' Icom Marine Ssb Book'
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8 Introduction from Gordon WestWelcome to the world of long distance communications with marinetime You cannot talk to a group of individuals An SSB gives marinersthe ability to share information with one another about weather portsfor years However only recently have we seen the introduction oflowcost nocrystal marine SSB equipment that can offer marineradio ham radio and marine email capabilities in one neat 12voltradio equipment presents the overview of the marine single an review of equipment and suggestedwhat makes SSB radio work on the inside However one thing is forIn this book well show you how in a nontechnical language We will also give you some proven installation techcdealer is an expert in this field They have the experience to complete amarine service and the amateur radio service Well even show youhow to tune in weather facsimile and Do you want to pick up that microphone and a quick phone call home Want to send a FAX or email Ready toonICOM presents the very best in marine single sideband and we 1 bEECGTftwgK2 ECACIWlzvgYJ51 tABHRbulcvreL5 BhxmdnwocnuA9 ujVK8 gzxXA6gfA 4EXfrhTNC Before you begin thinking about marine SSB long distance communications lets first review the hard working marine VHF radio systemICOMs lCM59 VHF set is shown with optional flush mount kitRadio rules require that you must have a marine VHF radio in yourvessel before you can install a marine SSB transceiverThe international marine VHF service is designed for coastal cruisingWe use marine VHF when we are within 20 miles of a shore stationor another VHF equipped vessel This is the effective range of theVHF receiverThe VHF system is worldwide Whether you cruise toHawaii Bermuda or the Mediterranean the VHFFM channels are theradio The frequencies assigned to channels may be different in theYour typical shiptoshore VHF range to the Coast Guard should beabout 20 miles You can normally hear weather broadcast stationsWX1 WX2 and others up to 80 miles away The marine WXchannels are available only in the US and Canada The range to aIf you are not achieving this minimum range check out your VHFantenna system and all connections For sailboats the best type ofand transmit further than any other type of antenna system Theseantenna are only 3 tall and have 3dB gain They use the height ofthe mast head to achieve maximum rangeFor powerboats you should use a minimum of an 8foot 6dBantenna If you have a large more stable vessel you might want toselect a 21foot 9dB gain antenna that performs well in all but heavyseas A good powerboat antenna installation will normally let you reachA good quality hightech VHF transceiver is also important to marine VHF transceivers These installed radios with optionsmeet minimum digital selective calling DSCnew system for making distress calls This system will be over the next several years Deep Draft over 300 tonsvessels put into service since 1992 comply with this system now Allsels will need DSC VHF radios to communicate with DSC equippedships It is expected that all new marine VHF radios approved for salein the US will be DSC equipped by 20012002 An ICOM DSC in case of an emergency The DSC radio will transmitan emergency call that includes your vessels position taken from theGPS See the wide variety of ICOM VHF sets at your favorite dealerYou must have a VHF set on board and a current FCC ship VHF system aboard and you need more than 20 miles ofradio transmission The military has been using single sideband formode have been using single sideband for years on worldwideSSB transmissions for the long distance marine radio service At thesame time it introduced the expanded marine VHF service for localA single sideband signal concentrates your voice onto a tightlyof miles This very efficient compacted radio signal is a of your actual voice Unlike a commercial AM robbing carrier marine single sideband eliminates theair Marine SSB puts all of the radio energy from your voice into atalk powerenergy Only when you speak will radio energy jump out into the airYou must have a VHF set on board and a current FCC ship VHF system aboard and you need more than 20 miles ofradio transmission The military has been using single sideband formode have been using single sideband for years on worldwideSSB transmissions for the long distance marine radio service At thesame time it introduced the expanded marine VHF service for localA single sideband signal concentrates your voice onto a tightlyof miles This very efficient compacted radio signal is a of your actual voice Unlike a commercial AM robbing carrier marine single sideband eliminates theair Marine SSB puts all of the radio energy from your voice into atalk powerenergy Only when you speak will radio energy jump out into the airSvYour compressed upper sideband signal is captured by a and that receiver converts your radio signal into crystal clearBy compressing the transmitted signal into a very narrow band level from the air waves FCCrequired on receive By simply adjusting a single clarifier knob onyour SSB receiver you can produce the normal sounding voice thatSince safety at sea communications deserve the highest priority letstional Distress frequency This allows you to contact shoreside andmarine rescue agencies immediately when outside of VHFfrequency you will find that there are literally thousands of this channel for a distress call 24 hours a dayfrequency This new frequency asisignment is part of the new GMDSSThe United States Coast Guard also offers additional on its Automated Vessel of miles away from any shore station Through the CoastGuard AMVER system they can readily pinpoint the position ofpinpointed via SSB AMVER system radio communications TheWant to place a telephone call Shoreside commercial telephonecall These shorebased phone companies operate extensive transmitclear Remember their revenue depends on your satisfaction You canbe assured that they have the most going for them when it comes tocalls waiting from shoreside parties They also broadcast weatherreports storm warnings and other notices to mariners where safety atwithout charge See appendix for new marine SSB can also send and receive electronic mail overpublic common carrier narrow band direct printing channels It is justlike sending email from your home or office through a specificusing your secret password over phone lines SSB email relies on the 6Lj0 4DTaqmK87630 5EWejrlTE1 2RapyuiYJ1 DTDGHB1 4DIKLA8NTOL HJIA 9JYhBu8464CC5 Jk No 13 5CUl 0 Mw79 MaWXH5RFIoM Wajxoh6jwnW1DU 058474 EbqcI3 qfA 1BYkYGLZW626xn 07 pQ16oS8pI 0 r8 2LbI7138FOxa BxD76742 5ETbquZB0 02695 03210 244326994 