
Westerbeke Diesel 12d Two Technical Manual

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NAVSEA 0941Lp0148010 WITH CHANGE 3 NAVSEA 09410148013 WESTERBEKE DIESEL MODEL 14088 ENGINE SERVICE MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 23 FEBRUARY 1967 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 CHANGE 3 1 JUNE 1980 NAVSEA 0941LP0148013 NAVSEA 0941Lp0148010 WITH CHANGE 3 NAVSEA 09410148013 WESTERBEKE DIESEL MODEL 14088 ENGINE SERVICE MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 23 FEBRUARY 1967 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 CHANGE 3 1 JUNE 1980 NAVSEA 0941LP0148013 APPROVAL AND PROCUREMENT RECORDBASIC APPROVAL DATA FOR NAVSHIPS MANUAL WESTERBEKE DIESEL MODEL AUTHORITY Letter 23 February 1967 BuShips NObs4989 Sere 6146157 Letter 1 May 1967 SPCC Contract N10418261A Letter 18 July 1967 SuShips Jacksonville Sere 2401383 Letter 18 April 1969 SuShips Seattle Sere 6235361942 Letter 19 January 1970 SPCC Contract N0010470C1647 Letter 7 October 1970 SuShips Seattle Sere 5364696 Letter 6 April 1971 SPCC Mechanicsburg 8413CCZU893 Letter 20 February 1974 SPCC Mechanicsburg N0010473C0830 Letter 22 November 1976 SPCC Mechanicsburg N0010476C2732 Letter 10 October 1979 SPCC Mechanicsburg N0010479C2732 CONTRACT VESSELS QUANTITY BUILDING OR ORDER APPLICABLE OF MANUALS YARDNObs4989 26 1 MWB 188 Miami Beach Yacht CorpOrder No 2190N Miami Beach 26 1 MWB 134 SPCC 26 1 MWB 218 AeroMar Plastics Div Miami Beach Yacht 26 1 MWB 52 SPCC 26 1 MWB 230 Uniflite Inc Bellingham 26 1 MWB 140 SPCC 26 1 MWB 6 SPCC 26 1 MWB 30 SPCC 26 1 1 W B 112 Unif1ite IncDSA 70071 C8251 26 1 MWB 58 DSA Columbus OhioDSA 70071 C9054 26 1 MWB 138 DSA Columbus 26 1 MWB 80 Unif1ite 26 1 MWB 50 SPCC 26 1 MWB 50 SPCC 26 1 MWB 80 Uni f1 ite 26 1 MWB 40 SPCC 26 1 MWB 46 Unif1 ite 26 1 MWB 26 Unif1ite 26 1 MWB 86 SPCC 26 1 MWB 104 Mason Boats 26 1 MWB 102 SPCC DATE 1 JUNE 1980It is hereby certified that NAVSEA 09410148010 to be provided under the abovecontracts has been approved by the approval data shown above H WESTERBEKE CORPORATIO Avon Massachusetts 02322 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGESPAGE NO CHANGE IN EFFECT COMMENTS 1 Change 3 New Text 2 Blank 35 Change 3 New Text 611 Change 3 Renumbered pages 12 Blank 13 Change 3 Dwg No Changed 14 Blank 1518 Change 3 Renumbered pages 1920 Change 3 Revised Text 2128 Change 3 Renumbered pages 29 Change 3 Revised Text 3031 Change 3 Renumbered pages 3233 Change 3 Revised Text 3436 Change 3 Renumbered pages 37 Change 3 New Text 38 Bl ank A lA 2 Change 3 New Text B 1 Change 3 New Text B2 Blank B3B13 Change 3 New Text ClC2 Change 3 New Text D 1 Change 3 New Text 02 Blank LlL9 Change 3 New Text E 10 Bl ank FlF6 Change 3 New Text GlG2 Change 3 New Text HlH4 Change 3 New Text JlJ3 Change 3 New Text J4 Bl ank KlK6 Change 3 New Text LlL2 Change 3 New Text MlM5 Change 3 New Text M6 Blank NlN3 Change 3 New Text N4 Blank PlP7 Change 3 New Text P8 Blank Q 01 Change 3 New Text Q02 Blank Q lQ 12 Change 3 Renumbered pages Q13Q16 Change 3 New Text Q17Q23 Change 3 Renumbered pages Q24 Blank RlR2 Change 3 Revised Text 51519 Change 3 Renumbered pages 520 Blank VlV7 Change 3 New Text V8 Change 3 Renumbered Page V9V12 Change 3 New Text XlX2 Change 3 New Text X3 Blank X4X34 Change 3 New Text X35 Blank X36X41 Change 3 New Text INDEXTAB SECTION PAGE Titl e Page Approval and Procurement Record List of Effective Pages 1 IndexTab 3 Sectional IndexGeneral Section 4 Software Notice 5 Introduction 6 Photographs 13 Installation Drawing 15 Installation of Engine 22 Starting Engine the First Time 24 Operating Engine 25 Precautions 26 Fault Diagnosis 28 Do and Do Nots 29 Periodical Attention 32 MaintenanceTab ENGINE OVERHAUL A Engine Description B Technical Data Specifications Torque C Approved Engine Service Tools o Fault Diagnosis E Cyl i nder Head F Pistons and Connecting Rods G Cylinder Block and Liners H Crankshaft and Main Bearings J Flywheel and Housing K Timing Case and Drive L Timing M Lubrication N Internal Cooling System P Fuel SystemTab OTHER OVERHAUL Q Electrical System Q1 Delco Remy Generator and Regulator Q13 Motorola Alternator and Regulator Q17 Delco Remy Starter Motor R Cooling System External S Transmission Paragon P220Tab V SERVICE BULLETINSTab X PARTS LIST 3SECTION INDEXGENERAL Introduction Operation Installation OVERHAULOTHER OVERHAUL Marine Engine Electrical System Cooling System External BULLETINSPARTS LIST 4 IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOFTWARE NOTICEProduct software of all kinds such as product software Such software may bebrochures drawings technical data outdated and no longer accurate and workshop manuals parts changes made by Westerbekes supplierslists and parts price lists and other of which Westerbeke rarely has instructions and specifi in advance are frequently not provided from sources other in the suppliers software until afterthan Westerbeke is not within Wester such changes take placebekes control and accordingly isprovided to Westerbeke customers only Westerbeke customers should also keep inas a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE mind the time span between printings ofCANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT Westerbeke product software and theOF SUCH SOFTHARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES unavoidable existence of earlier nonOR WITH RESPECT THERETO current Westerbeke software editions inINCLUDING THE ACCURACY TIMELINESS OR the field Additionally most THEREOF AND WILL IN NO beke products include BE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES special features that frequently do notOR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH include complete ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING ORUSE OF SUCH SOFTWARE In sum product software provided with Westerbeke products whether from WesterFor example components and subassemb beke or other suppliers must not andlies incorporated in Westerbekes cannot be relied upon exclusively as theproducts and supplied by others such definitive authority on the respectiveas engine blocks fuel systems and com product It not only makes good senseponents transmissions electrical com but is imperative that pumps and other products of Westerbeke or theare generally supported by their manu supplier in question be consulted tofacturers with their own software and determine the accuracy and currency ofWesterbeke must depend on such software the product software being consultedfor the design of Westerbekes own by the customer 5 manual describes the operation adjustment and maintenance of theWesterbeke Whaleboat Marine Diesel Engine and is designed to be a guide forthose concerned with the operation and maintenance of these diesels Thisengine incorporates a basic engine model known variously as 499 4107 and4108 You will notice continual references to these three model the workshop portion of this manual They are used to the three major engineering changes already made to the engineThe diesel engine closely resembles the gasoline engine inasmuch as the mechanism is essentially the same Its cylinders are arranged above its its crankshaft is one of the same general type as that of a gasolineengine it has the same sort of valves camshaft pistons connecting rods andlubricating system and reverse and reduction gearThere it follows to a great extent that it requires the same treatment as thatwhich any intelligent and careful operator would give to a gasoline engine andthat gross negligence such as running the engine short of oil with sludged oildirty filters or with water boiling will have the same expensive diesel engine does differ from the gasoline engine however in the methodof handling and firing its fuel Carburetor and ignition system are done awaywith and in its place is a single component the Fuel Injection Pump whichperforms the functions of care and attention at the factory have resulted in an engine capable of many hundreds of hours of service What the manufacturer cannotcontrol however is the treatment the product will receive in service Thispart rests with youWhenever service parts are ordered always give complete description and partnumbers with engine model and serial number as an example Please supply For Whaleboat Marine Engine No ED7153480 10 of 15559 Oil Filter CartridgeThe engine number is stamped on the starboard side of the engine on the forwardend of the Camshaft Chamber and on the port side of the engine near the fuelpump CJ FUEL OIL LIFT PUMP SECONDARY FUEL FILTER CONNECTION FORCYLINDER BLOCK WATER DRAIN GENERATOR SHIELDED CONDUIT TACHOMEHR DRIVE CONNECTOR LUBE OIL DIPSTICK OIL COOLER LUBE OIL LINES TO IPI FOR SUMP PUMP HOSE AND FROM TRANSMISSION Fig lStarboard Side of Model Fourl07 cAnAuT MANIFOLD EXHAUST UNDER T WATER TANK REVERSE GEARFUEL INJECTION PUMP SHIFTING LEVER REVERSE GEAR DIPSTICKLUBE OIL FILTER STARTING MOTOR SOLENOID MOUNTING RAIL LUBE OIL INOUT FITTING STARTING MOTOR J Fig 2Port View of Engine8 HEAT EXCHANGER HYDRAULIC REVERSE GEAR REDUCTION GEAR Fig 3Rear Starboard View Looking at Transmission 9 INJECTION NOZZLES REAR LIFTING RING FUEL PIPES FILTER TO PUMHEA T EXCHANGER DRAIN Fig 4Rear Port View Looking at Transmission10 FRESH WATER FILLER CAP FRESH WATER PUMP BILGE PUMP Fig 5Front Starboard View of Engine 11 r FRESH WATER PUMP FRONT LIFTING RING FRESH WATER LINECRANKSHAFT PULLEY SEA WATER LINE BilGE PUMP Fig 6Front Port View of Engine 15 INSTALLATION FOREWORD to the rings and the engine lifted by meansSince the boats in which these engines are used of a tackle attached to this short sling The liftinghave been designed by engineers of the US rings have been designed to carry the fullweightNavy every detail of the engine installation is of the engine therefore auxiliary slings are notprovided for in the plans and checked by US required or desiredNaval Inspectors The general rule in moving engines is to see thatThe following outline of general procedure is all equipment used is amply strong and firmlyincluded because it is valuable in explaining the fixed in place Move the engine a little at afunctions of each component the reasons why time and see that it is firmly supported Elimthe precautions to be watched and the rela inate possibility of accidents by avoiding hastetionship of the installation to the operation of Do not lift from the propeller coupling or prythe engine against this with crowbar as you may distortThere are details of the installation which should the couplingbe checked periodically and regarding which In some cases it may be necessary to lift thethe operator should have a thorough under engine in other than the regular horizontal posistanding to insure good operating conditions for tion It may be that the engine must be loweredthe engine and to insure correct procedure in endwise through a small hatchway which the engine be made larger If the opening is extremely restricted it is possible to reduce to some extent INSPECTION OF SHIPMENT the outside clearances such as generator coolThe engine is shipped from the factory mounted ing piping water tank filters mounting lugsupon heavy skids and properly crated Acces etc This accessory equipment should be resory equipment is shipped in a separate small moved by a competent mechanic and specialbox usually packed with the engine crate Im care should be taken to avoid damage to anymediately upon arrival the shipment should be exposed parts or the entrance of dirt where openings have been made The parts wh ichinspected for possible accidental damage in tran have been removed should be returned to posisit and for any possible shortage in parts and tion as soon as the restricted opening has beenequipment Before accepting any shipment from passedthe transportation company check with the packing list and if any shortage or damage is noted In case it is necessary to hoist the engine eitherfile claim with the agent before accepting ship front end upwards or reverse gear end upment reporting same to the shipper wards the attachment of slings must be done very carefully to avoid the possibility of damageInspect the engine for loose nuts or screws to the parts on which the weight may come frequently loosens th ings on a is best if special rigging work be done by somenew engine on account of gasket shrinkage one experienced and competent in the down cylinder head This should be of heavy machinerydone before starting the engine and again whileit is hot after running for a few hours Start at ENGINE BOLTScenter of head then work out toward sides and It is recommended that 12 lag bolts preferablyends taking onehalf turn on each nut Repeat of bronze be used through the engine supportingthe process in the same order until all nuts are brackets Bolt holes are drilled 916 Lagtight Refer to page E 9 screws are less preferred because their hold on the wood is weakened every time they are RIGGING AND LlFnNG moved whereas the lag bolt stays in position and the nut on top is used to tighten the engineThe engine is fitted with two lifting rings de down or is removed to permit the engine to besigned so that the engine may be lifted without lifted The bolt itself stays in position at alldamage Location of these is shown in Fig 4 times as a stud and the bond between the boltand 6 Rope or chain slings should be attached and the wood is not weakened by its removal 16 ated in the water It is therefore very important PROPELLER COUPLING to check the engine alignment at frequent interEach Westerbeke Diesel engine is regularly fitted vals and to correct any errors when they maywith a suitable coupling for connecting the prop appeareller shaft to the engine Misalignment between the engine and the proThe coupling must not only transmit the power peller shaft is the cause of troubles which areof the engine to turn the shaft but must also blamed often on other causes It will createtransmit the thrust either ahead or astern from excessive vibration loss of power and speedthe shaft to the thrust bearing which is built excessive bearing wear rapid shaft wear andinto the reduction gear housing of the engine will in many cases reduce the life of the hullThis coupling is very carefully machined for by loosening the hull fastenings A bent proaccurate fit peller shaft will have exactly the same effect and it is therefore necessary to be very carefulFor this engine model with 216 1 drive ratio that the propeller shaft itself be perfectly straightthe propeller half coupling is bored for 138shaft The coupling has keyway with set screw It is recommended that approximately 12 beand a square key is supplied with loose equip allowed for the use of shims between the enginement shipped for the engine mounting feet and the engine bed It is also recommended that the top of the engine bed beThe forward end of the propeller shaft has a long fitted with a steel plate or angle iron to keyway Any burrs should be removed the shims from sinking into the wood under presfrom the shaft end The coupling should be a sure A perfect alignment is no easy to achievelight drive fit on the shaft and the shaft should It is the result of careful painstaking effort andnot have to be scraped down or filed in order the reward in the way of a smooth running into get a fit It is important that the key be stallation is well worth the effort Before fitted both to the shaft and the coup the work of alignment a number of shims shouldling The key should fit the side of the keyway be cut these shims should be in various thickvery closely but should not touch the top of the nesses so that the motor can finally be set atkeyway in the hub of the coupling exactly the right elevation Temporary shimsIf it seems difficult to drive the coupling over may be cut from hard wood and used to obtainthe shaft the coupling can be expanded by the preliminary alignment These in a pail of boiling water The face shims can then be replaced by permanent catof the propeller coupling must be exactly per iron or sheet metal shims which will exactly fitpendicular to the centerline or axis of the pro the space between the underside of the mountpeller shaft ing lugs and the top part of the engine bed The engine should be moved around on the bed PROPELLER and supported on the screwjacks or shims untilThe type and size of propeller is indicated in the two halves of the couplings can be broughtNavy Specifications selected to fit the applica together without using force and so that thetion and based upon boat tests To utilize the flanges meet evenly all around It is best notfull power of the engine and to achieve ideal to drill the foundation for the foundation boltsloading conditions it is desirable to use a pro until the approximate alignment has been acpeller which will permit the engine to reach its curately determined Onehalf inch diameterfull rated speed of 2400 rpm on full throttle lag bolts should be used for the holddown boltsThis can be determined only by actual trials of Never attempt a final alignment with the boatthe pilot model on land The boat should be in the water and have had an opportunity to soak up somewhat ALIGNMENT OF ENGINE so that it is as near as possible to its final waterThe engine must be properly and exactly aligned form It is best to do the alignment with the fuelwith the propeller shaft No matter what ma and water tank about half full and all the usualterial is used to build a boat it will be found to equipment on board Take plenty of time inbe flexible to some extent and the boat hull will making this alignment and do not be its shape to a greater extent than is with anything less than perfect results Theusually realized when it is launched and oper alignment is correct when the shaft can be 17slipped backwards and forward into the counterbore very easily and when a feeler gauge indicates that the flanges come exactly togetherat all points The two halves of the must be parallel within 002 inch Ifan 003 feeler gauge can be inserted alignment is way to check the flange alignment isto use slips of paper for indicating shims Alignment is satisfactory when the same pull is required to remove all pieces of paper when thecoupling flanges are brought togetherIn making the final check for alignment the engine half coupling should be held in one position and the alignment with the propeller coupling tested with the propeller coupling in eachof four positions rotated 90 degrees between Fig 8Exhaust Manifold and Elboweach pos ition Th is last test wi II a Iso ch eck whether the propeller half coupling is in exact align The exhaust goose neck is attached to the aftment on its shaft Then keeping the propeller end of the exhaust manifold with an in one position the alignment should be flange gasket between the end of the rotating the engine half coupling to full and the flange of the goose neck The rear endposition each 90 degrees from the next one of the exhaust goose neck has a cast round sur face over which an exhaust hose is connectedThe engine alignment should be rechecked after and clamped and the exhaust hose continuesthe boat has been in service for one to th ree bock to connect with tubing which carries exweeks and if necessary the alignment remade haust line gases and exhaust line cooling waterIt will usually be found that the engine is no in alignment This is not because thework was improperly done at first but because The Exhaust Goose Neck is internally waterthe boot has taken some time to take its final jacketed for cooling and the water for coolingshope and the engine bed and engine stringers is supplied by the sea water pump through thehave probably absorbed some moisture It heat exchanger The cooling water enters intomay even be necessary to realign at a further the exhaust goose neck at a 34 pipe threadperiod hole in the center section and fills the internal cavities and is allowed to flow out of internalThe coupling should always be opened up and openings in the aft end of the goose neck andthe bolts removed whenever the boat is hauled the cooling water and exhaust gases are carriedout or moved from the land to the water The out overboard There is an internal dam orflexibility of the boat often puts a very severe wall that prevents water from flowing back intostrain on the shaft or the coupling or both when the exhaust manifold that could cause internalit is being moved In some cases the shaft has damage to the engine There is an 18 pipeactually been bent by these strains This does thread drain hole on the bottom of the castingnot apply to small boats that are hauled out ofthe water when not in use unless they are dry The exhaust pipe must be of sufficient size tofor a considerable time handle the exhaust gases from the engine prop erly The size of the pipe should never be made smaller than the opening on the exhaust elbow EXHAUST SYSTEMThe exhaust manifold is a onepiece costing INTAKE SCOOP AND PIPINGwater cooled to which is attached at the after Intake scoop and piping for the sea water pumpend an exhaust Goose Neck elbow This elbow must be provided Use 1 scoop and 1 pipinghas a connection to take the cooling sea water from scoop to pump reducing to 34 at pumpafter it passes through the heat exchanger and inlet Hose is not satisfactory for this intakethen it is directed for cooling the exhaust pipe line unless it is noncollapsible reinforced hose 18 FUEL LIFT r ntrEe PUMP 4 4 r r r 4 V L cQ r r r t tpRJMAe1 3 s i liTa OPTONA 1r 4 I 4 f FlL MP FueL 77lAJ Fig 9Fuel System Diagram COOLING WATER PIPING A fuel filter is mounted on the engineThe Westerbeke Four107 Diese I is fresh water between the fuel lift pump and the incooled utilizing what is known as a closed sys jection pump It contains a replaceabletem wherein the fresh water is circulated by a cartridge see Maintenance pump through a circuit consisting of An optional primary fuel cylinder block exhaust manifold oil cool separator may be installed between theer and heat exchanger The heat exchanger is in fuel tank and the fuel lift pump Conturn cooled by the sea water pump nection for the fuel supply line is on the fuel lift pump which has a hand FUEL SUPPLY primer required for filling the fuel supply lines and the filters and forTo insure satisfactory operation a Diesel engine purging the system of air when themust have a dependable supply of clean fuel oil engine is started for the first timeFor this reason cleanliness and care are es or whenever the system has been openedpecially important at the time when the fuel for any reasontank is installed because dirt left anywhere inthe fuel lines or tank will certainly cause fouling FUEL PIPINGof injector nozzles when the engine is started The use of extra large copper tubing is desirablefor the first time We recommend 38 00 brass annealed copIn the Westerbeke Diesel fuel system an excess per tubing together with flared tube fittingsof fuel oil is supplied to the injection pump by both for the supply line and the return linea fuel lift pump and the oversupply which is not Run the tubing in the longest pieces for injection to the engine is returned to avoid the use of unnecessary fittings andto the fuel tank connectors The shut off valve in the line be 19 tween the fuel tank and engine should be of the fuel oil type and it is important that all joints be free of pressure leaks Kep fuel lines as far as possible from exhaust pipe for minimum temperature to eliminate vaDor lock It is possible to use standard brass pipe and fittings however when standard straight pipe with threaded connections on standard fittings are used there is always the complication of difficulties due to the number of joints which must be kept tight in service and which may be loosened by vibration Do not use copper or brass pipe with the soldered type of fittings on a fuel line installation Tubing with flared fittings is best The fuel piping leading from the tank to the ngine compartment should always be securely anchored to prevent chafing Fig lOSpray Starting System tubing is secured by means of copper straps The final length next to the engine should have a loop in the tubing to prevent the possibility 5 Tubing Cut black tubing with sharp knife of a break caused by metal fatigue from normal or shears not diagonal cutters as this may engine movement close the hole Joints are made by pushing clear plastic tube over end of black tube COLD STARTING EQUIPMENT about 34 that has been previously wiped For cold weather operation a Spray Priming clean with laquer thinner lacquer thinner System cold starting aid is supplied This is also aids as lubricant for inserting black recommended for use at temperatures below tubing Hold clear tube protruding fromt40 0 F as it provides quick starting and thus bottom of main unit firmly in one hand saves the battery The slide brass sleeve to center of joint This sleeve must not be pulled over joint Mounting screws and 10 feet of nylon tubing without holding clear tube or unit will be are packaged with loose shipping equipment damaged All tubing should be properly 1 Nozzle The nozzle should be installed in supported to avoid excess vibration and the intake manifold in the hole provided contact with the exhaust system Installation of nozzle in such position to dis STARTING FLUID The spray priming system charge into a single cylinder should be is designed to function with Spray Starting Fluid avoided made by Spray Products Corp and is available under Federal Stock Number 68508237861 2 Main Unit Select mounting location where temperature does not exceed 190 0 F and ELECTRICAL SYSTEM as close to nozzle as possible as greater efficiency is achieved by keeping fluid line All electrical accessories on the short The main unit should be installed on engine operate on an ungrounded 24 yo the bulkhead rather than directly on engine system Engines were originally 3 Actuator Select suitable location on or equipped with a DelcoRemy generator near instrument panel Drill center hole rated at 500 watts 24 Yolt 18 amperes 1316 diameter dia which is no longer in production meter Attach with 16 round head screws Since 1976 this has been replaced with included Apply decal below bottom on a Motorola alternator The connections clean surface with the Delco generator should be 4 Connections A tube is run from the actua completed as indicated on the wiring tor to tube protruding from top of main diagram on the next page The connec unit The starting tube goes between dis tions with the Motorola alternator should be as indicated on the wiring charge nozzle and clear tube protruding from bottom of main unit diagram on page Q16 20 m 24 V ACe 5TATe BUTTOJ IL DJ 0 BI lIt I r 1 l Sl 7 I1 J j 1 SlAETe 12 V 12 V 8ATTRI i MTTY Fig llWiring Diagram DelcoRemy relay starting switch is mounted on The current and voltage regulator supplied withcranking motor One cable from the battery loose equipment is to be mounted off the enshould be connected to one terminal of the gine in a vertical position terminals downsolenoid switch and the other battery cable connected as shown in the wiring diagram toshould be grounded to the cranking motor as the ammeter and the battery leads are alsoindicated Plan the installation so as to locate indicated from the regulator to the generatorthe battery as close as possible to the cranking and these wires should be enclosed in metalmotor to keep the battery cables short so that conduit Coupling for this conduit is suppliedthe heavy current will not have to pass through on the generator as shown in Fig 1an unnecessary long length of cable with corresponding current loss 21 The water temperature gauge is connected by capillary tubing with its recording element in serted in 12 IPS tapped hole in front of cylinder head The oil pressure gauge should be connected to the takeoff fitting on the side of the block Use 14 tubing anchored with tape to prevent chaf ing and with either a loop in the tubing at the engine end or a short section of flexible hose tube to prevent possibility of breakage due to metal fatigue from normal engine movement The ammeter shows the rate of charge or dis charge from the battery Connect it as shown in wiring diagram on previous page The hydraulic gear oil pressure should be con nected at the 14 IPS tapping on left side of reverse gear as shown in detail C on instal lati0r drqwing CONTROLS All parts of the control mechanism should be strong and sturdy and a short as possible Allow plenty of travel on all levers for full operation without lost motion Fig 12lnstrument Panel Hydraulic Control Lever On the hydraulictrans INSTRUMENT PANEL mission a small lever operates the selector valve located on top of the transmission housing InThe instrument panel shown in Fig 12 has the installation this is connected for remote coninstruments mounted in a panel plate which is trol by a flexible sheather cable leading to conmounted on the bulkhead The following in trol quadrant at pilot are includedThe tachometer is the largest instrument This The control lever on transmission has three stopindicates a continuous reading in crankshaft re positions with detents corresponding to per minute and is driven from the Neutral and Reverse Control cable should notcamshaft at 12 crankshaft speed The takeoff be led through any sharp bends and the secshown in Fig 2 is located under generator tion at engine end should be securely with the tachometer head by a lengt on the engine rather than off the engine Afterof sheathed cable linkage is completed check the installation forThe oil temperature gauge is connected by cap full travel making sure that when the controlillary tubing with its recording element inserted quadrant is in forward position the control leverin 12 IP tapped hole at the bottom of the on transmission is on the forward detent oroil pan against the stop pad on cover plate TABULATION OF ENGINE INSTRUMENTS CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED PART NAME MANUFACTURER MFRS PART I Stewart Warner 531R 02500 RPMEnQine Oil Pressure Stewart Warner 360AD 080 LbsGear Oil Pressure Stewart Warner 360BX 0300 LbsFresh Water Temperature Stewart Warner 361L 72 60240 Ammeter Stewart Warner 359L 30030Engine Oil Cooler Stewart Warner 361A 72 10027022 STARTING ENGINE THE FIRST TIME The engine is shipped dry that is with lubrica CRANKCASE OIL FILLER ting oil drained from crankcase and transmisUSE NAVY SYMBOL 9250 SAE 30 sion The following items should be checked methodically before starting engine the firsttime Check Lubricating Oil in Engine Fill crankcase with Diesel lubricating oil SAE 30 to the high level mark on depth stick Use Specification Mlll90008 symbol 9250 Check Lubricating Oil in Transmission The clutch and reverse gear assembly is a separate unit and carries its own lubrication Fill housing through filler tube to high level mark on depth Fig 13Location of Crankcase Oil Filler gauge with oil of SAE No 30 viscosity Navy symbol same as for crankcase oil Check Fuel Supply Fill the fuel tanks with clean Diesel fuel oil open valves in fuel lines Use Navy Spec MllF16884 Fuel Oil Check Fresh Water Supply Fill fresh water expansion tank with clean water or antifreeze solution up to about one inch from top of tank Check Storage Batteries Make sure that storage batteries are filled with water level at least 38 above the plates and fully charged to be capable of the extra effort that may be required on first start Proper specific gravity is 1220 1280 Make sure that cable connections are clean and tight Priming the Fuel System In the case of a new engine or an engine that has been standing idle Fig 14Location of Oil Depth Gauge for any length of time it is important that the fuel system be bled A typical fuel system is shown in Fig 17 To bleed the system proceed as follows loosen TRANSMISSION OIL DEPTH GAUGE the air vent screw A on the top of the control OIL FILLER gear housingFig 15Location of Transmission Oil Filler and Breather Fig 16 Fill Fresh Water Tank 23 1 Fuel Tank 2 Primary Fuel Filte 3 Fuel Lift Pump 4 Secondary Fuel Filter S Fuel Injedion Pump 6 Injection Nozzles Fig 17 Fuel SystemLoosen one of the two hydraulic head locking Final CheckOver Make a careful overall inscrews 8 on the side of the pump body spection See that no loose tools or parts are left lying on or near the engineUnscrew by two or three turns the vent plugon top of the secondary fuel filter C Starting The Engine If the engine is warm and has only been stopped for a little while with theOperate the priming lever of the fuel lift feed reverse gear lever in neutral place the throttlepump and when fuel free from air bubbles is in the fully open position and engage the startingsues from each venting point tighten the screws motor with the starter switchin the following order COLD STARTING AID I Filter cover vent screw C 2 Head Locking Screw 8 Operating Instrudions 3 Governor vent screw A I Remove cap and button from can of Spray Starting Fluid lift handle of main unitLoosen the pipe union nut 0 at the pump inlet Hold can in vertical position and insertoperate the priming devise and retighten when with lifting and twisting motion to insertoil free from air bubbles issues from around spout of can into fluid tight 0 ring sealthe threads Do Not Forcel Push handle down intoLoosen the unions at the nozzle ends of two of position and the Spray Priming System isthe high pressure pipes ready for use 2 When ready to start push actuator buttonSet the throttle at fully open position and make a full stroke while counting to five this issure that the stop control is in the run equivalent to five seconds and Now continue starting procedure in usual manner If engine falters after startingTurn the engine until fuel oil free from air actuator button can be pushed again abubbles issues from both fuel pipes partial stroke to provide injection of a mi nute amount of Spray Starting Fluid toTighten the unions on the fuel pipes and the effect smooth operation Starting is ready for starting may be modified to use longer or shorterIt should be noted that if the cam on the cam injection period depending on driving the fuel lift pump is on maximum 3 Spray Starting Fluid may be kept in Spraylift then it will not be possible to operate the Priming System under any primer If such a condition arises then the and a can even if empty should always beengine should be turned until the hand primer in the Spray Priming System to preventcan be operated drawing dirt into the spray nozzle 24 DAILY ROUTINE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE 1 Check Fuel Supply Best time to fill fuel tank is at end of days operation to prevent condensation from forming in the tank 2 Check Water Level in fresh water tank Note An air space of about 2 inches below top of tank is normal Normal Idling 3 Check Lubricating Oil Levels in engine and transmission Do not overfill The crank Fig 190il Pressure Readings case oil level can be checked with the en gine either idling or stopped Transmission oil level can be checked only with engine 4 Recheck Transmission Oil Level Th is ap stopped plies only subsequent to an oil change or a new installation In such case stop the 4 Make visual inspection for loose connec engine after running for a couple of minutes tions loose nuts leaks etc Wipe off any at 1000 rpm with one shift into forward oil or dirt and one into reverse then add 0 i I as necessary 5 Warmup Instrudions As soon as possible engage the forward clutch and run the en gine at 800900 rpm until the fresh water HOW TO START THE ENGINE temperature gauge registers 130150 0 F Best procedure is to warm up the engine 1 Put Clutch in Neutral move fuel stop to with the boat securely moored and pro wide open position and open throttle about peller turning under power Otherwise 30 get the boat under way but at reduced 2 Press starter button Never operate the speed un til temperature and pressure cranking motor continuously for more than gauges show proper readings 15 seconds then allow a two minute cooling period 6 Prolonged Idling When required to run engine below 800 rpm for a prolonged timeThe engine should start with a few revolutions of increase speed to 1200 rpm for at leastthe crankshaft if it has good compression and if three minutes every half hour to accelerateit is getting fuel If it does not start check for oil circulation and thus to eliminate conleaks in the fuel lines or at filter gaskets and ditions favorable to sludge and carbonmake sure the filters are full of fuel formation 7 Revene Operation Always reduce speed WHEN ENGINE STARTS when shifting gears However when the reverse gear is engaged it will carry full 1 Check Oil Pressure Immediately Normal engine load oil pressure is 4045 Ibs at operating speeds 1020 pounds when idling HOW TO STOP ENGINE 2 Check Sea Water Flow Look for water at 1 Move throttle lever to idle position exhaust outlet Do this without delay 2 Pull shutoff knob 3 Recheck Crankcase Oil Level After the engine has run for 3 or 4 minutes sub Note Whenever convenient it is desirable to sequent to an oil change or new installa run the engine at idle speed for a few minutes tion stop the engine and check the crank before shutting it off This permits the water case oil level This is important to make circulation to dissipate excess heat from the metal sure that the oil required to fill the engines masses gradually This is also a good time to internal oil passages and oil filter is com check oil level and to refill fuel tank at end of pensated for days run 25 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT IN COLD WEATHERCertain maintenance operations must be checked the fuel otherwise this may freeze and stop themore carefully in cold weather For instance fuel flowthe thermostats and water temperature control Lubricating oil must be watched more carefullymust be maintained so that the engine iswarmed during cold weather to be sure that dilution isup as qUickly as possible and remains at normal not buildin up in the crankcase since during operation all precautions there may be occasions whenAbsence of air in fuel lines is especially impor small amounts of raw fuel will condense andtant in cold weather starting Bleed the system wash down the cylinder walls This is mostif required likely to occur in engines that do not operate for extended periods at comparatively high speedFuel filters must be checked more often par and temperatures in te crankcase do not reachticularly the primary stage filter to remove all a point where these heavy ends oHuel and otherthe moisture and condensation separated from contaminants are disposed of OPERATING PRECAUTIONS1 Never run engine with water or antifreeze 8 Do not allow fuel to run low because fuel solution boiling intake may be uncovered long enough to2 Do not put cold water in an overheated allow air to enter the system resulting in engine It may crackcyl inder head block lost time required for priming or manifold3 Keep intake silencer free from lint or oil 9 Do not be alarmed if temperature gauges4 Do not run engine at high speed without show a high reading following a sudden load stop after engine has been operating at full load This is caused by the release of5 Never race a cold engine residual heat from the heavy metal masses6 Keep the engine and its accessories clean near the combustion chamber Prevention Look for loose connections and loose bolts for this is to run engine at idle for a short as you clean period before stopping it High tempera ture reading after a stop does not neces7 Keep the fuel clean Handle it with extreme sarily signal alarm against restarting If care because water and dirt in fuel cause there is nofunctional difficulty temperatures more trouble and service interruptions than will quickly return to normal when engine any other factor Use clean containers in is operating transferring it Use of a funnel with 200 mesh wire screen is recommended FAULT DIAGNOSIS N I 01 1 WILL NOT RUN OTHER FAULTS I I I WIll NOI SIART I I SIOPPID IN US I I L I WIll NOI IURN OVII OIL PlmU11 LOW 01 NIL HISfIRING I II LOSS Of POWII I IlIOCrlIAmlY CAPACITY LOW I IIHING LOW COPRISSIONS I I lUll IDL6 SnTlNC IOIIRNAI BRIAKDOWN L IAHHID lURING OR PISION SEIZURI OR f AILURI INlEI 01 IXH VALVIS STICKING INIICIION I I I IIIY IUN VALVIS RINGS SIUCK CYUNDII SHORIAGI lUll PUMP IIHING UFT PUP VALYt OIL 1110 AIR IN DOWN 110 01 BROliN WORN WORN SUPPID INOPIRATIVI STUCK INADIOUAII SYSTEM II II III I II AG LUIRI4 liON lAIR Will AND IIU DIRIY lUll OIAPHRlG PUNCTURED OR AIR LOCK IAUlIY AIOHISEIS LOW COMPRESSIONS INIICIION TIMING LA II DIRTY AIR ClEANEI IOUIPMINI VALVE SlICKING OYIRHIAIING