Universal Atomic 4 Operator
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ATOMIC 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NUMBER 200156jJ WESTERBEKE MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 ATOMIC 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NUMBER 200156jJ WESTERBEKE MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 INSTALLATION OPERATION and MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS for UNIVERSAL MARINE ENGINES BLUE JACKET TWIN ATOMIC FOUR UTILITY FOUR SUPERFOUR UNIMITE FOUR ARROW SIX BLUEFIN SIX MARLIN SIX TARPON SIX KNIGHT SIX LITTLE KING V8 and BIG KING V8 MODELS MARINE ENGINE WARRANTYSELLER WARRANTS ALL PRODUCTS AND PARTS OF ITS O MANUFACTURE AGAINSTDEFECTS IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE 1 YEAR FROMDATE OF SHIPMENT WHEN GIVEN NORMAL AND PROPER USAGE AS DETERMINED BYSELLER UPON EXAMINATION AND WHEN OWNED BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASED BY SELLER AS COMPLETE UNITS AND USED AS AN INTEGRALPART OF SELLERS EQUIPMENT WILL BE COVERED BY THE STANDARD WARRANTY OFTHE MANUFACTURE THEREOF SELLER WILL REPAIR OR REPLACE FOB POINT BUT NOT INSTALL ANY PART OR PARTS OF ITS IN ITS JUDGMENT SHALL DISCLOSE DEFECTS IN EITHER MATERIAL ORWORKMANSHIP IF REQUESTED BY SELLER PARTS FOR WHICH A WARRANTY CLAIMIS MADE ARE TO BE RETURNED TRANSPORTATION PREPAID TO OUR FACTORYTHIS WARRANTY BECOMES VOID IF ARTICLE CLAIMED TO BE DEFECTIVE HAS BEENREPAIRED OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY OR WHEN THE ARTICLE HAS BEEN SUBJECTTO MISUSE NEGLIGENCE OR ACCIDENT OR WHEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLINGOR OPERATING HAS BEEN DISREGARDED WE MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESSOR IMPLIED AND MAKE NO WARRANTY OF OR OF FITNESS FORANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYONDTHE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF NO EMPLOYEE OR REPRESENTATIVE ISAUTHORIZED TO CHANGE THIS WARRANTY IN ANY WAY OR GRANT ANY OTHER WARRANTYTHE REMEDIES HEREINABOVE AFFORDED TO THE PURCHASER ARE EXCLUSIVE OFALL OTHER REMEDIES PROVIDED BY LAW SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FORINDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHERE THE LOSS SUSTAINED IS OF ACOMMERCIAL NATUREPRODUCT MANUFACTURER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTS AT ANYTIME WITHOUT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY OR OBLIGATION TO MAKE SIMILAR CHANGESOR ADD SIMILAR IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ENGINES DELIVERED PRIOR TO WITH EACH ENGINE IS A WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD THIS CARDMUST CONTAIN THE OWNERS NAME ADDRESS SERIAL NUMBER OF THE ENGINEVDRIVE AND REVERSE GEARS AND RETURNED TO MEDALIST BEFORE THE EFFECTIVE THIS WARRANTY REGISTRATION MUST TAKE PLACE WITHIN24 HOURS AFTER RECEIPT OF THE ENGINEWARRANTY EXCLUSIONSTHE FOLLOWING SERVICES AND EQUIPMENTS WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED UNDERTHE WARRANTY 1 REPAIRS DUE TO NEGLECT MISUSE IMPROPER APPLICATION ACCIDENT RACING AND INSTALLATIONS THAT DO NOT MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2 TUNEUP OR ADJUSTMENT EXPENSES NEEDED FOR CLEANING OF FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS DUE TO CONTAMINATION 3 DAMAGE OR LOSS TO PERSONAL PROPERTY LOSS OF REVENUE TOWING CHARGES STORAGE FEES FUEL AND TELEPHONE CALLS 4 DAMAGES OR LOSSES RELATED TO HANDLING AND SHIPPING 5 EXPENSES RELATED TO REPLACEMENT OF LUBRICANTS ANTIFREEZE OR SPECIAL ADDITIVES 6 FAILURE DUE TO NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES 7 ALL TRANSPORTATION CHPGES WILL BE THE OBLIGATION OF THE OWNER SUCH AS FREIGHT TRAVEL TIME AND TOLLS 8 WARRANTY ITEMS RETURNED TO THE FACTORY COLLECT WILL BE BILLED TO THE AUTHORIZATION IS REQUIRED FROM THE FACTORY ERE COMPLETE REPLACEMENT OR OVERHAULING OF THE FOLLOWING IS NECESSARY 1 COMPLETE ENGINE ASSEMBLY 2 CYLINDER HEADS OR ENGINE BLOCK 3 IINE REVERSE GEAR OR VDRIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I GENERAL Title 1 Introduction 1 2 Factory Preparation for Shipment 1 3 Treatment of Engine on Arrival 1 4 Engine Rotation 2 5 Engine Identification 2 SECTION II INSTALLATION 1 Preparation for Installation 4 2 Installing the Propeller Shaft 5 3 Installing Engine Stringers and Beds 7 4 Aligning the Engine 8 5 Exhaust Piping 9 6 Cooling Water System 9 7 Thrmostat and ByPass Valve 10 8 Fuel System 11 9 Electrical System 12 10 Finishing the Job 12 11 VDrive Installation 13 12 Special Equipment 16 13 Engine Scale Drawings 21 SECTION III OPERATION 1 Preliminary Checks 33 2 Starting Electric Starting Models 33 i TABLE OF CONTENTS ContParagraph Title 3 Stopping Engine 4 BreakIn 5 Starting Magneto Models 6 Starting FUel OilKerosene Models 34 7 Operation of Standard Reversing Gear 36 8 Operation of Hydraulic Reversing Gear 6 9 Cold Weather Operation J7 10 Preparing Engine for Storage 37 SECTION IV THEORY OF OPERATION 1 General Theory of Operation 38 2 Theory of Ignition Systems 38 3 Lubrication System 39 4 Fuel System 5 Cooling System 41 6 Reversing Gears 41 7 Reduction Gears 42 SECTION V PERIODIC SERVICE 1 General 43 2 Preoperational Check 43 3 Fifty Hour Cbeck 44 4 One HUndred Hour Check 44 5 One Hundred Fifty Hour Cbeck 44 6 Twice a Season Cbeck 44 7 Once a Season Check 44 8 Three Thousand Hour Check 45 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Cont SECTION VI Title Page 1 Distributor Maintenance 45 2 Timing Procedure 46 3 General Maintenance 47 4 starter Maintenance 48 5 Magneto Maintenance 49 6 Carburetor mintenance 50 7 Valve appet Adjustment 54 8 Reversing Gear Adjustment Joes Models 54 9 Reversing Gear Adjustment Paragon Manual 54 10 Reversing Gear Adjustment Paragon Hydraulic 55 11 StaNuTral Manual Transmission 56 12 Oil Pressure Regulator Adjustment 56 13 Spark Plug Maintenance 57 14 Fuel Pump Maintenance 58 15 Maintenance of VDrive Units 59 16 Repair Parts Kit 60 SECTION VII TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble Shooting Procedures 60 SECTION VIII REPAIR 1 Major Repairs 64 2 Conclusion 64 SECTION IX INDEX Index iii LIST OF Description Page1 Location of Underwater Gear 42 Method of Locating Shaft Hole 53 Shaft Log 54 Method of Drilling Shaft Hole 65 Photo of Drilling Operation 66 Photo of Engine Stringers 77 Engine Bed Construction 78 Photo of Exhaust Piping 99 Method of Cooling Water Discharge 910 Suggested Battery Installation 911 Methods of Engine Temperature Control 1012 Typical Shaft Location 1313 Wedge Sizes 1314 Drill Block Details 1415 Typical Bed Stringer and Steering SetUp 1416 Typical VDrive Layout 1517 Photo of Typical VDrive Installation 1518 Photo of 3Unit Instrument Panel 1719 5Unit Instrument Panel 1720 Wiring Diagram 3Unit Panel 1821 Wiring Diagram 5Unit fanel 1922 Wiring Diagram Std 12 Volt and 12 Volt 24 Amp 2023 59 Installation Drawings 21 32 iV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ContFigNo Description60 Distributor Body 4561 Sanding Distributor Brushes 4762 Bendix Drive 4963 Magneto American Bosch 4964 Magneto FairbanksMorse 5065 Carburetor 63M and 263M Series 5266 Carburetor 61M Series 5268 Carburetor Adjustments 5369 Carburetor Adjustments 5370 Valve Tappet Adjustment 5471 Reverse Gear Adjustment Joes Model 5572 Reverse Gear Cam Adjustment Joes Model 5573 StaNuTral Reverse Gear 5674 Reverse Gear Adjustment Paragon 5775 Oil Pressure Regulator Adjustment 5776 Oil Pressure Regulator Adjustment 5777 Fuel Pump 59 v LI ST OF TABLESTableNo Description1 General Engine Data 32 Installation Data 163 Electric System Wire Sizes 174 Lubrication Requirement Data 355 Fuel Oil Specifications 366 Trouble Shooting Procedures 607 Valve and Piston Data 658 Torque Vrench Tensions 659 Bearing Data 6510 Spark Plug Data 5811 Valve Timing 65 vi SECT ION I GENERAL INFORMATION1 INTRODUCTION d Every modern facility is employed in building these marine enginesThis instruction book gives general Yet metals will wear and as for the installation goes on certain adjustments willoperation and maintenance of all cur be necessary It is tberefore therent production models of UNIVERSAL purpose of this book to show you theand former NORSEMAll models listed on wby and bow of operation andtitle page Instructions througbout maintenance A reasonable amount ofthe book generally pertain to all of care will assure your complete sathe models listed When specific occur the model or models to which the instructions per 2 FACTORY PREPARATION FOR SHIPlliNTtain will be referred to directly a Each Universal built engine isa Marine engine requirements differ run on its own power from idle speedradically from those of the automo to full throttle Each is checkedbile This fact was recognized as for oil leaks water leaks oilfar back as 1898 when the founders pressure and all otber conditionsof the Universal Motor Company con which will assure the engine operaceived and built the first 100 ting satisfactorily when engine Through tbe years as All adjustments are made during testmodel after model was designed ex and are undisturbed when the for marine service im is and refinements bave added Today Universal b Runin lubricating oil is drainedis tbe worlds largest builder of from the oil pan all openings sealed100 Mar ine Engines and the engine painted with special marine paintb To provide for the more severeservice that mar ine engines encounter c Special rust preventive oilin use Universal has pioneered many drawn into the engine through These include larger spark plug openings gives a rustwater jackets with water supplied resisting coating to valves pistonsto all cylinders in equal quantities and cylinder walls This preventsand at even temperature water jacket corrosion within the engine durincleanout plate corros ionres istant shipment and storagemetals builtin not attached reverse and reduction gears oil d Heavy frame shipping skids andcoolers and geartype water pumps crates insure the customer receivingof noncorroding construction the engine in excellent condition and ready for installation andc Universal engines have many ex features not found in othermarine engines features you will 3 TREATMENT OF ENGINE ON ARRIVALcome to appreciate more and more asyou become familiar and experienced Before installing a new enginewi th your Universal Each one is de make a complete inspection of thesigned to assure long dependable engine for damaged or loose partsand economical service afloat New gaskets tend to compress so it is wise to check all accessible 1 nuts and bolts for tigbtness Theis wise to check all accessible use left hand propellers Oppositenuts and bolts for tightness The rotation engines are available invarious tags and decals attached to all of the six and eight cylinderthe engine contain important informa series and in every case utilize at ion which should be carefully noted left hand propeller4 ENGINE ROTATION 5 ENGINE designated as standard Each engine bears a name platerotation use a right hand propeller indicating the engine model desigin all types and gear ratios with nation and the individual enginesonly two exceptions and these are serial number The combination ofthe reduction gear models of the the model designation and the serUtility Four and SuperFour series ial number constitutes positiveThese two models utilize external identification of the engine Ittype reduction gears which change is therefore very essential thatthe rotation and they therefore you use this identification every time you request information about your engine or order parts 2 Table 1 GENERAL DATA No Piston Max Reduction Standard of Disp Engine Gear Propeller Reversing Standard Standard Model HP Cyl Bore Stroke Cu In RPM Ratie Rotat ion Gea1 Ignition CouplingBlue Jacket Twil AFT 12 2 3 312 495 2200 RH Manual Magneto 78 AFTL 12 2 3 312 495 2200 RH Manual 6 V Elec 78Atomic Four UJ 30 4 2916 318 646 3500 RH RH Manual Manual 6 V Elec 6 V Elec 78 UJR 30 4 2916 318 6446 3500 21 118 UJVD 30 4 2916 318 6446 3500 1 1 129 1 ilH Manual 6 V Elec 78 1 r 1 67 12 1 Ut i l i ty Four BN 25 4 234 4 95 2200 RH Manual 6 V Elec 78 BNM 25 4 23 4 4 95 2200 2281 RH LH Manual Manual Magneto 6 V Elec 78 118 BNR 25 4 23 4 4 95 2200 BNMR 25 4 234 4 95 2200 2281 LH Manual Magneto 118Unimite Four HF 70 4 314 414 141 3500 RH RH Manual Manual 6 V Elec 6 V Elec 1 11411 HFR 70 4 314 414 141 3500 21 HFVD 70 1 314 414 141 3500 111291 RH Manual 6 V Elec 78 1 LSG 55 4 314 412 1493 3000 RH LH Manual Manual 6 V Elec 6 V Elec 1 LSGR 55 4 31411 412 1493 3000 2281 138Arrow 230 100 6 3716 418 230 3200 1881 RH RH Manual Manual 12 12 V V Elec Elee 1 118 231 100 6 3716 418 230 3200 232 100 6 3716 418 230 3200 2441 RH Manual 12 V Elee 114 233 100 6 3716 418 230 3200 3321 RH Manual 12 V Elee 138 234 100 6 3716 418 230 3200 412 1 RH Manual 12 V Elee 112Bluefin SY230 SY231 113 113 6 6 3716 418 230 3716 418 230 3500 3500 15 1 RH RH Manual Manual 12 12 V V Elee Elee 1 118 SY232 113 6 3716 418 230 3500 21 RH Manual 12 V Elec 1114 SY230P SY231P 113 113 6 6 3716 418 230 3716 418 230 3500 3500 151 RH RH Hydraulic Hydraulic 12 12 V V Elec Elec 1 118 SY232P 113 6 3716 418 230 3500 21 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elec 114 VSY230P 113 6 3716 418 230 3500 11151 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elee 1 to 114 21Marlin 320 110 6 4 414 320 2500 RH RH Manual Manual 12 12 V V Elec Elee 118 321 110 6 4 414 320 2500 1881 114 322 110 6 4 414 320 2500 2441 RH Manual 12 V Elec 138 323 110 6 4 414 320 2500 3321 RH Manual 12 V Elec 134 324 110 6 4 414 320 2500 4121 RH Manual 12 V Elec 2Tarpon Y330 140 6 4 414 320 3000 RH Manual 12 V Elee 118 Y330P 140 6 4 414 320 3000 RH RH Hydraulic Hydraulic 12 12 V V Elec Elee 118 114 Y331P 140 6 4 414 320 3000 15 1 Y332P 140 6 4 414 320 3000 21 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elee 138 Y333P 140 6 4 414 320 3000 25 1 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elec 112 330 331 140 140 6 6 4 4 414 414 320 320 3000 3000 188 1 RH RH Manual Manual 12 12 V V Elee Elec 114 138 332 140 6 4 414 320 3000 2441 RH Manual 12 V Elec 112 333 140 6 4 414 320 3000 3321 RH Manual 12 V Elee 13 4 334 140 6 4 414 320 3000 412 1 RH Manual 12 V Elee 2Knight Y350 Y350P 165 165 6 6 4 4 412 340 412 340 3300 3300 RH RH Manual Hydraulic 12 12 V V Elec Elec 118 118 Y351P 165 6 4 412 340 3300 151 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elce 112 Y352P 165 6 4 412 340 3300 21 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elec 112 Y353P 165 6 4 412 340 3300 251 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elec 134 350 165 6 4 412 340 3300 RH Manual 12 V Elec 114 351 165 6 4 412 340 3300 1881 RH Manual 12 V Elee 112 352 165 6 4 412 340 3300 2441 RH Manual 12 V Elee 13 4 353 165 6 4 412 340 3300 3321 RH Manual 12 V Elec 2 354 165 6 4 412 340 3300 4121 RH Manual 12 V Elec 214Little King LEV 188 188 V8 v8 378 3 283 4000 4000 RH RH Manual Manual 12 12 V V Elee Elee 1 114 LEV15 378 3 283 151 LEV20 188 v8 378 3 283 4000 21 RH Manual 12 V Elee 114 LEV25 188 va 378 3 283 4000 251 RH Manual 12 V Elee 114 LEVH LEVH15 188 188 v8 v8 378 378 3 3 283 283 4000 4000 15 1 RH RH Hydraulic Hydraulic 12 12 V V Elee Elee 1 114 LEVH20 188 v8 378 3 283 4000 21 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elee 114 LEVH25 188 v8 37i8 3 283 4000 25 1 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elee 114Big King NXEV 277 v8 43 37 430 4000 RH Hydraulic 12 V Elee Hydraulic 12 V Elee 114 NKEV25 277 v8 43 37 430 4000 251 RH 112 3 SECT ION II INSTALLATION1 PREPARING FOR INSTALLATION moving the rudder is more satisfac tory It is of course also necesRemember that as much of the work sary to know the exact location ofof installing an engine takes place tbe engine and tbe and around the boat as inside recommended maximum and mInImumProvide plenty of room Remember angles of engine operationtoo that the boat and the engineamount to a considerable weight and If full scale drawings of the boatall blocking must be strong enough are available locating tbe sbaftto support this weight plus that of bole and establishing the angle isthe people working in the boat simple It is only necessary to lay down a fullsized profile in someAs the