
Enkes. Winches

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I ARNITE Arnite winches are ideal for primary and secondary use on small boats They also make an ideal accessory winch on larger boats forfeefing topping lifts outhauls etc Arnite is a glass reinforced material that yields excellent durability and light weight All bases are black anodized aluminum for ultimate strength Pawls and pawl sprifigs i TWO The most popular line of winches Counter rotation automatically produces gear and speec changes All center shafts are stainless steel All principal gears housings and bases are nickel aluminum bronze are stainless steel Arnite winches have the same appearance as black anodized aluminum SPEED NO 2 Snubbing NO 18 Geared 90 mrn 356 in 60 mm 236 in 175 rnm 688 in Black anodized alurnnurn Black anodized aluminum Stainless steel Stainless steel 5 x 8 rnrn 31 in hexagonal head bolt on 130 mm 5 13 in bolt Power ratios 7 1 15 1 Gear ratios 1 1 2 1 2 Power ratios 7 1 29 1 NO6 Direct Action NonRatcheting 70 mrn 275 tn NO 36 Geared 102 rnm 400 in 95 mm 3 81 in 142 mm 5 59 in 220 mrn 864 in 280 rnm 1 102 in 1 Alloys BrCrP 19 kg 42 Ibs Bronze chrome plated SS 17 6 kg 387 Ibs SS 253 kg 55 8 Ibs SS 370 kg 81 5 Ibs Black anodized aluminum Black anodized aluminum screw on 70 rnrn 275 in bolt 4 x 6 mrn 25 in countersunk Stainless steel Stainless steel Aluminum black anodized circle 5 head screws for BrCrP head screw on 66 mm 26 in Aluminum model has black anodized base Four primary roller reduce friction Winch base black bearings four secondary rollers a anodized aluminum bearing and a synthetic anti thrust bearing and synthetic anti Power ratio 9 1 a thrust bearing and a synthetic friction spacer ring friction spacer rings between model has black anodized base Pnrar rzrrin 0 between base and drum r antifriction spacer ring a e a Enkes fully guarantees the quality o f each alloy winch you buy Should any part prove to be defective during normal use i t may be returned for repair or replacement without charge Naturally this guarantee does not apply to damage resulting from lack of maintenance improper installation accident or misuse nor does i t apply to failure caused by applications which do not conform with Enkes Nor does it cover work done by firms other than Enkes Lloyds Certificate Enkes aualitv control is under the supervision and inspection of l o dIegister s of Shipping purposes each winch is stamped next to the serial number wichtig dass die v f r m i d e richtige Einsteilungzu beginningof thesailing bffnung des rlchtig elngestelit 1st Die IAbb 8 i e h hierzu e t nebenstehendg haveto bethoroughly Einstellung 1st abhBngig vom Schottyp und Durchmesser dieser Tabelie Richtlinie Nachdem nunmehr die Winde in lubricationof the gearwe Schot Die VfOrmige Offnung kann mittels Filllringe die bei umgekehrter Reihenlolge wieder montiert wurde 1st diese betriebs MolykoteAn Enkeswinch jeder Winde in verschiedenen Stlrken mitgeliefert sind einge stelit werden Damit diese bereit Die Schot sol1 minimal 3TOrns um die Trommel gelegt werden und Typen 28 32easy power makingsailing areal Filllringe nlcht verloren gehen dann uber den Schotpleasure sind diese bei einer neuen Winde in dieVfbrmige gieich montiert Dadurch 1st die Winde auf keine bestimmte Schot bffnung des greifen dem elgentlichen Self installation and rq gleichzeitig auf das GehBuse montiert Abb 5 bezw Durchmesser dieser Schot Fiiliringe Tailer directionsfor Die Winde ist richtia montiert am Boot rvenn die n o r d n u n soist Winde