Westerbeke Diesel W 33 Parts Manual
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SERVICE MANUAL DIESEL ENGINES GENERATORS MARINE DIESEL ENGINES 38B FOUR W33 42B FOUR W27 W33A R08D W27A MARINE DIESEL GENERATORS WMD 11060Hz WMD 12560Hz 125 BTDA WMD 8350Hz WMD 9450Hz 94 BTDA 110 BTO 125 BTD 83 BTD 94 BTD PUBLICATION NO 43440 2nd Edition April 1998 WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 USA CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm A WARNINGExhaust gasses contain Carbon Monoxide an odorless andcolorless gas Carbon Monoxide is poisonous and can and death Symptoms of Carbon can Throbbing in TemplesNausea Muscular Vomiting Weakness and Sleepiness Inability to Think CoherentlyIF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMSGET OUT INTO THE FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY If symptoms persistseek medical attention Shut down the unit and do not restartuntil it has been inspected and repaired SAFETY PREVENT BURNS FIRERead these safety instructions carefully Most accidents arecaused by failure to follow fundamental rules and precautions Know when dangerous conditions exist and take the A WARNING Fire can cause injury or deathnecessary precautions to protect yourself your personneland your machinery Prevent flash fires Do not smoke or permit flames orThe following safety instructions are in compliance with sparks to occur near the carburetor fuel line filter fuelthe American Boat and Yacht Council ABYC standards pump or other potential sources of spilled fuel or fuel vapors Use a suitable container to catch all fuel whenPREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK removing the fuel line carburetor or fuel filters Do not operate with a Coast Guard Approved flame arrester removed Backfire can cause severe injury or A WARNING 00 not touch AC electrical connections death while engine is running or when connected to shore power Lethal voltage is present at these connections Do not operate with the air removed Backfire can cause severe injury or death Do not operate this machinery without electrical Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur near the enclosures and covers in place fuel system Keep the compartment and the enginegener ator clean and free of debris to minimize the chances of Shut off electrical power before accessing electrical fire Wipe up all spilled fuel and engine oil equipment Be aware diesel fuel will burn Use insulated mats whenever working on electrical equipment PREVENT BURNS EXPLOSION Make sure your clothing and skin are dry not damp particularly shoes when handling electrical equipment Remove wristwatch and all jewelry when working on A WARNING Explosions from fuel vapors can cause injury or death electrical equipment Do not connect utility shore power to vessels AC Follow refueling safety instructions Keep the vessels circuits except through a shiptoshore double throw hatches closed when fueling Open and ventilate cabin transfer switch Damage to vessels AC generator may after fueling Check below for fumesvapor before run result if this procedure is not followed ning the blower Run the blower for four minutes before Electrical shock results from handling a charged capacitor starting your engine Discharge capacitor by shorting terminals together All fuel vapors are highly explosive Use extreme care whenPREVENT BURNS HOT ENGINE handling and storing fuels Store fuel in a wellventilated area away from sparkproducing equipment and out of the reach of children A WARNING 00 not touch hot engine parts or Do not fill the fuel tanks while the engine is running exhaust system components A running engine gets Shut off the fuel service valve at the engine when servicing very hot the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that might spill DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other Always check the engine coolant level at the coolant sources of fire near the fuel system or engine when servic recovery tank ing Ensure proper ventilation exists when servicing the fuel system A WARNING Steam can cause injury or death Do not alter or modify the fuel system Be sure all fuel supplies have a positive shutoff valve In case of an engine overheat allow the engine to cool Be certain fuel line fittings are adequately tightened and before touching the engine or checking the coolant free of leaks Make sure a fire extinguisher is installed nearby and is properly maintained Be familiar with its proper use Extinguishers rated ABC by the NFPA are appropriate for all applications encountered in this environment Engines Generators SAFETY STARTING TOXIC EXHAUST GASES A WARNING Accidental starting can cause injury A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is a deadly gas or death Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifolds it last are securely attached and no warping exists Pay close attention to the manifold water injection elbow and Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before exhaust pipe nipple starting Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re installed before starting the engine In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system install a carbon monoxide detector Consult your boatBAnERY EXPLOSION builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors For additional information refer to ABYC T22 educa A WARNING Battery explosion can cause injury tional information on Carbon Monoxide or death Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is an invisible odorless gas Inhalation produces flulike symptoms being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a nausea or death highly explostve gas which can be ignited by electrical arcing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrical Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing dur fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust sys ing servicing tems Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi tubing resulting in exhaustwater leakage tive connection terminal of the starter solenoid Do Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn not test the battery condition by shorting the terminals through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapors exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could Ventilate any compartment containing batteries to prevent enter the exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft disturb the battery charger connections while the battery is being charged Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxic as exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monoxide Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the symp bums or sparks that could cause an explosion Remove toms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or poison wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handling ing are the battery Vomiting Always tum the battery charger off before disconnecting Dizziness the battery connections Remove the negative lead first and reconnect it last when servicing the battery Throbbing in templesBAnERY ACID Muscular twitching Intense headache A WARNING Sulphuric acid in batteries can cause Weakness and sleepiness severe injury or death AVOID MOVING PARTS When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive If or death it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once with water Acid may splash on the skin or into the eyes Do not service the engine while it is running If a situation inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make operat Engines Generators ii SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ing adjustments use extreme care to avoid touching ABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBLICATIONS FOR moving parts and hot exhaust system components INSTALLING DIESEL ENGINES Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications equipment avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves for safety codes and standards Follow their recommenda rings necklaces or bracelets that could be caught in tions when installing your moving parts ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened Safety Standards for Small Craft Keep protective shields and guards in their respective Order From places at all times ABYC Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while 15 East 26th Street the engine is operating New York NY 10010 Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling NFPA National Fire Protection Association when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily Fire Protection Standard for Motor Craft be caught in these rotating parts Order FromHAZARDOUS NOISE NFPA 11 Tracy Drive A WARNING High noise levels can cause hearing Avon Industrial Park Avon MA 02322 loss USCG United States Coast Guard USCG 33CFR183 Never operate an engine without its muffler installed Order From Do not run an engine with the air intake silencer removed US Government Printing Office Washington DC 20404 Do not run engines for long periods with their enclosures open A WARNING Do not work on machinery when you are mentally or physically incapacitated by MANUALMany of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repeatedin your Operators Manual along with other cautions andnotes to highlight critical information Read your maintain your equipment and follow all to install an engine should begin with a thorough examination of the American Boat and Yacht CouncilsABYC standards These standards are a combination ofsources including the USCG and the NFPASections of the ABYC standards of particular interest are H2 Ventilation Pl Exhaust systems PA Inboard engines E9 DC Electrical systemsAll installations must comply with the Federal Code ofRegulations FCR Engines Generators iiiEngines Generators TABLE OF 3 Engine Shutoff 32 Product Software 3 Engine with Manual Stop Standard 32 Model Designations 3 Optional Key Switch Shutoff 38B and 42B only 32 Notes Cautions and Warnings 3 Installing and Adjusting the Key Switch Ordering PartsSerial Number Location 3 Shutoff Solenoid Specifications 5 KeyStop Solenoid System Operation Checking Procedure 32Testing for Overhaul 6 How to Judge Engine Overhaul Period 6 Engine Adjustments 33 Cause of Low Compression 6 Tightening the Cylinder Head 33 Measuring Compression Pressure 6 Adjusting Valve Clearance 33 Overhaul Conditions 6 Adjusting Fuel Injection Timing 33 Disassembly 6 Adjusting NoLoad Engine Speeds 34 Reassembly 7 Lubrication System Service 35Service Standards 8 Description 35 Disassembly 35Technical Data 11 Oil Filter and Oil Pump 35 Tightening Torque 11 Inspection 35 General Screws l1 Oil Pump 35 Sealants 11 Reassembly 36Engine 12 Testing the Oil Pressure 36Engine Parts Identification 16 Oil Pressure Switch 36Cylinder Head 17 Fuel System 37 Construction 17 Description 37Cylinder Head Service 18 Fuel System Service 39 Disassembly 18 Disassembly 39 Inspection 18 Fuel Filter 39 Cylinder Head 18 Fuel Lift Pump 39 Valve Guide 18 Fuel Injection Pump 39 Valve Seat 18 Injector 40 Valve 19 Inspection 40 Valve Spring 19 Fuel Filter 40 Rocker Arm and Rocker Shaft 19 Fuel Lift Pump 40 Reassembly 19 Fuel Injection Pump 40 Partial Reassembly 20 Nozzle 40 Installation of Cylinder Head Assembly 20 Reassembly 40 Valve Clearance Adjustment 20 Fuel Filter 40 Fuel Lift Pump 40Cylinder Block 21 Injection Pump 40 Construction 21 Installation and Adjustment of FuelCylinder Block Service 23 Injection Pump 41 Disassembly 23 Injector 42 Inspection 23 Adjustment and Installation of Nozzle Cylinder Block 23 Holder Assembly 42 Piston Piston Pin and Piston Rings 24 Connecting Rod 25 Raw Water Cooling Circuit 44 Description 44 Crankshaft 25 Main Bearings and Connecting Rod Bearings 25 Raw Water Pump Service 45 Gearcase 26 Pump Overhaul Raw Water Pump PN 33636 45 Timing Gears and Lube Oil Pump Gear 26 Disassembly 45 Camshaft 26 Inspection 45 Fuel Injection Pump Camshaft 26 Reassembly 45 Ball Bearings 26 Pump Overhaul Raw Water Pump PN 24143 46 Tappets 26 Disassembly 46 Push Rods 26 Inspection 46 Reassembly 26 Reassembly 46Governor 31 Fresh Water Cooling Circuit 47 Description 31 Description 47 Disassembly 31 Fresh Water Cooling Service 48 Inspection 31 Disassembly 48 Governor Lever 31 Inspection 48 Governor Spring 31 Water Pump 48 Needle Bearing 31 Thermostat 48 Reassembly and Adjustment 31 continued Engines Generators 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Reassembly 48 Engine Wiring Diagram36467 70 Drive Belt Adjustment 48 Engine Wiring Schematic 36467 71Admiral Control Panel 49 Engine Wiring Diagram 36844 72 Description 49 Engine Wiring Schematic 36844 73 Engine Wiring Diagram 39144 74Captain Control Panel 50 Engine Wiring Schematic 39144 75 Description 50 Standard Hardware Torques 76Control Panel 51 51 Metric Conversions 77 Hourmeter Inoperative 51 Generator Information 78 Tachometer Inoperative 51 Use of Electric Motors 78 Tachometer Sticking 51 Required Operating Speed 78 Tachometer Inaccurate 51 Generator Frequency Adjustment 78 Manual Starter Disconnect Toggle Switches 52 Generator Maintenance 78 Water Temperature Generator 78 and Oil Pressure Gauges 52 WMD Panel Early Models 53 Description 79 Activation by Key Switch 53 Disassembly Service 54 Inspection 79 Description 54 Reassembly 79 Adjustment and Repair 54 WMD Generator 80 Pinion Gap Inspection 54 No Electrical Output 80 NoLoad Test 54 Flash Field Coils 80 Solenoid55 Replacement of Field CoiJs 81 Starter Disassembly 55 Low Voltage Output 81 Starter Inspection 56 High VOltage Output 82 Solenoid 56 Solenoid with Throttle Linkage 82 Inspecting the Armature 56 WMD Generator AC Internal Wiring Diagrams 83 Brush and Brush Holder Inspection 56 Field Coil Inspection 57 WMD Generator DC Electrical System 84 Starter Adjustment and Reassembly 57 WMD Generator Wiring Diagram 24700 84 WMD Generator Wiring Schematic 24700 85DC Electrical System 58 Description 58 BT Generator 86 Engine 12Volt Control Circuit 58 Description 86 Charging System 58 BT Generator 87 Alternator 58 Residual Voltage Check 89 Checking for roper Voltage 58 Bridge Rectifier 89 Battery Maintenance 59 Testing the Bridge Rectifier for Faults with Glow Plugs 59 an Ohmmeter Service 60 Internal Wiring Diagram 90 Description 60 Component Resistance Values 91 Alternator 60 Models 110 125A BT 91 Testing the Charging Voltage 60 Component Resistance Checks 91 Output Test 61 Exciter Stator Windings 91 Disassembly 61 Exciter RotorField 92 Inspection 62 Main Stator Windings 93 Diode 62 Compound Transformer 93 Checking for Short Circuit 62 Selector Switch 93 Checking for Open Circuit 62 Bridge Rectifier Wiring 93 Checking Diode Trio 62 NoLoad Voltage Adjustment 94 Stator 63 VoltageHertz Connection Bar 94 Field Coil Rotor 63 BT Generator AC Voltage Connections 95 Checking Brush and Brush Spring 63 Generator Frequency 95 Checking the Slip Ring 63 BT Generator 6 Terminal Block 96 Regulator 63 Wiring Connections 96 Reassembly 64 BT Generator DC Electrical System 65 BT Generator Wiring Diagram 34651 98DC Electrical System 66 BT Generator Wiring Diagram 36412 100 Engine Wiring Diagram 24666 66 BT Generator Wiring Schematic 36412 101 Engine Wiring Schematic 24666 67 Engine Wiring Diagram 33685 68 Engine Wiring Schematic 33685 69 Engines Generators 2 service manual contains detailed information relating to NOTES CAUTIONS AND WARNINGSthe proper operation of the major components and systems ofthe engine or generator Included are disassembly inspection As this manual takes you through the service procedures maintenance schedules and of your marineservice and reassembly instructions for the guidance of suit critical information will be highlighted byably equipped and staffed marine engine service and rebuild NOTES CAUTIONS and WARNINGS An explanation foling facilities The necessary procedures should be undertaken lowsonly by such facilities and their personnel Refer also to yourWesterbeke parts catalog when performing an engine over NOTE An operating procedure essential to SOFTWARE A CAUTION Procedures which if not software tech data parts lists manuals brochures observed can result in the damage or destruction ofand catalogs provided from sources other than WESTER your are not within WESTERBEKES CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THECONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO WAR A WARNING Procedures which if not properly folRANTIES OR WITH RESPECT lowed can result in personal injury or loss of lifeTHERETO INCLUDING ACCURACY TIMELINESS ORCOMPLETENESS THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENTBE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGE OR INJURY ORDERING PARTSSERIAL NUMBER IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT Whenever replacement parts are needed for engines alwaysOF THE FURNISHING OR USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE provide the engine model number and engine serial number as they appear on the silver and black identification nameWESTERBEKE customers should also keep in mind the plate located on the manifold For generators provide thetime span between printings of WESTERBEKE product soft generator model number engine serial number and generatorware and the unavoidable existence of earlier WESTER serial number as they appear on the silver and black decalBEKE manuals In summation product software provided located on the generator endwith WESTERBEKE products whether from WESTERBEKE or other suppliers must not and cannot be relied as the definitive authority on the respective product It not only makes good sense but is imperative of WESTERBEKE or the supplier in question be consulted to determine the accuracy andcurrentness of the product software being consulted by thecustomer The engine serial number can also be found stamped into MODEL DESIGNATIONS engine block just above the injection pump The generatorThis manual contains certain descriptions procedures and serial number is stamped into the generator housing on that vary depending on the flat surface on the left side of the generatormodel Where references to specific models are necessary You must provide us with this information so we may propthree basic model group designations are used erly identify your In addition include a complete part description and part number for each part A MODELS B MODELS C MODELS needed see the separately furnished Parts List Also insist GENERATORS GENERATORS GENERATORS upon WESTERBEKE packaged parts because will fit or ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES generic parts are frequently not made to the same specifica 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 388 Four 110 BTD 83 BTD W33 WMO 125 WMD94 42B Four 125 BTDA 94 BTDA tions as original equipment W27 WMD110 WMD83 W33A 125 BTD 94 BTD NOTE Component locations in this manual are referenced R080 from the front of the engine which is the pulleydrive belt end W27A 110 BTD 83 BTD Left and right sides are determined as follows imagine straddling the engine facing in the same direction as the front of the engine the left side is at your left the right side is at your right Engines Generators 3 INTRODUCTION Owners may find it convenient to fill in the data on the decal or shown below to provide a quick reference when using this service manual SPECIFICATION 50 HZ 60 MODEL RPM KW KVA VOLTS AMPS ENG HP ENG SER NO GEN SER NO PFIPHASE WIRES RATING INSUL CLASS TEMP RISE BAlTERY CD GENERATOR DECAL PROPULSION ENGINE IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLATE Engines Generators 4 SPECIFICATIONS A MODELS B MODELS C MODELS ENGINES GENERATORS ENGINES GENERATORS ENGINES GENERATORS 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 38B Four 110 BTD 83 BTD W33 WMD 125 WMD 94 428 Four 125 BTDA 94 BTDA W27 WMD 110 WMD 83 W33A 125 BTD 94 8TD RD80 W27A 110 BTD 83 BTDEngine Type Vertical inline 4cycle QHV with heat exchanger diesel 4Bore Stroke 287 x 307 in 73 x 78 mm 307 x 307 in 78 x 78 mmTotal Displacement 796 cu in 130 liters 909 cu in 149 Chamber Swirl chamber Ratio 231Injection Order 1342Injection Timing Engines 23 15 Generators 19 15Injection Pump Bosch M typeInjection Nozzle Throttle typeGovernor Centrifugal flyweight typeFuel Diesel 2 cetane rating 45 or Forced lubrication trochoid pumpOil Filter Paperelement filter full flow type 5 liter capacitySump Capacity 50 quarts 48 liters not including filter Filter requires approximately 5 quarts 5 litersFresh Water Pump Centrifugal typeFresh Water approximate 80 quarts 75 litersRaw Water Pump Positive displacement Neoprene Motor 12 volts 16 kW reduction typeDC Alternator 12 volt 50 amp internal voltage Angle 15 Continuous in all directions 20 Temporary 20 Battery 12 volt 300 CCA or Value Standard 455 psi at 280 rpm 32 kgcm2 Minimum 370 psi at 280 rpm 26 kgcm2 Overhaul 312 psi at 280 rpm 22 355 psi 25 kgcm 2 Engines Generators 5 TESTING FOR OVERHAULHOW TO JUDGE ENGINE OVERHAUL PERIOD 5 Install a pressure gauge adapter in the first injector hole or glow plug hole to be testedCause of Low Compression 6 Connect the pressure gauge to the the time at which an engine should be overhauled 7 Crank the engine with the starter motor until the pressureis determined by various conditions such as lowered engine reaches a maximum value Read the engine rpm and thepower output decreased compression pressure and increased pressure gauge when the starter rotation has become stafuel and oil consumption The lowered engine power output blein the case of diesel engines is not necessarily due to trouble 8 Repeat the above procedure for each cylinderwith the engine itself but is sometimes caused by injectornozzle wear or injection pump wear It is most reasonable to 9 If the compression differs by more than 427 psi 30judge by a decrease in compression pressure The decrease in kglcm2 at 200 rpm then determine the cause of the lowcompression pressure is caused by many factors It is there pressure and repair as necessaryfore necessary to determine a cause or causes on the basis of NOTE Do not guess the conditions of other cylinders from adata of periodic inspection and maintenance Oil analysis on result of testing one cylinder Be sure to measure the coma seasonal basis is a good means of monitoring engine inter pression pressure for each cylinder Look for cylinders withnal wear When caused by worn cylinders or piston rings the dramatically at least 20 lower compression than the averfollowing symptoms will occur age of the other cylinders If the weak cylinder is flanked by Low engine power output healthy cylinders the problem is either valve or headgasket related Very low compression in an adjacent cylinder points Increased fuel consumption to gasket failure Abnormally high readings on all cylinders Increased oil consumption indicate heavy carbon accumulations a condition that might Hard engine starting be accompanied by high pressures and noise Noisy engine operation NOTE In case of severe vibrations and detonation noise have the injectors overhauled by an authorized fuel injectionThese symptoms often appear together Increased fuel con service center Poor fuel quality contaminates and loss ofsumption and hard engine starting can result also from exces positive fuel pressure to the injection pump will result insive fuel injection improper injection timing and wear of injector faultsplugs and nozzles They are caused also by defective electrical devices such as the battery alternator starter and glow OVERHAUL Therefore it is desirable to judge the optimum engine Compression pressure tends to increase a little in a newoverhaul time by the lowered compression pressure caused engine until piston rings and valve seats have been broken inby worn cylinders and pistons plus increased oil consump Thereafter it decreases gradually with the progress of weartion In diesel engines satisfactory combustion is obtained of these partsonly under sufficient compression pressure If an enginelacks compression pressure incomplete combustion of fuel When decrease of compression pressure reaches the repairwill take place even if other parts of the engine are operating value the engine must be To judge the period of engine overhaul it is impor The engine requires overhaul when oil consumption is hightant to measure the engine compression pressure regularly At blowby evident and comprssion valves at minimum orthe same time the engine speed at which measurement of below Engine compression should be 32 kglcm2 at 280compression pressure is made should be checked because the rpm See SERVICE STANDARDS pressure varies with engine rpm NOTE The SERVICE STANDARDS chart gives the values forThe engine rpm can be measured at the front end of the repair or replacement of the engine components Refer tocrankshaft these values and measurements during engine Compression Pressure DisassemblyTo check the compression pressure follow this procedure 1 Before disassembly and cleaning carefully check for defects which cannot be found after disassembly and1 Warm the engine cleaning2 Remove all the fuel injectors or all the glow plugs from 2 Drain water fuel and oil before disassembly the cylinder block 3 Clean or wash the engine exterior3 Disconnect the fuel solenoid from the throttle arm gen erator models only 4 Do not remove or disassemble the parts that require no disassembly4 Place the stop lever in the OFF position propulsion mod els only Engines Generators 6 TESTING FOR OVERHAUL5 Perfonn disassembly in a proper order using proper tools Keep disassembled parts in order Apply oil when neces sary Take special care to keep the fuel system parts free from the intrusion of dust and Prepare all parts necessary for reassembly2 Clean or wash the parts Apply oil on surfaces where needed or specified3 Carefully check gaskets packings and oil seals even if not specified to check Replace with new ones if defec tive4 Be sure to install in proper directions and positions Pay attention to dowel pins mating marks and specified directions Where tightening torque is not specified tighten evenly to an ordinary torque Apply sealant where specified5 After completion of the reassembly manually rotate the engine crankshaft two complete revolutions to ensure there is no binding or obstructions Prepare for starting the engine and idle the engine sufficiently for a test run Engines Generators 7 SERVICE STANDARDSThese SERVICE STANDARDS specify the values at which A MODElS B MODELS C MODELSthe engine components will require REPAIR replacement is GENERATORS GENERATORS GENERATORS ENGINES ENGINES or REPLACEMENT due to maximum component 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 50Hzwear It is important to observe these standards for your 388 Four 1108TD 83 BTO W33 WMD 125 WMD94 428 Four 125 BTDA 94 and to take action when necessary to main W27 WMD110 WMO 83 W33A 12SBTD 94 BTDtain a high level of safety dependability and performance RD80 W27A 110 BTO 83 BTDAll measurements are in mm unless otherwise notedTo convert mm to inches multiply by 03937 REPAIR or DESCRIPTION MODELS STANDARD VALUE replacement REPLACEMENT Required at Required at ENGINE COMPRESSION PRESSURE A B C 32 kgcm2 at 280 rpm 26 kgcm 2 INTERCYLINDER DIFFERENCE max A B C 25 kgcm 2 INJECTION ORDER A B C 1342 INJECTION TIMING A B C 2315 Propulsion BTDC on compression stroke 1915 Generator CYLINDER HEAD Bottom surface distortion A B C Within 005 01 Valve seat angle IN and EX A B C 