International Code Of Signals
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PUB 102 INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNALSFOR VISUAL SOUND AND RADIO COMMUNICATIONS UNITED STATES EDITION 1969 Edition Revised 2003 NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY PUB 102 International Code of SignalsAs adopted by the Fourth Assembly of the Maritime Consultative Organization in 1965 For Visual Sound and Radio Communications United States Edition 1969 Revised 2003 Prepared and published by the NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY Bethesda Maryland COPYRIGHT 2003 BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NO COPYRIGHT CLAIMED UNDER TITLE 17 USC For sale by the Superintendant of Documents US Government Printing Office Internet Phone toll free 866 5121800 DC area 202 5121800 Fax 202 5122250 Mail Stop SSOP Washington DC 204020001 PREFACE Pub 102 the 1969 edition of the International Code of Signals became effective on 1 April 1969 and at that timesuperseded HO Pubs 103 and 104 International Code of Signals Volumes I and II All signals are contained in a singlevolume suitable for all methods of communication The First International Code was drafted in 1855 by a Committee set up by the British Board of Trade It contained 70000signals using eighteen flags and was published by the British Board of Trade in 1857 in two parts the first and international signals and the second British signals only The book was adopted by most seafaring nations This early edition was revised by a Committee set up in 1887 by the British Board of Trade The Committees proposalswere discussed by the principal maritime powers and at the International Conference in Washington in 1889 As a resultmany changes were made The Code was completed in 1897 and was distributed to all maritime powers That edition ofthe International Code of Signals however did not stand the test of World War I The International Radiotelegraph Conference at Washington in 1927 considered proposals for a new revision of the Codeand decided that it should be prepared in seven languages namely in English French Italian German Japanese Spanishand in one Scandinavian language which was chosen by the Scandinavian Governments to be the Norwegian language Thenew edition was completed in 1930 and was adopted by the International Radiotelegraph Conference held in Madrid in1932 The new Code was compiled in two volumes one for use by visual signaling and the other by Wordsand phrases applicable to aircraft were introduced in Volume II together with a complete Medical Section and a Code the granting of pratique The Medical Section and the pratique signals were prepared with the assistance andby the advice of the Office International dHygiene Publique The Code particularly Volume II was primarily intended foruse by ships and aircraft and via coastal radio stations between ships or aircraft and authorities ashore A certain numberof signals were inserted for communications with shipowners agents repair yards etc The same Conference Madrid1932 established a Standing Committee to review the Code if and when necessary to give guidance on questions of useand procedure and to consider proposals for modifications Secretarial duties were undertaken by the Government of theUnited Kingdom The Standing Committee met only once in 1933 and introduced certain additions and amendments The Administrative Radio Conference of the International Union suggested in 1947 that Code of Signals should fall within the competence of the Maritime IMCO In January 1959 the First Assembly of IMCO decided that the Organization should assume all thefunctions then being performed by the Standing Committee of the International Code of Signals The Second Assembly in1961 endorsed plans for a comprehensive review of the International Code of Signals intended to meet the present of mariners A Subcommittee of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization was established to revisethe Code to prepare it in nine languages namely the original seven English French Italian German Japanese Spanishand Norwegian together with Russian and Greek and to consider proposals for a new radiotelephone Code and its relationto the International Code of Signals The Subcommittee consisted of of the following countries France Greece Italy Japan Norway Russian Federation United Kingdom and the United States of AmericaThe following international governmental and organizations contributed to and assisted in thepreparation of the revised Code the International Atomic Energy Agency the International Civil Aviation International Labor Organization the International Union the World Meteorological World Health Organization the International Chamber of Shipping the International Confederation of Free TradeUnions and the International Radio Maritime Committee The Subcommittee completed the revision of the Code in 1964 taking into account Recommendation 42 of the 1960Conference on Safety of Life at Sea and Recommendation 22 of the Administrative Radio Conference Geneva 1959 TheCode was adopted by the Fourth Assembly of IMCO in 1965 The revised Code is intended to cater primarily for situations related essentially to safety of navigation and when language difficulties arise It is suitable for transmission by all means of communication and thus obviating the necessity for a separate radiotelephone Code and dispensing withVolume II for The revised Code embodies the principle that each signal has a complete meaning It thusleaves out the vocabulary method which was part of the old Code The Geographical Section not being was omitted By these means it was possible to reduce considerably the volume of the Code and Changes and corrections for this product will appear in the NIMA weekly Notice to Mariners and must be applied to keepit current Users should refer information and comments to MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION DIVISION ST D 44NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD BETHESDA MD 208165003 iii CONTENTS PAGECHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS 1CHAPTER 2 GENERAL SIGNAL CODE 27CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE 105CHAPTER 4DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES 137APPENDIX USRussia Supplementary Signals for Naval Vessels 151INDEXES 153Index for Signaling Instructions and General Signal Code 155Index for Medical Signal Code 159 v CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS PAGESECTION 1 EXPLANATION AND GENERAL REMARKS 3SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS 4SECTION 3 METHODS OF SIGNALING 5SECTION 4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 6SECTION 5 FLAG SIGNALING 9SECTION 6 FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALING 11SECTION 7 SOUND SIGNALING 13SECTION 8 RADIOTELEPHONY 14SECTION 9 SIGNALING BY HAND FLAGS OR ARMS 15 MORSE SIGNALING BY HAND FLAGS OR ARMS 15SECTION 10 MORSE SIGNALS 17 MORSE SYMBOLS 17 PROCEDURE SIGNALS 20 SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS 22 SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS WITH COMPLEMENTS 23 SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS BETWEEN ICEBREAKER AND ASSISTED VESSELS 24 1 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 1 EXPLANATION AND GENERAL REMARKS1 The purpose of the International Code of Signals is to provide ways and means of communication in situations related essentially to safety of navigation and persons especially when language difficulties arise In the preparation of the Code accountwas taken of the fact that wide application of radiotelephony and can provide simple and effective means in plain language whenever language difficulties do not exist2 The signals used consist of a Singleletter signals allocated to significations which are very urgent important or of very common use b Twoletter signals for General Signal Code Chapter 2 Pages 29 through 104 c Threeletter signals beginning with M for Medical Signal Code Chapter 3 pages 107 through 1353 The Code follows the basic principle that each signal should have a complete meaning This principle is followed throughoutthe Code in certain cases complements are used where necessary to supplement the available groups4 Complements express a Variations in the meaning of the basic signal Examples CP I am or vessel indicated is proceeding to your assistance CP 1 SAR aircraft is coming to your assistance b Questions concerning the same basic subject or basic signal Examples DY Vessel name or identity signal has sunk in lat long DY 4 What is the depth of water where vessel sank c Answers to a question or request made by the basic signal Examples HX Have you received any damage in collision HX 1 I have received serious damage above the waterline d Supplementary specific or detailed information Examples IN I require a diver IN 1 I require a diver to clear propeller5 Complements appearing in the text more than once have been grouped in three tables These tables should be used only asand when specified in the text of the signals6 Text in brackets indicates a an alternative eg or survival craft b information which may be transmitted if it is required or if it is available eg position to be indicated if necessary c an explanation of the text7 The material is classified according to subject and meaning Extensive cross referencing of the signals in the righthand column is used to facilitate coding 3 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2 DEFINITIONSFor the purpose of this Code the following terms shall have the meanings defined belowVisual signaling is any method of communication the transmission of which is capable of being seenSound signaling is any method of passing Morse signals by means of siren whistle foghorn bell or other sound is the authority who orders a signal to be sentIdentity signal or call sign is the group of letters and figures assigned to each station by its means a ship aircraft survival craft or any place at which communications can be effected by any meansStation of origin is that station where the originator submits a signal for transmission irrespective of the method of com munication station is the station by which a signal is actually being madeAddressee is the authority to whom a signal is of destination is that station in which the signal is finally received by the station is the station by which a signal is actually being readProcedure denotes the rules drawn up for the conduct of signal is a signal designed to facilitate the conduct of signaling See Chapter 1 Section 10 Pages 17 20 and 21Time of origin is the time at which a signal is ordered to be madeGroup denotes more than one continuous letter andor numeral which together compose a signalA numeral group consists of one or more numeralsA hoist consists of one or more groups displayed from a single halyard A hoist or signal is said to be at the dip when it is hoisted about half of the full extent of the halyards A hoist or signal is said to be close up when it is hoisted to the full extent of the is a length of halyard about 2 m 6 ft long used to separate each group of flags4 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 3 METHODS OF SIGNALING1 The methods of signaling which may be used are a Flag signaling the flags used being those shown inside the front cover b Flashing light signaling using the Morse symbols shown in Chapter 1 Section 10 Page 17 c Sound signaling using the Morse symbols shown in Chapter 1 Section 10 Page 17 d Voice over a loud hailer e f Radiotelephony g Morse signaling by hand flags or armsFlag signaling2 A set of signal flags consists of twentysix alphabetical flags ten numeral pennants three substitutes and the answering pennant Detailed instructions for signaling by flags are given in Chapter 1 Section 5 Pages 9 and 10Flashing light and sound signaling3 The Morse symbols representing letters numerals etc are expressed by dots and dashes which are signaled either singly orin combination The dots and dashes and spaces between them should be made to bear the following ratio one to another asregards their duration a A dot is taken as the unit b A dash is equivalent to three units c The space of time between any two elements of a symbol is equivalent to one unit between two complete symbols it is equivalent to three units and between two words or groups it is equivalent to seven units4 In flashing light and sound signaling while generally obeying the instructions laid down here it is best to err on the side ofmaking the dots rather shorter in their proportion to the dashes as it then makes the distinction between the elements plainerThe standard rate of signaling by flashing light is to be regarded as forty letters per minute Detailed instructions for signalingby flashing light and sound are given in Chapter 1 Sections 6 and 7 Pages 11 through 13Voice over a loud hailer5 Whenever possible plain language should be used but where a language difficulty exists groups from the International Codeof Signals could be transmitted using the phonetic spelling and When or radiotelephony is used for the transmission of signals operators should comply with the Radio Regulations of the International Union then in force See Radiotelephony in Chapter 1 Section 8 Page 14 5 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 4 GENERAL and addressee of message1 Unless otherwise indicated all signals between vessels are made from the Master of the vessel of origin to the Master of thevessel of of ships and aircraft2 Identity signals for ships and aircraft are allocated on an international basis The identity signal may therefore indicate thenationality of a ship or aircraftUse of identity signals3 Identity signals may be used for two purposes a to speak to or call a station b to speak of or indicate a station Examples YP LABC I wish to communicate with vessel LABC by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 HY 1 LABC The vessel LABC with which I have been in collision has resumed her voyageNames of vessels andor places4 Names of vessels andor places are to be spelled out Example RV Gibraltar You should proceed to GibraltarHow to signal numbers5 Instructions for signaling numbers a Numbers are to be signaled as follows i Flag signaling by the numeral pennants of the Code ii Flashing light or sound signaling usually by the numerals in the Morse Code they may also be spelled out iii Radiotelephony or loud hailer by the Code words of the Figure Spelling Table in Chapter 1 Section 10 Page 19 b Figures which form part of the basic signification of a signal are to be sent together with the basic group Examples DI 20 I require boats for 20 persons FJ 2 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker c A decimal point between numerals is to be signaled as follows i Flag signaling by inserting the answering pennant where it is desired to express the decimal point ii Flashing light and sound signaling by decimal point signal AAA iii Voice by use of the word DECIMAL as indicated in the Figure Spelling Table d Wherever the text allows depths etc to be signaled in feet or in meters the figures should be followed by F to indicate feet or by M to indicate metersAzimuth or bearing6 They are to be expressed in three figures denoting degrees from 000 to 359 measured clockwise If there is any possibilityof confusion they should be preceded by the letter A They are always to be true unless expressly stated to be otherwise inthe context Examples LW 005 I receive your transmission on bearing 005 LT A120 T1540 Your bearing from me is 120 at local time 15406 SECTION 4GENERAL Course is to be expressed in three numerals denoting degrees from 000 to 359 measured clockwise If there is any possibilityof confusion they should be preceded by the letter C They are always to be true unless expressly stated to be otherwise inthe context Examples MD 025 My course is 025 GR C240 S18 Vessel coming to your rescue is steering course 240 speed 18 knotsDate8 Dates are to be signaled by two four or six numerals preceded by the letter D The first two numerals indicate the day ofthe month When they are used alone they refer to the current month Example D15 transmitted on the 15th or any other date in April means 15 April The two numerals which follow indicate the month of the year Example D1504 means 15 April Where necessary the year may be indicated by two further numerals Example D181063 means 18 October 1963Latitude9 Latitude is expressed by four figures preceded by the Letter L The first two figures denote the degrees and the last twothe minutes The letters N North or S South follow if they are needed however for reasons of simplicity they may beomitted if there is no risk of confusion Example L3740S Latitude Longitude is expressed by four or if necessary five figures preceded by the letter G The first two or three figures denote the degrees and the last two the minutes When the longitude is more than 99 no confusion will normally arise if the hundreds of degrees is omitted However where it is necessary to avoid confusion the five figures should be usedThe letters E East or W West follow if they are needed otherwise they may be omitted as in the case of latitude Example G13925E Longitude 13925 E A signal requiring the indication of position to complete its signification should be signaled as follows CH L2537N G4015W Vessel indicated is reported as requiring assistance in lat 2537 N long 4015 WDistance11 Figures preceded by the letter R indicate distance in nautical miles Example OV A080 R10 Mines is are believed to be bearing 080 from me distance 10 milesThe letter R may be omitted if there is no possibility of Speed is indicated by figures preceded by a the letter S to denote speed in knots or b the letter V to denote speed in kilometers per hour 7 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS Examples BQ S300 The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth is 300 knots BQ V300 The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth is 300 kilometers per hourTime13 Times are to be expressed in four figures of which the first two denote the hour from 00 midnight up to 23 11 pm andthe last two denote the minutes from 00 to 59 The figures are preceded by a the letter T indicating Local time or b the letter Z indicating Greenwich Mean Time Examples BH T1045 L2015N G3840W C125 I sighted an aircraft at local time 1045 in lat 2015 N long 3840 W flying on course 125 RX Z0830 You should proceed at GMT 0830Time of origin14 The time of origin may be added at the end of the text It should be given to the nearest minute and expressed by four figuresApart from indicating at what time a signal originated it also serves as a convenient reference by local signal codes15 If a vessel or a coast station wishes to make a signal in a local code the signal YV 1 The groups which follow are fromthe local code should precede the local signal if it is necessary in order to avoid CHAPTER 1 SECTION 5 FLAG SIGNALING1 As a general rule only one hoist should be shown at a time Each hoist or group of hoists should be kept flying until it hasbeen answered by the receiving station see paragraph 3 When more groups than one are shown on the same halyard they mustbe separated by a tackline The transmitting station should always hoist the signal where it can be most easily seen by the receiving station that is in such a position that the flags will blow out clear and be free from smokeHow to call2 The identity signal of the stations addressed is to be hoisted with the signal see Chapter 1 Section 4 Paragraph 3 Page 6If no identity signal is hoisted it will be understood that the signal is addressed to all stations within visual signaling distanceIf it is not possible to determine the identity signal of the station to which it is desired to signal the group VF You shouldhoist your identity signal or CS What is the name or identity signal of your vessel or station should be hoisted firstat the same time the station will hoist its own identity signal The group YQ I wish to communicate by 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 with vessel bearing from me can also be usedHow to answer signals3 All stations to which signals are addressed or which are indicated in signals are to hoist the answering pennant at the dip assoon as they see each hoist and close up immediately when they understand it it is to be lowered to the dip as soon as the hoistis hauled down at the transmitting station being hoisted close up again as soon as the next hoist is understoodHow to complete a signal4 The transmitting station is to hoist the answering pennant singly after the last hoist of the signal to indicate that the signal iscompleted The receiving station is to answer this in a similar manner to all other hoists see paragraph 3 on this pageHow to act when signals are not understood5 If the receiving station cannot clearly distinguish the signal made to it it is to keep the answering pennant at the dip If it candistinguish the signal but cannot understand the meaning of it it can hoist the following signals ZQ Your signal coded You should check and repeat the whole or ZL Your signal has been received but not understoodThe use of substitutes6 The use of substitutes is to enable the same signal flag either alphabetical flag or numeral pennant to be repeated one or more times inthe same group in case only one set of flags is carried on board The first substitute always repeats the