'maine Power Owners Manual'
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Engine Owners Manual I N CLU DES Routine Guidelines Electronic Fuel Injection SECTION ONE OWNERS OPERATION MANUAL Pages 1 General Emissions Coverage 23 2 Carbon Monoxide Exposure 3 3 Introduction 4 4 Engine Identificatio n 4 5 Emissions Control Information 4 6 Warranty Trial Informatio n 4 7 EFI Introduction and Descriptio n 5 8 Marine Power Domestic Distributor s 6 9 Engine Specification s 714 30L181 CI D 7 43L262 CI D 8 57L350 CI D 9 60L364 CI D 10 74L454 CI D 11 81L495 CI D 12 82L502 CI D 13 500X530 X 14 10 A Word To The DoItYourselfe r 15 Copyright 1994 Revised 0603All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means electronic ormechanical including photocopying recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writingfrom MARINE POWER HOLDING LLC0 GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE C ALIFORNIA EM ISSIONS C ONT R OL W ARR ANT Y ST AT EM ENT Y OUR W ARR ANT Y R IG HT S AND OBLIG ATIONS T he California Air R esources board and Marine Power Holding LLC is pleased to explain the emission control system warranty on your 2003 inboard engine In C alifornia new inboard engines must be designed built and equipped to meet the States stringent anti smog standards Marine Power H olding LLC must warrant the emission control system on your inboard engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse neglect or improper m aintenance of your inboard engine Your em ission control system may include parts such as carburetor or fuel injection system the ignition system and catalytic converter Also included may be hoses belts connectors and other assemblies W here a warrantable condition exists Marine Power Holding LLC will repair your inboard engine at no cost to you including diagnosis parts and labor M ANUFACT URER S W ARR ANT Y COVERAG E For 20032008 spark ignition inboard engines select emission control parts from m odel year 20032008 inboard engines are warranted for 2 years For 2009 and later spark ignition inboard marine engines select emission control parts from model year 2009 and later inboard engines are warranted for 3 years OW NERS W ARR ANT Y RESPONSIBILIT IES As the inboard engine owner you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your owners manual Marine Power H olding LLC recom mends that you retain all receipts covering maintence on your inboard engine but M arine Power H olding LLC cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or your failure to ensure the perform ance of all schedule maintence As the inboard engine owner you should however be aware that Marine Power H olding LLC may deny you warranty coverage if your inboard engine or part has failed due to abuse neglect or improper maintence or unapproved modifications You are responsible for presenting your inboard engine to a Marine Power H olding LLC distribution center as soon as a problem exists T he warranty repairs will be complete within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed 30 days1 MAR IN E PO W ER the Company warranties each new MAR IN E PO W ER propulsion engine and factory installed accessories designed built and equipped with all applicable regulations adopted by the Air R esources Board pursuant to its authority in C hapters 1 and 2 Part 5 D ivision26 of the Health and Safety C ode and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part to be identified in all material respects to that part as described in the engine manufacturer application for certification2 T he warranty shall commence on the date of the first retail purchase and extends to original and subsequent purchasers H owever in no event shall the duration of this W arranty exceed two 2 years measured from the original retail sale date3 Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions in the owners manual will be warranted for the two 2 year warranty period If the part fails during the period of warranty coverage the part will be repaired or replaced by Marine Power at a warranty station Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remainder of the period4 Any warranted part that is scheduled only for regular inspection in the written instructions in the owners manual will be warranted for the two 2 year warranty period A statement in such written instructions to the effect of repair and replace as necessary does not reduce the period of warranty coverage Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remaining warranty period5 Any warranted part that is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions in the owners manual will be warranted for the period of time before the first scheduled replacement date for the part If the part fails before the first scheduled replacement the part will be repaired or replaced by Marine Power at a warranty station Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remainder of the period to the firs t scheduled replacement point for the part6 R epair or replacement of any warranted part under the warranty provisions of the article will be performed at a warranty station at no charge to the owner W arranty services and repairs will be provided at all Marine Power distribution centers and trained marine dealers7 T he engine owner will not be charged for diagnostic labor that is directly associated with diagnosis of a defective emission related warranted part provided that such diagnostic work is performed at a warranty station8 Marine Power is liable for damages to other engine components proximately caused by a failure under warranty of any warranted part9 T hroughout the two 2 year warranty period Marine Power will maintain a supply of warranted parts sufficient to meet the expected demands for such parts10 Any replacement part may be used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repairs and will be provided without charge to the owner Such usage will not reduce Marine Powers warranty obligations11 MAR IN E PO W ER distributor or dealer must be advised of any warranty related problem prior to the expiration of the warranty12 T his W arranty w ill not apply to 1 A Use of an accessories or parts not manufactured or sold by MARINE PO W ER B N eglect failure to follow maintenanc e schedules accident abnormal operations m isuse negligence improperly maintained improperly operated or installed racing or engine modification Problems arising from installation application exhaust to engine fuel lines to the engine propping cooling to the engine or engine damage due to defective electrical hookups R ust corrosion or effects of weather D W ater inversion through exhaust E D etonation or operation with fuels oils or lubricants which are not suitable for use with this product Detonation causes Poor fuel quality overloading of engine improper gear or propeller selection engine overheating excessive back pressure incorrect ignition timing excessive total timing F R eimbursement for haulout launch towing storage charges rental charges of any type inconvenience of any type loss of time or income expense of returning a M AR IN E PO W ER product to a service facility towing lodging loss or dam age to personal property13 Addon or modified parts as defined in C C R section 1900 b1 and b10 T itle 13 that are not exempted by the Air R esources Board will not be used T he use of any nonexempted addon or modified parts by the ultimate purchaser will be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim made in accordance with this article statement Marine Power will not be liable under this statement to warranted failures of warranted parts caused by the use of nonexempted addon or modified part14 T he following parts are covered by this general emissions warranty statement A Fuel Metering System 1 C arburetor and internal parts andor pressure regulator or fuel injection system 2 C old start enrichment system 3 Intake valves B Air Induction System 1 Intake m anifold 2 Air Filter C Ignition System 1 Spark Plugs 2 Electronic ignition system 3 Spark advanceretard system 4 Ignition coil andor control module 5 Ignition wires D Lubrication System 1 O il pump and internal parts E Positive Crankcase Ventilation P C V S ystem 1 PC V valve 2 O il filler cap F Exhaust System 1 Exhaust m anifold 2 Exhaust valves G M iscellaneous Item s U sed in A bove S ystem s 1 H oses clamps fittings tubing sealing gaskets or devices and mounting hardware 2 Pulleys belts and idlers 3 Vacuum temperature check and timer sensitive valves and switches 4 Electronic controls15 R easonable access must be provided to the product for warranty service Removal andor replacement of boat partitions or material because of boat design for necessary access to the product is not covered16 W arranty service must be requested by delivering the product for inspection to the retailer from whom the product was purchased or any convenient marine service center17 Proof of W arranty must be provided at time of request for W arranty service A properly completed W arranty R egistration Sea T rial form should be on file with MARINE PO W ER O therwise a valid bill of sale will be required for proof of purchase date18 All incidental andor consequential damages are excluded from this W arranty Implied warranties are limited to the life of this W arranty All implied warranties including fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise are disclaimed in their entirety after expiration of the appropriate two 2 year warranty period T his W arranty gives you specific rig h ts an d you m ay also have other rights which m ay vary from state to state Som e jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you19 MAR IN E PO W ER reserves the right to change or improve design of any product previously assembled without notice and without obligation20 In the event that a warranty claim is required outside of the continental U nited States with the exception of Alaska and H awaii there may be additional charges to the engine owner AnyAll litigations must be filed within the State of Louisiana Parish of T angipahoa MAR IN E PO W ER will not warranty any engine sold outside the continental U nited States with the exception of Alaska and H awaii unless com petent and trained personnel and available to provide service to the engine W0020300R EV 042 2 CARBON MONOXIDE EXPOSURE CAUTION CARBON MONOXIDE EXPOSURE Carbon Monoxide is a odorless colorless and tasteless gas that cannot be smelled seen or tasted Sustained exposure to carbon monoxide gas may lead to brain damage or deathCarbon Monoxide is a hazardous gas that is produced when items