Westerbeke Diesel 44c Four Technical Manual
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OPERATORS MANUAL DIESEL ENGINE 55A FOUR PUBLICATION 041562 2nd Edition I February 1997 l WESTERBEKE WESTERBEKE CORPORATION 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK TAUNTON MA 02780 WEBSITE AlMMA Member National Marine Manufacturers Association CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 WarningDiesel engine exhaust and someof its constituents are known tothe State of California to causecancer birth defects and harm II WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators SAFETY PREVENT BURNS FIRERead this safety manual carefully Most accidents are causedby failure to foUow fundamental rules and when dangerous conditions exist and take the A WARNING Fire can cause injury or deathnecessary precautions to protect yourself your personneand your machinery Prevent flash fires Do not smoke or permit flames orThe foUowing safety instructions are in compliance with sparks to occur near the carburetor fuel line filter fuelthe American Boat and Yacht Council ABYC standards pump or other potential sources of spilled fuel or fuel vapors Use a suitable container to catch all fuel whenPREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK removing the fuel line carburetor or fuel filters Do not operate with a Coast Guard Approved flame arrester removed Backfire can cause severe injury or A WARNING Do not touch AC electrical connections death while engine is running or when connected to shore Do not operate with the air removed power Lethal voltage is present at these connections Backfire can cause severe injury or death Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur near the Do not operate this machinery without electrical fuel system Keep the compartment and the enginegener enclosures and covers in place ator clean and free of debris to minimize the chances of Shut off electrical power before accessing electrical fire Wipe up all spilled fuel and engine oil equipment Be aware diesel fuel will bum Use insulated mats whenever working on electrical equipment PREVENT BURNS EXPLOSION Make sure your clothing and skin are dry not damp particularly shoes when handling electrical equipment Remove wristwatch and all jewelry when working on A WARNING Explosions from fuel vapors can cause injury or death electrical equipment Do not connect utility shore power to vessels AC circuits except through a shiptoshore double throw Follow refueling safety instructions Keep the vessels transfer switch Damage to vessels AC generator may hatches closed when fueling Open and ventilate cabin result if this procedure is not followed after fueling Check below for fumesvapor before running the blower Run the blower for four minutes before start Electrical shock results from handling a charged capacitor ing your engine Discharge capacitor by shorting terminals together All fuel vapors are highly explosive Use extreme care whenPREVENT BURNS HOT ENGINE handling and storing fuels Store fuel in a wellventilated area away from sparkproducing equipment and out of the reach of children A WARNING Do not touch hot engine parts or Do not fill the fuel tanks while the engine is running exhaust system components A running engine gets Shut off the fuel service valve at the engine when servicing very hot the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that might spill DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other Always check the engine coolant level at the coolant sources of fire near the fuel system or engine when servicing recovery tank Ensure proper ventilation exists when servicing the fuel system A WARNING Steam can cause injury or death Do not alter or modify the fuel system Be sure all fuel supplies have a positive shutoff valve In case of an engine overheat allow the engine to cool Be certain fuel line fittings are adequately tightened and before touching the engine or checking the coolant free of leaks Make sure a fire extinguisher is installed nearby and is properly maintained Be familiar with its proper use Extinguishers rated ABC by the NFPA are appropriate for all applications encountered in this environment Engines Generators SAFETY STARTING TOXIC EXHAUST GASES A WARNING Accidental starting can cause injury A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is a deadly gas or death Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifolds it last are securely attached and no warping exists Pay close attention to the manifold water injection elbow and Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before exhaust pipe nipple starting Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re installed before starting the engine In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system install a carbon monoxide detector Consult your boatBATTERY EXPLOSION builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors For additional information refer to ABYC T22 educa A WARNING Battery explosion can cause injury tional information on Carbon Monoxide or death A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is an invisible Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery odorless gas Inhalation produces flulike symptoms being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a nausea or death highly explosive gas which can be ignited by electrical arcing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrical Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing during fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust sys servicing tems Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi tubing resulting in exhaustwater leakage tive connection terminal of the starter solenoid Do not Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn test the battery condition by shorting the terminals through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapors exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could Ventilate any compartment containing batteries to prevent enter the exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft disturb the battery charger connections while the battery is being charged Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxic as exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monoxide Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the symp bums or sparks that could cause an explosion Remove toms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or poisoning wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handling are the battery Vomiting Always tum the battery charger off before disconnecting the battery connections Remove the negative lead first Dizziness and reconnect it last when servicing the battery Throbbing in temples Muscular ACID Intense headache A WARNING Sulphuric acid in batteries can cause Weakness and sleepiness severe injury or death AVOID MOVING PARTS When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive If or death it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once with water Acid may splash on the skin or into the eyes Do not service the while it is running If a inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps situation arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make Engines Generators ii SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS operating adjustments use extreme care to avoid touching ABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBLICATIONS FOR moving parts and hot exhaust system components INSTALLING GASOLINE AND DIESEL ENGINES AND Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing equipment avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves GENERATORS rings necklaces or bracelets that could be caught in Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications moving parts for safety codes and standards Follow their recommenda tions when installing your WESTERBEKE Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened Keep protective shields and guards in their respective ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council places at all times Safety Standards for Small Craft Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while Order From the is operating ABYC 15 East 26th treet Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling New York NY 10010 when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily be caught in these rotating parts NFPA National Fire Protection Association Fire Protection Standard for Motor CraftHAZARDOUS NOISE Order From NFPA A WARNING High noise levels can cause hearing 1 Batterymarch Park PO Box 9101 loss Quincy MA 022699101 Never operate a generator without its muffler installed USCG United States Coast Guard USCG 33CFR183 Do not run an engine with the air intake silencer removed Order From US Government Printing Office Do not run engines or generators for long periods with Washington DC 20404 their enclosures open A WARNING 00 not work on machinery when you are mentally or physically incapaCitated by MANUALMany of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repeatedin your Operators Manual along with other cautions andnotes to highlight critical information Read your maintain your equipment and follow all ENGINE AND to install a gasoline engine or generator shouldbegin with a thorough examination of the American Boat andYacht Councils ABYC standards These standards are froma combination of sources including the USCG and the NFPASections of the ABYC standards of particular interest areH2 VentilationH24 Gasoline fuel systemsPl Exhaust systemsP4 Inboard enginesE9 DC Electrical systemsAll installations must comply with the Federal Code ofRegulations FCR Engines Generators iii installing WESTERBEKE engines and generators it is important that be paid to the following AND federal regulations ABYC guidelines and safety codes must be complied withwhen installing engines and generators in a marine installations where the exhaust manifoldwater injected exhaust elbow is close toor below the vessels waterline provisions must be made to install a siphonbreak inthe raw water supply hose to the exhaust elbow This hose must be looped a minimumof 18 above the vessels waterline Failure to use a siphonbreak when the injection port is at or below the load waterline will result in raw waterdamage to the engine and possible flooding of the boatEXHAUST SYSTEMThe exhaust hose must be certified for marine use The system must be designed toprevent water from entering the exhaust under any sea conditions and at any angleof the vessels hull A detailed 40 page Marine Installation Manual covering gasoline and diesel engines and generators is available from your WESTERBEKE dealer Engines Generators iv TABLE OF 2 Engine Oil Change 15Warranty Procedures 2 Fuel System 16 Product Software 2 Fuel Filters 16 Notes Cautions and Wamings 2 Fuel Water Separator 16 Serial Number Location 3 Fuel Injection Pump Control 16 Understanding the Diesel Engine 3 Priming Bleeding the Fuel System 17 Ordering Parts 3 Air Cleaner 17Control Panels 4 DC Electrical System 18 Admirals Panel 4 Charging Voltage 18 Captains Panel 5 Alternator Drive Belt Adjustment 19Diesel Fuel Engine Oil and Engine Coolant 6 Battery Care 19 Diesel FueL 6 DC Wiring Diagrams 20 Engine Oil 6 Water Heater 22 Engine Coolant 6 Water Heater Installations 22Preparations For Initial StartUp 7 Engine Adjustments 23 Prestart Inspection 7 Adjusting Valve Clearances Procedure 8 Timing Belt Inspection and Replacement 24BreakIn Procedure 9 Compression Test 26The Daily Routine 10 Fuel Injection Nozzle Test 26 Check List 10 HBW Transmission 27 Start Your Engine 10 Borg Warner Velvet Drive Transmission 29Maintenance Schedule 11 Engine 31Engine Coolant 13 Water Temperature and Changing the Coolant 13 Oil Pressure Gauges 32 Thermostat 13 Layup and 33Raw Water System 14 WESTERBEKE 55A Torque Specifications 35 Raw Water Cooling Circuit 14 Standard Hardware Torques 36 Raw Water Pump 14 WESTERBEKE 55A FOUR Specifications 37 Zinc Anode 14 WESTERBEKE 55A FOUR Parts Raw Water Pump Belt Adjustment 14 WESTERBEKE WESTERBEKE CORPORATION AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 TEL 5085887700 FAX 508 5599323 1 WESTERBEKE Marine Diesel Engine is a product PRODUCT SOFTWAREof WESTERBEKE S long years of experience and ad Product software tech data parts lists manualsvanced technology We take great pride in the