uppermost signal flag of that classof flags which immediately precedes the substitute The second substitute always repeats the second and the third substitute repeats thethird signal flag counting from the top of that class of flags which immediately precedes them No substitute can ever be used more thanonce in the same group The answering pennant when used as a decimal point is to be disregarded in determining which substitute to use Example The signal VV would be made as follows V first substitute The number 1100 would be made by numeral pennants as follows 1 first substitute 0 third substitute The signal L 2330 would be made as follows L 2 3 second substitute 0In this case the second substitute follows a numeral pennant and therefore it can only repeat the second numeral in the group 9 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING to spell7 Names in the text of a signal are to be spelled out by means of the alphabetical flags The signal YZ The words whichfollow are in plain language can be used if necessaryUse of the Code pennant by ships of war8 When a ship of war wishes to communicate with a merchant vessel she will hoist the Code pennant in a conspicuous positionand keep it flying during the whole of the time the signal is being made10 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 6 FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALING1 A signal made by flashing light is divided into the following parts a The callIt consists of the general call or the identity signal of the station to be called It is answered by the answering signal b The identityThe transmitting station makes DE followed by its identity signal or name This will be repeated back by the receiving station which then signals its own identity signal or name This will also be repeated back by the trans mitting station c The textThis consists of plain language or Code groups When Code groups are to be used they should be preceded by the signal YU Words of plain language may also be in the text when the signal includes names places etc Receipt of each word or group is acknowledged by T d The endingIt consists of the ending signal AR which is answered by R2 If the entire text is in plain language the same procedure is to be followed The call and identity may be omitted when twostations have established communications and have already exchanged signals3 A list of procedure signals appears in Chapter 1 Section 10 Pages 20 and 21 Although the use of these signals is the following notes might be found useful a The General call signal or call for unknown station AA AA AA etc is made to attract attention when wishing to signal to all stations within visual signaling distance or to a station whose name or identity signal is not known The call is continued until the station addressed answers b The Answering signal TTTT etc is made to answer the call and it is to be continued until the transmitting station ceases to make the call The transmission starts with the DE followed by the name or identity signal of the transmitting station c The letter T is used to indicate the receipt of each word or group d The Erase signal EEEEEE etc is used to indicate that the last group or word was signaled incorrectly It is to be answered with the erase signal When answered the transmitting station will repeat the last word or group which was correctly signaled and then proceed with the remainder of the transmission e The Repeat signal RPT is to be used as follows i by the transmitting station to indicate that it is going to repeat I repeat If such a repetition does not follow imme diately after RPT the signal should be interpreted as a request to the receiving station to repeat the signal received Repeat what you have received ii by the receiving station to request for a repetition of the signal transmitted Repeat what you have sent iii The Special Repetition signals AA AB WA WB and BN are made by the receiving station as appro priate In each case they are made immediately after the repeat signal RPT Examples RPT AB KLRepeat all before group KL RPT BN boats survivors Repeat all between words boats and survivors If a signal is not understood or when decoded it is not intelligible the repeat signal is not used The receiving station must then make the appropriate signal from the Code eg Your signal has been received but not understood f A correctly received repetition is acknowledged by the signal OK The same signal may be used as an affirmative answer to a question It is correct g The Ending signal AR is used in all cases to indicate the end of a signal or the end of the transmission The receiving station answers with the signal R Received or I have received your last signal h The transmitting station makes the signal CS when requesting the name or identity signal of the receiving station i The Waiting signal or Period signal AS is to be used as follows i When made independently or after the end of a signal it indicates that the other station must wait for further commu nications waiting signal ii When it is inserted between groups it serves to separate them period signal to avoid confusion j The signal C should be used to indicate an affirmative statement or an affirmative reply to an interrogative signal the signal RQ should be used to indicate a question For a negative reply to an interrogative signal or for a negative state ment the signal N should be used in visual or sound signaling and the signal NO should be used for voice or radio transmission k When the signals N or NO and RQ are used to change an affirmative signal into a negative statement or into a 11 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS question respectively they should be transmitted after the main signal Examples CY N or NO as appropriate Boats isare not coming to you CW RQ Is boatraft on board The signals C N or NO and RQ cannot be used in conjunction with singleletter signals12 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 7 SOUND SIGNALING1 Owing to the nature of the apparatus used whistle siren foghorn etc sound signaling is necessarily slow Moreover themisuse of sound signaling is of a nature to create serious confusion at sea Sound signaling in fog should therefore be reducedto a minimum Signals other than the single letter signals should be used only in extreme emergency and never in waters2 The signals should be made slowly and clearly They may be repeated if necessary but at sufficiently long intervals to ensurethat no confusion can arise and that one letter signals cannot be mistaken as twoletter groups3 Masters are reminded that the one letter signals of the Code which are marked by an asterisk when made by sound mayonly be made in compliance with the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Referenceis also made to the single letter signals provided for exclusive use between an icebreaker and assisted vessels 13 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 8 When using the International Code of Signals in cases of language difficulties the principles of the Radio Regulations of Union then in force have to be observed Letters and figures are to be spelled in accordancewith the phonetic spelling tables in Chapter 1 Section 10 Pages 18 through 202 When coast and ship stations are called the identity signals call signs or names shall be usedMethod of calling3 The call consists of a The call sign or name of the station called not more than three times at each call b The group DE DELTA ECHO c The call sign or name of the calling station not more than three times at each callDifficult names of stations should also be spelled After contact has been established the call sign or name need not be sentmore than onceForm of reply to calls4 The reply to calls consists of a The call sign or name of the calling station not more than three times b The group DE DELTA ECHO c The call sign or name of the station called not more than three timesCalling all stations in the vicinity5 The group CQ CHARLIE QUEBEC shall be used but not more than three times at each call6 In order to indicate that Code groups of the International Code of Signals are to follow the word INTERCO is to be inserted Words of plain language may also be in the text when the signal includes names places etc In this case the group YZYANKEE ZULU is to be inserted if necessary7 If the station called is unable to accept traffic immediately it should transmit the signal AS ALFA SIERRA adding theduration of waiting times in minutes whenever possible8 The receipt of a transmission is indicated by the signal R ROMEO9 If the transmission is to be repeated in total or in part the signal RPT ROMEO PAPA TANGO shall be used supplemented as necessary by AA ALFA ALFA all after AB ALFA BRAVO all before BN BRAVO NOVEMBER all between and WA WHISKEY ALFA word or group after WB WHISKEY BRAVO word or group before 10 The end of a transmission is indicated by the signal AR ALFA ROMEO14 CHAPTER 1 SECTION 9 SIGNALING BY HAND FLAGS OR ARMS MORSE SIGNALING BY HAND FLAGS OR ARMS1 A station which desires to communicate with another station by Morse signaling by hand flags or arms may indicate the requirement by transmitting to that station the signal K1 by any method The call signal AA AA AA may be made instead2 On receipt of the call the station addressed should make the answering signal or if unable to communicate by this meansshould reply with the signal YS1 by any available method3 The call signal AA AA AA and the signal T should be used respectively by the transmitting station and the Normally both arms should be used for this method of transmission but in cases where this is difficult or impossible one armcan be used5 All signals will end with the ending signal AR 15 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING The space of time between dots and dashes and between letters groups or words should be such as to facilitate CHAPTER 1SECTION 10 MORSE SIGNALS MORSE SYMBOLS ALPHABET A N B O C P D Q E R F S G T H U I V J W K X L Y M Z NUMERALS 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 0 PROCEDURE SIGNALS AR AAA AS 17 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS PHONETIC TABLESFor the pronunciation of letters and figures by radiotelephony or by voice over a loud hailer LETTER SPELLING TABLE Letter Code Word Pronunciation A Alfa AL FAH B Bravo BRAH VOH C Charlie CHAR LEE or SHAR LEE D Delta DELL TAH E Echo ECK OH F Foxtrot FOKS TROT G Golf GOLF H Hotel HOH TELL I India IN DEE AH J Juliett JEW LEE ETT K Kilo KEY LOH L Lima LEE MAH M Mike MIKE N November NO VEM BER O Oscar OSS CAH P Papa PAH PAH Q Quebec KEH BECK R Romeo ROW ME OH S Sierra SEE AIR RAH T Tango TANG GO U Uniform YOU NEE FORM or OO NEE FORM V Victor VIK TAH W Whiskey WISS KEY X Xray ECKS RAY Y Yankee YANG KEY Z Zulu ZOO LOO Note The Boldfaced syllables are 10MORSE SIGNALS FIGURE SPELLING TABLE Figure or Mark to be Code Word Pronunciation Transmitted 0 NADAZERO NAHDAHZAYROH 1 UNAONE OONAHWUN 2 BISSOTWO BEESSOHTOO 3 TERRATHREE TAYRAHTREE 4 KARTEFOUR KARTAYFOWER 5 PANTAFIVE PANTAHFIVE 6 SOXISIX SOKSEESIX 7 SETTESEVEN SAYTAYSEVEN 8 OKTOEIGHT OKTOHAIT 9 NOVENINE NOVAYNINER DECIMAL DECIMAL DAYSEEMAL POINT FULL STOP STOP STOP Note Each syllable should be equally emphasized The sec ond component of each Code word is the Code word used in the Aeronautical Mobile Service 19 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS PROCEDURE SIGNALSA bar over the letters composing a signal denotes that the letters are to be made as one symbol1 Signals for voice transmissions radiotelephony or loud hailer Signal Pronunciation Meaning Interco INTERCO International Code groups followss Stop STOP Full stop Decimal DAYSEEMAL Decimal point Correction KORREKSHUN Cancel my last word or group The correct word or group follows2 Signals for flashing light transmission AA AA AA Call for unknown station or general call etc EEEEEE etc Erase signal AAA Full stop or decimal point TTTT etc Answering signal T Word or group received3 Signals for flags radiotelephony and transmissions CQ Call for unknown stations or general call to all stations Note When this signal is used in voice transmission it should be pronounced in accordance with the letter spelling table4 Signals for use where appropriate in all forms of transmission AA All after used after the Repeat signal RPT means Repeat all after AB All before used after the Repeat signal RPT means Repeat all before AR Ending signal or End of Transmission or signal AS Waiting signal or period BN All between and used after the Repeat signal RPT means Repeat all between and C AffirmativeYES or The significance of the previous group should be read in the affirmative CS What is the name or identity signal of your vessel or station DE From used to precede the name or identity signal of the calling station K I wish to communicate with you or Invitation to transmit20 SECTION 10MORSE SIGNALS NO NegativeNO or The significance of the previous group should be read in the negative When used in voice transmission the pronunciation should be NO OK Acknowledging a correct repetition or It is correct RQ Interrogative or The significance of the previous group should be read as a question R Received or I have received your last signal RPT Repeat signal I repeat or Repeat what you have sent or Repeat what you have received WA Word or group after used after the Repeat signal RPT means Repeat word or group after WB Word or group before used after the Repeat signal RPT means Repeat word or group before Notes a The procedure signals C N NO and RQ cannot be used in conjunction with singleletter signals b Signals on COMMUNICATIONS appear in Chapter 2 Section 8 Pages 100 through 102 c When these signals are used by voice transmission the letters should be pronounced in accordance with the letterspelling table with the exception of NO which in voice transmission should be pronounced as NO 21 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS May be made by any method of signaling See Note 1 for those marked by an asterisk A I have a diver down keep well clear at slow speed B I am taking in or discharging or carrying dangerous goods C Yes affirmative or The significance of the previous group should be read in the affirmative D Keep clear of me I am maneuvering with difficulty E I am altering my course to starboard F I am disabled communicate with me G I require a pilot When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means I am hauling nets H I have a pilot on board I I am altering my course to port J I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board keep well clear of me or I am leaking dangerous cargo K I wish to communicate with you L You should stop your vessel instantly M My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water N No negative or The significance of the previous group should be read in the negative This signal may be given only visually or by sound For voice or radio transmission the signal should be NO O Man overboard P In harborAll persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea At seaIt may be used by fishing vessels to mean My nets have come fast upon an obstruction It may also be used as a sound to mean I require a pilot Q My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique S I am operating astern propulsion T Keep clear of me I am engaged in pair trawling U You are running into danger V I require assistance W I require medical assistance X Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals Y I am dragging my anchor Z I require a tug When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means I am shooting nets Notes 1 Signals of letters marked by an asterisk when made by sound may only be made in compliance with the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 2 Signals K and S have special meanings as landing signals for small boats with crews or persons in dis tress International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 Chapter V Regulation 1622 SECTION 10MORSE SIGNALS SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS WITH COMPLEMENTS May be made by any method of signalingAwith three numerals AZIMUTH or BEARINGCwith three numerals COURSEDwith two four or six numerals DATEGwith four or five numerals LONGITUDE the last two numerals denote minutes and the rest degreesKwith one numeral I wish to COMMUNICATE with you by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104Lwith four numerals LATITUDE the first two denote degrees and the rest min utesRwith one or more numerals DISTANCE in nautical milesSwith one or more numerals SPEED in knotsTwith four numerals LOCAL TIME the first two denote hours and the rest min utesVwith one or more numerals SPEED in kilometers per hourZwith four numerals GMT the first two denote hours and the rest minutesZwith one numeral To call or address shore visual stations Numeral to be approved by local port or BEARING A with three I wish to communicate with you by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 K with one numeralCOURSE C with three numeralsDATE D with two four or six in nautical miles R with one or more numeralsGMT the first two denote hours and the rest minutes Z with four the first two denote degrees and the restminutes L with four the last two numerals denote minutes andthe rest degrees G with four or five numeralsLOCAL TIME the first two denote hours and the restminutes T with four numeralsSPEED in kilometers per hour V with one or more numeralsSPEED in knots S with one or more numerals 23 CHAPTER 1SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS SINGLE LETTER SIGNALS BETWEEN ICEBREAKER AND ASSISTED VESSELSThe following single letter signals when made between an icebreaker and assisted vessels have only the significations givenin this table and are only to be made by sound visual or radiotelephony signals WM Icebreaker support is now commencing Use special icebreaker support signals and keep continuous watch for sound visual or radiotelephony signals WO Icebreaker support is finished Proceed to your destination Code Letters or Icebreaker Assisted Vessels Numerals A Go ahead proceed along the ice channel I am going ahead I am proceeding along the ice channel G I am going ahead follow me I am going ahead I am following you J Do not follow me proceed along the ice channel I will not follow you I will proceed along the ice channel P Slow down I am slowing down N Stop your engines I am stopping my engines H Reverse your engines I am reversing my engines L You should stop your vessel instantly I am stopping my vessel 4 Stop I am icebound Stop I am icebound Q Shorten the distance between vessels I am shortening the distance B Increase the distance between vessels I am increasing the distance 5 Attention Attention Y Be ready to take or cast off the towline I am ready to take or cast off the towline24 SECTION 10MORSE SIGNALSNotes 1 The signal K by sound or light may be used by an icebreaker to remind ships of their obligation to listen continuously on their radio 2 If more than one vessel is assisted the distances between vessels should be as constant as possible Watch speed of your own vessel and vessel ahead should speed of your own vessel go down give attention signal to the following vessel 3 The use of these does not relieve any vessel from complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 4 Stop your headway given only to a ship in an I am stopping headway icechannel ahead of and approaching or going away from icebreaker Note This signal should not be made by radiotelephone Singleletter signals which may be used during icebreaking operations E I am altering my course to starboard I I am altering my course to port S I am operating astern propulsion M My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water Notes 1 Signals of letters marked by an asterisk when made by sound may only be made in compliance with the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 2 Additional signals for icebreaking support can be found in Chapter 2 Section 6 Page 93 and 94 25 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL SIGNAL CODE PAGESECTION 1 29 ABANDON 29 29 31 ASSISTANCE 33 BOATSRAFTS 36 38 DISTRESS 39 POSITION 41 SEARCH AND RESCUE 43 SURVIVORS 47SECTION 2 49 COLLISION 49 DAMAGESREPAIRS 49 OPERATIONS 51 FIREEXPLOSION 51 53 LEAK 56 TOWINGTUGS 56SECTION 3 AIDS TO 62 AIDS TO NAVIGATION 62 BAR 62 BEARINGS 62 63 COURSE 64 DANGERS TO 65 DEPTHDRAFT 68 ELECTRONIC NAVIGATION 70 71 NAVIGATION 72 NAVIGATING AND STEERING INSTRUCTIONS 73 TIDE 74SECTION 4 MANEUVERS 76 AHEADASTERN 76 ALONGSIDE 77 TO 77 79 79 MANEUVERS 80 80 SPEED 82 27 STOPHEAVE TO 83SECTION 5 MISCELLANEOUS 84 CARGOBALLAST 84 CREWPERSONS ON BOARD 84 FISHERY 85 PILOT 87 PORTHARBOR 87 MISCELLANEOUS 88SECTION 6 91 CLOUDS 91 STORM 91 ICEICEBERGS 91 ICEBREAKER 93 ATMOSPHERIC 94 SEASWELL 95 VISIBILITYFOG 96 WEATHERWEATHER FORECAST 97 WIND 97SECTION 7 ROUTING OF SHIPS 99SECTION 8 COMMUNICATIONS 100 100 CALLING 100 CANCEL 100 COMMUNICATE 100 EXERCISE 102 102 REPEAT 102SECTION 9 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS 103 PRATIQUE MESSAGES 103SECTION 10 TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS 10428 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 1 CrossCode Meaning Reference ABANDONAA Repeat all afterAB Repeat all beforeAC I am abandoning my vesselAD I am abandoning my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation dangerAE I must abandon my vessel AE 1 I or crew of vessel indicated wish to abandon