containing carbon are burned Items such asbut not limited to wood coal gasoline natural gas propane or oil Carbon Monoxide CO is found in manyareas such as any type of internal combustion engines heaters charcoal grills cooking ranges and any otheropen flame appliances There are many possible variables for the accumulation of carbon monoxide Winddirection boat speed vessel proximity to other vessels or structures are just a few of the possible variables thatwould permit exposure to carbon monoxide gases It is important that regular inspections of the exhaust systemare conducted and maintenance is properly performed by a qualified air circulation in all areas of your boat are necessary in order to prevent buildup of carbon monoxidePlease contact your boat manufacturer if you have questions regarding these hazards For more safe boating practices andor carbon monoxide poisoning on recreational boats contact the Marine Manufacturers Association United States Coast Guard200 East Randolph Drive Suite 5100 Office of Boating SafetyChicago IL 606016528 CG Headquarters 2100 Second Street SWwwwnmmaorg Washington DC 20593 Boat Yacht Council Inc Solomons Island RoadEdgewater MD 3 3 pleasure and peace of mind derived from your new engine is in direct proportion to the amount of care that it is givenWe have tried to include as much as possible in our updated Engine Owners Manual to help you READ THIS AND COMPLETELY before attempting to operate your MARINE POWER engine Become familiar with thecomponents and the maintenance schedules If there is anything you do not completely understand contact your nearestMARINE POWER dealer or distributor This manual contains five 5 sections Section ONE Owners Operation M anual Page 1 Section TWO G eneral Information Page 18 Section T HR EE R outine M aintenance Page 25 Section FOUR Engine Diagram s Page 37 Section FIVE T roubleshooting G uide Page 49 4 ENGINE Marine Power engine is equipped with an Engine Identification tagalso known as a Serial Number tag This tag contains information model number and serial number that will be requiredbefore any warranty work if necessary can be done 5 EMISSIONS CONTROL INFORMATION M AR INE PO W ER EM ISSIO N C O N TR O L IN FO R M A TIO N TH IS EN G IN E C O N FO R M S TO 2003 C A LIFO R N IA EM ISSIO N R EG U LA TIO N S FO R SPA R K IG N ITIO N M A R INE EN G INES ENG INE FAM ILY 3M PEM 060 100 ENG INE 57L FUEL UNLEAD DISP 042003 SPAR K PLUG G ASOLINE DAT E OF 060 022 IN EM ISSION CONT ROLS 479111 M FR EC M G AP SEE O PER A TO R S M A N U A L FO R M A IN TEN A NC E SPEC IFIC A TIO N S M AR INE PO W ER EM ISSIO N C O N TR O L IN FO R M A TIO N TH IS EN G IN E C O N FO R M S TO 2003 C A LIFO R N IA EM ISSIO N R EG U LA TIO N S FO R SPA R K IG N ITIO N M A R INE EN G INES ENG INE FAM ILY 3M PEM 060 100 ENG INE 60L FUEL UNLEAD DISP 042003 SPAR K PLUG G ASOLINE DAT E OF 060 022 IN EM ISSION CONT ROLS 479111 M FR EC M G AP SEE O PER A TO R S M A N U A L FO R M A IN TEN A NC E SPEC IFIC A TIO N S 6 WARRANTY REGISTRATION SEA TRIAL INFORMATIONT he Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 requires that registration of marine products sold in the United States be maintained by the dealers of those products It is imperative that MAR IN E PO W ER H O LD IN G LLC receive your W ARR ANT Y R EG IST R AT IONSE A T R IALform properly com pleted for warranty purposes and to com ply with federal regulation T his registration also enables us to contact you if it shouldbecome necessary to change or improve the product for your protection W AR R ANT Y R EG IST R AT ION M UST BE R EC EIVED W IT HIN 10 DAY SAFT ER DAT E OF PURC HASE BY FIRST OW NER NONCOM PLIANCE M AY VOID ALL W ARR ANT IES Please read the Limited W that is included with your engine registration papers and in this manual This document explains your warranty coverage Please notethat no warranty repairs are to be perform ed without prior authorization from the Marine Power D istributor in your area C ontact your selling dealerdirectly for any required w arranty repairs4 7 EFI INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION Another feature of EFI is the ability to develop W HAT IT IS calibrations for the ECM which are specific to each application For example EFI installed in a inboard skiElectronic Fuel Injection EFI has become the industry boat application will have little in common with EFIstandard for marine engines EFI is the basic term which installed in a jet boat The calibration is tailored to developapplies to any fuel delivery system which uses a computer maximum power and efficiency for each application9to determine how much fuel to add at a specific moment intime Another benefit of fuel injection is the high level of reliability in the components used Generally speaking a carbureted engine begins to deteriorate as soon as it is TW O B ASI C TYP ES purchased Fuel which sits for extended time attacks the carburetor and begins to hamper performance The olderThere are two basic types of EFI used in the marine style points ignition system also breaks down with age dueindustry Throttle Body Injection TBI and Multiport Fuel to friction which wears out the components being used toInjection MPFI MFI PFI etc The TBI system is a wet control spark timing Within 2 or 3 years the fuel andflow design which flows a mixture fuel and air through the spark delivery has deteriorated and the engine must beintake manifold The PFI system flows air through the tuned up in order to restore the original power Also aintake manifold then injects fuel towards the cylinder head side effect of this deterioration is that the engine mayto complete the mixture thus allowing the intake to be actually be damaged by being over or under fueleddesigned to flow air only PFI systems are slightly moreefficient than the TBI systems Combustion requires a EFI also offers the owner a level of protection which olderfinely atomized mixture to ignite In the wet flow TBI system engines did not have as standard features The ECMsome of the fuel will condense or collect on the intake walls monitors the temperature RPMs and other inputs andand then pass into the combustion chamber When solid then makes decisions whether or not to allow the engine tofuel passes into the combustion chamber it is not burned continue to run in the current conditions For example theand subsequently it is passed out the exhaust This is why engine may be running above the ideal RPM if the ECMthe PFI systems are more efficient than the TBI systems detects that the RPM is over the calibrated rev limiter then the ECM will reduce the RPMs to a level which the engine can handle The rev limiter can protect the engine from a HOW IT W OR K S prop which is not correctly matched or is to loose for the applicationThe Engine Control Module ECM refers to the computerwhich makes the necessary calculations to deliver fuel andspark to the engine The ECM relies on input from sensors CAUTION CAUTION CAUTIONand switches to perform its calculations The ECM thensends out its data along its output wires to the various To reduce the chance of personal injury ando r propertyitems which it controls dam age the follow ing instructions m ust be carefully inputs which the ECM uses are RPM throttle Proper service and repair are important to the safetyposition manifold absolute pressure coolant temperature of the service technician and the safe reliableand a knock sensor With the data being collected form operation of all Electronic Fuel Injection EFI Marinethese sensors at a very high rate the ECM then calculates Power engines If part replacement is necessary thethe proper fuel to be delivered and the proper spark timing part must be replaced with one of the same partto ignite the mixture number or with an equivalent part Do not use a replacement part of lesser qualityThe ECM delivers the fuel through injectors which are The service procedures recommended and solenoids The fuel is injected at high pressures in this manual are effective methods of performingof 30 to 40 PSI which creates a much finer mixture of fuel service and repair Some of these procedures requireand air The injector is pulsed for a length of time called the use of tools specially designed for the purposethe Base Pulse Width BPW The BPW can be modified Accordingly anyone who intends to use afor enrichment when cold a lean condition when hot replacement part service procedure or tool which isenrichment when knock is detected and so on not recommended by the system manufacturer must first determine that neither his safety nor the safe operation of the engine will be jeopardized by the B EN EFI TS FEATUR ES replacement part service procedure or tool selectedThe primary benefit of fuel injection is the repeatability oraccuracy of the amount of fuel delivered BPW The fuel Note Under no circumstances should your EFI unitinjectors are very precise in their ability to deliver fuel and be repaired or serviced except by an their accuracy over the entire life span of the Marine Power EFI trained technician for warrantyengine service Prior authorization from area distributor is required 5 8 MARINE POWER DOMESTIC Georgia South Carolina North W est Virginia Ark ansas Ok lahom a North M MARINE SERVICE SOUTHERN MARINE SUPPLY100 SW 16th Street 6600 Murray Street Suite 1Fort Lauderdale FL 33315 Little Rock AR 72209954 5250311 800 4322231 501 5625008 501 Email MARINE SERVICE Louisiana M ississippi Alabam a Florida3601B Meeting Street Road P SC 29405 COMMERCIAL MARINE INC843 5543732 800 7882231 5401 Paris Road PO Box 16N ortheastern United States Chalmette LA MARINE SERVICE OF NEW JERSEY 504 2717201780 Vassar Avenue NJ 08701908 9018404 888 2444735 Gulf Coast DONOVAN MARINEM ichigan W isconsin Ohio Illinois Indiana 400 N Carrollton Avenue 70119M innesota Iow a North Dak ota South Dak ota PO Box 19100N ebrask a New Orleans LA MARINE DISTRIBUTORS 504 4885731 800 34744641551 Michigan AvenuePO Box 126 N orthern MI 48040 SEA POWER MARINE810 3647653 800 3670987 333 Kennedy Oakland CA 94606 510 5339290 800 MARINE DISTRIBUTORS WEST South Thompson RoadSun Prairie WI 53590 W ashington I daho NW United States and608 8253878 800 9923878 W estern Canada MARINE POWER Kentuck y M issouri Kansas 1140 36th Street MARINE DIST SOUTH Lewiston ID 83501855 Springfield Highway Suite 104 208 7468621 208 TN 37072615 8519456 Oregon W estern California MARINE POWER OREGONTex as 6445 Crater Lake HighwayPALMER POWER CORPORATION Central Point OR 975026451 Rupley Circle 541 8268488Houston TX 77087713 6446410 800 MARINE3130 Pawnee StreetHouston TX 77054713 7344171 800 California