superior brochures and catalogs provided from sources other thandurability and dependable performance of our engines WESTERBEKE are not within WESTERBEKESand generators Thank you for selecting WESTERBEKE CONTROLIn order to get the full use and benefit from your WESTERBEKE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FORengine it is important that you operate and maintain it THE CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NOcorrectly This manual is designed to help you do this WARRANTIES OR WITHPlease read this manual carefully and observe all the RESPECT THERETO INCLUDING ACCURACYsafety precautions throughout Should your engine re TIMELINESS OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF ANDquire servicing contact your nearest WESTERBEKE WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OFdealer for assistance DAMAGE OR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTIONThis is your operators manual A Parts Catalog is WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING ORalso provided and a Technical Manual is available from USE OF SUCH SOFTWAREyour WESTERBEKE dealer Also if you are planning WESTERBEKE customers should also keep in mindto install this equipment contact your WESTERBEKE the time span between printings of for WESTERBEKES installation manual product software and the unavoidable existence of earlier WESTERBEKE manuals In summation product softWARRANTY PROCEDURES ware provided with WESTERBEKE products whetherYour WESTERBEKE Warranty is included in a from WESTERBEKE or other suppliers must not andseparate folder If you have not received a customer cannot be relied upon exclusively as the card registering your warranty 60 days after authority on the respective product It not only the warranty registration form please contact good sense but is imperative that appropriate representathe factory in writing with model information including tives of WESTERBEKE or the supplier in question bethe units serial number and commission date consulted to determine the accuracy and currentness of the product software being consulted by the customer TYPICAL CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION CARD NOTES CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS As this manual takes you through the operating proce dures maintenance schedules and of WESTERBEKE CORPORATION AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 TEL 508 5587700 FAX 508 5599323 your marine engine critical information will be high Customer Identification lighted by NOTES CAUTIONS and WARNINGS An WESTERBEKE OWNER explanation follows MAIN STREET HOMETOWN USA NOTE An operating procedure essential to note Model 55A Four Ser U5389048 A CAUTION Procedures which if not strictly observed can result in the damage or destruction of your engine Expires 72097 A WARNING Procedures which if not properly followed can result in personal injury or loss of life IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 2 INTRODUCTION NUMBER LOCATION ORDERING PARTSAn identification nameplate that displays the engine Whenever replacement parts are needed always promodel number and engine serial number is mounted on vide the engine model number and engine serial numberthe side of the engine manifold Take the time to enter as they appear on the silver and black information on the blank decal provided below This nameplate located on the manifold You must provide uswill provide a quick reference when seeking technical in with this information so we can identify your engine Information andor ordering parts addition include a complete part description and part number for each part needed see the separately furnished Parts Catalog Also insist upon WESTERBEKE pack aged parts because will fit or generic parts are frequently not made to the same specifications as original equip ment NOTE Component locations in this manual are refer enced from the front of the engine which is the THE DIESEL ENGINE drive belt end Left and right sides are determined as follows imagine straddling the engine facing in theThe diesel engine closely resembles the gasoline same direction as the front of the engine the left sideengine since the mechanism is essentially the same is at your left the right side is at your rightThe cylinders are arranged above a closed crankcasethe crankshaft is of the same general type as that of a PROTECTING YOUR engine and the diesel engine has the sametypes of valves camshaft pistons connecting rods and Care at the factory during assembly and thorough system have resulted in a WESTERBEKE diesel engine capable of many thousands of hours of dependable service HowTo a great extent a diesel engine requires the same ever the manufacturer cannot control how or where thepreventive maintenance as a gasoline engine Most engine is installed in the vessel or the manner in whichimportant are proper ventilation and proper maintenance the unit is operated and serviced in the field This is upof the fuel lubricating and cooling systems Replacement to the fuel and lubricating filter elements at the time and frequent checking for contamination NOTE Six important steps to ensure long engine lifewater sediment etc in the fuel system are essential o Proper engine installation and alignmentAlso important is the consistant use of a brand of highdetergent diesel lubrication oil designed specifically for o An efficient welldesigned exhaust system that indiesel engines cludes an antisiphon break to prevent water from entering the engineThe diesel engine does differ from the gasoline enginehowever in its method of handling and firing of fuel The o Changing the engine oil and oil filters every 200 opcarburetor and ignition systems are done away erating hourswith and in their place is a single component the fuel o Proper maintenance of all engine pump which performs the function of both according to the maintenance schedule in this manual o Use clean filtered diesel fueL o Winterize your engine according to the Layup and section in this manual II WSJERBEKE I Engines Generators 3 CONTROL offers two optional panels select You will notice that when the engine is shut down withthe instruction page that applies to the panel you pur the Key Switch turned OFF the water temperature gaugechased will continue to register the last temperature reading in dicated by the gauge before electrical power was turnedADMIRALS PANEL OFF The oil pressure gauge will also hold its readingThis control panel is equipped with a The temperature gauge will once again register the enKEY SWITCH and RPM gauge with an ELAPSED gines true temperature when electrical power is restoredTIME meter which measures the engines running time to the gaugein hours and in 1110 hours The panel also includes a A separate alarm buzzer with harness is supplied withWATER TEMPERATURE gauge which indicates water every Admiral Panel The installer is responsible fortemperature in degrees Fahrenheit an OIL PRESSURE electrically connecting the buzzer to the fourpin connecgauge which measures the engines oil pressure in tion on the engines electrical harness The per square inch and a DC control circuit VOLT is also responsible for installing the buzzer in a locationAGE gauge which measures the systems voltage All where it will be dry and where it will be audible to thegauges are illuminated when the key switch is turned ON operator should it sound while the engine is runningand remain illuminated while the engine is in operation The buzzer will sound when the ignition key is turnedThe panel also contains two rubberbooted push buttons ON and should silence when the engine has started andone for PREHEAT and one for START the engines oil pressure rises above 15 psi WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS OIL PRESSURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS GRADU GRADUATED IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AND IS ATED IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PSI AND IS ILLUMINATED WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS ILLUMINATED WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATING TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS 170190 F OIL PRESSURE RANGES BETWEEN 3060 PSIRPM GAUGE REGISTERS REVOLUTIONSPER MINUTE OF THEENGINE AND CAN BERECALIBRATED FORACCURACY FROMTHE REAR OF THEPANEL KEY SWITCH PROVIDESHOUR METER REGISTERS ELAPSED TIME POWER ONLY TO THE INSTRUMENT PANELAND SHOULD BE USEDAS A GUIDE FOR THE CLUSTER THE KEYMAINTENANCE SWITCH SHUTS THE ENGINE DOWN WHENSCHEDULE THE KEY IS TURNED OFF DC VOLTMETER INDICATES THE AMOUNT THE BATTERY IS BEINGPREHEAT BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES CHARGED SHOULDTHE ALTERNATORS EXCITER THE FUEL LIFT SHOW 13V TO 14VPUMP THE FUEL SOLENOID ON THE INJECTION AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMPUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS IT BYPASSES THE ENGINES PROTECTIVE OIL PRES HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE ALARM AN ALARM BUZZER HASSURE ALARM SWITCH IN ADDITION THIS BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THE INSTRUMENT PANEL IF THE ENGINESBUTTON ENERGIZES THE START BUTTON FRESH WATER COOLANT REACHES 210 F 98C THIS SWITCH WILL CLOSE SOUNDING THE ALARM WHICH WILL EMIT A CON TINUOUS SIGNAL LOW OIL PRESSURE ALARM A LOW OIL PRESSURE ALARMSTART BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES SWITCH IS LOCATED OFF THE ENGINES OIL GALLERY THISTHE STARTERS SOLENOID WHICH CRANKS THE SWITCH MONITORS THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE SHOULD THEENGINE THIS BUTTON WILL NOT OPERATE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE FALL TO 5 10 PSI THE SWITCH UNLESS THE PREHEAT BUTTON CLOSE SOUNDING THE ALARM IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILLIS PRESSED AND HELD AT THE SAME TIME EMIT A PULSATING SIGNAL lvvl WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 4 CONTROL PANELS PANEL COOLANT TEMPERATURE and an alarm buzzerThis control panel is equipped with for low OIL PRESSURE or high WATER TEMPERAa KEY SWITCH an RPM gauge PREHEAT and TURE The RPM gauge is illuminated when the keySTART buttons an INSTRUMENT TEST button three switch is turned ON and remains illuminated while theindicator lamps one for ALTERNATOR DISCHARGE engine is in operationone for low OIL PRESSURE and one for high ENGINE ALARM THE ALARM WILL SOUND IF THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE FALLS BELOW 15 PSI IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILL EMIT A PULSATING SIGNAL THE ALARM WILL ALSO SOUND IF THE WATER RPM GAUGE REGISTERS REVOLUTIONS PER TEMPERATURE IN THE FRESHWATER COOLING CIRCUIT RISES TOMINUTE OF THE ENGINE AND CAN BE RECALI 205F IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILL EMIT A CONTINUOUS SIGNAL BRATED FOR ACCURACY FROM THE REAR OF NOTE THE ALARM WILL SOUND WHEN THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED THE PANEL ON THIS SOUNDING IS NORMAL ONCE THE ENGINE STARTS AND THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE REACHES 15 PSI THE ALARM WILL SILENCE TEST BUTTON WHEN PRESSED TESTS THE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL CIRCUITS WHEN PRESSED THE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE INDICATOR LIGHTS IL LUMINATE IN ADDITION TO SOUNDING THE ALARM BUZZER KEY SWITCH PROVIDES POWER ONLY TO THE IN STRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER THE KEY SWITCH SHUTS THE ENGINE DOWN WHEN THE KEY IS TURNED OFF PREHEAT BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES START BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES THE ALTERNATORS REGULATOR THE FUEL LIFT THE STARTERS SOLENOID WHICH CRANKS THE PUMP THE FUEL SOLENOID ON THE INJECTION ENGINE IT WILL NOT OPERATE ELECTRICALLY PUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS IT BY UNLESS THE PREHEAT BUTTON IS PRESSED AND PASSES THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE ALARM HELD AT THE SAME TIME SWITCH IN ADDITION THIS BUTTON ENERGIZES THE START BUTTON WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 5 DIESEL FUEL ENGINE OIL AND ENGINE COOLANTDIESEL FUEL ENGINE COOLANTUse fuel that meets the requirements or specification The use of an antifreeze mixture of 5050 is recomof Class 2D ASTM and has a cetane rating of 45 mended for yearround use Use antifreeze that is comor better patible with aluminium components