Volvo D1 30 Operators Manual
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MANUALfine del manualein het findes i slutningen af inEste manual de instrues pode serencomendado em portugusto the State of California to cause cancer birth defects and1Welcome aboardVolvo Penta marine engines are used all over the world today They are used in all possible operating conditions for professional as well as leisure purposes That222s not more than 90 years as an engine manufacturer and after delivering over 500000marine engines the Volvo Penta name has become a symbol of reliability technical innovation top of the range performance and long service life We also believe that this iswhat you demand and expect of your Volvo Penta engineWe would like you to read this operator222s manual thoroughly and consider the advice wegive on running and maintenance before you cast off on your maiden voyage so thatyou will be ensured of fulfilling your regardsAB VOLVO the engine using auxiliary system3135Fuel out of precautions to be taken when operating the boatYour new boatRead Operators Manuals and other with your new boat Learn to operate theengine controls and other equipment safely andcorrectlyIf this is your first boat or is a boat type with whichyou are not familiar we recommend that you the boat in peace and quiet Learn how theboat behaves at different speeds weather conditionsand loads before casting off for your 223real224 that the person driving a boat is to know and follow the current rules and safety at sea Make sure you know therules that apply to you and the waters you are sailingin by contacting the relevant authorities or organizationA good piece of advice is to take a course in seamanship We recommend that you contact your localboating organization to find a suitable show that poor maintenance of boats andengines and a lack of safety equipment are often thecause of accidents at seaEnsure that your boat is maintained in accordancewith the relevant Operators Manual and that thenecessary safety equipment is onboard and checklistMake a habit of checking the engine and visually before operating the boatbefore the engine is startedboat after the engine has been stoppedhelp you to quickly detect fuel coolant and oil leaksand spot anything else unusual that has or is about violent and unexpected changes in course andgear engagement This could cause someone on theboat to lose their balance and fall over or overboardA rotating propeller can cause serious injury Checkthat nobody is in the water before engaging ahead orastern Never drive near bathers or in areas wherepeople could be in the waterAvoid trimming an outboard drive too much assteering will be severely refueling there is always a danger of fire andexplosion Smoking is forbidden and the engine mustbe switched offNever overfill the tank Close the fuel tank filler use the fuel recommended in the The wrong grade of fuel can cause or cause the engine to stop On a dieselengine poor quality fuel can cause the control rod toseize and the engine to overrev with a resultant risk ofdamage to the engine and personal injuryDo not start the engineDo not start or run the engine with a suspected fuel orLPG leak in the boat when you are close to or in adischarge of explosive media etc There is a risk forfire andor explosion in explosive monoxide poisoningWhen a boat is moving forward backwash is causedbehind the boat Sometimes this backwash can be sopowerful that exhaust gases can be sucked into thecabin or seating well on the boat with the resulting riskof carbon monoxide poisoning for those on boar dThe backwash problem is greatest with high broadboats with a squared stern But other types of boatcan also have backwash problems under for example when running with an awningrigged Among other factors that can increase thebackwash effect are wind conditions load sea running trim open hatches and valvesMost modern boats are designed in such a way thatproblems with backwash are extremely unusualShould a backwash problem occur do not openhatches or valves in the forward part of the boat Thiswill only increase backwash Try changing speed trimor load distribution in the boat instead In addition takedown open or change the rigging of the awning insome other way if an awning is rigged Contact thedealer where the boat was purchased to get on how to solve this problem should itoccur on your boat equipment Life jackets for all passengers communication equipment emergency fire extinguisher firstaid equipment life belt anchor paddle torch parts and tools impeller fuel filters fuses tape hose clamps engine oil propellerand tools for any repairs that might have to be carried out001Get out your charts and go over the planned route