
3s C1 Long Spl

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Long splice 3strand Class I Class I ropes are made from any or all of the following Additional rope needed for splice fibers olefin polyester or nylon length of 36 crowns x 2 1 Unlay the end of each rope a minimum of 36 crowns Lash securely with twine as marry the ropes shown to prevent ropes from coming apart further Place ropes together alternating step the strands from each Note how strands are numbered to show their relative positions throughout the long splice procedure 5 3 4 2 6 1 2 Take lashing off one side Unlay one strand 2 a minimum of 25 crowns u n l ay r e p l a c i n g s t r a n d s and replace it with a strand from the other side 5 as it is being unlaid step Lash securely as shown to hold strands in place Be sure to place lashing at the marriage point to hold strands securely 2 3 4 5 1 6 3 Step 3 is like step 2 except in the opposite direction One strand 6 is replaced with another 3 Each point is securely lashed This leaves strands 1 and 4 at the marriage pointstep 2 1 3 5 4 6 4 Remove lashings and tie each pair of opposing strands 25 6314 with an tie off opposing strands ep overhand knot Be sure knot is tied in the direction of strand twist st 2 1 3 5 4 6 5 Tuck each strand 4 times These tucks should be at right angles to the directionstep final tucks of the twist in the rope 6 The splice may be tapered by adding an additional 23and 13strandtuck at each ta p e r a n d f i n i s h s p l i c e strand junction Now roll and pound well Finally cut the strands off close to the rope step Page 1 of 1 2090 Thornton Street T 3603844669 Ferndale WA USA 98248 F 3603840572

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