my or their vessel but have not the means AE 2 I shall abandon my vessel unless you will remain by me ready to assistAF I do not intend to abandon my vessel AF 1 Do you intend to abandon your vesselAG You should abandon your vessel as quickly as possibleAH You should not abandon your vesselAI Vessel indicated by position andor name or identity signal if necessary will have to be aban doned Procedural signals for repetition AccidentAJ I have had a serious nuclear accident and you should approach with cautionAK I have had a nuclear accident on board I am abandoning my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation danger AD I am proceeding to the position of accident SB I am proceeding to the position of accident at full speed Expect to arrive at time indicated FE Are you proceeding to the position of accident If so when do you expect to arrive FE 1 You should steer course or follow me to reach position of accident FL I am circling over the area of accident BJ An aircraft is circling over the area of accident BJ 1 Position of accident or survival craft is marked FJ 29 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Accident Position of accident or survival craft is marked by flame or smoke float FJ 1 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker FJ 2 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker dye FJ 3 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by radiobeacon FJ 4 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by wreckage FJ 5 Is position of accident or survival craft marked FK I have searched area of accident but have found no trace of derelict or survivors GC 2 Man overboard Please take action to pick him up position to be indicated if necessary GW Doctor AL I have a doctor on board AM Have you a doctor AN I need a doctor AN 1 I need a doctor I have severe burns AN 2 I need a doctor I have radiation casualties I require a helicopter urgently with a doctor BR 2 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated with a doctor BT 2 InjuredSick AO Number of injured andor dead not yet known AO 1 How many injured AO 2 How many dead AP I have number casualties AQ I have injuredsick person or number of persons indicated to be taken off urgently I cannot alight but I can lift injuredsick person AZ 1 You cannot alight on the deck can you lift injuredsick person BA 2 I require a helicopter urgently to pick up injuredsick person BR 3 You should send a helicopterboat with a stretcher BS A helicopterboat is coming to take injuredsick BU AT You should send injuredsick persons to me30 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference I am forced to alight near you or in position indicatedAV I am alighting in position indicated if necessary to pick up crew of Aircraft should endeavor to alight where flag is waved or light is shownAX You should train your searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud intermittently if possible and if my aircraft is seen deflect the beam upwind and on the water to facilitate my landing AX 1 Shall I train my searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud intermittently if possible and if your aircraft is seen deflect the beam upwind and on the water to facilitate your landingAY I will alight on your deck you should steer course speed knotsAZ I cannot alight but I can lift crew AZ 1 I cannot alight but I can lift injuredsick personBA You cannot alight on the deck BA 1 You cannot alight on the deck can you lift crew BA 2 You cannot alight on the deck can you lift injuredsick personBB You may alight on my deck BB 1 You may alight on my deck I am ready to receive you forward BB 2 You may alight on my deck I am ready to receive you amidship BB 3 You may alight on my deck I am ready to receive you aft BB 4 You may alight on my deck but I am not yet ready to receive you I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on 2182 kHz BC 1 Can you communicate with the aircraftBD I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on kHzBE I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on MHz Aircraft is ditched in position indicated and requires immediate assistance I sighted disabled aircraft in lat long at time indicated DSBG Aircraft is still afloat 31 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Flying BH I sighted an aircraft at time indicated in lat long flying on course BH 1 Aircraft was flying at high altitude BH 2 Aircraft was flying at low altitude BI I am flying to likely position of vessel in distress BI 1 I am flying at low altitude near the vessel BJ I am circling over the area of accident BJ 1 An aircraft is circling over the area of accident BK You are overhead BK 1 Am I overhead BL I am having engine trouble but am continuing flight Parachute BM You should parachute object to windward Mark it by smoke or light signal BM 1 I am going to parachute object to windward marking it by smoke or light signal BM 2 I am going to parachute equipment BM 3 Inflatable raft will be dropped to windward by parachute BN Repeat all between and BO We are going to jump by parachute Procedural signal for repetition BP Aircraft is coming to participate in search Expected to arrive over the area of accident at time indicated The search area of the aircraft is between lat and and long and FU Search by will be discontinued because of unfavorable conditions FV SAR aircraft is coming to your assistance CP 1 Speed BQ The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth is knots or kilometers per hour32 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Speed BQ 1 What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth HelicopterBR I require a helicopter urgently BR 1 I require a helicopter urgently to pick up persons BR 2 I require a helicopter urgently with a doctor BR 3 I require a helicopter urgently to pick up injuredsick person BR 4 I require a helicopter urgently with inflatable raftBS You should send a helicopterboat with stretcherBT Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated BT 1 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated to pick up persons BT 2 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated with a doctor BT 3 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated to pick up injuredsick person BT 4 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated with inflatable raftBU A helicopterboat is coming to take injuredsickBV I cannot send a helicopterBW The magnetic course for you to steer towards me or vessel or position indicated is at time indicatedBX The magnetic course for the helicopter to regain its base isBY Will you indicate the magnetic course for me to steer towards you or vessel or position indi catedBZ Your magnetic bearing from me or from vessel or position indicated is at time indicatedCA What is my magnetic bearing from you or from vessel or position indicated ASSISTANCE Required I am in distress and require immediate assistance NCCB I require immediate assistance CB 1 I require immediate assistance I have a dangerous list CB 2 I require immediate assistance I have damaged steering gear 33 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Required CB 3 I require immediate assistance I have a serious disturbance on board CB 4 I require immediate assistance I am aground CB 5 I require immediate assistance I am drifting CB 6 I require immediate assistance I am on fire CB 7 I require immediate assistance I have sprung a leak CB 8 I require immediate assistance propeller shaft is broken CC I am or vessel indicated is in distress in lat long or bearing from place indicated dis tance and require immediate assistance Complements Table 2 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 if required I require assistance V CD I require assistance in the nature of Complements Table 2 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 I require medical assistance W I request assistance from fishery protection or fishery assistance vessel TY CE I will attempt to obtain for you the assistance required Aircraft is ditched in position indicated and requires immediate assistance BF CF Signals from vesselaircraft requesting assistance are coming from bearingfrom me lat long if necessary CG Stand by to assist me or vessel indicated CG 1 I will stand by to assist you or vessel indicated Survivors are in bad condition Medical assistance is urgently required HM CH Vessel indicated is reported as requiring assistance in lat long or bearing from place indicated distance CH 1 Lightvessel or lighthouse indicated requires assistance CH 2 Space ship is down in lat long and requires immediate assistance CI Vessel aground in lat long requires assistance CJ Do you require assistance CJ 1 Do you require immediate assistance CJ 2 Do you require any further assistance CJ 3 What assistance do you require CJ 4 Can you proceed without assistance34 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Not Assistance is not or is no longer required by me or vessel indicatedCL I offered assistance but it was declined GivenNot GivenCM One or more vessels are assisting the vessel in distress CM 1 Vesselaircraft reported in distress is receiving assistanceCN You should give all possible assistance CN 1 You should give immediate assistance to pick up survivors CN 2 You should send survival craft to assist vessel indicatedCO Assistance cannot be given to you or vesselaircraft indicated CO 1 I cannot give the assistance required Proceeding to AssistanceCP I am or vessel indicated is proceeding to your assistance CP 1 SAR aircraft is coming to your assistanceCQ Call for unknown stations or general call to all stationsCR I am proceeding to the assistance of vessel lat longCS What is the name or identity signal of your vessel or stationCT I or vessel indicated expect to reach you at time indicatedCU Assistance will come at time indicated CU 1 I can assist youCV I am unable to give assistance CV 1 Will you go to the assistance of vessel indicated in lat long CV 2 May I assist you CV 3 Can you assist me or vessel indicated CV 4 Can you assist Can you offer assistance Complements Table 2 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 TZ I shall abandon my vessel unless you will remain by me ready to assist AE 2 I cannot get the fire under control without assistance IX 1 35 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Proceeding to Assistance I can get the fire under control without assistance IY Can you get the fire under control without assistance IY 1 I have placed the collision mat I can proceed without assistance KA 1 I cannot take you or vessel indicated in tow but I will report you and ask for immediate assistance KN 1 I cannot steer without assistance PK Procedural signals BOATSRAFTS CW Boatraft is on board CW 1 Boatraft is safe CW 2 Boatraft is in sight CW 3 Boatraft is adrift CW 4 Boatraft is aground CW 5 Boatraft is alongside CW 6 Boatraft is damaged CW 7 Boatraft has sunk CW 8 Boatraft has capsized CX Boats cannot be used CX 1 Boats cannot be used because of prevailing weather conditions CX 2 Boats cannot be used on the starboard side because of list CX 3 Boats cannot be used on the port side because of list CX 4 Boats cannot be used to disembark people CX 5 Boats cannot be used to get alongside CX 6 Boats cannot be used to reach you CX 7 I cannot send a boat CY Boats isare coming to you CY 1 Boatraft is making for the shore CY 2 Boatraft has reached the shore36 SECTION CrossCode Meaning ReferenceCZ You should make a lee for the boatsrafts CZ 1 You should discharge oil to smooth seaDA Boatsrafts should approach vessel as near as possible to take off persons A boathelicopter is coming to take injuredsick BUDB Veer a boat or raft on a lineDC Boat should endeavor to land where flag is waved or light is shownDD Boats are not allowed to come alongside DD 1 Boats are not allowed to land after time indicatedDE From Procedural signal used to precede the name or identity signal of the calling station AvailableDF I have number serviceable boatsDG I have a motor boat or number motor boatsDH I have no boatraft DH 1 I have no motor boat DH 2 Have you any boats with radiotelegraph installation or portable radio equipment DH 3 How many serviceable motor boats have you DH 4 How many serviceable boats have you RequiredDI I require boats for number personsDJ Do you require a boat SendDK You should send all available boatsrafts DK 1 You should send back my boat DK 2 Can you send a boat You should send a boathelicopter with stretcher BS You should send survival craft to assist vessel indicated CN 2 You should stop or heave to I am going to send a boat SQ 2 37 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Send DL I can send a boat DL 1 I am sending a boat I cannot send a boat CX 7 Search DM You should search for the boatsrafts DN I have found the boatraft DN 1 Have you seen or heard anything of the boatraft DO Look out for boatraft in bearing distance from me or from position indicated DP There is a boatraft in bearing distance from me or from position indicated DQ An empty boatraft has been sighted in lat long or bearing from place indicated dis tance Disabled DR Have you sighted disabled vesselaircraft in approximate lat long DS I sighted disabled aircraft in lat long at time indicated DT I sighted disabled vessel in lat long at time indicated DT 1 I sighted disabled vessel in lat long at time indicated apparently without a radio I am disabled communicate with me F Drifting DU I am drifting at number knots towards degrees DV I am drifting DV 1 I am adrift DW Vessel name or identity signal is drifting near lat long I require immediate assistance I am drifting CB 5 I am or vessel indicated is breaking adrift RC I have broken adrift RC 138 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference SinkingDX I am sinking lat long if necessaryDY Vessel name or identity signal has sunk in lat long DY 1 Did you see vessel sink DY 2 Where did vessel sink DY 3 Is it confirmed that vessel name or identity signal has sunk DY 4 What is the depth of water where vessel sunk DISTRESS VesselAircraft in Distress I am in distress and require immediate assistance NCDZ Vessel or aircraft indicated appears to be in distress DZ 1 Is vessel or aircraft indicated in distress DZ 2 What is the name or identity signal of vessel in distressEA Have you sighted or heard of a vessel in distress Approximate position lat long or bear ing from place indicated distance EA 1 Have you any news of vesselaircraft reported missing or in distress in this area I am or vessel indicated is in distress in lat long or bearing from place indicated dis tance and require immediate assistance Complements Table 2 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 if required CCEB There is a vessel or aircraft in distress in lat long or bearing distance from me or Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104EC A vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident is in distress in lat long Distress SignalED Your distress signals are understood ED 1 Your distress signals are understood the nearest lifesaving station is being informedEF SOSMAYDAY has been cancelled EF 1 Has the SOSMAYDAY been cancelled I have intercepted SOSMAYDAY from vessel name or identity signal or aircraft in posi tion lat long at time indicated FF 39 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Distress Signal EG Did you hear SOSMAYDAY given at time indicated EG 1 Will you listen on 2182 kHz for signals of emergency radiobeacons EG 2 I am listening on 2182 kHz for signals of emergency radiobeacons EG 3 Have you received the signal of an emergency radiobeacon on 2182 kHz EG 4 I have received the signal of an emergency radiobeacon on 2182 kHz EG 5 Will you listen on MHz for signals of emergency radiobeacons EG 6 I am listening on MHz for signals of emergency radiobeacons EG 7 Have you received the signal of an emergency radiobeacon on MHz EG 8 I have received the signal of an emergency radiobeacon on MHz EJ I have received distress signal transmitted by coast station indicated EJ 1 Have you received distress signal transmitted by coast station indicated EK I have sighted distress signal in lat long EK 1 An explosion was seen or heard position or direction and time to be indicated EK 2 Have you heard or seen distress signal from survival craft Reference is made to signals prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 Regu lation 16a Chapter V as replies from lifesaving stations or maritime rescue units to distress signals made by a ship or person Position of Distress EL Repeat the distress position EL 1 What is the position of vessel in distress Position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraft was lat long or bearing from place indicated distance FG What was the position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraft FG 1 Position given with SOSMAYDAY is wrong The correct position is lat long FH Position given with SOSMAYDAY by vessel is wrong I have her bearing by radio direction finder and can exchange bearings with any other vessel FI Survival craft are believed to be in the vicinity of lat long GI EM Are there other in the vicinity of vesselaircraft in distress40 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Contact or LocateEN You should try to contact vesselaircraft in distressEO I am unable to locate vesselaircraft in distress because of poor visibilityEP I have lost sight of you I have located or found wreckage from the vesselaircraft in distress position to be indicated if necessary by lat long or by bearing from specified place and distance GLEQ I expect to be at the position of vesselaircraft in distress at time indicated EQ 1 Indicate estimated time of your arrival at position of vesselaircraft in distress I am flying to likely position of vessel in distress BI One or more vessels are assisting the vessel in distress CM Vesselaircraft reported in distress is receiving assistance CM 1 I am proceeding to the assistance of vesselaircraft in distress in lat long CR I have found vesselaircraft in distress in lat long GF POSITIONER You should indicate your position at time indicatedET My position at time indicated was lat longEU My present position is lat long or bearing from place indicated distance EU 1 What is your present positionEV My present position course and speed are lat long knots EV 1 What are your present position course and speedEW My position is ascertained by dead reckoning EW 1 My position is ascertained by visual bearings EW 2 My position is ascertained by astronomical observations EW 3 My position is ascertained by radiobeacons EW 4 My position is ascertained by radar EW 5 My position is ascertained by electronic positionfixing systemEX My position is doubtfulEY I am confident as to my position EY 1 Are you confident as to your position 41 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference EZ Your position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder stations which I control is lat long at time indicated EZ 1 Will you give me my position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder sta tions which you control FA Will you give me my position FB Will vessels in my immediate vicinity or in the vicinity of lat long please indicate posi tion course and speed Position of Distress FC You should indicate your position by visual or sound signals FC 1 You should indicate your position by rockets or flares FC 2 You should indicate your position by visual signals FC 3 You should indicate your position by sound signals FC 4 You should indicate your position by searchlight FC 5 You should indicate your position by smoke signal FD My position is indicated by visual or sound signals FD 1 My position is indicated by rockets or flares FD 2 My position is indicated by visual signals FD 3 My position is indicated by sound signals FD 4 My position is indicated by searchlight FD 5 My position is indicated by smoke signal I expect to be at the position of vesselaircraft in distress at time indicated EQ Indicate estimated time of your arrival at position of vesselaircraft in distress EQ 1 Position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraft was lat long or bearing from place indicated distance FG What was position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraft FG 1 Position given with SOSMAYDAY is wrong The correct position is lat long FH Position given with SOSMAYDAY by vessel is wrong I have her bearing by radio direction finder and can exchange bearings with any other vessel FI Position of accident or survival craft is marked FJ Position of accident or survival craft is marked by flame or smoke float FJ 1 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker FJ 2 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker dye FJ 342 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Position of Distress Position of accident or survival craft is marked by radiobeacon FJ 4 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by wreckage FJ 5 Is position of accident or survival craft marked FK You should transmit your identification and series of long dashes or your carrier frequency to home vessel or aircraft to your position FQ Shall I home vessel or aircraft to my position FQ 1 You should indicate position of survivors by throwing pyrotechnic signals HT SEARCH AND RESCUE Proceeding to Assistance I am proceeding to the assistance of vesselaircraft in distress lat long CRFE I am proceeding to the position of accident at full speed Expect