Calculate distance and fuel to the weather reports001Make sure that relations or contact persons are informed when planning a longer voyage Remember to inform them if your plans have changed or been delayed001Tell your passengers and crew where the safety equipment is stored and how to operate it Makesure you are not the only person on board who knows how to start the boat and operate it safelyThe list should be supplemented because the requirement for safety equipment varies depending onthe boat type and how it is used etc We recommend that you contact a local boating or maritimesafety organization for more detailed marine safety Information6 Safety precautions for maintenance and service Operators Manual contains instructions on how tocarry out general maintenance and service and correctly Read the instructions starting workService literature covering more complicated operations is available from your Volvo Penta dealerNever carry out any work on the engine if you areunsure of how it should be done contact your VolvoPenta dealer who will be glad to offer assistanceStop the engineStop the engine before opening or removing enginehatches Unless otherwise specified all maintenanceand service must be carried out with the prevent accidental start of the boat engine removethe ignition key turn off the power supply to theengine at the main switch and lock it in the OFFposition before starting work Put up a warning sign inthe control position that work on the engine is beingcarried outApproaching or working on an engine that is running isa safety risk Loose clothing hair fingers or adropped tool can be caught in the rotating parts of theengine and cause serious personal injury Volvo Pentarecommend that all servicing with the engine runningbe undertaken by an authorized Volvo Penta the engineWhen lifting the engine use the lifting eyes installedon the engine reverse gear where installedcheck that lifting equipment is in good condition and isstrong enough for the lift engine weight with any lifting beam All chains and cables shouldrun parallel to each other and as perpendicular aspossible in relation to the top of the engine Bear inmind that extra equipment installed on the engine mayalter its center of gravity Special lifting equipmentmay then be required in order to maintain the correctbalance and make the engine safe to handle Nevercarry out work on an engine suspended on a hoistBefore starting the all guards removed during service starting the engine Check that no tools orother items have been left on the engineNever start a turbocharger engine without installing theair cleaner can cause serious personal injuryForeign objects can also be sucked in and damage to the unitFire and explosionFuel and lubrication oilAll fuel most lubricants and many chemicals areinflammable Read and follow the instructions on carrying out work on the fuel system make surethe engine is cold A fuel spill onto a hot surface orelectrical components can cause a fireStore fuel soaked rags and other flammable materialso that there is no danger of them catching fire Incertain conditions oilsoaked rags can not smoke when filling fuel oil or in proximity of afilling station or in the engine used in the fuel and ignition systemgasoline enginesPenta products are designed and constructed tominimize the risk of fire and explosionUsing nonoriginal Volvo Penta parts can result in fireor explosion on batteries contain and give off oxyhydrogen gasespecially during charging This gas is easily ignitedand highly flammableDo not under any circumstances smoke or use nakedflame or allow sparks in the vicinity of the batteries orbattery connecting a battery terminal cable orjumpstart cable can cause a spark which in turn canbe sufficient to cause an explosionStart sprayNever use start spray or similar agents to start anengine equipped with air preheating glow plugsstarter in the inlet manifold Danger of surfaces and fluidsThere is always a risk of burns when working with ahot engine Beware of hot surfaces For example theexhaust pipe turbocharger TCpipe starter element hot coolant and hot oil in oillines and hosesCarbon monoxide poisoningStart the engine only in a wellventilated area Ifoperating the engine in an enclosed space ensurethat there is proper ventilation in order to removeexhaust gases and crankcase ventilation emissionsfrom the working chemicals such as antifreeze inhibiting oil degreasing agent etc are hazardous to health Read and follow the instructions on chemicals such as inhibiting oil are inflammableand dangerous if breathed in as well Ensure and use a protective mask when sprayingRead and follow the instructions on the packagingStore chemicals and other hazardous materials out