and never mix different brands of antifreeze Do not use straight waterCare Of The Fuel Supply this can be detrimental to the cooling system compoUse only clean diesel fuel The clearance of the compo nentsnents in your fuel injection pump is very critical invisi NOTE Lookfor the new longble dirt particles which might pass through the filter can lasting antifreeze that is now these finely finished parts It is important to buyclean fuel and keep it clean The best fuel can be ren Antifreeze mixtures will protect against an unsatisfactory by careless handling or improper freeze and they are beneficial to the engines coolingstorage facilities To assure that the fuel going into the system They retard rust and add to the life of the circutank for your engines daily use is clean and pure the lating pump sealfollowing practice is advisable ANTIFREEZE a wellknown brand of fuel Antifreeze concentration 23 35 50 60 14F 4F 40F 58FInstall and regularly service a good visualtype filterl Freezing Temperature 5C 20C 40C 50Cwater separator between the fuel tank and the engineRaycor 500 FG or 900 FG is a good example of such COOLANT RECOVERY TANKa filter A coolant recovery tank kit is supplied with each WESTERBEKE diesel engine The purpose of this reENGINE OIL covery tank is to allow for engine coolant expansionUse a heavy duty engine oil with an API classification of and contraction during engine operation without the lossCF or CG4 or better Change the engine oil after an of coolant and without introducing air into the coolinginitial 50 hours of breakin operation and every 200 hoursof operation thereafter For recommended oil viscosity systemsee the following chart Operating Temperature Oil Viscosity Above 68F 20C SAE 30 or 10W30 4168F 520C SAE 20 or 10W30 Below 41F 5C SAE 10W30 A CAUTION 00 not allow two or more brands of engine oil to mix Each brand contains its own additives additives of different brands could react in the mixture to produce properties harmful to your engine COOLANT RECOVERY TANK 6 PREPARATIONS FOR INITIAL INSPECTION o Check the DC electrical system Inspect wireBefore starting your engine for the first time or after a connections and battery cable layoff check the following items o Visually examine the unit Look for loose or missingo Check the engine oil level add oil to maintain the parts disconnected wires unattached hoses and level at the high mark on the dipstick check threaded connectionso Check the fuel supply and examine the fuel o Check the coolant level in the plastic recovery tank bowls for contaminants and at the manifoldo Check the transmission fluid level NOTE If the engine has not yet been filled with coolant refer to the Engine Coolant section of this manualNOTE Refer to the specifications pages in this manual forfuel oil and transmission types and quantities OIL DIPSTICK FULL COOLANT RECOVERY LDW1lJ TANK MANIFOLD PRESSURE CAP lvvl WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 7 PROCEDUREPlace the transmission in neutral and advance the throttle A CAUTION Prolonged cranking intervals without the engine starting can result in the engine exhaustcontrol to slightly open system filling with raw water This may happen be cause the pump is pumping raw water through the A CAUTION Make certain the transmission is raw water cooling system during cranking This raw water can enter the engines cylinders by way of the in neutral Starting in gear could result in serious exhaust manifold once the exhaust system fills Pre damage to your transmission your boat and vent this from happening by closing the raw water vessels nearby supply throughhull shutoff draining the exhaust muffler and correcting the cause of the excessiveTum the KEY SWITCH to the ON position 2 0 clock engine cranking Engine damage resulting from rawPREHEAT Depress the PREHEAT switch The voltmeter water entry is not a warrantable issue thepanel lights gauges and meters and fuel solenoid will be owneroperator should keep this in mindactivated The PREHEAT switch should be depressed in Once the engine starts check instruments for proper oilaccordance with the following chart pressure and battery charging voltage NOTE Never attempt to engage the starter while the engine is running Atmospheric Temperature Preheating Time 41 F 5C or higher Approx 10 seconds NOTE Some unstable running may occur in a cold engine Depressing the Preheat switch for 1015 second intervals 41 F 5C to 23F 5C Approx 15 seconds will help stabilize the engine RPM until the operating tem 23F5C or lower Approx 20 seconds perature reaches 170190F 7788C and a propeller Limit of continuous use 30 seconds before cranking load is applied to the engine When the engine is running and the preheat switch is depressed a charging load onSTART While still depressing the PREHEAT switch de the DC alternator will be the START switch This will engage the start solenoid Upon engine firing release the START switch Do STARTING UNDER COLD CONDITIONSnot release the PREHEAT switch until the oil pressure Make certain the lubricating oil conforms with the ratings forreaches 15 psi Then as long as the high water tempera the prevailing temperature Check the table on the engineture and low oil pressure protective circuits do not acti oil section of this manualvate the engine will remain energized and continue The battery should be fully charged to minimize voltageto run drop Use a sufficient amount of preheat to aid in starting See chart on this pageNOTE When starting STOPPING PROCEDUREA voltage drop will occur To stop the engine bring the throttle to an idle positionwhen the preheat switch and place the transmission in neutral Allow the engine tois depressed idle for a few moments to stabilize temperatures Tum the key to the OFF position This opens the DC circuit to the instrument panel and engine deenergizing the fuel solenoid on the injection pump stopping fuel flow fromShould the engine not start when the START switch is it and stopping the for 10 to 20 seconds release both switches and Made certain the key switch is in the OFF positionwait 30 seconds repeat the procedure above and preheat 12 oclock If the Key Switch is left ON the batterylonger Never run the starter for more than will discharge An engine alarm buzzer is provided to30 seconds warn the operator of this condition Key Switch ON The best method of preventing the battery from discharge is to remove the key from the Key Switch after stopping the engine VVI WESJERBEKE I Engines GeneratDrs 8 BREAKIN PROCEDURETHE FIRST 50 HOURS 4 Avoid rapid acceleration especially with a coldAlthough your engine has experienced a minimum of one enginehour of test operations to ensure accurate assembly and S Use caution not to overload the engine The presenceproper operation of all systems breakin time is required of a gray or black exhaust and the inability of theThe service life of your engine is dependent upon how engine to reach its full rated speed are signs of anthe engine is operated and serviced during its initial 50 overloadhours of use 6 During the next 25 hours the engine may be operatedYour new engine requires approximately 50 hours of ini at varying engine speeds with short runs at full ratedtial conditioning operation to break in each moving part rpm A void prolonged idling during this breakin pein order to maximize the performance and service life of riodthe engine Perform this conditioning carefully keepingin mind the following Breakingin a new engine basically involves seating the piston rings to the cylinder walls This cannot be1 Start the engine according to the Starting Procedure accomplished by long periods of running at idle nor by section in this manual run the engine at fast idle early running at full rpm Idle running may glaze the while checking that all systems raw water pump oil cylinder walls resulting in excessive oil consumption pressure battery charging are functioning and smoky operation Excessive speed or heavy over2 Allow the engine to warm up preferably by running loading especially with a cold engine may cause scoring at fast idle until the water temperature gauge moves of the cylinder walls producing similar results Operate into the 130 140F range the engine in moderation during the 50hour breakin pe riod Dont baby the engine but do not abuse it3 While using the vessel run the engine at varying en gine speeds for the first 25 hours NOTE See the Transmission section of this manual for breakin information on your transmission rVtTl WESJERBEKE I Engis Generators 9 THE DAILY ROUTINECHECK LIST START YOUR ENGINEEach day before starting your engine take a few NOTE See Procedure in this manual formoments to run this check list more detailed instructionso Visually inspect the engine for fuel oil or water 1 Put transmission in neutral throttle advanced leaks 2 Tum KEY to the ON position 2 oclocko Check the oil level dipstick 3 Depress PREHEAT 10 to 15 secondso Check the transmission fluid level 4 While pressing PREHEAT push START As engineo Check for loose wires at the alternator fires release STARTo Check the starting batteries level weekly 5 Hold PREHEAT until oil pressure reaches 15 psi andor alarm shuts offo Check drive belts for wear and proper tension weekly NOTE Should engine fail to start wait 30 seconds repeat the above procedure and PREHEAT longero Log your engine running time These hours relate to scheduled maintenance 6 Allow a few minutes for the engine to warm at a comfortable rpm approx 1200 rpm then reduce theo Check fuel supply always keep fuel tanks as full as rpm shift into gear and get underway possibleo Look for clean fuel in the fuelwater separator bowlo Check the coolant level in the plastic recovery tankNOTE Excessive loss of coolant indicates a cooling system leak Check the entire system If necessary use acooling system pressure tester to pressurize the coolingsystem to locate the area of leakage In cases of loss refill the system as outlined in Initial StartUp in this manual lvvl WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 10 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE A WARNING Never attempt to perform any service while the engine is running Wear the proper safety equipment such as goggles and gloves and use the correct tools for each job Disconnect the battery terminals when servicing any of the engines DC electrical equipment NOTE Many of the following maintenance jobs are simple but others are more difficult and may require the expert knowledge of a service mechanic A complete service manual is availablefrom your WESTERBEKE dealer CHECK HOURS OF MAINTENANCE EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED EACH MAINTENANCE DAY 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1250 Fuel Supply 0 Diesel No2 octane rating of 45 cetane or better FuelWater Separator 0 Check for water and dirt in fuel drainreplace if necessary Engine Oil Level 0 Oil level should indicate between MAX and LOW on dipstick Transmission Fluid Level 0 Fluid level should indicate between MAX and LOW on dipstick Coolant Level 0 Check at recovery tank if empty check at manifold Add coolant if needed Drive Belts 0 Inspect for proper tension h to Is depression and adjust if needed Check belt edges for wear Visual Inspection of Engine 0 NOTE Please keep engine surface clean Dirt and Check for fuel oil and water leaks Inspect wiring and electrical connections Keep bolts oil will inhibit the engines ability to remain cool nuts tight Throttle and Transmission Control Cable 0 0 0 0 Check for loose fittings cotter pins etc Lubricate with WD40 or equivalent Adjust Engine Idle Speed 0 Adjust to 7501000 rpm Fuel Filter 0 0 0 Initial change at 50 hrs then change every 250 hrs Starting Batteries and House Batteries 0 Every 50 operating hours check electrolyte levels and make sure connections are very tight Clean off excessive corrosion Engine Oil 0 Initial engine oil filter change at 50 hrs then change both every 100 hours Adjust the Valve Clearances 0 0 0 Initial adjustment at 50 hrs then every 50Q hrs Do not retorque the cylinder head Lubricate Panel Key Switch with Lockeze 0 0 0 0 0 0 At 1st 100 hrs then each year at winterizing TransmiSSion Fluid 0 0 0 0 0 Initial fluid change at 50 hrs then every 250 hrs or at winterizing Air Cleaner 0 0 Replace element filter Clean or replace elements Exhaust System 0 0 0 0 Initial check at 50 hrs then every 250 hrs Inspect