Rbrfd333000 3ACA7 8FQXeszudUC2 74 8BOktxpfUI8 SyxlbTF EZfiK7 1145313143 airwaves and ionosphere in place of phone lines Your email providercan be reached from anywhere in the world with up to 12 standing by for your computer traffic An email SSB voice or satellitephone communications from yourFAX capability on shore Shore stations can automatically reach yourcomputer by dialing a single phone number to get to your emailnetwork provider If you have a laptop computer onboard your presentor new ICOM SSB may need only a small modem and software toIt is a plugin affair to hook your marine SSB into email via the long distances to other vessels with marine SSB gear any land line charges you can communicate from one shipto another ship in opposite parts of the world free of charge withcrystal clear reception Thanks to Mother Nature which well talk aboutin a few moments your signals can travel thousands of miles to othervessels with SSB equipment with almost no loss of voice quality SeeShipToShore For FreePrivate shore stations share shiptoship channels This allows you toreplace the part that fell off your anchor windless 3000 miles awayThere is no land line charge in this communication service store These private coast stations can also includeprivate air ambulance companies and any other type of of miles to distant ship stations You may even be able to setup a marine SSB base station at your office to stay in touch matters when youre far out at sea Your sideband may also beoperated in the SITOR mode allowing for andYour marine SSB radio from ICOM can also be used to receive and inYou can tune into worldwide international broadcast stations and findout the latest news here and abroad You can eavesdrop on military andWeather Facsimile Charts FreeYou can tie your weather facsimile receiver into your marine sidebandYou can also tune into amateur radio frequencies and listen for localLicensed amateur operators may use ICOM SSB transceivers that arecapable of transmitting on amateur frequencies The No Code Technician license allows you worldwide ham privileges whenpermit And even if you dont obtain the ham license to talk all ICOMmarine SSB transceivers easily tune into ham calls so you can listen toUse your marine SSB set as an ultrasensitive shortwave receiver Youcan tune into foreign embassies the Air Force and the Navy secretOh yes one last thingif you forgot to set your watch you can tuneinto the international time signals wherever you cruise Tick tick tickat the sound of the tone it is exactly See appendix for Reception for FreeIf time ticks dont interest you consider the following that can bereceived on your new marine single sideband allband transceiverUS Air Force inflight Air CommandCivil Air PatrolUnited States Intelligence AgenciesUS Weather Weather Code News and Weather for FreeIts also possible to tune in radio facsimile broadcasts and CW and Associated Press These broadcasts take place onout what is being sent Its almost as good as your morning newspaperWhile your ICOM marine SSB may be capable of transmitting on anyor all of these frequencies you should not Transmitting outside ofyour authorized maritime and ham limits is illegal If you hold a validbut transmitting outside of the marine and ham bands would be illegalexcept in an emergency to signal for helpSo get that modem and laptop computer hooked up your ICOM ma Send and receive email Tune into weather facsimile broadcasts and watch the weather Tune into Navtex broadcasts from the Coast Guard and check Your computer and your SSB make a perfect marriage toHigh Frequency Bouncing Radio Wavesfrequency range of the radio spectrum Unlike VHF very high freAs of July 1 1991 the following frequency bands have been allocated2 MHz6 MHz12 MHz18 MHz25 MHz4 MHz8 MHz16 MHz22 MHz27 MHzhugs the surface of the ocean This is called the ground wave Ground50 to 200 miles from your transmitter If you are communicating on100 miles away chances are its the ground wave component of yoursignal thats doing all the work Your ground wave signal is alwaysGood ground wave coverage out to 150 miles depends on a goodantenna and a good radio frequency ground system aboard your boatand bounce off of the ionosphere and are reflected back to earthhundreds and even thousands of miles awayThe ionosphere surrounds our globe and is present 24 hours a day Itsseason of the year and the 11year solar cycle Hanging like anThe right angle to establish communications with a station lets say3000 miles away depends on the time of day you are broadcasting andtend to bounce back to earth close in Frequencies around 12 MHz tend22 MHz may give us the longest bounce enabling you to the West Coast of the United States into the Mediterranean If thewave signal which enables you to talk twice the distance that younormally would On 22 MHz this means that you can easily talk all thetoday Often the time of day and season of the year will make adifference When band conditions change in the ionosphere yousignal With multiple frequencies and multiple bands availableyou can stay in touch as the ionosphere goes through its regularAt night the ionosphere gradually lowers Your signals wont be ableto bounce as far however you will still enjoy several thousand miles ofon higher frequencies Since its the suns rays that charge up theSky waves are unaffected by local weather conditions Whether itssunny or cloudy snow or rain windy or still your sky wave range willDid You is in the proximity of lightning and leave their SSB radio turned on while cruising atnight in inclement weather to get prepared for storm cellsAfter a few weeks of playing around with your new single sidebandany one particular band of frequencies In our next chapter well giveYour transmitted ground waves are seldom influenced by a few weeks of playing around with your new single sidebandany one particular band of frequencies In our next chapter well giveYour transmitted ground waves are seldom influenced by atmosphericAs you can see to talk further go to a higher frequency Howeverwatch outyou can sometimes select a frequency that is too high Thisstation that you wish to communicate with or go off into spacelower frequencyAfter a few weeks of tuning your receiver to different stations you willday to talk to a specific station hundreds or thousands of miles awayTry tuning your set during the day and then at night and listen to thedifference in range Switch between bands and begin to get a feel forhow the ionosphere causes signals to skip long distances and sometraffic list calls being held for vessels at seaconditions They simultaneously transmit this information on each oneting and determine which band offers the