ofthe reach of children To protect the dispose of used or leftover chemicals at aproperly designated disposal site for systemThere is a risk of water penetration when working onthe seawater system Turn off the engine and closethe sea cock before starting work on the systemAvoid opening the coolant filler cap when the engine ishot Steam or hot coolant can spray out and causeburnsIf work must be carried out with the engine at operating temperature and the coolant filler cap or a cockopen or a coolant hose disconnected open thecoolant filler cap carefully and slowly to before removing the cap completely Notethat the coolant may still be hot and can cause systemHot oil can cause burns Avoid skin contact with hotoil Ensure that the lubrication system is not underpressure before commencing work on it Never start oroperate the engine with the oil filler cap removed oilcan spray outFuel systemAlways use protective gloves when tracing leaksLiquids ejected under pressure can penetrate bodytissue and cause serious injury There is a danger ofblood cover the generator if it is located under thefuel filter The generator can be damaged by systemCutting off powerAlways stop the engine and break the current usingthe main switches before working on the Isolate shore current to the engine blockheater battery charger or accessories mounted onthe batteries contain an extremely corrosive electrolyte Protect your skin and clothes when charging orhandling batteries Always use protective goggles andglovesIf battery electrolyte comes into contact with unprotected skin wash off immediately using plenty of waterand soap If battery acid comes into contact with theeyes flush immediately with plenty of water andobtain medical assistance without delaySafety Operators Manual has been compiled to help you get the most from your Volvo Penta engine It contains allthe information you need in order to operate and maintain your engine safely and correctly Please read theOperators Manual carefully and learn how to operate the engine controls and other equipment safelyAlways have the Operators Manual available Keep it in a safe place and do not forget to give it to the new ownerif you sell your boatCare of the environmentWe would all like to live in a clean and healthy environment Somewhere where we can breathe cleanair see healthy trees have clean water in our lakesand oceans and are able to enjoy the sunshine without being worried about our health cannot be taken for granted nowadays but issomething we must work together to achieveAs a manufacturer of marine engines Volvo Pentahas a special responsibility why care of the environment is a core value in our product Volvo Penta has a broad range of engineswhere progress has been made in reducing fuel consumption engine noise etcWe hope you will take care in preserving these qualities Always follow any advice given in the concerning fuel grades operation and maintenance and you will avoid causing unecessary interference to the environment Get in touch with yourVolvo Penta dealer if you notice any changes such asincreased fuel consumption exhaust smokeAdapt speed and distance to avoid wash and or injuring animal life moored boats jetties etc Leave islands and harbours in the samecondition as you want to find them Remember toalways leave hazardous waste such as waste oilcoolant paint and wash residue flat batteries etcfor disposal at a destruction plantOur joint efforts will make a valuable contribution toour engine must be run in for its first 10 operatinghours as followsOperate the engine normally Do not operate it at fullload except for short periods Never run the engine ata constant engine speed for long periods during therunningin periodThe engine can be expected to use more engine oilduring the runningin period than would otherwise benormal Check the oil level more often than isnormally recommendedThe prescribed warranty inspection 223First must be carried out during this first periodof operation For more information See the Warrantyand Service BookFuel and oilsOnly use the fuel and oils recommended in the chapter Technical Data Other grades of fuel and oil cancause operating problems increased fuel consumption and in the longterm a shorter engine change oil oil filters and fuel filters at therecommended and replacement partsVolvo Penta marine engines are designed for reliability and long service life They areconstructed to withstand the marine environment whilealso affecting it as little as possible Through regularservice and the use of Volvo Penta original spareparts these qualities will be retainedThe Volvo Penta worldwide network of are at your service They are specialists inVolvo Penta products and have accessories and theoriginal