' Autohelm Raymarine: St50 Speed St50 Wind Speed'
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Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon orRTN in this manual should be interpreted as RaymarineThe names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company ST50 SPEED Installation and Operation Nautech Limited Anchorage Park Portsmouth Hampshire PO3 5TD England Telephone 0705 693611 Telex 86364 NAUTEC GContents1 Specifications 22 Control Head Installation 321 Siting 322 Mounting Procedure 323 Power Supply 424 Connection to Adjacent Instruments 425 Connection to Separated Instruments 426 Ring Connection 527 Connection to SeaTalk Compatible Autopilots 53 Transducer installation 631 Connection to Instrument32 Transducer Selection 33 Transducer Installation 64 Fault Finding 85 Maintenance51 Control Head52 Through Hull Transducers53 Cabling6 Operation 1061 Set Up 10611 Measurement Units 10612 Display Contrast Adjustment 1162 Illumination 1163 Display Sequence SPEED 1264 Display Sequence TRIP 1265 Display Sequence TIMER 137 Log Calibration 1471 Manual Calibration 1472 Automatic Calibration 151 Specifications 2 Control Head nstallationThe ST50 Speed can be used as a standalone Specifications 39mm Note Tlie back cover is designed to breath 0 Power Supply 1 lhtn 433111 15in through a duct in the cable boss to or when connected to the SeaTalk ii 1 tcbus can supply information to a Multi Function 11V to 16V DC at 50ma illumination off 24mm moisture a Tridata Repeater or any SeaTalk l Operating Autohelm Autopilot 0C to t70c 22 Mounting Procedure Fig 1 Both the Multi Function Display and Tridata 0 Size 1lOmm 433in x 1lOmm 433in x The mounting surface must be smooth and flatRepeater have an NMEA standard output 24mm lin Overall depth 39mm 15in 0 Use the template provided to mark theproviding speed information to other onboard 0 Computer centres of the two fixing holes and equipment 8 bit Intel Microprocessor t 8K Rom boss The timer functions operate independantly 0 Display Note Adjacent units should have a 6mm 14inallowing boat speed and log information to be Custom dot matrix7 segment liquid separation to allow room for the whilst the timer is running crystal display LCD covers l Boat Speed 0 Drill to 4mm 5132in diameterNote It is not possible to use the ST50 Speed as 0 to 60 knots depending on transducer 21 Siting 0 Use a 50mm 2in diameter cutter to drill thea repeater unit without a transducer input 0 Average Speed The ST50 speed instrument is designed for hole for the central boss 1 When a dedicated repeater is required use 0 to 60 knots above or below deck installation 0 Screw the two fixing studs 2 into the backthe ST50 Multi Function Display l Maximum Speed Position where it is cover 0 to 60 knots user resettable Resets on 0 Easy to read by the helmsman l Pass the cable tails through the central hole powerdown 0 Reasonably well protected from physical and secure the instrument with the thumb Log damage nuts provided 3 A sealing gasket 4 is already 0 to 99999nm promenantly stored 0 At least 230mm gin from a compass attached to the back cover 0 Trip Log 0 At least 500mm 20in from radio receiving 0 to 999nm user resettable Resets on equipment Bracket Mounting Fig 2 powerdown 0 Accessable from behind to secure in place As an alternative to surface mounting a bracket 0 Sea Temperature and run cables mounting kit Cat No 9130 is available to allow 10C to 40C 14 to 104F 0 Normally viewed straight on for best display the Instruments to be bracket mounted l Timer legability 0 to 100 hours countup 10 minute countdown 5 minute countdown 0 Illumination 3 levels and OFF user selectable 0 Unit Selection Speed in MPH or knots user selectable Distance in NM or statute miles user selectable 0 Distance Lost Function Indicates distance lost during a Tack in either feet or metres 23 Power Supply Fig 3 24 Connection to Adjacent Fig 5 26 Ring Connection lnstruments Fig 4 insrarrarrons with a iarge number ot tnstruments I 0 I ransducer Fig 4 To Transduce1 To Transducer Cat No 0131 on the SeaTalk bus may require a second ring cz1 9m 3011 supplied main connection to the Power Supply to avoid w 11 excessive voltage drops This can be checked using the table below Ra lalk Tails SeaTalk Tails The second connection should be made to the All instruments receive both power and spare lead on the last instrument and led back information from the SeaTalk bus Each to the circuit breaker instrument has two SeaTalk connectors 3 pm on short 15Omm in tails to allow adjacent units to simply plug together 27 Connection to SeaTalk Compatible Autopilots Fig 6Power y ce 25 Connection to Separated If the vessels installation includes a SeaTalk Compatible Autopilot the ST50 instruments may 2m 6ft htruments Fig 5 be connected into the SeaTalk bus at any point Red s12v Separated instruments are connected using the No separate connection to the 12V power supply Screen ov SeaTalk Extension Cable Cat No 0131 This is Scre is necessary as the instruments will receive supplied with a SeaTalk connector fitted to each power via the bus from the autopilot course end and with a junction box to rejoin the cable if computer Jest installations only require one connection to it is cut to ease routing or for shortening he 12V power supply If preferred any 2 core screen cable which This is connected to the first SeaTalk has the following specification may be used in nstrument using the 2 metre cable supplied the place of the SeaTalk cable Plug the connector into the instrument and ead