45 Valve seat width IN and EX A B C 13 18 25 Valve seat sinkage A B C 1213 1 VALVE CLEARANCE IN and EX A B C 025 when engine is cold VALVE Stem 00 A C 66 B 8 Stem to guide clearance Intake A B C 012 010 Exhaust A B C 025 015 Valve face angle A B C 45 Valve head thickness margin width A C 10 05 B 15 05 VALVE SPRING Free length A C 43 417 8 4585 445 Installed loadlength A C 140 kg 07 kg36 mm 15 8 279 kg 14 kg373 mm 15 Squareness A 8 C 15 3 ROCKER ARM Arm to shaft clearance A B C 02 CYLINDER BLOCK Camshaft hole 10 Front bushing A B C 45 Cylinder bore A C 73 02 95 Replace block or sleeve B 78 02 95 Replace block or sleeve Cylinder bore oversize finish tolerance A 8 C oto 003 for each oversize Taper of cylinder A 8 C within 001NOTE Valve seats are a part of the cylinder head A machine shop can install valve seats and cut the seats to properly fit the valves continued Engines Generators 8 SERVICE STANDARDSAll measurements are in mm unless otherwise notedTo convert mm to inches multiply by 03937 REPAIR or DESCRIPTION MODELS STANDARD VALUE replacement REPLACEMENT Required at Required at PISTON 00 skirt end A 73 B C 78 Piston to cylinder clearance A B C 007008 178 03 BIO Oversize A B C 025 050 075 PISTON PIN Type A C Semifloating type B Fullfloating type 00 A C 19 B 23 Piston to pin clearance B 002 slight force fitheat 008 Pin to connecting rod clearance A C Pressfit load 500 1500 kg B 014 038 015 015 Piston protrusion above block surface A B C 06 11 PISTON RINGS Number of compression rings A B C 3 No1 chrome plated barrel type semi keystone No2 and NO3 taper ring Number of oil rings A B C 1 chrome plated with coil expander Ring side clearance Compression No1 A B C 06 11 03 No2 3 A B C 05 09 02 Oil ring A B C 03 07 02 Ring gap A B C 22 040 125 15 CONNECTING ROD Bend and distortion A B C 015 Sideplay clearance A B C 01 035 05 CONNECTING ROD BEARING Standard Type A B C Kelmet metal with back metal Oil clearance A B C 0035 005 006 015 Undersize A B C 025 050 075 CRANKSHAFT Bend A B C 005 End play A B C 006 03 03 Main 00 A C 52 015 090 B 57 015 090 ConnOO A C 42 015 090 B 48 015 090 Undersize finish tolerance Main common to all A C 00015 B 0040 0055 Conn common to all A B C 0035 0050 MAIN BEARING Standard type A B C Kelmet metal with back metal flanged metal for center bearing only Oil clearance A B e 004 005 06 010 Undersize A B C 025050075 continued Engines Generators 9All measurements are in mm unless otherwise noted SERVICE STANDARDS mc h11o convert mm to i es mu I bv 0393 7 tlply REPAIR or DESCRIPTION MODELS STANDARD VALUE replacement REPLACEMENT Required at Required at CAMSHAFT Front bearing A B C Lead bronze alloy with back metal Oil clearance A B C 004 008 010 015 Cam lobe height IN and EX A B C 356 357 10 PUMP CAMSHAFT Front bearing A B C Ball bearing Cam lobe height A B C 44 10 TAPPET 00 A B C 23 Tappet to cylinder block clearance A B C 025 050 015 PUSH ROD Bend A B C Within 03 LUBRICATION ENGINE OIL Oil specification API service classification A B C Class CF or CG4 Viscosity above 20C A B C SAE30 or 10W30 5 to 20C A B C SAE20 or 10W30 below 5C A B C SAE 10W30 OIL PUMP Trochoid type A B C Check valve opening pressure A B C 4 04 kgcm 2 at 500 rpm of pump speed Outer rotor to body clearance A B C 015 02 03 Outer rotor to inner rotor clearance A B C 005 012 025 Rotor to cover clearance A B C 003 007 020 OIL PRESSURE SWITCH Contact closing pressure Engine A B C 4 6 psi normally open Generator A B C 4 6 psi normally open FUEL SYSTEM FUEL INJECTION PUMP Model NOPFT4M A B C At smoke set SS Pump speed A C 1500 rpm 275 10 mm3st Pump speed B 1500 rpm 38 10 mm 3st At start set MS Pump speed A C 150 rpm 34 5 mm3st Pump speed B 150 rpm 36 75 mm3st Difference from reference cylinder A B C Within 2 mm3rev cylinder Prestroke A B C 22 01 NOZZLE Throttle type A B C Model NOON4S024 A B C Injection start pressure A B C 120 10 kgcm 2 Engines Generators 10 TECHNICAL DATA TIGHTENING TORQUE DESCRIPTION MODELS TYPEQUANTITY TIGHTENING TORQUE kgmCYLINDER HEAD BOLT A C M12 bolt 10 115 125 wet A C M10 bolt 4 65 80 wet B M14 bolt 10 15 16 B M14 bolt 4 tappet side 10 11CRANKSHAFT PULLEY NUT A C M18t 15 20 B M20 2025MAIN BEARING CAP BOLT A B C 5 55CONNECTING ROD CAP NUT A C 32 35CONNECTING ROD CAP BOLT B 55 60FLYWHEEL MOUNTING BOLT with flange A B C 13 14 8T WITH WASHER OLD A B C 115 125OIL DRAIN HOSE BANJO BOLT A B C 56OIL FILTER A B C 11 13FUEL INJECTION PUMP Delivery valve holder A B C 4 5NOZZLE HOLDER Holder mounting bolt A B C 15 2 Holder body and retaining nut A B C 68GLOW PLUG A B C 15 2 GENERAL SCREWS BOLT DlA BOLT HEAD MARK 4 7 10 M6 03 05 08 10 10 13 M8 10 13 15 22 25 35 M10 18 25 30 42 50 70 M12 30 42 55 75 95 120 M14 50 70 80 110 160 190 SEALANTS PARTS REQUIRING SEALANT SURFACES REQUIRING SEALANT SEALANT where to mount sealant coated parts Taper screw 12 I Thread portion Gear case Liquid Teflon Taper screw 14 1 Thread portion Cylinder block right side pump cover Liquid Teflon Taper screw 18 1 Thread portion Cylinder head rear surface Liquid Teflon Water drain plug Thread portion Cylinder block right side rear middle portion Liquid Teflon Oil pressure switch Thread portion Cylinder block right side surface Liquid Teflon Side seal Periphery Main bearing caps No 1 and No5 Permatex 6B Bearing cap No 1 Contact surface with cylinder block Permatex 6B Engines Generators 11 ENGINE following table describes certain Note The engine s electrical system is protected by a 20problems relating to engine service the probable causes of ampere manual reset circuit breaker located on a bracket onthese problems and the to overcome the left front side of the engine The preheat solenoid isthese problems mounted on the same bracket PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE HARD STARTING LOW CRANKING SPEED 1 Engine oil viscosity too high 1 Replace engine oil with less viscous oil 2 Rundown battery 2 Recharge battery 3 Worn battery 3 Replace battery 4 Battery terminals loosely connected 4 Clean terminals and correct cables 5 Defective starter 5 Repair or replace starter 6 Defective main drive section 6 Check clutch for disengagement DEFECTIVE INJECTION SYSTEM 1 Air trapped in fuel passage 1 Bleed air from fuel system 2 Clogged fuel filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Low injection pressure 3 Adjust injection pressure 4 Inadequate spray 4 Clean or replace nozzle 5 Injection pump delivering insufficient fuel 5 Repair or replace injection pump 6 Injection too early 6 Adjust injection timing MAIN ENGINE TROUBLES 1 Low compression a Incorrect valve clearance a Adjust valve clearance b Inadequate contact of valve seat b Lap valve C Valve stem seized c Replace valve and valve guide d Broken valve spring d Replace valve spring e Compression leaks through cylinder head gasket e Replace gasket f Piston ring seized f Replace piston and piston ring g Worn piston ring and cylinder g Overhaul engine 2 Burnt glow plug 2 Replace glow plug 3 Faulty glow plug operation 3 Check glow plugs and solenoid 4 Incorrect governor lever position 4 Set lever to starting position LOW OUTPUT LOW COMPRESSION See HARD STARTING INJECTION SYSTEM OUT OF ADJUSTMENT 1 Incorrect injection timing 1 Adjust injection timing 2 Insufficient injection 2 Repair or replace injection pump 3 Low injection pressure 3 Check injection nozzle and adjust pressure INSUFFICIENT FUEL 1 Air trapped in fuel system 1 Check and retighten connector 2 Clogged filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Contaminated fuel tank 3 Clean tank INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Clogged air cleaner 1 Clean or replace air cleaner continued Engines Generators 12 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE OUTPUT cont OVERHEATING 1 Low coolant level 1 Add coolant 2 Loose Vbelt 2 Adjust or replace Vbelt 3 Incorrect injection timing 3 Adjust injection timing 4 Low engine oil level 4 Add engine oilEXCESSIVE OIL OIL 1 Defective oil seals 1 Replace oil seals 2 Broken gear case gasket 2 Replace gasket 3 Loose gear case attaching bolts 3 Retighten bolts 4 Loose drain plug 4 Retighten plug 5 Loose oil pipe connector 5 Retighten oil connections 6 Broken rocker cover gasket 6 Replace gasket 7 Loose rocker cover attaching bolts 7 Retighten attaching bolts OIL LEVEL RISING 1 Incorrectly positioned piston ring gaps 1 Correct ring gap positions 2 Displaced or twisted connecting rod 2 Replace connecting rod 3 Worn piston ring 3 Replace ring 4 Worn piston or cylinder 4 Replace piston and rebore cylinder OIL LEVEL FALLING 1 Defective stem seal 1 Replace stem seal 2 Worn valve and valve guide 2 Replace a valve and valve guideEXCESSIVE FUEL ENGINE BODY 1 Noisy knocking 1 See KNOCKING 2 Smoky exhaust 2 See SMOKY EXHAUST 3 Moving parts nearly seized or excessively worn 3 Repair or replace 4 Poor compression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 5 Improper valve timing 5 Adjust 6 Improper valve clearance 6 Adjust INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Air intake obstructed 1 Clean or remove obstruction NOZZLE TROUBLES 1 Seized nozzle 1 Replace 2 Worn nozzle 2 Replace IMPROPER FUEL Replace with proper fuel FUEL LEAKS Find fuel leaksSMOKY EXHAUST WHITISH OR PURPLISH 1 Excessive engine oil 1 Correct oil level 2 Excessive rise of oil into combustion chamber a Poor piston contact a Check b Seized piston ring b Replace or clean c Excessive clearance c Replace or correct continued Engines Generators 13 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE EXHAUST cont WHITISH OR PURPLISH cont d Worn valve stem and valve guide d Replace e Low engine oil viscosity e Replace f Excessive oil pressure 1 Correct 3 Injection timing is too late 3 Adjust 4 Insufficient compression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING BLACKISH OR DARK GRAYISH 1 Engine body troubles a Poor compression a See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING b Improper valve clearance h Adjust 2 Insufficient intake air air cleaner clogged 2 Clean air cleaner 3 Improper fuel 3 Replace with proper fuelABNORMAL SOUND CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGOR NOISE 1 Badly worn bearing 1 Replace bearing and grind crankshaft 2 Badly worn crankshaft 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Melted bearing 3 Replace bearing and check lubrication system CONNECTING ROD AND CONNECTING ROD BEARING 1 Worn connecting rod big end bearing 1 Replace bearing 2 Worn crankpin 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Bent connecting rod 3 Correct bend or replace PISTON PISTON PIN AND PISTON RING 1 Worn cylinder 1 Rebore cylinder to oversize and replace piston 2 Worn piston pin 2 Replace piston 3 Piston seized 3 Replace piston and rebore cylinder 4 Piston seized and rings worn or damaged 4 Replace piston and rings VALVE MECHANISM 1 Worn camshaft 1 Replace 2 Excessive valve clearance 2 Adjust 3 Worn timing gear 3 Replace 4 Worn fan pulley bearing 4 ReplaceROUGH OPERATION INJECTION PUMP SYSTEMHUNTING 1 Uneven injection 1 Adjust injection or replace parts 2 Control rack malfunctioning 2 Disassemble check and correct injection pump 3 Worn delivery valve 3 Replace 4 Inadequate injection nozzle spray 4 Replace injection nozzle GOVERNING SYSTEM 1 Governor lever malfunctioning 1 Check governor shaft and correct operation 2 Fatigued governor spring 2 Replace continued Engines Generators 14 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE ENGINE KNOCKS WITHOUT MUCH SMOKE 1 Faulty injector 1 Foul exhaust rebuild injector 2 Bent rod 2 Fuelish exhaust check compression repair 3 Main engine troubles a Overheated cylinder a See OVERHEATING LOW OUTPUT b Carbon deposits in cylinder b Clean 4 Too early injection timing 4 Correct 5 Too high injection pressure 5 Correct 6 Improper fuel 4 Replace with proper fuel KNOCKING WITH DARK SMOKE 1 Poor compression 1 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 2 Injection pump malfunctioning a Worn plunger a Replace b Pinion is not in mesh with control rack b Correct c Broken delivery valve spring c Replace d Worn delivery valve seat d Replace 3 Improper nozzle a Poor spray a Clean or replace nozzle b Poor chattering b Repair or replace nozzle c Afterinjection drip c Repair or replace nozzle d Nozzle needle valve seized d 1 Fuel filter clogged 1 Clean or replaceEXHAUST SOUND 2 Fuel pipe sucks air 2 Retighten pipe joints or replace pipe 3 Water mixed in fuel 3 Replace 1 Vbelt slackening or slippery with oil 1 Adjust replace or clean 2 Damaged water pump 2 Replace 3 Lack of coolant 3 Add 4 Faulty thermostat 4 Replace 5 Low oil level or poor oil quality 5 Add or change 6 Knocking 6 See KNOCKING 7 Moving parts seized or damaged 7 Replace Engines Generators 15 ENGINE PARTS IDENTIFICATION EXHAUST VALVE CYLINDER HEAl TAPPET DRIVE BELT CAMSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL 7 CRANKSHAFT PULlEY GEAR CASE CBANKSHAFT GEAR OIL SCREEN SIDE VIEW INTAKE SILENCER EXHAUST MANIFOLD NOZZLE HOLDER CYLINDER HEAO PISTON INJECTION PUP CONNECTING ROD JIII IlIPUSH ROD CAMSHAFT PUMP CAMSHFT FRONT VIEW Engines Generators 16 CYLINDER The cylinder head gasket is made of carbon graphite It is provided with stainless steel sheet grommets around theThe cylinder head is of an overhead valve type made of bores for improved heat and pressure resistance The special cast iron and has an excel1ent cooling requires no sealant when The crossflow type cylinder head provided with itsintake port on the righthand side and te exhaust port on the Intake valves are made of heatresisting steel and have alefthand side ensures high intakeexhaust efficiency largediameter head to provide greater intake efficiency The heads of the exhaust valves are protected against high tem ROCKER SHAFT peratures by a special heatresisting steel facing welded to the valve head Valve springs are coated with red enamel which marks the rocker arm end to aid in proper placement of the spring dur ing assembly The spring retainer and retainer lock are com mon to intake and exhaust valves The valve stem seal at the top of the valve guide prevents downward seepage of oil into the combustion chamber The high speed engines 3000 rpm and over are provided with a valve spring seat between the valve springs and cylinder head CYLINDER HEAD VALVE GUIDEThe precombustion chamber is of a swirl chamber typeRicardo made of heat resisting steel and is press fittedin the cylinder head This chamber therefore requires no and exhaust valve guides are made of sintered alloyand are commonly usable in either port The valve guides are VALVE STEM to improve wear seats when needed can be installed by a competentand knowledgeable machine shop Rocker arm rocker shaft and stay The rocker arms are made of special cast iron and are gas carbonized on the entire surface An oil hole is on the upper side of each arm The ROCKER COVER rocker arm shaft is a carbon steel tube the interior of which forms a lubricant passage The rocker arm area of the shaft is Four rocker shaft stays of aluminum alloy casting are used The rearmost stay forms an oil pas CYLINDER HEAD sage connected to the cylinder head The rear stay is identical to the front stay Intake manifold and exhaust manifold An intake manifold with its gasket is on the right side of the cylinder head and an exhaust manifold is on the left side of the cylinder head The shape of each maniold depends on the engine model The crankcase vent system allows blowby gases produced in the cylinder block to circulate inside the engine thus prevent ing them from exhausting This system leads blowby gases from the cylinder block through tappet holes and push rod holes into the rocker cover and further through the air breather pipe rubber pipe into the air intake manifold so that blowby gases are carried into the combustion chamber and are burned during combustion Engines Generators 17 CYLINDER HEAD 3 Check the lower surface of the cylinder head for distor tion using a straight edge and a feeler 1 Remove the air breather pipe Remove the water bypass hose if provided2 Remove the fuel injection lines3 Remove both the intake manifold and exhaust manifold assemblies4 Remove the rocker coverS Remove the rocker arms and rocker shaft as an assembly6 Remove the push rods7 Remove the cylinder head assembly by loosening the head bolts in the numerical order shown below CHECKING CYLINDER HEAD DISTORTION Valve Guide 1 Check the valve stem to guide clearance If the replace ment value is reached replace the valve guide and valve 2 To remove an existing guide press it upward with a dri ver from under the cylinder head To install a new guide press it into the top of the cylinder head with a driver CYLINDER HEAD BOLTS LOOSENING SEQUENCE until the specified height is obtained8 Remove the cylinder head gasket 1205 MODELS A C9 Partly disassemble the cylinder head assembly as fol lows a Remove the thermostat housing Remove the thermo stat and thermostat gasket VALVE GUIDE b Remove the fuel injectors and sealing washers c Remove the glow plug lead wires and remove the glow plugs INSTALLING VALVE GUIDE d Using a valve spring com presser compress the spring for each valve Remove the retainer lock Valve Seat and then remove the retainer spring and valve Place 1 Check each valve seat for damage and improper contact the removed valves and other parts in order by each If necessary correct it as shown in the illustration After cylinder correction lap the valve into the seat using lapping com e A valve spring seat of 2mm thick for each spring is fit pound ted on the cylinder head surface Be careful not to lose NOTE Correction of a valve seat should be done after the the spring seats valve guide has been checked and if necessary 2 If the valve seat sinkage reaches the replacement value see SERVICE STANDARDS install a new valve seatCylinder HeadNOTE See SERVICE STANDARDS for tolerances and measurements 29 t1 Before cleaning the cylinder head check it for cracks damage and water leaks2 Hot tank the cylinder head to thoroughly clean all sur faces and oil passages INTAKE SIDE EXHAUST SIDE CORRECTING VALVE SEAT Engines Generators 18 CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE 3 Check the valve seat sinkage by measuring the installed length of each valve assembly When measuring the size up to the top of the valve spring retainer include retainer thickness at the conar of 17 03 mm STANDARD VALUE CHECKING INSTALLED LENGTH OF VALVE SPRING VALVE SEAT SINKAGE f t NOTE The thickness of the valve spring retainer collar is 17 03 4 Check the valve seat inserts jf provided for proper fit Replace any that fit loosely Valve 1 Check the valve face and stem for excessive wear dam age and distortion If there is any correct or replace the valve 2 If the replacement value of the valve head thickness is reached replace the valve 3 Check each valve stem for wear and pitting in the areas shown by the arrows in the illustration If necessary cor rect or replace the valve 3 Check the squareness of each spring Replace the spring if it tilts excessively 1r SQUAREjjD GAUGE CHECKING SPRING SQUARENESS Rocker Arm and Rocker Shaft 1 Check the valve contact surface of each rocker arm for CHECKING VALVE excessive wear and damage If there is any replace the rocker arm Check the push rod contact surface of each adjusting screw for wear and damage If there is any replace the screw Valve Spring 2 Measure the rocker arm 10 and shaft 00 If the differ ence between them is excessive replace the rocker arm 1 Check the valve springs for cracks and damage 2 Measure the free length and load of each spring Replace REASSEMBLY the spring if excessively deteriorated To reassamble the cylinder head reverse the order of disas sembly taking care to observe the following instructions Engines Generators 19 CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE Partial Reassembly 3 Be sure to use only new gaskets and packings Apply sealant to the specified sealing points 1 Press in the valve guides to the specified height For the installation procedure see Valve Guide Valve Clearance Adjusbnent 2 Install the valve stem seals securely on the valve guide Position the piston in 1 cylinder at the top of its compres 3 Apply oil to the valve stems and insert them into the sion stroke Observe the valves and timing mark on the front valve guides Install the springs retainers and retainer crankshaft pulley TDC when doing this Adjust the valve locks in that order clearances for cylinder 1 Rotate the crankshaft 90 in the 4 To assemble the rocker arms and shaft place the rocker normal direction of rotation clockwise and adjust the valves shaft in such a manner that the identification mark 43 for the next cylinder in the engines firing order cylinder 3 mm hole at the front end of the shaft faces toward the Rotate the crankshaft another 90 and adjust the valves for front of the engine Install the frontmost rocker arm and cy linder 2 retain it with a snap ring In a similar manner install the NOTE For additional information see Adjusting Valve other rocker arms one after another Finally install the Clearance under ENGINE AD USTMENTS rearmost rocker arm and retain it with a snap ring Then install the assembly on the cylinder head When tighten ADJUSTING SCREW ing the front and rear stays be sure to install the bolt LOCKNUT seats and MARK CLEARANCE COLD 025 MM FRONT ADJUSTING VALVE CLEARANCE INSTALLING ROCKER ARMS O ROCKER SHAFT S Tighten the glow plugs to the specified torque 6 Install the nozzle holders and tighten the bolts temporar ily After installing the high pressure injection lines retighten the bolts evenly to the specified torque Do not reuse any sealing washers 7 Install the glow plug lead wires The glow plugs are a taper sealed type they do not require gaskets Installation of Cylinder Head Assembly 1 Install the cylinder head assembly with a new gasket The gasket does not require any sealant 2 Tighten the cylinder head bolts to the specified torque in the numerical order shown in the illustration Start with a slight torquing of the bolts and after two or three stages of moderate torquing finally tighten to the specified torque see TECHNICAL DA1A Be sure to use a torque wrench J FRONT O CD y CYLINDER HEAD BOLT TIGHTENING SEQUENCE See Engine Adjustment section Engines Generators 20 CYLINDER The piston pins are hollow carbonized forgings When con necting a piston to its rod a piston pin is pressfitted into theThe special iron casting cylinder block is of a full jacket small end of the rodtype in which cylinder liners are integrated with the cylinderblock The piston rings are made of special cast iron Each piston is provided with three compression rings and one oil ring The outside surfaces of the top compression rings and oil rings are hard chrome plated The top rings are of the semikey stone type and the oil rings are provided with a coil expander CYUNDER BLOCKThe main bearings are made of metalbacked copper sintered alloy Kelmet and an aluminum alloy To improve runin they are coated with a leadtin alloy platingon the journal surface and tin flashplating on the journalsurface and tin flashplating over the entire bearing thrust is received by the flanged center bearingOn the front bearing area of the camshaft a copper alloy rolled bushing is presfittedThe crankshaft is a of carbon steel whichis supported by five bearings to provide high pins and oil seal contact areas are to improve wear resistance and durability PISTON PISTON RINGS The connecting rod has an Ibeam cross section and a hori zontally split big end to provide high rigidity The big end bearing is made of a metalbacked special cop per alloy and is flashplated all overThe flywheel is made of cast iron and the ring gear is made The front piate and gear case The steel front plate is posiof carbon steel and is to the flywheel The tioned by a dowel pin located in the upper part of thegear teeth are camshaft area and a dowel pin in the lower part of the injecThe pistons are made of an aluminum alloy to reduce engine tion pump area It is bolted to the cylinder block through aweight and to decrease bearing load during highspeed opera gasket On the left end rear surface the lube oil pump geartion Each piston forms a tapered cylinder with elliptical bearing housing is installed together with the gear case Thecross section contour so as to obtain the best contact with the aluminum casting gear case is attached to the front end surcylinder bore The piston crown surface has a cavity to face of the cylinder block through the front plate The caseimprove fuel combustion houses the lube oil pump front bearing and the governor related parts It serves also as a camshaft and idler gear thrust stopper Engines Generators 21 CYLINDER BLOCK The tappet and push rod The tubular type tappets are chilI hardened at the bottom and gascarburized at low tempera ture over the entire surface to improve wear resistance Each tappet is offset from the cam center to prevent uneven wear of the tappet bottom The steelbar push rods are flamehard ened at each endThe Camshaft and Timing Gears The camshaft is a highcarbon steel forging The cam surface and journals are induction hardened to improve wear resistance The shaft is supported on three bearings the front bearing is a bush bearingwith the exception of a bushless bearing for engines produced in the initial period of production while the middleand rear bearings are in the holes cut in the cylinder blockAll bearings are lubricated by a forced lubrication systemThe camshaft rear journal has a slot for intermittently lubricating the rocker arms through the cylinder head The rear of IIIOFFSETthe shaft is provided with an oil escape hole to let excess oil OFFSET OF TAPPET AND CAMSHAFTreturn to the oil panThe helical timing gears are finished by shaving and crown The injection pump camshaft is made of high carbon steeling to provide high durability and to reduce chattering Its cam surfaces are to improve wearValve timing is as follows resistance The front end of the shaft supported on a ball TDC bearing is connected to a gear The rear end is provided with INTAKE VALVE OPENS EXHAUST VALVE CLOSES an Oldhams coupling groove for connecting to the oil pump drive shaftVALVE TIMING The highpressure oil pump is directly coupled to the injec tion pump camshaft at the rear of the shaft mating into the Oldhams coupling groove The sheet metal oil sump has an oil drain hose that routes from the lube oil drain plug to a bracket at the front side of the engine EXHAUST VALVE OPENS BDC VALVE TIMING Intake valve opens BTDC 18 Exhaust valve closes ATDC 18 Intake valve closes ABDC 46 Exhaust valve opens BBDC 46 Engines Generators 22 CYLINDER BLOCK For removal of a the cylinder head and related parts refer A CAUTION Do not hammer a piston pin tD to DISASSEMBLY under CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE remDve it A stuck piston pin which requires exces2 For removal of the water pump and electrical equipment sive pulling force should be replaced Do not apply refer to their respective sections a IDad of mDre than 3000 kg tD the pistDn pin set3 Pull off the push rods then pull out the tappets upward ting tool4 Remove the fuel filter5 Loosen the crankshaft pulley nut then take off the pulley REMOVING PISTON PIN and washer6 Loosen the flywheel mounting bolts and remove the fly wheel7 Remove the back plate and rear oil seal case IDENTIFICATION MARK8 Remove the lube