall have a diameter of at least 06 meter and a height of twice its diameter iv a diamond shape shall consist of two cones as defined in ii above having a common base b The vertical distance between shapes shall be at least 15meter c In a vessel of less than 20 meters in length shapes of but commensurate with the size of the vessel may beused and the distance apart may be reduced 138 INLAND ANNEX I Continued 8409 Screens a The sidelights of vessels of 20 meters or more in length shallbe fitted with mat black inboard screens and meet the requirementsof 8417 On vessels of less than 20 meters in length thesidelights if necessary to meet the requirements of 8417 shall befitted with mat black inboard screens With a combined lanternusing a single vertical filament and a very narrow division betweenthe green and red sections external screens need not be fitted b On powerdriven vessels less than 12 meters in length con structed after July 31 1983 the masthead light or the all round lightdescribed in Rule 23c shall be screened to prevent direct illumination of the vessel forward of the operators position 8411 Shapes a Shapes shall be black and of the following sizes 1 A ball shall have a diameter of not less than 06 meter 2 A cone shall have a base diameter of not less than 06 meter and a height equal to its diameter 3 A diamond shape shall consist of two cones as defined in Paragraph a2 of this section having a common base b The vertical distance between shapes shall be at least 15meter c In a vessel of less than 20 meters in length shapes of but commensurate with the size of the vessel may beused and the distance apart may be reduced 139 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IContinued7 Color specification of lights The chromaticity of all navigation lights shall conform to thefollowing standards which lie within the boundaries of the area ofthe diagram specified for each color by the on Illumination CIE The boundaries of the area for each color are given byindicating the corner coordinates which are as followsi Whitex 0525 0525 0452 0310 0310 0443y 0382 0440 04400348 0283 0382ii Greenx 0028 0009 0300 0203y 0385 0723 0511 0356iii Redx 0680 0660 0735 0721y 0320 0320 0265 0259iv Yellowx 0612 0618 0575 0575y 0382 0382 0425 04068 Intensity of lights a The minimum luminous intensity of lights shall be calculatedby using the formula 1343 x 1 06xT x D2 x KDwhere I is luminous intensity in candelas under service conditions T is threshold factor 2 x 107 lux D is range of visibility luminous range of the light in nautical miles K is atmospheric transmissivity For prescribed lights the value of K shall be 08 corresponding to a meteorological visibility of approximately 13 nautical miles 140 INLAND ANNEX I Continued 8413 Color specification of lights a The chromaticity of all navigation lights shall conform to thefollowing standards which lie within the boundaries of the area ofthe diagram specified for each color by the on Illumination CIE in the Colors of Light Signalswhich is incorporated by reference It is Publication CIE No 22TC16 1975 and is available from the Illumination 345 East 47th Street New York NY 10017 It is alsoavailable for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register Room8401 1100 L Street NW Washington DC 20408 by reference was approved by the Director of theFederal Register b The boundaries of the area for each color are given byindicating the corner coordinates which are as follows1 White x 0525 0525 0452 0310 0310 0443 y 0382 0440 0440 0348 0283 03822 Green x 0028 0009 0300 0203 y O385 O723 0511 03563 Red x 0680 0660 0735 0721 y 0320 0320 0265 02594 Yellow x 0612 0618 0575 0575 y 0382 0382 0425 0406 8415 Intensity of lights a The minimum luminous intensity of lights shall be calculatedby using the formula 1343 x 106 x T x D2 x KDwhere I is luminous intensity in candelas under service conditions T is threshold factor 2 x 107 lux D is range of visibility luminous range of the light in nautical miles K is atmospheric transmissivity For prescribed lights the value of K shall be 08 corresponding to a meteorological visibility of approximately 13 nautical miles 141 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX I Continued b A selection of figures derived from the formula is given in thefollowing table Range of visibility luminous Luminous intensity of light range of light in nautical in candelas for K 08 miles I D 1 09 2 43 3 12 4 27 5 52 6 94 Note The maximum luminous intensity of navigation lights should belimited to avoid undue glare This shall not be achieved by a of the luminous intensity9 Horizontal sectorsa i In the forward direction sidelights as fitted on the vessel shall show the minimum required intensities The intensities shall decrease to reach practical cutoff between 1 degree and 3 degrees outside the prescribed sectors ii For sternlights and masthead lights and at 225 degrees abaft the beam for sidelights the minimum required intensities shall be maintained over the arc of the horizon up to 5 degrees within the limits of the sectors prescribed in Rule 21 From 5 degrees within the prescribed sectors the intensity may decrease by 50 percent up to the prescribed limits it shall decrease steadily to reach practical cutoff at not more than 5 degrees outside the prescribed sectors b i Allround lights shall be so located as not to be obscured by masts topmasts or structures within angular sectors of more than 6 degrees except anchor lights prescribed in Rule 30 which need not be placed at an impracticable height above the hull ii If it is impracticable to comply with paragraph bi of this sec tion by exhibiting only one allround light two allround lights shall be used suitably positioned or screened so that they appear as far as practicable as one light at a distance of one mile 142 INLAND ANNEX I Continued b A selection of figures derived from the formula is given inTable 8415b Table 8415b Range of visibility luminous Minimum range of light in nautical luminous intensity of light miles in candelas for K 08 D I 1 09 2 43 3 12 4 27 5 52 6 94 8417 Horizontal sectors a 1 In the forward direction sidelights as fitted on the vesselshall show the minimum required intensities The intensities shalldecrease to reach practical cutoff between 1 and 3 degrees outsidethe prescribed sectors 2 For sternlights and masthead lights and at 225 degreesabaft the beam for sidelights the minimum required intensities shallbe maintained over the arc of the horizon up to 5 degrees within thelimits of the sectors prescribed in Rule 21 From 5 degrees withinthe prescribed sectors the intensity may decrease by 50 percent upto the prescribed limits it shall decrease steadily to reach at not more than 5 degrees outside the prescribed sectors b Allround lights shall be so located as not to be obscured bymasts topmasts or structures within angular sectors of more than 6degrees except anchor lights prescribed in Rule 30 which need notbe placed at an impracticable height above the hull and the allround white light described in Rule 23d which may not beobscured at all 143 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IContinued10 Vertical sectors a The vertical sectors of electric lights as fitted with theexception of lights on sailing vessels underway shall ensure that i at least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizon tal ii at least 60 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained from 75 degrees above to 75 degrees below the horizontal b In the case of sailing vessels underway the vertical sectors ofelectric lights as fitted shall ensure that i at least the intensity is maintained at all angles from 5 degrees aboveto 5 degrees below the horizon tal ii at least 50 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained from 25 degrees above to 25 degrees below the horizontal c In the case of lights other than electric these be met as closely as possible11 Intensity of nonelectric lights Nonelectric lights shall so far as practicable comply with theminimum intensities as specified in the Table given in Section 8 ofthis Annex 144 INLAND ANNEX I Continued 8419 Vertical sectors a The vertical sectors of electric lights as fitted with theexception of lights on sailing vessels underway and on unmannedbarges shall ensure that 1 At least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizon tal 2 At least 60 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained from 75 degrees above to 75 degrees below the horizontal b In the case of sailing vessels underway the vertical sectors ofelectric lights as fitted shall ensure that 1 At least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizon tal 2 At least 50 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained from 25 degrees above to 25 degrees below the horizontal c In the case of unmanned barges the minimum of electric lights as fitted shall be maintained on thehorizontal d In the case of lights other than electric lights shall be met as closely as possible 8421 Intensity of nonelectric lights Nonelectric lights shall so far as practicable comply with theminimum intensities as specified in the Table given in 8415 145 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX I Continued12 Maneuvering light the provisions of paragraph 2f of this Annexthe maneuvering light described in Rule 34b shall be placed in thesame fore and aft vertical plane as the masthead light or lights andwhere practicable at a minimum height of 2 meters vertically abovethe forward masthead light provided that it shall be carried not lessthan 2 meters vertically above or below the after masthead light Ona vessel where only one masthead light is carried the if fitted shall be carried where it can best be seen not lessthan2 meters vertically apart from the masthead light13 High Speed Craft The masthead light of high speed craft with a length to breadthratio of less than 30 may be placed at a height related to thebreadth of the craft lower than that prescribed in paragraph 2ai ofthis annex provided that the base angle of the isosceles by the sidelights and masthead light when seen in endelevation is not less than 2714 Approval The construction of lights and shapes and the installation oflights on board the vessel shall be to the satisfaction of theappropriate authority of the State whose flag the vessel is entitled tofly 146 INLAND ANNEX I Continued 8423 Maneuvering light the provisions of 8403f the maneuvering lightdescribed in Rule 34b shall be placed approximately in the same fore andaft vertical plane as the masthead light or lights and where practicable ata minimum height of onehalf meter vertically above the forward mastheadlight provided that it shall be carried not less than onehalf meter or below the after masthead light On a vessel where only onemasthead light is carried the maneuvering light if fitted shall be carriedwhere it can best be seen not less than onehalf meter vertically apart fromthe masthead light 8425 Approval Reserved 147 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX II Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity1 General The lights mentioned herein shall if exhibited in pursuance ofRule 26d be placed where they can best be seen They shall be atleast 09 meter apart but at a lower level than lights prescribed inRule 26bi and ci The lights shall be visible all around thehorizon at a distance of at least I mile but at a lesser distance thanthe lights prescribed by these Rules for fishing vessels2 Signals for trawlers a Vessels of 20 meters or more in length when engaged intrawling whether using demersal or pelagic gear may exhibit i when shooting their netstwo white lights in a vertical line ii when hauling their nets one white light over one red light in a vertical line iii when the net has come fast upon an obstruction two red lights in a vertical line b Each vessel of 20 meters or more in length engaged in pairtrawling may exhibit i by night a searchlight directed forward and in the direction of the other vessel of the pairii when shooting or hauling their nets or when their nets have comefast upon an obstruction the lights prescribed in 2a above3 Signals for purse seiners Vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear may exhibittwo yellow lights in a vertical line These lights shall flash second and with equal light and occultation duration Theselights may be exhibited only when the vessel is hampered by itsfishing gear 148 INLAND ANNEX II Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity851 General The lights mentioned herein shall if exhibited in pursuance ofRule 26d be placed where they can best be seen They shall be atleast 09 meter apart but at a lower level than lights prescribed inRule 26bi and ci contained in the Inland Navigational RulesAct of 1980 The lights shall be visible all around the horizon at adistance of at least 1 mile but at a lesser distance than the by these Rules for fishing vessels 853 Signals for trawlers a Vessels when engaged in trawling whether using demersalor pelagic gear may exhibit 1 When shooting their nets two white lights in a vertical line 2 When hauling their nets one white light over one red light in a vertical line 3 When the net has come fast upon an obstruction two redlights in a vertical line b Each vessel engaged in pair trawling mayexhibit 1 By night a searchlight directed forward and in the directionof the other vessel of the pair 2 When shooting or hauling theirnets or when their nets have come fast upon an obstruction thelights prescribed in paragraph a above 855 Signals for purse seiners Vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear may exhibittwo yellow lights in a vertical line These lights shall flash second and with equal light and occultation duration Theselights may be exhibited only when the vessel is hampered by its fish ing gear 149 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX III Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances1 Whistles a Frequencies and range of audibility The of the signal shall lie within the range 70700 Hz The range of audibility of the signal from a whistle shall bedetermined by those frequencies which may include thefundamental andor one or more higher frequencies which lie withinthe range 