the other end back to the vessels Minimum Copper Area AWG listribution panel Cut the cable to length onnect directly to the distribution panel and Screen 05mm 22 jrotect with a 5A circuit breaker Connect the 2 Cores 05mm2 22 ed wire to t 12V and the screen to OV The Computer BUS ellow wire should be cut back and insulated Longer runs to the power supply can be made rsing the SeaTalk Extension Cable Cat No 1131 which is 9m 3Oft long To any fher ST50 Instruments or Autopilot Control Units3 Transducer Installation31 Connection to instrument 33 Transducer Installation Installation Fig 9 1cl PTCn CA IlLOLJIJJGG L A Ucl113Llx I I I ai MSCJ A tww L LIC lrl 1113LI LLllIzi IAL 3Jpllt Wllll n q d111111 I 111 3mt o tJllL Ill La IIlC LI 111 LL LIK 11J tItttcable tail with connector Each transducer is the transducer completely before proceeding position and check both inside and out thatsupplied with 14m 45ft of cable and the with the installation the siting is goodconnector fitted on the end simply plugs into the Installation of the through hull type is l Use a 50mm 2in diameter cutter to drill theinstrument cable tail Fig 7 described below hole from the outside l Emery to remove burrs and roughen the Siting Fig 8 surface to provide a good key Clean inside and outside the hull removing any grease Fig 8 with a weak solvent cleaner or household Sailing Yacht detergent D Semi Displacement 43 Speed Planing 4 Hole Size c 50mm 2in Dia SPEED 2095 and Transducer q l Remove the paddlewheel assembly and nut from the through hull fitting 2 and apply32 Transducer Selection sealing compound 3 to the mating flange and up the thread 6mm 114in greater than theThe speed transducers are selected depending For accurate readings the transducer should be hull thicknesson the hull material positioned within the shaded area indicated l Assemble the through hull fitting making sure where it will be in clear flow that the arrow points forward Do not 0 Be ahead of propellors 10 WL length overtighten the nut 1 min l Remove excess sealing compound l Be at least 150mm 6in from the keel in a 0 Insert blanking plug ready for launch sailing yacht ideally ahead of the keel l Check for leaks immediately the vessel is l Be near the centreline launched Recheck within 8 to 24 hours l Be clear of other through hull fittings or projections Cabling l Have sufficient clearance inside the hull to 0 Route the cable back to the instrument allow the nut to be fitted 0 Avoid running the cable close to flourescent l Have 1OOmm 4in headroom above the lights engine radio transmitting equipment through hull fitting to allow it to be etc as these may cause interference withdrawn 0 Keep the cable clear of the bilges and secure at regular intervals 7 64 Fault Finding 5 MaintenanceAll Autohelm products are subject to a 51 Control Head 53 tact I nrwnrm y nrinr rA tn 1 narkino rO a In Ll I 4 Ar rnAr Lcllll LIIILIIIJ cNIlGl1XUII CIJ I AA rnnnTrLnr lnl Kl A lgGrczrand shipment In the unlikely event that a fault appear on the window This will not harm the possible and secure any coiled lengths atdoes arise the following check list should help instrument and can be cleared by switching regular intervalscure the problem on the illumination to the brightest level 0 Avoid running cables close to flourescent 0 Never use any chemical or abrasive materials lights engine radio transmitting equipmentFault Course Action to clean your ST50 Speed Instrument If the etc instrument becomes dirty wipe clean with a l Check cabling for chafing or damage to Display Blank No Supply Check Supply damp cloth casing replace where necessary and Check Cabling and security of SeaTalk resecure Connectors Check FuseBreaker 52 Through Hull Transducers 0 Periodically check the throughhull fitting for Advice Return ST50 Speed for repair Should any difficulties arise please consult leaksNo Speed or Temperature Information Transducer Cabling Problem Check Cabling and security of 0 Keep the Orings of the SpeedLog transducer Nautech Product Support Department in the Transducer Connector and plug well covered with Vaseline ensuring UK or your own National Distributor who willNo Speed Information Transducer Paddle Wheel Clean Paddle Wheel plug is always attached to transducer ready be able to provide expert assistance fouled for immediate useNo exchage of information between SeaTalk Cabling Problem Check security01 SeaTalk Connectors 0 Always replace the SpeedLog Instruments ie illumination Remove Instruments one by one to with the plug whenever the vessel is beinglevels isolate faulty unit hauled out or left for long periods 0 Frequently check SpeedLog transducer forFailure of a groupof Instruments in SeaTalk Check security of SeaTalk Connectors fouling or damagethe SeaTalk Chain problem between functioning and non functioning Instruments 0 Clean the outside of the through hull fitting flange or external transducer face with a stiff brush and protect with a single coat of anti fouling Clean the paddlewheel and exposed end of SpeedLog transducer plug and apply single coat of antifoulingi Operationhe ST50 Speed Instrument can be used as an 61 Set Up 62 mrAln IIIWIG n I rrnr4 WllllGLlci nLr LLIlcil ihe Si30 Speeci is sei up ill iile iaciory io Control of Illumination level is common to alllstruments to provide part of a fully integrated display speed in knots distance in NM and ST50 Instrument Modules The control is system which can be linked to distance lost in feet These can be changed to selected using the lefthand push buttonny of the Autohelm