best reception Where youhear them loudest is where they will hear you best After they ionospheric mirrorIts easy to program additional frequencies and channels with todaysmodern highfrequency marine singlesideband transceivers You dontspecific frequencies between 4 MHz and 275 MHz This book has alisting of channels and frequency assignments in the appendix On the2 MHz band we use actual frequencies not International Union ITUWe use ITU channelICOM marine SSB transceivers offer over 300 channels that arecdifference in range Switch between bands and begin to get a feel forhow the ionosphere causes signals to skip long distances and sometraffic list calls being held for vessels at seaconditions They simultaneously transmit this information on each oneting and determine which band offers the best reception Where youhear them loudest is where they will hear you best After they ionospheric mirrorIts easy to program additional frequencies and channels with todaysmodern highfrequency marine singlesideband transceivers You dontspecific frequencies between 4 MHz and 275 MHz This book has alisting of channels and frequency assignments in the appendix On the2 MHz band we use actual frequencies not International Union ITUWe use ITU channelICOM marine SSB transceivers offer over 300 channels that perfect for ham frequencies shortwave broadcastYou can add change or delete frequencies yourself by entering thecan custom program local frequencies to save you the time of enteringDid You KnowYour ICOM marine SSB can also work in any mode including lower sideband or ham channels on 40 meters andband filterdont program many channels above 16 MHz If you are only going tofrequencies and channels More than likely these frequencies and chanLocate your marine SSB in a place that is convenient for operationThe radios are large and heavy They should be positioned for easyaccess to all controls Most of the time your SSB set can nestle rightalong with your other nav gearYou can build the equipment into your instrument panel however youshould provide some ventilation Many new SSBs are fan coded andWe recommend keeping the equipment down low for easythe worldwide frequencies to pick up some action Youany undue effortICOM SSBs have a builtin speaker that faces forward Thiswhen the builtin speaker is located elsewhere A good carpenter canbuild a teak frame that will make the equipment look nice Ananodized aluminum trim kit is also available from your ICOM dealerA heavyduty mounting bracket is shipped with each rig to it from below or hanging from aboveAutomatic Antenna Tuner Mounting sailboats the automatic antenna tuner normallyfeeds an insulated section of rigging such as a backstay oron a ketch a mizzen sidestay The automatic tuner hidesaway below near the chain plate that holds this stay The automatic tuner should go as farfar away from people as possible In other words donttouch the high voltage output single wire terminal2The automatic tuner requires no specific orientation Youcan hang it vertically or horizontally You should insure that4Aboard powerboats the automatic antenna tuner normallythe flying bridge area well protected from the weatherno flying bridge on the powerboat the tuner may be mountednear the base of the white fiberglass whip5The wire feeding your antenna system is It is available at most marine electronic storesAlthough it looks like coaxial cable it is not The jacketcontains no internal braid This means the from the GTO15 antenna lead wireDid You Knowsound during tuneup What you are hearing are the interbest possible match The clicking will normally stop afterabout 5 seconds of initial tuneup The tuner will remainsilent during normal communications on marine SSB Thecation that your system is performing as it should However if the clicking continues for more than 10 maximum single sideband range Half your antenna is your radiofrequency ground so dont skimp here The radiating portion of youryour SSB signal This mirror image called a counterpoise is createdYour marine single sideband system will not perform satisfactorily ifyou dont have a good counterpoise system Poor counterpoise groundequals poor range This is especially true on lower frequencies wherelarge RF grounds counterpoiseIf you make direct contact with the seawater you may be able toreduce the amount of ground foil that must be run from your radio andthe automatic tuner If your throughhulls are metal and are all bondedwith a green wire per ABYC American Boat Yacht Councilfoil directly to them for an effective seawater ground But make surethat bronze throughhull is already part of your bonding system with atelltale green wire attached to it and going off to other underwatera hose clamp to affix the copper foil to that throughhull Bunch thefoil up a few times to provide a good solid connection where it 1 131368982 150288674 796 39910 03977651 22330200420 03Z1FJLI 10 0201244135431 543021IwuN2 06577676B54852 2 M2 B32BA899798203 44 5899B888 0269645754 YwsQA2 3740 1 072 3TN405517306 1cmP9011 78 1 VZeoFLZG0 758FVD 4A7afK550 45QlywcF WP83534 6504B24SK 0 36 D 794 850551004 354 32 130cG53z 3mv HlW19C WO2 9PI 5K34 1 0FI22 E4qB5NiR4gz4 76696DCMYB764 C4 ltT3Ip79e HDWj 1 1UkOXg4OJ 023 jhO6e7Sz3 0TqE19Nme9TP8 9KJC4190RdN28 2 Ahw 6YziQ 338o49F33 9RqpP I 43 9oO1 0311010 4GaxkXF9 7CTepMB43NgV 573 8D00 6OdseUH0JfgD 8112 EA87852 7 RhymaTJ3 5ERiwsfQD1 8bd 1 81 6 4 100 161D 7A DH162G00C Xc PF24 27 0 0K B1AP72006FWZVJ A2ZXWS50 I0BC33 076HRNB 9G7 8562GRD1 Ps0H10nQKZONM6 1 7VF168649 7 5eCH5DI00BVX52 49415G9018C B78O IE 901ML3241C7 PJ5FM8G 4379N6O2315122 LB375 7A5 20 200C2ID 02 46 2P71 530 0C154BFC5511 9 C2 522 08 731312002 1 9 301 00 FTTDISbomS9D1 420 03981511AXvh8 12 0 I34 1 1201 2 7BIJ6 0ED747 705JE3 02 395 5 71EC010 1D 3115 174RWB0E042 68 000 6 3 111442F20 21623822824 5521047153 502 2 MQ78 29 7B 3 300 76 0321590Z5 6 201 2 333 7X0 Am 894 I D 4212 750 4 0 06 0IB 04EA325 7OOBQF4415KLB8 227 3C 0102 8911 0 2 20G2XI 22123UE04 135your automatic antenna tuner your grounding will be easierYou might only need 50 feet of ground foil to complete theSame thing for a powerboatbut youll need more ground foil becausetop of the flying bridge down below decks and down to the bilge areawhere you can make connection to underwater throughhulls You couldnot effective as a goodYour counterpoise systempoint if at all possible Whenyou use an antenna couplerwe will consider this as theUse 3inch wide 3mil copper foil toensure a good sea water groundAn ideal counterpoise for all frequency single side band work shouldconsist of up to 100 square feet of metal surface area directly below thefeedpoint While this may sound like an impossible number of squarefeet to