oil pump gear bearing housing Remove the gear case but first it is necessary to remove the tie rod located at the right front beside the injection pump of the cylinder block and to remove the stopper spring and tierod from the injection pumps fuel rack A CAUTION Be sure tD separate the injection pump rack from the tierod before removing the TOOL BODY gear case The front plate is bolted to the cylinder block frDm inside the gear case therefore be care 18 Remove the main bearing caps Keep the caps and bear ful nDt tD drive Dut the gear case tDgether with the ings in order for each cylinder It is necessary to meaure front plate Also be careful not to damage the the crankshaft end play before removing the caps see Crankshaft para 3 under CYLINDER BLOCK SER dowel pins VICE Mark the caps and rod with a number punch 1 4 as needed9 Remove the fuel injection pump 19 Remove the crankshaft10 Remove the governor weight bolts Remove the weights INSPECTION11 Remove the pump camshaft bolt Cylinder Block12 Remove the oil filter and the oil pump assembly Then 1 Check the cylinder block for cracks and damage If there pull out the injection pump camshaft is any repair or replace the block Check the camshaft front journal bushing for wear and damage If there is13 Remove the gears Then remove the front plate any replace the bushing using a special tool Tool14 Remove the camshaft 03358315 Turn the engine upside down Remove the oil pan and oil screen16 Remove the nuts from the big end of each connecting rod A CAUTION The camshaff bushing is a fDrced and remove the cap Push the piston and connecting rod fit in the cylinder block The camshaff bushing will assembly upward out of the cylinder block Keep Hie be crushed or damaged when removed Take care removed parts in order for each cylinder When pushing not to burn or scratch the bushing boss in the block out the piston and connecting rod assembly put a as this will interfere with the installation of the new wooden block against the cap mating surface of the rod bushing so as not to damage the metal surface17 When separating the piston from the connecting rod use BUSHING the following procedures Keep the disassembled parts in order for each set Take care to prevent confusion espe cially for each set of piston and wrist pin a Set the piston and connecting rod assembly on the special tool piston pin setting tool body h Insert the push rod of the tool into the piston pin hole and press the pin out REMOVING CAMSHAFT BUSHING Engines Generators 23 CYLINDER BLOCK SERVICE2 Check the water jacket for scale and corrosion Clean the 3 Measure the side clearance between each piston ring and block thoroughly and ensure that all oil passages are its groove If necessary replace the ring clean As to the semikeystone type top ring allow it to sink by3 Check the cylinder walls for scratches dents and wear If its own weight into the groove then measure its depth necessary repair by honing or boring Measure the cylin from the piston surface der bore in rightangled directions A and B at three dif ferent depths J FRONT PISTON RING SIDE CLEARANCE CHECKING CYUNDER WEAR4 When cylinder bore wear is not excessive and only the piston rings require replacement check the upper part of WEIGHT OF RING the cylinder for ridge wear If any exists ream the cylin der bore and hone when Piston Pin and Piston Rings1 Check the piston for seizing scratches and wear If nec essary replace the piston2 Measure the piston OD Replace the piston if exces sively worn If the clearance is exces sively large machine the cylinder to an oversize bore or replace the piston The piston OD should be measured 4 Measure the gap of each piston ring Replace the ring if at the lower end of the skirt at right angles to the axis of its gap is excessively large To measure the ring gap the piston pin hole insert a ring into the least worn place of the cylinder bore skirt using a piston and measure the gap with a feeler gauge o MEASURING PISTON 00 JLHG RING GAP Engines Generators 24 CYLINDER BLOCK Rod JOURNAL1 Using a connecting rod aligner check each connecting R25 rod for bending and distortion If necessary correct or replace the rod2 Measure the connecting rod thrust clearance with a rod assembled on the crankshaft If the clearance is exces PIN R 25 sive replace the rod assembly 3 Check the crankshaft end play If the specified limit is exceeded replace the flanged No 3 main bearing To check the end play install the man bearings crankshaft and main bearing caps then tighten the cap bolts to the specified torque Measure the end play with a dial gauge held against the front end of the crankshaft CONNECTING ROD THRUST Measure the crankshaft bend If excessive repair or replace the crankshaft Main Bearings and Connecting Rd Bearings Check the surface of each bearing for flaking melting seiz ing and poor contact If any of these conditions exist replace the bearing Fit the main bearings to the cylinder block and the connect ing rod bearings to the connecting rods Tighten the bolts to specification Measure the JD of eac bearing Then mea sure the 00 of the crankshaft journals and pins to calculate the oil clearance a plastigauge may be used If any oil clear ance is excessive replace the corresponding bearing If an excessive clearance still remains even after replacement of the bearing grind the crankshaft to thf undersize 00 and install the same undersize bearing CRANKSHAFT 002 Check the crankshaft journals and pins for damage seizure and other faults If excessively worn or damaged machine to the undersize diameter At the same time replace the corresponding main bearing or connecting rod bearing with the same undersize bearing When machin ing a crankshaft journal or pin to the undersize one be sure to finish its fillets to R2S mm Check that all oil passages in the crankshaft are clean and open MEASURING CONNECTIN ROD BEARING 10 Engines Generators 25 CYLINDER BLOCK the gearcase body for cracks and damage and the oilseal for damage Also check the governor related parts If thecamshaft thrust plug pressfitted in the gearcase has beenworn or damaged install a new thrust plug 22 04 PRESSFIT HEIGHT OF MEASURING INJECTION PUMP CAMSHAFT LOBE CAMSHAFT THRUST PLUG Ball Bearings Check each ball bearing for excessive wear or damage andTiming Gears and Lube Oil Pump Gear for irregular or noisy rotation If there is any replace theCheck each gear for poor contact wear and damage If there bearingis any replace the gear Also check the splined bore of thelube oil pump gear for faults Tappets 1 Check the bottom of each tappet for cracks flaking andCamshaft nicks If any of these conditions exist replace the tappetMeasure the clearance between the center journal and the 2 Check the clearance between each tappet and the block and between the rear journal and the cylinder block If any clearance exceeds the specified limitblock If either or both clearances are excessive replace the replace the tappetcamshaft front bushing or cylinder block Replace thecamshaft if the cam surface is damaged or the cam lobe is Push Rodsbadly worn 1 Replace a push rod if both its ends are excessively worn 2 Place each push rod on a surface plate and check for bending at the center of the rod If the bend exceeds the specified limit correct or replace the rod REASSEMBLY A CAUTION Clean each part sufficiently Clean oil passages sliding surfaces and rotating parts with spe cial care Before assembling apply engine oil to all sliding rotat ing and press fit parts such as bearings and cylinder inner walls MEASURING CAM LOBE HEIGHT Replace gaskets packings and oil seals with new onesFuel Injection Pump Camshaft Apply sealant to gaskets and packings and to the specReplace the camshaft if the cam surface is excessively worn ified sealing pointsor damaged or if the Oldhams coupling is damaged Observe tightening torque and sequence where speci fied For other parts tighten to the torque for ordinary screws or bolts as the torque table specifies Check clearances and end plays during assembly work Engines Generators 26 CYLINDER BLOCK SERVICE1 When the camshaft front bushing is pressed in align the 4 Install the main bearings to the cylinder block bushing oil hole with the oil hole in the cylinder block NOTE The oil ports must be properly positioned and the using a bushing installing tool For proper alignment bearing fitted correctly into the block recess make a mark indicating the blocks oil hole position on the front end face of the block After installing the bush 5 Install the crankshaft Apply engine oil to the journals ing confirm that the oil holes are properly aligned with and pins each other 6 Install the main bearing caps and tighten the cap bolts to the specified torque Each cap carries an embossed arrow mark CYLINDER BLOCK and numeral to prevent incorrect installation of the caps When installing the No 1 and No5 caps apply sealant to the upper surface cylinder block mating surface FRONT FRONT OF BLOCK DRAW A MARK AT OIL HOLE CENTER OF BLOCK BEFORE INSTAlliNG BUSHING 2 ALIGN BUSHING OIL HOLE WITH BLOCK OIL HOLE PRESS IN BUSHING2 When pressing in the idler gear shaft follow the align ment and length of protrusion shown in the diagram Failure to do so will result in low oil pressure during 7 Check the crankshaft end play engine operation MODelS A C265tO 5 S Apply sealant to the outside surface of both side seals Press the side seals into the front and rear caps thus completing the reassembly of the crankshaft PRESSFiniNG IDLER GEAR SHAFT3 When replacing the dipstick guide coat the new guide without a flange with HERMESEAL 52B sealant then pressfit into the cylinder block Pressfit to a height of 30 05 11811 00197 from the cylinder block surfaceWhen installing the former type of guide which is increased in diameter at the midpoint press it in until caught in the hole There is no difference in the pressfit position between the former type and later type guides INSTALLING BEARING CAP SIDE SEALS LATERTYPE GUIDE FORMER GUIDE GUIDE INTO BLOCK Engines Generators 27 CYLINDER BLOCK SERVICE9 Install the oil seal into the crankshaft rear oil seal case h Insert the assembled push rod piston pin and guide Install the seal case to the cylinder block Remember to into the piston pin hole from the guide side and into install the gasket Turn the crankshaft one complete revo the small end of the connecting rod In this case both lution to ensure there is no unwanted binding the arrow front mark on the piston head and the10 Install the back plate identification mark on the connecting rod are to be positioned upward Before insertion apply engine oil11 Install the flywheel The bolts should be tightened to the to the piston pin and to the connecting rod small end specified torque hole12 Assemble the piston and the connecting rod using the c Set the piston connecting rod and guide as an assem Piston Pin Setting Tool bly on the tool body When setting insert the tool guide into the tool body with the cut in the guide in alignment with that in the tool body and then turn the guide 90 Make certain the small end of the connect ing rod rests properly on the tool body Also confirm that the front mark on the piston head and identifica tion mark on the connecting rod face up d Press the piston pin in under a pressure of 500 to 1500 kg If the piston pin is easily pressed in with less pres sure than above or if the pin needs a greater pressure replace the connecting rod or the piston and pin assembly The piston pin will be positioned in place by the guide After installation tum the push rod 90 so that the cut in the guide comes in alignment with CONNECTING ROO the cut in the tool body Detach the piston and con necting rod assembly from the tool body IE TOOL BOOY A CAUTION After assembling the piston and connecting rod make certain the connecting rod small end is properly positioned at the center 01 the piston pin II any excessive deviation Irom the proper position is loundl correct it In this case check the piston pin setting tool also PISTON PIN SETTING TOOL Each pislon and its pin are matched parts andl 3 Insert a piston pin into the push rod of the tool then therefore a set 01 piston and pin must not be screw a guide see illustration for proper guide fully confused with other pistons and pins All pistons into the push rod and pins to be used in an engine must be of the same size same mark 10 13 Piston rings differ in shape from one another Be sure to 9m install them in their proper positions and directions as illustrated and with the stamped manufacturer mark and GUIDEE size mark facing up When installing the piston ring with a coil expander position the expander joint opposite to the ringgap position G m PUSH ROD PISTON PIN SETTING TOOL PN033582 Engines Generators 28 CYLINDER BLOCK SERVICE m NO1 BNO PISTON RING POSITIONS NO3 PISTON lOll PISTON RINGS RING GAP POSITIONS 1 GEA MATING MARKS ENGINE FRONT 18 Align the mating mark 1 on the idler gear with that on the crankshaft gear install the idler gear on the idler shaft Insert the camshaft and gear assembly into the cylinder block so that the mating mark 2 on the camshaft gear aligns with that on the idler gear Then insert the injection pump camshaft assembly into the14 Install the piston and connecting rod assembly from the cylinder block and align the mating mark 3 on the top of the cylinder block using a ring band In this case pump gear with that on the idler gear Finally install the make certain the piston ring gaps are properly positioned injection pump drive shaft gear assembly and the arrow mark on the piston faces the front of the 19 Confirm that mating marks on the gears are in proper engine After insertion install the connecting rod end alignment with each other halves in place and tighten the rod cap bolts to the speci fied torque Apply oil to the bearing surfaces before 20 Fit the governor weight assembly to the injection pump assembly of the connecting rod ends cam gear15 Install the front plate Remember to install the gasket and 21 Install the gear case wfth the governor and related parts dowel pin previously installed and gasket When installing the gear case insert the tierod and tierod stopper spring into the16 Tum the crankshaft until the No1 cylinder piston comes hole in the cylinder block so to position it next tothe to the top dead center injection pump fuel rack17 Align the keyway in the crankshaft gear with the key on the crankshaft Install the gear on the shaft Engines Generators 29 CYLINDER BLOCK SERVICE INSTALLING GEAR CASE INSTALLING INJECTION PUMP22 Insert the crankshaft pulley Install the washer and nut Then tighten to the specified torque 28 Install the oil pump and oil filter see REASSEMBLY23 Install the back plate Be sure to install the gasket under LUBRICATION SYSTEM SERVICE When the oil pressure switch and oil pressure sender with adapter has24 Install the oil pick up then install the oil pan not yet been installed apply sealant to the threaded por25 Apply oil to the periphery of the tappet Insert the tappet tion when installing into the cylinder block Then insert the push rod properly 29 Install the fuel filter into the tappet hole Check to see if the tappet moves lightly 30 Install the fresh water pump 31 Install the starter see SERVICE PUSH ROD and alternator see SER INCORRECT VICE 32 Install the raw water pump CORRECT INSTALLING TAPPET AND PUSH ROD26 Install the cylinder head assembly see CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE REASSEMBLY27 Install the injection pump assembly see Installation and Adjustment of Fuel Injection Pump under FUEL SYSTEM Engines Generators 30 3 Remove the fuel injection pump see Fuel Injection Pump under FUEL SYSTEMThe governor keeps engine speed constant by using a balance between the centrifugal force acting on the governor 4 Remove the gear case mounting bolts and remove theweights and the tension of the governor spring gear case see CA UTION under DISASSEMBLY CYLIN DER BLOCK SERVICEIf engine speed increases the governor weights will openforcing the sliding shaft forward This moves the injection 5 Remove the governor springpump fuel rack linked to the sliding shaft through the gover 6 Remove the nut washer spring lever Remove the speednor lever assembly tierod and spring in the direction that control lever from the gear caseinjects less fuel into the cylinders The movement is stopped 7 Remove the nut washer and spring lever remove theat a point where the centrifugal force of the governor weights governor lever set bolt and remove the governor leverbalances with the tension of the governor spring S Remove the governor weight assembly and the slidingIf engine speed is decreased by an overload the control rack shaft from the injection pump camshaftis pushed against the smoke set spring in the direction thatinjects more fuel The Angleich mechanism restricts the 9 Remove the tierod and spring from the governor leverincrease and quantity of fuel injection thus preventing overload saving fuel and decreasing exhaust smoke GOVERNOR lEVER GOVERNOR WEIGHT llIH1 SLloING SHAFT GOVERNOR SHAFT GOVERNOR LEVER SECTION OF GEAR CASE PUMP GEAR PUMP CAMSHAFT INSPECTION rUlolER GEAR 1 Check the governor weights for wear and damage Replace if defective 2 Check the sliding shaft for damage and stiff movement Replace if defective GEAR CASE Governor Lever NEEDLE BEARING Check the sliding shaft contact area of the governor lever and GOVERNOR LEVER check the tierod and spring which connect the governor lever to the fuel rack Replace if defective GOVERIOR SHAFT Governor Spring NEEDLE BEARING Check the spring for deterioration and breakage Replace if defective When overhauling replace the spring frJ GOVERNOR SPRING GOVERNOR Needle Bearing SPEED CONTROL lEVER Check the needle bearing supporting the governor lever shaft in the gear case for Remove the drive belt see FRESH WATER COOLING REASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT SERVICE To reassemble the governor reverse the order of disassembly2 Remove the crankshaft pulley nut and remove the pulley After reassembly check the governor for smooth operation Engines Generators 31 ENGINE SHUTOFFENGINES WITH MANUAL STOP Standard pullin lead should be run to the heavy solenoid terminalA manual stop lever is located on the outboard side of the on the starter Connect the red hold lead splice into theengine block just below the fuel injection pump The damper R connection on the DC alternator espring is also mounted on this same lever assembly A throttle bracket is provided to attach a pushpull cable This cable SIDEOlFlllER REMOVE Yis attached to the shutoff lever When pulled fully in the stopdirection by the cable a lever inside the cover assemblymoves the fuel rack of the injection pump to the fuel stopposition stopping the engine Once the engine stops the Icable is pushed in to return the shutoff lever back into thefuelrun position A heavy return spring on the shutoff leverassists in doing this Periodically lubricate the lever andpushpull cable to ensure free movement Id MANUAL STOP KeyStop Solenoid System Operation Checking i I THROTTLE LEVER Procedure 1 Wire the system making reference to the wiring diagram 2 Viewing with the tierod cover off confirm that when the key switch is turned to the ON position before starting the engine the solenoid energizes and brings the fuel injection pump fuel rack to the MS STOP plate position 3 Tum the key switch to OFF and reinstall the tierod coverOPTIONAL KEY SWITCH SHUTOFF 4 The shutoff sequence is as followsModels 388 and 428 only When the start button is depressed during the normalAn optional key switch shutoff solenoid 037100 is offered starting procedure the solenoid is energized by the pullfor the above two models only This solenoid mounts in a in lead Once the engine starts and the start button isboss directly behind and slightly below the injection pump released the solenoid remains energized by current to themounting location This solenoid when energized by turning hold lead of the solenoid coming from the R terminalthe keyswitch on allows the injection pump fuel rack to connection on the alternator which receives voltagecurmove to the fuelrun position allowing the engine to start to rent once the engine starts and the oil pressure switchrun When the key switch is turned off the solenoid plunger closes from engine oil pressuremoves the fuel rack to the stop fuel position stopping theengine A CAUTION The pullin lead draws about 810 ampsInstalling and Adjusting the Key Switch to energize the solenoid The hold lead draws about oneShutoff Solenoid amp to keep the solenoid energized Should these leads1 Remove the large plug or side oil filler assembly located be connected incorrectly during installation the sole just behind the injection pump and slightly below it on noid will be damaged from excess current draw during the engine block engine operation2 Visual access to the fuel injection pump fuel rack is needed To obtain this remove the shutoff lever side NOTE Should the solenoid fail and engine operation is cover assembly required unscrew the solenoid as far out of the boss as pos3 Thread the locknut all the way onto the solenoid and sible without removing it Lock it in position with the locknut apply a small amount of Teflon sealant to the threads for The engine will now start To shut the engine off use the ward of the nut manual shutoff lever Disconnect the two leads red and white4 Thread the solenoid into the boss on the engine block and from their power source observe the solenoid plunger through the side cover opening Allow the plunger to contact the fuel rack and move it fully into the shutoff position on the injection pump Do not thread the solenoid further into the boss so that the plunger against the fuel rack is pushed into the solenoidS Back the solenoid out of the boss 14 to 12 tum and secure the solenoid in position with the locknut6 Properly connect the three electrical leads from the sole noid The black eye lead goes to block ground The white KEY STOP SOLENOID Engines Generators 32 ENGINE THE CYLINDER HEAD The engines valves must be adjusted in this order while the valves are closed You may find that turning thePull off the air breather pipe from the rocker cover and engines crankshaft is more easily accomplished whenremove the rocker cover Before adjusting the valve clear the engines glow plugs are removed before the crankance retighten the cylinder head bolts to their specified shaft is rotatedtorque in the sequence shown in the diagram Make sure theengine is cold when this is done Before applying the specified torque to a bolt loosen it 14 to 12 a turn and then applythe torque see TECHNICAL DA14FRONT CD CD CD CD CD CD cb CD CD CYLINDER HEAD BOLT TIGHTENING SEQUENCE a Rotate the engine in the normal direction of rotation placing the No1 Cylinder at the top of its VALVE CLEARANCE sion stroke The mc mark on the crankshaft pulley should be in line with the pointer on the front of the gear case cover and the valves for the No1 cylinder ADJUSTING SCREW should be closed Now adjust the intake and exhaust LOCKNUT valves for cylinder No1 h After adjusting the valves for cylinder No1 rotate the front crankshaft pulley clockwise 1800 so the IDC mark on the pulley is positioned approximately in the CLEARANCE COLD 025 MM position shown in the illustration for cylinder No3 Now adjust the intake and exhaust valves for cylinder No3 c Rotate the crankshaft pulley clockwise another 1800 and adjust the valve clearances for the intake and ADJUSTING VALVE ClEAR4NCE exhaust valves for cylinder No4 d Rotate the crankshaft pulley clockwise another 1800 and adjust the valve clearances for the intake and exhaust valves for cylinder No2 Adjust each valves clearance by inserting a 025 mm 0010 feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the valve stem as shown ADJUSTING FUEL INJECTION TIMING 1 Position the number one piston at the beginning of its compression stroke Remove the high pressure injector line from between the number one cylinders injector and the injection pump Remove the number one delivery valve holder Remove the spring below it and reinstall the holder Attach the high pressure injector line to the holder and have the other end pointing outboard of the engine Open the throttle and energize the fuel lift pump Fuel1 Adjust the valve clearances at mc Top Dead Center should flow out of this line Have a container under it to for each cylinder when they are on their compression catch the fuel Slowly turn the crankshaft in the normal stroke Remember the engines firing order is 1342 direction of rotation and watch the fuel flowing from the injector line The instant it stops is the beginning of the injection point Observe the timing mark on the front crankshaft pulley and the timing pointer on the front gear case Refer to SERVICE STANDARDS for the injection timing for the model being checked Engines Generators a3 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS 2 Tighten the damper spring adjusting bolt unti1 the engine speed is set to a 40 rpm shown in the table below as b rpm Lock the adjusting bolt at that position with a locknut Apply Locktight to the threads of the adjusting bolt ENGINES b rpm W27 RD80 W27A W33 W33A 3150 0 50 INJECTION TIMING MARKS 38B Four 42B Four 3750 0 502 When the specified injection timing is not correct increase or decrease the shim material thickness under a Seal the abovementioned adjusting bolt with its brass the fuel injection pump Injection timing varies 1 with cap and crimp it on the bolt 01 mm increase or decrease of shim thickness The addi h Seal the maximum speed set bolt with wire and sealing tion of shim thickness will retard the timing and reducing material shim thickness will advance the timing Another method of checking injection timing without removing the spring from under the delivery valve holder is to disconnect the high pressure injector line from the injector With the number one piston at the beginning of its compression stroke tum the crankshaft in the normal direction of rota tion and watch carefully the fuel in the end of the high pressure line The moment this fuel starts to swell and SOLENOID OPTIONAL come out of the line this is the injection timing point By this method the timing is about 10 later than the spill tim ing method previously discussed DAMPERSPRING NOLOAD ENGINE SPEEDSTo adjust the engine speed on a generator adjust the linkage STOPbetween the throttle arm and the fuel run solenoid LEVER the linkage increases the engine the linkage reduces the engine speed STOP RANGENOTE This adjustment is performed with the engine operating and at normal operations temperature with no amperagebeing taken from the generator See the chart below GENERATOR MODElS NOLOAD SPEED rpm 60 hertz models 18501880 615 620 hertz 50 hertz models 1550 1580 515 520 hertzNOTE Any adjustment of the throttle on a generator is doneonly with the linkage between the fuel solenoid and the throttle Models This adjustment need only be performedafter an engine overhaul cir when the governor system orinjection pump have been performed This SPEED CONTROL is performed after engine assembly during testingat th factory See the chart below for noload engine speed DAMPER SPRING1 With the damper spring released by loosening the ADJUSTMENT damper spring adjusting bolt set the engine at a rpm specified in