to arrive at time indicated FE 1 Are you proceeding to the position of accident If so when do you expect to arrive I am unable to give assistance CV Can you assist CV 4 Position of Distress or AccidentFF I have intercepted SOSMAYDAY from vessel name or identity signal or aircraft in posi tion lat long at time indicated FF 1 I have intercepted SOSMAYDAY from vessel name or identity signal or aircraft in position lat long at time indicated I have heard nothing sinceFG Position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraft was lat long or bearing from place indicated distance FG 1 What was position given with SOSMAYDAY from vessel or aircraftFH Position given with SOSMAYDAY is wrong The correct position is lat longFI Position given with SOSMAYDAY by vessel is wrong I have her bearing by radio direction finder and can exchange bearings with any other vesselFJ Position of accident or survival craft is marked FJ 1 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by flame or smoke float FJ 2 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker FJ 3 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by sea marker dye 43 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Position of Distress or Accident FJ 4 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by radiobeacon FJ 5 Position of accident or survival craft is marked by wreckage FK Is position of accident or survival craft marked FL You should steer course or follow me to reach position of accident Course to reach me is MF What is the course to reach you MF1 FM Visual contact with vessel is not continuous FN I have lost all contact with vessel I have lost sight of you EP FO I will keep close to you FO 1 I will keep close to you during the night FP Estimated set and drift of survival craft is degrees and knots FP 1 What is the estimated set and drift of survival craft FQ You should transmit your identification and series of long dashes or your carrier frequency to home vessel or aircraft to your position FQ 1 Shall I home vessel or aircraft to my position Search FR I am or vessel indicated is in charge of coordinating search FR 1 Carry out search pattern starting at hours Initial course search speed knots FR 2 Carry out radar search ships proceeding in loose line abreast at intervals between shipsmiles Initial course search speed knots FR 3 Vessel indicated call sign or identity signal is allocated track number FR 4 Vessels indicated adjust interval between ships to miles FR 5 Adjust track spacing to miles FR 6 Search speed will now be knots FR 7 Alter course as necessary to next leg of track now or at time indicated FS Please take charge of search in sector stretching between bearings and from vessel in dis tress44 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference SearchFT Please take charge of search in sector between lat and and long andFU The search area of the aircraft is between lat and and long andFV Search by will be discontinued because of unfavorable conditionsFW You should search in the vicinity of lat longFX Shall I search in the vicinity of lat longFY I am in the search area FY 1 Are you in the search area Aircraft is coming to participate in search Expected arrive over the area of accident at time indicated BPFZ You should continue search according to instructions and until further notice FZ 1 I am continuing to search FZ 2 Are you continuing to search FZ 3 Do you want me to continue to searchGA I cannot continue to searchGB You should stop search and return to base or continue your voyage These signals are intended for use in connection with the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual MERSAR Results of SearchGC Report results of search GC 1 Results of search negative I am continuing to search GC 2 I have searched area of accident but have found no trace of derelict or survivors GC 3 I have noted patches of oil at likely position of accidentGD Vesselaircraft missing or being looked for has not been heard of since GD 1 Have you anything to report on missing or being looked for GD 2 Have you seen wreckage or derelictGE Vesselaircraft has been located at lat longGF I have found vesselaircraft in distress in lat longGG Vesselaircraft was last reported at time indicated in lat long steering courseGH I have sighted survival craft in lat long or bearing distance from me 45 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Results of Search GI Survival craft are believed to be in the vicinity of lat long GJ Wreckage is reported in lat long GJ 1 Wreckage is reported in lat long No survivors appear to be in the vicinity GK Aircraft wreckage is found in lat long GL I have located or found wreckage from the vesselaircraft in distress position to be indicated if necessary by lat and long or by bearing from specified place and distance Rescue GM I cannot save my vessel GM 1 I cannot save my vessel keep as close as possible GN You should take off persons GN 1 I wish some persons taken off Skeleton crew will remain on board GN 2 I will take off persons GN 3 Can you take off persons GO I cannot take off persons GP You should proceed to the rescue of vessel or ditched aircraft in lat long GQ I cannot proceed to the rescue owing to weather You should do all you can GR Vessel coming to your rescue or to the rescue of vessel or aircraft indicated is steering course speed knots GR 1 You should indicate course and speed of vessel coming to my rescue or to the rescue of vessel or aircraft indicated GS I will attempt rescue with whip and breeches buoy GT I will endeavor to connect with line throwing apparatus GT 1 Look out for rocket line GU It is not safe to fire a rocket GV You should endeavor to send me a line GV 1 Have you a line throwing apparatus GV 2 Can you connect with line throwing apparatus GV 3 I have not a line throwing apparatus GW Man overboard Please take action to pick him up position to be indicated if necessary Man overboard O46 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Reference is made to signals prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 Regu lation 16c Chapter V in connection with the use of shore lifesaving apparatus Results of RescueGX Report results of rescue GX 1 What have you or rescue vesselaircraft picked upGY I or rescue vesselaircraft have picked up wreckageGZ All persons saved GZ 1 All persons lostHA I or rescue vesselaircraft have rescued number injured personsHB I or rescue vesselaircraft have rescued number survivorsHC I or rescue vesselaircraft have picked up number bodiesHD Can I transfer rescued persons to you SURVIVORSHF I have located survivors in water latlongor bearingfrom place indicated distanceHG I have located survivors in survival craft lat long or bearing from place indicated dis tanceHJ I have located survivors on drifting ice lat longHK I have located bodies in lat long or bearing from place indicated distanceHL Survivors not yet located HL 1 I am still looking for survivors HL 2 Have you located survivors If so in what positionHM Survivors are in bad condition Medical assistance is urgently required HM 1 Survivors are in bad condition HM 2 Survivors are in good condition HM 3 Condition of survivors not ascertained HM 4 What is condition of survivorsHN You should proceed to lat long to pick up survivorsHO Pick up survivors from drifting ice lat long 47 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference HO 1 Pick up survivors from sinking vesselaircraft HP Survivors have not yet been picked up HP 1 Have survivors been picked up You should give immediate assistance to pick up survivors CN 1 HQ Transfer survivors to my vessel or vessel indicated HQ 1 Have you any survivors on board HR You should try to obtain from survivors all possible information HT You should indicate position of survivors by throwing pyrotechnic signals48 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 2 CrossCode Meaning Reference COLLISIONHV Have you been in collisionHW I have or vessel indicated has collided with surface craft HW 1 I have or vessel indicated has collided with light vessel HW 2 I have or vessel indicated has collided with submarine HW 3 I have or vessel indicated has collided with unknown vessel HW 4 I have or vessel indicated has collided with underwater object HW 5 I have or vessel indicated has collided with navigation buoy HW 6 I have or vessel indicated has collided with iceberg HW 7 I have or vessel indicated has collided with floating iceHX Have you received any damage in collision HX 1 I have received serious damage above the waterline HX 2 I have received serious damage below the waterline HX 3 I have received minor damage above the waterline HX 4 I have received minor damage below the waterlineHY The vessel name or identity signal with which I have been in collision has sunk HY 1 The vessel name or identity signal with which I have been in collision has resumed her voyage HY 2 I do not know what has happened to the vessel with which I collided HY 3 Has the vessel with which you have been in collision resumed her voyage HY 4 What is the name or identity signal of the vessel with which you collided HY 5 What is the name or identity signal of vessel which collided with me My name or identity signal is HY 6 Where is the vessel with which you collidedHZ There has been a collision between vessels indicated names or identity signals I urgently require a collision mat KA I have placed the collision mat I can proceed without assistance KA 1 Can you place the collision mat KA 2 I have received damage to stem 49 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference IA 1 I have received damage to stern frame IA 2 I have received damage to side plate above water IA 3 I have received damage to side plate below water IA 4 I have received damage to bottom plate IA 5 I have received damage to boilerroom IA 6 I have received damage to engineroom IA 7 I have received damage to hatchways IA 8 I have received damage to steering gear IA 9 I have received damage to propellers IB What damage have you received IB 1 My vessel is seriously damaged IB 2 I have minor damage IB 3 I have not received any damage IB 4 The extent of the damage is still unknown Have you received any damage in collision HX I have received serious damage above the waterline HX 1 I have received serious damage below the waterline HX 2 I have received minor damage above the waterline HX 3 I have received minor damage below the waterline HX 4 IC Can damage be repaired at sea IC 1 Can damage be repaired at sea without assistance IC 2 How long will it take you to repair damage ID Damage can be repaired at sea ID 1 Damage can be repaired at sea without assistance ID 2 Damage has been repaired IF Damage cannot be repaired at sea IF 1 Damage cannot be repaired at sea without assistance IG Damage can be repaired in number hours IJ I will try to proceed by my own means but I request you to keep in contact with me by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 IK I can proceed at number knots50 SECTION CrossCode Meaning ReferenceIL I can only proceed at slow speed IL 1 I can only proceed with one engine IL 2 I am unable to proceed under my own power IL 3 Are you in a condition to proceedIM I request to be escorted until further notice Propeller shaft is broken RO My propeller is fouled by hawser or rope RO 1 I have lost my propeller RO 2 OPERATIONSIN I require a diver IN 1 I require a diver to clear propeller IN 2 I require a diver to examine bottom IN 3 I require a diver to place collision mat IN 4 I require a diver to clear my anchorIO I have no diverIP A diver will be sent as soon as possible or at time indicatedIQ Diver has been attacked by divers disease and requires decompression chamber treatmentIR I am engaged in submarine survey work underwater operations Keep clear of me and go slow I have a diver down keep well clear at slow speed A The use of this signal does not relieve any vessel from compliance with the International Regulations for Prevent ing Collisions at Sea 1972 FIREEXPLOSION FireIT I am on fire IT 1 I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board keep well clear of me J IT 2 Vessel name or identity signal is on fire IT 3 Are you on fire 51 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Fire IU Vessel name or identity signal on fire is located at lat long I require immediate assistance I am on fire CB 6 IV Where is the fire IV 1 I am on fire in the engineroom IV 2 I am on fire in the boilerroom IV 3 I am on fire in hold or cargo IV 4 I am on fire in passengers or crews quarters IV 5 Oil is on fire IW Fire is under control IX Fire is gaining IX 1 I cannot get the fire under control without assistance IX 2 Fire has not been extinguished IY I can get the fire under control without assistance IY 1 Can you get the fire under control without assistance IZ Fire has been extinguished IZ 1 I am flooding compartment to extinguish fire IZ 2 Is fire extinguished JA I require firefighting appliances JA 1 I require foam fire extinguishers JA 2 I require CO2 fire extinguishers JA 3 I require tetrachloride fire extinguishers JA 4 I require material for foam fire extinguishers JA 5 I require material for CO2 fire extinguishers JA 6 I require material for carbon tetrachloride fire extinguishers JA 7 I require water pumps Explosion JB There is danger of explosion JC There is no danger of explosion52 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Explosion JC 1 Is there any danger of explosionJD Explosion has occurred in boiler JD 1 Explosion has occurred in tank JD 2 Explosion has occurred in cargo JD 3 Further explosions are possible JD 4 There is danger of toxic effectsJE Have you any casualties owing to explosion An explosion was seen or heard position or direction and time to be indicated EK 1 GroundingJF I am or vessel indicated is aground in lat long also the following complements if nec essary 0 On rocky bottom 1 On soft bottom 2 Forward 3 Amidship 4 Aft 5 At high water forward 6 At high water amidship 7 At high water aft 8 Full length of vessel 9 Full length of vessel at high waterJG I am aground I am in dangerous situationJH I am aground I am not in danger I require immediate assistance I am aground CB 4 Vessel aground in lat long require assistance CIJI Are you aground JI 1 What was your draft when you went aground 53 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Grounding JI 2 On what kind of ground have you gone aground JI 3 At what state of tide did you go aground JI 4 What part of your vessel is aground JJ My maximum draft when I went aground was number feet or meters JK The tide was high water when the vessel went aground JK 1 The tide was half water when the vessel went aground JK 2 The tide was low water when the vessel went aground JL You are running the risk of going aground JL 1 You are running the risk of going aground do not approach me from the starboard side JL 2 You are running the risk of going aground do not approach me from the port side JL 3 You are running the risk of going aground do not approach me from forward JL 4 You are running the risk of going aground do not approach me from aft JM You are running the risk of going aground at low water Beaching JN You should beach the vessel in lat long JN 1 You should beach the vessel where flag is waved or light is shown JN 2 I must beach the vessel Refloating JO I am afloat JO 1 I am afloat forward JO 2 I am afloat aft JO 3 I may be got afloat if prompt assistance is given JO 4 Are you or vessel indicated still afloat JO 5 When do you expect to be afloat JP I am jettisoning to refloat the following complements should be used if required 1 Cargo 2 Bunkers 3 Everything movable forward54 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Refloating 4 Everything movable aftJQ I cannot refloat without jettisoning the following complements should be used if required 1 Cargo 2 Bunkers 3 Everything movable forward 4 Everything movable aftJR I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat JR 1 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat at time indicated JR 2 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat in daylight JR 3 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat when tide rises JR 4 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat when visibility improves JR 5 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat when weather moderates JR 6 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat when draft is lightened JR 7 I expect or vessel indicated expects to refloat when tugs arriveJS Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat JS 1 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat at time indicated JS 2 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat in daylight JS 3 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat when tide rises JS 4 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat when visibility improves JS 5 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat when weather moderates JS 6 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat when draft is lightened JS 7 Is it likely that you or vessel indicated will refloat when tugs arriveJT I can refloat if an anchor is laid out for me JT 1 I may refloat without assistance JT 2 Will you assist me to refloatJU I cannot be refloated by any means now availableJV Will you escort me to lat long after refloating 55 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference LEAK JW I have sprung a leak JW 1 Leak is dangerous JW 2 Leak is causing dangerous heel JW 3 Leak is beyond the capacity of my pumps I require immediate assistance I have sprung a leak CB 7 JX Leak is gaining rapidly JX 1 I cannot stop the leak JY Leak can be controlled if it does not get any worse JY 1 I require additional pumping facilities to control the leak JY 2 Leak is under control JY 3 Leak has been stopped JZ Have you sprung a leak JZ 1 Can you stop the leak JZ 2 Is the leak dangerous KA I urgently require a collision mat KA 1 I have placed the collision mat I can proceed without assistance KA 2 Can you place the collision mat KB I have number feet or meters of water in the hold KC My holds is are flooded KC 1 How many compartments are flooded KD There are number compartments flooded KE The watertight bulkheads are standing up well to the pressure of the water KE 1 I need timber to support bulkheads TOWINGTUGS Tug KF I require a tug or number tugs I require a tug Z56 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference TugKG Do you require a tugs KG 1 I do not require tugsKH Tugs is are coming to you Expect to arrive at time indicated KH 1 Tug with pilot is coming to you KH 2 You should wait for tugsKI There are no tugs available KI 1 Tugs cannot proceed out TowingTaking in TowKJ I am towing a submerged object KJ 1 I am towing a float KJ 2 I am towing a targetKK Towing is impossible under present weather conditions KK 1 Towing is very difficult KK 2 I cannot connect at present but will attempt when conditions improve KK 3 I cannot connect tonight I will try in daylight KK 4 Can you assist with your enginesKL I am obliged to stop towing temporarily KL 1 You should stop towing temporarilyKM I can take you or vessel indicated in tow KM 1 Shall I take you in towKN I cannot take you or vessel indicated in tow KN 1 I cannot take you or vessel indicated in tow but I will report you and ask for immediate assistance KN 2 I cannot take you or vessel indicated in tow but can take off personsKO You should endeavor to take vessel name or identity signal in tow KO 1 You should report whether you have taken vessel name or identity signal in tow KO 2 Can you take me or vessel indicated in towKP You should tow me to the nearest port or anchorage or place indicated KP 1 I will tow you to the nearest port or anchorage or place indicated 57 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference TowingTaking in Tow KP 2 I must get shelter or anchorage as soon as possible KQ Prepare to be taken in tow KQ 1 I am ready to be taken in tow KQ 2 Prepare to tow me or vessel indicated KQ 3 I am ready to tow you KQ 4 Prepare to resume towing KQ 5 I am ready to resume towing KR All is ready for towing KR 1 I am commencing to tow KR 2 You should commence towing KR 3 Is all ready for towing Towing KS You should send a line over KS 1 I have taken the line KT You should send me a towing hawser KT 1 I am sending towing hawser KU I cannot send towing hawser KU 1 I have no or no other hawser KU 2 I have no wire hawser KU 3 Have you a hawser KV I intend to use my towing hawsercable KV 1 I intend to use your towing hawsercable KW You should have towing hawsercable ready KW 1 Towing hawsercable is ready KW 2 You should have another hawser ready KW 3 You should have spare towing hawsercable ready KW 4 Spare towing hawsercable is ready KW 5 You should have wire hawser ready58 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Towing KW 6 Wire hawser is readyKX You should be ready to receive the towing hawser KX 1 I am ready to receive the towing hawser KX 2 You should come closer to receive towing hawser KX 3 I am coming closer to receive towing hawser KX 4 I have received towing hawserKY Length of tow is number fathomsKZ You should shorten the towing hawser or shorten distance between vessels KZ 1 I am shortening towing hawser or I am shortening distance between vessels KZ 2 You should haul in the hawser KZ 3 I am hauling in the hawser KZ 4 You should haul in the slack KZ 5 I am hauling in the slackLA Towing