replacement parts test equipment and specialtools necessary for high quality service and follow the maintenance intervals contained inthe Operators Manual Remember to state the identification number when and replacement partsWarrantyB EC Type Examination acc to Annex VIIAB Volvo PentaThis declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer I declare on behalf of the engine of the person empowered to sign on behalfor an equivalent markingPostbus 65Engine Type4 Engine modelsEC Type certificate numberD113 D120 D130 manual1 345Gear ratio 6Serial number 7 8XXXXXX 7XX 8D240D113 D120 DD130 with reverse gear MS15AD130 with reverse gear 81AV i 0121188IQKHC 4C5BEUQ4 aaaWYTd 666 320A45678875 TmH7PO 2 filler cap 2Heat exchanger 3Relay box with fuses 4Generator 5Starter motor 6Oil cooler reverse gear 7Dipstick reverse gearSdrive8Air cleaner ACL9Dipstick engine10Oil filler cap engine11Fuel pump12Oil filter13Fuel pump15Seawater pump16Cooling water intake Sdrive17Sea cock anodes20Oil drain plug 399Z76XSC 0LLUFf2VB 1ODI4HtC and hour counter for acoustic alarm3Warning display See pos 13164Switch for instrument lighting5Alarm switch See description in the next chapterSThe mechanical restart inhibitor is disengaged0The key can be inserted and positionIIGlow plug position The glow plugs are position The starter motor is engaged Read the starting instructions in7Tachometer and hour counter for acoustic alarm9Warning display See pos 131610Rocker switch for the11Starter button The starter motor is engaged12 Alarm and glow plug coolant temperature too high If the alarm sounds Reduce engine14Low oil not lamp Comes on when the glow plugs are17Not used18Low coolant level Top up to correct level before19Water in extra fuel prefilter Drain off water in fil20Extra alarm for an optional function17The shift function and engine speed control are combined in one lever If necessary the shift function can beeasily disengaged so that only the engine speed rpmfriction brake A neutral position switch is available as an accessory this will only permit the engine to be startedwith the drivereverse gear disengagedFor topmounted the friction brakeThe friction brake only affects the engine speedcontrol the cover over the control For the lever must first be removed001Set the lever to the halfopen the friction brake Turning the screwclockwise while turning 226to move the the cover and and engine speed are controlled with thesame lever 1N Neutral position Drivereverse gear disengagedF Drivereverse gear engaged for movement aheadR Drivereverse gear engaged for movement asternT Engine speed the shift lever 1N001Press in button 2and release the buttonThe shift function is now disengaged and the leveraffects only engine speed When the lever ismoved back to the neutral position it Take care not to engage the drivereverse gear by mistakeFor sidemounted the engineMake a habit of checking the engine and engine compartment visually before operating the boat This will help youto quickly detect anything unusual that has or is about to happen Also check that instruments and the warningdisplay are indicating normal values when you have started the engineBefore the cooling water intake sea cock001Open fuel valve001Carry out the actions in the 223Daily before the section in the maintenance on the main Never break the circuit with themain switch while the engine is running Thiscould damage the the engine compartment fan if one is fittedand let it run for at least four that there is sufficient fuel1If the engine is cold1If the engine is cold21Starting the engineStarting using auxiliary Batteries produce oxyhydrogen Thisgas is easily ignited and highly volatile A shortcircuit naked flame or spark can cause a largeexplosion Ensure that the ventilation is goodNever mix up battery positive and This may cause sparks and the auxiliary batteries have the same ratedvoltage as the engine222s system voltage2First connect the red jump lead to the terminal Abattery222s terminal B3First connect the black jump lead to the terminal CDwhere there is good contact with the cylinder blockas far away from the discharged battery the engine and run it at a fast idle ten minutes to charge the batteryWARNING Approaching or working on a runningengine is dangerous Watch out for and hot surfacesDo not touch the connections while trying to startthe engine This may cause sparks Do not leanover the batteries5Stop the engine Remove the jump leads inexactly the opposite order to which you put coolant temperature ECT1 shifting between ahead and astern must be done atengine idle speed Shifting at higher speeds maydamage the drive or reverse gear and will also for those on board1Reduce engine speed to idling and if possible letthe