achieve consider the following large surface RF ground steel tuna and shaftChain lead keelEngine blockYou can develop your own large surface area RF ground plane into your hull copper screen or 23copper foil to create a good capacity ground plane below the waterline You will be running copper foil inside your hull for a to the seawater No the foil does not go on the outside of thehull The fact that the ground foil is close to the seawater makes all thedifference on transmit and receive range While it might be an effort toget all this foil below the water line it will really make the differencewhen you press down on your microphone keyDid You KnowYour bonding of underwater metals that are already tied inwith a common ground wire will not affect your corrosionall bonded together you may wish to lay out a RF groundsystem to the seawater but thats not really necessaryThese other copper foil leads go directly to the antenna tuner The tunerwill have a ground terminal to which the foil is attached Do not reducethe size of the foil as you approach the tuner or the radio Also do notYour RF ground system the seawater to be effective Even though an encapsulate leadkeel doesnt actually touch the seawater it makes a capacitive groundby being next to the seawater if you run wide copper foil to itYou may either double bolt the foil to an exposed keel bolt or actuallyIn attaching to throughhulls remember it will improve performanceare the best way to pick up these underwater metals Water tanksI know I know trying to get a good RF ground counterpoiseis a bit if you cant get at your keel bolt If this isthe case then drill into the keel and pull up some lead Any sailboatsystem that doesnt use a poured keel is losing a tremendous amount ofpotential in obtaining a super signal Only if your keel is made of leadshot poured in fiberglass would you not elect to use it In any othercase where there is a large amount of surface area below the waterline such as a lead keel by all means use it in your RF ground planefoil and screen below decksGood RF grounding counterpoiseRF grounding all have a common denominatora large amount ofsurface area below the water lineis not effective as an RF ground frequencies Use foil and only foil Even aluminum foil will workin a pinch You can even use aluminum air conditioning foil withsticky on the back as counterpoise Wires wont work so forget aboutThe more counterpoise the better your signal Ever wonder whytheir signal literally bounces off of their gigantic RF grounding IS the key to single sideband superrange Its one of the few components of the for you We recommend applying a thin coat of paint or resinover the copper to keep the salt water from tarnishing it While greencopper works just as well as bright shiny copper its a much moresanitary installation to keep it isolated from the elements It also precontinuity However you may wish to clean up copper connections atget corroded after a few years in the bilge A steel brush should bringassured that your signal will stay loud and clear1The automatic tuner must be connected to a good A good ground prevents shocks interference and2Good ground systems on wood or fiberglass boats are moredifficult to install For best results use strap or foil connected to the keel tanks or other large metal objectsIf you have no way of contacting the seawater you could install ain the figure This would be a last resortGround plates We save the underwater ground plate as an absolutelast resort for a singlesideband antenna system that is working off ofan automatic antenna tuner Ground plates provide terrific contact tothe seawater and also have good connection points to attach the foilsuperior means for mounting them through the hull Using a groundplate as a RF ground may cause interference with other on board elecconnection Whether it be through your bonded underwaterone great way to minimize hours spent in the bilge developing a A capacitive ground system made up of copper strips runaround the hull below the water line or individual copperinto the hull and keep dry Why not go for the direct seaTypical following figure shows a typical installation Any radio communications system operating with a whip antenna or long wire back stayespecially at low frequenciesThe 50 ohm output impedance of the transceiver makes it necessary toantenna insulated back stayficient installation which willcover all HF marine bandsOf course those of you with aluminum hull vessels yourhave the loudest signal anywhere in the world No further RFgrounding is necessaryTo achieve the ultimate in long skywave range you need an antennaantenna tuner The longer the antenna the betterFor powerboats your antenna will be a 2 or 3piece fiberglass whipThe fiberglass whip on a powerboat is mounted on the port orwire GTO15 that connects the whip to the nearby automatic antennatuner This whip is sufficient for most powerboatsAn insulated backstay is the most popular choice The insulatorsare put on by professional riggers The rigger should place the topinsulator at a point where it is about 3 feet from the mast The 03 110100131 2 57 4CXY l3 3k7 teXQD9051 PB 20 010 010 0 35664335333321 insulator on a singlebackstay is placed at eyelevel Any lower and someOn a split backstay wherethe split is below the masttors The top and bottom inused as the antenna The other insulator should be placed near the topof the split leg as close to the Y as possible This effectively takes theabove the lower insulatorUse a stainless steel hose clamp to make your connection You can alsohouses Make sure that there is a good contact between the GTO15single wire and the insulated stay NEVER USE COAX Use riggersthe stayOn a ketch you can insulate either the port or the starboard main staysresults I like the mizzen stay better than the port or starboard staybecause it is more likely to be outside of and away from other rigginsception range On sailboats with all sorts of grounded rigging yourantenna must be outside of this rigging and in the clear to transmitUse a stainless steel hose clamp or brass kearnynut to make your 351 T604700662n21 e82 81765 y35309312 M92zW41 OL Vwv12NES32 qL0 6i JB lB 4PhlwV Kd j 3Vo 8i 6YRjlc 1 iL8nh9 i354hV eD kG5C1D6 7B F9X375H 6870A 25 0R8 046 2 1 1S8 30iW3 0UV8 18 wT6 2 L1 1S31 vyvtstwzJ wrnkijknsxX b5 01233210 1469A98764310 Qe2 OA46 027 10374 IhS6757781DQJ 079B6 0FePgrsJBOP7 0271 71HGAQReU3 I78 8 34 011121 601223344431 C7 F145554432100 E keep it isolated Always keep in mind that everyone on deck needs tostay away from your transmitting antenna when you are actually on theRemember where ever you install GTO15 a hot part of yourplate If you have installed GTO15 next to a