UNSUITABLI OIL DIRIY LUIRICA TlNG OIL OIL SUL Y WORN HAIN OR fAILURE U IIARINGS 1 NOZZlE STICKING un PUP lURING HAIN OR 11 PISTOII Him VALll 11 1 11 WAIER SUPL Y WAIIR PUMP WAIIR PUMP ILOW OISlRUCIID PUMP DRIVE SHORTAG SUCIION DIITY REPLACIMENT PISlON SliCKING 1I0llN VALll IESlRllID fAILURE DIIVI IAILURI 01 RISTRICTED PIPE LEAK fUll FlmD WITH INADIQUAll VALVE SPIING lOP CUARANCE f I ILOCIID ILOCIID DIRT IN DIRT IN HAIN WORN HAIN WlONGLY NOULE MEIDL MOULE NEIDLE INIECTING HOlE SNlN SUHP fULL fLOW fIlTEI RIlIEf RIlIEf VALVE RllIEf VALVE SU STUCK OPU STucr SHUT ILOCICED lIOIE lUINEI FIllER VALVE The main value of this chart is to help maintenance staff to consider any engine fault with which they are confronted in a logical and organised manner Prevention is better than curt but if the fault has not been prevented find it on this chart and follow it back to its cause 27 FAULT Starting Sticking RockersNo Fuel at Injection Nozzles If the rockers stick the cause may be the use of unsuitable oil shortage of oil or sludging Use a No fuel in tank only oil of an approved type If there is a b Fuel lift pump not working shortage of lubricnnt the passages and pipes c Loose connections in the fuel system to and from the camshaft reducer should be d Air in the fuel system Trace from suction checked sideGo over the whole of the above and make surethat the injection nozzles are fully primed and Fuel Oilworking correctly It is essential to use clean fuel oil free from water dirt or sand The recommended specifiEngine Not Being Turned Over Fast Enough cation for fuel is given on page B 11 in cold weather clean fuel is used no trouble should be ex perienced with the fuel system but dirty oil will a Lubricating oil too thick lead to trouble due to choked pipes choked b Battery not fully charged Fit fully charged filters damaged fuel pump and injection nozzles battery If the engine tends to run well for a short period c Enginegummy the cold and then to die away or stop altogether the fuel system should immediately be Nozzles Faulty The trouble may be due to the lift pump notTest nozzle by removing it from the cylinder working properly to a loose pipe joint alloWinghead air to get into the fuel system to a dirty fuel filter or a choked fuel pipe The prefilter pipes on other nozzles while making be cleaned by washing in clean fuel oil but thethis test final filter should not need attention more than once in 250 hours when a completely new filter element should be fitted If the conditions leadSticking Valves to dust or contamination of the fuel with sticking valves may be due to over the maintenance the result of choked injection nozzlesor the use of unsuitable lubricating oil Air CleanerTest the injection nozzles as recommended onpage P 6 and clean them if necessary In accordance with periodical attentions cleanThe lubricating oil used should be of an approved the filtering gauze in kerosene or fuel oiltype For maintenance instructions see Filters 28 DO AND DO NOTDO KEEP THE ENGINE CLEAN DO make sure that the pressurised filler cap is removed when draining the cooling systemDO keep this book where it is conveniently accessible DO close these drain cocks and refill with water before attempting to restart next morningDO pay particular attention to lubrication DO when in doubt read this ManualDO use only approved grades of lubricating oil DO if the engine is to be laid up for a period of ome months carry out the procedureDO use only GENUINE FACTORY PARTS recommendedDO keep all bolts and nuts tightDO eliminate all air from the fuel system and keep all fuel oil unions AIRTIGHT DO NOT neglect the routine attentions specifiedDO examine engine oil level in sump daily in this section and replenish if necessary DO NOT race the engine in neutralDO completely change oil in accordance with periodical attentions DO NOT run the engine un I e s s the gaugeDO renew element in lubricating oil filter in SHOWS OIL PRESSURE accordance with periodical attentions DO NOT unnecessarily interfere with any ad justmentsDO check oil flow to rocker arms and examine the valve springs in accordance with pe DO NOT break the fuel pump seals remember riodical attentions if broken your Guarantee may be voidDO use only filtered fuel oil Never tip into DO NOT continue to run the engine if the cool the tank a halfempty barrel of fuel oil ing water boils the bung of which may have been out for DO NOT forget to keep the belts adjusted weeksDO keep a check on the temperature of the DO NOT continue to run the engine if black cooling water It should not be allowed ta smoke is coming from the exhaust boil The normal running temperature is DO NOT if tbe engine stops without apparent 170 0 F but where a pressurised header reason fail to make sure first of all tank filler cap is fitted then the coolant that fuel is reaching the fuel pump temperature will be slightly higher DO NOT omit to wipe the engine over occasionDO attend immediately to fuel and lubricating ally with a clean rag oil leaks DO NOT take the fuel pump to piecesDO grind in valves when necessary DO NOT use cotton waste or any fluffy clothDO check valve clearance from time to time when clean ing 010 in with warm engine DO NOT use any but approved brands of lubDO tighten cylinder head nuts in correct order ricating oil see page E 7 DO NOT store fuel oil in a quote engine number when ordering parts DO NOT subject any engine to continuous overDO keep essential parts in stock loadingDO drain cylinder block if engine is being left DO NOT guess For add itional information con idle in frosty weather drain tap on side tact suppliers of the Marine Craft or of block Engine 29 PERIODICAL CHECKOVER It is recommended therefore that the followingAfter a customer has taken delivery of his en procedure be adopted and applied it is advisable in his own interests that a the unit is withdrawn from servicegpneral check over of the engine be carried out 1 Thoroughly clean all external parts of theafter the first 12 hours in service engineThis check over should comprise the following 2 Run the engine until wellwarmed throughpints Stop the engine and drain lubricating oil 1 Drain lubricating oil sump and refill up to sump the full mark on the dipstick with clean new 3 Drain water from cooling system oil Do not overfill 4 Renew element in full flow lubricating oil 2 Check and if necessary adjust slow running filte r speed 5 Clean out engine breathing pipe 3 Check external nuts for tightness 6 After renewing filter element fill sump to 4 Check and adjust valve clearances 010 in correct level with clean new lubricating oil hot or with a suitable preservative fluid 5 Check fuel pipes from tank to fuel injection 7 Remove nozzles and spray into cylinder Dump for leaks bores a 18 pint of lubricating oil divided 6 Check for lubricating oil leaks and rectify between the cylinders if necessa ry 8 Replace nozzles and turn engine slowly 7 Check cooling system for leaks and inspect over compressions water level closed circuit cooling 9 Remove air filter and any intake pipe which 8 Check generator belt for tension may be fitted between the air filter and air intake Carefully seal air intake orifice 9 Carry out test to checkgeneral performance with waterproofed adhesive tape or some of engine other suitable medium10 Check engine mounting bolts for tightness 10 Remove exhaust pipe and seal opening inIn addition to the above it is recommended that manifold as abovethe cylinder head nuts be checked to ascertainthey are tightened to the correct torque 11 0 i s con n e c t battery and store in fully charged condition Before storing the bat tery terminals should be treated to maintenance periods should be in with those given on page 33 12 When rubber impeller type water pump isIt is assumed that electrical equipment will have fitted remove water pump end plate andalreadv been checked for such points as genera pack pump with Texaco Regal Starfak No2tor rate of charge effectiveness of connections Greaseand ci rcu its etc The fuel system may either be drained and charged with a suitable preservative designed for the prevailing climatic conditions or OF LAIDUP ENGINE natively it may be left primed with normal fuel oilWhere a craft is to be laidup for several monthsit is advisable that some measure of protection Where the latter course is taken it should bebe afforded the engine to make sure that it noted that deterioration of the fuel oil may besuffers no ill effect during the intervening period occasioned during the months the operations are recommenced is idle 30If this occurs the fuel oil may become con gUidance of all users of theabove engines andtaminated with a waxlike substance which will should be followed when putting the engineqUickly clog the fuel filtering arrangement once back into service follOWing the winter layupthe engine is returned to service period or at any time the fresh water cooling system has to be refilled The initial before recommencing operations in of the cooling system will have been of a unit primed with normal fuel oil to when the engine is first installed by the boatwhich has lain idle for several months it is builder but the air venting check is that the fuel tank be drained follOWing complete or partial draining for layupand the interior of the tank thoroughly cleaned top overhaul or other engine repairsThe fuel oil drained off should be discarded asunfit for further use To ensure that no air is trapped in the cylinder block or cylinder head on fresh water cooledFuel oil contained in the remainder of the fuel engines th e follOWing procedure should besystem should also be dispelled and the element adopted on heat exchanger cooled unitsin the final fuel filter renewed folloWing whichthe system may then be recharged with fresh 1 Remove the square headed plugs in theclean fuel oil top faces of the cyl inder head and exhaust manifold marked 1 2 and 3 in Fig 20 for starting the engine should then add water steadily to the cooling systembe in accordance with instructions given on page header tank22 2 Replace plug 1 at after end of cylinder headNote when water appears at this pointWhere a preservative is used in the lubricating 3 Start engine and run in neutral at aboutoil sump this should be drained off and replaced 700800 rpmby normal lubricant prior to restarting the en 4 Continue topping up header tank replacinggine at the end of the storage period In the plug 2 at forward end of cylinder head andcase of a preservative being utilised to charge later plug 3 at forward end of exhaust manithe fuel system this need not necessarily be fold as the water appears at these points indrained off before returning the engine to serv turn Finally topping the header tank to aice Therefore when a preservative is used in level approximately 1 in below the presthis respect the relevant manufacturers of the sure cap sealing flangefluid should be contacted seeking their gUidanceas to whether their product should be drained 5 Recheck for the presence of air at plugs 2away prior to restarting the engine and 3 by gently unscrewing after engine has been run at about half throttle for a periodHeat Exchanger Cooled Engines of a few minutes pr if a tendency to over heat is observed on the first run underThe folloWing instructions are issued for the normal load conditions I EXHAUST MANIFOLD LD l VALVE COVER 1 0 2 o FILLER CAP Fig 20Vent Points 31 FROST PRECAUTIONS b locking of the seal through the freezing of globules of moisture between the seal andPrecautions against damage by frost should be the glandtaken if the engine is to be left exposed to inclement weather either by adequately drainingthe water system or where this is not convenient Operators are therefore advised to take thesean antifreeze of reputable make and incorpor precautions when operating in temperatures beating a suitable corrosion inhibitor may be used low freezing pointWhen operating engine at outside 32 of a suitable antifreeze solution I Before starting the engine turn water pumpshould be used As these engines are equipped by hand this will indicate if freezing haswith high temperature thermostats a permanent taken place If freezing has taken placetype antifreeze such as etheylene glycol should this should free any ice formationbe used Alcohol solutions cannot be used suc 2 If it is impossible to turn the pump bycessfully as the alcohol will evaporate creating hand the engine should be filled with warma fire hazard and the engine will run hot waterWhen draining the water circulating system the 3 To avoid this trouble it is advisable whentap on the cylinder block must be opened This all water has been drained to run the entap is on the camshaft side of the cylinder block gine for a few seconds at idling speed thusnear the flywheel housing dispersing any moisture remaining in theWhere a pressurised filler cap is fitted this pumpshould be removed before draining the coolingsystem After an antifreeze solution has been used theWhen the engine is drained the fresh water cooling system should be thoroughly flushed inpump is also drained but the rotation of the accordance with the manufacturers may be prevented by before refilling with normal coolant a locking of the impeller by ice due to the If the foregoing action is taken no harmful ef pump hole being blocked by sediment fects should be experienced32 GENERATOR HAS TWO GREASE CUPS TURN DOWN ONE TURN CHANGE CARTRIDGE IN EVERY 100 HOURS FUEL OIL FILTER EVERY 250 HOURS CHANGE CRANKCASE OIL EVERY 100 HOURS Fig 21Points of Lubrication Starboard Side CRANKCASE OIL FILLER USE NAVY SYMBOL 9250 SAE 30 TRANSMISSION OIL DEPTH GAUGE OIL FILLER oHANGE ELEMENT IN LUBRICATING OIL FILTER EVERY 100 HOURS Fig 22Points of Lubrication Port Side 33 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE DAILY EVERY 200 HOURSCheck sea water trainer if there is one Change oil in water level in cool ing systemCheck lubricating oil level in crankcase EVERY 250 HOURS Wash element in primary fuel oil strainer EVERY 50 HOURS Change element in secondary fuel oil filter If fuel contains water or is not clean filtersCheck V belts need to be serviced oftenerCheck water level in batteries Proper liquid Inspect breathers for crankcase and is 1210 1220 sion wash if necessary EVERY 100 HOURS EVERY 1000 HOURSChange oil in crankcase Use Navy symbol9250 oil SAE 30 Oil may be sucked out of Disassemble and clean oil coolerthe dipstick tu be by attach i ng a suction hose of Check and adjust valves to correct lash38 over the outside dipstick tube Check injector timingChange elements in lubricating on filter Check injector spray tipsIf equipped with Delco generator turn Check cylinder wallsdown two grease cups one firm turn EVERY 150 HOURS EVERY 2000 HOURSCheck engine for loose bolts nuts etcTighten cylinder head nuts Check bearingsClean air intake silencer Install new piston ringsCheck valve clearances and check injector timing Careful examination of entire engineCheck sea water pump for wear or leaks If equipped with Motorola alternator check brushes and bearings34 Fig in 26 Motor Whale Boat 35 FILTER MAINTENANCE AIR FILTERThe time period for cleaning the air filter depends on operating conditions therefore underextremely dirty conditions the time limits recommended hereafter for cleaning should bedecreasedThe correct maintenance of the filter will greatlyassist in reducing bore wear thereby extendingthe life of the engineRemove and wash gauze in clean kerosene every200 hours An exploded view of the air filter isshown in Fig 23 FUEL OIL FILTERSFuel oil filters are provided as well as a dirttrap in the fuel tankThe first filter is a gauze trap in the filler of thefuel tank This must not be removed when fuel Fig 24Removing Filter Cover Screwis being poured into the tankIt should be taken out every 500 hours cleanedwashed in fuel oil and immediately replaced This filter should be cleaned every 250 hoursIf there is no filter in the filler the fuel should unless the condition of the fuel warrants morebe poured through a fine gauze strainer when regular the tank After cleaning the bowl ensure that a goodThe second filter is the primary fuel filter in joint is made between the top of the bowl andcorporated in the pipe between the fuel tank the filter body as leakage of air here may causeand the fuel lift pump air locks in the fuel system The third and final filter is a paper element type filter It is not possible to clean the paper element It should be renewed every 250 hours To renew the element I Unscrew the setscrew in the centre of the cover See Fig 24 2 Drop filter bowl clear See Fig 25 3 Remove element and discard 4 Before putting new element in position clean the filter bowl and inspect the relief valve 5 Ensure that the rubber jOjnts are in good condition if not replace with new joints Fig 23Exploded View of Air Filter After replacing a filter element the following I Filter Cover 2 Gauze Strainer procedure should be adopted in order to re 3 Filter Securing Clip move any air that may be in the fuel system 36 LUBRICATING OIL FILTERS To insure cleanliness of the lubricating oil filters are fitted to the engine If the periodical atten tions relating to these filters are carried out and the correct grade of clean oil is used a very long life can be obtained from the engine The first filter is in the sump and is also a gauze strainer All the oil must pass through this filter before it reaches the oil pump and is delivered to the bearings The second filter is mounted on the side of the cylinder block The oil passes through this filter after it has left the oil pump and before it reaches the bearings The element should not be cleaned but renewed every 100 hours To remove the element Fig 2SDismantling Fuel Filter 1 Unscrew bolt on top of secondary fijter 2 lift out element from filter and discard 3 Make sure the rubber case gasket is in 1 Unscrew by two or three turns the vent good condition If not replace with new plug on the top of the filter cover Operate one when putting in new element the priming lever on the fuel lift pump and when fuel free from air bubbles issues The cover bolt should be tightened to a torque from this venting point tighten the plug of 2530 poundsfoot 2 loosen the pipe union nut at the fuel pump inlet operate the priming lever and re tighten when fuel free from air bubbles is sues from around the threadsThe engine is now ready for starting 37 ENGINE OVERHAUL The following sections contain detailed information relating to the proper operation of the major components and systems in the engine Included are disassembly rework and reassembly instruc tions for the guidance of suitably equipped and staffed marine engine service and rebuilding facilities The necessary procedures should be undertaken only by such facilities Additional operating are included in the Operation Section of this manual Any replacements should be made only with genuine Westerbeke partsCONTENTS SECTIONENGINE DESCRIPTION ATECHNICAL DATA BFAULT DIAGNOS IS DCYLINDER HEAD EPISTON AND CONNECTING RODS FCYLINDER BLOCK LINERS GCRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS HFLYWHEEL AND HOUSING JTIMING CASE AND DRIVE KTIMING LLUBRICATION SySTEM MCOOLING SYSTEM INTERNAL NFUEL SySTEM P SECTION A Engine DescriptionThe 4108 4107 and 499 Series Diesel Engines with uniform heat distribution Intimate mixing of the fuelwhich this manual is concerned is an indirect injection and air over a wide speed range is ensured which infour cylinder four stroke power unit creases the engines performance efficiency and flexiThe 4108 and 4107 has a bore of 3125 in 794 mm bility The upper part of the combustion chamber isand a stroke of 35 in 889 mm and the 499 has a machined in the cylinder head and is hemispherical inbore of 30 in 762 mm and a stroke of 35 in 889 shape the lower part being formed by an insert in themm form of an accurately machined plug located in the cylinder head this contains the throat this manual whenever the left or right the combustion chamber to the cylinder Fuel is introhand side of the engine is referred to it is that side duced into this chamber by means of pintle typeas viewed from the flywheel end of the engine atomiser Block and CrankcaseThe cylinder block is of monoblock construction cast Valve with the crankcase it is manufactured fromhigh duty cast iron alloy The valves are operated by cast iron mushroom typeThe 4108 engine is fitted with dry type unshouldered tappets located in guides machined in the liners and the 4107 and 499 engines are block through pushrods to forged steel rocker leversfitted with wet liners flanged at the top and sealed with lead bronze lined steel backed wrapped bushesat the bottom by two synthetic rubber rings located in Valve clearances are adjusted by means of a hardenedthe cylinder block ball ended screw and locknut at the push rod end ofBoth liner types are centrifugally cast from high duty the rocker leveralloy ironCylinder Head and Valves CrankshaftThe cylinder head is a specially toughened high dutyallow casting and is secured to the cylinder block by The crankshaft is forged from and nuts both are phosphated for increased steel with four integral balance weights The 4108torque The joint between the cylinder crankshaft is treated by Tufftride process The rearhead and block is made from a black composite of the crankshaft is machined to accommodate thematerial and is known as a Klinger type gasket thrust washers which are replaceable copper lead lined steel backed which control the crankshaft endTwo overhead valves are fitted to each cylinder push float and are positioned either side of the rear mainrod operated via the valve mechanism mounted on the bearing An oil thrower anrl flywheel location flange arehead and enclosed by a pressed steel cover Each inlet also machined at the rear end while the front end isvalve has a synthetic rubber oil deflecting seal both keyed for a power take offinlet and exhaust valves are retained by two springslocated between a hardened steel seat and a hardenedspring cap secured by split conical collets All valvesoperate in unshouldered cast iron guides pressed intothe head Main Bearings Three main bearings are provided for the System and are of the replaceable prefinished thin wall steel backed aluminium tin lined type The high dutyThe H system of combustion is known as the pre cast iron bearing caps are dowel located and each iscombustion type being formed completely in the secured by two high tensile steel setscrews locked bycylinder head thus giving a flat topped piston with tab washersENGINE maintains an intermittent feed by drillings in the spigot and idler gear 0 lubricate the timing gear arrangementThe special cast iron alloy camshaft which has chill and to the centre camshaft bearing where due to special machining on the centre camshaft journal anhardened cams is mounted in a low position on the adequate reduced pressure feed is maintained at theright hand side of the cylinder block and supported by rocker assembly The oil pump incorporates a pressurethree bearings machined directly into the cylinder relief valve which limits the maximum oil pressureblock These bearings are pressure lubricated by meansof internal drillings and the cams and tappets are while the oil filter incorporates a bypass valve whichsplash lubricated prevents the engine being starved of oil should the filter element become Rods and Bearings Fuel Injection EquipmentThe connecting rods are molybdenum alloy steelstampings with H section shank the big end parting A distributor type fuel injection pump is flange mountedface is inclined at 45 to the axis of the rod and on to a drive housing cast on the left hand side of theserrated for cap location The caps are each secured cylinder block It is mounted horizontally at the frontby two high tensile steel setscrews The big end bear of the engine and gear driven via a splined drive shafting bores are fitted with replaceable prefinished thin The majority of pumps incorporate a mechanical govwall aluminiumtin lined steel backed bearings The ernor and an automatic advance and retard mechanismsmall end bores being fitted with bronze lined steelbacked bushings The fuel lift pump is of the diaphragm type mechanical ly operated by an eccentric on the engine camshaftTiming Gear Arrangement via a small push rod It is located on the tappet in spection cover on the right hand side of the engine andThe camshaft and fuel injection pump are driven by is equipped for hand primingthe crankshaft gear via an idler gear This helical geartrain which makes provision for fuel pump timing The injectors are located in an accessible position onadjustments is located on the front face of the cylinder the left hand side of the cylinder headblock and enclosed by a pressed steel cover bolted to The nozzles are of the pintle typea steel backplate Provision is made for mounting a fuel filter on eitherThe camshaft and fuel injection pump drive gears are side of the cylinder head The filter should be of from spheroidal graphite cast iron the paper element type and of approved and idler gears being of steel treated bythe Sulfinuz or Tufftride process Cooling System Fresh Water CircuitPistons and Piston Pins A centrifugal type circulating water pump is fitted toThe pistons are manufactured from special high silicon the front face of the cylinder block to assist the wateraluminium alloy fitted with three compression rings circulation through the cylinder block and head Theand one oil control ring above the piston pin and one oil water outlet is via a thermostat housing which is castcontrol ring below The upper oil control ring comprises integral with the cylinder head the thermostat restrictsfour laminated segments The piston pins are of the fully the flow of water when the engine is cold and bringsfloating type located axially in the piston by circlips The about a faster warm up When the water has a steel insert rolled into the top groove reaches a predetermined point the thermostat opens and allows normal coolant circulation The water pump is belt driven from he crankshaft SystemThe lubrication of the engine is by full pressure feed Tachometer Drivefrom a rotor type oil pump driven by spiral gears fromthe camshaft An oil strainer is fitted on the end of the Provision IS made on the fight hand Side of thepump inlet pipe the pump then delivers the oil via a engine for a drive at half engine speed to be taken fromfull flow filter bolted Oil the fuel pump side of the the oil pump spiral gear to a mechanical block to the main oil gallery This gallery isdrilled lengthwise through iIi crankcase drillings fromthe main oil gallery to the main bearings and drillingsin the main crankshaft journals to the crankpin journals provide the lubrication for the crankshaft Oilfeeds are also taken to the idler gear spigot which SECTION B Technical dataEngine DataWesterbeke 4108 and 4107 499Bore nominal See Page B3 3125 in 7937 mm 300 in 762 mmStroke 35 in 889 mm 35 in 889 mmNo of Cylinders Four FourCubic Capacity 1074 in 1760 litre 99 in 1621 Ratio 22 1 20 1Firing Order 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 2Cycle FourStroke System Indirect Injection Indirect Details 499 4107 4108Maximum Rated Output 34 bhp at 3000 revmin 37 bhp at 3000 revmin 37 bhp at 3000 revminMaximum Torque Output 73 Ibf ft 101 kgf m 79 Ibf 1092 kgf m 791bf ft 1092 kgf mRecommended Torque TensionsThe following torque figures will apply with the components lightly oiled before assembly 4107 and 499 4108Cylinder Head Nuts 42 Ibf It 581 kgf m 60 Ibf ft 83 kgf mConnecting Rod Setscrews 42 Ibf ft 581 kgf m 42 Ibf It 581 kgl m Main Bearing Setscrews 851bfft 115 kgfm 851bl It 115 kgl mFlywheel Setscrews 60 Ibf ft 83 kgf m 60 Ibf It 83 kgl mIdler Gear Hub Setscrews 36 Ibf ft 498 kgf m 321bl It 44 kgl mCrankshaft Pulley Setscrews 150Ibfft205 kgfm 150 Ibf It 205 kgf mInjector Securing Nuts 121bfft 17 kgf m 121bfft 17 kgfmThe tab and shim washers may be discarded where used on earlier engines but the setscrews must be tightened tothe torque loading Wear LimitsThe following wear limits indicate the condition when it is recommended that the respective items should be servicedor Head Warping Longitudinal 0006 in 015 mmCylinder Head Warping Transverse 0003 in 008 mm concave 0005 in 013 mm convexMaximum Bore Wear when new liners are necessary 0006 in 015 mmCrankshaft Main and Big End Journal Wear 0001 in 003 mmCrankshaft Main and Big End Journal Ovality 00005 in 001 mmMaximum Crankshaft End Float 0020 in 051 mmValve Stem to Guide Clearance inlet 0005 in 013 mmValve Stem to Guide Clearance exhaust 0006 in 015 mmValve Head Thickness at outer edge 0025 in 064 mmRocker Clearance on Shaft 0005 in 013 mmCamshaft Journals Ovality and Wear 0002 in 005 mmCamshaft End Float 0020 in 051 mmIdler Gear End Float 0010 in 025 mmValve Head Depth below Head Face inlet and exhaust 0048 in 1220 mm TECHNICAL DATAB3 MANUFACTURING DATA AND DIMENSIONS The data regarding clearances and tolerances is given for personnel engaged upon major overhauls CYLINDER BLOCK Total Height of Cylinder Block between Top Bottom Faces 41084107499 99369939 in 252374252451 mm Parent Bore Dia for Cylinder Liner 4108 32493250 in 8252582550 mm Parent Bore Dia for Cylinder Liner 4107 499 Wet Liners Main Bearing Parent Bore 41084107499 23950123955 in 6083360846 mm Camshaft Bore Dia No 1 41084107499 179417955 in 4556845606 mm Camshaft Bore Dia NO2 41084107499 17841787 in 4531445390 mm Camshaft Bore Dia No3 41084107499 17761778 in 4511045161 mm Tappet Bore Dia 41084107499 0562056325 in 1427514307 mm Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing Bore Dia 4108 4107 499 1812518141 in 4603746078 mm Cylinder Liner 4108 Cast Iron Type Dry Interference Fit Interference Fit of Liners 00030005 in 00760127 mm Inside Dia of Liner after Finish Boring and Honing 31253126 in 793757940 mm Height of Liner in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 002310027 in 05840686 mm above Overall Length of Liner 64956505 in 164973165227 mm Cylinder Liner 4107 and 499 Cast Iron Type Wet Push Fit Inside Dia of Liner PreFinished 499 3003001 in 7620176225 mm Inside Dia of Liner PreFinished 4107 31253126 in 79374794 mm Thickness of Top Flange 499 03125103145 in 793717988 mm Depth of Recess in Block for Liner Flange 499 0311503135 in 791217963 mm Thickness of Top Flange 4107 025010252 in 63564 mm Depth of Recess in Block for Liner Flange 4107 02490251 in 63256375 mm Height of Liner in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 4107 and 499 0003 in 0076 mm Above 0001 in 0025 mm below Liner Flange Outside Dia 499 361813621 in 9189891973 mm Cylinder Block Top Bore for Liner Flange 499 36253627 in 9207591125 mm Clearance Fit of Liner Flange to Block Bore 4107 and 499 00040009 in 01020229 mmPistons 4108Type Flat ToppedOverall Height Skirt to Crown 314713150 in 7993480010 mmCenter Line of Piston Pin to Piston Skirt 1157 in 29388 mmPiston Height in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 00020006 in 00510152 mm AboveBore Dia for Piston Pin 106255106275 in 2698926994 mmCompression Ring Groove WidthTop 0080500815 in 20452070 mmCompression Ring Groove Width2nd 0064500655 in 16381664 mmCompression Ring Groove Width3rd 0064500655 in 16381664 mmOil Control Ring Groove Width4th 012610127 in 32003225 mmOil Control Ring Groove Width5th 019010191 in 48264851 mm Note There is a Steel Insert fitted above the Top Groove Pistons 4107 and 499 Type Flat Topped Overall Height Skirt to Crown 3146 in 7991 mm Center Line of Piston Pin to Piston Skirt 1344 in 3414 mm Piston Height in relation to Cylinder Block Top Face 000850012 in 022030 mm Above Bore Dia for Piston Pin later 499 and all 4107 engines 093755093775 in 23812382 mm Early 499 engines 087505087525 in 22222223 mm Compression Ring Groove WidthTop 0080100811 in 2034206 mm Compression Ring Grooves Width 2nd and 3rd 0064500655 in 16381664 mm Oil Control Ring Grooves Width 4th and 5th 019010191 in 48264851 mmTECHNICAL DATAB4Piston Rings Parallel FacedSecond and Third Compression Internally Control Laminated Control Slotted ScraperTop Compression Ring Width 0077100781 in 19581984 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002400044 in 00610112 mmSecond and Third Compression Ring Width 0061500625 in 15621587 mmRing Clearance in Groove 000210004 in 00510102 mmFifth Scraper Ring Width 0186501875 in 47374762 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002500045 in 00630114 mmRing GapTop Compression 00090014 in 02290356 mmRing GapSecond and Third Compression 000910014 in 02290356 mmRing GapFifth Scraper 000910014 in 02290356 mmPiston Ring Gaps quoted are measured in a ring gauge of 3125 in 7938 mm bore In practice for every 0001 in0254 mm difference in cylinder bore diameter from gauge size 0003 in 0762 mm should be allowedPiston Rings 4107 and and Industrial EnginesTop Compression Parallel Cast IronSecond and Third Compression Internally Control Chrome Plated Spring Loaded Control Slotted Scraper 499 Agricultural engines have taper faced cast iron compression rings fitted in the second and third ring groovesTop Compression Ring Width 0077100781 in 1961984 mmRing Clearance in Groove 00020004 in 00510102 mmSecond and Third Compression Ring Width 0061500625 in 15621587 mmRing Clearance in Groove 000210004 in 00510102 mmFourth and Fifth Scraper Ring Width 0186501875 in 47374762 mmRing Clearance in Groove 0002500045 in 00640114 mmRing GapCompression Rings Chrome Vehicle 00120017 in 0301043 mmRing GapOil Control Rings Cast Iron Vehicle 00090014 in 02290356 mmRing GapCompression Rings Cast Iron Agricultural and Industrial 00090014 in 02290356 mmPiston Ring Gaps quoted are measured in a ring gauge of 3000 in 7620 mm bore for 499 engines and 3125 in7938 mm bore for 4107 engines In practice for every 0001 in 0254 mm difference in cylinder bore diameterfrom gauge size 0003 in 0762 mm should be allowedPiston Pin 4108Type Fully Dia of Piston Pin 1062510627 in 2698726993 mmLength of Piston Pin 26732687 in 6789468250 mmFit in Piston Boss Pin 4107 and 499Type Fully Dia of Piston Pin 09375 in09377 in 2381223817 mmEarlier Engines 087508752 in 222252223 mmFit in Piston Boss End Bushing 4108Type Steel Backed Lead Bronze LinedLength of Small End Bushing 093510955 in 2374924257 mmOutside Dia of Small End Bushing 12211222 in 3101331039 mmInside Dia before Reaming 10495110545 in 2665726784 mmInside Dia after Reaming 10631510632 in 2700427005 mmClearance between Small End Bushing and Piston Pin 00004500007 in 0011400178 mm TECHNICAL DATABSSmall End Bushing 4107 and 499Type Steel Backed Lead Bronze LinedLength of Small End Bushing 08650885 in 22002248 mmOutside Dia of Small End Bushing on later 499 and all 4107 engines 10651066 in 27052708 mmEarly 499 engines 1002510035 in 25462549 mmInside Dia after Reaming on later 499 and all 4107 engines 09382093875 in 23832384 mmEarly 499 engines 08757087625 in 22242226 mmClearance between Small End Bushing and Piston Pin 00005000125 in 001003 mmNote Bushings to be reamed to suit respective Piston Pins and are provided with a reaming Rod 4108Type H SectionCap Location to Connecting Rod Serrations Offset 45 to the HorizontalBig End Parent Bore Dia 2146121465 in 5450854521 mmSmall End Parent Bore Dia 121875121975 in 3095630981 mmLength from Centre Line of Big End to Centre Line of Small End 621716219 in 157912157963 mmBig End Setscrew 0375 in i in UNFConnecting Rod End Float 0006500105 in 01650267 mmConnecting Rod 4107 and 499Type H SectionCap Location to Connecting Rod Serrations Offset 45 to the horizontalBig End Parent Bore Dia 214611465 in 5450854521 mmSmall End Parent Bore Dia on later 499 and all 4107 engines 10625110635 in 26992701 mmEarly 499 engines 10011001 in 25412543 mmLength from Centre Line of Big End to Centre Line of Small End 64056407 in 1626916274 mmBig End Setscrew 0375 in i in UNFConnecting Rod End Float on later 499 and all 4107 engines 0006500105 in 016027 mmEarly 499 engines 0007500105 in 0191027 mmConnecting Rod Alignment and small end bores must be square and parallel with each other within the limits of 0010 in 025 mm measured 5 in 127 mm each side of the axis of the rod on test mandrel as shown in Fig B1 With the small end bushfitted the limit of 0010 in 0025 mm is reduced to 00025 in 006 mm fo E l c EE E I B1 C Sin Sin C 127mm 127mm Ln Ln c CN c CN C Q 1 1 1 J J r TECHNICAL 4108 4107 499Overall Length 21125 in 536575 mmMain Journal Dia Nos 1 and 2 224822485 in 5709957112 mmMain Journal Dia No 3 224752248 in 5708657099 mmMain Journal Length No 1 140625 in 35719 mmMain Journal Length No 2 14961504 in 3799838202 mmMain Journal Length NO3 14991502 in 3807538151 mmMain Journal Fillet Radii 01250141 in 31753581 mmCrankpin Dia 199952000 in 5078750800 mmCrankpin Length 1187511895 in 3016230213 mmCrankpin Fillet Radii 015625017187 in 5321164 in 39694366 mmSurface FinishAll Journals 816 microin 0204 micronMain Journal and Crankpin Regrind Undersizes 0010 0020 0030 in 025 051 076 mmOil Seal Helix Dia 221075221175 in 5615356 1 78 mmOil Seal Helix Width 00500080 in 12702032 mmOil Seal Helix Depth 00040008 in 01020203 mmFlange Dia 3998539995 in 101562101587 mmFlange Width 0500 in 12700 mmSpigot Bearing Recess Depth 0875 in 22225 mmSpigot Bearing Recess Bore 1250 in 31750 mmCrankshaft End Float 00020015 in 005080381 mmSpecial NoteThe crankshaft fitted to the 4108 engine is hardened by the Tufftride processSpecial precautions are therefore necessary when regrinding Only very light cuts should be taken especially in theregion of the fillet radii and adequate cooling should be ensured during grinding regrinding the crankshaft it should be crackdetected and demagnetised then retreated by the Tufftride processafter which the crankshaft should again be crackdetected and demagnetised Where facilities are not available to reoharden the crankshaft by this process a factory replacement crankshaft should be obtainedFillet radii and surface finish must be maintained during all crankshaft regrinding Length of NO3 main journal not toexceed 1516 in 38506 mm after regrinding Where necessary use oversize thrust washers to bring crankshaft endfloat within the correct Thrust Washers Steel BackedLead Bronze FacedPosition in Engine Rear Main BearingThrust Washer Thickness STD 00890091 in 22612311 mmThrust Washer Thickness OS 0096501005 in 24512553 mmThrust Washer Outside Dia 32453255 in 8242382677 mmThrust Washer Inside Dia 25902600 in 6578666040 mmMain Bearings Prefinished Steel Backed Aluminium Tin linedShell Width 12451255 in 3162331877 mmOutside Dia of Main Bearing 23955 in 60846 mmInside Dia of Main Bearing 2250522515 in 5716357188 mmRunning ClearanceNos 1 and 2 000200035 in 00510089 mmRunning ClearanceNo 3 000250004 in 00630102 mmSteel Thickness 0060 in 1524 mm MaxAluminium Thickness 0012001225 in 03050311 mmConnecting Rod Bearings Prefinished Steel Backed Aluminium Tin linedShell Width 08700880 in 2209822325 mmOutside Dia of Con Rod Bearing 21465 in 54521 mmInside Dia of Con Rod Bearing 2001520025 in 5083850863 mmRunning Clearance 000150003 in 00380076 mmSteel Thickness 0060 in 1524 mm MaxAluminium Thickness 0012001225 in 03050311 mm TECHNICAL DATAB7Camshaft 4108 4107 499No Journal Length 13471351 in 3421434315 mmNo Journal Dia 17911792 in 4549145517 mmNo Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 179417955 in 4556845606 mmNo Journal Running Clearance 0002100045 in 00510114 mmNo 2 Journal Length 1250 in 31750 mmNO2 Journal Dia 17811782 in 4523745263 mmNo2 Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 17841787 in 4531445390 mmNO2 Journal Running Clearance 00020006 in 00510152 mmNO3 Journal Length 1000 in 25400 mmNO3 Journal Dla 17731774 in 4503445060 mmNO3 Cylinder Block Camshaft Bore Dia 17761778 in 4511045161 mmNO3 Journal Running Clearance 00020005 in 00510127 mmCam Lift 0266 in 6766 mmOilways for Rocker Shaft Lubrication No2 Thrust Plates 4108 4107 499Type 180 Oil Impregnated Sintered IronThrust Plate Outside Dia 25552557 in 6489764948 mmCylinder Block Recess Dia for Thrust Plate 2558525685 in 6498665240 mmClearance Fit of Thrust Plate in Recess 000150013 in 00380330 mmThrust Plate Inside Dia 1500 in 38100 mmThrust Plate Thickness 016010162 in 40604115 mmCylinder Block Recess Depth for Thrust Plate 01580164 in 40094166 mmThrust Plate Height in relation to Cylinder Block Face 0004 in 0102 mm above or belowCamshaft End Float 000310013 in 00760330 mmValve and Fuel Pump TimingRefer to later section on timing page L1 CYLINDER HEAD Length of Cylinder Head 20000 in 508000 mmOverall Depth of Cylinder Head 261712633 