180700 Hz 1 percent and which provide the soundpressure levels specified in paragraph 1 c below b Limits of fundamental frequencies To ensure a widevariety of whistle the fundamental frequency of awhistle shall be between the following limits i 70200 Hz for a vessel 200 meters or more in length ii 130350 Hz for a vessel 75 meters but less than 200 meters in length iii 250700 Hz for a vessel less than 75 meters in length 150 INLAND ANNEX III Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances SUBPART AWHISTLES 8601 Frequencies and range of audibility The fundamental frequency of the signal shall lie within therange 70525 Hz The range of audibility of the signal from a whistleshall be determined by those frequencies which may include thefundamental andor one or more higher frequencies which lie withinthe frequency ranges and provide the sound pressure in 8605 8603 Limits of fundamental frequencies To ensure a wide variety of whistle thefundamental frequency of a whistle shall be between the a 70200 Hz for a vessel 200 meters or more in length b 130350 Hz for a vessel 75 meters but less than 200meters in length c 250525 Hz for a vessel less than 75 meters in length 151 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX III Continued c Sound signal intensity and range of audibility A whistle fitted in a vessel shall provide in the direction of maximum intensity of the whistle and at a distance of 1 meter from it a sound pressure level in at least one 13octave band within the range of frequencies 180700 Hz 1 percent of not less than the appropriate figure given in the table below I3octave band level at 1 meter in dB of vessel referred to range in in meters 2x105 Nm 2 nautical miles200 or more 143 275 but less than 200 138 1520 but less than 75 130 1Less than 20 120 05 The range of audibility in the table above is for information andis approximately the range at which a whistle may be heard on itsforward axis with 90 percent probability in conditions of still air onboard a vessel having average background noise level at thelistening posts taken to be 68 dB in the octave band centered on250 Hz and 63 dB in the octave band centered on 500 Hz 152 INLAND ANNEX IllContinued 8605 Sound signal intensity and range of audibility A whistle on a vessel shall provide in the direction of theforward axis of the whistle and at a distance of 1 meter from it asound pressure level in at least one3octave band of not less thanthe appropriate figure given in Table 8605 within the ranges 1 percent a 1301200 Hz for a vessel 75 meters or more in length b 2501600 Hz for a vessel 20 meters but less than 75 metersin length c 2502100 Hz for a vessel 12 meters but less than 20 metersin length Table 8605 13octave band Fundamental For level at 1 Audibility frequency measured meter in dB range inLength of vessel range frequencies referred to nautical in meters Hz Hz 2xl05 Nm2 miles 130180 145200 or more 70200 180250 143 2 2501200 140 130180 140 75 but less than 200 130350 180250 138 15 2501200 134 250450 130 20 but less than 75 250525 450800 125 10 8001600 121 250450 120 12 but less than 20 250525 450800 115 05 8002100 111 NOTE The range of audibility in the table above is forinformation and is approximately the range at which a whistle mayusually be heard on its forward axis in conditions of still air on boarda vessel having average background noise level at the listeningposts taken to be 68 dB in the octave band centered on 250 Hz and63 dB in the octave band centered on 500 Hz 153 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IllContinued In practice the range at which a whistle may be heard isextremely variable and depends critically on weather conditions thevalues given can be regarded as typical but under conditions ofstrong wind or high ambient noise level at the listening post therange may be much reduced d Directional properties The sound pressure level of adirectional whistle shall be not more than 4 dB below the pressure level on the axis at any direction in the within 45 degrees of the axis The sound pressure level atany other direction in the horizontal plane shall be not more than 10dB below the prescribed sound pressure level on the axis so thatthe range in any direction will be at least half the range on theforward axis The sound pressure level shall be measured in thatonethird octave band which determines the audibility range e Positioning of whistles When a directional whistle is to beused as the only whistle on a vessel it shall be installed with itsmaximum intensity directed straight ahead A whistle shall be placed as high as practicable on a vessel inorder to reduce interception of the emitted sound by also to minimize hearing damage risk to personnel The soundpressure level of the vessels own signal at listening posts shall notexceed 110 dB A and so far as practicable should not exceed 100dB A 154 INLAND ANNEX IllContinued In practice the range at which a whistle may be heard isextremely variable and depends critically on weather conditions thevalues given can be regarded as typical but under conditions ofstrong wind or high ambient noise level at the listening post therange may be much reduced 8607 Directional properties The sound pressure level of a directional whistle shall be notmore than 4 dB below the sound pressure level specified in 8605in any direction in the horizontal plane within 45 degrees of theforward axis The sound pressure level of the whistle at any otherdirection in the horizontal plane shall not be more than 10 dB lessthan the sound pressure level specified for the forward axis so thatthe range of audibility in any direction will be at least half the rangerequired on the forward axis The sound pressure level shall bemeasured in thatonethird octave band which determines the audibility range 8609 Positioning of whistles a When a directional whistle is to be used as the only whistleon the vessel and is permanently installed it shall be installed withits forward axis directed forward b A whistle shall be placed as high as practicable on a vesselin order to reduce interception of the emitted sound by also to minimize hearing damage risk to personnel The soundpressure level of the vessels own signal at listening posts shall notexceed 110 dB A and so far as practicable should not exceed 100dB A 155 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX III Continued f Fitting of more than one whistle If whistles are fitted at adistance apart of more than 100 meters it shall be so arranged thatthey are not sounded simultaneously g Combined whistle systems If due to the presence ofobstructions the sound field of a single whistle or of one of thewhistles referred to in paragraph 1 f above is likely to have a zoneof greatly reduced signal level it is recommended that a system be fitted so as to overcome this reduction For thepurposes of the Rules a combined whistle system is to be regardedas a single whistle The whistles of a combined system shall belocated at a distance apart of not more than 100 me ters andarranged to be sounded simultaneously The frequency of any onewhistle shall differ from those of the others by at least 10 Hz 156 INLAND ANNEX III Continued 8611 Fitting of more than one whistle If whistles are fitted at a distance apart of more than 100 metersthey shall not be sounded simultaneously 8613 Combined whistle systems a A combined whistle system is a number of whistles soundemitting sources operated together For the purposes of the Rules acombined whistle system is to be regarded as a single whistleb The whistles of a combined system shall 1 Be located at a distance apart of not more than 100 meters 2 Be sounded simultaneously 3 Each have a fundamental frequency different from those of the others by at least 100 Hz and 4 Have a tonal characteristic appropriate for the length of vessel which shall be evidenced by at least twothirds of the whistles in the combined system having fundamental frequencies falling within the limits prescribed in 8603 or if there are only two whistles in the combined system by the higher fundamental frequency falling within the limits prescribed 8603 NOTE if due to the presence of obstructions the sound field of a single whistle or of one of the whistles referred to in 8611 is likely to have a zone of greatly reduced signal level a combined whistle system should be fitted so as to overcome this reduction 157 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IllContinued2 Bell or gong a Intensity of signal A bell or gong or other device havingsimilar sound shall produce a sound pressure level ofnot less than 110 dB at a distance of 1 meter from it b Construction Bells and gongs shall be made of material and designed to give a clear tone The diameter ofthe mouth of the bell shall be not less than 300 mm for vessels of 20meters or more in length and shall be not less than 200 mm forvessels of 12 meters or more but of less than 20 meters in lengthWhere practicable i powerdriven bell striker is recommended toensure constant force but manual operation shall be possible Themass of the striker shall be not less than 3 percent of the mass ofthe bell3 Approval The construction of sound signal appliances their performanceand their installation on board the vessel shall be to the satisfactionof the appropriate authority of the State whose flag the vessel isentitled to fly 158 INLAND ANNEX IllContinued 8615 Towing vessel whistles A powerdriven vessel normally engaged in pushing ahead ortowing alongside may at all times use a whistle falls within the limits prescribed by 8603 for thelongest customary composite length of the vessel and its towSubpart BBell or gong 8621 Intensity of signal A bell or gong or other device having similar shall produce a sound pressure level of not less than110 dB at 1 meter 8623 Construction Bells and gongs shall be made of materialand designed to give a clear tone The diameter of the mouth of thebell shall be not less than 300 mm for vessels of more than 20meters in length and shall be not less than 200 mm for vessels of12 to 20 meters in length The mass of the striker shall be not lessthan 3 percent of the mass of the bell The striker shall be capableof manual operation NOTE When practicable a powerdriven bell striker is recommended to ensure constant force Subpart CApproval 8631 Approval Reserved 159 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IV Distress Signals1 Need of assistance The following signals used or exhibited either together orseparately indicate distress and need of assistance a a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about aminute b a continuous sounding with any fogsignaling apparatus c rockets or shells throwing red stars fired one at a time atshort intervals d a signal made by or by any other consisting of the group SOS in the Morse Code e a signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken wordMayday f the International Code Signal of distress indicated by NC g a signal consisting of a square flag having above or below ita ball or anything resembling a ball h flames on the vessel as from a burning tar barrel oil barreletci a rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light j asmoke signal giving off orangecolored smoke k slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretchedto each sideI the radiotelegraph alarm signalm the radiotelephone alarm signaln signals transmitted by emergency radiobeaconso approved signals transmitted by radio communication survival craft radar transponders 160 INLAND ANNEX IV Distress Signals 871 Need of assistance The following signals used or exhibited either together or sepa rately indicate distress and freed of assistance a A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about aminute b A continuous sounding with any fogsignaling apparatus c Rockets or shells throwing red stars fired one at a time atshort intervals d A signal made by or by any other consisting of the group SOS in the Morse Code e A signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spokenword Mayday f The International Code Signal of distress indicated by NC g A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below ita ball or anything resembling a ball h Flames on the vessel as from a burning tar barrel oil barrel etc i A rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light j A smoke signal giving off orangecolored smoke k Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretchedto each side I The radiotelegraph alarm signal m The radiotelephone alarm signal n Signals transmitted by emergency radiobeacons o Signals transmitted by systems p A high intensity white light flashing at regular intervals from50 to 70 times per minute 161 INTERNATIONAL ANNEX IVContinued 2 The use or exhibition of any of the foregoing signals exceptfor the purpose of indicating distress and need of assistance and theuse of other signals which may be confused with any of the abovesignals is prohibited 3 Attention is drawn to the relevant sections of the of Signals the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual andthe following signalsa a piece of orangecolored canvas with either a black square andcircle or other appropriate symbol for identification from the airb a dye marker 162 INLAND ANNEX IV Continued 873 Exclusive use The use or exhibition of any of the foregoing signals except forthe purpose of indicating distress and need of assistance and theuse of other signals which may be confused with any of the abovesignals is prohibited 875 Supplemental signals Attention is drawn to the relevant sections of the of Signals the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual Union Regulations and the follow ing signalsa A piece of orangecolored canvas with either a black square andcircle or other appropriate symbol for identification from the airb A dye marker 163 INTERNATIONAL 164 INLAND ANNEX V Pilot Rules 8801 Purpose and applicability This Part applies to all vessels operating on United States inlandwaters and to United States vessels operating on the Canadianwaters of the Great Lakes to the extent there is no conflict withCanadian law 8803 Definitions The terms used in this part have the same meaning as defined inthe Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980 8805 Copy