' Rutland 913 Owners Manual Issue G'
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Rutland 913 Windcharger Owners ManualDocument No SM130 Issue G 261006Rutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual Contents 2GENERAL GUIDELINES WARNINGS 2CHECK YOU HAVE RECEIVED 4WHAT YOU WILL NEED 4SITING THE WINDCHARGER 5 General Considerations 5 On Board Systems 6 Land based Systems 7ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION 8 Blade Assembly 8 Tower Preparation 9BATTERIES 10CABLE SPECIFICATION 10ELECTRICAL CONNECTION FITTTING TO THE TOWER 11FINAL MECHANICAL CHECK 11BASIC WIRING DIAGRAMS 12UP AND RUNNING AND PERFORMANCE 13INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 15Document SM130 Issue G 261006 1 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual on your Rutland 913 purchase The utmost of care goes intothe manufacture of all our products in our ISO9002 approved factory To ensureyou get the very best out of the Rutland 913 Windcharger we recommend thatyou read this manual and familiarise yourself with its contents before installingand operating the Windcharger systemThe Rutland 913 is designed to provide a direct current DC power supply via abattery bank for 1224V equipment lighting etc It is robustly constructed anddesigned to give many years of trouble free service with the minimum ofmaintenance Please take notice of our General Guidelines Warnings andInspection Maintenance GUIDELINES WARNINGS Mounting pole outside diameter MUST NOT exceed 485mm for at least the top 05m Larger section poles must not be used as this will reduce the tower to blade clearance In high wind conditions this could cause damage to the windcharger by allowing the blade to come into contact with the mounting pole A broken blade will cause turbine imbalance with consequent damage When turning the Windcharger is capable of generating voltages in excess of the nominal voltage The turbine must never be allowed to rotate unless it is electrically connected to a regulator or batteries Connecting an open circuit running turbine to the electrical system can cause serious damage to system components owing to excessive voltage Caution must be exercised at all times to avoid electric shock Stopping the turbine this may be necessary to undertake battery maintenance If possible stopping the turbine should be done in low windspeed conditions The turbine can be slowed by rotating or orienting the tail fin upwind this will slow the turbine sufficiently for it to be safely secured to the pole with rope Avoid leaving the turbine tied up for any period of time we recommend that the turbine either be covered to give protection from the weather or removed and stored in a dry location The optional HRDX Controller incorporates a shutdown switch Choose a calm day to install the equipment and consider other safety aspects No attempt to repair the system should be made until the wind generator is restrained from SM130 Issue G 261006 2 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual The Windcharger is fitted with ceramic magnets which can be damaged by heavy handling The main generator assembly should be treated with care during transit and assembly It is essential to observe the correct polarity when connecting the Windcharger and all other components into an electrical circuit Reverse connection will damage the Windcharger and incorrect installation will invalidate the warranty The fuse supplied must be fitted to protect the system unless used in conjunction with a controller that is already fitted with a charge fuse High winds in high winds the windchargers builtin thermostat may operate to prevent the generator overheating In this mode the output will cease and the turbine will temporarily speed up until such time as the lower level temperature is reached and the generator is once again connected and charging This may be seen to cycle in prolonged high winds particularly in high ambient temperatures If safely accessible you may prefer to temporarily secure the turbine The Rutland 913 Windcharger is suitable for sailing boats and some land based applications When storm winds are forecast the turbine can be restrained to minimise wear and tear particularly when installed on land based applications where Furlmatic model windchargers are normally recommended Note that where the manufacturer recommends a furling type windcharger should have been used the warranty is invalidated in cases of storm damage If in doubt refer to your dealer a competent electrical engineer or the SM130 Issue G 261006 3 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners ManualCHECK YOU HAVE RECEIVED 24 x No 10x25mm special selftapping screws 1 x fuse and fuse holder 1 x main generator assembly 6 x aerofoil blades 1 x nose cone 3 x nylon fixing screws 1 x 6mm Allen key 1 x 2way terminal block 2 x M10 buttoncap screws 2 x shakeproof washers HRS913 Regulator USA Mariners Package only 600mm 23 Stainless Steel Tube USA Mariners Package onlyIn the event of loss or damage consult your dealer or the YOU WILL NEEDTools Suitable wire stripper Small terminal screwdriver Large flat blade screwdriver Crosshead Items You Will Need Mounting pole Cable Batteries Battery terminals Connector blocks as determined by your total systemOther Items You May Have Selected HRS913 Regulator or HRDX Charge Controller Cable Rutland 913 Marine Mounting Kit Part No CA1202 Rutland 913 Land Tower Rigging Kit Part Nos CA1208 CA1207 Short section of stainless steel tube to adapt into your own mounting design Voltmeter SM130 Issue G 261006 4 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners ManualSITING THE location