Arizona Nevada Haw aiiMARINE POWER WEST COAST6310 Industrial CA 92504909 34300726 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 30L 181 CID C AR BU R ET ED ENGINE TYPE INLINE 4 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 140 104 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 30L 181 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 400 x 360 COMPRESSION RATIO 9251 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4300 4600 IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 800 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 4 7 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 20 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE MR 43 LTS SPARK PLUG GAP 035 IN 09MM TIMING IDLE RPM 1 ATDC TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 RPM 23 TOTAL FIRING ORDER 1342 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APPROXIMATELY 10 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL ADD 23 QT OIL FOR APPROXIMATELY 4 US QUARTS EACH OIL FILTER USED ON ENGINE T R ANSM IISSIONS See Transm ission Specifications on P age 14C R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYNT HET IC O IL MAY BE SUBSTIT UT ED AN Y T YPE H YD R AU LIC T R AN SMISSIO N FLU ID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IFIC AT IO N S 7 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 43L 262 CID C AR BU R ET ED M PI ENGINE TYPE V6 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 225 167 230 171 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 43L 262 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 400 x 348 COMPRESSION RATIO 941 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4300 4600 4200 4600 IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 800 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 4 7 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 20 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE 262 STD MR43T 43 VORTEC AC 41932 43L VORTEC MR43LTS SPARK PLUG GAP 035 IN 09MM TIMING IDLE RPM 2 Set At Factory TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 26 RPM FIRING ORDER 165432 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APPROXIMATELY 16 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL ADD 23 QT OIL FOR APPROXIMATELY 45 US QUARTS EACH OIL FILTER USED ON ENGINE TRANSMISSIONS See Transmission Specifications on Page 14C R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYNT HET IC O IL MAY BE SUBSTIT UT ED AN Y T YPE H YD R AU LIC T R AN SMISSIO N FLU ID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IFIC AT IO N S8 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 57L 350 CID C AR BU R ET ED M PI ENGINE TYPE V8 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 315 235 325335 242 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 57L 350 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 400 x 348 COMPRESSION RATIO 941 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4300 4600 4200 5000 IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 800 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 4 7 PSI 39 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 20 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE PREVORTEC MR43T 57 VORTEC AC 41932 VORTEC MR43LTS SPARK PLUG GAP 035 in 060 in Platinium TIMING IDLE RPM 8 10 TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 26 RPM FIRING ORDER LH 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2 RH 1 2 7 5 6 3 4 8 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APPROXIMATELY 18 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL ALUM PAN APPROXIMATELY 7 US QUARTS SHEET METAL PAN APPROXIMATELY 5 US QUARTS JETPAC PAN WSINGLE FILTER 8 US QUARTS JETPAC PAN WDUAL FILTERS 9 US QUARTS TRANSMISSIONS See Transmission Specifications on Page 14 R A T E D B Y MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN ACC O R D ANC E W IT H SAE J 607 PR O P SH AF T R AT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SE D SYN T H ET IC O IL MAY BE SU BST IT U T ED A N Y T Y P E HY D R AULIC T R ANSMISSIO N FLUID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IF IC AT IO N S 9 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 60L 364 CID M PI ENGINE TYPE V8 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 375 HP 5200 RPM DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 6OL 364 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 400 X 362 IN COMPRESSION RATIO 941 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 5200 RPM IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 RPM 800 RPM JET EQUIPPED FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 50 PSI 55 PSI WOT OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 psi THERMOSTAT 160 71 C Fresh Water Cooled Only SPARK PLUG TYPE PLATINUM AC 12567759 SPARK PLUG GAP 59 15MM TIMING IDLE RPM COMPUTER CONTROLLED TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 COMPUTER CONTROLLED RPM FIRING ORDER 18726543 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APRROX 24 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL APPROX 65 QTS PLUS FILTERS JETPAC PAN WSINGLE FILTER 7 US QUARTS TRANSMISSIONS See Transmission Specifications on Page 14 R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYN T H ET IC O IL MAY BE SU BST IT U T ED AN Y T YPE H YD R AU LIC T R AN SMISSIO N FLU ID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IFIC AT IO N S T BI HP RAT ING SAME AS MPI10 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 74L 454 CID ST AN D AR D C AR BU R ET ED PR EM IU M C AR BU R ET ED E N G IN E T Y P E V8 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 330 246 380 282 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 74L 454 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 425 x 400 COMPRESSION RATIO 801 861 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4300 4600 4600 5000 IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 800 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 4 7 PSI 4 7 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 20 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE AC MR43T AC MR43T SPARK PLUG GAP 035 IN 09MM TIMING IDLE RPM 12 12 TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 32 32 RPM FIRING ORDER LH 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2 RH 1 2 7 5 6 3 4 8 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APPROXIMATELY 24 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL ADD 23 QT OIL FOR ALUM PAN APPROXIMATELY 10 US QUARTS EACH OIL FILTER USED ON ENGINE SHEET METAL PAN APPROXIMATELY 8 US QUARTS TRANSMISSIONS See Transmission Specifications on Page 14 R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYN T H ET IC O IL MAY BE SU BST IT U T ED ANY T YPE HYDR AULIC T RAN SMISSIO N FLUIDS W HICH MEET ALLISO N T YPE C3 SPECIFICAT IO NS T BI HP RAT ING SAME AS MPI 11 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 81L 495 CID ST AN D AR D VOR T EC H IPER F H P2 H IPER F H P 3 E N G IN E T Y P E V8 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 385 287 450 335 550 410 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 81L 496 CID BORE STROKE INCHES BORE 425 10795MM STROKE 437 111MM COMPRESSION RATIO 911 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4600 RPM 5000 RPM 5200 RPM IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 38 44 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 50 80 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE PLATINUM MP PART 810E210 SPARK PLUG GAP 059 IN 15MM TIMING IDLE RPM COMPUTER CONTROLLED TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 4000 COMPUTER CONTROLLED RPM FIRING ORDER 18726543 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above 20W 50 SY NT HET IC T R ANSM ISSION OIL DEXT R ON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 W AT ER 50 ANT IFREEZ E CAPACIT IES C LOSED C OOLING APPR OXIM AT ELY 24 US QUAR T S C R ANK C ASE OIL A D D 1 Q T O IL FO R EA C H O IL A LU M PA N APPR OXIM AT ELY 10 US QUAR T S FILTER U SED O N ENG INE SH EET M ETA L PA N APPR OXIM AT ELY 8 US QUAR T S JETPA C PA N W SING LE FILTER 7 US QUAR T S JE TPA C PA N W D U A L FILTER 8 US QUAR T S T R ANSM ISSIONS See Transm ission Specifications on P age 14 R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYN T H ET IC O IL MAY BE SU BST IT U T ED AN Y T YPE H YD R AU LIC T R AN SMISSIO N FLU ID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IFIC AT IO N S T BI HP RAT ING SAME AS MPI12 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 82L 502 CID C AR BU R ET ED M PI E N G IN E T Y P E V8 CRANKSHAFT HORSEPOWER HPKW 450 335 DISPLACEMENT LITERCID 82L 502 CID BORE STROKE INCHES 447 x 400 COMPRESSION RATIO 8751 MAXIMUM RPM WIDE OPEN THROTTLE 4300 4800 4600 5000 IDLE RPM IN FORWARD GEAR 650 800 RPM FUEL PUMP PRESSURE 4 7 PSI 39 PSI OIL PRESSURE 2000 RPM 20 60 PSI MINIMUM OIL PRESSURE IDLE 10 PSI THERMOSTAT 143 F 62 C RAW WATER COOLER 160 F 71 C FRESH WATER COOLED SPARK PLUG TYPE AC MR43T SPARK PLUG GAP 035 IN 09MM TIMING IDLE RPM 12 12 TOTAL MAX TIMING ADVANCE 3500 32 Computer Controlled RPM FIRING ORDER 1843 6572 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 VOLT NEGATIVE GROUND ALTERNATOR RATING 70 AMPS RECOMMENDED BATTERY RATING MINIMUM 350 AMPS COLD CRANKING AMPERAGE CRANKCASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Below SAE 40 70 and Above TRANSMISSION OIL DEXTRON III CLOSED COOLING FLUID 50 WATER 50 ANTIFREEZE CAPACITIES CLOSED COOLING APPROXIMATELY 24 US QUARTS CRANKCASE OIL ADD 1 QT OIL FOR ALUM PAN APPROXIMATELY 10 US QUARTS EACH OIL FILTER USED ON ENGINE SHEET METAL PAN APPROXIMATELY 8 US QUARTS JETPAC PAN WSINGLE FILTER 7 US QUARTS JETPAC PAN WDUAL FILTER 8 US QUARTS TRANSMISSIONS See Transmission Specifications on Page 14C R AT ED BY MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN AC C O R D AN C E W IT H SAE J607 PR O P SH AFT RAT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SED SYNT HET IC O IL MAY BE SUBSTIT UT ED AN Y TYPE H YDR AU LIC T R AN SMISSIO N FLU ID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 13 9 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS X PERFORMANCE MOTORS 500X 530X 500X C arbureted 530X PFI EN G IN E T Y PE V8 C R AN K SH AF T H OR SEPO W ER H PK W 500 373 530 395 D ISPL AC EM EN T 82L BOR E STR OK E IN C H ES 447 X 400 C O M PR ESSIO N R AT IO 961 961 M AXIM U M R PM W ID E OPEN TH R OT T L E 5200 ID L E R P M IN F OR W AR D G EAR 700 900 R PM F U E L P UM P PR E S SU R E 4 7 PSI 39 PSI OIL P RE S S U R E 2000 R PM 20 60 PSI M IN IM U M OIL P R E SSUR E ID LE 10 PSI T H ER M OST