for leaks Tight connections check siphon brake operation Check the exhaust elbow for carbon andor corrosion buildup on inside passages clean and replace as recommends this service be performed by an authorized mechanic VVI WESJERBEKE I Engines GeneratDrs 11 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Continued NOTE Use engine hour meter gauge to log your engine hours or record your engine hours by running time CHECK HOURS OF OPERATION SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED EACH MAINTENANCE DAY 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1250 Engine Hoses D D D D D D Hose should be hard tight Replace if soft or spongy Check tighten all hose clamps Heat Exchanger Zinc Anode D D D D D D D Clean or replace Open heat exchanger end cap and clean out debris Electric Fuel Lift Pump Filter if applicable D D D D D D Initial filter change at 50 hours then change filter every 250 hours Raw Water Pump D D D Remove pump cover and inspect impeller for wear replace if needed Also replace gasket Lubricate both when reassembling Coolant System D D Drain flush and refill cooling system with appropriate antifreeze mix Fuellnjectors D Check and adjust injection opening pressure and spray condition see Engine Adjustments Starter Motor D D Check solenoid and motor for corrosion Remove and lubricate Start motor pinion drive Clean and lubricate Preheat Circuit D D Check operation of preheat solenoid Remove and clean glow plugs check resistance 46 ohms Engine Cylinder Compression and Valve Clearance D D Incorrect valve clearance will result in poor engine performance check compression pressure and timing and adjust valve clearances DC Alternator D D D Check DC charge from alternator Check mount ing bracket tighten electrical connections Heat Exchanger D Remove have professionally cleaned and press ure tested Transmission Oil Cooler D Remove have professionally cleaned and pressure tested Engine Transmission Damper Plate D Chattering at idle and low rpms is an indication of damper plate wear Remove and replace Engine Timing Belt D Remove and replace NOTE Failure to replace the timing belt at the recommended interval could result in timing belt failure resulting in major damage to the recommends this service be performed by an authorized mechanic Il WSJERBEKE I Engines Genetors 12 ENGINE THE COOLANT Start the engine and bring it to operating temperatureThe engines coolant must be changed every eight to Monitor the coolant in the manifold and add as neededtwelve months depending on the engines use If the Fill the manifold to the filler neck and install the is allowed to become contaminated it can lead capto overheating problems Remove the cap on the coolant recovery tank fill withA coolant recovery tank allows for engine coolant expan coolant to halfway between LOW and MAX and replacesion and contraction during engine operation without any sig the capnificant loss of coolant and without introducing air into the Run the engine and observe the coolant expansion flowcooling system This tank should be located at or above the into the recovery tankengine manifold level and be easily accessible After checking for leaks stop the engine and allow i COOLANT it to cool Coolant should draw back into the cooling RECOVERY TANK CAP system as the engine cools down Add coolant to the recovery tank if needed Clean up any spilled coolant COOLANT NOTE Periodically check the condition of the pressure cap RECOVERY Ensure that the upper and lower rubber seals are in good TANK condition and check that the vacuum valve opens and closes tightly Carry a spare cap THERMOSTAT A thermostat located near the manifold at the front of the COOLANT EXPANSION engine controls the coolant temperature as it contin uously flows through the closed cooling circuit When the engine is first started the closed thermostat prevents coolant from flowing some coolant is bypassed through a hole in the thermostat to prevent the exhaust manifoldDrain the engine coolant by loosening the drain plug on from overheating As the engine warms up the thermothe engine block and opening the manifold pressure cap stat gradually opens The thermostat is accessible and canFlush the system with fresh water then start the refill be checked cleaned or replaced easily Carry a spareprocess See the Parts Identification photos in this man thermostat and gasketual for locations WATERNOTE The petcock on the heat exchanger can also be TEMPERATURE ALARMused to drain engine coolant A WARNING Beware of the hot engine coolant WATER TEMPERATURE Wear protective gloves SENDERTO REFILL WITH COOLANTWith the enginge running in idle slowly pour cleanpremixed coolant into the manifoldNOTE Open the air bleed petcock on the heat exchangerto help remove air from the system When a steady flowof coolant appears at the drain plug opening close thewater drain plug and continue to fill the system until themanifold remains full Close the petcock on the heatexchanger when antifreeze flows from it THERMOSTAT Il WSJlBEKE I Engines GeneratDrs 13 ENGINE OIL CHANGEDRAIN THE SUMP filter when unscrewing it to catch any oil left in the filterThe engine oil should be warm Remove the oil drain Inspect the old oil filter as it is removed to make sure thathose from its attachment bracket and lower it into a con the rubber sealing gasket comes off with the old oil filtertainer and allow the oil to drain or attach a pump to the If this rubber sealing gasket remains sealed against theend of the drain hose and pump out the old oil Make sure engine block gently remove it When installing the newthe oil drain hose is capped and properly secured in its oil filter element wipe the filter gaskets sealing surfaceholder after all the old oil has been drained on the engine block free of oil and apply a thin coat of clean engine oil to the rubber gasket on the new oil filterNOTE Thread size for the lube oil drain hose capped end Screw the filter onto the threaded oil filter stub andis 14 NPT tighten the filter firmly by handAlways observe the old oil as it is removed A yellowgray emulsion indicates the presence of water in the oilAlthough this condition is rare it does require to prevent serious damage Call a competent SPINON OIL FILTERmechanic if water is present in the oil Raw water presentin the oil can be the result of a fault in the exhaust systemattached to the engine andor a siphoning of raw waterthrough the raw water cooling circuit into the exhaustfilling the engine This problem is often caused by thepoor location of the syphon brake See WESTERBEKES q Manual COOLER NOTE Use genuine WESTERBEKE oil filters generic filters are not recommended REFILL THE OIL SUMP Add fresh oil through the filler cap After refilling the oil run the engine for a few moments while checking the engines oil pressure Make sure there is no leakage around the new oil filter or from the oil drain system and then stop the engine Then check the quantity of oil with OIL DRAIN HOSE the lube oil dipstick If the engine requires additional oil OIL CONTAINER fill to but not over the high mark on the dipstick A WARNING Used engine oil contains harmful contaminants Avoid prolonged skin contact Clean FULLra skin and nails thoroughly using soap and water LOW 1frI Launder or discard clothing or rags containing used oil Discard used oil THE OIL FILTERWhen removing the used oil filter you may find it helpfuland cleaner to punch a hole in the upper and lower portion ofthe old filter to drain the oil from it into a container beforeremoving it This helps to lessen spillage An automotive filter wrench should be helpful in removing the old oil filterPlace some paper towels and a plastic bag around the VVI WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 15 FUEL SYSTEM FUEL WATER SEPARATOR A WARNING Shut off the fuel valve at the tank A primary fuel filter of the water separating type must be when servicing the fuel system Take care in installed between the fuel tank and the engine to remove catching any fuel that may spill DO NOT allow any water and other contaminants from the fuel before they smoking open flames or other sources of fire near can be carried to the fuel system on the engine the fuel system when servicing Ensure proper venti lation exists when servicing the fuel system Most installers include a type of filterwater separator with the installation package as they are aware of the problems that contaminants in the fuel can causeFUEL FILTERSThe fuel injection pump and the fuel injectors are A typical fuel filterwater separator is illustrated in thisprecisely manufactured and they must receive clean diagram This is the Raycor Model 500 MA Keep indiesel fuel free from water and dirt To ensure this flow mind that if a water separator type filter is not installedof clean fuel the fuel must pass through at least two fuel between the fuel supply tank and enginemounted fuelfilters a fuelwater separator and the engines spinon fuel system any water in the fuel will affect the fuel pumpfilter Visually inspect clean and change these filters engine filter and injection equipment The to the maintenance schedule in this manual operator is responsible for making certain the fuel reaching the engines injection equipment is free of impurities This process is accomplished by installing and maintaining a proper system ORING SPINON FUEL FILTERJI FILTERWATER L SEPARATOR1 Shut fuel supply off2 Loosen the fuel filter turning with a filter wrench3 Using a rag wipe clean the sealing face on the housing bracket so the new filter can be seated properly4 Lightly oil the sealing Oring on the new filter To reinstall turn the filter assembly carefully until the Oring contacts the sealing surface FUEL INJECTION PUMP CONTROL of the housing bracket Turn 23 further with the filter The fuel injection pump is precisely adjusted most wrench of the adjustments are sealed so be careful not to break5 Turn on the fuel and manually prime the fuel filter them When an adjustment is necessary contact your using the priming pump on top ofthe housing Use WESTERBEKE dealer a slow steady pumping action until resistance is felt NOTE There is no warranty on engines with broken high The filter is now primed and the engine is ready rpm governor adjustment seals to start NOTE The idle adjustment screw can be readjusted to proNOTE The cartridge contains fuel Take care not to spill vide for a satisfactory idle speed with each specific installait during disassembly Peiform the fuel system air tionbleeding after replacing the spinon filter fVtTf WESJERBEKE Engines Generators 16 FUEL SYSTEM ContinuedFUEL ADDITIVESIf fungus or bacteria is causing fuel problems you should A CAUTION When using the preheat functionhave an authorized dealer correct these problems Then keep in mind that the preheat elements glow plugsuse a diesel fuel biocide to sterilize the fuel follow the are also energized take care not to overheat instructions Once the fuel filter assembly is free of air and the bleed screw tightened use the preheat button or slowly pumpSPARES the primer pump for 10 to 20 seconds to force any airWhile the likelihood of having to service the fuel system between the filter housing and injection pump out of theat sea is slim the possibility does exist Therefore we system to the tank via the return linerecommend that banjo washers injector seat washersand a fuel filter be carried on board at all times See the In cases where excessive amounts of air exist in theSpares And Accessories brochure Purchase needed fuel system follow the above procedure but in additionspares from your local WESTERBEKE dealer or loosen all the high pressure injector lines not If a leak should develop at a banjo washer and crank the engine starter motor as fuel spurts fromthat cannot be corrected by a simple tightening of the between the nut and the line tighten the injector lines infitting replace the sealing washer with a replacement sequence and then tighten the bleed screwfound in the engine fuel hardware kit for your model NOTE Do not attempt this procedure on a hot enginePRIMING BLEEDING THE FUEL SYSTEMThe onengine fuel system is virtually self priming A WARNING Always wear protective clothing safety glasses and gloves when bleeding high presUnder ordinary circumstances the engines electric fuel sure injector lineslift pump which is energized by the key will supply a continuous flow of fuel