of Rules After January 1 1983 the operator of each selfpropelled vessel12 meters or more in length shall carry on board and maintain forready reference a copy of the Inland Navigation Rules 8809 Temporary exemption from light and shape require ments when operating under bridges A vessels navigation lights and shapes may be lowered if neces sary to pass under a bridge 165 INTERNATIONAL BLANK 166 INLAND ANNEX V Continued8811 Law enforcement vessels a Law enforcement vessels may display a flashing blue light whenengaged in direct law enforcement or public safety activities This light mustbe located so that it does not interfere with the visibility of the vessels navi gation lights b The blue light described in this section may be displayed by lawenforcement vessels of the United States and the States and their Public Safety Activities a Vessels engaged in government sanctioned public safety activitiesand commercial vessels performing similar functions may display an alternately flashing red and yellow light signal This identification light signalmust be located so that it does not interfere with the visibility of the lights The identification light signal may be used only as signal and conveys no special privilege Vessels using light signal during public safety activities must abide by theInland Navigation Rules and must not presume that the light or the exigencygives them precedence or right of way b Public safety activities include but are not limited to parades regattas or special water celebrations traffic controlsalvage firefighting medical assistance assisting disabled vessels andsearch and rescue8813 Lights on barges at bank or dock a The following barges shall display at night and if practicable in periods of restricted visibility the lights described in paragraph b of this section 1 Every barge projecting into a buoyed or restricted channel 2 Every barge so moored that it reduces the available navigable widthof any channel to less than 80 meters 3 Barges moored in groups more than two barges wide or to amaximum width of over 25 meters 4 Every barge not moored parallel to the bank or dock b Barges described in paragraph a shall carry two lights of an intensity to be visible for at least one mile on a clear darknight and arranged as follows 1 On a single moored barge lights shall be placed on the two comersfarthest from the bank or dock 2 On barges moored in group formation a light shall be placed oneach of the upstream and downstream ends of the group on the comersfarthest from the bank or dock 3 Any barge in a group projecting from the main body of the grouptoward the channel shall be lighted as a single barge c Barges moored in any slip or slough which is used primarily formooring purposes are exempt from the lighting requirements of this section 167 INTERNATIONAL BLANK 168 INLAND ANNEX VContinued d Barges moored in areas are exempt from thelighting requirements of this section These areas are as followsChicago Sanitary Ship Canal 43 Mile 3187 to 3188 451 Mile 2932 to 2939 Mile 320 to 3203 47 Mile3 Mile 2952 to 2961 32065 Mile 2975 to 2978 49 Mile 3223 to 3224 517 Mile 298 to 2982 Mile 32289 Mile 2986 to 2988 53 Mile 3229 to 327211 Mile 2993 to 2994 Calumet Sag Channel 6113 Mile 2998 to 3005 Mile 316515 Mile 303 to 3032 Little Calumet River 71 Mile17 Mile 303 7 to 303 9 321221 Mile 3107 to 3109 73 Mile 322323 Mile 311 to 3112 Calumet River25 Mile 3125 to 3126 81 Mile 3285 to 328727 Mile 3138 to 3142 83 Mile 3292 to 329429 Mile 3146 85 Mile 330 West bank to31 Mile 3148 to 3153 330233 Mite 3157 to 316 87 Mile 3314 to 331635 Mile 3168 89 Mile 3322 to 3324 37 Mile 31685 to 31705 91 Mile 3326 to 332839 Mile 317541 Mile 3184 to 3189 Cumberland River 101 Mile 1268 103 Mile 191 169 INTERNATIONAL BLANK 170 INLAND ANNEX V Continued 8815 Lights on dredge pipelines Dredge pipelines that are floating or supported on trestles shalldisplay the following lights at night and in periods of One row of yellow lights The lights must be 1 Flashing 50 to 70 times per minute 2 Visible all around the horizon 3 Visible for at least 2 miles on a clear dark night 4 Not less than I and not more than 35 meters above the water 5 Approximately equally spaced and 6 Not more than 10 meters apart where the pipeline cross es a navigable channel Where the pipeline does not cross a navigable channel the lights must be sufficient in number toclearly show the pipelines length and courseb Two red lights at each end of the pipeline including the ends in achannel where the pipeline is separated to allow vessels to passwhether open or closed The lights must be 1 Visible all around the horizon and 2 Visible for at least 2 miles on a clear dark night and 3 One meter apart in a vertical line with the lower light at the same height above the water as the flashing yellow light 171 INTERNATIONAL INTERPRETATIVE RULESSec821 Purpose823 Pushing vessel and vessel being pushed Composite unit AUTHORITY 33 USC 180 30 Stat 98 49 CFR 146c2 28 Stat64733 USC 258 49 CFR 146c3 sec 4233 RS 33 USC 322 821 Purpose a This part contains the interpretative rules concerning the 72COLREGS that are adopted by the Coast Guard for the guidance ofthe public 823 Pushing vessel and vessel being unit Rule 24b of the 72 COLREGS states that when a pushing vesseland a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a com posite unit they are regarded as a powerdriven vessel and mustexhibit the lights under Rule 23 A composite unit is interpreted tobe a pushing vessel that is rigidly connected by mechanical means toa vessel being pushed so they react to sea and swell as one means does not include the following a Lines b Hawsers c Wires d ChainsCGD 76133 42 FR 35792 July 11 1977 Redesignated by CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 May 26 1981 172 INLAND INTERPRETATIVE RULESSec901 Purpose 903 Pushing vessel and vessel being pushed 33 USC 2071 49 CFR 146n14 901 Purpose a This part contains the interpretative rules for the Inland RulesThese interpretative rules are intended as a guide to assist the pub licand promote compliance with the Inland Rules 903 Pushing vessel and vessel being unit Rule 24b of the Inland Rules states that when a pushing vessel anda vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a com positeunit they are regarded as a powerdriven vessel and must exhibit thelights prescribed in Rule 23 A composite unit is inter preted to bethe combination of a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushedahead that are rigidly connected by mechanical means so they reactto sea and swell as one vessel Mechanical means does not includelines wires hawsers or chainsCGD 8301148 FR 51621 NOV 10 1983 173 COLREGS DEMARCATION Sec8001 General basis and pur 80520 Cape Hatteras NC topose of demarcation lines Cape Lookout NC 80525 Cape Lookout NC to ATLANTIC COAST Cape Fear NC 80530 Cape Fear NC to New FIRST DISTRICT River Inlet NC80105 Calais ME to SEVENTH DISTRICT Cape Small ME80110 Casco Bay M E 80703 Little River Inlet SC to80115 Portland Head ME to Cape Romain SC Cape Ann MA 80707 Cape Romain SC to80120 Cape Ann MA to Sullivans Island SC Marblehead Neck MA 80710 Charleston Harbor SC80125 Marblehead Neck MA to 80712 Morris Island SC to Nahant MA Hilton Head Island SC80130 Boston Harbor entrance 80715 Savannah River80135 Hull MA to Race Point 80717 Tybee Island GA to MA St Simons Island GA80145 Race Point MA to 80720 St Simons Island GA to Watch Hill RI Amelia Island FL80150 Block Island RI 80723 Amelia Island FL to80155 Watch Hill RI to Cape Canaveral FL Montauk Point NY 80727 Cape Canaveral FL to80160 Montauk Point NY to Miami Beach FL Atlantic Beach NY 80730 Miami Harbor FL80165 New York Harbor 80735 Miami FL to801 70 Sandy Hook NJ to Long Key FL Toms River NJ PUERTO RICO AND FIFTH DISTRICT VIRGIN ISLANDS80501 Toms River NJ to SEVENTH DISTRICTCape May N J 80503 Delaware Bay 80738 Puerto Rico and Virgin80505 Cape Henlopen DE to Islands Cape Charles VA80510 Chesapeake Bay Entrance VA 174 GULF COAST SEVENTH PACIFIC COAST ELEVENTH DISTRICT Long Key FL to Cape Sec Sable FL 801105 Santa Catalina Island80745 Cape Sable FL to CA Cape Romano FL 801110 San Diego Harbor CA80748 Cape Romano FL to 801115 Mission Bay CA Sanibel Island FL 801120 Oceanside Harbor CA80750 Sanibel Island FL to 801125 Dana Point Harbor CA St Petersburg FL 801130 Newport Bay CA80753 St Petersburg FL to 801135 San Pedro Bay Anclote FL Anaheim Bay CA80755 Anclote FL to 801140 Redondo Harbor CA the Suncoast Keys FL 801145 Marina Del Rey CA80757 Suncoast Keys FL to 801150 Port Hueneme CA Horseshoe Point FL 801155 Channel Islands Harbor80760 Horseshoe Point FL to CA Rock Island FL TVVELFTH DISTRICT EIGHTH DISTRICT 801205 San Luis Obispo Bay80805 Rock Island FL to CA Cape San BIas FL 801210 EsteroMorro Bay CA80810 Cape San BIas FL to 801215 Monterey Harbor CA Perdido Bay FL 801220 Moss Landing Harbor80815 Mobile Bay AL to CA the Chandeleur Island LA 801225 Santa Cruz Harbor CA80825 Mississippi Passes LA 801230 Pillar Point Harbor CA80830 Mississippi Passes LA to 801250 San Francisco Harbor Point Au Fer LA CA80835 Point Au Fer LA to 801255 Bodega and Tomales Calcasieu Pass LA Bay CA80840 Sabine Pass TX to 801260 Albion River CA Galveston TX 801265 Noyo River CA80845 Galveston TX to 801270 ArcatoHumboldt Bay Freeport TX CA80850 Brazos River TX to 801275 Crescent City Harbor the Rio Grande TX CA 175THIRTEENTH DISTRICT ALASKASec SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT801305 Chetco River OR801310 Rogue River OR 1705 Alaska801315 Coquille River OR801320 Coos Bay OR AUTHORITY Rule 1801325 Umpqua River OR International Regulations for801330 Sinslaw River OR Preventing Collisions at Sea801335 Alsea Bay OR 1972 as rectified EO 11964801340 Yaquina Bay OR Pub L 9575 91 Stat 308 14801345 Depoe Bay OR USC 249 CFR 146b unless801350 Netarts Bay OR otherwise noted801355 Tillamook Bay OR SOURCE CGD 77118a 42801360 Nehalem River OR FR 35784 July 11 1977 unless801365 Columbia River otherwise noted Entrance ORWA801370 Willapa Bay WA GENERAL801375 Grays Harbor WA801380 Quillayute River 8001 General basis and801385 Strait of Juan de Fuca purpose of demarcation lines 801390 Haro Strait and Strait a The regulations in this part of Georgia establish the lines of demarca 801395 Puget Sound and tion delineating those waters Adjacent Waters upon which mariners shall com ply with the International PACIFIC ISLANDS Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 72 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT COLREGS and those waters upon which mariners shall com 801410 Hawaiian Island ply with the Inland Navigation Exemption from General rule Rules801420 Mamala Bay Oahu HI b The waters inside of the801430 Kaneohe Bay Oahu HI lines are Inland Rules Waters801 440 Port Allen Kauai H I The waters outside the lines are801450 Nawiliwili Harbor COLREGS Waters Kauai HI CGD 82029 47 FR 19518801460 Kahului Harbor Maul May 6 1982 CGD 83003 48 HI FR 7442 Feb 22 1983801470 Kawaihae Harbor Hawaii HI801480 Hilo Harbor Hawaii HI801490 Apra Harbor US Territory of Guam 801495 US Pacific Island Possessions 176 ATLANTIC COAST the harbors bays and inlets on the east coast of Maine New FIRST DISTRICT Hampshire and Massachusetts from Portland Head to Halibut 80105 Carats ME to Cape Point at Cape AnnSmall ME The 72 COLREGS shall apply b A line drawn from theon the harbors bays and inlets southernmost tower on Gerrishon the east coast of Maine from Island charted in Bridge at Calais position latitude 430040 N lonME to the gitude 70 412 W toextremity of Bald Head at Cape Whaleback Light thence toSmall Jeffrey Point Light 2A thence to the extremity 80110 Casco Bay M E of Frost Point a A line drawn from the c A line drawn from the extremity of ernmost extremity of Farm PointBald Head at Cape Small to the to Annisquam Harbor extremity ofRagged Island thence to the 80120 Cape Ann MA tosouthern tangent of Jaquish Marblehead Neck MAIsland thence to Little Mark a Except inside lines specifi Island Monument Light thence to cally described in this sectionthe northernmost extremity of the 72 COLREGS shall apply onJewell Island the harbors bays and inlets on the east coast of Massachusetts b A line drawn from the tower from Halibut Point at Cape Annon Jewell Island charted in to Marblehead position latitude 43406 N longitude 70 059 W b A line drawn fromto the extremi Gloucester Harbor Breakwaterty of Outer Green Island Light to the twin towers charted in approximate position latitude c A line drawn from the 42351N longitude extremity ofOuter Green Island to Ram c A line drawn from theIsland Ledge Light thence to westernmost extremity of GalesPortland Head Light Point to the easternmost extremity of House Island 80115 Portland Head ME thence to Bakers Island Lightto Cape Ann MA thence to Marblehead Light a Except inside lines specifi cally described in this section CGD 81017 46 FR 28154the 72 COLREGS shall apply on May 26 1981 177 80125 Marblehead Neck shorelineMA to Nahant MA CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 The 72 COLREGS apply on May 26 1981 the harbors bays and inlets onthe east coast of Massachusetts 80145 Race Point MA tofrom Marblehead Neck to the Watch Hail RIeasternmost tower at Nahantcharted in approximate position a Except inside lines specifi latitude 42254 N longitude cally described in this section700546 W the 72 COLREGS shall apply on CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 the sounds bays harbors andMay 26 1981 inlets along the coast of Cape Cod and the southern coasts of 80130 Boston Harbor Massachusetts and Rhode Islandentrance from Race Point to Watch Hill A line drawn from eastern most b A line drawn from Nobskatower at Nahant charted in Point Light to Tarpaulin position latitude Light on the southeastern side of42254 N longitude 700546 Naushon Island thence from theW to Boston Lighted Horn Buoy southernmost tangent ofB thence to the eastern most Naushon Island to theradio tower at Hull charted in easternmost extremity ofapproximate position latitude Nashawena Island thence from42167 N longitude 70526 the southwestern most extremityW of Nashawena Island to the CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 easternmost extremity ofMay 26 1981 Cuttyhunk Island thence from the southwestern tangent