the chart with the maximum speed set bolt c Adjusting the Idling Speed Idling speed for most lock the bolt at that position engines is oetween 800 and 1000 rpm Set the engine ENGINES a rpm to the idling speed with the idling set bolt and lock the W27 RD80 W27A W33 W33A 3110 0 bolt at that position 30 38B Four 428 Four 3710 0 30 Engines Generators 34 LUBRICATION SYSTEM SERICE DESCRIPTION OIL PUMP ASSENBL Y The lubrication system uses a trochoid gear pump and a full FILTER flow oil filter The oil pump is driven through the Oldhams coupling at the rear end of the fuel injection pump camshaft OIL PRESSURE Oil from the oil pump flows into the cartridge type oil filter SWITCH via the relief valve After being filtered by this filter oil is delivered to various engine parts through oil galleries in the engine block GASKET DISASSEMBLY Oil Filter and Oil Pump 1 Remove the oil filter 2 Remove the pump cover assembly housing and gasket INSPECTION OIL PUMP Oil Pump DIP STICK 1 Outer rotor to body clearance Using a feeler gauge check the clearance between the outer rotor and body If excessive replace the rotor assembly The cartridge type oil filter in which the filter body is inte gral with the filter element is easy to handle Oil from the oil pump is led into the filter element When a pressure difference between before and after the element exceeds 1 kglcm 2 due to excessive clogging of the element a bypass valve in the ele ment will open an oil passage bypassing the element As a OUTER ROTOR TO HOUSING CLEARANCE result oil flows to various engine parts without filtration Therefore it is important to replace the oil filter regularly The 2 Rotor clearance Check the clearance between the outer oil filter should be replaced after the initial 50 hours of opera and inner rotors with a feeler gauge If excessive replace tion and thereafter every 100 hours of operation the rotor assembly The trochoid gear type oil pump is mounted on the back of Check the Old pam s coupling of the inner rotor shaft for the fuel injection pump on the right side of the cylinder block cracks damage and wear The oil pump houses a relief valve If pump delivery oil pres sure exceeds 4 kglcm2 the relief valve will open to bypass oil into the oil pan thus preventing further oil pressure rise FEELER GAUlE PFSTANDARD VALUE 01502 REPLACE VALUE 01503 OUTER ROTOR TO iNNER ROTOR CLEARANCE Engines Generators 35 LUBRICATION SYSTEM SERVICE3 Rotor to cover clearance With the outer rotor inserted in TESTING THE OIL PRESSURE the pump body insert a straightedge and check the clear ance between the rotor and the straightedge with a feeler 1 Start and warm up the engine gauge If excessive replace either the rotor or the body 2 Check for oilleaks at the filter and pump assembly 3 Remove the oil pressure sender and connect a mechanical oil pressure gauge to the hole 4 Set the engine speed at 3000 rpm and measure the oil pressure It should be fairly constant at 35 kgcm2 50 Ibin2 NOTE Insure that oil meets specification standards Class CF or CG4 or betterSAE 30 wt OIL PRESSURE SWITCH 1 Later propulsion engines and all generators have a two prong oil pressurewater temperature switch When the ROTOR TO COVER CLEARANCE oil pressure drops to 510 psi this switch interrupts the4 Pump body Oring Check the pump body Oring for circuit for the fuel run solenoid by opening shutting cracks and damage down the Oil pressure switchsender Replace the oil pressure On early propulsion engines this switch activates an switch and the oil pressure sender On propulsion alarm that emits a pulsating signal when the oil pressure engines the oil pressure switch is normay open On drops too low 510 psi generators this switch is normally open it closes when NOTE This alarm will also emit a pulsating signal when the oil pressure gets to 510 psi the engine starts up as the oil has not yet reached its normal pressure a good check othe alarm A CAUTION Oil Pressure Switch Do not use NOTE If this alarm emits a continuous signal propulsion lock pliers vise grips or pipe wrenches on the oil engines only it indicates an engine overheat with the pressure switch Use the correct socket which is operating temperature reaching 210 available from SnapOn Proto New Britain and oth ers Damage to the switch will cause oil leaks andor switch OIL PRESSURE ARLY PROPULSION ENGINE MODELS 11 Install the oil filter and tighten fully by hand Tightening torque 11 to 13 kgm Before installation check for proper fitting of the Oring in the groove and coat the 0 ring with a small quantity of oil2 Install the gasket Then install the oil pump housing 0 P ring rotor assembly and cover assembly in that order Apply oil to the rotating parts LATER PROPULSION ENGINE MODELS 3 With sealant applied to the threaded portion screw in the oil pressure switch taking care not to close the oil hole with sealant4 Apply liquid teflon sealant to the threaded portion of the t OIL oil pressure sender Take care not to close off the oil hole PRESSURE into the sender Thread the sender into its fitting on the oil pumps housing ALL GENERATOR MODElS J t OIL PRESSURE OIL PRESSURE SWITCHES Engines Generators 36 FUEL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The builtin fourcylinder fuel injection pump is mounted on the right side of the cylinder block It consists of the pump An fuel lift pump draws fuel from the diesel elements plunger assemblies delivery valves tappets and supply through an owner supplied fuelwater separator to smoke set unit As the pump camshaft rotates the plungers the engines primary fuel filter and on to the fuel injection are moved up and down through a fixed stroke thus deliver pump The pressurized fuel is then injected into the combus ing pressurized fuel to engine cylinders tion chamber through the injection pipes and nozzles Excess fuel is returned to the fuel supply through the fuel return Fuel injection control Fuel injection rate is dependent on pipes that connect to the top of each nozzle holder the relative positions of the plunger lead and barrel The plunger is rotated by the control pinion which is mounted on NOTE Fuel supplied to the fuel lift pump must be filtered to the plunger barrel This pinion meshes with the plungers 75200 microns by the owner supplied fuelwater separator lower collar which transmits the rotation of the pinion directly to the plunger As the engine runs the injection pump camshaft rotates to move the control rack through the centrifugal type governor weight governor sleeve and lever The control rack slides to tum this pinion Rightward move ment STOP mark side of the control rack decreases the fuel injection rate as the rack moves to the left the fuel increases AIR VENT SCREW lIIooIlI SMOKE SET STOPPER CONTROL RACK RETURN SPRING FUEL INJECTION PUMP Smoke set unit The smoke set unit restricts the maximum fuel injection rate of the injection pump The stopper is held by a spring in the position shown in the illustration This position is the smoke set position When starting the engine FROM FUEL propulsion models pull the throttle control lever fully toward the maximum speed position and the tierod with stopper spring will move the control rack in the arrowed direction against the spring force thus causing overinjection FUEL SYSTEM for easy engine start For the injection pump with the FUELWATER SEPARATOR Angleich mechanism overinjection requires releasing that ALL WESTERBEKE mechanism INSTALLATIONS REQUIRE AN OWNERINSTALLED FUELWATER SEARATOR 75200 MICRONS Fuel Pump Two types of fuel lift pumps are shown in the illustration both operate on the same princi pal Earlier model engines use a lift pump with a replaceable fuel element This element should be changed at regular maintenance intervals at 250 hours Later model engines use a smaller lift pump that does not require maintenance Electrical connections should be kept clean and tight with either pump The primary fuel filter encloses a highly effective paper ele ment This filter assembly is located on the engine between the fuel pump and the injection pump The paper element SMOKE SET OVERINJECTION should be changed at regular maintenance intervals POSITION Engines Generators 37 FUEL SYSTEMAngleich Mechanism The Angleich Mechanism restricts the The intercylinder injection control Fuel injection of the smoke set plate in the narrower range among the cylinders is performed by the adjusting platesAngleich effect L to save fuel consumption and decrease which have their own cam mechanisms These of exhaust smoke plates are located on the opposite side of the control rack Necessary turning of the plunger barrels required for inter cylinder injection control is attained by turning the respective adjusting plates This adjustment is performed on a fuel shop flow bench only ADJUSTING PLATE PLUNGER BARREL o ADJUSTING PLATES Delivery valve operation The delivery valves function is to deliver fuel to the injection pipes after the fuel pressure has ANGLEICH MECHANISM been increased sufficiently and to prevent afterdrip from the nozzles When the fuel pressure above a plunger has deceased after injection its delivery valve piston closes the o delivery valve seat At this time the compressed fuel remain ing in the injection pipe drips from the nozzle To prevent this afterdrip the delivery valve piston makes a stroke to draw back the fuel before the delivery valve reaches the seat thus reducing the fuel pressure in the injection pipe to nearly zero ANGLEICH EFFECT LReleasing the Angleich Mechanism It is necessary whenstarting the engine to set the injection pump in the overinjec DURING AFTERtion MS condition by moving the throttle control lever fully INJECTION INJECTIONto the FULLOPEN position This requires the Angleich set Nozzle and nozzle holder Fuel from the fuel injection pumpplate to be released from its set position Usually the flows through the passage in the body of each nozzle holderAngleich set plate is released by pulling the throttle leveruntil it is caught by its stopper when stopping the engine and is injected from the nozzle into the combustion chamber Fuel overflowing from the nozzle enters the nozzle holderAfter starting the engine the Angleich set plate is returned and returns to the fuel tank through the banjo and to the applied position during warmup runningof the engine return fuel line Engines Generators 38 FUEL SYSTEM a Remove the delivery valve holderFuel Filter h Take out the valve spring valve and Oring c Take out the gasket and valve seatRemove the retaining nut Oring and filter element d Unbend the lock plate of the tappet guide pin Push theFuel Lift Pump tappet slightly in and pull out the guide pin using aThe fuel lift pump requires little or no maintenance For early pincette Then remove the tappetmodel fuel lift pumps disassemble and change the filter e Remove the spring and upper seatLater model fuel lift pumps require no disassembly Fuel tothe pump must be filtered to 75200 microns Electrical con f Remove the pinionnections must be clean and tight Fuel connections at the g Pull out the plunger barrel upward from the pumppump must be tight and without leaks housing Keep the removed plunger barrels and plungers in a set for each cylinder Do not mix plungers arid barrels of other cylinders FROM ENGINE PRIMARY FUEL FILTER h Pull off the split pin Remove the washer return spring and smoke set stopper Draw out the control rack Remove the AngJeich set spring and plate if equipped j before taking out the control rack A CAUTION 00 not disassemble the intercylin der injection control adjusting plate When this plate FUEL LIFT PUMP has been disassembled it will become necessary to LATER MODEL adjust the intercylinder injection by a tester When this plate requires removal remember to draw a mating mark across the pump body and the plate GASKET it VALVE SEATe DELIVERY PLUNGER VALVE HottiERFuel Injection Pump1 Remove the fuel injection pipes2 Before removing the pump be sure to remove the pump BARREL 8 0 ORING jj side cover and disconnect the tierod and spring from the rack Then remove the bolts fastening the injection pump and remove the pump assembly 1 ADJUSTING PLATE tSPRfNG3 Record the thickness and number of pump adjusting shims to facilitate adjustment at the time of assembly DELIVERY VALVE4 When partly disassembling the fuel injection pump use the following procedure A CAUTION 00 not attempt to disassemble the fuel injection pump unless itis necessary Since the adjustment of an injection pump requires a pump tester and technical disassembly reassembly and RACK adjustment of a pump should not be performed if PINIDN such a tester and technician arent available Before disassembly close the fuel inlet and outlet and IUPPER SEAT clean the pumps outside surfaces Keep disassem bled parts immersed in clean kerosene and keep all PLUNGER SPRING parts neatly arranged in order to avoid confusion ANGLEICH FUEL INJECTION PUMP SET SPRING Engines Generators 39 FUEL SYSTEM Disconnect the return pipe from the nozzle holder upper nipple2 Disconnect the fuel injection pipe from the nozzle holder3 Loosen the nozzle holder attaching bolts and remove the holder assembly4 When disassembling the nozzle holder into parts use the following procedure 8 Holding the nozzle holder body in a vice remove the retaining nut with a spanner wrench When holding in the vice be sure to use an aluminum or copper plate adapter TESTING THE FUEL LIFT PUMP h Remove the shim pressure spring flange pressure pin and distance piece Fuel Injection Pump c Remove the nozzle from the retaining nut If the noz 1 Delivery valve seat Check the contact surface of the zle is hard to remove apply light taps to it with a delivery valve seat Replace if defective wooden block Be careful not to damage the nozzle needle valve 2 Plunger barrel Check the plunger for seizure damage and rust Also check to see if the plunger slides smoofhly rSANJOBOlT when inserted into the barrel If defective do not repair it but be sure to replace as a set with a new one I t1r BOOY 3 Control rack and pinion If the rack and pinion have any worn or damaged teeth replace 4 Tappet Check the tappet OD roller and shaft for wear and damage If defective replace Nozzle 1 Check the nozzle for incorrect contact and damage Replace the nozzle as an assembly if defective 2 Check the pressure spring for damage NOZZLE HOLDER NOZZLE NOTE Also check the Angleich set plates and set springs for wear and damage RETAINING NUT REASSEMBLY Fuel Install the filter element and filter cup Orings in positionFuel Filter Tighten the retaining nut securelyCheck the filter element for contamination The regular ele Fuel Lift Pumpment replacement interval is 250 hours Replace the elementmore frequently if necessary To reassemble set the plunger plunger spring valve Oring and washer in position in that order and as a final step fit theFuel Lift Pump retainer to prevent the abovementioned parts from poppingThe fuel pump operates during the start sequence when PRE out of position see is depressed Simulate a start and depress PREHEAT Put the filter in position and fit the magnet and gasket in theThe pump should produce a clicking sound indicating the cover Using a 17 mm spanner fasten up to the stopper porpumping piston in the pump is pumping If no clicking is tion in such a way as to prevent air leakageheard check that there is 12V DC at the pump connectionand that the pump is properly grounded Injection Pump1 Checking the pump delivery Test the pump by connect 1 Insert the plunger barrel with its slots in alignment with ing a battery and fuel line as illustrated Fuel delivery the dowel pins projecting in the pump housing must be 225 cc 5 pints or more every 15 seconds 2 Install the Oring in the delivery valve holder Engines Generators 40 FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE3 Install the spring seat gasket and the valve assembly in before inserting the tappet guide pin and bend the lock the holder Tighten the delivery holder to the pump hous plate after inserting the pin ing Make certain that the Oring has been properly installed GASKET VALVESEAT5 DELIVERY PLUNGER o VALVE HOLDER BARREL 8 ORING Ii 1 ADJUSTING PLATE ISPRING DELIVERY VALVE INSTLLlNG TAPPET 9 Install the smoke set stopper return spring and washer Then insert the split pin and split it 10 Install the Angleich set plate and spring when equipped RACK n Torque the delivery holder to specification 45 kgm PINION Installation and Adjusbnent of Fuel Injection Pump UPPER SEAT 1 When installing the pump assembly select and install the ANGLEICH PLUNGER SPRING adjusting shim After installing the pump fit the tierod from the governor lever to the control rack then install the SET PLATE tierod spring to the control rack Make sure that the end of ANGLEICH FUEL INJECTION PUMP the tierod spring positioned at the governor lever side has SET SPRING the shorter straight wire of the two ends of the spring For4 Install the control rack proper selection of shim thickness temporarily install a5 Install the pinions with their deeproot teeth aligned with shim set having the same thickness as before removal and the respective marks on the rack when adjusting fuel injection timing replace the current shim set with one formed by a proper combination of four kinds of shims 02 03 04 and 08 mm in thickness OEEP ROOTS NOTE Maintaining the same shim thickness for the injec tion pump will place the pwnp in the same timing with the engine as when previously removed RACK AND ASSEMBLING PINION6 Install the spring upper seat and spring7 Put the plunger and the spring lower seat together Install the assembly so that in the same alignment position as mentioned in step 5 the plunger frontend lead slant groove is positioned on the opposite side of the control rack On former engines insert the mark L area of the plunger collar into the control rack side8 Insert the tappet taking care not to drop the shim Align the tappet guide hole with the dowel pin hole of the hous ing and insert the tappet guide pin Install the lock plate INSTALLING INJECTION PUMP Engines Generators 41 FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE2 Install the tierod cover In the case of a damper spring Adjustment and Installation of Nozzle loaded cover install the cover with the tierod pressed toward the High Speed side by the speed control lever see Holder Assembly illustration 1 Injection Start Pressure Test Using a nozzle tester mea sure the injection start pressure If the pressure is differ ent from the standard value adjust to the specified pressure by increasing or decreasing the thickness of the TIEROD SPRING adjusting shim Increasing or decreasing shim thickness by 01 mm will vary the pressure by approximately 10 GASKET kgcm When replacing the shim grip the retaining nut in a vise and remove the body with a wrench TIghten the LOCKNUT retaining nut to the specified torque ADJUSTING BOLT tfbAlING CAP INJECTION SHIMTHICKNESS PRESSURE TEST 01 mm TIEROD COVER I 02mm O3mm O5mm INSTALLlN TIEROD COVER3 Connect the fuel supply hose Preheat to bleed air from the system4 Check damper spring adjustment and fuel injection timing For these adjustment procedures refer to ENGINE 2 Chattering Test For the chattering test operate the tester A CAUTION Thoroughly clean all parts with lever slowly If the nozzle sprays sharply and intermit kerosene 00 not wipe them with rags tently the nozzle is considered good The nozzle should When tightening the retaining nut on the nozzle holder spray fuel straight in its axial direction A nozzle is defec body be sure to tighten it to the specified torque tive if it sprays fuel in a wrong direction or in several Insufficient torquing will cause poor compression separate strips Also a spray in the form of particles indi Excessive torquing will prevent the nozzle needle from cates a defect These defects may sometimes be caused moving freely by clogging with dust therefore all parts should be care fully cleaned before assembly1 Install the nozzle assembly distance piece and pressure pin in the retaining nut2 Install the shim spring and flange to the body Install the retaining nut on the body and tighten to the specified torque A CAUTION When using a vice to tighten the nut be sure to hold the body side If the retaining nut was held a defonned nozzle would result GOOD BAD BAD Engines Generators 42 FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE3 Afterdrip test An injection nozzle is considered defec tive if it drips fuel accumulated on the bottom of the noz zle after fuel injection is stopped during the chattering test Replace such a nozzle A very small amount of fuel may sometimes remain on the top of the nozzle This is due to chattering and is not detrimental AFTER DRIP TEST DJ 10 GOOD BAD BAD4 Injection Condition Test Operate the tester lever quickly at a rate of 800 strokes per minute The nozzle should inject a fine atomozed mist of fuel straight in its axial direction A spray in the form of particles is cause for rejection5 Install the Nozzle Holder Assembly Install the tested nozzle holder assembly in the cylinder head Tighten bolts to the specified torque Be sure to install the assem bly together with new sealing washers A CAUTION When installing the nozzle holder assembly in the cylinder head fit the holder loosely with two bolts temporarily tightened After fitting the injection pipe retighten the bolts evenly to the specified torque Engines Generators 43 RAW WATER COOLING The heat exchanger functions as part of the fresh water sys tem and the raw water system The heat exchanger is a copThe raw water cooling circuit is driven by a positive dis per tube which encloses a number of small copper tubesplacement impeller pump This pump draws in water directly Raw water is pumped through the small copper tubes andfrom an ocean lake or river through the seacock then to a fresh water coolant from the engine is circulated around theraw water strainer The raw water is drawn through the copper tubes The raw water removes heat from the freshstrainer to the selfpriming pump and to the heat exchanger water coolant A zinc anode is located in the raw water porwhere it cools the engines circulating fresh water coolant tion of the exchanger to help control the effects of electrolyThe raw water is then discharged into the water injected sis This area of the exchanger should be elbow mixing with and cooling the exhaust gases inspected and cleaned To keep the exchanger operating effiThis mixture of exhaust gas and raw water is driven through ciently it should be removed from the engine every 1000the exhaust system and overboard hours to be thoroughly cleaned and pressure oil cooler In some installations the raw wateris also used to cool the engines transmission by passingthrough a transmission oil cooler Similar to a heatexchanger the transmission fluid is cooled by the raw waterand then passes into the exhaust elbow The oil cooler shouldbe cleaned and pressure tested at about the same interval asthe heat exchanger every 1000 hours PETCOCK CLEAN OUT DEBRIS HEAT EXCHANGER TRANSMISSION OIL COOLERS NEW REPLACE REPLACE CLEAN AND REUSE ZINC ANODES The raw water pump is a selfpriming pump with a nonfer rous housing and a Neoprene impeller The impeller has flex ible vanes which wipe against a curved cam plate within the impeller housing producing the pumping action The raw water pump impeller should be checked every 500 operating hours for wear Should the pump fail it can be disassembled and overhauled Check for internal wear within the pump such as the cover plate cam and impeller housing Replace components that show excess wear Engines Generators 44 RAW WATER PUMP SERVICE RAW WATER PUMP PN 33636PUMP OVERHAUL 2 Install the shaft into the bearings Support the bearings at their center races Push the shaft into the bearings ing at the impeller drive slot end using the base of theThe pump as removed from the engine will have hose drive slot Push the shaft through both of the nipples threaded into its inlet and outlet ports flush against each other so the flatsided end of the shaftThey may be left in place or removed if they interfere with extends beyond the second bearing center race 15 mmthe pump disassembly Note the port location and positioning 1932 in 5 mm 132 inif removed 3 Support the pump housing at the impeller side1 Remove the six cover plate screws cover plate and the Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the seals cover plate gasket inner lips and to the impeller shaft Carefully install the NOTE Replacement of the cover plate gasket is recom shaft rotating it through the seals until the bearings mended however if you are going to reuse it keep the contact the housing from the bearing end Use a pushing gasket submerged in water until the pump is reassembled tool that will push this shaft and the bearing assembly If its allowed to dry the gasket will shrink and not be into the pump housing by applying pressure against the reusable outer bearing race Push the assembly into the housing until the bearings seat fully in the housing Install the2 Remove the impeller with its drive screw from the pump retaining ring housing 4 Position the cam in the housing and secure it in place3 Remove the screw and sealing washer and remove the with the screw and sealing washer cam from the pump housing NOTE Use a small amount ofPermatex 1 on the inner4 Remove the retaining ring cam surface and screw threads Remove any excess from5 Support the pump housing at the mounting flange end the impeller housing on an arbor press and with a drift press out the shaft and 5 Apply a light film of silicone or petroleum jelly to the bearings from the pump housing inner surface of the housing for the impeller6 With the pump housing supported push the seals out of NOTE Coat only the surface do not overapply Install the pump housing Push the impeller side seal out the the impeller with the drive screw Push the assembly into impeller side then lift the spacer out Then push the the housing with the drive screw mating in the slot of the bearing side seal out the bearing side drive shaft7 Supporting the bearings inner race push the shaft out of 6 Install the cover gasket and cover and secure them with the bearings the six cover 7 Reposition and tighten the hose nipples Assemble the pump to the engine and attach the hosesInspect all parts and replace those showing wear or Install the seals and spacer in the pump housing Push the impeller side seal into the housing Rotate the pump and install the spacer against the seal face Push the bearing side seal into the housing from the bearing side NOTE The seals flat surfaces that have printing and numbers face toward each other COVER PUMP HOUSING Engines Generators 45 RAW WATER PUMP SERVICE RAW WATER PUMP PN 24143Pump 24143 has been replaced by pump 33636 Complete ment bushing chill the bushing in a freezer for 1 hour to24143 pumps are no longer assembled but their component reduce its size Prepare the pump housing on a press toparts are still available accept the bushing 2 Apply some light oil to the housing boss that the bushingPUMP OVERHAUL will be pressed into Using an appropriate drift push theDisassembly bushing into the housing so that it is flush with theRemove the pump from the engine The pump body is a impeller housings inner surfacebronze cast unit Its inlet and outlet hose connections are part 3 Using an