in 6647266878 mmResurfacing Allowance on Cylinder Head Face NILOn no account can the cylinder head face be for Water Leakage Test 20 Ibfin 2 14 kgfcm2Valve Seat Angle 45Bore in Cylinder Head for Guide 0499505005 in 1268712713 mmBore in Cylinder Head for Combustion Chamber Inserts 12501252 in 3175031801 mmDepth of Bore in Cylinder Head for Combustion Chamber Inserts 03730376 in 94749550 mmCombustion Chamber Inserts 41084107 499Outside Dia of Insert 12481249 in 3169931724 mmDepth of Insert 03740375 in 94999525 mmHeight of Insert in relation to Cylinder Head Face 0002 in 0051 mm above or belowClearance Fit of Insert in Cylinder Head Bore 00010004 in 00250102 mmMethod of Location in Cylinder Head By Cylinder Block Face and Expansion WasherValve Guides Inlet Dia 0314503155 in 79888014 mmOutside Dia 050125050175 in 1274412757 mmInterference fit of Guide in Cylinder Head Bore 000075000225 in 001910057 mmOverall length of Guide 2130 in 54102 mmGuide Protrusion Above Top Face of Cylinder Head 080010815 in 2032020701 mmValve Guides Exhaust Dia 0314503155 in 79888014 mmOutside Dia 050125050175 in 1274412757 mmInterference fit of Guide in Cylinder Head Bore 000075000225 in 00190057 mmDepth of Counterbore 0380 in 9650 mmOverall Length of Guide 2440 in 61980 mmGuide Protrusion above Top Face of Cylinder Head 080010815 in 2032020701 mmTECHNICAL DATABSValves Inlet 410S 4107 499Valve Stem Dia 03120313 in 792517950 mmClearance fit of Valve Stem in Guide 0001500035 in 00380089 mmValve Head Dia 14101414 in 3581435916 mmValve Face Angle 45Valve Head Depth Below Cylinder Head Face 0028 in 0711 mm0039 in 0991 mmOverall Length of Valve 45924608 in 116637117043 mmSealing Arrangement Rubber Oil SealValves Exhaust 410S 4107 499Valve Stem Dia 0311503125 in 791217937 mmClearance Fit of Valve Stem in Guide 000210004 in 00510102 mmValve Head Dia 119111195 in 3025130353 mmValve Face Angle 45Valve Head Depth Below Cylinder Head Face 0021 in 053 mm0032 in 0813 mmOverall Length of Valve 46004616 in 116840117246 mmSealing Arrangement No Seal fitted to Exhaust ValveInner Valve Springs where fittedFitted Length 1530 in 38862 mmLoad at Fitted Length 286 Ibf 2 Ibf 130 kgf 091 kgFitted Position Damper Coil to Cylinder HeadOuter Valve Springs 410S 4107 499Fitted Length 1780 in 45212 mmLoad at Fitted Length 560 Ibf 28 Ibf 254 kgf 127 kgfFitted Position Damper Coil to Cylinder HeadRocker Levers 410S 4107 499Length between Center Line of Adjusting Screw and Center line of Rocker Shaft 10421058 in 2646726873 mmLength between Center Line of Rocker Lever Pad and Center Line of Rocker Shaft 15671583 in 3980240208 mmInside Dia of Rocker Lever Bore 071825071950 in 1824318275 mmOutside Dia of Rocker Lever Bushing 07205107215 in 1830118326 mmInterference Fit of Bushing in Rocker Lever 0001000325 in 00250082 mmFinished Inside Dia of Rocker Lever Bushing 06245062575 in 1586215894 mmClearance of Rocker Lever Bushing on Rocker Shaft 00007500035 in 00190089 mmValve Clearances 410S 4107 499Clearance between Valve Stem Tip and Rocker Lever 0012 in 030 mm ColdRocker Shaft 410S 4107 499Overall Length of Shaft 145625 in 369887 mmOutside Dia of Shaft 062225062375 in 1580515843 mmLubrication Oil Feed from Cylinder Head through Central Passage to Individual Rocker LeversPush Rods 410S 4107 499Overall Length 852718560 in 2165821742 mmOutside Dia 0250 in 6350 mmTappets 410S 4107 499Overall Length 2250 in 57150 mmOutside Dia of Tappet Shank 05600561 in 1422414249 mmCylinder Block Tappet Bore Dia 05621056325 in 1427514307 mmTappet Running Clearance in Cylinder Block Bore 00011000325 in 00250082 mmOutside Dia of Tappet Foot 12451255 in 3162331877 mm TECHNICAL DATAB9TIMING GEARS GearNumber of Teeth 48Inside Dia of Gear Boss 175017514 in 4445044486 mmOutside Dia of Camshaft Hub 1749617509 in 4443044473 mmTransition Fit of Gear and Hub 0000900018 in 00230046 mmFuel Pump GearNumber of Teeth 48Inside Dia of Cylinder Block Bore for Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1812518141 in 4603746078 mmOutside Dia of Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1814518152 in 4608846106 mmInterference Fit of Drive Hub Bearing in Cylinder Block Bore 00004100027 in 001010069 mmInside Dia of Fuel Pump Drive Hub Bearing 1312513135 in 33343378 mmOutside Dia of Fuel Pump Gear Drive Hub 1310513115 in 3328733312 mmRunning Clearance of Drive Hub in Bearing 0003100051 in 00790129 mmDrive Hub End Float 0002l0Q10 in 00510254 mmIdler Gear and HubNumber of Teeth 57Inside Dia of Gear Boss 1718717197 in 4365543680 mmInside Dia of Gear Boss with Bushing Fitted 15625115641 in 3968739728 mmOutside Dia of Gear Hub 15612115619 in 3965439668 mmRunning Clearance of Gear on Hub 00003100016 in 00080041 mmIdler Gear Width 1310513135 in 3328733363 mmHub Width 13165113185 in 3343933490 mmIdler Gear End Float 000210007 in 00510178 mmCrankshaft GearNumber of Teeth 24Inside Dia of Gear 1250112512 in 3175031780 mmCrankshaft Dia for Gear 125012506 in 3175031756 mmTransition Fit of Gear on Crankshaft 0000600012 in 00150030 mmTiming Gear between and Camshaft Idler Gear 000150003 in 00380076 mmLUBRICATIIG SYSTEM Oil Pressure 3060 psi 2142 kgfcm2 at maximum engine speed and normal working Position Camshaft side of engine opposite No2 Location End of suction pipe to lubricating oil pumpTypical Sump Level Imp pt US pt LitreStandard Sump 70 84 40Note The above sump capacities are intended to be used as a guide and actual capacities should be governed by thelevel indicated on the Oil PumpType Rotor TypeNumber of LobesInner Rotor Three or FourNumber of LobesOuter Rotor Four or FiveMethod of Drive By Spiral Gears from the DATAB10Pump Rotor to Outer Rotor 0000500025 In 00130063 mmOuter Rotor to Pump Body 00110013 in 028033 mmInner Rotor End Clearance 0001500003 in 00380076 mmOuter Rotor End Clearance 0000500025 in 00130063 mmInside Dia of Bore for Pump Shaft 050010501 in 1270012725 mmOutside Dia of Pump Shaft 0498304986 in 1265512664 mmRunning Clearance Shaft in Bore 00014100027 in 00360069 mmLubricating Oil Pump Drive GearNumber of Teeth 12Inside Dia of Gear Bore 0496504970 in 1261112624 mmOutside Dia of Oil Pump Drive Shaft 0498304986 in 1265512664 mmInterference Fit of Gear on Shaft 0001300021 in 00330053 mmLubricating Oil Pump Drive Gear Backlash 001550019 in 03940483 mmRelief ValveType Spring Loaded Setting 5065 Ibflin 3546 kgfcmLength of Plunger 09375 in 23813 mmOutside Dia of Plunger 0558505595 in 14191421 mmInside Dia of Valve Housing Bore 0560505625 in 14241429 mmClearance of Plunger in Bore 00010004 in 00250102 mmOutside Dia of Spring 03680377 in 93479576 mmSpringFree Length 15 in 3810 mmSpringSolid Length 0754 in 1915 mmLubricating Oil FilterType Full FlowElement Type PaperByPass Valve Setting Opens between 1317 Ibflin 09112 kgflcm pressure of Valve Spring Loaded BallMake FramMode 1 Replaceable CHO6PLMILLubri ca ti ng Oi 1Spec ifi ca ti on MILL9000Grade for engine Norma 1 Use Symbol 9250 SAE 30 Be low 20 0 Temp Symbol 9110 SAE 10Service Dr or OSApproximate Capacity varies with angle Crankcase 7 pints COOLING SYSTEM 4108 4107 499Type Water CooledCylinder Block and Head ThermoSyhpon Impeller AssistedEngine Water Capacity Approx 10 US quarts ThermostatType Wax CapsuleOpening Temperature 175182F 795835 CFully open at 200205 F 93596 C CMinimum Travel at Fully Open Temp 03125 in 794 mm TECHNICAL DATAB11 Water Pump Type driven from Crankshaft Outside Oia of Shaft for Pulley 0590505908 in 1499915006 mm Inside Oia of Pulley Bore 058810589 in 1493514961 mm Interference Fit of Pulley on Shaft 0001500028 in 00380071 mm Outside Oia of Shaft for Impeller 049810499 in 1264912675 mm Inside Oia of Impeller Bore 049704975 in 1262412636 mm Interference Fit of Impeller on Shaft 000050002 in 00130051 m Outside Oia of Impeller 30943125 in 78588179375 mm Impeller to Body Clearance 000510025 in 01270635 mm Water Pump Seal Type Synthetic RubberCarbon Faced Inside Oia of Seal for Impeller Shaft 0472 in 11989 mm Outside Oia of Seal 1102 in 27991 mm Water Pump Insert Type Phosphor BronzeSurface Finish of Sealing Face to be 1220 microin 0305 micron Outside Oia of Insert 162416245 in 4125041263 mm Inside Oia of Insert Bore in Water Pump Housing 16251626 in 4127541300 mm Later water pumps are fitted with ceramic faced inserts Heat Exchanger mounted on engine 1ake Sendure Type Li qui d to Li qui d Part Number 126937 Sea Water Pump Type Single Rubber Impeller Make Sherwood Model Number F85 Inlet and Outlet NPT Capacity 5 GPM Drive Gear Driven Fuel Spec ifi ca ti on MILF16884 Fuel Consumption Rate at Full Speed 25HP at 2400 rpm 43 lbsBHPHr Fuel Fi 1ter Make Fram Mode 1 FBM1124APB Replaceable Cartridge Marine Industrial4107 Marine IndustrialMake CAVHolder Type Type Letter BGMin Working Pressure 135 atm 2000 Ibfin2 or 140 kgflcm2Setting Pressure 150 atm 2200 Ibflin 2 or 155 kgflcm2Note Earlier atomisers bearing the identification code letter J had a setting pressure of 140 atm When servicing ofthese atomisers is carried out they should be reset in accordance with the settings quoted aboveTECH NICAL OATAB12Fuel Lift PumpType AC Delco Diaphragm YJ SeriesSpring Colour Code GreenMethod of Drive From Eccentric on Camshaft via Push rodTotal Stroke of Operating Lever 0192 in 4877 mmStatic PressureNo Delivery 47 Ibflin 2 028049 kgfcm2Pump to Distance Piece Gasket Thickness 00180022 in 04570559 mmDistance PieceLift Pump to Tappet Inspection Cover 0256 in 6502 mmFuel Injection PumpMake CAVType DPARotation Clockwise Viewed from Drive EndPlunger Dia 6 Governed 4108 4107 499Timing Letter A ANo 1 Cylinder Outlet W wMechanically GovernedTiming Letter C C CNo 1 Cylinder Outlet W W WStatic Timing PositionThe static timing position varies according to application but car be obtained by referring to the first group of lettersand digits of the fuel pump setting code stamped on the fuel pump identification plate ie First Group of Static Timing Piston Displacement RemarksFuel Pump Code BTDC BTDC EH39 MH26 I MH27 18 0108 in 275 mm PH28 PH30 CH35 PH34 I 19 20 0120 in 305 mm 0134 in 340 mm LH23 20 0134 in 340 mm 4107 engines rated up to and including LH29 LH31 22 0160 in 406 mm 2500 revmin 4107 engines rated above 2500 revmin DH19 1 26 0226 in 574 mm AH28 BH26 JNote For 4107 and 499 mechanically governed engines rated above 3000 and 2500 revmin respectively the statictiming is altered to 22 BTDC piston displacement 0160 in 406 mm For 4108 engines prior to engine and 108UD20214 the static timing was 19 BTDC piston displacement 0120 in 305 mm When resetting these pumps it is advisable to set at the figures quoted in above tableFor 4107 industrial engines having a fuel pump coding of PH30 and an idling speed of 1000 revmin the static timingis 21 BTDC and a piston displacement of 0147 in 373 mm TECHNICAL SystemNominal Voltage 24 VType not supplied with engineTerminal Voltage Nominal 24 Capacity 130 Ampere HoursA1terna torMake Motoro 1aMode 1 MA24900GOutput 35 AmpRegulator Model no longer availableType Shuntwound ungroundedMake 500 WattsPart Number 1117731Voltage Regulator Part Number MotorMake DelcoRemyPart Number 1107579Type Spray Ti ghtLock Tes t 50 volts at 425 ampsNo Load Test Maximum Amperes 85 Vo 1ts 235Minimum Torque 125 lbftDirection of Rotation ClockwiseBrush Tension 24 oz minSolenoid Switch for Cranking Motor Mounted on Cranking MotorMake DelcoRemyPart Number Gear Make ParagonMode 1 P220LType Oil Pressure 125 1bs Oil Specification Type A Suffix A Transmission FluidReduction Gear Make ParagonExact Reduction Ratio 2161Propeller CouplingBore 138Keyway 38 X 316 SECTION C APPROVED ENGINE SERVICE TOOLS Available from V l Churchill Co Ltd Daventry EnglandPO 1C Valve Guide Remover and Replacer PO 41 B Piston Height GaugeWith this tool all valve gUides can be removed Used for checking piston heightand replaced provided puller bars are available P050C Cylinder Liner Remover and ReplacerPO 1Cl Puller Bars The following adaptor set must be ordered toTwo bars are supplied for use with PD 1C to suit complete the 516 and 38 id Bore Guide38U3 Piston Assembly Ring PO 50C2 Cylinder Liner Remover AdaptorThis is an expandable piston assembly ring for Completes PD SOC for removing linersStd and oversize pistons on all type engines PO 155A Small Adjustable PullerPO 1C2 Valve Guide Replacing Stop With suitable adaptors can be used to removeWhen the valve guide is replaced using one of water pump pulley oil pump drive gears andthe above end stops it will ensure that the gUide camshaft gear see adaptor the correct amount above the topface of the cylinder head PO 155AI Small Adjustable Puller AdaptorsPO 37 Flywheel RunoutGauge Removes water pump pulleysWith this tool a check can speedily be made onthe alignment of the flywheel flywheel housingor back plate No3 Tension Wrench 12 square drive 25170 Ibs ftPO 38B Crankshaft Gear Sprocket Water Pumpand Water Pump Pulley RemoverEngine Type This is controlled by adaptors 316 X Valve Seat Cutter Details below This tool is required for operation of all or crankshaft gears cannot be removed and pilotswith th is tool when the shaft is in situ 31610 Valve Seat Cutter PilotPO 3882 Crankshaft Gear Remover Adaptor This pilot is suitable for all guides that have aThis Adaptor is used with PD 38B nominal 516 idPO 3885 Water Pump Impeller RemoverAdaptor FC 99000 Atomiser TesterThe Impeller can be removed with ease and This is a portable tester fitted with a paper filtersafety element6200B Small End Reaming Fixture 7065 Circlip PliersThe correct small end bush reamers must be Two types of points are available 12 shaft sizeavailable to complete the job Details as follows 121 B Shaft size 13 C2355 Connecting Rod Alignment Jig P061181 Valve Spring Compressor AdaptorEnablss a quick check to be made on the align The adaptor is fitted to one of the rocker shaftment of connecting rodsvarious adaptors are securing studsrequired See Below PO 130 Fuel Pump Allen Screw Wrench Use to remove the Allen screw securing DPA336 MultiPurpose Con Rod Arbor fuel pumpRequired with the above tool PO 42B Small End Bush Remover Main ToolPO 3365 Adaptor Enables a new small end bush to be drawn into the small end of con rod and at the same timeThis adaptor is fitted into the bigend bore when will displace the old bush adaptors are rechecking the alignment Thin wall bearings only quired See below 6000C Compression Tester6118 Valve Spring Compressor See adaptor detailsThis valve spring compressor has been designed 6000C5 Compression Tester Adaptorto remove valve springs without removing thecylinder head provided the adaptors are avail This adaptor replaces the atomiser for compresable sion testing SECTION D Fault Diagnosis Fault Possible CauseLow cranking speed 12 3 4Will not start 56 78 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 31 32 33Difficult starting 31 32 33Lack of power 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 31 32 33Misfiring 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 25 26 28 29 30 32Excessive fuel consumption 25 27 28 29 31 32 33Black exhaust 11 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33Bluewhite exhaust 4 16 18 19 20 25 27 31 33 34 35 45 56Low oil pressure 4 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 58Knocking 45 46 59Erratic running 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 20 21 23 26 28 29 30 33 35 45 59Vibration 13 14 20 23 25 26 29 30 33 45 47 48 49High oil pressure 4 38 41Overheating 53 54 57Excessive crankcase pressure compression and stops 10 11 12Key to Fault Finding Chart 1 Battery capacity low 31 Worn cylinder bores 2 Bad electrical connections 32 Pitted valves and seats 3 Faulty starter motor 33 Broken worn or sticking piston ringso 4 Incorrect grade of lubricating oil 34 Worn valve stems and guides 5 Low cranking speed 35 Overfull air cleaner or use of incorrect grade of 6 Fuel tank empty oil 7 Faulty stop control operation 36 Worn or damaged bearings 8 Blocked fuel feed pipe 37 Insufficient oil ill sump 9 Faulty fuel lift pump 38 Inaccurate gauge10 Choked fuel filter 39 Oil pump worn11 Restriction in air cleaner 40 Pressure relief valve sticking open12 Air in fuel system 41 Pressure relief valve sticking closed13 Faulty fuei injection pump 42 Broken relief valve spring14 Faulty injectors or incorrect type 43 Faulty suction pipe15 Incorrect use of cold start equipment 44 Choked oil filter16 Faulty cold starting equipment 45 Piston seizurepick up17 Broken fuel injection pump drive 46 Incorrect piston height18 Incorrect fuel pump timing 47 Damaged fan19 Incorrect valve timing 48 Faulty engine mounting Housing20 Poor compression 49 Incorrect aligned flywheel housing or flywheel21 Blocked fuel tank vent 50 Faulty thermostat22 Incorrect type or grade of fuel 51 Restriction in water jacket23 Sticking throttle or restricted movement 52 Loose fan belt24 Exhaust pipe restriction 53 Choked radiator25 Cylinder head gasket leaking 54 Faulty water pump26 Overheating 55 Choked breather pipe27 Cold running 56 Damaged valve stem oil deflectors if fitted28 Incorrect tappet adjustment 57 Coolant level too low29 Sticking valves 58 Blocked sump strainer30 Incorrect high pressure pipes 59 Broken valve spring SECTION E Cylinder Head E2E1 To Remove the Cylinder Head 1 Completely drain the cooling systemBefore commencing to overhaul the cylinder head 2 Disconnect the battery that all joints gaskets and any other parts ex 3 Remove the securing nuts and detach the exhaustpected to be required are available pipe from the exhaust manifold Blank off the endRemove any external components from the vicinity of of the exhaust pipe to prevent entry of any foreignthe cylinder head cover atomisers and fuel pump matter E3CYLINDER HEADE2 E6E4 7 Remove the cylinder head cover together with the4 Uncouple the water outlet connection on the front breather pipe of the cylinder head 8 Unscrew the oil feed pipe to the rocker shaft at5 Remove the air cleaner and place somewhere level the cylinder head end Refer to Fig E2 for its ready for servicing location6 Disconnect the fuel pipe and electrical connection 9 Remove the eight rocker shaft bracket securing to the starting aid located in the induction mani nuts evenly and remove the rocker shaft complete fold Refer to Fig E1 with the oil feed pipe Refer to Fig E3 E5 CYLINDER HEADE3E7 E910 Remove the eight push rods and place somewhere safe possibly in the cylinder head cover to 16 Remove the cylinder head securing nuts and lift avoid the possibility of any being accidentally bent off the cylinder head complete with inlet and ex11 Unscrew the small banjo bolts on the tops of the haust manifolds Refer to Fig E5 atomisers and remove the leakoff pipe by unscrew NOTE On 499 and 4107 engines to prevent liner ing the union on top of the fuel filter movement should the engine be turned with the12 Remove the low pressure fuel pipes between the cylinder head removed it is suggested that the liners fuel filter and the fuel pump remove the fuel filter are held in position by suitable tubing placed over two after disconnecting the feed pipe from the lift of the cylinder head studs and locked with nuts and pump blank off all pipes and ports to prevent washers ingress of foreign particles13 Remove the four high pressure fuel pipes from the fuel pump to the injectors Blank off fuel pump out let ports To Remove the Valves14 Remove the injector securing nuts and carefully remove the injector Refer to Fig E4 All valves are numbered The cylinder head is marked Blank off the exposed ports on the injectors with corresponding numbers Refer to Fig E615 Uncouple the alternator adjusting link 1 Remove collets by compressing the valve springs as shown in Fig E7 2 Remove the spring caps springs seals where fitted and spring seats Remove valvesE8 E10CYLINDER CHAMBER INSERTSThese can be gently tapped out of their locations bymeans of a short length of curved bar through theinjector bore When refitting they must be located bymeans of expansion washers in the recesses provided E13as shown in Figs EB and any carbon from the cylinder headf the water jacket within the cylinder head shows signs VALVE GUIDESof excessive scale then a proprietary brand of descaling solution may be used if possible the cylinder The worn guides should be removed either byhead should be tested for water leakage after such means of a press and a suitable dolly or the valvetreatment at the pressure given on Page B7 guide removal tool shown in Fig E10 Before fitting the new guides remove any burrs fromVALVE SPRINGS the cylinder head parent bores then smear the bores with clean oil and either press in the new guides orIt is advisable to fit new valve springs whenever the pull them in by means of the tool shown in Fig E11engine undergoes a major overhaul Where a top over until the guide protrusion above the head top face ishaul only is being carried out the springs should be that quoted on Page B7examined paying particular attention to squareness of NOTE Special care should be exercised during thisends and pressures developed at specific lengths the operation as the guides being made of cast iron aredetails of which can be found on Page BB therefore comparatively brittleE12 E14 CYLINDER HEADES INLET VALVE EXHAUST VALVE K c I H I 1 tL j GRADE15 AInlet BA1530 in to 1531 in803125 in to 03175 inC0015 in chamfer at 45 in to 1297 in803125 in to 03175 inC0015 in chamfer at 45 Max F t j IVALVES AND VALVE SEATS E16The valves should be checked in their for wear and replaced if wear has taken place Material EN32A Case Hardened and Ground ensure that the wear is in fact on the valve stem andnot in the guide bore before replacing the valve Inlet DimensionsThe valve and valve seat faces should be reconditioned A275 inin the normal way using specialised equipment or withgrinding compound according to their condition A 82 invalve seat hand operated cutting tool is shown in C075 inFig E12 Valves should always be refitted to their 00309 in to 0310 inoriginal seats and any new valve fitted should be suit E116 in at 45ably marked to identify its position if removed at a later F1 16 in at 45date Refer to Fig E6 for illustration of valve num G132 in Radiusbering Before refitting the valves it should be ascertained H1238 in to 1239 inwhether the valve head depth relative to the cylinder J0222 in to 0225 inhead face is within the limits given on Page B8 This K1523 in to 1533 indepth can be checked as shown in Fig E13 byplacing a straight edge across the face of the cylinder Exhaust Dimensionshead then by careful selection of feeler gaLJges measuring the distance between the straight edge and the A275 inhead of the valve 82 inWhere this depth exceeds the maximum limit and even C075 inthe fitting of a new valve does not reduce this depth 00309 in to 0310 inbelow the maximum limit then the remedy is to fit a E116 in at 45valve seat insert the procedure for this is given indetail commencing on this page F116 in at 45When refacing valves or valve seats care should be G132 in Radiustaken to see that only the minimum amount of metal H1018 in to 1019 innecessary to obtain a satisfactory seat is removed and J0222 in to 0225 inthat as narrow a valve seat as possible is maintained K1287 in to 1297 inHand Grinding After all the valves have been lapped in the valve head depths relative to the cylinder head face should beWhen grinding or lappingin valves make certain that all checked to ensure that they are within the limits givensigns of pitting are removed from the seats on Page B8CYLINDER HEADE6 To Dismantle the Rocker Shaft Assembly 1 Remove the retaining circlips from each end of the rocker shaft 2 Withdraw the rocker levers springs and support brackets from the rocker shaft 3 Unscrew the oil feed pipe from the banjo and re move the banjo When refitting this feed pipe it should be noted that the end of the pipe locates the banjo position on the shaft Examine the rocker bushings and shaft for wear The rocker levers should be an easy fit on the rocker shaft without excessive side playE17 New rocker levers are supplied complete with bushing fitted and reamed to size NOTE When fitting new bushes ensure that the oil feed holes are in alignment before pressing home and when pressed fully home that the holes coincideVALVE SEAT INSERTS Refer to Fig E1Valve seat inserts are not fitted to production enginesbut may be litted in service To ReAssemble the Rocker Shaft AssemblyWhen fitting inserts ensure that only genuine are used 1 Refit the oil feed banjo and locate with theIn order to fit these inserts proceed as follows feed pipe1 Fit new valve guides as described on Page E4 2 Refit the rocker levers springs and support2 Using the new valve guice bore as a pilot machine brackets in the opposite order to which they were the insert recess in the cylinder head face to the removed Lightly oil the components during re dimensions shown in Fig E15 assembly and ensure that each rocker lever does3 Remove all machining swarf and thoroughly clean not bind on the shaft The assembly should now be the insert recess removing any burrs which may as shown in Fig E18 be present4 Using the valve guide bore as a pilot once again press the insert home with the inserting tool this PUSH RODS tool is shown fully dimensioned in Fig E16 Check the push rods for straightness if any are bent NOTE The insert must not under any circum then fit new replacements stances be hammered in neither should any lubri cation be used5 Visually inspect to ensure that the insert has been To Refit the Valves pressed fully home ie is flush with the bottom of the recess Lightly oil the valve stems to provide the initial lubrica6 Recut the valve seat at an included angle of 90 tion which will give the normal 45 seat until the Replace valves springs spring plates washers collars valve head depth reaches the minimum limit which and collets taking care that the numbers on the valves is given on Page B8 Lightly lap the valve to its correspond to the numbers stamped adjacent to the new seat valve seat see Fig E6 E18 CYLINDER HEADE7NOTE Valve springs incorporate a damper coil andcare should be taken to ensure that this damper coil 1J1t1is to the bottom of the spring ie nearest the cylinderhead when fittedInner valve springs are not required for engines ratedat 3000 revmin and below4108 and 499 marine diesel engines are fitted with rubber sealing rings on inlet valves onlyAll latest 4107 and 499 marine diesel engines incorporate oil deflectors on both inlet and exhaust valvesIn the case of earlier 4107 and 499 marine dieselengines which incorporate rubber sealing rings on theinlet valves only oil deflectors should be fitted to bothinlet and exhaust valves after the valve assembly hasbeen dismantled With this arrangement a different valvespring seating washer is required for exhaust valvesa different valve spring seating washer is required forexhaust valvesWhere a groove is cut on the inlet valve stem a rubbersealing washer should be fitted in addition to the deflector to stop the latter from becoming canted on thestemOil deflectors should not be fitted to 499 vehicle and4108 HEAD GASKETAlways use a new cylinder head gasket Ensure thatthe correct type is used4108 EnginesWith this engine the gasket is made of a black composite material and is known as the Klinger type ItMUST be fitted DRY and on no account should be usedIt is very important that the gasket is placed the steel beading may be nipped betweenthe cylinder head face and the top of the liner 4107 and 499 Engines 6These engines use a copper and asbestos or alter 8 illnatively a steel laminated gasket The copper andasbestos type should be fitted with a good qualitysealing compound but the laminated steel type shouldbe fitted DRYTo Refit the Cylinder Head1 Place the cylinder head gasket carefully in posi tion on the cylinder block top face the gasket is marked TOP FRONT to indicate how it should be fitted Refer to Fig E22 E19 1 Retaining Collets2 Lower the cylinder head into position on top of the gasket ensuring that it lays perfectly level 2 Spring Caps3 Lightly lubricate both cylinder head studs and nuts 3 Inner Valve Springs with engine oil then tighten the nuts progressively 4 Outer Valve Springs in three stages in the sequence shown in Fig E23 5 Spring Seating Washers to the torque given on page B2 This final torque 6 0 Sealing Ring Inlet Valves only tightening stage should be repeated to ensure that no loss of tension has taken place on any studs 7 Inlet Valve earlier in the sequence 8 Exhaust ValveCYLINDER HEADE8E20 E214 Fit the push rods in their locations then carefully 6 Adjust the valve clearances to 0012 in 03 mm fit the rocker shaft assembly noting that the valve as follows adjusting screw ends locate in their respective Turn the engine so that the valves of No1 cylinder push rod cups and the oil feed to the rocker shaft are in the position of valve overlap ie the period is located correctly between the opening of the inlet valve and the5 Locate the oil feed pipe nut just finger tight at this closing of the exhaust valve In this position adjust stage then evenly tighten the rocker shaft bracket the clearances of No 4 cylinder valves similarly securing nuts to a torque of 12 15 Ibf It 17 with the valves 01 No 3 cylinder in the overlap 2 kgf m now tighten the oil feed pipe nut position adjust the valves of No 2 cylinder With When correctly located the oil feed pipe will be valves of No 4 in the overlap position adjust the as shown in Fig E2 valves of No 1 cylinder and finally with valves of NOTE If the oil feed pipe nut is tightened before No 2 cylinder in overlap position adjust valves on the rocker shaft bracket securing nuts the pipe No 3 cylinder will either be strained or the olive pulled off the 7 Replace the alternator adjusting link and tension feed pipe the V belt Refer to Page N1 E22 CYLINDER HEADE9E238 Replace the injectors Refer to Page P but do Replace the rocker shaft as previously described and not tighten the securing nuts set the valve clearances to 0012 in 030 mm COLD9 Replace the leak off pipe assembly and four high Start engine and check oil flow to rocker levers if pressure fuel pipes to the injectors Tighten the satisfactory refit cylinder head cover and air cleaner injector securing nuts Finally check for oil leaks and rectify immediately if10 Replace the fuel oil filter and the low pressure any are visible fuel pipes between filter and lift pump and filter and fuel pump11 Reconnect the electrical and fuel supplies to the NOTE for 4108 Engines Only starting aid12 Reconnect the exhaust pipe to the manifold It is essential that the cylinder head nuts are retorqued to13 Reconnect the water outlet connection at the front 60 Ibfft 83 kgf m after the first 6to 12 hours with the engine of the cylinder head hot and in the sequence shown in Fig E2314 Fill the cooling system with clean water ensuring the drains are closed Check for water leaks15 Bleed the air from the fuel system as described on Page P816 Reconnect the the EngineProceed as instructed on Page P11 with the enginerunning at a fast idle check that the oil pressure issatisfactory and that the oil reaches the rocker assembly and oozes gently from the rocker levers at thisspeedAfter the engine has been thoroughly warmed up itshould be shut down the rocker shaft removed andthe cylinder head nuts checked so that any loss oftorque tension can be corrected by tightening the nutsto the torque given on Page B2 and in the order shownin Fig E23 E24 SECTION F Pistons and Connecting Rods F1 F2To Remove Pistons and Connecting Rods1 Remove the cylinder head assembly Refer to suitable piston ring tool such a tool is shown in Page E1 Fig F32 Remove the oil sump Refer to Page M1 NOTE The laminated segments or spring loaded NOTE Any ridges or carbon deposits around the rings fitted in the fourth ring groove should be top of the cylinder bores should be removed with removed by hand a suitable scraper before piston removal is With 4108 pistons there is a steel insert rolled attempted into the top ring groove during piston manufacture3 Rotate the crankshaft until one pair of big ends are It should be regarded as an integral part of the at bottom dead centre then remove their respec piston and no attempt should be made to remove tive connecting rod cap securing bolts4 Remove the connecting rod caps and bearing shells Refer to Fig F1 NOTE If the bearing shells are serviceable they should be suitably marked to identify them to their original locations5 Push the pistons and connecting rods carefully out through the top of the block and remove as shown in Fig F26 Rotate the crankshaft through 180 0 to bring the remaining pair of big ends to bottom dead centre and repeat removal operations When piston removal has been carried out keep each piston and rod assembly separate each to each as marked Mark the pistons on the crown before removing the piston pin to indicate the FRONT in relation to the FRONT marking cast on the connecting rodsTo Remove Pistons and Rings from theConnecting Rods1 Remove the piston rings from each piston using a F3PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF2 it from its location2 Remove the circlip retaining the piston pin and push out the piston pin to release the connecting rod NOTE Should difficulty be experienced in re moving the piston pin warm the piston in a suit able clean liquid usually water to a temperature of 100120F 40S0C this will then enable the pin to be pushed out quite Examine the pistons for scoring and any signs of groove damage2 Check the clearance of the piston rings in their respective grooves by placing the ring outer face into the groove and a suitable sized feeler between the ring and groove face NOTE All ring gaps ring groove clearances etc are given in the Technical Data Section on Pages AS and A63 Check the fitted gaps of the piston rings bearing in mind that in worn cylinder bores these gaps should be checked at the bottom of the bore4 Check the fit of the piston pin in the small end bush ing if excessive replace the small end bushing5 To renew the small end bushing remove the old one by means of a suitable press and dolly Press in the new bushing ensuring that the oil holes coin cide when fitted Ream out the new bushing to suit the piston pin then check the rod for parallelism and twist Refer to Page A76 Examine the big end bearing shells for any signs of wear or pitting F4 1 Warm the piston in a suitable clean liquid to aTo Refit the Pistons to the Connecting Rods temperature of 100 120 F 40 50C whichIf the original pistons are to be refitted they must be will enable the piston pin to be easily to the same connecting rods ie No 1 into the piston bore when the piston and rod havepiston to No 1 connecting rod assembly Refer to Figs been correctly alignedF4 and FS for location of piston and rod numbering 2 Place No 1 piston onto its head noting the posiAny new components fitted should be numbered the tion of the mark previously made to indicate thesame as those which they replace FRONT F5 PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF33 Hold No 1 connecting rod with the small end between the piston pin bores so that the word FRONT cast on the rod is towards the same side4 Push the piston pin into the piston thus locating the connecting rod in position5 Fit the two retaining circlips ensuring that they locate correctly in their recesses Refer to Fig F6 NOTE If the engine has been in service for some considerable time it is advisable to fit new circlips even if the old ones do not appear to be strained or damaged6 Repeat this procedure for the three remaining pistons and connecting rodsFitting the Piston Rings Fit piston rings to the piston Rings vary accordingto engine type and application as follows readingfrom the top of the piston4108 Engines1 Plain parallel faced compression2 Internally stepped compression3 Internally stepped compression 1 Laminated segment oil control5 Slotted scraper F7 4107 and 499 Marine and Industrial Engines rated at 3000 rpm or below 1 Plain parallel faced compression 2 Internally stepped compression 3 Internally stepped compression 4 Laminated segment oil control 5 Slotted scraper After an appropriate period of service when indica tions of piston ring andor cylinder bore wear may be come apparent a replacement ring pack has been made available for fitting exclusively to 499 service engines and includes a taper faced ring for fitting in NOTE All the rings quoted above except the laminated and spring loaded type may be fitted by means of an expanding tool of the type shown in Fig F3 These rings being made of cast iron are therefore com paratively brittle so when fitting care should be taken not to expand any ring more than is necessary to just clear the AND CONNECTING RODSF4 PISTON CROWN SECOND AND FOURTH SEGMENTS FIRST AND THIRD SEGMENTS F8Laminated Segment Rings 2 Fit the second segment on top of the first so that when compressed as described above the endsThe procedure for fitting the laminated type is different point upwards Position the gap at 180 0 to that ofin as much as the ring comprises four separate seg the first segmentments these may be fitted by hand in the with the piston crown uppermost1 Fit the first segment to the piston so that when 3 Fit the third segment as in 1 above with the gap held horizontally between the thumb and fingers immediately above the gap of the first segment and radially compressed the ring ends point downwards see Fig F8 4 Fit the fourth segment as in 2 above with the Place this ring on the bottom face of the fourth gap immediately above the gap of the second seg ring groove with the gap over the piston pin bore ment If all the segments have been fitted correctly then they will be positioned as shown above F9 PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF5 The gaps of the remaining rings should De stag gered alternately along the piston pin axis Liberally lubricate the rings in their grooves and see that they can move freely in their locations this does not apply to the laminated type in the fourth groove which if correctly fitted should not move freely due to the outward pressure of the top and bottom segments on the ring groove walls When all the rings have been fitted they should be as shown in Fig FSAlways ensure that internally stepped or taper facedrings are correctly fitted They are marked TOP orBTM bottom to ensure correct replacementThe top compression and slotted oil control rings maybe fitted either way up F10Spring Loaded Scraper Ring 7 Fit the two connecting rod securing bolts andWhen fitting the chrome plated spring loaded scraper tighten evenly to the torque quoted on Page B2ring see Fig F9 the following procedure should be NOTE Locking tabs are not fitted to these boltsadopted S Repeat this procedure for No 4 piston and con1 Fit internal expander 1 necting rod assenbly2 Fit two rail rings 2 at the bottom of the groove 9 Rotate the crankshaft to bring numbers 2 and 33 Fit spiral ring 3 crankpins to bottom dead centre4 Fit two top rail rings 2 10 Repeat procedures 2 7 to fit the two remainingWhen fitting rail rings the gaps should be staggered assemblies 11 Refit the lubriclting oil sump Refer Page M4 12 Refit the cylinder head assembly Refer Page ETo Fit Piston and Connecting Rod Assemblies Fitting New PistonsBefore fitting the piston and connecting rod assemblies With new 410S and 4107 pistons a machining allowto their respective cylinder bores thoroughly clean ance is provided on the crown of the piston to enableand liberally coat each bore with clean engine oil the necessary material to be removed by means of a1 Turn the engine until the crankpins of say numbers lathe so that when fitted the piston height above the 1 and 4 cylinders are at bottom dead centre cylinder block top face will be within the limits quoted2 Using a suitable ring clamp of the type shown in on Page B3 Fig F10 carefully compress the rings of No1 To determine the exact amount to be removed from piston and hold in this position the piston crown the piston connecting rod and bear3 With the word FRONT on the connecting rod ing assembly will have to be fitted to its respective facing the front of the engine insert the rod care cylinder bore as previously described and the piston fully into No1 cylinder bore height above the cylinder block top face measured NOTE The cylinders are numbered 1 2 3 4 with the particular piston at top dead centre This starting from the front water pump end of the piston height can be measured by means of a piston engine It is extremely important that these com height gauge of the type shown in Fig F11 Repeat ponents marked