from thetank This fuel is drawn through the fuelwater separator AIR CLEANERto the engine lift pump the primary spinon fuel filter Dual air cleaner filters are located on the top of theand the injection pump engine manifold These filters should be inspected cleaned andor replaced at maintenance periods With the engine turned off remove the single hex bolt lift the manifold top and the dual air cleaner filters become accessible When reassembling make certain the filters are positioned properly and do not overtighten when refastening the bolt FUEL LIFT PUMP A WARNING 00 not allow smoking or open flames near the fuel system when servicing Also provide proper ventilationIf it becomes necessary to bleed air from the system usethe following procedureOpen the bleed screw by turning the thumbscrew onthe fuel filter 1 or 2 turns Energize the preheat buttonkey ON for 10 to 20 seconds or do it manually usingthe palm of your hand to pump the primer pump on thetop of the fuel filter housing When fuel flows freely AIR CLEANERfrom the bleed screw tighten but do not overtightenthe screw 17 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The charging system consists of an alternator with a mounted A WARNING Before starting the engine make certain voltage regulator an engine DC wiring harness a mounted that everyone is clear of moving parts Keep away from DC circuit breaker and a battery and connection wires sheaves and belts during test procedures Because of the use of integrated circuits ICs the electronic voltage regulator is very compact and is mounted internally or on the back of the alternator 5 Start the engine 6 The voltage reading for a properly operating alternator Alternator should be between 135 and 145 volts If your alternator is over or undercharging have it repaired at a reliable If you suspect that the alternator is not producing enough service shop voltage to charge the engines battery check the following NOTE Before removing the alternator for repair use your voltmeter to ensure that i 2 volts DC excitation is present at A WARNING Afailed alternator can become very the R terminal if the previous test showed only battery volt hot 00 not touch until the alternator has cooled down age at the B output terminal o Make certain your alternator is securely mounted 14 GRAYOr o Check the drive belts for proper tension o Inspect for loose or disconnected wires at the alternator eF i14BRDWN NOTE An isolator with a diode a solenoid or a battery 14 PINKJBlUE tHH4I selector switch is usually mounted in the circuit to isolate the batteries so the starting battery is not discharged along with the house batteries If the isolator is charging the starting battery but not the house battery the alternator is OK and the problem is in the battery charging circuit A WARNING Shut off the engine battery switch or TYPICAL 51 AMP ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS disconnect from the battery when working on the engine electrical system 14 BRDNi Checking for Proper Voltage f10RED 14 REDfiS If you suspect the alternator has failed perform the following tests with the engine off 1 Using a voltmeter connect the voltmeter red wire clip to the output terminal B 2 Connect the voltmeter negative wire to any ground on the engine 3 Check the battery voltage It should read 12 to 12 volts 4 Check the voltage between the alternator positive ter minal B and any engine ground If the circuit is good the voltage at the alternator should be the same as the battery l2I CCC3l 14 PINKJBlUE unless theres an isolator in the circuit then the reading would be zero rrJ 14 BROWN A CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery charging circuit never shut off the engine battery switch when the engine is running OPTIONAL 72 AMP rvvl WESIERBEKE ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS I Engines Generators 18 DC ELECTRICAL Continued SYSTEMDRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT BATTERY CARE Review the manufacturers and then A CAUTION Drive belts must be properly establish a systematic maintenance schedule for your tensioned Loose drive belts will not provide proper engine starting batteries and house batteries alternator charging and will eventually damage the alternator o Monitor your voltmeter for proper charging during engine operation Drive belts that are too tight will pull the alternator out of alignment andor cause the alternator to wear o Check the electrolyte level and specific gravity with a out prematurely hydrometer o Use only distilled water to bring electrolytes to aBelt tension adjustment is made by pivoting the proper level alternator on its base mounting bolt o Make certain that battery cable connections are clean1 Loosen the alternator adjusting strap bolt and the base and tight to the battery posts and to your engine mounting bolt o Keep your batteries clean and free of corrosion2 Pivot the alternator on the base mounting bolt to the left or right as required3 Tighten the base mounting bolt and the adjusting A WARNING Sulfuric acid in lead batteries can cause severe burns on skin and damage clothing strap bolt Wear protective gear4 Operate the engine for about 5 minutes at idle then shut down and recheck belt tension A CAUTION Use only genuine WESTERBEKE Drive Belts poor quality belts will lead to premature wear and belt elongation resulting in alternator damage BELT TENSION II WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 19 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM 39144 110 R R IU PHI r11 I Illl IE MOOnS i6i 11 9 SEE NOTE I I BAnERY I NOTEAN ONOFF SWITCHSHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN ADMIRALTHE BATIERY AND PANELSTARTER TO DISCONNECT THE BATTERY IN AN EMERGENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE BOATA SWITCH WITH OF 175AMPS AT 12 VDCWILL SERVE THISFUNCTION THISSWITCH SHOULDNOT BE USED TOMAKE OR BREAKTHE CIRCUIT CAPTAIN oz PANEL o III ORN ALT UIP I I I I I I I OP I I I I RN I I Ia BlK I 118BlK I L Ljttl 111I8l11 JI MTI WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators Revised October 2000 20 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM 39144 1 r I I I I AL TERIfATOR I I I I I LIFT PUMP rT1 I R TERM I fUn I rrP U jDacl SOL I 5run 0 III WMI I OP SENDER I 1 12080 308ITI ONLY I L I NOTES I THIS PRODUCT IS PROTECTED BT A MANUAL RESET CIRCUIT BRAKER LOCATEO NEAR THE STARTER EXCESSIVE CURRENT WILL CAUSE THE BREAKER TO TRIP AND THE NGINE WILL SHUT DOWIf THE aUILOEROWNER MUST BE SURE THAT THE INSTRUMENT PANEL IRING AND NGIIf ARE INSTAllED TO PREVENT CONTACT BETWEN LEeTAICAL DEVICES AND SEAWATER l AN ONOff SWITCH SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWN THE IArTUY AND STARTER TO DISCONNECT THE BATTERY IN AN MRGENCY AND WHN LEAVING THE SOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RATING or115 AMPS AT 11 YDC WILL SERVE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT SE USED TO MAlE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT 3 THE PINK WIRE AT PLUG 2 IS UMUSD AND SHOULD 8E IrcULATD CAPTAIN PArcEL ONLY THE GRAT WIRE AT PLUG 2 IS UNUSED AND SHOULD 8E INSULATED ADMIRAL PANEL ONLY ADMIRAL AT rACHONTER PANEL MITSUBISHI 50 AMp ALT NET S GND sw OG 110 RN 114 P R II 4 GRA 90 AMP ALT NOTE WIRE rOR BATTERT ATTATCHMENT WILL NEED TO BE UPGRADED TO AN 8 GAUGE FROM 10 GAUGE IICTA IU BRN CAPTAIN PANEL LAMP TEST sw 1104 PINK n 03 51 AMP ALTERNATOR PRESTQLITE 72 AMP At T STANDARD ALTERNATOR ON THE mBlJi6Cc B IlI B2B IlI It 14 BRN 0UNIVERSAI PROPUlSION PRESTOI I TE 51 AMP AL T OPTIONAL AI TERNATORS USA ISOA ItoA LESlU Q THE tsaR UItIY nrIY lOCIY eZltIY IOgYI lomYI ONP vvl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators Revised 21 October 2000 WATER HEATERWATER HEATER INSTALLATIONS The pressure cap on the engines manifold should be inThis engine is equipped with connections for the plumb stalled after the engines cooling system is filled withing of engine coolant to heat an onboard water heater coolant Finish filling the cooling system from the remoteThe water heater should be mounted in a convenient lo tank after the system is filled and is free of air and exhibcation either in a high or low position in relation to the its good coolant circulation During engine so that the connecting hoses from the heater to checking the engines coolant should be done atthe engine can run in a reasonably direct line without any the remote tank and not at the engine manifold cap Theloops which might trap air hose connection from the heater to the remote expansion tank should be routed and supported so it rises continu ously from the heater to the tank enabling any air in the system to rise up to the tank and out of the system J REMOTE EXPANSION I I TANK 1124117 I I I I J I I OIL J COOLER HEATER BELOW THE ENGINEHoses should rise continuously from their low point atthe heater to the engine so that air will rise naturallyfrom the heater to the engine If trapped air is able to rise Ito the heater then an air bleed petcock must be installedat the higher fitting on the heater for bleeding air while I filling the system i I INOTE If any portion of the heating circuit rises above Jthe engines own pressure cap then a pressurized HEATER ABOVE THE ENGINEaluminum remote expansion tank Kit 024177 mustbe installed in the circuit to become the highest point NOTE An air bleed petcock is located on the enginesTee the remote expansion tank into the heater circuit heat exchanger Open this petcock when filling the enchoosing the higher of the two connections for the return gines fresh water system to allow air in the exchanger toTee at the heater and plumb a single line up to the tanks escape Close tightly after all the air is and the other back to the engines return Installthe remote expansion tank in a convenient locationso the fresh water coolant level can easily be checked Theremote expansion tank will now serve as a check andsystem fill point The plastic coolant recovery tank is notused when the remote expansion tank kit is installedsince this tank serves the same function II WESIERBEKE I Engines Generators 22 ENGINE VALVE CLEARANCES 7 Using a small screwdriver or magnet remove the adjusting disc1 Remove the cylinder head rocker cover 8 Select an appropriate disc thickness depending on the2 Manually rotate the engine crankshaft and bring 1 clearance measured Install it and verify proper piston up on TDC of its compression stroke clearance NOTE When this occurs the intake and exhaust cam lobes will face upwards EXAMPLE Intake Valve The thickness of the disc removed plus the clearance measured minus the standard clearance will give the thickness of the new3 Measure the valve clearance of 1 cylinder by using a adjusting disc thickness gauge 40 mm 030 025 mm 405 mm 0157 in 0012 0010 in 0159 in Standard Valve Clearances Engine Cold Intake 020 030mm 0008 0012 in Exhaust 030 040mm 0012 0016 in VALVE CLEARANCE MEASUREMENT NOTE The number marked on the disc indicates its thickness Example 3825 means 3825mm 01056 in Adjusting discs are available in 25 different thicknesses between 340 and 460mm 01339 01811 in range at variations of 0050 mm 0002 If the valves clearances are not within standard in values continue using the following procedure to adjust the valves 9 Measure and adjust as needed the valves in cylinders 3 4 and 2 following the instructions above4 Rotate the valve cam lobe so that it points straight upward CAM INTAKE5 Rotate the tappet so that one of the notches is facing the exhaust manifold This allows for better access to the adjusting disc VALVE6 Using the tappet holder WESTERBEKE 41978 CLEARANCE press the tappet down to the position where the adjusting disc becomes accessible 23 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS BELT INSPECTION AND Timing Belt 1 Check the rotation of the timing belt tensioner pulley1 Before removing the timing belt and timing belt Check for play or abnormal noise tensioner rotate the engine crankshaft by hand and NOTE Do not clean the timing belt tensioner with clean align the three timing marks as shown in the ing solvents If dirty use a clean rag to wipe it clean illustration Avoid scratching the suiface the belt travels over A CAUTION After removal of the timing belt DO NOT rotate the crankshaft or camshaft the pistons will damage the opened valves OAMAGE nMGAA WEAR OAMAGE WEAR I I TIMING MARKS Timing Belt Camshaft And