and height of the mounting pole or tower for your wind turbine willbe the major factor in the overall performance of your system The smooth flowof wind over land and water is often interrupted by a multitude of wind sheer and turbulenceWind sheer describes the interference between the fast moving upper air andthe slow moving air close to the ground and the resulting decrease in averagewind speed as one gets closer to the is caused by the wind passing over obstructions such as mooredboats trees and buildingsBoth wind sheer and turbulence diminish with height and can be overcomesimply by putting the turbine sufficiently high above them as shown in Fig 1Windspeed decreases and turbulence increases where obstructions existConsider also that downwind obstructions can be as detrimental to performanceas upwind obstructionsIt is therefore essential that the wind generator should be located in an area asfree as possible from disturbed wind flow A REA O F T U RB U L EN C E Fig1 W IN D D IREC T IO N 2H H 2H 20HDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 5 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual On Board Systems Fig2 The wind generator should be mounted in a safe position a minimum of 23 metres 76 feet above the deck and away from other obstacles which could interfere with the blades or tail assembly Fig 2 The Rutland 913 Mounting Kit PartNoCA1202 is available for deck mounting or short sections of stainless steel tube of 1200mm 47 and 600mm 23 pre Fig3 drilled are also available for your own fabrication The Rutland 913 is designed to fit inside an aluminium or stainless steel tube with an internal diameter of 41mm 1 IMPORTANT The external diameter MUST NOT exceed 485mm 1 see Warning in Introduction Suitable tubes Stainless Steel 13416 SWG Aluminium 178 10 SWG Fig4 We suggest the following mountings according to preference and site conditions Push pit Fig3 A suitable pole mounted to the deck with deck plates and guy ropes is the most popular method of mounting the Windcharger on yachts eg Rutland 913 Mounting Kit Mizzen Fig4 Fig5 Mizzen mounting is suitable on larger yachts taking advantage of greater wind flow the higher the wind turbine is mounted River Boats Fig5 A pivot pole is ideal for riverboats as the Windcharger can easily be raised and SM130 Issue G 261006 6 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual Land Based Systems Fig6 The Rutland 913 is suitable for some land based temporary and leisure applications We recommend the Furlmatic model windchargers for land based remote and exposed locations The Rutland 913 is designed to fit inside aluminium stainless or steel tube with an internal diameter of 41mm 1 IMPORTANT The external diameter MUSTCentre pivoted pole NOT exceed 485mm 1 see Warning in Introduction Fig7 A suitable mounting pole can be erected using a 65 metre 21 feet galvanised medium tube The tube must be supported by a minimum of four guy lines The attachment points for the guy lines to the tower should be securely fixed to the tower The guy wires should be a minimum of 4mm 016 in diameter The shackles should be a minimum of 5mm 020 in diameter Rigging screws should be a minimum ofBase pivoted with gin pole 5mm 020 in diameter All items should be galvanised or stainless steel for protection against corrosion Where guy lines are looped the loop must incorporate a thimble and be fitted with a minimum of three rope grips All ground fixings must be made suitable according to the terrain We suggest pivot type towers as these allow for easier installation and lowering for access to the wind generator Two forms of pivot tower are suggested in Figs 6 7 A basehinged 64m tall Land Tower Kit Part NoCA1208 and Rigging Kit Part NoCA1207 are available from MarlecDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 7 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION OF THE WINDCHARGER Fig8 Blade Assembly Fig8 1 Place the generator assembly on a flat surface hubside down 2 Position blade as shown The blades will only fit one way round Insert the protrusion at the trailing edge of the blade root fixing first into socket to align with the corresponding recess in the blade socket The blade can then be easily inserted with a lever action Gentle assistance with a soft faced mallet may be required 3 Four screws are required for each blade Secure each blade with two special self tapping screws provided by inserting each in turn through the cutout in the nacelle rotating the generator each time until the holes align Caution It is essential that all 4 screws are fitted 4 Fit the remaining blade screws from the front of the generator hub 5 Check tightness of all screws Do not over tighten 6 Fit the plastic nose dome in position on the front of the generator hub and secure in place with the three nylon screws provided Alternatively the blades and nose dome can be fitted after mounting the generator assembly to the towerDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 8 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual Tower Preparation Fig9 Fig 9 Having selected a suitable pole from the guidelines on pages 6 and 7 1 The post adapter fitted to the 913 is designed to fit inside a standard 41mm 1 internal diameter tube The adapter is provided with a flat on one side to clear the weld seam on seamed pipe 2 Mark and centrepunch two positions diametrically opposite at 90 to the pipe seam if necessary 20mm NOTE Use metric measurements for this operation from top of the tube 3 Drill two holes 105mm NOTE Use metric measurements for this operation in diameter on centrepunch positions Note When using the Rutland 913 Mounting Kit items 2 