as shown in Figs F4 and FS for each new piston to be fitted and mark each piston are returned to their original locations with the number of the cylinder bore it will belong to4 The piston head may be gently tapped with the not on the top as any marking here will be removed shaft of a hammer as shown in Fig F10 until all by the machining When each piston has been the rings have entered the cylinder bore skimmed it should be checked again when finally re5 Draw the rod towards the crankpin place the top fitted to ensure that any new piston fitted is now within half bearing shell in position locating the tag in the limits quoted Once the piston height is correct the machined slot and liberally oil draw the rod mark any such piston on the crown with the number onto the crankpin of its respective bore Refer to Fig FS6 Fit the lower half bearing shell to the connecting rod cap locating the tag in the machined slot liberally oil and fit the cap to the crankpin ensur ing that the numbers on the rod and cap coincide as shown in Fig F4PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODSF6It will of course be appreciated that grade F pistonsare suitable for topping to give other grades wherethese are not to handAfter fitting pretopped pistons the distance betweenthe cylinder block face and piston crowns should bechecked to ensure the limit is as already quoted SeeFig F11 F11 SECTION G Cylinder Block and LinersCYLINDER LINERS 4108 ENGINESThe cylinder liners fitted to the 4108 series enginesare centrifugally cast alloy iron they are an in the cylinder block parent bore and of the thinwalldry typeReboring of these liners is not possible and new linersshould be fitted when a rebore would normally be considered checks of the cylinder bore are carriedout by means of the gauge tool shown in Fig G1When checking liners each one should be measuredin three positions top centre and bottom the readings being taken parallel and at right angles to thecentre line of the cylinder block giving six readingsfor each cylinder boreWhen checking the fitted internal bore of a new thinwall liner it is advisable to allow a period of time toelapse for the liner to settleTo Renew Cylinder Liners1 Remove all the various comopents from the cylinder block Refer to the appropriate sections for details of their removal2 Using a shouldered metal disc slightly smaller on the outside diameter than the parent bore dia G1 meter and a suitable press press the liners care fully out through the top of the cylinder block the centrifugal cast iron wet type They have flanges at the top and are sealed at the bottom by means of NOTE Support the block locally in the area of the two rubber sealing rings which fit in machined re top of the liner cesses in the cylinder block3 Lightly lubricate the outside of the liner with clean engine oil ready for fitting4 As the liner must protrude above the cylinder block top face and not be pressed fully home when fitted correctly a solid stop washer should be available designed to give the correct liner protrusion NOTE The limits for liner protrusion are given on page B3 and may be checked as shown in Fig G25 Press the liner into the bore progressively until it reaches the solid stop washer6 Bore and finish hone the liners to the dimension quoted on Page B3 NOTE Where boring equipment is mounted on the top face of the cylinder block fit a parallel plate between the boring bar and cylinder block face Such a plate should be thicker than 0027 in 0686 mm7 Reassemble the engine components to the cylinder block Refer to the appropriate sections lor assembly of theseCYLINDER LINERS 4107 and 499Cylinder liners fitted to 4107 and 499 engines are of G2CYLINDER BLOCK AND L1NERSG2G3 G4Earlier 499 engines had only one sealing ring at the All 4107 and later 499 engines have four small holesbottom of the liner drilled along the fuel pump side of the cylinder block4107 and 499 cylinder liners have prefinishsd bores each one breaking through into the area between theUnder normal circumstances the liner would only two sealing rings at the bottom of ech cylinder linerneed to bs renewed during major overhaul but should These holes permit any coolant which may have leakedit be necessary to remove the liner for any other past the upper sealing ring to escape thus this can be carried out without removal of the the bottom sealing ring of any pressure above it andcrankshaft preventing coolant from entering the engine sumpIf at any time the cylinder liners are removed and In the case of a new engine or where cylinder linersthese same liners are to be refitted then before they andor sealing rings have been fitted it is pOSsibleare removed from the cylinder block they should be that a slight leakage of coolant could occur from thesesuitably marked so that they may be refitted to their holes This should ease as the liners and sealing ringsoriginal parent bore and in the same position in that settle down after the initial period of running but wherebore that is thrust side of the liner to the thrust side difficulty is experienced then the use of BARSEAL inof the cylinder block the cooling system in accordance with the manufac turers instructions is approvedTo Renew Cylinder LinersRemove all components from cylinder blockRemove liners using a suitable liner removing tool seeFig G4Once the liner has cleared the rubber sealing rings inthe cylinder block the liner can be removed by handRemove any corrosion and burrs which may be presentat the inner ends of the landingsRenew the rubber sealing rings in the grooves at thebottom landsTo ease fitting of the liners when the rings have beenplaced in position smear the liners with soft soap orsoapy waterPlace liner in position and press home by hand ensuring that the rubber sealing rings remain in theirgrooves see Fig G5The liners are a push fit and no force is requiredAfter fitting the liners the cylinder block should bewater tested at a pressure of 20 Ibflin 2 14 engine as required and to for the various componentsNote If engine is overheated it could have an adverseaffect on the liner sealing rings G5 SECTION H Crankshaft and Main Bearings 019 mm oversize thrust washers are available which if used on one side of the rear main bearing only will reduce crankshaft end float by 00075 in 019 mm and by 0Q15 in 038 mm if used on both sides The limits for the crankshaft end float are given on Page B6 The main bearing caps are numbered and are not The main bearing shells are located by means of tabs which locate in slots in the bearing housings NOTE Before renewal of the main bearings is attempted make absolutely certain that the correct replacements are available reference to the relevant parts list will ensure this but for identification purposes the new bearings should have an annular groove machined in the inner bearing face along the centre line of the feed holes when the bearings are correctly located these feed holes will correspond exactly with those machined in the cylinder block On later 4107 and 499 engines the annular oil groove in the main bearing parent bore cylinder block and bearing cap has been deleted Adequate lubrication is maintained by repositioning the oil feed holes radially in the shell bearings and continuing to machine the annular groove in the bearing on theH1 centre line of these feed These later type shell bearings may be used on bothThe crankshaft runs in three prefinished replaceable early and later type engines whereas the early typethinwall steel backed aluminium tin lined bearings of shell bearings must NOT on any account be end float is controlled by thrust washers to later engines where the annular groove in the mainlocated either side of the rear main bearing 00075 in bearing parent bore has been deleted H2CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH2H3 H4To Renew Main Bearings and Thrust WashersRemoval of the main bearings and thrust washers can 7 Rotate the bearing shell on the crankshaft until itbe carried out without removing the crankshaft by the locates correctly with the tag in the machined slotfollowing procedure 8 Locate the lower half bearing shell in the main1 Remove the engine from its application bearing cap liberally lubricate and refit2 Remove the sump and suction pipe assembly 9 Tighten the two securing setscrews to positively3 Slacken the setscrews which secure the main locate the bearing shells then slacken a turn or bearing caps two4 Remove completely one of the main bearing caps 10 Repeat items 38 for the remaining two bearings and remove the bearing shell from the cap NOTE To enable the rear main bearing cap to be5 Remove the top half of the bearing shell by push removed first remove the two oil seal housing ing it on the opposite side to the one having the setscrews as shown in Fig H3 locating tag with a suitable strip of wood and 11 Finally tighten the main bearings to the torque rotating it on the crankshaft as shown in Fig H1 given on Page B26 Inspect the bearing shells and if replacements are necessary continue by lightly lubricating and in serting the new top half bearing shell plain end first into the side having the tag location Renewal of the thrust washers is accomplished by carrying out the following procedure 1 Remove the two setscrews securing the two rear main bearing oil seal half housing as shown in Fig H3 2 Remove the rear main bearing cap securing set screws 3 Remove the rear main bearing cap and from it the two lower half thrust washers Refer Fig H4 4 The single upper half thrust washer is removed by rotating it with a thin piece of wood until it can be lifted out of its recess NOTE The new thrust washers should be lightly lubricated before fitting The steel faces of the lower thrust washers should face inwards towards the bearing cap Refer Fig HS the steel face of the upper thrust washer should also face in wards 5 Locate the upper thrust washer half as shown in Fig H6 place the lower halves either side of the rear main bearing cap as described and refit the cap 6 Tighten the setscrews evenly and finally to theH5 torque given on Page B2 CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH37 Check that the crankshaft end float is within the limits given on Page B6 by means of feeler gauges as shown in Fig H7 If incorrect oversize thrust washers are available to give an overall reduction of 0015 in 038 mm Refer to Page H28 Refit the two setscrews securing the rear main oil seal half housing NOTE If any leakage of oil is apparent from this seal then new seals should be fitted to the half housings as described under the heading Crank shaft Rear End Oil Seal or fit a new assembly9 Refit the suction ipe assembly and sumpTo Remove the CrankshaftTo remove the crankshaft it will be necessary to removethe engine H71 Remove the starter motor flywheel and flywheel housing2 Remove the crankshaft front pulley timing case cover timing gears and fuel pump drive hub NOTE The rear seal half housing securing set Refer to Page K1 for details of thei r removal screws will require removal to enable the rear3 Remove the securing setscrews also any studs main bearing cap to be removed Refer to Fig fitted and remove the timing case back plate H34 Remove the sump and lubricating oil pump com 7 Lift out the crankshaft and place where it is not plete with suction and delivery pipes Refer to likely to be damaged ready for inspection Page M1 for removal of these 8 Remove the top half main bearing shells5 Remove all the connecting rod setscrews con 9 Finally remove the top half oil seal housing necting rod caps and bearing shells Refer to Page F1 NOTE All the bearing shells should be marked to indicate top or bottom and number of the rod To Refit the Crankshaft assembly 1 First ensure that crankshaft oilways are clear6 Unscrew the main bearing caps 2 Place the three top bearing shells in position then oil liberally with clean engine oil NOTE Unless a new set of main bearings is being fitted those removed must be returned to their original locations 3 Place the crankshaft in position 4 Locate the upper thrust washer in position as shown in Fig H6 5 Fit the three lower bearing shells oil and fit the three main bearing caps in their respective loca tions NOTE Ensure at this stage that the two lower thrust washer halves are positioned correctly either side of the rear main bearing cap when it is fitted 6 Check the main bearing setscrews prior to fitting for signs of stretch or thread damage Where damage or any doubt exists fit new replacements 7 Fit the setscrews then tighten evenly to the torque tension given on Page B2 8 Check that the crankshaft can be rotated freely if satisfactory check the crankshaft end float by means of feeler gauges as shown in Fig H7 Should it not be within the limits quoted on Page B6 then oversize thrust washers are available to give the necessary adjustment Refer to PageH6 H2CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGSH49 Fit new sealing strips to the rear main bearing oil seal housings and refit the housings as described under the heading Crankshaft Rear End Oil Seal on Page H410 Liberally oil the crankpins locate the connecting rod bearing shells again ensuring their correct relative positions then fit the connecting rod caps as described on Page F5 The crankcase should now be as shown in Fig H211 Refit the lubricating oil pump complete with suc tion and delivery pipes Refer to Page M412 Refit the sump using new seals and gaskets Refer to Page M113 Refit the timing case back plate fuel pump drive hub timing gears timing cover and crankshaft front pulley Refer to later text commencing on Page K1 for their reassembly14 Refit and correctly align the flywheel housing as described in Section J15 Refit the flywheel and starter motor H8CRANKSHAFT nEAR END OIL SEAL 3 With the thumb or finger press the remainder of the strip into the groove working from the centreThis sealing arrangement consists of two half housings then use any convenient round bar to further bedbolted around the rear of the crankshaft The bore of in the strip by rolling and pressing its inner diathese housings is machined to accommodate a rubber meter as shown in Fig HB This procedure takescored asbestos strip which in conjunction with a right advantage of the friction between the strip and thehand helix machined between the thrust collar and the groove at the ends to compact the rope whileflywheel mounting flange to the dimensions given on ensuring that the projections of the end faces ofPage B6 acts to return the surplus oil reaching the the rope remain as setseal The two half housings fit over this helix and the 4 Fit the sealing strip to the other half housing in acontact of the sealing strips with the crankshaft pre similar mannervents leakage beyond this point 5 Remove all traces of the old gasket from the cylinderNOTE When traces of oil become apparent from block rear face and fit a new gasket treated with abehind the flywheel and a faulty rear oil seal is sus suitable sealing compundpected first ensure that the crankcase is breathing 6 Lightly coat the faces of the housing with a Any build up in crankcase pressure could sealing compoundcause oil to be forced past the rear sealing arrange 7 Spread a film of graphite grease over the exposedment If crankcase pressure is normal and new seals inside diameter surface of the striprequire to be fitted the following procedure should be B Assemble the half housings around the with the crankshaft in position rear journal and fasten together by the two set screws See Fig H31 Set up a half housing in the vice with the seal 9 Swivel the complete seal housing on the shaft to recess uppermost bed in the strips and to establish that the assembly2 Settle approximately 1 in 25 mm of the strip at turns on the crankshaft each end into the ends of the groove ensuring 10 Bolt the seal housing in position on the block and that each end of the strip projects 001010020 in the rear main bearing cap then finally tighten the 025050 mm beyond the half housing jOint face securing setscrews SECTION J Flywheel and of the Adaptor Plate and FlywheelIt is most important that the adaptor plate and flywheel be correctly aligned with thecrankshaft If the plate and housing have been removedas is necessary for a complete overhaul the greatestcare must be taken on replacement to insure accuracyof alignment The appropriate procedure is as followsSee that the faces of both the rear of the cylinder blockand the adaptor plate are perfectly clean and free the adaptor plate to the cylinder block with setscrews and spring of the Adaptor Plate FaceSecure the base of an indicator gauge to the flange ofthe crankshaftSet the needle of the gauge against the vertical face ofthe adaptor plate See Fig J1 J2Turn the crankshaft and check that this face is perpendicular to the crankshaft axisFlywheel housing face should be within a limit of 006total indicator reading of being truly at right angles tothe crankshaft axis All adjustments to bring the adaptor plate within the limits must be on the adaptor plate and under NO CONDITIONS must the rear of the cylinder block be interfered with When the adaptor plate is properly aligned to the above limits tighten the setscrews evenly Ream the dowel holes and fit the correct length and size of dowels Fitting Flywheel and Checking Alignment With the flywheel and crankshaft flange perfectly clean and free from burrs place the flywheel on the crank shaft flange Insert the setscrews complete with tab washers into the flywheel holes and tighten evenly Secure the base of the indicator gauge to the adaptor plate With the flywheel at top center set the needle of the gauge on the periphery at TDC See Fig J2 Turn the crankshaft and check the indicator the flywheelJ1 should run true within 012 in total indicator AND HOUSINGJ2 See that the face of the housing is perfectly clean and free from burrs Secure the housing to the adaptor plate with setscrews and spring washers but not overtight so as to allow adjustment Attach the indicator gauge to the flywheel centre and set the needle of the gauge to the interior of the bored hole in the flywheel housing See Fig J4 Turn the crankshaft and check that this hole is truly central The housing is adjusted until the bored hole is central The hole in the housing should be truly central with the crankshaft within a limit of 006 total indicator readingJ3 With the base of the indicator gauge still bolted to theadaptor plate adjust the indicator so as to set the needleagainst the vertical machined face of the flywheel SeeFig J3Again turn the crankshaft and check the indicator theflywheel should be within 00051 per inch of flywheel tdiameter total indicator reading of being truly at rightangles to the crankshaft axisWhen the flywheel is correctly aligned lock the by means of the tab washers J5 Alignment of the Flywheel Housing Face With the base of the indicator gauge still bolted to the flywheel centre adjust the indicator so as to set the needle against the vertical machined face of the flywheel housing and again turning the crankshaft check that this face is perpendicular to the crankshaft axis See Fig J5 The limits for this facing are the same as those given for the adaptor plate facing When the housing is prop erly aligned to the above limits tighten the securing setscrews evenly Ream the dowel holes and fit the correct length andJ4 size dowels J3 0941LP0148012 CHANGES TO TM of Flywheel Ring GearCare should be exercised in replacing flywheel ring gearsToo high a temperature above 15000F during may leave the steel ring gears fully annealed Ifa press of sufficient capacity about 10 tons is availablering gears should be installed without heating When usinga press a suitable jig should be fabricated to ensure of pressure around the gear circumference Ifa press is not available ring gears will then have to be installedby heatingThe correct installation procedure is to support the ring gearchamfered side up on a solid flat surface Heat the ring gearin an oven to 4000 F for about 20 minutes If an oven isnot available rest the ring gear on a flat metal surface andheat the gear uniformly with an acetylene torch keeping thetorch moving around the gear to avoid hot spots Direct theflame against the inside diameter of the gear avoiding thegear teeth The ring gear should not be heated over 4000 Funless it cannot be installed at that temperature excessiveheat will destroy the original heat treatment causing premature failure of the ring gear Under no the gear temperature exceed 5000 F Heat which melt at a predetermi ned temperature maybe utilized when a torch must be used to heat the ring gearWhen sufficiently heated place the ring gear on the flywheelwith the chamfered side up and tap in place against theshoulder on the flywheel SECTION K Timing Case and Drive tion taking care not to damage the rubber lip of the oil seal on the crankshaft pulley key 2 Loosely fit the front cover securing setscrews and nuts 3 Fit the crankshaft pulley to centralise the seal then tighten the securing setscrews and nuts 4 Fit the crankshaft pulley retaining setscrew or dog nut and tighten to the torque given on Page B2 5 Refit the V belt and tension as described on Page N1 To Remove the Idler Gear and Hub 1 Remove the timing case front cover as previously described in this section 2 Tap back the locking tabs and unscrew the two idler hub securing setscrews 3 The setscrews idler gear and hub may now be removed together as shown in Fig K1K1 4 Clean and thoroughly examine the gear and hub for signs of excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo carry out the following procedure it is assumed thateither working space exists with the engine in place orit is removed from the application To Refit the Idler Gear and HubTo Remove the Timing Case Cover 1 After ensuring that the oilways in the hub and gear1 Slacken alternator mounting bolts release the are clear hold the gear in position with the adjusting arm setscrew and remove the alternator timing marks correctly aligned drive belt2 Remove the crankshaft pulley retaining setscrew or dog nut and withdraw the pulley which is a keyed fit on the crankshaft3 Remove the securing setscrews and nuts from the timing case and carefully remove the cover taking care not to catch the rubber lip of the oil seal on the crankshaft pulley locating keyTo Renew the Crankshaft Front Oil Seal1 Using a suitable dolly and press remove the oil seal from the timing case cover by pushing out through the front2 Locate the new seal in position so that the lip faces inwards3 Press in the new seal from the front until it just butts against the seal retaining lip giving local support to the covet as the seal is pressed homeTo Refit the Timing Case Cover1 Using a new gasket lightly coated with a suitable sealing compound place the front cover in posi K2TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK2 NOTE If the cylinder head assembly has not been disturbed then the cylinder head cover and rocker shaft should be removed in order to allow the camshaft to be turned to facilitate the aligning 01 the timing marks2 Insert the hub as shown in Fig K2 so that the holes in the hub and the cylinder block are in alignment and secure with the two setscrews NOTE Clearance is provided in the setscrew holes of the idler gear hub to provide the necessary backlash adjustment for the timing gears3 Using the adjustable idler gear backlash between both crankshaft gearidler gear and camshaft gearidler gear should be set within the range given on Page B9 with the gears held together in order to take up the effect of bearing clear ance Backlash may be checked by the use of leeler gauges as shown in Fig K34 When the backlash has ben correctly set finally tighten the idler gear hub securing setscrews to the torque given on Page B25 Check the idler gear end float as shown in Fig K4 K3 the limits are given on Page B96 Lock the idler gear hub securing setscrews with the tabwashers NOTE The timing gears when correctly set should appear as shown in Fig L1 To Remove the Fuel Pump Gear7 Refit the timing case front cover etc as pre viously detailed in this section 1 Remove the timing case front cover 2 Remove the idler gear and hub 3 Remove the three securing setscrews and ease the gear from its location on the fuel pump driving hUb 4 Examine the gear lor signs of excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo Remove the Camshaft Gear1 Remove the timing case front cover2 Remove the three securing setscrews and ease the gear away from its location3 Examine the gear lor signs 01 excessive wear cracks pitting etcTo Refit the Camshaft Gear1 Remove the idler gear and hub cylinder head cover and rocker shaft if not previously removed2 Refit the gear to the camshaft ensuring that the 0 marks on the gear and camshaft hub respec tively align as shown in Fig KS3 Refit the three securing setscrews and tighten to a torque of 1921 Ibf ft 2629 kgf m NOTE Only the plain nonslotted holes in the camshaft gear are to be used and these will align with the tapped holes on the camshaft hub when the 0 marks are in alignment4 Refit the idler hub and gear timing case front cover etc as previously detailed in this section K4 TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK3K5 K6To Refit the Fuel Pump Gear 4 Refit the low and high pressure fuel pipes to the fuel pump1 Refit the fuel pump gear so that the timing marks 5 Refit the fuel pump drive gear idler gear and hub on the gear and hub respectively are in alignment timing case front cover etc as shown in Fig K62 Refit the three securing setscrews and tighten to a torque of 1921 Ibl It 2629 kgf m To Remove the Timing Case Back Plate3 Refit the idler gear and hub timing case front Rmove the timing case front cover and timing cover etc gears 2 Remove the fuel pump and drive hub 3 Remove the securing setscrews and studs whereTo Remove the Fuel Pump Drive Hub fitted1 Remove the timing case front cover and fuel pump gear2 Remove the low and high pressure fuel pipes from the fuel injection pump3 Remove the fuel pump securing setscrews and withdraw the pump4 Remove the drive hub locating circlip and with draw the drive hub from its bearing Refer Fig K75 Examine the drive hub also the bearing in which it runs for signs of excessive wear surface cracks pitting etc NOTE The bearing is an interference fit in the cylinder block and replacement is carried out by means of a suitable dolly and puller or press if the block is completely stripped the new one being fitted in the reverse mannerTo Refit the Fuel Pump Drive Hub1 Replace the drive hub in the bearing and locate with the cirClip as shown in Fig KB2 Check the drive hub end float by means of feeler gauges placed between the front face of the bearing and the rear face of the drive hUb The end float limits are given on Page B93 Refit the fuel pump as detailed on Page P4 K7TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK4 4 Remove the fuel lift pump tappet inspection cover and fuel lift pump operating push rod 5 Turn the engine over so that the sump is now uppermost NOTE At this stage if it is not possible to turn the engine over then the tappets should be lifted to the top of their locations and secured with suitable clips 6 Remove the sump and lubricating oil pump assem bly Refer to Page M1 for details of their re moval 7 Remove the timing cover back plate as previously detailed this will show the camshaft and thrust plates as illustrated in Fig K13 8 Ease the camshaft out from the block and catch the two thrust plates as they come out of their recess in the cylinder block 9 Withdraw the camshaft as shown in Fig K9 taking care to ensure that the cams and journals are not damaged during this operationK8 10 The tappets may now be removed by lifting them out of their locations Refer to Fig K11 or by removal of the retaining clips if the engine is still the normal way up 11 Examine camshaft and tappets for signs of exces4 Lift the timing case back plate clear from the cam sive wear surface cracks pitting etc shaft hub and crankshaft gear NOTE The crankshaft gear is an interference fit on the crankshaft Should its removal become necessary then this can be accomplished by the use of a suitable puller To Refit the Tappets and Camshaft 1 If the tappets have been removed liberally lubri cate them with clean engine oil and return to their respective locations Secure with clips ifTo Refit the Timing Case Back Plate appl icable 1 Fit the timing case back plate to the cylinder block 2 Carefully refit the camshaft into the cylinder block using a new gasket and suitable sealing compound exercising the same care as used during its re2 Refit any studs removed and secure with the set moval screws3 Refit the fuel pump drive hub and fuel pump4 Refit the timing gears timing case front cover etcTo Remove the Camshaft and TappetsTo remove the camshaft it may be necessary to removethe engine from the application and place in a stand where it can be turned upside downThe purpose of this is to prevent the tappets fromfalling out of their locations when the camshaft is removed If however it is not possible to turn the engineover in this manner then this problem may be overcome by attaching suitable clips when the cover has been removed to each tappet tohold them in their locations when the camshaft is withdrawn from the block1 Remove the engine from the application and mount in a suitable dismantling stand where available correct way up2 Remove the cylinder head cover rocker shaft and push rods3 Remove the timing case front cover and timing gears Kg TIMING CASE AND DRIVEKS 2K10 1 Drive Hub 2 Lubricating Oil Pump Drive Gear 3 Groove for reduced oil pressure feed to Rocker Shaft 4 Bearing JournalsK11 K12TIMING CASE AND DRIVEK6 K14K133 Before the camshaft is pushed fully home locate 6 Turn the engine over so that the cylinder block top the two thrust plates Refer to Fig K12 one of face or cylinder head if fitted is uppermost which locates on the dowel in the recess in posi 7 Refit the timing gears timing case front cover etc tion either side of the camshaft hub when correct as previously detailed ly located the camshaft can be pushed fully home 8 Refit the fuel lift pump operating push rod Refer and will appear as in Fig K13 to Fig K14 tappet inspection cover after re4 Refit the timing case back plate as previously des moving any retaining clips and fuel lift pump cribed Refer to Fig P95 Refit the lubricating oil pump assembly and sump 9 Reassemble the remainder of the engine com as described on Pages M1 and M4 ponents in accordance with the instructions given for each in the relevant part of this section SECTION L Timing L1General crankshaft is uppermost as shown in Fig l1 This will bring Nos 1 and 4 pistons to TDCAs timing gears are employed the factory settingremains constant It is also worth remembering that 2 Fit the camshaft gear to its hub ensuring that thethe removal of the cylinder head in no way effects D marks are correctly aligned Refer to Fig K5either the fuel pump or the valve timing Secure with the three setscrews 3 Similarly fit the fuel pump gear to the fuel pumpTIMING MARKS drive hub ensuring that the stamped timing marksWhen the engine is originally timed at the factory align as shown in Fig K6 Secure with the threecertain marks are stamped on the gears so that if for setscrewsany reason the engine timing has to be disturbed thento reset to the original timing is quite straight forward 4 Replace the idler gear so that the double dots on the idler gear are matched to the single dot on the crankshaft gear and single line or dot on the camshaft gear while the single dot on the idler gear matches with the double dots on the fuelTo Reset the Engine to the Original Timing pump gear These timing marks when correctly positioned will appear as shown in Fig L1Before commencing the retiming procedure it isassumed that a the camshaft fuel pump and idler 5 Locate the idler gear with the hub and the twogears have all been removed and b the camshaft is securing setscrews using a new tabwasherfree to turn by hand If the cylinder head assembly isstill in position it is advisable to remove the injectors 6 Backlash adjustment should be carried out asand rocker shaft to facilitate the retiming operations described under the heading To Refit the Idler1 Turn the engine until the keyway in the front of the Gear and HubTIMINGL2 Checking Fuel Pump TimingSee Page PS Checking Valve Timing To check the valve timing proceed as follows 1 Turn the crankshaft until the valves of No 4 cylinder are on overlap 2 In this position set the valve clearance of No 1 inlet valve to 0039 in 1 mm 3 Turn the engine slowly in the normal direction of rotation until the clearance of No 1 inlet valve is just taken up In this condition it will just be poss ible to rotate No 1 inlet valve push rod between the thumb and the forefinger 4 Nos 1 and 4 pistons will now be at TOC if the timing has been correctly set NOTE No adjustment is provided for valve timing should the timing be incorrect and the camshaft gear has been correctly fitted to the camshaft hub the error will probably be due to incorrect align ment of the original timing marks on he drive gears Recheck as detailed on Page Ll When valve timing is originally set and checked during production a timing tolerance of plus or minus 2 flywheel degrees is allowed for item 4 above When the timing has been correctly set do not forget to reset No 1 inlet valve clear ance to the correct figure check TOC NOTE When Ihe timing has been reset great care should be exercised when first turning the engine for should the timing be incorrectly set even by only one tooth there is the possibility that a valve head will strike the piston crown SECTION M Lubrication System To Refit the Sump 1 Lightly apply a coating of a suitable sealing com pound to the crankcase and sump faces position the gaskets so that all the holes align NOTE When the gaskets are being placed in posi tion it is important that the mitred ends go right up into the recesses in the front and rear main bearing caps 2 Lightly apply a coating of sealing compound to the cork strips then press these strips into the grooves provided in the main bearing caps 3 Place the sump in pOsition and fit all the retaining setscrews tighten evenly 4 Replace the dipstick and sump drain plug then refill with clean new oil of an approved grade to the correct level Do not overfillM1 To Remove the Oil PumpThe importance of correct and clean lubrication 1 Drain the engine oil and remove sumpcannot be stressed too highly and all references toengine oil should be taken to mean lubricating oil 2 Remove the strainer from the end of the falls within the specification given in the appen oil suction pipe Refer to Fig M1 dix Care should be taken to ensure that the 01 chosen 3 Unscrew the delivery pipe securing nut to theis that specified for the climatic conditions under cylinder block and the setscrew securing the sucwhich the engine is operated lion pipe assembly to the rear main bearing capTHE LUBRICATING OIL PUMPThe oil pump fits into a machined bore in the clyinder block and is located by means of a screw locked by a tab washer Refer to Engine Photographs for its locationThe oil pump is driven through spiral gears fromthe camshaft on the other end of the drive shaft ispressed and pinned a four lobed rotor This rotormeshes with and drives a five lobed rotor which is freeto rotate within the cast iron pump bodyNOTE Length of oil pump set screw is critical If replaced by a longer unit oil pump shaft will lock andgear failure will resultTo Remove the Sump1 Remove the sump drain plug and drain the oil2 Remove the dipstick sump securing setscrews and remove the sump M2 c ROCKER HMT ASSEMBLY c SPLASH I I ANI I 011 I MIST I t TO I I VALVt AND GlJlDt ASStMBLIES I aJ JJ o t REDUCED PRESSURE FEED o Z en en t m 31 I 31 t t s I SPLASH AND OIL MIST SPLASH AND OIL MIST SPLASH AND OIL MIST SPLASH AND OIL MIST t tI t t tI SPLASH 1 I MAIN OIL GALLERY OIL DRAIN BACK 10 IHf UMP BY GRAVITY rl I LUBRICA liNG IL I STRAiNER 1 o f LUBRICATION SYSTEMM3M4 M51 Relief Valve Housing2 Rotor Housing 2 Install the drive shaft complete with inner rotor3 Hole for Locating Screw then the outer driven rotor ensuring that the face4 Pump Drive Gear which carries the chamfered edge enters the pump body first Refer Fig M5 now carry out the three following dimensional checks a Check the clearance between the inner and outer rotors Refer Fig M64 Tap back the tab washer locking the location screw and support the lubricating oil pump assem b Check the clearance between the outer rotor bly if the engine is the normal way up while the and the pump body Refer Fig M7 locating screw is removed c Check the clearance between the rotors and5 Remove the lubricating oil pump assembly from the end cover assembly using a straight edge the cylinder block as shown in Fig M2 and feeler gauges Refer Fig MBTo Dismantle the Oil Pump1 Remove the delivery and suction pipes The pump will now be as shown in Fig M42 Withdraw the drive gear by means of a suitable puller3 With the pump suitably held in a vice using protective clamps remove the four securing set screws and remove the end cover assembly NB This end cover assembly also incorporates the pressure relief valve housing4 Withdraw the drive shaft complete with inner rotor NB It is advisable not to remove this inner rotor from the shaft as this item is not available as a separate part See later note5 Withdraw the outer Inspect for signs of wear cracks pitting etc M6LUBRICATION SYSTEMM4 J 1 M9 1 Outlet to Main Oil Filter 2 Relief Valve PlungerM7 3 Plunger Spring 4 Spring Cap NOTE The relevant clearances for these dimen 5 Retaining Cotter Pin sional checks are given on Page B10 they are the clearances applicable to a new pump and are in tended to be used as a guide Should a lubricating oil pump be worn to such an extent that it ad versely effects the working oil pressure then a re 2 Insert the drive shaft complete with inner rotor placement pump should be obtained into the pump body 3 Replace the end cover assembly and fit the four securing setscrews Ensure correct positioning soTo ReAssemble the Oil Pump that the suction and delivery pipes will locate correctly1 Insert the outer rotor ensuring that the face which carries the chamfered edge enters the pump body 4 Press the oil pump drive gear onto the shaft first Refer Fig M5 5 Finally rotate the pump by hand to ensure that it turns quite freely To Refit the Oil Pump 1 Refit the suction and delivery pipes do not tighten the pipes at this stage 2 Place the lubricating oil pump assembly in posi tion locate with the securing screw and lock it with the tab washer 3 Tighten the delivery pipe at both ends refit the setscrew securing the suction pipe assembly 4 Tighten the suction pipe at the pump end then refit the strainer on the end of the suction pipe NOTE The strainer which fits on the end of the suction pipe should be thoroughly cleaned in suit able cleaning fluid before being refitted It is good practise to remove this strainer and clean it thoroughly on every occasion when the sump is removed 5 Replace the sump as previously detailed and secure with the setscrews 6 Fill the sump to the correct level with clean oilM8 of an approved grade LUBRICATION SYSTEMMS NOTE Caution should be exercised when restart is given on Page B9 The pressure will drop whilst ing the engine as it will take a moment or two for the engine is idling and also a slight drop will be ex the oil pump and pipes to prime therefore the perienced when the oil is hot this is quite normal If engine speed should be kept to a minimum until however the oil pressure is suspected of being too either the gauge shows satisfactory pressure where high or too low then reference to the possible faults fitted or the oil pressure warning light is ex listed under these headings given on Page Dl may tinguished prove helpful NOTE Whenever the oil pressure reading is question able use a direct reading mechanical oil pressureThe most satisfactory way to prime the lubricating oil gauge attached directly to engine oil gallery on blockpump is to motor the engine for approximately 1020seconds before any attempt is made to start the LUBRICATING OIL FILTERSengine To ensure cleanliness of the lubricating oil a sump strainer and a main full flow type of oil filter are fitted The sump strainer consists of a gauze wire container which is fitted over the end of the lubricating oil