Westerbeke Diesel 63b Four Parts Manual
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It IJ I II 4o q ilpfl SERVICE MANUAL W5263B and 63CFOUR MARINE DIESEL ENGINES AND15KW60Hz 60Hz 12KW 50Hz WMF15KW60Hz 12KW50Hz BTDA15KW60Hz 12KW50Hz BTDB MARINE DIESEL GENERATORS SINGLE AND THREE PHASE PUBLICATION NO 32460 EDITION TWO JANUARY 1999 WESTERBEKE CORPORATION AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 TEL 508 5887700 FAX 508 5599323 WEBSITE tVMMA Member Natiollal Marille Mallufacturers Associatioll CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm A WARNINGExhaust gasses contain Carbon Monoxide an odorless and colorless gas Carbon Monoxide is poisonous and can and death Symptoms of Carbon can include Dizziness Throbbing in TemplesNausea Muscular Vomiting Weakness and Sleepiness Inability to Think CoherentlyIF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMSGET OUT INTO THE FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY If symptoms persistseek medical attention Shut down the unit and do not restartuntil it has been inspected and repaired SAFETY PREVENT BURNS FIRERead this safety manual carefully Most accidents arecaused by failure to follow fundamental rules and precau A WARNING Fire can cause injury or deathtions Know when dangerous conditions exist and take thenecessary precautions to protect yourself your personne Prevent flash fires Do not smoke or permit flames orand your machinery sparks to occur near the carburetor fuel line filter fuelThe following safety instructions are in compliance with the pump or other potential sources of spilled fuel or fuelAmerican Boat and Yacht Council ABYC standards vapors Use a suitable container to catch all fuel when removing the fuel line carburetor or fuel filtersPREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK Do not operate with a Coast Guard Approved flame arrester removed Backfire can cause severe injury or death A WARNING 00 not touch AC electrical connections Do not operate with the air removed while engine is running or when connected to shore Backfire can cause severe injury or death power Lethal voltage is present at these connections Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur near the fuel system Keep the compartment and the Do not operate this machinery without electrical clean and free of debris to minimize the enclosures and covers in place chances of fire Wipe up all spilled fuel and engine oil Shut off electrical power before accessing electrical Be aware diesel fuel will bum equipment Use insulated mats whenever working on electrical PREVENT BURNS EXPLOSION equipment Make sure your clothing and skin are dry not damp particularly shoes when handling electrical equipment A WARNING Explosions from fuel vapors can cause injury or death Remove wristwatch and all jewelry when working on electrical equipment Follow refueling safety instructions Keep the vessels Do not connect utility shore power to vessels AC hatches closed when fueling Open and ventilate cabin circuits except through a shiptoshore double throw after fueling Check below for fumesvapor before run transfer switch Damage to vessels AC generator may ning the blower Run the blower for four minutes before result if this procedure is not followed starting your engine Electrical shock results from handling a charged capaci All fuel vapors are highly explosive Use extreme care tor Discharge capacitor by shorting terminals together when handling and storing fuels Store fuel in a wellven tilated area away from sparkproducing equipment andPREVENT BURNS HOT ENGINE out of the reach of children Do not fill the fuel tanks while the engine is running A WARNING 00 not touch hot engine parts or Shut off the fuel service valve at the engine when servicing the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that might exhaust system components A running engine gets spill DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other very hot sources of fire near the fuel system or engine when servic ing Ensure proper ventilation exists when servicing the Always check the engine coolant level at the coolant fuel system recovery tank Do not alter or modify the fuel system Be sure all fuel supplies have a positive shutoff valve A WARNING Steam can cause injury or death Be certain fuel line fittings are adequately tightened and free of leaks In case of an engine overheat allow the engine to cool Make sure a fire extinguisher is installed nearby and is before touching the engine or checking the coolant properly maintained Be familiar with its proper use Extinguishers rated ABC by the NFPA are appropriate for all applications encountered in this environment lVVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators SAFETY STARTING TOXIC EXHAUST GASES A WARNING Accidental starting can cause injury A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is a deadly gas or death Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifolds it last are securely attached and no warping exists Pay close Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before attention to the manifold water injection elbow and starting exhaust pipe nipple Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated installed before starting the engine In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system install a carbon monoxide detector Consult your boatBAnERY EXPLOSION builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors For additional information refer to ABYC T22 educa A WARNING Battery explosion can cause injury tional information on Carbon Monoxide or death Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is an invisible being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a odorless gas Inhalation produces flulike symptoms highly explosive gas which can be ignited by electrical nausea or death arcing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrical equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing dur Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel ing servicing fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust sys Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi tems Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper tive connection terminal of the starter solenoid Do tubing resulting in exhaustwater leakage not test the battery condition by shorting the terminals Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapors through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine Ventilate any compartment containing batteries to prevent exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not enter the exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the disturb the battery charger connections while the battery flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft is being charged Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxic as Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monoxide burns or sparks that could cause an explosion Remove gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the symp wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handling toms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or poisoning the battery are Always turn the battery charger off before disconnecting Vomiting the battery connections Remove the negative lead first Dizziness and reconnect it last when disconnecting the battery Throbbing in Muscular twitching Intense headache A WARNING Sulfuric acid in batteries can cause Weakness and sleepiness severe injury or death AVOID MOVING PARTS When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury If it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once or death with water Acid may splash on the skin or into the eyes inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps Do not service the engine while it is running If a situa tion arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make operating adjustments use extreme care to avoid touching moving parts and hot exhaust system components rfJIVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators ii SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing ABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBLICATIONS FOR equipment tie back long hair and avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves rings necklaces or bracelets that INSTALLING DIESEL ENGINES could be caught in moving parts Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications for safety codes and standards Follow their recommenda Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened tions when installing your engine Keep protective shields and guards in their respective places at all times ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council Safety Standards for Small Craft Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while the engine is operating Order from Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling ABYC when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily 15 East 26th Street be caught in these rotating parts New York NY 10010 NFPA National Fire Protection NOISE Fire Protection Standard for Motor Craft Order from A WARNING High noise levels can cause hearing National Fire Protection Association loss 11 Tracy Drive Avon Industrial Park Never operate an engine without its muffler installed Avon MA 02322 Do not run an engine with the air intake silencer USCG United States Coast Guard removed USCG 33CFR183 Do not run engines for long periods with their enclosures Order from open US Government Printing Office Washington DC 20404 A WARNING Do not work on machinery when you are mentally or physically incapacitated by MANUALMany of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repeatedin your Operators Manual along with other cautions andnotes to highlight critical information Read your maintain your equipment and follow all to install an engine should begin with a thorough examination of the American Boat and Yacht CouncilsABYC standards These standards are a combination ofsources including the USCG and the NFPASections of the ABYC standards of particular interest are H2 Ventilation Pl Exhaust systems P4 Inboard engines E9 DC Electrical systemsAll installations must comply with the Federal Code ofRegulations FCR tfIVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators iii installing WESTERBEKE engines and generators it is important that be paid to the following AND federal regulations ABYC guidelines and safety codes must be complied withwhen installing engines and generators in a marine installations where the exhaust manifoldwater injected exhaust elbow is belowthe vessels waterline provisions must be made to install a siphonbreak in the rawwater supply hose to the exhaust elbow TIris hose must be looped a minimum of 20above the vessels waterline Failure to use a siphonbreak when the injection port is at or below the load waterline will result in raw waterdamage to the engine and possible flooding of the boatEXHAUST SYSTEMThe exhaust hose must be certified for marine use The system must be designed toprevent water from entering the exhaust under any sea conditions and at any angleof the vessels hull A detailed 40 page Marine Installation Manual covering gasoline and diesel engines and generators is available from your WESTERBEKE dealer 1fIVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators iv TABLE OF 2 Generator Information 62Engine Chart 3 Generator Control Panel Switches 62Testing for Overhaul 7 Control Panel Disassembly 8 Electronic Governor Installation 64Engine Disassembly 9 Electronic Governor 67Engine Inspection 14 WMF Generator 68Engine Assembly 24 WMF Wiring Schematics 72Exhaust ManifoldlHeat Exchanger 31 WTA Generators 74Fuel Injection Pump 32 WTA 75Injection Timing 33 WTA 50Hz60Hz Schematics 81Fuel Lift Pump 34 Rotating Bridge Rectifier 83Fuel System 36 WTA Wiring Diagrams 85Glow Plugs 38 WTA 86Engine Adjustments 39 WTA Electrical Fault Analysis 87Coolant Circulating Pump 41 WTA Internal Wiring Schematics 88Lubricating Oil Pump 42 WTA Connection Schematics 89Oil Pressure 43 WTA Parts Identification 90Raw Water Pump 44 BT Generator 91Starter Motor 45 BT Internal Wiring Schematic 92Tachometer 49 BT Chart 93Alternator Testing 50 BT 95Service Data Standards and Limits 52 BT Voltage Regulator Adjustments 101Engine Torque Specifications 54 BT Internal Wiring 3 Phase 102Standard Hardware Torques 55 BT 3 Phase 103W52 Wiring Diagram 51 BT Wiring Diagram l 04W52 Wiring Schernatic 52 BT Wiring Schematic 10563B and 63C Wiring Diagram 53 Generator Specifications l 0863B and 63C Wiring Schematic 54 Special ToolsGenerator l and 63C Engines 60 Metric Conversions 11 0 Index 111 1fIV1 WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 1 SOFTWARE CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION CARDProduct software tech data parts lists and catalogs provided from sources other thanWESTERBEKE are not within WESTERBEKES control CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THECONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO I Customer OR WITH RESPECT WESTERBEKE OWNERTHERETO INCLUDING ACCURACY TIMELINESS ORCOMPLETENESS THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENT MAIN STREETBE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGE OR INJURY HOMETOWN USAINCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT Model63B Ser AOOOOD711OF THE FURNISHING OR USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE Expires 9198WESTERBEKE customers should also keep in mind thetime span between printings of WESTERBEKE and the unavoidable existence of earlier The WESTERBEKE serial number is an manuals Product software provided with number that can assist in determining the date ofWESTERBEKE products whether from WESTERBEKE manufacture of your WESTERBEKE Theor other suppliers must not and cannot be relied upon first character indicates the decade A1960s as the definitive authority on the respective C1980s D1990s the second character represents the yearproduct It not only makes good sense but is imperative in the decade and the fourth and fifth number represents thethat appropriate of WESTERBEKE or the month of in question be consulted to determine the accuracyand currentness of the product software being consulted by SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONthe customer The engine and generator serial numbers and model numbers are located on a decal on the generator housingNOTES CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS The engine serial number can also be found stamped into theAs this manual takes you through the disassembly inspection engine block just above the injection pump The generatorand assembly procedure of your critical serial number is stamped into the generator housing on theinformation will be highlighted by NOTES CAUTIONS flat surface on the left side of the generatorand WARNINGS An explanation follows An identification plate on the engine manifold also displaysNOTE An operating procedure essential to note the engine model and serial number A CAUTION Procedures which if not strictly GENERATOR IDDECAl observed can result in the damage or destruction of your ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER A WARNING Procedures which if not properly followed can result in personal injury or loss of lifeORDERING PARTSWhenever replacement parts are needed always provide thegenerator model number engine serial number and generator ENGINE OVERHAULserial number as they appear on the silver and blacknameplate located on the generator end You must provide The following sections contain detailed informationus with this information so we may properly identify relating to the proper operation of the majoryour In addition include a complete part components and systems of the engine Included aredescription and part number for each part needed see disassembly inspection and reassembly instructions for thethe separately furnished Parts List Also insist upon guidance of suitable equipped and staffed marine packaged parts because will fit or generic service and rebuilding facilities The necessary are frequently not made to the same specifications should be undertaken only by such facilitiesas original equipment Additional detailed information and specifications are provided in other sections of this manual covering the generator alternator starter motor engine adjustments cooling pumps etc IvvJ WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 2 ENGINE following chart describes certain ing the need for an engine relating to engine service the probable causes of NOTE The engines electrical system is protected by a 20these problems and the to overcome ampere manual reset circuit breaker The preheat solenoid isthese problemsThis chart may be of assistance in determin mounted on the same bracket PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE HARD STARTING LOW CRANKING SPEED 1 Engine oil viscosity too high 1 Replace engine oil with less viscous oil 2 Rundown battery 2 Recharge battery 3 Worn battery 3 Replace battery 4 Battery terminals loosely connected 4 Clean terminals and correct cables 5 Defective starter 5 Repair or replace starter 6 Defective main drive section 6 Check clutch for disengagement DEFECTIVE INJECTION SYSTEM 1 Air trapped in fuel passage 1 Bleed air from fuel system 2 Clogged fuel filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Low injection pressure 3 Adjust injection pressure 4 Inadequate spray 4 Clean or replace nozzle 5 Injection pump delivering insufficient fuel 5 Repair or replace injection pump 6 Injection too early 6 Adjust injection timing MAIN ENGINE TROUBLES 1 Low compression a Incorrect valve clearance a Adjust valve clearance b Inadequate contact of valve seat b Lap valve C Valve stem seized c Replace valve and valve guide d Broken valve spring d Replace valve spring e Compression leaks through cylinder head gasket e Replace gasket Piston ring seized Replace piston and piston ring g Worn piston ring and cylinder g Overhaul engine 2 Burnt glow plug 2 Replace glow plug 3 Faulty glow plug operation 3 Correct lead wire connection 4 Incorrect governor lever position 4 Set lever to starting position 5 Governor spring out of POSITION 5 Correct spring LOW OUTPUT LOW COMPRESSION See HARD STARTING INJECTION SYSTEM OUT OF ADJUSTMENT 1 Incorrect injection timing 1 Adjust injection timing 2 Insufficient injection 2 Repair or replace injection pump 3 Low injection pressure 3 Check injection nozzle and adjust pressure INSUFFICIENT FUEL 1 Air trapped in fuel system 1 Check and retighten connector 2 Clogged filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Contaminated fuel tank 3 Clean tank INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Clogged air cleaner 1 Clean or replace air cleaner continued Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 3 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE OUTPUT coot OVERHEATING 1 Low coolant level 1 Add coolant 2 Loose Vbelt 2 Adjust or replace Vbelt 3 Incorrect injection timing 3 Adjust injection timing 4 Low engine oil level 6 Add engine oilEXCESSIVE OIL OIL 1 Defective oil seals 1 Replace oil seals 2 Broken gear case gasket 2 Replace gasket 3 Loose gear case attaching bolts 3 Retighten bolts 4 Loose drain plug 4 Retighten plug 5 Loose oil pipe connector 5 Retighten oil connections 6 Broken rocker cover gasket 6 Replace gasket 7 Loose rocker cover attaching bolts 7 Retighten attaching bolts OIL LEVEL RISING 1 Incorrectly positioned piston ring gaps 1 Correct ring gap positions 2 Displaced or twisted connecting rod 2 Replace connecting rod 3 Worn piston ring 3 Replace ring 4 Worn piston or cylinder 4 Replace piston and rebore cylinder OIL LEVEL FALLING 1 Defective stem seal 1 Replace stem seal 2 Worn valve and valve guide I 2 Replace a valve and valve guideEXCESSIVE FUEL ENGINE BODY 1 Noisy knocking 1 See KNOCKING 2 Smoky exhaust 2 See SMOKY EXHAUST 3 Moving parts nearly seized or excessively worn 3 Repair or replace 4 Poor cornpression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 5 Irnproper valve tirning 5 Adjust 6 Irnproper valve clearance 6 Adjust INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Air intake obstructed 1 Rernove obstruction NOZZLE TROUBLES 1 Seized nozzle 1 Replace 2 Worn nozzle 2 Replace IMPROPER FUEL Replace with proper fuel FUEL LEAKS Find fuel leaksSMOKY EXHAUST WHITISH OR PURPLISH 1 Excessive engine oil 1 Correct oil level 2 Excessive rise of oil into combustion charnber 3 Poor piston contact 3 Check b Seized piston ring b Replace or clean c Excessive clearance c Replace or correct continued fAT WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 4 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE EXHAUST cont WHITISH OR PURPLISH cont d Worn valve stem and valve guide d Replace e Low engine oil viscosity e Replace f Excessive oil pressu reo f Correct 3 Injection timing is too late 3 Adjust 4 Insufficient compression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING BLACKISH OR DARK GRAYISH 1 Engine body troubles a Poor compression a See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING b Improper valve clearance b Adjust 2 Insufficient intake air air cleaner clogged 2 Clean air cleaner 3 Improper fuel 3 Replace with proper fuelABNORMAL SOUND CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGOR NOISE 1 Badly worn bearing 1 Replace bearing and grind crankshaft 2 Badly worn crankshaft 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Melted bearing 3 Replace bearing and check lubrication system CONNECTING ROD AND CONNECTING ROD BEARING 1 Worn connecting rod big end bearing 1 Replace bearing 2 Worn crankpin 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Bent connecting rod 3 Correct bend or replace PISTON PISTON PIN AND PISTON RING 1 Worn cylinder 1 Rebore cylinder to oversize and replace piston 2 Worn piston pin 2 Replace piston 3 Piston seized 3 Replace piston and rebore cylinder 4 Piston seized and ring worn or damaged 4 Replace piston and rings VALVE MECHANISM 1 Worn camshaft 1 Replace 2 Excessive valve clearance 2 Adjust 3 Worn timing gear 3 ReplaceROUGH OPERATION INJECTION PUMP SYSTEM 1 Uneven injection 1 Adjust injection or replace parts 2 Inadequate injection nozzle spray 4 Replace injection nozzle GOVERNING SYSTEM 1 Governor lever malfunctioning 1 Check governor shaft and correct operation 2 Fatigued governor spring 2 Replace continued I WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 5 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE ENGINE KNOCKS WITHOUT MUCH SMOKE 1 Main engine troubles a Overheated cylinder a See OVERHEATING LOW OUTPUT b Carbon deposits in cylinder b Clean 2 Too early injection timing 2 Correct 3 Too high injection pressure 3 Correct 4 Improper fuel 4 Replace with proper fuel KNOCKING WITH DARK SMOKE 1 Poor compression 1 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 2 Injection pump malfunctioning 2 AdjustRepair 3 Improper nozzle a Poor spray a Clean or replace nozzle b Poor chattering b Repair or replace nozzle c Afterinjection drip c Repair or replace nozzle d Nozzle needle valve seized d 1 Fuel filter clogged 1 Clean or replaceEXHAUST SOUND 2 Fuel pipe sucks air 2 Retighten pipe joints or replace pipe 3 Water mixed in fuel 3 Replace 1 Vbelt slackening or slippery with oil 1 Adjust replace or clean 2 Damaged water pump 2 Replace 3 Lack of coolant 3 Add 4 Low oil level or poor oil quality 4 Add or change 5 Knocking 5 See KNOCKING 6 Moving parts seized or damaged 6 Replace 7 Defective thermostat 7 ReplaceLOW OIL PRESSURE 1 Worn Bearings 1 Engine overhaul replace bearings 2 Relief valve malfunction 2 Overhaul oil pump 3 Clogged oil cooler 3 Repair 4 Diesel dilution of the oil 4 Injection pump repair tfIVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 6 TESTING FOR OVERHAULHOW TO DETERMINE ENGINE OVERHAUL PERIOD OVERHAUL of Low Compression Compression pressure tends to increase a little in a newGenerally the time at which an engine should be overhauled engine until piston rings and valve seats have been broken inis determined by various conditions such as lowered engine Thereafter it decreases gradually with the progress of wearpower output decreased compression pressure and increased of these partsfuel and oil consumption The lowered engine power output When decrease of compression pressure reaches the repairis not necessarily due to trouble with the engine itself but is limit the engine must be caused by injector nozzle wear or injection pumpwear The decrease in compression pressure is caused by The engine requires overhaul when oil consumption is highmany factors It is therefore necessary to determine a cause blowby evident and compression values are at minimum oror causes on the basis of data produced by periodic inspec below Engine compression should be 30 kgcm2 427 psi attion and maintenance Oil analysis on a seasonal basis is a 200 rpmgood means of monitoring engine internal wear Whencaused by worn cylinders or piston rings the following will occur 1 Before disassembly and cleaning carefully check for 1 Low engine power ontpnt defects which cannot be found after disassembly and 2 Increased fuel consumption cleaning 3 Increased oil consumption 2 Drain water fuel and oil before disassembly 4 Hard engine starting 3 Clean or wash the engine exterior 5 Noisy engine operation 4 Do not remove or disassemble the parts that require no symptoms often appear together Symptoms 2 and 4can result also from excessive fuel injection improper injec 5 Perform disassembly in a proper order using proper toolstion timing and wear of plugs and nozzles They are caused Keep disassembled parts in order Apply oil when necesalso by defective electrical devices such as the battery alter sary Take special care to keep the fuel system parts fromnator starter and glow plugs Therefore it is desirable to intrusion of dust and dirtjudge the optimum engine overhaul time by the lowered 6 Carefully check gaskets packings and oil seals even if pressure caused by worn cylinders and pistons ing is not specified Replace with new ones if defectiveplus increased oil consumption Satisfactory combustion isobtained only under sufficient compression pressure If an MODELSengine lacks compression pressure incomplete combustion The W52 Marine Diesel Engine has gone through severalof fuel will take place even if other parts of the engine are model designations As the W52 it provides power for theoperating properly To determine the period of engine over WTA and the WMF Marine Generators Speed it is important to measure the engine compression pres to the W52 produced the model designations 63B and 63Csure regularly At the same time the engine speed at which The 63B model powers the BIDA Generator and the 63Cthe measurement of compression pressure is made should be model powers the BIDB Generator Internally the W5263Bchecked because the compression pressure varies with engine and 63C engines are identical The generator back endsrpm The engine rpm can be measured at the front end of the BTDA and BIDB are also the samecrankshaft WESTERBEKEs current production model in this series isNOTE To test engine compression see the ENGINE the 63C Marine Engine and the 15Kw BTDB section of this manual fAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 7 DISASSEMBLY GENERATOR PROPULSION ENGINE Disconnect the AC wiring and unplug the engines DC Unplug the instrument panel wiring harness Drain the trans wiring harness at the generator control panel Disconnect the mission fluid and the transmission oil cooler hoses Detach battery cable connections and the engine ground lines the oil cooler hoses and unbolt the transmission from the Separate the exhaust hose at the water injected elbow and engine disconnect the fuel supply and return lines If the transmission is not being rebuilt it should be cleaned and repaired Inspect the transmission coupling vent and NOTE Label any lines hoses or cables as you separate them shift link Lubricate the moving parts and change the Drain the engine oil and the coolant from the engine transmission fluid Carefully support and then unbolt the generator backend For transmission service and maintenance refer to your from the engine See SPECIAL TOOLS GENERATOR in transmission manual To rebuild a transmission contact your this manual WES1ERBEKE dealer or an authorized transmission service Additional generator information will be found in the shop GENERATOR section of this manual Drain or pump out all the engine oil and drain the coolant from the engine and engine hoses GENERATOR FLYWHEEL CAREFULLY LABEL TERMINAL CONNECTIONS AND CABLES GENERATOR BACK END FLYWHEEL HOUSING MOUNT THE ENGINESECURELY TO A PROPER ENGINE STAND OR BENCH BACK PLATE FLYWHEEL PLATE 1fAT1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 8 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLING THE MAIN ENGINE With the transmissionor generator separated from the engine begin the following step by step procedure to disassemble the engine NOTE Mount the engine on a suitable stand or work bench 1 Remove the transmission damper plate from the engine flywheel 4 o risER PLATE ImIO DAMPER t PLATE 0 O 2 Remove the engine oil cooler and oil hoses Note oil hose connections from the oil cooler to the engine 3 Remove the engine heat exchanger If possible leave one end of each hose connected to the part being removed 4 Remove the bell housing propulsion engine and the circuit breakerpreheat solenoid mounting bracket 11 Remove the air intake silencer and the intake manifold 5 Loosen the front crankshaft pulley bolt and remove the 12 Remove the oil filter and the mounting bracket from the flywheel engine block ONE BOLT DEVIATE 13 Unbolt the elbows and remove the exhaust manifold in FROM THE 6rJ SET UP TABWASHER its entirety Note that the 63 Model exhaust manifold and elbows are all one casting FLYWHEEL BOLT PATTERN 1 WHEN REMOVING THE MOUNTING BOLTSLOCK THE FLYWHEEL REMOVING THE FLYWHEELWITH A RING GEAR INSERTBREAK TOOL 6 Remove the engine back plate Injection Pumplnjectors Disassembly 7 Remove the start motor drive belt and the alternator 14 Detach all the high pressure injection lines from the Label the wires and cables injection pump to the injectors Leave the two upper line 8 Remove the engine mounted raw water pump adap clamps in place tor mounting plate and drive from the front cover NOTE Cap the ends of the lines and the connections at The drive is removed by turning in a counter clockwise the injection pump and at the injectors to prevent entry of direction See RAW WATER PUMP for parts breakdown foreign material 9 With the hoses disconnected remove the thermostat 15 Remove the fuel return line from the top of the injec housing and housing gasket leaving the temperature tors and from the fuel injection pump by removing the sender in place four 12 mm attaching bolts Note the washer arrange 10 Remove the coolant circulating pump See COOLANT ment on fuel return line banjo bolts Cap all the openings CIRCULATING PUMP for parts breakdown on the fuel return line injectors and injection pump 1fIVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 9 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY 16 Remove the fuel injectors dust seals and sealing d Place the keyway on the injection pump shaft in the washers from the cylinder head 1200 position with the aid of the front crankshaft 17 Remove the glow plugs pulley bolt before attempting to remove the injection pump 18 Remove the crankcase breather hose and rocker arm cover e With the use of extractor 49 SE 01 157 apply sufficient pressure to loosen the pump from the keyed 19 Remove the engine mounted fuel filter and fuel line to gear The loose hold down nuts will prevent the pump the injection pump Note the arrangement of the seal from falling from the engine ing washers on the banjo bolts at fuel filter and the injec tion pump 20 Remove the injection pump Scribe the mating marks on the pump body flange and the timing gear case before EXTRACTOR TOOL 1149 SE 01157 a Remove the cover and the lock nuts b Loosen the two injection pump hold down nuts Do not I remove entirely The hold down nut on the engine side of the pump can be loosened by using a 114 universal socket and extension with ratchet f Once loosened remove the hold down nuts and wash ers and carefully withdraw the pump from the drive gear and engine so as to avoid losing the injection pump drive key inside the timing case NOTE If an extractor is not available replace the nutINJECTION on the injection pump shaft loosely and with a nylonHOLDOWN drift and hammer gently tap the injection pump shaft to dislodge it from the keyed drive gear If the injection pump requires service or adjustment it should be taken to an authorized diesel injection c Remove the nut and lockwasher from the injection pump service shop Contact your WESTERBEKE pump