and 3 can be ignored as the unit is SM130 Issue G 261006 9 Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Rutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual BATTERIES Fig10 Total 12v 120Ah LeisureDeep Cycle batteries are specifically 1440Wh designed for good performance in terms of cycles Batteries are the most 12v important part of your battery charging system 60Ah and should be sized according to your load requirements and provide at least 3 days reserve capacity This will reduce cycling prolong the 12v 60Ah life of the battery and ensure system reliability during periods of low wind In parallel to increase Permanent connections should always be made amp hours to the battery terminals Never use crocodile clips or similar devices Battery terminals should be well greased with petroleum jelly or similar We strongly recommend that one of the voltage Total 24v Fig11 60Ah regulators available from Marlec is fitted to 1440Wh prevent batteries becoming overcharged in strong winds and is essential with gelsealed batteries Batteries may be linked as shown in the figures 12v 60Ah 12v 10 and 11 It is essential to observe polarity as 60Ah follows Red is Positive In series to increase Black is Negative voltage CABLE Cable Size Run 12V 24V The cable used for connection of the m mm AWG mm AWG Windcharger to the batteries should be in020 25 13 15 15 accordance with table 1 The use of a smaller2130 4 11 25 13 cable than recommended will reduce the3145 6 9 4 11 performance of the charging system4680 10 7 6 9 Cable and connectors are available from your dealer or the manufacturer Document SM130 Issue G 261006 10 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners CONNECTION FITTING TO THE TOWER1 Run the cable selected see Table 1 down the inside of the pole2 Select one of the 2 basic wiring systems on page 12 and follow the manual provided with the voltage controller3 Fit the inline fuse and fuse holder in the circuit where the HRS type or no regulator is used It is essential that a charge fuse is fitted but note that some Marlec controllers incorporate one negating the need for a separate fuse Cut the fuse holder cable and strip back the ends to allow connection in the circuit Fig 12 20A Fuse and Fuse holder4 Connect the wind generator flying leads to the cable protruding from the tower using the connector block supplied taking care to observe polarity Connect the windcharger to cable and windcharger to cable Red is Positive Black is Negative5 Wrap the connection with insulation tape to secureprotect from environment Alternatively join the cables using a latchingtype plug and socket6 Locate the wind generator into the tower whilst gently easing the cable from the tower base to ensure the cable is not trapped Secure the wind generator to the tower using the button cap screws and shake proof washers provided tighten using the 6mm Allen key providedFINAL MECHANICAL CHECK1 Check the tightness of the blade fixing screws and generator mounting screws2 Check free rotation of the hub and yaw axisDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 11 Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Rutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual Rutland 913 with HRS913 Regulator Wiring Diagram HRS913 Regulator Rutland 913 Red Brown Black Black Red Charge Fuse BatteryRutland 913 with HRDX Controller HRDX Controller Solar Panel Maximum 100 Watts Rutland 913 Black Red Battery Battery Document SM130 Issue G 261006 12 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners ManualUP AND RUNNING Before raising and securing the wind generator check that1 All final mechanical checks have been made2 The cable is not trapped3 All electrical connections are secure and safe The wind generator can now be raised into position Take care to avoid all moving parts when raising and lowering the wind generator When raised secure the structure firmly in an upright position The performance of your Windcharger can be impaired if the pole is not AND PERFORMANCEThe curve shown below is for ideal nonturbulent wind conditions this may not be achieved in some installations Charge into 12v Battery Amperes Charge into 24v Battery Amperes 20 10 18 9 16 WINDSPEED CONVERSION 8 14 MPH Knots x 115 7 MS Knots x 515 12 6 10 5 8 4 6 3 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Windspeed KnotsDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 13 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners AND MAINTENANCEThe Rutland 913 requires no scheduled maintenance but an annual be carried out to monitor the general condition of the system to ensure theelectrical and mechanical integrity and safety of the systemWARNING Before inspection the turbine should either be lowered to the groundor tied to prevent the generator from turning To stop the generator from turningproceed as follows1 Either rotate the switch to stall mode on the HRDX Controller if used OR turn the wind generator out of the wind 180 using the tail a hole is provided in the tail fin to assist in this The generator will gradually slow down2 Tie a blade to the mounting pole to prevent it from rotatingWhilst the generator is stationary the following routine checks should beperformed1 Check the blades for damage eg chips or nicks Replace any damaged blades The turbine should not be operated with damaged blades as this may cause imbalance resulting in premature wear and possible failure Check the blade screws for tightness2 Check all other nuts bolts and screws for tightness3 Check the yaw axis for free rotation4 Check tower assembly for condition5 Check the tension of the guy wires if applicable The tension of guy