first step shore up the boat convenient spot and place over thisuntil tbe bull is approximately drawing fullsize cutouts of thethree feet off tbe floor For most enginerudder and propeller in theirsmall boats a threepoint suspen proper places Tbe cutout for thesion will be sufficient Blocking propeller need only be an oblong ofshould be placed about six feet cardboard with tbe center carefullyabaft tbe bow and at each corner of marked Tbe length sbould equal tbethe transom Tbis type of blocking diameter and tbe widtb tbe pitcbwill give adequate support and at divided by tbe number of blades Forthe same time leave tbe stern sec example a 12 x 12 propeller wouldtion free of obstruction On larger be represented by a piece 12 longboatsextra blocking sbould be used and 4 wide for a threeblade propalong tbe keel and 6 wide for a twoblade Tbe engine cutout should be a fairlyTbe next step in tbe procedure is accurate reproduction of the tbe location and angle balf of the engine with the sbaftof the shaft hole A number of centerline clearly marked Thisthings must be considered before sbould be drawn witb care on a largetbis can be establisbedSee Figl piece of paper using tbe dimensions given on tbe engine scale drawingThe width of tbe rudder size ofthe propeller and the clearance With the rudder and propeller facbetween the propeller and tbe bot similes in place and proper cleartom of the boat minimum 2 ance accounted for the cutout ofClearance between tbe rudder and tbe engine is then moved about untbe propeller sbould not be less til tbe centerline of tbe shafttban 4 and room to allow removal lines up with tbe centerline of tbeof the propeller witbout first re propeller and tbe spot and angle wbere this line passes througb tbe keel carefully noted The position of tbe engine is then carefully cbecked to be sure there is suffi cient clearane between it and tbe bottom of tbe boat and tbat tbe angle of tbe engine does not exceed tbe Figl Location recommended operating angle 5 to of Underwater Gear 14 degrees in most engines The 4 A justed to obtain proper propeller clearances and crankcase and fly wheel clearance for the engine When the position of the string has been accurately determined the place it passes each of the sticks is care fully marked and the jig placed back in the boat It is then a simple matter to lay a straightedge along c these marks 123 on Fig2 to the I bottom of the boat which will give the position and angle of the shaft hole prNOFNtIGN 6Wr 2 INSTALLING THE PROPELLER SHAFT A wedge is now constructed whichFig2 Method of Locating Sbaft Hole will fit between the keel and the inboard shaft log This wedge mayengine must be lined up eitber by be fashioned from any hardwood butraising or lowering it or changing mabogany is recommended since it isthe angle Do not move the from its locationIf full scale drawings of the boatare not available another simplemethod of locating this spot is tolay a length of 1 x 4 lumber fromthe center of the transom forward to aspot well beyond the determined engine 10cationSee Fig2 Temporar i ly prop this str ip A in place soit is roughly parallel to the keel Fig 3 Shaft LogTo thisand at a right angle to itnail another strip B at the point easy to work with and is an excelwhere the flywheel of the engine lent marine material This wedgewill be located Fasten a second should be as wide and as long as thestrip C so that it passes outside shaft log to be used and cut at anthe stern follows the angle of the angle corresponding with the anglestern and projects at least three of the shaft hole minus the anglefeet below the bottom of the boat of the shaft log See Fig3 TheNarrow strips are nou fastened to thickness of the wedge will varythe top strip approximately every with the angle but the thin edgefoot along its length and at right should be approximately 12 inchangles to it so that the ends of thick In some cases the width ofthe sticks just touch the bottom of wedge may exceed the width of thethe boat This jig which actually keel since it must be as wide as theis a full sized pattern of the in shaft logs ide of the boat can now be removedand laid flat on the floor In this event the underside of the wedge should be shaped to fit theA string is then stretched from the keel and tbeedges shaped to fitboard which represents the transom alongside the keel and fit the hullto the one represent ing the locat ion as snugly as possible The wedgeof the fl1heel The string is ad should also be notched out to fit 5any ribs which might interfere The A drill 18 inch larger than thewedge is then screwed into position shaft diameter should be used toover the locat ion of the shaft hole provide PI opel clearance Any typeUse a good grade bedding compound of drill may be used which willbetween the wedge and the keel and drill a clean hole and has a shankfasten securely to the keel with long enough to pass through the twoscrews being careful to place these blocks and the keel A standard carscreTs where they will not interfere penters auger is not the shaft log mounting screws since the wore tends to follow the grain end using it may result in a wandering hole If a drill cannot be found with a sufficiently long shankit can be extended by welding on a stee 1 I ad llen the dr i 11 has passed completely through the keel and the bottom block it can be re IEL moved and the two temporary drilling blocks unscrewed from the boat Now lay the shaft log on the wedge and over the shaft hole In some cases it will be necessary to chiselFig4 Method of Drilling Shaft Hole out the wedge to conform to the bot tom of the shaft log Make thisAfter the wedge is in place pre notch slight ly larger than necessarypare for the drilling of the shaft to allow for later Preparation for this step a gasket from 116 rubber or 132consists of the construction of two gasket mat er ial and place it blocks which will act as the shaft log and wedgeguides in getting the shaft holestarted properly and keeping theangle of drilling fairly accurateThese blocks should be of hardwood maple or oakwi 11 do They should be approximately2 thick 5 wide and 10 longOne of these blocks See Fig 4and 5 is fastened to the insideof the boat so that the center ofthe block lines up the position of the shaft Fig5 Photo of Drilling Operationhole and th9 other is fastened tothe bottom of the boat at the ap Insert the propeller shaft in theproximate position the hole will shaft hole and uith the shaft logemerge The face of the block fas over the hole position the shafttened to the inside of the boat is log so that the propeller shaft iscut so as to be at right angles to approximately in the center of thethe drilling angle In order to halo in the shaft log Coat bothkeep the drilling angle accurate sides of the shaft log gasket witha guide block can be fastened 3 a good marine sealer and fasten theto 6 from this starting block A shaft log in place with screws longnotch cut in this block to fit the enough to pass through the wedgeshank of the drill will support the and well into the keeldrill at the proper angle SeeFig 5 Next slip the shaft strut over the 6shaft and move it along the pro gine beds They should rest firmlypeller shaft with the base pressed on the hull ribs and be against the keel until the at intervals by notching into 2 byshaft is approximately in the center 8 members Lunning at right anglesof the bear ing hole Screw the strut to them d braces and stringersto the keel at this point but do not lFTtighten down Using small woodenwedges center the propeller shaftin the shaft hole Make final ad ENG N fll4fr CENTR TO JlANGER of the strut and tightenits holddown screws and angle ad INLINE PANGERSjusting nuts securely3 INSTALLING ENGINE STRINGERS AND EtJu1tJE JHAf r CEtJ TER 1 J tJlTAIVCE BEDS t IFT TO IIANGER fiEngine stringers should now be in PlfTANC 80 stalled See Fig6 These longitudinal members should run at least OFF5ET the length of the hulland to them the engine bed will befastened In most modern hulls Fig7 Engine Bed members will be included inthe hull plans and usually will be should be driftbolted togetherplaced to take an engine with 22 These crossbraces should conformmount ing centers If these str ingers to the shape of the hull and those that will be under the engine must be cut to fit the contour of the underside of the engine The next step is the construction of the engine bed See Fig 7 These are pieces of 2 hardwood 8 n to 10 longer than the length of the engine The width of the mate rial needed will depend on the angle at which the engine is to be mounted the depth of the engine below the shaft line and the type of engine hanger that is whether the han gers are parallel to the shaft line or offset in height The height of these engine beds is easily deter mined by removing the propeller shaft and stretching a string Fig6 Photo of Engine Stringers through the strut shaft hole and stuffing box and fastening it to aare not in place they should be piece of stock tacked of 8 by 2 oak or in place somewhat forward of themaple and should run from the tran engine locationsom to at least three feet forwardof the engine location The dis A piece of engine bed material istance between them should be the then placed on edge alongside thedistance between mounting centers string in the position here theof the engine plus one thickness engine is to be mounted It is thenof the material to be used for en a simple matter to measure down 7from the string which represents tightened Use washers under allthe center of the shaft to the nuts The position of the engineposition of the hangers using the holddown bolts is now marked onfigures given on the engine scale the top surface of the engine bedsdrawing If the mounting lugs are In some cases it will be to the centerline of the to drill these holes without disshaft the top of the engine beds turbing the engine in others theare then simply cut at the same an engine must be removed Drill thesegle as the string and below it the holes us ing a dr ill 18 inch of the mounting lugs If than the lag screws to be used forthe forward and rear mounting lugs fastening the engine in placeare offset the top of the engine lag screws whichbed is cut in steps at the angle of will project three inches into thethe string with the distance from engine beds will be sufficientthe str ing to the top of each equal Insert the engine holddown boltsing the distance from the centerline with washers under the heads andof the engine to the mounting lugs screw them to within three or four turns of being tightAfter the pattern of the engine bedis completed replace the propeller 4 ALIGNING THE ENGINEshaft and fasten the in place on the shaft The The blocking can now be removed fromengine must now be lifted into the the engine and the engine lined upboat and temporarily blocked in with the propeller shaft The enplace with the propeller coupling gine will be in alignment when thein as close alignment to the coup faces of the two halves of theling half on the propeller shaft as propeller coupling are If the engine is a small within 003 of an inch or less Aone this can be done by fastening feeler gauge is usd checking alla pole securely to the lifting eye around the two faces and shims adon the engine and with two men on ded under the engine hangers untileach end of the pole bodily lifting the two faces are in alignment Ifthe engine in place If the engine no feeler gauge is available fouris large or help is not available narrow str ips of paper can be placedan A I frame wi th a block and tackle between the two faces at four pointscan be used Or the job can be done around the circle Any variation ofby a trucl equipped with a winch alignment can then be felt by theIn any case extreme care must be looseness of anyone of the stripstaken that all hitches used are se Each time a shim is added or removedcure and all tackle of sufficient tighten all holddown bolts and restrength to hold the load A broken check alignment Extra care at thisrope or slipped knot at this point time will payoff in terms of fucould result in a very leaky boat ture performanceand a very discouraged boatman Do not attempt to bring the twoWith the engine securely blocked in faces of the coupling together byplace slide the engine beds in springing the propeller shaft rhenplace under the engine and on the the engine is in perfect of the stringers ihen in bolt the two halves of the couplingplace fasten them temporarily with together and remove the wedges from4C clamps Four 12 holes are around the propeller shaft iththen bored equally spaced along the the engine in neutral the of the engine bed through shaft should turn easily If notthe stringers and bed Onehalf check for tightness in the stuffinginch carriage bolts are then in box or slight misalignment in strutserted in the holes and securely location or angle 8 to direct cooling uater from the engine into the exhaust line In so doing two purposes are served the hot exhaust line is cooled be low the daIlgr point and the 7ater quiets the haust In this type of ENGINE installation two precautions must ENlJ be oTJserved First the Jater must enter the exhaust no less than 5 belm the bottoD of the manifold opening and some provision oust be made to direct the flm of tlater away from the manifold Tbese pro visions are necessary to preventWith engine installed and properly cooling water from backing up intoaligned it must now be suppliedwith fuel 1ater and and provisions made for exhaust now these elements are tobe installed will depend to someextent on the model of engine beingused location of the gas tank location of the instrument panel andpersonal preference as to side orstern exhaust In any case thesethings should be installed in aworkmanlike manner and certain goodpractices adhered to Fig 9 Hethod of Cooling ater Discharge5 EXHAUST PIPIKGExhaust piping should be at least the exhaust manifold and perhapsa large as the opening on the ex warping the hot exhaust valveshaust mpnifold Either copper tubingor galv2nized pipe may be used If There are several types of water cooled elbows on the market 7hicb t7ill serve both of the above pur pose nd are worth their cost in labor of fabricating a substitute Hm1ever a subst i tute can be made by welding a steel elbow into the exhaust line at least 4 bel07 the exhaust oanifold in such a TrfY that the uater 7i 11 be directed avray from the anifold See Fig 9 6 COOLIhG rATER SYSTEM Fig 8 Photo of Exhaust Piping piping can best be done with 1Taterelbows are necessary in the 1 ine standard copper tubing Again athey should never exceed 45 degrees short piece of flexible hose shouldA short piece of steam hose See be used between the intake pipingFig 8 placed in the exhaust line and the engine The water intakeclose to the engine will help quiet scoop should be located as close tothe exhaust and prevent fracture of the water intake on the engine asexhaust line due to vibration of installation permits Some enginesthe engine It is common practice are equipped with reversing and re 9 Installation of the water scoop is a simple process A 3 square by 34 thick block is fastened to tbe inside of tbe bottom of tbe bull witb four wood screws and set in bedding compound A bole is then drilled tbrougb the block and bull the same diameter as the outside dicnsion of tbe water scoop pipe The scoop pipe is then inserted in tbe hle from tbe bottom of tbe bull and fastened in place A seal ing compound is placed around the pipe on the inside and tbe locknutFigIO Suggested Battery Installation tightenedduct ion gears tbat are also water 7 THERfOSTAT AND BYPASS VALVEcooled in wbicb case tbe manufac Host often engines are installedturer recommends tbat tbe cooling witb water piping that simply dravlswater enter at tbis point and be water to tbe pump directly from thepiped from tbere to tbe engine sea circulates it through the en gine and discbarges it all over board In tbis type of system en gine temperature is determined by the temperature of the incoming water pump capacity and the degree WATER OUTLET TO TO SUCTION SIDE OF WATER PUMP BYPASS LINE HULL RETURN CONNECTION BELOW WATERLINE BE Fig 11 Methods of Engine