
Printing your own NOAA Charts

By Allen Edwards


The RNC charts will be a thing of the past on January of 2025. At least one of the links in this article was not working as of 4/6/2024 when I updated this article. The rest worked and I assume you can still print charts. Please let me know if you have trouble so I can update again. Thanks, Allen


Wouldn't it be great if you could print your own NOAA navigational charts, just the size you want, up to date, and do it for free with free software? I did it and here is how I did it.

My First Chart

Getting the Charts

NOAA charts are available for free in two formats: Raster Navigational Charts (RNC) and Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). The RNC versions which are the same as the paper charts we are all familiar with and the ones we want. Or, you can download regions, states, or districts to get a large group of charts. Visis NOAA pages for RNC or ENC and follow the instructions.

Conversion Tools

Running bsb2png

Running bsbreader

Print your Chart

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