AT 143 62 C R aw W ater C o o led SPAR K PL U G T Y PE C h am p io n 415 R N 9Y C C h am p io n 415 R N 9Y C SPAR K PLU G G AP 035 T IM IN G ID L E R PM 12 12 T OT AL M AX TIM IN G AD VAN C E 4000 R PM 32 N A F IR IN G OR D ER 18436572 EL EC T R IC AL SY S TEM 12 VO L T N EG AT IVE G R O U N D AL T E RN AT OR R AT IN G 70 AM PS R EC O M M EN D ED BAT T ER Y R AT IN G M IN IM U M 350 AM PS C O L D C R AN K IN G AM PER AG E C R AN K C ASE OIL SAE 30 70 and Belo w SAE 40 70 an d Ab o v e T R AN SM ISSION OIL D EXT R O N III C L O SE C O O LIN G F L U ID 50 W AT ER 50 AN T IF R E EZ E C AP AC IT IE S C L O SED C O O L IN G APPR O X 24 U S Q U AR T S C R AN K C ASE O IL AD D 1 QT OIL FOR EACH OIL FILT ER APPR O X 10 U S Q U AR T S T R AN S M IS S ION OIL C APAC ITIES BO R G W AR N E R 7172C SER IES 11 2 U S Q U AR T S 19L BO R G W AR N E R 7172C SER IES 15 291 3 U S Q U AR T S 28L BO R G W AR N E R 5000 SER IES 11 281 2 U S Q U AR T S 19L BO R G W AR N E R VD R IVES AL L R AT IO S 4 U S Q U AR T S 38L Z F 63A SER IES 32 U S Q U AR T S 30L Z F 63V SER IES 42 U S Q U AR T S 40L Z F 45D SER IES 21 U S Q U AR T S 20L Z F 45A SER IES 32 U S Q U AR T S 30L C R A T E D B Y MAR IN E PO W ER IN C IN ACC O R D ANC E W IT H SAE J 607 PR O P SH AF T R AT IN G W ILL VAR Y AC C O R D IN G T O D R IVE U SE D SYN T H ET IC O IL MAY BE SU BST IT U T ED A NY T Y P E HY D R AULIC T R ANSM ISSIO N FLUID S W H IC H MEET ALLISO N T YPE C 3 SPEC IF IC AT IO N S14 10 A WORD TO THE past twenty years has seen a revolution in the way both automotive and marine engines are built The is the advent of Electronic Fuel Injection or EFIBefore EFI the carburetor was the most popular and easiest way of supplying fuel to the engine The fuel into the engine by using a mechanical means of linkage throttle plates jets etc While it did anexcellent job for many years it was not efficient and it was adjustable only to a certain point with a it is much different EFI engines are operated by a computer and sophisticated engine calibrations are critical to how much fuel the engine receives and are peculiar to a specific engine typeThe sensors that feed information back to the computer are not adjustable nor can they be repaired The senorsmust be replacedMarine engine technicians receive specialized training in the diagnosing and correcting of EFI A factory trained technician is required to properly diagnose and repair your Marine Power EFI engineto avoid irreparable or permanent engine damage ENGINE PROBLEMSEngine problems are very difficult to attempt to solve over the telephone In most cases the trained eye of agood marine technician is the easiest and fastest way of determining and solving a problem Contacting thedealer distributor or the factory and trying to resolve the problem over the telephone only tends to lengthen thetime of repair ENGINE CAREMost engine problems can be avoided with a good engine maintenance schedule Marine engines are operatingat much higher rpms than automobile vehicles The work that a marine engine does at cruising speed iscomparable to an automobile engine going uphill in a strong headwind all the time The engine parts must workharder and thus require more attention Oil filters sparkplug wires sparkplug distributor rotors anddistributor caps can make all the difference in the world in performance versus being towed back in can be a major contributor to engine damage Old last season fuel loses its octane rating and doesnot create the correct amount of cylinder burn This can cause DETONATION or fuel knock were the fuel willexplode violently in the cylinder The explosion in turn causes overheating or damage to the spark plugspistons and valves Any engine stored for thirty 30 days or longer needs a fuel stablizer We recommend thatSTABIL be added to the fuel per the manufacturers directions This will prevent the formation of harmfulvarnish in the fuel system CRANKCASE OILSome engines are installed on an angle This causes the oil to flow to the back of the oil pan Consequently theoil level on the dipstick may change It is the responsibility of the installer and the owner to determine thecorrect oil dipstick reading To little as well as to much oil will cause engine damage COLD WEATHER OR EXTENDED STORAGEIf you put your boat away for the winter or you will not be using it for an extended length of time it isrecommended that a competent marine service facility be contacted to perform the winterization or storage 15 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK SECTION TWO GENERAL INFORMATION11 General Informatio n 1824 Engine Compartment 18 Engine Mountin g 18 Engine Be d 18 Sea Water Piping 18 Fuel Line s 19 Electrical Connection s 19 Exhaust Pipin g 19 HydroLoc k 20 Water Inversion 20 Detonation or PreIgnition 20 PreStart Checklis t 21 Gasoline Recommendation 21 Starting 21 Starting EngineEF I 22 Proper Engine BreakIn 22 10 Hour Servic e 23 Engine Rotation Information 24 Propeller Information 24 17 11 GENERAL INFORMATION N OTE Before shipment each engine has been carefully tested inspected and drained of coolant It may be necessary to delete or add oil from the engine and transmission for various engine installations If engine is equipped with a closed cooling system it is im perative to fill the system with a 5050 mix of ethylene glycol base antifreeze and clean fresh water Failure to use a 5050 mixture of antifreeze and water can result in engine damage See Eng ine Specification Section ENGI NE COM PARTM ENT ENGINE BEDThe engine compartment should be wellplaned to accessibility and ventilation Enginesmust have air as well as fuel to operate efficientlyThe battery should be located as close as possible to SEA W ATER PI PI NGthe starter motor so that the battery leads can be keptshort CAUTION ENGI NE M OUNTI NG DO NOT operate engine without water being supplied to raw water pump as damage to the impeller and engine will resultEngine installation is very important If the angle is toosevere over 10 degrees may require a wedge plateunder the carburetor oil and fuel problems may be The throughhull fitting and sea cock should be placed as close to the engine as possible and be oneencountered size larger than the water pump inlet The water pump inlet scoop should face the bow of the boat in ENGI NE B ED an area where there are no obstructions Obstructions could cause water turbulence and prevent a solid stream of water from entering the seaThe engine scoopbed shouldb e o f The hose on the suction side of the pump must be ofhori zon t al a noncollapsing type It is highly and that a sea strainer of adequate size be between the sea cock and engine If no seato maintain strainer is installed periodically check the coolinge n g i n e inlet system toalignm ent clear debrisAll of the from enginethrust used a n din moving transmission oilthe boat is c o o l e r s transferred Debris enteringto the hull through the engine bed The standard t he cooli ngengine has support mounts that are intended to be system is oneused on engine beds arranged for 22 bolt centers of the mainUse adequate bolts for each support Make certain causes ofthere is no interference on the underside of the engine the oil pan or other components located inthat area and the hull18 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Continued Marine Power requires installation of external FUEL LI NES and internal flappers to prevent hydrolock Hydrolock is not warrantable IMPORTANT In repower applications inspect all fuel lines for possible restrictions Fuel tanks should To prevent water inversion it may be be installed below the height of the fuel system It is necessary to install 90 degree exhaust dumps recommended that an antisiphon valve be included in adjacent to the manifold exhaust risers This type of the fuel tank installation is usually found in boats with exceptionally long sloping exhaust routing ieA 38 minimum innerdimension Type A1 USCG tunnel drive or negative engine installation anglesApproved tubing is recommended for the fuel line such as VDrives Consult your dealerfrom the tank to the engine for all 18130L 26243Land 35057L engines All 60L and larger enginesmust be minimum inner dimension It should beadequately secured and provided with a near the engine to reduce vibration to the lineFittings for the tubing should conform to current CoastGuard or American Boating Yacht It is also recommended that older copperfuel lines be replaced with an approved fuel lineAll Marine Power EFI engines require the fuel returnline be connected only to the fuel tankFuel tanks should be of a size adequate with the and should be anchored securely andvented in such a manner to conform to Coast The fuel tank filling arrangements shouldconform to all safety regulations and must beoutboard The installation of an approved fuel shut offvalve at the tank is mandatory ELECTRI CAL CONNECTI ONSAll electrical connections should conform to USCoast Guard or American Boating Yacht EXHAUST PI PI NG WARNING MARINE POWER does not warranty items damaged due to hoses must be installed to prevent waterfrom returning to engine Exhaust hoses must havea definite slope to the transom of not less than perfoot of length If pipe is used in the exhaust it must be separately supported so theweight of the pipe is not carried by the outlets 19 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Continued To minimize this problem Marine Power requires the HY DR OLOCK installation of flappers at the transom and in the exhaust hose just after the exhaust riser or elbowWater can enter the engine cylinders through theexhaust system Beware of these situations DETONATI ON OR P R EI GNI TI ON1 Following Wakes Sudden slowdowns may cause the boat wake to flow over the transom of Detonation is most commonly known as pinging your boat spark knock or fuel knock It is the abnormal combustion of the fuel which causes the fuel to2 Engine Shutdown Sudden engine shutdown explode severely within the combustion chamber while the boat is moving may force water into the exhaust system In a fourcycle engine normal combustion or burning starts at the spark plug and a wave of3 Improper Installation Refer to exhaust pipe flames move across the combustion chamber This section An exhaust system without flappers results in an even pressure rise in the combustion and the specified incline increases the chamber which pushes the piston downward likelihood of water entering the engine Detonation begins as normal combustion with the4 Improper Hoisting Operators are sometimes sparkignited flame progressing across the tempted to reduce hoisting time for