Temperature Control 10of restriction to flow offered by the valvethe piping It is quite common tofind engine operating temperatures On installations using the handas low as 90 0 F in these installa control valve water should be notedt ions We do not recommend this type issuing from the exhaust pipe soonsystem because the usually low oper after the engine is started A lackating temperature is conducive to of water indicates the pump has notvalve sticking sludge formation in primed and the engine should bethe crankcase dilution of crank stopped until the source of troublecase oil with cylinder wall conden is foundsation and shortened valve springlife We recommend a nominal opera On installations using a thermostattion temperature of 150 0 F obtained only a trickle of water and somethrough the use of a bypass system times only steam will issue fromas shown in the piping diagrams of the exhaust unt il the engine reachesFig 11 Do not attempt to control operat ing temperature at hich by restricting the flow the thermostat will open to disof water either into the pump or charge more water overboard Theoverboard thermostat is designed to allow a small quantity of water to pass itIn the bypass syetem a quantity of and keep the exhaust pipe cool unwarm water leaving the engine is til the engine reaches back into the pump suction temperature ben start ing a coldline to be recirculated through the engine always keep a close watchengine By varying the amount of on the temperature gauge until itwarm water fed back to the pump the steadies to a constant valueengine temperature can be of water passing through the 8 FUEL SYSTE1fbypass line is accomplished witheither a hand control valve or a A marine type gasoline tank installed as shown in be used in all installations conthe piping diagrams Opening the structed with internal baffle platesvalve wiil divert a larger amount and a filler pipe which goes nearlof warm water back into the engine to the bottom of the tank Should aand raise its operat ing temperature fire occur during the filling ofIf a thermostat is used it will such a tank only that vapor divert nearly all of in the filling tube will burn ancthe warm water leaving the engine this can be snuffed out by placingback to the pump for recirculation something over the neck of the tubewhen the engine is cold When en The gasoline outlet from the tankgine temperature nears 150 0 F the also enters at the top of the tankthermostat will react to decrease and passes down through the tank tothe amount of recirculated water just a short distance off the botand will divert only enough to tom This pipe should be engine temperature at larger in size than that requiredabout 150 0 F by the fuel pump on the the thermostat will give The tank will also have a vent andfaster warm up and closer tempera overflow tube coming off the top ofture control over the engine speed the tank of at least halfinch copperrange than will the hand control tube size This tube should be runvalve The hand control valve should as directly as possible to a suitbe adjusted to give adequate tem able throughhull fitting at the usual running speed in most cases just below the sheerof the engine It should not be ne line of the hull Overflow to continually readjust and tank vapors will thereby be 11discharged harmlessly over the side with most engines or one of from the tank to the types of controls available Theseengine should be made with copper controls may be operated from atubing of a size recommended by the remote lever either manufacturer A short sect ion through a system of rods or hydrauof flexible line should be placed lically through pipingin the line at the point of attachment to the fuel pump to prevent With the engine installed the proleaks occurring due to fatigue of peller is then fastened to thethe metal tubing shaft care being taken to maintain proper clearances from the bottom9 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM of the boat and the rudderThe importance of adequate and safe After the engine is installed andwir ing aboard a boat cannot be over all connections completed the enemphasized All connections must be gine should be enclosed in an enclean tight and free from oil gine box In designing this boxThere solder connections are neces keep in mind the possibility thatsary the connection should be made it may be necessary to make secure before soldering ments or repairs in the future AUse only rosin flux when soldering box with removable top and sidesto prevent corrosion All wiring is be kept as short as possibleto mInImIze voltage drop in the It must also be kept in mind thatcircuits an internal combustion engine uses roughly 14 parts of air to one partA battery box should be built as of gasoline when operating Thereclose to the engine as possible fore sufficient ventilation mustsecurely fastened to the boat and be provided to allow it to operateof a size to prevent shifting of at full efficiency This will varythe battery Any cover on the box with the size of the engine theshould be readily removable for higher the horsepower the checking of water level must be the ventilating area Fivein the battery See Fig 10 square inches of ventilating area is sufficient for engines up to 25All wiring should be run in such HP and 15 square inches for ena fashion as to prevent mechanical gines up to 150 HPinjury Wires for all circuitsshould be of a large enough size to After complet ion of the installat ionminimize voltage drop in the cir and with the boat in the water thecuit and of sufficient current car alignment of the engine to therying capacity to prevent overheat propeller shaft should be checkeding See Table J once more The engine may then be started and all connections checked10 FINISHING THE JOB for signs of leaks Oil pressure and water temperature gauges shouldThe instrument panel may be in be closely watched for signs of imstalled at any convenient location proper operation After making sureat the control station Oil pres that everything is operating properlsure and water temperature gauges the boat should be taken on a shortshould be connected in accordance run at slow speed Final checkingith the instructions that come and adjusting is done on this tripwith the unit and the boat is now ready for opera tionGear shifting can be accomplishedby using the shifting lever supplied 12 11 VDRIVE INSTALLATION In this case the keel should be leveled from the transom to about In recent years two factors have six feet forward to aid in deter had a great influence on power for mining the shaft bole location and outboard type hulls One of these angle is the demand for greater speed and the other a requirement for engines Location of tbe sbaft hole and de with sufficient power for towing termining its angle are tbe next water skiers In many cases the de steps Any of tbe methods described mand for additional power and speed before will work However since has been met by the use of a higher the keel bas been leveled and the horsepower outboard or by instal distances involved are short de ling twin motors A second solution termination of the shaft angle by has been the installation of an in means of a simple fullsize sketch board engine ith Vdrive is the easiest See Fig 12 In CRANKSHI AFT LINE 7 y FROM HORIZ I I r13f 3 ENGINE SHAFT ANGLE 24 I II KEEL KEEL Lc JINSIDE EDGE fDr TRANSOM WEDGE DIMENSIONS MATERIAL MAHOGANY KEEL THICKNESS F H 12 Ia 6 Fig 12 Typical Sbaft Location 15s 1 91 These Vdrive engines are designed 78 18 7 5 to be mounted in tbe extreme stern 2 le 11 of tbe boat Tbey are suitable for most outboard bulls 17 and over and are being used successfully in houseboat hulls up to 32 in lengtb Fig 13 Wedge Sizes Tbe installation of a Vdrive engine making this sketch two parallel differs from the installation of a lines are dralm approximately six conventional drive engine in that feet long with the distance be the engine is mounted aft and in tween tbem equalling the thickness the reverse position witb tbe fly of the keel A line is then drawn wheel toward the stern of tbe boat on tbe sketch indicat ing the crank Tbe installation of a typical V sbaft center at an angle to the drive engine will be described berea keel equal to the recommended engine The general principles and prac mounting angle 7 0 in Fig 12 The tices will serve for most Vdrive prop sbaft line is now drawn slant engines altbougb tbe angles and ing down and through the keel at an dimensions may vary angle to the crankshaft line equal to the engine sbaft angle This Preparation for mounting the V angle is obtained from the manufac drive engine is like that for turers scale drawings or from ac mounting conventional engines and tual measurement ofthe engine 24 0 tbe same steps are followed in in Fig 12 A third line is tben each case As before the first drawn from the point tbe shaft line step is the blocking up of the boat intersects the top of the keel at J STERN OF BOAT BLOCK A KEEL BLOCK 8 MATERIAL MAPLE OR OAK MATERIAL L MAPLE OR OAK 4 j I L I ND I t zZI 101T I 5j Lt DETAIL OF BLOCK B Zl f5 DETAIL OF BLOCK A Fig 14 Drill Block Detailsan angle to the shaft line equal to distance from tbe prop sbaft centertbe angle of tbe sbaft log to be to tbe bottom of the keel is equalused 14 0 in Fig 12 The angle to balf tbe prop diameter plus twothis line makes with tbe keel tben inches Mark a spot four incbes plusdetermines tbe angle of wedge needed balf tbe widtb of the rudder to3 0 in Fig 12 ward tbe stern along the sbaft line from tbe after end of tbe prop hubThe location of the shaft bole can line Draw a line from tbis point atnow be determined Its distance rigbt angles to tbe keel This linefrom tbe transom will be controlled now represents the inside of tbeby the dimensions of the rudder be transom Measuing from tbis pointing used clearance between tbe to tbe spot where tbe shaft linerudder and propeller prope ller dia passes tbrough tbe keel will givemeter and propeller clearance to tbe location of tbe shaft holethe bottom of the boat Locate theafter end of the propeller hub A wedge can now be cut to fit bewbicb will be at that point on the tween tbe shaft log and keel asprop sbaft where the rigbt angle previously described Fig 13 gives Fig 15 Typical Bed Stringer and Steering Setup 14dimensions of typical 0 wedges twothirds the length of the hullfor varying keel thickness are now installed and fastened se curely to the transom and theAfte installation of the wedge rudder installed and braced to can be made for dril stringers A typical the shaft hole Fig14 gives is shoun in Fig 15dimensions and angles for drillingblocks for installation requiring The gas tank comes next In most a 49 TOPVlfW BfLLCRAIIIK 1 MAINTAIN THIS DIMENSION TO REPACK SHAFT LOG STllfflNG BOXFig16 Typical VDrive Layout Fig 17 Photo of Typical VDrive Installationa shaft angle of 17 0 Predrilled Vdrive installations the tank isblocks are available in most cases installed between the engine andwhich will greatly simplify this transom as shown in Fig 16 Thestep same safety features described for conventional installation applyFollowing previous instructions equally well in this casethe shaft log propeller shaftstrut and coupling may now be in From this pOint installation isstalled the same as for conventional drive engines The engine beds are conEngine stringers running at least structed engine blocked in place 15temporarily beds slid into place Because of installation at the exunder the engine and clamped for treme stern the engine can be enmarking of the mounting bolts The closed by building a seat over orengine is then removed beds fas in front of the engine with the seattened in place and the engine in back acting as the forward and brought into proper of the engine box However carealignment must be used in designing this seat to provide access for maintenanceThe installation of water intake and adequate ventilation for operascoop fuel lines oil lines in tion and safetystrument panel battery and exhaustcan now be accomplished as des After installation is completecribed for conventional engines the engine and shaft alignment should be rechecked and all is controlled in a con operated to assure ease of operaventional manner by connecting the tion as in the case of convenreverse gear lever on the engine tional any commercially available remote shifting lever by means of a 12 SPECIAL EQUIPffiNTpipe or rod stock Due to the factthat the Vdr ive engine is installed Two types of instrument panels arein the reverse position the result available as special equipmentof a direct connection will be that An instrument panel of the threethe remote lever will operate in re unit type is available and consistsverse of the normal That is to go of an oil pressure gauge ammeterforward it is necssary to pull and ignition switch This instrument Table 2 INSTALLATION DATA Max Compartment System Fuel Pump Model I Engine Ventilator I Pipe IJE Size Intake Copper Si e q H i2d2ii 1711 Tuilze 5 Atomic Four 140 5 sq in 114 I 38 I 12 I 516 Utility Four 12 0 5 sq in 114 141 I 12 I 516 SuperFour 12 0 5 sq in 2 138 I 12 516 Unimite Four 140 5 sq in 2 138 I 12 516 Arrow 12 0 15 sq in 212 13 4 I 34 38 Bluefin 12 0 15 sq in 212 113411 I 34 38 Marlin 12 0 20 sq in 212 34 34 38 Tarpon 12 0 20 sq in 3 134 34 38 Knight 12 0 20 sq in 3 134 34 38 Little King 160 20 sq in 212 234 38 Big King I 16 0 25 sq in 3 12 1 12 Cast in manifold i I Iback on the lever and to reverse panel is cadmiumplated and thethe lever is pushed forward This instruments are constructed ofmay confuse the experienced opera brass See Fig 18 The fiveunittor but can be changed to the con panel consists of an ammeter oilventional method of forward on the pressure gauge heat indicatorlever to go ahead and back to go tachometer head and engine hourastern by introducing a bell crank meter See Fig 19 Wiring diagramsin the linkage Figs 16 and 17 for the three and fiveunit panelsshow how this can be done using a are shown in Fig 20 and Fig 21bell crank 16 SPARK PLUGS 4 3 2NOTES LEAD CD IS CUSTOMER INSTALLED USE MIN OF I HEAVY DUTy BATTERY CASLE THIS WIRE MUST BE GROUNDED BACK TO ENGINE Wiring Diagram Motorola LEAD IS CUSTOMER INSTALLED USE MIN OF MI Alternator 12 volt HEAVY OUT BATTERY CABLE 35 ampere Solid State Regulator LEAD 3 IS CuTOMER INSTALLED USE MIN OF 8 WIRE OC NOT INTALL THIS WIRE IF A PANEL MTD AMMETER Figure 4 IS USE ALTERNATOR REGULATOR START MOTOR ARE GROUNDED TO ENGINE AT FACTORY ALTERNATOR FIELD IS INTERNALLY CONNECTED UNDER REGULATOR BACK SIDE OF 3 UNIT ANEL IN r 1IOIL PRESS AMMETER OIL TUBE 3 Unit Instrument Panel Figure 5 TO T TERMINAL TO BATT TERMINAL ON START MOTOR SOLENOID OF IGN COIL STARTER SWITCH NOT FURNISHED BY U MCO a TO ALT OUTPUT TERMINAL ON ALTERNATOR TO S TERMINAL ON NOTES S TART MOTOR SOLENOID LEADS CDlIRE CUSTOMER INSTALLED USE 8 GA WIRE CIRCUITS UNCER 15 FT 6 GA MRE ClRCUTS FRJ1 15 TO 25 FT LEADS Zl ARE CUSTOMER INSTALLED USE 16 GA WIRE FOR CIRCUITS UNDER IS FT 14 GA WIRE FOR CIRCUITS FROM IS TO 25 FT WHEN NONMETALLIC FLEXIBLE OIL TUBE IS USED GROUND INSTRUMENT NEL DIRECTLY TO ENGINE 17 Figure 8TO ALT OUTPUT TERM ON ALT ORGTO DISTHTERM AT COIL GRAYGROUND TO ENG BOCK BLACK PRATURE SENDER TAN AMMETER 01 L PRESSURE SENDER BLUETO TERM OF IGN COIL PURPLETOSTERM OF START MOTOR SOL WHITETO BAT TERM ON START MOTORsQL RED flIUll ENGINE HARNESS CONNECTOR CONNECTOR AT ENGINE AT PANf INST PANEL Electric Instrument Panel with Tachometer GRAY TAPED LESi DO NOT U BLACK GROUNDED TO BACK OF PANEL Figure 9TO ALT OUTPUT TERM ON ALT ORGTO DISTHTERM AT COIL GRAYGROUND TO ENG BLOCK BLACK TEMPERATURE SENDER TAN OIL PRESSURE SENDER BLUE AMMETERT t TERM OF IGN COIL PURPLETO STERM OF START MOTOR SOL WHITETO BAT TERM ON START MOTOR SOL RED flIUll ENGINE HARNESS CONNECTOR CONNECTOR AT ENGINE AT PANEl INST PANEL IS GROUOEP THRU TACH MT RK INST PANEL Electric Instrument Panel less Tachometer 18 0 BACK SmEOF 5 UNIT PANEL BACK SIDE UNlT PANEe NOTE o I SIZE r WIRE B SIZE WIRE TACHOMETER TO HEAT GROUNDED ENG BY TO CUSTOMER B J IS S IZE A SIZE WIRE GWON DISTRIFIlj ror u WRE VOLTAGE REGULATOR liEGULATOfl MUST EE MOUNT SEPARATE II JNTED EPCALL FROM ENG AND IN WITH