hawsercable has parted LA 1 Towing hawsercable is in danger of parting LA 2 Towing hawsercable is damaged LA 3 You should reinforce the hawsers LA 4 I am reinforcing the hawsers Make FastVeerLB You should make towing hawser fast to your chain cable LB 1 Towing hawser is fast to chain cable LB 2 You should make towing hawser fast to wire LB 3 Towing hawser is fast to wire LB 4 My towing hawser is fast LB 5 Is your towing hawser fastLC You should make fast astern and steer meLD You should veer your hawsercable number fathomsLE I am about to veer my hawsercable 59 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Make FastVeer LE 1 I am veering my hawsercable LE 2 I have veered my hawsercable LE 3 I shall veer cable attached to hawser LE 4 How much cable should I veer LF You should stop veering your hawsercable LF 1 I cannot veer any more hawsercable Cast Off LG You should prepare to cast off towing hawsers LG 1 I am preparing to cast off towing hawsers LG 2 I am ready to cast off towing hawsers LG 3 You should cast off starboard towing hawser LG 4 I have cast off starboard towing hawser LG 5 You should cast off port towing hawser LG 6 I have cast off port towing hawser LG 7 You should cast off hawsers LG 8 I must cast off towing hawsers Engine Maneuvers I am going ahead QD My engines are going ahead QD 1 I will keep going ahead QD 2 I will go ahead QD 3 I will go ahead dead slow QD 4 I have headway QE I cannot go ahead QF You should go ahead QG You should go slow ahead QG 1 You should go full speed ahead QG 2 You should keep going ahead QG 360 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Engine Maneuvers You should keep your engines going ahead QG 4 You should not go ahead any more QH I am going astern QI My engines are going astern QI 1 I will keep going astern QI 2 I will go astern QI 3 I will go astern dead slow QI 4 I have sternway QJ I cannot go astern QK You should go astern QL You should go slow astern QL 1 You should go full speed astern QL 2 You should keep going astern QL 3 You should keep your engines going astern QL 4 You should not go astern any more QM You should stop your engines immediately RL You should stop your engines RL 1 My engines are stopped RM I am stopping my engines RM 1LH Maximum speed in tow is number knotsLI I am increasing speed LI 1 Increase speedLJ I am reducing speed LJ 1 Reduce speed 61 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 3 AIDS TO Cross Code Meaning Reference AIDS TO NAVIGATION BuoysBeacons LK Buoy or beacon has been established in lat long LL Buoy or beacon in lat long has been removed You should steer directly for the buoy or object indicated PL You should keep buoy or object indicated on your starboard side PL 1 You should keep buoy or object indicated on your port side PL 2 You can pass the buoy or object indicated on either side PL 3 LM Radiobeacon indicated is out of action LN Light name follows has been extinguished LN 1 All lights are out along this coast or the coast of LO I am not in my correct position to be used by a lightvessel LO 1 Lightvessel name follows is out of position LO 2 Lightvessel name follows has been removed from her station Lightvessel or lighthouse indicated requires assistance CH 1 BAR LP There is not less than number feet or meters of water over the bar LQ There will be number feet or meters of water over the bar at time indicated LR Bar is not dangerous LR 1 What is the depth of water over the bar LR 2 Can I cross the bar LS Bar is dangerous BEARINGS LT Your bearing from me or from name or identity signal is at time indicated LU The bearing of name or identity signal from name or identity signal is at time indi cated LV Let me know my bearings from you I will flash searchlight62 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference LV 1 What is my bearing from you or from name or identity signal LV 2 What is the bearing of name or identity signal from name or identity signal Your magnetic bearing from me or from vessel or position indicated is at time indicated BZ What is my magnetic bearing from you or from vessel or position indicated CALW I receive your transmission on bearing LW 1 Can you take bearings from my radio signals Your position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder stations which I control is lat long at time indicated EZ Will you give me my position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder stations which you control EZ 1 Bearing and distance by radar of vessel or object indicated is bearing distance miles OM What is the bearing and distance by radar of vessel or object indicated OM 1 CanalLX The canal is clear LX 1 The canal will be clear at time indicated LX 2 You can enter the canal at time indicated LX 3 Is the canal clear LX 4 When can I enter the canalLY The canal is not clearLZ The channelfairway is navigable LZ 1 I intend to pass through the channelfairway LZ 2 Is the channelfairway navigable LZ 3 What is the state of the channelfairway LZ 4 What is the least depth of water in the The least depth of water in the channelfairway is number feet or metersMB You should keep in the center of the channelfairway MB 1 You should keep on the starboard side of the channelfairway 63 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Canal MB 2 You should keep on the port side of the channelfairway MB 3 You should leave the channelfairway free MC There is an uncharted obstruction in the channelfairway You should proceed with caution MC 1 The channelfairway is not navigable MC 2 The lane of the traffic separation scheme is not navigable The direction of the traf fic flow is to be indicated COURSE MD My course is MD 1 What is your course My present position course and speed are lat long knots EV What are your present position course and speed EV 1 Will vessels in my immediate vicinity or in the vicinity of lat long please indicate posi tion course and speed FB Vessel coming to your rescue or to the rescue of vessel or aircraft indicated is steering course speed knots GR You should indicate course and speed of vessel coming to my rescue or to the rescue of vessel or aircraft indicated GR 1 ME The course to place name follows is ME 1 What is the course to place name follows The magnetic course for the helicopter to regain its base is BX MF Course to reach me is MF 1 What is the course to reach you The magnetic course for you to steer towards me or vessel or position indicated is at time indicated BW Will you indicate the magnetic course for me to steer towards you or vessel or position indicated BY MG You should steer course MG 1 What course should I steer You should maintain your present course PI I am maintaining my present course PI 164 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference I cannot maintain my present course PJMH You should alter course to at time indicatedMI I am altering course to I am altering my course to starboard E I am altering my course to port I You should alter your course if possible appreciably to starboard to facilitate location by radar OJ 2 You should alter your course if possible appreciably to port to facilitate location by radar OJ 3 DANGERS TO Derelict dangerous to navigation reported in lat long or Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104MK I have seen derelict in lat long at time indicated MK 1 Have you seen derelict or wreckageML Derelict is drifting near lat long or bearing from place indicated distance ML 1 Hull of derelict is awash ML 2 Hull of derelict is well out of the waterMM There is a wreck in lat long MM 1 Wreck is buoyed MM 2 Wreck is awashMN Wreck in lat long is not buoyedMO I have struck a shoal or submerged object lat longMP I am in shallow water Please direct me how to navigate Radiation DangerMQ There is risk of contamination due to excessive release of radioactive material in this area or in area around lat long Keep radio watch Relay the message to vessels in your vicinity MQ 1 The radioactive material is airborne MQ 2 The radioactive material is waterborneMR There is no or no more risk of contamination due to excessive release of radioactive material in this area or in area around lat long 65 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Radiation Danger MR 1 Is there risk of contamination due to excessive release of radioactive material in this area or in area around lat long MS My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation MS 1 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation you may approach from my starboard side MS 2 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation you may approach from my port side MS 3 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation you may approach from forward MS 4 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation you may approach from aft MT My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation You may approach from Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 MU My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation Do not approach within number cables I am abandoning my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation danger AD I have had a serious nuclear accident and you should approach with caution AJ I have had a nuclear accident on board AK A vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident is in distress in lat long EC MV My vessel is releasing radioactive material and presents a hazard MW My vessel is releasing radioactive material and presents a hazard Do not approach within number cables MX The radioactive material is airborne Do not approach from leeward Warnings MY It is dangerous to stop MY 1 It is dangerous to remain in present position MY 2 It is dangerous to proceed on present course MY 3 It is dangerous to proceed until weather permits MY 4 It is dangerous to alter course to starboard MY 5 It is dangerous to alter course to port MY 6 It is dangerous to approach close to my vessel MY 7 It is dangerous to let go an anchor or use bottom trawl MY 8 It is dangerous to jettison inflammable oil It is not safe to fire a rocket GU66 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference WarningsMZ Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long MZ 1 I consider you are carrying out a dangerous navigational practice and I intend to report you Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to icebergs VZ Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to floating ice VZ 1 Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to pack ice VZ 2NA Navigation is closed NA 1 Navigation is possible only with tug assistance NA 2 Navigation is possible only with pilot assistance NA 3 Navigation is prohibited within 500m of this platform NA 4 Navigation is prohibited within 500m of the platform bearing from me NA 5 You have been detected navigating within a 500m Safety Zone about the platform bear ing from me and will be reported NA 6 Anchors with buoys extend up to one mile from this vesselrig You should keep clear You should navigate with caution Small fishing boats are within number miles of me TH You should navigate with caution You are drifting towards my set of nets TI You should navigate with caution There are nets with a buoy in this area TJNB There is fishing gear in the direction you are heading or in direction Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104NC I am in distress and require immediate assistanceND Tsunami phenomenal wave is expected You should take appropriate precautions Tropical storm cyclone hurricane typhoon is approaching You should take appropriate precautions VLNE You should proceed with great caution NE 1 You should proceed with great caution the coast is dangerous NE 2 You should proceed with great caution submarines are exercising in this area NE 3 You should proceed with great caution there is a boom across NE 4 You should proceed with great caution keep clear of firing range NE 5 You should proceed with great caution hostile vessel sighted in lat long NE 6 You should proceed with great caution hostile submarine sighted in lat long 67 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Warnings NE 7 You should proceed with great caution hostile aircraft sighted in lat long There is an uncharted obstruction in the channelfairway You should proceed with caution MC You should change your anchorageberth It is not safe RE All vessels should proceed to sea as soon as possible owing to danger in port UL NF You are running into danger U NF 1 You are running into danger there is a radiation hazard NG You are in a dangerous position NG 1 You are in a dangerous position there is a radiation hazard NH You are clear of all danger NH 1 Are you clear of all danger NI I have or vessel indicated has a list of number degrees to starboard NJ I have or vessel indicated has a list of number degrees to port DEPTHDRAFT Depth NK There is not sufficient depth of water NL There is sufficient depth of water NL 1 Is there sufficient depth of water The least depth of water in the channelfairway is number feet or meters MA What is the least depth of water in the channelfairway LZ 4 There is not less than number feet or meters of water over the bar LP What is the depth of water over the bar LR 1 There will be number feet or meters of water over the bar at time indicated LQ The depth at high water here or in place indicated is number feet or meters QA The depth at low water here or in place indicated is number feet or meters QB What is the depth at high and low water here or in place indicated PW 2 NM You should report the depth around your vessel NN I am in number feet or meters of water68 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference DepthNO NegativeNo or The significance of the previous group should be read in the negativeNP The depth of water at the bow is number feet or metersNQ The depth of water at the stern is number feet or metersNR The depth of water along the starboard side is number feet or metersNS The depth of water along the port side is number feet or meters Procedural signal DraftNT What is your draft NT 1 What is your light draft NT 2 What is your ballast draft NT 3 What is your loaded draft NT 4 What is your summer draft NT 5 What is your winter draft NT 6 What is your maximum draft NT 7 What is your least draft NT 8 What is your draft forward NT 9 What is your draft aftNU My draft is number feet or metersNV My light draft is number feet or metersNW My ballast draft is number feet or metersNX My loaded draft is number feet or metersNY My summer draft is number feet or metersNZ My winter draft is number feet or metersOA My maximum draft is number feet or metersOB My least draft is number feet or metersOC My draft forward is number feet or metersOD My draft aft is number feet or meters My maximum draft when I went aground was number feet or meters JJ 69 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Draft What was your draft when you went aground JI 1 OE Your draft must not exceed number feet or meters OF I could lighten to number feet or meters draft OG To what draft could you lighten ELECTRONIC NAVIGATION Radar OH You should switch on your radar and keep radar watch OH 1 The restrictions on the use of radar are lifted OH 2 Does my radar cause interference OI I have no radar OI 1 Are you equipped with radar OI 2 Is your radar in operation OJ I have located you on my radar bearing distance miles OJ 1 I cannot locate you on my radar OJ 2 You should alter your course if possible appreciably to starboard to facilitate location by radar OJ 3 You should alter your course if possible appreciably to port to facilitate location by radar OJ 4 Can you locate me by radar My position is ascertained by radar EW 4 OK Acknowledging a correct repetition or It is correct OL Is radar pilotage being effected in this port or port indicated OM Bearing and distance by radar of vessel or object indicated is bearing distance miles OM 1 What is the bearing and distance by radar of vessel or object indicated ON I have an echo on my radar on bearing distance miles Procedural signal Radio Direction Finder OO My radio direction finder is inoperative70 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference Radio Direction FinderOP I have requested name or identity signal to send two dashes of ten seconds each or the car rier of his transmitter followed by his call sign OP 1 Will you request name or identity signal to send two dashes of ten seconds each or the carrier of his transmitter followed by his call sign OP 2 Will you send two dashes of ten seconds each or the carrier of your transmitter followed by your call sign Your position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder stations which I control is lat long at time indicated EZ Will you give me my position according to bearings taken by radio direction finder stations which you control EZ 1OQ I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses Electronic PositionFixing System My position is ascertained by electronic position fixing system EW 5 I have struck a mine I have a mine in my sweep or net TOOS There is danger from mines in this area or area indicated OS 1 You should keep a lookout for mines OS 2 You are out of the dangerous zone OS 3 Am I out of the dangerous zone OS 4 Are you out of the dangerous zone OS 5 Is there any danger from mines in this area or area indicatedOT Mine has been sighted in lat long or in direction Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104OU Mines has have been reported in the vicinity or in approximate position lat longOV Mines is are believed to be bearing from me distance milesOW There is a minefield ahead of you You should stop your vessel and wait for instructions OW 1 There is a minefield along the coast You should not approach too closeOX The approximate direction of the minefield is bearing from meOY Port is mined 71 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference OY 1 Entrance is mined OY 2 Fairway is mined OY 3 Are there mines in the port entrance or fairway OZ The width of the swept channel is number feet or meters PA I will indicate the swept channel You should follow in my wake PA 1 You should keep carefully to the swept channel PA 2 The swept channel is marked by buoys PA 3 I do not see the buoys marking the swept channel PA 4 Do you know the swept channel PB You should keep clear of me I am engaged in minesweeping operations PB 1 You should keep clear of me I am exploding a floating mine PC I have destroyed the drifting mines PC 1 I cannot destroy the drifting mines The use of this signal does not relieve any vessel from complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 NAVIGATION PD Your navigation lights is are not visible PD 1 My navigation lights are not functioning PE You should extinguish all the lights except the navigation lights PG I do not see any light PG 1 You should hoist a light PG 2 I am dazzled by your searchlight Extinguish it or lift it You should train your searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud intermittently if possible and if my aircraft is seen deflect the beam upwind and on the water to facilitate my landing AX Shall I train my searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud intermittently if possible and if your aircraft is seen deflect the beam upwind and on the water to facilitate your landing AX 172 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference NAVIGATING AND STEERING INSTRUCTIONS See also Pilot in Chapter 2 Section 5 Page 87PH You should steer as indicated PH 1 You should steer towards me PH 2 I am steering towards you PH 3 You should steer more to starboard PH 4 I am steering more to starboard PH 5 You should steer more to port PH 6 I am steering more to portPI You should maintain your present course PI 1 I am maintaining my present course PI 2 Shall I maintain my present coursePJ I cannot maintain my present course You should make fast astern and steer me LCPK I cannot steer without assistancePL You should steer directly for the buoy or object indicated PL 1 You should keep buoy or object indicated on your starboard side PL 2 You should keep buoy or object indicated on your port side PL 3 You can pass the buoy or object indicated on either sidePM You should follow in my wake or wake of vessel indicated PM 1 You should go ahead and lead the coursePN You should keep to leeward of me or vessel indicated PN 1 You should keep to windward of me or vessel indicated PN 2 You should keep on my starboard side or starboard side of vessel indicated PN 3 You should keep on my port side or port side of vessel indicatedPO You should pass ahead of me or vessel indicated PO 1 I will pass ahead of you or vessel indicated PO 2 You should pass astern of me or vessel indicated PO 3 I will pass astern of you or vessel indicated PO 4 You should pass to leeward of me or vessel indicated 73 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference PO 5 I will pass to leeward of you or vessel indicated PO 6 You should pass to windward of me or vessel indicated PO 7 I will pass to windward of you or vessel indicated PO 8 You should come under my stern PP Keep well clear of me PP 1 Do not overtake me PP 2 Do not pass ahead of me PP 3 Do not pass astern of me PP 4 Do not pass on my starboard side PP 5 Do not pass on my port side PP 6 Do not pass too close to me PP 7 You should give way to me PQ You should keep closer in to the coast PQ 1 You should keep further away from the coast PQ 2 You should follow the coast at a safe distance PQ 3 How far