pumpOIL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE suction pipe All oil must pass through this strainer before it reaches the oil pumpThe oil pressure relief valve is contained in a with the oil pump end cover which is securedto the rotor housing by four setscrews This relief valvecontrols the maximum oil pressure by allowing a springloaded plunger to move and bypass excess oil backto the sump when the predetermined spring pressuregiven on page Bl0 is exceededTo Dismantle the Oil Pressure Relief Valve1 Drain the engine oil from the sump2 Remove the sump securing setscrews and carefully remove the sump3 Continue as for removing the oil pump as pre viously detailed4 Remove suction and delivery pipes5 Remove the four securing setscrews and remove the end cover assembly6 Remove the cotter pin from the end of the housing and withdraw the spring cap spring and plunger An exploded view of the assembly is shown in Fig M97 Thoroughly clean the parts inspect for wear or damage and renew if necessaryTo ReAssemble the Oil Pressure Relief Valve1 Replace the plunger spring and spring cap then secure with the cotter pin2 Secure to the lubricating oil pump body by means of the four setscrews3 Continue as detailed for refitting the lubricating oil pumpOIL PRESSUREAlways ensure that with the engine running oilpressure is registering on the gauge or the oil light is do vary according to climatic conditionsand even between individual engines but the oil pressure range at normal working speed and temperature SECTION N Internal Cooling System 4 1ALTERNATOR BELT 5To Adjust the Alternator Belt 6Alternator belt adjustment is achieved by altering theposition of the alternator as detailed below1 Slacken the alternator adjusting lever setscrew2 Slacken the two mounting bolts3 Move the alternator either towards or away from the engine to either slacken or tighten the belt N24 Lock in the desired position by tightening the alter nator adjusting lever setscrew5 Check the tension if correct the tension is such 1 Pump Body that without undue pressure the thumb applied 2 Seal midway between the water pump and crankshaft 3 Shaft Bearings pulleys can depress the belt approximately in 4 Retaining Circlip 10 mm as shown in Fig N1 5 Pump Shaft 6 Spacer 7 Flange Oil Seal Retaining 8 Retainer Oil Seal 9 Flange Water Pump Thrower 10 Impeller 11 Seal 12 Insert 6 If the tension is correct tighten the two alternator tobracket mounting bolts NOTE When a new belt is fitted it is advisable to recheck the adjustment after only a comparatively short running period This is to allow for the initial stretch which is common to new belts once this initial stretch has taken place the belt may be checked in accordance with Operator Instructions To Remove the Alternator Belt 1 Slacken the alternator adjusting lever setscrewN1 2 Slacken the mounting boltsCOOLING SYSTEMN23 Pivot the alternator towards the cylinder block4 Turn the engine slowly by hand and work the alter nator belt off the water pump pulley5 The belt can now be lifted from the alternator and crankshaft pulleys and removed from the engine6 Examine the belt for signs or fraying or cracks in the rubber and renew if necessaryTo Refit the Alternator Belt Refitting the belt is just a reversal of the removal operations Adjust the belt tension as previously detailed under the heading To Adjust the Alter nator Belt If a new belt has been fitted refer to the note given after the details on fan belt adjustment N4To Remove the Water Pump 2 Remove the water pump pulley by means of a Slacken generator securing setscrews and remove suitable puller the holes in the pulley face may be driving belt utilised for this purpose Refer to Fig N3 Unscrew the four setscrews securing the water 3 Press the shaft out of the pump body from the pump and backplate to cylinder block pulley end complete with water pump thrower in sert seal and impeller Remove water pump and back plate 4 Remove the impeller from the pump drive shaft by means of a suitable puller or press 5 Remove the bearing retaining circlip then using a suitable mandrel press the two shaft bearings complete with spacer out through the front of theTo Dismantle the Water Pump pump body 6 Remove the felt seal and retaining flanges1 Remove the pulley securing nut or circlip where fitted Inspection 1 Examine the pump body for cracks corrosion or any other damage Renew where necessary 2 Examine the shaft and bearing assembly for wear or corrosion Renew where necessary 3 Examine the water thrower flange for damage or corrosion Renew where necessary 4 Examine the water pump seal and insert for ex cessive wear scoring or cracks on the sealing faces Renew where necessary 5 Remove rust and scale from he impeller and ex amine for excessive corrosion or other damage Renew where necessary 6 Examine the pump pulley for signs of cracks corrosion or any other damage Renew where necessary To ReAssemble the Water Pump Refer to Fig N2 1 Insert the oil seal retainer 8 and oil seal 2N3 followed by the oil seal retaining flange 7 COOLING SYSTEMN32 Fit the two bearings 3 and spacer 6 onto the shaft 5 and pack the space between the two bear ings approximately full of high melting point grease3 Press the bearings and shaft assembly into the pump body impeller end first and locate with the circlip 44 Press the water thrower flange 9 into position on the drive shaftS Thoroughly clean the insert recess and drain hole in the pump body6 Lightly coat the inner diameter of the insert recess and outside diameter of the insert with grade AVV Loctite7 After removing any traces of oil or grease from the insert press it fully home Remove all traces of surplus Loctite NOTE Special care must be taken during this operation not to mark the face upon which the seal registers8 Place the carbonfaced seal 11 on the drive shaft so that this face registers with the insert face N59 Press the impeller onto the shaft over this seal until the clearance given on Page A13 exists be tween the back face of the impeller and the pump body This clearance can be checked as shown in Fig N410 Press the pulley fully onto the shaft and fit the securing nut or circlip where applicable 2 Remove expansion tank or thermostat housing NOTE 4108 Engines Only When the pulley is whichever is applicable originally pressed onto the shaft during production 3 Lift out thermostat as in Figure N5 a pressure of 23 tonin 2 is required Therefore it is recommended that if the pulley interference on the shaft is such that a substantially reduced pressure will press the pulley back onto the shaft then a replacement pulley andor shaft should be fitted To Test the Thermostat 1 Immerse the thermostat in a suitable container of water and slowly heat An accurate thermometer should be available to check the temperature of To Refit the Water Pump the water as it rises 2 Note the temperature at which the valve in the 1 Fit the backplate followed by the water pump to unit commences to open This temperature should the cylinder block using new gaskets lightly coated be as stamped on the unit by the manufacturers with suitable sealing compound 3 If the unit does not function properly then a re 2 Secure the water pump assembly to the cylinder placement thermostat will be required as no block with the four setscrews adjustment of these units is possible 3 Refit the alternator belt and adjust to the correct tension To Replace the Thermostat THERMOSTAT Replacing the thermostat is a reversal of the re moval procedure A new gasket should be fitted between To Remove the Thermostat the thermostat housing and the water outlet connection 1 Drain the coolant from the engine block SECTION PFUEL OIL FILTERS Fuel SystemThe element in this filter is of the paper type andtherefore no attempt should be made to clean it Itslife will be governed by the quality and condition ofthe fuel passing through it but under average conditions the element should be renewed in accordancewith the in Operator Section This period would naturally be reduced if it was apparentfrom the condition of the element if removed and inspected that conditions warranted itTo Renew the Filter Element1 Unscrew the filter bowl securing bolt in the centre of the headcasting Refer to Fig PS2 Lower the filter bowl clear as shown in Fig P6 then discard the fuel therein together with the old element3 Inspect the sealing rings and replace if damaged P6 in any way FUEL LIFT PUMP4 Place the new element in position inside the filter bowl and offer up the bowl firmly and squarely so Testing the Pump in Position that the top rim of the filter bowl locates centrally 1 Disconnect the outlet pipe lift pump to filter against the sealing ring in the filter head casting leaving a free outlet from the pump5 Hold in this position while the securing bolt is 2 Rotate the engine and note if there is a well located and screwed home defined spurt of fuel from the outlet port once every two engine revolutions NOTE If the sealing rings are in good order and the bowl is located correctly no excessive tighten NOTE As an alternative the pump may be ing will be required to obtain a leak proof seal operated by means of the hand primer as shown in Fig P which should give the same result6 Prime the fuel system as detailed on Page PS every time the priming lever is operated However should the engine happen to have stopped in such NOTE Some filter bowls have a drain plug fitted a position that the eccentric operating the lift in this case the relevant manufacturers service pump is in the maximum lift position then it will literature should be consulted not be possible to operate the hand primer properly If such a condition arises the remedy is to rotate the engine one complete revolutionPS P7FUEL SYSTEMP2To Remove the Lift Pump To ReAssemble the Lift Pump1 Disconnect the pipes from the inlet and outlet Examine the casting and ensure that there is ports Seal the ends of the pipes to prevent the sufficient material to provide a sound staking when entry of foreign matter new valves are fitted2 Remove the two nuts and washers holding the Clean the valve recesses to allow the new valves pump to the tappet inspection cover Withdraw the to be correctly fitted pump spacer and gaskets 1 Insert a new valve gasket in each valve recess 2 Place the new valves in the recesses The valve in the inlet port should be fitted with the spring outwards ie towards the diaphragm flange and the valve in the outlet port fitted in the reverse position 3 Press the valves home with a suitable piece of tubing approximately 916 in 1429 mm insideTo Dismantle the Lift Pump diameter and i in 1905 mm outside diameter1 Before dismantling make a file mark across the two flanges for location purposes when the pump is being reassembled2 Remove the five cover screws and separate the two main castings then remove the diaphragm assembly from the lower half by turning the dia phragm through 90 in either direction NOTE The diaphragm and pull rod assembly is a permanent assembly and no attempt should be made to separate the parts3 Remove the retaining Clip from one side of the pump body and push out the rocker arm retaining pin Withdraw the rocker arm etc from the body4 Prise out the valves with a screwdriver or other suitable Check the diaphragm assembly and renew if the material is split or checked or if serious wear is apparent in the link engagement slot2 The diaphragm spring should be replaced if faulty or corroded A new spring should have the same color identification Refer to Page B113 Replace the valves unless they appear to be in per fect condition4 Examine the rocker arm operating lever rocker arm retaining pin and rocker arm return spring for wear Replace any parts where necessary5 Replace all joints seals and washers as routine procedure6 Examine upper and lower castings for wear or distortion Slight distortion of flanges can be remedied by grinding the flange face to restore flatness P8 FUEL SYSTEMP34 Stake the casting in six places between the original stakings round each valve with a suitable punch NOTE Valves fitted to earlier lift pumps were held in position with a retaining plate and two screws On no account should attempts be made to stake the valves of this earlier type pump5 Place the rocker arm retaining pin in the appro priate hole in the lower casting and push through until it protrudes slightly inside6 Fit one packing washer and link into the casting moving the pin in slightly to retain them7 Fit the rocker arm and return spring and retain by moving the pin in further ensuring that the spring seats correctly8 Fit the remaining packing washer then push the rocker arm retaining pin through the link washer and casting until the ends protrude equally beyond the outside of the casting9 Retain by securing with the two clips P910 Insert the new rubber sealing washer followed by the steel seating washer and diaphragm return spring11 Place the diaphragm assembly over the spring with the pull rod downwards locating the top of the spring in the diaphragm protector washer12 Now position the pull rod so that the flat notcheo blade has one of its thin edges facing the rocker arm Press downwards on the diaphragm assembly and twist it through 90 in either direction this action will engage and retain the pull rod in the fork of the link13 Operate the rocker arm against the diaphragm spring pressure until the diaphragm is level with the body flange FUEl INJECTION PUMP14 Place the cover assembly in position and line up the file marks made on the flanges prior to dismantling Description15 Still holding the diaphragm level with the body The fuel injection pump is of the DPA distributor flanges fit the five flange securing screws tighten type It is a precision built unit incorporating a simple evenly and securely hydraulic governor or alternatively one of the mech anical flyweight type depending upon the application to which the engine is fitted To Remove the Fuel Injection Pump 1 Remove the four high pressure pipes between the pump and the injectors and blank off all ports to prevent the ingress of foreign particles 2 Remove the low pressure fuel pipes from the inlet and outlet connections and blank off all portsTo Refit the Fuel Pump 3 Disconnect the stop and throttle controls and their return springs1 Fit the spacer using a gasket on either side 4 Remove the two nuts and the socket headed set2 Enter the pump operating lever into the recess in screw which secure the fuel pump to the mount the tappet inspection cover as shown on Fig P9 ing flange together with their spring and plain and secure with the two nuts and washers washers3 Reconnect the low pressure fuel pipes to the inlet 5 Carefully withdraw the fuel pump from its mount and outlet ports ingFUEL SYSTEMP4To Refit the Fuel Injection Pump1 Replace the fuel pump mounting flange gasket where necessary2 Fit pump as shown in Fig P8 ensuring that the master spline on its quill shaft is correctly posi tioned to engage with the female splines within the fuel pump drive hub NOTE This master spline ensures that the pump will only locate in the drive hub in one pOSition for timing purposes Further when fitting the me chanically governed injection pump which uses a separate quill shaft the noticeably shorter splined end is fitted in the injection pump3 When the splines are in correct alignment the pump can be pushed in until the mounting flanges meet and the securing nuts and setscrew with their washers can be fitted4 Before tightening align the timing marks scribed P11 on the fuel pump mounting flanges as shown in Fig P11 Tighten the setscrew and nuts5 Refit the low pressure pipes to the inlet and outlet FUEL INJECTION PUMP TIMING connections Reference should be made to the details given on6 Refit the high pressure fuel pipes Page L1 covering engine timing this timing sequence has been followed regarding the timing7 Reconnect the throttle and stop controls together gears and the timing marks on the mounting flanges with their return springs are correctly aligned as shown in Fig P11 then the fuel pump timing should be correct8 Prime the fuel system with fuel oil as detailed on Page P8 A further check is possible and utilises the internal9 Fuel pump timing can be checked as detailed in timing marks within the pump body To be able to see the following text these marks necessitates the removal of the inspection cover On the fuel pump rotor inside the fuel pump are a number of scribed lines each one bearing an indio vidual letter A timing circlip one end of which has a straight edge is positioned inside the pump body and is preset so that when the appropriate scribed line on the fuel pump rotor aligns with the straight end of the circlip it denotes commencement of injection static timing see Fig P12 NOTE On earlier pumps the timing circlip had a scribed line on one end and on these pumps the scribed line on the fuel pump rotor should be aligned with the scribed line on the circlipP10 P12 FUEL FUEL PUMP TIMING1 Ensure that the fuel pump is correctly filted with the scribed line on the mounting flange aligning with the adjacent mounting flange on the cylinder block see Fig P112 Position the crankshaft so that No 1 piston is at TDC on its compression stroke3 Remove the cylinder head cover4 Slacken the valve adjusting screw on No1 exhaust valve sufficiently to allow the rocker lever to be moved to one side and the push rod removed rotate the rocker lever on the shaft so that the valve spring cap is accessible for using the valve spring compressor5 Remove the collets spring cap and springs from No 1 exhaust valve and allow the valve to rest on the top of the piston6 With the aid of a dial indicator in contact with the end of the valve now resting on No 1 piston it will be necessary to position the crankshaft so P13 that the piston will be 0120 in 305 mm BTDC this being the equivalent of 19 on the engine fly wheel Refer Fig P13 To do this turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction to normal rotation approximately an NOTE eighth of a turn and then forward until the required position is registered on the indicator This en Refer also to Service Bulletins ables the backlash in the timing gears to be No 1121 and 29 for additional taken up data on the fuel injection pump NOTE The above setting is for 4108 marine engines For other applications and engines see Page B127 Remove the inspection plate on the fuel pump enabling the rotor to be seen Fig P128 With No 1 piston at the static timing point on its compression stroke the scribed line on the rotor marked A for hydraulically governed engines or Maximum Speed Setting C for mechanically governed engines should align with the straight edge or scribed line on the The maximum speed screw 5 is set and sealed by timing circlip the manufacturers and must not be altered or tam pered with in any way unless factory authority is first9 If the timing is incorrect proceed by either obtained and any adjustments necessary are carried a making any necessary adjustments by means out by experienced personnel As with all seals on the of the holes in the fuel pump gear they are pump unauthorised removal may render the guarantee slotted enabling the drive shaft to be turned void relative to the gear when the securing set screws are slackened Refer to Fig K6 or The maximum no load speed may vary according to the application to which it is fitted reference may be b by slackening the two nuts end socket headed made to the code number stamped on the fuel pump setscrew which secure the fuel pump to the data plate The last four numbers in the code indicate mounting flange and turning the pump body the maximum no load engine speed therefore in the in the direction required case of the following example it would be 4480 rev min10 When the fuel pump timing has been set turn the Code Example EH39 120004480 engine against the normal direction of rotation NOTE If the fuel pump data plate is damaged or de once again to the appropriate piston displacement faced so as to make it impossible to read accurately to check that the squared end of the circlip is now or if there is no code stamped on the plate you are aligned with the line on the rotor advised to contact your nearest CAV Distributor or11 When the fuel pump timing has been correctly set Westerbeke slowly turn the engine to TDC in the normal direction of rotation remove the indicator and refit NOTE The engine must not be allowed to operate at the valve springs a speed in excess of that specified or severe damage12 Refit the push rod and reset the valve clearance may occurFUEL SYSTEMP6 INJECTORS General 111 12 When replacing injectors in the cylinder head it is essential that a new correct type copper washer is fitted between the nozzle body and cylinder head The first symptoms of atomiser trouble usually come under one or more of the following headings 0 3 1 Misfiring 2 Knocking in one or more cylinders 3 Engine overheating 4 Loss of power 5 Smoky exhaust black6 Increased fuel consumption Testing for Faulty Injector If an injector is suspected of being faulty try this method to isolate it Loosen the union nut at the injector end of the high pressure fuel pipe If each injector is isolated in turn in this way with the engine running at approxi mately 1000 revmin tightening each union nut firmly before proceeding to the next then the faulty injector when isolated in this manner will have little or no effect on the running Warning t 10 IGreat care should be taken to prevent the hands orface from getting into contact with the spray as the 11working pressure will cause the oil to penetrate theskin with ease Injector Pressures lI nDetails of holders and nozzle types together withpressure settings are given on Page B12 13NO ATTEMPT SHOULD BE MADE TO ADJUST THE P16INJECTION PRESSURE WITHOUT AN INJECTOR 1 CapnutTESTING PUMP OF THE TYPE ILLUSTRATED IT ISQUITE IMPOSSIBLE TO ADJUST THE SETTING OF 2 Spring capINJECTORS WITH ANY DEGREE OF ACCURACY WITH 3 Shim washerOUT PROPER EQUIPMENT 4 Nozzle spring 5 Identification tab washer 6 Spindle 7 Fuel inlet union 8 Nozzle holder body Injector Identification 9 Securing flange Injectors can be identified by code letters stamped 10 Nozzle needleon a tab washer fitted under the spring cap nut seeFig P16 or alternatively the code is stamped on the 11 Nozzle bodyinjector body Details of codings can be found on 12 Nozzle capnutPage B12 13 Copper sealing washer FUEL SYSTEMP7Fuel Pipes High Pressure 3 Slacken the vent screw on the top of the fuel filterWhen replacing the fuel pipes it should be noted that 4 Operate the priming lever on the fuel feed pumpno two pipes are the same each is formed to suit an Refer to Fig P and when fuel free from airindividual injector position This is important when bubbles issues from each venting point a replacement pipe as each one has a the screws in the following orderdifferent part number 1 Filter cover vent screwFor purposes high pressure fuel pipes 2 Head locking screw vent are now supplied with olives fitted as shown 3 Governor cover vent valvein Fig P17 The earlier type pipe assemblies with 5 Slacken the pipe union nut at the pump inletolives fitted in the reversed position are still satisfac operate the priming lever and retighten when fueltory oil free from air bubbles issues from around the threads 6 Slacken the unions at the injector ends of two of the high pressure pipes 7 Set the throttle at the fully open position and ensure that the stop control is in the run posi tion 8 Turn the engine until fuel oil free from air bubbles issues from both fuel pipes 9 Tighten the unions on both fuel pipes and the engine is ready for startingP17The pipes should be clean wash in clean fuel oiland blow through the fine bore with compressed air ifthere is any doubt the olives at each end should notbe split or unduly compressed otherwise leakage willresult and a new pipe will be neededEnsure when fitting that the pipe fits squarely at bothends and that the union nuts are tightened firmly butnot the Fuel System P18The air must be vented from the fuel system whenever Priming Procedure after Changing a Filterany part of the system between the fuel tank and injection pump has been disconnected for any reason Elementor when the system has been emptied of fuel 1 With the vent screw on the filter cover removedNo attempt must be made to start the engine until the and the union at the filter end of the return pipeinjection pump has been filled and primed as serious filter to tank slackened operate the feed pumpdamage can be caused to the pump due to lack of priming lever until oil free from air bubbles from the filter cover vent 2 Replace the vent plug and continue to operateThe method of priming detailed below ensures that the priming lever until oil free from air bubblesonly fuel which has passed through the paper filter issues from around the threads of the return pipeelement can reach the interior of the pump union 3 Tighten the return pipe union1 Slacken the air vent valve on the top of the control 4 Slacken the union at the filter end of the filter to gear housing on hydraulically governed pumps injection pump feed pipe and operate the priming refer Fig P15 or on the front of the governor lever until oil free from air bubbles issues from housing on mechanically governed pumps refer around the union threads Fig P18 5 Tighten the feed pipe union The pump and filter2 Slacken the vent valve fitted on one of the two are now filled and primed and ready for further hydraulic head locking screws service QOl OTHER OVERHAUL CONTENTS SECTION PAGEMARINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Q Delco Remy Generator and Regulator Ql Motorola Alternator and Regulator Q13 Delco Remy Starter Motor Q17COOLING SYSTEM RTRANSMISSION S P220 Hydraul i c S 1 SECTION Q ELECTRICAL SYSTEMEarlier engines were equipped with Delco minerals Do not overfill and be sure the ventsRemy electrical accessories operating on are kept open in filler caps these are for thea nominal 24 volt system The generator escape of gas from the actionand voltage regulator have been replaced Keep the terminals clean and the connectionwith a Motorola alternator and regulator clamps tight Smearing the battery posts and cable terminals with light grease after tightening the connections will help prevent corrosion STORAGE voltage must conform to the 24volt SOOWATT and the battery may be either four6volt units in series or two 12volt units Rec This is identified as assembly part numberommended capacity is 130 ampere hours mini 1117731 a direct current insulated system 24mum For cable sizes refer to table on Page 24 volt IBamp unit It is a two brush 4 pole shuntBatteries are not supplied with the engine wound voltage and current regulated generator circuit type driven at twice engine speed with BATTERY MAINTENANCE cutin speed at BOO engine rpm Rotation is CW when viewed from the drive end The construcCheck electrolyte level once a week Make sure tion includes fungicidal and corrosion treatmentthat storage batteries are kept filled with fluidlevel approximately 3B above the plates and The generator is hinge mounted on the starboardfully charged Proper specific gravity for full side of the engine front end and driven with acharge is 122012BO Add pure water prefer vbelt from the crankshaft pulley this same beltably distilled as necessary to each cell If also driving the fresh water pump to obtain distilled water use rain of the belt tension is regulated by an or clean fresh water which is free of strap anchored to the timing gear case housing Fig 117Generator Assembly Q2The armature is supported by double sealed ball 5 Inspection The commutator end frame mustbearings at the drive end and the commutator be removed for periodic inspection of brushend The commutator end bearing is protected and commutator condition If the commutafrom water by a special cover and gasket Water tor is rough out of round or has high micasealing at the drive end is by a special assembly or the brushes show excessive wear thethat is replaceable from outside the generator generator must be disassembled TheInspection of the commutator can be made by re armature must be turned down on a lathemoving a special gasket sealed inspection plug and the mica undercut Worn brushesin the generator frame Terminal outlets are should be replacedhoused in and protected by a special for sheathed conduit with a 11818thread coupling Wires leading from generator 6 Brushes will wear from use and must beto regulator correspond to Battery Armature and replaced when they get too short InspectField terminals A capacitor on the output lead each for Iength condition of pigtail andreduces radio interference The generator out freedom of movement in brush holderput is regulated by the current settings of the Brush tension should be approximately 28current and voltage regulator ounces This can be checked with a spring gauge and correction can be made by bending the brush spring as required If GENERATOR MAINTENANCE the brush spring shows evidence of over heating blued or burnt do not attempt toThis may be divided into two sections normal readj ust it but install a new one required to assure continued oper heating will cause a spring to lose ts temation of the generator and the checking of in per If the brushes ore worn down to lessoperative units A periodic inspection should than half their original length they shouldbe made of the charging circuit Make it a rule be replaced The length of a new brush istq do it every time the lubricating oil is changed 1516 Use a brush seating stone forKeep all connections clean and tight Preventive abrasive to seat the new brushes to themaintenance includes the following curve of the commutator and blowout all dust with compressed air after the brushes 1 Lubrication The ball bearing used in this are seated generator should be lubricated by turning the grease cups down one full turn every time the lubricating oil is changed Use 7 After replacing the end frame clean the exterior of the generator ball bearing grease to refill grease cups when required Never oil commutator2 Inspect condition of generator drive belt for tightness cracks fraying or other signs of deterioration Replace belt if badly worn Adjust belt tension as necessary to prevent possibility of slipping by means of the GENERATOR DISASSEMBLY adjusting strap on generator mounting The At regular intervals the generator should be tension is correct when the veebelt can disassembled for a thorough cleaning and in be depressed a distance equal to the thick ness of the belt when thumb is pressed spection of all parts Never clean the armature against the center of the span or fields in any degreasing rank using heated vapors or by dipping in any degreasing solu3 Visually inspect all wires for signs of breaks tion since these may damage the insulation abrasion spots caused by rubbing also for These parts may be cleaned by brushing with signs of overheating or corrosion Repair clean spirits or kerosene The sealed ball bear or replace any faulty wiring at once ings should be inspected and replaced if neces sary All wiring and connections should be4 Visually and by feel inspect all terminals checked Rosin flux should be used in making all and connections for cleanliness and tight soldered connections Acid flux musl never be ness Also inspect for shorts or grounds used on electrical connections Q3 CHECKING INOPERATIVE GENERATOR clnspect commutator for roughness grease and dirt high mica conditions may require removal of the or burned bars With any of these congenerQtor from the engine and further checking ditions the commutator must be turnedof the generator as follows down in a lathe and the mica undercut 1 No output In addition with burned bars which in 2 Unsteady or low output dicate open circuit the open circuit con 3 Excessive Output dition must be eliminated orthearmature 4 Noisy generator replaced 1 No output Remove cover and check com mutator bars or a loose connection Burned bars with other bars fairly clean indicate 3 Excessive Output This condition may re open circuited coils If brushes appear to sult from be making good contact with commutator a Improper voltage setting and commutator appears normal use test points and a test light to locate trouble as b Defective voltage regulator unit follows leads must be disconnected from c Short circuit between the charging circuit generator and field circuit in the generator or regulator or wiring a Check field for open circuit The lamp d Poor ground connection at regulator should light when one test point is placed on FiElD terminal and the other on the e High battery temperature which reduces field frame or any convenient ground the resistance of the battery to charge so If it does not light the circuit is open that it will accept a high charge rate If the open is due to a broken lead or even though the voltage regulator is set bad connection it can be repaired but normal if the open is inside one of the field If the trouble is not due to high battery coils the coil must be replaced temperature determine the cause by op ening the field circuit breaking field lead b If the field is not open check for shorted between generator and regulator with field by connecting a battery of the spe the generator operating at medium cified voltage and an ammeter in series speed If the output drops off the regula with the field circuit Field draw at 24 tor is at fault and it should be inspected volts should be 8589 amperes Ex for high settings or short circuits cessive current draw indicates a shorted field 4 Noisy Generator Noisy generator may be caused by loose mounting loose d rive pul NOTE If a shorted field is found check ley worn or dirty bearings or improperly the regulator contact points since a short seated brushes ed field may have permitted excessive field current which would have caused To set brush neutral setting remove end contact point to burn Clean or replace cover plate to expose two brush plate at parts as required taching screws Loosen enough to permit shifting of the brush plate Place a thin c If trouble has not yet been located dis ridged strip of material small rule will assemble generator and check armature work between brush and brush holder so brush holders and field circuits Repair that the strip will extend through the in or replace parts as required spection hole Connect one side of a bat tery to the A receptacle of the generator and ground the other side of the battery 2 Unsteady or Low Output Check as follows to any convenient ground on the generator a Check drive belt tension Locate brushes in a neutral position dis connect battery and mark position of in b Check brush condition serted strip on side af the inspection hole Q4 Shift brush plate ahead direction of arma The regulator shown in Fig I 18 consists ot four ture rotation until the inserted strip is units an actuating relay a circuit breaker relay 33218 ahead of neutral marking on a current regulator and a voltage regulator all side of inspection hole At this point 332 mounted in a single receptable with cover and 18 on the field frame is equivalent to connected to the generator and battery as shown I 8 to I 4 commutator bar of movement in wiring diagram page 20 The actuating relay INSTALLATION CAUTION tion together to close the circuit between theAfter the generator is reinstalled on the engine generator and battery when the generator volor at any time after leads have been discon tage is sufficient to charge the battery They opennected and then reconnected to the generator the circuit when generator voltage falls belowthe generator must be repolarized This can be battery voltage when engine is stopped or idlingdone in the folloWing manner so that the battery will not discharge through the generator The current regulator is a current limiting dev ise wh ich prevents the gene rator fromDisconnect the lead from the FIELD terminal of exceeding its specified maximum The voltagethe regulator and momentarily touch this lead to regulator is a voltage limiting devise which prethe BATTERY terminal of the regulator Thisallows vents the system voltage from exceeding a specia momentary surge of current to flow through thegenerator field windings in the proper direction fied maximum thus causing a tapering charge rate to the battery as it approaches full chargeFailure to do this may result in severe damagesince reversed generator polarity causes vibra and protecting electrical units from excessive voltage The DelcoRemy test specification numbertion heavy arcing and burning ofthe relay contact is 2120points The test specifications are as follows GENERATOR REGULATOR Cutout Actuating Relay Closing VoltageSince the generator used on these engines oper Range 2527 volts Adjust to 260 voltsates on what is known as a twowire or system the regulator is of a type Voltage Regulator Settingto conform to this system The regulator ismounted off the engine Range 280295 volts Adjust for 285 volts Current Regulator Setting Range 1620 amps Adjust for 18 amps Voltage Regulator Air Gap 084 in Current Regulator Air Gap 084 in Circuit Breaker Air Gap 042 in Circuit Breaker Point Opening 040 in Circuit BreakH Back Air Gap 008 in Actuating Relay Air Gap 037 in Actuating Relay Point Opening 037 in Actuating Relay Back Air Gap 008 in Actuating and Circuit Breaker Relays Description The actuating and circuit breaker relays operate together to perform the same function as the cutout relay on other regulators When the actuating relay operates it actuates or causes the circuit breaker relay to operate The circuit breaker relay then functions to close or open the circuit between Fig llSGenerator Regulator the generator and battery Q5 Fig 119Regulator TerminalsThe actuating relay Fig 119A contains two windings and an upper and a lower set of contactpoints One of the windings is a series winding Fig 119PCircuit Breakerofa few turns of heavy wire shown in solid linesin Fig 119C which is connected When the generator is not operating this actuatcircuit The second winding is a shunt winding ing relay armature is held in the upper position byconsisting of many turns of fine wire shown in the tension of a spiral spring so that the upperdotted lines which in series with a resistor is contact points are closed and the lower contoshunted across the generator One or the other points are open When the generator begins toset of contact points is always closed excepting operate a magneticfield builds up irJ the actuatwhen the armature is in motion between the two relay shunt winding hen the voltage reachextreme armature positions the value for which the relay is adjusted the ma netism is sufficiently strong to pull the armatuThe circuit breaker relay Fig 119B contains a down towards the core causing the upper conteshunt winding shown in dotted lines Fig 119C points to open and the lower contact pointson a core above which is an armature with two closeheavy duty contact points Beneath these are twostationary contact points One of these is con Closing of the lower contact points connects thenected through the regulator to the generator circuit breaker relay shunt winding Shown ininsulated terminal and the other is connected dotted lines across the generator This createsto the battery through the wiring circuit a strong magnetic field which pulls the circuit breaker relay armature down so that its points close completing the circuit between the generator ARMATURE and the battery During the small fraction of a second that the cir cuit breaker relay points are clOSing generator lf LOWER iI CONTACT voltage is impressed across the entire circuit BRACKO breaker relay shunt Winding This causes a very rapid relay action When the circuit breaker contact points have closed the major part of the winding is shunted WINDINGS across the generator by means of a connection to the relay armature This manner of connecting the Winding assures better relay operation since any shock or vibration which might cause the actuating relay point to bounce open will not cause thE circuit breaker relay points to openaslongas the actuating relay upper contact points do not clos Q6 ACTUATING RELAY series with a resistor is connected between the field side of the contact points and ground The SHUNT WINDING windings and core are assembled into a frame I Above the core is an armature and a stationary I 1 point which are identical in construction to those 1L used on the current regulator I I When the generator voltage reaches the value I 1 for which the voltage regulator is