DiameterSchot Vor Beginn der Segelsaison use of EnkesUm eineoptimale Funktlon der dass dle hoiende Part der SchotWinde zu bekommen solite beachten leicht abschussig zur Winde Idult 12 14 16 18 solite man die Winde demontieren und sorgfBltigmit selftailing Bei der Montage 1st zu beachten 28 01 115 152 Petroleum reinigen Anschllessend erfolgt dle Winches28 32 i dass der so steht dass die Schot i o n dem 32 01 115 152 Schmlerung m i l SpeziaiEnkes die Montage auf dem Boot 1st Schotgreifring in einemdie Trommel mit dem Schot geeignetem Abstand sich selber Eine EnkesWinde vom GehBuse aufschiesst Abb 6 Schwerstarbeit federieicht und macht das Segeln zu elngilit Dieses geschieht durch IOsen der Die Einstellung miisste daher die seitlich am selber nacheloener e Erfahruno silzt 1Abb Fur ein einwandfreies vorqendmmen werden Um anldie11 Eln as sender Fllnktionieren der Winde 1st es Fiiiiringe zu gelangen 1st derwird mitgeiiefert zu entfernen und sodass dannbie werden glelchzeitig durch dsen aer Abb 2 anzuheben 1st Abb 7 Danachan demontiert das Gehduse einen oder mehrere lasen der l0nf Bolzen Fiillringe entfernen um die Nunmehr kann das GehBuse oder Bolzen Booi montiert werden selftailing Abb 4 Enkes Marine BVDanach wird der mit der Trommel wieder pb2 5720 AA AsteniHolled TeI 0493131446 Telex sybol5730 nt Enkes Winden 28 32 Om van een goede j The baseplatecanbe mounted with werkingvan de lier dient men het bovenschljf e countersunk onderstaande in achtte nemen worden afaenomen door he1 the boatFig 4 iosnemenian de vier Montage fig 7 Waarna mende gewenste vuiringen Drum and feeder armere replaced Om de lier OP hetschipte kunnen aanbrengt fig 8 1 the base Fig 5 monleren moelde boiderende The wnchis well mountedif tho schootgeieder worden afgenomen Uit sheeliscomins tothedrumon a l e r t o i i o smen l met de gebruikl slight rising lel meegeleverde lmbussleulelde richllijn kiembout van de schootgeieider Theposlion ofthe feaderarm haslo fig 1 bechosenin away lhatlhe loose part Ller Schooldiemeter of the sheelthat passedthejews De boider opde Iuiste meet is ingesteid To acquire en optimum operating of well tails turns around thedrum and it goes kunnennu the winches the Fig 6 through thefeeder armtolheiaws afgenomen fig 2 Deze maal is winches some angled and kweliteit en Directionstor use taperedto feed when necessan also mende gebikenschoot Mounting dcor he1 De Vvormiae openins is instelbear For agood selltaling performanceit die blj Toinstall the winch on the boat first is very are Diagram lorthe 3 elke her In the feeder arm and lhedrum has to adjusted to the proper Vsize An to use for various rope diameters worden meegelevera Deze rlngen be removed adjustmentlo the most frequently Dearondrlna kan nu melverzcnken worden thesuppiied Alienboil key the used ropediameter of lhesheelsor Winch Ropediameter koGchroeven of boulen slevigop bolder Ailenbolt of the feeder arm Fig 1 lines Thelaws are aajustabieby helschlp worden bevesligd fig4 Om ver meansolwashers varloussizesof 12 14 16 18 voorkomen zijn alievulringen isdelier The feeder armand thedrumcan be Bolder en aangebracht DII belekentdalde lier laken spacer rings suppiledwith the winch These washers are fitted behveen 28 01 115 152 vooigeen enkele schootaikleis aangebracht fig 5 ngesled Dll Instellen dienldoor De school slagen The next the loss all the washers are 32 01 115 152 uzeifte geschieden om de bolder worden gelegden housing from Ihe baseplate by fittedon a newwinch De lier he1haiende oarlvan deschoot men eerst de vervolgens over de