of 80135 Hull MA to Race Cuttyhunk Island to the tower onPoint MA Gooseberry Neck charted in approximate position latitude a Except inside lines 41291 N longitude 71 023Wdescribed in this section the 72COLREGS apply on the harbors c A line drawn from Sakonnetbays and inlets on the east coast Breakwater Light 2 tangent to theof Massachusetts from the southernmost part of radio tower at Hull Point charted in in approximate position position latitude 41 285Nlatitude 42167 N longitude longitude 71 148 W700526 W to Race Point onCape Cod b A line drawn from Light 4 south to the 178 d An eastwest line drawn h A line drawn fromthrough Beavertail Light between Threemile Harbor WestBrenton Point and the Boston Breakwater Light to Three MileNeck shoreline Harbor East Breakwater Light CGD 81017 46 FR 28154May 26 1981 i A line drawn from Montauk West Jetty Light 1 to Montauk 80150 Block Island RI East Jetty Light 2 The 72 COLREGS shall apply Redesignated by CGD 87on the harbors of Block Island 0086 52 FR 25218 July 6 1987 80155 Watch Hill RI to 80160 Montauk Point NYMontauk Point NY to Atlantic Beach NY a A line drawn from Watch a A line drawn fromHill Light to East Point on Fishers Shinnecock Inlet EastIsland Breakwater Light to Shinnecock Inlet West Breakwater Light 1 b A line drawn from RacePoint to Race Rock Light thence b A line drawn from Morichesto Little Gull Island Light thence Inlet East Breakwater Light toto East Point on Plum Island Moriches Inlet West Breakwater Light c A line drawn from PlumIsland Harbor East Dolphin Light c A line drawn from Fireto Plum Island Harbor West Island Inlet Breakwater LightDolphin Light 348 true to the southernmost extremity of the spit of land at d A line drawn from Plum the western end of Oak BeachIsland Light to Orient Point Lightthence to Orient Point d A line drawn from Jones Inlet Light 322 true across the e A line drawn from the light southwest tangent of the islandhouse ruins at the southwestern on the north side of Jones Inlet toend of Long Beach Point to the Point Redesignated by CGD 87 f A line drawn from Coeces 0086 52 FR 25218 July 6 1987Harbor Entrance Light to SungicPoint 80165 New York Harbor g A line drawn from Nichols A line drawn from EastPoint to Cedar Island Light Rockaway Inlet Breakwater Light to Sandy Hook Light 179 80170 Sandy Hook NJ to shoreline across Corson InletToms River NJ f A line formed by the center a A line drawn from Shark line of the Townsend InletRiver Inlet North Breakwater Highway BridgeLight 2 to Shark River Inlet South g A line formed by the Light 1 line of Seven Mile Beach and b A line drawn from Hereford Inlet LightManasquan Inlet North h A line drawn from CapeBreakwater Light 4 to May Inlet West Jetty LightManasquan Inlet South CGD 870086 52 FR light 3 July 6 1987 c A line drawn from BarnegatInlet North Breakwater Light 4A 80503 Delaware Bayto the seaward extremity of the A line drawn from Cape Maysubmerged Barnegat Inlet South Light to Harbor of Refuge thence along the thence to the breakwater to the extremity of Cape 80505 Cape Henlopen DE FIFTH DISTRICT to Cape Charles VA a A line drawn from the sea 80501 Toms River NJ to ward extremity of Indian RiverCape May NJ Inlet North Jetty to Indian River a A line drawn from the sea Inlet South Jetty Lightward tangent of Long Beach b A line drawn from OceanIsland to the seaward tangent to City Inlet Light 6 225 true acrossPullen Island across Beach Ocean City Inlet to theHaven and Little Egg Inlets submerged south breakwater b A line drawn from the c A line drawn fromseaward tangent of Pullen Island Assateague Beach Tower Lightto the seaward tangent of to the tower charted at Island across 370526 N longitude Inlet d A line formed by the range c A line drawn from the sea of Wachapreague Inlet Light 3ward extremity of Absecon Inlet and Parramore Beach LookoutNorth Jetty to Atlantic City Light Tower drawn across d A line drawn from the Wachapreague point of Longport e A line drawn from the look at latitude 30 182 N out tower charted on the north ern Iongitude 75322 W to the end of Hog Island to the sea point of Ocean tangent of Parramore BeachCity at latitude 39 176 N lon f A Line drawn 207 true fromgitude 74331 W across Great the lookout tower charted on theEgg Harbor Inlet southern end of Hog Island e A line drawn parallel withthe general trend of highwater 180across Great Machipongo Inlet c A line drawn across Drum g A line formed by the range Inlet parallel with the generalof the two cupolas charted on the trend of the highwater end of Cobb Islanddrawn across Sand Shoal Inlet 80525 Cape Lookout NC h Except as provided else to Cape Fear NCwhere in this section from CapeHenlopen to Cape Charles lines a A line drawn from Capedrawn parallel with the general Lookout Light to the seawardtrend of the highwater shoreline tangent of the southeastern endacross the entrances to small of Shackleford Banksbays and inlets b A line drawn from Morehead City Channel Range 80510 Chesapeake Bay Front Light to the VA extremity of the Beaufort Inlet west jetty A line drawn from Cape c A line drawn from theCharles Light to Cape Henry southernmost extremity of BogueLight Banks at latitude 34 387 N longitude 77060 W across 80515 Cape Henry VA to Bogue Inlet to the Hatteras NC extremity of Bear Beach at a A line drawn from Rudee latitude 340385 N longitude 77Inlet Jetty Light 2 to Rudee Inlet 071 WJetty Light 1 d A line drawn from the tower b A line formed by the center charted in approximate positionline of the highway bridge across latitude 34 315 N Inlet 770208 W to the seaward tan gent of the shoreline on the 80520 Cape Hatteras NC northeast side of New River Inletto e A line drawn across New Topsail Inlet between the closest a A line drawn from Hatteras extremities of the shore on eitherInlet Lookout Tower 30118N side of the inlet from latitude 3475449W 255 true to the east 208 N longitude 77 392 Wern end of Ocracoke Island to latitude 34 206 N longitude b A line drawn from the west 77 396 Wernmost extremity of OcracokeIsland at latitude 35 040 Nlongitude 76 008 W to thenortheastem extremity ofPortsmouth Island at latitude 35037 N longitude 76 023 W 181 f A line drawn from the sea line drawn parallel with the gen ward extremity of the jetty on the eral trend of the side of Masonboro Inlet shoreline across Hog Inletto the seaward extremity of the thence a line drawn from Murrelsjetty on the southeast side of the Inlet Light 2 to Murrels Inlet LightInlet 1 thence a line drawn parallel with the general trend of the g Except as provided else highwater shoreline acrosswhere in this section from Cape Midway Inlet Pawleys Inlet andLookout to Cape Fear lines North Inletdrawn parallel with the general c A line drawn from the chart trend of the highwater shoreline ed position of Winyah Bay Northacross the entrance of small Jetty End Buoy 2N south to thebays and inlets Winyah Bay South Jetty d A line drawn from Santee 80530 Cape Fear NC to Point to the seaward tangent ofLittle River Inlet NC Cedar Island e A line drawn from Cedar a A line drawn from the aban Island Point west to Murphydoned lighthouse charted in position latitude 33 f A northsouth line longitude524 N longitude 78 001 W 790203 W drawn from Murphyacross the Cape Fear River Island to the to Oak Island Light extremity of Cape Island Point b Except as provided else 80707 Cape Romain SC towhere in this section from Cape Sullivans Island SCFear to Little River Inlet linesdrawn parallel with the general a A line drawn from the west trend of the highwater shoreline ern extremity of Cape Romainacross the entrance to small 292 true to Racoon Key on theinlets west side of Racoon Creek SEVENTH DISTRICT b A line drawn from the west ernmost extremity of Sandy 80703 Little River Inlet SC Point across Bull Bay to theto Cape Romain SC northernmost extremity of Northeast Point a A line drawn from the westernmost extremity of the sand c A line drawn from thespit on Bird Island to the east southernmost extremity of Bullernmost extremity of Waties Island to the across Little River Inlet extremity of Capers Island b From Little River Inlet a d A line formed by the over head power cable from Capers Island to Dewees Island 182 e A line formed by the over Island through Folly Riverhead power cable from Dewees Daybeacon 10 across StonoIsland to Isle of Palms River to the shoreline of Sandy f A line formed by the center Pointline of the highway bridgebetween Isle of Palms and c A line drawn from theSullivans Island over Breach southernmost extremity ofInlet Seabrook Island 257 true across the North Edisto River 80710 Charleston Harbor Entrance to the shore of BotanySC Bay Island a A line formed by the sub d A line drawn from themerged north jetty from the microwave antenna tower onshore to the west end of the Edisto Beach charted in approxi north jetty mate position latitude 32293 N longitude 80 192 W across St b A line drawn from across Helena Sound to the aban donedthe seaward extremity of the lighthouse tower on Harbor Jetties Island c A line drawn from the west e A line formed by the centerend of the South Jetty across the line of the highway bridgeSouth Entrance to Charleston between Hunting Island andHarbor to shore on a line formed Fripp Islandby the submerged south jetty f A line following the general 80712 Morris Island SC to trend of the seaward Head Island SC shoreline across Cabretta Inlet a A line drawn from the east 80715 Savannah Riverernmost tip of Folley Island to theabandoned lighthouse tower on A line drawn from the south the north side of Lighthouse Inlet ernmost tank on Hilton Headthence west to the shoreline of Island charted in Island position latitude 320067 N lon gitude 80 493 W to Bloody b A straight line drawn from Point Range Rear Light thencethe seaward tangent of Folly to Tybee Range Rear Light 183 80717 Tybee Island GA to h A northsouth line longi St Simons Island GA tude 81 171 W drawn from the point of a A line drawn from the Wolf Island to the extremity of most point on Little St SimonsSavannah Beach on Tybee IslandIsland 255 true across TybeeInlet to the shore of Little Tybee i A line drawn from the northIsland south of the entrance to easternmost extremity of SeaBuck Hammock Creek Island 045 true to Little St Simons Island b A straight line drawn fromthe northernmost extremity of j An eastwest line from theWassaw Island 031 true through southernmost extremity of SeaTybee River Daybeacon I to the Island across Goulds Inlet to Stshore of Little Tybee Island Simons Island c A line drawn approximately 80720 St Simons Island GAparallel with the general trend of to Amelia Island FLthe highwater shorelines from theseaward tangent of Wassau a A line drawn from StIsland to the seaward tangent of Simons Light to the Point on Ossabaw most tank on Jekyll Island chart Island ed in approximate position lati tude 31 059 N longitude 81 d A northsouth line 245 Wlongitude 81 084 W drawnfrom the southernmost extremity b A line drawn from theof Ossabaw Island to St southernmost tank on Island Island charted in approximate position latitude 31 016 N e A northsouth line longi longitude 81 252 W to coordi tude 81 106W drawn from the nate latitude 300594 Nsouthernmost extremity of St longitude 81 237 W 05 nauti Catherines Island to Northeast cal mile east of the charted posi Point on Blackbeard Island tion of St Andrew Sound Lighted Buoy 32 thence to the aban f A line following the general doned lighthouse tower on thetrend of the seaward highwater north end of Little across Cabretta Inlet Island charted in approximate position latitude 30 585 N g A northsouth line longi longitude 81 248 Wtude 81 169 W drawn fromthe point onSapelo Island to Wolf Island 184 c A line drawn across the St Lucie Inletseaward extremity of the St e A line drawn from the sea Marys Entrance Jetties ward extremity of Jupiter Inlet North Jetty to the northeast 80723 Amelia Island FL to extremity of the concrete apronCape Canaveral FL on the south side of Jupiter inlet f A line drawn across the sea a A line drawn from the ward extremity of the Lake extremity of Inlet JettiesAmelia Island to the g A line drawn across extremity of seaward extremity of theLittle Talbot Island Boynton Inlet Jetties b A line formed by the center h A line drawn from Bocaline of the highway bridge from Raton Inlet North Jetty Light 2 toLittle Talbot Island to Fort Boca Raton Inlet South JettyGeorge Island Light 1 c A line drawn across the i A line drawn from extremity of the St Inlet Light to Hillsboro InletJohns River Entrance Jetties Entrance Light 2 thence to d A line drawn across the Hillsboro Inlet Entrance Light 1seaward extremity of the St thence west to the Inlet Jetties j A line drawn across the sea e A line formed by the center ward extremity of the Portline of the highway bridge over Everglades Entrance Inlet k A line formed by the center f A line drawn across the sea line of the highway bridge overward extremity of the Ponce de Bakers Haulover InletLeon Inlet Jetties 80730 Miami Harbor FL 80727 Cape Canaveral FLto Miami Beach FL A line drawn across the sea ward extremity of the Miami a A line drawn across the Harbor Government Cut Jettiesseaward extremity of the PortCanaveral Entrance Channel 80735 Miami FL 10 LollsJetties Key FL b A line drawn across theseaward extremity of the a A line drawn from theSebastian Inlet Jetties southernmost extremity of Fisher c A line drawn across the Island 212 o true to the point lat seaward extremity of the Fort itude 25 450 N Inlet Jetties 80086 W on Virginia Key d A northsouth line longi tude 800097 W drawn across 185 b A line formed by the center across the entrance of San Juanline of the highway bridge Harborbetween Virginia Key and KeyBiscayne GULF COAST c A line drawn from Cape SEVENTH Light to the northern mostextremity on Soldier Key 80740 Long Key FL to d A line drawn from the Cape Sable FLsouthernmost extremity onSoldier Key to the northernmost A line drawn from theextremity of the Ragged Keys microwave tower charted on e A line drawn from the Rag Long Key at approximate posi ged Keys to the southernmost tion latitude 24488N of Angelfish Key fol 80496W to Long Key Light 1lowing the general trend of the thence to Arsenic Bank Light 2seaward shoreline thence to Sprigger Bank Light 5 f A line drawn