propeller combustion chamber while applying the heat and changes by hoisting only the boat stern Such pressure to the unburned portion of fuel Instead of hoisting can cause residual water in the exhaust continuing to burn evenly the last portion of the fuel system to enter engine cylinders explodes violently which in turn causes overheating of the pistons valves and spark plugsWater entering engine cylinders will cause the engineto lock because water does not compress To remedy This may occur at any speed and is not oftenthis situation take the following steps detected serious and tragic engine damage may1 Change engine oil filters occur2 Remove all spark plugs3 Remove coil wire There are many causes of detonation with the most4 Crank engine for 15 seconds common being the use of a lowoctane gasoline5 Replace spark plugs and reattach coil wire Detonation may also occur when using the proper6 Start engine if there are any abnormal sounds octane gasoline if engine maintenance has been STOP ENGINE immediately and contact your neglected MARINE POWER dealer Poor or improper fuel qualityoctaine Improper initial ignition timing setting Improper propeller selection W ATER I NVERSI ON Engine overload such as operating twinengine boat with only one engineWater inversion is water that is pulled back into the Improper cooling operation resulting in engineexhaust and usually ends up in the piston cylinder of the time this happens under the following Fuel starvation or vapor lock resulting fromconditions poor fuel quality lean out Shutting off engine at high RPMs Malfunctioning carburetor causing lean mixture Water comes up the exhaust after a quick Operating engine that is out of proper tune slowdown dead cylinder defective distributor cap Long periods of idling Excessive exhaust backpressure caused by Exhaust drop not sufficient restricted exhaust mufflers or outletsUsually the water is not found until the next time theboat is used In some cases this may not be forweeks In the case of a salt water environment this iscatastrophic due to the rusting20 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Continued fuel lines are possible If this type of gasoline is P R ESTART CHECK LI ST used a complete fuel system inspection is required prior to engine operation Repair or replace worn or damaged parts immediately CAUTION DO NOT operate engine without water being STAR TI NG ENGI NE CAR B UR ETED supplied to raw water pump as pump impeller and engine will be damaged A fully charged battery 1214V is necessary to crank a cold engine At lower temperatures a MARINE POWER requires that your fuel mixture is desired at startup For dealer perform a sea trial for proper engines you may have to pump the throttle of your warrantysea trial form Failure to more than usual while cranking the engine to startproperly registered your engine will result in delayreceiving warranty repairs if required Registration isrequired by the Federal Boat Safety Act CAUTION DO NOT operate engine without water being1 Check engine and transmission oil level supplied to raw water pump as pump impeller and engine will be damaged2 Check that all engine drain plugs are installed and tightened WARNING Gasoline vapors are highly3 Check for proper coolant level if engine is explosive under certain conditions equipped with optional closed cooling system Ensure than the coolant tank cap is tight The 1 Operate bilge blower for five 5 minutes If not cooling system must be filled with a 5050 mix of equipped with bilge blower open engine hatch ethylene glycol base antifreeze and clean fresh and leave open while starting engine to remove water See Routine Maintenance Section for any ex plosiv e f um es f rom engine Filling instructions compartment4 Check throttle linkage to make sure it operates 2 Place shift lever in the neutral position freely and that it returns to the idle position 3 Pump throttle lever two 2 times to prime5 Check transmission shift lever Refer to your intake manifold transmission operator manual 4 Place throttle 14 open6 Inspect fuel and water system for leakage 5 Turn ignition switch to start position The7 Check that all engine mounts are tight engine should start within twenty 20 seconds8 Check that battery is secure and all electrical 6 Run engine at 1000 RPM until it reaches connections are tight normal operating temperature GASOLI NE R ECOM M ENDATI ON Raw Water Cooling Operating temperature should be 140 165 degreesMarine Power recommends the use of unleaded Closed Cooling Operating temperature shouldgasoline of at least 87 octane to insure adequateengine performance range 160 190 degreesALCOHOL ADDED GASOLINEUse of ethanol or methanol type gasolines are notrecommended for use in your Marine Power engineAdverse effects such as but not limited to wear to internal parts or damage to flexible 21 11 GENERAL INFORMATION Continued P ROP ER ENGI NE B REAK I N CAUTION Engine dipstick level may change due to the angle CAUTION of installation Ensure that high oil level is properly marked accordingly First twentyfive 25 hours vary the RPM Avoid sustained periods of wide open throttle Some EFI engines will not reach WOT until engine is up CAUTION to normal operating temperatures When adding crankcase oil DO NOT OVERFILL If crankcase is overfilled it will cause foaming or CAUTION aeration of oil in the oil pan This will effect oil pressure which may result in severe internal engine If the engine is to be operated after the initial damage breakin period near or at maximum rpms in rough water conditions wherein the craft may 2 VOLTMETER Normal reading is 130 145 become temporarily airborne a RPM Rev volts at 2000 RPM Limiter Device must be installed on the engine to prevent a runaway condition which could 3 OIL PRESSURE Not less than 10 PSI at idle seriously damage the engine or its component parts Rev limiters are included on all EFI 4 NORMAL OPERATING TEMP systems Raw water cooling Less than 165 degrees Closed cooling Between 160 and 190 AT NO TIME SHOULD THE ENGINE BE degrees OPERATED BEYOND THE SPECIFIED MAXIMUM RPM RATING FAILURE TO 5 IDLE RPM Normal reading is 650 800 RPM ADHERE TO THESE in gear Note For Jetpac applications normal WILL VOID THE TERMS OF WARRANTY reading is 8001000 RPMTo insure maximum life of your MARINE POWER 6 THROTTLE AND SHIFT CONTROLS Checkengine the following engine breakin schedule is that movement is not constrictive Verify linkage is adjusted so that engine may reach Wide Open Throttle WOTFirst hour Perform sea trial 7 EXHAUST OIL WATER AND FUELIMPORTANT During the breakin period pay close SYSTEM Inspect for leaks Be sure to checkattention to the following steps riser bolt tightness after 10 hours and every 50 hours of operation Refer to Maintenance1 OIL LEVEL Check the oil level before each Schedule engine start up and every eight 8 hours of continuous operation It should be understood that internal combustion engines will use a certain 10 HOUR SER VI CE amount of oil during operation as a cooling and lubricating agent especially during breakin It is very important to retighten exhaust period Oil consumption should decrease after manifold riser bolts after 10 hours of operation approximately 100 hours of operation Failure to do so can cause nonwarrantable engine The space between the FULL andADD marks on the dipstick represent one quart It isnot necessary to add oil unless the level is at or belowthe ADD mark 23 11 GENERAL INFORMATION ENGINE ROTATION PROPELLER W ARNI NGDirectional references used in this section are givenas if standing behind the boat looking forward WARNING MARINE POWER does not warranty front of boat is bow items damaged due to detonation The propeller selected should allow the engine to operate at or rear of boat is stern near the recommended wide open throttle RPM right side is starboard range with a normal load Wide Open Throttle left side is port RPM range is listed in Engine Specification SectionThe raw water or seawater pump is located at thefront of the engine on the crankshaft pulley Enginerotation can be determined by looking at the stern end WARNING Using a propeller too large will notof the engine and observing the flywheel rotation Do allow the engine to reach its rated RPM rangenot assume engine rotation by looking at the propeller which will create an overloaded condition androtation it may not be the same This information is possible destructive detonation that can becritical when ordering parts for your engine harmful to the engines performance and lifeLeft Hand Engines CCW or Normal RotationRight Hand Engines CW or Opposite Rotation PROPELLER INFORMATION Diameter pitch or coupling of a propeller will affect engine rpm and boat performance Configuration of the blade also effects performance Even propellers from different manufacturers with the same pitch and diameter will perform differently Testing for a correct propeller is accomplished by operating the boat with an average load at Wide Open Throttle WOT rpms should be at the high end of the specified range and checked with an accurate tachometer This will allow the engine not to fall below the rpm specified range under a heavy load condition If the engine rpm is above or below the specified range a change in the diameter andor pitch of the propeller is required Newly installed engines operating 100 300 RPM below wide open throttle is usually a propeller problem24 SECTION THREE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 12 Routine Maintenanc e 2636 How To Use This Section 26 Please Be Carefu l 26 Troubleshootin g 26 Crankcase Oil Chang e 26 Ambient Oil Temperature 27 Oil Filte rs 27 Starter Top Mount Only 28 Flame Arresto r 28 Carburetor Fuel Filte r 28 Changing Carburetor Fuel FilterHolley 28 Water Separating Fuel Filte r 29 Changing FuelWater Filte r 29 GForce Fuel System 29 Battery Cables 29 Multiple Engine Battery PrecautionsEFI 30 Alternation Belt Tensio n 30 Checking Belt Tension 30 Delco EST Ignition Using Timing Tool Carbureted Engine 31 Engine TuneUp s 32 Raw Water Cooled Engines 32 Closed Cooling System 32 Filling Closed Cooling System 32 Extended Storage and Storage in Below Freezing Temps 33 Fogging Procedures 34 Returning Engine To Service After Extended Storage 3413 Scheduled Maintenance By Owne r 3514 Scheduled Maintenance By Qualified Technician 36 25 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Performance could be sacrificed without original HOW TO USE THI S SECTI ON Marine Power parts or parts recommended by Marine Power A marine environment is a toughThis manual provides basic information on routine one Parts subjected to