' Freiberger: Practice Bubble Horizon Horizon Artificiel
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Bubble Horizon for Practice THFOUGH THESCOP NOTREOUIFE A A BUBSLE HORIZON OOES NOIE USING HEIGHT OF EYECORFECTION Usinghe PBHis a lwo slp plss Firtbin th bubbloo he hidine Thas bings esxtnl ro a neady lvel posilion a coreclion Slc dust b temid ocount kr wialion in diltrcnt sextanl designsnd iolmncs Tis redion is digarssd bl nd my vsry lrom a l minursol c lo deg or two Scondbnng dE celstal body to th hnin by moving lh sxlmt micrcmeler drum Apply SlC lc and Glrcton coneconto th xranl Ho highl adingHso obiain observd Tle bbblis illuminatdby ambinllighr rd shouldbe etli when bdght sncient lor all nml ob 6tions Occasionally th lightmyseeml bnghl In lighttals dy on lhe bubbl pe placdowr e ortsids tris css a small rtac ol mskiDg porlionol lhe bubbleglassmay hslp Dl6mlnlng Slc lh SIC oy b dstemined by eihr ths Know Positionmeh od d rh Nturl Hoizonmehod oic delrminedth slc shouldmain scopelits snugglynd posi li on tre sxlal ie the fi a nol sloppy Btorcdteminin he SlC sn6rc ht h gulersextanllC i3 sdiustdto zrcKnNn PosiliM Mlhod Simplyk lrom known ggphical posaon nd compuE a lin ot posilionor x nomally You may siblis lh avdag ror lo the subtact lhis s coneclio to tu obssiionsTh Practic Bubbl Horiron PBH At long lasr hrc is a way to sights wiout having nturd se hodzonand widEul spridinghun dre ol dolla lor a Wtt is you cn us D emo soxtantlou will tke lo s and us it in norml mnnroiake sithts lrom your baciyard h ditloB tM lh bubblhqizon in lhat it is not a moF bensivo orelassional culat is unlightd nd hs lss light gaheringlhe Pclic Bubbl Honen fl6 the lollowing modm ml xrns Aslra d Tay lullsic Cassens Plalh lllBC Plth on the lrnd i5 mounted Th sopois ol zro masnificiion tant in plc o reguler tlespes shownabov An oKli nry sdrir lvl is Gllct d by s minor b appd uprightin t ltl side ot tl sope Ihe oainder ol e lft sid is oPaquoh nghl sid admils visw ol ihe outsiclworld as rcffbd by e sexhnrs index mino whnusinga hodTTo nghl sids b dvidd zonalvi is also sn supnmPosd by a horizond naidin Th xrdt is held such thal th bubble appe6 longsidehs haidjns shovnand lslilbody is broughtdoffi io h haiiine by movmdl l lte macromster drum A redingis n laken nd tho dme noled in he noMl manne Th probllnol n bolh ts cis sdd by usng 6lil lsl boct and lh mud nsa bubble pre in lhe oypic This ats like lens lc ko6phe bubbl in lus wihut annngh imageol lhs leslbocly nd an h Th PBHis insrallsdin plceof the guld lelescop whi You shdld s St he sxrnr rm al zero dgres tKng thrcWh h e tou shdld s th lollowing geneGlly be sighting hroughts ol should A Ihe scope mboti th hodzonmir and th ffctd imgof th incex rcr ll rh 6copsmsbo clslo e b6dyot he sexldt lsn lhe knob nd move it oulbod as nssry ll th scoP sms io b imingl high or low ie tle uppr or lds Potion of mimr Lams r obsuctng tle ew h pmblsmmy bs wirh he scop mount oll setbni Pul lh guhr scope bck on lh sxiant nd se il lhe ii loo ll so you may nedto roadjuslthe ngleol the scopmou on le B The horizoial haidineshould appesr hoiuonialnt lledlo il a obtsrl prsistswith A or B bow plesrctum tte PBH ol lh prcblm drawingwill ro Clsiairewith as lo blk lhe viwor ths Pl all ol lh on e mirrcr Pul th bubbl he hoizon hai line in lh rcmal maer Bri4 lh nlural honzonlvrlo drum Nei lind lhe by mowmntol th micromeler te haidin Oip corecton tlolrl Table A2 ol ih your trm yousrc usingNowrlully bov he horiz heightoly te drum to incslhe srtnt readingby is amount Th sultingading is rho ercr whichyou may subd s s corclidth spe is its us alFr drk The lor usdur ro ambi6nr lighl whicis adsquale bubble is exposd ing dytimend tl nomd si both sia6 and dsmble The slit aper rurc eys s natuGl light gshedng io he xlenl thai tint srsmv be no difiicult i5 scerlain Tesl rcsulls with he Prcdce an uEy ot 2 minues ol aE Under noml ndtions and untl pracli is oblaid nors ot up lo sven manusmsy mt be uncommo Although this is qoile goodad nvlsthl ol manynqe expensiw ccurscycnnot b lid upo lo all lighling conditions Ac w tmhglld this productlor PEctice puQoss only cordangly end norlq srious naviotion
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