' Jabsco: 43000 0584 Ds Jabsco 30573 Accumulator Tank'
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Model 305730000 Model Internal Bladder Smoother and More Even Flow Quieter Water System Better Temperature Control Longer Pump Life Lower Battery Drain Simply Fitted to New or Existing Systems Compact Size Snapin Port Fittings include both 12 Barbed Hose Fittings and 12 Threaded Hose 12 Threaded hose fittings includedTank Hygienic Light Compact Impact and Pressure Resistant Plastic Construction TYPICAL 1 liter 33 fl ozMax Up to 125 psi 86 barPreCharge ShPressure 10 psi 07 bar ow erAir Valve Standard Tire Valve Sin kWeight 16 lb 07 kgDimensions 1314 337 mm x 434 119 mm ter a ter Wa ter tW He a HoLineIMPROVES MOST AUTOMATIC ld W ate r Co LineWATER PRESSURE SYSTEMS eck Ch lve Sin k VaThis Accumulator Tank is intended for installation in any Tanpumped water system controlled by a pressure switch For kF ill PARMATE 25 or any Jabsco pressure pumps Tank 305730000 das found in boats RVs motor caravans coaches and gar mp er Putrain 000 ter ksimilar applications S 00 0 Wa Tan y 364 ppl Su Ven tThe Accumulator Tank smooths water flow and reducesonoff cycling of the pump by lessening the variation inpressure and flow between the pump and the outlets in PARMAXthe systemThe even flow of water gives better control of hot especially noticeable with instantaneous gaswater heaters and with showersThe reduced onoff cycling reduces noise from the pumpmotor and from shock pressures pipe hammer It alsoreduces battery drain and gives longer pump lifePRECHARGE PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT HOW THE PRESSURE ACCUMULATOR WORKS PREPRESSURIZED BLADDER AIR VALVEThe 305730000 tank is precharged at 10 psi 07 bar If your AIR CUSHIONpump cutin pressure is significantly different you may custom 4075tune the tank to best fit your particular installation To increase air psipressure in tank shut pump off open a faucet to relieve system 10 psi 30 psipressure and adjust precharge pressure using ordinary tire gauge 010 4075 30and tire pump at valve in end of tank Pressure should be checkedfrom time to time To check tank pressure turn off power to waterpump open a faucet to relieve pressure Check tank pressureadjust if necessary Close faucet and turn on power to pump A B CFor best results do not pressurize tank above 10 psi 07 bar A Factory installed precharged air cushion B When pump starts water enters the reservoir At maxiSAFETY RELIEF VALVE RECOMMENDED mum pressure system is filled Pump shuts off C When water is demanded pressure in the air chamberIt is recommended that a relief valve with a setting of no more than125 psi be installed Often a relief valve is already installed at the forces water into the system Pump stays off untilwater heater Check its setting This will protect the system in minimum pressure is reached Then pump turns oncase the pressure switch fails Do not overpressure tank Pressures over 125 psi 86 bar may rupture tank and cause personal injury H IN PUS REPLACEMENT PORTS 12 Barb 306541000 12 Thread 306491000 For QEST Type Fittings CLI CLI QEST is a trade mark of US Brass P P DIMENSIONAL DRAWING 34 19mm 414 34 108mm 19mm 1314 337mm BARB FITTING FOR 12 ID HOSE 516 DIA THRU 2 PLCS 2 PLCS 134 45mm 516 8mm 2 PLCS 558 434 4 143mm 119mm 102mm THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE SUBJECT TO THE JABSCO ONE YEAR LIM ITED WARRANTY WHICH IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION UPON REQUESTUSA UNITED KINGDOM CANADA JAPAN GERMANYJabsco Jabsco Fluid Products Canada NHK Jabsco Company Ltd Jabsco GmbH1485 Dale Way PO Box 2158 Bingley Road Hoddesdon 55 Royal Road 32110 ShinYokohama Oststrasse 28Costa Mesa CA 926282158 Hertfordshire EN11 OBU Guelph Ontario N1H 1T1 KohokuKu Yokohama 222 22844 NorderstedtTel 714 5458251 Tel 44 0 1992 450145 Tel 519 8211900 Tel 0454758906 Tel 494053 53 73 0Fax 714 9570609 Fax 44 0 1992 467132 Fax 519 8212569 Fax 0454758908 Fax 494053 53 73 11 Copyright 1999 ITT Industries Printed in USA All Rights Reserved Form 430000584 Rev 081999
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