Injection Pump Gears 1 Check the gear teeth for any indication of damage wear deformation etc Replace if any faults are foundNOTE If the timing belt is to be reused draw an arrow onthe belt pointing in the direction of the belts it in the same direction Timing Belt Installation 1 Check to ensure that the timing marks on the gears are properly aligned with the marks on the case DIRECTION 2 Loosely install the timing belt tensioner locking bolt ARROW and spring Push the timing belt tensioner toward the lock bolt to the left as far as it will go and then tighten the locking bolt to temporarily hold the tensioner in Replace the timing belt if it is contaminated with oil grease or water2 Check for damage wear peeling cracks or hardening Replace if suspect LOCKING BOLTNOTE Never forcefully twist the timing belt turn it insideout or bend it TIMING BELT TENSIONER Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 24 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS Continued3 Install the timing belt 7 Recheck the timing mark positions between the three gears and the gear case Check the timing belt NOTE If reinstalling the original belt be sure to deflection at the point on the belt shown in the install with the arrow in the correct direction of belt illustration with a pushing force of 10 kg 22Ib rotation Standard Deflection unit cold 108129 mm 043051 in DIRECTION ARROW4 Release the timing belt tensioner lock bolt to allow the tensioning spring tensionor to bring pressure on the timing belt 8 Install the timing belt left cover with its rubber seal 9 Install the timing belt right cover with its rubber seal Bolt torque for timing belt cover bolts 0710 mkg 57 ftIb 10 Install the crankshaft pulley and torsional damper onto the timing belt drive gear with the semicircular woodruff key Tighten the attachment Crankshaft pulley bolt torque 2333 mkg 1724 ftIb5 Turn the crankshaft twice in the direction of normal engine rotation clockwise to equalize tension on the NOTE When installing the torsional damper onto the timing belt timing belt drive gear align the mark on the damper with the knock pin on the gear NOTE Do not turn the engine in reverse of its normal rotation6 Tighten the timing belt tensioner lock bolt TIMING BELT COVER RIGHT Lock bolt torque 3247 mkg 2334 ftIb TIMING BELT COVER LEFT IVVJ WESJERBEKE r Engines Generators 25 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS TEST FUEL INJECTION NOZZLE TEST1 Warm the engine up to operating temperature When the injection starting pressure is too high or too low or the fuel spray pattern is improper an abnormal2 Stop the engine fuel combustion takes place in the engine leading to3 Remove all four glow plugs lowered power output blackish exhaust smoke and un wanted combustion noise Further it can cause a piston4 Disconnect the DC power connection to the fuel seizure or piston damage if not corrected In such cases shutoff solenoid on the injection pump the injection nozzle test should be performed and the5 Install the compression tester glow plug adapter in faulty nozzles replaced as required the gloy plug opening of 1 cylinder Connect the Use an injection nozzle tester to check the static injection compression gauge to the glow plug adapter starting pressure and condition of the spray pattern every6 Crank the engine with the starter and allow the gauge 800 operating hours to reach its maximum reading Injection nozzle pressure is 1920 psi 71 psi7 Record the reading and proceed to the next cylinder 135 kgcm2 5 kgcm28 Compare readings to the table below Take corrective action as needed A WARNING When testing a nozzle beware that high pressure might blow off the light oil and cause Compression pressure kgcm 2lbin2rpm injury Keep away from the nozzle end Standard 30 426 200 Limit 27 384 200 GOOO POORNOTE Whenpeiforming the compression test shut off theraw water supply to the engine mounted raw water pumpThis is to prevent filling of the exhaust system with rawwater while peiforming the test lvvl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 26 HBW OPERATION LOCKING THE PROPAll HBW marine transmissions are testrun on a test Locking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake isstand with the engine at the factory prior to delivery not required use the gear lever position opposite your diFor safety reasons the fluid is drained before shipment rection of travel for this purpose Never put the gear lever in the position corresponding to the direction of travel ofFill the gearbox with Automatic Transmission Fluid the boatDEXRON II or DEXTRON Ill The fluid level should beup to the index mark on the dipstick To check the fluidlevel just insert the dipstick do not screw it in Screw CONTROL CABLESthe dipstick into the case after the fluid level is checked The gearbox is suitable for single lever remote controland tighten Do not forget the sealing ring under the hex Upon loosening the retaining screw the shift lever can behead of the dipstick Check for leaks and change the fluid moved to any position required for the control elementsafter the first 25 hours cable or rod linkage Make certain that the shift lever does not contact the shift lever cover plate the minimum TRANSMISSION IN OPERATION distance between lever and cover should be O5mm The control cable or rod should be arranged at a right angle to the shift lever when in the neutral position The neutral position of the operating lever on the control con sole should coincide with the neutral position of the shift lever on the gear box The shifting travel as measured at the pivot point of the shift lever between the neutral position and end positions A and B should be at least 35mm for the outer and 30mm for the inner pivot point A greater amount of shift lever travel is in no way detrimental and is recommended However if the shift lever travel is shorter proper clutch engagement might beThe neutral position of the operating lever on the control impeded which in tum would mean premature wear exconsole must coincide with the neutral position of the cessive heat generation and clutch plate failure Thisactuating lever on the transmission Shifting is initiated would be indicated by slow clutch engagement or noby a cable or rod linkage via the actuating lever and an engagement at allactuating cam The completion of the gear changing operation is controlled within the gear NOTE Checkfor proper shift lever travel at least eachGear changing should be smooth not too slow and con seasontinuous without interruption Direct changes from forward to reverse are permissible since the permits gear changing at high rpm including sudden reversing at top speeds in the event of dangerWHEN UNDER SAIL OR BEING TOWED of the propeller without load such as when theboat is sailing being towed or anchored in a river aswell as operation of the engine with the propeller stoppedfor charging the battery will have no detrimental effects on the gearboxNOTE When the boat is sailing engine stopped the gear COVER PLATE HUBlever must be in neutral position The propeller is at idleand can free wheel 27 HBW TRANSMISSION Continued Checking the Bowden Cable or Rod Linkage A CAUTION The position of the cover plate The Bowden cable or rod linkage should be checked at underneath the actuating lever is to regular intervals Check the neutral position of the operat ensure equal shift lever travel from neutral position ing lever on the control console and the actuating lever to A and B If this side shift cover is removed or in on the gearbox The minimum lever travel from the any way tampered with the transmission warranty neutral position to the operating positions 0 A 0 B will be void Authorized Hurth personnel only may should be 35mm for the outer and 30mm for the inner adjust or remove this cover pivot point Make certain that these minimum values are safely reached Check the cable or rod linkage for easyNOTE When installing the gearbox make certain that movability ad proper is not impeded by restricted movability of theBowden cable or rod linkage by unsuitably positioned Connection of Gearbox with Propellerguide sheaves too small a bending radius etc In orderto mount a support for shift control cable connections HBW recommends a flexible connection between theuse the two threaded holes located above the shift cover gearbox and the propeller shaft if the engine is flexiblyon top of the gear housing Refer to the WESTERBEKE mounted in order to compensate for angular list The installation of a special propeller thrust bearing is not required since the propeller thrust will be taken by theMAINTENANCE transmission bearing provided the value specified under SPECIFICATIONS is not exceeded However the Fluid shaft should be protected from additional loads SpecialTo ensure troublefree operation of the gearbox only care should be taken to prevent torsional vibration Whenuse Automatic Transmission Fluid ATF Dexron II using a universal joint shaft make certain to observe theor Ill manufacturers Even with the engine solidly mounted the use of a flexi ble coupling reduces stresses in the gearbox bearingsAdd the fluid quantity for the proper model transmission caused by hull distortions especially in wooden boats orto the gearbox After filling check the fluid level with where the distance between the gearbox output flangethe dipstick Adjust level as needed Install the dipstick and the stem gland is less than about 800mmwith the sealing washer operate unit check fluid checkfor leaks Transmission Fluid Quantity HBW 150 059 Quarts 056 Liters HBW 150V 110 Quarts 105 Liters HBW250 184 Quarts 175 LitersFluid ChangeChange the fluid for the first time after about 50 hours ofoperation then every 250 operating hours or at least oncea year or when you change engine oil When changingthe fluid also check the gearbox cooling device and or replace it as necessary If the transmission is not used for periods of more thanNOTE When changing the fluid take care not to lose the one year it should be completely filled with fluid of thedrain plug sealing washer The drain plug will leak with same grade to prevent corrosion Protect the input shaftout this sealing washer and the output flange by means of an anticorrosive coat ing as required Il WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 28 BORG WARNER VELVET DRIVE OPERATION NOTE If the boat moves backwards with the Fluid control in the forward position shut off the engine This problem may be the result of incorrect movement of theCheck transmission fluid level on the dipstick If the shift lever by the shift has not been filled fill with Dextron III andcontinue to use this fluid During the first 50 hours of DAILY keep a lookout for any leakage at the bellhousing output shaft and transmission cooler This o Check transmission fluidfluid should be changed after the first 50 hours and o Visually check transmission and gear shift every 1000 operating hours or at winterlayup o Start engine in neutral Allow a few minutes for fluid to warmNOTE Some transmissions are equipped with a neutralsafety switch Unless the transmission shift lever I per NOTE Too Iowan idle speed will produce a aligned in neutral the engine starter will not noise from the gear and damper plate In such cases theactivate idle speed should be increased o Shift into gearShifting Into GearPlace the transmission selector control in Neutral beforestarting the engine Shifting from one selector position to A WARNING Shifting gears above 1000 rpm can damage the engine and selector position may be made at any time below1000 rpm and in any order Shifts should be made at thelowest practical engine speed Start the engine and st SHIFT LEVER POSITIONthe throttle at idle speed allow the transmission fluid to The selector control mechanism and linkage must positionwarm up for a few minutes the shift lever on the transmission exactly in Forward F Neutral N and Reverse R shifting positions A detentNeutral ball located behind the transmission shift lever must workMove selector lever to the middle position You should freely to center the lever in each position The selector confeel the detent Center the shift lever on the transmission trol positions at the helms must be coordinated with thosethrough the linkage to the selector lever With the control of the Velvet Drive shift lever through shift mechanism adin this position hydraulic power is completely