TERMINALS D0W VERTICAL POSITION L REGULATOh GEN IiGl hD GROUND TERMINAL l ARM TERMINAL GROUND ENG AT 10 f SIZE WIRE CE IMPORTANT FACTORY NOTE IMPORTANTI0 I GROUNDED TO ENGINE AI BATTERY Af1 REGULATOR MUST 81 GROUNDED T0 EfG INE BY WIRE It CAIllE SIZES FOR 12 V CIRCUIT GANO LENGTH BATTERY tD REGUlATOR rllST BE GRLtUtDED TO EKGISE BY ClST0HR BEFIJRE OPERAT ING CISTVMER BEFORE OPERATING THE ENGIE I FACORY GENERATOR 12 6OR LESS THE ENGINE 10 6TO 10 ALTERNATCI hen nonmetalic flexible GENERATOF Il CiTO 15 oil tube or heat indicator 12Vro AMp 6 15 TO 25 connection is used ground 5 25TO O enpine d1rect to instrument FOR NEGATIVE GR0UND SYSTEM STARTING 0 6 OR LESS pane 1 CIRCUIT I 00 6TO 7 12 CUG 7 V2TO 10 HORN 10 REcurilIJJr HINIMtM IiItE SIZE FOR LIGHTING 10 MAX OF FOUR 21CP COSKECTING rtLTERNATuR REGlLATuR LAMPS PER CIRCUIT Total Length uf 11IIISi2e Circuit In Joeet lire I BuSize 11re UGNITION 12 NITH I COIL RecolTlTlended minimum wire size REPOLARIZIG for connectin generator and 151 or less 118 1116 re2ulator 15 to 25 6 TfIT4 After reconnectin leads and before startin the engine momentari ty connect a jump lead liB size between the BAT terminal of the reeulator wire and the IIAII terminal of the eenerator This allows a momentary surt of current to flow 016 through the 2enerator correctly polarizin2 IS to 2S I 6 lifli it Reversed polarity may result 1n vibratine arcinsz and burntn of the cutout relay contact points 12 VOLT IGNITION WIRING DIAGRAM ITH 5 UNIT PANEL FOR NECATlliE GROUND SYSTEM Wiring Diagram Leece Neville Fig 21A Wiring Diagram AutoLite Fig 21 Generator 12 volt 12 amp Alternator lZ Volt 60 Amp THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OF ENGINE MUST REGULATOR IS TO BE MOUNTED HAVE NEGATIVE GROUNDED BATTERY WHEN SEPARATE FROM ENGINE AND Izj 12 VOLT 24 AMP GENERATOR IS USED PREFERABLY IN A VERTICAL Jq REGULATOR FURNISHED WITH STANDARD 12 POSITION VOLT GENERATOR CAN BE EITHER POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE GROUND I I GR TO ENGINE STRIP FIELD 1 I TERMINAL I t Jq I I I r I I I Jq I L lJi I L 1 ARMATUREII en d TERMINAL IOI P I GROUND I TERMINAL Ail J I 0 II POSe WIRING DIAGRAM FOR STANDARD 12 VOLT WIRING DIAGRAM FOR d I BATTERY CHARGING GENERATOR AUTOLITE NEG 12 VOLT 24 AMP HIGH t CHARGE RATE GENERATOR P 12 VOLT AS USED ON UJ AND BN DELCOREMY I l 0 BATTERY REPOLARIZING GENERATOR d I After reconnecting leads and before starting the engine momentarily connect a jumper lead between the BAT terminal of the regulator and the A termi nal of the generator This allows a momentary surge of current to flow e through the generator correctly polarizing it Reversed polarity may It result in vibrating arcing and burning of the cutout relay contact points INSTALLATION DRAWl NGSBLUE JACKET TWIN SERIES i PIPE TAP WATER OUTLET BORE S KfWAY II 3a 1 Fig 23 I 1 I FOR BOLT i I l 2 i i 8Jj 3y lZ2 8 13 I 3 13 16 L a 16 ISATOMIC FOUR SERIESi tI7 I 8liBOREKtYWAY i i X i Fig 24 7 4151 Z6l DIRECT DRIVE 1 17 sli af6 5f I i I I wo I i IEXI1 I 1 Fig 25 r 21ATOMIC FOUR SERIES Cont Fig 26 AQUAPAX VDRIVE 11 1291 1671 21 RATIOUTILITY FOUR SERIES tPIPE TAP WATER OUTLET Fig 27 4 3 DIRECT DRIVE rP1Pr TAP TtR OUTLET Fig 28 REDUCTION DRIVE 22SUPERFOUR SERIES DIRECT DRIVE RIGID MOUNTINGS Fig 29 DIRECT DRIVE RUBBER MOUNTINGS Fig 30 REDUCTION DRIVE RIGID MOUNTINGSHY Fig 31fh H I r 3 3IJ L i 3 I I12l i Il I 47 REDUCTION DRIVE RUBBER MOUNTINGS Fig 32 23UNIMITE FOUR SERIES DIRECT DRIVE RUBBER MOUNTINGS Fig 33 21 REDUCTION DRIVE RUBBER MOUNTINGS Fig 34 CENTER OF GRAVITY H 2L j I 1 I AQUAPAK VDRIVE DRIVE ALL REDUCTION RATIOS RUBBER MOUNTINGS Fig 35 24ARROW 8Hl8Fig 36 5 STANUTRAL GEAR DIRECT DRIVE llHAUST EITHEI1 NO FOI1 2i TUIN6 011 2Fp SIZE Fig 37 I i 54 STNUTRAL GEAR 1881 REDUCTION RATIO EXHAUST EITHeR END II FOR 2 TLJeINb 0112Fp 5IZE Fig 38 42 541 STNUTRAL GEAR 2441 REDUCTION RATIO 25BLUEFIN SERIES EXHAUST EITHER END FOR 3 TUBING 2 PIPE OR TUBE 151 21 DIRECT DRIVE Fig 39 MANUAL REVERSING GEAR EXHAUST EITHER END FOR PIPE OR TUBEd 3 TUBING 2 2 to EXHAUST I 8O OFFSET ISI RED i OIA BOLTS RUBBER MOUNTS li I 13 OFFSET 12jb 21 RED 21 I AOIA BOLTS SOLID MOUNTS I I I I I CRANKSHAFT I llIltjf i MIN BORE I MIN BORE Ij MAX BORE f 4 1 I MAX BORE 151 21 DIRECT DRIVE Fig 40 HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR Fig 41 c7 WATER INLET I RATIO 40164 100 TO I 146 TO I VDRIVE HYDRAULIC GEAR ALL RATIOS 300TO I 26MARLIN SERIESFig 42 111i lOx KV USoPI JaOx m 105 KeV 4 JiOalKV A STANUTRAL REVERSE GEAR 1881 REDUCTION GEAR Fig 43 46i se 1 STANUTRAL REVERSE GEAR 2441 REDUCTION GEARFig 44 45i 5ge STANUTRAL REVERSE GEAR 3321 REDUCTION GEAR 27TARPON SERIES EXHAUST fITHR END FOR EXHAUST i DIABOLTS RUBBER MOUNTS ADIAIOLTS SOLID MOUNTS CRANKSHAFT Lltt I MIN BORE Ii MAX BORE Direct Dr ive Fig 45 MANUAL REVERS ING GEAR EXHAUST L4 Direct Drive 105 OFFSET 151 RED 151 21 Fig 46 HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR 28 KNIGHT SERIES flHAUST EITHfR END FOR EXHAUST 21 0R 3 PIPE OR TUBE t lr lJif 17 j II ADIA BOLTS SOLID MOUNTS 4 Direct Drive Fig 47 MANUAL REVERS ING GEAR IiEXAUST i DIA BOLTS RUBBER MOUNTS 105 OFFSET 151 RED I 2 IDIAIOLTS 16 OFFSET I 21 RED I I H I 4 SOLID MOUNTS60 t I 41 I 9 f 4 7 i i FOR RUBBER MOUNTS 71t I I 16 31 4 Direct Drive 151 21 Fig 48 HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR Z5 lO zzt WATER INLET 24 44tl Fig 49 VDRIVE HYDRAULIC GEAR ALL RATIOS 29LITTLE KING VB SERIES nNUAL REVERSING GEAR Fig 50 DIRECT DRIVE Fig 51 REDUCTION DRIVE 151 RATIO Fig 52REDUCTION DRIVE 21 RATIO Fig 53 REDUCTION DRIVE 251 RATIO 30LITTLE KING SERIES Cont HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR Fig 54 DIRECT DRIVE Fig 55 RED0CTION DRIVE 151 RATIO Fig 56 REDUCTION DRIVE 21 HATI Fig 57 REDUCTION DRIVE 251 RATIO 31BIG KING V8 SERIES I t AA Fig 58 DIRECT DRIVE HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR 1 1 1 1 REDUCTION DRIYJ 2 1 PATIO HYDRAULIC REVERSING GEAR 32 SECT ION III OPERATION1 PRELIMINARY CHECKS j Open shutoff valve below fuel tank Operate hand primer ona Check to be sure the engine is models so equipped to fill feedfilled with oil to the full line and sediment bowl with fuelmark on the bayonet stick SeeTable 4 for proper grade k Remove shipping cover from flame arrestorb On models equipped with hydraulic reversing gears fill the 1 Close all water drain cocks andreversing gear case with the grade drain plugsoil shown in Table 4 Note 2 2 STARTING ELECTRICAL STARTINGc On models requiring separate of reduction gearsfill reduction gear housing Check a Place clutch in neutralTable 4 for proper type gear lubr icant b Open throttle approximately onequarterdo Fill fuel tank with 8090 octanegasoline Fuel oilkerosene models c Full out chokeare equipped with a one quart gasoline tank for starting purposes d Turn on ignition switchSee Table 5 for fuel fuel oilkerosene models e Push starter button If engine fails to start ithin 30 seconds rc On electrical starting models be see Table 6 to determine cause ofsure all connections are correct troubleand secure Check battery to besure it is fully charged and that f As soon as engine starts pushthe water level is approximately in choke rod38 above the plates CAUTIONf Open cooling system water inlet Do not run engine with choke outvalve if used Be sure water any longer than necessary Overlines are properly connected on choking will dilute crankcaseboth intake and overflow sides of oil and possibly cause motorwater pump failure due to raw gasoline being sucked into combustion chamberg Check all controls for smoothand proper operation g Check water pump for proper operation If water fails to cirh Air out bilge to remove any culate turn water pump grease cupdangerous gasoline fumes in one or two turns on gear type water pumps only If water stilli With ignition off and engine in fails to Circulate stop engine imneutral turn motor over several mediately See Table 6 for correctimes to be sure everything is tion of troubleworking freely 33h Check oil pressure gauge for op in your locality and with the fueleration of oil pump If gauge does available If readjustment is atnot indicate oil pressure stop en tempted it should be done by a comgine Table 4 gives proper oil petent for each model engine The engine will not be thoroughly CAUTION broken in until approximately 35 Do not race engine with clutch hours of operation have been at disengaged at any time Racing tained DO NOT CONTINUOUSLY RUN a cold engine will cause exces YOUR ENGINE OVER 2000 RPM DURING sive wear and may seriously dam THIS PERIOD AND AVOID LONG PERIODS age engine New motors should be OF SLOW IDLING OCCASIONALLY DURING run at onehalf throttle for a BREAKIN YOU MAY RUN THE ENGINE AT period of 15 hours FULL THROTTLE BUT NOT FREQUENTLY OR FOR PERIODS OVER ONE MINUTE IN NOTE DURATION ALWAYS WARM UP THE ENGINE If the engine temperature is con BEFORE ANY RUN trolled with a manual bypass valve as shown in Fig 11 water 5 STARTING MAGNETO MODELS iill issue froD the exbaust pipe as soon as the pump has primed and a Retard spark lever half way the engine filled with water If tile engine temperature is controlled b Open throttle approximately one by thermostat only a trickle of quarter water will issue from the exhaust pipe until the engine reaches its c Full choke out all the way normal operating temperature and the thermostat opens to dump water d Crank engine two or three turns overboard e Push choke in half way3 STOPPING THE ENGINE f Crank engine by bringing it toThe speed of your boat should be compression and then giving a quickgradually reduced while you are pull DO NOT SPINstill some distance from the mooring or landing Before stopping g When engine starts push choke inthe engine close the throttle and all the waydisengage the clutch Allow the engine to idle for a minute or so be 6 STARTING FUEL OILKEROSENE MODELSfore turning off the in this manner will permit a Start engine on gasoline as desexcessive heat to be absorbed by cribed in Paragraph 2the cooling system b Allow engine to run for a period4 BREAKIN of 3 to 5 minutes to allow it to reach proper operating UNIVERSAL engine was run and of 130 to 180 degreestested for six hours on one of ourtest stands with electric dynamome c Switch over to fuel oil by turnter It was adjusted and checked ing the threeway cock located infor maximum power at rated speed the fuel line to the proper posiHowever those adjustments were cor tionrect only for the prevailing at NOTEmospheric conditions and fuel used Before stopping engine switch fromYou may find it necessary to fuel oil to gasoline and allow enslightly readjust the carburetor and gine to run approximately 2 minutesigni t ion timing for peak per formance in preparation for the next start 34 Table 4 LUBRICATION REQUIREMENTS SAE VISCOSITY NUMBERS FOR Herringbone ENGINE CRANKCASE OIL Average Reduct ion Gear Surrounding Surrounding Surrounding Engine Oil Lubricant SAE Air Temp Air Temp Air Temp pressure Viscosity NumberMODEL Over 90 0 F and J2 to 90 0 F Below J2 0 F Hot Engine SeparatelyNAME Maximum Service Average Service Average Service Lbs LubricatedBlue Jacket Twin SAE JO SAE JO SAE 20 20 JO Note 1Atomic Four SAE JO SAE JO SAE 45 SeeUtility Four SAE 40 SAE JO SAE 20 45 SAE 90 to 140SuperFour SAE 40 SAE JO SAE 20 45 SAE 90 to 140Unimite Four SAE JO SAE JO SAE 20 JO See Note 1Arrow SAE JO SAE JO SAE JO JO See Note 1Bluefin SA E JO SAE JO SAE JO JO See Notes 1 2Marlin SAE JO SAE JQ SAE JO JO See Note 1Tarpon SAE JO SAE JO SAE JO JO See Notes 1 2Knight SAE JO SAE JO SAE JO JO See Notes 1 2Little King SAE JO SAE JO SAE JO See Notes 1 2Big King SAE JO SAE JO SAE 0 See Note 2 Note 1 Note J We do not recommend the use of heavyduty The reduction gears of these engines on high detergent oils during breakin engines with manual type reversing These oils have such extremely good lub gears are lubricated from the main en ricating qualities that correct and gine oil supply and therefore use the thorough breakin is difficult if not same SAE number of oil as the engine impossible This is particularly true and do not have to be separately lubri with respect to seating of piston rings cated We recommend the use of a straight mineral oil of SAE JO weight during the breakin period Most oil companies have now adopted a standard system of rating the service Note 2 for which an oil is intended In this system an oil designated for ML service The hydraulic reversing gear is entirely is a straight mineral oil without addi selfcontained and independent of the tives and intended for light service engine oil pressure system sealed off The heavyduty high detergent oils are from engine oil pressure system Use deSignated MS and DG for severe gaso same SAE number oil as in the engine line engine service and general diesel of good quality nonfoaming type If service An oil designated for ML ser extreme foaming is encountered due to vice should be used during breakin unusual installation or operating con and an oil deSignated for MS and DG ditions it will further reduce foaming service used thereafter if type A automatic transmission oil is used Avoid using any oil that does not speci fically state the service rating on the When engines have both hydraulic revers can Watch the oil level gauge in the ing gear and reduction gear the reduc oil pan and always keep the oil up to tion gear is lubricated from the oiling the mark system of the hydraulic reversing gear CAUTION The oil level should be checked periodi Check the oil level stick before start cally by means of the bayonet dipstick ing and several times while filling to located on the side at the forward end prevent overfilling Keep oil level of the hydraulic reversing gear housing to the full mark on the oil stick Oil level shOilld be maintained between Amounts of oil required vary with the the marks on the bayonet dipstick engine model and the angle at which the engine is mounted 35 Table 5 FIRING ORDER NO OF CYLINDERS STANDARD ROT OPPOSITE ROT 2 12 4 1243 6 153624 142635 V8 LEV 12756348 18 13657 2 V8 SEVH 12756348 18436572 V8 NKEV 15634278 187243657 OPERATION OF STANDARD REVERSING gear positions are stamped on the GEAR top cover See Paragraph 6 Section IV for detailed types of reversing gears areused on UNIVERSAL engines The 1 Moving the lever on the topoperation however is the same in cover to the F position placesall cases See Paragraph 6 Sec the transmission in forward drivetion IV for detailed operation 2 Moving the lever to the Ra Moving the lever to the forward position places the toward engine places the in reverse in forward drive Moving the lever to the centerb Moving the lever to the stern or N position places the transposition away from the engine mission in neutralplaces the transmission in reversedrive b The design of the reversing gear is such that the operation of bothc Moving the lever to the center the forward and reverse drives isposition puts the transmission in almost instantaneous with the moveneutral and no power is delivered ment of the shifting control leverto the propeller shaft This condition exists even at low speeds For this reason it is not8 OPERATION OF HYDRAULIC REVERSING necessary to race the engine to ob GEARS tain good shifting In fact it is advisable to shifta The hydraulic reversing gear is at low speeds below 1400 RPM andbasically a hydraulically operated preferably in the 800 to 1000 RPMmultiple disc clutch in combination range Shifting at a hydraulically operated engine speeds will avoid damage toplanetary reversing gear train The the boat engine reversing gear 6shafting and propeller caused by b Manifoldthe shock of rapid shifting at high Open drain cocks in exhaust manifoldengine speeds and drain watet from the manifold9 COLD WEATHER OPERATION c Water Pump Water pumps are particularly susSpecial precautions must be taken ceptible to damage from freezingwhen operating engines in cold The pump should be carefully drainedweather to insure efficient opera A drain plug is provided on the bottion and to prevent damage to the tom of the pump housing Six cylinengine Some items to be considered der engines are equipped wi th Jabscoare listed below pumps and to drain loosen end covera Keep battery fully charged to