SeaTalk compatible mph statute miles and metres to suit your 0 Push and hold down the Speed button for 1utopilots preference as follows second to switch ON if OFF or to display l Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and 0 Push Reset to change display units between current illumination level if already on Trip together to select calibration mode feet and metres l Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and Trip together toexit calibration mode and store the selected units nulaheln SPEED 612 Display Contrast Adjustment l The LCD viewing angle can be user set to a achieve optimum display legability 0 L Cd TRIP l Momentarily push Speed and Trip together r1 611 Measurement Units 0 Push Speed button within 8 seconds to select required illumination level ItrliiiKIIiil Lamp 3 High Lamp 2 Medium Lamp 1 Low l I Push Reset to change display units between I l Push Reset to increase and Timer to decrease the contrast level 0 Adjust for optimum contrast LampOFF O f f The display will return to previous status after knotsand mph 0 Momentarily push Speed and Trip together to 8 seconds ntP store the display setting Note Increasing the display setting will suit Ll installations where the instrument is normally viewed from below Decrease ii l i c 1 i I i y i j7 Kast l Push Reset to change display units between nautical miles and statute miles TRIP i 1 Level 0 11 63 Display Sequence SPEED l Tack 65 Display Sequence TIMER i fIi i i I IPCCD n J When in Tack mode the ST50 speed instrument l Timerl Boat Speed l Trip Distance gives a measure of lost distance during a tack based on the average speed over the last 30 i j j j c i i j j jj j 1 seconds Push Reset just before starting the I i a tack to start the distance lost function 17 17 4 I I3 RtSlr Lrr r Push Reset for 4 seconds to reset I 1 Push Timer to startstop TRIP i ip 3 ji Push Timer to freeze display indicated by c J I ie is i y flashing colonl Velocity Made Good II I ie 1 1 jj i j II 0 Log l Race Timer jl y il f I p I L 1 1 I j J 1 a 109 a Tack the boat The distance lost will now count up until TRW the boat reaches its average speed on the only displayed if wind data available previous tackl Average Boat Speed L 1 0 Push Reset to reset the function ready for the Push Timer for 1 second to select 10 l Sea Temperature next tack minute countdown ii 1 1 j jj Lj j Push Timer for 3 seconds to select 5 Note The tack function should be reset at least minute countdown B 87 30 seconds before tacking so that the average a3 speed can be accurately calculated 0 Push Reset at anytime to reset I Push Reset to reset Average speed is calculated over a max 24 hour period after reset and then flashes I j j j j j I I L l Maximum Speed ILt rl j j j j p j Note If timer is already running use Timer to 7 4 return to timer display L I Push Reset to reset Display returns to current boat speed after 8 seconds12 132 Log CalibrationAs supplied all ST50 Instrument Modules are 71 Manual Calibration Procedure 72 Automatic Calibration l At the start of the measured run push SpeedTested and Calibrated to factory standards It is l Calculate Correction FactorF Procedure Display shows run number and I that hafnrn 1tcino D thic inctrlmxd fnr I A distance WV I F wmea 6 Seieci an easiiy ideniiiied marked measureci wrmNavigation purposes the following Log distance on a procedures are carried out for your Measured distance Known distance 0 Carry out the calibration when tidal flow is I 1specific installation least There are two methods of log calibration From a chart Measured distance 0 Complete a minimum of two runs one in each0 Manual Calibration allows a calculated log direction to cancel tide As recorded on speed instrument allowing calibration factor to be entered manually 0 Automatic Calibration allows up to four for tidal flow as required Procedure measured runs to be entered and compared Procedure Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and against a known distance The log calibration factor is automatically calculated l Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and Trip together to select calibration mode SPIED Trip together to select calibration mode a a i ii i I I rl i l Push Speed at the end of the run Cd Display shows recorded distance for the L I run and after 5 seconds the log WEID calibration factor I I I l Push Speed to select log calibration 0 Push Speed to display log calibration factor 0 Calculate the new log Calibration Factor Displayed calibration factor x F min 025 0 Push Speed to display distance max 150 l Repeat last two stages to run the measured distance in the opposite direction 0 If required repeat last two stages for up to 2 more calibration runs over the measured 0 Adjust the displayed calibration factor using L I distance Reset to increase A or Timer to decrease T 0 Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and l Push and hold down for 2 seconds Speed and Trip together to exit calibration and to store Trip together to exit calibration and to store the new log calibration factor new calibration factor Note If the calibration factor is not within 025 0 Adjust displayed distance using Reset to and 150 a mistake has been made in the increase A and Timer to decrease 7 calibration sequence and the previous until it equals marked measured distance calibration factor will be retained when exiting minimum 025nm maximum 250nm calibration mode The trip distance will be lost whenever automatic calibration is used 14 15
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