Technical Data
- Screws and bolts
- Taps, Threads, Pipe, and Drills
- Winches
- Metal
- Engine and Manuals
- Line and rigging
- Navigation
- Sails
- Sailing Terms and more
- Misc
- L-36 Specific
Screws and bolts
- Wood Screws Tables with key dimensions for many styles of screws
- Pilot Holes Wood screws Pilot Hole Size with discussion on which numbers to believe
- Machine screws Tables of dimensions includeing min and max for machine screws
- Screw Heads Dimensions for various screw head types
- Screw Length tolerences for various screw types
- Nuts Dimensions on nuts of all types
- Washers Dimensions of 11 different styles of washers
- Hex Bolts American/United National Threads dimensions from size 0 to 1 inch
- Torque Torque specifications for non ferrous bolts with recomendations for different thread pitches
- Torque Chart covers torque recomendations for most bolt types. A little harder to read than the one above but it covers more bolt types.
- Wrench Size Comparison of US, Metric, and Whitworth wrenches
Taps, Threads, Pipe, and Drills
- Tap drill sizes Two tables of tap drill sizes in decimal and drill number
- Tap and drill sizes Another Tap and Drill chart with columns for Bronze and Stainless
- Pipe Threads Outside diameter circumference for PVC, stainless, and brass standard pipe
- Drill Sizes in fractional, metric, letter, number, and decimal.
- Copper Tube Dimensions Tables for various classes of copper tube.
- High resolution Barient Catalog
- Service Manuals Winch service manuals for Barient, Barlow, and some Lewmar winches
- Winch Grease Winch grease recommended by Andersen Winches (equivalent)
- Winch Power Recomendation Based on Brion Toss formula
- Sheet metal Thickness guide for Gauge 7-31 for Steel,Carbon Steel,Galvanized,Stainless, and Aluminum
- Yield Strength Strength of Stainless, Bronze, and Aluminum
- Corrosion Control Galvanic Tables and some notes on corrosion. See also article on bonding
- Stainless Steel All your frequently asked questions (FAQ) answered regarding Stainless Steel
Engines and Manuals
- Over 400 Manuals, listed alphabetically covering a variety of marine equipment, engines, radios, rafts, pumps, auot pilots, and more.
- Voltage Regularoy Switching from old Leece-Neville Regulator to a solid state 3 terminal Voltage Regularoy
- Marvel Schebuler Updraft Carburetor Manual (hard to find vary popular page)
- Gray Marine 4 and 6 Cyclinder Gasoline Engine Manual (1938-1958 Models)
Line and rigging
- Line Stretch Calculator Line strength, percent stretch, or inches stretch for dozens of lines in sizes from 7/64 to 3/4"
- The Famous Load Testing Page from the wayback machine
- Sailing Anarchy thread associated with above link
- My preferred bend for Amsteel
- Great paper on knots for Tree Climbing. Lots of infomration here.
- How to Clean Line
- Loos Gauge Cross Reference Compare readings on Model A, B, and PT series.
- Static Bend strength loss in Dyneema
- Technical Articles on Rope Strength and Knots
- Ashley Book of Knots Book review with page preview of any page plus the folowing page
- Knots, Splices, and Rope Work A practical treatise by A. Hyatt Verrill
- Diamond Knot. This is the knot used as the stopper knot in a soft shackle. See how to tie it.
- Splicing Instructions for a few common of line types
- Block Systems Basic theory and technical information on the various standard block systems
- Loos PT Gauges How to use the Loos PT tension gages
- Breaking Strength of various recreational marine ropes
- Line Selection guide Link to the Samson site and their line selection guide
- Jibsheet Load Calculator based on the "Harken" formula
- Twine Size Reference Table/ Chart chart for sizes #4 to #72
- Great paper on knots for Tree Climbing. Lots of infomration here.
- United States Coast Guard Navigation Rules International and Inland. COMDTINST M16672.2C (Obsolete)
- Lights List Overview Discusses several tools to quickly find Waypoints.
- Map Interface to Light List and Waypoint Editor/ Route creator
- Waypoint Editor
- GPS GPX Batch Waypoint and Route Creator Enter Waypoints and create routes in bulk.
- Convert between various Latitude-Longitude formats and past results into your other programs
- Print your own NOAA charts
- OpenCPN The best free navigation program is OpenCPN. It will run on Windows or Linux
- iPhone Navigation Navionics. A very nice way to turn a smart phone into a chart plotter for $9.95. 10 Euros for the Android version.
- NavPacProDemo Free navigation program that does everything except do real time GPS plotting
- Nav Pac SF Bay Chart Large chart of most of SF Bay north and south for use with NavPac Demo
- The American Practical Navigator an epitome of Navigation. First edition was published in 1802, this is the bicentennial edition published in 2002
- Chart Number One. Chart No 1 is the publication that defines all that you see on any navigation chart. If your life depends on knowing what the symbols and markings mean on a chart, read this publication like your life depended on it.
- Distances between Ports
- The International Code of Signals
- LP Calculator Calculate the LP and % of a sail given the 2 sides and J
- Sail Area calculator based on I J or J and Luff as well as sail size (%).
- Dimensions and sail area calculations for thousands of boats. Click through to the boat specific page. Data is shown from several leading sources.
- Used Sails Vendor listing of used sais that fit your boat. Thousands of boats to select from.
Sailing Terms and More
- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
- Points of Sail
- Parts of a Boat
- Parts of a Sail
- Jib Trim
- Knots
- Right of Way
- Signal Flags
- Polars for 127 different boats.
- Battery Data shows voltage for various states of charge.
- Conversion factors for Length, Area, Volume, and more
- Manuals. If you need one, it might be here. Over 400 misc manuals on this page
- Fraction equivalent Table of fractions and their decimal equivalent values from 1/64 to 1 inch
- Sealants An interesting article on caulking and sealants from Good Old Boat web site
- Various Technical Articles from the 1970's -- but still interesting
L-36 Specific
- L-36 drawings Three line drawings useful to illustrate articles on L-36s
- Blueprint of L-36 Page with a link to a large jpg of the L-36 blueprints.
- L-36 dimenstions complete Bob's list of dimensions for Eventide. Includes all dimensions, lengths , weight, etc.
- L-36 Owners Roster This is what started it all but it has gotten out of date over all these years so it sits here at the bottom of the data page.
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