boat lose most of its speed2Move the reverse gear control lever quickly andfirmly into the neutral position Wait for a moment3Move the gear control lever quickly and firmly intoastern then increase the speedWhen sailingWhen sailing the control lever should be in the if a folding propeller is used and in if a fixed propeller is used123 A poorly charged battery shownnot shownsealand chapter contains instructions regarding how the above maintenance points should be carried out togetherwith general technical information Read the instructions carefully before starting work Maintenance intervals arecontained in the chapter above Maintenance schedule WARNING Read the safety precautions for maintenance and service in the chapter Safety starting work WARNING Unless otherwise specified all maintenance and service must be carried out with the enginestopped Stop the engine before opening or removing engine hatches Immobilize the engine by removingthe ignition key turning off the power supply with the main switchEngine generalGeneral inspectionMake a habit of 223visually224 inspecting the engine andengine room before starting the engine and afterstopping when the engine has been turned off Thiswill help you to quickly detect abnormalities that haveoccurred or are about to occurLook especially carefully for oil fuel and coolantleaks loose bolts worn or slack drive belts damaged hoses and electric cablesThis inspection takes only a few minutes but can prevent serious operating diesturbances and costly repairsWARNING Accumulations of fuel oil and greaseon the engine or in the engine room is a fire hazard and must be removed immediately they If an oil fuel or coolant leak is detected the cause must be investigated and thefault rectified before the engine is Never point highpressure waterjets directly at seals rubber hoses or Never use the highpressure function when washing the Engine generalDrive belt Adjusting and Always turn the engine off beforestarting maintenance workIMPORTANT Tighten screw 1Check and adjust as necessary after operating theengine when the belts are warm It should be possibleto depress a belt at the correct tension approx 10 mmbetween the pulleys using normal thumb pressureLoosen the alternator fixing screws 13belt with the adjustment screw 4tension Tighten the screws 13To replace the belt slacken off screws 1 and 2Press the generator in towards the cylinder block sothat the belt can be removed Clean off the pulleygrooves Install the new belt Adjust as above Checkbelt tension again after a few hours222 operation IMPORTANT D130 and D240 make sure thedrive belt is positioned in the track closest to belt CheckThe belt drives both the circulation pump and thegenerator A belt that is too loose can result in slippage poor cooling and poor charging A belt that istoo tight can damage the bearings in the and damage the generatorCheck the tension of the belt regularly Adjust asrequired Check that the belt is not cracked or damaged Replace a worn belt Keep a spare belt onboard10 mm234D130 D2401the old filter1Run the engine to operating temperature so that2Suck out the oil using an oil drain pump through oil3Unscrew the old filter To avoid oil spills put a4Check that the engine mating surface is clean5Moisten the filter rubber gasket with a little oil6Top up oil to correct level Start the engine and let7Stop the engine Wait for approx 10 Freshwater systemThe fresh water system is the engines222 internal cooling system which ensures that the engine operates at the correct temperature It is a closed circuit system and must always be filled with a mixture of at least 40 concentrated coolant and 60 water to protect against internal corrosion cavitation and damage caused by freezingWe recommend that you use 223Volvo Penta Coolant Ready Mixed224 alternatively 223Volvo Penta Coolant224 water according to spec see 223Coolant Mixture224 Only coolant of this quality is suitedtoo and approved by Volvo PentaThe coolant should contain ethylene glycol of a good quality with a suitable chemical consistency for an of the engine Using anticorrosion aditive exclusively is not permitted in Volvo Penta222s engines Neveruse water by itself as Coolant must be used all year round This applies even if there is never any risk for frost toensure that the engine has an adequate protection against warranty claims on the engine and additional equipment may be rejected if an unsuitable coolant hasbeen used or if the instructions concerning coolant mixing have not been followedNOTE The anticorrosive agents become less effective after a time which means that the coolant must be replaced see 223Service schematic224 The cooling system should be flushed out at the same time as the coolant