stanchion that be removed from the bonding system This prevents thatpowerful SSB signal fromPreTuned 6Foot Whipan automatic antenna tunertenna tuner Your rangeWhip antenna mounted over a stailess steel railThe whip cannot be mounted on wood nor can it be mounted on fiberglass These pretuned whips MUST be over a horizontal rail with atoutboard motor Keep it away from the selfsteering metal wind generatorwith the rail around the flying bridge most preferred This gets theenergy up and away from everyone down below Remember everyone frequencyon specific marine radio or ham radio frequencies Each tap point ismarked in MHz for marine band and meters for the ham band Yourange But each time you switch from one marine MHz band to another one you must send someone out to the whip to tap into theAdding 12 VoltsYour transceiver will be shipped with a red and black power cord ThisA 150watt marine single sideband transceiver can draw over 30 ampsthese proportions so dont worry its not 30 amps continuous out ofmalfunction of your electrical panel This is when you may need yourIf you have some hefty 12volt wires leading from your battery commake your connection at the instrument panel Clip off large amountsradio so you can pull it from its mount with enough cable to work onWatch out for those sharp edges so that they dont nick the cable DontUse wire lugs to attach the cable to the terminal strip The radio powerweak link in your power cable assemblySva battery that is less apt to fail in an emergency It you havechoose it in case of flooding Just as soon as seawatercovers your batteries you are off the airjust when youIf you need to extend the wires supplied by the factory see the wiretable below Make certain that any splices are well soldered and areprotected from the salt environment Soldering with radio solder is thepreferred method Measure the distance from the battery to the radioand back to the that you have your SSB station completely installed its time toturn it on and start listening to the bands Your antenna tuner system isfrequencies than the higher frequencies With your engines and othermotors turned off the noise is the usual type of background racketWeak signals on 2 and 4 MHz will only quiet the noise byabout 50 percent The more sensitive your receiver thePoor receivers dont pick up background noise is always thereon any frequency but louder onyour distant radio signals to fade awayignition system of your engine plus noise from other motors inverters computers and battery noise sources should be filtered at the spot they are generated There are filters for alternators and filters for fluorescent lightsYou can put resistor spark plugs on your gas engine and electronicTune in a relatively weak signal on your SSB set and thenstart the engine If the signal is still there your interference noise problems are few However if the signal comskiff with an outboard that can be heard clearly on your SSB setThis will cancel out the repetitious popping sound almost completelyIt may also help on your fluorescent lights Although the FCC LicenseDid You Knowcertain VHF radio systems your longer range marine singleFCC Form 506 must be completed following all instructions carefullyIf you already have a valid VHF license you will still use Form 506Form 506 is rather complex but give it your best try by indicating feetype code as PASR and a licensing fee for 10 years at 75 Be sureto answer Yes on requesting a new or modified maritime mobileservice identity number This will give you capabilities for digitalCheck the category of transmitters for VHF all EPIRB types SSB forboth bands radar at 93009500 MHz RTTY and satellite If youINMARSAT numberif you have one list itComplete FCC Form 753 for your personal operators permit This isa marine radio operators permit This requires a simple to make sure you know how to run and operate a marine radioand ask for the Gordon West Commercial General Radiotelephone bookon the lnternet and apply for all of this right at the new marine SSB transceiver has been preprogrammed by a dealer or distributor that sold the equipment It is easyto reprogram different frequencies into your new equipment Refer topushing buttons on your telephone Go on give it a trykHz or 2 MHz to 27 MHz before transmitting Make sure you have thislicense posted before going on the airradio equipment and the automatic antenna tuner your radio shouldperform up to specifications If you have any questions you might wantICOM SSB lists several ways to verify full power outputBefore transmitting on any frequency listen In fact spenda complete week listening to different frequencies anddifferent bands to get a feel for how marine SSB commuyou will generally hear both sides of the conversation This will giveyou an idea of how shiptoship communications take place Alwaysremember to give your official FCC call sign at the beginning of at least once every 10 minutes and when you sign offonly hear the shore station side of the conversation The frequencies are duplex Ship stations transmit on than the shore stations Your ICOM SSB The very professional marine telephone operators and theiryou are who you are and what number you want Simply follow theirThe same thing holds true with the United States Coast Guard AMVERstations You will only hear the shore side of the conversation TheUnited States Coast Guard personnel expertly extract all of the information they need for any emergency Once again do a lot of Wait until they are finished with their local weather reportsbefore giving them a call Always choose the band that sounds theFollow the procedures for initiating a call in the upcoming chapters ofthis handbook The marine telephone companies it theyre not real busyYou can also receive radio checks from other pleasure boats that youlike a fellow pleasure boat mariner and exchange signalreports You should generally receive reciprocal reports If a stationstrong you wont eitherWeak signals are not necessarily a result of something wrong with yourfavor any particular single sideband band Try the next band up toimprove signal reports Try a different time of day and expect thatDid You KnowYou may also notice that signals will fade in and out on thehigher frequencies such as 12 to 27 MHz Again this isstations These stations should normally come in loud and clear buton these frequencies plus strong signals from other boats and shoretech with the proper field strength equipment to sign off your are quite familiar with the of singleset is on the air and operating perfectly If there is any way that theycan squeeze a few more watts out of your system they will also dothat Have them sign your log book with their license