Race Committee Timer
RC Timer
Race Committee Timer, RCTimer, is an Android application designed for race committees to do starts for sailing regattas. The timer can be set to a count down time, for example 5 minutes. It can also be set to a specific start time, for example 12:30. A sequence can be set so that multiple fleets can be timed in rotation, for example a start every 15 minutes. The timer can be started or stopped and minutes can be added. There is a reference page with signal flags and a lock button. The latest feature is that the app will now talk or sound a horn blast. Sounds can be programmed to occur at any count down time and anything can be said. A simple text file defines what is said or when the horns are sounded. The app is free. It is in the Google Play store under RCTimer.
How To Get A Copy
This version is in the google Play store HERE. Enjoy. It is free and there are no ads. It sends nothing back to anyone as there is no internet access.
How About for Racing
The very powerful sailing racing app is StartLine discussed in an article below. If all you want is a count down timer that can be synchronized to GPS time or to a signal from the committee boat, this app will work just fine. You can also program instructions to your crew or have the app call out the start sequence over your boats bluetooth sound system.
This is the main display showing 14 minutes and 57 seconds until the race start. The race starts at 11:00, which was the programmed start time. When this race starts, the next race sequence is started at the repeat interval of 15 minutes. The present time is 10:32:02. Sync will reset the timer to the nearest minute. This actually makes the app useful for racers as well as committees. | |
This is the Set Times screen where either a start time or an initial timer setting can be set. Which ever one was changed last will determine the mode of the timer. The sequence repeat interval can be changed to any number of minutes. Someone suggested allowing seconds and that can be done if this is a real requirement. Just ask but only if YOU need it. | |
Clicking Flags from the timer screen shows this reference page of the signal flags. It will rotate to fit the screen orientation. | |
RCTimer has text to speech and horn sounds built in. Any text editor can create the required file which is placed in the RCTimer directory on the SD Card created when the program first runs. The format is time in minutes:seconds followed by either nothing if you want a horn sound, or text which will be spoken at the desired time. This program is called TED for Text Edit. It is free from the Play store.
In the file shown in the editor, at 3:30 and 3:00 the text displayed (the time) will be read off. At 3:45 and 3:55 a horn will sound. |
Sample Script
Example Instructions for the race committee
6:00 six minute sequence begins, one minute to display of the warning signal5:30 five minutes and thirty seconds
5:20 coming up to hoist warning signal
5:10 ten
5:09 nine
5:08 eight
5:07 seven
5:06 six
5:05 five
5:04 four
5:03 three
5:02 two
5:01 one
4:30 thirty seconds to display of the preparatory signal
4:20 coming up to display of the preparatory signal
4:10 ten
4:09 nine
4:08 eight
4:07 seven
4:06 six
4:05 five
4:04 four
4:03 three
4:02 two
4:01 one
3:30 three minutes and thirty seconds
3:00 three minutes
2:30 two minutes and thirty seconds
2:00 one minute to the fall of the preparatory signal
1:30 thirty seconds to fall of the preparatory signal
1:20 coming up to fall of the preparatory signal
1:10 ten
1:09 nine
1:08 eight
1:07 seven
1:06 six
1:05 five
1:04 four
1:03 three
1:02 two
1:01 one
0:30 thirty seconds to fall of the warning signal, and hoist of next warning signal
0:20 coming up to fall of the warning signal
0:10 ten
0:09 nine
0:08 eight
0:07 seven
0:06 six
0:05 five
0:04 four
0:03 three
0:02 two
0:01 one
Sample Script that could be broadcast to the racers directly
5:10 105:09 9
5:08 8
5:07 7
5:06 6
5:04 4
5:03 3
5:02 2
5:01 1
0:10 10
0:09 9
0:08 8
0:07 7
0:06 6
0:04 4
0:03 3
0:02 2
0:01 1
Sample script for a racer
10:00 10 minutes9:30 9:30
9:00 9 minutes
8:30 8:30
8:00 8 minutes
7:30 7:30
7:00 7 minutes
6:30 6:30
6:00 6 minutes
5:50 5:30
5:00 5 minutes
4:30 4:30
4:00 4 minutes
3:30 3:30
3:00 3 minutes
2:30 2:30
2:00 2 minutes
1:30 1:30
1:00 1 minute
0:30 30 seconds
0:10 10
0:09 9
0:08 8
0:07 7
0:06 6
0:05 5
0:04 4
0:03 3
0:02 2
0:01 1
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