adjusted the magnetic field produced by current in the shunt winding plus that created by the current in the i accelerator winding overcomes the armature spring tension pulling the armature down and thus separating the voltage regulator contact points Separation of the points diverts the field current through a resistor which is connected across the points The increased resistance of circuit reduces the field current and the genera tor voltage The reduction in generator voltage CIRCUIT BATTERY ARMATURE FIELD in turn results in a loss of magnetic strength inBREAKER RELAY the shunt winding When the contacts open the Fig 119CWiring Diagram of Actuating Relay and Circuit flow of current through the accelerator winding Breaker Relay is cut off causing a reduction in the total mag netic strength of the core This weakens theWhen the generator voltage drops below battery magnetic field strength of the core so that thevoltage current flows from the battery to the armature spring pulls the armature up This reverses the flow of current the contact points to close This reestablishes the original circuit and permits the the actuating relay series winding shown voltage to increase The preceding cycle is thenin solid lines Fig 119C As a result the series repeated at the rate of about 50 to 150 timeswinding solid lines and the shuntwinding dotted a second thus limiting the generator voltage tolines no longer help each other but become a predetermined opposed The resultant magneticfield becomes too weak to hold the actuating relay limiting the generator voltage in this mannerarmature in the lower position The armature protects units in the tension opens the lower points and closes system and causes the charging current to thethe upper points The upper contact points in battery to taper off as the battery connect the insulated end of the circuit full chargebreaker relay winding to ground This causesthe upper part of the circuit breaker relay shuntwinding dotted lines to magnetically oppose thelower part so that the resultant magnetic fieldbecomes too weak to hold the circuit down The armature is released and thespring tension opens the points This design ofrelay provides rapid and positive relay actionVoltage Regulator Description The See Fig 120 and 123 contains twowindings assembled on a single core One ofthese is I shunt windirtg consisting of manyturns of fine wire which in series with a resistoris shunted across the generator The circuit isthus subject to generator voltage at all timesThe second winding is an accelerator winding oconsisting of many turns of fine wire which in Fig 120Regulator Wiring Diagram Q7 ACTUATING RELAY CURRENT VOLTAGE REGULATOR REGULATOR IATTERY o 0 o 0 AMMETER GENERATOR FIELD ARMATURE Fig 121Generator Circuits Current Regulator Description The current where several paths for current flow are avail regulator contains two windings on the same able One path through a resistance unit re core a series winding and an accelerator turns to the insulated side of the field coils towinding The series winding consists of a few complete the circuit The accelerator windingsturns of heavy wire and it is connected into the on both the current and voltage regulator unitscharging circuit so that the full generator output are in parallel and the inductive flow thru thesepasses thru it The winding consists of many windings opposes the magnetic effect of theturns of fine wire and in series with a resistance working windings This increases the rate of aris connected between the field coil side of the mature vibrations resulting in an pOints and ground regulatorThe core and windings are assembled into aframe similar to that of the voltage regulator The current regulator is adjusted to ope rate whenFig 123 A flat steel armature is attached to the generator output reaches its specified maxithe frame by a hinge so that it is just above m um When this output is reached the magneticthe core The armature contains a contact point field created by the current flow through the sewh ich is located just beneath a stationary contact ries Winding plus that created by current in thepoint When the current regulator is not opera accelerator winding is sufficient to overcome theting the spiral spring tension holds the armature armature spring tension The armature is pulledaway from the core so that the armature contact down toward the winding core and the pointspoint and stationary contact point are not touch are separated As soon as the contact pointsing The stationary contact point is assembled open the field current is diverted through ainto a flat spring which rises slightly above the resistor which is connected across the pointsfiber mounting bracket when the contact points Inserting a resistance in the generator field cirare together This arrangement permits awiping cuit in this manner reduces the generator fieldaction between the points as they close and current which in turn reduces the generatoropen which assures better contact between them output The reduction in generator output causes a decrease in the magnetic field strength of theThe instantaneous current flows from the field current regulator series windingground in the generator to the regulator ground Q8In addition to the regulating resistance in series UPPER ARMATURE STOPwith the field coils a parallel resitance is usedto absorb some of the inductive energy produced when the regulator contact points open POINTInductive voltage of course causes current to to flow in the same direction as theoriginal current flow Thus when the contactsopen the generator field coils become the sourceof the supply and the current must be tracedfrom this point REGULATOR MAINTENANCE1 Mechanical checa and adjustments a i r gaps point openings must be made with the battery disconnected CAUTION The cutout relay contact points SCREWS Loosen to must never be closed by hand with the adiust air ii1 battery connected to the regulator This would cauae a high current to flow thru the units and would seriously damage them Fig 122Cinir 8reaker Relay Adiustments 2 All voltage checks must be made with the reg ulator on open ci rcuit battery discon lower as reqid Fig 122B Be sure the points nected Voltage and current regulator are in accurate checks must be made at specified speed adjustment BOTH SETS OF POINTS MUST CLOSE 2000 engine rpm corresponding to 4000 SIMULTANEOUSLY generator rpm 3 The regulator must be in operating position POINT CPENiJG The point opening is measur when electrical settings are checked and ed with ihe points open and Fig 122 and ad justed by Jending the upper armature stop Fig adj usted and it must be stabilized at oper 122C ating temperature Failure to observe these rules will cause serious errors in checking and adjusting voltage regulator settings 4 After any tests or regulator adjustments re quiring leads to be disconnected the gener ator must be repolarized as covered on page Q4 This must be done after leads are reconnected but BEFORE ENGINE IS STARTEDService Circuit Breaker Relay Three adjustments are required air gap point opening andclosing voltageAIR GAP The air gap should be measured between the armature and the center ofthe core withthe points just touching Place fingers on the twosides of the armature and push down until thepoints just touch to measure the air gap Fig122A Adj ust by loosen ing the four screws attaching the two lower contact brackets and raise or Fig 122A Clecking Air Gap on Circuit Breaker Relay Q9 BEND UPPER ARMATURE STOP TO ADJUST POINT OPENING POINT OPENING Fig 122CChecking and Adjusting Point Opening on Fig 122BAdjusting Air Gap on Circuit Breaker Relay Circuit Breaker RelayCLOSING VOLTAGE To check the closing voltage of the circuit breaker relay the regulator SEALING VOLTAGE The sealing voltage is themust be connected in the proper manner to the voltage at which the armature seals against thegenerator Do not connect a battery to the regula winding core If the difference between closingtor the regulator BATTERY terminal must be dis voltage and the sealing voltage is not Hold the actuating relay armature limits see pg Q4adjust by decreasing the airdown by hand to open the actuating relay upper gap to decrease the difference or increase thecontact points and close the actuating relay lower air gap to increase the points A voltmeter should be connectedfrom the regulator ARMATURE terminal and the Service Actuating Relay Three checks and adground screw at the end of the regulator and the justments are required on the actuating relaylead must be disconnected from the BATTERY air gap point opening and operating voltage Figterminal of the regulator Fig 122D Slowly 122Fincrease generator speed and note the voltageat which the circuit breaker relay pOints close O VARIABLEBend the lower spiral spring hanger to adjust f RESISTANCEthe closing voltage Fig 122E Bend the hangerup to decrease or down to increase the each change before takingthe closing voltage reading reduce generatorspeed and open the voltage regulator pOints momentarily This will cause the voltage to drop sothat the effect of residual magnetism in the relaycore is nullified Then allow the voltage regulator HOLD ACTUATING VOLTMETER to close and slowly increase generator RELAY ARMATUREspeed to check relay closing voltage It may be DOWN BY HANDnecessary to repeat this operation sEveral timesin order to get an accurate Check of the relay Fig 122DV oItmeter Connections to Check Closing Voltageclosing voltage of Circuit Breaker Relay QlO Fig 122GActuating Relay Air Gap and Point Opening Checb and Adjushnents POINT OPENING Check point opening of lower Fig 122EAdjustment of Circuit Breaker Relay Closing contact points with upper contact points justtouch Voltage ing Place finger on the center of the armature push down until upper points open release untilAIR GAP The air gap should be measured be upper points just touch Fig 122G Then measuretween the armature and the center of the core point opening Adjust by bending the flat springnot residual pin in armature with the lower which supports the uppercontacton the just touching Fig 122G Place fingeron the center of the armature to push the armature down when measuring air gap do not pushdown on the flat springs which support the contacts Adjust by loosening the two screws whichattach the stationary contact and raise or lower thesupport as necessary Be sure support is squareon mounting bracket and tighten attaching screwssecurely after adjustment is complete BEND ARM TO ADJUST POINT OPiNING CONTACT BRACKET SCREWS LOOSEN TO ADJUST AIR GAP Fig Required on Actuating Relay Fig 122Acljushnent of Actuating Relay Closing Voltage Qll OPERATING VOLTAGE Connect a voltmeter from the regulator ARMATURE terminal to the ground screw on the end of the regulator Slowly increase the generator speed and note the voltage at which the actuating relay closes This will be indicated by a sharp click procuced as the circuit breaker contacts close in response to the closing of the actuating relay lower contacts To adjust the closing voltage bend the lower spiral spring hanger Fig 122H Bend down to increase the closing voltage and up to decrease the closing voltage After each change of adjustment and before taking closing voltage reading reduce gen erator speed and open the voltage regulator points momentarily This will cause the voltage to drop so that the effect of residual magnetism is nullified Then allow the voltage regulator points to close and slowly increase generator Fig 123Checlcing Air Gap on Voltage Regulator speed to check relay closing voltage It may be with Wire Gauge necessary to repeat this operation several times in order to get an accurate check of the relay closed note flat spring position It should be up closing voltage If a variable resistor is used in off the fiber insulator If it is not the spring is the field circuit to control voltage during testing too strong and it can be weakened by running a the generator should be cycled before each read dull edged tool across the crease of the flat ing by reducing the voltage below 6 volts spring Minimum spring tension should be two ounces and this iS measured by holding the armature down and pulling up on the end of the flat spring with a spring scale to see what pull isService Voltage Regulator Two checks and required to raise the flat spring off the are required on the voltage regulator Air gap and voltage setting per specifications on page Q4 Air Gap Measure the air gap between thearmature and the part of the core next to the LOCK NUT Turn to set air gap Loosen to set air gapresidual pin not between armature and residual pin To measure press down on the con tact screw to make sure it is bottomed andcheck the air gap with a feeler gauge see Fig 123 To adjust loosen the lock nut and turnthe contact screw Fig 124 The easiest methodis to insert the proper size feeler gauge loosenthe lock not and with downward pressure on thescrewdriver turn the contact screw to set for 084air gap Tighten the lock nut after adjustment Note When installing a new fibre insulator bracket assembly which includes the flat springthe flat spring tension should be checked andadjusted if necessary If it is excessive therewill be no wiping action between the points andthe point wear will be more rapid than normalIf it is too low point bouncing and are apt to occur To make sure the flat Fig 124Adjustments Required on Voltage has the proper tension first check and are Air Gap and Voltage SeHingadjust the regulator voltage setting see follow Adjustments on Current Regulator areing paragraph Then with the regulator points Air Gap and Current SeHing Q12insulation If less than two ounces is required AIR GAP The correct air gap for the the tension by prying lightly under regulatoris084 and the adjustment procedureone side and then the other side of the crease is the same as outlined for the voltage regulatorin the spring on previous pageVOLTAGE SETTING Connect a voltmeter between the ARMATURE A and A terminals CURRENT SETTING To check the current regulalead must be disconnected from the regulator tor setting it is necessary to drive the terminal With the generator opera at full speed engine atfull throttle and to keepting at full speed 2000 engine rpm or 4000 the voltage regulator from operating This maygenerator rpm and the regulator at operating be accomplished by removing the regulator covtemperature note the voltage setting Correct er and placing a jumper lead across the voltagerange is 280 295 V Adjust for 285 volts regulator contact points which will prevent theTo adj ust the voltage setting turn the adjusting voltage regulator from operating Then removescrew shown in Fig 124 which regulates the the regulator BATTERY lead and connect an actension of the spiral spring IncreaSing the spring curate ammeter in series between BATTERY tertension increases the voltage setting After minal of regulator and the battery Then witheach change of adjustment cycle the generator engine running at full speed read the currentby momentarily opening the voltage regulator output in amperes Be sure to remove thepoints by hand before taking the voltage reading jumper from voltage regulator immediately afterThis elimi nates residual magnetism in the core the testof the regulator and assures a true adjustment Correct range is 16 20 amperes If the Regulator Two checks and is in this range the adj ustment is are required on the current regula If not in this range adjust to 18 amperes Totor air gap and current setting Since these adjust the current regulator setting turn theare similar to those described for the voltage adj usting screw shown in Fig 124 which reguregulator refer to the same illustratios Figures lates the tension on the spiral spring Increasing123 and 124 the tension will increase the current setting Q13 MOTOROLA ALTERNATOR SYSTEMS INSTALLATION Tighten pulley nut to 40 50 foot pounds Tighten drive belts by applying pressure to the alternator front only Do not apply pressure to the rear housing or stator Set belt tension to engine manufacturer OBSERVE PROPER POLARITY WHEN INSTAL If this information is not available tighten belts to the point where the alternator fan cannot be turned by handLING ALTERNATOR OR BATTERY GROUND POLARITYOF BATTERY AND GROUND POLARITY OF AL TERNATOR MUST BE THE SAME REVERSE POLARITY WILLDESTROY THE RECTIFIER DIODES IN ALTERNATORNOTE Battery should be disconnected when installing MAINTENANCE alternator to minimize the possibility of personal injury Disconnect grounded cable firstAS A PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE DISCONNECT UN HOT BATTERY TERMINAL WHEN CHAR Due to alternator design and construction very little if anyING BATTERY CONNECTING CHARGER IN maintenance is required in normal usage however properREVERSE WILL DESTROY THE RECTIFIER DIODES IN tension and condition of drive belts should be checked regularTHE ALTERNATOR Iy Periodic inspection of brushes and bearings should be madeThe requirements of the alternator mechanical installation after approximately 50000 miles or 1500 hours in industrialare several 1 solid vibration free attachment of the mount or agricultural applications under normal operating conditionsing bracket to the engine and alternator to the 2 correct belt alignment and 3 protection BRUSH INSPECTIONfrom spray and from engine exhaust system heat On most Motorola alternators brush removal for inspection canHardened steel flat washer should be substituted for spring easily be accomplished without special tools or alternator relock washers on bracket and alternator as mounting hard moval Figure 75 If the brushes are not oil soaked or crackedware Flat washers tend to provide and retain greater sur have smooth contact surfaces and are at least 316 long theyface tension while lock washers under vibration wear the may be reused Refer to applicable alternator service manualmetal away and lose their locking ability Lock washers for specific brush removal detailsshould be used against steel PULLEY ALIGNMENT belt alignment is essential for maximum alternator MOUNTING SCREWSand belt service life The center line of all pu IIeys relatedto the alternator drive must be within 132 of truecenter Figure 69 ENGINE FIG75 BRUSH ASSEMBLY REMOVAL BEARING INSPECTIONAb 78 Front and rear ball bearings are of the sealed type to provide long and troublefree performance However it is recommend ALTERNATOR PULLEY AND ed that the bearings be inspected after about 50000 miles of DRI VE PULLEY MUST BE operation If any unusual looseness or noise is noted the IN II NE WI TH EACH OTHER bearings should be replaced to insure maximum service life IV I TH I N 132 from the alternator Refer to alternator repair manual for FIG 69 ALTERNATOR BELT ALIGNMENT specific bearing removal instructions Q14 SERVICE DIAGNOSIS BATTERY The vehicle storage battery circuit represents a continuous although variable electrical load to the alternator If the circuit positive or negative is opened or broken while the alternator is charging the loss of the battery will result in the charging voltage rising to unsafe levels High voltage will damage the alternator and regulator and may damage other electrical accessories or PRECAUTIONS TESTING PROCEDURESDO NOT under any circumstances short FIELD terminal of Alternators and voltage regulators should be tested on thealternator to ground vehicle using circuit conductors and accessories that are a per manent part of the systemDO NOT disconnect voltage regulator while alternator isoperating Before actual invehicle testing commences the charging system and battery must be checked to eliminate possibleDO NOT disconnect load alternator output lead from alter difficulty as followsnator while the alternator is operating The battery must be at least 75 full charged and properlyDO NOT remove alternator from car without first disconnect secured in the carrier Ordinary storage batteries may being the grounded battery cable If battery must be removed checked with a hydrometer 1240 Sp Gr Motorola grounded battery cable If battery must be Tester model 7BT1181W or other special testers Since mainremoved disconnect grounded cable first tenance free batteries usually do not contain vent caps a hydrometer cannot be used to evaluate battery condition In these cases the Motorola battery tester and other specialThe following rule applies to all alternator charging systems testers may be used The carrier must not place A BATTERY IS BEING INSTALLED MAKE physical strain on the batteryCERTAIN THAT THE GROUND POLARITY OF THE BATTERY AND THE GROUND POLARITY OF THE ALTERN Wires and cables must be free of corrosion with cable ARE THE SAME REVERSE POLARITY WILL clamps to reduce a strain on battery postsDESTROY RECTIFIER DIODES IN THE ALTERNATOR All leads junctions switches and panel instruments that are directly related to the charging circuit must be good enough toTEST EQUIPMENT REQUI RED provide proper circuit controlTypical equipment required for general electrical invehicle The inspection of the alternator drive system should includetesting of the alternator and voltage regulator should include the that provide the following scales Engine driving and alternator driven pulleys must be capable ofVOLTS AMPERE TESTER SUN ELECTRIC MODEL 24 transmitting required energy from the engine output shaft toVolts DC 0 40 the DC 10to100 The alternator drive belt must be properly adjusted and in good condition free of grease or oils that may induceCARBON PI LE Sun Electric Y20 or equiv capable of 0 to slipping under load600 ampere load controlled by operating knob12 VOLT TEST LAMP May be homemade with 3 to 15 can Some of the more common causes of charging system maldlepower lamp in a socket with two 3 test leads provided with functions are covered in the chart belowalligator clips SYMPTOM NO1 ALTERNATOR FAILS TOOHMMETER Any commercial type like a Simpson 260 or CHARGE CHECK FORequiv A Alternator belt loose B Open or high resistance in charging or ground return cirBATTERY HYDROMETER any commercial type with tem cuit or battery correction scale or Motorola Electronic Battery C Excessively worn open or defective brushesTester 7BT1181W D Open excitation resistor E Open isolation OF JUMPER LEADS 2 4 6 and 10 feet in F Regulator with alligator clips attached to the ends Make with G Open rotor field coilgood quality No1 0 wire Q15SYMPTOM NO2 LOW OR UNSTEADY ELECTRONIC VOLTAGE RATE CHECK FOR The Motorola allelectronic transistorizd voltage regA Alternator belt loose ulator is an electronic device using no mechanical contactsB Intermittent or high resistance charging or ground return or relays to perform the only necessary regulation on the circuit or battery connections alternator systemC Excessively worn sticky or intermittent brushesD Faulty regulatorE Shorted or open rectifier diodeF Grounded or shorted turns in rotor field coilG Open grounded or shorted turns in statorSYMPTOM NO3 EXCESSIVE CHARGINGRATEas evidenced by lights and fuses burning out frequently battery requires too frequent refillingCHECK FORA Make certain all connections on alternator and regulator are tightB Regulator faulty FIG 67 TYPICAL MOTOROLA NO4 NOISY ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE REGULATORCHECK FORA Defective or badly worn beltB Misaligned belt or pulley The typical regulator shown in Figure 67 has been filledC Loose pulley with an encapsulating material to cover and protect theD Worn bearings semiconductors from the environmental conditions theyE Shorted rectifiers will encounter in normal use The electronic circuitry should not require readjustment and the reliability ofNOTE Refer to applicable alternator service manual for the semiconductors permits this test and information The prime purpose of the regulator is to maintain constant system output voltage under all speed and load conditions This is necessary as excessive voltage will damage electrical components and instruments Either mechaniCal or electronic regulators may be used with an alternator how evermodern electronic units are used almost exclusively since they provide superior overall performance The typical electronic regulator functions like a solid state switch which constantly monitors system voltage Figure 68 When the voltage tends to drop the switch closes and energizes the alternator field winding to increase the output When the system voltage tends to rise the regulator switch opens and deenergizes the field circuit to decrease the voltage For a more detailed description of regulator theory and operation refer to Electronic Regulator Theory Manual 25139 IND LAMP EG I I ELECT SW I r RES All AUX OR REG TERM FIG 68 SIMPLIFIED REGULATOR CONTROL CIRCUITQ16 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM USING MOTOROLA 24vDC 35AMP ALTERNATOR Voltage Regulatormust be mounted on a 50 sq in metallic plate BLK I Oil Pres sure Switch rEf Resistor Voltage 150 or 300 0 hm protectJJ I ED r I Battery 24 Volt Q17 SOLENOID COMMUTATOR Fig 125Sectional View of Cranking Motor CRANKING MOTOR The overrunning clutch Fig 126 consists of aThe cranking motor used on this engine Delco sleeve shell assembly which is splined internalRemy Model 1107579 is grounded type opera ly to match splines on the armature shaft Thusting on nominal 24 volts corresponding to the both the shell and sleeve assembly and thegenerator circuit It is a 4 pole 4 brush insula armature shaft must turn together A pinionted unit with rotation CW as viewed from drive and collar fits loosely into the shell and theend The armature shaft is supported on bronze collar is in contact with four hardened steelbushings with wick oilers rollers which are assembled into notches cut in the inner face of the shell These notches taperFig 125 shows a sectional view and illustrates inward slightly so that there is less room in thethe overrunn ing clutch as used end away from the rollers than in the endin this cranking motor where the rollers are shown The rollers are spring loaded by small plungersThe overrunn ing clutch is designed to meshing and demeshing of the drive When the shift lever shown in Fig 125 is operapinion and ring gear The overrunning clutch ted the clutch assembly is moved endwise alongcranking motor uses a shift lever which slides the armature shaft so that the pinion meshesthe clutch and drive pinion assembly along the with the flywheel ring gear If the teeth shouldarmature shaft so that it can be meshed and de butt instead of mesh the clutch spring compresmeshed as required The clutch transmits torque ses so that the pinion is spring loaded againstfrom the cranking motor armature to the engine the ring gear teeth Then when the but permits the drive pinion to over begins to rotate meshing takes place at oncerun or run faster than the armature after theengine is started Comp letion of the shift lever movement closes the cranking motor switch so that the armatureThis protects the armature from excessive speed begins to rotate This rotates the shellandduring the brief interval that the drive pinion sleeve assembly causing the rollers to jam tightremains in mesh after the engine starts ly in the smaller sections of the shell notches Q18 LOCK WIRE Fig 1260verrunning ClutchThe rollers jam between the pinion collar and 4 The drive assembly should be wiped cleanthe shell so that the pinion is forced to rotatewith the armature and crank the engine CAUTION Do not clean in any degreasing tank or with grease dissolving solvents thisThis protect the armature for the brief instant will dissolve the lubricant in the clutch mechanismthat the starter switch is pressed Opening thecranking circuit releases the shift lever causing 5 The overrunning clutch requires no lubrithe lever spring to pull the overrunning clutch cationdrive pinion out of mesh with the engine flywheel ring gear A slot in the shift lever pro 6 Avoid excessive for instantaneous release of the switchcontact points as they open the cranking the momentary delay in the actionof the solenoid would result in burned contacts THE CRANKING CIRCUITWhen the engine begins to operate it attempts Several checks both visual and electrical shouldto drive the cranking motor armature through be made in a defective cranking circuit to isolatethe pinion faster than the armature is rotating trouble before removing any unit Many times aThis causes the pinion to rotate with respect to component is removed only to find it is not dethe shell so that it overruns the shell and arma fective after making reliable tests Therefore beture The rollers are turned back toward the fore removi ng a unit in a defective crankinglarger section of the shell notches where they system the following checks should be madeare free and thus permits the pinion to overrun BATTERY To determine the condition of the battery check as outlined on page CRANKING MOTOR 300 hours of operation remove pipe WIRING Inspect the wiring for frayed from comm utator and drive ends and fill or other damage Replace any wiring that iswith 810 drops of engine oil damaged Inspect all connections to the cranking motor solenoid ignition switch and battery inWhen the motor is disassembled for any reason cluding all ground connections Clean and tightlubricate as follows en all connections and wiring as required I Oil wicks should be saturated SOLENOID SWITCH Inspect all control switches 2 Bushings should be cooted with a small and the ignition switch to determine their condi amount of grease lubricant such as Delco tion Connect a jumper lead around any switch Remy lubricant 1860954 Mol y I suspected of being defective If the system3 The armature shaft should be coated lightly functions properly using this method repair or with DelcoRemy Lubricant No 1960954 replace the bypassed switch Moly I Q19 the specified voltage by varying the resistance unit Then read the current draw and the arma VOLTMETER ture speed with the following specifications BATTERY Volts 235 Minimum Amperes 70 Maximum Amperes 130 Minimum RPM 6500 Maximum RPM 13000 Interpret the test results as follows JUMPER lLEAD J Rated current draw and noload speed indi cate normal condition of the cranking motor 2 Low free speed and high current draw in CRANKING MOTOR dicate a Too much friction tight dirty or worn bearings bent armature shaft or loose pole shoes allowing armature to drag Fig 127No Load Test Hookup b Shorted armature This can be further checked on a growler after If specified battery voltage can be c Grounded armature or fields Checkmeasured at the motor terminal of the cranking further after allowing for some voltage drop in thecircuit and the engine is known to be functioning 3 Failure to operate with high current drawproperly remove the motor and follow the test outlined below a A direct ground in the terminal or fields CRANKING MOTOR TESTS bFrozen bearings this should have beenWith the cranking motor removed from the en determined by turning the armature bygine the armature should be checked for free handdom of operation by turning the pinion Tightdirty or worn bearings bent armature shaft or 4 Failure to operate with no current drawloose pole shoe screws will cause the armature indicatesto drag and it will not turn freely The motor a Open field circuit This can be checkedshould be disassembled immediately However after disassembly by inspecting internalif the armature does operate freely the motor connections and tracing circuit with ashould be given a noload test before dis test lampassembly b Open armature coils Inspect the armaNever operate the cranking motor more than 30 ture for badly burned bars after disseconds at a time without pausing to allow it to assemblycool for at I east two mi nutes by excessive cranking will seriously dam c Broken brush springs worn brushes highage the cranking motor insulation between the comm utator bars or other causes which would prevent NOLOAD TEST good contact between the brushes and the cranking motor in series with a fullycharged battery of 24 volts an ammeter capable 5 Low nolood speed and low current drawof reading several hundred amperes and a var indicateiabl e resistance Also connect a voltmeter ashown in Fig J 27 from the motor battery ter a High internal resistance due to poor conminal to the motor frame An rpm indicator is nections defective leads dirty comm utanecessary to measure armature speed Obtain tor and causes listed under Number 4 Q20 AMMETER BATTERY SECURELY LOCKED BRAKE ARM CRANKING MOTOR Fig 128Resistance Test Hookup 6 High free speed and high current draw indicate shorted fields If shorted fields Fig 129Removing Retainerfrom Snap Ring are suspected replace the field coil assem bly and check for improved performance 3 Remove the field frame from the armature and drive housing assembly RESISTANCE TEST 4 Sepo rate the armatu re and pinion from theThis test requires equipment as illustrated in Fig drive housing and linkage128 with the pinion secu rely locked so that itcannot rotate A variable resistance with a high 5 Remove the pinion from the armature bycu rrent capacity should be used When 5 volts sliding a metal cylinder onto the shaftare applied the current should fall in the range with a hammer striking the metal cylinderof 375 min amps to 435 max amps against the retainer drive the retainer to wards the armature core and off the snap ring See Fig 129 DISASSEMBLY 6 Remove the snap ring from the groove in the armature shaft If the motor does not pe rform in accordancewith specifications it will need to be disassembled 7 Remove the drive assembly from the armafor further testing of the components Normally ture shaftthe cranking motor should be disassembled onlyso far as is necessary to make repair or replace CLUTCH of the defective parts As a precaution itis suggested that safety glasses be worn when Roll type clutches Figures 126 and 130 or assembling the cranking mo designed to be serviced as a complete unittor Following are general instructions fo r therefore do not disassemble Replace the exposed shift lever cranking necessary Do not wash in solventmotor I Remove the solenoid from the field frame andlinkage 2 Remove the thrubolts and the commutator end frame Q21 SPRING PLUNGER Fig l30Sectionai View of Overrunning Clutch showing details of construction and Location of Roers in INSPECTION AND REPAIR If the commutator is worn dirty out of rounaA Brushes and brush holders Inspect the or high insulation the commutator should be brushes for wear If they are worn down turn ed down and undercut as pre vi 0 us I y to onehalf their original length when com described pared with a new brush they should be replaced Make sure the brush holders C Field Coils The field coils should be are clean and the brushes are not binding checked for grounds and opens using a test in the holders The full brush surface should lamp ride on the comm utator with proper spring tension of 64 ounces minimum to givegood 1 Grounds Disconnect the field coil firm contact Brush leads and screws should g round conn ections Conn ect one test be tight and clean prod to the field frame and the other toB Armature The armature should be checked the field conn ector If the lamp lights for short circuits opens and grounds the field coils are grounded and must be repaired or replaced 1 Short circuits are located by rotating the armature in a growler with a steel strip 2 Opens Conn ect test lamp prods to end such as a hacksaw blade held on the of field coil leads If the lamp does not armature The steel strip will vibrate I ight the field coils are open on the area of the short circuit Shorts between bars are sometimes produced If the field coils need to be removed for repair by brush dust or copper between the or replacement a pole shoe spreader and pole bars Undercutting the insulation will shoe screwdriver should be used Care should eliminate these shorts be exercised in replacing the field coils to pre 2 Opens Inspect the pOints where the vent g rounding or shorting them as they are conductors are joined to the commutator tightened in place Where the pole shoe has a for loose connections Poor connections long I ip on one side it should be assembled in cause arcing and burning of the commu the direction of armature rotation tator If the bars are not fully burned resolder the leads in the riser bars and turn the comm utator down in a lathe REASSEMBLY Then undercut the insulation between the 1 Place the clutch assembly on the armature commutator bars 132 shaft 3 Grounds in the armature can be detected 2 To facilitate replacing the snap ring and by the use of a test lamp and prods retainer on the armature shaft If the lamp lights when one test prod is placed on the comm utator and the other a Place the retainer on the armature shaft test prod on the armature core or shaft with the cupped surface facing the snap the armature is grounded ring grooveQ22 BATTERY SNAP RING GROOVE CRANKING MOTOR Fig 133Connections for Checking Pinion Clearance Fig 131Forcing Snap Ring over Shaft b Place the snap ring on the end of the shaft With a piece of wood on top of it PINION QEARANCE force the ring over the shaft with a light Pinion clearance should be checked after re hammer blow Fig 131 then slide the assembly of the motor to insure proper adj ust ring down into the groove ment To check pinion clearance follow the c To force the retainer over the snap ring steps listed below place a suitable washer over the shaft and squeeze the retainer and washer 1 Disconn ect the motor field coil connector together with pliers Fig 132 from the solenoid motor terminal and IN d Remove the washer SULATE IT CAREFULLY3 Refer to disassembly procedure and follow in reverse to complete the reassembly 2 Connect a battery of 24 volts from the solenoid switch terminal to the solenoid frame Fig 133 3 MOMENTARILY flash a jumper lead from the solenoid motor terminal to the solenoid frame or ground terminal This will shift the pinion into cranking position and it will remain so until the battery is disconnected 4 Push the pinion back towards the commuta tor end to eliminate slack movement 5 Measure the distance between pinion and pinion stop This clearance should be 010 to 140 Fig 134 Fig 132Forcing Retainer over Snap Ring Q23 Adjust the pInion clearance by loosening the screw on the serrated shaft lever I inkage and moving it forward or backward Press on clutch as shown in Figure 134 to take up movementFig 134Checking Roller Clutch Pinion Clearance SECTION R COOLING SYSTEM EXTERNALThis engine is fresh water cooled utilizing what The heat rejected in combustion as well as heatis known as a closed system wherein the cool developed by friction is absorbed by the freshing water is circulated from the water or surge water coolant moving through the heat exchangtank mounted over the thermostat at the front er which has a flow of sea water exchangerend of cylinder head through the exhaust mani mounted on the engine Within the heat exfold jacket into the heat over changer wh ich has a flow of raw or sea waterthe flywheel housing Cool fresh water leaves through its jacket and around the fresh waterthe heat exchanger and flows through the dual oil passages the heat is continuously and rapidlycooler to the cylinder block connection on the transferred to the sea water flowing through itstarboard side where it is circulated thru the the same as the heat from an automobile engineblock and cylinder head by means of a centrifu is carried away by air flowing through thegal fresh water pump The fresh water then radiatorpasses out through the thermostat into the surgetank and the circuit repeats See Fig 99 I HST IVu RAW I WATe I I L t t I I I eAW HEAT OIL I WATl f PUUP EXCHq Le I J LT L L j I I aVE 8Q4eD lJI7JI XHAUSr 1LIC BLEED UA AlP e4W lM4Te FH we TEAe BOX tJL DtlJ OiL Fig 99Wafer System Diagram Also showing Oil Flow to Coolers R2Heat is also conducted away from the bearings Dismantlingand other friction surfaces by the lubricating oil To dismantle the pump proceed as followswhich is circulated by a pressure pump andcooled by the flow of fresh water through the Remove front end coverdual oil coolers one for the engine and one for Remove impellerthe transmission In this sense both of the oilcoolers are also heat exchangersThe high velocity flow in this closed system provides close control of operating the engine eliminating hot spotsThe system may be filled with antifreeze solution for operating in cold weatherSEA WATER PUMPThis is a self priming positive pump with brass case and a single neoprene impeller The impeller has flexible vaneswhich wipe against a curved cam plate at the