d Lubrication Systemprevent freezing and to get maximum The oil pan and lubrication systemstarting power should be drained of old or conta minated oils so that moisture orb Be sure fuel lines and tanks are acid present in the old oil willfree of water to prevent stoppage not cause corrosion Two or threein the fuel system due to freezing quarts of new clean oil should be pumped through the system by turningc Substitute lighter engine oil the motor by hand or electric starterSee Table 4 Doing so will distribute a clean film of oil which will act as ad When engine is stopped after a rust drain all water from cylinderblock water pump and water lines e the water has time to freeze Remove the spark plugs and pour one or two ounces of new oil into theStarting an engine with the water combustion chamber of each cylinderpump frozen will probably break the to give lubr icat ion to piston ringsdrive shaft or damage the gears Be cylinder walls and valves Turnsure the water pump is thoroughly the engine over a few times to bethawed out before attempting to sure of distribution before replastart the engine cing spark plugse Extra choking or external heat f Valves and Tappetsmay be required to get sufficient Remove the valve tappet covers in the manifold for oil valves and tappets with cleancold starts oil Replace tappet covers and seal breather tube end with tapef Give the engine sufficient timeto warm up both water and oil be g subjecting it to heavy loads See that the distributor is clean and well lubricated Special care10 PREPARING ENGINE FOR STORAGE should be taen to prevent the en trance of moisture during storageNeglect in preparing an engine forwinter storage may lead to annoying h Starting Motorand costly damage The engine shoulu The start ing motor must be protectedbe carefully covered to give com against rain and snow The starterplete protect ion from rain and snow pinion and screw shaft should be clean and covered with a film ofa Cylinder Block light oil The bearings shouldbeOpen all drain cocks on cylinder well lubricated The motor shouldblock Leave drain cocks open be sealed to prevent corrosion of 37commutator and brushes Do not oil Batterythe commutator Remove battery and store in a warm dry place Battery sbould be fullyi Generator cbarged wben placed in storage andOil bearings Seal moisture tight cbecked periodically Occasionalto prevent corrosion cbarging may be desirable to pro long battery life Terminals sbould be clean and coated witb vaseline to prevent corrosion SECTION IV THEORY OF OPERATION1 GENERAL THEORY OF OPERATION piston down and the power developed by the sudden tbrust is transmitteda UNIVERSAL engines are four cycle by means of connecting rod andwater cooled L bead and valve cranksbaft to the propeller sbaftinhead engines While various models of the engine may use differ 4 Exhaust Strokeent fuels and may vary in number The fourth and last stroke occursof cylinders the basic operation wben the piston again starts itsof the engine remains tbe same upward travel During tbis period the exhaust valve opens and theb While operating a four cycle burned gases are forced out of tbeengine goes through four separate combustion chamber into tbe exsteps to complete one working or baust manifold and out tbe exbaustpower cycle These steps are systemintake compression power and exhaust c The exbaust stroke marks the end of one complete operating cycle1 Intake Stroke After completion of the exhaustAs the piston travels down in the stroke the cycle repeats tbe intake valve opens with the intake stroke and conVacuum formed on top of the cyl tinues as long as the engine is ininder caused by the downward move operationment of the piston draws tbe fuelmixture from tbe carburetor through 2 THEORY OF IGNITION SYSTEMSthe intake manifold and into tbecylinder compression chamber The Blue Jacket Model AFT and tbe Utility Models BNM and BNMR are2 Compression Stroke equipped with a agneto ignitionAs the piston travels up both system All other models and exbaust valves close in this book have either a 6 or 12and tbe fuel mixture is compressed volt battery operated the top of the piston and ignition systemthe cylinder head a Battery Operated Electrical3 Power Stroke Ignition SystemWhen the piston has reached thetop of its stroke and has just 1 The ignition system consists ofstarted down a properly timed the battery distributor ignitionspark causes tbe fuel mixture to coil ignition switch and sparkexplode This explosion drives tbe plugs 382 Two separate circuits primary 2 The high tension type magnetoand secondary make up the ignition used on UNIVERSAL engines has asystem The primary low tension cir secondary winding comprIsIng acui t cons ists of the battery low great number of turns of fine wirevoltage distributor points primary superimposed upon the primary windcoil winding and condenser The ing The primary winding is shortsecondary high tension circuit con circuited by means of an auxiliarysists of the secondary winding of device during the building uP ofthe coil distributor rotor and the field in the armature coil Whencap high tension wiring and spark the energy in the primary circuitplugs has reached a maximum this circuit is opened and at the same instantJ In operation current from the due to the rotat ion of the passes to the primary wind the magnetic field is removed Theing of the ignition coil through energy of the primary winding isthe breaker pOints of the distribu discharged through the secondarytor Periodic opening and closing and due to the ratio of primary toof the breaker points causes the secondary turns a considerable inflow of current to start and stop crease in voltage results The rethus causing an alternate buildup sulting hightension current is thenand collapse of the magnetic field distributed to the spark plugsaround the primary winding of thecoil This fluctuating magnetic J Because the spark intensity offield cuts the secondary winding of a magneto varies directly with thethe ignition coil causing a very engine speed an increase of energyhigh voltage to be induced in it is available at high speeds At lowCurrent from the secondary of the engine speeds such as when the enigni t ion coil is then passed through gine is hand cranked the magnetothe distributor rotor to contacts would sometimes fail to produce ain the distributor cap and finally voltage sufficient to spark acrossto the spark plug the spark plug gap In order to pre vent this from occurring the mag 4 Arcing across the low voltage netos used are equipped with an im points of the distributor caused pulse coupling which serves to by the collapsing magnetic field couple the magneto to the engine around the primary winding of the and at the same time acceleratecoil is reduced by use of a con its speed of rotation during the denser connected across the points starting periodb Magneto Ignition Systems J LUBRICATION SYSTEM1 Magnetos are a special applica All UNIVERSAL engines are equippedtion of the electric generator and with a full pressure lubricationare usually used where the output systemof energy required is small Theyare used on some models of UNIVERSAL a Full Pressure Lubrication Systemengines to furnish energy for ignition of the compressed gases in the 1 The full pressure chambers The elements of system effectively lubricates comprise a permanent necessary moving parts of the enmagnetic field armatures which gine with the exception of thoserotate within that field a circuit accessories mounted on the outsidebreaker and a distr ibut ing mechanism of the engine See Table 4 forwhich serves to carry the generated those models which require to the spark plug lubrication of reduction gears J92 The gear driven oil pump lo working off an eccentric on thecated in the oil base draws oil an intake screen Oil isforced to all main connecting rod 2 As the high point of the cam isand camshaft bearings through jet reached the plunger is forced downholes in the connecting rods for causing a vacuum above the wall piston and wrist pin The vacuum draws gasoline from thelubrication Drilled holes in the tank through the inlet valve andcylinder block provide lubrication into the fuel chamber of the pumpfor the valve tappets Oil is sup The return stroke releases the complied to the reversing gear through pressed diaphragm spring expellinga drilled hole in the end of the gasoline through the outlet Hydraulic reversing into the carburetor bowlgears are separately lubricated fromtheir own oil supply J After several diaphragm strokes the carburetor bowl fills and itsJ All models using the full pres float mechanism rises thus seatingsure system are equipped with an the needle valve and stopping furoil pressure regulator which may be ther passage of fuel from the pumpadjusted for proper oil pressure With the carburetor bowl filled andSee Table 4 for proper setting needle valve closed back pressure is created on the diaphragm i7i th4 Six and eight cylinder models this back pressure on the diaphragmand the SuperFour models are equip the rocker arm movement continuesped with oil coolers Oil from the but is taken up by the linkageoil pump is circulated to the cooler rather than being transmitted toaDd cooled by water trom the engine the diaphragm As pressure reducescooling system A bypass except in the fuel chamber because of caron SuperFoul models built into the buretor demands the diaphragm willcooler short circuits the oil di take longer strokes Fuel flow isrectly from the pump to the oil line thus maintained in accordance within the event the cooler becomes engine operating b Carburetor4 FUEL SYSTEM The function of the carburetor isThe fuel system consists of fuel to furnish the correct mixture oftank fuel line strainer pump gasoline and air to the engine inexcept on Blue Jacket Twin models the proper proport ion for all flame arrestor and ting conditions idling to fullintake manifold Gasoline from the throttle To accomplish thiS thetank enters the fuel pump through gasoline is accurately metered atthe strainer and into the carbure all speeds atomized or broken uptor where it is vaporized and drawn into small particles and mixedthrough the intake manifold through with air The fuel is vaporized andthe valves and into the combustion preheated in the intake of the cylinder before being drawn into the cylinder through the intake valvea Fuel Pump c Flame Arrestor1 The purpose of the fuel pump iso supply an adequate amount of gaso A flame arrestor attached to the airline from the tank to the carburetor inlet of the carburetor eliminatesto meet engine requirements at all the possibility of fire being causedspeeds This pump is of the diaphragm by backfiring through the carburetortype and is operated by a plunger A special element consisting of 40curved plates dissipates the heat SuperFour series engines onlyand prevents fire from the arrestor 2 The forward dr ive on this unit is a double friction clut9h On the5 COOLING SYSTEM propeller end are a series of fric tion discs of steel and bronze whicha All engines are equipped with a are mortised into the engine andpositive displacement type water propeller drives and casing On thepump Six and eight cylinder en engine end a split cone clamps thegine pumps are rubber impeller engine shaft and frictionally lockstype Two and four cylinder engines the gears to ithave bronze gear pumps The opposite type in each case can be ob 3 When the reversing gear lever istained on special order moved forward the toggles force home the plungers clamping all frictionb In the Twin Atomic Utility surfaces together All moving partsand SuperFour the water flow is are then locked and the whole unitfrom pump to block to head to functions as a solid coupling bemanifold then overboard tween the motor and propeller shaftsIn the case of the Unimite the 4 Reverse drive is obtained byflow is from pump to manifold to throwing the lever back This reblock to head then overboard leases the forward drive and throws on the brake band by means of a camGAll six cylinder engines have the This cam passes through a slot insame flow which is pump to oil the camshaft that operates betweencooler to manifold for one com the cam roll and cam shoe Thisplete pass then into block through clamps the brake band and preventsfour to six holes depending on the outside case from size then to head to When the casing is thus held fromheat riser on intake manifold and revolving the gearing drives thethen overboarde propeller in the reverse direction at 80 88 of the motor speedc See special diagram of water flow in special 5 To place in neutral the levemanual furnished with each v8 is placed midway betyeen forwardengineo and reverse which releases both the reverse and forward drives andd Where either manual or automatic permits the gearing to run control is used varying amounts of discharge water will b Paragon Model Reversing Gearsbe recirculated See Fig 11 1 Paragon reversing gears are6 REVERSING GEARS used on all current production en gines except the SuperFour andFour types of reversing gear sys those models which are equipped withtems are used on UNIVERSAL engines hydraulically operated by these instructions gears or StaNuTral manual gearsThree of these are and the fourth is a hy 2 Power from the engine is transdraulic system mitted through the engine sleeve gear and the reverse idler pinionsa Joes Model Reversing Gear to the forward clutch or to the re verse drive gear1 The Joes model reversing gearis currently being used on the 3 The forward clutch consists of 41a ser ies of fr ict ion discs alternate reversing gears is provided by theones held in the reverse gear drum transmission oil pump mounted inand on the tailshaft clutch carrier side the reversing gear case andThis group of discs can be clamped driven continuously by the enginetogether by a pressure plate oper while the engine is running Fromated by three toggle arms attached the oil pump the oil clutch adjustment plate These is delivered to the pressure relieftoggles are moved by the yoke and valve and control valvecollar assembly on the tailshaftIn the forward position the entire 3 The operation of the system isdrum and clutch assembly rotates controlled by a control valve mountedwi th the crankshaft When in neutral on the top cover Moving the leverand in the reverse posit ion the for determines whether the actuating oilward clutch plates are free to turn is delivered to the forward or rewith respect to each other verse mechanism4 The reverse clutch consists of 4 The forward clutch is engaged bya brake band around the drum with moving the shifting lever to thean operating mechanism for clamping forward position This operates thethe band to the drum The band is control valve so that it in turnsupported and rotation prevented by directs the pressure oil from thethe band feet which zest on the pump to the forward piston in itssupport flanges in the reverse gear cylinder The forward piston When the operating lever the forward multiple disc clutchis moved to the rear the band clamp and so turns the propeller shaft ining toggle levers pull the open ends the proper direction to move theof the band together clamping the boat aheadband tightly around the drum Thisprevents rotation of the drum and 5 The reverse band is similarlythe planet pinions or idle pinions engaged by moving the shift ing leverThis causes the tailshaft to be to the reverse position Thisrotated in the opposite direction operates the control valve so thatto the crankshaft The arrangement it in turn directs the pressure oilof forward and reverse clutches from the pump to the reverse pistonprevents both being actuated at the in its cylinder The reverse posisame time tion clamps the brake band on the planetary gear train and so turns5 When the operating lever is the propeller shaft in the reverseplaced in the center position the direction thus moving the boatdrum and forward clutch plates are asternfree to turn and no power is transmitted from the engine to the pro 6 Neutral or center positionpeller shaft of the control lever prevents any pressure oil from entering eithercParagon Hydraulic Reversing Gears the forward or reverse cylinders