on the center thence to Schooner Bank Light 6line of the Overseas Highway thence to Oxfoot Bank Light 10US 1 and bridges from latitude thence to East Cape Light 225193 N longitude 800160 thence through East CapeW at Little Angelfish Creek to Daybeacon 1A to the shoreline atthe radar dome charted on Long East CapeKey at approximate 24 493 N longitude 80 80745 Cape Sable FL to492 W CGD 8t017 46 FR Cape Romano FL28154 May 26 1981 a A line drawn following the PUERTO RICO AND general trend of the mainland VIRGIN ISLANDS highwater shoreline from Cape Sable at East Cape to Little SEVENTH DISTRICT Shark River Light 1 thence to westernmost extremity of Shark 80738 Puerto Rico and Point thence following the gen Virgin Islands eral trend of the mainland high water shoreline crossing the a Except inside lines specifi entrances of Harney Rivercally described in this section Broad Creek Broad Riverthe 72 COLREGS shall apply on Rodgers River First Bayall other bays harbors and Chatham River Huston River tolagoons of Puerto Rico and the the shoreline at coordinateUS Virgin Islands latitude 25418 N longitude 81 b A line drawn from Puerto 179 WSan Juan Light to Cabras Light 186 b The 72 COLREGS shall Wiggins Big Hickory New andapply to the waters surrounding Big Cados Passes parallel to thethe Ten Thousand Islands and general trend of the seawardthe bays creeks inlets and highwater between Chatham Bend g A straight line drawn fromand Marco Island except inside Sanibel Island Light throughlines specifically described in thisMatanzas Pass Channel Light 2part to the shore of Estero Island CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 c A northsouth line drawn at May 26 1981longitude 81 202 W across theentrance to Lopez River 80750 Sanibel Island FL to St Petersburg FL d A line drawn across theentrance to Turner River parallel a A line formed by the centerto the general trend of the shore line of the highway bridge overline Blind Pass between Captiva Island and Sanibel Island and e A line formed by the center lines drawn across Redfish andline of Highway 92 Bridge at Captiva Passes parallel to theGoodland general trend of the seaward highwater shorelines 80748 Cape Romano FL b A line drawn from La Costato Sanibel Island FL Test Pile North Light to Port a A line drawn across Big Boca Grande LightMarco Pass parallel to the gen eral trend of the seaward high c Lines drawn acrosswater shoreline Gasparilla and Stump Pasees parallel to the general trend of b A line drawn from the north the seaward highwater shore westernmost extremity of linesCoconut Island 000 T acrossCapri Pass d A line across the seaward extremity of Venice Inlet Jetties c Lines drawn and Little Marco e A line drawn acrossPasses parallel to the general Midnight Pass parallel to thetrend of the seaward highwater general trend of the highwater shoreline d A line from the seaward f A line drawn from Bigextremity of Gordon Pass South Sarasota Pass Light 14 to theJetty 014 true to the shoreline southernmost extremity of Lidoat approximate coordinate lati Keytude 26o057 N longitude 81481 W g A line drawn across New e A line drawn across the Pass tangent to the seawardseaward extremity of Doctors highwater shoreline of LongboatPass Jetties Key f Lines drawn across 187 h A line drawn across Anchorage South Entrance LightLongboat Pass parallel to the 7 thence to Anclote Keyseaward highwater shoreline 28100N 82506w thence a straight line through Anclote i A line drawn from the north River Cut B Range Rear Light towesternmost extremity of Bean the shorelinePoint to the of Egmont Key 80755 Anclote FL to the Suncoast Keys FL j A straight line drawn fromEgmont Key Light through a Except inside lines specifi Egmont Channel Range Rear cally described in this sectionLight to the shoreline on Mullet the 72 COLREGS shall apply onKey the bays bayous creeks mari nas and rivers from Anclote to k A line drawn from the north the Suncoast Keysernmost extremity of Mullet Keyacross Bunces Pass and South b A northsouth line drawn atChannel to PassaGrille longitude 820383 W across theChannel Light 8 thence to Pass Chassahowitzka River Channel Daybeacon 9thence to the 80757 Suncoast Keys FLextremity of Long Key to Horseshoe Point FL CGD 81017 46 FR 28154May 26 1981 a Except inside lines specifi cally described in this section 80753 St Petersburg FL the 72 COLREGS shall apply onto the Anclote FL the bays bayous creeks and marinas from the Suncoast Keys a A line drawn across Blind to Horseshoe PointPass between Treasure Islandand Long Key parallel with the b A line formed by the centergeneral trend of the seaward line of Highway 44 Bridge overhighwater shoreline the Salt River b Lines formed by the center c A northsouth line drawnline of the highway bridges over through Crystal River EntranceJohns and Clearwater Passes Daybeacon 25 across the river entrance c A line drawn acrossDunedin and Hurricane Passes d A northsouth line drawnparallel with the general trend of through the Cross Florida Bargethe shore Canal Daybeacon 48 across theline canal d A line drawn from the north e A northsouth line drawnernmost extremity of through Withlacoochee RiverHoneymoon Island to Anclote 188 Daybeacon 40 across the river Marks Channel Light 11 thence f A line drawn from the west to the southernmost extremity ofernmost extremity of South Point Live Oak Point thence in anorth to the shoreline across the straight line through Shell River Entrance Light to the southernmost g A line drawn from position extremity of Ochlockonee Pointlatitude 29o166 N longitude 83 thence to Bald Point along067 W 300 o true to the longitude of Hog Island d A line drawn from the south h A northsouth line drawn shore of Southwest Cape at lon through Suwannee River Wadley gitude 840227 W to Dog IslandPass Channel Daybeacons 30 Reef East Light 1 thence toand 31 across the Suwannee Turkey Point Light 2 thence toRiver the easternmost extremity of Dog Island 80760 Horseshoe Point e A line drawn from the westFL to Rock Islands FL ernmost extremity of Dog Island a Except inside lines specifi to the easternmost extremity ofcally described provided in this St George Islandsection the 72 COLREGS shall f A line drawn across the seaapply on the bays bayous ward extremity of the St Georgecreeks marinas and dyers from Island Channel Point to the Rock g A line drawn from the northIslands westernmost extremity of Sand b A northsouth line drawn Island to West Pass Light 7through Steinhatchee River Light h A line drawn from the west21 ernmost extremity oh St Vincent c A line drawn from Island to the southeast River Approach ter shoreline of Indian PeninsulaLight FR east across the at longitude 85135 Wentrance to Fenholloway River 80810 Cape San Bias FL EIGHTH DISTRICT to Perdido Bay FL 80805 Rock Island FL to a A line drawn from StCape San Bras FL Joseph Bay Entrance Range A a A northsouth line drawn Rear Light through St Josephfrom the Econfina River Light to Bay Entrance Range B Frontthe opposite shore Light to St Joseph Point b A line drawn from GamblePoint Light to the southernmost b A line drawn across theextremity of Cabell Point mouth of Salt Creek as an exten c A line drawn from St Marks sion of the general trend of theRange Rear Light to St shoreline to continue across the inlet to St Andrews sound in the middle of Crooked Island 189 c A line drawn from the north e A eastwest line extremity of Crooked 300147 N drawn between theIsland 000 T to the mainland westernmost extremity of Horn d A line drawn from the east Island to the extremity of Shell Island extremity of Ship Island120 true to the shoreline across f A curved line drawn followthe east entrance to St Andrews ing the general trend of the sea Bay ward highwater shoreline of Ship e A line drawn between the Islandseaward end of the St Andrews g A line drawn from ShipBay Entrance Jetties Island Light to Chandeleur Light f A line drawn between the thence in a curved line end of the the general trend of the Bay Entrance highwater shorelines of theJetties Chandeleur Islands to the island g A eastwest line drawn from at latitude 29441 N longitudeFort McRee Leading Light across 88530W thence to latitudethe Pensacola Bay Entrance 29265N longitude 88556 VValong latitude 30195N h A line drawn between the 80825 Mississippi Passesseaward end of the Perdido Pass LAJetties a A line drawn from latitude 29265N longitude 88556W 80815 Mobile Bay AL to to latitude 29 106N longitudethe Chandeleur Islands LA 88598W thence to latitude a A line drawn across the in 29035N longitude 89037Wlets to Little Lagoon as an exten thence to latitude 28588Nsion of the general trend of the longitude 89043 Wshoreline b A line drawn from latitude b A line drawn from Mobile 28588N longitude 89043WPoint Light to Dauphin Island to latitude 28 573N Light No 1 to the east 89053W thence to latitudeern corner of Fort Gaines at 285695N longitude 89056Pelican Point W thence to latitude 29004N c A line drawn from the west longitude 89098 W thenceernmost extremity of Dauphin following the general trend of theIsland to the easternmost seaward highwater shoreline in aextremity of Petit Bois Island northwesterly direction to latitude d A fine drawn from Horn 29034N longitude 89130Island Pass Entrance Range W thence west to latitude 29Front Light on Petit Bois Island to 035N longitude 89155 Wthe easternmost extremity of thence following the generalHorn Island trend of the seaward highwater 190shoreline in a southwesterly tude 89261 W thence follow direction to latitude 280577 N ing the general trend of the sea longitude 89o223 W ward highwater jetty and shore c A line drawn from latitude line in a north N longitude 89o223 direction to Old Tower latitude 28W to latitude 28 514 N 588 N longitude 890233 Wlongitude 89o245 W thence to thence to West Bay Light thencelatitude 28515 N longitude to coordinate latitude 29o052 N89271 W thence to latitude longitude 89o243 W thence a28o5265 N longitude 89271 curved line following the generalW thence to the seaward trend of the highwater of the Southwest Pass to Point Au Fer Island except asWest Jetty located at latitude otherwise described in this28545 N longitude 89261 sectionW b A line drawn across the d A line drawn from seaward extremity of the River South Pass Waterway Bayou FontanelleEast Jetty Light 4 to Mississippi entrance jettiesRiver South Pass West Jetty c An eastwest line drawnLight thence following the from the westernmost trend of the seaward of Grand Terre Islands in thehighwater shoreline in a north direction of 194 o true to thewesterly direction to coordinate Grand Isle Fishing Jetty Lightlatitude 290034 N longitude d A line drawn between the890130 W thence west to seaward extremity of the latitude 290035 N Pass 89155W thence e A line drawn from the westfollowing the general trend of the ernmost extremity of the Tumblerseaward highwater shoreline in a Island to the direction extremity of Isles Dernieres toMississippi River Southwest Pass f A northsouth line drawnEntrance Light from Caillou Bay Light 13 across e A line drawn from Caillou River Southwest Pass g A line drawn 107 true fromEntrance Light thence to the Caillou Bay Boat Landing Lightseaward extremity of theacross the entrances to GrandSouthwest Pass West Jetty Bayou du Large and Bayoulocated at coordinate latitude 28 Grand Caillou545 N Iongitude 89 261 W h A line drawn on an axis of 103 true through Taylors Bayou 80830 Mississippi Passes Entrance Light 2 across theLA to Point Au Fer LA entrances to Jack Stout Bayou a A line drawn from the sea Taylors Bayou Pelican Passward extremity of the Southwest and Bayou de WestPass West Jetty located at coor dinate latitude 28545 N Iongi 191 80835 Point Au Fer LA to Sabine Pass East Jetty Light toCalcasieu Pass LA the seaward end of the Sabine a A line drawn from Point Au Pass West JettyFer to Atchafalaya Channel Light b A line drawn across the34 thence Point Au Fer Reef small boat passes through theLight 33 Atchafalaya Bay Sabine Pass East and WestPipeline Light D latitude 29250 JettiesN longitude 91317 W thence c A line formed by the Bay Light 1 latitude line of the highway bridge over29 253 N longitude 910358 Rollover Pass at GilchristW thence South Point b Lines following the general 80845 Galveston TX totrend of the highwater shoreline Freeport TXdrawn across the bayou canal a A line drawn frominlets from the Gulf of Mexico Galveston North Jetty Light 6A tobetween South Point and Galveston South Jetty Light 5ACalcasieu Pass except as other b A line formed by the centerwise described in this section line of the highway bridge over c A line drawn on an axis of San Luis Pass140 true through Southwest c Lines formed by the Bay Light 4 lines of the highway bridgesacross Southwest Pass over the inlets to Christmas Bay d A line drawn across the Cedar Cut and Drum Bayseaward extremity of the d A line drawn from the sea Freshwater Bayou Canal ward extremity of the Jetties North Jetty to Freeport Entrance e A line drawn from Light 6 thence Channel East Jetty Entrance Light 7 thence theLight 6 to Mermentau Channel seaward extremity of FreeportWest Jetty Light 7 South Jetty f A line drawn from the radiotower charted in approximate 80850 Brazos River TX toposition latitude 29457 N lon the Rio Grande TXgitude 93063 W 115 true a Except as Mermentau Pass described in this section lines g A line drawn across the drawn continuing the generalseaward extremity of the trend of the seaward Pass Jetties shorelines across the inlets to Brazos River Diversion Channel 80840 Sabine Pass TX to San Bernard River Cedar LakesGalveston TX Brown Cedar Cut Colorado a A line drawn from the River Matagorda Bay 192Cedar Bayou Corpus Christi Bay North Jetty Light 1Bay and Laguna Madre 801120 Oceanside Harbor b A line drawn across the CAseaward extremity of MatagordaShip Channel North Jetties A line drawn from Oceanside South Jetty Light 4 to Oceanside c A line drawn from the sea Breakwater Light 3ward tangent of at Decros Point to 801125 Dana Point Light CA d A line drawn across the A line drawn from Dana Point seaward extremity of the Jetty Light 6 to Dana Point Aransas Pass Jetties Breakwater Light 5 e A line drawn across the 801130 Newport Bay CAseaward extremity of the PortMansfield Entrance Jetties A line drawn from Newport Bay East Jetty