salt water can of Marine Power engines Whether the corrode and engine failure could result Warrantyreader is an experienced marine mechanic or a first on Marine Power Engines could also be affected iftime boat owner we strongly suggest you thoroughly other than recommended replacement parts areread these procedures BEFORE you attempt any usedprocedure Make sure you are familiar with the toolssuggested and the methods recommended Safety is TROUB LESHOOTI NGour first concern If repair required is beyond yourexpertise please contact your dealer or other If a problem is detected contact your Marine Power dealer first He is trained to diagnosisThis manual contains guidelines to convey a particular your problem and handle warranty repairlevel of risk NOTE Some of the remedies described should DANGER HAZARDS THAT WILL RESULT IN be attempted by qualified personnel SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH WARNING HAZARDS THAT COULD RESULT IN SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH Please refer to the Guide section CAUTION HAZARDS WHICH COULD RESULT Remember that a problem is not normally caused IN MINOR INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE only by one part but by the relation of one part with other parts This list cannot give all possible problems and corrections The serviceman must P LEASE B E CAR EFUL find the problem and its source then make the necessary repairs A normal ignition and fuel system components on schedule has been prepared to help the operatorMarine Power engines comply with US Coast Guard care for his or her new engineUSCG Rules and Regulations to minimize risks of fireand explosion Use of replacement electrical ignition Following this schedule will help the owner get theand fuel components which do not comply with these most troublefree operation of his new enginerules and regulations could result in a fire or explosionand must be avoided The electrical and ignition CR ANK CASE OI L CHAN GEsystem is capable of violent electrical shock the battery cables when performing anywork where the cables could touch IMPORTANT Start engine and operate until normal temperature is reached Warm oil flowsTake care to properly install and tighten all components more freely carrying away more impurities Removewhen servicing the electrical ignition and fuel systems the oil into a suitable container Some oil will remainIf the installation is not correct sparks could ignite fuel in the pan and engine It is a small quantity and willvapors from the fuel system make the new oil appear usedIf you are doing repair work around the intake or WARNING The Federal Water Pollution Controlexhaust openings always protect those openings Act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily waste intoagainst foreign matter entering the cylinders or upon the navigable waters and contiguous zone of the United States if such dischargeCare must be taken to use exact replacement parts causes a film upon or discoloration of theDamage could result if mismatched If a grade 5 hex surface of the water or causes an emulsion orhead bolt is removed the same grade 5 hex head bolt sludge beneath the surface of the watermust be replaced If you cannot reuse the same bolt Violators are subject to a penalty of 5000do not improvise26 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued NOTE For All High Performance Engines Carbureted CAUTION and MPI Please refer to Maintenance Schedule for specific intervals to check engine crankcase oil This DO NOT overfill crankcase with oil Agitation or type of engine will normally use a certain amount of oil to splashing of oil may cause it to become aerated cool and lubricate during operation therefore oil which will effect oil pressure and may result in consumption will be higher These engines are equipped internal engine damage from lack of lubrication with forged aluminum pistons designed to withstand Oil being splashed by reciprocating engine parts higher horsepower output Since the pistons are forged onto the walls of the cylinder in greater quantity they require increased piston to cylinder bore clearance than the rings can control will subsequently be to accomodate for higher causing drawn into the combustion chamber and burned additional oil consumption during wide open throttle operation It is not uncommon for these types of high Continuous operation under these conditions can performance engines to use up to one 1 quart of oil per cause carbon to form on chamber surfaces which 15 hours of during this type of operation will adversely affect engine performance and may lead to premature engine repair OI L FI LTER SStart engine and run for 5 minutes to circulate oilthroughout Inspect entire engine for leakage Shut NOTE Lay a towel or catch basin under the filtersoff engine and wait 5 minutes for oil to drain back into to catch any spilled oilpan Check level with dipstick Add oil to proper levelif needed 1 Unscrew old filter by using a oil filter wrench and turn counter clockwise Once removedMarine Power does not recommend the use of clean mounting base Be sure old gasket nondetergent type oils Oils that removed from mounting basecontain solid additives or low quality oils otherthan 20W40 or 20W50 are also not 2 Apply thin film of oil do not use grease to gasket Be sure gasket is seated properly in base of filterThe following is a guideline for crankcase oil selectionfor ambient terperatures A new oil filter should also 3 Hand tighten filter plus turn after gasketbe included with your oil change contacts mounting base Use a filter wrench is necessary Do not over tighten 4 Check to see that oil shows FULL on AM B I ENT OI L TEM P ER ATUR E dipstick Start engine Run for approximately 5 minutes and inspect for leaks 5 Shut off engine and wait 5 minutes for oil to drain back into pan Check level with dipstick Add oil to proper level if needed ALWAYS CONTACT YOUR NEAREST MARINE POWER SERVICING DEALER IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM 27 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued STAR TER TOP M OUN T ON LY Starters are notorious for problems due to moistureand Marine Power uses a topmounted rearentry starter on most Sportpac and Jetpac modelsthat reduces starter problems and is more lubricating oil on the starter pinion and shaft1 Remove rubber plug A in flywheel housing2 Spray lubrication oil through hole and replace rubber plug CA R B UR ETOR FUEL FI LTER WARNING Do not perform this task while engine is hot Gasoline vapors are highly explosive under certain conditions IMPORTANT Lay an absorbent towel under the fuel line connection at the carburetor to absorb fuel Dispose of properly CHAN GI N G CAR B UR ETOR FUEL FI LTER FLAM E AR R ESTORClean the flame arrestor regularly1 Remove wingnut E from top of flame arrestor cover Remove weather cover B Remove breather hose from flame arrestor Remove flame arrestor C from engine2 Clean with a suitable solvent and blow dry3 Reverse steps to assemble HOLLEY28 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued W ATER SEP AR ATI NG FUEL FI LTER B ATTERY CAB LESIMPORTANT Lay an absorbent towel under the fuel line WARNING Do not recharge a weak battery inconnection at the carburetor to absorb fuel Dispose of a boat Remove and recharge in a area away from fuel vapors sparks or flames1 Unscrew old filter by using a oil filter wrench and Electrical systems in a marine environment require turning Once removed clean periodic attention Continued use of a weak battery or mounting base dirty terminals can cause solenoid or starter problems Clean battery and terminals every 100 hours Note the2 For EFI equipped engines fill 34 full with clean condition of your battery cables When reconnecting fresh gasoline before reinstalling filter battery cables make sure that the RED cable is on the terminal and the BLACK cable is on the 3 Hand tighten plus turn new filter by turning terminal Black is ground filter clockwise after gasket contacts mounting base Use a oil filter wrench if necessary DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN4 Start engine and inspect for leaks CHANGI NG FUEL W ATER FI LTER GFOR CE FUEL SY STEM1 Position catch basin under filter2 Remove drain plug3 Unscrew cannister bowl4 Pull element down from pump5 Push new element Part 425611 on pump until click is felt6 Replace oring included with filter7 Reinstall cannister bowl on unitsnug tight only8 Two 10second key ups should prime system 29 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued and adjust tension by pivoting alternator When M ULTI P LE EN GI N E B ATTER Y correct tension is achieved tighten alternator P R ECAUTI ONS EFI mounting screwThe alternator is designed to charge the battery that Serpentine belt system maintains tension with asupplies electrical power to the engine When springloaded tensioner Normally nobatteries for two separate engines are connected onealternator will supply all the charging current for both maintenance is In normal instances the other will not be required to supply any charging CHECK I NG B ELT TENSI ONcurrentThe Electronic Control Module ECM requires asteady stable voltage source In multiple an electrical onboard device may cause asudden drain of voltage at the engines battery Thevoltage may go below the ECMs minimum of nine 9 volts and the idle alternator on theother engine may now start charging This couldcause a voltage spike in the engines In these cases the ECM could shut offWhen the voltage returns to the required rangethe ECM will reset itself The engine shouldbegin to run normally However this ECM shutdown occurs so rapidly that the engine justappears to have an ignition miss In multiEFIpower packages each engine must beconnected to its own battery This provides therequired voltage source for the ECMIn these applications where battery switches areused it is important that each switch bepositioned to allow each engine to run off its ownindividual battery DO NOT run engines with thebattery switches in BOTH or ALL positionsThis will allow the other engines battery to beused in case of emergency to start the enginewith the dead battery ALTERNATOR B ELT TENSI ON WARNING Make sure ignition key is removed and engine is not running before inspecting beltsTo check belt tension press down on beltmidway between the alternator pulley and thecirculating pump pulley The belt should inch If belt depresses more thanonehalf inch loosen alternator mounting screw30 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued 7 Tighten distributor clamp to hold in position DELCO EST IGNITION when