appropriate installer install the impeller shaftof the pump housing casting seal Ensure that the seal seats properly in the housing1 Remove the six cover plate screws along with the cover and that the lip seal is positioned correctly plate and gasket 4 Place the slinger ring in the housing against the impeller2 Using an appropriate drift push the impeller drive shaft seal and impeller out of the pump housing 5 Install the impeller shaft oil seal into the housing so it is3 Using circlip pliers remove the outer circlip from the flush with the housing surface Again ensure that the lip impeller drive shaft then remove the impeller from the seal is positioned correctly shaft 6 Install the inner circlip on the impeller drive shaft and4 Remove the key from the shaft and the inner circlip install the impeller key in the shaft5 Remove the screw holding the cam in the pump housing 7 Apply some light oil to the shaft and with a rotating and remove the cam action slide it into the shaft bushing from the impeller side and rotate it through the impeller seal Locate the6 Using an appropriate puller withdraw the outer and inner slinger ring and rotate the shaft through it Continue shaft seals along with the slinger ring from the pump rotating the shaft and slide it through the housing oil seal body 8 Install a new cam Apply some sealant to the cam retain7 Support the pump on a press and with a lubricated drift ing screw and thread it into the cam through the housing push the carbon shaft bushing out of the pump housing and tighten it securely Note the position of the shaft bushing in the housing prior to removal 9 Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the housings inner circumference then install the impeller onto theInspection shaft and into the housing Install the outer circlip on theExamine all components and replace worn or damaged parts shaftIf the pump housing is worn internally and requires replace NOTE The set of the impeller blades is of no concernment we recommend that the pump assembly be replaced Once the pump is installed on the engine and the enginewith the current production pump It is available in a replace rotated the bLades will take the correct positionment kit Part 037431 10 Install the housing cover and gasket Tighten the cover screws The carbon shaft bushing is a slight force fit into the pump housing To aide in the installation of the replace IMPELLER COVER CAM SLINGER SCREW RING SEAL RAW WATER PUMP PN 24143 Engines Generators 46 FRESH WATER COOLING CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The water temperature switch and the water temperature sender are both mounted in the thermostat housing The The fresh water cooling circuit consists of a circulatory belt water temperature switch normally open in a propUlsion driven water pump a thermostat and thermostat housing engine when activated will close and sound an alarm The heat excanger engine manifold and all associated hoses water temperature switch normally closed in a generator drive engine when activated will open and interrupt DC Voltage to the fuel run solenoid and shut the drive engine down the water temperature sender is a variable resistor IMPELLER affected by heat Voltage from the water temperature gauge is grounded through the sender to the block Depending on the resistance through the sender effected by coolant heat the gauge will indicate a temperature reading Change of Coolant Over a long period of engine operation scale will be deposited and rust formation will occur in theBRACKET water jacket and heat exchanger causing progressive deterio ration in cooling system efficiency For this reason flush the cooling system every 500 hours of engine operation Antirust and Antifreeze To protect the cooling system FRESH WATER PUMP against corrosion and freezing always use a known brand of antifreeze compatible with aluminum cooling system compo nents The use of an antifreeze mixture of 5050 is recom The water pump is a centrifugal impeller type and is mended for yearround use Use antifreeze that is compatible mounted on the front upper part of the cylinder block The with aluminum components and never mix different brands pump shaft is supported on greasefilled of antifreeze Do not use plain water this can be detrimental doublerow radial ball bearings to the cooling system components NOTE Look for the new long lasting antifreeze that is now available Antifreeze mixtures will protect against an unexpected freeze and they are beneficial to the engines cooling system They retard rust and add to the life of the circulating pump seal ANTIFREEZE PROTECTION Antifreeze concentration 23 35 50 60 14F 4F 40F Freezing temperature 10C 20C 40C COOLANT TEMPERATURE SE TYPICAL THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY COOLANT RECOVERY TANK Thermostat A thermostat housing is located on the cylinder head water outlet Enclosed is a wax pellettype thermostat The valve opening temperature is not affected by variations of pressure in the cooling water passages Engines Generators 47 FRESH WATER COOLING Thermostat1 Drain the cooling water A drain plug for draining the Visually check the thermostat for damage Then put it in engine block is located on the side of the engine block water and raise the water temperature to test its valve open just right of the lube oil fi1ter A drain plug for draining ing temperature Replace if defective the heat exchanger is located on the heat exchanger2 Disconnect the water hose from the pump NOTE Generator models are equipped with belt guards A CAUTION The wax pellettype thermostat remains closed if its heatsensing part is defectve Leaving this that will need to be removed uncorrected would cause the engine to overheat3 Remove the pump drive belt4 Disconnect the bypass hose when equipped REASSEMBLY5 Remove the water pump assembly To reassemble the cooling system reverse the order of disas6 If necessary remove the water pump adapter when sembly When adjusting the drive belt tension use the fol equipped lowing procedure7 On an engine with a thermostat remove the water outlet Drive Belt Adjusbnent fitting bolts in the front of the cylinder head and remove the thermostat A WARNING Never attempt to adjust the drive belt tension while the engine is operating A CAUTION Excessive water pump drive belt tension can cause rapid wear of the belt and reduce the service life of the fresh water pumps bearings Excessive slack or the presence of oil on the belt can cause belt slipping resulting in high operating temperatures Adjust the alternator position so that the belt may deflect 38 to 12 deep when depressed at the middle point between the WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY alternator and crankshaft pulleys After adjustment securely tighten the support bolt and brace bolt If any clearance isINSPECTION found between the gear case and alternator fitting part insert a suitable shim inside the support on the back of the alternaWater Pump tor before tightening the bolts Reinstall belt1 Check every part for cracks damage and water leaks Replace if defective NOTE No rebuilding kits are available for the fresh water circulation pump2 Check the impeller and shaft for rotating condition If they make noise or rotate irregularly replace as an assembly BELT TENSION Engines Generators 48 ADMIRAL CONTROL When the engine is shut down with the key switch turned oJ the water temperature gauge will continue to register the lastThis control panel is equipped with a temperature reading indicated by the gauge before electricalKEY switch and RPM gauge with an ELAPSED TIME power was turned off The oil pressure gauge will faJl to zerometer which measures the engines running time in hours and when the key switch is turned off The temperature gaugein 110 hours The panel also includes a WATER TEMPER will once again register the engines true temperature whenATURE gauge which indicates water temperature in degrees electrical power is restored to the an OIL PRESSURE gauge which measures theengines oil pressure in pounds per square inch and a DC A separate alarm buzzer with harness is supplied with everycontrol circuit VOLTAGE gauge which measures the sys Admiral Panel The installer is responsible for voltage All gauges are illuminated when the key connecting the buzzer to the fourpin connection on theswitch is turned on and remain illuminated while the engine engines electrical harness The installer is also responsibleis in operation The panel also contains two rubberbooted for installing the buzzer in a location where it will be dry andpushbuttons one for PREHEAT and one for START where it will be audible to the operator should it sound while the engine is running The buzzer will sound when the igni tion key is turned on and should silence when the engine has started and the engines oil pressure rises above 15 psi WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS Oil PRESSURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS GRADU GRADUATED IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT AND IS ATED IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PSI AND IS ILLUMINATED WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS ILLUMINATeD WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATING TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATlNG TEMPERATURE IS 170190 F OIL PRESSURE RANGES BETWEEN 3060 PSIRPM GAUGE REGISTERS REVOLUTIONSPER MINUTE OF THEENGINE AND CAN BERECALIBRATED FORACCURACY FROMTHE REAR OF THEPANELHOUR METER REGIS KEY SWITCH PROVIDESTERS ELAPSED TIME POWER ONLY TO THEAND SHOULD BE USED INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTERAS A GUIDE FOR DC VOLTMETER INDICATES THE AMOUNT I THE SATTERY IS BEINGPREHEAT BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES CHARGED SHOULDTHE ALTERNATORS EXCITER THE FUEL LIFT SHOW 13V TO 14VPUMP THE FUEL SOLENOID ON THE INJECTION AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMPUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS IT BYPASSES THE ENGINES PROTECTIVE OIL PRES HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE AlARM AN ALARM BUZZER HASSURE ALARM SWITCH IN ADDITION THIS BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THE INSTRUMENT PANEL IF THE ENGINESSunON ENERGIZES THE START BUTTON FRESH WATER COOLANT REACHES 210 F98C THIS SWITCH WILL CLOSE SOUNDING THE ALARM WHICH WILL EMIT A CON TINUOUS SIGNAL lOW Dll PRESSURE AlARM A LOW OIL PRESSURE ALARMSTART BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES SWITCH IS LOCATED OFF THE ENGINES OIL GALLERY THISTHE STARTERS SOLENOID WHICH CRANKS THE SWITCH MONITORS THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE SHOULD THEENGINE THIS BUTTON WILL NOT OPERATE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE FALL TO 5 10 PSI THE SWITCH UNLESS THE PREHEAT SunON CLOSE SOUNOING THE ALARM IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILLIS PRESSED AND HELD AT THE SAME TIME EMIT A PULSATING SIGNAL Engines Generators 49 CAPTAIN CONTROL OIL PRESSURE or high WATER TEMPERATURE The RPM gauge is illuminated when the KEY switch is turned onThis control panel is equipped with a and remains i1Iuminated while the engine is in operationKEY switch an RPM gauge PREHEAT and START buttons an INSTRUMENT TEST button and three indicatorlamps one for ALTERNATOR DISCHARGE one for lowOIL PRESSURE and one for high ENGINE It also includes an alann buzzer for low ALARM THE ALARM WILL SOUND IF THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE FAUS BELOW 15 PSI IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILL EMIT A PULSA TING SIGNAL THE ALARM WILL ALSO SOUND IF THE WATERRPM GAUGE REGISTERS REVOLUTIONS PER TEMPERATURE IN THE FRESHWATER COOLING CIRCUIT RISES TOMINUTE OF THE ENGINE AND CAN BE RECALI 205F IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WIU EMIT A CONTINUOUS SIGNALBRATED FOR ACCURACY FROM THE REAR OF NOTE THE ALARM WIU SOUND WHEN THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNEDTHE PANEL ON THIS SOUNDING IS NORMAL ONCE THE ENGINE STARTS AND THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE REACHES 15 PSI THE AlARM WILL SILENCE Oil PRESSURE AlARMU6HT TEST BOlTDN WHEN PRESSED TESTS niE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL CIRCUITS WHEN PRESSED THE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE INDICATOR LIGHTS IL LUMINATE IN ADDITION TO SOUNDING THE ALARM BUZZER KEY SWITCH PROVIDES POWER ONLY TO THE IN STRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER WATER TEMPERATURE AlARM UGHT PREHEAT BUTION WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES START BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES THE ALTERNATORS REGULATOR THE FUEL LIFT THE STARTERS SOLENOID WHICH CRANKS THE PUMP THE FUEL SOLENOID ON THE INJECTION ENGINE IT WILL NOT OPERATE ELECTRICALLY PUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS IT BY UNLESS THE PREHEAT BUTTON IS PRESSED AND PASSES THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE ALARM HELD AT THE SAME TIME SWITCH IN ADDITION THIS BUTTON ENERGIZES THE START BUTTON Engines Generators 50 CONTROL PANEL Tachometer InaccurateThe used in propulsion engine instru 1 With a handheld tach on the front of the crankshaft pulment panels contains two separate electrical circuits with a ley retaining nut or with a strobetype tach read the frontcommon ground One circuit operates the hourmeter and the crankshaft pulley rpm Set the engine with a hand orother the tachometer The hourmeter circuit operates on 12 strobe tach at 15001800 rpmvolts alternator charging voltage supplied to the terminal 2 Adjust the tachometer with a small Phillips type screwon the back of the instrument driver through the calibration acess hole in the rear of theThe tachometer circuit operates on AC voltage 68 volts fed tachometer Zero the tach and bring it to the rpm set byfrom one of the diodes in the alternator and supplied to the the strobe or hand tach Verify the rpm at idle and attachometer input terminal while the engine is running and high speed 25003000 rpm Adjust the tach as neededthe alternator producing battery charging voltage 130148volts DCUse the following procedures when a fault ineither of the two circuits in a Inoperative for the proper DC voltage between and terminals 1 Voltage present meter is defective repair or replace2 Voltage not present trace and electrical con nections for fault Jump 12 volts DC to meter terminal to verify the operation CURRENT for the proper AC voltage between tachometer inputterminal and the terminal with the engine running1 Voltage present attempt adjusting the meter through the calibration access hole If no results repair or replace the meter2 AC voltage not present check for proper alternator DC output voltage3 Check for AC voltage at the tach terminal on the alterna tor to ground4 Check the electrical connections from the tachometer input terminal to the alternator Sticking1 Check for proper AC voltage between the tachometer EARLY MODEL TACHOMETER GROUND input terminal and the terminal2 Check fr a good ground connection between the meter terminal and the alternator3 Check that the alternator is well grounded to the engine block at the alternator pivot bolt GROUND TERMINAL TACHOMETER INPUT AC VOLTAGE EARLY MODEL TACHOMETER Engines Generators 51 CONTROL PANEL MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCHES NOTE The engine control system is protected by a 20 amp manual reset circuIt breaker mounted on a bracket at the lOp rear of the engine near the PREHEAT circuit PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE PREHEAT depressed no panel indications 1 Battery switch or power not on 1 Check switch andor fuel solenoid electric fuel pump and preheat solenoid not energized 2 20 amp circuit breaker tripped 2 Resetbreaker If opens again check preheat sole enoid circuit and run circuit for shorts to ground START SWITCH DEPRESSED no starter 1 Connection to solenoid faulty 1 Check connection engagement 2 Faulty switch 2 Check switch with ohmmeter 3 Faulty solenoid 3 Check that 12 volts are present at the solenoid con nection 4 Loose battery connections 4 Check battery connections 5 Low battery 5 Check battery charge state START DEPRESSED panel indications OK 1 Poor connections to fuel solenoid Defective fuel run 1 Check mechanical positioning of the fuel solenoid Start solenoid OK Fuel solenoid not solenoid PIN 2304 for plunger and throttle arm functioning 2 Manually check movement of the fuel run solenoid plunger and throttle arm NO IGNmON cranks does not start Fuel 1 Faulty fueling system 1 Check for fuel to generator system solenoid energized 2 Check for air in the fuel system Allow system to selfbleed 3 Fulliitt pump faulty ENGINE STOPS 1 Switch and wiring 1 Inspect all wiring for loose connections and short Circuits NOT CHARGING BATIERY 1 Alternator drive 1 Check the drive belt and its tension Be sure the alternator turns freely Check for loose connections Check the output with a voltmeter Ensure 12V are present at the regulator terminal BATIERY RUNS DOWN 1 Oil pressure switch 1 Observe if the gauges and panel lights are activated when the engine is not running Test the oil pressure switch 2 High resistance leak to ground 2 Check the wiring Insert senSitive 025 amp meter in battery lines Do not start engine Remove con nections and replace after short is located 3 Low resistance leak to ground 3 Check all wires for temperature rise to locate the fault 4 Alternator 4 Disconnect alternator at output after a good battery charging Jfleakage stops Remove alternator and bench test Repair or replace WATER TEMPERATURE AND OIL PRESSURE GAUGESIf the gauge reading is other than what is normally indicated If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge isby the gauge when the instrument panel is energized the first undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with the constep is to check for 12 volts DC between the ignition B ductor from the sender to the gauge or with the senderand the Negative B tenninals of the gauge If either of the above gauge tests are negative the gauge isAssuming that there is 12 volts as required leave the instru probably defective and should be replacedment panel energized and perform the following steps Assuming the gauge is OK check the conductor from the1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the sender to the sender tenninal at the gauge for continuity gauge reads zero which is the normal reading for this Check that the engine block is connected to the ground situation Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground and battery is connected to the starter both plus and minus see if the gauge reads full scale which is the normal terminals the ground side wjJl not necessarily be connected reading for this situation to the block Engines Generators 52 CONTROL PANEL EARLY BY KEY SWITCH overheat condition exists and the operating temperature of the engine reaches 205F and sounds the alarm TheTurning the ignition switch ON activates the instrument tachometer will register the engine speed as it takes impulsespanel The oil and water temperature gauges will zero the from the alternator as it charges If the alternator does notvoltmeter will indicate battery voltage and the hourmeter produce a charge the tachometer will not operate Thewi1l start to record time The alarm buzzer should sound The hourmeter will continue to record time The hourmeter is onelectric fuel pump will start to operate a separate 12 volt circuitPushing the key wiJI activate the preheat circuit This closes a The circuit is protected by a circuit breaker located on thesolenoid on the engine with an audible click and supplies 12 engine Whenever excessive current flows the circuit breakervolts to the engine glow plugs Preheat as needed for weather will trip This is a manual reset breaker which must be A noticeable voltage drop will indicate on the before the engine wiJI operate electrically againvoltmeter when the preheat circuit is to preheat tum the key to START This energizesthe starter and turns the engine over Once the engine starts A CAUTION The builderowner must ensure that therelease the keyswitch It should spring back to the ON posi instrument panel Wiring and engine are installed so thattion and pop out of the preheat position electrical devices cannot come in contact with seaThe voltmeter should indicate a charge from the alternator of water135 145 volts The oil pressure and the alarm buzzershould shut off Oil pressure opens theoil pressure switch in The latest infonnation regarding your engines electricalthe aJann circuit shutting off the alarm The water tempera system is included on the wiring diagram shipped with theture switch operates the opposite way it closes when an engine Be sure to study this wiring diagram and all notes thereon PROPULSION ENGINE GENERATOR r INTAvweNT PANeL ASCSlY e 11 i 01 1 G Ii r I I V4 f 111 I O410Q1 cr II I I IIII rl I I I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I il I I I I I I I II I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I Ii II I I I I II I r I I I I I II I I I I I I Aeo 0 r I 1 I I I r I I G Jo I I I I I I I I I I I J I I 1 I I JI Engines Generators 53 2 Lightly push the pinion back and measure the return stroke called pinion gapThe swrtercan be roughly divided into the following sections 3 If the pinion gap is not within the standard range 05 to A motor section which generates a drive power 20 mm adjust it by increasing or decreasing the number of shims on the solenoid The gap is decreased as the An overrunning clutch section which transmits an arma number of shims increases ture torque preventing motor overrun after starting A switch section solenoid which is operated when actuating the overrunning clutch through a lever and which supplies load current to the motorThe starter is a new type small lightweight and is called ahighspeed starter Its differences in construction from conventional starters are as follows In conventional starters the pinion slides on the motor shaft armature shaft In the new type of starter the pin ion shaft is separate from the motor shaft the pinion slides only on the pinion shaft NoLoad Test A reduction gear is installed between the motor shaft and 1 Connect the ammeter voltmeter and battery to the starter the pinion shaft see illustration The pinion sliding part is not exposed outside the starter 2 When the switch is closed the pinion must protrude and so that the pinion may slide smoothly without becoming the starter must run smoothly at 3000 rpm or more If fouled with dust and grease the current or starter speed is out of specification disas semble the starter and repair it The motor shaft is supported at both ends on ball bear ings The lever mechanism switch and overrunning clutch inner circuit are identical to conventional ones B M STARTER WIRING A CAUTION Use thick wires as much as possible and tighten every terminal securely This is a sole noid shifttype starter which makes a rotating sound louder than that of a directdrive type starter WhenADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR detecting starter rotation at the pinion tip be careIf any abnormality is found by the following tests the starter ful not to come in contact with the pinion gear whenshould be disassembled and repaired it Gap Inspection1 Conned a battery 12V between the starter lenninaJ S and the starter body and the pinion drive should rotate out and stop A CAUTION Never apply battery voltage for over 10 seconds cominuously Engines Generators 54 3 Holding test With a battery connected to the solenoid terminal S and to the starter body manually pu outPerform the following tests If any test result is not satisfac the pinion fully The pinion must remain at that positiontory replace the solenoid assembly even when released from being held by hand1 Disconnect the wire from terminal M2 Attraction test Connect a battery to the solenoids termi nal S for and M for Have a switch in the lead and close it The pinion drive should extend fully out CONNECTOR OFF A CAUTION Do not apply battery current for more than 10 seconds when testing the solenoid HOLDING TEST RETURN TEST 4 Return test With a battery connected to the solenoid ter minal and to the starter body manually pull out the ATTRACTION TEST pinion fuUy The pinion must return to its original posi tion when released from being held by handSTARTER DISASSEMBLY 7 Pull out the reduction gear lever and lever spring from the front bracket1 Disconnect the wire from the solenoid terminal M 8 On the pinion side pry the snap ring out and pull out the2 Loosen the two screws fastening the solenoid Remove pinion and pinion shaft the solenoid assembly 9 At each end of the armature remove the ball bearing3 Remove the two through bolts and two screws fastening with a bearing puller It is impossible to replace the ball the brush holder Remove the rear bracket bearing pressfitted in the front bracket If that bearing4 With the two brushes pulled away from the armature has worn off replace the front bracket assembly remove the yoke and brush holder assembly Then pull the annature out5 Remove the cover pry the snap ring out and remove the washer6 Unscrew the bolts and remove the center bracket At the same time the washers for the pinion shaft end play adjustment will come off PINION SHAFT Engines Generators 55 SERVICE CLEANING THE the solenoid for continuity between terminals S andM and between terminals S and body No continuity shouldbe found between Sand M Continuity should be foundbetween S and the body and M and the body COmNUITY CHECK Brush and Brush Holder Inspection 1 Check the brushes If worn out beyond 10 mm replace the brushes The Annature1 Check the armature with growler tester If its short dr EW USED cuited replace the armature Also chck for insulation 2 Check the brush spring tension A weak or defective between the communicator and its shaft If poorly insu lated replace the armature spring will cause excessive brush wear replace the springs if suspect ARMATURE CHECK 3 Check for insulation between the positive brush holder and holder base If poorly insulated replace the holder assembly Also check the brush holders for proper staking2 Measure the commutator 00 and the depth of undercut Repair or replace it if the service limit is exceeded Also check the commutator outside surface for dirtiness and roughness If rough polish the commutator with a fine crocus cloth COMMUTATOR OD Engines Generators 56 SERVICEField Coil Inspection1 Check for insulation between one end brush of the coil and yoke2 Check for continuity between both ends brushes of the coil3 Check the poles and coil for tightness 2 Greasing Whenever the starter has been overhauled apply grease to the following parts FIELD COIL TEST a Armature shaft gear and reduction gear h All bearings c Bearing shaft washers and snap rings d Bearing sleevesSTARTER ADJUSTMENT AND REASSEMBLY e Pinion f Sliding portion of lever A CAUTION Before installing thoroughly clean the starter flange and mounting surfaces remove all oil old paint and rust Starter pertonnance largely A CAUTION Neer smear the starter fitting silr depends on the quality of the wiring Use wire of suffi face terminals brushes Dr commutator with cient size and grade between the battery and starter grease and fuly tighten to the terminal 3 After