Light 4 to Newport Bay f A line drawn across the sea West Jetty Light 3ward extremity of the BrazosSantiago Pass Jetties 801135 San Pedro Bay Anaheim Bay CA PACIFIC COAST a A line drawn across the ELEVENTH DISTRICT seaward extremities of the Anaheim Bay Entrance East 801105 Santa Catalina Jetties thence to Long BeachIsland CA Breakwater East End Light 1 The 72 COLREGS shall apply b A line drawn from Longto the harbors on Santa Catalina Beach Channel Entrance Light 2Island to Long Beach Light 801110 San Diego Harbor c A line drawn from LosCA Angeles Main Entrance Channel Light 2 to Los Angeles Light A line drawn from Zuniga JettyLight V to Zuniga Jetty Light 801140 Redondo HarborZ thence to Point Loma Light CA 80111 5 Mission Bay CA A line drawn from Redondo Beach East Jetty Light 2 to A line drawn from Mission Bay Redondo Beach West Jetty LightSouth Jetty Light 2 to Mission 3 193 801145 Marina Del Rey Barbara Harbor BreakwaterCA Light a A line drawn from MarinaDel Rey Breakwater South Light TWELFTH DISTRICT1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4 801205 San Luis Obispo b A line drawn from Marina Bay CADel Rey Breakwater North Light A line drawn from the south2 to Marina Del Rey Light 3 ernmost extremity of Fossil Point to the seaward extremity of c A line drawn from Marina Whaler Island BreakwaterDel Rey Light 4 to the of the Ballona Creek 801210 EsteroMorro BaySouth Jetty CA A line drawn from the seaward 801150 Port Husneme CA extremity of the Morro Bay East A line drawn from Port Breakwater to the Morro BayHueneme East Jetty Light 4 to West Breakwater Lightfort Hueneme West Jetty Light 801215 Monterey Harbor 801155 Channel Islands CAHarbor CA A line drawn from Monterey a A line drawn from Channel Harbor Light 6 to the Harbor South Jetty Light extremity of Monterey Municipal2 to Channel Islands Harbor Wharf 2Breakwater South Light 1 801220 Moss Landing b A line drawn from Channel Harbor CAIslands Harbor Breakwater North A line drawn from the seawardLight to Channel Islands Harbor extremity of the pier located 03North Jetty Light 5 mile south of Moss Landing Harbor Entrance to the seaward 801160 Ventura Marina extremity of the Moss LandingCA Harbor North Breakwater A line drawn from VenturaMarina South Jetty Light 6 to 801225 Santa Cruz HarborVentura Marina Breakwater CASouth Light 3 thence to Ventura A line drawn from the SeawardMarina North Jetty Light 7 extremity of the Santa Cruz Harbor East Breakwater to Santa 801165 Santa Barbara Cruz Harbor West CA Light thence to Santa Cruz A line drawn from Santa LightBarbara Harbor Light 4 to Santa 194 801230 Pillar Point Harbor easternmost extremity of WhalerCA Island A line drawn from Pillar PointHarbor Light 6 to Pillar Point THIRTEENTH DISTRICTHarbor Entrance Light 801305 Chetco River OR 801250 San Francisco A line drawn across the sea wardHarbor CA extremities of the Chetco River A straight line drawn from Entrance JettiesPoint Bonita Light through MileRocks Light to the shore CGD 81017 46 FR 28154 May 26 19811 801255 Bodega andTomales Bay CA 801310 Rogue River OR a An eastwest line drawn A line drawn across the sea wardfrom Sand Point to Avails Beach extremities of the Rogue River Entrance Jetties b A line drawn from the seaward extremity of Bodega Harbor 801315 Coquille River ORNorth Breakwater to Bodega A line drawn across the sea Harbor Entrance Light 1 CGD ward extremities of the Coquille81017 46 FR 28154 May 26 River Entrance Jetties1981 801320 Coos Bay OR 8012B0 Albion River CA A line drawn across the sea A line drawn on an axis of 030 ward extremities of the Coos Baytrue through Albion River Light 1 Entrance Jettiesacross Albion Cove 801325 Umpqua River OR 801265 Noyo River CA A line drawn across the sea A line drawn from Noyo River ward extremities of the UmpquaEntrance Daybeacon 4 to Noyo Entrance JettiesRiver Entrance Light 5 801330 Siuslaw River OR 801270 ArcataHumboldt A line drawn across the sea wardBay CA extremities of the Siuslaw River A line drawn from Humboldt Entrance JettiesBay Entrance Light 4 to Humboldt Bay Entrance Light 3 801335 Alsea Bay OR A line drawn from the seaward 801275 Crescent City shoreline on the north of theHarbor CA Alsea Bay Entrance 165 true A line drawn from Crescent across the channel entranceCity Entrance Light to the south 195 801340 Yaquina Bay OR ward extremities above waterA line drawn across the sea ward of the Grays Harbor of Yaquina Bay Jetties 801380 Quillayute River 801345 Depoe Bay OR WA A line drawn across the Depoe A line drawn from the seawardBay Channel entrance parallel extremity of the Quillayute Riverwith the general trend of the Entrance East Jetty to the over highwater shoreline head power cable tower charted on James Island thence a 801350 Netarts Bay OR A straight line through Quillayuteline drawn from the northern most River Entrance Light 3 to theextremity of the shore on the shorelinesouth side of Netarts Bay north tothe opposite shoreline 801385 Strait of Juan de Fuca 801355 Tillamook Bay OR The 72 COLREGS shall apply A line drawn across the sea on all waters of the Strait of Juanward extremities of the Tillamook de FucaBay Entrance Jetties 801390 Haro Strait and 801360 Nehalem River Strait of GeorgiaOR The 72 COLREGS shall apply A line drawn approximately on all waters of the Haro Straitparallel with the general trend of and the Strait of Georgiathe highwater shoreline acrossthe Nehalem River Entrance 801395 Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters 801365 Columbia River The 72 COLREGS shall applyEntrance ORWA on all waters of Puget Sound and A line drawn from the seaward adjacent waters including Lakeextremity of the Columbia River Union Lake Washington HoodNorth Jetty above water 155 Canal and all tributaries CGDtrue to the seaward extremity of 81087 46 FR 61456 Dec 17the Columbia River South Jetty 1981above water PACIFIC ISLANDS 801370 Willapa Bay WA Aline drawn from Willapa Bay FOURTEENTH DISTRICTLight 1698 true to the westernmost tripod charted 16 miles 801410 Hawaiian Islandsouth of Leadbetter Point Exemption from General Rule Except as provided elsewhere in 801375 Grays Harbor WA this part for Mamala Bay and A line drawn across the sea Kaneohe Bay on Oahu Port 196 Allen and Nawiliwili Bay on Light to the seaward extremityKauai Kahului Harbor on Maul of the Kawaihae Southand Kawailae and Hilo Harbors Breakwateron Hawaii the 72 COLREGSshall apply on all other bays har 801480 Hilo Harborbors and lagoons of the Hawaii HIHawaiian Island including A line drawn from the seawardMidway extremity of the Hilo Breakwater 265 true as an extension of the 801420 Mamala Bay Oahu seaward side of the breakwaterHI to the shoreline 02 nautical mile A line drawn from Barbers north of Alealea PointPoint Light to Diamond HeadLight 801490 Apra Harbor US Territory of Guam 801430 Kaneohe Bay A line drawn from the westernOahu HI most extremity of Orote Island to A straight line drawn from the westernmost extremity ofPyramid Rock Light across Glass Bay through the centerof Mokolii Island to the shoreline 801495 US Pacific Island Possessions 801440 Port Allen Kaual The 72 COLREGS shall applyHI on the bays harbors lagoons A line drawn from Hanapepe and waters surrounding the USLight to Hanapepe Bay Pacific Island Possessions ofBreakwater Light American Samoa Baker CGD 81Of7 46 FR 28154 Canton Howland JarvisMay 26 1981 Johnson Palmyra Swains and Wake Island The Trust Territory 801450 Nawiliwili Harbor of the Pacific Islands is not aKauai HI US possession and therefore A line drawn from Nawiliwili Part 82 does not apply thereto1981 Harbor Breakwater Light to CGD 81017 46 FR 28154Kukii Point Light May 26 1981 801460 Kahului Harbor ALASKAMaul HI A line drawn from Kahului SEVENTEENTH DISTRICTHarbor Entrance EastBreakwater Light to Kahului 801705 AlaskaHarbor Entrance West The 72 COLREGS shall Light on all the sounds bays harbors and inlets of Alaska 801470 Kawalhae Harbor CGD 81017 46 FR 28154Hawaii HI May 26 1981 A line drawn from Kawaihae 197 PENALTY PROVISIONS VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION RULES AND REGULATIONS 33 USC 1608 Sec 9a Whoever operates a vessel subject to the provisionsof this Act in violation of this Act or of any regulation to section 8 shall be liable to a civil penalty of not morethan 5000 for each such violation b Every vessel subject to the provisions of this Act other than apublic vessel being used for noncommercial purposes which is oper ated in violation of this Act or of any regulation promulgated pursuantto section 8 shall be liable to a civil penalty of not more than 5000for each such violation for which penalty the vessel may be seizedand proceeded against in the district court of the United States of anydistrict within which such vessel may be found c The Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard isoperating may assess any civil penalty authorized by this section Nosuch penalty may be assessed until the person charged or the ownerof the vessel charged as appropriate shall have been given noticeof the violation involved and an opportunity for a hearing For goodcause shown the Secretary may remit mitigate or compromise anypenalty assessed Upon the failure of the person charged or theowner of the vessel charged to pay an assessed penalty as it mayhave been mitigated or compromised the Secretary may request theAttorney General to commencean action in the appropriate districtcourt of the United States for collection of the penalty as regard to the amount involved together with such other reliefas may be appropriate July 27 1977 9 91 Stat 310 VIOLATIONS OF INLAND NAVIGATION RULES AND REGULATIONS 33 USC 2072 Sec 4a Whoever operates a vessel in violation of this Act orof any regulation issued thereunder or in violation of a certificate ofalternative compliance issued under Rule 1 is liable to a civil penaltyof not more than 5000 for each violation b Every vessel subject to this Act other than a public vessel beingused for noncommercial purposes that is operated in violation of thisAct or of any regulation issued thereunder or in violation of a certifi cate of alternative compliance issued under Rule 1 is liable to a civilpenalty of not more than 5000 for each violation for which penaltythe vessel may be seized and proceeded against in the district court 198of the United States of any district within which the vessel may befound c The Secretary may assess any civil penalty authorized by thissection No such penalty may be assessed until the person chargedor the owner of the vessel charged as appropriate shall have beengiven notice of the violation involved and an opportunity for a hear ing For good cause shown the Secretary may remit mitigate orcompromise any penalty assessed Upon the failure of the personcharged or the owner of the vessel charged to pay an as it may have been mitigated or compromised theSecretary may request the Attorney General to commence an actionin the appropriate district court of the United States for collection ofthe penalty as assessed without regard to the amount with such other relief as may be appropriate d The Secretary of the Treasury shall withhold or revoke at therequest of the Secretary the clearance required by section 4197 ofthe Revised Statutes of the United States 46 USC 91 of any ves sel the owner or operator of which is subject to any of the penaltiesin this section Clearance may be granted in such cases upon the fil ing of a bond or other surety satisfactory to the Secretary Dec 241980 4 94 Stat 3433PENALTIES FOR NEGLIGENT OPERATIONS DUTIES RELATED TO MARINE CASUALTY ASSISTANCE AND INFORMATION DUTY TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE AT SEA INJUNCTIONS 46 USC 23012305 EXCERPT FROM TITLE 46 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE CHAPTER 23 OPERATIONS OF VESSELS GENERALLY Enacted on August 2619831 Sec 2301 Application 2302 Penalties for negligent operations 2303 Duties related to marine casualty assistance 2304 Duty to provide assistance at sea 2305 Injunctions 2301 Application This chapter applies to a vessel operated on waters subject to of the United States and for a vessel owned in the UnitedStates on the high seas 199 2302 Penalties for negligent operations a A person operating a vessel in a negligent manner thatendangers the life limb or property of a person is liable to the UnitedStates Government for a civil penalty of not more than 1000 b A person operating a vessel in a grossly negligent mannerthat endangers the life limb or property of a person shall be finednot more than 5000 imprisoned for not more than one year orboth c For a penalty imposed under this section the vessel also isliable in rem unless the vessel is 1 owned by a State or a political subdivision of a State 2 operated principally for governmental purposes and 3 identified clearly as a vessel of that State or subdivision 2303 Duties related to marine casualty assistance The master or individual in charge of a vessel involved in amarine casualty shall 1 render necessary assistance to each individual affected to save that affected individual from danger caused by the marine casualty so far as the master or individual in charge can do so without serious danger to the masters or individuals vessel or to individuals on board and 2 give the masters or individuals name and address and identification of the vessel to the master or individual in charge of any other vessel involved in the casualty to any individual injured and to the owner of any property damaged b An individual violating this section or a regulation this section shall be fined not more than 1000 or imprisonedfor not more than 2 years The vessel also is liable in rein to theUnited States Government for the fine c An individual complying with subsection a of this section orgratuitously and in good faith rendering assistance at the scene of amarine casualty without objection by an individual assisted is notliable for damages as a result of rendering assistance or for an act oromission in providing or arranging salvage towage medical treat ment or other assistance when the individual acts as an and prudent individual would have acted under the cir cumstances 2002304 Duty to provide assistance at sea a A master or individual in charge of a vessel shall to any