In addition the control valve opens1 The Paragon hydraulic reversing drains in both cylinders so thatgear is basically a hydraulically any oil in either cylinder is multiple disc clutch in out and the pistons completely recombination with a hydraulically tract disengaging both forward andoperated planetary reversing gear reverse drivestrain The unit is independent of the engine oil 7 REDUCTION GEARSsystem Some models of UNIVERSAL engines2 Power for the operation of the are equipped with reduction gears 42in ratios varying from 151 to the heavy axial propeller thrustJj121 Reduction gears supplied in addition to the radial load icwith various model engines are shown posed by the helical gearin lable 1 3 The propelter shaft coupling isa Helical Reduction Gears keyed to the end of the reduction gear shaft and held in place by aI The reduct ion gear unit cons ists lock nut The propeller shaft coupof a helical drive pinion mounted ling iR supported by the largeon the reverse gear tailshaft sup double ron ball bearingported in the reduction gear frontcover and an internal helical gear 4 A ring type oil seal pressedrigidly supported on large capacity into the propeller thrust bearingball bearings in the reduction gear retainer rubs on the polished surhousing The reduction gear ratio face of the propeller thrust coupis determined by the number of teeth ling This prevents loss of reducin pInIon and internal gears The tion gear oil from the housing andcenterline offset is the difference the entrance of water or dirt intoin pitch radii of the pinion and the reduction gearthe internal gears The pinion gearis keyed to the reverse gear tail 5 On some models the reductionshaft and held in place by a nut gear is oiled by crankcase pressureIt is supported in a large ball and on others separate in the adaptor plate and is provided See Table 4reverse gear housing of the pinion gear is b Universal leduction by this ball bearing andthe one on the engine sleeve gear The Universul reduction drive conat the forward end of the tai lshaft sists of two herringbone gears a small gear press fit on the reverse2 The internal helical gear is gear tailsbaft and a larger gearbolted to a flanged reduction gear which floats OD the spline shaftshaft rigidly mounted on two large below it Both the drive shaft andball bearings The one next to the the lower spline shaft are supportedgear and carrying most of the ra by heavy duty ball bear ings Runningdial load is a single row unit in a continuous bath of oil thisThe propeller thrust bearing is a type of drive is positive quietdouble row unit capable of taking and smooth SECTION V PERIODIC SERVICE1 maintenance procedures every UNIVERSAL enginewill do much to keep your at top efficiency Regu 2 PHEOPERATIONAL CHECKlar inspection of the engine following the procelres listed in a Check engine oil level If necesParagraph 2 through 8 will reduce sary Add oil to bring it up to theaintenanc0 costs Rnd uphold the full mark on the bayonet stickhigh standarlR of quietness reI ia Sec TobIe h for proper eight oilbility und performance built into 43b On engines having separately sedimentoiled reduction gears check oillevel and if necessary refill See b Inspect flame arrestor to beTable 4 for engine requirements sure air passges are clean and free from oil If dirty remove andc On engines equipped with hy wash with kerosene Be sure ardraulic reversing gears check to restor is thoroughly dry before resee that oil level is at full mark placingon bayonet stick If necessary refill with same grade oil used in c Check adjustment of clutch Seeengine Paragraphs 8 and 9 Section VId Turn grease cup on water pump 5 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY HOUR CHECKone turn If necessary refill withgood grade waterproof grease a Check valve tappet gear water pumps only See Paragraph 7 Section VIe With engine operating check oil b Remove clean and reset sparkpressure plugs See Paragraph 13 Section VIf With engine operating check c Tighten all nuts and On engines equippedwith temperature indicators tem 6 TWICE A SEASON CHECKperature should be between 130 and160 degrees F Fresh water 160 0 a Apply one drop of light enginesalt water 140 0 If engine is not oil to the breaker arm hinge pinequipped with a temperature gauge in distr ibutora rough determination can be madeby placing a hand on the engine b Apply two or three drops ofblock Engine should operate at a light engine oil to the felt in thetemperature which will allo hold top of the breaker cam and to theing a hand on the block for a per iod governor weight pivots of the disof 15 to 30 seconds tr ibutor rotor3 FIFTY HOUR CHECK c Clean the engine thoroughlya Using sump pump remove all oil d Tighten all lag bolts holdingfrom crankcase Refill with a good engine to bedgrade oil as specified in Table 4 e Check engine alignment Seeb Inspect oil cooler and remove Paragraph 4 Section IIany accumulation of grit or dirt f Check carburetor adjustmentc Oil generator using three to See Paragraph 6 Section VIfive drops of light engine oil g Clean and adjust distributord Add three or four drops of med magneto breaker points See Paraium engine oil to distributor oil graphs 1 and 5 Section VIcup h Oil or replace cam lubricatinge Clean fuel pump strainer wicks on magneto See Paragraph 5 Sect ion VI4 ONE HUNDRED HOUR CHECK 7 ONCE A SEASON CHECKa Remove glass bowl from fuelpump and clean out accumulated a Clean generator commutator SeeParagraph 3 Section VI e Lubricate and repack bearings on magneto See Paragraph 5 Section VIb Check generator and starterbrushes for wear If worn replace B THREE THOUSAND HOUR CHECKSee Paragraphs 3 and 4 Section VI At the end of three thousand hours of operation the engine should bec Adjust valve tappets if neces completely overhauled All bearingssary See Paragraph 7 Section VI should be checked for wear valves ground piston rings replaced andd Remove and clean muffler the engine thoroughly cleaned SECTION VI MAINTENANCE1 DISTRIBUTOR 1INTENANCE of OOIB to 0022 inch See Fig 60 1a Removal 2 Badly worn or pitted points1 Unsnap the two springs holding should be replaced When replacingthe cap to the distributor body points be sure they are properlyRemove the cap aligned Bend stationary arm 2 slightly to align points Do not2 Loosen the clamping screw at bend breaker arm the base of the distributor z3 Remove the timing adjustingscrew which holds the clamp to theengine block4 Note the position of the distributor in relation to the engineto facilitate replacement in thesame relative position5 Remove distributor from engineb Inspection1 Inspect the distributor forcracked broken or worn parts and Fig60 Distributor Bodyfor excessive burning Replace alldefective parts d Adjustment of Breaker Arm Spring Tension2 Clean all parts with 1 Hook a spring scale to the contact end of the breaker arm andc Adjustment and Replacement of bold at right angles to the contact Points surfaces1 Points which show only a slight 2 Read the scale just as the and are not badly tacts separate Scale reading shouldpitted should be cleaned with a be between 17 and 20 ouncesfine point file and reset for a gap 453 If the scale reading is not Engine Hodel loctticD ofwithin the above limits loosen No 1 Cylinderthe terminal post holding the endof the spring Fig 60 4 and Blue Jacket Twin Flywheel Endslide the end of the spring in or Atomic Four out as necessary Ut il i ty Four il SuperFour 4 Tighten terminal post and recheck tension Unimite Four Reverse Gear End ArrOl e G0vernor Adjustment Bluefin rlar 1 inSinco setting of the governor re Tarpon Itquires special equipment it should Knight II be done only by an experienced ser Itvice man or by the Universal fac Litt Ie King Flywheel Endtory Big King f Replacement on Engine b Remove spark plug from No I cyl inder 1 Replace the distributor in the same relative position as it was c Place thumb over No I sparkwhen removedo plug hole in cylinder head and crank engine over until compression2 Replace the timing adjusting pressure i8 evidentscrew but do not tighten leal center of d Dcter rl inl111 topg lubrication No 1 yllndpT compression stroke varies froP 1idel to model thus1 Place one drop of light engineoil on the breaker arm hinge pin Blue TacJct Twin Turn flywheelSee Fig 60 6 in normal cranking direction un til marking is lined up Ylith part2 Place three drops of light en ing line of cylinder blockgine oil on the felt in the top of Atomic Four TUIn flywheel in northe breaker cam See Fig 60 5 mal cranking direction until cranking pin is straight up and3 Place three drops of light en dovngine oil on the governor ueight Utility Four Same as above butpivots until pin is horizontal SuperFour Necessary to remove4 Add three to five drops of light flywheel cover to see timingoil to the oiler on the outside of mark on flywheel Mark should bethe distributor base located straight up by above pro cedure2 TIMING PROCEDURE All Others All have timing marks to mntch up on flywheel and flya The first step is to locate your wheel engine model in the folloYling list to determine the location e Loosen distributor so it can beof No I cyl inder upon hich the lifton up to disengage procedure is based drive er Set distributor so that 46rotor points to slot in distributor fully pull generator auay fromcase when distributor drive gear is Rotate distributor bodyunt i 1 breaker po ints are just begin 3 On model belt driven from flyning to open wheel remove belt remove nut hold ing generator pulley to shaft ref Tighten clamp holding distr ibutor move bol t8 ho lling generator to flyin position Engine is now roughly wheel housing and carefully pulltimed generator away from housingg Replace distributor cap on dis 4 On models belt driven from watertributor body No I spark plug pump remove belt adjusting screwwire goes into the connection di belt and hinge boltrectly above the flat on the distributor body at which the rotor 5 Loosen clamping screw and reis aimed The rest of the wires are move head bandinserted in the distributor cap inthe proper rotation of firing order 6 Remove brushes from brush holdergo ing from No 1 in a clockwise direct ion 7 Place neu brushes in brush holdersh Final sett ing for peak efficiencymust be uJade lith engine running 8 Draw a piece of 00 sandpaper between the brushes and in the dii With engine running at a fixed rection of the brush holder tothrottle setting loosen distribu properly seat the brush against thetor and rotate to maximum RP11 re commutator See Fig 61tighten at that point Engineshaving matching timing marks are 9 Blol out accumulated sand andbest adjusted with a timing light dust and replace head band3 GENERATOR used on UNIVERSAL enginesare nonventilated three brush andshunt types With the exception ofperiodic lubrication and of brushes and cleaningof the commutator no be required If trouble of amajor nature is encountered thegenerator should be sent to theUniversal factory for repaira Replacement of Brushes IIf brushes should become oil soaked Fig61 Sanding Distributor Brushesor have worn to less than onehalftheir original length they should IOReplace generator on enginebe replaced 11 On belt driven models adjust1 Disconnect generator uiring position of generator for proper belt tension2 On gear driven nodels removebolts holding generator to thet iwing gear tra in hous ing and car e 7b Lubrication 1 Disconnect start ing motor wir ingThe generator should be lubricated 2 Remove bolts holding startingevery 100 hours of operation Place motor to flvheel housingthree to five drops of light engine oil in the oil cups at each J Remove otor from housingend of the generator Do not overoil 4 Loosen the clamping screw and slide head band off motorc Cleaning Commutator 5 Remove brushes from holders1 Remove generator from engine If brush lead is riveted to brushas described in subparagraph a 1 holder remove the rivet If brushthrough 5 above lead is soldered to field coil line unsolder and bend open the2 Loosen clamping screw and re loop on the field coil leadmove headband 6 Install new brushes Be sureJ Remove brushes from holders bevel of brush fits the commutator4 Hold a piece of 00 sandpaper 7 Draw a piece of 00 commutator and rotate ar between the brushes and in themature until commutator is clean direction of the brush holder to properly seat the brush against5 Blml out sand and dust re the commutator See Fig 61place brushes in holders and install generator on 8 Blowout sand and dust and reengine place motor on engine4 STARTER MOTOR MAINTENANCE b Cleaning of CommutatorWith the exception of periodic 1 Remove starting motor from enlubrication and occasional replace gine and remove brushes from brushment of brushes and cleaning of the holders as described in the starting motors graph a 1 through 4used on UNIVERSAL engines will require very little maintenance 0 2 Hold a piece of 00 sandpaperEvery starting motor is equipped against the commutator and rotatewith a Bendix drive which acts as armature until commutator is clean can automatic clutch that engagesthe starting motor uith the engine J Blowout sand and dust replaceflvheel when the motor cranks the brushes in holders replace headbandengine and disengages when the en and install starting motor on engine starts This drive should be gineinspected once each season and wornparts replaced If trouble of a c Bendix Drive nature is encountered thestarting motor should be sent to 1 Remove starting motor from enthe UNIVERSAL factory for repair gine remove head band and brushes as described abovea Replacement of Brushes 2 Remove the pinion housing holdIf brushes have become oil soaked ing screwsor have worn to less than onehalfof their original length they J Pull arcature and pinion housingshould be replaced from the mot or 48 it from the engine b Inspection and Cleaning 1 Loosen the screws and emove the end cap from the magneto Be careful not to damage the gasket betueen the end cap and the magneto body 2 Remove the distributor cap from the end cap J Inspect magneto for worn or bro Fig62 Bendix Drive ken parts Check end and distributor caps for cracks and burned areas4 Press the armature out of thepinion housing 4 Replace all worn or broken parts5 Remove the Bendix head spring 5 Clean all exposed portions ofscre screw nearest armature or the magneto with carbon end of shaft and slide theBendix from the shaft See Fig 62 c Adjustment of POints American Bosch6 Inspect all parts for wear anddistortion Replace all defective 1 Inspect the points for evidenceparts of pitting or burning If points are only slightly burned dress with7 Reassemble and install on engine fine point file If points are badly burned replaced LubricationThe service requirements of thisunit are light and it requires verylittle lubrication Once each seasonthe motor should be disassembled I and the bronze bearings soaked in Zoil Some models are equipped withoil holes on the commutator end ofthe shaft Three or four drops oflight oil every 100 hours of operat ion placed in this oil hole is sufficient5 MAGNETO MAINTENANCE Fig6J Magneto American Boscha Removal 2 Turn the magneto shaft until the cam shoe rides on the highest1 Pull the ignition ires free of point of the camthe magneto distributor cap J Loosen the locking screw I2 Remove the two capscrews holdingthe magneto to the mounting bracket 4 Turn the eccentric adjusting screw 2 until the points are open Pull the magneto in a direction 0015 Tighten the locking screwa1vay from the drive shaft and lift 49d Adjustment of POints 2 Further lubrication of the mag FairbanksUorse neto by the operator is not recom mended1 Inspect the points for evidenceof pitting or burning g Timing American Bosch2 If points are badly pitted re 1 Remove the distributor plateplace If pitting is minor dress end capwith fine point file 2 Turn the distributor shaft in3 Loosen the two locking screws the oPPosite direction from its1 and 2 normal rotation until the arrow on the end of the shaft points to the4 Turn the magneto shaft until center of cable outlet No1the cam shoe rests on the highestpoint of the cam 3 Crank the engine until piston No 1 is at the top dead center5 Insert a scre7 dr iver