out from the coast PR You should keep closer to me or vessel indicated PR 1 You should come as near as possible PR 2 You should keep within visual signal distance from me or vessel indicated PR 3 You should come within hailing distance from me or vessel indicated PS You should not come any closer PS 1 You should keep away from me or vessel indicated I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses OQ TIDE PT What is the state of the tide PT 1 The tide is rising PT 2 The tide is falling PT 3 The tide is slack PU The tide begins to rise at time indicated74 SECTION 3AIDS TO CrossCode Meaning Reference PU 1 When does the tide begin to risePV The tide begins to fall at time indicated PV 1 When does the tide begin to fallPW What is the rise and fall of the tide PW 1 What is the set and drift of the tide PW 2 What is the depth at high and low water here or in place indicatedPX The rise and fall of the tide is number feet or metersPY The set of the tide is degreesPZ The drift of the tide is knotsQA The depth at high water here or in place indicated is number feet or metersQB The depth at low water here or in place indicated is number feet or meters The tide was high water when the vessel went aground JK The tide was half water when the vessel went aground JK 1 The tide was low water when the vessel went aground JK 2 At what state of tide did you go aground JI 3QC You should wait until high water QC 1 You should wait until low water 75 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 4 MANEUVERS Cross Code Meaning Reference AHEADASTERN AheadHeadway QD I am going ahead QD 1 My engines are going ahead QD 2 I will keep going ahead QD 3 I will go ahead QD 4 I will go ahead dead slow QE I have headway QF I cannot go ahead QG You should go ahead QG 1 You should go slow ahead QG 2 You should go full speed ahead QG 3 You should keep going ahead QG 4 You should keep your engines going ahead QH You should not go ahead any more AsternSternway QI I am going astern QI 1 My engines are going astern S QI 2 I will keep going astern QI 3 I will go astern QI 4 I will go astern dead slow QJ I have sternway QK I cannot go astern QL You should go astern QL 1 You should go slow astern QL 2 You should go full speed astern QL 3 You should keep going astern QL 4 You should keep your engines going astern QM You should not go astern any more76 SECTION 4MANEUVERS CrossCode Meaning Reference ALONGSIDEQN You should come alongside my starboard side QN 1 You should come alongside my port side QN 2 You should drop an anchor before coming alongsideQO You should not come alongsideQP I will come alongside QP 1 I will try to come alongsideQQ I require health clearance See Pratique Messages in Chapter 2 Section 9 Page 103QR I cannot come alongside QR 1 Can I come alongside TO To AnchorQS You should anchor at time indicated QS 1 You should anchor position to be indicated if necessary QS 2 You should anchor to await tug QS 3 You should anchor with both anchors QS 4 You should anchor as convenient QS 5 Are you going to anchor You should heave to or anchor until pilot arrives UBQT You should not anchor You are going to foul my anchorQU Anchoring is prohibitedQV I am anchoring in position indicated QV 1 I have anchored with both anchorsQW I shall not anchor QW 1 I cannot anchorQX I request permission to anchor QX 1 You have permission to anchorQY I wish to anchor at once 77 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference To Anchor QY 1 Where shall I anchor Anchors QZ You should have your anchors ready for letting go QZ 1 You should let go another anchor RA My anchor is foul RA 1 I have picked up telegraph cable with my anchor RB I am dragging my anchor Y RB 1 You appear to be dragging your anchor RB 2 Where you have anchored or intend to anchor you are likely to drag RC I am or vessel indicated is breaking adrift RC 1 I have broken adrift RD You should weigh cut or slip anchor immediately RD 1 You should weigh anchor at time indicated RD 2 I am unable to weigh my anchor Anchorage RE You should change your anchorageberth It is not safe RF Will you lead me into a safe anchorage You should tow me to the nearest port or anchorage or place indicated KP I will tow you to the nearest port or anchorage or place indicated KP 1 I must get shelter or anchorage as soon as possible KP 2 RG You should send a boat to where I am to anchor or moor RG 1 At what time shall I come into anchorage You should proceed to anchorage in position indicated lat long RW You should not proceed out of RZ 1 RH There is no good holding ground in my area or around lat long RI There is good holding ground in my area or around lat long RI 1 Is there good holding ground in your area or around lat long78 SECTION 4MANEUVERS CrossCode Meaning Reference EnginesRJ You should keep your engines ready RJ 1 You should have your engines ready as quickly as possible RJ 2 You should report when your engines are ready RJ 3 You should leave when your engines are ready RJ 4 At what time will your engines be readyRK My engines will be ready at time indicated RK 1 My engines are readyRL You should stop your engines immediately RL 1 You should stop your enginesRM My engines are stopped RM 1 I am stopping my engines RM 2 I am obliged to stop my enginesRN My engines are out of action I can only proceed with one engine IL 1 PropellerRO Propeller shaft is broken RO 1 My propeller is fouled by hawser or rope RO 2 I have lost my propeller I require immediate assistance propeller shaft is broken CB 8 LandingRP Landing here is highly dangerous RP 1 Landing here is highly dangerous A more favorable location for landing is at position indicatedRQ Interrogative or the significance of the previous group should be read as a questionRR This is the best place to land 79 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Landing RR 1 Lights will be shown or flag waved at the best landing place Boat should endeavor to land where flag is waved or light is shown DC Boats are not allowed to land after time indicated DD 1 Reference is made to landing signals prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 Regulation 16b Chapter V for the guidance of small boats with crews or persons in distress Procedural signal Boarding RS No one is allowed on board You should stop or heave to I am going to board you SQ 3 MANEUVERS RT Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals X RT 1 What maneuvers do you intend to carry out RU Keep clear of me I am maneuvering with difficulty D RU 1 I am carrying out maneuvering trials Proceed RV You should proceed to place indicated if necessary RV 1 You should proceed to destination RV 2 You should proceed into port RV 3 You should proceed to sea RW You should proceed to anchorage in position indicated lat long RX You should proceed at time indicated RY You should proceed at slow speed when passing me or vessels making this signal You should proceed to the rescue of vessel or ditched aircraft in lat long GP You should proceed to lat long to pick up survivors HN You should proceed with great caution NE80 SECTION 4MANEUVERS CrossCode Meaning Reference Proceed You should proceed with great caution the coast is dangerous NE 1 You should proceed with great caution submarines are exercising in this area NE 2 You should proceed with great caution there is a boom across NE 3 You should proceed with great caution keep clear of firing range NE 4 You should proceed with great caution hostile vessel sighted in lat long NE 5 You should proceed with great caution hostile submarine sighted in lat long NE 6 You should proceed with great caution hostile aircraft sighted in lat long NE 7RZ You should not proceed to place indicated if necessary RZ 1 You should not proceed out of All vessels should proceed to sea as soon as possible owing to danger in port ULSA I can proceed at time indicatedSB I am proceeding to the position of accident I am or vessel indicated is proceeding to your assistance CP I am proceeding to the assistance of vesselaircraft in distress lat long CR I am proceeding to the position of accident at full speed Expect to arrive at time indicated FE Are you proceeding to the position of accident If so when do you expect to arrive FE 1 I cannot proceed to the rescue owing to weather You should do all you can GQ I will try to proceed by my own means but I request you to keep in contact with me by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 IJ I can proceed at number knots IK I can only proceed at slow speed IL I can only proceed with one engine IL 1 I am unable to proceed under my own power IL 2 Are you in a condition to proceed IL 3 I have placed the collision mat I can proceed without assistance KA 1 UnderwaySC I am underway SC 1 I am ready to get underway SC 2 I shall get underway as soon as the weather permits 81 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Underway SD I am not ready to get underway SF Are you or vessel indicated underway SF 1 Are you ready to get underway SF 2 At what time will you be underway SPEED SG My present speed is number knots SJ My maximum speed is number knots SL What is your present speed SL 1 What is your maximum speed The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth is knots or kilometers per hour BQ What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth BQ 1 My present position course and speed are lat long knots EV What are your present position course and speed EV 1 Will vessels in my immediate vicinity or in the vicinity of lat long please indicate posi tion course and speed FB I can only proceed at slow speed IL Maximum speed in tow is number knots LH I am increasing speed LI Increase speed LI 1 I am reducing speed LJ Reduce speed LJ 1 You should proceed at slow speed when passing me or vessels making this signal RY Take the way off your vessel SP My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water SP 1 SM I am undergoing speed trials82 SECTION 4MANEUVERS CrossCode Meaning Reference STOPHEAVE TOSN You should stop immediately Do not scuttle Do not lower boats Do not use the wireless If you disobey I shall open fire on youSO You should stop your vessel instantly L SO 1 You should stop Head offshore SO 2 You should remain where you areSP Take the way off your vessel SP 1 My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water MSQ You should stop or heave to SQ 1 You should stop or heave to otherwise I shall open fire on you SQ 2 You should stop or heave to I am going to send a boat SQ 3 You should stop or heave to I am going to board you You should heave to or anchor until pilot arrives UB I am or vessel indicated is stopped in thick fog XP 83 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 5 MISCELLANEOUS Cross Code Meaning Reference CARGOBALLAST ST What is your cargo SU My cargo is agricultural products SU 1 My cargo is coal SU 2 My cargo is dairy products SU 3 My cargo is fruit products SU 4 My cargo is heavy SU 5 My cargo is livestock SU 6 My cargo is lumber SU 7 My cargo is oilpetroleum products SU 8 I have a general cargo SV I am not seaworthy due to shifting of cargo or ballast SW I am taking in or discharging or carrying dangerous goods B SX You should not discharge oil or oily mixture SY The discharge of oil or oily mixture in this area is prohibited within number miles from the nearest land CREWPERSONS ON BOARD SZ Total number of persons on board is TA I have left number men on board TB number persons have died TC number persons are sick I am alighting in position indicated if necessary to pick up crew of vesselaircraft AV I cannot alight but I can lift crew AZ You cannot alight on the deck Can you lift crew BA 1 Boatssrafts should approach vessel as near as possible to take off persons DA All persons saved GZ All persons lost GZ 1 I or rescue vesselaircraft have rescued number injured persons HA Can I transfer rescued persons to you HD84 SECTION 5MISCELLANEOUS CrossCode Meaning Reference FISHERYTD I am a fish catch carrier boat TD 1 I am a mother ship for fishing vessels TD 2 Are you a fishing vesselTE I am bottom trawling TE 1 I am trawling with a floating trawl TE 2 I am longline fishing TE 3 I am fishing with towing lines TE 4 I am engaged in twoboat fishing operation TE 5 I am drifting on my nets TE 6 In what type of fishing are you engagedTF I am shooting purse seine TF 1 I am shooting drift nets TF 2 I am shooting seine net TF 3 I am shooting trawl TF 4 I am shooting long linesTG I am hauling purse seine TG 1 I am hauling drift nets TG 2 I am hauling seine net TG 3 I am hauling trawl TG 4 I am hauling long linesTH You should navigate with caution Small fishing boats are within number miles of meTI You should navigate with caution You are drifting towards my set of netsTJ You should navigate with caution There are nets with a buoy in this area There is fishing gear in the direction you are heading or in direction Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 NBTK Is there fishing gear set up on my courseTL My gear is close to the surface in a direction Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 for a distance of miles Displaying any of the signals in this section does not relieve vessels from compliance with the International Regu lations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 85 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference TM My gear is well below the surface in a direction Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 for a distance of miles TN In what direction distance and depth does your fishing gear extend TO I have a mine in my sweep or net TP Fishing gear has fouled my propeller TQ You have caught my fishing gear TQ 1 It is necessary to haul in fishing gear for disentangling TQ 2 I am clearing the fishing gear TQ 3 You should take measures to recover the fishing gear TS You should take the following action with your warps TS 1 Veer the port stern warp TS 2 Veer the starboard fore warp TS 3 Veer both warps TS 4 Stop veering TS 5 Haul the port stern warp TS 6 Haul the starboard fore warp TS 7 Haul both warps TS 8 Stop hauling TS 9 You may haul your warps the trawl is clear TU I have to cut the warps The trawls are entangled TU 1 Give me your warp I shall transfer your fishing gear on it TU 2 Your warps are under mine TU 3 Both my warps have parted TU 4 My starboard fore warp has parted TU 5 My port stern warp has parted TV Fishing in this area is prohibited TV 1 Trawling in this area is dangerous because there is an obstruction TW Attention You are in the vicinity of prohibited fishery limits TX A fishery protection or fishery assistance vessel is in lat long TY I request assistance from fishery protection or fishery assistance vessel TZ Can you offer assistance Complements Table 2 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 10486 SECTION 5MISCELLANEOUS CrossCode Meaning Reference PILOT See also Navigating and Steering instructions in Chapter 2 Section 3 Page 73UA Pilot will arrive at time indicatedUB You should heave to or anchor until pilot arrives I have a pilot on board HUC Is a pilot available in this place or place indicated I require a pilot GUE Where can I get a pilot for destination indicated if necessaryUF You should follow pilot boat or vessel indicatedUG You should steer in my wake You should follow in my wake or wake of vessel indicated PM You should go ahead and lead the course PM 1UH Can you lead me into portUI Sea is too rough pilot boat cannot get off to youUJ Make a starboard lee for the pilot boat UJ 1 Make a port lee for the pilot boatUK Pilot boat is most likely on bearing from you UK 1 Have you seen the pilot boat Is radar pilotage being effected in this port or port indicated OL PORTHARBORUL All vessels should proceed to sea as soon as possible owing to danger in portUM The harbor or port indicated is closed to traffic You should not proceed out of RZ 1UN You may enter the harbor immediately or at time indicated UN 1 May I enter harbor UN 2 May I leave harborUO You must not enter harborUP Permission to enter harbor is urgently requested I have an emergency case 87 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference You should proceed into port RV 2 Can you lead me into port UH UQ You should wait outside the harbor or river mouth UQ 1 You should wait outside the harbor until daylight UR My estimated time of arrival at place indicated is time indicated UR 1 What is your estimated time of arrival at place indicated MISCELLANEOUS US Nothing can be done until time indicated US 1 Nothing can be done until daylight US 2 Nothing can be done until tide has risen US 3 Nothing can be done until visibility improves US 4 Nothing can be done until weather moderates US 5 Nothing can be done until draft is lightened US 6 Nothing can be done until tugs have arrived UT Where are you bound for UT 1 Where are you coming from UU I am bound for UV I am coming from UV 1 I am conducting innocent passage in the territorial sea UV 2 Your course leads into an area of the territorial sea in which the right of innocent passage is temporarily suspended UV 3 You should leave the area of the territorial sea in which the right of innocent passage is temporarily suspended UV 4 You are violating the conditions of innocent passage through the territorial sea as indi cated in the table of complements below Request you comply with the conditions of innocent passage through the territorial sea UV 5 I am not violating the conditions of innocent passage through the territorial sea as indi cated in the table of complements below UV 6 I have ceased violating the conditions of innocent passage through the territorial sea as indicated in the table of complements below UV 7 Having disregarded our request for compliance with the conditions of innocent passage through the territorial sea you are required to leave the territorial sea immediately88 SECTION 5MISCELLANEOUS CrossCode Meaning Reference UV 8 I am conducting transit passage through an international Strait UV 9 I am exercising freedom of navigation Signals UV 1 UV 9 are not mandatory Use of these signals is not a precondition to the exercise of the right of innocent passage or freedom of navigation Conditions of innocent passage Complements 09 corresponding to the following table 0 By threatening or using force against ouryour sovereignty territorial integrity or political independence 1 By exercising or practicing with weapons 2 By engaging in acts aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of ouryour defense or security 3 By engaging in acts of propaganda aimed at affecting ouryour defense or security 4 By engaging in the launching landing or taking on board of aircraft or a military device 5 By engaging in the loading or unloading of a commodity currency or person contrary to the customs fiscal immigration or sanitary laws or regulations of ouryour country 6 By engaging in willful and serious pollution 7 By engaging in fishing activities 8 By engaging in research or survey activities 9 By engaging in acts aimed at interfering with ouryour systems of communication or other facilities or I wish you a pleasant voyage UW 1 Thank you very much for your cooperation I wish you a pleasant voyage UW 2 Welcome UW 3 Welcome HomeUX No information available I am unable to answer your question YK ExercisesUY I am carrying out exercises Please keep clear of me BunkersUZ I have bunkers for number hoursVB Have you sufficient bunkers to reach portVC Where is the nearest place at which fuel oil is available VC 1 Where is the nearest place at which diesel oil is available 89 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Bunkers VC 2 Where is the nearest place at which coal is available VD Bunkers are available at place indicated or lat long Fumigation VE I am fumigating my vessel No one is allowed on board RS Identification What is the name or identity signal of your vessel or station CS VF You should hoist your identity signal90 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 6 CrossCode Meaning Reference CLOUDSVG The coverage of low clouds is number of octants or eighths of sky coveredVH The estimated height of base of low clouds in hundreds of meters isVI What is the coverage of low clouds in octants eighths of sky covered VI 1 What is the estimated height of base of low clouds in hundreds of meters STORM GaleVJ Gale wind force Beaufort 89 is expected from direction indicated Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 StormVK Storm wind force Beaufort 10 or above is expected from direction indicated Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 Tropical StormVL Tropical storm cyclone hurricane typhoon is approaching You should take appropriate pre cautionsVM Tropical storm is centered at time indicated in lat long on course speed knotsVN Have you latest information of the tropical storm near lat long if necessary Very deep depression is approaching from direction indicated Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 WT There are indications of an intense depression forming in lat long WU ICEICEBERGS IceVO Have you encountered iceVP What is the character of ice its development and the effects on navigationVQ Character of ice VQ 0 No ice VQ 1 New ice ice crystals slush or sludge pancake ice or ice rind VQ 2 Young fast ice 515 cms thick or rotten fast ice 91 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Ice VQ 3 Open drift ice not more than 58 of the water surface is covered by ice floes VQ 4 A compressed accumulation of sludge a compressed mass of sludge