reassembly check by conducting a noload test the starter assembly in the reverse order of disassembly making sure of the folJowing1 Pinibn shaft end play adjustment Set the end play thrust gap to between 05 to 2 mm by inserting an adjusting washer between the center bracket and the reduction gear a Fit the pinion shaft reduction gear washer and snap ring to the center bracket b Measure the end play by moving the pinion shaft in the axial direction If the end play exceeds 05 mm increase the number of adjusting washers inserted Engines Generators 57 DC ELECTRICAL NOTE An isolator with a diode a solenoid or a ballery selector switch is usually mounted in the circuit to isolate theThe DC Circuit functions to start operate and stop the gener balleries so the starling battery is not discharged along withators engine The circuit is best understood by reviewing the the house batteries If the isolator is charging the startingDC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAMS battery but not the house battery the alternator is OK andThe engines DC wiring is designed with three simple basic the problem is in lhe battery charging preheat slart and run or stopEngine 12Volt Control Circuit A WARNING Shut off the engine battery switch or disThe engine has a 2 volt DC electrical control circuit that is connect from the battery when working on the engineshown in the wiring diagrams Refer to these diagrams when electrical or when servicing the DC electrical systemon the engine Checking for Proper Voltage If you suspect the alternator has failed perform the folJowing A CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery charg tests with the engine off 0 ing circuit never shut the engine battery switch 1 Using a voltmeter connect the voltmeter red wire clip to while the engine is running Shut off the engine battery the output terminal B switch however to avoid electrical shorts when 2 Connect the voltmeter negative wire to any ground on the working on the engines electrical circuit engine 3 Check the battery voltage If the battery is in good condiCHARGING SYSTEM tion it should read 2 to 125 voltsThe charging system consists of an alternator a voltage 4 Check the voltage between the alternator an engine DC wiring harness an engjnemounted terminal B and any engine ground If the circuit is goodDC circuit breaker a battery and connecting wires Because the voltage at the alternator should be the same as theof the use of integrated circuits ICs the electronic voltage battery unless theres an isolator in the circuit then theregulator is very compact and is mounted internally or on the reading would be zeroback of the TROUBLESHOOnNG A CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery chalgIf you suspect that the alternator is not producing enough ing citeuit never shut off the engine battery switchvoltage to charge the engines battery check the following when the engine is running A WARNING A failed aftemator can become very hot Do not touch until the alternator has cooled down A WARNING Before stalfing the engine make cel fain that everyone is clealof moving parts Keep awayo Make certain your alternator is securely mounted from sheaves and belts during test procedureso Check the drive belts for proper tensiono Inspect for loose or disconnected wires at the alternator 5 Start the engine 6 The voltage reading for a properly operating alternator should indicate between 135 and 145 volts If your alternator is over or uncercharging have it repaired at a reliable service shop NOTE Before removing the alternator for repair use your voltmeter to ensure that 2 volts DC excitation is present at the EXC lerminal if the previous test showed only bat tery vollage at the B oUlput terminal MANDO 51 AMP AlTERNATOR Engines Generators 58 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMBAmRY the manufacturers and then estab A WARNING These glow plugs will become very hotlish a systematic maintenance schedule for your engines to the touch Be careful not to bum your fingers whenstarting batteries and house batteries testing plugs o Monitor your voltmeter for proper charging during engine operation Reinstall the plugs in the engine and test them again Theo Check the electrolyte level and specific gravity with a plugs should get very hot at the terminal end within 20 to hydrometer 25 seconds If the plugs dont heat up quickly check for ao Use only distilled water to bring electrolytes to a proper short circuit level When installing the glow plugs use antiseize compound ono Make certain that battery cable connections are clean the threads and tight to the battery posts and to your engineo Keep your batteries clean and free of corrosion A CAUTION Do not keep glow plugs on for more than 30 seconds A WARNING Sulfuric acid in lead batteries can cause severe bums on skin and damage clothing Wear protective gear PREHEAT GLOW PLUGSGLOW PLUGSThe glow plug is a small heater installed in each precombustion chamber They run off the engine starting battery andbecome red hot when activatedThe glow plugs are wired through the preheat solenoidWhen PREHEAT is pressed at the control panel this solenoidshould click on and the glow plug should begin to get hotGlow plugs can be checked by unscrewing and holding themagainst a good ground engine block and turning them onThe tip should glow red hot You can also use an ammeter totest the power drain 8 to 9 amps per plug or an ohmmeterto test resistance 11 to 12 ohms TYPICAL GLOW PWG Engines Generators 59 NOTE The alternator connections and color coding described on the following illustrations may vary from earlier WESTThe alternator serves to keep the battery constantly charged ERBEKE engines Always refer to the wiring diagrams inIt is driven from the pulley at the end of the crankshaft by a this manual and also make a quick sketch of your The type of alternator used is ideal for high speed wiring before disconnecting for serviceengines having a wide range of engine speeds It containsdiodes that convert AC to DC and an IC regulator that keepsthe generated voltage constant even when the engine speedchanges A CAUTION Do not use any highvoltage tester such as a megger Otherwise damage to diodes will result During highspeed running of the engine do not discon nect the positive or negative terminal of the battery from terminal B of the alternator this is done diode failure will result Wdh altemators having Ie regulatorsJ absolutely avoid a short circuit between terminals Band L This would allow cuent to flow in the Idiode trio and damage it Do not start the engine with the lead disconnected from tenninalB of the alternator Otherwise damage to the voltage regulator will result ALTERNATOR When charging the battery with a quick charger be If you suspect that the alternator is not producing enough sure to disconnect the battery tenninals to prevent voltage to charge the engines battery check the following damage to diodes o Make certain your alternator is securely mounted o Check the drive belts for proper tension o Inspect for loose or disconnected wires at the alternator A WARNING A tailed alternator can become very bot Do not touch until the alternator has cooled down Testing The Charging Voltage SHAFT If you suspect the alternator has failed perfonn the following tests 1 Using a voltmeter connect the voltmeter red wire clip to the output terminal B 2 Connect the other voltmeter wire to any ground on the engine 3 Start the engine and record the voltmeters readings STATOR A CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery charg ing circuit never shut off the engine battery SWitch when the engine is running Engines Generators 60 SERVICEThe voltage reading for a properly operating alternator NOTE If the screwariver is inserted too deep the slOtorshould be between 135 and 145 volts If your alternator is coil might be damagedover or undercharging have it repaired at a reliable service 2 Hold the rotor in a vise and remove the pulley nut Thenshop or continue with the following tests remove the pulley fan spacer and seal Next remove theNOTE Before removing the alternator for repair use your rotor from the front bracket and remove the sealvoltmeter to ensure that I2 volts DC excitation is preselll at 3 Unsolder the rectifierfrom the stator coil lead wires andthe R XC terminal if the previous tesi showed only battery remove the stator at the B output terminal NOTE Make sure that the solder is removed quickly in less than five seconds If a diode is heated to more than I50 aC 310F it might be damaged 4 Remove the condenser from terminal B 5 Unsolder the plates Band L from the rectifier assembly 6 Remove the mounting screw and B terminal bolt and remove the electronic voltage regulator and brush holderOutput Test The regulator and brush holder cannot be sepearated1 Disconnect the battery ground cable 7 Remove the rectifier assembly2 Disconnect the wire from terminal B on the alternator S Brush and brush spring replacement and connect an ammeter between B and this wire When only a brush or brush spring is to be replaced it can3 Connect a voltmeter between terminal B and ground be replaced without removing the stator etc With the brush4 Connect to the P terminal holder assembly removed unsolder the pigtail of the brush5 Reconnect the battery ground cable to the tenninal NOTE If the terminals Land B of the rectifier assembly are The voltmeter should indicate the battery voltage bent damage might result to the rectifier Therefore the plates Band L should be gently bent at the center6 Connect B to the R terminal regulator7 Start the engine TERMINAL B BOLTS Tum on 12 volt accessories equaling the amperage output of the alternator accelerate the engine to the specified speed 2000 to 3000 rpm and measure the output cur rent The output current should be close to the alterna tors maximum ouput RECTIFIER REGULATOR ASSEMBLY BRUSH HOLDER Output Current 1300 rpm 2500 rpm 5000 rpm Hot 16 amp 41 amp 48 amp STATOR Cold 24 amp 50 amp NOTE rpm is thaI of the alternator The pulley ratio alternator vs crank pulley is 178 to 1 all readings are at j 35 liolts REAR OUTPUT TEST SETUP After removing the three assembly throughbolts insert a screwdriver between the front bracket and stator While SPACER ROTOR prying it remove the front bracket and rotor Engines Generators 61 SERVICEAn alterlUlte method for removing the stator winding brush reguotor unit and the Ie diode rectifier assemblyfrom the rear bracket With the front bracket and rotor Diodeassembly separated from the rear half of the alternator Diode troubles are classified as opencircuit and shortcircuit1 Insert a between the stator core When the diode is opencircuited no current flows In the and the edge of the rear bracket on the same side as the shortcircuited diode current flows in both directions brushholder Raise this side of the stator core away from the bracket so as to open a gap of about 12 inch Checking for Short Circuit NOTE Be careful not to allow the screwdriver blade to Check for continuity between the heat sink and the stator enter far enough to touch the stator winding cojl lead joint terminal and betwecn the heat sink and the said terminal If each test shows current flow in both direc2 Maintaining the 12 inch gap insert the screwdriver tions the diodes are shortcircuited Replace the rectifier between the stator core and the bracket on the rectifier assembly side and move the stator laterally toward the brush holder for a distance of 12 to 34 of an inch without lifting it from the bracket3 Insert a 2 Phillips screwdriver through this opening and remove the two screws holding the rectifier DIODE TRIOS 3 HHEATSINK ASSEMBLY Checking for Open Circuit4 Remove the nut anchoring the B terminal bolt and the To check for an open circuit in the diodes which have passed capacitor mounted thereto on the outside rear of the the shortcircuit test disconnect the diode leads and check bracket Then remove the third Phillips screw holding the with your ohmmeter between the diode lead and the body brush holder to the bracket reversing the leads If no continllity is found the diode is5 Carefully withdraw stator brush holder and rectifier from open the rear bracket as one loosely connected unit Checking Diode Trio With the bracket out of the way it is easy to unsolder the stator winding leads from the rectifier quickly to avoid Check each of the three diodes for continuity If any diode heat damage to the diodes and IC chips It is also easier allows current flow in both directions or does not allow to renew the brushes because there is no need to bend the current to flow in one direction replace the rectifier assembly connecting plates between the brush holder and the rectifier and possibly damage the rectifierWhen reversing this procedure make sure that the statorwinding leads are gently pushed back from possible contactwith the rotor body after seating the stator into the rearbracket Engines Generators 62 the stator lead wires from the coil and check forcontinuity between the three leads with a circuit tester If nocontinuity is found the stator windings are open Next checkfor insulation between each lead and the core If continuity isfound replace the stator Checking Brush and Brush Spring Replace the brush if it has worn to the replacement value Check the brush spring force Also confinn that the bnIsh moves smoothly in the brush holder Standard Replacement Value Required at Brush Length mm 18 8 Brush Spring Force g 370060 210 Checking the Slip Ring Because the slip ring wears very little the diameter must be measured with a micrometer Replace the rings rotor assembly when wear reaches the replacement value Standard Replacement Value Required atField Coil Rotor Slip Ring 00 33mm 322 mmCheck resistance between the slip rings The resistance must Runout 003 mm or less 02mmconfonn to the specified value Resistance Value 387Q 10 The slip ring must be smOth with no surface oil If neces sary clean and polish with a fine crocus cloth REGULATOR The regulator consists of a voltage regulator and a lamp relay their wires are gathered into a connector The VOltage regulator is used to always keep the alternator output con stant regardless of alternator speed and to cut off the flow of current to the field coil when necessary The lamp relay is used on the Captain panel only to illuminate the panel light indicating no alternator charge The 50A alternator has a builtin Ie regulator During alternator operation field cur rent is controlled automatically by the Ie regulator 1 Connect an ammeter approx 60A rating between the battery positive tenninal and its cable 2 Connect a voltmeter between the generator terminal LCheck for continuity between the slip ring and the core If and the ground In this case the voltmeter must indicatethere is continuity it means that the coil or slip ring is 0 If otherwise indicated a defective alternator orgrounded Replace the rotor assembly faulty wiring is suspected Engines Generators 63 SERVICE3 Tum the starting switch key to the ON position and the REASSEMBLY voltmeter wilJ indicate a value considerably lower than the battery vOltage If the indication is near the battery voltage a defective generator is possible A CAUTION Connect the altemator properly Should4 With the ammeter shortcircuited start the engine the polarity be reversed a powerful current would flow from the battery into the alternator damaging the diodes and wiring harness A CAUTION the ammeter is not shortcir cuited a large starting current will bum out the ammeter coi 1 Install the alternator support bolt through the alternator leg underside into the engine casting 2 Swing the alternator into position on the adjustings Increase the engine sed to between 2000 and 3000 rpm bracket and fasten Lightly tighten and read the ammeter 3 Adjust belt tension6 If the ammeter reading does not exceed SA read the voltmeter at that state 20003000 rpm The voltmeter 4 Tighten both bolts and recheck belt tension reading is the regulated voltage Torque values7 If the ammeter reading exceeds 5A continue charging Support bolt 2024 Nm 15 18 ftIbs the battery until the ammeter reading drops to SA or Adjusting bracket bolt 12 14 Nm 9 10 ftlbs below or replace the battery with a fullycharged one or NOTE Make certain the belts are perfectly aligned with connect a 14Q 25W resistor in series to the battery to the alternator and engine pulleys If not insert or remove restrict charging current spacers as needed to align the alternatorS The Ie regulator is of the temperature compensation type and therefore regulated voltage varies with temperature It is necessary to measure the temperature of the rear bracket surrounding the regulator and to use the measurement for correction of regulated voltage AMMETER CHECKING THE ICREGULATOR VOLTAGE Engines Generators 64 uses a variety of marine transmissions madeby wellknown marine manufacturers such as H URTH ZFBORG WARNER PARAGON and others If you parts repair work or an overhaul we recommend contacting the transmission manufacturer directly forinformation on the locations of authorized service facilities Engines Generators 65 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 24666 utI ot IIWoZw70WIOO 7tZl W I Doo I CQUPOCO scrYf OPtNOtRNOT useo SftlES Ilo ATE ATaR 12VOLT lOAM 4 30594 IRNr IZo SO4 33 24151 PAWliilESS rSlIlJlJtTS 3e Z4d80 PA COMPtEre I 31 Z4777 KeY slrCH I O 335 ALRM Zf 30944 OIL PReSS SlAI NC I 28 15025 Z7 12Aci3 WAr1t TSMP SIM AIO FUEL Ir PUMP I 2 lIlJ I AMTO CpnIYAl I sprr1Z QPIIIIIYAC II I 145Z 1530 GLOW PLUGS tow pues WOWOlJ W40 4EJ1111 NlIrfAl StiY SW PAilce 13 Nl71 SAIIE7Y SW WAfINlie I It Ars INSrfUers OIWPLETS lS 11532 uPPIPEIO Itlr Al1 I 17 2i5e1 TtKlr Ie 484 AlrtAAlATOte 5 A I S 14 23157 24Ju SENOEI2 wrJR rp SOIENOID l1I1 I 21JZ If 24S S5NDE1i Olf PIE UIIL P2EIIEAile N6 4 I JI 2iiII SOJNOt PReHIII7 I 10 24166 107 2 CICelr tJREAKe zOAH srANreR IfiIAlL CIIIl I 8 3002 HAINESS GAlCfItlE I 7 co i30148 11950 HAJNES1 PAEL KEY SWITCH I S 230Qo VOLrMETE I 119 SWITIf PREHEAT I 3 24133 01 PREJslRE GAUl e 1154 wAree iE cJe I I 1I7 TAHOllfrIJl I OPlION ITEM PART NO OESCRIPTION CTI ASS Sf Engines Generators 66 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 24666 10 10 r l I L Nores OIoJ L3IoJO1 lWlrCH JUS tG INfrAlL IN r Ie TO DIsCONNtrCr nJE SAlIrA cuculr 1110 we SArrs 1 F 1fi1lIIiIGENCY wH4 tF rHe 4l2 r or fLLSlt edCINE srluIAS rYCIY DeIII 200 TO 3901111 wnl CIIAIIlINC dE DUJIOTiO Oi INDIVIDUAL CIUAI CICis SIIOLllD OT EJtCID JO SECONls A SWire WlrH comNLlOUS 1101 OJ 175 AT 2VlC WILl NOIflMAlY 3IflIIG THEt UNtr IfUT SVC A WIrC1I LIS NiNR f usel TO WAJe rilE frAJI017R CIIilCUlr orHeA NorES WRNINt 5ENtEI CONdECliON CONrACT WITH B MAY DAMAfE SENPEo ALL fiErUIfiH AAe rliROUGH ENtIIIIE BLOCI Fa WIING al AUXILA1ilI AlrEiiNArOllS SEE rllc FOLWIIiG OIARANS Margeo eIII2J2 MOTOROLA Iza MP IIZ3 I LecCE IoJEVlIU 53 PTiJiJ5 14ECINEVIIU lOS AMP IGt140 I ADDnONA PRISsufE SWlrCHs eo I D TO srAer aAr ACCIsSOJgs A tllXI81e HOSE Musr BE RUN IJOM nlE OIL PtSsUE MNIFOLO To NGAIItY iJuIKNE1 AN AlL PKJSSlIgE SWNCNES MQIINrCI Ar TIlE J3UlvffilillO PPl SItASTle oe rtGH7 WOUND PLASrtCspLlce ElECTRICAI rAP AJOUND CONNECrORS CONNIiFCTEo CAU7lON rtIIS PIIIOIIIC oS porECrED y A AMUI RtSET ICllr eliel4IEIi 10CArtD EA rHl srArG AND AS COSE ro rHt rOLlCI oj CUlIliENr AS POSSflJl EXCESSIVI CURIE tAIoJ ANYWef8 III TNII S7AUMGN1 pE wlgNa t SilK ENGINE WI ALlIE TNII IJItEJE TO TP IN 10113 evNr MosT NtiIHS MaCEt s WI4 SHvr WA ElttA ISS rf OpeNEI 3 A Ii lIIUOHNIGrS IIIA EI SUI H1JiRFOIFE fIII 15U1lIf QWNEl 1111 51 sUIlI iJlAr mE rNSrlllIMENr PANEL WIllNt ANI ENtINI JU rNsrAIIib ro pliEVENr CONncr BlrwtE eIECrIICtIl DtVlCEf AND SALL WArlZ Engines Generators 67 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 33685 It IOOT I W fNOCII PAtCA SOL SCCoTt oP ENOR U tT NE ASCey 0e 10 IlIIkmwcmlWi CD I I I I NO USIO seRIES AIflW lOR 12YOlT 0 s 3714 SWIreI sTRr I 14iRIVATQiII rzv 5011 I PANSI 5 rS1IiNISAlTs g55 PANiI COMPIEre J I BL R I 944 all PRESS Sw NC I olies rlAre rzpr sw NO I A 3 1 VEl P i PUMP I 2 USill AMEr1i CPTiQN i I 25 OIS4 SPllTrEIZ 01711 1 24 145Z tiOW PluGS WOw61 4110 23 IIO GLOW P1uG W40 I 2Z NEUrlfAI SlJtIi r SW 1 1 21 234 NEVil SIIIETY oSW WRNEe I 20 IJ PANEl LUS INSrlltNENTS PANEl COPLsrs I 18 17 j 1532 lelS SVPPAlSSOAl 1II1r ALI IACAI Xli AlrERArOJ I Ie 484 AirERNA1OIi SI A 5 23571 SNOEJ2 WArJl TEMP I 14 24339 SOJJf I 1J 2qtJZ SEIVD I 12 2433 peeHEA rifle lW4 4 II Z3 O4NOIO NtA I 10 21iJ6 CIIiCvlr oRAK zo I 2 SrANrI AA AlC I 8 30022 HAICNErr isNCNE I 7 0481 HARNESs PNEt I I I31Ol3 KeY SWlrcH UNITON I S 23oiO VOLTIIUirSJe I 337q svunH PReHEAT I 3 24133 Olt PREfrV1 GAVGE I Z II ii4S WT4e roup tALtr1 I I 1IJ17 rACHoErER I rTEM PART NO OeSC1 PTION QoYASS Tl N Engines Generators 68 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 33685 IZVOC 8TTEFI AATCR to IRI1R N NoreS II IHlfIDEOWNEAJ ONOF JWlrlH JUST tJ lNrID 11 ns INt TO l1CONNEcr nUl STAIITel CIlltCUIT OM THE BATTISY 101 W iifSIItENCr WHEN 1eAVlNG rHi BOAr VQtISIL ENcuVE SrAies TYPIlY DEW zOO To 3001115 WHEN CJANlfIWC rle DUirrON OF NtDU C1iIIAC CYCLIS 51101 Nor ELCED 30 seCONDS A SWIn WITH CCNTiNlOUS erlNC OF 11 14 III foe WL NOJUt stJfVc THliSE UNtNJ Iur SUC A SWlrc MUST NIVUZ Jlt USiP TO WAKE H TNI rrAlrER CIfiClr OTHER Narcs VVRNlNG 5ENttl caNNEClioN I e 0 CONrACT WrH MAY CuMAGE SENDIl PRtHT All JErfJRN II rHROVH eNGINt BtOIK lIN f0 WIIiING Of AUXItIARY lIIrEIiNArOfS see rIt IOLLOWlIVG DIARVfS I OTOROLA 8l A M 123 2 START sw1 1407001 120 Mp 1Ii3 I LEC NIIVU 3 AMS LCeNliVlUe lOS AMP II 14 Ip ADDITIONAl 1ElM SWlrCNES III RItiD 0 oS rARi 80AT ACCE1S0RIIS pLEXI8J1 HOSE MUsr tJE RUlli tIOM rHoS 011 PIlIIrSVG MANIFOLD TO NEAIfl6Y SUIKHGD AIIID L PKlSSulfl swmHES 01OUN1 AT THI BUt IAt1 ALAR ApPI SILASrlC Olii rll WaUNO PIASTICoSPJlCe iLGCrIiICAI rAPE AIiOIlND CONHECrJCS CONNJUTED CAvnON rts PRopXT IS pAoTcrlio BY MANUAl ReseT CIRCUIT 81EAItIItJt OC TIiO NEAP nlE STARrER NI AS C10SE TO r Sou 0 CUfREN AS POSSIllIE EXCESSIVE CU1IifENr DlMlloI IVIwEPG rill NsrRVMENr PANL WrNC plfl EIWWE WILL ClUSE rNI 8111I1t TO TIIIP IN i1l veNT MOsT fNtfWI MQPi1S WIU Stun Jl9WA 8ECAUs1S THE ONolED Ii At CONNiC7S l1R 1 SuPP HEREIOllE E I15UfuEI OWNEI Ur Se SVe AT 1114 IHSTJliYMElllr PANet WIIiiC IIID eNIIIIE Age lNsrAILED 10 PIfEVtNr CONrCr SGrWtHN eLliCTIfICL DeVIcE AND SAlr rEI2w Engines Generators 69 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 36467 9 0 REO I I I WATER GlOWIl1UGS TEMP I 2340 14 SWITCH I DEIEDI1IG fI uMSER OF IOPTIOIoA I CY CERS IITI1I5T p El I 14 LT BlU I PREHEAT I SOLENOIO I 14lT BluE I OlL I RES SURE 1 SWITCH I E OoEsi j I fQl IUil SOlENOID to INOTE t L SEE 2 OIl FRESSURE SENDER I w USED SONE MODELS PTION wTI1 OUDT 5TUNT eGt P4HElI QIOCK PUMP 52 PI pzl I I ill e 3 if iOS i 0 t 2 ALTERNATO R 51 A USEQ SOME IolOOEISI I t Ie CIt e OQoj I r 1 1 Lut 1 I I I lARM i 0 ALTD J FUEL SOLENOI D WIRING lS TII w09N1IE IAMP IJz I I START 48L I I t I TH JIII I s ApJ II JY 01 I 41U I CAPTAIN I l4Blit fi I PANEL I WTt 7 isl I j I I KEV5WITCH tO FREHEAT lAMP 141J11I J TACHOMETER I I SWITCH 18 91K I I 881K I I le8l I I 1 RLK I I L 1 Engines Generators 70 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 36467 to 12VOC CB 20A I I P I I I I I L L I FUEL SOLENOIO O SNOR 1 WT SW SI SI 52 51 TACH PI PI PI PZ 01 AMP TEST 04 SWITCH 02 T 03 17 PREHEAT SWITCH ALARMSTART I TuRN KEY TO ON POSITION THE ALARM WILL SOUNOOIL PRESSURE AND BATTERY CHARGE INDICATORS WILL LIGHT 2PUSH PREHEAT SWITCH FOR 15 TO 60 SECONDS AS REQUIRED 1 ALARM WILL STOP 3WHILE CONTINUING TO PUSH PREHEAT SWITCHPUSH THE START SWITCH ALSO WHEN THE ENGINE STARTS RELEASE THE START SWITCH ONLY 4WHEN THE OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR LAMP GOES OUT RELEASE THE PREHEAT SWITCH TURN THE KEY TO TH E OFF POSITIONI THIS PRODUCT IS PROTECTED BY A MANUAL RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCATED NEAR THE STARTER EXCESSIVE CURRENT DRAIN WILL CAUSE THE BREAKER TO TRIP AND THE ENGINE WILL SHUT DOWN THE BUILDEROWNER MUST BE SURE THAT THE INSTRUMENT PANELyWIRING AND ENGINE ARE INSTALLED TO PREVENT CONTACT BETWEEN ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND SALTWATER 2 AN ONOFF SW ITCH SIiOULD BE I NSTALLED BETWEEN THE BATTERY AN 0 STARTER TO DISCONNECT THE BATTERY IN AN EMERGENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE SOA T A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RATING OF 75 AMPS AT 12VDC WILL SERvE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED TO AKE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT3 PINK WIRE AT PLUG Z IS UNUSED AND SHOULD BE INSULATED Engines Generators 71 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 36844 WATER wATER GLOwPLVGS TEMP TEMp 234otI SENOER SWITCH OENOI ON HUUilEAor 0 IORSj PREHEAT SOLENOIO 2 ill FUEl SOLE NOlOHE tl rt ZI 1 L OIL PRESSURE SENOER t ilII z SZ 12 14 LT ElIU w 0 AU 4 GREEN r I I ALTERNATOR 51 A ustO 0fI H COEISl I I I I I I I I I I I I VOlTMETER I I I JI 01110 ADMIRAL PANEL Engines Generators 72 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 36844 12 VDC STARTER GLOWPLUS PREHEAT SOL C8 C8 20A lOA LIFT PUMP P IC I I I L Lg I FUEL SOL NEUTRAL SW WTSNDR O P SNOR IJ T SIJSI SI 1 52 52 SI SI SI SI PI rl PI PI P2 PI PI PI PI TACH s C 0 p VOLTS ALARM OP WT PREHEAT SW NOTES I THIS PIIODUCT IS PROTECTED BY A MANUAL RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCATED NEMI THE STARTER EXCESSIVE CURRENT DRAIN WILL CAuSE THE SREAKER TO TRIP ANO THE ENGINE WILL SHUT DOWN THE BUILOEIIOWNErI MUST BE SURE THAT THE INSTRUMENT PANEL WIJUNG AND ENGINE ARE INSTALLED TO PREVENT OONTACT BETWEEN ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND SALTWATER 2 AN ONOFF SWITCH SHOULD eE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE BATTERy AND STARTER TO DISCONNECT THE BATTERY IN AN EMERGENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RATING OF 175AMPS AT 12VDC WILL seRVE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BEUSEO TO MAKE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT GRAY WIRE AT PLUG 2 IS UNUSED AND Sl40ULD 8E MSULATED Engines Generators 73 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 39144This diagram illustrates the IIA12 VDC negative ground oelectrical circuit Two panels are alsoshown the Captains Paneland the Admirals PaneL I 1 IL OTf II I J L 12 IIDC llllI HOTE AN ONOFF SWITCH SHOULD BE IN STALLED BETWEEN THE BAITERY AND ADMIRAL STARTER TO DIS PANEL CONNECT THE BAT TERY IN AN EMER GENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RATING OF 175 AMPS AT 12 voe WILL SERVE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED TO MAKE OR BREAK THE ClRCUIT lit Ie CAPTAIN PANEL r I lUI 1 cLO L Engines Generators 74 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 39144 1 woe r L I 1 Ttl 1 I U i I fUEL I y 1 I I Lm I 0wiRmOHLT I T ADMIRAL PANEL n NOTES I THIS PODUCT IS fOTECTED In A MANUAL IIESET CIIICUIT IIREAIIOEIt LOCATE NEAll THE STAltTEIt EXCESSIVE URItEIIT WILL CAU THE III1AIIEIt TO TRI AIID THE EMGUIE WILt sHUT DOWM TME 1111 I LOU 1OWII II IIUST IE SUIIE TMA T THE 11Is1llUIIIIT I ANL Illi 0 IIME AII INSTALlD TO f1tVENT CONTACT IlEnrEEII ELECTaCAl DEVICEs AND sEAUEJ z AM OIlOFF SITCH IIOULD I IJSTAlUD IIETWEEII TilE hTTlltY AIID nUTU TO DISCOMNECT TilE eATTERY III All IIII611CT AIID HEII LEAVIIIG THE IIOAT A SWITCH 11TH A COIiTlIIUOUS IIATI1I6 Of 17 AMIS AT 12 YDC WilL SEIVE THIS fUlICTIOII THIS SWITCH