shaft dealer NOTE Take care not to drop the nut and the washer To adjust Injection Pump Timing refer to FUEL into the timing gear case INJECTION PUMP in this manual IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 10 ENGINE Block Disassembly 24 Lift the cylinder head off the engine and remove theDisassemble the engine in the following order cylinder head gasket21 Rove the cylinder hrod rofer cover and ket ROCKER ARM COVER CYLINDER HEAD GASKET22 Remove the cylinder head NOTE Loosen the cylinder head bolts equally and gradu ally in the order shown in the diagram 1 25 Disassemble the rocker arm assembly TAPER PIN RECESS 1JPER PIN HOLE JAM NUT JN9 li ADJUSTING SCALLOP sCREW23 Remove the rocker arm assembly ROCKER a Remove the valve stem caps so as not to lose them when removing the cylinder head BRACKET BUSHING Label each cap as to which valve it belongs b Remove the push rods ROCKER ARM Label each rod as to which valve it belongs ASSEMBLY 26 Remove each valve from the cylinder head assembly Use an appropriate valve spring compressor to aid in dis assembly Arrange or label the valves so as to replace 0 9 11jn VAlVESTEM them in the cylinder and guide from which they were removed A j VEOUTffi ROCKER ARM PUSH ROn U n U i i tINNER SPRING SPRING VALVE STEM REMOVING THE ASSEMBLY o VALVES Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 11 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY 31 Remove the crankshaft gear a Remove the wave washer the friction gear and using a suitable puller remove the crankshaft gear and its key 32 Turn the engine over and remove the oil pan 33 Loosen the oil pump assembly set screw then remove the oil pump For oil pump details see OIL PUMP 34 Remove the timing gear case from the front of the 38mm SOCKET engine block Discard the old gasket REMOVING THE CRANKSHAFT PULLEY27 Remove the crankshaft pulley bolt with the aid of a 38 nun socket and draw the pulley off the front crankshaft REMOVING THE TIMING GEAR CASE 35 Remove the camshaft Keep the engine upside down This allows the valve lifters to seat on the block bosses away from the cam lobes Ensure that all the pushrod tap pets are seated into the engine block prior to attempting to remove the camshaft from the block FRICTION GEAR MAY NOT BE FOUND ON ALL MODELS28 Remove the timing gear cover and remove the injec tion pump washer injection pump friction gear and the injection pump drive gear29 Remove the camshaft gear a Wedge a clean cloth between the camshaft gear and the idler gear remove the idler bolt b Remove the retaining plate friction gear and using a suitable bearing puller the camshaft gear30 Remove the two idler gears a Remove the attaching nuts thrust plates idler gears and idler gear hubs REMOVING THE CAMSHAFT b Keep the hubs and the idler gears arranged so that the combination of them is not confused between left and right INJECTION PUMP GEAR IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 12 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY36 Remove the rear oil seal by striking out the old seal NOTE The number stamped on the rod shank and cap with a suitable mandrel should correspond to the cylinder number Sometimes these numbers are scrambled or missing and the OIL PASSAGE mechanic must supply them Stamp the correct num bers on the pads provided and to prevent confusion deface the originals CRANKSHAFT PISTON RINGS rJ SUB COMBUSTION bTUBULAR I CHAMBER DOWELruU l PISTON PIN WRIST PIN or SMALL END WBOl1 SNAP RINGS CONNECTING ROD CAPS37 Disassemble the connecting rod caps and line up the PISTON RING main bearing caps and bearings according to the order of bearing numbers Also properly arrange the thrust wash ers taking care not to change the combination38 Remove the piston and connecting rod assemblies Temporarily install the connecting rod cap on the con necting rod so as to not mix the rods and caps39 Disassemble the piston assembly BEARINGS a Using the piston ring remover remove the piston rings While removing the piston rings note the order they BEARING CAP are removed and which side of the ring faces the piston crown CONNECTING ROD b Remove the wrist pin snap rings ASSEMBLY c Using a nylon drift drive the wrist pin from the piston 40 Remove the crankshaft and rod 41 Remove the tappets d Protecting your eyes with safety glasses disengage and withdraw the snap rings Although mechanics generally NOTE After removing the main bearings and bearing caps press out and sometimes hammer out pistons pins arrange them in order of removal Do not mix caps After removing the thrust bearings note their positioning for these practices should be discouraged Instead take the proper reinstallation time to heat the pistons either with a heat gun or on a hot plate Pins will almost fall out e While the piston is still warm check for bore integrity Insert the pin from each side If the pin binds at the center the bore might be tapered if the bore is misaligned the pin will click or bind as it enters the far boss 1fAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 13 ENGINE THE CYLINDER HEAD1 Visual Inspection Check the cylinder had for cracks or any other damage and if necessary reparr or replace It REMOVING THE2 Distortion Inspection Measure the cylinder head sur INSERT face distortion with a straight edge and the thickness gauge Take 6 measuring positions a sow i the dia gram If the distortion exceeds permIssIble hrrut replace the cylinder head The head has no allowance for plan ing and must be replaced not Cylinder Head Distortion Limit12 010 mm 0004 in345 6 025 mm 0010 inREMOVE LOCATING DOWELS STRAIGHTBEFORE USING STRAIGHTEDGE EDGE SUITABLE PUNCH WELCH WASHER INSERT FEELER GAUGE DISTORTION INSPECTION VALVE SPRING 1 Free Length Check Measure the free length of the valve spring and if free length is less than the limit replace it Valve Spring Inner 42 mm 1654 in Outer 436 mm 1717 in MEASURING FREE LENGTH 1 23 Insert Inspection Check for cracks or damage on the insert and if detected replace it4 Insert Replacement To remove the insert place a suitable drift into the glow plug hole then tap the drift with a hammer To install set the insert in position and insert the welch washer into the insert guide hole Secure 2 Squareness Check Cneck the squareness of the valve the welch washer by tapping the raised center of the spring and if it is more than the limit replace the spring welch washer Squareness Limit Inner 125 mm 0049 in a Use a new welch washer Outer 137 mm 0054 in h Insert the welch washer so that its convex surface is toward the cylinder head gasket 3 c After installation check to see if the insert is com pletely fixed in place IfItT1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 14 ENGINE INSPECTION NOTE Measure the fitting pressure after compressing the spring several times VALVE GUIDESpring Fitting Pressure Inner Outer Length 378 mm 149 in 403 mm 159 inFitting Pressure Limit 1o3 kg 227Ib 145 kg 320 Ib VALVE SPRING TESTER TESTING THE SPRING FITTING PRESSURE HEIGHT ABOVE SPRING FITTING THE SPRING SEAT SPECIMEN VALVE uJUlfPRESSURE 165 mm 065 in SPRING CHECKINGVALVE GUIDE VALVE GUIDE1 Inspecting clearance between valve and guide Set a PROTRUSION dial gauge with a magnet and check the clearance between the valve stem and the valve guide If the clear ance is more than the limit replace the valve or valve guideClearance Limit 0127 mm 0005 in 3 Dimension L Check the protruding length of the valve VALVE GUIDE CLEARANCE stem if it exceeds the specification correct it as follows Dimension L Standard 480 mm 1890 in a When dimension L becomes large 0 05 mm 0 00202 in from the standard it is possible to use both the valve and the cylinder head VALVE2 Valve guide replacement To remove the valve guide press out the valve guide towards the combustion cham ber side using the valve guide installer 49 0636 165A Again using the valve guide installer press in the valve guide into the cylinder head until the valve guide height reaches the indicated scale on the valve guide installer NOTE Be sure to press in the valve guide so that the inside chamber on the valve guide end faces to the b When dimension L becomes to large 05 15 rnm combustion chamber side After the pressure fit check the 020 0059 in from the standard adjust the length of the protruding portion of the valve guide dimension L to the standard by adding some Standard 165 mm 0650 in inner diameter 128 mm 0504 in outer diameter 39 mm 1535 in between the lower spring seat and the cylinder head c When dimension L becomes to large more than 15 mm 0059 in from the standards install the valve with a new one and recheck dimension L d When dimension L becomes to large 0 05 rnm 0 00202 from the standard replace the valve Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 15 ENGINE INSPECTION e When dimension L becomes to large 05 15 mm 0020 0059 in from the standard replace the valve and adjust the dimension L to the standard by adding some washers between the lower spring seat and the cylinder head f When dimension L becomes to large more than 15 mm 0059 in from the standard replace both the valve and the cylinder head DIMENSION L I 11 t i ll MI II 1I777n WASHER VALVE SEAT CHECKING VALVE STEM WEAR 1 Valve Seat Angle Valve seat angle is 45 and 30 CHECKING DIMENSION L respectively for intake and exhaust sides The standard contact width of the valve seat is 20 mm 0079 in for both intake and exhaust sides If the valve margin is less than the permissible limit replace the valve 2 Refacing the Valve and Valve Seat Reface in the fol lowing order g Check for contact between the valve and valve seat by a Reface the valve with a valve grinder to the specified applying a thin coat of Prussian Blue or Redlead on angle the valve seat contact face then insert the valve into the valve guide and press fit the valve on the valve seat b Reface the valve seat with a valve seat cutter while checking the contact between the valve ancl the valve NOTE Do not rotate the valve seat NOTE Reface the valve seat taking care that the valve CHECKING VALVE seat contacts the center position of the valve CONTACT Valve Seat Angle 45 Intake 30 Exhaust Valve Seat Width 20mm 0079in Intake and Exhaust CONTACT FACE 2 mm 08 t 45 jibt INTAKE EXHAUST 368 mm 145 in 317 mm 125 in ONTATFA INTAKE EXHAUST CONTACT FACE c Reface the valve and valve seat with a valve tapping 45 C CE compound d Remeasure dimension L h Check if the valve seat contact face contacts the center e Adjust dimension L to the standard by adding some position of the valve contact face If the contact posi washers between the lower spring seat and cylinder tion is not centered recut and surface the valve seat head and valve4 Stem Wear Inspection If the valve stem is bent or its diameter is less than the limit replace the valveStem diameter limit Intake 7880 mm 03102 in Exhaust 7867 mm 03097 in AT WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 16 ENGINE INSPECTION 1ROCKER ARM CYLINDER BLOCK1 Visual Inspection Check each component part of rocker 1 Visual Inspection Check the cylinder block for cracks arm assembly for cracks or other damage Check if the oil and damage If necessary repair or replace it entirely passages of the rocker arm and shaft are clogging and if Check to see that oil or cooling water passages are not necessary repair or replace it RETAINING RING clogged and if clogged remove with compressed air or a wire probe JAM NUT REMOVE LOCATING DOWELS 9 I BEFORE INSPECTING ADJUSTING SCREW BRACKET o l SPRING WASHER 1iFl BUSHING o C5UOaO SPRING b TAPER PIN RECESS I Q piP rr 4 uS e ROCKER ARM 2 Distortion Inspection Check the gasket face distortion of the cylinder block and if it exceeds the limit repair or ASSEMBLY SCALLOP replace it Distortion limit 1 2 010 mm 0004 in2 Inspecting clearance between rocker arm and shaft 3 4 025 mm 0010 in Check the clearance between the rocker arm and shaft 1 2 and if it exceeds the limit replace the rocker arm bushing or shaftClearance Standard 00006 00024 in 0016 0061mmLimit 0003 in O07mm3 Rocker Arm Bnshing Replacement Using a suitable mandrel and press press out the old bushing Aligning the oil passages of the rocker arm bushing press the new bushing into the rocker arm After the rocker arm bushing has been replaced ream the bushing bore with a spiral expansion reamer so that the clearance between the bush ing and shaft becomes equal to the standard clearance CYLINDER LINER 1 Wear Inspection Measure the liner bore at three positions of upper middle and lower portions with a cylinder gauge in XX and YY directions as shown If wearing exceeds the limit replace the liner Cylinder Liner Bore 88925 88950 mm 35010 35020 in Wear Limit 020 mm 0008 in y REPLACING THE BUSHING Xl t t X X X IS THE THRUST DIRECTION y CYLINDER LINER CYLINDER LINER WEAR INSPECTION ilvr 1VV1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 17 ENGINE INSPECTION2 Cylinder Liner Replacement Hydraulic press or similar c Measure the piston diameter at 90 0 perpendicular to device is needed the pin bore axis and 315in 80rum below the piston a Attach the cylinder liner puller and installer to the top PRECOMBUSTION lower rim of the cylinder liner then press out the liner CHAMBER b Check for scratches on the cylinder block side and if any remove them by using extremely fine emery paper with engine oil 315in 80mm c To install the liner apply engine oil on the cylinder block bore and the liner exterior then set the liner on the cylinder block Using the cylinder liner puller and installer press the liner into the cylinder block NOTE Press the liner in straight When press fitting the liner keep the pressure within a range 02200 6600 Standard Piston Diameter 34987 34797 in 88867 88893mm lb 2 Piston Ring Inspection Check the piston ring for Measure the liner protrusion and correct it if necessary breaks seizure and wear and if any of these conditions exist replace the ring Check the clearance between theProtrusion Limits 0026 0031 in 0659 0790 mm piston ring and the ring groove and if it exceeds the limit PROTRUDING LENGTH replace the ring Side Clearance Limit 0012 in 030 mmCYLINDER 3 Inspecting the piston ring end gap Position the piston ring into the bottom of the cylinder liner Measure the pis ton ring end gap and if it exceeds the limit replace the ring Be sure to position the piston ring below the ring sliding surface of the cylinder linerPISTON AND PISTON RING1 Visual Inspection Check the sliding surface and ring groove of the piston for Wear scratches or any other damage a Inspecting the clearance between the piston and the cylinder liner b Check the clearance between the piston and the cylin der liner by measuring the cylinder bore and the piston diameter and if the clearance exceeds the limit replace the cylinder liner and the piston Piston Ring End Gap Limit 0591 in 15mmCYLINDER LINERSide Clearance 00017 00028 in 0044 070 mm IfATI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 18 ENGINE ROD1 Visual Inspection Check the connecting rod for cracks or other damage and if necessary replace it PISTON PINSMALL END SMALLEND BUSHINGBUSHING INSTALL NEW BEARING CAP 4 Small end bushing replacement Using a press press BOLTS out the old bushing Align the oil passages of the connect ing rod and the small end bushing press in the new bush ing to the connecting rod bore After a small end bushing has been replaced ream the bushing bore to obtain the CONNECTING ROO specified clearance between the small end bushing and the piston pin PRESS CONNECTING ROD CAP EARIHGS REMOVING THE SMALL END BUSHING I MANDREL PRESSING IN THE NEW BUSHING CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY OIL HOLES III SMALLEND BUSHING2 Bend Inspection Using a connecting rod aligner check o SMALL END BUSHING Oil HOLES the bend and twist of the connecting rod and if exceeding NOTE When reaming the bushing correctly insert the the limit repair it with a press or replace it reamer in the bushing In order to prevent unevenness onBend Limit 0002 in per 39 in 005 mm per 100 mm the bushing surface the reaming should always be made in the cutting direction Make certain the reamer is stopped at different positions at all times CONNECTING ROD ALIGNER 5 Inspecting connecting rod side play Check the connect ing rod side play with the dial gauge and if it exceeds the limit replace the connecting rod and crankshaft Side Play Limit 0016 in 040 mm DlAlINDlCATOR3 Inspect the clearance between the piston pin and small end bushing Check the clearance between the piston pin and the small end bushing and if it exceeds the limit replace the piston pin or small bushing CONNECTING RODClearance Standard 00006 00016 in 0014 0041 mm SIDE PLAY TESTClearance limit 0002 in 005 mm 1v1 WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 19 ENGINE INSPECTION6 Inspecting connecting rod bearing Check the connect ing rod bearing for peeling and thelmal damage If it is severe replace the beming CRANKSHAFT RUNOUT7 Inspecting connecting rod bearing clearance Using the INSPECTION plastigauge measure the oil clearance of the connecting rod bearing and if it exceeds the limit replace the CRANKlHAIFT RUNOUT connecting rod Rod Cap Torque 50 54 fIlb 69 75 mkgConnecting Rod Bearing 00014 00030 in 0036 0076 mm DIAL GAUGELimit 00039 in 010 mm 3 Inspecting crank pin and journal Support the crankUndersize Bearing 0010 in 0254 mm 0020 in 0508 mm shaft on both ends using Vblocks Measure the diameter 0030 in 0762 mm of each crank pin and crankshaft main journal and if the diameter is less than the limit refinish the crank pin and CONNECTING ROD BEARING CLEARANCE main journal to size for the next undersize bearing Ii Crank pin diameter Standard 20861 20866 in 52987 53000 mm Wear limit 0002 in 005 mm Main journal diameter Standard 25585 25591 in 64987 65000 mm Wear limit 0002 in 005 mm a For the measurement on both the crank pin and the main journal measure them at vertical and horizontal directions on front and rear places b When refinishing the crankshaft its finish to Rl mm as shown in the diagram c Refer to the chart for refinishing dimensions of theCRANKSHAFT crankshaft where an undersize bearing is used1 Visual Inspection Check the crankshaft for cracks or other damage If cracking is suspected thoroughly clean the crankshaft and perform a color test on the shaft or run a candle flame over the crankshaft and look for oil seepage from cracks If any cracks are detected replace the crankshaft PERFORMING A COLOR TEST R1 371 399 mm 0146 0157 in Undersize bearing Main journal diameter Check for clogging of oil passages and if clogged 001 in 0254 mm 25485 25491 in 64733 64746 mm remove with compressed air or wire 002 in 0508 mm 25385 25391 in 64479 64492 mm2 Runout inspection Check the crankshaft runout and if it 003 in 0762 mm 25285 25291 in 64225 64238 mm exceeds the limit replace the crankshaft Undersize bearing Crankpin 00020 in 005 mm 001 in 0254 mm 20761 20766 in 52733 52746 mm 002 in 0508 mm 20661 20666 in 52479 52492 mm 003 in 0762 mm 20561 20566 in 52225 52238 mm Ivvl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 20 ENGINE INSPECTION 4 Inspecting crankshaft end play Check the end play of 3 Inspecting camshaft journal Check the camshaft the crankshaft and if the end play exceeds the limit journal and if wearing exceeds the limit replace the replace the thrust washer with 0007 in 0178 mm over camshaft size Crankshaft end play is measured by setting a dial Diameter of Journal Wear Limit gauge on the rear end of the crankshaft and moving the No1 20437 20449 in 51910 51940 mm 0008mm crankshaft in the axial direction No2 20339 20350 in 51660 51690 mm 00003 in NO3 20142 20154 in 51160 51190 mm Crankshaft End Play Standard 00055 00153 in 014 039 mm Crankshaft End play limit 00157 in 040 mm 4 Inspecting camshaft oil clearance Check the clearance between the camshaft journal and the camshaft support MAIN BEARING bore as follows 1 Inspecting main bearing Check the main bearing a Measure the camshaft journal diameter and the for peeling seizure or fusion and if necessary replace camshaft support bore the bearing b Calculate the clearance and replace the camshaft or cylinder block if the clearance exceeds the limit 2 Inspecting main bearing clearance Using the plastigauge measure the oil clearance and if it exceeds Oil clearance limit 00057 in 0145 mm the limit replace the main bearing 5 Checking camshaft alignment and if it exceeds the limit replace the camshaft Maximum allowable runout 00031 in 008 mm 6 Inspecting camshaft end play a Install the thrust plate camshaft gear friction gear lock plate and camshaft gear lock bolt on the camshaft PLASTIGAUGE b Tighten the lock bolt to the specified torque Lock Bolt Torque 19mm socket 45 51 IbH 62 70 kgm c Measure the clearance between the thrust plate and camshaft If it exceeds the limit replace the thrust plate Oil Clearance Standard 00016 00036 in 0040 0091 mm End play limit 00118 in 03 mm Oil Clearance Limit 0005 in 012 mm TESTING CAMSHAFT END PLAY CAMSHAFT 1 Visual Inspection Check the camshaft for cracks and damage If necessary replace the camshaft NOTE lfthe damage is slight you may be able to correct the camshaft with an oil soaked fine emery grindstone Take special care to not damage the original cam form 2 Inspecting cam height Measure the cam height and if it I is less than the limit replace the camshaft I IDLER GEAR BUSHING AND IDLER GEAR SPINDLE Cam height limit 16767 in 42587 mm 1 Visual inspection Check for damage on the bushing inner surface of the idler gear and the spindle sliding sur IW INTAKE AND EXHAUST CAM face and if necessary replace the idler gear or spindle Check the oil passage for clogging and if necessary clean the passage with compressed air or wireCAM HEIGHT 2 Inspecting clearance between bushing and spindle Check the clearance between the idler gear bushing and the spindle and if it exceeds the limit replace the idler gear or spindle Clearance Standard 00013 00033 in 0034 0084 mm Clearance Limit 0006 in 015 mm tJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 21 ENGINE INSPECTION TAPPET 1 Visual inspection Check the tappet for cracks and other damage and if damaged replace the tappet Check for abnormal wear of the portion of the tappets that make contact with the cam and if anyone is abnormally worn THE replace the tappet IDLER GEAR 2 Inspecting Clearance Between Tappet and Tappet Bore Check the clearance between the tappet and tappet CHECKING bore and if the clearance is greater than the limit replace CLEARANCE the tappet or cylinder block BETWEEN THE BUSHING Clearance Limit 00039 in 010 mm AND THE GEARS1 Visual Inspection Check each gear idler gears injection pump drive gear crankshaft gear camshaft gear for LIMIT 010 mm 0004 cracks or other damage If necessary replace as required2 Inspecting end play of idler gear Check the end play of the idler gear with a dial indicator as shown If it exceeds TAPPET the specified limit replace the thrust plate or idler gear CLEARANCE PUSH RODS 1 Visual Inspection Check each push rod for damage to either end If damage is severe replace the push rod 2 Bend Inspection Check the push rod for bend and if it exceeds the limit replace it Place the push rod on a flat surface and measure the clearance between the center of the push rod and the flat surface Replace the push rod if the wear limit is exceeded Bend limit 00075 in 019 mm TESTING THE NOTE Measure the end play after tightening the idler PUSH ROD gear attaching nuts to the specified torque value PLACE ON GAUGE PLATEThrust plate torque 12 socket 17 23 HIb 23 32 kgmStandard end play 00079 00118 in 020 030 mm3 Check backlash between gears Check the backlash between each gear with a dial indicator NOTE Check the backlash after assuring that the idler gear end play and the clearance between the idle gear PUSH RODS bushing and spindle are within the Standard 00039 00067 in 110 017 mmBacklash Limit 00118 in 030 mm lVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 22 ENGINE GEAR COVER OIL SEAL REAR OIL SEAL1 Inspecting timing gear cover oil seal Check the timing 1 Inspecting oil seal Check the oil seal lip for wear gear cover and the lip of the oil seal for any damage If fraying or other damage and if necessary replace it necessary replace the cover or oil seal 2 Oil seal replacement2 Oil seal replacement To remove the oil seal use the oil a Strike out the old rear oil seal with a suitable mandrel seal puller and installer and pull out the oil seal To b Apply engine oil onto the outside of a new seal and install apply engine oil on the outside of a new oil seal press fit the seal in the rear oil seal cap equally then press fit the oil seal with oil seal puller and installer until the installer comes in contact with the cover NOTE In case the crankshaft is worn the oil seal must be fitted on the oil seal cap with its fitting position moved by approximately 01 181 in 3 mrn so that the seal does not touch the worn down portion of the crankshaft OIL SEAL PULLER AND INSTALLER TAP EVENLY OIL SEAL TlMING GEAR COVER REAR OIL SEAL INSTALLATION REMOVAL TIMING GEAR COVER OIL SEAL IJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 23 ENGINE Precautions ENGINE ASSEMBLY Be careful not to mix bolts and nuts Metric and SAE 1 Install the valves in cylinder head Using the valve bolts are used on various engine assemblies spring lifter arm and pivot assemble the valve lower During assembly recheck clearances and insure that parts spring seat oil deflector inner valve spring outer valve are being assembled in their proper order and facing in the spring upper spring seat and taper sleeve in this order correct direction in relation to the engine block such as NOTE The oil deflector should be installed on the intake pistons piston rings bearings and bearing caps valve only Apply lubricating oil to moving parts during assembly 2 Assemble the rocker arm shaft rocker shaft brackets Insure that moving parts when assembled on the engine and rocker arms Note that the front end of the rocker rotate or slide and are not subject to binding or shaft is identified by a pin protruding from the top and a excessive tension larger oil hole between the supply holes serving 1 and If there are mating marks scribed during disassembly 2 rocker arms This pin fits a slot in the 1 rocker shaft reference them correctly for assembly support which prevents the shaft from turning and cutting Use new gaskets lockwashers orings etc off the lube oil to the rocker arms and valves Use the fol Tighten the bolts and nuts on important parts of engine to lowing order of assembly specified torques using a reliable torque wrench a Spring d Rocker b Rocker e Wave washer Use liquid sealants when required on nuts bolts and c Rocker shaft support f snap ring gaskets Refrain from using tape sealantsBe aware of these common problems that can occur during ROCKER ARM TAPER PINassembly ASSEMBLY Insufficient Lubrication Heavily oil sliding parts lightly oil head bolts and other those that penetrate into the water jacket These o J fasteners should be sealed with Permatex No2 or the 00 TAPER PIN RECESShightack orientation Most gaskets many bolt washers and i I TAR PIN HOLEall thermostats are asymmetrical 112 ROCKER Mechanical damage Run fasteners down in approved ROCKER SHAFT SUPPORT SCAllOPtorque sequences and in three steps1I2 23 and 111 are torquetoyield bolts and rocker arm shaftfasteners The former are torqued as indicated The 3 Assemble the connecting rod piston and piston shaft be brought down in very Arrange the piston and the connecting rod as shown andsmall increments working from the center bolts out Gaskets using the piston pin installer insert the piston pin head gaskets might be damaged during assembly the piston and connecting rod until the piston pin wristthey should be positioned with great care pin snap rings can be fitted Fit the piston pin snap rings to their respective grooves Install the piston rings to ring grooves on the piston with the inscription mark on ring upward using a suitable piston ring expander PISTON RINGS 1ST FRONT 4IIt 2ND FRONT OF PISTON IS INDICATED BY mRDOILRING A BOSS ON THE BOTTOM NEAR THE OIL HOLE CIRCLIPS CHECK THE PISTON RING GAPS WITH CARE NEW RINGS ARE PACKAGED WITH DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS THAT OFTEN SUPERSEDE THE SERVICE MANUAL IMTI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 24 ENGINE ASSEMBLY4 Main Bearings and Bearing Caps PLACE A HEAVY HAMMER AND GENTLY PRESS DOWN WITH NOTE Do not apply oil to the backsides of the main THE FORCE OF YOUR HAND THE ENTIRE SURFACE SHOULD bearing shells BE COATED WITH FRESH LUBE OIL a Fit the main bearings on the cylinder block and the bearing caps respectively Check that the oil ways align perfectly with those in the block b Fit the thrustwashers to the cylinder block so that the oil grooves on thrustwashers face to crankshaft side c Position the crankshaft to the cylinder block being careful not to drop the thrustwashers as the crankshaft settles into place 1 r c Install the caps to the connecting rods ensuring that the identification numbers on the cap and connecting rod are matched Cap Torque 14 mm socket 50 54 ftIb 69 75 mkg install new connecting rod bolts d Fit the thrust washer to the main bearing cap so that the oil grooves on thrust washer face to crankshaft side Then install the main bearing cap to the cylinder 8 Installation of the crankshaft block with arrow mark of the main bearing cap facing a Insert the tappets into the cylinder block Apply engine the crankshaft pulley side oil to the sliding face of the tappetMain Bearing Cap Torque 110 117 mkg 80 85 ftIb FITTING THE THRUST WASHERS b Insert the camshaft into the cylinder block Apply oil to the camshaft journal and bearing surfaces5 c Install the camshaft thrust plate NOTE Ensure the crankshaft rotates smoothly after Thrust Plate Torque 12 in socket 116 174 ftIll 16 24 mkg installing 9 Install the idler gear spindle Align the oil passages of6 Install the rear oil seal Apply oil to the oil seal lip the idler gear spindle and cylinder block7 Install the piston and connecting rod assembly o a Place the piston rings so that the ring ends are properly spaced around the circumference of the piston as shown on the previous page b Using a ring compressor fit the piston into the cylinder in the position as is shown Apply oil onto the sliding face of the piston and the cylinder bore I WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 25 ENGINE ASSEMBLY 10 Fuel Injection Pump NOTE It is easier to first install the injection pump to the timing gear case and the entire assembly onto the engine Install the injection pump aligning the identification marks Mount the injection pump on the gear case then tighten the pump drive gear attaching nuts Attaching Nut Torque 29 51 Mb 4070 mkg II I j r a 13 Install the friction gear NOTE The friction gears are not found on all models 11 Install the timing gear case Attach the straight edge on the cylinder block then match the surfaces of the timing 14 Install the camshaft gear lock bolt gear case end and that of the cylinder block If the gasket NOTE Wedge a clean cloth between the camshaft gear and protrudes from the mating surface cut away the excess the idler gear with a knife Lock Bolt Torque 19 mm socket 45 51 ftIb 62 70 mkg Attaching BoltTorque 12 in socket 12 17 Mb 16 24 mkg 15 Install the inject pump drive gear lock nut 12 Install each gear While aligning the timing mark of each gear install the following gears on each position NOTE Wedge a clean cloth between the injection pump a Camshaft gear drive gear and the idler gear b Idler gears Lock Bolt Torque 1 in socket 29 51 ftIb 40 70 mkg c Injection pump drive gear d Install the idler gear thrust plate then tighten the nuts OIL DEFLECTOR Idler Gear Thrust Plate NutTorque 12 in socket 23 32 mkg 166 231 ftIb e Tighten the camshaft gear attaching bolts Camshaft Gear Attaching Bolt Torque 19 mm socket 45 51 ftIb 62 70 mkg 16 Install the oil deflector on the crankshaft 17 Install the timing gear cover a Install the bearing housing cover on the timing gear cover b Install the injection pump drive gear cover on the timing gear cover c Install the timing gear cover and tighten the timing gear cover attaching nuts and bolts after the crankshaft CRANKSHAFT GEAR pulley has been installed temporarily to center the seal 1 MARK TIMING GEAR Timing Gear Cover Torque 16 24 mkg116 174 ftIb ASSEMBLY 18 Mount the oil pump assembly Apply the sealing agent on the set screw thread and tighten the screw Ensure the oil pump drive gear and the driven gear mesh VVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 26 ENGINE ASSEMBLY19 Position the new oil pan gasket set 25 Install the two tubular dowels adjacent to cylinders I a Position the gasket ends A on the gaskets B and and 4 if they were removed earlier during disassembly C Position the gasket on cylinder block Do not use any liq