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Magellan to Anywhere Communication T H E M A G E L L A N G S C 1 0 0 The First HandHeld Global Satellite the horizon Out of bounds W H AT I T D O E S dispatch center via phone or the reach of civilization and have a GlobalGram delivered to aY our life takes Global Communications When your GSC 100 ORBWeather allows weatheryou to places passion or profession puts you out of information to be delivered to yourthat few others reach theres no longer a reason to be GSC 100 based on your GPScan even out of touch With the GSC 100 you There can now send and receive shortare no phone personal messages called GPS Navigation The GSC 100 alsolines in these GlobalGrams to or from anywhere on features a fully integrated GPSplaces No cell Earth Using standard email receiver for reliable positiontowers couriers protocols communicating with any determination and navigationor mailboxes Only you and your Internet email address or another worldwide Like all quality Magellanneed to communicate GSC 100 is easy GPS units the GSC 100 uses satellite navigation to guide you anywhereUntil now youve had no practical you want to go and back againor affordable way to communicate at the push of a button Thefrom the jungle the outback the GSC 100 will identify yourdesert or the open sea With position plot and track yourMagellans new GSC 100 the worlds course and store up to 200first handheld global satellite waypoints And it you have the ability communicate this informationto send and receive important text to any email address in themessages to and from anywhere on worldEarth And with its integrated GPSGlobal Positioning System receiver HOW IT WORKSthe GSC 100 keeps track of where you are takes The GSC 100 uses the you where you ORBCOMM network the worlds want to go first commercial twoway and relays global satellite messaging your system to put worldwide position communication capability in the however palm of your hand remote to anyone at With ORBCOMM service The GSC 100 communicates with any email enhancements such as ORB2You and ORBCOMM satellites on a standard address O RBWeather communication with the narrowband VHF frequency Your anywhere GSC 100 is more flexible and GlobalGramSM message is relayed via informative ORBY2You allows you to satellite to a Gateway Earth Station send a GlobalGram to a dispatch then routed to its final destination center that relays the message via using conventional phone or facsimile to anyone and methods To retrieve incoming similarly anyone can contact the messages just turn on your T H E R E A R E T W O G L O B A L G R A M F O R M AT S GETTING YOU THERE AND KEEPING YOU IN TOUCH With the ORBCOMM satellite network the Standard Store Forward Magellan GSC 100 is a GlobalGram GlobalGram convenient reliable and affordable way to communicate and navigate to and from anywhere in the world T o learn more visit our Web site at Or visit the ORBCOMMWeb site at wwworbcommcom for information on the satellite network and authorized ORBCOMM international service providersGSC 100 request a message check complete global coverageand an ORBCOMM satellite will get providing seamless worldwideyour messages to you messagingA Standard GlobalGram in whichthe ORBCOMM satellite is incontact with both a Gateway EarthStation and the GSC 100 givesyou rapid transmission andreception of messages up to 2000characters in lengthA GlobalGramin which the ORBCOMM satellite sees the GSC 100 but not theGateway Earth Station is ashorter message of up to 229characters which is storedonboard the satellite anddownloaded when the Gatewaycomes into view to completethe traditional and paging systems theORBCOMM satellite 36 offers Note Inter national usage is deter mined by inter national agr eement of par ticipating countries G l o b a l G r a m SM i s a r egister e d S e r vice Mark of ORBCOMM Global LP 1999 Magellan Corporation You There and Keeping You in Touch The GSC 100 is the world s first Messaging Features 6 coordinate systems including handheld global satellite communicator LATLON UTM OSGB Create forward and reply to email Plus with its integrated GPS capability NMEA outputs 01800183 messages Differential ready it s a global nagivator too It s Easytouse menudriven interface Sunrisesunset and lunar calculations convenient reliable affordable and with softkeys available only from Magellan Store 100 messages and 150 Optional Accessories addresses The GSC 100 Ships With Three font sizes Additional NiCad Battery Pack Message status icons DC Power Cable wCigarette Plug Telescopic Whip Antenna Insert current GPS position Carrying Case Rechargeable NiCad Battery Pack information into message Mounting Bracket Universal AC Converter PC Software Kit DataPower Extension Cable GPS Features DataPower Cable Software Update Cable External GPS Antenna User Manual 6 graphic navigation displays External VHF Antenna Vehicular Activation Instructions Fullfeatured track plotter or Marine Quick Reference Guide Stores 200 userdefined waypoints AC Converter International Plug Kit 5 reversible routes with up to 15 legs Main Menu displays ORBCOMM Status icons let you know if email Integrated GPS constantly updates satellite availability and message has been received sent your position and navigation message status read or is a draft information ORBCOMM Specifications GPS Performance Data Rate 2400 bps Inbound Position Accuracy 15 meters 49 feet 4800 bps Outbound RMS in 2D without SA Frequencies Uplink 14800 15005 MHz Velocity 0 to 825 knots 99 mph Downlink 13700 13800 MHz Time to First Fix Addressing Internet Warm Start Approx 20 seconds X400 Cold Start Approx 55 seconds Message Size Character Maximum Update Rate 1 second 2D typical Standard 2000 Navigational 2D 3D Modes Store Forward 182 Inbound Accuracy subject to degradation of 100m 229 Outbound 2D RMS under the United States Department of Defense imposed selective availability Space Segment 4 Near Polar Spacecraft 32 Inclined 45 Power Source 96 VDC Rechargeable NiCad Battery Pack AltitudeOrbit 825 kmcircular 1030 VDC External Power Physical Size 8 x 35 x 175 Weight Approx 32 oz Temp Range Operating 14F to 140F 10C to 60C Storage 40F to 167F Messages are displayed in 40C to 75C standard email format in your choice of three font sizes Case Splashproof Antennas GPS Internal Patch ORBCOMM Telescoping Whip Pa rt 9990095000 RevB 960 Ove rland Ct San Dimas CA 91773 Phone 909 3945000 Fax909 3947050 Email gsc100mglncom Web
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