is replaced see 223Cooling system Penta Coolant224 is a concentrated coolantthat is to be mixed with water It has been developedto function optimally with Volvo Penta222s engines andprovides excellent protection against corrosion cavitation and frost damage223Volvo Penta Coolant Ready Mixed224 is a readymixed coolant 40 223Volvo Penta Coolant224 and 60water This concentration protects the engine cavitation damage and freezing conditionsdown to 28 260C 18260F340 ppm95260 dH40 ppmSulfate100 ppm005 ppm500 265Scm acc ISO846715 mg Freshwater systemCoolant level Checking and topping upWARNING Stop the engine and allow it to coolbefore opening the filler cap Steam or hot coolant may spurt out Hot coolant and hot surfacescan cause burnsTurn the filler cap slowly counter clockwise and letany pressure escape from the system before removing the cap The coolant level should be between theMAX and MIN marking on the expansion tank whenthe engine is cold Top up coolant if the filler capIMPORTANT When filling a completely drainedsystem the coolant level must be checked afteran hours use because the system is self bleeding Top up if to let the coolant run out faster Open the1Drain the coolant as above2Insert a hose into the filling pipe 33Close the drain tap and the drain plug Fill up withpumped through the heat exchanger Finally the water is pumped out into the exhaust elbow pipe where it isOn engines with a reverse gear the sea water pump suck in water via the sea water inlet after which the waterexchanger Finally the water is pumped out into the exhaust bend where it is mixed with the exhaust Seawater systemVacuum valve CleaningSome engines have a vacuum valve installed in theseawater piping WARNING Risk for water penetration Close thesea cockClose the sea cock Disassemble the valve Unscrewthe hexagonal cover In the cover there is a membrane and a gasket Clean all the parts Turn thecover upside down Install the membrane first andthen the gasket Turn the valve housing upside downas well Screw the cover into position but not too hard02 kpmSeawater filter CleaningThe seawater filter is an accessory Screw off cover12insert 3 IMPORTANT If the boat is used in water thathas a lot of contaminants seaweed etc the filtermust be checked more frequently than indicatedin the maintenance schedule Otherwise there isa risk the filter will clog and the engine the seawater cock 12Disconnect the hose at the seawater cock 13Place the free end of the hose in a bucket of4Check that there is nobody close to the propeller5Set the control lever to neutral Start the engine6Fill the bucket with an antifreeze mixture 507Start the engine and let it idle Stop the engine just8Reconnect the hose1Close the seawater cock 12Remove the cover and sealing plate on the sea3Remove the cover 34Open the drain cock 45Disconnect the hoses where indicated by the6Connect a hose to the drain cock on the the hose 68Drain the silencer 79Reinstall all hoses the cover on the the seawater cock the next time the boat Fire risk When carrying out work on the fuel system make sure the engine is cold A fuel spill1Open vent screw 12Pump the fuel using hand pump 23Start the engine and check for leaksPosition a container under the fuel filter Drain offand clean the filter bowl Replace insert and Electrical systemWARNING Always stop the engine and break the current using the main switches before working on theelectrical system Isolate shore current to the engine block heater battery charger or accessories mountedon the engineMain switchThe main switch must never be turned off before theengine has stopped If the circuit between the generator and the battery is cut off when the engine isrunning the generator can be seriously damaged Forthe same reason charging circuits must never beswitched over while the engine is Never break the circuit with themain switches while the engine is check that all electrical connections are dry andfree of oxidation and that there are no loose connections If necessary spray these connections with spray Volvo Penta Universal oilFusesThe engine is fitted with an automatic fuse The fuseprotects the system and cuts power in the event of anoverloadIf it is not possible to start the engine or if the instrument stops working while running the fuse may havebeen activated Reset by pressing in the Always investigate the cause ofthe Electrical systemBattery Maintenance WARNING Risk of fire and explosion Neverallow an open flame or electric sparks near thebattery or batteries WARNING Never mix up battery positive andnegative terminals This may cause sparks andan explosion WARNING The battery electrolyte corrosive sulfuric acid Protect yourskin and clothes when charging or Always use protective goggles