uid seal or cement b Apply a silicon sealing agent on the mating surfaces of the gasket and that between the cylinder block and the REINSTALL TWO DOWELS timing gear case B 26 Position the cylinder head20 Install the oil pan 27 Insert the pushrod Check if the push rod is securely setOil Pan Bolts Torque 12 in socket 5 9 HIb 07 12 mkg in the tappet concavity 21 Attach the back plateBack Plate Torque 916 in socket 239 35 Hlb33 48 mkg22 Install the flywheel Install the flywheel onto the rear end of the crankshaft by placing it on the crankshaft and rotat ing it to properly align the mounting bolt holes Install the tabwasher and the attaching bolts After torquing bend one tab against the flat of each attaching boltFlywheel Bolts Torque 19 mm socket 95 HIb 131 mkg ONE BOLT DEVIATES S TAB WASHER FROM THE 6 SET UP 28 Position the valve cap on the top of the valve stem It should be set squarely on the valve stem 29 Install the rocker arm assembly onto the cylinder head Remember that the end of the rocker shaft having the pin occupying the slot in 1 rocker support points toward the front pulley end of the engine 30 Tighten the cylinder head bolts Tighten the cylinder head bolts evenly in the sequence shown After tightening the cylinder head bolts make certain the rocker arms23 Install the raw water pump Mount the raw water pump move smoothly on its adapter plate and assemble it to the engine Do not Cylinder Head Bolts tighten Torque 34 in socket 80 85 HIb 110 117 mkg24 Install the crankshaft pulley Apply engine oil onto the lip of the oil seal Carefully slide the front crankshaft pul ley onto the crankshaft ensuring that the key in the crank shaft and the keyway in the pulley mate properly Apply Loctite high temperature to the threads of the front crankshaft pulley holddown bolt when installing it Ensure the flat washer is under the head of the boltFront CrankshaH PulleyBolt Torque 38 mm socket 145 181 HIb 20 25 mkg CYLINDER HEAD BOLT PATTERN 1fIt71 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 27 ENGINE ASSEMBLY30 Adjust the valve clearance Adjust the No1 2 3 and 6 c Install a new thermostat and gasket the old valves when the No1 piston is on Top Dead Center thermostat can become a spare When installing the TDC or the compression stroke new thermostat and gasket apply a thin coat of Tum the crankshaft once setting the No4 cylinder piston sealant to both sides of the gasket at IDC compression and adjust the No4 5 7 and 8 d The old thermostat can be checked for proper opera valves The valves are numbered 1 8 from front of the tion by placing it in a pan of cold water and then rais engine ing the temperature of the water to a boil The WHEN NO 4 CYLINDER IS AT TOP DEAD CENTER thermostat should open noticeably with travel on the 4 INTAKE 3 INTAKE order of 4 EXHAUST 2 HAUST 114 in 112 in and be fully opened when the water is boiling OIL FILTER OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY W63 SHOWN 2 INTAKE 1 INTAKE 3 EXHAUST 1 EXHAUST I I WHEN NO 1 CYLINDER IS AT TOP DEAD CENTER 34 Attach the engine coolant circulating pump VALVE CLEARANCE Coolant Pump Assembly Bolts Torque use 12 socket 12 17 ftIb 16 23 mkg31 Adjust each valves clearance by inserting a 0012 in A complete breakdown of the COOLANT PUMP ASSEMBLY 003 mm feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the is covered elsewhere in this manual valve stemValve Clearance 030 mm 12 in cold 35 Adjust the injection timingNOTE When the engine overhaul is complete run the engine Refer to INJECTION TIMING elsewhere in this manualunder load to check its performance Allow the engine to cool 36 Mount the oil filter bracket and install a new filterto room temperature and retorque the cylinder head hold When installing the new filter apply a thin coat of cleandown nuts and readjust valves The cylinder head holddown engine oil to the rubber gasket Tighten by handbolts and valve adjustment should be rechecked again after50 hours and periodically thereafter 37 Mount the front engine mounting bracket32 Install the cylinder head cover Mounting Bracket Torque 33 49 ftIb 46 68 mkgCylinder Head Cover Bolts Torque 03 04 mkg 2 3 ftIb 38 Install the intake manifold Replace the four gasketsNOTE After the engine has been reassembled readjust the Intake Manifold Torque 116 174 ItIb 16 24 mkgvalve clearances with a warm engine see ENGINE 39 Mount the fuel filter Attaching Nuts Torque 33 49 ftIb 46 68 mkg33 Install the thermostat and thermostat housing 40 Mount the rocker arm cover using a new gasket a Inspect the thermostat housing and the housing Apply sealant to that portion of the gasket that contacts gasket Apply some sealant to the gasket when the gasket only reassembling Rocker Arm Cover Torque 18 29 ftIb 025 040 mkg b Install the temperature switch and sender and reconnect their wires 41 Attach the crankcase vent hose Il WESTERBEKE I Engines 11 Generators 28 ENGINE ASSEMBLY42 Install the fuel injection nozzles and return lines Use a Install the alternator support bolt through the alternator new sealing washers throughout in the same order as leg underside into the engine casting were the old washers b Swing the alternator into position on the Torque 27mm deep socket 43 51 ftIb 60 70 mkg bracket and fasten Lightly tightenSee FUEL INJECTORS c Adjust belt tension43 Install the glow plugs and connectors Use antiseize d Tighten both bolts and recheck belt tension compound on the threads Support bolt Torque andGlow Plug Torque 72 108 ftIb 10 15 mkg Adjusting bracket bolt Torque 27 38 ftIbs 38 53 mKgTo test the glow plugs see GLOW PLUGS NOTE Make certain the belts are perfectly aligned with the alternator and engine pulleys If not insert or remove44 Connect the fuel line to the engine mounted fuel filter spacers as needed to align the alternator and the injection pump Use new sealing washers See ALTERNATOR for testing45 Connect the high pressure injector lines from the injection pump to injectors Reinstall the line clamp 51 Install the raw water pump and drive belt Insure it is in proper alignment with the crankshaft pulley Check theAttaching Nuts Torque 18 22 ftIb 25 30 mkg belt tension46 Install the bellhousing Refer to RAW WATER PUMP47 Mount the engine heat exchanger 52 Install the oil and water sender and switchThe heat exchanger should be serviced at engine overhaul 53 Install the starter motorRefer to HEAT EXCHANGER 54 Install the breaker panel and the preheat solenoid48 Install the intake manifold Replace the four gaskets49 Assemble the engine oil cooler Install a new oil filter 55 Reinstall the engine electrical harness tightening the filter by hand 56 Mount the complete exhaust manifold and the50 Install the alternator and drive belt expansion tank to the cylinder head Manifold Mounting Bolts Torque 12 17 ftIb 16 24 mkg A CAUTION Connect the alternator properly Should the polarity be reversed a powerful current See EXHAUST MANIFOW for service and inspection would flow from the battery into the alternator 57 Install the preformed metal tube that connects the damaging the diodes and wiring harness cooling system Inspect the pipe before installing If it is corroded it should be replaced II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 29 ENGINE ASSEMBLYMARINE TRANSMISSION GENERATOR58 Assemble the damper plate to the flywheel 58 Mount the generator back end assembly with its control panel Reconnect all DC wiring and reconnect59 Reinstall the marine transmission and fill with ATF all AC connections Dextron III NOTE Some transmissions such as the Borg Warner Velvet Drive require oil coolers Oil coolers should be A CAUTION Check all AC and DC wiring connections to WESTERBEKE wiring schematics and cleaned pressure tested and repainted at engine over diagrams haul The transmission oil cooler hoses should also be inspected Refer to the text on Heat Exchangers 59 Fill the engine cooling system with antifreeze mixture60 Fill the engine cooling system with antifreeze mixture and the engine oil sump with lube oil API spec CF and the engine oil sump with lube oil API spec CF or CG4 or CG4 The engine should be test run under load prior to rein The engine should be test run under load pnor to rein stalling At this time readjust the valve clearances on the stalling At this time readjust the valve clearances on the hot engine hot engine Allow the engine to cool to room temperature and Allow the engine to cool to room temperature and retorque the cylinder head bolts and recheck the valve retorque the cylinder head bolts and recheck the valve clearances clearances See ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS See ENGINE COOLERS fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 30 EXHAUST MANIFOLD I HEAT MANIFOLD d Reinstall the exhaust connections and plugs into the manifold using on the threadsThe exhaust manifold which was disassembled from thecylinder head should be inspected before reassembly 3 Check the manifold pressure cap Open the valve by pulling it and make sure it closes when released Make1 Remove the exhaust elbows from the lower surface of the certain the upper and lower seals are in good condition If manifold Clean and inspect for cracks and defects any doubt replace the cap Replace as needed2 Remove the exhaust nipples elbows and plugs from the manifold3 Remove water connectors from the ends of the manifold and the end plates W52 Be sure to note the proper location and arrangement of each for proper alignment4 Examine all parts for defects corrosion and wear and replace as needed HEAT EXCHANGER5 Flush out the manifolds interior with a liquid cleaner and The heat exchanger should be inspected and serviced during rinse thoroughly with fresh water an engine overhaul6 Use a pipe cleaner to clear the passage that connects the 1 Disconnect the hoses and remove the hose fittings coolant recovery tank tubing petcock drain plugs and zinc anode Also remove the7 Flush out the coolant recovery tank and its connecting tube end fittings and gaskets 2 Inspect the tube casing for wear and dents if at all suspect replace the heat MANIFOLD 3 Clean out any zinc debris and pressure test the coolant 63 ENGINE and raw water passages SHOWN 4 When reassembling install new gaskets and Orings Apply some lubricant to the new gaskets and to the petcocks and fittings as you install them 5 Install a new zinc anode NOTE All of the above can be accomplished by sending the heat exchanger to a heat exchanger service shop They will also service transmission and engine oil coolers 6 Repaint the assembled heat exchanger with Westerbeke heat resistant spray enamel REPLACE HOSES EXHAUST ELBOWASSEMBLY1 If the manifold was removed as an assembly and left intact it can be replaced on the cylinder head in the reverse order of removal Do not reuse the gaskets install new onesManifold Mounting Bolts Torque 10 12 HIb 13 16 mkg2 If the manifold has been disassembled follow the steps below a Loosely attach the elbows to the cylinder head and the manifold using new gaskets Do not use any gasket sealant on these gaskets b Gradually tighten each fitting to make sure of proper alignment of all the parts This should be done in three stepsManifold Mounting Bolts Torque 10 12 HIb 13 16 mkg 7 Reconnect all hoses replacing them as needed c Reassemble the manifold end plates W52 and the 8 Refill the system with coolant as detailed above connectors to the manifold Be sure to use new gaskets 9 Pressure test system and check for leaks and coat the gasket surfaces with a suitable gasket cement such as High TackManifold End Plate Bolts Torque 8 10 HIb 11 13 mkg lI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 31 FUEL INJECTION PUMPTESTING INJECTION TIMING 12 Remove the plug and sealing washer from the aft center of the injection pump The plug is centrally located where1 Remove the air intakesilencer assembly the four high pressure injector lines attach to the pump In2 Remove the four high pressure injector lines that connect place of the plug install the 499140074 measuring between the injection pump and injectors device Ensure the measuring device rod contacts the3 Remove the bolt and gasket installed on the distributor plunger inside the pump and then zero the gauge head of the injection pump ay4 Remove the valve rocker cover A5 Rotate the crankshaft in normal direction of rotation using 1 the front crankshaft pulley nut and place the No1 piston at IDC of its compression stroke NOTE To verify the rocker arms of No4 cylinder should be rocking one opening one closing6 Remove the snap ring from the end of the rocker shaft at cylinder No1 along with the retaining washer7 Loosen the rocker arm adjusting bolt so as to allow the arm to be removed from the push rod and slide it off the INJECTION PUMP rocker shaft8 Press down on the valve and spring assembly and ensure the valve is hitting the top ofthe No1 piston Then remove the cap keepers and valve springs from the No1 valve NOTE When setting the dial gauge confirm that the dial gauge pointer does not deviate from the scale mark of NOTE Ensure the valve moves freely in its guide Take zero by slightly turning the engine crankshaft from left to care to not drop the keepers down the push rod hole right9 Position a dial indicator gauge on the valve stem and Turn the engine crankshaft in the normal direction of using the front crankshaft pulley nut rock the crankshaft rotation to bring the No1 piston up to IDC The dial and clockwise to to locate the exact IDC of the compression stroke for the No1 piston indicator on the valve stem should zero and the indicator on the injection pump should show 0039 inches 1 mm Then zero the indicator gauge to the valve stem the gauge should be able to measure up to 03 inch of valve of movement movement ADJUSTING INJECTION TIMING 521 mm BlDC 1 Loosen the nuts holding the injection pump to the engineDIAL GUAGE J 0205 in The high pressure injector lines should not be attached to the injection pump 2 Make the adjustment by moving the injection pump itself When the amount of movement of the measuring device VALVE STEM t indicator on the injection pump is too large first tum the injection pump in the reverse direction of the engine rota tion so that the dial gauge pointer indicates less than the scale mark of 0039 inches 1 mm These adjustments are to tighten the gear backlash Injection Pump Gear Lock Nut Torque 29 51 ftIb 40 74 mkg When the amount of the measuring device indicator on10 Slowly tum the crankshaft in the opposite direction of the injection purnp is too small tum the injection pump in normal rotation until the indicator reads 0207 inches the direction of normal engine rotation so that the measur BIDe It is advisable to go slightly more than 0207 ing device indicator points to the scale mark of 0039 inches and then return to that figure to remove gear lash inches 1 mm The No1 piston is now at 30 BTDe 3 After the adjustment tighten the injection pump hold Verify the scribe mark on the injection pump outboard down nuts and then confirm again that the adjustment has mounting flange is properly aligned with the scribe mark been done correctly on the engine mounting case At the six oclock position on the outboard side of the injection pump is a semioval cover with two screws Remove this cover and locate the sealing Oring and timing washer 0032 inches in thick ness Remove this washer and replace the cover vvJ WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 32 FUEL INJECTION PUMP I FUEL LIFT PUMPCHECKING CAM LIFT FUEL LIFT PUMP Early Models1 Tum the crankshaft in the direction of nonnal engine The fuel lift pump should be cleaned and repainted Install a rotation and read the maximum value which the dial new filter as illustrated and clean the ground wire tenninal indicator pointer on the measuring device shows This value is cam liftAmount of Cam Lift 008 in 22 mm2 After this check remove the measuring device and install the plug and sealing washer3 Reinstall the 0032 inch thick timing washer in the injec tion pumpBLEEDING THE INJECTION PUMP1 The injector pump and injector high pressure lines will have to be bled of air after the lines have been reinstalled To bleed the injection pump first loosen the return con nection Then by priming with the lever on the engine mounted fuel filter supply fuel to the injection pump to remove the air from the injection pump Continue until fuel clear of air passes out of the loosened return connec FUEL LIFT PUMP tion2 Next bleed the high pressure lines by loosening them at their attachment to the fuel injectors Loosen the attach GROUND ing nuts one to two turns on all four fuel lines Tum the key on and crank the engine with the starter until fuel spurts by the loosened connections Stop cranking the This pump operates during the start sequence when preheat is engine Tighten the attaching nuts and start the engine in pressed Simulate a start and depress preheat the pump the usual manner should produce a clicking sound indicating the piston in the pump is working If no clickirig is heard check that 12 volts are present at the pump connection and the pump is properly grounded 1 Test the pump by connecting a battery and fuel line as illustrated Fuel delivery must be 05 pints 225 cc or more every fifteen seconds TESTING THE FUEL PUMP FUEL LIFT PUMP CYLINDER r SUCTION HEAD APPRDX 500 mm TYPE VE INJECTION PUMP FUEL LIFT PUMP IVV WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 33 FUEL THE INJECTORS c Mount the nozzle and nozzle holder on the nozzle testerNOTE Injector must be serviced in a clean room environ d Use the fuel at the approximate temperature of 68 F 0ment 200 C1 Disconnect the high pressure lines from the injectors and e Operate the hand lever of nozzle tester several times to loosen the lines at their attachment to the injection pump bleed the air in the nozzle line then move the hand and move them out of the way of the injectors Avoid lever at intervals of one stroke per second while read bending the lines ing the injection starting pressure2 Remove the fuel return line in its entirety from the top of Injector Starting Pressure 1920 Ibin 135 kgem the injectors Take care not to lose the two sealing wash ers and banjo bolt that attaches the fuel return line to each f If the fuel injection starting pressure is not within the injector specification it can be adjusted by removing or adding shims in the injector body to achieve proper pressure3 Unscrew the injector from the cylinder head using a suit able 27 mrn deep socket NOTE The shims are available in 53 kinds ranging from 05 mm to 154 mm at 002 increments An incre NOTE Clean the area around the base of the injector ment of o 02 mm causes the starting pressure to rise by prior to lifting it out of the cylinder head to help prevent approximately 34 Ibin2 24 kgcm 2 any rust or debris from falling down into the injector hole If the injector will not lift out easily and is held in by carbon build up or the like work the injector side to side with the aid of the socket wrench to free it and then lift it out4 The injector seats in the cylinder head on a copper seal INJECTOR ing washer This washer should be removed with the PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT SHIM injector and replaced with a new washer when the injec tor is Using the nozzle tester check the spray pattern and injec tion starting pressure of nozzle and if it exceeds the limit adjust or replace the nozzle When using nozzle tester take the following precautions A CAUTION The spray injected from the nozzle is of such velocity that it may penetrate deeply into the skin of fingers and hands destroying tissue If it enters the bloodstream it may cause blood poisoning When replacing the shim grip the retaining nut in a vise and remove the body with a wrench Tighten the a If the diesel fuel of the nozzle tester is discolored retaining nut to the specified torque replace it At the same time clean or replace the filter b Set the nozzle tester in a clean place where there is no dust or dirt INJECTION TORQUE PRESSURE TEST WRENCH MiTl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 34 FUEL SPRAY PATTERN1 Operate the hand lever of the nozzle tester at intervals of 5 Assure the needle valve when it is pushed in the nozzle one stroke per second to check if the fuel is injected cor body comes down into the valve seat by its weight about rectly in its axial direction A nozzle is defective if it 00708 in 18 mm If it does not replace the assembly injects fuel in an oblique direction or in several separate If any defect is found always replace the needle valve strips Also a spray in the form of particles indicates a and the nozzle body as a unit defect These defects may sometimes be caused by clog 6 Check that there is no flaw or other damage on mating ging with dust and therefore all parts should be carefully surfaces and sliding surfaces of the nozzle body and the cleaned before reassembly needle valve and if present replace the nozzle assembly CHATTERING ASSEMBLING THE INJECTOR TEST 1 Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly NOTE After assembling the injector test it 2 Tighten the nozzle body on the nozzle holder to the speci I Jlh I fied torque GOOD BAD BAD Nozzle Body Torque 24 mm socket 43 511bft 60 70 kgm2 Operate the hand lever to raise the pressure up to 1635 Ibin2 115 kgcm2 which is 280 Ibin2 20 kgcm2 lower INSTALLING than the starting pressure If with pressure applied fuel 1 Install in the reverse order of removal does not drip from the nozzle oil tightness is satisfactory Dripping of fuel with pressure applied is indicative of NOTE The copper washers should not be reused Replace damage to the needle valve or valve body or poor contact with new washers between both In that event both needle valve and valve 2 Tighten the nozzle on the cylinder head to the specified body should be considered defective and replaced torque M TES Nozzle Torque 27 mm socket 43 51 Ibft 60 70 kgm INJECTOR ASSEMBLY MOD AmR Dmp INJECTOR RETURN AND INSPECTION1 Clamp the nozzle holder in a vise remove the nozzle nut and disassemble the nozzle body spring and needle2 Clean the disassembled parts with clean diesel fuel NOTE Greatest possible care should be taken in handling the nozzles as they are precisely machined The nozzle and the needle valve are matched parts Do not mix their original combinations Disassemble and wash each noz zle assembly separately Carbon deposits on the nozzle body must be removed with a piece of hard wood However it would be advis able not to clean the surrounding area of the nozzle ori fice to avoid possible damage to the orifice When immersed Iron dust on the magnetic jilter top must be removed in kerosene check completely for smooth sliding WASHERS 1 fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 35 FUEL SYSTEM PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE hard to start orfails to start 1 No fuel at injectors 1 Check causes a th rough e a No fuel in fuel tank andor fuel shut off a Fill tank Open shutoff and bleed system b Fuel filter clogged b Replace filter and bleed c Fuel filter clogged c Bleed pump Check fittings for suction leak on fuel supply d Fuel shutoff solenoid not working d Trouble shoot as described in previous section e Injection pump faulty e Inspect pump Repair or replace pump as needed 2 Fuel injectors faulty 2 Remove and test nozzles Repair nozzles as needed 3 Water andor air in fuel filters 3 Remove water andor bleed air from system Check system for leaks and fuel tank for water contamination 4 Injection timing incorrect 4 Check and adjust the timing 5 Glow plugs not working 5 Check glow plug circuit and repair as neededLarge amount ofblack exhaust smoke 1 Clogged fuel filter 1 Replace the fuel filter and bleed the system 2 Restricted air intake 2 Remove air obstruction 3 Engine overloaded 3 Check engine propeller size and engine performance no load through fully loaded 4 Injection timing 4 Check the injection pump timing and adjust as needed 5 Fuel injectors not operating properly 5 Check nozzle spray idling too low 1 Idle speed too low 1 Adjust idle stop as needed 2 Fuel filter clogged 2 Replace filter and bleed fuel system 3 Incorrect injection pump timing 3 Check timing and adjust as needed 4 High pressure injection line leaking 4 Slacken attaching nut and retighten 5 Fuel injector leaking at sealing gasket in head 5 Retighten injector andor replace sealing washer 6 Injection nozzle not operating properly 6 Check nozzle and adjust as needed 7 Engine air intake obstructed 7 Check air flow intake silencer and air flow into engine consumption too high 1 Idle speed too high 1 Check engine speed 2 Engine air intake restricted 2 Check intake and correct 3 Injection timing incorrect 3 Check timing and readjust pump as needed 4 Injector nozzle leaking 4 Tighten nozzle or replace sealing gasket 5 Injector not operating properly 5 Remove injector and adjust nozzle spray pressure 6 Engine overloaded 6 Check propeller size and engine performance at rated rpm continued rJ WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 36 FUEL SYSTEM PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE output andperformance poor 1 Contaminated or inferior fuel 1 Purge fuel system and replace with quality fuel 2 Fuel filter obstructed 2 Remove and replace filter element 3 Air in fuel system 3 Bleed and check for source 4 Injection pump timing incorrect 4 Check the timing and adjust pump as needed 5 Injector high pressure lines leaking 5 Loosen and then retighten injector line attachment nut or replace the complete line 6 Injectors not operating properly 6 Remove injectors and adjust spray pressure to proper setting 7 Shaft stuffing box too tight 7 Check shaft free movement and for heat 8 Valves improperly adjusted 8 Check valve adjustment and noise from engine 1 Poor quality andor incorrect fuel 1 Use No2 diesel fuel 2 Incorrect injection timing Timing too advanced 2 Check injection timing 3 Fuel injector stuck open 3 Locate and remove faulty injector Replace or rebuild IVVJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 37 GLOW Reinstall the plugs in the engine and test them again The plugs should get very hot at the terminal end within 20 toThe glow plugs are wired through the preheat solenoid 25 seconds If the plugs dont heat up quickly check for aWhen PREHEAT is pressed at the control panel this solenoid short circuit When reinstalling the glow plugs usc click on and the glow plug should begin to get hot compound on the inspcct the plug remove the electrical terminal connec A WARNING Do not keep a glow plug on for moretions then unscrew or unclamp each plug from the cylinder than 30 secondshead Thoroughly clean each plugs tip and threads with asoft brush and cleaning solution to remove all the carbon and Glow Plug Tightening Torque 7 11 fHb 10 15 mkgoil deposits While cleaning examine the tip for wear and TERMINAL ENDburn erosion if it has eroded too much replace the plugTESTINGAn accurate way to test glow plugs is with an ohmmeterTouch one prod to the glow plugs wire connection and theother to the body of the glow plug as shown A good glowplug will hav0 a 10 to 15ohm resistance This method canbe used with the plug in or out of the engine You can alsouse an ammeter to test the power drain 8 to 9 amps per plug A WARNING These glow plugs will become very hot to the touch Be careful not to burn your fingers when testing the plugs GLOW PLUG THE OHMMETER TEST l WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 38 ENGINE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT 8 Adjust each valves clearance by inserting a 0012 in 003 mm feeler gauge between the rocker arm and the1 Warm the engine to normal operating temperature valve stem Make sure to adjust all valves when the2 Pull off the air breather pipe from the rocker cover engine is cold Remove the rocker cover bolts and remove the rocker cover to expose the rocker shaft and valve assembly3 Remove the glow plugs from each of the cylinders to enable the crankshaft to be easily rotated by hand to posi tion each cylinder for valve adjustment Valves are adjusted with the piston in the cylinder being adjusted at IDC of its compression strokeNOTE Retorque the cylinder head bolts before adjusting theengines valves4 Loosen the head bolts in the reverse order of tightening 6 3 11 10 CD cp 9 Install the cylinder head cover Head Cover Bolt Torque 2 3 n Ib 03 045 mkg ENGINE COMPRESSION 12 Check the compression pressure To do this warm the engine5 Tighten the head bolts in the order shown remove all fuel injectors or glow plugs disconnect the fuel shutoff solenoid wire and install a compression adapter inCylinder Head Bolt Torque n 80 85 Ib 110 117 mkg the injector hole or glow plug hole Connect a compression6 Set the piston of No 1 cylinder to IDC compression tester on the adapter and crank the engine with the starter and check the valve clearance at each position indicated motor until the pressure reaches a maximum value Repeat If the clearance is incorrect adjust to specifications this process for each cylinder Look for cylinders with dra Intake No 1 and No2 cylinders and matically at least 20 lower compression than the average Exhaust No 1 and No3 cylinders of the others Compression pressure should not differ by7 Turn the crankshaft once setting the piston of No4 more than 427 psi 30 kgcm2 at 200 rpm cylinder at TDC compression and adjust to the follow ing specifications Intake No3 and No4 cylinders and Exhaust No2 and No4 cylinders MEASURING WHEN NO 4 CYLINDER IS AT TOP DEAD CENTER COMPRESSION 14 INTAKE 3 INtAKE 1 4 EXHAUST 2 EXHAUST Compression pressure standard 427 psi at 200 rpm 300 kgem Compression pressure limit 384 psi at 200 rpm 270 kgem 2 INTAKE 1 INTAKE If a weak cylinder is flanked by healthy cylinder the problem 3 EXAUST 11 EXHtUST I is either valve or piston related Check the valve clearances for the weak cylinder adjust as needed and test again WHEN NO 1 CYLINDER IS AT TOP DEAD CENTER If the cylinder is still low apply a small amount of oil into the cylinder to seal the rings and repeat the test If compression comes up the rings are faulty fIV1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 39 ENGINE high readings on all cylinders indicates heavy When servicing the injection pump the service shop must becarbon accumulations a condition that might be advised if the pump is to be used in a generator by high pressures and noise The service shop will have to remove and replace the gover nor spring with a propulsion spring Once the pump is set toNOTE In case of severe vibrations and detonation noise have propulsion specifications the generator spring is reinstalledthe injectors checked and overhauled by an authorized fuel in the injection pump and the pump remounted on theinjection service center Poor fuel quality contaminates and engine The throttle is then set for the proper engine noloadloss of positive fuel pressure to the injection pump will result speed hertzin injector faults For disassembly inspection reassembly and internalWhen reinstalling the glow plugs use antiseize compound adjustments of the injection pump it is recommended the pump be taken to a qualified injection service shopSEnlNG THE IDLE SPEED PROPULSION ENGINE authorized to service Diesel KiKi injection equipment1 Warm the engine to normal operating temperature2 Stick a piece of suitable reflecting tape on the crankshaft pulley3 Idle the engine4 Use the light of a photoelectric strobe type tachometer on the reflecting tape and check the value shown by the idle speed 580 630 rpm WIRE LOCKED NOTE The idle speed may vary according to the transmission and propeller5 To adjust the engine idle speed loosen the lock nut of the idle adjustment boIt and turn the bolt clockwise to increase idle speed and to reduce ENGINE STOP SOLENOID This solenoid is installed on the top rear of the injection NOTE Should engine rpm be in question verify pump and is activated by 12 VDC electrical current tachometer readings as shown at the instrument panel See TACHOMETER NOTE To service generator applications refer to the IDLE AOJUSTMENT GENERATOR section of this manual BOLT 1 The solenoid does not operate when the keyswitch is turned ON a Are the engine batteries turned ON I THROTTLE STOP b Is the 20 amp circuit breaker set SOLENOID SCREW r c Is 12 VDC present at the solenoid connection SPRINGKEEP LINKAGEWELL LUBRICATED 2 The solenoid does not stop the engine when the keyswitch is switched OFF LUN SPEED ADJUSTMENT GENERATOR a Check to see if 12 VDC is still present at the solenoid electrical lead with theNOTE Speed adjustment of the generator hertz is controlled key offby the electronic governor see ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR b Remove solenoid from injectionfor speed and gain adjustments pump and ensure plunger and spring in the solenoid are not stickingEarly Models Without Electronic speed