or pancake ice the ice cannot spread VQ 5 Winter fast ice more than 15 cms in thickness VQ 6 Close drift ice the area is covered by ice floes to a greater extent than 58 VQ 7 Very close drift ice on open sea VQ 8 Pressure ice or big vast heavy ice floes VQ 9 Shore lead along the coast No information available UX VR Ice development VR 0 No change VR 1 Ice situation has improved VR 2 Ice situation has deteriorated VR 3 Ice has been broken up VR 4 Ice has opened or drifted away VR 5 New ice has been formed andor the thickness of the ice has increased VR 6 Ice has been frozen together VR 7 Ice has drifted into the area or has been squeezed together VR 8 Warning of pressure ridges VR 9 Warning of hummocking or ice screwing No information available UX VS Effects of the ice on navigation VS 0 Unobstructed VS 1 Unobstructed for powerdriven vessels built of iron or steel dangerous for wooden vessels without ice protection VS 2 Difficult for lowpowered vessels without the assistance of an icebreaker dangerous for vessels of weak construction VS 3 Possible without icebreaker only for highpowered vessels of strong construction VS 4 Icebreaker assistance available in case of need VS 5 Proceed in channel without the assistance of icebreaker92 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Ice VS 6 Possible only with the assistance of an icebreaker VS 7 Icebreaker can give assistance only to ships strengthened for navigation in ice VS 8 Temporarily closed for navigation VS 9 Navigation has ceased No information available UXVT Danger of ice accretion on superstructure for example black frost VT 1 I am experiencing heavy icing on I have seen icefield in lat longVV Ice patrol ship is not on station VV 1 Ice patrol ship is on station IcebergsVW I have seen icebergs in lat longVX I have encountered one or more icebergs or growlers with or without position and timeVY One or more icebergs or growlers have been reported with or without position and timeVZ Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to icebergs VZ 1 Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to floating ice VZ 2 Navigation is dangerous in the area around lat long owing to pack ice ICEBREAKERWA Repeat word or group afterWB Repeat word or group beforeWC I am or vessel indicated is fast on ice and requires icebreaker assistance WC 1 Icebreaker is being sent to your assistance I require assistance in the nature of icebreaker CD 9WD Icebreaker is not available WD 1 Icebreaker cannot render assistance at present Special single letter signals for use between icebreakers and assisted vessels can be found in Chapter 1 Section 10 Pages 24 and 25 93 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference WE Navigation channel is being kept open by icebreaker WF I can give icebreaker support only up to lat long WG Open channel or open area is in the direction in which aircraft is flying WH I can only assist if you will make all efforts to follow WI At what time will you follow at full speed WJ The convoy will start at time indicated from here or from lat long WK You or vessel indicated will be number in convoy WL Icebreaker is stopping work during darkness WM Icebreaker support is now commencing Use special icebreaker support signals and keep con tinuous watch for sound visual or radiotelephony signals WN Icebreaker is stopping work for number hours or until more favorable conditions arise WO Icebreaker support is finished Proceed to your destination You should go astern QL Procedural signals ATMOSPHERIC Atmospheric Pressure WP Barometer is steady WP 1 Barometer is falling rapidly WP 2 Barometer is rising rapidly WQ The barometer has fallen number millibars during the past three hours WR The barometer has risen number millibars during the past three hours WS Corrected atmospheric pressure at sea level is number millibars WS 1 State corrected atmospheric pressure at sea level in millibars WT Very deep depression is approaching from direction indicated Complements Table 3 Chap ter 2 Section 10 Page 104 WU There are indications of an intense depression forming in lat long Temperature WV The air temperature is subzero centigrade94 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference Temperature WV 1 The air temperature is expected to be subzero centigrade SEASWELL SeaWW What are the sea conditions in your area or around lat longWX The true direction of the sea in tens of degrees is number following indicates tens of degreesWY The state of the sea is Complements 09 corresponding to the following table which mea sures wave height 0 Calm glassy 0m 0 ft 1 Calm rippled 001m 013 ft 2 Smooth wavelets 1 2 0105m 31 3 ft 3 Slight 0512 m 1 234 ft 4 Moderate 12525m 48 ft 5 Rough 254m 813 ft 6 Very rough 46m 1320 ft 7 High 69m 2030 ft 8 Very high 914m 3045 ft 9 Phenomenal over 14m over 45 ftWZ What are the forecast sea conditions in my area or area around lat longXA The true direction of the sea in tens of degrees is expected to be number following indi cates tens of degreesXB The state of the sea is expected to be Complements 09 as in the table above SwellXC What are the swell conditions in your area or area around lat longXD The true direction of the swell in tens of degrees is number following indicates tens of degreesXE The state of the swell is Complements 09 corresponding to the following table 95 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference height 2 m 6 ft 0 No swell 1 short or middle 2 Long height 24 m 612 ft 3 Short 4 Middle 5 Long height 4 m 12 ft 6 Short 7 Middle 8 Long 9 Confused XF What are the forecast swell conditions in my area or area around lat long XG The true direction of the swell in tens of degrees is expected to be number following indi cates tens of degrees XH The state of the swell is expected to be Complements 09 as in the table above Tsunami phenomenal wave is expected You should take appropriate precautions ND VISIBILITYFOG XI Indicate visibility XJ Visibility is number tenths of nautical miles XK Visibility is variable between and maximum and minimum in tenths of nautical miles XL Visibility is decreasing XL 1 Visibility is increasing XL 2 Visibility is variable XM What is the forecast visibility in my area or area around lat long XN Visibility is expected to be number tenths of nautical miles XO Visibility is expected to decrease XO 1 Visibility is expected to increase XO 2 Visibility is expected to be variable XP I am or vessel indicated is stopped in thick fog XP 1 I am entering zone of restricted visibility96 SECTION CrossCode Meaning Reference WEATHERWEATHER FORECASTXQ What weather are you experiencingXR Weather is good XR 1 Weather is bad XR 2 Weather is moderating XR 3 Weather is Weather report is not availableXT Weather expected is bad XT 1 Weather expected is good XT 2 No change is expected in the weather XT 3 What weather is expectedXU You should wait until the weather moderates XU 1 I will wait until the weather moderatesXV Please give weather forecast for my area or area around lat long in MAFOR Code MAFOR is the prefix used to identify an International Coded Weather Forecast for Shipping WINDXW What is the true direction and force of wind in your area or area around lat longXX True direction of wind is Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104XY Wind force is Beaufort Scale numerals 012XZ What is the wind doing XZ 1 The wind is backing XZ 2 The wind is veering XZ 3 The wind is increasing XZ 4 The wind is squally XZ 5 The wind is steady in force XZ 6 The wind is moderatingYA What wind direction and force is expected in my area or area around lat long 97 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference YB True direction of wind is expected to be Complements Table 3 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YC Wind force expected is Beaufort Scale numerals 012 YD What is the wind expected to do YD 1 The wind is expected to back YD 2 The wind is expected to veer YD 3 The wind is expected to increase YD 4 The wind is expected to become squally YD 5 The wind is expected to remain steady in force YD 6 The wind is expected to moderate98 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 7 ROUTING OF SHIPS CrossCode Meaning ReferenceYG You appear not to be complying with the traffic separation scheme It is dangerous to proceed on present course MY 2 You should proceed with great caution NE You are in a dangerous position NG 99 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 8 COMMUNICATIONS Cross Code Meaning Reference YH I have received the following from name or identity signal of vessel or station YI I have received the safety signal sent by name or identity signal YJ Have you received the safety signal sent by name or identity signal YK I am unable to answer your question Received or I have received your last signal R Procedural signal CALLING YL I will call you again at hours on kHz or MHz YM Who is calling me CANCEL YN Cancel my last signalmessage My last signal was incorrect I will repeat it correctly ZP COMMUNICATE I wish to communicate with you by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 K I wish to communicate with you K YO I am going to communicate by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YP I wish to communicate with vessel or coast station identity signal by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YQ I wish to communicate by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 with vessel bearing from me YR Can you communicate by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YS I am unable to communicate Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YT I cannot read your Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YU I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals YV The groups which follow are from the International Code of Signals YV 1 The groups which follow are from the local code100 SECTION CrossCode Meaning ReferenceYW I wish to communicate by on frequency indicatedYX I wish to communicate by radiotelephony on frequency indicatedYY I wish to communicate by VHF radiotelephony on channel indicatedYZ The words which follow are in plain languageZA I wish to communicate with you in language indicated by following complements ZA 0 Dutch ZA 1 English ZA 2 French ZA 3 German ZA 4 Greek ZA 5 Italian ZA 6 Japanese ZA 7 Norwegian ZA 8 Russian ZA 9 SpanishZB I can communicate with you in language indicated complements as aboveZC Can you communicate with me in language indicated complements as aboveZD Please communicate the following to all shipping in the vicinity ZD 1 Please report me to Coast Guard New York ZD 2 Please report me to Lloyds London ZD 3 Please report me to Minmorflot Moscow ZD 4 Please report me to MSA TokyoZE You should come within visual signal distance You should keep within visual signal distance from me or vessel indicated PR 2 I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on 2182 kHz BC Can you communicate with the aircraft BC 1 I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on kHz BD I have established communications with the aircraft in distress on MHz BE With one numeral The abbreviation INTERCO may also be used to mean International Code groups follows 101 CHAPTER 2GENERAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference EXERCISE ZF I wish to exercise signals with you by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 ZG It is not convenient to exercise signals ZH Exercise had been completed ZI I can receive but not transmit by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 ZJ I can transmit but not receive by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 ZK I cannot distinguish your signal Please repeat it by Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Sec tion 10 Page 104 ZL Your signal has been received but not understood I cannot read your Complements Table 1 Chapter 2 Section 10 Page 104 YT ZM You should send or speak more slowly ZM 1 Shall I send or speak more slowly ZN You should send each word or group twice ZO You should stop sending ZO 1 Shall I stop sending REPEAT ZP My last signal was incorrect I will repeat it correctly ZQ Your signal appears incorrectly coded You should check and repeat the whole ZR Repeat the signal now being made to me by vessel or coast station name or identity sig nal102 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 9 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS CrossCode Meaning Reference PRATIQUE MESSAGESZS My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique Q I require health clearance QQZT My Maritime Declaration of Health has negative answers to the six Health QuestionsZU My Maritime Declaration of Health has a positive answer to Health Questions Health Questions are indicated by complements 16ZV I believe I have been in an infected area during the last thirty daysZW I require Port Medical Officer ZW 1 Port Medical Officer will be available at time indicatedZX You should make the appropriate pratique signalZY You have pratiqueZZ You should proceed to anchorage for health clearance at place indicated ZZ 1 Where is the anchorage for health clearance I have a doctor on board AL Have you a doctor AM By night a red light over a white light may be shown where it can best be seen by vessels requiring health clear ance These lights should only be about 6 feet apart should be exhibited within the precincts of a port and should be visible all around the horizon as nearly as possible 103 CHAPTER 2 SECTION 10 TABLES OF 11 Morse signaling by hand flags or arms2 Loud hailer megaphone3 Morse signaling lamp4 Sound signalsTable 20 Water1 Provisions2 Fuel3 Pumping equipment4 Firefighting appliances5 Medical assistance6 Towing7 Survival craft8 Vessel to stand by9 30 Direction unknown or calm1 Northeast2 East3 Southeast4 South5 Southwest6 West7 Northwest8 North9 All directions or confused or variable104 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE PAGESECTION 1 EXPLANATION AND INSTRUCTIONS 107 INSTRUCTIONS TO MASTERS 107 INSTRUCTIONS TO DOCTORS 107 EXAMPLES 108 CASE ONE 108 CASE TWO 108SECTION 2 REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE 109 REQUESTGENERAL INFORMATION 109 DESCRIPTION OF PATIENT 109 PREVIOUS HEALTH 110 LOCALIZATION OF SYMPTOMS DISEASES OR INJURIES 110 GENERAL SYMPTOMS 110 PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS 114 PROGRESS REPORT 123SECTION 3 MEDICAL ADVICE 125 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 125 DIAGNOSIS 125 SPECIAL TREATMENT 125 TREATMENT BY MEDICAMENTS 127 DIET 128 CHILDBIRTH 128 VACCINATION AGAINST SMALLPOX 129 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 129SECTION 4 TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS 130 TABLE M1REGIONS OF THE BODY 130 TABLE M2LIST OF COMMON DISEASES 133 TABLE M3LIST OF MEDICAMENTS 134 105 CHAPTER 3 SECTION 1 EXPLANATION AND Medical advice should be sought and given in plain language whenever it is possible but if language difficulties are encountered this Code should be used2 Even when plain language is used the text of the Code and the instructions should be followed as far as possible3 Reference is made to the procedure signals C N or NO and RQ which when used after the main signal changeits meaning into affirmative negative and interrogative respectively See Chapter 1 Section 6 Paragraph 3j Page 11 Example MFE N Bleeding is not severe MFE RQ Is bleeding TO method of case description1 The master should make a careful examination of the patient and should try to collect as far as possible information coveringthe following subjectsa Description of the patient Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 109b Previous health Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 110c Localization of symptoms diseases or injuries Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 110d General symptoms Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 110e Particular symptoms Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 114f Diagnosis Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 1252 Such information should be coded by choosing the appropriate groups from the corresponding sections of this chapter Itwould help the recipients of the signal if the information is transmitted in the order stated in Paragraph 13 Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 109 contains signals which can be used independently ie with or without the description of thecase4 After a reply from the doctor has been received and the instructions therein followed the master can give a progress reportby using signals from Chapter 3 Section 2 Page TO DOCTORS1 Additional information can be requested by using Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 125 Example MQB I cannot understand your signal please use standard method of case description2 For diagnosis Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 125 should be used Example MQE 26 My probable diagnosis is cystitis3 Prescribing should be limited to the List of Medicaments which comprises Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134and 135 of the Code4 For special treatment signals from Chapter 3 Section 3 Pages 125 through 127 should be used Example MRP 4 Apply icecold compress and renew every 4 hours5 When prescribing a medicament Chapter 3 Section 3 page 127 three signals should be used as follows a the first Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 127 and Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134 and 135 to signify the me dicament itself Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 125 Diagnosis can be used by both the master request for medical assistance and the doctor medical advice 107 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Example MTD 32 You should give aspirin tablets b the second Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 127 to signify the method of administration and dose Example MTI 2 You should give by mouth 2 c the third Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 127 to signify the frequency of the dose Example MTQ 8 You should repeat every 8 hours6 The frequency of external applications is coded in Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 128 Example MTU 4 You should apply every 4 hours7 Advice concerning diet can be given by using signals from Chapter 3 Section 3 Page 128 Example MUC Give water only in small an example two cases of request for assistance and the corresponding replies are drafted belowCASE ONERequest for medical assistanceI have a male age 44 years Patient has been ill for 2 days Patient has suffered from bronchitis acute Onset was suddenPatient is delirious Patient has fits of shivering Temperature taken in mouth is 40 Pulse rate per minute is 110 The rate ofbreathing per minute is 30 Patient is in pain chest Part of the body affected is right chest Pain is increased on has severe cough Patient has bloodstained sputum Patient has been given penicillin injection without effect Patienthas received treatment by medicaments in last 18 hours My probable diagnosis is adviceYour diagnosis is probably right You should continue giving penicillin injection You should repeat every 12 hours Putpatient to bed lying down at absolute rest Keep patient warm Give fluid diet milk fruit juice tea mineral water Give watervery freely Refer back to me in 24 hours or before if patient worsensCASE TWORequest for medical assistanceI have a male aged 31 years Patient has been ill for 3 hours Patient has had no serious previous illness Pulse rate perminute is 95 Pulse is weak Patient is sweating Patient is in pain in lumbar kidney region The part affected is left lumbarkidney region Pain is severe Pain is increased by hand pressure Bowels are regularRequest for additional informationI cannot make a diagnosis Please answer the following questions Temperature taken in the mouth is number Pain radiatesto groin and testicle Patient has pain on passing water Urinary functions normal Vomiting is taken in mouth is 37 Pain radiates to groin and testicle Patient has pain on passing water Patient is passingsmall quantities of urine frequently Vomiting is absent Patient has nauseaMedical adviceMy probable diagnosis is kidney stone renal colic You should give morphine injection You should give by 15 milligrams Give water freely Apply hot water bottle to lumbar kidney region Patient should be seen by doctorwhen next in port108 CHAPTER 3 SECTION 2 REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference REQUESTGENERAL INFORMATIONMAA I request urgent medical adviceMAB I request you to make rendezvous in position indicatedMAC I request you to arrange hospital admissionMAD I am indicate number hours from the nearest portMAE I am converging on nearest portMAF I am moving away from nearest port I require medical assistance W I have a doctor on board AL Have you a doctor AM I need a doctor AN I need a doctor I have severe burns AN 1 I need a doctor I have radiation casualties AN 2 I require a helicopter urgently with a doctor BR 2 I require a helicopter urgently to pick up injuredsick person BR 3 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated with a doctor BT 2 Helicopter is coming to you now or at time indicated to pick up injuredsick person BT 3 I have injuredsick person or number of persons indicated to be taken off urgently AQ You should send a helicopterboat with a stretcher BS A helicopterboat is coming to take injuredsick BU You should send injuredsick persons to me AT DESCRIPTION OF PATIENTMAJ I