individual found at sea in danger of being lost sofar as the master or individual in charge can do so without seriousdanger to the masters or individuals vessel or individuals on board b A master or individual violating this section shall be fined notmore than 1000 imprisoned for not more than 2 years or both 2305 Injunctions a The district courts of the United States have jurisdiction toenjoin the negligent operation of vessels prohibited by this chapter onthe petition of the Attorney General for the United When practicable the Secretary shall 1 give notice to any person against whom an action for injunctive relief is considered under this section an opportunity to present that persons views and2 except for a knowing and willful violation give the person areasonable opportunity to achieve compliance c The failure to givenotice and opportunity to present views under subsection b of thissection does not preclude the court from grant ing appropriate relief 201 ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE The alternative compliance procedures for the and the Inland Rules are the same although they appear bothin the International Rules section of the Code of Federal Regulations33 CFR Part 81 and in the Inland Rules section 33 CFR Part 89SEC1 Definitions 4 Certificate of alternative compliance Contents2 General 5 Certificate of alternative compliance Termination3 Application for a certificate 6 Record of certification of vessels of special alternative compliance construction or purpose1 DefinitionsAs used in this part 72 COLREGS refers to the International Regulations forPreventing Collisions at Sea 1972 done at London October 201972 as rectified by the ProcesVerbal of December 1 1973 asamended Inland Rules refers to the Inland Navigation Rules contained inthe Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980 Pub L 96591 and thetechnical annexes established under that act A vessel of special construction or purpose means a vesseldesigned or modified to perform a special function and is thereby made relatively inflexible Interference with the special function of the vessel occurs or use of lights shapes or soundsignaling the 72 COLREGSinland Rules prevents or significantly hin ders the operation in which the vessel is usually engaged2 GeneralVessels of special construction or purpose which cannot fully com plywith the light shape and sound signal provisions of the 72 COLREGSinland Rules without interfering with their special function mayinstead meet alternative requirements The Chief of the MarineSafety Division in each Coast Guard District Office makes this determination and requires that alternative compliance be as close as possible with the 72 COLREGSinland Rules These regulations set outthe procedure by which a vessel may be certified for alternative compliance 3 Application for a Certificate of Alternative Compliance a The owner builder operator or agent of a vessel of special construction or purpose who believes the vessel cannot fully comply with 202 the 72 COLREGSinland Rules light shape or sound signal provi sions without interference with its special function may apply for adetermination that alternative compliance is justified The be in writing submitted to the Chief of the Marine SafetyDivision of the Coast Guard District in which the vessel is being builtor operated and include the following information 1 The name address and telephone number of the applicant 2 The identification of the vessel by itsi Official number ii Shipyard hull number iii Hull identification number or iv State number if the vessel does not have an official number or hull identification number 3 Vessel name and home port if known 4 A description of the vessels area of operation 5 A description of the provision for which the Certificate of Alternative Compliance is sought including i The 72 COLREGSinland Rules Rule or Annex section number for which the Certificate of Alternative Compliance is sought ii A description of the special function of the vessel that would be interfered with by full compliance with the provision of that Rule or Annex section and iii A statement of how full compliance would interfere withthe special function of the vessel 6 A description of the that is in closest possible compliance with the applicable72 COLREGSInland Rules Rule or Annex section 7 A copy of the vessels plans or an accurate scale drawing that clearly shows i The required installation of the equipment under the 72 COLREGSinland Rules ii The proposed installation of the equipment for which cer tification As being sought and ill Any obstructions that may interfere with the equipment when installed in A The required location and B The proposed location b The Coast Guard may request from the applicant concerning the application 2034 Certificate of Alternative Compliance Contents The Chief of the Marine Safety Division issues the Certificate ofAlternative Compliance to the vessel based on a determination that itcannot comply fully with 72 COLREGSInland Rules light shape andsound signal provisions without interference with its special functionThis Certificate includes a Identification of the vessel as supplied in the application b The provision of the 72 COLREGSinland Rules for which theCertificate authorizes alternative compliance c A certification that the vessel is unable to comply fully withthe 72 COLREGSinland Rules light shape and sound without interference with its special function d A statement of why full compliance would interfere with thespecial function of the vessel e The required alternative installation f A statement that the required alternative installation is in theclosest possible compliance with the 72 COLREGSinland Ruleswithout interfering with the special function of the vessel g The date of issuance h A statement that the Certificate of Alternative when the vessel ceases to be usually engaged in theoperation for which the certificate is issued5 Certificate of Alternative Compliance Termination The Certificate of Alternative Compliance terminates if theinformation supplied under 3a or the Certificate issued under 4 isno longer applicable to the vessel6 Record of certification of vessels of special construction orpurpose a Copies of Certificates of Alternative Compliance concerning Coast Guard vessels are available forinspection at Coast Guard Headquarters Office of Navigation Safetyand Waterway Services 2100 Second Street SW WashingtonDC 20593 b The owner or operator of a vessel issued a Certificate shallensure that the vessel does not operate unless the Certificate ofAlternative Compliance or a certified copy of that Certificate is onboard the vessel and available for inspection by Coast Guard per sonnel 204 WATERS SPECIFIED BY THE SECRETARY33 CFR 8925 Waters upon which Inland Rules 9a1 14dand 15b applyInland Rules 9aii 14d and 15b apply on the Great Lakes theWestern Rivers and the following specified waters a Tennessee Tombbbee Riverc Back Warrior Riverd Alabama Rivere Coosa Riverf Mobile River above the Cochrane Bddge at St Louis Pointg Flint Riverh Chattahoochee River andi The Apaiachicoia River above its confiuence with the Jackson River 33 CFR 8927 Waters upon which Inland Rule 241 apples a Inland Rule 24i applies on the Western Rivers and thespecified waters listed in 8925 a through i b Inland Rule 24i applies on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterwayfrom St Marks Florida to the Rio Grande Texas including theMorgan CityPod Allen Alternate Route and the except that a powerdriven vessel pushing ahead or shall exhibit the lights required by Inland Rule 24c within the following areas1 St Andrews Bay from the Hathaway Fixed Bridge at Mid 2846 East of Harvey Locks EHL to the DuPont Fixed Badge at Mile 2954 EHL2 Pensacola Bay Santa Rosa Sound and Big Lagoon from the Ught o10 off of T rout Point at Mile 1769 EHL to the Pensacola Faxed Bridge d Mile 1891 EHL3 Mobile Bay and Bon Secour Bay from the Dauphin Island Causeway Fixed Bridge at Mile 1277 EHL to Little Point Clear at Mile 140 EHL4 Mississippi Sound from Grand Island Waterway Ught 1 at Mile 538 EHL to Light 40 off the West Point of Dauphin Island at Mid 1187 EHL5 The Mississippi River d New Orleans Mississippi RiverGulf Outlet Canal and the Inner Hareor Navigation Canal from the junction of the Harvey Canal and the Algiers Altemate Route at Mile 65 West of Harvey Locks WHL to the Michoud Canal at Mile 18 EHL6 The Calcasieu River from the Caicasieu Lock at Mile 2386 WHL to the Emender Ufl Bridge at Mile 2436 WHL7 The Sabine Neches Canal from Mile 2625 WHL to Mile 2915 WHL8 Bolivar Roads from the Bolivar Assembling Basin at Mile 346 WHL to the Galveston Causeway Bridge at Mile 3573 WHL9 Freeport Hareor from Surfside Beach Fixed Bddge d Mile 3938 WHL to the Bryan Beach Pontoon Bddge at Mid 3976 WHL10 Matagorda Ship Channel area of Matagorda Bay from Range SKY Front Light at Mile 4687 WHL to the Port O Connor Jetty at Mile 4722 WHL11 Corpus Christi Bay from Reddish Bay Day Beacon 55 at Mile 5374 WHL when in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway main route or from the north end of Lydia Ann Island Mile 5311A when in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Alternate Route to Corpus Christl Bay LT 76 d Mile 5437 WHL12 Port Isabel and Brownsville Ship Channel south of the Padre Island Causeway Fixed Bddge d Mile 6651 WHL 205 VESSEL BRIDGETOBRIDGE RADIOTELEPHONE REGULATIONSThe Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act is applicable onnavigable waters of the United States inside the boundary in 46 CFR 7 In all cases the Act applies on waters subject to the Inland Rules In some instances the Act may apply all theway out to the three mile limit depending on where the boundarylines are located In no instance does the Act apply beyond the threemile limitSec Sec2601 Purpose 2606 Maintenance of failure of required 2607 of the designated frequency 2608 Exemption of radiotelephone 2609 List of exemptions 2610 Penalties AUTHORITY 33 USC 12011208 49 CFR 146 Sections 2604 and 2609 also issuedunder Sec 4118 Pub L 101380104 Stat 523 33 USC 1203 note SOURCE CGD 71114R 37 FR 12720 June 28 1972 unless otherwise noted 2601 Purpose a The purpose of this part is to implement the provisions of the Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act This part 1 Requires the use of the vessel bridgetobridge radiotelephone 2 Provides the Coast Guards interpretation of the meaning of important terms in theAct 3 Prescribes the procedures for applying for an exemption from the Act and the regulations issued under the Act and a listing of exemptions b Nothing in this part relieves any person from the obligation of complying with therules of the road and the applicable pilot rules 2602 DefinitionsFor the purpose of this part and interpreting the Act Secretary means the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard isoperating Act means the Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act 33 U S C is measured from end to end over the deck excluding sheer means any vessel propelled by machinery Towing vessel means any commercial vessel engaged in towing another vesselastem alongside or by pushing aheadVessel Traffic Services VTS means a service implemented under Part 161 of thischapter by the United States Coast Guard designed to improve the safety and efficiency ofvessel traffic and to protect the envi ronment The VTS has the capability to interact withmarine traffic and respond to traffic situations developing in the VTS area and 206 Vessel Traffic Service Area or VTS Area means the geographical area encompassing a specific VTS area of service as described in Part 161 of this chapter This area of service may be subdivided into sectors for the purpose of allocating responsibility to individual Vessel Traffic Centers or to identify different operating requirements Note Although regulatory jurisdiction is limited to the navigable waters of the United States certain vessels will be encouraged or may be required as a condition of port entry to report beyond this area to facilitate traffic management within the VTS area Rule 1 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 as rectified EO 11964 14 USC 2 49 CFR 146b CGD 71114R 37 FR 12720 June 28 1972 as amended by CGD 77118a 42 FR 35784 July 11 1977 CGD 9002059 FR 36313 JULY 15 1994 2603 Radiotelephone required a Unless an exemption is granted under 2609 and except as provided in paragraph a 4 of this section this part applies to 1 Every powerdriven vessel of 20 meters or over in length while navigating 2 Every vessel of 100 gross tons and upward carrying one or more passengers for hire while navigating 3 Every towing vessel of 26 feet or over in length while navigating and 4 Every dredge and floating plant engaged in or near a channel or fairway in operations likely to restric t or affect navigation of other vessels except for an unmanned or intermittently manned floating plant under the control of a dredge b Every vessel dredge or floating plant described in paragrapha of this section must have a radiotelephone on board capable of operation from its navigational bridge or in the case of a dredge from its main control station and capable of transmitting and receiv ing on the frequency or frequencies within the 156162 Megahertz band using the classes of emissions designated by the Federal Communications Commission for the exchange of navigational infor mation c The radiotelephone required by paragraph b of this section must be carried on board the described vessels dredges and float ing plants upon the navigable waters of the United States d The radiotelephone required by paragraph b of this section must be capable of transmitting and receiving on VHF FM channel 22A 1571 MHz e While transiting any of the following waters each vessel described in paragraph a of this section also must have on board a radiotelephone capable of transmitting and receiving on VHF FM channel 67 156375 MHz 1 The lower Mississippi River from the territorial sea boundary and within either the Southwest Pass safety fairway or the South 207Pass safety fairway specified in 33 CFR 166200 to mile 2424 AHPAbove Head of Passes near Baton Rouge 2 The Mississippi RiverGulf Outlet from the territorial sea boundary and within the