schootgeieider in de bolls Fig 3 That meansthatthe winch is not vet adjusted to acertain rope diameier schuinoplopend de bier bereikt gelrokken You have lo do lhatvourself Rrsl Destandvan remove the feeder aknandlifl up the zodanlg gekozenword dat het Ondorhoud iaws Unscrewthe four Ailenboltson losse part van de schootvrij kan tha Rg 7 vaiien in een daervoor geschikte mendeiier h rornOvenext one or more ruimte lli6 ledemonloron zuiver te wassen met s to obtain the right pelroleumen dedraaiende delen d itmen1 Fig 8 accordingtothe lichl In le venen met Molykotevet dhpram oorae hgishetvan Een en nacht I ev9wtling isrssembled thewinch hetgroatster s Vvormige wacht is reaoy 13 use forselftailing use openlng ran lie eile The shttetna have at least three USA R e t a i Price L i s t S I N G L E SPEED WINCHES6A Alum TonRatcheting 60008A Alum Ratche t i n g 105008C Chrome R a t c h e t i n g 1080012A Alum R a t c h e t i n g 16000125 S t S t Ratcheting 20500 Alum Geared S t S t Geared A l u m Geared Chrome Geared S t S t Geared Alum Geared Chrome Geared S t S t Geared Alum Geared S t S t Geared A l u m Geared S t S t Geared A l u m Geared S t S t Geared Alum Geared 189200 S t S t Geared 245200 A l l Three Speed inches THREE SPEED WINCHES I n c l u d e 10 LTC Handle2 8 3 Alum Three Speed 1020002 8 3 S t S t Three Speed 1350003 2 3 Alum Three Speed3 2 3 S t S t Three Speed3 6 3 Alum Three Speed3 6 3 S t S t Three Speed SELFTAILING WINCHES18STA Alum One Speed ST18STS S t S t One Speed ST Alum Two Speed ST S t S t Two Speed ST Alum Two Speed ST S t S t Two Speed ST Alum Two Speed ST S t S t Two Speed ST Alum Two Speed ST S t S t Two Speed ST 139000 Effective Alum Two Speed ST 152000 J a n u a r y 1 1981 S t S t Two Speed ST 185000 f A l l Handles f i t t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Standard CODE AAluminum CChrome over Bronze S t S t S t a i n l e s s S t e e l LLockin SStandard DDouble Grip TThree Speed STSelfTailing WINCH HANDLES I 8sA 8 Standard Alum 8LA 8 Lockin A l u m 10sA 10 Standard Alum IOLA 10 Lockin Alum 8sC 8 Standard Chrome 8c 8 Lockin Chrome 10sC 10 Standard Chrome IOLC 10 Lockin Chrome IODSC 10 Dbl Grip S t d Chrome 55 00 10DLC 10 Dbl Grip Lockin Chrome 8200 IOLTC 10 3Speed Lockin Chrome 14000 IOLTDC 10 3speed Dbl G r i p Lockin Chrome 15000 TERMS P r i c e s s u b j e c t t o change w i t h o u t n o t i c e A l l shipments a r e FOB n e a r e s t ENKES warehouse A l l r e t u r n s a r e s u b j e c t t o a 10 r e s t o c k i n g f e e and r e q u i r e r e t u r n a u t h o r i z a t i o n numbers and f r e i g h t prepayment Winch E q u i v a l e n t R I Model Speeds power R a t i o TELEX 952069San Leandro CATELEX 336370Main O f f i c e 8 1 7 1 1 OP 1 161 51 101D B F o l l a n s b e e I n c South Harpswell ME 04079207 Nationwideand dorldwid e NENBER DUTCH MARI m PRODUCTS GROUPEnkes fully guarantees the quality o f each alloy winch you buy Should any part prove to be defective during normal use i t may be returned for repair or replacement without charge Naturally this guarantee does not apply to damage resulting from lack o f maintenance improper installation accident or misuse nor does it apply to failure caused by applications which do not conform with Nor does it cover work done by firms other than Enkes Lloyds Certificate Enkes quality control is under the supervision and inspection of Lloyds Register of Shipping For identification purposes each winch is stamped next to the serial number

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