interupted justments An improperly adjusted shift mechanism canand the output shaft of the transmission does not turn cause damage to the transmission The shifting and transmission shift lever should be free of dirt to ensureMove selector lever to the forward position You should proper operationfeel the detent The shift lever on the transmission is inthe forward position The output shaft and the propeller NOTE Do not remove detent ballshaft move the boat in a forward selector lever to the reverse position You shouldfeel the detent The shift lever on the transmission is inthe reverse position The output shaft and the move the boat in a reverse direction asternNOTE Moving the transmission shift lever from to Forward is always towards the engine Re FORWARD NEUTRAL REVERSEverse is always away from the engineNOTE Be aware of any unusual noises or vibrations andinvestigate to determine the cause lvvl WESIERBEKE I Engines Generators 29 BORG WARNER VELVET DRIVE TRANSMISSION OIL FILLER CAPD Visually check for oil leaks at hydraulic connections AND DIPSTICK ASSEMBLY Check wear on hydraulic lines and replace if wornD Lubricate detent ball and shift cable attachments OIL FILLER CAPD Inspect shift linkage AND DIPSTICK M ASSEMBLY HOLED Inspect transmission bolts retorque if necessary A CAUTION Clutch failure will occur if the trans mission shift lever does not fully engage the detent ball positions Transmission Fluid Storage requires special care Follow these the initial 50 hour change the transmission fluid D Drain water from the transmission oil cooler andshould be changed at 1000 operating hours or at winter replace with a proper mixture of antifreeze coolanthaulout However fluid must be changed whenever it NOTE This operation will occur normally when thebecomes contaminated changes color or smells rancid engine raw water cooling system is properly winterizedD Remove oil filler cap and dipstick D Clean up the transmission and touch up unpaintedD Remove oil cooler return line and allow oil to drain areas use heat resistant paint into a container D Fill the transmission with Dextron II or III fluid to prevent internal corrosionD Reconnect oil cooler return line D Loosen attaching hardware from the transmissionD Use a suction pump to remove transmission oil output flange and propeller shaft coupling flange through the filler capdipstick hole before removing the boat from the water SeparateD Clean off the transmission and properly dispose of the flanges the used fluid D Spray the flanges with an anticorrosive coatingD Refill the transmission with Dextron II or III trans WARRANTY NOTES mission fluid The quantity will vary depending on Service manuals are available from your BORG the transmission model and installation angle Fill WARNER dealer through the dipstick hole BORG WARNER is aware of the shock loads that can beD Check dipstick for proper fluid level placed on its gears as the result of mechanical propellerD Replace oil filler capdipstick Dipstick is pressed operation or fully reversing of propeller blades while into place and turned clockwise until fingertight shifting Therefore torque loads and directional changes should be made at low engine speeds If it is found thatD Run engine then shutdown and recheck fluid level the failure was caused by a shock load the warranty claim will be denied A WARNING Never pull the dipstick with the en Oil temperature maximum is 190F 105C during gine running Hot fluid will splash from the dipstick operation If oil temperature runs too high consult your hole This could cause severe burns BORG WARNER distributor A CAUTION Systemrelated noises or vibrations can occur at low engine speeds which can cause gear ranle resulting in damage to the engine andor transmission BORG WARNER is not responsible for total systemrelated torsional vibration of this type tvv WESIERBEKE Engines Generators 30 ENGINE following table describes certain NOTE The engines electrical system is protected by aproblems the probable causes of the problems and the 20Ampere manual reset circuit breaker located on to overcome the problems bracket on the left front side of the engine The preheat solenoid is mounted on the same bracket Problem Probable Cause Key Switch on PREHEAT switch 1 Battery switch not on 1 Check switch andor battery connections depressed no panel indications fuel solenoid electrical fuel pump 2 20Amp circuit breaker tripped 2 Reset breaker if breaker trips again check preheat sole and preheat solenoid not energized noid circuit and check circuit for shorts to ground 3 10 Amp breaker tripped 3 Check voltage at and after breaker 4 Loose battery connections 4 Check connection on starter solenoid and connection to engine ground stud Check battery cable connections 5 Preheat solenoid not operating 5 Check Solenoid Key Switch on PREHEAT switch 1 Connection to solenoid faulty 1 Check connection at solenoid depressed START switch depressed no starter engagement 2 Faulty START switch 2 Check switch with ohmmeter 3 Faulty solenoid 3 Check that 12 volts are present at starter solenoid activation connection 4 Neutral safety switch open 4 Shift lever in neutral check switch 5 Loose battery connection 5 Check battery connection S Low batteries 6 Check battery charge state START switch is depressed panel 1 Poor connections to fuel solenoid 1 Check connections indications OK start solenoid OK fuel solenoid not functioning 2 Defective fuel solenoid 2 Check that 12 volts are present at the connection on the fuel run solenoid No ignition cranks but does not 1 Faulty fueling system 1 Check that fuel valves are open start fuel solenoid energized 1a Check for air in fuel system Bleed air from engine fuel system 1b Filters clogged Replace filters and bleed fuel system of air 2 Preheat solenoid faulty 2 Check solenoid No ignition Fuel solenoid energized 1 Starting battery failure 1 Check start batteries Engine cranks slowly then fails 1a Switch to combine house and start batteries 1b Replace batteries 2 Water in engine 2 Exhaust system failure raw water has backed into cylin ders Water must be removed from engine a serious problem that can be corrected Engine cant be stopped 1 STOP switch failure 1 Check switch will not open run circuit Manually move the shutoff lever on the injection pump side Test switch with ohmmeter 2 Fuel run solenoid will not deenergize 2a Manually disconnect the 12 volt connection to the fuel run solenoid at the injection pump 2b Loosen high pressure injector lines at each injector Be ware of fuel spray 3 Check DC alternator for feedback 3 Disconnect the R terminal through regulator circuit Engine stops 1 Fuel lift pump failure 1 Fuel lift pump should make a distinct ticking sound Replace pump with spare 2 Switches andor wiring loose or dis 2 Inspect all wiring for short circuits and loose connections connected Inspect switches for proper operation 3 Fuel Starvation 3 Check fuel supply fuel valves fuel lift pump 4 20amp circuit breaker tripping 4 Check for high DC amperage draw during operation En sure switch is not overly sensitive to heat which would cause tripping 5 Exhaust system is restricted 5 Check for blockage collapsed hose carbon buildup at exhaust elbow 6 Water in fuel 6 Pump water from fuel tanks change filters and bleed fuel system Battery not charging 1 Alternator drive 1 Check drive belt tension Alternator should turn freely Check for loose connections Check output with voltmeter Il WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 31 ENGINE Continued Ensure 12 volts are present at the R terminal Problem Probable Cause Battery runs down 1 Oil pressure switch 1 Observe if gauges and panel lights are activated when en gine is not running Test the oil pressure switch 2 High resistance leak to ground 2 Check wiring Insert sensitive 025 amp meter in battery lines Do not start engine Remove connections and re place after short is located 3 Low resistance leak 3 Check all wires for temperature rise to locate the fault 4 Alternator 4 Disconnect alternator at output after a good battery charging If leakage stops remove alternator and bench test Repair or replace 5 Poor battery connections 5 Check cable connections at battery Engine overheat 1 Raw water not Circulating 1 Broken or loose belt at raw water pump NOTE Shut engine down immediately 2 Coolant not circulating 2 Raw water pump failure Check impeller replace 2a Obstruction at raw water intake or raw water filter 2b Thermostat remove and test in hot water Replace thermostat 2c Loss of coolant check hoses hose clamps drain plug etc for leaks 2d Broken or loose belts tightenreplace 2e Air leak in system run engine and open cooling system petcocks heat exchanger manifold etc to bleed air Add coolant as needed Exhaust smoking problems 1 Blue smoke 1 Incorrect grade of engine oil 1a Crankcase overfilled with engine oil oil is blowing out through the exhaust 2 White smoke 2 Engine is running cold 2a Faulty injector or incorrect injector timing 3 Black or gray smoke 3 Improper grade of fuel 3a Fuel burn incomplete due to high back pressure in exhaust or insufficient air for proper combustion Check for re strictions in exhaust system check air intake 3b Improperly timed injectors or valves or poor compression Transmission will not shift in or out 1 Transmission failure 1a Check cable connections at steering station and at trans of gear or drive the vessel mission lever 1b Check transmission fluid 1c Check shaft couplings or engine damper plate 1d Check drive damper 2 Transmission oil cooler failure 2a Replace oil cooler WATER TEMPERATURE AND OIL PRESSURE GAUGESIf the gauge reading is other than what is normally If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge isindicated by the gauge when the instrument panel is undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with theenergized the first step is to check for 12 volts DC conductor from the sender to the gauge or with thebetween the ignition B and the Negative B of the gauge If either of the above gauge tests are negative the gaugeAssuming that there is 12 volts as required leave the is probably defective and should be panel energized and perform the following Assuming the gauge is OK check the conductor from thesteps sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for continuity1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the Check that the engine block is connected to the ground gauge reads zero which is the normal reading for this Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the situation battery is connected to the starter both plus and minus2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground terminals the ground side will not necessarily be and see if the gauge reads full scale which is the connected to the block normal reading for this situation 1VV1 WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 32 LAYUP AND small amount of oil on the rubber sealing gasket at theMany owners rely on their boatyards to prepare their base of the filter Fill the sump with the correct amountcraft including engines and generators for layup during of oil for your engine model Refer to the SPECIFICAthe offseason or for long periods of inactivity Others TIONS section of this manual Use an oilwith an APIprefer to accomplish layup preparation themselves specification of CF or CG4 Run the engine and check for proper oil pressure and make sure there are not leaksThe following procedures will allow you to perform your Stop the engine check oil level and add oil as needed toown layup and or you may use them bring level to dipstick full markas a check list for others These procedures should affordyour engine protection during a layup and also you with the maintenance needs of your en ACAUTION Do not leave the engines old enginegine oil in the sump over the layup period Engine oil and combustion depOSits combine to produce harmIf you have any questions regarding layup procedures ful chemicals which can reduce the life of the encall your local servicing dealer he will be more than gines internal partswilling to provide SHAFT COUPLING FUEL SYSTEMThe transmission and propeller half couplings should al Top off your fuel tanks with No2 diesel fuel Fuel addiways be opened up and the bolts removed when the boat tives should be added at this time to control algae and ais hauled out of the water or moved from land to water fuel