andgloves If battery electrolyte comes into contactwith unprotected skin wash off plenty of water and soap If battery acidcomes into contact with the eyes flush immediately with plenty of water and obtain without and connect the red battery lead to the battery terminal Then connect the black battery lead to thebattery terminalWhen disconnecting the battery disconnect the batteries dry and clean Oxidation or dirt on thebattery and battery terminals can cause drop and discharge especially in dampweather Clean the battery terminals and leads toremove oxidation using a brass brush Tighten thecable terminals well and grease them with terminalgrease or petroleum jellyTopping upThe electrolyte should be 5 10 mm over the plates inthe battery Top up using distilled water if the battery after topping up for at least 30minutes by running the engine at fast idle NOTECertain batteries have which must be Electrical systemBattery Danger of explosion The batteriesgive off hydrogen gas during charging whichwhen mixed with air can form an explosive gas oxyhydrogen A shortcircuit naked flame orspark can cause a large explosion Ensure thatthe ventilation is goodWARNING The battery electrolyte corrosive sulfuric acid Protect yourskin and clothes when charging or Always use protective goggles andgloves If battery electrolyte comes into contactwith unprotected skin wash off plenty of water and soap If battery acidcomes into contact with the eyes flush immediately with plenty of water and obtain without delayIf the battery has discharged it must be charged f theboat has not been used for some time charge thebattery and then trickle charge it see and may burst in cold Follow the instructions suppliedwith the battery charger carefully To corrosion when an external charger isconnected always disconnect the battery leadsbefore connecting the chargerWhen charging unscrew filler plugs but leave them intheir holes Ventilation should be good particularly ifthe batteries are being charged in an enclosed areaWARNING Always switch off the before removing the battery Never mix up battery positive andnegative terminals This may cause sparks andan instructions apply when boost charging thebatteries Avoid boost charging the batteries as it willshorten their service life1If shore power is connected the protector ground2Route and clamp electric cables so that they will3The Sdrive is electrically isolated A4There must be a main switch 5If an auxiliary battery is in use a main switch D1Engine oolant temperature switch D113 D1202Engine oolant temperature switch D130 D2403Engine coolant temperature motor6Glow plugs7Engine speed sensor8Oil pressure S drive and reverse gearS drive and reverse gearThe S drive and in certain cases the propeller reverse geargalvanic corrosion Faulty electrical installation can also cause the break down of the galvanic protection Damagedue to electrolytic corrosion occurs rapidly and is often extensive For further information see the chapter 224Electrical Improperly applied paint or the wrong type of paint on the keel can put the system out of action For further information on painting see the chapter Laying upLaunchingOil level CheckRemove the dipstick by turning the dipstick and reinsert it in the drive reverse gear without screwing it in Remove the dipstick and check the oil level The correct oil level isbetween the MAX and MIN markingsTop up the oil as required using the dip stick tube Foroil quality and capacity See the chapter Do not overfill under any circumstances The oil level must always be within therecommended levelOil change SdriveRemove the oil dipstick Remove the plug on thepropeller gear housing and let the oil run out Checkthat the plug oring is intact Replace if the plug and oring Top up oil to correct levelthrough the hole for the oil dipstick For oil quality andcapacity See the chapter 224Technical it is possible to change oil without takingthe boat out of water eg the oil change interval isreached during season Suck up oil using an oil pumpthrough the oil suction pipe 226 using this methodleaves approximately 05 liters 013 US galsSdrive Top up oil to correct level through the hole forthe oil dipstick For oil quality and capacity See thechapter 224Technical If oil is colored gray then waterhas entered the drive Please contact an authorised Volvo Penta S drive and reverse gearOil change Reverse gearRemove the dipstick Suck up oil using an oil pumpthrough the hole for the dipstick Measure out thecorrect amount of oil and fill up through the hole forthe oil dipstick For oil quality and capacity See thechapter 224Technical Never overfill reverse gear The oillevel should always lie at the the propeller see the next section2Remove the sacrificial