is maintained by the governor mechanism INJECTION PUMPinside the fuel injection pump 615 620 hertz at noloadand 585 590 hertz at full rated generator outputEngine noload speed is adjusted by positioning thethrottle lever against the adjustable throttle stop screwlock wiring it at that position and tensioning the throttlestop screw against the throttle lever and securing it with itslock nut lfAiTl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 40 COOLANT CIRCULATING PUMP APPL Y A THIN COAT OF OILREMOVING THE PUMP TO SPRING LOADED SEALRemove in the following order coolant drain as needed BEARINGVbelt water hoses water pump attaching nuts and waterpump Remove the pump pulley boss by using a support and press2 Remove the bearing shaft from the impeller and bearing FLANGE housing by using a support block and press APPLY A THIN COAT3 Remove the snap ring with snap ring pliers and press out OF OIL the water pump shaft from the bearings PUMP HOUSING APPL Y LITHIUM GREASE COLLAR TOOL 490636 the shaft bearings and impeller Look for cracks and COOLANT PUMPdamage Check the housing gasket and inspect the rear seals NOTE Do not allow oil or grease to contaminate theand small end gaskets sUrfaces of the ceramic ring or the graphite small endReplace any parts that show wear of the springloaded seal 3 After the water pump has been assembled check if theASSEMBLY pump shaft rotates the water pump in the reverse order ofdisassembly using the following procedure INSTALLING THE PUMP1 Fill lithium grease lithium base NLGI No2 into the 1 Install in the reverse order of removal following positions III Ball bearings NOTE Use a new gasket III Approximately 13 space between both ball bearings 2 After installing the pump fill the system with coolant and III Space between the ball bearing and water baffle plate operate the engine to check for leaks2 Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the press fit surface of the water seal and press the larger end into the proper aperture of the pump using a tubular mandrel 49 0636 145 SPRING LOAOED SEAL DUST SEAL PLATE WATER PUMP BODY Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 41 LUBRICATING OIL PUMPREMOVING THE OIL PUMP 3 Clearance between inner rotor and outer rotor Check the clearance between the lobes of the rotors with a feelerRemove in the following order gauge If the clearance exceeds the limit replace1 Oil Pan both rotors2 Oil Pump Set Screw OUTER ROTOR3 Oil Pipe Attaching Bolts and INNER ROTOR4 Oil JjTALLY in the following order Oil Pipe and GasketOil Strainer and Gasket Oil Pump Cover Drive Gear use apress and suitable mandrel Inner Rotor and Shaft AssemblyOuter Rotor Relief Valve Assembly and Oil Pump Body Clearance Limit 0012 in 03 mm 4 Clearance between outer rotor and pump body the clearance between the outer rotor and pump body1 Visually check the disassembled parts and replace faulty with a feeler gauge If the clearance exceeds the limit parts Check the sliding surface of pump cover with replace the rotor or pump body special care and replace the cover If the surface has steps or excessive streaks Minor steps streaks may be repaired by rubbing them with a compound on a surface plate OIL PUMP SET SCREW OUTER ROTOR LUBRICATING OIL PUMP Clearance Limit 0012 in 03 mm ROTOR ASSEMBLY 1 5 Clearance between rotor and pump cover Check the end float of the rotors Place a straightedge across the RELIEF VALVE pump body and measure the clearance between the rotor CONTROL and straight edge with a feeler gauge If the clearance y r COVER exceeds the limit replace the drive gear drive shaft inner rotor outer rotor and pump body TDALTEDGE OIAL GAUGE CHECKING END FLOAT t DRIVEGEAR Clearance Limit 0006 in 015 mm2 Clearance between pnmp body and shaft Measure the above clearance with a dial gauge and magnet baseClearance Limit 00039 in 01 mm When the clearance exceeds the limit replace the pump drive shaft inner rotor pump body and drive gear fAT WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 42 LUBRICATING OIL PUMP6 Measure the free length of the plunger spring Check ASSEMBLY the relief valve for worn plunger and fatigued spring 7 Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly NOTE When installing the rotors into the body be sure that the tally marks on the rotors are positioned towardSpring free Limit 182 in 462 mm the cover Cover Tightening Torque 716 socket 58 87 fIlb 08 12 mkg INSTALLING THE OIL PUMP 1 Install in reverse order of removal NOTE When installing the set screw apply sealing com pound on the set screw threads OIL OIL PRESSURE LOW OIL PRESSUREThe lubricating system is a pressure feeding system using an The specified safe minimum oil pressure is 43 14 psi 03oil pump The engine oil is drawn from the oil sump by the 01 kglcm2 A gradual loss of oil pressure usually indicatesoil pump which drives the oil under pressure through the a worn bearings For additional information on low oil presoil filter oil cooler and various lubricating points in the sure readings see the ENGINE chartengine The oil then returns to the oil sump to repeat the continuous cycle When the oil pressure exceeds the specified OIL PRESSURE the oil pushes open the relief valve in the oil pump When performing an engine overhaul replace the oil presand returns to the oil sump keeping the oil pressure within sure switch and the oil pressure senderits specified range When installing the new parts apply a teflon sealant to theTo test the oil pressure remove the oil pressure sender then threaded ends being careful not to close off the oil hole in theinstall a mechanical oil pressure gauge in its place After senderwarming up the engine set the engine speed at 3600 rpm andread the oil pressure gauge Oil Pressure Sender and Switch Torque 9 13 fIlb 12 18 mkg A CAUTION Oil Pressure Switch Do not use lock pliers vise grips or pipe wrenches on the oil pressure switch Use the correct socket which is available from SnapOn Proto New Britain and others Damage to the switch will cause oil leaks anelor switch faiure CURRENT ENGINES AND GENERATORSOil Pressure 5404 Ibin 38 kgem or more at 3600 rpm EARLY MODEL ENGINES fIV WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 43 RAW WATER PUMPPUMP OVERHAUL 5 Inspect all parts and replace those showing wear or 6 Use the illustration to assist in reassembling the raw water pumpThe pump as removed from the engine will have hoseattachment nipples threaded into its inlet and outlet port a Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the sealsThey may be left in place or removed if they interfere with inner race and to the impeller shaft at reassemblythe pump disassembly Note the port location and positioning b When positioning the cam in the housing use a smallif removed amount of Pennatex 1 on the inner cam surface and1 Loosen the set screw with an allen wrench and remove cam screw heads remove any excess from the impeller the water pump pulley from the shaft housing2 Remove the four cover plate screws the cover plate and c Apply a light film of silicon or petroleum jelly to the the cover plate gasket inner surface of the housing for the impeller 7 When the pump is assembled reposition and tighten the NOTE Replacement of the cover plate gasket is hose nipples Assemble the pump to the engine and attach recommended however it you are going to reuse it the hoses and the belt keep the gasket well lubricated until the pump is reassembled If its allowed to dry the gasket will shrink and not be reusable3 Pull out the impeller with long nose pliers or pry out with a pair of screwdrivers4 Remove the bearing assembly releasing the shaft bearing and seal assembly This will allow the bearings and seals to be disassembled for inspection NOTE It may be necessary to use a drift and arbor press to press the bearing and seal assembly from the shaft COVER PLATE GASKET IMPEllER CAM HOUSING USING GASKET SHAFT RAW WATER PUMP fAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 44 STARTER NoLoad TestThe starter can be roughly divided into the following sections 1 Connect the ammeter voltmeter and battery to the starter A motor section which generates a drive power as illustrated An overrunning clutch section which transmits an arma 2 When the switch is closed the pinion must protrude and ture torque preventing motor overrun after starting the starter must run smoothly at 3000 rpm or more If the current or starter speed is out of specification disas A switch section solenoid which is operated when actu semble the starter and repair it ating the overrunning clutch through a lever and which supplies load current to the motorThe starter is a new type small lightweight and is called ahighspeed starter The pinion shaft is separate from the motor shaft the pinion slides only on the pinion shaft A reduction gear is installed between the motorshaft and a pinion shaft The pinion sliding part is notexposed outside the starter so that the pinion may slidesmoothly without becoming fouled with dust and grease Themotor shaft is supported at both ends on ball bearings Thelever mechanism switch and overrunning clutch inner circuitare identical to conventional onesADJUSTMENT AND REPAIRIf any abnormality is found by the following tests the starter A CAUTION Use thick wires as much as possible andshould be disassembled and repaired tighten every terminal securely This is a solenoid shiftNOTE Early model engines were equipped with DELCO type starter which makes a rotating sound louder thanstarter motors If a DELCO starter needs serving contact a that of a directdrive type starter When service shop or your WESTERBEKE dealer starter rotation at the pinion tip be careful not to come in contact with the pinion gear when it Gap Inspection1 Connect a battery 12V between the starter terminal S SOLENOID and the starter body and the pinion drive should rotate Perform the following tests If any test result is not out and stop satisfactory replace the solenoid assembly 1 Inspect the solenoid for continuity between terminals A CAUTION Never apply battery voltage for over 10 and and between terminals S and the body and M and the body There should be no continuity found between terminals Sand M Continuity will be found between ter2 Lightly push the pinion back and measure the return minals S and the body and terminal M and the body stroke called pinion gap3 If the pinion gap is not within the standard range 00197 00788in 05 to 2Omm adjust it by increasing or decreasing the number of shims on the solenoid The gap is decreased as the number of shims increases MULTIMETER NOTE Disconnect the wire from terminal M 2 Connect a battery to the solenoids terminal S for and M for Have a switch in the lead and close it Te pinion drive should extend fully out 05 20 mm A CAUTION Do not apply battery current for more than 10 seconds when tesHng the solenoid PINION GAP IMTI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 45 STARTER MOTOR 4 Return test With a battery connected to the solenoid terminal M and to the starter body manually pull out the pinion fully The pinion must return to its original position when released from holding by hand HOLDING TEST3 Holding test With a battery connected to the solenoid terminal S and to the starter body manually pull out the pinion fully The pinion must remain at that position even when released from holding with your hand RETURN TEST ATIRACTION TEST 7 Pull out the reduction gear lever and lever spring from theSTARTER ASSEMBLY front bracket1 Disconnect the wire from the solenoid terminal M 8 On the pinion side pry the snap ring out and pull out the2 Loosen the two screws fastening the solenoid Remove pinion and pinion shaft the solenoid assembly 9 At each end of the armature remove the ball bearing with3 Remove the two long through bolts and two screws a bearing puller It is impossible to replace the baTlbear fastening the brush holder Remove the rear bracket ing pressfitted in the front bracket If that bearing has4 With the brushes pulled away from the armature worn off replace the front bracket assembly remove the yoke and brush holder assembly Then pull TERMINAL M the armature out Co SolENolD5 Remove the cover pry the snap ring out and remove the washer6 Unscrew the bolts and remove the center bracket At the same time the washers for the pinion shaft end play adjustment will come off INSPECT FOR WEAR CHIPPING BRUSH HOLDER STARTER MOTOR NOTE Inspect clean and replace if necessary brushcommuter solenoid armature etc See the following pagesPINION SHAFT tffIVJ WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 46 STARTER MOTORSTARTER INSPECTION CROCUS the solenoid for continuity between tenninals SandM and between tenninals S and body No continuity shouldbe found between Sand M Continuity should be foundbetween S and the body and M and the body Brush and Brush Holder Inspection 1 Check the brushes If worn out beyond the service limit replace the brushes CONTINUITY The Armature BRUSHES1 Check the annature with a growler tester If its short NEW USED circuited replace the annature Also check for insulation Brush Height Standard 0669 in 17 mm between the commutator and its shaft If poorly Brush Height limit 02363 in 6 mm insulated replace the annature 2 Check the brush spring tension A weak or defective ARMATURE spring will cause excessive brush wear replace the CHECK springs if suspect BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY ARMATUREII2 Measure the commutator aD and the depth of undercut Repair or replace it if the service limit is exceeded Also 3 Check for insulation between the positive brush holder check the commutator outside surface for dirtiness and and holder base If poorly insulated replace the holder roughness If rough polish the commutator with fine assembly Also check the brush holders for proper staking crocus cloth COMMUTATOR 00Commutator Outside Diameter Standard 387 mm 1523 inCommutator Outside Diameter Limit 10 mm 0039 in II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 47 STARTER MOTORField Coil Inspection 2 Greasing Whenever the starter has been overhauled apply grease to the following parts1 Check for insulation between one end brush of the coil and yoke a Annature shaft gear and reduction gear2 Check for continuity between both ends brushes h All bearings of the coil c Bearing shaft washers and snap rings3 Check the poles and coil for tightness d Bearing sleeves e Pinion f Sliding portion of lever MULTIMETER A CAUTION Never smear the starter fitting surface terminals brushes or commutator with grease 3 After reassembly check by conducting a noload test againFIELD COIL TEST WASHERSTARTER ADJUSTMENT AND REASSEMBLY SNAP RING A CAUTION Before installing thoroughly clean the IO5 mm MAX starter flange and mounting surfaces remove all oil old paint and rust Starter performance largely depends on the quality of the wiring Use wire of sufHcient size and PINION SHAFT END PLAY grade between the battery and starter and fully tighten to the the starter assembly in the reverse order ofdisassembly making sure of the following1 Pinion shaft end play adjustment Set the end play thrust gap to between 00197 00788in 05 to 2mm by inserting an adjusting washer between the center bracket and the reduction gear a Fit the pinion shaft reduction gear washer and snap ring to the center bracket h Measure end play by moving the pinion shaft in the axial direction If the end play exceeds 00788in O5mm increase the number of adjusting washers inserted Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 48 METER Tachometer InaccurateThe meter used in propulsion engine instru a With a handheld tach on the front of the crankshaftment panels contains two separate electrical circuits with a pulley retaining nut or with a strobetype tach read thecommon ground One circuit operates the hour meter and the front crankshaft pulley rpm at idleother the tachometer The hour meter circuit operates on 12 b Adjust the tachometer with a small Phillips type screwvolts alternator charging voltage supplied to the terminal driver through the calibration access hole in the rear ofon the back of the instrument the tachometer Zero the tach and bring it to the rpmThe tachometer circuit operates on AC voltage 68 volts fed indicated by the strobe or hand tach Verify the rpm atfrom one of the diodes in the alternator and supplied to the idle and at high speed 25003000 rpm Adjust the tachtachometer input terminal while the engine is running and as neededthe alternator producing battery charging voltage 130148volts DC NOTE Current model tachometers use a coarse adjustment dial to set the tachometer to the crankshaft pulley rpms TheThe following are procedures to follow when calibrating screw is then used jar fine tuninga fault in either of the two circuits in a meter for the proper DC voltage between and ADJUSTMENT1 Voltage present meter is defective repair or replace2 Voltage not present trace and electrical con nections for fault Jump 12 volts DC to meter terminal to verify the operation Inoperative CALIBRATION TACHOMETER INPUT AC VOLTAGECheck for the proper AC voltage between tachometer input CURRENT and terminal with the engine running1 Voltage present attempt adjusting meter through calibra tion access hole No results repair or replace meter2 AC voltage not present check for proper alternator DC output voltage3 Check for AC voltage at tach terminal on alternator to ground4 Check electrical connections from tachometer input ter minal to alternator connection Sticking1 Check for proper AC voltage between tach inp terminal and terminal EARLY MODEL TACHOMETER GROUND2 Check for good ground connection between meter ter TERMINAL minal and alternator3 Check that alternator is well grounded to engine block at alternator pivot bolt GROUND GROUND TACHOMETER INPUT TERMINAL LIGHT I AC VOLTAGE TERMINAL EARLY MODEL TACHOMETER tl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 49 ALTERNATOR TESTING DESCRIPTION 1 Start the Engine The charging system consists of an alternator with a voltage 2 After a few minutes of running measure the starting bat regulator an engine DC wiring harness a mounted DC cir tery voltage at the battery terminals using a multimeter cuit breaker and a battery with connecting cables Because of set on DC volts the use of integrated circuits Ies the electronic voltage reg The voltage should be increasing toward 14 volts If it is ulator is very compact and is mounted internally or on the the alternator is working Turn to Step 4 back of the alternator 140 14 BROWN 14 GREY 14 BROWN MULTIMETER G COM 14 BLUE ffir to Tachometer14 PURPlE TESTING THE STARTINGto Fuel Solenoid 14 PINK BATTERY Pump ENGINE RUNNING ilB 10 RED B OUTPUT to Starter Motor 51 AMP DC GROUND ALTERNATOR 51 AMP GENERATOR CONNECTIONS ALTERNATOR REFER TO THE WIRING DIAGRAM FOR W52 ENGlNEI63863C ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS A WARNING A failed alternator can become very GROUND hot 00 not touch until the alternator has cooled down 3 If the starting battery voltage remains around 12 volts after the engine is started and run for a few minutes a This section is to determine if a problem problem exists with the alternator or the charging circuit exists with the charging circuit or with the alternator If it is determined that the alternator or voltage regulator is bad it is a Turn off the engine Inspect all wiring and connections best to have a qualified technician check it out Ensure that the battery terminals and the engine ground connections are tight and clean The alternator charging circuit charges the starting battery and the service battery An isolator with a diode a solenoid or a battery selector switch is usually mounted in the circuit A CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery to isolate the batteries so the service battery is not discharged charging circuit never shut off the engine battery along with the service battery If the alternator is charging the switch when the engine is running starting battery but not the service battery the problem is in the service battery charging circuit and not with the alterna b If a battery selector switch is in the charging circuit tor ensure that it is on the correct setting c Turn on the ignition switch but do not start the engine Testing the Alternator d Check the battery voltage If your battery is in good condition the reading should be 12 to 13 volts A WARNING Before starting the engine make certain that everyone is clear of moving parts Keep away from sheaves and belts during test procedures A WARNING MULTIMETERS AND DC CIRCUITS DC and AC circuits are often mixed together in marine applications Always disconnect shore power cords isolate DC and AC converters and shut down generators before performing DC testing No AC tests should be made without proper knowledge of AC circuits VVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 50 ALTERNATOR TESTINGe Now check the voltage between the alternator output Alternator is Working terminal B and ground If the circuit is good the 4 Check the voltage of the service battery This battery voltage at the alternator should be the same as the bat should have a voltage between 13 and 14 volts when the tery or if an isolator is in the circuit e lternatr vlt engine is running If not there is a problem in the service age will be zero If not a problem eXIsts In the CIrCUIt battery charging circuit Troubleshoot the service battery between the alternator and the battery Check all the charging circuit by checking the wiring and connections connections look for an opening in the charging cir the solenoid isolator battery switch and the battery itself cuit CRJ MULTIMETER 6 MULTIMETER G mID BATTERY SWITCH COM COM J I I I I B BATTERY SWITCH TESTING THE STARTING BATTERY ALTERNATOR IGc ENGINE ENGINE RUNNING IGROUND SERVICE BATTERYf Start the engine again Check the voltage between the alternator output and ground TESTING THE SERVICE GROUND The voltage reading for a properly operating alternator BATTERY ENGINE RUNNING should be between 135 and 145 volts If your alterna tor is over or undercharging have it repaired at a reli able service shop A CAUTION When performing tests on the alter NOTE Before removing the alternator for repair use a nator charging circuit do not use a high voltage voltmeter to ensure that 12 volts DC excitation is pre tester ie Megger You can damage the alternator sent at the EXC terminal if the previous test showed diodes only battery voltage at the B output terminal If 12 volts are not present at the EXC terminal trace the wiring looking for breaks and poor connections ALTERNATOR INSPECTION When rebuilding the engine the alternator should be cleaned and inspected The housing can be wiped off with a solvent and the alternator terminal studs should be cleaned with a wire brush Make certain the studs are tight and clean the wiring connections that connect to the wiring harness Tum the rotor pulley by hand It should tum smoothly Depending on when the alternator was last serviced the brushes may need replacing If the alternator is at all suspect send it to a service shop for testing and overhaul 1fIV1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 51 SERVICE DATA I STANDARDS AND LIMITS W5263B 163C Specified Value I Standard Repair Limit Component Specified Value I Standard Repair Limit inchesmm inchesmm inchesmm I TIMING TIMING GEARSCylinder Compression 427 psi at 200 rpm 384 psi Backlash 300 kgcm 270 kgcm Gears in Mesh 00039 00067 010 017 0012 03Difference between 427 psi Idler Gear Bushing Cylinders max 30kgcm Clearance between Bushing and Shaft 0001 0010 003 007 00078 02Injection Timing at BTDCon compression stroke 19 15 19 2 ROCKER ARMSpill Timing static Rocker Arm Bore 07188 07196 18258 18278Injector Spray Pressure 1920 psi 71 OPSI Rocker Arm Bushing 135 50kgcm Inner diameter 06250 06258 15876 15896CYLINDER HEAD Outer diameter 07200 07208 18288 18309Surface Distortion 0004 01 Rocker Arm Shaft Outer diameter 06234 06244 15835 15860Valve Guide 100260 66 Clearance 00006 00024 0016 0061 00028 007Intake Exhaust TAPPETIntake Valve Guide Angle 45 Outer diameter 05600 05610 14224 14249Exhaust Valve Guide Angle 30 Bore in cylinder block 05625 05637 14288 14319Intake Valve Seat Width 0079 20 0004 01 Clearance In Exhaust Valve Seat Width 0079 20 0004 01 Cylinder Block bore 00015 00037 00039 010 00039 010Valve Clearance 0D12 030 Warm VALVE CAMSHAFTIntake Exhaust Journal diameterVALVES No 1 Front 20437 20449 51910 51940 No2 Center 20339 20351 51660 51690Valve Head Diameter No3 Rear 20142 20154 51160 51190 Intake 1594 405 0004 01 Wear limit 00003 0008 Exhaust 1417 36 0005 013 Cam Length Intake and Exhaust 16767 42587 16728 42485 Intake 4508 1145 Exhaust 4512 1146 Camshaft End Play 00008 00071 0020 0180 00118 030Valve Stem 00 Camshaft RunOut 00031 008 Intake 03120 03130 7925 7950 03102 7880 Exhaust 03115 03125 7912 7937 03097 7867 Camshaft Support Bore No1 Front 20473 20485 52000 52030 Stem to Guide Clearance No2 Center 20374 20386 51750 51780 Intake Exhaust 00015 00035 0038 0089 00050 0127 No3 Rear 20177 20189 51250 51280Valve Contact Width 0079 20 Oil Clearance No1 Front 00024 00047 0060 0120 00057 0145Valve Face Angle No2 Center 00024 00047 0060 0120 00057 0145 Intake 45 No3 Rear 00024 00047 0060 0120 00057 0145 Exhaust 30 Backlash between gears 00039 00067 010 017 00118 030Valve Guide Protrusionfrom Cylinder Head 065 165 PUSH RODS Dimension L sinking 1890 480 1949 495 Bend Limit 00075 019 Valve Spring outer IDLER GEAR Wire diameter0117 45 Boss bore 18898 18908 48000 48025 Outer coil diameter 1496 380 Boss bore Iimit 00079 00118 020 030 Free Length 1807 459 1717 436 Fitting Length 1587 403 Bushing Preload 397 20 Ib180 09 kg 320 Ib145 kg Inner Diameter 17327 17336 44009 44034 Squareness 0054 137 Outer Diameter 18915 18925 48043 48068 Valve Spring inner Spindle Wire diameter 0138 35 Length 11398 11437 2895 2905 Outer coil diameter 1083 275 Outer Diameter 17303 17313 43950 43975 Free Length 1736 441 1654 420 Fitting Length 1488 378 Spindle and Preload 280 13Ib127 06 kg 227Ib103 kg Bushing Clearance 00013 00033 0034 0084 00059 015 Squareness 0049 125 Backlash between gears 00039 00067 010 017 00118 030 IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 52 SERVICE DATA I STANDARDS AND LIMITS W5263B 163C Specified Value I Standard Repair Limit Component Specified Value I Standard Repair Limit inchesmm inchesmm inchesmm ROD MAIN BEARINGBend and Twist 0002 in 4 005 in 100 Clearance 00016 00036 0040 0091 00047 012Side Play 00094 00134 0239 0340 0Q157 040 Available undersize 001 002 003 0254 0508 0762Small End Bore 12205 1222 31000 31039 CYLINDER ROD BEARING Cylinder Bore 38125 38135 96838 96863Oil Clearance 00014 00030 0036 0076 0039 010 Warpage Iimit 0004 010Available undersize 001 002 003 0255 0508 0762 Cylinder Liner Length 63976 64075 16250 16275PISTON Inner diameter 35010 35020 88925 88950 Oiameter 34987 34997 88867 88893 Outer diameter 38145 38155 96888 96914 Protrusion 00259 00311 0659 0790Piston Ring Hole Bore 11024 11028 2800 2801Piston to Liner Clearance Flywheel to Crankshaft runout 00079 020Side Clearance 00017 00028 0044 070 FUEL SYSTEM Ring Groove Width Idle speed 580 630 rpm Top 00958 0966 2433 2453 Second 00954 0962 2423 2443 Fuel Injection Pump Oil 01887 01895 4793 4813 Plunger diameter 0393 100 Cam Lift 008 22PISTON RINGS InjectorWidth Nozzle diameter0031 080 Top 01374 01382 349 351 Second 01350 01400 3429 3556 Injection Pressure 1920 710 psi 135 50 kgcm Oil 01083 01240 2750 3150 LUBRICATION Top 00930 0938 2363 2383 Oil Pressure 57 psi 40 kgcm Second 00930 0938 2363 2383 Min Safe pressure idle 43 14 psi 03 01 kgcm Oil 01867 01875 4743 4763 Oil Capacity sump 53 Ots 50 L Side Clearance Oil Pump Top 00020 00035 0050 0090 00591 15 Outer Rotor and Second 00016 00031 0040 0080 00591 15 Body Clearance 00055 00079 014 020 0012 03 Oil 00012 00028 0030 0070 0118 030 Rotor Lobe End Gap Clearance 00016 00079 004 020 0012 03 Top 00157 00217 040 055 00591 15 Rotor End Float 00016 00039 004 010 00059 015 Second 00118 00157 030 040 00591 15 Pump Shaft and Body Clearance 00039 010 Oil 00138 00217 035 055 00591 15 Spring Free Length 182 462 PISTON PIN STARTER MOTOR Oiameter 11021 11024 27994 28000 Oepth of Brush Undercut 0019 05 0008 02 Pin to Piston Clearance 0 0006 0 0016 Height of Brush 0669 17 0236 6CRANKSHAFT Spring Pressure 43 IbM 3 kgcm Main Journal diameter 25585 25591 64987 65000 0002 005 Commutator 00 1523 387 0039 10 Crankpin diameter 20861 20866 52987 53000 0002 005 Pinion Shaft End Play 0014 05 Processing diameter 0030 0762 End play00055 00154 0140 0390 0Q157 040 Runout 00020 005 IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 53 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS W52 I 63B 163C FHB MKG COMPONENT FTLB MKGAlternator Bracket 27 38 38 53 Injection Pipe Flare Nut 18 22 16 30Back Plate 24 35 33 48 Injection Pump Gear 45 51 62 70 Valve Holder M16 17 253 282 35 39Camshaft Thrust Plate 12 17 16 24 Injection Pump Locknut Gear 29 51 40 70 Injectors 36 38 50 60Connecting Rod Cap 50 54 69 75 Intake Manifold 12 17 16 24Coolant Pump 12 17 16 24 Main Bearing Cap 80 85 110 117Coolant Pump Pulley 12 17 16 24 Oil Pan 5 9 07 Sender 9 13 12 18 Oil Pan Pipe 12 17 16 23Coolant Temperature Switch 9 13 12 18Crankshaft Pulley Nut 145 181 20 25 Oil Pressure Sender 9 13 12 18 Oil Pressure Switch 9 13 12 18Cylinder Head Bolts 85 90 118 125 Oil Pump Cover 6 9 08 12Cylinder Head Cover 2 3 03 045 Oil Pump Pipe 6 9 08 12Damper Plate 14 20 19 27 Rear Oil Seal Cap 11 15 15 20Engine Mounts 23 34 32 47 Rocker Arm Assembly 80 85 110 117Exhaust Manifold 12 17 16 24 Rocker Arm Cover 18 29 025 040Fuel Solenoid Locknut M30 36 289 362 40 50 Thermostat Housing 6 8 08 11Flywheel bolt M1 0 12 61 68 85 95 Thrust Plate 16 23 23 32Glow Plug 7 11 10 15 Timing Gear Case 12 17 16 24Idler Gear 17 23 22 32 Timing Gear Cover 12 17 16 24Injection Nozzle 120 170 16 24 NOTE Formula to conven FtLbs to Nm Newton Meters is multiply FtLbs by 1356 Example 45 FtLbs 45 x 1356 61 Nm fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 54 STANDARD HARDWAREBOLT HEAD MARKINGSBolt strength classes are embossed on the head of each bolt Metric bolt class numbers identity bolts by their strength with 109 theCustomary inch bolts are identifed by markings two to grade eight The marks correspond to two marks less than the actual gradeie a grade seven bolt will display five embossed marksNOTES 1 Use the torque values listed below when specific torque values are not available 2 These torques are based on clean dry threads Reduce torque by 10 when engine oil is used 3 Reduce torques by 30 or more when threading capscrews into aluminum STANDARD BOLT NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS METRIC BOLT NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS SAE Grade 5 SAE Grade 67 SAE Grade 8 Capsrew Body Size Torque Torque Torque Boll Grade 46 Grade 48 Grade 88 98 Grade 109 Inches Thread FILb Nm FILb Nm FILb Nm Dia Wrench Size FILbNm FILb Nm FILb Nm FILb Nm 14 20 8 11 10 14 12 16 28 10 14 14 19 M3 55mm 03 05 05 07 1 13 15 2 M4 7mm 08 11 1 15 2 3 3 45 51618 17 23 19 26 24 33 M5 8mm 15 25 2 3 45 6 65 9 24 19 26 27 37 31816 31 42 34 46 44 60 M8 10mm 3 4 4 55 75 10 11 15 24 35 47 49 66 M9 13mm 7 95 10 13 18 25 35 26 716 14 49 66 55 75 70 95 M10 16mm 14 19 18 25 37 50 55 75 20 55 75 78 106 12 13 75 102 85 115 105 142 M12 18mm 26 35 33 45 63 85 97 130 20 85 115 120 163 M14 21 mm 37 50 55 75 103 140 151 205 M16 24mm 59 80 85 115 159 215 232 315 91612 110 149 120 163 155 210 18 120 163 170 231 M18 27mm 81 110 118 160 225 305 321 435 58 11 150 203 167 226 210 285 M20 30mm 118 160 166 225 321 435 457 620 18 170 231 240 325 M22 33mm 159 215 225 305 435 590 620 840 314 10 270 366 280 380 375 508 16 295 400 420 569 M24 36mm 203 275 288 390 553 750 789 1070 M27 41 mm 295 400 417 565 811 1100 1154 1565 78 9 395 536 440 597 605 820 M30 46mm 402 545 568 770 1103 1495 1571 2130 14 435 590 675 915 1 8 590 800 660 895 910 1234 M33 51 mm 546 740 774 1050 1500 2035 2139 2900 14 660 895 990 1342 M36 55mm 700 950 992 1345 1925 2610 2744 3720 SEALANTS Oil based PERMATEX 2 and its HIGH TACK equivalent are excellent all Use LIQUID TEFLON for sealing pipe plugs and fillings that connect coolant purpose sealers They are effective in just about any joint in contact with passages Do not use tape raw water oil or fuelA light coating of OIL or LIQUID TEFLON can be used on rubber gaskets BOLTS Orings Lightly oil head bolts and other fasteners as you assemble them Bolts and LOCTITE hydraulic red sealant should be used on oil adapter hoses and the oil plugs that penetrate the water jacket should be sealed with PERMATEX 2 orfilter assembly HIGH TACKCoat both surfaces of the oil pan gasket with high temp RED SILICONE sealer When assembling the flywheel coat the bolt threads with LOCTITE blueWhen installing gaskets that seal around water coolant passages coat both Antiseize