initial timing is obtained 8 Recheck timing USI NG THE TI M I NG TOOL Carbureted Engine 9 Remove the timing tool from distributorFor EFI Engines Refer to EFI Section 10 Check total timing at 4000 RPM See Engine Specifications SectionThe timing tool is used in setting the initial enginetiming on MARINE POWER carbureted engines This 11 Disconnect and remove the timing lightconnector bypasses the electronic spark timing ofthe engine and allows the initial timing to be adjustedby rotating the distributor Use the become familiar with entire beginningThe ignition timing marks are located on the enginesfront cover A saw slot on the balancer at TDC Top Dead Center Adjust ignitiontiming as follows1 Connect a timing light to the number one 1 spark plug wire Connect the timing light power lead to a 12 volt power source DO NOT CONNECT TO 12 VOLTS ON ALTERNATOR2 Start engine and allow to warm to operating temperature Bring engine to idle 650800 RPM3 WHILE ENGINE IS RUNNING install the timing tool supplied with your engine into the terminal connector on the distributor4 Loosen distributor clamp just enough to rotate distributor in placeNote An adjustable timing light is required to setinitial and total timing5 Secure the bare wire and of the timing tool to battery positive voltage the most convenient location of this voltage is on the cranking motor solenoid If desired a suitable clip such as an alligator clip may be permanently attached to the bare wire end of the timing tool to hold it in place6 Rotate distributor to set mechanical timing REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION OF THIS MANUAL FOR CORRECT TOTAL AND INITIAL TIMING FOR YOUR ENGINE 31 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Continued The cooling system does require certain preventative ENGI NE TUNEUP S maintenance to keep it in optimum operating to Maintenance Chart for tuneup schedules Zinc Anode Your cooling system is equipped with a1 Disconnect battery terminals zinc anode that is approximately 2 long This anode should be inspected for deterioration after the first 102 Remove distributor cap and inspect for corrosion hours of operation Inspect again after 50 hours of on the electrodes cracks and wear Replace if operation and every 50 hours thereafter necessary Recovery Bottle The plastic recovery bottle is3 Spray interior of distributor with a moisture attached to the heat exchanger tank on most displacing product models and fills with coolant during operation when the internal water temperature is higher If necessary4 Reinstall rotor and cap and tighten add coolant only when engine is cold5 Replace spark plugs Check gap Refer to Filler Neck and Pressure Cap DO NOT remove Engine Specification Section pressure cap when engine is HOT If coolant is low add the proper mixture 50 water50 antifreeze to6 Check spark plug wires for deterioration andor the top of the filler neck located on the heat damage Replace if necessary to assure exchanger tank If coolant is consistently low maximum running efficiency additional inspection for leaks in the cooling system may be required7 Spray carburetor and control linkages with a light oil product8 Inspect pump impeller and alternator belt9 Refer to timing procedures to set timing10 Check zinc anodes in fresh water cooling tank seasonally if equipped Replace if more than half is eroded R AW W ATER COOLED ENGI NESRaw water cooled engines are cooled by pumping FILLING CLOSED COOLING water from water inlet seacock orstern drive leg in to engine and out through exhausts SAFETY WARNING Do not remove pressureThis water must be drained for freezer protection cap when engine is hot Coolant is underSee Raw Water Cooling Diagram for your specific pressure and may be forced out causing personalengine injury After engine is cooled remove cap slowly to allow pressure to escape CLOSED COOLI NG SY STEM IMPORTANT The closed cooling system mustThe closed cooling system is designed to provide remain filled yearround with the proper life to your new Marine Power engine Your of 50 antifreeze50 water to assure will operate at a different temperature range of system during the lowest exposedfrom a raw water cooled engine Please refer to the engine specification page for propercooling ranges32 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE CLOSED COOLING SYSTEM Continued CAUTION Insure that all drain plugs are installed and Do not operate engine without water being tightened supplied to the sea water pump as pump impeller Fill heat exchanger tank with 5050 and engine will be damaged mixture After initial fill start engine and continue filling heat exhanger Engine must be purged of air by bleeding system Engines 1 Shut down engine and change engine oil and may be bled in a variety of ways however the filters Refer to Normal Maintenance Section follow bleed points are suggested 30L181 Side Mount Full System Heat V6V8 blocks must be drained on both sides Drain exchanger cap is sufficient plug locations are as follows 43L57L Front Mount Full System Heat 30L181 Single plug on port side of lower exchanger cap is sufficient block 43L57L Rear Mount Full System Carbureted Plug on Disconnect hose from top of circulating water lower center portion of block on each side pump 43L57L EFI Knock sensor is located in port 60L Side Mount Full System Air bleed on block drain Sensor must be removed for starboard exhaust manifold draining and retorqued to 22 ftlb When re 81L Side Mount Full System Open pet installed cock on water tube crossover and remove 60L Plug on starboard side is vertically 18 plug on top of heat exchanger at rear of located on lower block Use 8mm Allen engine wrench to remove Plug on port side is parallel 74L82L Front Mount Full System Heat to lower block surface Use 17mm Allen exchanger cap is sufficient wrench to remove 74L82L Rear Mount Full System 81L Plug on each side of lower center block Disconnect hose from top of circulating water Use 8mm Allen wrench to remove pump Bleeds should be left open until all sign of air Reinstall hose on circulating pump after system bubbles disappear Engines bled at cap must be has drained completely Coat all plug threads with ran 2000 rpm with cap ope to bleed all air 60L sealant and reinstall into proper locations and 81L engines are difficult to purge Use Remove engine oil and transmission cooler drain caution thermostat must open to remove all air plugs this process may take ten 10 minutes Continue Remove hoses from sea water pump if applicable filling the heat exchanger after bleeds are closed Remove circulating pump hose and all exhaust After themostat has opened and heat exchanger is manifold drain plugs Drain engine completely topped off install heat exchanger cap Fill plastic reservoir full 3 Any engine stored for thirty 30 days or longer Check for leaks after finished fill procedures needs a fuel stabilizer We recommend that STABIL be added to the fuel per the manu facturers directions This will prevent the formation of harmful varnish in the fuel system EXTENDED STOR AGE AND STOR AGE I N B ELOW FR EEZI NG TEM P ERATUR ES 4 Fog engine Refer to Fogging Procedures 5 Reconnect suction hose to sea water inletRAW WATER COOLED ENGINES See Raw Water Cooling Diagram for your engine WARNING These operations should be CAUTION performed only by qualified marine service personnel Do not use 100 water or antifreeze as engine coolant Overheating and engine damage willNote Raw water cooling requires no filling result 33 12 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE COOLING ENGINES 1 Check that all engine drain plugs are installed and seacock on water inlet is open Check coolant1 Follow raw water drawing procedure except for the levels following Draining manifolds are not necessary unless 2 Check all hoses to make sure they are properly closed system is half system type as on connected and clamps are tightened 5057V EL models Engine block does not need draining 3 Inspect bilge area and around engine for nesting Circulating water pump hose does not need to creatures signs of leakage or physical damage be removed2 Remove end caps on heat exchanger Inspect for 4 Clean battery cables and install a fully charged debris and trapped water battery Attach red wire to positive terminal3 Refill closed cooling system according to and black wire to negative terminal It is instructions in Filling Closed Cooling System recommended that a anticorrosion battery terminal section spray be use to coat terminal connections 5 After engine is started monitor gauges to insure FOGGI NG P R OCEDUR ES engine is operating in normal operating procedure necessary for carbureted modelsonly 6 After engine has reached normal operating temperature inspect engine for leaks such as fuel1 Remove flame arrestor cover and flame arrestor exhaust water and oil2 Start engine and run at 1500 to 2000 RPM3 Pour approximately one 1 cup of rust preventive oil or if not available SAE 20W motor oil into carburetor CAUTION Do not pour an excessive amount of oil into the carburetor at one time This can cause engine to stall andor create a hydraulic lock condition in a cylinder resulting in engine damage4 Turn ignition switch off5 Clean flame arrestor and reinstall on engine with cover6 Cover complete carburetor assembly with plastic bag to prevent moisture from entering carburetor during storage R ETUR NI NG ENGI NE TO SERVI CE AFTER EXTENDED STOR AGEIf you followed the storage procedure the new seasonstartup time should be minimal Please do thefollowing before attempting to start your engine34 13 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE BY OWNER ENG INE AFT ER FIRST EVER Y 50 EVER Y 100 SERVICE ST ART UP 10 HOUR S OF HOUR S OF HOUR S OF EAC H DAY OPER AT ION OPER AT ION OPER AT ION CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL U U INSPECT FUEL LINES AND CONNECTIONS FOR LEAKS U U CHECK COOLANT LEVEL IN TANK IF EQUIPPED WITH CLOSED COOLING U U INSPECT AND CLEAN SEA STRAINER IF EQUIPPED U U INSPECT ENTIRE POWER PACKAGE FOR LEAKS WATER FUEL OIL EXHAUST ETC U U U INSPECT BELTS FOR TENSION AND WEAR U U U INSPECT BATTERY TERMINALS AND FLUID LEVELS U U U CHECK BATTERY CONNECTION TO ENGINE U U U TOUCH UP EXTERIOR SURFACE WITH MARINE POWER PAINT U U U INSPECT ZINC ANODES IN HEAT EXCHANGER FOR DETERIORATION IF EQUIPPED WITH U U U CLOSED COOLING CHECK POWER STEERING FLUID IF EQUIPPED U CHECK TRANSMISSION FLUID LEVEL U U U LUBRICATE STARTER PINION AND SHAFT U U ENGINE STARTUP EACH DAY AND ONCE EVERY EIGHT 8 HOURS OF OPERATION 3514 SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE BY QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN AFT ER FIRST EVER Y 50 EVER Y 100 AT LEAST SERVICE 10 HOUR S OF HOUR S OF HOUR S OF ONC E EAC H OPER AT ION OPER AT ION OPER AT ION Y EAR CHANGE ENGINE OIL AND FILTERS U U U CHANGE FILTER ON FUELWATER SEPARATOR U U CHECK ENGINE MOUNTS TIGHTNESS U U U CHECK RISER AND MANIFOLD BOLTS FOR TIGHTNESS U U U U CHECK FOR LOOSE DAMAGED OR MISSING ENGINE PARTS U U CHECK WIRE HARNESS PLUGS FOR CORROSION AND CONNECTIONS U U INSPECT DISTRIBUTOR FOR CRACKS OR DETERIORATION U U CHECK CONDITION OF SPARK PLUGS REPLACE IF NECESSARY U U INSPECT HOSES FOR DETERIORATION U U REPLACE IMPELLER IN SEAWATER PUMP U U CHECK PROPELLER AND SHAFT ALIGNMENT U CHECK AND ADJUST IGNITION TIMING Carbureted Engine Only U CHECK AND ADJUST CARBURETOR U CLEAN AND INSPECT FLAME ARRESTOR AND CRANK CASE VENT HOSE U U CLEAN AND INSPECT CARBURETOR FILTER U U CHANGE TRANSMISSION FLUID U CHANGE COOLANT IF EQUIPPED WITH CLOSED COOLING U CLEAN SEAWATER SECTION OF HEAT EXCHANGER U36 SECTION FOUR ENGINE DIAGRAMS15 Coolant Flow Diagram Raw Water Cooling 181 3816 Coolant Flow Diagram Raw Water Cooling V6V8 3917 Coolant Flow Diagram Closed Cooling 181 4018 Coolant Flow Diagram Closed Cooling Front Mount V6V8 4119 Coolant Flow Diagram Closed Cooling Rear Mount V6V8 4220 Primary Engine Wiring Harness Fuel Pump 4321 Shift Assist Wiring Diagram Carbureted Merc Early OMC 4422 TBI Shift Interrupt Wiring Diagram 4423 Initial Timing Jumper Wiring Diagram 4524 Shift Interrupt OMC 4525 EFI Primary Engine Wiring Harness 4626 EFI Secondary Engine Wiring Harness 4727 Engine Instrument Panel Wiring 48 3715 COOLANT FLOW DIAGRAM RAW WATER COOLING SYSTEM 1813818 COOLANT FLOW DIAGRAM CLOSED COOLING FRONT MOUNT 181 4126 EFI SECONDARY WIRING HARNESS 47 SECTION FIVE GUIDE28 Guide5054 Engine Will Not Turn Over 50 Engine Cranks But Will Not Start 50 Engine Starts and Stops Carbureted 50 Engine Starts and Stops EFI 50 Engine Runs Poorly At Idle and Acceleration 51 Engine Runs Poorly At High RPM 51 High Speed Miss 51 Fuel System Ric h 52 Fuel System Lean 52 Poor Fuel Economy 52 Oil Pressure Low 52 Oil Pressure High 53 Excessive Oil Consumption 53 Engine Overheating 53 Water In Engine Cylinder or Bas e 5429 Excessive Oil Consumption Chart 5530 Warranty Registration Transfer Form 56 SERVICING DEALERS Servicing Dealers Information 57 49 28 GUIDEThe following hints are not all inclusive but are the most common found In all cases if thecause of the problem is outside your capability to repair or correct contact your dealerEngine Will Not Turn Over POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Low Battery or Bad Connection Check Charge Replace Requires 12 14 Volts Faulty Battery Cable Trip Circuit Breaker Faulty Neutral Switch Bad Starter Solenoid or Motor Faulty Fuel Pump Shift control in Gear Faulty Relay Solenoid Hydro Lock Remove spark plug look for water in the cylinderEngine Cranks But Will Not Start POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Faulty Fuel Pump Check Charge Replace Requires 12 14 Volts Blown Fuel Pump Fuse Faulty Oil Pressure Switch Replace Insufficient Fuel Supply Check Fuel Supply Shut Off Valve Check Fuel Filter Insufficient Cranking RPMs Check Battery Voltage Check Distributor Cap Rotor Replace Fouled Plugs Replace Engine Timing Retime Correct Firing Order Check Correct Low Compression Bad Old Fuel Fouled Carburetor ENSURE A TUNE UP IS DONE EVERY 100 HOURS OR EVERY SEASONEngine Starts and Stops Carbureted POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Cold Engine When engine starts move throttle to a higher rpm Carburetor Only Engine Idle Too Slow Adjust Choke Carbureted Engine Only Faulty Key Switch Faulty Carburetor Check in line filter Check carburetor filter Internal Failure Starts and Stops EFI POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Faulty Fuel Pump Operation Verify fuel supply and return not reversed Verify fuel supply and Vapor Lock pickup not sucking air Insufficient Fuel Supply5028 GUIDEEngine Runs Poorly At Idle and CAUSE Firing Order Check Adjust Ignition TimingChoke Spark Carburetor Check for sticking or burnt valve or broken valve springInternal Cylinder Head ProblemEngine Surge Stall Lack Power Carburetor float adjustment Power Piston Leaking GasketsEngine Runs Poorly At High RPMPOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYLow Grade or Old Fuel Check Clean TimingIn Need of a TuneUPIgnition CoilEngine Fuel Tank VentRestricted AntiSiphon ExhaustLow PERFORMANCE CAN BE GREATLY AFFECTED BY BOAT HULL AND PROP CONDITIONHigh Speed MissPOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYWater in fuel Inspect Clean ReplaceClogged fuel fuel supplySpark plug or wiresFaulty distributor ModuleLoose ignition coilIgnition timing Total fuel pumpLoose electrical connection at 5128 GUIDEFuel System RichPOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYDirty Clogged Flame Arrester Check Clean Float Gasket LeakingReturn Line Not Directed Back ToTankFuel System LeanPOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYEmpty Fuel TankVapor LockAutomatic choke Stuck open adjustPoor Fuel CAUSE REMEDYBoat Hull Dirty Clean Check Prop Size or DamageClogged Flame ArresterTune upLow Engine Running Too Hot or ColdIncorrect Fuel GradeBoat OverloadWeight Spark Plug or GapInitial or Advanced Timing WrongPlugged or Restricted ExhaustOil Pressure LowPOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYLow oil level in crankcase Refer to owner manual for correct oil oil in crankcase Remove excess oil Refer to owner manual for correct oil oil gauge readings Contact dealer to perform a mechanical oil pressure checkIncorrect DipstickOil line position and oil viscosity or dilutedOil Pump leakExcessive Bearing Clearance Rod Cam or Main BearingsEngine oil pressure as low as of 5 pounds at idle is acceptable At 2000 rpm 30 pounds is acceptable52 28 GUIDEOil Pressure High POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Oil too thick Wrong Viscosity Change oil Erroneous oil gauge readings Contact dealer to perform a mechanical oil pressure check Clogged or restricted oil passage Contact dealer Oil valve relief valve stuck closed Contact Oil Consumption POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY External Leak Clean Check Adjust Excessive oil in crankcase Oil Fuel dilution Extended excessive RPMs Incorrect oil viscosity Incorrect dipstick Excessive oil temperature Defective oil cooler Remote oil lines installed wrong Engine breather tubes blocked Defective piston rings Defective Cylinders Excessive bearing Clearance The amount of oil used is greatly dependent upon engine speed Oil usage will be greater at higher rpmsEngine Overheating VERIFY IF ENGINE IS ACTUALLY OVERHEATING POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY Clogged seawater intake Clear intake Ensure that all hoses after the intake are clear Clogged seawater strainer Improperly installed strainer Loose hose connections Tighten hose connections Seawater hose kinked or collapsed Water turbulence under boat Defective thermostat Seawater pump impeller worn Obstruction in cooling system Replace seasonally Engine circulating pump defective Low coolant level Antifreeze not properly mixed Heat exchanger core plugged Mix to a 50 50 ratio 5328 GUIDEEngine Overheating IF ENGINE IS ACTUALLY CAUSE REMEDYWater hoses reversed Mix to a 50 50 ratioExhaust riser cooler blockedAir leak in hose Riser should be changed every three to four yearsSlipping circulating pump beltHead gasket failure See dealerWater In Engine Cylinder or BasePOSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDYOperator error See Boaters Beware REMOVE water from engine restricted or blocked Repair or Replace REMOVE water from engine and exhaust too low inboat Redesign add riser spacers REMOVE water from engine exhaust riser gasket Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine exhaust manifold orriser Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine head gasket leak Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine block or cylinder head Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine manifold gasket Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine engine rotation Contact dealer REMOVE water from engine water by removing spark plugs and turning the engine over by hand Once water is removed spray cylinder withMarvel Mystery Oil or two cycle engine oil Drain all the oil and change the oil filters Again turn the engine over byhand to circulate the oil Contact your dealer immediately to make the required repairs Upon completion of repairsrun the engine and again change the oil5429 EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION CHART CAUSE Oil Consumption One quart of oil consumed within 515 hours of wideopen throttle operation is normalOil Level Too HighOil Leak Clean bilge put clean white towel on bilge floor and run engine to locate oil leaksOil Too Thin Oil diluted or wrong Head Drain Holes Plugged Oil will flood valve Valve SealsLeaking Intake Manifold GasketWorn Valve Guides or Valve StemsDefective Piston Rings Worn stuck glazed scuffed improperly installed ring grooves worn improper breakin Wrong end gapDefective Cylinders Scored tapered glazed out of round Excessive piston to cylinder clearance cracked Bearing Oil Cooler if equipped Crack in cooler tubes 55 WARRANTY REGISTRATION TRANSFER g PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM WHEN ENGINE OWNERSHIP HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED gTRANSFER REGISTRATION TO DAT E OF T RANSFER M M D D Y Y ENG INE SER IAL ENG INE SER IAL IF DUAL APPLIC AT ION LAST NAM E FIRST NAM E M ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP NEW OW NERS PHONE NU M BER A C PH ON E PLEASE ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN THE AMOUNT OF 5000 PER ENGINE TO BETRANSFERRED YOU MAY PAY BY CREDIT CARD COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW VISA MASTERCARDCard Number Exp Date Name As It Appears On the Credit Card Signature Mail completed form to Warranty Registration Transfer Marine Power 17506 Marine Power Industrial Park Ponchatoula LA 70454Your application will be processed and a new warranty card will be sent in approximately three 3weeks from receipt of this transfer application56 SERVICING DEALERS SERVICING DEALERSNote If You Are Unable to Locate a Independent Servicing Dealer Please Contact a Marine Power Distributor Closest to You for Further Assistance 57 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE RECORD OPERATING DATE PERFORMED PERFORMED BY HOURS58
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