anodes thread sealant to the screws for the4Install the new sacrificial anodes Tighten the5Reinstall the propeller1Set the control lever in the 224Ahead224 the propeller blade by first undoing the4Pull off the propeller hub and the spacing the spacing sleeve drive4Install one propeller blade in the propeller hub and5Install the other blades in the same way CheckA 3blade folding propeller driveB 2blade folding propeller driveC 3blade folding propeller S drive and reverse gearPropeller shaft seal Reverse gearIf the boat has a Volvo Penta shaft the shaft sealmust be vented and lubricated directly after launchingVent the bushing by pressing it together while pressing down on the shaft until water appears Then pressin approx 1 cc water repellent grease into the sealIMPORTANT The seal must be replaced every500 running hours or every 5th yearRubber seal SdriveCheck the rubber seal between the drive and the hullregularly for cracks and wearWARNING The seal must be changed everyseven years or earlier if it is defective This workshould be carried out by an authorized NOTE A poorly charged battery Laying up and out of oil level in the engine and Top up if necessary If there is inhibiting oilin the system drain and fill with new oil change oilfilter For correct oil grade See the chapter 224Technical the antifreeze from the seawater the impeller in the seawater pump replace ifthe old one looks drain drive belts001Check the condition of rubber hoses and tightenhose clamps001Check engine coolant level and antifreeze protection Top up if the fully charged the drive and hull See next page001Check the sacrificial anode on the drive If there isless than 50 of the anode left it must be replaced Clean with emery cloth just before the boatis Do not use a wire brush or othersteel tools when cleaning as these may damagethe galvanic the the boat Check for leaks001Vent and lubricate the propeller shaft seal the engine Check that there are no fuelengine coolant or exhaust gas leaks and that allcontrol functions are the drive and battery2Loose tripped4Stop control pulled out5Inadequate of fuel7Fouled fuel filter8Air in the fuel injection in the fuel10Boat abnormally on underwater speed control air supply14Engine coolant temperature too high15Engine coolant temperature is too oil level too low17Blocked fuel engine mounting20Too little seawater pump drive belt oil level too drive belt motor not turning or slow1 2 3Engine will not start4 5 6 7 8 9Engine starts but stops again6 7 8 9Engine difficult to start6 7 8 9Engine does not reach correct speed at full speed7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18Engine knocks14Engine runs unevenly6 7 8 9 13 14Engine vibrates18 19High fuel consumption10 11 13 15 18Black exhaust smoke5 13 15 18Blue or white exhaust smoke15 25Low oil pressure16 17Engine coolant temperature too high20 21 22 23 24No or poor charging2 26Technical DataEngine power kW hp90 122138 188209 284291 396Propeller shaft power kW hp86 118133 180201 273279 380After market AD120 AD130 AD240 ADisplacement l in305131076 465113 69151 921Number of speed speed rpm850 26125850 26125850 26125850 26125Rotation viewed from in permitted rake backwards while running20Max list while dry engine96 kg118 kg127 kg148 kgThermostats no1 screws1 screws1 screws1 screwsThe thermostat starts opening open at102C 203260F102C 203260F102C system capacity approx27 litres30 litres40 litres64 litresno engine inclination19 litres28 litres35 litres65 litresCSAE 15W40SAE 15W40SAE 15W40SAE 15W40SAE 20W50SAE 20W50SAE 20W50SAE 20W50Oil drain plug tightening torque3022640 Nm3022640 Nm3022640 Nm3022640 NmD113 D120 D130DNOTE Mineral based oil either fully or semisynthetic can be used on condition that itIf sulphur content is 10 by weight use oil with TBN 15VDS Volvo Drain API American Petroleum InstituteTBN Total Base NumberSystem voltage12 V15ABattery capacity starter battery70 AhAC currentoutput approx1610 WStarter motor output approx20 kWType MS10LBMS15AB MS15LBGear ratio2351 27212141 2631MS10A MS15A8MS10L MS15L0Oil volume approx035 liters 009 US gals056 liters 015 US galsOil gradeATF Dexron II IIIATF Dexron II III11 kg 24 lbs16 kg 35 lbsType ratioOil volume approx29 liters 077 US galsOil gradeATF Dexron II III265 kg 58 lbsoil drain plug10 2615 Nm 74 26137 Dept number 7745857ARU2 Dept 7744847ARU2 Dept 64620Num351ro de publication 7744848ARU2 Dept 64620Public No 7744851ARU2 Dept 64620N372mero de publicaci363n 7744849ARU2 Avd 7744845ARU2 Dept 7744854ARU2 Dept 7744852ARU2 Dept 64620ARU2 Dept 64620315341351 7744856ARU2 Dept 64620N372mero de publica347343o 107324 465632unkJ1m0G dIRNpR6yD0 67584uZ dod4 p 103 6758Z d0Ld5fw7q222 N410 RcPJBh3 110
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