in the position This point is indicatedslot 3 underneath the breaker by a mark on the flywheelarm Turn the scre7dr iver againstthe two projections until a sepa 4 Mount the magneto on the engineration at the points of 0015 isobtained Tighten the locking 5 Loosen the impulse coupling adscrews justable drive and turn the magneto shaft until the points are just be ginning to open 6 Tighten the impulse coupling and replace the end cap h Timing FairbanksMorse 1 Remove the distributor cap 2 Turn the magneto shaft until the distributor rotor lines up with the projection on the inner wall Fig64 Uagneto of the end cape Lubrication American Bosch 3 Replace the distributor cap Fig 63 4 Crank the engine unt il the No1 Place two drops of light oil 1 cylinder is at the top dead cenon the cam wick 3 ter position This position is indicated by a mark on the flywheel2 Lubrication of the remainder ofthe magneto requires special tools 5 lfount the magneto on the enfor disassembly and should not be gine Be careful not to by the operator the setting of the magneto If ne cessary loosen the impulse couplingt Lubr icat ion connector and turn it until it is Fig 64 properly aligned1 If the cam Yick 4 is dry and 6 CARBURETOR IJA INTENANCEhard replace with new uick All UNIVERSAL larine Engines 50covered by these instructions are 9 Hold the adjusting screw insupplied with Zenith marine type place and tighten the packing nutsafety nondrip carburetors except the V8 models See special 10 Return the throttle to idleV8 instruction books With the position and readjust idle of the following ad valve slightly for best maintenance of the car by the operator is notrecommended If difficulties arise b are not correctable by thefollowing adjustments it is recom The carburetors used on six cylmended that the carburetor be inder gasoline marine engines aresent to the UNIVERSAL factory for the Zenith updraft type with bothrepair or replacement idling and highspeed adjustments Each has a large air entrance whosea Adjustment of Throttle Stop bowl shaped bottom acts as a drip Screw Idle Needle Valve and collector with automatic drain Main Jet A properly adjusted carburetor1 Before any of the above ad should be left alonejustments to the carburetor aremade the engine should be opera If the fuel is free from dirt orted for a sufficient length of other impurities the carburetortime to reach operating tempera should not clog up or give troubleture We recommend that a large size2 With throttle in idling posi fuel strainer be inserted in thetion adjust the throttle stop gasoline line between the fuelscrew for desired idling speed pump and carburetor to trap dirtSee Fig 65 and 66 and condensation3 Turn the idle needle valve Since a marine engine operatesin and out until the speed of under more or less steady loadthe engine is steady and as fast conditions it is this throttle position will easy to adjust the carburetor Topermit facilitate adjustment of the car buretor it is fitted with an id4 Readjust the throttle stop ling jet A high speed jet Btlscrew for desired engine idling choke C and idling screw D as shown in Fig 685 Open the throttle approximately When adjusting your carburetor beonethird sure that the flame arrestor is clean and free of obstructions6 Loosen the packing nut on the and that the choke C is wide openmain jet adjustment 1arm the engine up thoroughly be fore attempting the adjustment7 Turn the main jet in until the engine speed is With the engine idling turn the idnoticeably reduced ling jet A slowly to the right and left until the setting is found8 Turn the main jet adjustment that will let the engine idlescrew out until the engine runs smoothly and as fast as that throtsmoothly and as fast as this throt tle setting will permit Adjust thetle position will permit idling adjustment screw D to the 51 IDLE ADJUSTING NEEDLE IDlEMAIN JETADJUST Fig65 Carburetor 631 and 263I Fig66 Carburetor 61 Series Seriesdesired idling speed and repeat the jet size is No 42 21 mm Thisadjustment of idling jet A jet size should be correct for all applications However if the operiVi th the boat under way on smooth ator desires very fine tuning hewater open the throttle approxi may try jets varying from size 41mately 75 Turn the high speed to 44 but not scalIer than 41 jet B in until the engine losespower and RPM Now open the jet At the bottom ot the the engine runs smoothly float bowl will be found a hexagonand at its higbest RPM for this head brass plug 7bere a setting main jet is usually found on mar ine carburetors The mein jet isThe carburetor should now be cor reached by removing this plug Therectly adjusted for smooth opera jet itself is a soall brass threadedtion and maximum pouer at all cylinder uith a shoulder ed aspeeds A slightly rich fuel mix screwdriver slot at one end neoveture is preferable to a lean mix and instCJll the jet tith F SC1e1ture as a lean mixture has the ap driver using care Dot to damageparent effect of reducing the the jet or the threeds in theoctane rating of the fuel and can carburetor Jowl casting The sizeresult in a tendency toward detona number is stamped on the end oftion ping burned valves and the jetscored or Worn cyl inders Thereforedo not lean out the fuel mixture This carburet 01 part number 9005in an attempt at fuel economy 120 has a trlohole idle system that is rfther sensitive in adKnight engines with serial number justment It t1ill require more4979 to 6346 were equipped with a care in adjusting tbe idle jetfixed main jet carburetor intended than with the former Knight carto discourage tbe general tendency buretorto lean out the fuel mixture foreconomy but which is actually det The pCJrt number of each to the engine Standard model will be found stawped on the 52 small round brass disc riveted fully observe the reaction of theto the carJuretor tachometer If the tachometer shows a steady decrease as the throttleThe Zenith carburetor supplied is retarded the stop screw is noton the lIodel 250 155 II P Knight needed in adjusting the carburetormay require adjustment of the Hoever if the tachometer firstthrottle plate stop screw An at increases to a maximum and thenthe full throttle position See falls off as the throttle is reFig 69 This carburetor is some tarded the stop screw must be used7hat sensit ive to the thrott Ie to correctly position the throttleplate positioning in that if it plate as follorls Find the thrott Iegoes slightly past the vertical position that will give maximum enPOSition it will upset fuel dis gine RPU and stop the engine in the anifold and cause disturbing the throttle setting lIarced decrease in engine p017er Screw the stop screw in until itand speed at full throttle The just touches the stop pin is correctly set on en the engine and check to see thatgines tested at the factory but it uill still attain its peak RPUreplacement carburetors ill have as noted before the adjustment Itto be adjusted in the field would be preferable if the adjust ment or setting of the stop screwl7ith the carburetor attached and t7as made with the engine runningthe engine ready to run loosen but this is not possible or advisthe stop screw A until it does able in many contact the stop pin fB withthe throttle lever c at the full Always take every precaution position as shom in Fig fire hazards when working around69 In this position the cast lug your fuel system Be sure to dison the throttle lever should touch connect batteries do not turn onthe stop pin Now with the engine flashlights operate at full throttle close switches or turn over the starterthe throttle very slowly and care or generator THROTTlE LEVER C IN FULL THROTTLE POSITION J Fig68 Carburetor Adjustoents Fig69 Carburetor Adjustments 537 VALVE TAPPET ADJUSTIlENT platea Valve tappet adjustments ere to 2 Loosen the screw 2 17hich holdsbe made with the piston on top dead the clip 3 in the notcQes cut incenter of the compression stroke the gear case housing until the clipwith both valves closed can be lifj out of the notch See Fig 71b Two tYPBS of tappet adjust ingscrerls areused one is of the self 3 Turn the gear case cover clocklocking type and the other has a rise one notchlocking nut for holding the adjusting screw in place Before malring CAUTIONthe adjustment this locking nut Overtightening may cause reust be loosened and the adjusting verse gear drum to break whennut held in place when it is re shift lever is movedtightened after the adjustment iscopleted See Fig 70 4 Place the clip in the notch and tighten screw 5 Repeat the process until the clutch does not slip under full drive of the engine 6 Replace the reversing gear cover plate b neverse Drive Adjustoent 1 TIeoove the reversing gear cover pl2te Fig70 Valve Tappet fdjustoent 2 Remove cotter pin and slack off adjusting nut 1 See Fig 711 Bemove the valve cover plate onthe carburetor side of the engine 3 Full operating lever towardBe careful not to damage the valve reverse position until cam rollplate gaslet rests on cam at point A Fig 722 Cranr the engine until the pis 4 Tighten adjusting nut untilton is in the top dead center drum uill not revolve l7ith the leverposit ion in reverse position and the engine at full pOt7er3 Adjust the tappets to theclearance shown in Table 7 CAUTION Do not adjust so tightly that 4 Replace the valve cover If the the cam roll cannot ride out gasket is damaged replace with a of the notch at point C neVl gaslcet us ing a good grade gasket Fig 72 cement 9 REVERSING GEAR ADJUSTI1ENT8 REVERS HrG GEAR ADJUST11ENT Pf RAGOH 11J NUAL IIODEL JOBS I1ODEL a Forward Drive Adjustmentc Forl7Cord dr i ve Adjustoent 1 TIemove the reversing gear cover1 emove the reversing gear cover plate 542 Back out lockscreu 1 until to the reverse position See Figthe end is free of the Detch cut 74 A and Bin the adjusting collar See Fig74 A and B 4 Tighten the adjusting bolt 2 until the brake band prevents the3 Turn the adjusting collar clock gear case from revolving Turn thevise until the lockscreu is oppo adjusting bolt approxiately onesite the next notch in the collar half turn past this point to com pensate for Vlear on the brake band4 Tighten the lockscrew beingsure that the end of the scrm 5 Replace the locking wire on theenters the notch in the collar adjusting bolt5 Repeat the above process until 10 REVERSING GEAR clutch does not slip with the IIYDRAULIC REVERSING GEARengine at full power The hydraulic reversing gear is de C441 ROLL NEtTIML EVERJFig71 Reverse Gear Adjustment Fig72 Reverse Gear Cam Joes Hodel Adjustment Joos Hodelb Reverse Drive Adjustment signed so that in normal service no adjustments are necessary As1 Remove the reversing gear cover the clutch plates near ttie forvlardplate piston compensates for this veal by moving further foruard As the2 Remove the locking wire from brake band lining wears the rethe adjusting bolt verse piston moves further dovlD to compensate fol this wear3 With the engine turning overslowly move the operating lever 55II STANUTRAL l1ANUAL TRANSIIlSSION the reverse band evenly Gbout the drurr 1i th the reverse gear in theThe adjustments that follo for the forward or neutral position the reStauTral manual be made periodically Theyare especially important t7here remote control type of eqniIrnent isused for shifting and the operatorcannot feel the tension on theclutchTee transmission is of the planetarytype with which is incorporated amultipledisc clutch running in engine oil Tension of the reverselever B Fig 7 or not adjustent of theclutch is of the clutch in fortJardmotion is as follows Remove topcover of reverse gear housingPlace shifting fork in the and pullout A in after plate of reversegear and clutch assembly Thisplate is threaded ito the reverse Fig7 StaKuTral Reverse Geargear drum Rotate the end plate ina clocm7ise direction until pin verse band should be free of presA seats itself in the next ad sure contact tith the drum iejoining hole in the clutch plate you should be able to Uniggle theTry the shifting lever to see if band easily uith the fingers Ifdesired result has been obtained the band is dragging against theRepeat performance until clutch drum it can be raised or is satisfactory slihtly by adjusting the nuts on the anchor bolt H17hen adjusting clutch for reverseset reverse lever B in reverse 12 OIL PRESSUTIE Slack off locknut Fand stop screw fiG until reverselever remains in reverse position The oil pressure reguletor is set1ben this result has been obtained at the factory for proper pressurelock stop scret7 17ith locknut NOTE and further adjustlllent should ilotThis adjustment is made at the be necessary oever if and is rarely required in should becoue necessary proceedthe field as follmfJNext nhile still holding reverse l nun the enine until it mslever in the reverse position reached operting off locknut c n and screudm1n on adjusting screu nDn until 2 Loosen the p7essure eGuletorthere is c 116 gap under asher locking nut See Fie 75 Loc2tedE tben this edjustoent has been inside oil p2D on si cylindermade tighten locknut Cu enGines See FiGe 76Anchor bolt H is used to center ilold the locking nut tld tUll1 56 Fig 7 L Reverse Gear AdjustrJent Paragonthe pressure regulat ing screrl in I SPARK PLUG llA INTENANCEor out until the proper pressureshorm in Table 4 is reached Spark plugs should be inspected and cleaned from time to time ano4 Hold the regulating screw in the gap betleen the electrodes se1place uith a screwdriver and for proper clearance Table Ieti 6 hten the locking nut gives tIle proper size spark plug CROW FOOT WRENCHFig75 Oil Fressure aegulator Adjustment Oil Pressure negulator Adjustment 57and gap setting for each engine 3 Check diaphragm return springscovered by these instructions 4 Check cam roll and cam arm for14 FUEL Pma 1IAINTENANCE worn parts See Fig77 c Replacement of Partsa DiE assembly 1 Replace all parts 7hich are1 Disconnect fuel lines and re damaged or show signs of wearmove pump from engine 2 A special fuel pump repair kit2 Loosen nut holding bale to is available from the bowl and remove bowl factory3 Remove screen and gasket d Assembly4 Remove screws holding primer 1 Put diaphragm assembly into bottom of pump place on pump body5 Remove springs and retaining 2 Insert pin securing diaphragmcaps plunger to cam lever6 Remove spring clips from pin 3 Replace retaining clips on pinholding cam lever to and remove pin 1I Replace primer pump cover Be sure springs are in place and pro7 Remove screws holding pump perly seated on retaining plugs incover to pump body Be careful not coverto damage diaphragm when separating 5 Replace pump cover Tighten allcover from pump body screws evenly and check to be sure diaphragm lies flat and smoothb Inspect ion 6 Replace screen gasket and1 Inspect screen for tears and sediment bowlholes 7 Replace fuel pump on engine2 Inspect diaphragm for cracks and reconnect fuel linesbreaks and punctures Table 10 SPARK PLUG DATA ENGINE NUMBER SIZE GAP SETTING Champion Blu e Jacket Tw in D16M 18 rrun 025 Atomic Four J8 14 mm 035 Utility Four D16M 18 rrun 030 Unimite four J8 14 mm 035 SuperFour D16M 18 rrun 030 Arrow J 7 14 mm 030 Bluefin J7 14 rrun 030 Marlin J7 14 rrun 030 Tarpon J7 14 mm 030 Knight J7 14 rrun 030 Little King UJ6M 14 rrun 028 Big King FIIY 14 rrun 033 038 58 NLT JCPEEN 4 JfDIMEN BOWL PRIMER LEVER Fig Fuel Fump15 nINTENANCE OF VDRIVE UNITS b Lubricationa General 1 The unit must be kept filled to the full mark on the bayonet sticko1 The Universal VDrive unit is Use a good grade EP90 into the Atomic Uni gear lubricantmite Bluefin and Knight modelsand is designed as an integral part CAUTIONof the engine The unit is directly New units shipped from thecoupled to the engine by a spline factory do not contain lubrishaft and coupling cant Fill and check unit carefully lJefore starting2 The VDrive unit is a self nonadjustable vatercooled unit i7ater cooling is ac 2 After the first 50 hours ofcomplished by direct connection to operation drain unit and refillthe main water supply of the en to full mark on the bQyonet stickgine Clean magnetic drain plug before refilling3 The unit requires no adjustmentand very little maintenance uith 3 Change lubricant every 500the exception of proper