topof the impeller housing producing the pumpingaction Before each initial start coat the impellerand impeller chamber with Texaco Regal StarfakNo2 Grease only The sea watr pump has arated capacity of 512 GPM at 1500 RPM pumpspeed Inlet and outlet are tapped 38 NPT Fig l02Sea Water Pump Cover Plate A suitable press may be used to press aut the impeller shaft together with the water pump bearing The cam in the impeller housing may then be de tached by removing the single screw Remove seal in impeller housing Remove mechanical seal and seat Inspect and clean all parts and replace with new if necessary To reassemble the sea water pump the reverse order of the above procedure should be adopted care being taken wh en replacing the neoprene impeller that the blades all lay in the same direction relative to the rotation of the pump that is the blades trailing Fig lOlRemoving Sea Wafer Pump When reassembling coat the impeller and hous ing with Texaco Regal Starfax No2 greaseTo Remove PumpUncouple inlet and outlet connections Important NoteRemove the four nuts thereby enabling the As the sea water pump contains a rubber neoplmp to be lifted away from the timing case prene impeller it should never be run in a drySee Fig 101 condition If the engine is to be laid up for any period the water pump should be packed withThe pump may be replaced by reversing theabove procedure Texaco Regal Starfax No2 Grease This can be done by removing the six cover screws and end plate See Fig 102 SECTION S HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSION With the control I ever in the neutral position MODEL P220 the pressured oil is prevented from entering either the multiple disc clutch piston or the reDESCRIPTION verse band piston Therefore the planetaryThe Paragon Hydraulic transmission model P220 gears run idle and the propeller shaft remainsas used on this engin is a self contained unit of the engine lubrication oil andoil pressure system The unit consists of a pres ROTATION oil system a hydraulically actuated mul Since there are several methods used to deSigtipledisc clutch for the forward drive and a nate the rotation of an engiM the actuated reverse band which explanation shall be used to determine the rotaclamps a planetary reverse gear train for the tion of an engine so far as all Paragon drive Cooling is provided by an ex transmissions are oil cooler mounted on the engine whichutilizes the engine fresh water for cooling Regardless of whether the transmission is at tached to the flywheel end or the antiflywheel end of the engine ALWAYS view the sion andor engine from the transmission or output end Therefore when viewed from thePressured oil for the operation of the transmis transmission end an engine that rotates clocksion is provided by an internal gear type pump wise standard or right hand will be knownmounted inside of the transmission The internal as a Right hand rotating engine and an enginegear type pump or oil pump is driven continuous that rotates opposite orly by the engine thus providing pressured oil left hand will be known as a Left hand rotatingfor the operation of the transmission during any enginerunning of the engine From the pump thepressured oil is delivered through the external It is important when assembling the P220 transoil cooler to the relief valve and to the control mission to properly determine the rotation of thevalve where depending upon the control vcilve engine Notes taken during disassembly as tosetting the pressured oil can be directed either the location of the reverse band adjusting screwto the forward drive or to the reverse drive the position of the reverse band linkage and location of the rotation note on the front endThe pressured oil is maintained at a constant plate will be very useful when by means of a relief valve At engine the transmission Remember ALWAYS VIEWspeeds over 1000 RPM the pressured oil will be THE TRANSMISSION AND ENGINE FROM 125 PSI and at idle speeds the TRANSMISSION ENDpressure may be as low as 60 PSI above or below these valves may be The right hand and left hand sides of the due to variance in the relief valves mission are also determined in the above man ner That is they are determined when viewingBy shifting the control lever to the forward posi the unit from the output endtion the pressured oil is directed to the multipledisc clutch piston This clamps the multiple discclutch and the planetary reverse gear case to PART NUMBERS AND ORDERINGgether as a solid coupling which rotates in the The parts list accompanying the exploded viewssame direction as the engine rotates are intended only to identify the parts in regard to disassembly and assembly for this technicalThe reverse band is clamped by shifting the manual and are not intended to identify partscontrol lever to the reverse position which di by number To order parts refertothe completerects the pressured oil to the reverse piston parts list section in the back section of this bookthus engaging the reverse band around theplanetary gear case This causes the planetary ALWAYS GIVE MODEL NUMBER AND SERIALgears to rotate driving the output shaft or pro NUMBER OF TRANSMISSION WHEN ORDERpeller shaft opposite to engine rotation ING PARTS S2TROUBlE SHOOnNG LUBRICATIONThe trouble shooting charts on the following The model P220 transmission is a self containedpages should be studied and the suggestions unit independent of the engine lubricating syscarried out prior to any disassembly to deter tems The unit is lubricated by pressure andmine as best as possible what the trouble may splash from its own oil The type of oil recombe Also the exploded views and the accomp mended is the same as for the engine symbolanying discussions should be carefully read and 9250 SAE 30understood so that any or all of the service work The quantity of oil depends upon the angle ofas indicated from the trouble shooting charts installation as well as the reduction modelmay be carried out properly The level must be maintained at the high mark on the dipstick and should be checked periodical ly to ensure satisfactory operationIt is desirable to start the engine with the trans When filling for the first time or refilling aftermission in neutral thus avoiding moving the an oil change check the level after running forboat in either direction Should the engine stall a few minutes to make certain that the oil coolerduring shifting or in forward or reverse return and the various passages are full If necessarythe control lever to the neutral position before refill to the high mark on the dipstick to the engine proper operation of the transmission The oil in the transmission should be changedIt is not necessary to race the engine to obtain every 100 hours or each season under normalgood shifting as the design of the conditions when the engine oil is changed is such that the operation of the ever the number of hours that can be run beforward and reverse drive is nearly instant tween oil changes varis with the with the moving of the control lever conditions Drain plugs are located at the bottomeven at very low engine speeds It is recom of the reverse gear housing and the that shifting be done at speeds below gear housing1000 RPM and preferably in the 800 RPM rangeto prolong the life of the engine transmission MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERand of the boat While NOT recommended as Each reverse gear has a model number and aa continuous method EMERGENCY shifts may serial number These numbers are on the namebe made at higher engine speeds plate located on the cover of the transmission S3 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTChart 1 GEAR INOPERATIVE DRIVE SHAFT DOES NOT ROTATE WITH SELECTOR VALVE IN FORWARD OR REVERSE I I Check For I II 1 LOW OIL PRESSURE I I 4 FAILURE OF PLANETARY ASSEMBLY II 2 HIGH OIL TEMP ERATURE I I 5 FAILURE OF REDUCTION GEAR II 3 REVERSE BAND NOT ENGAGING PLANETARY GEAR CAGE I REMEDY L Check the following items d Collapsed or disintegrated water inlet hose Replace hose a Low oil supply Add oil refer to lubri cation e Air leak in cooling water suction line Re plllce suction line b Faulty oil gauge Replace gauge Oil gauge slow to register air or obstruction in oil f Raw water pump impeller worn or damaged gauge line Clean and bleed oil gauge Replace impeller line g Clogged or dirty oil cooler element Remove c Plugged oil lines or passages Clean lines and clean or passages d Oil pressure relief vaIn scored and stick 3 Check the following items ing Remove relief valve Clean valve and val ve bore in control valve housing with crocus cloth to free vallve or replace a Reverse band lining worn out Replace lining e Defective pistons and oil distributor seal rings Replace seal rings b Defective reverse piston 0 ring Re f Defective oil pump Check for wear and place 0 ring replace if necessary 2 Check the following items 4 Remove gear case assembly and check for a Low oil supply Add oil refer to lubri defective or damaged parts Replace defec cation tive or damaged parts b Low water level in cooling system Add water and check for leaks 5 Remove reduction gear assembly and check c Plugged raw water inlet screen Clean for defective or damaged parts Replace de screen fective or damaged partsS4 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTChart 2 GEAR DRAGGING DRIVE SHAFT ROTATES EITHER FORWARD OR REVERSE WITH SELECTOR VALVE IN NEUTRAL POSITION I I Check For I I I I 11 DEFECTIVE FORWARD CLUTOi PLATES I l2 BINDING IN PLANETARY ASSEMBLY I REMEDy 1 Forward clutch plates warped and sticking a Bearings and gears worn excessively in Remove clutch plates and replace gear case Replace necessary parts b Input shaft bearings worn excessively 2 Check the following items causing misalignment of input shaft Re place necessary partsChart 3 GEAR SLIPPING OR SLOW TO ENGAGE WITH SELECTOR VALVE IN FORWARD OR REVERSE POSITION L I Check For I I I I 1 LOW OIL PRESSURE I l 2 WORN FORWARD CLUTCH PLATES J REMEDy 1 Low oil pressure See Chart 1 item 1 2 Remove forward clutch plates and check for wear If worn excessively replace clutch plates S5 TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTChart 4 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL LEAKS I I Check For I Ir 1 WATER IN LUBRICATING OIL I I 3 OIL ON EXTERIOR OF MARINE GEAR II 2 EXCESSIVE OIL IN ENGINE CRANK CASE OR FLYWHEEL HOUSING J I 4 LOSS OF OIL FROM TRANSMISSION IREMEDy 1 Check the following items 3 Check for damaged gaskets Replace gaskets a Hole in oil cooler element permitting water a Oil seeping from breather Check for too to seep into oil compartment Replace oil high oil level cooler element b Defective rear end oil seal Replace oil b Oil cooler gaskets Check gaskets and seal replace 4 a See Chart 4 Item 1 2 Defective front end plate oil seal Replace oil seal b Check for defective gaskets and seal S6DISASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION 2 Strike gear half coupling flange with a soft mallet to break reduction gear unit from theAs in any servicing operation cleanliness is a reduction adapter plate Slide entire remust and all rules for good workmanship apply duction unit straight back approximately 3Some of these rules are as follows inches until reduction unit clears reduction 1 Use only clean fluid in any cleaning or drive gear and lift reduction unit clear of washing of parts reverse gear assembly 2 Use only clean oil when pressing parts together 3 Never press a ball bearing so that the DISASSEMBLY OF REDUCTION GEAR force is carried through the balls 1 Remove oil drain plug 39 from bottom of 4 Never use a hammer to drive ball bearings reduction gear housing 58 and drain oil neddle roller bearings or oil seals in place from unit Make certain that all lubricating oil is removed from reverse gear unit 5 Use only properly sized wrenches in re moving or securing nuts and capscrews 2 Remove capscrews 107 and lockwashers 108 from flange of reduction gear housing 6 Replace gaskets and 0 rings with new and slide entire reduction gear straight material back approximately 3 inches until reduction 7 Work on a clean bench and protect gear gear clears reduction drive pinion teeth and oil seal surfaces from nicks and 3 Bend tang of lockwasher 47 away from scratches locknut 48 Remove locknut using suitable 8 Lubricate the lips of new oil seals with wrench and lift lockwasher from shaft Re clean light grease applied with a soft brush move coupling washer 46 before installing on the running surface 4 Remove gear half coupling 106 with gearBefore removing the transmission from the en type puller or by supporting entire assemgine disconnect all control cables and oil lines bly under flange of gear half coupling andto the cooler The propeller half coupling should press against shaft to force coupling frombe disconnected and slid back approximately assembly4 inches Remove the dipstick from the housing 5 Remove six capscrews 44 and washersand drain all of the lubricating oil before re 43 and remove oil seal retaining rearmoving the transmission to avoid spilling the oil plate 42in the boat 6 Suppbrt reduction gear housing so that outDISASSEMBLY NEED BE CARRIED OUT ONLY put shaft and gear 51 and 38 can dropAS FAR AS IS NECESSARY TO CORRECT free approximately 2 inches and press outTHOSE D IFF I C U LTIES WHICH INTERFERE put shaft and gear from reduction gearWITH PROPER FUNCTIONS 0 F THE TRANS housingMISSION 7 Press ball bearing 40 from housing 8 If necessary to replace remove oil seal 45 REMOVAL OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY FROM THE REVERSE GEAR ASSEMBLYNOTE To facilitate removal of the transmission REMOVAL OF COMPLETE TRANSMISSION from the engine it is easier to remove the reduction gear assembly first Make ASSEMBLY FROM ENGINE certain that all of the oil is removed from 1 Remove six bolts and washers from around the reverse and reduction units before flange of reverse gear housing removal is attempted 2 Slide entire reverse gear assembly straight 1 Remove capscrews and lockwashers around back approximately 3 inches until transmis flange of reduction gear housing sion is clear of engine S7Fig 1SlComplete Assembly S8 6 Remove retaining ring 70 from end of re 77 verse piston shaft pin 69 and remove 78 reverse piston shaft pin 69 from reverse 79 74 band lever 81 and reverse piston shaft 76 Remove retaining ring 70 from other end 80 of reverse piston shaft pin 109 75 7 Remove piston backup plate 95 from re 73 verse piston shaft and remove 0 ring 72 98 from groove in bore in piston back up plate 85 8 Remove retaining ring 70 from end of re 71 verse band roll pin 102 and remove re verse band roll pin from levers 81 and reverse band roll 101 Remove retaining 94 ring 70 from other end of reverse band 93 roll pin 95 98 9 Remove capscrew 112 from cover 85 and remove detent spring 111 land remove 69 ball detent 110 70 10 Remove control valve retaining ring 72 from counterbore on under side of cover 85 81 11 Remove assernbled control valve from top Fig 152Cover Assembly of cover by pulling on control lever 74DISASSEMBLY OF COVER 12 Remove capscrew 77 lockwasher 78 and plain washer 79 Remove control leverFIGURE 152 74 control lever bushing 76 and control 1 Remove six socket head bolts 89 around lever pawl 80 from control valve 73 flange and cover 2 lift cover 85 from top of reverse gear 13 Remove control valve 0 Ring 75 from housing assembly by rotating slightly This groove in control valve 73 will leave the reverse piston 93 and as sembled linkage remaining on the reverse gear housing assembly 14 It is not necessary to remove control lever pin 109 in control valve for further serv 3 Remove reverse band support screw 97 ICing However if control valve pin has and back out approximately 1 inch become damaged and needs replacing it 4 lift reverse piston 93 and assembled link may be removed by gripping with a plier age from top of reverse gear assembly and twistingNOTE Make notation of position of linkage ie to which side levers 81 are attached 15 Unless damaged it is not necessary to re 5 Remove reverse piston 0 ring 94 from move control lever pins 86 and pipe plugs groove in reverse piston 93 71 from cover 59 17 15 6 12 18 FRONT END PLATE 4 Fig 153Front End Plate and Pump DISASSEMBLY OF FRONT END PLATE AND 8 It is not necessary to remove two pump PUMP pins 17 from pump housing 18 for further servicing However if pump housing pins FIGURE 151 and 153 have become damaged and require re placing they may be removed by gripping I Remove six flathead socket capscrews 91 with a plier and twisting around flange of front end plate assemblyNOTE To assure proper assembly make nota 9 Unless damaged and they require re tion of direction of cast arrow on front placing do not attempt removal of roller end plate before removing front end bearing 14 and front end plate thrust plate Fig 151 washer 13 from front end plate 2 Place assembly tool T4689 over splined end of engine gear 10 to protect oil seal 10 Unless damaged and it requires replacing during removal of front end plate do not attempt removal of oil seal 12 from front end plate If necessary to re 3 lift front end plate assembly figure 151 move oil seal for replacement take care from housing assembly taking care not to not to damage roller bearing 14 and front damage front oil seal in front end plate end plate th rust washer 13 4 Remove pump drive key 9 from engine gear 10 5 Remove six capscrews 4 and six lockwash REMOVAL OF GEAR CASE ASSEMBLY ers 5 from pump housing 18 figure 153 FROM REVERSE GEAR HOUSING 6 Remove pump port plate 3 from front FIGURE 154 end plate Care must be taken not to damage pump housing pins 17 1 Remove reverse band 103 from gear case inside reverse gear housing 7 Remove pump port plate 3 from pump housing and remve inner pump gear 15 and outer pump gear 6 from cavity in 2 Support reverse gear housing face down on pump housing engine gear S 10 Fig 154Reverse Gear Housing3 Remove socket head capscrews that secure 8 Unless damaged and in need of replacing reduction adapter plate 36 to reverse gear do not remove oil suction tube 79 oil housing 1 lift reduction adapter plate distributor tube 122 baffle 68 reverse 36 ball bearing 52 and rElduction pinion band housing pin 100 14 pipe plug for tailshaft 56 assembly straight up until oil drain capscrew 97 and brass washer reduction pinion tailshaft end is clear of 92 from housing If necessary to replace housing make note of location of each to aid re assembly4 Press ball bearing 52 and reduction pinion 9 Remove all old gaskets from reduction ad shaft 56 from reduction adapter plate 36 apter plates cover and housing5 Remove retaining ring 53 from reduction pinion tailshaft 56 and press ball bearing DISASSEMBLY OF GEAR CASE 52 from reduction pinion tailshaft FIGURE 1556 Remove needle thrust bearing 55 and 1 If necessary to replace remove oil dis bearing race 55A from counterbore in tributor seal rings 54 from ring grooves rear of reverse gear housing in screw collar 617 lift reverse gear housing straight up from 2 Bend sides of screw collar clip 66 away gear case assembly until housing clears from head of lockscrew 67 and remove gear case assembly lockscrew and clip from screw collar 61 Sl1 Fig 155Disassembly of Gear Case3 Using spanner wrench T439 I remove 10 Bend sides of case clip 7 away from head screw collar 61 from end of gear case of capscrew 8 and remove capscrew 8 23 while clamping gear case case clip 7 and pinion shaft locking tab 16 from gear case 234 Remove retaining ring 32 spring retainer 31 and spring 33 from screw collar Re II Drive pinion shaft 21 from on of short move forward piston 34 from screw collar pinions 28 from threaded end of gear by tapping open face of screw collar on case approximately 12 inch Push pinion wooden surface shaft on through with dummy shaft T4725 until dummy shaft is centered in short pin5 Remove 0 rings 64 and 59 from outside ion Remove short pinion and dummy and inside diameters of piston stud from gear case 23 Remove pinion shaft and short pinion spacer 25 from6 If necessary to replace remove screw col gear case lar needle bearing 57 from screw collar 12 Replace dummy shaft with pinion shaft 217 lift clutch plates 65 and 63 from end of and remove remaining short pinions gear case 13 Remove engine gear 10 from inside gear8 Remove propeller gear thrust washer 60 case 23 from counterbore in propeller gear9 Remove propeller gear 30 and engine 14 Remove long pinions 84 from gear case gear thrust washer 29 from inside of gear using T4724 as in I above Remove case thrust pads 24 from inside gear case S12 15 Do not remove engine gear roller bearings 6 All gear teeth should be examined fo r II unless damaged and replacement is pitch line pitting uneven wear pattern or necessary excessive wear16 Do not remove gear case needle bearing 7 All shafts should be examined for wear on 22 unless necessary to replace splines and shoulders 8 Clutch plates should be examined for flat ness roughness indication of OF RELIEF VALVE heating and wear or peening of drivingFIGURE 154 lugs 9 Clutch plate carrier should be examined I Remove relief valve pipe plug 114 and for wear and peening of involute splines relief valve holdown spring 115 from re verse gear housing I 10 Examine all a rings for cuts flattening or evidence of rolling 2 Using long nose pliers remove relief valve assembly 11 Examine all oil seals for rough or charred lips 3 Do not remove snap ring 116 or 0 ring 117 unless damaged and replacement is 12 Oil pump parts should be examined for necessary wear 4 Hold relief valve body in vice Depress 13 Reverse band links pins and adjusting relief valve plug 119 with screwdriver screw should be examined for wear or until relief valve pin I 18 may be re bending moved from side of relief valve body 14 Reverse band lining should be examined l Remove relief valve plug 119 and relief for wear valve spring 120 from relief valve body NOTE lining should be replaced before rivets come in contact with gear case 15 Gear case should be examined for wear from reverse band lining short or long REASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION pinions wearing into inside face or wear in clutch plate slots on threaded endINSPECTION 16 Oil distributor seal rings should be exam ined for wear on outside diameter and onAll parts should be thoroughly cleaned before side away from Parts showing excessive wear shouldbe replaced 17 Screw collar should be examined for wear where oil distributor seal rings run 1 Ball and roller bearings should be exam ined for indications of corrosion and pitting 18 All retaining rings should be examined for on balls or rollers and races burrs or deformities 2 long and short pinion roller bearings should 19 All old gaskets should be replaced be examined for wear 20 All oil passages should be checked to make 3 Pinion shafts should be examined for wear certain that they are clear or brinelling wear on pinion shaftcaused 21 External oil lines and fittings from cooler to by rollers transmission should be examined to see that 4 long and short pinion thrust pads roller they are clear and not damaged spacers and short pinion spacers should be 22 Engine gear should be examined for wear examined for wear on oil seal surface roller bearing races 5 long and short pinion bore diameter should and gear teeth for pitch line pitting uneven be exam ined for wear wear or excessive wear S1323 Vibration dampers should be checked at e Remove dUmm y shaft insert second springs and splines for wear thrust pad 24 between long pinion and rear wall of gear case and start pinion24 Check relief valve plug and relief valve shaft into rear wall of gear case Do body for scoring or burrs not drive pinion shaft all the way into gear case until all shafts are OF GEAR CASE f Assemble remaining long pinions into gear caseFIGURE 155 3 Press first engine gear roller bearing II I Press gear case needle bearing 22 into into engine gear 10 using bearing assem gear case 23 using bearing assembly bly tool T4603 Install second engine gear tool T4602 roller bearing into engine gear using T4670 2 Assemble long pinions 84 and roller bear ings 83 and thrust pads 24 etc as follows 4 Install engine gear 10 with assembled a Place long pinion 84 on one end on engine gear roller bearings into gear case thrust pad 24 and insert dummy shaft 23 from threaded end of gear case mesh T4724 into long pinion ing teeth on engine gear and long pinions already assembled into gear case The b Insert four roller bearings 83 equally splined end of the engine gear should pro spaced around dummy shaft to center truo from the front end of the gear case shaft in pinion then assemble remain ing rollers in first row Thirtytwo roller 5 Assemble short pinion 28 and roller bear bearings complete one row Install long ings 26 etc as follows pinion bearing spacer 82 over dummy a Place short pinions 28 on one end on shaft next to first row of roller bearings flat surface and insert dummy shaft T then assemble second row of roller 4725 into short pinion bearingsNOTE Smear dummy shaft with cup grease to b Insert four roller bearings 26 equally prevent rollers from dropping out Use spaced around dummy shaft to center extreme care when handling assembled shaft in pinion then pinions to prevent roller bearings from rollers in first row Thirtytwo roller dropping out during assembly into gear bearings complete one row case Insert short pinion bearing spacer 27 c lay gear case 23 on side and insert oVer dummy shaft next to first row of long pinion 84 with dummy shaft and roller bearings then assemble second roller bearings in gear case from thread row of roller bearings ed end of case long pinion should align with one hole in outer row of NOTE Smear dummy shaft with cup grease to pinion shaft holes Insert thrust pad prevent rollers from dropping out Use 24 between long pinion and front wall extreme care when handling assembled of gea r case Note that each th rust pinion to prevent roller bearings from pad aligns with one hole on outer row dropping out during assembly into gear and one hole on inner row of pinion case shaft holes and that the curvature of thrust pad follows curvature of gear c line up thrust pad 24 already in gear case case and insert pinion shaft 21 plain end first into unthreaded end of gear d Insert pinion shaft 21 plain end first case through thrust pad so that pinion into unthreaded end of gear case and shaft protrudes approximately one inch push through thrust pad and pinion as into gear case Place short pinion spa far as rear wall of gear case forcing cer 25 over end of protruding pinion out dummy shaft shaft S14 d Smear ends of roller bearings with cup b Install remaining bronze clutch plates grease 63 and steel clutch plates 65 alter e Insert short pinion assembled with roll nating bronze and steel until all are in er bearings etc into gear case mesh place ing teeth on short pinion and long pin NOTE Make certain that all clutch plates ride ion already in gear case line short freely on their respective lugs and that pinion over pinion shaft and short pin no binding is apparent during assembly ion spacer already in gear case and push pinioll shaft through short pinion 11 Press screw collar needle bearing 57 into as for as rear wall of gear case forcing screw collar 25 using bearing assembly out dummy shaft tool T4671 f Remove dummy shaft line up second 12 Install 0 rings 64 and 59 to outside thrust pod 24 already in gear case diameter and inside diameter of forward and start pinion shaft into rear wall of piston 34 gear case Do not drive pinion shaft all the way into gear case until all 13 Install forward piston with 0 rings into shafts are inserted screw colla r 61 Lubricate 0 ringsurfaces g Assemble remaining short pinions into of screw collar with light oil before installing gear case forward piston into screw collar NOTE Use care in installing forward piston as 6 Align slots in each pair of pinion shafts so not to roll or damage 0 rings on in that slots face each other and are parallel ternal threads in screw collar Insert pinion shaft locking tab 16 into slots in pinion shaft Make certain that the pin 14 Install screw collar spring 33 spring re ion shafts and pinion shaft locking tabs are tainer 31 and retaining ring 32 in screw seated against gear case Place case clip collar 7 over top of pinion shaft locking tab lining up holes with threaded holes in gear 15 Clamp gear case in vice with engine gear case and formed end of case clip over edge protruding down Place screw collar with of locking tab toward center of gear case assembled forward piston screw collar Install capscrew 8 and secure tightly Bend spring spring retainer retaining ring and preformed end of case clip up around screw collar needle bearing and screw head of capscrew down collar using spanner wrench T4391 Screw collar should be tightened until 7 Install engine gear thrust washer 29 on threaded holes in periphery of screw collar engine gear 10 from thread end of gear line up with drilled holes in gear case case 16 line up screw collar clip 66 over one threaded hole in screw collar with lip over 8 Install propeller gear 30 into gear case edge of screw collar Install lockscrew 67 from thread end of the gear case meshing and tighten until two sides of lockscrew the gear teeth of the propeller gear with head are parallel with sides of clip Bend the short pinions already in the gear case preformed sides of clip up around head of lockscrew Add second lockclip and lock 9 Install propeller gear thrust washer 60 in screw counterbore of propeller gear 17 Install two oil distributor seal rings 5410 Install steel clutch plates 65 and bronze in ring grooves of screw collar clutch plates 63 in clutch plate cavity in threaded end of gear case as follows NOTE Use care in expanding oil distributor seal rings when installing so as not to a Place one steel clutch plate 65 with break rings lugs in notches of gar case and place one bronze clutch plate 63 over teeth 18 Upend gear case assembly and place on on clutch plate carrier end of engine gear SlSASSEMBLY OF GEAR CASE IN REVERSE GEAR J O Press needle thrust bearing 35 into reduc HOUSING tion adopter plate 36FIGURE 154 1 I Press reduction adopter plate assembly Figure 154 over reduction pinion tailshaft 1 Assemble oil suction tube 19 til hole in assembly Figure 154 flange of reverse gear housing 1 using suction tube assembly tool T4672 12 Install complete reduction adopter plate on to housing assembly Install six socket head 2 Insert oil distributor tube 122 in hole in capscrews in reduction adapter plate 36 top of reverse gear housing making cer Use two reduction adopter plate seals in tain that tube is seated in bottom of hole two uppermost h a I e s under head of and is below top surface of reverse gear capscrews housing J 3 Place new gasket 37 on reduction adopter 3 Install baffle 68 into reverse gear housing plate 1 until back side rests on bosses in back of reverse gear housing Fasten with flat head socket capscrews 624 Install reverse bond housing pin 100 into COVER ASSEMBLY drill boss on inside of housing near elon FIGURE 152 gated slot in top 1 Install pipe plugs 71 into cover 85 Install5 Place new front end plate gasket 20 cover two control lever pins 86 into top of cover gasket 94 and rear housing gasket 1 J 3 85 on reverse gear housing Note that front gasket 20 holds reverse bond housing pin 2 Assemble one control lever pin 109 to top 100 in housing of control valve 73 3 Assemble control valve 0 ring 75 to 6 Turn oil distributor rings 54 in screw collar groove at top of control valve 73 6 I so that gaps of rings are together and are facing up 4 Place control valve lever 74 over control valve lever pin on control volve 7 Toke reverse gear housing assembly figure J 54 and place over gear case assembly 5 Install control lever bushing 76 into con Figure J 55 Start housing bore over screw trol lever pawl 80 collar Ease oil distributor rings into cham fer on bore of reverse gear housing with 6 Install control lever 74 onto control lever gentle rocking motion Do not force rings bushing into housing or rings may break Lubricate bore in housing before installing to ease 7 Assemble plain washer 79 lockwasher 78 assembly and capscrew 77 in hole of control lever bushing 76 and into thread hole in control lever 8 Place needle thrust bearing race 55A and needle thrust bearing 55 on top of screw 8 Install assembled control valve into cover collar Make certain that engine gear thrust 85 from topside of cover so that the point washer 29 propeller gear thrust washer on the control lever pawl is painted at 60 thrust bearing race 55A and needle neutral position Lubricate bore of cover thrust bearing 55 are lined up properly before installing control valve to aid in installing Care must be token not to dam 9 Press reduction pinion tailshaft 56 into boll age 0 ring during assembly Assemble bearing 52 Install retaining ring 53 control valve retaining ring 72 to control in place valve from underside of cover S16 9 Make certain that control lever and control RELIEF VALVE ASSEMBLY valve rotate freely FIGURE 15410 Install ball detent I 10 into hole in side of cover and rotate control valve until ball 1 Place relief valve spring 120 in relief detent drops into detent in control valve valve housing 121 Place relief valve plug 119 on top of spring in relief valve housing 121 I J Install detent spring III on top of ball detent in cover Install seal washer and capscrew 112 and tighten capscrew Ro 2 Clamp relief valve housing 121 in vise tate control valve to make certain that ball with relief valve plug up Depress relief detent operates smoothly in forward neu valve plug with screwdriver until relief tral and reverse valve pin 118 can be pushed through holes in relief valve housing 121 3 Install relief valve pin 118 in relief valve12 NOTE The following items may be assem housing 121 and relax pressure on relief bled together at this time however valve plug until plug holds pin in place DO NOT assemble into cover at this time13 Assemble retaining ring 70 to one end of FRONT END PLATE AND PUMP ASSEMBLY reverse band roll pin 102 Install reverse FIGURE 153 band roll pin through hole in short leg of one reverse band lever 81 Place reverse 1 Press oil seal 12 into front end plate 2 band roll 101 over end of reverse band from front face or outside face of front end roll pin and install second reverse band plate lever 81 over end of reverse band roll pin 102 Make certain that both levers 2 Press front end plate thrust washer 13 are installed so as to line up Install re into front end plate using assembly tool taining ring 70 over end of reverse band T4673 until properly seated against bot roll pin tom of bore 3 Press roller bearing 14 into front end plate14 Assemble retaining ring 70 to end of re using assembly tool T4602 verse piston shaft assembly Figure 152 Install reverse shaft pin through hole in long 4 Install two pump housing pins 17 into pump leg of one reverse band lever 81 through housing 18 hole in reverse piston shaft 92 and through hole in long leg of one reverse band lever 5 Install outer pump gear 6 into cavity of 81 through hole in reverse piston shaft pump housing 18 92 and through hole in long leg of second reverse band lever 81 Assemble re 6 Install inner pump gear 15 into cavity of taining ring 70 to end of reverse piston pump housing 18 meshing teeth with outer shaft pin 64 pump gear 7 Place pump port plate 3 over pump hous15 Install reverse piston 0 ring 94 into ing 18 with unchamfered side toward pump groove in 00 of reverse piston 93 housing lining up over pump housing pins 17 already in pump housing and pressNOTE DO NOT assemble into cover at this together time 8 line up pump housing pins 17 protruding through pump port plate 3 with holes in front end plate and bolt together using six lockwashers 5 and six capscrews 4 ASSEMBLY 10 Install six flathead socket capscrews 91 to front end plate assembly and reverseFIGURE 151 gear housing and tighten securely 1 Install pipe plug into drain hole of housing Drain hole is located on the right hand side near the bottom of the housing 11 Install assembled reverse piston and link oge figure 152 into opening in top of re verse gear housing as follows 2 Install relief valve assembly into reverse gear housing Assemble relief valve re taining ring 116 and 0 ring 118 Make a Back off reverse band support screw certain that relief valve is seated properly 97 until reverse band can be rotated Assemble relief valve holddown spring past end of reverse band support screw 115 and pipe plug 114 b Rotate reverse band until reverse band 3 After final adjustments have been made roll on assembled linkage can pass be install breather 90 and dipstick 104 tween lug on reverse band and reverse band housing pin in housing 4 Install brass washer 96 and screw 97 to hole in pad on side of c Slip reverse band roll over squared end housing ofl ug on reverse band and hook notches of reverse band lever over reverse 5 Assemble reverse band 103 to gear case band housing pin in housing inside housing so that lugs on reverse band are up and in line with reverse band sup d Insert screwdriver through opening in port screw Position reverse band support top of housing and rotate reverse band screw so that lug on reverse band can rest lug against reverse band roll This will against it cause the reverse piston and piston backup plate to drop down against the 6 Install pump drive key 9 in hole in engine top of the housing gear line up sides of pump drive key with engine gear NOTE Hook reverse bartd lever on reverse band housing pin on righthand side of 7 Place assembly tool T4689 over splined housing end of engine gear to protect oil seal du ring front end plate assembly e Tighten reverse band support screw 8 line up keyvJay in inner pump gear in front end plate assembly figure 153 with pump drive key in engine gear Slide 12 Place cover and assembled control valve front end plate assembly over engine gear figure 152 over reverse piston assembled until front end plate is seated properly to reverse gear housrng and line up bolt against housing engaging pump drive key holes in cover with those in reverse gear with keyway in inner pump gear housing 9 Rotate front end plate assembly to line up 13 Press down on cover engaging reverse six bolt holes with reverse gear housing piston in cavity in cover Care must be Note that front end plate assembly can be taken not to damage 0 ring on reverse located in one of two positions ie up for piston during assembllf Lubricate bore right rotation or up for left rotation As in cover prior to assembly with light oil the transmission is always viewed from the transmission or output end the plate should be assembled with words Use For Left 14 Install six ferry head capcrews 89 in cover Rotation being up and tighten securely S18ASSEMBLY OF COMPLETE TRANSMISSION AS 8 Place coupling wosher 46 over end of SEMBLY TO ENGINE shaft insert lockwasher 47 with tang on inside of lockwasher in slot on shaft Place 1 Install two studs in opposite side holes in locknut 4S onto shaft and secure using engine adapting piate on enine so studs suitable wrench protrude approximately 312 inches2 Start reverse gear assembly over studs 9 Bend one tang of lockwasher into slot on and slide entire assembly up against en locknut gine engaging spline on engine gear in 10 Install two studs 312 inches long into two splined hole of vibration damper on engine opposite holes in reduction adapter plate3 Install four 71614 x 134 attaching bolts and washers in holes around flcnge of re 11 Position reduction gear assembly over studs verse gear housing and slide onto reduction drive geor It mny be necessary to rotate reduction gear slight4 Remove studs and install remaining two ly to properly mesh gear teeth bolts and washers 12 Install lockwashers lOS and capscrews l07 around flange of reduction gear hous ing and tighten OF REDUCTION GEAR ASSEMBLY TO REVERSE GEAR ASSEMBLY 1 Replace oi1 drain plug 39 into reduction gear housing 54 2 Press ball bearing 40 with snap ring into ADJ USTMENTS reduction gear housing 58 With transmission secured to the engine replace 3 Press output shaft and gear 51 into reduc all oil lines etc Before securing the propeller tion gear housing half coupling to the gear half coupling check to make certain that the couplings do not run out 4 Install oil seal 45 into rear end plate 42 more than 002 inches with respect to each other 5 Assemble rear end plate and seal to reduc The transmission should