compounds and thread locking adhesives such as LOCTITE protectsides with WHITE SILICONE grease threaded components yet allows them to came apart when necessary LOCTITE offers levels of locking according to the jobHighcopper ADHESIVE SPRAYS are useful for holding gaskets in position during assembly LITHIUM based grease is waterproof ideal for water pump bearings and stuff ing gasket sealers such as HYLOMAR work well in applications requiring nonhardening properties HYLOMAR is particlarly effective on Heavily oil all sliding and reciprocating components when assembling Alwayscopper cylinderhead gaskets as it resists fuel oil and water use clean engine oil IJ WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 55 W52 MARINE ENGINE WIRING DIAGRAM 33685 511N01II8 KEYSWITCHPUSH BUTTON WTSENDER RN WATt TtPT SWfTCH OIL PIlllIESsUIU 5WITCH J I I ALARM I I fUEl 50L WJSW5ZW70WIOO I I I I I 1 PREHEAT SOL mNOua oP5ENOER PREHEATERNOT USD N RN SERifS to ALTEIiiINATOR 12VOLT to AMP 34 0594 At ERNATOl l2v SOh 1 33 24151 PANEl kESS rrS7JiiUMEIITS 3Z 24J80 PANEL COMP4Ere 31 4777 KY SWITCH I 30 13355 LARIi I 2 30944 OIl PRESS siN NC 28 30125 27 2483 WAitE r4MPr W MO FUGL LIFT PUMP I 2c 11781 AMMETtR OpnONAL I 25 20654 SPLrr1Z OPuOIVAl 24 4529 GLOW PLUGS WJOW6l 4EAC1 123 11530 GLOW PlUGS W40 I NEUTRAl SAFe SW PAAC I Ii ITo NEGTHAt sAETY SW WANEe PANEL ErS INSTRtJIIENrs I7F PANEl COMPLiErS I ITs SUPPJI1ESSION k1r ALr I fT ji ALTeRIVATOA rate SI A F WAree tEMP I 4 24338 232 OLENOID FUEL SENDER oIL plerlR I I HI 24i378 I2433 PItHeATEte W511 SONOID PIIEHAr 4 10 24683 CllCVlr fREAKEe 20AHA I r Ib72 SrANQ HAIiN4 ENCN I rlANtSS GNtNE 5 3 II JJS 24133 HARNE PtlIlEL KGysWITCH VOLrMErE2 sWITH OL PREHeAT PRSrsLlICE GAUGe I 1154S 197 wAree rsup rACHoMETSJt GAUGE ITE PART NO DESCRIPTION OTY ASS oTyoN WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 56 W52 MARINE ENGINE WIRING SCHEMATIC 33685 KEYSWITCHPUSH BUTTON 2VOC BATTERY 8ATTRY ReTURN START lTARTCR NOTES ON JU1lEROWNERJ RESPONSIBILITY PtolEMAT AN OrlOF JNITCH lJusr eli INJP LID IN rillS 1 TO DISCONNGcr rHE STArE CINCUlr FIOM rHE BATrEIiPY I A EGI7GENC WHeN ALTERNATOR LEAt rue BOAT IVOLr DIESl ENNVE STArEfPS TYPICALAW 0 200 TO 300AMP5 WHEN CNKIN rE DuRATiOAl OF INONIJUA eANKIG CycES SJlOtJlD NOr EXCEED o sECONDS A SWIrt1I wlrA CONnNUOUS eATING O 175 AS AT 12 IIDC WILL NOIMAtLr SRVG TIIS UNCTiON aur sUCH A SWlrCH MuST NJVIiR tJE uJID TO WAKE THE STAlreR CIJiCUlr OTHER NOTES i sENDE CONNeCTION 0 WARNING CONTACT WlrH e MAY OAMAGE SENDER PRtHEAT ALL IETUIHS ARE rNROuGH ENGINE 8LOC 5W FOI WIRING or AUXILLAJY AlrEINArOS SEe nte FOLLOWING DIIiGRAUS I HOTOlfOLI ss MP 11232 START SWI MOTOROLA EECE NEVillE 120 AMP I 1123 I 53 AUP 1i5S cO LEEceNEVilLE 105 AMP 1t4 IF ADOlrONAL PRESrllfE SWITCHeS AI RP TO srART BOAr AccesSOIiES A LeXleJ HOSE Musr 8E RUN FloM THE OIL PvcsSUR MANPOID To A NGAINY 8uLKHEAD AND ALL PESSJg sWIFOIES MOUNTED AT TH iJLlLJIiHAO1 CAuTION oe TIGHT WOUND PLASTICSPJlce ElECTRICAl APPLY SILASTIC TAPE AROUND CONNEcrORS CONNECTeD THIS PRlKT IS PROTECTED BY A MAWUAL REUT CLllr EJJEAJE LOCArD NEAR nlE SrArEI AND AS etos TO He SOtlC OF CUIERENr AS passeLc EACESSIVE CURrENr lIA ANYWHERE IN TH 5TPUMENr PANEL WIRING O FNtiE W4 CIISE THE 8IEAKC TO TRIP IN TIIJ EllcNr MOSr ENIiNE MQDlS WIl SHUT DOWN EJECAUsS rHE opeNED I AK R DI CONNE ell J EL SUPPL HEvEFOtE nll 6UfLpEe OWNER Musr BE SUIE THAr TiS ttISnUMcNr PANEl WIIlNG AND ENINE RE INJrALLlrD ro PIrVENr CONTACT BETWeeN ELECrliCAI DIVtCt AND SALr WArelZ I Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 57 63B63C MARINE ENGINES WIRING DIAGRAM 039144 IIOR D PMII IlU I T I U I 1 1 12 vOC AIlW NOTE An onoff switch so mshould be installed in thiscircuit to disconnect thestarter from the battery in an emergency and when AUIM ADMIRALleaving the boat Twelve C JUUO PANELvolt diesel engine draw 200 to 300amps when cranking A I switch with a of 175 amps at 12VDC will normally servethis junction but a switchmust never be used to make the starter circuit 1 lOIn I CAPTAIN PANEL r l LJl I ell eu t I I I I I Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 58 63B63C MARINE ENGINES WIRING SCHEMATIC 039144 It VDC HAlll SOL SUlln0r M rrT LIFT PUI4P FUEL twtlU rliB u 01 NOII ADMIRAL KEY TACNOMTU PANEL W I STAU s 0 ALAIIM W T GAUGE 0 GAUGE pttUIIPI CAPTAIN PANEL 51 AMP ALTERNATOR PRESTOLITE 72 AMP ALT me STANOARD ALTERNATOR ON THE c Iff n m n 1 114 BRN 114 GRA t4 P NK 1 LT BL UNIVERSAI PROPUlSION PRESTOLITE 51 AMP AIT fAT WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 59 SPECIFICATIONS W52 638 AND 63C ENGINE ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel fourcylinder fourcycle fresh General Open flow self priming one bleed point watercooled vertical inline overhead valve Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher mechanism 52 hp at 3000 rpm maximum Fuel Injection Pump Distributor Type VE Diesel KiKi Zexel 63 hp at 3600 rpm maximum Fuel Injection Timing 0 TDC Top Dead 1348 cUin 221 Liter Nozzle Throttle typeAspiration Naturally aspirated Fuel Filter Spinon Replaceable Centrifugal type Air cleaner Metal screen type Chamber Swirl type AirFlow 700 cfm 19 cmmBore Stroke 350 x 351 inches 889 x 891 mm engine Displacement 1348 cubic inches 221 litersFiring Order 1342 ELECTRICAL of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front Starting Battery 12Volt negative Ratio 21 1 Battery Capacity 400 600 Cold Cranking Amps CCADimensions Height 2493 inches 6332 mm DC Charging Alternator 51 Amp rated belt driven Width 2263 inches 5746 mm Starter 12Volt reduction gear Length 3875 inches 9843 mm Starting Aid Glow plugs sheathed typeWeight 614 Ibs 2787 kgs DC NoLoad Current 2 of rated AmpsFuel Consumption 18 US gph 681 Iph at 2500 rpm DC Cranking Current 280 Amps engine Continuous 15 Temporary 25 not to exceed 30 min COOLING SYSTEMPower Take Off 30 HP maximum Generator end General Fresh watercooled block controlled with heat exchanger TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 CCompression Pressure 427 psi 30 kgcm at 280 rpm limit Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller 384 psi 27 kgcm Raw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impellerValve Timing Intake Opens 17 BTDC geardriven Intake Closes 47 ABDC Raw Water Flow 60 US gpm 227 Ipm measured Exhaust Opens 51 BBDC at 3600 rpm before discharging into exhaust elbow Exhaust Closes 13 ATDC System Capacity 100 qts 946 litersSpill Timing Static 1915 fresh waterValve Seat Angle Intake 45 Exhaust 45 LUBRICATION SYSTEMEngine Speed 1800 rpm 60 Hertz General Pressure fed system 1500 rpm 50 Hertz Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon typeValve Clearance Intake 0012 inches 030 mm PN035828warm engine Exhaust 0012 inches 030 mm Sump Capacity 53 US qts 50 litersInjector Pressure 1920 71 0 psi 135 5 0 kgcm2 not including filter plus filtercooler assemblyEngine Timing Static timed drop valve method 0205 005 in Operating Oil Pressure 50 65 psi 35 457 kgcm2 BTDC or 0 TDC 1 cylinder 1mm of cam lift engine hot using measuring device for injection pump Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4 SAE 30 10W30 15W40 fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines 8 Generators 60 GENERATOR INFORMATIONUSE OF ELECTRIC MOTORS Generator Frequency AdjustmentThe power required to start an electric motor is considerably Frequency is a direct result of speed asmore than is required to keep it running after it is started indicated by the followingSome motors require much more current to start them than o When the generator is run at 1800 RPM the AC voltageothers Splitphase AC motors require more current to start output frequency is 60 Hertzunder similar circumstances than other types They are commonly used on easystarting loads such as washing o When the generator is run at 1500 RPM the AC voltage output frequency is 50 Hertzmachines or where loads are applied after the motor isstarted such as small power tools Because they require 5 to Therefore to change the generators frequency the genera7 times as much current to start as to run their use should be tors drive engines speed must be changed Along with aavoided whenever possible if the electric motor is to be dri reconfiguring of the AC output connections at the generatorven by a small generator Capacitor and a regulator board voltage output adjustment must also bemotors require from 2 to 4 times as much current to start as made See ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR in this manualto run The current required to start any motor varies with theload connected to it An electric motor connected to an air GENERATOR for example will require more current than a o Maintaining reasonable cleanliness is importantmotor to which no load is connected Connections of terminal boards and rectifiers may becomeIn general the current required to start 115Volt motors connected corroded and insulation surfaces may start conducting ifto medium starting loads will be approximately as follows salts dust engine exhaust carbon etc are allowed to build up Clogged ventilation openings may cause exces MOTOR SIZE AMPS FOR AMPS FOR sive heating and reduced life of windings HP RUNNING STARTING AMPERES AMPERES o Inspect the exhaust elbow for corrosion and soot Check 16 32 64 to 224 the tightness of the mounting flange and exhaust mani 14 46 92 to 322 fold Inspect the exhaust hose and tighten the hose 13 52 104 to 728 clamps 144 to 292 12 34 72 102 204 to 408 o The drive discs on single bearing generators should be checked periodically if possible for tightness of screws 1 13 26 to 52 and for any evidence of incipient cracking failure DiscsNOTE In the above table the maximum Amps for Starting is should not be allowed to become rusty because rust maymore for some small motors than for larger ones The reason accelerate cracking The bolts which fasten the drive discfor this is that the hardest starting types splitphase are not to the generator shaft must be hardened steel SAE grademade in larger sizes 8 identified by 6 radial marks one at each of the 6 cor ners of the headBecause the heavy surge of current needed for startingmotors is required for only an instant the generator will not o The rear armature bearing is lubricated and sealed no maintenance is required However if the bearing becomesbe damaged if it can bring the motor up to speed in a few noisy or roughsounding have it If difficulty is experienced in starting motors tumoff all other electrical loads and if possible reduce the load o Examine bearing at periodic intervals No side movementon the electric motor of shaft should be detected when force is applied if side motion is detectable bearings are wearing or wear onRequired Operating Speed shaft of bearing socket outside bearing has occurredRun the generator first with no load applied then at half the Repair must be made quickly or major components willgenerators capacity and finally loaded to its full capacity as rub and cause major damage to on the generators dati plate The output voltage Carbon Monoxide be checked periodically to ensure proper operation ofthe generating plant and the appliances it supplies If an AC WESTERBEKE recommends mounting a or ampmeter is not installed to monitor voltage and monoxide detector in the vessels living quarters Carbonload check it with a portable meter and amp probe monoxide even in small amounts is deadlyNOTE When the vessel in which the generator is installed The presence of carbon momoxide indicates an AC equipment of 120 volts only it is recommended leak from the engine or generator from the exhaustthat the generators AC terminal block be configured to pro elbowexhaust hose or that fumes from a nearby vesselvide one 120 volt AC hot leg for the vessels distribution are entering your boatpanel This will ensure good motor starting response from thegenerator If carbon monoxide is present ventilate the area with clean air and correct the problem immediately Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 61 GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL 3 START The START toggle switch is a double pole single throw switch The switch serves two purposes startingThis manually controlled series of WESTERBEKE marine the engine and defeating of bypassing the engine oil presdiesel generators is equipped with toggle switches on the sure switch The defeat function turns on the fuel soleengine control panel and optionally at remote panels The noid instrument power and alternator instructions and methods of correcting minor prob While the PREHEAT switch is still depressed depressinglems apply only to such toggle switch controls the START switch engages the start solenoid PanelAll three switches are momentary contact type and serve the power and the fuel solenoid will be activated When thefollowing functions engine begins to fire the START switch should be1 PREHEAT The PREHEAT toggle switch is a double pole released The PREHEAT switch should not be released single throw switch The switch serves two purposes pre until the oil pressure reaches alarm stops heating the engine for easy starting and defeating of bypassing the engine oil pressure switch The defeat func NOTE When the engine is shut down the water tempera tion turns on the fuel solenoid instrument power and ture gauge and the oil pressure gauge will continue to register the last temperature and oil pressure readings alternator excitation displayed They will return to zero once electrical power When the PREHEAT switch is depressed the voltmeter is restored panel lights gauges and meters and fuel solenoid will activate The PREHEAT switch should be depressed for 4 EMERGENCY STOP The EMERGENCY stop switch at twenty seconds the rear of the control box is normally closed When2 STOP The STOP toggle switch is a single pole single depressed it will open the DC circuit to the control panel throw normally closed switch The switch provides and shut the engine down As the switch is not toggled it power to the fuel solenoid instrument cluster and alterna can be used when performing maintenance tor excitation after the oil pressure switch has closed upon starting Opening of this switch opens the power REMOTE PANEL circuit to the fuel solenoid stopping the flow of fuel to For remote operation of the generator system the same three the engine and shuts down the engine switches are used The PREHEAT and START switches are To stop the engine depress the STOP switch When the connected in parallel with the gauge panels switches and STOP switch is depressed the power feed to the fuel serve the same functions as in the gauge panel The STOP solenoid is opened and the fuel flow to the engine is switch is in series with the gauge panels STOP switch and stopped The STOP switch should be depressed until the serves the same function generator stops rotating CONTROL PANEL 4 1 o o 2 0 STOP RElEASE STAHlER START 3IJI MUST PRESS PRESS 2ND FIRST a GENERATOR 0 0 0 REMOTE PANEL OPTIONAL tJ WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 62 CONTROL PANEL MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCHES NOTE The engine control system is protected by a 20 amp manual reset circuit breaker located on the engine as close as possible to the power source Problem Probable Cause PREHEAT depressed no panel indications 1 Oil Pressure switch 1 Check switches andor battery connections electric fuel pump and preheat solenoid not energized 2 20 amp circuit breaker tripped 2 Reset breaker If it opens again check preheat solenoid circuit and run circuit for shorts to ground START SWITCH DEPRESSED no starter 1 Connection to solenoid faulty 1 Check connection engagement 2 Faulty switch 2 Check switch with ohmmeter 3 Faulty solenoid 3 Check that 12 volts are present at the solenoid connection 4 Loose battery connections 4 Check battery connections 5 Low battery 5 Check battery charge state ENGINE CRANKS does not start 1 Faulty fueling system 1 Check for fuel 2 Check for air in the fuel system 2 Allow system to bleed 3 Faulty fuel lift pump 3 Replace fuel lift pump NOT CHARGING BATTERY 1 Faulty alternator drive 1 Check the drive belt and its tension Be sure the alternator turns freely Check for loose connections Check the output with a voltmeter Ensure 12V are present at the regulator terminal BATTERY RUNS DOWN 1 Oil pressure switch 1 Observe if the gauges and panel lights are activated when the engine is not running Test the oil pressure switch 2 High resistance leak to ground 2 Check the wiring Insert sensitive 025 amp meter in battery lines Do NOT start engine Remove connections and replace after short is located 3 Low resistance leak to ground 3 Check all wires for temperature rise to locate the fault 4 Faulty alternator 4 After a good battery charging disconnect alternator at output If leakage stops Rernove alternator and bench test Repair or replace WATER TEMPERATURE AND OIL PRESSURE GAUGESIf the gauge reading is other than what is normally indicated If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge isby the gauge when the instrument panel is energized the first undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with the conducstep is to check for 12 volts DC between the ignition B tor from the sender to the gauge or with the senderand the Negative B terminals of the gauge If either of the above gauge tests are negative the gauge isAssuming that there is 12 volts as required leave the instru probably defective and should be replacedment panel energized and perform the following steps Assuming the gauge is OK check the conductor from the1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for continuity gauge reads zero which is the normal reading for this sit Check that the engine block is connected to the ground uation Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the bat2 Remove the wire attached to the sender terminal at the tery is connected to the starter both plus and minus termi gauge and connect it to ground See if the gauge reads full nals the ground side will not necessarily be connected to the scale which is the normal reading for this situation block lfATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 63 ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR KIT INSTALLATION Model WTA WTF WMF Single and Three Phase Models SENSOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DRILL HOLE Injection Pump HOUSING i LOCKNUT 3 The injection pump governor spring must be changed to the FLYWHEEL ir t propulsion style spring A propulsion spring is enclosed with TEETH I v v this kit along with a new cover gasket To change the governor spring remove the lock wire Sensor PN 039172 presently securing the throttle arm Remove the heavy duty The sensor is installed in the bellhousing over the flywheel throttle return spring that is attached to the throttle arm Do teeth This is a small threaded device with a lock nut The not remove the throttle arm from the splined shaft to do this threads are 38 x 24 Use an R drill and a bottoming tap just disconnect the spring so it has no effect on the arm Be careful when drilling the hole not to put too much pres Back off and remove the two throttle stop screws sure on the drill for when you go through the housing you do There are four heavy duty slotted machine screws that secure not want to break the drill bit The hole for the sensor is the pump cover to the pump housing Loosen and remove located on the bellhousing on the side opposite the starter these four screws Lift the cover carefully It is positioned on motor at about 1000 oclock when you view the bellhousing the housing by a dowel at one of the machine screw holes looking from the generator end In this area you will note a The cover will move towards the engine bellhousing when raised area on the side of the bellhousing Measure in on this lifted beyond the dowel due to tension from the throttle plate area from the flat surface of the bellhousing that mates against the fuel screw in the cover against the engine block 1 114 inches and drill and tap a hole Lift the cover up and back slightly to expose the governor as perpendicular to the flywheel as you can Once the hole is spring The spring is connected between the control lever drilled look through the hole at the flywheel teeth and if shackle and the idle spring pin With long thin needle nose needed turn the engine to position the teeth with the space in pliers unhook the spring from the throttle shackle and lift the the middle of the hole This will allow the tap to go well cover away through the hole to open the threads up Once the hole is tapped turn the engine by hand to position the flat of one of Remove the other end of the governor spring from the idle the flywheel teeth in the middle of the hole Thread the sen spring pin Take care that this pin and spring do not fallout sor into the hole it should thread smoothly until it touches of the plate and into the pump With the cover in hand the flat on the flywheel tooth Then back it out 112 34 of a inspect the gasket in the cover recess A replacement is with turn and secure it in position with the lock nut This will the kit Replace the gasket Install the gasket so it sits position the end of the sensor approximately 0030 inches squarely in the recess and that it is not twisted otherwise a away from the flats of the ring gear teeth leak will result once installed and the pump is primed with diesel Connect the replacement governor spring propulsion NOTE To ensure the sensor is positioned correctly slowly to this idle spring pin and the other end to the throttle rotate the crankshaft 360 0 by hand and assure there is no shackle Take care not to stretch the spring Position the cover physical contact between the sensor and the ring gear teeth on the pump with the fuel screw against the connector lever If contact is felt between the sensor and the flywheel teeth and move the cover towards the front of the engine slightly remove the sensor and repeat the above procedures until the dowel tits and seats in the machine screw hole Hold the cover in position and install the machine screws securely NOTE This sensor has a grey covering on it and two connec tion points on the terminal block Note the connection points when you remove the sensor to install it OVERFLOW VALVE Actuator PN 303007 CONTROL LEVER The actuator is already mounted on a bracket This bracket mounts on the front gear case cover on the two studs sticking out of the cover Remove the nuts and lock washers alreadyCONTROL LEVER SHAFT on the studs and slide the bracket on with the arm and link age towards to injection pump The bolt with spacer will attach to the outer hole of the throttle arm Connect the r THROTTLElr SHACKLE LEVER bracket and spacer from the actuator swivel to the outer hole 1 of the throttle arm When connected the throttle levers idle stop should almost be touching the open boss where the idle stop screw was removed NOTE Ensure that the return spring for the throttle arm is disconnected because it applies too much tension on the TYPE VE INJECTION PUMP throttle arm and the actuator cannot work against it Do not remove the throttle arm from the throttle shaft to do this II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 64 ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR KIT INSTALLATION Model WTA WTF WMF Single and Three Phase PN 303008 Cl w TBI TB2 TO lOA CIRCUITThe controller and tenninal board can be mounted in the con BREAKERtrol panel box Use the controller and tenninal block as atemplate to mark mounting holes on the outside of the panelbox to be drilled then mount the components on the inside of RELAY WIRINGthe boxIf you need to remove wire connections from the terminal 114 REDblock note their position for correct reconnection A drawing of the wire positions on the tenninal block is attached 8612VDC Wires to the Controller 30 81 85There is a red positive wire and a black negative wire for12VDC to the controller These are tagged and marked They TOTB31 1114 REDshould be attached on the positive and negative side of the Preparation to Startpanels DC volt meter Push the exciter circuit breaker so it will pop out This isNOTE The controller operates on 12VDC The voltage range located on the side of the control panel box on the generatoris 20 96 VDC 12VDC 144VDC Ifvoltage varies This will eliminate AC output from the generator other thanabove or below these ranges the controller will not operate residual voltage The controller in the control panel has twoand the engine will run in an idle mode until proper voltage adjustment pods You need a mini screw driver to adjustis supplied to the controller these One is speed and the other gain These are noted on the drawing of the controller When you press the preheat switch the actuator linkage attached to the throttle arm of the injection pump should move outward towards the injection pump and return back KEEP ACTUATOR into the actuator in a quick motion LINKAGE WELL Start the engine The speed should be in the low idle range LUBRICATED 600700 rpm If the engine speed is higher than this idle range shut the engine down Check the linkage between the actuator and throttle arm The throttle arm stop should be about touching the open idle stop screw boss Adjust the link age to position the throttle lever The controller has an adjust ment screw for speed adjustment Turn this screw outward counter clockwise a few turns Restart the engine NOTE If there is any oscillating of the actuator linkage pro ducing hunting adjust the gain towards zero 0 until this hunting is removed Increase the engine speed slowly with the speed CONTROllER screw turning it inward clockwise In some instances this screw may need to be turned 610 turns before an increase in engine speed is noted Bring the engine speed to 1800 rpm 60 Hz 1500 rpm 50 Hz Momentarily push the actuator linkage towards the actuator and release The actuator should quickly regain proper speed If there is any hunting adjust the gain towards zero 0 until this hunting is removed When the gain is adjusted you may need to readjust the speed at no load shut the generator down Push the DC exciter circuit breaker in Start the generator Check speed Hertz set at 60 Hz Load the generator If the governor is slow to react and maintain 60 Hertz adjust the gain clockwise Again you may need to adjust the speed at no load You will find the governor will maintain 60 05 Hertz right up to the full rated amperage output for the generator IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 65 ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR Electronic Governor System Calibration The system is composed of three basic components 1 With no power to the governor adjust the GAIN to 900 1 Controller Mounted in the instrument panel oclock 2 Sensor Installed on the bellhousing over the flywheel 2 Start the engine and adjust the speed by turning the speed ring gear pot clockwise to desired speed 3 Actuator Mounted at the front of the engine and NOTE Controllers are factory adjusted to minimum rpm attached with linkage to the throttle arm of the injection However for safety one should be capable of disabling pump the engine if an overspeed should exist 3 At noload turn the GAIN potentiometer clockwise until Controller Adjustment the engine begins to hunt if the engine does not hunt 1 Speed This adjustment is used to raise or lower the physically upset the governor linkage engines speed to the desired hertz 4 Turn the GAIN potentiometer 2 Gain This adjustment affects the reaction time of the until stable actuator to the load changes SENSOR NOTE A high gain adjustment can induce an oscillating of the actuator producing a hunting mode In such cases lessen the gain adjustment FLYWHEEL HOUSING SPEED m GAIN iJ KEEP ACTUATOR LINKAGE WELL LUBRICATED LINEAR ACTUATOR TO ELECTRONIC SENSOR CONTROLLER PV 039172 Ci TO TERMINALDi 14 REDaL 1 RED IELECTRONIC GOVERNOR TERMINAL LINEAR BOARD1 14 BLACK 2 BLACK I ACTUATOR BLACKIWHITE I SHIELDED T8 GOVERNOR Til SENSOR CABLE WHITE CONTROL 14PURPLE 5 TO LINEAR ACTUATOR 114 PURPLE 6 0 PURPLE PURPLE j TERMINAL BOARD 3 IJ WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 66 THE ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR Problem Probable Cause appears dead 1 Low battery voltage at controller 1 Check wiring for cause Check battery state of chargeEngine runs at idle 2 Stuck linkage 12 Lubricate free up linkage between controller and throttle arm 3 No signal or weak signal from sensor 3 Check for improperly installed or damaged sensor in flywheel Measure AC voltage from sensor while housing Replace or adjust engine is running at idle Voltage should be 25 volts or greater 4 Check Actuator depress PREHEAT and check for battery voltage between negative black lead at terminal block a Purple lead to black 4 Replace controller if battery voltage is not present at both leads b Second purple to black 5 Perform the following check between terminals at the actuator and the negative DC lead at the controller terminal block Preheat depressed a Low voltage 12020 VDC at either a Broken actuator lead actuator connection b Battery voltage at both actuator b Broken actuator lead connections c Battery voltage at one actuator lead c Replace the actuator but not the otherActuator fully extends when PREHEAT 1 Check controller Lift one of the purpleis depressed and stays extended actuator leads from the terminal block Depress PREHEAT a Actuator fully extends a Short in lead to actuator b Actuator does not fully extend and b Replace controller connections NOTE Release PREHEAT and reconnect the purple leadActuator hunts oscillates and 1 Linkage between actuator and throttle 1 running binding 2 Improper adjustment of GAIN on 2 Lessen GAIN adjustment Recalibrate the Controller controller 3 Inadequate DC power supply to controller complete the following tests Connect a DC voltmeter across the plus and negative leads at the controller terminal block Lift both purple leads from the terminal block Connect one purple lead to the Cplus terminal and the other to the DC negative Momentarily depress PREHEAT The actuator should fully extend 3 If actuator does not fully extend check the actuator leads If the voltage is less than specified check for loose or poor connections low battery voltage voltage drop in DC circuit due to remote panel installation and small wire sizes making connections DC voltage registering on the meter should be 12 VDC System 96 VDC or higher 24 VDC System 192 VDC or higher NOTE Reconnect actuator leads properly after making this test 3a Sensor positioned marginally too far 3a Check the position of the sensor away from flywheel teeth giving erratic signal voltage to controller II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 67 WMF ELECTRONIC REGULATED BRUSH LESS Brushless Rotating FieldSpeed 60Hz 1800 rpm 50Hz 1500 rpmCooling Fan cooledMax Ambient Temp 40 degrees CInsulation Class HNOTE If the generator is operated at 1500 rpm the voltageand kW rating will be 56 of the 1800 rpm rating Consult themanufacture if a higher voltage or kW rating is required at50 Hz 1500 reinstalling the generator the generator must bemounted securely Use shims as necessary under the generator feet to ensure the feet are uniformly supported the holddown bolts If the generator is not uni MOUNTING BOLTformly supported the frame could become distorted resultingin noise and vibration that could damage the generator 9 After the armature is removed the rotor shaft and drive disk assembly can be pulled from the frame EXCITER ARMATURE DRIVE A CAUTION Do not scratch or cut the copper stator windings when removing rotor 10 DO NOT LOSE the bearing anchor when the bearing is removed from exciter end bracket 11 Bolt the rotor and drive disk to the engine flywheel using the proper size lock washers and SAE grade 8 bolts 12 Push the generator frame assembly carefully back over the rotor Replace the bearing anchor and carefully align the groove in the bearing with the bearing anchor before the bearing enters the bearing bracket 13 Mount the frame assembly to the engine flywheel hous ing with the proper size bolts lock washers and nut FAN COVER 14 Remount the fan cover and hood ROTOR SHAFT 15 To reassemble the exciter armature pull the rotor leads through the opening in the armature spider Tum theMechanical Mounting armature until it slips over the pins in the shaftTo mount a singlebearing generator to an engine Follow below1 Disconnect the positive terminal from battery IA CAUTION Do not pinch rotor leads2 Place a jack or other support under the engine flywheel3 Remove the pot cover or control box cover from the back ROTOR ASSEMLY of the generator and disconnect all incoming power leads4 Detach the ground lead Q and R lead from the BALL BEARING rotor on the exciter armature RETAINING RING5 Remove the armature fastening bolt from the center of the shaft mark the position of the armature so it can be