number toIf you have an emergency plan to use your VHF set as well as yourof the shore first try your VHF on the international distress on VHF Channel 16 your next step is to switch to The marine operator is always a good one Use any frequencyon your marine sideband that will get a response from another stationyour marine single side band as well as for your VHF These are the approved procedures as outlined by theRadio Technical Commission for Maritime Services in cooperation with1Distress Signal MAYDAYDistress signal MAYDAY is used to indicate that a mobilerequests immediate assistance MAYDAY has priority over2gency Signal PANPAN Properly when the safety of the vessel or person is in jeopardyMan overboard messages are sent with the Urgencysignal PANPAN has priority over all other communications with the exception of distress traffic3Safety Signal SECURITY Pronounced SAYCURITAYAny message headed by one of the emergency signals MAYDAYPANPAN or This means listen Dont transmit Be prepared to helpif you can The decision of which of these emergency signals to use isthe responsibility of the person in charge of the Alarm Signal notes indicate this rule changes inalternately This signal is similar in sound to a twotone siren used bysome ambulances When generated by automatic means it shall be sentattention of the person on watch or to actuate automatic alarm devicesThe radiotelephone alarm signal shall be used only with the with the Urgency Call and Message send the Radiotelephone Alarm Signal if signal MAYDAY spoken three times2The words THIS IS spoken once3Name of vessel in distress spoken three times4Distress signal MAYDAY spoken once5Name of vessel spoken once6Position of vessel in distress by latitude and longitude or7Nature of distress sinking fire etc8Kind of assistance desired9Any other information which might facilitate rescueof hull decks cabin masts etc 10The word OVERSend Radiotelephone Alarm Signal if available for at least ISBLUE DUCKBLUE DUCKBLUE DUCKWA 1234MAYDAYBLUE 2 MILESNEED PUMPSMEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND TOWTHREE ADULTSTWO CHILDREN ABOARDONE PERSON COMPOUND FRACTURE OF ARMESTIMATE CAN REMAIN AFLOAT TWO HOURSBLUE DUCK IS THIRTYTWO FOOT CABIN on the Distress frequency repeat using any other availableIf you hear a Distress Message from a vessel and it is not answeredthen YOU must answer If you are reasonably sure that the is not in your vicinity you should wait a short time for others to Acknowledgment of Receipt of Distress Message1Name of vessel sending the Distress Message2The words THIS IS spoken once3Name of your vessel spoken three times4The words RECEIVED MAYDAY spoken once5The word OVER spoken onceBLUE DUCKBLUE DUCKBLUE DUCKWA 1234THIS ISWHITE WHALEWHITE MAYDAYOffer of you acknowledge receipt of the distress message allow a shorta position to assist When you are sure of not interfering with otheradvise them what assistance you can render Make every effort tonotify the Coast Guard The message shall be sentonly with the permission of the person in charge of your MessageThe Message usually includes the following1Name of the distressed vessel spoken once2The words THIS IS spoken once3Name of the calling vessel spoken once4The word OVER spoken onceOVER from the distressed vessel continue with youroffer of assistance message6Name of calling vessel and radio call sign spoken once7The word OVER spoken once be sent after a short interval of time but long enough to be sure thatBLUE DUCKTHIS ISWHITE WHALEOVERon hearing the word OVER from BLUE DUCK continueI AM PROCEEDING TOWARD YOU PROM TEN MILESWESTWARD EXPECT TO ARRIVE IN ONE HOURCOAST GUARD HAS BEEN NOTIFIED INCLUDINGYOUR NEED FOR DOCTORI HAVE ONE INCH PORTABLE PUMPPLEASE ADVISE IF MY ASSISTANCE IS NOT NEEDEDThe Urgency Call begins with the emergency signal consisting of of the group of words PANPAN Urgency Call and Message is transmitted onVHF Channel 16 or 2182 kHz in the same way as the Distress Calland Distress Message The Urgency signal PANPAN indicates thata person in jeopardy The Urgency signal is authorized for of an urgent storm warning by anLoss of person overboard but only when the assistanceNo steering or power in shipping lane Urgency Call and MessageThe Urgency Call and Message usually include the following1The Urgency signal PANPAN PANPAN STATIONS or a particular station3The words THIS IS spoken once5The Urgency Message state the urgent of vessel and any other information that will7The words THIS IS spoken once9The word OVER Urgency Call and MessagePANPAN PANPAN LOST MY RUDDERAM DRIFTING TOWARD SHORE AND REQUIRE TOWSEVEN PERSONS ON BOARDBLUE DUCK IS THIRTYTWO FOOT CABINCRUISER BLUE HULLTHIS ISBLUE DUCKWA 1234The Safety Call headed with the word SECURITY SAYCURITAYVHF Channel 16 or 2182 kHzworking frequency where the Safety Message will be given The SafetyMessage may be given on any available working States Coast Guard stations routinely use the Safety CallSECURITY to alert boating operators that they are preparing tobroadcast a message concerning safety of navigation The call alsoprecedes an important meteorological warning The Safety Messageitself is usually broadcast on Coast Guard Channel 22A 1571 MHzand 2670 kHz Although recreational boating operators may use theand perhaps suffer less criticism by giving the information to the CoastGuard without making a formal Safety Call The Coast Guard usually The Safety Call and MessageThe Safety Call usually includes the following On VHF Channel 161The Safety Signal SECURITY spoken three STATIONS or a particular station3The words THIS IS spoken once4Name of vessel calling and radio call of the working channel Call Sign7The word OUT1The Safety Signal SECURITY spoken three times2The words ALL STATIONS spoken once3The words THIS IS spoken once4Give the Safety Message5Repeat the Radio Call Sign6The word OUTOn VHF Channel STATIONS THIS ISBLUE DUCKWA 1234WA 1234OUTOn VHF Channel STATIONSTHIS ISBLUE DUCKWA 1234 A LOG APPROXIMATELY TWENTY FEET LONGTWO FEET IN DIAMETER ADRIFT OFF HAINS POTOMAC RIVERWA shore stations and ship stations and with USCG calling frequency 2182 kHz on the following long range Coastchannels are in your sets memoryprior to transmitting over it This insures that you wont cover up anyat first Always wait until a frequency is clear before following procedures for operating your marine SSB are approvedby the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services in Procedures other than Distress Urgency and SafetyMaintain a WatchWhenever your marine VHF or SSB radio is turned on keep the receiver tuned to the appropriate distress and calling frequency 1568VHF Channel 16This listening watch must be