wiresshould be checked frequently during the first year6 The unit can be wiped with a mild detergent and rinsed with water to removedirt and debrisNote The Windcharger is designed for continuous running to achieve to water ingress should the unit be restrained for any extended period itis recommended that it be SM130 Issue G 261006 14 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners the unlikely event that your Rutland 913 should develop a defect the turbineshould first be tied to prevent the blades from turning to perform the static testsbelow Follow the procedure described in the Inspection and Maintenance sectionIt will be necessary to let it run for the tests to check for power production1 Read the Electrical Connection and Up and Running sections and be satisfied that your system complies2 Is there sufficient wind The Rutland 913 needs 5 knots wind speed to start charging The wind speed across the turbine blades may be greatly reduced in a marina or builtup area compared with the reading on a masthead anemometer or weather reports3 Static Tests Is the battery in good condition Check the voltage and electrolyte level of each battery Check electrical continuity throughout the system especially corrosion and poor connections in cable joins and connector blocks4 Running Tests Check for power output from the windcharger following this procedureA Set a digital multimeter to DC Amps scale of between 5 and 10 if possible Connect the meter positive probe to the wind generator output positive cable and the meter negative to the regulator input positive Provided there is sufficient wind there should be a current reading This establishes that power is being deliveredB Using the same multimeter setting as above measure between the regulator to battery and the battery Provided there is sufficient wind there should be a current reading This establishes if power is passing through the regulatorC If both above are unsuccessful set the multimeter to DC Volts Disconnect the wind generator from the regulator and connect the meter to the wind generator and the meter to the wind generator Provided there is sufficient wind there should be a variable voltage reading according to the speed of the wind seen at the wind turbine This will establish if the wind generator is able to deliver power or notD If tests A and C are successful but test B fails to produce results connect the wind generator directly to the battery Set the digital multimeter to DC Amps and measure power between the wind generator and the battery If a reading is measured providing there is sufficient wind then the regulator is faultyE If the wind turbine fails to deliver any current or open circuit V reading undertake the further tests belowDocument SM130 Issue G 261006 15 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners Manual5 Mechanical inspection It may be necessary to remove the windcharger from its pole for the following tests Check the brushes and slipring for wear or damage To inspect the brushes remove the nacelle by removing the three fixing screws and slide the nacelle backwards towards the tail fin The brushes and slipring can be inspected by removing the four selftapping screws holding the brush holder assembly in place Remove any black deposits from slipring with emery paper Heavy deposits and reduced power indicate a possible reverse connection to the battery see Page 10 Check hub for free rotation with generator disconnected from battery If the hub does not rotate freely check for a possible short circuit in the wiring If no wiring fault is found refer to your dealer or manufacturer If the above checks have identified a need for spare parts or failed to identify the problem you should contact Marlec who can advise you of your nearest distributor in their world wide network In the first instance we recommend that you contact the company from whom the product was originally purchasedIf in doubt refer to your dealer or SM130 Issue G 261006 16 Marlec Engineering Co LtdRutland 913 Windcharger Owners ManualFor your future reference we recommend you note the NumberDate of PurchaseDate of of SM130 Issue G 261006 17 Marlec Engineering Co Ltd LI M I T E D W A R R A N T YThe Marlec Engineering Company Limited Warranty provides free replacement cover forall defects in parts and workmanship for 12 months from the date of purchase in this respect is limited to replacing parts which have been promptly reportedto the seller and are in the sellers opinion defective and are so found by Marlec uponinspection A valid proof of purchase will be required if making a warranty claimDefective parts must be returned by prepaid post to the manufacturer Marlec Limited Rutland House Trevithick Road Corby NN175XY England or to an authorised Marlec agentThis Warranty is void in the event of improper installation owner neglect misuse damagecaused by flying debris or natural disasters including lightning and hurricane force windsThis warranty does not extend to support posts inverters batteries or ancillary equipmentnot supplied by the manufacturerNo responsibility is assumed for incidental damage No responsibility is assumed damage No responsibility is assumed for damage caused by to the product or the use of any unauthorised componentsNo responsibility is assumed for use of a non furling versions of the where Marlec or one of its authorised agents finds that a a furling device should have been used Manufactured in the UK by Marlec Engineering Co Ltd Rutland House Trevithick Rd Corby Northants NN17 5XY UK Tel 44 01536 201588 Fax 44 01536 400211 Email wwwmarleccouk
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