replaced in the same position6 Remove the armature from the shaft take care not to BEARING ANCHOR BEARING GROVE damage the lamination7 Remove the fan cover EXCITER END BRACKETS Use a strap around the generator rotor and shaft assembly and support from hoist II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 68 WMF ELECTRONIC REGULATED BRUSHLESS GENERATOR16 Reassemble the armature to the shaft with the bolt and Examine ratings and actual load applied to determine if the lock washer using LOCTITE Use a 916 socket on the generator rating may be too low for the load applied torque wrench and torque to 25 ft lb The ambient temperature must not exceed 104F40C For17 Reconnect the Q and R leads to the proper connec operation at ambient temperatures above 104F40C derate tions kW rating 1 percent for each degree C above 40C For operations at high altitudes ratings must be derated 218 Reconnect all incoming power leads to their proper con percent for each 1000 ft above sea level nections as shown on the wiring diagram Frame temperatures above 140F 60C are too high and 19 Return pot cover or control box cover indicate a temperature rise in the copper windings of 221F 20 Remove the jack support from under engine flywheel lOSOC or higher housing r Ie l 21 Reconnect the positive battery terrninallead HZ HZ ELECTRONIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR E1 F3 Electrical Connections VOLTAGE F 4i The proper electrical connections required for your Single REGULATOR VAR Phase or Three Phase generator can be found on the VAR ADJUST I SCHEMATIC WIRING DIAGRAM J NOTE Be sure all electrical connections are correct before ELECTRONIC REGULATION starting the generator An electronically regulated generator has superior voltage regulation than other types 2 within rated loads Initial Startup The electronic voltage regulator regulates the voltage using a Carefully inspect the unit before startup Check all electrical solidstate electronic circuit of transistors integrated circuits connections and be sure that all bolts have been securely SCRs resistors etc The electronic voltage regulator senses mounted the generator voltage and feeds a DC currentinto the exciter field of the proper average value to hold the generator voltage 1 Rotate the shaft by turning the armature bolt the shaft constant from noload to full rated load and above and rotor assembly are balanced and should turn freely 2 Start engine eD 3 Check vibration If excessive check all mechanical J con I I nections 100 I I The generator voltage is adjusted at the factory to a specified I II II I speed however verify upon installation To supply 60 Hz eo I 50Hy I the speed should be 1800 to 1860 rpm at no load and should I 7 I not fall below 1800 rpm by more than one percent at full I 1 I I I load To supply 50 Hz the speed should be 1500 to 1550 rpm at no load and 1500 rpm at full load The generator voltage bO I lL1610Hz rI Ii I I should build to its rated value within 5 seconds after rated 40 II I speed is attained If voltage does not build the cause may be I I I loss of residual magnetism in the exciter field due to 1V V I I I 20 improper installation See the section of this manual for more information To ensure that the gen ff I I I erator voltage will always build the generator should operate FREQUENCY VI 0 I 10 I 20 O 40 50 I bO 70 80 at full load before being installed in service RPM 900 200 1500 1800 Observe and record the generator voltage at no load and at LOAD FREQUENCY CHART full load Immediately after startup cold and after 30 min utes of full load hot The voltage is easily adjusted to opti mum values at no load and full load See the ELECTRONIC of the 34615 Regulator REGULATION section Test at actual load if possible If the 1 Overload Protection voltage cannot be adjusted refer to the To prevent damage to devices receiving electrical power section of this manual from the generator The regulator provides both under Check the temperature rise after running for 30 minutes at load frequency and over load protection The voltage reg full load If excessive examine the generator for obstructed ulator operates at 50 Hz or 60 Hz or both If the fre air flow hot air feeding into the inlet of the generator or quency and engine speed falls below the rated value the bypassed air air not pulled through generator because of air generator voltage decreases to provide under frequency opening into unbaffled fan at engine side of generator fan protection but if the engine is over the speed required to give 50 Hz or 50 Hz the voltage does not rise above that value set at the proper frequency proper engine speed rfIVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 69 WMF ELECTRONIC REGULATED BRUSHLESS GENERATOR 2 AC Power Input All EVRs must supply up to 4 amperes of DC output This section is intended to help the user isolate the cause of current into the exciter field at a voltage up to 70 volts the most common generator malfunctions DC This voltage and current constitutes a power output of about 280 watts This output power must come from the generator The exciter field input power must be sup Visual Examination plied at 190 to 240 volts AC at a voltampere burden of Inspect the generator visually Look for obvious evidence burned 500 VA maximum areas pinched wires cracked insulation all connections should When the generator is operated at 208 volts to 240 volts be fastened securely Check the operating speed and see that the this power comes from the generator load lines When the unit has been reassembled and reconnected correctly generator is connected to deliver 120 volts a separate winding in the stator provides 208 to 240 volts for the Very Low Voltage Output or No Voltage Buildup voltage regulator power input When a generator delivers 1 Loose or Broken Lead wires 390 volts to 480 volts center taps on the phase windings Check lead wires and connections Tighten securely provide 190 volts to 240 volts for both voltage sensing Compare connections with the wiring diagram supplied and power input for the exciter field The AC power input with unit always has one tenninal common with one of the sensing voltage tenninals This common lead is identified by the 2 Rotor Opened or Shorted lead or tenninallabel 4 in the drawing below Measure the resistance between R and Q leads see chart for normal ohm ratings VOLTAGE REGULATOR F I I I I I I 3 Stator Ground or Shorted Run the generator for 5 minutes I Stop immediately if smoke or a hot smell is detected I If the voltage does not build and the generator is hot 4 3 E1t I there is a short circuit in the stator windings Examine the stator for burned insulation DO NOT REMOVE from the frame Measure stator resistance Tl and T2 and from T3 to T4 each should have equal resistance See WIRING H SCHEMATICS Disconnect leads at the tenninal board JOIN BOTH and measure HZ LEADS FOR E1 50Hz If one of the voltage readings is lower than the other the VOLTAGE REGULATOR F3 low voltage winding is shorted Replace stator F 4 Exciter Field Opened or ShortedVOLTAGE 41ADJUSTMENT VARI Measure the resistance at 77 degrees F see GENERA VARI TOR RESISTANCE VALUES for normal ohm ratings 5 Defective Diodes in the Armature See Section 10 6 Defective Voltage Regulator See Section 9 3 DC Output Power for the Exciter Field The EVR rectifies the AC power input with a full wave rectifier to provide DC current a series of half sine High Voltage Output waves with a high ripple content at a frequency of 120 1 Defective 165K ohm Resistor on 1201240 volts only Hz This DC current is fed to the exciter field through one Test and replace if necessary or two SCRs to provide a pulsed output in one direction 2 Defective Electronic Regulator Replace do not flash only The resistance and impedance within the regulator is very low and the peak value of the current into the exciter Voltage Builds But Oscillates Excessively field is limited only by the impedance and resistance of the exciter field For this reason the exciter fields must 1 Defective Electronic Regulator have a minimum specified resistance or the peak current delivered by the regulator will be so high that the regula Generator Resistance Values tor components will be damaged The regulator is com Armature 470 520 ohms per phase 5 10 kW monly designed for a minimurn exciter field resistance of 655 720 ohms per phase 125 50 kW 20 ohms 8lOkW 25 ohms 1250kW although some Field 18 22 ohms 5 10 kW times a slightly lower resistance can be tolerated 23 28 ohms 125 50 kW Connections to the exciter field are made at two DC out Stator ohms vary with XW rating put tenninals F and F but less than 10 ohm per phase Rotor kWs 8 10 125 15 175 20 25 30 to 50 ohms 1147 158 173 184 200 21 22 25 to 38 rflVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 70 WMF ELECTRONIC REGULATED BRUSHLESS GENERATOR Flashing The Field WMF GENERATORS EXCITER ROTORS To detennine if the regulator is defective disconnect unncn MODELS the F and c leads from the exciter field and open the THREE POSITIVE DIODES 1139772 circuit breakerswitch in lead 3 or 4 to the regulator Using a 12 volt battery connect the battery to the regulator 3F Connect the battery to the regulator F THREE NEGATIVE Run generator at 1800 rpm See WIRING SCHEMATICS DIODES 1139773 1 If the residual voltage is now nOTIllal the electronic regulator is defective and must be replaced ROTOR fIIL 1137128 2 If there is no voltage check the exciter field 3 If the voltage reading differs from what would be a nor mal reading the electronic regulator is working properly and the problem is elsewhere Return to the section Checking Diodes In The Armature All Fidelity Electric annatures have 6 diode rectifiers arranged in a full wave pattern Three forward biased diodes are mounted on a heat sink and three reversed biased diodes mounted on the annature hub 5 Disconnect tenninals to each diode Check the Forward 1 Use a Basic Analog ohmmeter and set to R1 scale Biased Diode FWD group first 3 diodes on heat sink ohmmeter leads red black ohmmeter lead to R tenninal on annature hub 2 Check the diodes as a group with the following connec ohmmeter lead to the on diode indicated by red dot tions 6 Check for leakage in each diode by reversing polarity ohmmeter lead to R tenninal on annature hub Resistance infinite ohmmeter lead to Q ground Diodes are good if the resistance reading is approxi 7 Check Reversed Biased Diode RVS group mately 50 ohms ohmmeter lead to Q ground on annature hub ohmmeter lead to the on each diode 3 Check for leakage in the diodes by reversing their polar Resistance infinite ity Diodes are good if the resistance reading is infinite 8 Check for leakage in each diode by reversing polarity 4 Resistance values other than those indicated suggest one Resistance 10 ohms or more faulty diodes Check each diode separately to isolate the defective diode NOTE Resistance values other than those indicated means that the diode is defective Replace the defective diode and reconnect terminals to each diode Maintenance and Repair 1 Periodic Cleaning and Inspection Clean and inspect the generator every 200 hours of nor mal operating time If the generator is housed in a harsh environment clean and inspect more frequently If dirt and grease is allowed to buildup the generator will run hot ter loose efficiency and reduce the life of the generator 2 Cleaning Remove all dust dirt oil and grease buildup from all external surfaces Use a low pressure air hose 25 PSI maximum to blow dirt and grease from the internal com ponents through the fan opening Clean inside the control box Check for loose or damaged lead wires and loose components mounted in the box Do not remove internal generator parts or the warranty is void AC RECTIFIERS 3 Inspection DCAC With the pot cover or control box cover removed examWMF GENIERArORl ine rotor shaft and bearing for excessive wear ReplaceEXCITER ROTORS RedDot ACEARLIER MODELS bearings after 10000 hours of nOTIllal operating time or ACDC sooner if wear is evident AC III WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 71 WMF GENERATOR WIRING SCHEMATICS E4 i0T l Main field R 1 I ll Go 120V G G I lm 51010 Excite Armaure n Two3PH fW CIllI H T2 t 1 Gi 24 0v 1 ilL 120v c n F 11 W leadtie up or tape 00 connection with olectronlc rogulalor 1I0T Wlead lie up or lope no connoction with olochonlc Single Phase 4 Lead Yellow regUlator Electronic Regulation I J 120240V Connections Exclle lIold 0 1 Cut Hzjumperfor 60 Hz I I Leave intact for 50 Hz J 2 Remove resistor when o wired for 120V output 120240 Voll Connoct Iogelbor 120 Voll andhp OJ 0 T4 E4 0 ELECTRONIC I liZ El 1 L1 VOLTAGE REGULATOR f1 4 VAn 1 VARI o Single Phase 4 Lead o o Electronic Regulation Vollage Adjustment If no terminal boofd boll loads and lape 220V Connections Connecl grounds 85 shown 1 Join both leads together for 50 Hz cTo PH FWRctlfirs I t A t i i I I I ri IT WI 220Yolt l e YLl Single Phase Electronic Regulation 120V Connections 20Vn Hot Hn I WI d U up or tp no connection c F L oQ with electronic regUlator F Q Y HOT LO Ellcltr field EF1 Exciter field o o E4 may be ab nt 220 Volt 4 o o T4 L3 NeutralGround TO T L1 Hot o Tl ELECTRONIC o o VOLTAGE G II no erminal boarG bolt dl end tape REGULATOR Voltage Adj tmnt l BehiMl egulator Board Connect grouftds a ahowft o o o II WESTERBEKE Voltage Adjustmpnt I Engines Generators 72 WMF GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAMS 40438 12 VDC rII L I BATTERY SWITCH nARTER SOLENOID STARTER m TI 1 l 4 rGB run SQINQID I ALTRHATOR I I IiTl I TIt Iii I 1 r I tREREAT SOLENOID r alOWflues i fIt I I I l I fiGzo I r6 10 AMP IIJ CIRCUIT e g i AMP I BATTERY SfITCH ICIRCUIT BRUKER L r BRUKU I fl 12 VDC I WATER TENP I lOP SWITCH SWITCH C OIlll1l UQUllt LJ m Z START fUEL PUNP m IU SWITCH a fUEL SOLENO I D i II llc 11 aICo I I I GAUGr ie w i CCa 14atl I GENERATOR I z m 120240 VAt I PHASE I I WAUl OIL Urb UI C I i ElliE 10lRNOR I RElAY I r I I cI gr I C CIRCUIT IIREAKER 2S A i I I nun 011 GOo crUTO MAGNETIC PICKuP l OVERO COOllER i en ELECTRONIC grlU i rES I I GOVERNOR SYSTEM I I I I II I I 30 86 85 1 1 rI OPTIONAL cur feR I I I I I iNiT fOR J J I UtJ I I L I I 1411 I I I I I vaT I I L d iJ WTA GENERATORS SINGLE AND THREE Output Voltage AdjustmentThe WTA generator is a brushless selfexcited type requiring There are no setup adjustments for the generator However ifonly driving force the value of the output voltage is inconsistent with given speOne pennanent magnet in the six pole exciter stator is cific requirements it may be adjusted over a narrow 5responsible for the selfexciting feature of the alternator Its range and will not nonnally require field causes a voltage to be induced into the associ To adjust the output voltage remove the cover from the conated exciter rotor coils during rotation This AC voltage is full trol box and locate the voltage setting control Using an insuwave rectified and applied to the main rotating field coil The lated tool operate this control to obtain the desired field induces an alternating voltage voltage Right hand rotation of this control increases the outinto the associated main stator coils and a resulting current put voltagewill flow to the output terminals VOLTAGE an auxiliary coil on the main stator generatesan AC voltage which is full wave rectified and employed as asource of supply for the remaining five on the exciter stator The voltage regulator controls the CMIOOcurrent to these poles regulating the voltage D oceJ1 The generator air intake and exhaust airways must be kept free of obstructions If the flow of cooling intake air or heated exhaust air is inhibited eventual generator over 11 Ir heating and subsequent failure of the generator may VOLTAGE REGULATOR BOARDS occur2 Care should be exercised when installing the electrical connections to the generator output to avoid damaging the voltage regulating circuits found in the control box Refer to the generator control diagrams A WARNING Terminals and components carrying line voltage may be exposed within the control box and volt age regulating circuits when the generator is Therefore the use of nonconducting tools is essential1 Do not exceed the maximum generator shaft speed of for safety reasons Only qualified electricians or persons 2200 rpm as pennanent generator damage may result thoroughly familiar with electrical equipment should2 If there are unusual noises from the generator at any time attempt this adjustment during its operation shut it down and check for internal mechanical wear andor damage The generator is virtually maintenance free Periodic3 For the protection of line frequency sensitive loads that inspection is suggested to assure the generator airways may be connected to the generator only operate at a gen do not become obstructed erator shaft speed of 1800 rpm 60 HzThese generators are classified as drip proof The air intakeand outlets are covered with an expanded metal screen toprotect against the ingestion of airborne litter Do not operatethe generator without these screens in place 11 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 74 WTA GENERATOR Bring basic repair parts with you on the initial trip to the problem equipment such as a regulator board housing diodeThe following text is designed to give insight into problems and bridge rectifier so that if the problem should be found inwhich may be encountered with the WESTERBEKE WTA one of these easily replaceable parts the problem can bebrushless generators Owing to the simplicity of the equip remedied early and and controls is relatively easy once between cause and effect is understood Should a situation arise where the generator fails to operate properly and all mechanical conditions are found to be satisKeep in mind that basic fundamental knowledge of electricity factory refer to ELECTRICAL FAULT ANALYSISis required for this and always remember thatlethal voltages are present in the circuitry and caution is essential when working on or trouble Replacing the Shaft Mounted a generator 1 Remove the hole cover on top of the antidrive end of theOnly a few basic tools are necessary for diagnosis and repair generatorThese are hand tools an amp probe and a quality voltohm 2 Crank the engine until the rectifier comes into view andmeter capable of reading less than one ohm due to the preci lock it to prevent the engine from turning the shaftsion required in reading component winding resistances 3 Unsolder the four wires from the attempting repair get as clear an explanation of the 4 Remove the rectifier by unscrewing in a as possible preferably from an individual witness wise direction then follow the testing and replacementing the problem In some cases this may bring to light a procedures described in GENERATOR which is related to the method of operation ratherthan equipment fault 5 Replace or reinstall the rectifier by reversing the above THE RECTIFIER USING RECTIFIER ACCESS HOLEHEATSINK COMPOUND DC 340OR EQUIVALENT TIGHTEN TOA TORQUE OF 30 INCH POUNDSBEND THE TERMINAL TO CLEARTHE GENERATOR HOUSINGNEEDED RED SPOT LJ RECTIFIER OUTPUT TERMINAL THE RECTIFIER OUTPUT LEAD HAS A TWIN SOLID MAGNET WIRE AND TAN COLORED INSULATION SLEEVE AND SHOWS A LOW ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE WHEN MEASURED TO THE SHAFT rvvl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 75 WTA GENERATOR for Overload NOTE F3 and F4 are tied together with the butt1 Check the generator data plate and load the generator per connector in a harness from the generator to the control the data plate Monitor the load with an amprobe clipped panel Al and A2 are accessible only at diodes located in to output leads of the generator the generator housing F1 black is a 16 wire connected to a ground stud 3 white is a 16 wire which originates at the regulator plug and connects to the ground stud Field voltage supplied to the exciter field via the voltage reg ulator will always be greater in an overload condition than in nonnal operating conditions When only a small difference or no difference between the auxiliary voltage pin 2 and the exciter field voltage pin 1 is found it could be an indica tion of a generator overload On a fully loaded generator nonnal auxiliary voltage is between 2729 volts DC and nor mal exciter field voltage is between 1520 volts DC The DC voltage measurements being discussed here are the simplest indication although not completely accurate that a low level power factor overload motor load is present The2 If an amprobe isnt available the generator load can be low power factor motor load portion of the load is not felt checked for possible overload with a voltage regulator by the engine and is indicated only partially in output current boardfield saturation check but is indicated clearly and relative to rotor current by mea suring the exciter field voltage 1 STEPONE Measure the auxiliary voltage of the loaded alternator R15R17 Place the plus of the meter DC scale 50 volts to the gen OR14cJO R1 W CR4o P2 5 erator case or common ground stud and the negative to W point A on the regulator board refer to the illustrations c W4 or Pin 2 of the plug This voltage 5R19 0 DC at rated fullload should be approximately 2729 C3 3 tl CAS Y aD volts STEP TWO Measure the field voltage of the loaded alternator Check 4 aD R R1D P1 0 the voltage between the plus lead remaining as ground on the generator case or the common ground stud and POINT A c nL 0 1 lZY place the negative lead on one of the screws Point B hold 11 r J 0 VOLTAGE ADJ COURSE 0 ing Q3 or Q4 to the heatsink on the regulator board or Pin 1 of the plug This voltage DC EARLY MODEL REGULATOR BOARD CURRENT REGULATOR BOARD should read between 1720 volts DC at full rated load on With the generator loaded and displaying low voltage the generator symptoms check the DC voltage present in the field cir NOTE If removal of the load corrects the voltage prob cuit for a possible indication of generator overload when lem an overload or a problem in the load is likely to be an amprobe or ampmeter for the system is not available the problem or suspect for inaccuracy I For a better understanding of this check refer also to the MEASURING POINTS generator internal schematic FOR AUXILUARY VOLTAGE OC INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC iEXCITER ROTOR l r rJ1rT PERMANENT MAGNET I I I ri4 3 I II MEASURING POINTS I I GROUND I EXCITER FIELD VOLTAGE DC J I TO CASE I I 131 I I 1 BUTT CONNECTOR T41tc11 I L J MAIN STATOR l L I J ltJ I EXCITER STATOR fAT1 WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 76 WTA GENERATOR Voltage adjustment potentiometers are located on the Restart the unit and check for balanced voltages off all main early and present regulator boards Refer to the diagram for output leads Tl T2 and T3 T4 120 volts AC for each locations These potentiometers allow for a noload voltage pair Unbalanced voltages indicate a problem within theadjustment for the rated voltage A e of the generator main stator output leads or connections Check 60 Hertz The potentiometer adjusters should be values and tighten connections as needed used to adjust to these exact voltages The regulator boardshould maintain this voltage within 2 from noload to Residual Voltage This refers to the measurement of auxiliary and main outputCheck for underspeed condition at a full rated load The voltages while the generator is operating with the pump governor should maintain engine rpm and disconnected and is under the influence of its internal permagenerator frequency to 2 Should the frequency drop as nent magnets only Comparison of residual voltages to thethe load is being applied this may be an indication of conta voltages attained while flashing the exciter field see FLASHminated or poor quality fuel clogged filters air or faulty ING THE FIELD can give valuable insight in pump governor Check system as needed Running ing a defective generatorat less than rated speed can damage electrical loads Main output residual voltages are best measured as for an unbalanced load being taken off the generator groups of coils Tl and T2 T3 and T4 the 120 volt leadsoutput leads Noload being taken off the sensedlead Tl This avoids the possibility of mistaking an open coil as nowith the unsensed T4 line loaded would show as a low output for both groupsvoltage on the loaded un sensed line T4 1 With the generator stopped unplug the regulator boardNOTE Generator output voltage is sensed off output lead and expose the two generator output lines Tl and T4 soT1 through Pin 4 on the plug to ground that measurements can be read from themThe regulator senses 120 volts only Start the generator and measure the AC voltage found between leads Tl T2 and T3 T4 This should be 25 If no problems are found to this point disconnect the load 35 volts AC between each of these two pairs of leads withfrom the generator and measure the residual voltage output of no load on the generatorthe generator This is best done right at the output lead at the 2 Measure auxiliary voltage next Measure DC Try to insure that no load is on the generator Any between Pin 2 plug and the groundcircuit breaker or ship to shore switch between the generator This voltage should be between 5 6 volts DC noloadand load must be open on the generator If access to the diodes in the Voltages Regulator board plugged in housing is available measure directly at each diode to theModel NoLoad FullLoad generator case ground Measure the AC voltage acrossWfA15 Measured between Aux diodes 39a VAC 405 VAC the diodes AI and A2 This should be 10 12 volts AC Measured Aux Diode to ground 265 VDC 275 VDC 5OOE CONTROL PANEL VOLTAGE REGULATOR BOARDS SHOWN WIRED FOR 120240 VOLT OUTPUT i rjpt3SrIIW GROUNO WTA GENERATOR I I TO CASE i EXCITER ROTa l IC PERMANENT MAGNET T11 I I I 3 T2 I I I I I I GROUND j TO CASE fi I I tl I i f J I F4 BUTT CONNECTOR I I I I I L I I I F2 I MAIN STATOR L J Lt J EXCITER Low Voltage 5070 Volts NOTE This check does not draw reference to the possibil ity of one diode being open these diodes are in parallelMain stator residual voltage check indicates a moderatelylow voltage 50 70 volts AC measured between T1 T4 or therefore if this check does not show any problems it is best to check the diodes individually with their leads25 35 volts AC measured between T1 T2 and T3 T4 unsoldered1 This indicates that a fault is preventing the energizing of the stationary exciter field and that only the permanent If continuity is indicated both ways or not at all you magnets in the stationary exciter field are having an effect should check the diodes individually by unsoldering the on voltage output from the generators rotating parts lead Al and A2 at the diodes Also check the resistance values of the auxiliary coil windings AI A2 NOTE F3 and F4 are tied together with a butt connector A2 A3AI A3 in harness from the generator to the control panel A1 and A2 are accessible only at the diodes located in the NOTE A chart of complete resistance values for the WTA generator housing F1 black is a 16 wire connected to 15 kW 20 kW and 25 kW generators both early and late the ground stud 3 is a white 16 wire from the regulator models is found at the end of this text Check the resis plug connected to the ground stud tance of these auxiliary coil windings by placing your ohmmeter leads between Points A1 A2 A2 A32 Check continuity and resistance of the field windings andA1 A3 between FI and F2 in the exciter stator This resistance check is best made between the heatsink on the voltage Two diodes 32609 are pressed into the alternator hous regulator board and the alternators common ground stud ing behind the cover on later models and behind the regu in the control box erly models This check takes into latoroutput box on early models located on the lefthand consideration all connections within the stationary field side generator viewed from the rear These diodes rec circuit of the exciter stator Total resistance is 56 ohm tify AC power from an auxiliary single phase winding Should an open be found infinite resistance refer to the within the main stator to supply DC power through Pin generator internal schematic to check further and locate 2 on the plug to the regulator board the open Should less than 5 ohm be measured indicating for the field windings of the stationary exciter stator a short or partial short to ground unplug the regulator and NOTE Early model generators had the regulator board measure between Pin 1 of the generator plug and the and output leads located in a box in place of the cover common ground stud If low ohms are still measured lift shown the FI ground connection from the common ground stud isolating the exciter field coil windings of the generator If The diodes are pressed into the generator housing to low ohms are still measured the windings are shorted to achieve good electrical contact in replacing them the the generator case Refer to the internal generator diode should be driven out with a suitable drift and the schematic to determine which pair of windings is shorted diode replaced with the aid of a deep well socket that will to ground Some shorts are undetectable with a YOM or catch the outside edge of the diode A Cclamp should be DMM In some cases a winding repair shop may have to used to press it into the generator housing and to aid in be consulted for insulation testing maintaining good alignment and diode contact with the housing3 If the stationary field windings FI F3 and F2 F4 are found to be OK the problem could be in the auxiliary cir 4 If both the auxiliary coil and exciter field windings cir cuit supplying DC power to the voltage regulator through cuits check OK but the alternators output voltage is still Pin 2 of the plug Check the resis low flashing the field is recommended This is outlined in tance of the diodes in this circuit by placing an ohmmeter FIELD FLASHING between the negative side of the large capacitor on the regulator board Pin 2 and the case of the generator Resistance should be 85 ohm in one direction and with reversing the ohmmeter leads infinite in the other rfIVl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 78 WTA GENERATOR Output Voltage Is Extremely Low Symptoms Experienced While Field FlashingLess than 50 volts AC TlT 4 or 25 volts AC TlT2 and AUXILIARY MAIN LINE PROBABLE CAUSET3T4 VOLTAGE VOLTAGE AND ITEMS TO CHECK INCREASE INCREASE1 This could be the result of very weak or loose permanent NO YES Auxiliary winding circuit problem Check magnets in the stationary exciter stator These can be diodes and winding resistances Normal viewed and checked with the aid of a steel screw driver auxiliary voltage should be approximately through the access hole in the rear of the generator hous 14 line to neutral voltage in DC ing The stator exciter has six poles one of which is a YES NO If all lines are same check for short circuit or permanent magnet all lines open If only some lines are affected check for open or shorted coils2 Field flashing can rectify a weak magnet Loose or dis NO NO Check stationary exciter for open or short lodged magnets will have a tendency to fall onto the YES YES If OK check all rotating components rotating exciter and short out its windings as it wears on PARTIAL PARTIAL Resistance or exciter and main rotor bridge the exciter rotor surface Magnets can be weakened either rectifier current test of main rotor by opening the field circuit while the unit is operating or YES YES If voltages drop after flashing is removed by prolonged storage Weakened magnets should charge voltage regulator needs replacement themselves sufficiently under normal operation to prevent YES YES If normal operation is restored permanent magnets have been weakened future needs for flashing Normal operation should restore charge3 Check the voltage regulator visually including the plug connection Look for any burned components foil strips NOTE A 9 volt power source capable of 2 amps applied to or dislodged parts the field is sufficient to duplicate a normal generator output voltage at noload If output voltage increase is only partial4 Record auxiliary DC voltage and main output line voltage this would indicate a problem before field flashing with the generator running DC aux Refer to bridge rectifier test procedures and main rotor test iliary voltage should be measured from Pin 2 at the gen procedures plug and the common ground stud Main output voltage AC should be measured from each hot line to neutral Tl T2 and T3 T4 This is to avoid measur Checking Exciter Rotor Resistance ing an open main stator coil as having no voltage This can be done with the bridge rectifier still connected Measure the resistance of the exciter rotor windings with anField Flashing ohmmeter measuring between points 1 2 2 3 and 3 Apply 12 VDC to the stationary exciter stator windings This 1 07 08 ohm If 0 ohm short or infinite open exist inis done by connecting the DC battery negative to the