The Coast Guard maintains a silent period on after the half hour During these silent periods only messages or transmissions concerning distress or urgency are madeintership channel You may maintain a watch on a working channelhowever and may establish communications directly on that channelpage Another ShipTurn your radiotelephone on and listen on the appropriate distress andcalling frequency 2182 kHz to make sure it is not being used If it isclear put your transmitter on the air This is usually done by depressing the push to talk button on the microphone To hear a reply youclearly and distinctly Call the vessel with which you wish to commuFCC assigned call sign Do not add unnecessary words and phrases asCOME IN BOB or DO YOU READ ME Limit the use ofmade wait at least two minutes before repeating the call After thistime interval make the call in the same manner This procedure may beappropriate working frequency for further communication You mayonly use VHF Channel 16 and 2182 kHz for calling and in communications it is often helpful to monitor the you wish to use briefly before initiating the call on2182 kHz This will help prevent you from interrupting other users ofTwo examples of acceptable forms for establishing communication within three minutes Atlu00225105 20043400000 0330 2 5413192JP4 15 0 0 0 50 2204 0 3 3H2 8 10 aegqzyzynQ2 44 1 ikjsxeR2 A6 14 1 186 11111 7CPQJE 3 7HsaA8SJ446 oD 7V5 0APO 5 sE 3 3 Uj9 2GsiC NSI9000 VsvQ 9 0 7lzpdI1 383 2 2 ryN 2 02 E vW 0 79 13 4 Opwym 24 6HUY9 89 Cb4 164 9F0 HLYhsqlqzdDA2D COWZcrYFXU27C1 24589975GH61 71 9FPXkv6P8CU9 5PjziTA5 0Ctxr83UqqR4 38 LWpEEptNJD4 4xe97IL GQcnKC83 38lvtsxuuwU 1 4DRdwT08 71FAPyzM 289889AD92 ISblvoK2 3RsnaQ9 KV0 44014414HKA94 A0Kdrprxf 362CTN73 FOYalufVG1 Eqg9 06HUegnuzko 55 yS4 RW4u9 5jM2 BwzH5 yDW7 8oqC rwA5G JKX5F 1fZ sfL5 YrwI3 P2yV1 jhK2XxVF8 GW YxS8 xP5bjH4 TJB0UX9rS3 2Q7 0 uAXF 7QjiS0 7AJTanyQ WJ nN jwnfJ 165DNVpgFf8lVQ 09DKUhrzyI 05JWfnpjdenkD EK 02 4UrO OjyxsojkkOJ7X 4 22 0259CFEDGD4 5GVSA14HJ2 0102 30 0B64216135 3105651 29200 024 421062010165 2453220011021 15 5212476000 400243 1146EG5 037884210 151765A2 0 0 11 0 0 20 5HM029 00 6711981020 682 603149 0 K2 054243221452 5 01 05BCDFIFDAA83 0046521 7DWnjWC742 7BKQTSKD5 35oWC61 TscI7185 222 4MlpWB4 anT 0023750 026993 4EUatnRA3 jL5 1791 7E 13TulO8 5IepYD32861 3EIMJA61 6BPbY WpW22 5KXYH11EMUSD6 3WmVD79 176 0XruQ51Egy 1358977BAACC3 772452012DcjM7 dqO8Vq oV1 he9 3GlsT ArvDMq2 07a 5n445TjJRgjK0 2IdpXC2 tptvlffghfbVE4 7ci1 3JNE1 LY 3Vya Qyg6TfC43 eRLzpP 7UznI3 nffkrpgaieZO3 TwwaengbN 4OyxE vhcbYVTVZRE6 czpZORuc1 8FHLNJD94 3DSUOJF0 y wjWPGBBACFGHD7 179730 WuP12aU wiXPHBADFHE8 6KauiJ 076cd LqPycA0 2FYivxiM FO 2 3BVitmTB4 3LTQB2 9WqwY9 6S8pW45SMM ylaWNECDC4 1MfztV5 5 xndPGBBBEDA8 8OjxiSME4 tjcUIAA3 6PlxbL9 9HYhqu2PtgH 5FeraTJB6 xrifbXJAA5 121320 Ebuj731 355 GfyZ 6JViY VpoS4 FWYRC 0QnrB 4533 lpC 7yj 158CFCAA5 143 1 236BObqX2 3LK1 0IomG 6VxlS0 FtN 3BYww 5 DctxypV vT4 8KecZF3DlV6 4609Uuc 1342AcU6 04432KmqH0 058980 34309Txb Jwm7 9h 7GsyiJ5M0BL0 f0 1EPRKJdzF 7tB06PpgI60PD 3UzQ 20 2320 74117 ITHABFFIWhtP 1QXB70 4H Your SSB for LowCost EMailMarine SSB will accept the radio modem and computer on rear accessory plugsYour new SSB transceiver may have many channels designated for narrowband direct printing NBDPThese are frequencies for simplex50 years SITOR is electronic email over marine frequencies All youneed is a computer and a radio modem to complete themarriage to your marine SSB With this equipment you will be able toefficiently than voice messages Written messages allow you to thinkoffline in your computer and then send it off with a fewin the world Your SITOR onethird page of text can go in less than 2 or3 minutes or often less than the minimum air time voice If you have several pages of text it could take up to 1030circuit You can also receive email as well Inbound traffic for youryou are ready to receive it People on shore can access the system byas CompuServe AOL Telex FAX or voice transcription using thepublic telephone system via any of the common carriers You canalso use your computer and your SSB to receive free of chargeweather facsimile imagery directly from the Coast Guard You can alsoElectronic email over marine SSB circuits are carried on by more thanlist of radio signals All of these worldwide data stations have beenof all nations which wish to connect to any foreign coast station alongthe route of their voyage Two companies Globe Wireless and PinOakDigital offer worldwide networks of pickup and relay stations withvoyage These networks of highfrequency coast radio stations areradio system provide transmission quality and link availability not previously obtainable on similar voice circuits Traffic lists message traflaptop computerThe typical cost for a SITOR message is about 200 a minute 300 characters can be sent per minute This works outGlobe Wireless offer other types of high speed data transfer systemsthat allow you to send and receive messages in about onetenth thetime as normal SITORDid You KnowFor more information about the Globe Wireless to your ICOM SSB contact Globe Wireless atwebsite at friends with marine SSB may tell you To talk local you want to go on 4A They sometimes call that 4alphahave it as 41 but thats really 4S You can look up this channel as 451The mysteries of SSB channelization get worse Did you know distress frequency 2182 kHz may NOT be the best placeinput frequency So WHO do you call in an emergency anyway onAnd what about making phone calls Are you really charged 25 You KnowFor more information about the Globe Wireless to your ICOM SSB contact Globe Wireless atwebsite at friends with marine SSB may tell you To talk local you want to go on 4A They sometimes call that 4alphahave it as 41 but thats really 4S You can look up this channel as 451The mysteries of SSB channelization get worse Did you know distress frequency 2182 kHz may NOT be the best placeinput frequency So WHO do you call in an emergency anyway onAnd what about making phone calls Are you really charged 25 justSo lets demystify that new marine SSB installation and compare theyour SSBs memoryALL THOSE CHANNELS Marine SSB frequencies are back down to earth at different angles 2 and 4 MHz come day and night skywave skip contacts On 16 and 22MHz skywaves fade out at night but offer the longest range during dayThe best range usually follows the direction of the sunChoose the megahertz range that will skip your signal to thefavorites during the day and 4 and 6 MHz are the favorite bandsduring the night 2 MHz is clobbered with noise and you wont get zip22 MHz is too high for reliable daily contacts Choose 8 and 12 Union and assigns commonalityBut there are differences