
Hull number 49 -- Eagle Borne

I reciently received the following two emails from Walt, owner of hull number 49. Hope to here more soon!

I became owner of L-36 #49 about 4 years ago in Anchorage, Alaska. My first boat, she's beautiful, seaworthy, and adventurous. I'd really like to know more about her and her sisters. Evidently she was built in 1961 and first berthed in Sausalito. I have undertaken several maintenance projects and now contemplate a few upgrades. I'd have written sooner but all of my googles were for the word "Lapworth" and your L-36 website never came up. Please reply when you can. I will send a couple photos to your email address. Walt

Allen, As promised in my short message to your website, attached are some photos of L-36 #49, Eagle Borne (ex Roberts, ex Viajera). In the interest of keeping email size small, I've sent thumbnails where I could. I'd like to know more about my delightful little adventure machine, and meet her sisters and her sister's owners. Walter K Heins 907 360-5342