SHOULD IIOT lIE USED TO MAli 011 BREAI THE CIIICUIT 3 THE IIIK IIE AT LUG IS UIIIISD AIID SHOULD eE SIILATO CAnAIII ANEl OllLT 4 THE GlIAl lIRE AT PLUG 2 IS UIIUSED AIIO SIIOULO liE I NSULAT ADlliltAL IAL OIlLT CAPTAIN PANEL L TUT LT IIIU T1 0 51 AMP ALTERNATOR pBESIO lIE 7Z AMP ALI ST UORI AI HIlIIArOIl 011 THt e Ili IHe C ii ct m IZ o UN VERSAl I PRESTQl lIE PROPULS ON 51 AMP ALI Engines Generators 75 STANDARD HARDWARE TORQUESNOTE Unless stated otherwise for a specific assembly use the following torque values when tightening standard hardwareGrade 4 Pitch Ibft kgm Grade 7T 8T and 88 Pitch Ibft kgm 6mm bolt headnut 2951 0407 6mm bolt headnut 5887 0812 8mm bolt headnut 125 72116 1016 8mm bolt headnut 125 145217 2030 10mm bolt headnut 125 137224 1931 10mm bolt headnut 125 28939S 4055 10mm bolt headnut 15 130217 1830 10mm bolt headnut 15 268376 3752 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 25339S 3555 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 542759 75105 12mm bolt headnut 15 253398 3555 12mm bolt headnut 15 506651 7090 12mm bolt headnut 175 217362 3050 12mm bolt headnut 175 434615 60S5 13mm bolt headnut 15 325506 4570 13mm bolt headnut 15 579868 80120 14mm bolt headnut 15 362579 5080 14mm bolt headnut 15 7231085 100150 14mm bolt headnut 2 340557 4777 14mm bolt headnut 2 6871013 95140 16mm bolt headnut 15 542796 75110 16mm bolt headnut 15 10851664 150230 16mm bolt headnut 2 514767 71106 16mm bolt headnut 2 10131591 140220Grade 6T Grade 5 Cap Screw 6mm bolt headnut 4365 0609 14 UNC 911 1215 8mm bolt headnut 125 10S159 1522 14 UNF 1113 1518 10mm bolt headnut 125 217325 3045 516 UNC 1S20 2528 10mm bolt headnut 15 195304 2742 516 UNF 2123 2932 12mm bolt headnut 125 ISO 362579 5080 38 UNC 2833 3746 12mm bolt headnut 15 362506 5070 38 UNF 3035 4148 12mm bolt headnut 175 347492 4868 716 UNC 4449 6168 716 UNF 5055 6976 12 UNC 6873 94101 12 UNF 73S0 101111 Engines Generators 76 METRIC CONVERSIONS INCHES TO MILLIMETERS MILLIMETERS TO INCHESInches mm Inches mm mm Inches mm Inches 1 2540 15 38100 1 00394 15 05906 2 5080 20 50800 2 00787 20 07874 3 7620 25 63500 3 01181 25 09843 4 10160 30 76200 4 01575 30 11811 5 12700 35 88900 5 01969 35 13780 10 25400 40 101600 10 03937 40 15748 10 MILLIMETERS 1CENTIMETER 100 CENTIMETERS 1 METER 3937 INCHES 33 FEET INCHES TO METERS METERS TO INCHESInches Meters Inches Meters Meters Inches Meters Inches 1 00254 7 01n8 01 3937 07 27559 2 00508 8 02032 02 7874 08 31496 3 00762 9 02286 03 11811 09 35433 4 01016 10 02540 04 15748 10 39370 5 01270 11 02794 05 19685 11 43307 6 01524 12 03048 06 23622 12 47244 TO CONVERT METERS TO CENTIMETERS MOVE DECIMAL POINT TWO PLACES TO THE RIGHT YARDS TO METERS METERS TO YARDSYards Meters Yards Meters Meters Yards Meters Yards 1 091440 6 548640 1 109361 6 656168 2 182880 7 640080 2 218723 7 765529 3 274320 8 731520 3 328084 8 874891 4 365760 9 822960 4 437445 9 984252 5 457200 10 914400 5 546807 10 1093614 MOVE DECIMAL POINT FOR HIGHER VALUES eg 6000 METERS 656168 YARDS POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS KILOGRAMS TO POUNDS Ib kg Ib kg kg Ib kg Ib 1 0454 6 2722 1 2205 6 13228 2 0907 7 3175 2 4409 7 15432 3 1361 8 3629 3 6614 8 17637 4 1814 9 4082 4 8818 9 19842 5 2268 10 4536 5 11023 10 22046 GALLONS TO LITERS LITERS TO GALLONSGallons Liters Gallons Liters Liters Gallons Liters Gallons 1 379 10 3786 1 026 60 1566 2 757 20 7571 2 053 90 2377 3 1136 30 11357 5 132 120 3132 4 1514 40 15142 10 264 150 3962 5 1893 50 18928 20 528 180 4754 PINTS TO LITERS LITERS TO PINTS Pints Liters Pints Liters Liters Pints Liters Pints 1 047 6 284 1 211 6 1268 2 095 7 331 2 423 7 1479 3 142 8 379 3 634 8 1691 4 189 9 426 4 845 9 1902 5 237 10 473 5 1057 10 2113 TEMPERATURE 32 40 50 60 70 75 85 95 105 140 175 212 OF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 80 100 C Engines Generators 77 GENERATOR INFORMATIONUSE OF ELECTRIC MOTORS GENERATOR FREQUENGY ADJUSTMENTThe power required to start an electric motor is considerably Frequency is a direct result of speed asmore than is required to keep it running after it is started indicated by the followingSome motors require much more current to start them than D When the generator is run at 1800 rpm the AC voltageothers Splitphase AC motors require more current to start output frequency is 60 hertzunder similar circumstances than other types They are commonly used on easystarting loads such as washing D When the generator is run at 1500 rpm the AC or where loads are applied after the motor is start output frequency is 50 hertzed such as small power tools Because they require 5 to 7 Therefore to change the generators frequency the generatimes as much current to start as to run their use should be tors drive engines speed must be changedavoided whenever possible if the electric motor is to be driven by a small generator Capacitor and GENERATOR require from 2 to 4 times as much current to start as D Maintaining reasonable cleanliness is importantto run The current required to start any motor varies with the Connections of terminal boards and rectifiers mayload connected to it An electric motor connected to an air become corroded and insulation surfaces may for example will require more current than a conducting if salts dust engine exhaust carbon etcmotor to which no load is connected are allowed to build up Clogged ventilation openingsIn general the current required to start lISvolt motors con may cause excessive heating and reduced life of windnected to medium starting loads will be approximately as fol ingslows D For unusually severe conditions thin rustinhibiting AMPS FOR RUNNING AMPS FOR STARTING petroleumbase coatings should be sprayed or brushed MOTOR SIZE HP AMPERES AMPERES over all surfaces to reduce rusting and corrosion Typical materials suggested are Ashland Tectyle 506 16 32 64 224 and Daubert Chemical Co NonRustAC410 14 46 92 322 D In addition to periodic cleaning the generator should be 13 52 104 728 inspected for a tightness of all connections b evi dence of overheated terminals and c loose or dam 12 72 144 292 aged wires 34 102 204 408 D The drive discs on single bearing generators should be 1 130 26 52 checked periodically if possible for tightness of screws and for any evidence of incipient cracking failure DiscsNOTE In the above table the maximum Amps for Starting should not be allowed to become rusty because rustis more for some small motors than for larger ones The rea may accelerate cracking The bolts which fasten theson for this is that the hardest starting types splitphase are drive disc to the generator shaft must be hardened steelnot made in larger sizes SAE grade 8 identified by 6 radial marks one at each of the 6 corners of the headBecause the heavy surge ot current needed for startingmotors is required for only an instant the generator will not D The rear armature bearing is lubricated and sealed nobe damaged if it can bring the motor up to speed in a few maintenance is required However if the bearingse90nds If difficulty is experienced in starting motors turn becomes noisy or roughsounding have it replacedoff all other electrical loads and if possible reduce the load D Examine the bearing at periodic intervals No sideon the electric motor movement of the shaft should be detected when force is applied If side motion is detectable the bearings areREQUIRED OPERATING SPEED wearing or wear on the shaft of the bearing socket outAlthough individual units may vary slightly the normal volt side bearing has occurred Repair must be made quicklyage and frequency of typical 60 50 hertz enginedriven gen or major components will rub and cause major damageerators described in this manual are approximately as fol to the generatorlows run first with noload applied then at half the genera D Examine the control box at periodic intervals to detecttors capacity and finally loaded to its full capacity as indi cracks from engine and generator vibration If cracks incated on the generators data plate the box are seen engine vibration may be severeThe output voltage should be checked periodically to ensure requiring bracing in the box for additional strength toproper operation of the generating plant and the appliances it resist GENERATOR A complete and illustrated text on and ser vicing the WMD and BT generators is furnished in the fol lowing pages Engines Generators 78 WMD as well The housing with field coils is heavy Once the housing has cleared the armature shaft it should be supThe WMD model generator is a selfexciting and selfregu ported and slowly drawn over the armature Try not tolating brush style generator requiring only a driving force to drag it over the voltage It is four lead reconnectable for 115 volts or115230 volts and has a four pole revolving armature with INSPECTIONno DC brushes or commutator It has a solid state bridge rec 1 Inspect the bearing and replace as needed If the unit istifier in the exciter circuit AC slip rings a dripproof con going through a major overhaul bearing replacement isstruction and a single bearing design Voltage regulation is recommended7 noload to fullload and frequency regulation is 34 2 Check the field coils resistance values Remove the fieldhertz noload to fullload It is in insulation class F as coils from the housing Note and mark each field coilsdefined by MEMA MGI165 and its temperature rise is position in the housing Do not mix them up Each coil haswithin MEMA MGI2240 definition when operating at full a different part number and a specific position in the housload Its blower fan is direct connected to ing Incorrect assembly will cause low voltage outputthe armature shaft for cooling Capacitors across the hot legand neutral minimize radio interference within the limits of 3 Unbolt the armature from the flywheel Test the armaturemost commercial and civilian applications The armature is with an ohmmeter Clean the slip rings and polish using abalanced laminated steel double dipped and baked The field crocus clothring is thick hot rolled steel with a welded bearing supportbracket machined as an assembly for precise bearing align REASSEMBLY Reassemble in reverse orderment The rear carrier bearing is prelubricated double sealedwith an antirotation lock NOTE When assembling the housing onto the generator arma WMD GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ture be sure to properly align the antislip groove in the bear FREQUENCY 60 HERTZ STANDARD ing with the hole in the housing and install a new lock pin RPM 1800 for 60 Hertz The fan on the back end plays an important part in moving NOTE To convert a 60 Hz 1500 for 50 Hertz unit to 50 Hz the armature air through the generator for cooling In installations where must be changed surrounding air is limited outside air should be ducted to the Voltage Normal 115VAG 230 VAG Maximum 132 VAG 264 VAG area of the screened endbell inlet to provide this needed air Minimum 108 VAG 216 VAG for cooling and combustion as well Excitation Voltage 115 VAG output voltage supplied to rectifier Field Excitation Voltage 190 VDG approximate The security of the generator fan hold down nut should be checked at installation commissioning at the initial servicing of the generator unit and periodically thereafter 200300 hours The cooling fan securing nut should be tight1 Lift and support the back end of the engine so that the enough so that when force is applied to rotate the fan by generator is not resting on its isolators pushing on the outer edge and blades with the palm of your2 Remove the generator endbell cover This exposes the fan hand protect the hand with a cloth or a glove you should and brush rig assembly Remove the fan assembly with be able to tum the generator and engine without the fan slip its hardware ping on the shaft If properly torqued and the fan still slips3 Remove the brush rig assembly This can be done in two replace the lockwashers half assemblies Unbolt the two halfmoon assemblies Recirculation of generator cooling air through the generator from the frame attachment and lift the two halves away must be avoided The generator compartment ventilation from the slip rings Mark the polarity of the two leads on must be sufficient to prevent generator air recirculation the bridge rectifier that go to the field coils and unplug Insure that the screened endbell inlet and the screened dis these from the bridge rectifier The two halfmoon brush charge slots at the flywheel are not obstructed preventing assemblies can be removed from the generator by remov good air circulation through the generator while it is running ing the heavy output leads G 1 G2 G3 and G4 from their FAN attachment point on each brush holder Make a rough 03 sketch as to where each of these leads attaches on each assembly half There are 8 leads that are paired in the control panel to provide four reconnectable leads Inspect and replace components in the brush rig as needed Do not totally disassemble as this is not needed NUT flAT WASHER STARWASHER4 Remove the control panel from the top of the generator housing Mark all leads as needed for proper assembly5 Unbolt the generator housing from the bell housing A puller may be needed at the bearing end to assist in pulling the housing with or without the bearing off the armature Some gentle prying at the bell housing end will be needed Engines Generators 79 WMD GENERATOR ELECTRICAL OUTPUT 5 If no voltage is produced check the static capacitors that it is not shorted to ground If one is found faulty1 Remove the load from the generator and verify no output remove the connection from the output tenninal at the directly at the generator output leads with a voltmeter brush rig and repeat Step 32 Check for proper electrical connections Refer to the INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAMS FLASH FIELD COILS NOTE The generator armature slip rings and brush rigs 1 Units may lose their residual magnetism from extended are numbered from illboard at the willdings or flywheel storage or rough handling during installation or disas end outward toward the rear support bearing sembly and assembly for installation etc requiring the field coils to be excited with 6 to 2 volts DC to restore the magnetism to the generator This is done in the fol lowing manner Stop the engine and remove the generator endbell cover This will expose the cooling fan brush rig assembly anc rectifier Check internal wiring see diagram The posi tive lead from the field coils is connected to the posi tive marked terminal on the rectifier and the negative lead from the field coils is connected to the opposite unmarked terminal on the rectifier Using jumper leads with insulated alligator clips connect 6 to 12 volts DC battery positive to the positive of the rectitier and nega tive to the unmarked terminal of the rectifier for approxi mately 0 seconds This should restore magnetism to the3 For a residual voltage check disconnect the field leads stationary field coils from the bridge rectifier Note the position of the leads on the rectifier to and to Operate the genera tor and check the AC output no load on generator A CAUTION Be careful not to connect DC voltage to the AC terminals on the reclifiet as Ihis will dam Measure the voltage between the neutral lead and the hot leads 3 and 4 wire unit 25 volts AC each hot lead age the rectifier to neutral approximate If the residual voltage chcks OK you can assume the Remove the alligator clip connections replace the end rotating armature and brush rig are OK The generators bell cover and operate the generator and check AC output problem lies in the rectifier andor the field coils voltage If residual voltage is not present Check the brush rig and the static capacitors Check the rotating armature resis t23QvI tance values and the continuity check found under Flash Field Coils 25 VOLTS AC 25 VOLTS AC INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM BASIC 4 WIRE HOT HOT 612 vott OCBanery NEUTRAL 3 4 WIRE UNITS AC4 Test the operation of the generator by bypassing the bridge rectifier Apply 12 volts DC to the field leads on the bridge rectifier to and to Run the gen Armature erator noload Measure the voltage output at the gener ator leads Generator output with 12 volts DC excitation to the field coils should be 50 to 70 volts AC If 50 to 70 volts AC is produced this should indicate that the gener ator is OK and that the bridge rectifier is defective Engines Generators 80 WMD GENERATOR Check for a short or open in the rotating armature or in I the stationary field coils ROTATING ARMATURE RESISTANCE VALUES i j WMD 110 and 125 KW 1 1 ohm or less between slip rings 1 3 and 24 J NOTE 4wire units there should be no continuity found between slip rings 12 23 and 34 If continuity is found an internal short exists between these windings and the armature should be replaced NOTE There should be no continuity found between any of the slip rings and the armatures central steel shaft If j I continuity is found the windings are shorted to the shaft I and the armature should be replaced Rotating armature slip rings are numbered from inboard of the generator flywheel end outward to the rear support bearing When referring to 2 3 and 4wire units these II I are the number of generator output leads being connected to the load You will find on the 110 and 125 KW units that there are 8 leads coming from the brush rig and they are in pairs that are combined for a total of 4 output 11 J leads The number of wires can also be related to the RAil RAIL number of slip rings on the rotating armature 912 OF FIELD COILS BATTERY DC1 Field coils are connected in series and the resistance value given in this text is the total of the four field coils TESTING THE FIELD COILS To determine the resistance value of one divide by four Each field coil has a mounting position on the generator h Using a 3inch iron bolt or its equivalent place this housing and cannot be interchanged with another field bolt between each adjoining field coilshoes It should coil be held in place by the magnetic attraction set up When installing a replacement field coils the installer between the coilshoes by the 912 volts excitation of must ensure that the coil is correct for the mounting posi the field coils Should this fail to happen between any tion in the housing and will have the correct polarity of the four adjoining coilsshoes then an incorrect coil when excited with 912 volts DC is installed and must be removed and the correct one installed otherwise the generator when assembled The field coil shoes that hold the coil securely to the gen will not produce proper voltage erator housing are held in place by bolts that must be properly tightened when the coil and shoe are installed to LOW VOLTAGE OUTPUT the generator housing When connecting the coils in series ensure the butt connections are good and secure 1 Verify the voltage output at the generator output leads and positioned away from rotating parts with load applied to the generator check the noload con dition also Check the voltage at the load Check the rat To ensure the field coils have been positioned properly in ing for the generator and verify the load with an amp the generator housing and will have the correct polarity probe at the output leads Check all connections to ensure the following test must be made before reassembly of the they are clean and secure Ensure that the wire size carry generator ing the voltage to the load is of sufficient size so as not to 3 Connect a 912 volt DC battery to the leads off the produce a voltage drop coils that would normally be connected to the and NOTE Beware of motor starting loads and the amperage connectors of the bridge rectifier These leads are draw placed on the generator from these types of oads unmarked and the polarity in their connection to the Generally the amperage draw of a motor at startup will DC battery is not important be 35 times the amperage needed when running NOTE When removing the leads from the battery and Ensure that the engine noload speed is producing reconnecting them to the bridge rectifier you should 125132 250264 volts from the generator Lower no maintain the same polarity as used in this test plus lead load voltage can result in low output voltage at rated to on rectifier and negative to unmarked connec amperage output tion to rectifier Engines Generators 81 WMD GENERATOR Check the generator with a Hertz meter 5 Insufficient cooling of the generator Ambient air entering NoLoad Hertz 61615 51515 the generator should not exceed 104F 40C Operating NoLoad Voltage 130132 volts generator cold efficiency of the generator decreases as the ambient air NoLoad Voltage 126130 volts generator hot temperature entering the generator endbell increases above 104F Generators in confined areas may require3 Test the Bridge Rectifier The bridge rectifier may be the ducting of cool outside air into the compartment faulty and should be checked asiollows directed toward the inlet at the generator endbell The field excitation rectifier is a fullwave bridge rectifi 6 Check the condition of the brushes for wear and contact er This type of rectifier has four terminals two AC a with the slip rings on the armature Ensure that the brush DC positive and a DC negative The rectifier is tested in es are not sticking in the holders the following manner Connect one ohmmeter lead to the positive DC terminal and the other lead to each of the 7 Condenser Testing Condensers are built into the genera AC terminals in turn A high or low resistance reading tor circuit to minimize radio interference during opera will be obtained Reverse the meter leads and an oppo tion If a condenser shorts out it shorts the generator out site reading should be observed Now check from the put To determine whether a condenser is shorted stop negative terminal to each of the AC terminals using the the generator disconnect the lead wire from the brush same procedures as above Check each terminal to the holder to which the condenser is connected start the gen case and no resistance reading should be observed erator and check the output If the generator then pro vides power the condenser was at fault and should be If a batterypowered test light is used follow the proce replaced If the generator did not provide power after the dures described above If the rectifier is good the light lead wire was disconnected the problem was not caused will come on in one direction only by that condenser Reconnect the lead wire If the rectifier fails any of the above tests it should be NOTE There should be no continuity found between the considered defective and replaced lead end from the condenser and the metal case of the condenser If so the condenser is shorted HIGH VOLTAGE OUTPUT 1 Verify the voltage at the generator output leads NoLoad Voltage 126130 volts generator hot 615620 hertz TESTING THE 2 Check the internal wiring of the generator leads attached BRIDGE RECTIFIER to the brush rig and the leads from the brush rig feeding AC to the bridge rectifier One connection is from a hot brush rig and the other must be from a neutral brush rig SOLENOID WITH THROTILE LINKAGE The solenoid plunger must move smoothly and rapidly into the solenoid when the solenoid is electrically energized drawing with it the engine throttle arm into the set speed run position Failure of the solenoid plunger to bottom in the solenoid will result in a failed solenoid BACK H b TEST lEAD4 Check the field coil resistance as per the following speci fications FIELD COIL RESISTANCE TOTAL THROTIlE ADJUSTMENT Aluminum Windings LINKAGE 142 ohms t5 WMD 110 KW 35 ohms per coil and 125 KW Copper Windings FUEL SOLENOID 226 ohms t5 565 ohms per coil Engines Generators 82 WMD GENERATOR AC INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAMS 60 HERTZ 4 WIRE AC Field Excitation Rectifier Armature AC Field Excitation Rectifier Wiring Same as for 230v 50 HERTZ 2 WIRE RECONNECTABLE J 220 Volts I AC Field Excitation Rectifier Armature AC Engines Generators 83 BT A circuit breaker is installed on all current WESTERBEKE generators This circuit breaker will automatically disconnectThis generator is a brushless selfexcited generator which generator power in case of an electrical overload The only the driving force of the engine to produce AC breaker can be manually shut off when servicing the generaoutput The copper and laminated iron in the exciter stator are tor to insure that no power is coming into the for the selfexciting feature of this generator Themagnetic field creates an field which rotates NOTE This circuit breaker is available as a the windings of the main stator inducing AC voltage addon kit for earlier model generators contact yourwhich is supplied to a load A transformer is connected in WESTERBEKE DEALERparallel to the AC output of the main stator An AC voltage isproduced in the auxiliary windings of the transformer andmain stator and is in tum supplied to a fullwave bridge rectifier The rectifier produces a DC voltage to further excitethe exciter stator windings enabling the generator to producea rated AC output as the generator speed reaches its set hertzrpmAn optional solidstate voltage regulator is available to workin tandem with the transformer regulator to produce a morestable AC output CIRCUIT BREAKER AND CONNECTIONS DRIVE DISC PLATE IT GENERATOR Engines Generators 84 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WMD GENERATOR WIRING SCHEMATIC 24700 I I I I I PREHEAT I I I LlJ 0 11 I I lVDC J I I BATTERY BATTERY RETURN r 1 I 11illll I I I I l I J I I START I I to L4L J I I LEOffi r STOP I I eU 1 I I 67 J I I IL I I L I I WI I ICB l IJ IZOAMP I I I L I PANEL PREHEAT SOL I I 1 II PREHT 5TART oOL I I 1 I I r FUEL sOL I I START I I t L 1 I t t 01 L I LEE NOTE H L J tUl FUEL LIFT PUMP L LJ I I I STOP ElCH TEMP 5W J I OP CAC I I L wrt OP SENDER WT lENDER Engines Generators 85 BT GENERATO DESCRIPTION A circuit breaker is installed on all current WESTERBEKE generators This circuit breaker will automatically disconnect This generator is a brushless selfexcited generator which generator power in case of an electrical overload The circuit requires only the driving force of the engine to produce AC breaker can be manually shut off when servicing the genera output The copper and laminated iron in the exciter stator are tor to inspre that no power is coming into the generator responsible for the selfexciting feature of this generator The magnetic field creates an field which rotates NOTE This circuit breaker is available as a WESTERBK through the windings of the main stator inducing AC voltage addon kl for earlier mode generators cOnact your which is supplied to a load A transformer is connected in WSTERBEKE DEALER parallel to the AC output of the main stator An AC voltage is produced in the auxiliary windings of the transformer and ain stator and is in turn supplied to a fulJwave bridge rec tifier The rectifier produces a DC voltage to further excite the exciter stator windings enabling the generator to produce a rated AC output as the generator speed reaches its set hertz rpm An optional solidstate voltage regulator is available to work iil tandem with the transfonner regulator to produce a more stable AC output CIRCUIT BREAKER AND BT GENERATOR Engines Generators 86 BT GENERATOR guide will give you insights into prob NOTE Do not always rely on the vessel S instruments forlems which may be