heatsink the windings unsolder the leads from the bridge rectifierof the regulator board and the positive DC connection to the connections and check the windings case These connections need only be made for a The DC connection to the rotating field identified by the redfew seconds while the generator is running for field flashing dot on the winding and the two solid wires connected to it This unit is with a stationary armature Brush type units have a rotating armature A WARNING The DC battery used for field flashing must be completely independent from the gen CHECKING erators DC starting battery to prevent a short EXCITER circuit in the regulator board from damaging it ROTOR flashing using 12 volts DC AC output voltage fromeach line to neutral should peak at 140 150 volts When 1flashing voltage is removed it should drop back to 120 voltsas the regulator board maintains to generator output If voltage is maintained by the board all is well except that thepermanent magnets are weak voltage adjustment with may be needed to finally adjust the AC voltage to 120 voltsApply load several times and allow the unit to run loaded forsome time Shut the unit down and restart to assure properstartup in the futureRefer to the CHART for comparisonto actual results if normal operation is not restored lfAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 79 WTA GENERATOR the Main Rotor Winding ResistanceWith an ohmmeter Rxl scale place the plus lead on theconnection to the DC output connection on the bridge rectifier red dot point 4 and the negative lead to the rotorshaft or rotor ground terminal when accessible 30 32 GROUND FROMohm should be read Please bear in mind that a shorted MAIN ROTOR WINDINGSbridge rectifier can influence this readingIf any variation in the above readings are found isolate therotor windings by unsoldering the DC lead from the rectifierand lifting the ground lead from the shaft if accessible andmeasure the resistance with the rectifier removed from thecircuit If ground connection to shaft early models is notaccessible measure resistance from DC lead to shaft Withthe ground lead disconnected from the shaft there should beno continuity to the shaft from these windings Bridge Rectifier Test Procedures GENERATOR In order to test the rectifier without removing it from the cir cuit the main rotor DC connection must be completely HOUSING removed either at the ground connection to the main rotor shaft late model units or from the soldered DC output con nection on the bridge rectifier marked with a red dot Test the rectifier with an ohmmeter set on low scale Rxl as follows refer to the illustration Readings are taken using a Simpson Meter 260 analog 1 Connect the lead of the ohmmeter to the DC lead of the rectifier red dot and with the negative lead contact points 123 and 4 No deflection of the meter should occur 2 Reverse the connections and with the lead Main Rotor Windings For A Short points 123 and 4 Half to threequarter scale deflection of the meter needle should occurWith Outer Generator Housing Removed Points 123 8 9 ohmMake this check by disconnecting the two main rotor wind Point 4 30 40 ohming leads DC leads off the bridge rectifier and the ground Readings are approximate and may vary with meterlead from the rotor shaft and attach a 24 volt DC source If readings between points I 2 and 3 vary the bridgeacross these leads to the DC lead and to the ground rectifier should be removed tested independently andlead off the shaft This will create a magnetic field in the then resistance between the three rotor rectifier leadswindings of the main rotor Pass a long metal scale or hack should be checked for similaritysaw blade around the armature outer surface and observe foran obvious difference in the magnetic strength that may indi RED DOTcate a shorted area Allow the DC voltage passing throughthe armature windings to heat the windings until they BRIDGE uncomfortable to the touch then remove the DC EARLY MODELsource and measure the resistance of the windings again Ifsome of the poles in the armature showed a noticeable weakness and the resistance measured hot is much lower than thecold measurement the main rotor most likely has Note that this is intended only as a final check toconfirm suspicions of a rotor winding defectNOTE The possibility of thermal damage from the 24 volt DCbattery does exist if not monitored and controlled during the 3test IVVI WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 80 WTA 50HZ60Hz SERIES SCHEMATICS JIN STl i RE I EXCITERRar r I EXCITER I STATORII T7J Tl tll T8 1 I I II II II II FlI 10 TS II II IIN 9 II I jLII III II II 1I F I 1 SPEED ILL LMAIN ROTOR 1 1I INDICATOR 1 FIELD POWER 1I METER AND 1 2 INPUT POWER 0 II SPEED I SENSING MODULE UJCI 3 GROUND II I Li 4 SENSING I1 OPTIONAL J AAE VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1 R308 II J MAIN i STOR 1 llhE EXCITERarOR rII T7 TlO J 1 I I II II T9 II II I 1I II f3 I F21 1 I I I 3 4 El E3 F INPUT POWER SENSING FIELD POWER I I 500 Ohm 120 VAC 2SA VOLTAGE 2SA AT 63VDC I MAX CONT I 1 I BASLER KR4F VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1 I 8 1fAT WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 81 WTA GENERATOR Replacing the Bridge Rectifier Fluctuating Voltage To replace the early single style rectifier use the dual rectifier Voltage fluctuation can be caused usually by one of these assembly 035301 as shown below problems 1 Check for an overload condition Check load with the rJb BLACK DDT NEGATIVE DIODE amprobe off each lead Measure the exciter field as PART 037210 shown in Section A low voltage If the alternator is being operated in an overloaded condition and the voltage regulator is operating at its maximum capacity to try and maintain AC Voltage output the variations in the engines speed in some cases the engine horsepower output can no longer support the overload demands on the generator as it goes through its power cycles will be observed as a voltage variation with a regular characteristic and can be very visible when lights are part of the load This type of overload condition must be corrected otherwise genera tor damage will result 2 A defective voltage regulator can also cause output volt age to fluctuate This can be checked by replacing the The single style three phase full wave Bridge Rectifier has voltage regulator with a DC power source to excite the been obsoleted by two separate and different low power recti field 9 volts DC This DC voltage applied to the exciter fiers in one assembly See ROTATING BRIDGE RECTIFIER field generator plug 1 pin and the common ground stud should produce 120 volts AC output from each lead T1 and T4 under noload conditions Replacing the voltage regulator board will accomplish the same ROTATING FIELD CONNECTION 2 STRAND WHITE 3 Voltage fluctuation can also be the result of loose electri cal connections or electrical shorts A thorough check ofTHIS ASSEMBLY REPLACES L WIRE all connections and component resistances can often findTHE EARLY MODEL SINGLE the cause of this problem once the possibility of a defecRECTIFIER tive voltage regulator is eliminated Voltage fluctuation with engine rpm variations cycles and no overload con dition can be the result of inadequate fuel delivery to the engine clogged fuel filters air in the fuel system poor fuel quality injectors misfiring or a faulty injection pump High Voltage 130 Volts 1 This is most likely to be a voltage regulator related prob NOTE Solder one of the auxiliary winding leads to each of lem If sensing voltage is not present at Pin 4 of the volt the three separate interconnect wires between the three ter age regulator this senses AC voltage from Tl the minals of the two rectifiers voltage regulator will attempt to bring up the voltage by going into full power operation Consequently the line Special Considerations for Low Voltage Problems voltage will increase without the voltage regulator sens ing it Check the sensing circuit for an open and correct 1 Voltage drops under load but corrects when load is as needed removed This symptom could be caused by an overload condition check load with amprobe field saturation 2 If sensing voltage 120 volts AC is present at Pin 4 of check shorts in generator components or electrical shorts the voltage regulator and this is the same as found on in or to the load Check resistance of windings in genera output lead Tl the voltage regulator is most likely tor components defective and should be replaced As a precautionary step to prevent installing a new volt 2 Voltage drops under load and stays low when the load age regulator board into a defectcausing environment it is removed but normal voltage is restored when the is wise to check that the auxiliary circuit diodes found generator is cool This symptom would indicate a high pressed in the generator housing are OK and that the aux probability of a heatsensitive short Cold and hot resis iliary residual voltage 10 12 volts AC across these tances should be checked for all components concentrat diodes is present when the generator is running with the ing on the main rotor windings since these are susceptible voltage regulator unplugged to heat damage from overloadings 3 Incorrectly isolating neutral from ground fAiTl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 82 ROTATING BRIDGE RECTIFIERThe Rotating Bridge Rectifier uses a tandem assembly of twolow power half wave components these components aremounted 1800 apart on the rotor shaft as a field service kit the Rotating Bridge of two rectifiers that are mounted and prewired nodrilling or remilling is necessaryThe rotating bridge rectifier kit is a replacement for theR6245 three phase full wave bridge rectifier used in all1800 rpm Generators ROTATING BRIDGE RECTIFIERTest Procedure1 Disconnect either rotating field connection RED DOT2 With or without the exciter connected test each semi POSITIVE conductor by measuring from the marked terminal to the other three terminals on the same device3 Polarity will be indicated as forward on one devise reverse on the other RED DOT 1 POSITIVE ROTATING FIELD I I I 1 BLACK DOT NEGATIVE fAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 83 WTA GENERATOR Regulator 2 LATE MODEL REGULATOR BOARDThe voltage regulator can be bench checked only for proper a HIGH OUTPUT Without elaborate equipment the actual detailed 1 Misadjusted Pldefects possible in a voltage regulator cannot be accurately 2 No Connection to pin 4diagnosed A simple GoNo Go tester schematic for func 3 Shorted Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5tion testing follows 4 Any open component from T1 to ICl lower part of circuit diagramThe easiest and most accurate method would be to check thevoltage regulator on an generator known to be operating h LOW OUTPUT Some possible defects and symptoms follow 1 Misadjusted Pl1 EARLY MODEL REGULATOR BOARD 2 No connection to pins 12 or 3 3 Open Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 a HIGH OUTPUT VOLTAGE can be caused by 4 Defective ICl 1 Misadjusted Potentiometer 5 Defective C5 2 Defective transformer TI 3 Shorted Q3 andor Q4 c FLUCTUATING VOLTAGE 4 Open RI R2 VRI R4 not due to generator saturation 5 Open QI Q2 1 CI defective 6 No connection pin 4 2 ICI defective Check for line voltage at circuit board 3 QI defective h LOW OUTPUT VOLTAGE can be caused by 1 Misadjusted potentiometer 2 Shorted Q 1 Q2 3 Open Q3 Q4 DI R6 4 No Connection Pins 12 or 3 VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT FINE C3 1 4 3 C5 i 9 4 VOLTAGE ADJ 0 CD COURSE 0 110 CURRENT REGULATOR BOARD EARLY MODEL REGULATOR BOARD tIfAT WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 84 WTA GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM AND SCHEMATIC 24700 cl i 1 II PREHeAT II I L 0 I I II r2VDC BATERY SATTERY RETURN I I 1 I TART SOL 5TARTER 0 I I I I I i l l I I I tt LJ L J START I I I 0 PREHEAT c i I i I I I I I r I I I I I tjOIl J e B 120 A MP I I I L Ir PANEL PREHEAT SOL i I START SOt I r WI RI NG DI AGRAM IL FuEL JOL I I L SN rr rp p Hr w SENDER e fUEL 500L PREHAT SOL PREHEATeR PUR2 L01 L PRESSURESWITCH V Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators ACuOT CONTROL PANEL i 85 WTA GENERATOR EARLY MODEL RESISTANCE VALUES WTA GENERATORS LATER MODEL Single Phase Electrical Resistances for 15kW WTA Generators WTA GENERATOR I NO WINDINGS WINDINGS VISIBLE Model Main Stator Aux Coils ExcStator Main Main WTA T1T2 T3T4 A1A2 A2A3 A1A3 FH3 F2F4 Rotor Rotor I 15 20 005 005 015 009 009 20 30 32 07 152025 004 004 014 008 008 23 34 30 08 Refer to GENERATOR SCHEMATIC Values are in Ohms NOTE These values represent measurements taken with leads connected to the bridge rectifier Measurements for the main rotor are taken from the red dot terminal on the rectifier to the ground Exciter measurements can be taken from the ter minal Refer to the preceding pages for rectifier testing 1 This chart is intended for reference use only as a ten per cent tolerance on these figures is cornmon Comparison of ratios of actual readings to the above figures is often a more accurate method of 2 If any abnormal variations cannot be isolated and symp toms are still evident contact your WESTERBEKE dis SINGLE PHASE GENERATOR tributor T1 120240 V 120 V 3 Early model WTA generators can be distinguished from L1 T1 L1 later model WTA generators when checking resistance T2 values by removing one of the screens from the generator T2 exhaust fan area and visually looking squarely into the generator On early model WTA no windings will be visi N T3 7 N FRAME FRAME ble extending beyond the opening exposed when this screen is removed Later model WTA generators will L2 have about 112 to 58 inches of windings visible in the 4 wire 3 phase alternator frameir N T1 T2 T3 opening as shown factory connected for 120208 277480 or 346600 volts N L1 L2 L3 GENERATOR CONNECTION DIAGRAM r DIODES MOUNTED 1 HOUSING 1 I12 I A2 r4 r l r Ifr IS1 MAIN ROTOR I 1 EXCITER ROTOR C I PERMANENT MAGNET T1 I I EB I I I I F1r3 I Ii l l I I T2 1 1 11 I I GR0 UNO I I I I I TO CASE T3 I I I 1 IIII I III I i BUTT CONNECTION T4 1 I 1 I 1 I I F4 I lei 1 I L J LJ L J I I J I F2 I MAIN STATOR TO ROTOR SHAFT L lj J EXCITER STATOR INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC 1IfATI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 86 WTA GENERATOR ELECTRICAL FAULT ANALYSISAn understanding of the generators operation may be useful beginning of the WTA GENERATOR SECTION Also refer tobefore attempting to analyze an electrical failure Refer to the ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS and SCHEMATICS in ADJUSTMENT and OPERATION in the manual PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE Mechanical Noise 1 Defective bearing 1 Replace bearing 2 Worn bearing 2 Replace bearing 3 Loose or rnisaligned coupling 3 Align andor tighten 4 Foreign objects within 4 Remove and check further for possible damage No Output 1 Short or open circuits in any stator 1 Contact WESTERBEKE if repair is beyond local facilities rotor coil or associated leads Check grounding lead and terminal on shaft behind main rotor coil 2 Defective bridge rectifier on shaft 2 Replace if faulty and check further for cause 3 Faulty voltage regulating circuit 3 Repair or replace if faulty and check further for cause High Voltage Output 1 Misadjusted output voltage control 1 Set output voltage to desired value CAUTION Some components carry live voltage and the use of insulated tools is recommended 2 Wire T2 120240V T6 120208 2 Clean and remake this ground connection or T12 120416 140240 ungrounded 3 Faulty voltage regulating circuit 3 Repair or replace if faulty and check further for cause Low Output Voltage 1 Misadjusted output voltage control 1 Set the output voltage to the desired value CAUTION Some components carry live voltage and the use of insulated tools is recommended 2 High line loss if the voltage is low only at load 2 Increase the size of the wiring leading to the load as required Load wires should not run hot at continuous full load if properly sized Do not run a greater length of wire than required as losses increase with distance If wire is cor rectly sized and run is not too long check for poor connec tions andor partly broken wires that may be indicated by hot spots in the wire or at terminals of switches etc 3 Partially shorted main rotor field coil 3 Contact your WESTERBEKE Dealer if repair is beyond local facilities 4 Electrical overload andor poor 4 The total load at the prescribed power fact see identification power factor connected to alternator plate on generator should not be exceeded 5 Alternator shaft rpm too low 5 Check engine speed 6 Faulty voltage regulating circuit 6 Repair or replace if faulty and check further for cause Unstable Output Voltage 1 Irregular engine speed 1 Check the engine and loads for transient operation andor overloads 2 Loose electrical connections 2 Tighten connections as required in load wiring and voltage regulating connector 3 Faulty voltage regulating circuit or connector 3 Repair or replace if faulty and check further for cause 4 Higher than required engine speed 4 Check speed is 1800 rpm Overheating 1 Airways blocked 1 Remove obstructions 2 High ambient temperature 2 Do not permit ambient temperature to exceed 104F 40C and operate in a well ventilated area 3 Electrical overload andor poor power factor 3 The total load at the prescribed power factorsee the connected to the generator identification plate on the generator should not be exceeded 4 The engine exhaust is being drawn 4 Redirect the engine exhaust as necessary into the generator air intake Generator Housing Live 1 Static charge 1 Properly ground the frame of the generator 2 Open the circuit at the ground terminal in the control box 2 Ensure the generator neutral has continuity from the stator to the ground CAUTION Some components carry live voltage and the use of insulated tools is recommended Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 87 WTA GENERATOR INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATICS DIODES MOUNTED fMAIN STATOR IN HOUSING r I EXCITER ROTOR rr2 I t4 1vLJ I f MAIN ROTOR TI o I l r II I I r I I I T2 J r II I I VR301 T3 0 II I I 1 II I I I I T4 0 I II I I I I I L J L 7 J I I 7t 3 PHASE BRIDGEJ L J J L J RECTIFIER ITEM 20 USER TO INSURE THIS r EXCITER STATOR t GROUND CONNECTION IS MADE SINGLE PHASE ALL OtsTrtICl f MAIN STATOR Io JII a I r2willl I MAIN ROTOR V1JJ VJgb VR301UZ I Z I I 10040 TI i rf I 13IIlWJZ T4 I I I I I I USEDIll 0 I I II 10G12Olen I I 1I ONLYOen TSZJ I I I I I o05oaZ T2 ot 1PHASE iRDGEis1 RECTIFIER I L L J T6 ZOO ITEM 2000 1 4gUC T3 I 120 V FROM T3 OR TAPWtO 1 USER TO ENSURE TH IS THREE PHASE TYPICAL 6 WIREZ GROUND CONNECTION IS MADE EXCEPT200 SERIES 60H SEE NOTE STAOR MAIN I I I 12 IS TI I MAIN XCITER ROTOR CMIOO I ROTOR r T4 1 I r 6 T7 TIO 1 I I I tl8 Til I TB I IJ TS 7 T2 USED TI ON ISG2 T9t T6 120V FROM 81 r3 T9 OR TAP L I USER TO ENSURE THIS THREE PHASE TYPICAL 12 WIRE GROUND CONNECTION IS NADE Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 88 WTA GENERATOR CONNECTION SCHEMATICS 12 WlRE 1tREE PHASE 3 PHASE 3 PHASE SINGLE PHASE 3 PHASE SINGLE PHASE LI TI lI oT1orLI LI TI LI TZotL2 JolL2 T2 L2 T7 T7 N f fRAME 18 T8 I 120240Y 120 V LI TI LI T9 T9 N T3 fRAME L2 T FRAME 4Rf 3 PHASE ALTERNATOR FACTORY CONNECTED FOR FRAME tiN of tTl t tj N LJ L2 L3 II WESTERBEKE J Engines Generators 89 WTA GENERATOR PARTS IDENTIFICATION VOLTAGE REGULATOR EYE BOLT LIFT EXHAUST AIR GROMMET DRIP SHIELD NEUTRAL GROUND TERMINAL AIR SCREENDISC DRIVE EXHAUST AIR SCREEN STATOR HOUSING BELLVILLE WASHER RETAINING RING MAIN STATOR FAN BEARING INNER ROTOR COVERS CLAMPING RING BEARING ROTORSHAFT ASSEMBLY STATOR HOUSING EXCITER STATOR VVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 90 BT GENERATOR SINGLETHREE PHASEThis generator is a fourpole brushless selfexcited generator A circuit breaker is installed on all WESTERBEKE generawhich requires only the driving force of the engine to pro tors This circuit breaker will automatically disconnect generduce AC output The copper and laminated iron in the exciter ator power in case of an electrical overload The circuitstator are responsible for the selfexciting feature of this gen breaker can be manually shut off when servicing the generaerator The magnetic field produced causes an AC voltage to tor to ensure no power is coming into the boatbe induced into the related exciter rotor windings during rota NOTE This circuit breaker is available as a WESTERBEKEtion Diodes located in the exciter rotor rectify this voltage to addon kit for earlier model generations contact yourDC and supply it to the windings of the rotating field This WESTERBEKE dealercreates an field which rotates through thewindings of the main stator inducing an AC voltage which issupplied to a load A step down transformer is connected inparallel to the AC output of the main stator An AC voltage is CIRCUIT in the auxiliary windings of the transformer and the PART NUMBERSmain stator and is in turn supplied to a fullwave bridge rec 15 KW 42710 12 KW 42709tifier The rectifier produces a DC voltage to further excitethe exciter stator windings enabling the generator to producea rated AC output An optional solidstate voltage regulator isavailable to work in tandem with the transformer regulator toproduce a more stable AC output SHIMS POUND TRANSFORMER ELECTRONIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR FUSE HOLDER BRIDGE RECTIFIER TERMINAL BOARD BT GENERATOR SINGLE PHASE AC TERMINAL BOARD 20A FUSE I I II 8AFUSE BT GENERATOR flf THREE PHASE J WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 91 BT PHASE r1 r51 r i 50 Hz TERMINL 60 Hz TERMINAL A f I B iI i I I I Sr I r a I I I I I I 3 l 4 I 2 I I 2 2 11 11 I I b I I 7 I I 1 2 1 2 I 3 I I I I I 3 I I I I I I I I I L rr I I NOTEStriped wires were used 3 to I I F6 I J on early model generators z The colors will however match IIIKJI VI up to the current solid color a r wires Ac ID RED YRlOWRED C RED AC RED GREEN FI GREEN YElLOW I I YElLOW GREEN J BLACK BlACK BLACK IAVAI BLACK BLUE BLUE J 60cyc 50 eye YELLOW I PLUG I AVR FlEDWHITE TO HERnNOLIS BAR PLUG BLUE WHITE TO PIN UTERM BLUEWHITE TO HERT7VOLIS BAR YELLOW WHITE TO SELECTOR SWITCH BLACKWHITE TO BRIDGE RECTRER CIRCUIT BREAKER 42710150 KW 42709 120 KW INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATIC SIX STUD WOPTIONAL VOLTAGE REGULATORA EXCITER STATOR WINDINGS 1 2 D COMPOUND TRANSFORMER AI and A 2 Exciter Stator Windings 1 Compound Transformer Windings Selector in COMP position 2 Compound Transformer Windings 3 Compound Transformer Auxiliary WindingsB EXCITER ROTOR and FIELD Resistance readings and voltage checks can be accessed 1 Auxiliary Windings A B C easily for the components in the exciter circuit A G C3 and 2 Diodes 6 D3 by locating the color coded wires at the connection 3 Rotating Field Windings points shown on the above schematic When checking 4 Posi Resistor winding resistance values be sure to lift both of the components electrical connectionsC MAIN STATOR G BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1 Main Stator Windings AYR 2 Main Stator Windings Optional Automatic Voltage Regulator Plug 6 Prong 3 Main Stator Auxiliary Windings IIVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 92 BT GENERATOR CHARTThe following chart is designed to give These are hand tools an ampprobe and a quality voltohminsight into problems which may be encountered with the BT meter capable of reading less than one ohm due to the precibrushless generators operating on compound transformer reg sion required in reading component winding Owing to the simplicity of the equipment and con Before attempting any repairs get a clear an explanation oftrols is relatively easy once the relationship the problem as possible preferably from an individual witbetween cause and effect is understood Most potential prob nessing the problem In some cases this may bring to light alems are covered in the text of this manual problem which is related to the method of operation ratherKeep in mind that a basic fundamental knowledge of electric than equipment fault Bring basic repair tools with you on theity is required for this and always remember initial trip to the problem equipment such as diodes andthat lethal voltages are present in the circuitry therefore bridge rectifier so that if the problem should be found in oneextreme caution is essential when a generator of these easily replaceable parts the problem can be remeOnly a few basic tools are necessary for diagnosis and repair died early and efficiently Problem Probable Cause Low voltage 70 volts at NIL with 1 Selector switch in wrong position 1 Place selector switch in COMP position and loss of voltage as load is applied No loss of engine speed and hertz High voltage 125 135 volts at NIL with 1 Generators engine speed rpm high at NIL 1 Check NIL speed and adjust NIL voltage correct voltage when loaded 115 120 volts High voltage at NIL and FL 1 Generators engine speed rpm high 1 Check NIL rpm and adjust NIL voltage 2 Short in compound transformer auxiliary 2 Check continuity and connections of 03 windings windings 03 Low voltage 0 5 volts at NIL with 1 Main stator windings shorted C1 C2 1 Check continuity and resistance values of C1 C2 windings growling noise from generator and loss of and connections engine speed when load is applied 2 Compound transformer windings shorted 2 Check continuity and resistance values of 01 02 windings 0102 Generator does not excite voltage is 1 Generators engine speed is slow 1 Adjust the engines speed and adjust NIL voltage is 0 volts at NIL 2 Short in the main stator windings or 2 Check the diodes as shown in this manual transformer Low voltage 10 20 volts at NIL when 1 Diodess in rotating exciter 82 shorted 1 Check B1 and B2 in the rotating exciter as explained in load is applied voltage drops this section 2 Bridge rectifier defective 2 Follow test procedure for the bridge rectifier 3 Auxiliary windings B1 shorted 3 Check the continuity and resistance values 4 Auxiliary windings 03 andor C3 open 4 Check the continuity and resistance values of windings and connections Low voltage at NIL and FL 50 70 volts 1 Exciter stator windings A are open 1 Check the continuity and resistance values of the windings 2 Generators engine speed rpm is too low 2 Check the NIL rpm and adjust the NIL voltage Check and adjust the engines rpm Voltage correct at NIL but not at FIL with 1 Generator overload 1 Monitor the load loss of engine rpm hertz 2 Rotating diode failing 2 Check the diode 3 Generators engine speed is low 3 Check the electroniC govemor operation 4 Low power load factor 4 Check the type of load applied Consider use of optional regulator board Voltage correct at NIL and 1 Diode in exciter rotor B2 shorted 1 Check the diodes in the exciter rotor loss of voltage at FIL High voltage at NIL with no adjustment 1 Regulator board defective 1 Replace the regulator board Adjust NIL voltage with from regulator potentiometer transformer then switch to ELEC and adjust with AVR potentiometer continued ll WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 93 BT GENERATOR CHART Problem Probable Cause voltage at NIL and FL No 1 Regulator board defective 1 Replace the regulator board Adjust NIL voltage withadjustment from regulator potentiometer transformer then switch to ELEC and adjust with AVR potentiometer 2 Exciter stator winding A1 open 2 Check resistance values of C3 and D3 windings and their connectionsLow voltage at NIL and voltage drops 1 Diodes in exciter rotor shorted B2 1 Check the diodes in the exciter rotorfurther as a load is applied 2 Auxiliary windings in exciter 2 Check the resistance values and continuity to ground rotor shorted B2Voltage OK at NIL and low at FIL 1 Auxiliary windings in the exciter rotor 1 Check the resistance values and continuity to ground 2 Exciter stator compound winding 2 Check the continuity and the connection of the winding A2 is open 3 Auxiliary windings D3 or C3 open 3 Check the continuity and the connection of the windingVoltage unstable 1 Defective regulator board 1 Check the stability of DC voltage from the regulator to the exciter stator windings Operate the unit on CaMP Replace the regulator board 2 Engine is hunting Engines rpm fluctuating 2 Check the engine operation and the fuel system 3 Electrical connections 3 Check for clean and secure connections See ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS IMTI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 94 BT GENERATOR Testing Residual Voltage 3 The absence of any voltage from the generator indicates a fault with the main stator windings Cl and C2 andor 1 The amount of noload voltage produced by the the compound transformer windings Dl and D2 generator can be an indicator of where in the generator Apply l vol DC excitation to the exciter stator windings the problemfault may lie as explamed m paragraph 2 A fault in the main stator Residual Voltage 1014 volts AC andor compound transformer windings such as a short This voltage is the AC voltage produced by the generator will cause the generator engine to load down and the from magnetism in the exciter stator field This voltage is shorted windings to eventually produce smoke as the measured between the AC Neutral and Hot leges with excitation is continued noload on the generator running at 60 hertz 4 Voltage output greater than residual and less than rated The presence of residual voltage is an indication that the output 25 100 volts indicates a fault in the exciter following generator components are OK Refer to rotorfield B1 B2 or B3 Excitation of the generator as INTERNAL WIRING SCHEMATICS explained in paragraph 2 should produce a partial rise in a Exciter Rotor B1 a b c B2 voltage output and when removed the voltage will return b Rotating Field B3 to the original low output c Main Stator C1 C2 and d Compound Transformer D1 D2 BRIDGE RECTIFIER The fault lies in one or more of the following components e ridg rectifier is supplied AC voltage from the auxiliary in the exciter circuit wmdings mthe generator stator C3 and the compound transformer D3 The AC voltage measured across the AC a Exciter Stator A1 A2 terminals of the rectifier during engine operation is as fol b Bridge Rectifier G lows c Selector Switch F 120 Volts 120240 d Main Stator Auxiliary Windings C3 NILFIL NILFIL 11 20 volts AC 11 20 volts AC e Compound Transformer Auxiliary Winding D3 Diodes in the rectifier convert this AC voltage to DC and 2 Twelve 12 volt DC excitation of the exciter stator wind supply it to the windings of the exciter stator to induce a field ings should cause the generator to produce between 140 through which the exciter rotor revolves The DC voltage 150 volts AC between each hot lead and the neutral 12 measured across the and terminals of the bridge recti volts DC is applied between the lifted and leads of fier during engine operation is as follows the bridge rectifier to and to Correct voltage produced with twelve volts DC excitation 120 Volts 120240 indicates the fault is in one or more of the above listed NIL FIL NIL FIL components b d or e 8 15 volts AC 8 15 volts AC If the generator does not produce 140 150 volts AC Failure of the bridge rectifier will result in a weak field being then include a and c produced by the exciter stator windings A weak field is pre sent due to the magnetism in the exciter stator which will cause the generator to produce residual voltage Testing the Bridge Rectifier for Faults with an Ohmmeter Meter used Simpson 260 at 70F 21C 1 Set the ohmmeter scale on RXl DC and set the needle to zero BATTERY CONNECTION 2 Connec the positive lead from the ohmmeter to point 4 Taking the ohmmeters negative lead momentarily contact points 1 2 3 and 5 The ohmmeter should register no deflection for any of the points touched 3 Remove the positive lead from point 4 and connect the negative lead to point 4 and with the positive lead momentarily touch points 1 2 and 3 The ohm meters needle should deflect when each point is touched TESTING THE showing a passage of meter voltage through the diodes in BRIDGE RECTIFIER the rectifier NOTE Current BT Generators use a bridge rectifier that is configured differently connections are the same fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 95 BT GENERATOR PHASE CURRENT RECTIFIERS ARE CONFIGURED SLIGHTLY E AC Tenninal Board F Selector Switch DIFFERENTLY BUT TEST POINTS ARE THE SAME H Optional AVR G Bridge Rectifier early models jI2 The model code number is found stamped in the generator housing on a flat surface above the rear generator carrier bearing NOTE These two model BT generators are used on models rated lower than the capabilities of the generator However TESTING THE the generator is rated according to the capabilities of the BRIDGE RECTIFIER drive engine since horsepower produces kilowatts 4 Leaving