lubrication hours of operationand the maintenance of proper 5916 REPAITI PARTS KIT engine lCintenance The kit conA factory packged repair parts tains parts most likely to requirecit is C1vailable for all models of replaceoent through normal engineengines covered by these instruc operction cach part is carefullytions Parts included in the kit Tapped L d 17aterproof nappinghave been selected by the Universal and packed in a convenient sizeilot or Company Service Department oetel box deSigned for lastingbased on years of experience in storage SECTION VII TROUBLE SHOOTINGAny gasoline engine depends upon to help the operator locate andthree main factors for proper overcome some of the most an unfailing fuel sup causes of engine failure or imply uninterrupted ignition and proper operation In Table 6 Progood compress ion llen anyone of bable Causesare listed in the mostthese is not present or present likely order of occurrence Onlyonly intermittently engine failure one correction should be attcoptedwill result The following trouble at a tiDe and that possibility eliUlshooting information is designed inated before going on to the next Table 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES Trouble Probable Cause Correction Starter will not crank Discharged battery Charge or replace battery engine Corroded battery terminals Clean terminals Loose connection in starting Check and tighten all connections circuit Defective starting switch Replace switch Starter motor brushes dirty Clean or replace brushes See Par 4 or worn Sec VI Jammed Bendix gear Loosen starter motor to free gear Defective starter motor Replace motor Starter motor turns but Partially discharged battery Charge or replace battery does not crank engine Defective wiring or wiring Check wiring for worn or acid eaten of too low capacity spots See Table Sec I for proper size wire Broken Bendix drive Remove starter motor and repair drive See Par 4 Sec VI Engine will not start Empty fuel tank Fill tank with proper fuel See Table Defective fuel system 5 for fuel oil models Flooded engine Remove spark plugs and crank engine several times Replace plugs 60 Table G TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES Contr L 1 rr i II J Engine will not start Water in fuel system T f II II t I r I I 1 tt I t it II k lIt i Defective fuel system lilj dnd l lr 1fi11 II i t It Cont pr IJIr I Inoperative or stickin tluJ t 11 J lrda dTlII ilok d lj choke valve cabl 111 1J1Wr 0IHfit t itlll Improperly adjusted carbure Adjut CaIIJIIJLtlJI tor n Clogged fuel lines or de 1l1UIJlWt 111 lill It IlUld fective fuel pump II fuel lIW It 1111 C11y 1 ill II 11 sciJu i lankld OlluJl luL Lill tlld dimpnt bOIl 111111 till II Iwt Io fltl ilJtlr tlIlliTlt rUIJtjr 11 repl 1111TI1 1111 lj OIe l 1 NOTE On fuel oilkerosene lIIoelel 111 1111111 110 i III proper pOSition for startiIl OIl il1n Engine will not start flll 1 t 11 I r Defective ignition defective system Fouled or broken spark plugs I1ltTlOf JtlIJ Ull UlllI1L l lucjd trltlrl Iirt ICiJlt lI iJllIlf ilp Sec Par l t 1 Improperly set worn or pit Remove cntr wir from ditlibutol iIi ted listributor point Il I and hoI witllin lies inch nl motor block fcctive conelenser Defective Crank ninf Clal 1mIll park hould ignition coil jump beteIl wire and block when poiTlt open Clnn an at1just paints SCI 1a1 1 Sec YI If spark iii weak or yellow after adjllstment of loints replace conener 11 park still is weak 01 not preAnt replace ignition coil Wet crackeel or broken WiJJe inile snrfaces of distributor lry c1istributor with cl1n cloth Inspect for cracked or broken JJllts Replace part where neeesary Improperly set worn or Rcmoe park plug wire and hold within pitted magneto breaker JJoints JH inch of eng inc block Clean sharp Magneto models only spark should jump betven wire anel block when engine is cranked If spark is wPHk ur not present clean and ad just breaker points See Par 1 Sec VI Improperly set worn or pit HCIIIOYC park plug wire and hold within I ted timer pOints Defective lH inch of engine block A clean sharp coil park 1101Ild jump between wire and Battery in good condition block when engine is cranked Clean and I Timer models only et timer points If srark still is not I present when engine is cranked replace coil I I Improper timing Check anc1 set timing See Par 1 Sec VI for electrical ignition models Pal 5 Sec VI for magneto models i I I 61 Table 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES Cont Trouble Probable Cause Correction fEngine will not start Air leak around intake mani Check for leak by squirting oil around Poor compression and fold intake connections If leak is found otber causes tighten manifold and if necessary re place g cts Loose spark plugs Check all plugs for proper seating gas ket and tightness Replace all damaged plugs and gaskets Loosely seating valves Check for broken or weak valve springs warped stems carbon and gum deposits and insufficient tappet clearance See Par 7 Sec VI Damaged cylinder head gasket Check for leaks around gasket when en gine is cranked If a leak is found replace gasket Worn or broken piston rings Replace broken and worn rings Check or damaged cylinder walls cylinders for out of round and taperExcessive engine tem No water circulation Check for clogged water lines and re perature stricted inlets and outlets Check for broken or stuck thermostat Look for worn or damaged water pump or water pump driveEngine temperature too Broken or stuck thermostat Replace thermostat lowNo oil pressure Defective gauge or tube Replace gauge or tube No oil in engine Refill with proper grade oil See Table 4 Dirt in pressure relief Clean valve valve Defective oil pump leak Check oil pump and oil pump drive for in oil lines or broken oil worn or broken parts Tighten all oil pump drive line connectionsLow oil pressure Too light body oil Replace with proper weight oil See Table 4 Oil leak in pressure line Inspect all oil lines Tighten all connections Weak or broken pressure re Replace spring lief valve spring Worn oil pump Replace pump Worn or loose bearings Replace bearingsOil pressure too high Too heavy body oil Drain oil and replace with oil of proper weight See Table 4 Stuck pressure relief valve Clean or replace valve Dirt or obstruction in lines Drain and clean oil system Check for bent or flattened oil lines and re place where necessary 62 Table 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES Cont Trouble Probable Cause in oil Infrequent oil changes Drain and refill with proper weight oil Water in oil Drain and refill If trouble persists check for cracked block defective head gasket and cracked head Dirty oil filter Replace filterLoss of RPM Obstructed fuel line air Correction of these difficulties is Engine leak in fuel linedirty fil covered under Engine will not start ter or air portions of this table fuel pump or carburetor out of adjustment Fouled or broken spark Correction of these difficulties is points out covered under Engine will not start of adjustment or incorrect portions of this table timing Valve tappets out of adjust Correction of these difficulties is mentwarped or burned valves covered under Engin will not start worn piston ringstoo heavy portions of this table lubricating oil or leaking cylinder head gasketLoss of RPM Damaged propeller Boat or associated Bent rudder equipment Misalignment Too tight stuffing box pack ing gland Dirty boat Misfiring or preignition See correction under misfiring and pre ignition Loose foundation or founda tion bolts Propeller shaft out of line or bent Propeller bent or pitch out of truePreignit ion Defective spark plugs Check all spark plugs for broken por celain burned electrodes or electrodes out of adjustment Replace all defec tive plugs or clean and reset Improper timing See Par 1 2 and 5 Sec VI Engine carbon Remove cylinder head and clean out carbon Engine overheating See correction under Engine Overheating portion of this tableMisfiring Defective spark plugs im See correction under Engine will not properly adjusted distribu start portions of this table tor pOints or defective Insufficient fuel reaching See correction under Engine will not engine due to dirty lines start portions of this table strainer or blocked fuel tank vent Water in fuel Poorly adjusted distributor See correction under Engine will not start port ions of this table 63 SECT ION V III REPAIR1 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Method of shipment desired parcel post express truck ora It is not recommended that the rail freight If freight perform any repairs more is desired give name of truckcomplex than those covered under line or railroad and specifythe maintenance section of this in closest freight book If repairs of amajor nature should become neces 2 CONCLUSIONsary the engine should be serviced a OUr interest in you does notby an authorized Universal dealer diminish after you have purchasedor shipped direct to the Universal our product Our claims will alfactory However should the opera ways be made good lre agree totor prefer to make his own repairs give you satisfactory serviceTables 7 througb 9 list proper within the limits of our and torque wrench set tions and are ready at all timestings for all models covered by to assist you in obtaining satisthese instructions as an aid in faction Do not hesitate to comemaking these repairs to us if you feel that we can be of any assistance Your inquiriesb Only genuine Universal parts will be promptly answered and youspecially designed for marine en will be advised with care in agines should be used Repair manner easily understood ile wantparts for all models of Universal every UNIVERSAL owner to be a livingengines up to 21 years old are talking advertisement and a for immediate shipmentfrom Universal dealers or directly b We feel that you are willing tofrom the Universal factory llhen do your part and that you will useordering parts it is essent ial that care and judgment in the runningthe following information be in of your engine Do not expect thecluded with the order impossible and remember that by using good quality lubricants by 1 Model and serial number of careful attention to detect the the engine first sign of trouble and by prompt correction of troubles as they oc 2 Part number or full descrip cur the length of life and useful tion and sketch of part ness of your engine will be greatly increased CRANKSHAFT JOURNAL SIZE MODEL MAIN BFARING CONNECTING RODBlue Jacket Twin 1748 000001 1748 000001Atomic Four 19880 00050000 15625 Four 1498 1497 1498 1499Super Four 19985 00050005 19985 Four 1 988 1 987 1 7 48 1 7 47Arrow 2 L98 2497 1988 1987Bluefin 2498 2497 1988 1987Marlin 2498 2497 1988 1987Tarpon 2498 2497 1988 1987Knight 2498 2497 1988 1987Little King 22978 22988 1999 2000Big King 2899 2900 2599 2600 64 Table 7 VALVE AND PISTON DATAMODEL PISTON PISTON VALVE SEAT VALVE TAPPET VALVE STEMNAME CLEARANCE RING ANGlE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE IN GUIDE GAP INTAKE AND C ID EXHAUST INT EXH INTAKE EXHAUSTBlue Jacket Twin 0015 009 014 45 0 008 010 0015 002 0015 002Atomic FourUtility Four 0015 007 015 45 0 008 010 001 0015 0015 0025 002 008 013 45 0 006 008 0015 002 0015 002SuperFour 0015 010 015 45 0 010 012 0015 002 0015 002Unimite Four 003 015 020 30 0 010 010 001 0015 0025 003Arrow 0025 003 015 020 30 0 010 014 0025 003 0025 003Bluefin 0025 003 015 020 30 0 010 014 0025 003 0025 004 0045 004 0045 015 015 020 020 30 0 30 0 012 016 012 016 0025 0025 003 003 0025 0025 003 King 005 0055 0006 001 015 010 020 020 30 0 46 0 012 018 0025 001 003 0027 0025 0017 003 0034 010llt020Big King 0011 0029 015 025 30 0 Int 45 0 Exh 020 022 001 0024 001 0024 Table 8 TORQUE WRENCH TENSION In CYLINDER HEAD CONNEClING ROD MAIN BEARINGS MAIN BEAR INGS MANIFOLD SPARKNAME BOLTS OR NUTS NUTS FRONT INTER CENTER REAR STUDS PLUGSBlue Jacket Twin 40 40 60 60 35 35Atomic Four 60 60 a 33 35 30Ut ility Four 25 60 60 40 35SuperFour 55 50 100 100 45 35Unimi te Four 40 42 77 77 35 30Arrow 60 39 70 60 30Bluefin 60 39 70 60 30Marlin 65 56 70 60 30Tarpon 65 56 70 60 30Knight 65 56 70 60 30Little King 65 33 65 65 30 23Big King 95105 4550 95105 95105 2328 1520 Table 9 BEARING DATAMODEL CONNECTING ROD CONNECTING ROD CRANK8WFl MAIN CRANKSHFl THRUST CAMSHFl BEARINGNAME CLEARANCE END PLAY BEARING CLEARANCE AT CLEARANCE Diameter CLEARANCE THRUST BEARING Diameter iDiamptprBlue Jacket Twin 0015 0025 002 003 0015 0025 002 003 0025 003Atomic Four 001 0025 004 008 001 0025 002 003 002 0025Utility Four 0015 0025 002 003 0015 002 002 003 0025 003SuperFour 002 003 002 003 002 003 003 004 0025 003Unimite Four 001 0015 005 010 002 0025 002 004 0015 0025Arrow 0015 002 005 010 0015 003 002 004 0015 0025Bluefin 0015 002 005 010 0015 003 002 004 0015 0025Marlin 002 0025 005 010 0015 003 002 004 0015 0025Tarpon 002 0025 005 010 0015 003 002 004 0015 0025Knight 0025 Ooa 005 010 0015 003 002 004 0015 0025L1 tt Ie KingBig King 001 0006 00 0026 2 008 005 014 015 001 0009 004 0029 002 004 006 008 0015 001 0035 003 Table 11 VALVE TIMINGMODEL INLET VALVE INLET VALVE EXHAUST VALVE EXHAUST VALVENAME OPENS CLOSES OPENS CLOSESBlue Jacket Twin 50 after TDC 45 0 after LDC 40 0 before LDC TDCAtomic Four before TDC oo after LDC before LDC 10 0 after TDCUtility Four 50 5 after TDC a 50 after LDC 45 40 0 50 0 before before LDC LDC TDC TDCSuperFour 50 after TDC 55 after LDCUnimite Four 50 before TDC 55 0 after LDC 45 0 before LDC 15 after TDCArrow 50 before TDC 55 after LDC 45 before LDC 15 after TDCBluefin 5 before TDC 55 after LDC 45 0 before LDC 15 after TDCMarlin 50 before TDC 55 after LDC 45 before LDC 15 after TDCTarpon 50 before TDC 55 after LDC 45 before LDC 15 after TDCKnight 50 before lDC 55 after LDC 45 before LDC 15 after TDC TDC means TOP DEAD CENTER LDC means LOWER DEAD CENrER See Table 7 for Valve Tappet Clearance 65 SECTION IX INDEX PageAligning the Engine 8Bearing Data Table 9 65Breakin 34Carburetor Maintenance 50Cold Weather Operation 37Cooling Sy stem 41Cooling Water System Installation of 9Crankshaft Data 64Distributor Maintenance 45Electrical System Installation of 12Engine Identification 2Engine Models General Data Table 1 3Engine Rotation 2Engine Stringers Beds Installation of 7Exhaust Piping Installation of 9Fifty Hour Check 44Finishing Engine Installation 12Firing Order Table 5 36Fuel Pump Maintenance 58Fuel System Installation 11Fuel System Theory of 40Generator Maintenance 47Ignition System Theory of 38Installation Data Table 2 16Installation Preparation for 4 66INDEX Cont PageInstrument Panels 17Introduction 1Lubrication Chart Table 4 35lubrication System 39Magneto Maintenance 49Major Repairs 64Oil Pressure Regulator Adjustment 56Once a Season Check 44One Hundred Hour Check 44One Hundred Fifty Hour Check 44Periodic Service General 43Preliminary Checks Operation Cbeck 43Preparation for Shipment Factory 1Preparation for Storage 37Propeller Shaft Installation of 5Reduction Gears Theory of Operation 42Repair Parts Kits 60Repolarizing Generator Fig 22 20Reverse Gear Adjustment Joes 54Reverse Gear Adjustment Paragon Hydraulic 55Reverse Gear Adjustment Paragon Manual 54Reverse Gear Operation Hydraulic 36Reverse Gear Operation Manual 36Reverse Gears Theory of Operation 41Scale Drawings Engines 21Spark Plug Data Table 10 58 67INDEX ContSpark Plug Maintenance 57Special Equipment 16StaNuTral Manual Gear 56Starter Maintenance 48Starting Electric Ignition Models 33Starting Fuel Oil and Kerosene Models 34Starting Magneto Models 34Stopping Engine 34Theory of Operation 38Thermostat ByPass Valve Installation of 10Three Thousand Hour Check 45Timing Procedure Ignition 46Torque Wrench Tensions Table 8 65Treatment of Engine on Arrival 1Trouble Shooting 60Twice a Season Check 44VDrive Installation 13VDrive Unit Maintenance 59Valve and Piston Data Table 7 65Valve Tappet Adjustment 54Valve Timing Table 11 65Wire Sizes Electrical System Table 3 17Wiring Diagram 5unit Panel Fig 20 18Wiring Diagram 3unit Panel Fig 20A 18Wiring Diagram 60 Ampere Alternator Fig 21 19Wiring Diagram 12 Volt Generator Fig 21A 19Wiring Diagram 12 Volt Shunt Generator Standard and 24 Amp Fig 22 20 68
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