encountered with the WESTERBEKE accurate readings bring your own instruments for testingBT brush less transformer regulated generators Most poten Before attempting any repairs get as clear an explanation oftial problems are covered in the text of this guide Owing to the problem as possible preferably from an individual witthe simplicity of the equipment and controls this trou nessing the problem In some cases this may bring to light ableshooting is relatively easy once the relationship between problem which is related to the method of operation rathercause and effect is understood than an equipment faultKeep in mind that a basic fundamental knowledge of elec Bring basic repair parts with you on the initial trip to thetricity is required for this and always problem equipment such as a regulator board when that lethal voltages are present in the circuitry diodes and a bridge rectifier so that if the problem should betherefore extreme caution is essential when working on or found in one of these easily replaceable parts the a generator can be remedied early and a few basic tools are necessary for diagnosis and repair The internal and external wiring diagrams are important toolsThese are hand tools an amp probe and a quality volt ohm in this generator or any generator modeL Bemeter capable of reading less than one ohm due to the preci sure to have both with you and be sure they are for the spesion required in reading component winding resistances cific model you will be working on eg Model 125 BID rl A I I I I II I B aoo 2 4 b I I I I j I i 4 11 LIIIIII 1 1i 2 1 1N I I 1 3 JI I I I I I I I I I t 3 J J INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC G CD r f 0 RED 5 6 GREEN w w F J CD CD YELLOW i GREEN YELLOW 8 BLACK BLACK BLACK BLUE BLACKAVR 60cyc BLUE LYELLOW PLUG 50cycA EXCITER STATOR WINDINGS 1 2 D COMPOUND TRANSFORMER A1 and A2 Exciter Stator Windings 1 Compound Transformer Windings Selector in COMP position 2 Compound Transformer Windings 3 Compound Transformer AuxiliaryB EXCITER ROTOR Windings with VoltageHertz Connection Bar 1 Auxiliary Windings abc 2 Diodes 6 E SELECTOR SWITCH 3 Rotating Field Windings F1 Compound 4 Poziresistor F2 Electronic and CompoundC MAIN STATOR F BRIDGE RECTIFIER WIRING 1 Main Stator Windings AVR Optional Automatic Voltage Regulator Plug 6 prong 2 Main Stator Windings 3 Main Stator Auxiliary Windings Engines Generators 87 BT GENERATOR NOTE The following is a list offaults with the generator operation on compound COMP transformer regulation no A VR installed FAULT CAUSE CORRECTIONLow Voltage 70 vos at NIL and loss of 1 Selector switch in wrong position 1 Place selector switch in COMP as load is applied no loss of enginespeed and hertzHigh voltage at NIL 125 135 volts with 1 Generators engine speed rpm high at NIL 1 Check NIL speed and adjust NIL voltagecorrect voltage when loaded115 120 voltsHigh voltage at NIL and FL 1 Generators engine speed rpm high 1 Check NIL rpm and adjust NIL voltage 2 Short in compound transformer auxiliary 2 Check continuity and connections of 03 windings windings 03low voltage at Nil 0 5 volts with 1 Main stator windings shorted C1 C2 1 Check continuity and resistance values of C1 C2 noise from generator and loss of and connections Excite unit with 12 VOCengine speed when load is applied 2 Compound transformer windings shorted 2 Check continuity and resistance values of 01 02 windings 01 02 Excite unit with 12 VOCGenerator does not excite voltage is 1 Generators engine speed rpm is slow 1 Adjust the engines speed and adjust NIL voltageovolts at NIl 2 Short in the main stator windings or 2 Excite the unit with 12 VDC Short will appear as a in transformer load on the engine growling of the generator 3 Failed diodes on exciter rotor 3 Check the diodes on the exciter rotor Four or more failed diodes will terminate the rotating field 4 Shorted poziresistor 4 Visually examine the poziresistor on the exciter rotor The shorted resistor will be burnt This will short out the rotating field Remove and test runlow voltage at NIL 10 20 volts when 1 Diodess in rotating exciter B2 shorted 1 Check B1 and B2 in the rotating exciter as explained inload is applied voltage drops this manual 2 Bridge rectifier defective 2 Follow test procedure for the bridge rectifier 3 Auxiliary windings B1 shorted 3 Check the continuity and resistance values 4 Auxiliary windings 03 andlor C3 open 4 Check the continuity and resistance values of windings and correct at NIL but not at Fl with 1 Selector switch in ELEC position 1 Place selector switch in COMPloss of engine rpm hertz 2 Exciter stator windings A1 and A2 2 Check continuity and resistance values of A2 windings are open 3 Generators engine speed islow 3 Check generator NIL rpm and adjust NIL voltageVoltage correct at NIL but not at FL with 1 Generator overload 1 Check data plate and monitor load on generator withloss of engine rpm hertz ampprobe 2 low power factor load motor loads 2 Check type of load applied Consider use of optional are open regulator boardUnstable voltage 1 Engines rpm fluctuating 1 Check the engine operation and the fuel systemLow voltage at NIL and voltage drops 1 Diodes in exciter rotor shorted B2 1 Check the diodes in the exciter rotor as as a load is applied in this manual 2 Auxiliary windings in exciter rotor shorted 2 Check the resistance values and continuity to ground B2Voltage OK at Nil and low at FL 1 Auxiliary windings in the exciter rotor 1 Check resistance values and continuity to ground 2 Exciter stator compound windings A2 2 Check continuity and connection of windings is open 3 Auxiliary windings 03 or C3 open 3 Check continuity and connection of unstable 1 Defective regulator board 1 Check stability of DC voltage from regulator to exciter stator windings Operate unit on COMP Replace regulator board 2 Engine is hunting 2 Check engine operation and the fuel system 3 Electrical connections 3 Check for clean and secure connections Engines Generators 88 BT GENERATOR VOLTAGE CHECK failed components that can produce this same novoltage output are the poziresistor in the exciter rotor and 4 or1 Residual Voltage 1014 volts AC more failed diodes in the exciter rotor NOTE The amount of flOload voltage produced by the a Apply 12 volt DC excitation to the exciter stator generator can be an indicator of where in the generator windings as explained in paragraph 2 A fault in the the problemfault may lie main stator andor compound transformer windings This voltage is the AC voltage produced by the generator such as a short will cause the generator engine to load from magnetism in the exciter stator field This voltage is down and the shorted windings to eventually produce measured between the AC neutral and hot legs with no smoke as the excitation is continued load on the generator running at 60 hertz 4 Voltage output greater than residual and less than rated The presence of residual voltage is an indication that the output 25100 volts indicates a fault in the exciter following generator components are OK rotorfield B1 B2 B3 Excitation of the generator as 1 Exciter Rotor B1 a b C B2 explained in paragraph 2 should produce a partial rise in 2 Rotating Field B3 voltage output and when removed the voltage wi 3 Main Stator C1 C2 return to the original low output 4 Compound Transformer Dl D2 BRIDGE RECTIFIER The fault lies in one or more of the following compo nents in the exciter circuit A Exciter Stator A1 A2 The bridge rectifier is supplied AC voltage from the auxiliary windings in the generator stator C3 and the compound transformer D3 The AC voltage measured across the AC B Bridge Rectifier 0 terminals of the rectifier during engine operation is as follows C Selector Switch F D Main Stator Auxiliary Windings C3 120 Volts 120240 E Compound Transformer Auxiliary Winding D3 NIL FL NL FL 1020 volts AC 1020 volts AC2 Twelve 12 volts DC excitation of the exciter stator windings should cause the generator to produce between Diodes in the rectifier convert this AC voltage to DC and 140150 volts AC between each hot lead and the neutral supply it to the windings Al and A2 of the exciter stator Twelve volts DC is applied between the lifted and to induce a field through which the exciter rotor revolves leads of the bridge rectifier to and to The DC voltage measured across the and terminals of Correct voltage produced with twelve volts DC excitation the bridge rectifier during engine operation is as follows indicates the fault is in one or more of the above listed 120 Volts 120240 components B D or E If the generator does not produce 140150 volts AC then include A and C NLFL NLFL 1020 volts AC 1020 volts AC3 The absence of any voltage from the generator indicates a fault with the main stator windings C1 and C2 andor Failure of the bridge rectifier will result in a weak field being the compound transformer windings D1 and D2 Other produced by the exciter stator windings A weak field is pre sent due to the magnetism in the exciter stator which will cause the generator to produce residual voltage DC RED BRIDGE RECTIFIER Engines Generators 89 BT GENERATOR the Bridge Rectifier for Faults with NOTE Different stylemodel meters may produce oppositean Ohmmeter results from the above tests1 Set the ohmmeter scale on RX1 DC Zero the meter Should the rectifier fail any of these tests it is defective and should be replaced2 Connect the lead from the meter to point 4 With the lead from the meter momentarily contact points 1 2 3 and 5 No deflection of the needle should occur showing infinite resistance3 Remove the lead from point 4 and connect the lead to point 4 and with the lead momentarily touch points 1 2 and 3 The needle of the meter should deflect showing a passage of meter voltage through the diodes in the rectifier4 Touch point 5 with the lead No deflection of the needle should occur5 Place the lead of the meter on point 1 and the on point 3 No deflection of the needle should occur infi nite resistance Reverse the connections and the same POINT 5 should occur RECTIFIER MOUNTING HOLE INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM NOTE The AC terminal block has studs for 14 inch wire terminal ends Multistrand copper wire should be used and sized for the amperage rating of the generator ACTERMINAL BLOCK rl B 6 2 5 5 A I 8 ro I a I a I I I I 6 7 iIb 1 1 3 I 4 2 j 1 2 I I c I 1 2 b I I 2 I 7 3 8 I I 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD m I I I I I r r 3 I 11 2 L L 3 I C r 0 I r fJ z 10110101 0 G r 0 co I aI r RED YELLOW RED c KJ 0 RED AC RED I s GREEN AC g F GREEN uj I YELLOW r 1 YELLOW GREEN I BLACK BLACK I BLACK BLACK BLUE 60 eye AVR BLUE YELLOW PLUG 50 eye Engines Generators 90 BT GENERATOR COMPONENT RESISTANCE VALUES NOTE BT model generators are used on models rated lower NOTE Resistance Values at 70F 21C than the capabilities of the generator However the generator Simson Meter 260 Model is rated according to the capabilities of the drive engine since horsepower produces kilowatts Models 110 125A BT A Exciter Stator D Main Stator Auxiliary Windings A1 AM2 115 ohm C3 099 ohm AI 494 ohm E Compound Transformer A2 129 ohm Dl 0007 ohm B Exciter RotorlField D2 0007 ohm 81 105 ohm Transformer Auxiliary Windings 82 87 ohm D3 502 ohm C Main Stator Cl 0117 ohm COMPONENT RESISTANCE CHECKS C2 0117 ohm Exciter Stator Windings AC TERMINAL BLOCK rl 6 2 5 asl 8 5 A I I 1 11111 8 6 7 i 3 II 4 b 2 2 7 3 8 2 1 2 3 I I lrl 3 1 RED GREEN F I YElLOW i GREEN BLACK BLACK BLACK BLUE BLUE 50cycA Windings 1 2 A Winding 1 A Winding 2Resistance readings for exciter windings Resistance reading for exciter winding Resistance readings for exciter windingAI and A2 with the selector switch in A1 with the selector switch in the A2 with selector switch in the ELECthe COMP position are taken between ELEC position is taken between the yel position is taken between the green the positive and negative leads low white striped wire and the black white striped wire lifted off the terlifted off the bridge rectifier G Neither white striped wire at the AVR plug minal of the bridge rectifier G and theof these two leads should have continu red white striped wires lifted off theity to the generator caseground terminal of the bridge rectifier G Engines Generators 91 BT GENERATOR ROTORFIELD The diodes can be easily checked in place with the use of a common automotive 12volt high beam headlight bulb someAuxiliary windings group a band c Locate the three termi jumper leads and the generators 12 volt starting batterynal points on the exciter rotor for these auxiliary windinggroups Position the exciter rotor as shown in the illustration A short or an open in a diode can easily be found with theand count off the porcelain knobs from the 12 oclock point above without having to unsolder and isolate each diode toeither left or right to locate terminal points a band c check it with an the resistance value between the pairs of terminal NOTE Attempting to check diodes in place with an ohmmeterpoints A B B C and C A There is no need to unsol will give erroneous readings on the diodes due to the auxilder these connections unless a faulty reading appears If this iary windings unsolder and verify the winding fault There should When leads are put across the diode as illustrated voltagebe no continuity found between any of the three terminal passes through the diode allowing the headlight to glowpoints and the rotor shaftcase ground brightly Red White Reverse the leads across the diode The diode SDould block voltage passing through it and the headlight should not glow or it may glow faintly High Beam 12 Volt Bulb Does Not GlowIs Very Faint Exciter RotorRotating Field Windings See the illustration of the exciterrotor The field winding connections are noted as the and connections of the red white striped wires Measure theresistance value with your ohmmeter between these two connection points These connections need not be a faulty reading appears If this occurs unsolder theconnection and verify the resistance reading With these connections lifted there should be no continuity to the rotor a Should the bulb not glow with leads connected in bothshaft This would indicate a short to ground with these field directions the diode is open h Should the bulb glow with leads connected in bothDiodes Six diodes are mounted on the exciter rotor they directions the diode is shorted the AC voltage produced by the three groups of auxil In both a and b above the diode should be replacediary windings to DC voltages and supply this DC voltage to Check the resistance values of the rotating field windingsthe rotating field windings and the integrity of the resistors connected between the Resistance value field windings 11 ohms through the diode Rotating Field Windings 7080 ohm Reading taken between the two red white wires connected to the and Infinite blocking terminals of the exciter rotor as shown in the illustration 11 ohms Posiresistor Infinite readings between both yellow leads t I I lifted from the and terminals on the exciter rotor lnfinta Engines Generators 92 BT GENERATOR STATOR WINDINGS lifted off the AC terminal of the bridge rectifier G and the yellow red striped lead lifted off the VoltageHertz1 Group 1 The resistance value is measured between the Connection Bar There should be no continuity found lifted lead 4 from the red insulated terminal below the between these winding connections and the caseground transformer and lead 6 lifted from the AC terminal as well as the two main stator groups block Also lifted from the AC terminal block is lead 5 so as to totally isolate the stator windings of group 1 NOTE The VoltageHertz Connection Bar is located see illustration below and just to the left of the AC terminal block2 Group 2 The resistance value is measured between the COMPOUND TRANSFORMER lifted lead 1 from the red insulated terminal below the transformer and lead 3 lifted from the AC terminal 1 Group 1 Resistance value is measured between the lift block Also lifted from the AC terminal block is lead 2 ed lead 1 from the red insulated terminal stud below the so as to totally isolate the stator windings of group 2 transformer and lead 7 lifted off the AC terminal block see illustration 2 Group 2 Resistance value is measured between the lift ed lead 1 from the red insulated terminal stud below the transformer and lead 7 lifted off the AC terminal block NOTE None of the lifted leads should have a continuity to the caseground nor should either of the groups have continuity to the other 3 Transformer Auxiliary Windings Resistance value is measured between the yellow white striped wires lifted off the AC terminal of the bridge rectifier G with the selector switch in the ELEC position and the 1 red white striped leads lifted off the VoltageHertz Connection Bar Off this same bar lift the 2 and 3 red White striped leads that come from the auxiliary wind ings to totally isolate these windings There should be no continuity found from either of these connections to the caseground or to either of the two transformer groups SELECTOR SWITCH Selector switch F2 ELEC electronic AVR and compound transformer This is the optional configuration of the exciter circuit with the optional AVR installed NOTE With the selector switch in ELEC F2 position in which the exciter stator windings are divided one group is excited through the bridge rectifier and the other group YellowlWhite through the A VR TOP VIEW YELLOWYELLOW ENGINE SIDE OF SWITCH YELLOW r l BLACK RED GREEN r t BROWNYI rGREEN BLACK COMP ELEC YELLOW BEARING SIDE NOTE ON LATER MOOELS THE WHITE STRIPE ON THE OF SWITCH WIRE WAS REMOVED AND THE WIRE IS A SOLID COLOR NOTE There should be no continuity found between any BRIDGE RECTIFIER WIRING of the lifted stator leads and the case ground Also no The illustration shows the colorcoded striped wires at the contilluity should be found between the connections of two AC terminals and the colorcoded wires at the and the two groups DC terminals3 Main Stator Auxiliary Windings The resistance value NOTE When removing or reinstalling connections maintain for these windings is measured between the black correct polarity connection on the and DC terminals white and the brown yellow double lead connection Engines Generators 93 BT GENERATOR VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT VOLTAGEHERll CONNECTION BARVoltage adjustment is made with the generator regulation 1 Locate the VoltageHertz Connection Barbeing governed by the compound transformer 2 Refer to the illustration1 The selector switch must be in the CaMP position 3 Connect the blue white striped wire to either connec2 Operate the generator apply a moderate load momentari tion A or B to correspond to the hertz that the genera ly and remove it Note the voltage output from the gener tor will be set to produce ators 120 volt legs 220 volt 50 hertz The noload voltage should be between 121124 volts at 61562 RED RED RED hertz 222226 volts at 515 52 hertz BLUEjWHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE NOTE The noload voltage should be adjusted to the volt 3 age produced by the generator once started and a momentary load should be applied to excite the trans 8 MAX MID LOW former and then removed The voltage produced by the generator after this momentary load is removed is no load voltage 00000 Xl Y Zl3 To raise or lower the voltage shims of varying thickness nonconductive material are placed or removed from under the steel laminated bar on top of the compound BlUEI BLUE RED REOI WHITE WHITE YEllOW WHITE transformer The material used for shimming should not soften at temperatures in the 176P 80C range A small NOTE On some units A and B may be reversed To ensure reduction in noload voltage 1 at 3 volts can sometimes a proper connection be sure the blue white striped be accomplished by gently tapping the top of the laminat leads coming offA or B go to the numbered terminal stud ed steel bar to reduce the gap between the existing shims on the AC terminal block 5 for 60 hertz and 6 for and the transformer core 50 hertzVarying shim thickness by 001 inch 0025 mm will change NOTE The placement of the blue white wire from conthe noload voltage by 46 volts Adding shim thickness will nection A to B or vice versa when converting to 50 Hzraise voltage lessening shim thickness will lower voltage is only accomplished when the optional voltage regulator is installed as well Disregard this wire connection change if there is no voltage regulator installed 4 Connections X Y and Z are used to increase AC voltage to the bridge rectifier under heavy AC amperage loads the generator is supplying When this connection is moved from X to Y or Z to increase AC output voltage under load it will effect noload voltage and a noload adjust ment using the compound transformer will be needed Engines Generators 94 BT GENERATOR AC VOLTAGE CONNECTIONS 115V 50Hz e 230V50 fi 2 120V 60Hz 1lV H il 2 5 2 5 II 0 Ill 6 7 6 3 q II N L1 N L1 L1 N L1 L2 N AC TERMINAL BLOCKNOTE The frame ground wire must be moved when changing Maximum voltage drop acceptablefrom 120 volts and 120240 volts 60 hertz to 220 volts 50 at full rated output ampshertz For making connections to the A C terminal block use 60 hertz 108110 voltsterminal ends for 14 studs that will accept multistrand cop 50 hertz 215220 voltsper wire sized for the amperage rating from the hot leadconnection Should the voltage drop below the proper rate loaded excita tion can be increased to raise this voltage by FREQUENCY connections on the VoltageHertz Connection Bar Repositioning the two leads red white and yellow 1 Frequency is a direct result of speed white from Z to Y or X will increase the loaded voltage out 1800 rpm 60 hertz 1OO rpm 50 hertz progressively in that order2 To change generator frequency follow this procedure NOTE Noload voltage may be effected needing readjustment a Connect the AC output leads to the AC terminal with the compound transformer Do not use these adjust block following the diagrams ments to compensate for overload conditions being placed on b On the VoHageHertz Bar reposition the blue white the inductive motor type loads Loss of striped lead to A or B to correspond to the hertz generator hertz speed the result of overload will cause a selected Note this need only be performed when a drop in voltage output voltage regulator is installed c Start the engine monitor the voltage and adjust the engine noload speed Adjust the diesel units by the G BLACK I linkage between the throttle arm and fuel solenoid 60 hertz noload speed 615620 hertz t1 GREEN I 50 hertz noload speed 515520 hertz YELLOW 1 BLACK d After the noload hertz adjustment is made the no load voltage may need to be readjusted In most cases if the generator was producing the correct noload IAvR I PLUG voltage at the previous hertz setting it would be cor rect at the changed hertz setting INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC In the event it needs adjustment adjust the shim thickness under the laminated steel bar of the trans REDwHITE former TO HERTZNOLTS BAR BLUEWHITE BLACKWHITE 60 hertz noload voltage 121124 volts TO PIN 8 TO SELECTOR 50 hertz noload voltage 114118 volts TERM BLOCK l I SWITCH 232238 volts BLUEWHITE YELLOWWHITE e Load the generator to the rated amperage output TO HERTZ TO SELECTOR corresponding to the hertz speed of the generator VOLTS BAR SWITCH BlACKWHITE Rated Loaded Speed TO BRIDGE RECTIFIER AVR PLUG 60 hertz loaded speed 585590 hertz 50 hertz loaded speed 485490 hertz NOTE The voltage regulator was optional on early models but is not available on later models Engines Generators 95 BT GENERATOR 6 TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING CONNECTIONS Winding Connections Needed to Obtain the Proper Voltage and Frequency NOTE Connections 1 and 4 are located on two red terminals below the compound transformerN t 04 L1 J7 110V 50 Hz 6 5 8 44 II 220V 50 Hz 6 5 4 4 8 N f j Ll 120V 60 Hz 6 5 4 s 11 4 l2 240V GO Hz 8 N 6 TERMINAL BLOCK winding connections needed to obtain the voltage and frequency NOTE Connections 1 and 4 are located on two red terminals below the cOMpound transforaer Engines Generators 96This page has been intentionally left blank Engines Generators 97 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BT GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM 34651 12 VDC SEE BATTERY RETURN 1 BATTERY NOTE 1 L J GNO TO BLOCK l r 1 I IC a I 120A L 1 SoNon2REMOVE JVMPER WHNCONNECTING REMTECONTROL ANE Tel I I I I I I I I REMOTE CONTROL PANELoPTIONAL I I I I I i rr II I SEE I I r iNOTE 3 I I I I I I I TB4 I J r I I I I I I I r i t tU I LED I l fih21r I I I I I I I I I I L I I L Ri9rtl 4 I J I I L e J START I I I L l EEQI1 14R TIl 3 L REAR VIEW Itl oott r PRE HEAT I STANDARD INSTRUfllENT START I REAR VIEW STOP I continued Engine Generators 98 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BT GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM 34651 THIS PRODUCT S PROTECTeD BY 8 I1IUIIJflL ReSeT CIRcUIT 8REAKeR loCATCD NEPR THE 5TARTIERAND IlS CLoSE TO HE SouRCE of cuRRSNT Its PaSSeLf EXCESSive CURRENT DRAw IlNYWHERIE IN THI INSrRUI1NT PANeL WIRING OR ENGINE WILL CAUsE THE 8RIflKfiR To TRIP IN THS eVENT MOST GENERRTOAS WILt SHUT Do SIECFHIE TIft OPENED l3FifiiAKeR DISCONNCTS THe FUEL SUPPLY TIERFOR THE aUIlDeROWNeR IVST BE SURE TIAT THE NSiRIJ1cIlT PANEL IRING fiNO eNGINE ARE INSTAIIED To PREVeNT CoNTACT I3ETwltiiN clECTRICt1L DEVIES AND SALT WfJTcR M05T STARTER SOLeNOIDS DRAW IS AMPS THeREFORE THE VOl1AGe DRoF IN TillS CONcuCTOR NUST ae NO GREATeR rNfl IOIN Till RqTH FROI1THfi STANDflRb START SWITcH To fiN REMors SWITCHeS liNt BAC To Til SfNCAC STiRTER SIrCIf IF THIS REURE LARGe CONDUCTORS iIeN A RelA M4Y Bt qOPeO To CONTROl Tlfe S1IiRrR SOlNotJ ITSlifLF OP ERA T 10 N PREHEAT DEPRESS PREHEAT SWITCH FOR 15 TO 60 SECONDS AS REQUIRED STARTDEPRESS BOTH PREHEAT AND START SWITCHES PREHEAT ALSO OVERIDES LOII OIL PRESSURE SHUTDOWN CIRCUIT WHEN GENERATOR STARTS RELEASE START SWITCH ONLYCONTINUe HOLDING PREHEAT SWITCH FOR A FEW SECONDS UNTIL OIL PRESSURE REACHES 20 PSI STOP DEPRESS STOP SWITCH UNTIL TH E GENERATOR STOPS COMPLETELY WIRING SIZES TO REMOTE CONTROL PANEL TERMINALS a IG20 20 25 25 32 32 la 40 so 5065 TBII TO T8I 12 1 O IfO 9 8 7 G T912 TO TB32 14 2 12 10 10 9 8 TSh TO T833 12 10 10 1 8 7 6 T914 TO T934 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 TS21 To T641 16 16 16 110 16 16 16 T82S TOT842 Ie 16 16 IG 16 16 16 Engines Generators 99 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BT GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM 36412 wmBTURE 114 BEDPUR run SOLENO I D z z co o 01 LrlmrBE GROUND TO ENG I HE BLOCK II BATTERY SWITCH r fr tl2 YELRED N fI1EI 114 TAN tl4 BLU tl4 aRN 4 PURWIlT REMOVE TH IS JUMPER WHEN CONNECT I NG A REMOTE PAIIEL N z o e 10 ltD 4 Yl 10 ItDNT CIL WATER PRESSURI TEMP o o 10 IDWilT VOLT METER Engine Generators 100 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BT GENERATOR WIRING SCHEMATIC 36412 STARTER BATTERY SOLENOID STARTER SWI TCH r I L I PREHEAT SOLENOID GLOWPLUGS r I L I ALTERNATOR B I I 10 AMP I CIRCUIT1 20 AMP BREAKER START SWITCH1 EMERGENCYI STOPSWITCH r 1 PREHEAT I SWITCH FUEL PUMP I 1 STOPI SWITCHI FUEL SOLENOID EXHAUST TEMP WATER TEMP OIL PRESSURE SWITCH SWITCH SWITCH TEMP Oil PRESS SENDER Engines Generators 101Engines Generators ATMG5C 598
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