between each manufacturer of SSB equipmenton how they read out the channels so stay tuned More to followMost 2 MHz frequencies have little use even 2182 MHz the and calling frequency The range is so limited you would dobetter to squawk Mayday on VHF channel 16 Most 2 MHz channel designators Lucky for us a kilohertz readout on the radio dialis common among all marine SSB radios in every country4 MHz to 22 MHz marine channels are all listed by a threedigit orfourdigit channel designator An example would be marine Channel401 or marine Channel 809 or marine Channel 1206 These channel numthe world operate on frequency PAIRS where they transmit on one frequency and listen on another This is called DUPLEX But you dont needmemory If you dial up marine Channel 808 your set automatically restored duplex so all you need to know is the channel number and whatCurrently ATT runs the high seas maritime radiotelephone servicesfrom three stations that serve this half of the world However in thefuture access will be through station WLO out of Mobile AlabamaATT will be limiting the service provided by KMI WOM and WOOFrom Australia to Africa and everything in between the ATT marineyour waves into the particular ATT maritime servicestry Channel 1602 to ATT coast station in California Ifyoure in the Caribbean try ATT coast station in Floridaon Channel 403 And if youre sailing to Spain you mightto try ATT coast station New Jersey on 1203 Otherwiseuse the WLO Frequencies listed below Channel NumberRX FrequencyTX ITU Channels continued on page 62Try tuning these channels in now and listen to the shiptoshore trafficYou will hear only the shore side of the conversation because the shipslandline charges There is a 3minute minimum so once you startnothing Radio checks with ATT are free Calling the Coast Guardthrough ATT is also free What Calling the Coast Guard through Channel NumberRX FrequencyTX are United States Coast Guard weather AMVER and call These are the channels where you will hear automatedCoast Guard weather It is digital speech synthesized and will soundyou through free But once your situation is stabilized the Coast Guardthen you are on the 12 MHz band You would suggest to the CoastGuard you can work them on ITU Channel 1205 Switch over and youDid You Knowworld on a computer in New Yorkand if you need helpfind someone within 300 miles of you and request them toHere is where SSB radio manufacturers have split from the normalcome up on your marine SSB for ship toship safety and routine callspage all marine SSB transceivers list these by the ITU duplex number Most ICOM marineSSB transceivers list shiptoship simplex frequencies byship A and B channels yet other times they number upfrom the safety channel so A now becomes 2 But not toworry just double check the frequency with the shiptowith the frequencyThe safety channels are restricted to navigation Safety and similar to what takes place on marine VHF channel 6 Nogabbing on the marine SSB safety channels The marine shipto shipfrom ship to shore and bypass the marine operator Towing andFind these channels on your own SSB radio and verify the youre cruising the Federal Communications Commission offers additional 4 MHz and 8 MHz channels for shiptoship 4B 8A and 8B At last4zP8zPThe FCC Rules state These frequencies are shared with fixedcruising buddy land on a frequency and overhear shore about your shiptoship communications switch off thatand 8 Alpha and Bravo frequencies no charge But mariners wishingto these new very quiet SSB channels in full compliance with FCCrules In fact 4030 MHz is fast becoming the Baja intercom channelfor mariners with SSB transceiversIn the Caribbean to Panama canal try 4054 Hams in the canal listenYou might also memorize aeronautical East Coast and Westfill up one of those memory channels If you cant raise the CoastGuard in an emergency squawk Mayday to an airlinerIts been done beforeby law to have a marine radio onboardradio Trust me It works but only if the marine radio has could store the ham FREQUENCIES into any one of the 100 ormore marine channels on a modem ICOM marineSSB radio A sample3968 kHz lower sideband West Coast marine nets7238 7294 kHz lower sideband morning West Coast nets14340 kHz upper sideband West Coast 11 00 am maYou need an amateur license to talk on these frequencies but you dontneed a license to listen and glean great weather information In an emergency you can holler for help on these frequencies without any questions asked But it better be a real lifeanddeath emergency You knowFinally your SSB transceiver can be put into the AM double sidebandlatest news from BBC and Voice of America5975 kHz AM shortwave7435 kHz AM shortwave9575 kHz AM shortwave11 835 kHz AM shortwave13760 kHz AM shortwave15120 kHz AM shortwaveTune anywhere around these AM shortwave frequencies for plenty ofYour best radio check is with the high seas marine operator You mustcall them for a minimum of 45 seconds in order for them to beam youin with their massive antenna systems A quick call will lead to nocontact Make it a long call giving your vessel name official FCC callsign or ship registration number your position the ITU channel youare communicating over and repeat the process over and over and overtic right up against your lips If you talk 6 inches away from the micyour power output will be zilch SSB mic are all noise canceling andAs you talk you may notice your panel lights blinking your anemomlots going nuts on transmit This is perfectly normal It means youreputting out one walloping signal You must live with it There is noYour radio check to the marine operator should finallyerator in another part of the country and give THEM a trythe marine operator is ready to sign off If you can hear theOne of the best radio checks is from the technician that installed themarine SSB Dont let them off the ship until they reach a marineair Accept no excuses I have seen marine SSB installations that LOOKgood on a wattmeter but over the air SOUND bad An underwater You cant see it on a meter but youll sure knowyou have this problem if absolutely nobody comes back to yourWith more and more radiotelephone calls going satellite aboard shipsbe assured that the high seas marine SSB radiotelephone service isDid You Knowment designed more for the radio guru than the active sailorquency Great ideaA marine SSB is a powerful communications device for SSB on one of the megahertz bands EVERYWHERE there arenel activity The modern marine SSB has all of these channels inmemory Now you know where to go to make that or emergency distress callSvpage Limited services after 2282000page 8
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