be filled with new oil as tion housing Install six lockwashers 43 specified under lubrication and capscrews 44 in rear end plate holes and tighten securely The forward clutch is direct acting and has suffi cient travel to compensate for wear Therefore 6 Install 0 ring 123 over spline on output there are no adjustments for the forward drive shaft against bearing shouder of shaft No adjustment is necessary for either the neu 7 Support unit on inside of shaft with large tral or reverse A large spring provides posi end of unit down and press splined gear tive retraction of the forward piston and the half coupling 106 onto shaft end until reverse piston stroke and band linkage eliminates coupling is seated against ball bearing any adjustments on the reverse SECTION V SERVICE BULLETINS The following Bulletins contain supplementary and updated information about various components and service procedures which are important to the proper functioning ofyour engine and its support systems You should familiarize yourself with the subjects andmake sure that you consult the appropriate your engine requires service or overhaul V2 SERVICE BULLETINDATE September 17 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 10MODEL Westerbeke 40 and WPDS 1015SUBJECT Sea Water Pump Clearance and Al ignment Clearance Adequate longitudinal clearance between the sea water pump shaft and the driving shaft is established by the use of multiple pump gaskets The number of gaskets required can vary from 1 to 4 Enough gaskets must be used so that the shaft ends do not mate See figure 1 WATER PUMP GAKtTS DRIVE SHAFT DRIVER PUMP SH4FT DRWN NOTE The application of liquid or paste type Prussian blue at pOints indicated by arrows will give positive indications of pump drive contact which will require the use of additional gaskets If the proper clearance is not maintained the sea water pump shaft will force the fuel pump drive hub against its bushirg The bushing will seize to the drive hub and rotate in its housing Bushing wear and loss of oil pressure will result When replacing the sea water pump be sure that the same number of gaskets is replaced and there is the required clearance Alignment Alignment is just as critical as clearance The latest 1211 pump intentionally has no pilot because the location of the timing cover itself is not precise To assure that the pump shaft is axial with the driving shaft install the pump with the four nuts just snugged WITH THE FUEL STOPLEVER OFF crank the engine for a few seconds If the nuts have not been overtightened the drive tang will cause the pump to align itself It is best to deliberately offset the pump against its studs so you can visually verify movement of the pump as it centers itself during cranking The nuts should then be tightened This procedure must be repeated anytime the pump is loosened J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS 02322 5171 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 82 PIN 16742 V3 SERVICE BULLETIN DATE Apri 1 23 1968 BULLETIN NUMBER 11 MODEL Westerbeke 40 and WPDS 1015 SUBJECT Instructions for Replacing Injection Pump Drive Hub Bushing 00503231 Remove cis Pulleys2 Remove water pump 3 Remove timing cover4 Mark idler gear and fuel pump gears before removing fuel pump gear This is very important in order to retain proper relation of gears and eliminate retiming of engine 5 If fuel pump hub bushing is worn as suspected gear and bushing will pull right out er block6 Remove quill shaft rrom injection pump splined pump drive shart7 Remove gear rrom drive hub8 Remove hub bushing retaining circlip 9 If bushing is frozen on hub tighten forward end or bushing in vise and drive hub of bushing with brass drive taking care not to damage female splines in hub10 Place hub rlange on top or vise and with small brass punch knock out drive key from hub11 Clean hub shaft with crocus cloth or similar material Pre oil and fit new bushing Check that bushing rotates rreely Replace circlip12 Clean bushing hole in block13 With plastic or similar soft headed mallet drive newly assembled bushing in place hitting squarely on center until it has definitely bottomed out against block Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL ARI AIION MASS 02322 71 5887700 CALE WETCOR AIIONTELEX 24444V4 WESTERBEKE SERVICE BULLETIN 11 Continued 14 Axter bushing is in place recheck xor xree rotation ox hub making sure no binding is evident 15 Line up master spline ox drive hub with master spline ox xuel pump drive 16 Replace xuel pump drive shaxt by passing it through drive hub until it enters into pump drive When shaxt comes up against xuel pump drive it may be necessary to hold a slight xinger pressure against drive shaxt and rotate slightly lext and right until shaxt enters pump drive NOTE On drive shaxt longer portion mates in drive hub 17 Axter shaxt is in place using a brass or similar hammer drive the water pump drive key into hub 18 Reinstall pump drive gear making sure gear teeth are matched same as on removal 19 Line up corresponding scribe marks on drive hub and drive gear then insall and tighten 3 drive gear bolts NOTE Ix scribe marks are not properly aligned timing i l l beoff 20 Reinstall timing cover 21 Reinstall pulleys 22 When installing Sherwood pump rexer to attached bulletin Service bulletin 10 VS SERVICE BULLETINDATE 61S69 BULLETIN NUMBER 20MODEL All Engi nesSUBJECT Connecting Pressure Sensing Devices to Oil Galleries Oil pressure sensing devices such as senders and switches must never be connected directly to any oil gallery of an engine The reason is simply that continued engine vibration causes fatigue of the fittings used to make such a connection If these fittings fail the engine loses its oil pressure and very quickly seizes Such pressure sensing devices must be bulkhead mounted and connected to the oil gallery using an appropriate grade of lubricating oil hose Any fittings used to connect the hose to the gallery must be of steel or malleable iron Brass must not be used for this purpose J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MASS OZ3ZZ 1817 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELE 1 Z 4444PIN 11967 V6 SERVICE BULLETINDATE June 15 1969 BULLETIN NUMBER 21MODEL Westerbeke 40SUBJECT Replacing Injection Pump Drive Hub Part Number 12632 NOTE When replacing the drive hub the new hub will have no timing mark scribed on it For this reason the following procedure must be adhered to step by step When the pro cedure is completed and before replacing the timing cover a new mark is to be punched on the drive hub to coincide with the existing scribe mark on the fuel pump drive gear 1 Remove the small cover on side of injection pump 2 Turn engine in direction of rotation clockwise looking aft Use a socket and long bar on crankshaft nut and turn by hand 3 While turning shaft look into opening in injection pump It will be noted that pump rotor has a series of letters on it with a scribe mark beneath each letter It will also be noted that there is a large snap ring visible through the opening 4 Rotate the shaft until the scribe mark for the letter C lines up with the edge o the lower end o the snap ring There is also a letter G on the rotor do not comuse it with C 5 At this point 1 piston is at 22 0 before top dead center 6 Remove crank shat pulleys when raoving the crankshaft nut if the shaft is moved before removing the pulley reset the letter C with the snap ring in the pump 7 Remove water pump 8 Remove timing cover 9 Mar the idler gear and fuel pump gearThis is very important in order to retain proper relation of gears and eliminate complete engine retiming 10 Raove fuel pump gear from drive hub 11 Obtain three 3 516 fine threaded bolts about 3 long threaded all the way These are to be threaded into the holes on thedrive hub and turned in against the front plate to pull the hub and bronze bushing out o the block as an assably Note Tighten bolt equally in sequence to pre vent galling the bronze bushing in the block Continued J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON ASS 02322 1817 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 1124444 V7 SERVICE BULLETIN 21 Contiuued REPLACING INJECTION PUMP DRIVE HUB12 When the hub and bushing are removed pullout the pUJlp splined drive shaft which will now be visibleo13 Remove circlip xrom old hub and transxer bushing to new hub using new circlip14 With plastic or siJlilar soft headed Jlallet drive assembly back into block hitting squarely on center until it has definitely bottomed out against block15 After bushing is in place recheck xor xree rotation ox hub making sure no binding is evident16 Line up master spline of hub with master spline ox fuel PUJlP drive17 Replace xuel pump drive shaft by passing it through drive hub until it enters into pump drive When the shaxt comes up against xuel pump drive it Jlay be necessary to hold a slight finger pressure against the drive shaft and rotate slightly lext or right until shaxt enters pump drive NOTE ON DRIVE SHAFT LONGER SPLINED END MATES INTO DRIVE HUB18 Rotate hub until letter c is back on scribe Jlark19 Reinstall drive gear Jlaking sure letter C is lined up bexore securing boltso20 Remark hub to correspond with mark on gear21 Using soxt headed hammer insert water pump drive key into hub until it bottoms out22 Install tiJling gear cover pulley and water pump23 Put cover back on injection pump and bleed pump using procedure in manual V8 SERVICE BULLETINDATE November 3 1970 BULLETIN NUMBER 31MODEL Westerbeke Diesel Model Four107 Lubricating Oil System Modification PURPOSE To reverse lube oil direction through system thereby utilizing high pressure bypass valve in lube oil filter APPLICABILITY All referenced engine models whose lube oil fitting located at oil attachment boss on engine bears the casting number B120 PROCEDURE 1 Remove existing fitting and oil line between fitting and lube oi 1 fi lter 2 Using new gasket ferrules and elbow provided install new fitting and oil line PARTS REQUIRED 2 13333 Ferule 1 13955 Fitting oil lines to boss 1 13969 Li ne 1ube oil 1 11616 Gasket fitting 1 13335 Elbow OLD CIRCUIT NEW CIRCUIT PN 11135FROMI TO 4fIIICOOLER COOLER P N 12120 PNl3955 TO COOLER FROM COOLER J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON INDUSTRIAL PARI AVON MASS 02322 flf7 588 7700 CABLE WESTCORP AVON TELEX 1124444 V9 SERVICE BULLETINDATE June 22 1976 BULLETIN NUMBER 93MODEL AllSUBJECT Adjusting Paragon P200 Series Reverse Band If the boat moves forward when the gear is in neutral at proper idle speed the reverse band may be out of adjustment When adjusting be very careful not to get reverse band too tight or it will burn out If the boat goes backwards when in neutral it may be too tight The following adjustment procedure should only be carried out when it is not possible to obtain the service of an authorized Paragon trans mission service dealer To Adjust On the outside left side of the gear there is a bolt in the mounting pad Under its head are 1 to 3 washers Remove one washer This should stop forward boat movement But under NO circumstances use fewer than one washer nor more than three J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTIIAL PAI AIION MASS 01131111 8171 5887700 CABLE WESTCOlP AIIONTELEX 114444PIN 21683 VIO SERVICE BULLETINDATE March 4 1977 BULLETIN NUMBER 98MODEL Westerbeke Four107 Electrical System Change Delco generator 11667 and regulator 11669 are no longer in production and are being replaced by Motorola alternator 21566 and Motor regulator 21611 This alternator is driven from the engines crankshaft pulley at a speed ratio of 2191 with an output of 840 watts at 24 VDC See diagram and parts list overleaf J H WESTERBEKE CORP AllaN INDUSTRIAL PARI AllaN MASS 02322 1817 5887700 CABLE WESTCORP AllaN TELEX 2 PIN 22218 VllVOLTAGE REGULATOR MUST llEMOUNTED ON 50 SQ IN MtTALIC PLATE BLK CORN RED I I 3 r I I J BATTERY 24 VOLT IS BET 1 4 548 pULLey I 3 112S STRAP 12 120O BRACKeT 1 If 1492 NIPPiE sreeLJ I 10 3328 ELBOW 90 I J SZZ ELBOW 45 I 8 1 fJBI HOSE 1 7 11615 PLU 3 co 169 MANItOtD 5 11383 SWITCH OIL PRSIHe I 4 2Z120 PESSTOR ISO ONN I 3 21506 ALTERNAToe 2411 SAAIP I Z Z2I CjLE ASSY I I 2611 IEGtlLAToe 24 lOLl lTEM PART NO DESCRIPTION QTY AHCD a J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON MA 02322 DeIM ODEL FOURI07Woc 1171i NOM lOVIED CTIOMAL USING 4VOLT 3SAMP MOTOROLA ALT ru 22 I 2 I u J7 V12 SERVICE BULLETINDATE May 20 1980 BULLETIN NUMBER 110MODEL AllSUBJECT Ammeter Wire Sizes Ammeters may be installed in conjunction with any Westerbeke marine diesel engine or diesel generator set The range of the ammeter must be appropriate for the maximum output of the alternator Additionally the wire size for the alternator output circuit including the ammeter varies with the total length of that circuit The table below shows the maximum current that can be carried various total distances by various wire sizes to and from source to load HIRE SIZE TABLE Total Length MAXIMUM CURRENTAMPS System of wire in I Volts feet 35 40 55 60 70 85 120 12 to 5 12 12 12 8 8 8 6 12 5 to 10 10 10 8 6 6 6 4 12 10 to 20 6 6 6 6 3 2 1 12 20 to 30 6 4 4 2 1 1 12 30 to 40 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 24 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 24 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 24 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 24 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 24 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 32 1 to 5 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 32 5 to 10 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 32 10 to 20 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 32 20 to 30 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 32 30 to 40 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 J H WESTERBEKE CORP AIION INDUSTRIAL PARK A liON MASS 02322 tS17j 5BB7700 CABLE WESTCORP AIIONTELEX 112 PIN 24737 SECTION X PARTS LISTPage ContentsX2 Notes on using parts listX4 Cylinder BlockX6 Cylinder Head ValvesX8 Crankshaft Rod PistonsX10 Timing System CamshaftX12 Rocker ShaftX14 Fuel SystemX16 Cooling SystemX20 Water PumpsX22 Lube Oil SumpX24 Intake ManifoldX26 Electrical SystemX28 Back End ArrangementX30 Transmission ParagonX36 Transmission WarnerX40 Reducti on Unit Snow NabstedtX2 NOTES ON USING THIS PARTS LIST 1 Unit of issue for all linear commodities is inches not feet or yards 2 To find the part number of a serviceable component a In the contents find the page number of the system of which the component is most logically a member b On the illustration corresponding to that page number find the specific illustration of the component and note the reference number c Go to the facing partslist and find the ref erence number The part number name de scription and quantity required follows 3 There are three series of serial numbers in use and they are identified by a prefix stamped as part of the serial number in the block They are l07Uxxxxxx l08Uxxxxxx and EDxxxxxx References are made in the parts list to these codesX4 FCUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC CYLINDER BLOCK 92 37 94 f 2 69 70 14 Drawing No 13905 X5 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC CYLINDER 3LOCKREF PN 1 ArE ROIARKS QUAN 1 3J81C ENGINE BLOCK HaD ASSEMBLY 1 2 1 12610 LINER S 1r1U 4 2 2 19330 LIJER SIN le8U ED 4 3 12565 RING LINER SEALING SIN 107U B 4 12452 FLUG BLOCK WATER JACKET 1 5 12380 DOiJEL 6 12469 BOLT S 7 12454 PLUG EXPANSION SIN le8U ED 5 8 19918 PLUG BLOCK DRAIN SIN 1Q8U ED 1 11 19992 FLUG BEARER FACINGS SIN 18U EO 2 12 12623 SHIM 14 12456 FLUG EXPANSION FRONT REAR 2 15 12371 CONNECTDR 1 18 12485 SLEEVE TACH DRIVE 1 19 Ilf686 BEARING TACH DRI VE 1 20 121f84 HAFT TACH DRIVE 1 21 12363 NAPRING TACH DRI VE 1 22 19994 CAP TACH DRI VE 1 23 12619 lASHER TACH DRI VE 1 24 12464 PLUG ALTERNATE DIPSTICK POSITION 1 32 11 13970 FETCOCK SIN 107U BLOCK DRAIN 1 32 2 13341 PLUG SIN 108U ED BLOCK DRAIN 1 36 12458 PLUG REAR CAMSHAFT CHAM3ER 1 37 1 12400 GASKET HEAD SIN l07U 1 37 2 20020 GASKET HEAD SIN 108U ED 1 35 1 14743 STUD SHOT TO SIN 107U7023705 18 38 2 12615 STUD LONG FROM SIN lC7U7023705 18 3S 1965 STUD SIN 10AU ED 18 45 12656 PLATE MOUNT TIMING COVER 1 46 12406 GASKET 1 63 1 12685 COVER SIN lC7U ALL TO 108U41977 1 69 2 20029 COVER SIN l08U41978 ON g ED 1 10 12666 GASKET 1 71 12438 STUD 1n 73 12652 WASHER 10 83 12334 OUSING 1 86 11993 SEAL 2 87 12356 BOLT 2 83 12661 GASKET 1 90 12475 BOLT 6 91 14825 LINE WATER DRAIN SIN 107U 1 92 12432 NUT WATER DRAIN SIN l07U 1 93 12377 CONNECTOR WATER DRAIN SIN 107U 1 94 12415 FERRULE wATER JRAIN SIN 107U 1X6 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC CYLINDER HEAD VALVES 21 20 f17 25 47 S 6 6 15 22 9 23 16 Drawing No 13904 X7 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC CYLINDER HEAD VAL IE SREF ON NAME REMARKS QUAN 1 1 1234C HEAD ASSEMBLY SIN 107U 1 1 2 19939 HE4D ASSMBLY SIN 1Q8U g ED 1 2 19979 PLUG HEADTOP SIN 10BU ED 3 3 19956 PLUG HEADTapSIN 108U g ED 4 12452 PLUG HEADSIDE 1 5 12454 PLUG HEADREA R 1 6 12455 PLUG HEADRFAR 1 7 12629 GUIDE INLET 3 12628 GUIDE EXHAUST 4 14 1 12509 VALVE INTAKENO GROOVEFROM SIN 107U71 01102 14 2 12511 VALVE INTAKE 0 R I NG GROOVE TO SIN 1 0 7U 71 011 2 15 1 12635 DEFLECTOR FOR INTAKE VALVE 12509 8 15 2 14696 RING FOR IN TA KE VALVE 12511 4 16 12510 ALVE EXHAUST 4 17 12608 SPR I NG INNER SIN 107U 8 18 II 12609 SPRING OUTER SIN 101U 8 18 2 19960 SPRING SIN 108U ED B 11 12536 SEA T VALVE SPRING 8 20 1 12360 CAP EXHAUST VALVE SPRING 4 20 2 14687 CAP INTAKE VALVE SPRING 21 12378 COTTER PAIR 8 22 1 12682 INSERT COMBUSTION CAMBER 4 22 19999 SEAT I NTA KE VALVE SIN 10BU ED 4 22 3 19997 SEAT EXHAUST VALVE SIN 108U ED 4 23 12542 WA SHER 4 25 1 12421 tUT HEADLONG SIN 107U 6 25 2 H831 UT HEADSHORT SIN 10U 12 25 3 20005 UT HEADLONG SIN 108U ED 6 25 1445 UT HEADSHORT SIN lOBU ED 12 34 1165 3 GASKET 1 35 lL 12496 STUD SHORT 2 35 2 14810 STUD LONG 2 7 12546 PLATE 1X8 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC CRANKSHAFT ROO PI ST ON 42 38 Drawing No 13903 X9 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC CRANKSHAFT ROD PISTOJREF PN rAME REMARKS QUliN 1 1 12341 CRANKSHAFT ASSEMBLY SIN lG7U 1 1 2 23105 CRANKSHAFT ASSEMBLY SIN 108U ED 1 3 1 12342 EEARING MAINKITSTD 1 3 l 1239 BEARING MAIJKIT010 UNDER 1 3 3 12370 BEARING MAINKIT020 UNDER 1 3 If 12373 BEARING MAINKIT030 UND 1 5 1 1233 BEARING RODK I T STD 1 5 a 1214 BEARING RODKITOI0 UNDER 1 5 3 1223 BEARING RODKIT020 UNDER 1 5 If 12519 BEARING RODKIT03G UNDER 1 7 1 14707 lASHER THRUSTSTD 2 7 a 19969 lASHER THRUSTC07 OVER AR 8 li 12537 JASHER THRUSTSTD 1 B 2 19968 WASHER THRUS T CO M OVER AR 1 12633 ADAPTER 1 10 11857 WASHER 1 11 12099 PULLEY 1 14 14719 GEAR CRANKSHAFT 1 15 12408 KEY 1 16 12383 SLINGER 1 19 12613 SCREIJ PULLEY RETAINING 1 27 1 1234 ROD CONNECTI NG ASSEMBLY SIN 107U 4 27 2 19935 ROD CONNECTING ASSEMBLY SIN 108U ED 4 30 12348 BOLT CONNECTIN3 ROD B 31 20645 TABWASHER 8 32 1 12594 BUSHING CONNECTING ROD SIN 107U 32 2 19986 EUSHING CONNECTING ROD SIN 10aU ED 38 1 12908 PISTON ASSEMBLY SIN 107U 4 38 2 19938 FISTON ASSEMBLY SIN lO8U ED 1 1 12573 SNAPRING PIN RETAINING SIN IJ7U 8 1 2 19984 SNAlRING PIN RETAINING SIN 1 laU g ED 8 2 1 12905 RING SET NEW LINER SIN If7U 4 42 2 12906 RING SET WORN LINER SIN 107U 4 42 3 19937 RING SET STD SIN lOaU EO 4XlO FOUR 107 IJHALEBOAT SPEC TIMING SYSTEM CAMSHA FT 6 13 17 49 SO 48 24 Drawi ng No 13902 Xl1 OUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC TIMING SYSTEM CAMSHAFTREF PN AME REMARKS QUAN 1 12605 CAMSHAFT 1 2 12597 GEAR 1 3 12625 PLA TE 1 4 12474 BOLT 3 6 12654 PLATE 2 7 1244 G DOWEL 1 13 126d9 GEAR IDLER WI TH BUSHING 1 1 14685 BUSHING FOR IDLER GEAR 1 15 12398 HU3 1 16 12551 PLA TE 1 17 12481 BOLT 2 18 12541 TABWASHER 1 2 12678 COVER TIMING 1 iS 12466 SEAL TIMING COVER 1 26 12658 GASKET TIMING COVER 1 27 12474 BOLT 8 29 12493 STUD 1 37 12471 EOLT if 39 13536 WASHER 343 12626 PLATE 1 49 12635 GASKE T 2 50 12500 STUD 4 51 12460 PUSHROD FUEL LIFT PUMP 1X12 FOUR 17 WHALEBOAT SPEC ROCKER SHAFT 7 4 2 37 o o f 17 20 i o o 16 23 0 38 20 17 39 3 2SJ 22 rfI IS 23 t34 3 Drawing No 13901 X13 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC ROCKER SHFT NAME REMARKS QJA4 1 12681 COVER ROCKER 1 2 12 tl GASKET ROCKER COVER 1 3 1294 STUD LONG 1112 IN 2 12429 NUT 2 5 124S1 SEAL 2 12535 WASHER 2 7 1 1lG9 CAP ASSY SMALL 134 DIA TO SIN 1C7U71G6766 1 7 2 12567 CAP ASSY LARGE 238 DIA 1 9 1713 ASKET 115 12336 SHAFT COMPLETE ASSEMBLY 115 12335 SHAFT ROCKER WITH PLUGS 111 12446 PLUG 218 12525 WASHER l 12539 WASHER 220 12362 SNAPRING 221 12488 SPRING22 12358 BRACKET 23 12333 ROCKER 826 12462 BOLT 827 12433 NUT 829 12637 LINE HEAD TO ROCKER SHAFT 123 12372 CONNECTOR OIL FEED TO ROCKER SHAFT 130 12419 UT 234 12499 TUD SHORT 358 IN 635 12434 NUT 837 12607 ROD 938 12606 TAPPET 839 12413 FERRULE 2fQ 12331 BUSHING ROCKER 8X14 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC FUEL SYSTEM 24 26 DWG NO 15704 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC FUEL SYSTE X15RlF PN NAME REARKS QUAN 2 12lH PRACKET FUEL FILTER OUTING 1 3 1210 LINE LIFT PUMP TO FUEL FILTER 1 4 13336 CCNNECTOR FUEL LINE TO UEL FILTER 1 5 1 11614 FILTER FUELENGINE OUNTED 1 5 2 1641t fLEMnT FlEL FILTER 1 6 1 11700 PUMP LIFTCOMPLETE2 STUD 1 6 2 12575 KIT L 1FT FUP R EP IR 1 6 3 16443 DLMP LIFTCOMPLETE4 STUD 1 7 11126 eelT EAJOFUEL MAIFOLU TO FILTER 1 e 11124 MANIFOLD UEL 1 9 11541 IANJC 210 12350 PCLT BAJO 2i1 1252 hASHER BAIJC 612 1 1250 STUD lONG 4 2 2 124135 STUD SCRT 4 13 12653 FLANGE IrECTCR MOUNTING 16 12315 SPACER STun LIFT TO BLeCK PMF 117 1 12670 GASKET 2 STUD LIFT PMP TO BLCCK 2 7 2 16245 fASIET STUD LIFT PMF TO BLeCK 118 3374c LINE LEAK OFF INJECTOR TO FILTER 149 13517 LINE LfK OFF RETWEEI INJEC10RS 120 14813 LINE FILTER TO INJECTION PUF 121 12641 LINE IIJECTCR 1 122 12645 LINE INJECTOR 2 123 12f4 LINE IECTCR 3 124 12647 LINE IJECTOR 4 125 14814 LINE IECTICN PUM TO FILTER 126 1 14680 PLMP TC 107UE37APINf 12 6 2 1467i FtMP FROM l01lEO7 127 1240 GASKET IJECTION PUMP TO BLCCK 1b 1 12364 CIRCLIF l 12632 128 2 31323 CIRCLIP HUB 20004 1 9 1 12332 eEARIG HUE 12632 12C 2 31324 REARING ASSEMBLYHUB 20004 129 3 1322 EUSIrG HLE 29004 130 1 12632 UB TO 107U46015 150 2 21D04 tUB FRO l07U46015 131 19S5C GEAR IJECTION PUMP CRIVING 132 12614 StAFT 133 14744 St1AFT IJECTION PUMP DPIVING 134 11S45 IIASHER IIECTOR 35 126C4 OZZLE INJECTOR 436 11C4 aAStER 8AIJO 837 11S3S BOLT BAIJO 438 11101 HJECTOR 41 12351 BeLT BAIJO 142 11S4 lASHER BAIJC 33 11536 eANJO 1t4 12634 vALVE CECKFUEL FILTER 155 12561 POlT lJECTION PUMf OUNTING 16 12497 STUD IECTION PUMP OUNTING 251 11597 FERRULE 158 11596 IlT 159 1226 rUT INJECTOR MOUNTING 8bl 12265 UT LIFT PUP MOUNrING AR62 14674 SPRING FUEL SHUTOFFtEVER 1 56 55 7 en 54 7 t 11 57 o 7 c o 269 C t OJ o 38 3 49 4 37 I 0 n n o o 14 Z 4 i I 36 I 4 10 15 43 48 DRAWING NO 13687 46 3 XI FCUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC COOLING SYSTEM PN NAME REMARKS QUAN 1 15117 RISER EXHAUSTSEA WATER JACKETED 1 2 12661 GASKET EXHAUST MANIFOLD FLANGE 1 3 11471 PETCOCK 6 4 12411 MANIFOLD EXHAUSTFRESH WATER JACKETED 1 5 11501 HOSE FRESH WATERINCHES REQUIRED 2 6 11499 CAP PRESSURE 1 1 14832 SCREW EXPANSION TANK 2 8 1073 TANK FRESH WATER EXPANSION 1 9 13131 BRACKET EXHAUST RISER 110 11341 CLAMP HOSE 411 11128 EL30W EXHAUST RISER SEA WATER ILET 112 13825 HOSE FORMEDFRESH WATER 113 11653 GASKET EXHAUST MANIFOLD TO HEAD 21 11612 BUSHING PETCOCK MOUNT IN HEAD AND MANIFOLD 215 21878 CLAMP HOSE 81 11510 TUBING EXPANSION TANK OVERFLOW INCHES REQUIRED 817 12663 GASKET THERMOSTAT 118 24688 THERMOSTAT 119 11656 HOSE FORMEDSEA WATER 121 14156 EXCHANGER HEATFRESH WATER TO SEA WATER 122 13334 CONNECTOR LUBE OIL LINE TO ADAPTER 123 12092 BRACKET HEAT EXCHANGER 22ft 12669 GASKET LUBE OIL ADAPTER TO BLOCK 125 13969 LINE LUBE OIL ADAPTER TO FILTER 125 1 12935 PUMP FRESH WATER SIN lOlU 12 2 20 i35 PUMP FRESH WATER SIN 108U ED 127 12673 GASKET FRESH WATER PUMP TO PLATE 128 1 11613 FILTER LUBE OIL 128 2 15559 ELEMENT LUBE OIL FILTER 121 125G3 STUD LUBE OIL ADAPTER TO BLOCK 130 11505 CLAMP HEAT EXCHANGER TO BRACKET 233 11648 HOSE WIRE INSERTEDFRESH WATER INCHES REQD 734 11517 HOSE HEATERSEA WATER INCHES REQUIRED 2436 16423 PUMP SEA WATER 12 IN IMPELLER 137 13338 ELBOW 138 13519 NIPPLE 239 1113 GASKET SEA WATER PUMP TO TIMING COVER 140 13846 HOSE FORMED F RE SH WA TER 141 11723 lEE 142 I 13127 LINE GEAR OIL COOLER TO PARAGON TRANSMISSION 142 2 14234 LINE GEAR OIL COOLER TO WARNER TRANSMISSION 143 1 14078 LINE PARAGON TRANSMISSION TO GEAR OIL COOLER 143 2 14233 LINE WARNER TRANSMISSION TO GEAR OIL COOLER 144 12985 COOLER GEAR LUBE OILFRESH WATER COOLED 145 11651 lEE 146 14080 LINE LUBE OIL COOLER TO ADAPTER 147 13335 ELBOW 948 14Q79 LINE LUBE OIL FILTER TO COOLER 149 13955 ADAPTER LUBE OIL LINES TO BLOCK 150 11650 NILE 2 56 CO 8 54 57 TI o 17 c 53 0 Q 18 9 26 c t 1 r 11 34 CD o 1 19 15 38 37 I 0 10 n2i n o o r z 4 j I 36 I 39 3 40 15 43 48 DRAWING NO 13687 46 3 X19 F CUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC COOLING SYSTEME N NAME REMARKS QUAN 51 11724 PLUG TRANSMISSION OIL 1 52 119 PLUG OIL COOLER 1 53 1112 PLUG EXHAUST RISER RAIN 1 5 11755 PLUG EXPANSION 11 55 13329 EL80W EXPANSION TANK OVERFLOW 1 5 11156 NAMEPLATE 1 51 11752 PLUG EXPANSION TANK CORE 2 58 11119 BRACKET LUBE OIL FILTER 1 53 1118 SUPPORT OIL LINE 1 60 11121 STUD LUBE OIL FILTER BRACKET TO BLOCK 3 61 11386 CLAMP OIL LINE SUPPORT 1X20 FOUR 197 WHALEBOAT SPEC WATER PUMPS 1020 30 I I I I I I I I I I 31 Drawi ng No 13556 X21 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC WATER PUMPS NAME REMARKS QJA10 1 11020 PUMP 38 RUBBER IMPELLERNLA USE 16423 PUMP 110 2 1423 PUMP 12 RUBBE IMPELLER 111 1 15153 GASKET PUMP 16423 111 2 11418 IMPELLER PUMP 16423 111 l 11906 KIT IMPELLER REPLACEMENT PUMP 11020 112 1 14771 SEAL PUMP 11020 112 2 18159 SEAL PUMP 16123 113 1 12918 COVER PUMP 11020 113 Z 13171 COVER PUMP 16423 11 1 12916 CA PUMP 11020 11 2 1H52 CAM PUMP 16123 120 11658 PUMP BRONZE GEARCOMPLETE ONLY 130 Ii 12935 PUMP FRESH WATER WATER COMPLETESIN lC7U 130 2 20035 PUMP FRESH WATER COMPLETESIN t08U ED 131 1 12932 KIT PUMP 12935 REBUILD 131 2 19933 KIT PUMP 20035 REBUILD 132 12673 GASKET PUMP TO PLATE 133 12655 FLATE PUMP TO BLOCK 13 12674 rASKET PLATE TO BLOCK 135 1 12459 PULLEY PUMP 12935 135 a 19987 PULLEY PUP 20035 1X22 DrOWing No 13900 X23 FCUR 107 WHALEEOAT SPEC LU8E CIL SUrPREF PN fAME REPARKS GUM 1 12680 SUMP 1 2 13951 FLUG DRAIN SUMP 1 3 12659 GASKET SUPPLEFT AND RIGHT 1 5 12407 GASKET 2 b 12547 PLATE STIFFENER 1 1 12548 PLATE STIFFENER 1 8 12549 FLATE STIFFENER 1 9 1255El PLATE STIFFENER 1 10 12473 SCREW IG 11 13952 ASHER SUP DRAIN PLtG 1 20 12612 DIPSTICK 122 14816 ASHER 126 1995 J FERRULE SLeTION PIPE 1 21 20006 NLT SLeTION PIPE 128 12651 PIPE ASSEMBLY 129 12686 STRAINER 130 12491 SPRING 131 21834 TUBE SIFHON 15 2fHl17 TABWASHER BOey LOCATIC SETSCREW 136 12692 FUMP LlEE OILCOMFLETE 131 19913 LINE LUBE OIL FEED Te DGEAR SPRAY 1 40 19952 tLT LlEE OIL DELIERY LlfE 21 19951 FERRULE LUBE OIL DELIVERY LltE 11 1242 LINE LtEE OIL DELIERY LINE 1X24 FOUR 107 HALEBOAT SPEC INTAKE MANIFOLD Drawing No 13569 X25 F OU 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC INTAKE MANIFOLDREF PN AME REMARKS QJAN 1 12556 FILTER 1 2 12683 COVER 1 4 12639 ELBOW BREA THER 1 11 12688 ANIFOlD 1 12 20021 GASKET 1 13 13392 BUSHING 1 14 h 11615 PLUG 1 14 2 11688 AID STAR TI NG E THER TYPE 1X26 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 X27 FCLR 107 ALEBCAT SPEC ELECTRICAL SYSTERF PN NAME REtARKS GUAN 1 21611 REGULATOR VCLTAGE FOR 21566 ALTERNATCR 1 2 1 22119 CABLE O IN ALTERNATOR TO RErULATCR 1 2 2 23124 CABLE 84 IN ALTERNATOR TO REGULATOR 1 3 2166 ALTERNATOR GROUC 1 4 1 22120 RESISTOR 15t OHM 1 4 2 23C7S RESISTOR 3 IHI OHM 1 5 1138l SWITCII Cll PRESSURE 1 6 11j69 1115 tlANIFOLD PLUG OIL OIL MAIFOLD 1 3 8 11981 CSE 1 9 15122 ELBO 45 DEGREE 1 10 13328 ELBOIr 911 DEGREE 1 11 11492 IPPLE 1 J2 12060 BRACKFT 1 13 11125 STRAP ACUSTING 1 14 11548 PULLEY ALTERNATOR 1 15 22217 BELT ALTERNATOR fRESH WATER PUMP 1 16 23123 pROTECTOR VOLTAGE 1 30 1166f OTOR STARTER24 VDEGATIVE GROUND 1 31 11667 GENERATOR DELCONO LONGR AVAILABLE 1 32 11669 REGULATOR DELCONO LONGR AVAILABLE 1 33 1166E ELT GEtERATOR DRIVE 1 34 12111 FULLEY GENERATOR DRIVE 1 55 11125 STRAP ACUSTlfG 1 6 11127 ADAPTER ADJUSTING STRAP TC GENERATOR 1 31 13108 ERACKET GtERATOR MOLNTING 1 36 12115 STRAP GEERATOR SUPPORT 2 39 11746 SCREW SUFPORT STRAPS TC GEERATOR 4 40 11132 STUD GEERATOR BRACKET TO BLOCK 1 t 1 11136 STUD GEERATCR STRAPS TO BRACKET 1X28 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC BACK END ARRANGEMENT J J DWG NO 15705 X29 FCUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC BACK END ARRANGEETREF PN tAME REIARKS GUAN 1 14D66 FCUSING FLYWHEEL 1 5 6 14065 11498 PLATE PIN BACK DOWEL 1 l 13832 GEAR RUG 1 8 24064 FLYWHEEL INCLUDES 13832 RING GEAR 1 9 1412J TABWASHER 111 11618 CAMPER 112 24118 SCREW DAPER TO FLYHEEL 514 12101 SPACER STARTING MOTOR 115 11137 STUD STRTING MeTeRSHORT 118 11157 STUD STARTING MOTORLONG 219 13257 CUH REAR LEFT 122 12103 RAIL LEFT 126 13l1 CUNT FRCNT LEFT 129 12131 BRACKET BILGE PUMP 132 13256 CUrl REAR RIGHT 133 13101 RAIL RIGHT 134 13099 OUNT FRCNT RIGHT 1 X30 FOUR lQ7 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION PARAGON 59 9 5810 51 II12 1314 28 30 27 29 37 41 131 yI 130 DRWG 16058 X31 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION PARAGON 104105 51CON D ZJ DRWG 16058 X32 FOUR lQ1 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION PARAGONREF PN JAME REMARKS QUAN 1 1 1 235 IOUSING TRANSMISSIONTO SERIAL 6Al 1 1 Z 1S227 HOUSING SERIAL SAL 1 2 1 16234 FLA TE FRONTTO SERIAL 6Al 1 2 Z 16226 PLATE FRONTFROM SERIAL 6Al 1 2 5 16231 PLATE FRONT PLATE ASSEMBLYTO SERIAL 6Al 1 2 If 16229 PLATE FRONT PLATE ASSEMBLYFROM SERIAL 6A1 1 3 16220 PLATE PUMPPORTTO SERIL 6Al 1 6 16107 GEAR OUTERPUMP 1 7 16153 CLIP CASE 2 9 16122 KEY PUMP 1 10 1 16151 GEA R DRIVE 1 10 2 16152 GEA R DRIVE GEAR ASSEMBLY 1 11 16139 BEARING DRIVE GEAR 2 12 1615 I SEAL OILFRONT PLATE 1 13 16131 WASHER THRUSTFRONT PLATE 1 14 16132 BEARING 1 15 1613 GEAR INNERPUMP 1 16 16137 TAB SHAFT LOCKING 2 17 16135 PIN PUMP HOUSINGTO SERIAL 6Al 118 1 16225 OUS I NG PUMPTO SERIAL 6Al 118 2 16133 HOUSING PUMPFROM SERIAL 6Al 1 18 16219 PUMP ASSEMBLYTO SERIAL 6Al 1 18 19 1623 PUMP 16130 TUBE ASSEMBLYFROM SERIAL 6Al SUCTION 1 1 20 16236 GASKET FRONT PLATE 121 16136 SHAFT PINION 22 16128 BEARING CASENEEDLE 123 1 16162 CASE GEAR 123 2 16165 CASE ASSEMBLY 124 16114 PAD PINION THRUST 125 16155 SPACER SHORT PINION 226 16116 BEARING SHORT PINIONROLLER 127 1110 SPACER SHORT PINION BEARING 228 1 16113 PINION SHORT 228 2 16140 PINION ASSEMBLYSHORT 2 29 16141 WASHER THRUSTDRIVE GEAR 130 16195 SEAR PROPELLER 1 31 16196 RETAINER SPRING 1 32 16164 RING RETAINING 1 33 16198 SPRING SCREW COLLAR 1 31 16191 PISTON FORWARD 1 35 16139 BEARING ROLLER 1 36 16202 FLATE REDUCTION ADAPTER 137 12Q6 GASKET REDUCTION GEAR HOUSING 1 38 1621 C GEAR OUTPUT GEAR AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1 10 16102 BEARING BALLREDUCTION HOUSING 1 41 16208 EASKET REAR END PLATE 12 1205 PLATE REAR END 113 1127 SEAL REAR END PLATE 16 16214 WASHER COUPLING 17 1169 LOCKWASHER BALL BEARING 1 48 16168 UT BALL BEARINGLOCK 19 16209 RING SHAFT 1 X33 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION PARAGONREF PN NAME REMARKS QUAN 50 16101 KEY OUTPUT SHAFT 1 52 161Q3 EEARING BALLREDUCTION 1 53 1157 RING RETAININGBALL BEARING 1 5 16108 RING PISTONOIL DISTRIBUTOR 2 55 1 16217 BEARING 1 55 2 16218 fACE BEARING 1 55 16163 TAILSHAFT REDUCTION PINION 1 57 16144 BEARING NEEDLESCREW COLLAR 1 53 15203 HOUSING REDUCTION GEAR 1 5 16126 OR I NG FORWARD PISTONINNER 1 60 16232 WASHER GEAR 1 61 1 16193 COLLAR SCREW 1 61 2 16197 COLLAR SCREW COLLAR ASSEMBLY 1 63 16143 PLATE INNER CLUTCH 6 04 16117 aRING FORWARD PISTONOUTER 1 65 16142 FLATE OUTER CLUTCH 7 66 16124 CLIP SCREW COLLAR 2 67 16123 LOCKSCREW SCREW COLLAR CLIP 68 16154 BAFFLE 1 09 16171 PIN ROLL 1 10 16118 RING BAND OLL 1 72 161146 RING CONTROL VALVE RETAINING 1 73 1 16212 lJALVE CONTROLTO SERIAL 6Al 1 73 2 16223 VALVE CONTROLFROM SERIAL 6Al 1 73 16178 VALVE CONTROL VALVE ASSYTO SERIAL 6Al 1 73 16231 VALVE CONTROL VALVE ASSYFROM SERIAL GAl 1 7 10159 LEVER CONTROL 1 75 16145 ORING CONTROL VALVE 1 76 1160 BUSHING CONTROL LEVER 1 79 16167 WASHER 1 80 16158 PAWL CONTROL LEVER 1 81 16181 LEVER REVERSE BAND 2 82 16111 SPACER LONG PINION BEARING 2 83 16115 BEARING ROLLERLONG PINION 1 84 1 16112 PINION LONG 2 84 2 16138 PINION LONGPINION ASSEMBLY 2 85 1 16211 COVER TO SERIAL 6A1 1 85 2 16224 COVER FROM SERIAL 6A1 1 86 16166 PIN CONTROL LE VER 3 87 I 87 Z 16119 1612C SCREW SCREW NAMEPLATETO SERIAL 6Al NAMEPLATEFROM SERIAL 6Al 4 88 I 16161 NAMEPLATE TO SERIAL 6Al 1 88 a 16233 IAMEPLATE FROM SER IAL 6Al 1 90 1611 BREATHER 1 92 1618 1 SHAFT REVERSE PISTON 1 93 1 16186 PISTON REVERSE PISTON AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1 93 2 16185 PISTON COMPLETE REVERSE PISTON ASSEMBLY 1 94 16174 ORING REVERSE PI STON 1 95 16170 PLATE PISTON BACKUP 1 97 16221 SCREW BRAKE BA NO 1 98 16175 CRING PISTON BACKUP PLATE 1 9 I 1177 GASKET COVERTO SERIAL 6Al 1 99 2 1228 GASKET COVERFROM SERIAL 6A1 1 X34 FOUR lC7 WHALEBCAT SPEC TRANSMISSIO PAAGCItEF PN NAME REPARKS GUANlao 16173 PIN REVERSE GEAR OUSING 111S1 16172 RCLL REVERSE BAND 113 1 16183 BAND REVERSE BAND ASSEMBLY 1113 2 16184 EAND REVERSEWITHOT LINING 1133 3 16104 LINING REVERSE BANDONE PAIR 1lu3 4 H100 RIVET REVERSE BAND LIING 12104 1 16187 DIPSTICK ASSEMBLYTO SERIAL 6A1 114 2 16216 DIPSTICK ASSEMBlYFRO SERIAL Al 11J4 3 16190 ANDLE DIPSTICKTO SERIAL 6AINlA 1liJ4 4 1621 fANCLE CIFSTICKFRO SERIAL 6Al 1104 5 16188 ROD DIPSTICKTO SERIAL 6AINlA 1la4 6 16238 RCD OIFSTICKFRO SERIAL 6Al 1IJ4 7 16129 CRING DIPSTICK 1lu4 8 16192 CLLAR DIPSTICKTO SRIAL 6Al 11J4 9 16IB9 OECAL DIPSTICKTO SERIAL 6Al 11u410 16191 ElSt1ING DIFSTICKTO SRIAL 6AlNLA 1lU5 14889 lUBE DIPSTICK 116 1621 COUPLING GEAR HALF 1110 16147 BALL DETENTTO SERAL 6Al 1111 16148 SFRIG DETENTTO SERIAL 6Al 1112 14888 SEAL DETENT CAPSCRWTO SERIAL 6Al 1113 16121 ASKET tClJSINGGEAR 1115 16199 SPRING RELIEF VALVE OLD DOWN 1116 162tll RING VALVE 1117 16149 RING RELIEF VALVE 1118 16109 FIN RELIEF VALVE 1119 1610S PLUG RELIEF VALVE 1120 1610 SPRING RELIEF VALVE 1121 16200 HOUSING RELIEF VALVE 1122 1618 lUBE DISTRIBUTOR 112 3 16126 RING 1l30 11721 GEAR CCPLETE TRASMISSION 1131 23700 COUPLING PROPELLER HALF 138 BCRE 1132 1 16156 SEAL RECUCTION ADA9TER PLATE 38 10 1132 2 33593 SEAL REDUCTION ADAPTER PLATE 12 10 1X36 FOUR 107 wHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION WARNER X37 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION WARNERREF PN NAME REMARKS QUAN 26 1634 SEARING 1 33 16263 COVER VALVE 1 34 16264 GASKET VALVE COVER 1 39 16284 VALVE VALVE AND SPRING ASSEMBLY 1 to 15291 ORI NG 1 42 16309 BREATHER COMPLETE ASSEMBLY 1 44 15299 FLUG DRYSEAL 1 t5 16283 DIPSTICK COMPLETE ASSEMBLY 1 45 15269 SPRING POPPET 1 47 1630ft BALL 1 48 16215 LEVER 1 51 16297 WASHER SHIFT LEVER 1 53 1308 BUSHING 1 5 16216 TUBE OIL RETURN 1 55 16279 STRAINER OIL 1 56 1 16306 HOUSING INCLUDES BUSHINGS 1 56 2 1251 GEAR COMPLETE EXCLUDING REDUCTION UNIT 1 55 15524 GEAR COMPLETE INCLUDING REDUCTION UNIT 1 57 1277 PIN DOWEL 3 58 1302 BUSHING 1 59 16262 SHAFT PINION AND OUTPUT SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1 60 163Ql 8USHING 2 62 16266 WASHER THRUST 1 63 16298 KEY 1 64 16307 GEAR DRIVE GEAR AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1 65 16296 KEY 1 66 16268 HUB FORWARD CLUTCH HUB 1 61 16287 SNA PR I NG 1 68 16293 RING SEALING 2 69 16261 GEAR 1 71 15258 PLATE CLUTCH PRSSURE PLATE 1 72 16282 rASHER THRUST 1 73 16278 SPRING PRESSURE PLATE 12 14 16280 BAFFLE 1 15 16257 PLATE CLUTCH INNER PLATE ASSEMBLY 3 76 16254 PLATE CLUTCH 2 17 16260 FLATE CLUTCH PRESSURE PLATE 1 18 1299 SNAPRING CLUTCH SPING 1 1 15252 SPRING CLUTCH 1 80 16255 RING CLUTCH SPRING BEARING 1 81 1256 RIlG CLUTCH 1 82 16270 PISTON FORWARD CLUTCH 1 83 16259 RING SEALING 1 84 16273 CYLINDER fORIJARD CLUTCH 1 85 16265 WASHER THRUST 1 85 15303 BEARING 1 87 16288 SNAPRING 1 88 16286 SNA PR I NG 8 15294 SNAPRING 1 1 90 16285 FLATE REVERSE CLUTCH PLATE ASSEMBLY 1X38 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION ARNER X39 FOUR 101 WHALEBOAT SPEC TRANSMISSION WARNEREF N NAME REMARKS QJAJ 92 1274 PLATE REVERSE CLUTCH PRSSURE PLATE 1 93 16261 PISTON REVERSE CLUTCH PISTON 1 94 16292 RING SEALING 1 95 16295 BEARING NEEDLE 1 96 16290 RING SEALING 1 97 12B1 GASKET CASE TO ADAPTER 1 99 16305 ADAPTER 1103 16253 GASKET PUMP 1Ull 1211 PUMP COMPLETE ASSEM8LY 1105 1212 SEA L 1 X40 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC REDUCTION UNIT SNOW NABSTEOTr J 6 7I 10 12 19 DIA BORE 18 17 V 22 DWG NO 15706 X41 FOUR 107 WHALEBOAT SPEC REDUCTION UNIT SNOW NABSTEDTREF PN AME REMARKS QUAN 1 15518 SCRE IJ ADAPTER TO TRANSMISSION 6 2 15506 ADAPTER REDUCTION HOUSING TO TRANSMISSION 1 3 1550 GASKET REDUCTION HOUSING TO ADAPTER 1 15508 OUSING REDUCTION 1 5 1 15515 SHI M 005 1 6 2 15516 SHIM 001 1 s 15517 SHIM 020 1 7 15522 BEARING TOP HALF 2 8 15511 PINION 1 9 15512 COVER REAR TOP 1 10 15521 BEARING BOTTOM HALF 2 11 15523 SEAL 1 12 15510 COUPLINS TRANSMISSIO HALF325 IN BOLT CIRCLE 1 13 1551 NUT COUPLING TO GEAR ASSEMBLY 1 1 1552 I SCREW REAR BOTTOM COVER TO HOUSING 15 15509 COVER REAR30TTOM 1 17 15513 GEAR GEAR AND SHAFT ASSEMBLY 1 18 155Q5 STUD ADAPTER TO TRANSMISSION 2 1 15507 GASKET ADAPTER TO TRANSMISSION 1 20 11653 COUPLING PROPELLER HALF1 38 BORE325 IN BC 1 21 15519 PIN HOUSING TO ADAPTER 1 22 1 1552 GEAR COMPLETE INCLUDING REDUCTION UNIT 1 22 2 15525 REDUCTION COMPLETE EXCLUDING TRANSMISSION 1WESTERBEKE MODEL 14088 SPEC B WHALEBOAT ENGINE SPEC B INTRODUCED IN OCTOBER 1985 RELOCATES OR MODIFIES THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS IN ORDER TO REDUCE ENGINE OVERALL WIDTH AND LENGTH MOUNTING RAILS LUBE OIL FILTER BLOCK HEATER AND ALTERNATOR THE ILLUSTRATION AND PARTSLIST FOLLOWING IDENTIFY NEW PARTS CREATED BY SPEC B FOR SERVICE PURPOSES J H WESTERBEKE CORP AVON DUSTRIAl PARle AVON AlASS 023tl2 S171 5 7700 C8E WEreOIlP AlIOIITE JC 92 WESTERBEKE MODEL 14088 SPEC B WHALEBOAT ENGINE WESTERBEKE MODEL 14088 SPEC B WHALEBOAT ENGINEREF PN NAME REMARKS QUAN 1 35331 STRAP RIGHT FILTER BRACKET SUPPORT 1 2 35318 BRACKET LUBE OIL FILTER 1 3 35321 STRAP LEFT FILTER BRACKET SUPPORT 1 4 11613 FILTER LUBE OIL 1 5 13335 ELBOW COMPRESSION 4 6 35324 LINE BLOCK OIL ADAPTER TO FILTER 1 7 21516 HOSE WIRE I NSERTED INCHES REQU I RED 26 8 11341 CLAMP HOSE 8 4 9 21911 HEATER WATER JACKET 1 10 35393 HEATER WATER JACKETREMOTE THERMOSTAT 1 11 35322 BRACKET HEATER 1 12 1 31555 CAPSCREW 516NC X 1 2 12 2 31759 WASHER FLAT 516 2 12 3 31758 LOCKWASHER 516 2 12 4 31756 NUT 516NC 2 13 13256 MOUNT REAR RIGHT 1 14 33766 NIPPLE REDUCER 38NPT TO 14NPT 1 15 11723 TEE 38NPT 1 16 11471 PETCOCK 2 17 13717 BUSHING REDUCER 38NPT TO 18NPT 2 18 13338 ELBOW 38NPT STREET 90 1 19 13519 NIPPLE HOSE 2 20 35320 RAIL RIGHT 1 21 13099 MOUNT FRONT RIGHT 1 22 13760 CLAMP SUPPORT HEATER HOSE 1 23 21516 HOSE WIRE NSERTEDINCHES REQUIRED 30 24 33765 NIPPLE 12NPT CLOSE 1 25 11651 TEE 12NPT X 38NPT X 38NPT 1 26 24117 BRACKET SUPPORT OIL LINE 1 27 17298 CLAMP 1 28 13257 MOUNT REAR LEFT 1 29 1 31605 CAPSCREW 38NC X 1 4 29 2 31764 LOCKWASHER 38 4 29 3 31762 NUT 38NC 4 30 35319 RAIL LEFT 1 31 1 31655 CAPSCREW 716NC X 1 4 31 2 31770 LOCKWASHER 716 4 32 13100 MOUNT FRONT LEFT 1 33 1 31681 CAPS CREW 716NF X 114 4 33 2 31770 LOCKWASHER 716 4 34 1 13955 ADAPTER OIL LINES TO BLOCK 1 34 2 12669 GASKET ADAPTER TO BLOCK 1 35 1 31681 CAPS CREW 716NF X 114 1 35 2 31770 LOCKWASHER 716 2 35 3 31772 NUT 716NF 1 35 4 12503 STUD 716NF X 1916 11 15 f A 1 fll L FI t v 47 WESTERBEKE MODEL 14088 SPEC B WHALEBOAT ENGINEREF PN NAME REMARKS QUAN NOTE ALL REFERENCES ARE TO NAVSEA MANUAL 09410148013 WITH CHANGE 3 PAGE X1719 DELETE THE FOLLOWING REF 25 13969 LINE OIL ADAPTER TO FILTER 1 48 14079 LINE OIL FILTER TO COOLER 1 58 11119 BRACKET OIL FILTER 1 60 11121 STUD 3 PAGE X29 DELETE THE FOLLOWING REF 22 12103 RAIL LEFT 1 29 12131 BRACKET BILGE PUMP 1 33 13101 RAIL RIGHT 1 PAGE X17 CHANGE THE FOLLOWING REF TO 19 21516 HOSE WIRE I NSERTED INCHES REQU I RED 8 PAGE X23 CHANGE THE FOLLOWING REF TO 1 35304 SUMP 34UNF DRAIN PLUGFROM AUG 85 1 2 35305 PLUG SUMP DRAIN 34UNF 1 J 11 35306 WASHER SUMP DRAIN PLUG 35305 1 PAGE X27 CHANGE THE FOLLOWING REF TO 3 35323 ALTERNATOR 35AMP24VDCNEG GNDSPEC B 1 13 35338 STRAP ALTERNATOR ADJUSTINGSPEC B 1 PAGE X34 CHANGE THE FOLLOWING REF TO131 34546 COUPLING PROPELLER HALF 1 IN BORE 1

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