conditioner such as STABIL Care should be takenand during storage in a cradle The flexibility of the boat that the additives used are compatible with the primaryoften puts a severe strain on the propeller shaft or cou filterwater separator used in the system Change thepling or both while the boat is taken out or put in the element in your primary fuel filterwater separator ifwater In some cases the shaft has actually been bent by the fuel system contains one and clean the separatorthese strains This does not apply to small boats that are sediment bowlhauled out of the water when not in use unless they have Change the fuel filter elements on the engine and bleedbeen dry for a considerable period of time the system as needed Start the engine and allow it to run for 510 minutes to make sure no air is left in the fuelFRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM system Check for any leaks that may have been createdA 5050 solution of antifreeze and fresh water is recom in the fuel system during this servicing correcting themmended for use in the freshwater cooling system at all as neededtimes This solution may require a higher antifreeze depending on the areas winter climate RAW WATER CIRCUITCheck the solution to make sure the antifreeze protection Close the throughhull fitting Remove the raw water inis adequate take hose from the fitting Place the end of this hose intoShould more antifreeze be needed drain an appropriate a 5gallon bucket of clean fresh water Before starting theamount from the engine block and add a more concen engine check the zinc anode found in the heat mixture Operate the engine to ensure a complete on the engine and clean or replace it as required and mixture of the antifreeze concentration the raw water strainer if one is installed in the inside ofthroughout the cooling system Now recheck the anti the hullfreeze solutions strength Start the engine and allow the raw water pump to draw fresh water through the system When the bucket isLUBRICATION SYSTEM empty stop the engine and refill the bucket with an antiWith the engine warm drain all the engine oil from the freeze solution slightly stronger then needed for winteroil sump Remove and replace the oil filter Place some freeze protection in your areapaper towels and a plastic bag around the filter to catch Start the engine again and allow all of this mixture to bethe oil during its removal drawn through the raw water system Once the bucket isWhen installing the new oil filter be sure to apply a empty stop the engine This antifreeze mixture should tvvl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 33 LAYUP AND the raw water circuit from freezing during the layup as well as providing corrosion protection If batteries are to be left on board during the layup peRempve the impeller from your raw water pump some anti riod make sure they are fully charged and will remainfreeze mixture will accompany it so catch it in a bucket that way to prevent them from freezing If you have anyExamine the impeller Acquire replacement if needed doubt that the batteries will not remain fully charged or that they will be subjected to severe environmental conand a cover gasket Do not replace the impeller into the ditions remove the batteries and store them in a warmerpump until but replace the cover and more compatible MANIFOLD AWARNING Lead acid baneries emit hydrogen aOpen the intake manifold and inspect the filter elements highly explosive gas which can be ignited by elec trical arcing or lighted tobacco products Do notinside Clean with low pressure compressed air or replace smoke or allow an open flame near the banery beingif needed Do not leave filters installed during serviced Shut off all electrical equipmentlayup period Filter elements should be stored in a clean in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing duringdry area Place an oil rag in the intake opening to keep servicing Wear rubber gloves a rubber apron anddampness out eye protection when servicing MOTOR and cleaning of the starter drive pinion isadvisable if access to the starter permits its removal The of your WESTERBEKE engineMake sure the battery connections are shut off before at after a seasonal layup generally follows the same procetempting to remove the starter Take care in properly re dures as those presented in the PREPARATION FOR STARTING section regarding preparation for starting andplacing any electrical connections removed from the normal starts However some of the layup will need to be counteracted before starting the engineCYLINDER LUBRICATION 1 Remove the oilsoaked cloths from the intake mani fold and from the throughhull exhaust portIt is not necessary to remove the glow plugs from thecylinder head to squirt light engine oil into the cylinders 2 Remove the raw water pump cover and gasket Disfor the few months of normal layup However if you card the gasket Install the raw water pump impeller reanticipate a longer layup period 12 months or more moved during layup or a replacement if requiredwe recommend that this procedure be performed The Install the raw water pump cover with a new cover gaslight oil in the cylinders will prevent the pistons rings ketfrom sticking to the cylinder walls With oil in the cylin 3 Reconnect the shaft coupling and check for properders tum the engine over by hand two revolutions alignment 4 Reinstall the batteries that were removed during layup and reconnect the battery cables making sure theCheck or change fluid in the transmission as required terminals are clean and that the connections are tightWipe off grime and grease and touch up unpainted areas Check to make sure the batteries are fully chargedProtect coupling and output flange with anticorrosion 5 Check the condition of the zinc anode in the raw wacoating Check that transmission vent is open ter circuit and clean or replace the anode as needed Note that it is not necessary to flush the water solution from the raw water coolant system WhenLayup time provides a good opportunity to inspect your the engine is put into operation the system will engine to see if external items such as in a short period of time with no adverse affectsdrive belts or coolant hoses need replacement Check 6 Start the engine in accordance with procedures in theyour basic spares kit and order items not on hand or re PREPARATION FOR INITIAL STARTUP section of thisplace those items used during the layup such as filters manualand zinc anodes VVI WSJERBEKE I Engines GeneratolS 34 WESTERBEKE 55A FOUR TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Ibft kgmCylinder Head Bolts Cylinder head bolts are not retorqued Bolts are torqued only during engine Rod Cap Bolts 5154 7075Main Bearing Cap Bolts 6165 8490Injection Pump Drive Gear 4352 6070Oil Pan Bolts 57 0710Crankshaft Pulley Bolts 1724 2333Glow Plugs 1115 1520Intake Manifold Bolts 1220 1627Exhaust Manifold Bolts 1620 2227Switches and Senders 913 1218Injector HIP Line Nuts 1317 1823Freshwater Pump Mounting Bolts 2334 3247Timing Belt Covers 57 0710Flywheel Bolts 130137 1819Camshaft Cap Bolts 1520 2027Block Oil Jets 913 1218Rocker Cover Bolts 57 0710Back Plate Bolts 1217 1623Rear Oil Seal Housing 57 0710Oil Strainer PickUp 57 0710Timing Belt Drive Gear Bolt 116123 1617Thermostat Assembly 1217 1623Oil Cooler Assembly Bolts MIO 2324 3247 M6 57 0710 lvvl WESJERBEKE I Engines Generators 35 STANDARD HARDWARE TORQUES NOTE Unless stated otherwise for a specific assembly use the following torque values when tightening standard hardware Pitch lbft kgmGrade 4 6mm bolt headnut 1 2951 0407 8mm bolt headnut 125 72116 1016 10mm bolt headnut 125 137224 1931 10mm bolt headnut 15 130217 1830 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 253398 3555 12mm bolt headnut 15 253398 3555 12mm bolt headnut 175 217362 3050 13mm bolt headnut 15 325506 4570 14mm bolt headnut 15 362579 5080 14mm bolt headnut 2 340557 4777 16mm bolt headnut 15 542796 75110 16mm bolt headnut 2 514767 71106Grade6T 6mm bolt headnut 1 4365 0609 8mm bolt headnut 125 108159 1522 10mm bolt headnut 125 217325 3045 IOmm bolt headnut 15 195304 2742 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 362579 5080 12mm bolt headnut 15 362506 5070 12mm bolt headnut 175 347492 4868Grade 7T 8T and 88 6mm bolt headnut 1 5887 0812 8mm bolt headnut 125 145217 2030 IOmm bolt headnut 125 289398 4055 10mm bolt headnut 15 268376 3752 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 542759 75105 12mm bolt headnut 15 506651 7090 12mm bolt headnut 175 434615 6085 13mm bolt headnut 15 579868 80120 14mm bolt headnut 15 7231085 100150 14mm bolt headnut 2 6871013 95140 16mm bolt headnut 15 10851664 150230 16mm bolt headnut 2 10131591 140220Grade 5 Cap Screw 114 UNC 911 1215 114 UNF 1113 1518 5116 UNC 1820 2528 5116 UNF 2123 2932 38 UNC 2833 3746 38 UNF 3035 4148 716 UNC 4449 6168 716 UNF 5055 6976 1I2UNC 6873 94101 112 UNF 7380 101111 lvvl WESJmBEKE r Engines Genetors 36 WESTERBEKE 55A FOUR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS COOLING SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel fourcycle fourcylinder freshwater General block cooled vertical inline 55 hp at 3600 rpm controlled with raw water exchanger system maximum Operating Temperature 170 190F 77 88CGovernor Integral of the injection pump mechanical flyweig ht type Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller Mechanism Overhead Sea Water Pump POSitive displacement rubber impeller belt Chamber Swirl chamber type Sea Water Flow at 3600 rpm 160 gpm 605 Ipm Stroke 338 x 370 inches 860 x 940 mm measured before dischargPiston Displacement 1332 cubic inches 218 liters ing into exhaust elbowFiring Drder 1342 System Capacity 95 US qts 100 liters fresh waterDirection of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the frontMaximum Torque 93 Ibft 129 kgm ELECTRICAL SYSTEMat 1920 rpm Starting Battery 12volt negative Ratio 227 1 Battery Capacity 300 400 Cold Cranking amps CCA minCompression Pressure 427 psi 3D kgcm2 at 200 rpm Starter Motor 12volt 16kw solenoid actuated shiftValve Seat Angle Intake 45 Exhaust 45 reduction gearValve Clearance Intake 008 0012 in020 030mm Starting Aid Glow plugengine cold Exhaust 0012 0016 in 030 040mm DC NoLoad Current 100 amps at 115 volts 3000 rpm minDimensions Height 2678 inches 6802 mm Width 500 inches 5461 mm Cold Cranking Current 280 300 amps at 10 volts 250 rpm min Length 350 inches 8890 mm Alternator Standard 12volt DC 50 Continuous 14 Temporary 25 not to exceed 30 min Regulator Internal regulator built into alternatorDry Weight 470 Ibs 2132 kgs Speed Idle speed 750 1000 rpm General Hurth Standard Transmission Case Cruising speed 2500 3000 rpm hardened helical gears with a servo No load 4200 4500 rpm operated multiple disc clutchFuel Consumption 15 US gph 56 Iph running at 2500 rpm Gear ratio standard 274 1 HBW250 3R approximate when the propeller allows 3600 rpm at full open throttle while Propeller Shaft Direction Right handed standard transmission unerway in forward gear of Rotation Propeller 20 Dx 13 P 2 blade or 20 Dx 11 P 3 blade FUEL SYSTEM using standard transmission propeller should allow the engine to reach its 2741 reduction full rated rpm 3600 000 100 at fullFuel No2 diesel oil open throttle while underway in forward cetane rating of 45 or higher gearInjection Pump Zexel mechanical governed Lubricating Fluid ATF type A or Dextran I OR 11Injection Timing OOTDC Transmission Sump 079 US qts 075 liters approximate Th rottle typeInjection Pressure 1920 psi 71 psi ENGINE OIL SYSTEM 135 kgcm 2 5 kgcm2 General Pressure feed rotor type driven by spiralLift Pump 12 volt plunger type gears from camshaftFuel Filter on engine Spinon type replaceable Oil Filler Full flow paper element spinon typeAir Cleaner Replaceable paper filter element Sump Capacity 45 US qts 59 liters including filterAir Flow Operating Oil Pressure 30 60 psi 21 42 kgcm2 at maximumengine combustion 140 cfm 39 cmm at 3600 rpm engine rpm and at normal cooling 250 cfm 70 cmm temperature Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4 EXHAUST SYSTEMExhaust Elbow 45 elbowExhaust Hose Size 212 inch 10 hoseMuffler Size min 14 inch x 14 inch IVtTI WESJERBEKE Engines Generators Revised October 2000 37 WESTERBEKE CORPORATION AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 TEL 508 5887700 FAX 508 5599323 Member National Marine
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