the negative ohmmeter lead on point 4 touch point 5 with the positive lead No deflection of COMPONENT RESISTANCE CHECKS the needle should occur Exciter Stator Windings 5 Place the positive lead of the ohmmeter on point 1 1 Windings AI andA2 and the negative lead on point 3 The ohmmeter Resistance readings for exciter windings AI and A2 should not register any deflection of the needle no with the selector switch in the COMP position are taken deflection indicates infinite resistance Reverse these between the positive and negative leads lifted off connections and the ohmmeter should again register no the bridge rectifier G Neither of these two leads should deflection have the continuity to the generator caseground If the rectifier fails any of the previous tests 1 4 it is 2 WindingAl defective and should be replaced Resistance readings for exciter windings AI with the NOTE Different stylemodel meters may produce opposite selector switch in the ELEC position is taken between the results from the above tests yellow wire and the black at the AYR plug G 3 Winding A2 Component Resistance Values Resistance readings for exciter winding A2 with the A Exciter Stator B Excitor RotorlField selector switch in the ELEC position is taken between the AI A2 115 ohm B1 105 ohm green wire lifted off the negative terminal of the bridge rectifier G and the red wires lifted off the positive AI 494 ohm B2 89 ohm terminal of the bridge rectifier G A2 129 ohm NOTE The white striped wiring on earlier model generators C Main Stator D Compound Transformer has been changed to solid colors on current generators the Cl 0089 ohm Dl 0007 ohm colors however remain the same C2 0089 ohm D2 0007 ohm Auxiliary Windings Auxiliary Windings C3 085 ohm D3 502 ohm r1 r 1 I C I i 0 I E e2 5 W2 I I I n I I j 3 I RED WHITE TO HEFlTZNOLTS BAR AVRi I I I I PLUG i 3 J L Jno BlUE WHITE BLACK IWHITE TO PIN 8TERM TO SELECTOR SWITCH BlUE WHITE G TO HERTZNOLTS BAR YELLON WHITE TO SELECTOR SWITCH RED YEllOW RED RED RED BLACKWHITE GREEN TO BRIDGE RECTIFIER F GREEN YELLOW I BT GENERATOR BlACK INTERNAL WIRING BLUE SCHEMATIC BLUE 50 eye WOPTIONAL AVR NOTEStriped wires were used on early tl WESTERBEKE model generators The colors will however matchup to the current solid color wires I Engines Generators 96 BT GENERATOR PHASEMain Stator Windings 3 Transformer Auxiliary Windings Resistance is measured between the yellow wire lifted off the AC ter1 Group 1 The resistance value is measured between the minal block of the bridge rectifier G with the selector lifted lead 4 from the insulated terminal below the trans switch in the ELEC position and the 1 red lead lifted off former and lead 6 lifted from the AC terminal block the VoltagelHertz connection bar Off this same bar lift Lead 5 should be lifted from the terminal block in order the 2 and 3 red leads that come from the auxiliary to totally isolate the stator windings of group 1 windings to totally isolate these windings There should2 Group 2 The resistance value is measured between the be no continuity found from either of these connections lifted lead 1 from the insulated terminal below the trans to the caseground or to either of the transformer groups former and lead 3 lifted from the AC terminal block In order to totally isolate the stator windings of group 2 Selector Switch lead 2 should be lifted from the terminal block This switch is is normally set in the COMP position If an NOTE No continuity should be found between any of the optional AVR is installed the switch is toggled to the ELEC lifted stator leads and the case ground or between the position connections of the two groups NOTE With the selector switch in ELEC position the exciterMain Stator Windings 20 22 Ohms stator windings are divided one group is excited through the3 Main Stator Auxiliary Windings The resistane values bridge rectifier and the other group through the A YR for these windings are measured between the black double lead connection lifted off the AC terminal of the Bridge Rectifier Wiring bridge rectifier G and the red 3 lead lifted off the The illustration below shows the color coded wires at the two VoltageHertz connection bar AC terminals and the color coded wires at the and DC terminals NOTE No continuity should be found between either of these winding groups or to the generator case NOTE When removing or reinstalling connections maintainMain Stator Auxiliary Windings 15 18 Ohms correct polarity connection on the and DC Transformer1 Group 1 Resistance value is measured between lifted lead 4 from the red insulated terminal stud below the transformer and lead 8 lifted off the AC terminal block2 Group 2 Resistance value is measured between lifted lead 1 from the red insulated terminal stud below the transformer and lead 7 lifted off the AC terminal block NOTE No continuity should be found between either of these lifted leads or to the generator caseground BLUE BLUE BLUE VOLTAGEHERn CONNECTION BAR GREEN AVR PLUG NOTEStriped wires were used on early YELLOW model generators The colors will however RED matchup to the current solid color wires TO HERTZ BAR BLACK BLACK BLACK TO SELECTOR SWITCH YELLOW TO SELECTOR SWITCH 1VV1 WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators SELECTOR SWITCH 97 BT GENERATOR Exciter RotorField RESISTANCE VALUE 11 OHMS THROUGH THE DIODE 1 Auxiliary windings group a b aJld c Locate the three 1 1 OHMS terminal points on the exciter rotor for these auxiliary INFINITE 1 winding groups Position the exciter rotor as shown in the illustration and count off the porcelain knobs from the 12 BLOCKING 1 111 oclock point either left or right to locate terminal points INFINITE a b and c Measure the resistance value between the pairs of terminal points A B B C and C A There is no NOTE Attempting to check diodes in place with an ohm need to unsolder these connections unless a faulty reading meter will give erroneous readings on the diodes due to appears If this occurs unsolder and verify the winding the auxiliary windings connections fault There should be no continuity found between any 4 When leads are put across the diode as illustrated volt of the three terminal points and the rotor shaftcase age passes through the diode allowing the headlight to ground glow brightly Auxiliary Windings 10 12 Ohms High beam 12V bulb REDJWHITE RED glows bright o 1211 BATTERYDIODE 5 Reverse the leads across the diode The diode should block voltage passing through it and the headlight should not glow or it may glow faintly a Should the bulb not glow with leads connected in both directions the diode is open internally b Should the bulb glow with leads connected in both directions the diode is shorted internally In both a and b above the diode should be replaced Check the resistance values of the rotating field windings and the integrity of the resistors connected between the 2 Rotating Field Windings Refer to the illustration above field windings of the exciter rotor The field winding connections are noted as the and connections of the red white striped wires Measure the resistance value with your olunmeter between these two connection points These connections need not be unsoldered unless a faulty read ing appears If this occurs unsolder the connection and 12VBATTERY verify the resistance reading With these connections lifted there should be no continuity to the rotor shaft This would indicate a short to ground with these field windings 3 Diodes Six diodes are mounted on the exciter rotor they rectify the AC voltage produced by the three groups of 6 Rotating Field Windings 7080 ohm Readings taken auxiliary windings toDC voltages and supply this DC between the two red white wires connected to the voltage to the rotating field windings and terminals of the exciter rotor as shown The diodes can be easily checked in place with the use of 7 Posiresistor Infinite readings between both yellow leads a common automotive 12volt high beam headlight bulb lifted from the and terminals on the exciter rotor some jumper leads and the generators 12 volt starting A short in the posiresistor will cause a loss of the rotat battery ing field AC output voltage will drop to zero A short or an open in a diode can easily be found with the above without having to unsolder and isolate each diode to check it with an ohmmeter VVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 98 BT GENERATOR PHASENoLoad Voltage Adjustment 115V 50Hz 230V50Hz 120V 60Hz 120240V 60HzVoltage adjustment is made with the generator regulation being governed by the compound transformer1 The selector switch must be in the COMP position2 To confirm noload voltage start the generator and apply a momentary moderate load to excite the transformer 1 The voltage produced by the generator after the momen tary load is removed is noload voltage Note the voltage output from the generators 120 volt leges 230 volt 50 hertz The noload voltage should be between 121124 volts at 61562 hertz 232 236 volts at 51552 hertz3 To raise or lower the voltag shims of varying thickness BT Generator Six Stud AC Voltage Connections nonconductive material are placed or removed from NOTE The frame ground wire must be moved when changing under the steel laminated bar on top of the compound from 110 volts and 1101220 volts 50 hertz to 230 volts 50 transformer The material used for shimming should not hertz For output leads from the AC terminal block use soften at temperatures in the 1760 F 80 0 C range A terminal ends for 114 inch studs that will accept multistrand small reduction in noload voltage 1 to 3 volts can some copper wire sized for the amperage rating from the hot lead times be accomplished by gently tapping the top of the connection The frame ground wire connects between the laminated steel bar to reduce the gap between the exist neutral stud and the generator frame ing shims and the transformer core Generator CONNECTION BAR 1 Frequency is a direct result of speedIf there is no automatic voltage relator AVR installed 1800 rpm 60 hertzdo not change the wiring on the VoltagelHertz Connection 1500 rpm 50 hertzBar Sim2Jy reconfigre the AC voltage connections at theAC terminal for the hertz chang 2 To change generator frequency follow the steps belowThe blue or bluewhite lead should be connected to the a Connect the AC output leads to the AC terminal blockHertz terminal that the generator will be set to produce following the correct diagram above The order of the numbered connections on some h If an AVR is installed reposition the blue or Connection Bars may be reversed as in the lead to correspond to the hertz selected on thediagrams below To ensure a proper connection follow the VoltagelHertz Connection Barbluewhite or blue lead to the AC terminal block it should c Start the engine monitor voltage and adjust engine noconnect to the correct terminal stud 6Vl for 50 Hz 5rvY2 load speed Adjust diesel units by the linkage betweenfor 60 Hz See the BT WIRING SCHEMATIC the throttle arm and fuel solenoid or the throttle lever on the injection pump NOTE When the optional voltage regulator is installed 60 hertz noload speed 615620 hertz and if the BlueWhite Blue lead is not correctly positioned 50 hertz noload speed 515520 hertz to correspond to the Hertz the unit is operating at the regu lator will sense incorrect voltage and cause the generator to d After the noload hertz adjustment is made the noload produce abnormally high output voltage voltage may need to be readjusted In most cases if the generator was producing the correct noload voltage at the previous hertz setting it would be correct at the CURRENT MODELS VOLTAGEHERTZ CONNECTION BAR changed hertz setting REPOSITION THIS WiRE In the event it needs adjustment adjust the shim thick FOR 50Hz EARLY MODELS ness under the laminated steel bar of the transformer TO 60Hz 60 hertz noload voltage 121124 volts TERMINAL BLUEWHITE 50 hertz noload voltage 232236 volts e Load the generator to the rated amperage output corresponding to the hertz speed of the generator Rated Loaded Speed 60 hertz loaded speed 585590 hertz 50 hertz loaded speed 485490 hertz The lowest acceptable voltage at full rated output amps 60 hertz 108110 volts 50 hertz 205210 volts fATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 99 BT GENERATOR f Should the voltage drop below the proper rate loaded kJ excitation can be increased to raise this voltage by repositioning connections on the VoltagelHertz N L1115V 50Hz Connection Bar Repositioning the two leads redwhite and yellowwhite from 1 to 2 or 3 terminals will 6 5 8 increase the loaded voltage out progressively in that order N NOTE Noload voltage may be effected needing read justment with the compound transformer Do not use these adjustments to compensate for overload condi 2 6 5 8 L1 230V 50Hz tions being placed on the inductive motor type loads Loss of generator hemspeed the result of overload will cause a drqp in voltage output BLUE TO PIN 18 TERMINAl BLOCK J7 6 5 8 LREDTO SELECTOR SWITCH TO HERTZ BAR L2 240V 60Hz NOTEStriped wires were used on early model generators The colors will however Terminal Block Wiring Connections matchup to the current solid color wires Wiring connections needed to obtain proper voltage and fre A VH Plug and Connections quency are illustrated in the diagrams above NOTE Connections 1 and 4 are located on two red terminals below the compound transformer fATJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 100 BT GENERATOR VOLTAGE REGULATOR AmpHertzThe voltage regulator is an advanced design which ensures These two adjustments are used in conjunction with the twooptimum AC generator perfonnance It is equipped with protection circuits in the voltage regulator that are protection circuitry to guard against operating by the illumination of colored LED that could be detrimental to the AC generator 1 Delayed overload protection yellow LED 2 Low speed protection red LED Both systems have an intervention threshold which can be adjusted using the respective potentiometer Each of the two circuits are able to cause an adequate reduction in excitor voltage to safeguard the excitor windings and prevent their overheating The overload protection system has a delay which pennits temporary overloading of the generator during times such as motor startup or other similar load surge demands The regu lator also has a third LED green that glows during genera tor operation to indicate correct operation of the regulator with the generatorThis potentiometer is used to adjust output voltage At proper Setting the Overload operating speed the output voltage should be held at In order to set the AMP overload protection the generator1 from a noload condition to a full rated generator output must be loaded to its full output ratingand from power factor 10 08 with engine drive speed 1 Load the generator to its rating then decrease the speed ofvariations up to 6 Prior to starting the engine turn the the engine by 1010 54 Hertz on 60 hertz units 45VOLT and STAB trimmers using a mini phillips screw hertz on 50 hertz unitsdriver fully in a counter clockwise Minimum direction 2 Rotate the AMP adjustment until it hitsuntil you feel them hit their stops Turn the AMP and its stop Wait about 1520 seconds after which the AC outHERlZ trimmers completely clockwise Maximum in the put of the generator should drop and the yellow LED lightsame manner With the generator running at noload at should come onnonnal speed and with VOLT adjust at minimum it ispossible that output voltage will oscillate Slowly rotate the 3 Slowly rotate the AMP adjustment clockwise until theVOLT adjust clockwise The voltage output will increase and output voltage increases to approximately 97 of the voltstabilize Increase the voltage to the desired value In this age output at the start of the adjustment At this point thesituation only the green LED will stay lit yellow LED light should come on 4 Return to nominal speed the yellow LED will turn offStability and the generator voltage will rise to its nonnal valueThis potentiometer permits variation of the regulators Should this not happen repeat the to generator load changes so as to limit and obtain a minimum recovery time to the nonnal NOTE When changing from 60 hertz to 50 hertz operation remove the 60 hertz jumper bar from the regulator boardvoltage outputIn order to adjust the regulator stability the generator must be Setting the Underspeed at noload and the output must be monitoredTurn the STAB adjust slowly clockwise until the voltage NOTE If the unit is operating at 60 Hertz ensure that thestarts to fluctuate At this point rotate the STAB adjust coun jumper strap is in place on the regulator board between until the voltage is stable within 1 or 2 tenths of two 60 Hertz terminals In order to adjust the underspeeda volt setting the generator should be running at noload 1 To adjust the underspeed low frequency protection circuit lower the engine speed at 90 of its normal running speed 54 hertz on 60 hertz units 45 hertz on 50 hertz units ffi green L 2 Rotate the Hertz adjustment slowly until the generators AC output voltage starts to decrease and at yellow L the same time the red LED light comes on Hem Am 3 Increase the engine speed to its nonnal speed frequency Stab The red LED light will go out and the AC voltage out Volt put will return to nonnal With the above adjustments made the regulator should func tion nonnally VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIAGRAM I WESTERBEKE r Engines Generators 101 BT GENERATOR INTERNAL WIRING 3 PHASE TWELVE WIRE I A EXCITER STATORII I 1 1I I I DSTATOR 1I r I 12jIH11I 1 1 I 10 I 9II I I B EXCITER I I C ROTOR FIELD I I a I 7 7 I I I a b I c I 6 I 6 I I I I 2 11 t r o 4rt3 05 01 I I I I DIODES I I L JL E VOLTAGE REGULATOR CI w w c F fUSE I 63 AMP w Q GREEN ji Hertz REO Amp g Slab BLUE iil Voll l2 Q YELLOW Resistance Values A EXCITER STATOR 179 ohm D MAIN STATORWINDINGS 005 OHM AUXILIARY WINDING 12 OHM B EXCITER ROTOR WINDINGS abc 06 ohm E VOLTAGE REGULATOR C ROTATING FIELD 249 OHM F AUXILIARY CIRCUIT FUSE tftATl WESIERBEKE r Engines Generators 102 BT GENERATOR PHASE NOTE AC GENERATOR MUST BE PERFORMED WITH ENGINE OPERATING AT 60 HER1Z FAULT PROBABLE CAUSENo AC voltage output at no load 1 Short or open in the 4 Short or open in exciter main stator winding stator winding 2 Shorted poziresistor 5 Short or open in rotating on exciter rotor field winding 3 Four or more shorted or open diodes on exciter rotorResidual voltage produced at no load 1 Blown 6 AMP buse fuse 3 Shorted or open main15 20 volts AC auxiliary circuit feed to AVR stator auxiliary winding 2 Faulty voltage regulatorLow AC voltage output at no load 1 Open or shorted diodes in 3 Faulty voltage regulator60 100 VAC exciter rotor 1 to 3 diodes 2 Open or shorted exciter rotor windingHigh AC output voltage 1 Faulty voltage regulator150 VAC or higherUnstable voltage output 1 STB pod on regulator 2 Faulty voltage regulator needs adjustmentAC voltage drop under load 1 Diodes on exciter rotor60 100 volts AC breaking down when load is applied inductive 13 diodes r I A EXCITER STATOR I 12 I DSTATOR i r I 11 I I I I I 10 I 9 I I I B I C I I ROTORFIELO I EXCITER I I a I 7 I I I 6 I I I I 5 I I I I I 2 1 I I 4 3 I I I DIODES I L J L CI w w a F FUSE 63 AMP 3 a w ffi green L yellow GREEN r1Z RED io Amp c Slab g Voll BLUE il 11 YELLOW rJ WESTERBEKE rEngines Generators 103 BT GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM 039422 WITH ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR 100RN AlTERNATOR5IA LlFTPUMP D 4 PUR w lh FUEL SOlENOII WATER TEMP SENDER SPEED ACTUATOR D GlOWPlUGS IfiIiI Ir4REO PUR z Oil PRJRE SW SA TT SWITCH 10 RED REL ht5 1f14BlU J O to PURREO LtV PREHEAT Oil PRESS T STARER p OjIII D BATTERY lOA CB 12 VDC REO WsA GROUND TO BLOCK r4TAN 4 BlU EMP EXHAUST SW U 14 BRN i14PURwHT 4 REO t12 Rln SW J l REMOVE THIS JUMPER WHEN f0 20 CONNECTING A 11eJI22H lJ0ttJ1 LJtr0 50 rE JlJFUK J4RED REMOTE PANEL G K 0 07 8S it 04 J jjjj I BLK nTIIIIJ GOVERNOR CONTROL 140RN STANDARD INSTRUMENT IJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 104 BTGENERATOR WIRING SCHEMATIC 039422 WITH ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR BATTERY SWITCH START L SOL STARTER r1J4 M i tr L I PREHEAT SOL GLOWPLUGS r tJ I L l ALTERNATOR 1r1B GrL R TB23 o STARLJ 1 EMERGENCY g STOP L J L JSWITCH i PREHEAT L SWITCH K L I30 87 LIFT PUMP p l ESTOP J SWITCH OP ET WT Sw Sw SW FUEL SOL OP WT SNDR SNDRIL NOTE An onoff switch should be installed in this circuit to disconnect the starter from the battery in an emergency and when leaving the boat Twelve volt diesel engine starters typically draw 200 to 300 amps when cranking A switch with a continuous rating of 175 amps at 12 VDC will nor mally serve this junction but a switch must never be used to make the starter circuit IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 105 BT GENERATOR WIRING DIAGRAM 36411 WOUT ELECTRONIC REGULATION t14 PUR o 0 IOORN XC ALTERNATOR LIFT PUMI 14 PUR 14 PUR REG T Jt I2VDC5IAMP WATER 1i1 TEMP SW o i WATER TEf1P z ili FUEL R r SDLENOi i IIii ii GlOWPLUGS J OIL PjE LP SW 0 ORN 01 L PRESSURE PREHEAT r SENDER flO RED st Y 2 RED rj J5 I S I CIRCUIT I r BREAKEP I I RCUD CIRCUIT I TOBlOCK STARTER V 12RED t4TAN 14 BLUE EXHAUST TE1f SvlTCH 14 N t 14 PURWHT EMERGENCY STOP SITCH 12 YELRED TO ENGINE BLOCK 0 F 14 REO Lc T8 f r i 7 I 2 EMOVE THIS JUPER WHEN f CONIECTIIG A Ie 3 REMOTE PAEL r J I S 14 GRN fJ 1 eR1J I 108lK 14 RI 10 RED 1 14 YEl lovHT 14PUP I i 01 14 GRN J z 5 o 0 0 rtt I PREHEAT I SW ITCH iSTANDARD START I INSTRUMENT SWITCH I PANEL srop II I I SWITCH I I II WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 106 BT GENERATOR WIRING SCHEMATIC 36411 WOUT ELECTRONIC REGULATION r2VOC JE 2 START SOL ENOl 0 TARTEIt AFMl PREHEAT SOLENQlb r l CB 20A STPT sw rB23 f r EMERGENCY j STOP 5W r I IPREHEAT sw LIFT PUMP I r 1 L J P I lSTOP SW FUEL SOLNOIO NOTE An onoff switch should be installed in this circuit to disconnect the starter from the battery in an emergency and when leaving the boat Twelve volt diesel engine starters typically draw 200 to 300 amps when cranking A switch with a continuous rating of 175 amps at 12 VDC will nor mally serve this junction but a switch must never be used to make the starter circuit REMOTE STARTSTOP PANEL 1 i 5A SURGE 22A START 3A RUN Current Models wITwo Relays Models wI Terminal Blocks Models wout Terminal Blocks I RED TO TB1l TBl2 lA 10 TB11 10 Slop I r I Switch L STOP T 1 I 1114 BLACK rJ BLACK 4J U TB1GroundIo TB1GroundIo Panel Ground SWITCH I 1122 I BLACK I 1122 RED G I I 1 1DHT5 TB21 10 TB21lo Preheat Swilch 1110 RED I 4APURPLE I I I rSrART JA jTB22 10 TB22lo Preheat Switch SWITCH SWITCH 3A RUN I RED 14 RED 1114 RED 14 RED J Yl I I TB13 10 TB12 10 Preheal Switch r TB15 I I T to T814 to Start Switch11E I REMOTE PANEL REAR VIEW fiATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 107 GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS AC GENERATOR Single Phase AC GENERATOR 3 PhaseSingle Phase Brushless fourpole revolving field Three Phase Brushless sixpole revolving field Sealed Prelubricated singlebearing design 150 Kw 60 Hertz lubricated singlebearing design 12 Lead Reconnectable singlephase transformer 120 Kw 50 Hertz reconnectable for low voltage WYE high regulation optional solidstate voltage voltage Delta Solid state voltage regulator with regulation protection 120 or 120240 Volts 60 Hertz Voltage 3 phase 50 Hertz Low Voltage WYE 208 Volts 230 Volts 50 Hertz High Voltage WYE 480 Volts DELTA 240 VoltsVoltage regulation 5 no load to full load Voltage 3 Phase 50 Hertz High Voltage WYE 380 VoltsFrequency regulation 3 Hertz 5 no load to full load DELTA 230 Volts Electronic Govemered Amperage Low Voltage WYE 52 Amps NonElectric 3 Hertz 3 phase 60 Hertz High Voltage WYE 22 AmpsRating Volts AC 60 Hertz 1800 rpm 120 Volts 125 Amps DELTA 45 Amps 120240 Volts 125625 Amps Amperage High Voltage WYE 22 Amps 50 Hertz 1500 rpm 230 Volts 60 Amps 3 phase 50 Hertz DELTA 39 AmpsGenerator Cooling 225 250 cfm 637 708 cmm Generator Compartment 104F 40C maximumAir Requirements Ambient Temperature60 Hertz at 1800 rpm NOTE Increase air supply 15 for 50 Hertz NOTE Forced ventilation should be provided to operation 1500 rpm maintain generator compartment Combustion 70 cfm 189 cmm below 104F 40CAir Requirements60 Hertz at 1800 rpmGenerator Compartment 104F 40C maximumAmbient NOTE Forced ventilation should be provided to maintain generator compartment temperatures below 104F 40C For WTA Generator Resistance Values see page 86 For WMF Generator Resistance Values see page 70 Il WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 108 SPECIAL TOOLS GENERATOR FIELD FABRICATED TOOLS Lifting Eye Tool These drawings provide a means by which simple tools can This tool allows a mechanic to safely remove the generator be made to assist in the removal of the generator end from end from the engine by attaching this Generator End Lifting the engine and in the replacement of the generator end on the Eye to the four screw holes located under the control panel engine A local machine shop should be able to fabricate these To use this Lifting Eye remove the generators control panel tools at a modest price but first check with your local WEST and screw the Lifting Eye to the generator end ERBEKE dealer to see if these tools are on hand for loan 58 Housing Puller Tool 159 mmThis tool allows the bearing in the generator housing to begently pushed straight off the housing without any twistingIf a nut of the same specifications as that of the tapped holein the pilot tool were to be welded on the end of the eye boltthis tool would be able to pull the bearing back into placewithout any twisting Please refer to these drawings before 1 212 635 mmthe generator end is removed 4 HOLES 14 1213 UNC Storebought 6mm eye bolt with tapered tip UuER tOOL tOUSNDQfDRCtED fEl I I I I 4 I 45 Center lifting eye on 1016mm 1 aper I baseplate and weld securely3346 85 mm 2 I Disk Alignment Tool Dia BC This tool allows a mechanic to safely remove and install the r 1 generator drive disks by aligning the disks with the Drive 21 J 0 Plate Guide Pin The Pin screws into the flywheel and acts as a guide Also the pin helps to support some of the rotor and the drive plates weight while removing or replacing these Weld a 1213 UNC Hex Nut totJ parts one side of this center hole nWWW1HUJm 5 12 127 mm Dia Drill Typ 4 holes Material Coldrolled Steel Material One M8 bolt with the hex head machined off and a screwdriver slot cut in the machined end Pilot Tool The tool below helps keep the rotor from damaging the windings in the generator housing to be removed straight off the engine or to be placed straight on the engine Refer to the removal and replacement diagram at the bottom of the page I 203 mm I ROUND TIP I fP1 155 mm Drill 12 i43048 mm I I 114 3175 mm Deep Approx M18 x 15 Pitch Tap 1 254 mm Deep PROPER USE OF HOUSING PULLER Material Aluminum lfATl WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 109 METRIC CONVERSIONS INCHES TO MILLIMETERS MILLIMETERS TO INCHESInches mm Inches mm mm Inches mm Inches 1 2540 15 38100 1 00394 15 05906 2 5080 20 50800 2 00787 20 07874 3 7620 25 63500 3 01181 25 09843 4 10160 30 76200 4 01575 30 11811 5 12700 35 88900 5 01969 35 13780 10 25400 40 101600 10 03937 40 15748 10 MILLIMETERS 1 CENTIMETER 100 CENTIMETERS 1 METER 3937 INCHES 33 FEEn INCHES TO METERS METERS TO INCHESInches Meters Inches Meters Meters Inches Meters Inches 1 00254 7 01778 01 3937 07 27559 2 00508 8 02032 02 7874 08 31496 3 00762 9 02286 03 11811 09 35433 4 01016 10 02540 04 15748 10 39370 5 01270 11 02794 05 19685 11 43307 6 01524 12 03048 06 23622 12 47244 TO CONVERT METERS TO CENTIMETERS MOVE DECIMAL POINT TWO PLACES TO THE RIGHT YARDS TO METERS METERS TO YARDS Yards Meters Yards Meters Meters Yards Meters Yards 1 091440 6 548640 1 109361 6 656168 2 182880 7 640080 2 218723 7 765529 3 274320 8 731520 3 328084 8 874891 4 365760 9 822960 4 437445 9 984252 5 457200 10 914400 5 546807 10 1093614 MOVE DECIMAL POINT FOR HIGHER VALUES eg 6000 METERS 656168 YARDS POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS KILOGRAMS TO POUNDS Ib kg Ib kg kg Ib kg Ib 1 0454 6 2722 1 2205 6 13228 2 0907 7 3175 2 4409 7 15432 3 1361 8 3629 3 6614 8 17637 4 1814 9 4082 4 8818 9 19842 5 2268 10 4536 5 11023 10 22046 GALLONS TO LITERS LITERS TO GALLONSGallons Liters Gallons Liters Liters Gallons Liters Gallons 1 379 10 3786 1 026 60 1566 2 757 20 7571 2 053 90 2377 3 1136 30 11357 5 132 120 3132 4 1514 40 15142 10 264 150 3962 5 1893 50 18928 20 528 180 4754 PINTS TO LITERS LITERS TO PINTS Pints Liters Pints Liters Liters Pints Liters Pints 1 047 6 284 1 211 6 1268 2 095 7 331 2 423 7 1479 3 142 8 379 3 634 8 1691 4 189 9 426 4 845 9 1902 5 237 10 473 5 1057 10 2113 TEMPERATURE 32 40 50 60 70 75 85 95 105 140 175 212 OF I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 80 100 C ll WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 100 Testing 50 Lubricating Oil Pump 42BT Bridge Rectifier 95 96 Main Bearing 21BT Generator 91 Oil Pan 27BT Chart 94 104 Oil Pressure 43BT AC Connections 100 Oil Pressure SwitchSender 43BT No Load Adjustment 100 Piston and Piston Ring 18BT Voltage Regulator Adjustment 101 Push Rod 22Camshaft 21 Raw Water Pump 39 Rear Oil Seal 23Connecting Rod 19 Reassembly 24Control Panel 63 Rocker Arm 17Coolant Circulating pump 41 Specifications 54Crankshaft 20 Standards and Limits 52Cylinder Block 17 Starter Motor 45Cylinder Head Bolt Pattern 27 35 Stop Solenoid 40Cylinder Liner 17 Tappets 22Electronic Governor 66 Thermostat 28Electronic Governor Kit 64 65 Timing Gears Cover 23Electronic Governor 67 Timing Gears 12 22Engine Testing for Overhaul 7 Adjustments 39 Torque Specifications 54 Assembly 24 3 Block 11 Valve Clearance 2839 Camshaft 21 Valve Guide 15 Checking gears 22 Valve Seat 16 Coolant Pump 41 Valve Spring 14 Compression 39 Wiring 56 57 58 59 Connecting Rod 19 Exhaust Manifold 31 Crankshaft 20 Frequency Adjustment BT 99 Cylinder Block 17 Fuel Injection Pump 32 Cylinder Head Bolt Pattern 27 Fuel Injectors 34 Cylinder Head Inspection 14 17 Fuel Lift Pump 33 Cy linder Liner 17 Fuel System 36 Disassembly 8 Generator Exhaust Manifold 31 Circuit Breaker BT 91 Fuel Injection Pump 32 Control Panel Switches 62 Fuel Injectors 34 Control Panel 63 Fuel Lift Pump 33 Disassembly 8 Glow Plugs Testing 38 Electronic Governor 646566 Heat Exchanger 31 Electronic Governor 67 Idler Gear 21 Electronic Regulation WMF 69 Idle Speed Adjustment 40 Field Flashing WTA 79 Injection Pump 9 32 Flashing the Field WMF 71 Injection Timing 32 Frequency Adjustment BT 99 Injectors 34 Information 61 Inspection 14 Maintenance 61 Low Oil Pressure 43 Output Voltage Adjustment WTA 74 IVVI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 111 INDEX Overload Protection Setting 101 Remote StartStop Panel diagram 62 107 BT Generator 93103 Rotating Bridge Rectifer 83 WMF Generator 68 Shore Power Transfer Switch 70 WTA Generator 7586 Special Tools 109 Control Panel 83 Specifications 108 Electronic Governor 66 Voltage Regulator WTA 84 Engine 3 Voltage Regulator 3 Phase 101 Fuel Lift Pump 33Glow Plugs Testing 38 Fuel System 36Heat Exchanger 31 Valve Clearance 28 39Injection Pump 9 10 Valve Guide 15Injection Timing 32 Valve Seat 16Injectors 34 Valve Spring 14L Dimension 15 Voltage Regulator BT 101Lubricating Oil Pump 42 Wiring Diagrams Conversion Chart 11 0 BT Generator Terminal Block Conn 100NoLoad AdjustmentBT 100 BT Generator Single PhaseInternal 92Oil Pump 42 BT Generator 3 PhaseInternal 102 103Oil Pressure 43 BT Generator 39422 Schematic 105Oil Pressure Testing 43 BT Generator 39422 Diagram 104Pumps BT Generator 36411 Schematic 1 07 Coolant Circulating 41 BT Generator 36411 Diagram 106 Fuel Lift 33 BT Wiring 96 Injection 32 Remote StopStart Panel 1 07 Raw Water Overhaul 44 Rotating Bridge Rectifier 83Raw Water Pump 44 W52 Engine 33685 Diagram 56Rear Oil Seal 23 W52 Engine 33685 Schematic 57Remote StartStop Panel 63 108 WMF Generator Internal Schematic 72Sealants 55 WMF Generator 40438 73Service Data 52 WTA Schematic 78Special Tools Generator 109 WTA Generator5060 Series Schematic Engines 60 WTA Generator 24700 Generators 108 WTA Schematic 88Standards and Limits 52 WTA Generator Connections Schematic 89Starter Motor 45 63B63C Engine 039144 Diagram 58Starter Motor Adjustment and Repair 45 63B63C Engine 039144 Schematic 59Tachometer 49 WMF Generator 68Tappets 22 WMF Resistanve Values 70Testing for Overhaul 7 WMF 70Timing Gear Cover 23 WMF 71Timing Gear 12 WTA Generator 74Torques WTA Regulator Boards 84 Standard Hardware 55 WTA Resistance Values 86 Westerbeke Components 54 WTA Electrical Fault Chart 87Transmission Oil Coolers 30 WTA Parts Identification 8 IVtTI WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 112IJ WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators
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