Mississippi RiverGulf Outlet Safety Fairway specified in 33 CFR 166200 to that channels junction with the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal and 3 The full length of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction with the Mississippi River to that canals entry to Lake Pontchartrain at the New Seabrook vehicular bridge f In addition to the radiotelephone required by paragraph b of thissection each vessel described in paragraph a of this section any waters within a Vessel Traffic Service Area must have onboard a radiotelephone capable of transmitting and receiving on the VTSdesignated frequency in Table 2603f VTS Call Signs and Monitoring Areas Located on pages 210A and 210B Note A single VHFFM radio capable of scanning or often referred to as dual watch capability will not meet for two radios CGD 71114R 37 FR 12720 June 28 1972 as amended by CGD 91046 57 FR 14485 Apr 21 1992 57FR 21740 May 22 1992 CGD 9002059 FR 36316 July 15 1994 2604 Use of the designated frequency a No person may use the frequency designated by the Commission under sections of the Act 33 USC 1207ato transmit any information other than information necessary for the safenavigation of vessels or necessary tests b Each person who is required to maintain a listening watch undersection 5 of the Act shall when necessary transmit and confirm on thedesignated frequency the intentions of his vessel and any other for the safe navigation of vessels c Nothing in these regulations may be construed as prohibiting the useof the designated frequency to communicate with shore stations to obtain orfurnish information necessary for the safe navigation of vessels d On the navigable waters of the United States channel 13 15665MHz is the designated frequency required to be monitored in accordancewith 2605a except that in the area prescribed in 2603e channel 67156375 MHz is an additional frequency e On those navigable waters of the United States within a VTS areathe designated VTS frequency is the designated frequency required to bemonitored in accordance with 2605 Note As stated in 47 CFR 80148b a VHF watch on Channel 16156800Mhz is not required on vessels subject to the Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act and participating in a Vessel Traffic ServiceVTS system when the watch is maintained on both the vessel bridgetobridge frequency and a designated VTS frequencyCGD 71114R 37 FR 12720 June 28 1972 as amended by CGD 8303648 PR 30107 June 30 1983 CGD 91046 57 FR 14486 Apr 21 1992 57 FR 21741 May 22 1992 CGD 90020 59 FR 36316 July 15 1994 208 26 05 Use of Radiotelephone Section 5 of the Act states that a The radiotelephone required by this Act is for the exclusiveuse of the master or person in charge of the vessel or the by the master or person in charge to pilot or direct themovement of the vessel who shall maintain a listening watch on thedesignated frequency Nothing contained herein shall be interpretedas precluding the use of portable radiotelephone equipment to satisfythe requirements of this Act 2606 Maintenance of radiotelephone tenure of radiotelephone Section 6 of the Act States a Whenever radiotelephone capability is required by this Act avessels radiotelephone equipment shall be maintained in condition If the radiotelephone equipment carried aboard avessel ceases to operate the master shall exercise due diligence torestore it or cause it to be restored to effective operating condition atthe earliest practicable time The failure of a vessels radiotele phoneequipment shall not in itself constitute a violation of this Act norshall it obligate the master of any vessel to moor or anchor hisvessel however the loss of radiotelephone capability shall be in the navigation of the vessel 2607 Communications No person may use the services of and no person may serve asa person required to maintain a listening watch under section 5 of theAct 33 USC 1204 unless the person can communicate in theEnglish languageCGD 90020 59 FR 36316 July 15 1994 2608 Exemption procedures a Any person may petition for an exemption from any provisionof the Act or this part b Each petition must be submitted in writing to US CoastGuard GNSR 2100 Second Street SW Washington DC 205930001 and must state 1 The provisions of the Act or this part from which an exemption is requested and 2 The reasons why marine navigation will not be adversely affected if the exemption is granted and if the exemption relates to a local communication system how that system would fully comply with the intent of the concept of the Act but would not conform in detail if the exemption is grantedCGD 71114R 37 FR 12720 June 28 1972 as amended by CGD73256 39 FR 9176 Mar 8 1974 CGD 8805253 FR 25119 July1 1988 209 2609 Ust of Exemptions a All vessels navigating on those waters governed by thenavigation rules for the Great Lakes and their connecting andtributary waters 33 USC 241 et seq are exempt from of the Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act andthis part until May 6 1975 b Each vessel navigating on the Great Lakes as defined in theInland Navigation Rules Act of 1980 33 USC 2001 et seq and towhich the Vessel BridgetoBridge Radiotelephone Act 33 USC12011208 applies is exempt from the requirements in 33 USC1203 1204 and 1205 and the regulations under 2603 26042605 2606 and 2607 Each of these vessels and each person towhom 33 USC 1208a applies must comply with Articles VII X XIXII XIII XV and XVI and Technical Regulations 19 of TheAgreement Between the United States of America and Canada forPromotion of Safety on the Great Lakes by Means of Radio 1973CGD 72223R 37 FR 28633 Dec 28 1972 as amended byCGD 74291 39 FR 44980 Dec 30 1974 CGD 74304 40FR 19470 May 5 1975 CGD 83003 48 FR 7442 Feb 181983 CGD 91046 57 FR 14483 Apr 21 1992 2610 Penalties Section 9 of the Act states a Whoever being the master or person in charge of a vesselsubject to the Act fails to enforce or comply with the Act or theregulations hereunder or whoever being designated by the masteror person in charge of a vessel subject to the Act to pilot or direct themovement of a vessel fails to enforce or comply with the Act or theregulations hereunderis liable to a civil penalty of not more than500 to be assessed by the Secretary b Every vessel navigated in violation of the Act or theregulations hereunder is liable to a civil penalty of not more than500 to be assessed by the Secretary for which the vessel may beproceeded against in any District Court of the United States c Any penalty assessed under this section may be remitted ormitigated by the Secretary upon such terms as he m ay deem proper 210 TABLE 26031 VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICES VTS CALL SIGNS DESIGNATED FREQUENCIES AND MONITORING AREAS 1 2VTS DESIGNATED FREQUENCY MONITORING AREACall Sign Channel Designation NEW YORK 3 New York Traffic 156700 MHZ Ch14 The waters of the Lower New York Bay west of a line drawn from Norton Point to Breezy Point and north of a line drawn from Ambrose Entrance Lighted Gong Buoy 1 to Ambrose channel Lighted Gong Buoy 9 thence to West Bank Light and thence to Great Kills Light The waters of the Upper New York Bay south of Bridge and 404370N Holland Tunnel Ventilator Shaft and in Newark Bay north of 403825N Arthur Kill Railroad Bridge and south of 404195NLehigh Draw Bridge and the Kill Van Kull 156550 MHZ Ch11 The waters of Raritan Bay east of a line drawn from Great Kills Light to Point Comfort in New Jersey and south of a line drawn from Great Kills Light to West Bank Light thence to Ambrose Channel Lighted Gong Buoy 9 and thence to Ambrose Channel Lighted Gong Buoy 1 and west of a line drawn from Ambrose Channel Lighted Gong Buoy 1 to the Sandy Hook Channel Entrance Buoys Lighted Gong Buoys 1 and 2 156600 MHZ Ch12 Each vessel at anchor within the above areas 3HOUSTON The navigable waters north of 29N west of 9420W south of 2949N and east of 9520W Houston Traffic The navigable waters north of a line extending due west from the southern most end of Exxon Dock 1 294337N 950127WBERWICK BAY Berwick Traffic 156550 MHZ Ch11 The navigational waters south of 2945N west of 9110W north of 2937N and east of 9118WST MARYS RIVER Soo Control 156600 MHZ Ch12 57N De Tour Reef Light and 46 The navigable waters of the St Marys River between 45 3SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco Traffic 156600 MHZ Ch12 The waters within a 38 nautical mile radius of Mount Tamalpals 37558N 122346W excluding the San Francisco Offshore Precautionary Area 156700 MHZ Ch14 The waters of the San Francisco Offshore Precautionary Area eastward to San Francisco Bay including its tributaries extending to the pops of Stockton Sacramento and Redwood City 211 TABLE 26031 VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICES VTS CALL SIGNS DESIGNATED FREQUENCIES AND MONITORING AREAS Cont 4PUGET SOUND 5 Seattle Traffic 156700 MHZ Ch14 The navigable waters of the Puget Sound Hood Canal and adjacent waters south of a line point connecting Marrowstone Point and Lagoon Point in Admiralty Inlet and South of a line drawn due east from the southernmost tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shoreline 156250 MHZ Ch5A The navigable waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca east of 12440W excluding the waters in the central portion of the Strait of Juan de Fuca north and east of Race Rocks the navi gable waters of the Strait of Georgia east of 12252W the San Juan Rand Archipelago Rosario Strait Bellingham Bay Admiralty Inlet north of a line connecting Mamowstone Point and Lagoon Point and all waters east of dbey Is and north of a line drawn due east from the southernmost tip of Possession Point on Whidbey and to the shoreline 6 Torino Traffic 156725 MHZ Ch74 The waters west of 12440W within 50 nautical miles of the coast of Vancouver Island Including the waters northof 48N and east of 127W Vancouver Traffic 156550 MHZ Ch11 The navigable water of the Strait of Georgia west of 12252W the navigable waters of the central Strait of Juan de Fuca north and east of Race Rocks including the Gulf Island Archipelago Boundary Pass and Haro Strait 7PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND Valdez Traffic 156650 MHZ Ch13 The navigable waters south of 6105Naste of 14720W north 60N and west of 14630W all navigable waters in Port Valdez Traffic 156650 MHZ Ch13 The navigable waters of the Ohio River between McAlpine Locks mile 606 and Twelve Mile Island mile 593 only when the McAlpine upper pool guage is at approximately 130 feet or above 1 VTS regulations are denoted in 33 DFR Plan 161A1 geography coordinates latitude and longitude are expressed in North American Datum of 1383 NAD 83NOTES 2 In the event of a communication failure either by the vessel traffic center or the vessel or radio congestion on a designated VTS frequency communications may be established on an alternate VTS frequency The bridgetobridge navigational frequency 145650MHZ Ch13 is monitored in each VTS area and it may be used as an alternate frequency however only to the extent that doing so provides a level of safety beyond that provided by other means 3 Designated frequency monitoring is required within US navigable waters In areas which are outside the US navigable waters designated frequency monitoring is voluntary However prospective VTS Users are encouraged to monitor the designated frequency 4 A Cooperative Vessel Traffic Service was established by the United States and Canada within adjoining waters The appropriate vessel traffic center administers the rules issued by both nations however it will enforce only its own set of rules within its jurisdiction 5 Seame Traffic may direct a vessel to monitor the other primary VTS frequency 156250MHZ or 145700MHZ Ch5a or 14 depending on traffic density weather conditions or other safety factors rather than strictly adhere no to the designated frequency required for each monitoring area as defined above This does not require a vessel o tmonitor both primary frequencies 6 A portion of Tofino Sectors monitoring area extends beyond the defined CVTS area Designated frequency monitoring is voluntary in these portions outside the VTS jurisdiction however prospective VTS users are encouraged to monitor the designated frequency 7 The bridgetobridge navigational frequency 145650MHZ Ch13 is used in these VTSs because the level of radiotelephone transmissions does not warrant a designated VTS frequency The listening watch required by 05526 of this chapter is not limited to the monitoring area 212 LEGAL CITATIONS72 Navigational Rules Public Law 9575 Act of 1977 9 1 Star 311 33 USC Demarcation Lines 33 CFR 8072 COLREGS Implementing Rules 33 CFR 8172 COLREGS Interpretative Rules 33 CFR 82Amendments to 72 COLREGS effective 48 FR 28634 June 1 1983 INLAND RULES Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980 Public Law 96591 94 Stat 3415 33 USC 20012038 Annex I Positioning and Technical 33 CFR 84 Details of Lights and Shapes Annex I1 Additional Signals for Fishing 33 CFR 85 in Close Proximity Annex II1 Technical Details of Sound 33 CFR 86 Signal Appliances Annex IV Distress Signals 33 CFR 87 Annex V Pilot Rules 33 CFR 88 Inland Navigation Rules Implementing 33 CFR 89 Rules Inland Navigation Rules Interpretative 33 CFR 90 RulesVESSEL BRIDGETOBRIDGE RADIOTELEPHONE Vessel BridgetoBridge Law 9263 Act 85 Stat 164 33 USC 12011208 Vessel BridgetoBridge CFR 26 Regulations Coast Guard regulations Radiotelephone Stations Provided for 47 CFR 8370183725 Compliance With the Vessel Bridgeto Bridge Radiotelephone Act Fe deral Corn communications Commission regulations Other FCC regulations pertaining to vessel bridgetobridge radiotelephone communications are contained in various sections of 47 CFR 81 and 47 CFR 83 Boundary Lines 46 CFR 7 213 CONVERSION of Metric to US Units US Customary Imperial Measure Metric Measure approx1000 Meters M 32808 ft 500 M 16404 ft 200 M 6562 ft 150 M 4921 ft 100 M 3281 ft 75 M 2461 ft 60 M 1968 ft 50 M 1640 ft 25 M 820 ft 20 M 656 ft 12M 394 ft 10M 328 ft 8M 262 ft 7M 230 ft 6M 197 ft 5 M 164 ft 45M 148 ft 40 M 131 ft 35 M 115 ft 25 M 82 ft 20 M 66 ft 15 M 49 ft 1 M 33 ft 9 M 354 in 6M 236 in 5 M 197 in300 Millimeters mm 118 in200 mm 79 in 214
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