have a male aged number yearsMAK I have a female aged number yearsMAL I have a female number months pregnantMAM Patient has been ill for number daysMAN Patient has been ill for number hoursMAO General condition of the patient is goodMAP General condition of the patient is serious 109 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference MAQ General condition of the patient is unchanged MAR General condition of the patient has worsened MAS Patient has been given Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134 and 135 with effect MAT Patient has been given Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134 and 135 without effect MAU Patient has received treatment by medicaments in last indicate number hours PREVIOUS HEALTH MBA Patient has suffered from Table M2 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 133 MBB Patient has had previous operation Table M2 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 133 MBC Patient has had no serious previous illness MBD Patient has had no relevant previous injury LOCALIZATION OF SYMPTOMS DISEASES OR INJURIES MBE The whole body is affected MBF The part of the body affected is Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MBG The part of the body affected is right Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MBH The part of the body affected is left Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 To be used when right and left side of the body or limb need to be differentiated GENERAL SYMPTOMS MBP Onset was sudden MBQ Onset was gradual Temperature MBR Temperature taken in mouth is number MBS Temperature taken in rectum is number MBT Temperature in the morning is number MBU Temperature in the evening is number110 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference TemperatureMBV Temperature is risingMBW Temperature is falling PulseMBX The pulse rate per minute is numberMBY The pulse rate is irregularMBZ The pulse rate is risingMCA The pulse rate is fallingMCB The pulse is weakMCC The pulse is too weak to countMCD The pulse is too rapid to count BreathingMCE The rate of breathing per minute is number in and out being counted as one breathMCF The breathing is weakMCG The breathing is wheezingMCH The breathing is regularMCI The breathing is irregularMCJ The breathing is strenuous noisy SweatingMCL Patient is sweatingMCM Patient has fits of shivering chillsMCN Patient has night sweatsMCO Patients skin is hot and dryMCP Patient is cold and clammy Mental State and Patient is consciousMCT Patient is semiconscious but can be roused 111 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Mental State and Consciousness MCU Patient is unconscious MCV Patient found unconscious MCW Patient appears to be in a state of shock MCX Patient is delirious MCY Patient has mental symptoms MCZ Patient is paralyzed Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDC Patient is restless MDD Patient is unable to sleep Pain MDF Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDG Pain is a dull ache MDJ Pain is slight MDL Pain is severe MDM Pain is intermittent MDN Pain is continuous MDO Pain is increased by hand pressure MDP Pain radiates to Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDQ Pain is increased on breathing MDR Pain is increased by action of bowels MDT Pain is increased on passing water MDU Pain occurs after taking food MDV Pain is relieved by taking food MDW Pain has no relation to taking food MDX Pain is relieved by heat MDY Pain has ceased Cough MED Cough is present MEF Cough is absent112 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference BowelsMEG Bowels are regularMEJ Patient is constipated and bowels last opened indicate number of daysMEL Patient has diarrhea indicate number of times daily VomitingMEM Vomiting is presentMEN Vomiting is absentMEO Patient has nausea UrineMEP Urinary functions normalMEQ Urinary functions abnormal BleedingMER Bleeding is present Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MET Bleeding is absent RashMEU A rash is present Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MEV A rash is absent SwellingMEW Patient has a swelling Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MEX Swelling is hardMEY Swelling is softMEZ Swelling is hot and redMFA Swelling is painful on hand pressureMFB Swelling is dischargingMFC Patient has an abscess Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MFD Patient has a carbuncle Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 113 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS Accidents Injuries Fractures Suicide and Poisons Bleeding is present Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MER MFE Bleeding is severe MFF Bleeding is slight MFG Bleeding has been stopped by pads and bandaging MFH Bleeding has been stopped by tourniquet MFI Bleeding has stopped MFJ Bleeding cannot be stopped MFK Patient has a superficial wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFL Patient has a deep wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFM Patient has penetrating wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFN Patient has a cleancut wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFO Patient has a wound with ragged edges Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFP Patient has a discharging wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFQ Patient has contusion bruising Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFR Wound is due to blow MFS Wound is due to crushing MFT Wound is due to explosion MFU Wound is due to fall MFV Wound is due to gunshot MFW Patient has a foreign body in wound MFX Patient is suffering from concussion MFY Patient cannot move the arm Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFZ Patient cannot move the leg Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MGA Patient has dislocation Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MGB Patient has simple fracture Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MGC Patient has compound fracture Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MGD Patient has comminuted fracture Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MGE Patient has attempted suicide114 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference Accidents Injuries Fractures Suicide and PoisonsMGF Patient has cut throatMGG Patient has superficial burn Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MGH Patient has severe burn Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MGI Patient is suffering from noncorrosive poisoning no staining and burning of mouth and lipsMGJ Patient has swallowed corrosive staining and burning of mouth and lipsMGK Patient has swallowed unknown poisonMGL Patient has swallowed a foreign bodyMGM Emetic has been given with good resultsMGN Emetic has been given without good resultsMGO No emetic has been givenMGP Patient has had corrosive thrown on him Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MGQ Patient has inhaled poisonous gases vapors dustMGR Patient is suffering from animal bite Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MGS Patient is suffering from snake bite Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MGT Patient is suffering from gangrene Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 Diseases of Nose and ThroatMGU Patient has nasal dischargeMGV Patient has foreign body in noseMHA Lips are swollenMHB Tongue is dryMHC Tongue is coatedMHD Tongue is glazed and redMHF Tongue is swollenMHG Patient has ulcer on tongueMHJ Patient has ulcer in mouthMHK Gums are sore and bleedingMHL Throat is sore and redMHM Throat has pinpoint white spots on tonsils 115 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Diseases of Nose and Throat MHN Throat has gray white patches on tonsils MHO Throat hurts and is swollen on one side MHP Throat hurts and is swollen on both sides MHQ Swallowing is painful MHR Patient cannot swallow MHT Patient has hoarseness of voice Patient has swallowed a foreign body MGL MHV Patient has severe toothache Diseases of Respiratory System MHY Patient has pain in chest on breathing Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 Breathing is wheezing MCG MHZ Breathing is deep MIA Patient has severe shortness of breath MIB Patient has asthmatical attack Cough is absent MEF MIC Patient has severe cough MID Cough is longstanding MIF Patient is coughing up blood MIG Patient has no sputum MIJ Patient has abundant sputum MIK Sputum is offensive MIL Patient has bloodstained sputum MIM Patient has blueness of face Diseases of the Digestive System MIN Patient has tarry stool MIO Patient has claycolored stool Patient has diarrhea indicate number of times daily MEL MIP Patient has diarrhea with frequent stools like rice water116 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference Diseases of the Digestive SystemMIQ Patient is passing blood with stoolsMIR Patient is passing mucus with stools Patient has nausea MEOMIT Patient has persistent hiccoughMIU Patient has cramp pains and vomiting Vomiting is present MEM Vomiting is absent MENMIV Vomiting has stoppedMIW Vomiting is persistentMIX Vomit is streaked with bloodMIY Patient vomiting much bloodMIZ Vomit is dark like coffee groundsMJA Patient vomits any food and liquid givenMJB Amount of vomit is indicate in deciliters 1 deciliter equals onesixth of a pintMJC Frequency of vomiting is indicate number dailyMJD Patient has flatulenceMJE Wind has not been passed per anus for indicate number of hoursMJF Wind is being passed per anusMJG Abdomen is distendedMJH Abdominal wall is soft normalMJI Abdominal wall is hard and rigidMJJ Abdominal wall is tender Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDF Patient has a swelling Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MEWMJK Hernia is presentMJM Hernia cannot be replacedMJN Hernia is painful and tenderMJO Patient has bleeding hemorrhoidsMJP Hemorrhoids cannot be reduced put back in place 117 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Diseases of the Genitourinary System Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDF MJS Patient has pain on passing water MJT Patient has pain in penis at end of passing water MJU Patient has pain spreading from abdomen to penis testicles or thigh MJV Patient is unable to hold urine incontinent MJW Patient is unable to pass urine MJX Patient is passing small quantities of urine frequently MJY Amount of urine passed in 24 hours indicate number in deciliters 1 deciliter equals one sixth of a pint Urinary functions normal MEP MKA Urine contains albumen MKB Urine contains sugar MKC Urine contains blood MKD Urine is very dark brown MKE Urine is offensive and may contain pus MKF Penis is swollen MKH Foreskin will not go back to normal position MKI Patient has swelling of testicles MKJ Shall I pass a catheter MKK I have passed a catheter MKL I am unable to pass a catheter Diseases of the Nervous System and Mental Diseases MKP Patient has headache Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MKQ Headache is throbbing MKR Headache is very severe MKS Head cannot be moved forwards to touch chest MKT Patient cannot feel pinprick Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MKU Patient is unable to speak properly118 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference Diseases of the Nervous System and Mental DiseasesMKV Giddiness vertigo is present Patient is paralyzed Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MCZ Patient is conscious MCR Patient is semiconscious but can be roused MCT Patient is unconscious MCUMKW Pupils are equal in sizeMKX Pupils are unequal in sizeMKY Pupils do not contract in a bright lightMKZ Patient has no control over his bowelsMLA Patient has fits associated with rigidity of muscles and jerking of limbsindicate number of fits per 24 hours Patient has mental symptoms MCYMLB Patient has delusionsMLC Patient is depressed Patient is delirious MCXMLD Patient is uncontrollable Patient has attempted suicide MGEMLE Patient has had much alcoholMLF Patient has delirium tremensMLG Patient has bedsores Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 Diseases of the Heart and Circulatory System Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDFMLH Pain has been present for indicate number of minutesMLI Pain in chest is constricting in characterMLJ Pain is behind the breastbone Pain radiates to Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDP Patient has blueness of face MIMMLK Patient has pallor 119 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Diseases of the Heart and Circulatory System The rate of breathing per minute is number in and out being counted as one breath MCE The pulse is weak MCB The pulse rate is irregular MBY The pulse is too weak to count MCC The pulse is too rapid to count MCD MLL Breathing is difficult when lying down MLM Swelling of legs that pits on pressure MLN Patient has varicose ulcer Infectious and Parasitic Diseases MLR Rash has been present for indicate number of hours MLS Rash first appeared on Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MLT Rash is spreading to Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MLU Rash is fading MLV Rash is itchy MLW Rash is not itchy MLX Rash looks like general redness MLY Rash looks like blotches MLZ Rash looks like small blisters containing clear fluid MMA Rash looks like larger blisters containing pus MMB Rash is weeping oozing MMC Rash looks like weals MMD Rash consists of rosecolored spots that do not blench on pressure MME Skin is yellow Patient has an abscess Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFC MMF Patient has buboes Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MMJ Patient has been isolated MMK Should patient be isolated MML I have had indicate number similar cases120 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Patient has diarrhea with frequent stools like rice water MIP Patient has never been successfully vaccinated against smallpox MUT Patient was last vaccinated date indicated MUU Patient has vaccination marks MUV Venereal Diseases See also Diseases of Genitourinary SystemMMP Patient has discharge from penisMMQ Patient has previous history of gonorrheaMMR Patient has single hard sore on penisMMS Patient has multiple sores on penis Patient has buboes Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MMFMMT Patient has swollen glands in the groinMMU End of penis is inflamed and swollen Diseases of the Ear Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDFMMW Patient has boil in earsMMX Patient has discharge of blood from earsMMY Patient has discharge of clear fluid from earsMMZ Patient has discharge of pus from earsMNA Patient has hearing impairedMNB Patient has foreign body in ear Giddiness vertigo is present MKVMNC Patient has constant noises in ears Diseases of the Eye Patient is in pain Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MDFMNG Patient has inflammation of eyesMNH Patient has discharge from eyesMNI Patient has foreign body embedded in the pupil area of the eye 121 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Diseases of the Eye MNJ Eyelids are swollen MNK Patient cannot open eyes raise eyelids MNL Patient has foreign body embedded in the white of the eye MNM Patient has double vision when looking at objects with both eyes open MNN Patient has sudden blindness in one eye MNO Patient has sudden blindness in both eyes Pupils are equal in size MKW Pupils are unequal in size MKX Pupils do not contract in a bright light MKY Patient has a penetrating wound Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MFM MNP Eyeball is yellow in color Diseases of the Skin See Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Chapter 3 Section 2 Page 120 Diseases of Muscles and Joints MNT Patient has pain in muscles of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MNU Patient has pain in joints Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MNV Patient has redness and swelling of joints Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MNW There is history of recent injury MNX There is no history of injury Miscellaneous Illnesses Patient has had much alcohol MLE MOA Patient is suffering from heat exhaustion MOB Patient is suffering from heat stroke MOC Patient is suffering from seasickness MOD Patient is suffering from exposure in length of exposure number hours MOE Patient is suffering from frostbite Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MOF Patient has been exposed to radioactive hazard122 SECTION 2REQUEST FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CrossCode Meaning Reference ChildbirthMOK I have a patient in childbirth aged number yearsMOL Patient states she has had number childrenMOM Patient states child is due in number weeksMON Pains began number hours agoMOO Pains are feeble and produce no effectMOP Pains are strong and effectiveMOQ Pains are occurring every number minutesMOR The bag of membranes broke number hours agoMOS There is severe bleeding from the wombMOT The head is coming firstMOU The buttocks are coming firstMOV A foot has appeared firstMOW An arm has appeared firstMOX The child has been bornMOY The child will not breatheMOZ The placenta has been passedMPA The placenta has not been passedMPB I have a nonpregnant woman who is bleeding from the womb PROGRESS REPORTMPE I am carrying out prescribed Patient is improvingMPG Patient is not improvingMPH Patient is relieved of painMPI Patient still has painMPJ Patient is restlessMPK Patient is calm 123 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference MPL Symptoms have cleared MPM Symptoms have not cleared MPN Symptoms have increased MPO Symptoms have decreased MPP Treatment has been effective MPQ Treatment has been ineffective MPR Patient has died124 CHAPTER 3 SECTION 3 MEDICAL ADVICE CrossCode Meaning Reference REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONMQB I cannot understand your signal please use standard method of case descriptionMQC Please answer the following questions DIAGNOSISMQE My probable diagnosis is Table M2 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 133MQF My alternative diagnosis is Table M2 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 133MQG My probable diagnosis is infection or inflammation Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQH My probable diagnosis is perforation of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQI My probable diagnosis is tumor of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQJ My probable diagnosis is obstruction of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQK My probable diagnosis is hemorrhage of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQL My probable diagnosis is foreign body in Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQM My probable diagnosis is fracture of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQN My probable diagnosis is dislocation of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQO My probable diagnosis is sprain of Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130MQP I cannot make a diagnosisMQT Your diagnosis is probably rightMQU I am not sure about your diagnosis SPECIAL TREATMENTMRI You should refer to your International Ships Medical Guide if available or its equivalentMRJ You should follow treatment in your own medical guideMRK You should follow the instructions for this procedure outlined in your own medical guideMRL Commence artificial respiration immediatelyMRM Pass catheter into bladder 125 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference MRN Pass catheter again after number hours MRO Pass catheter and retain it in bladder MRP Apply icecold compress and renew every number hours MRQ Apply hot compress and renew every number hours MRR Apply hotwater bottle to Table M1 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 130 MRS Insert ear drops number times daily MRT Insert antiseptic eye drops number times daily MRU Insert anesthetic eye drops number times daily MRV Bathe eye frequently with hot water MRW Give frequent gargles one teaspoonful of salt in a tumblerful of water MRX Give enema MRY Do not give enema or laxative MRZ Was the result of the enema satisfactory MSA Give rectal saline slowly to replace fluid loss MSB Give subcutaneous saline to replace fluid loss MSC Apply wellpadded splints to immobilize limb Watch circulation by inspection of color of fingers or toes MSD Apply cotton wool to armpit and bandage arm to side MSF Apply a sling andor rest the part MSG Give light movements and massage daily MSJ Place patient in hot bath MSK To induce sleep give two sedative tablets MSL Reduce temperature of patient as indicated in general nursing chapter of Medical Guide MSM The swelling should be incised and drained MSN Dress wound with sterile gauze cotton wool and bandage MSO Dress wound with sterile gauze cotton wool and apply wellpadded splint MSP Apply burn and wound dressing and bandage lightly MSQ Dress wound and bring edges together with adhesive plaster MSR The wound should be stitched126 SECTION 3MEDICAL ADVICE CrossCode Meaning ReferenceMST The wound should not be stitchedMSU Stop bleeding by applying more cotton wool firm bandaging and elevation of the limbMSV Stop bleeding by manual pressureMSW Apply tourniquet for not more than fifteen minutesMSX Induce vomiting by giving an emeticMSY You should pass a stomach tubeMSZ Do not try to empty stomach by any method TREATMENT BY MEDICAMENTS PrescribingMTD You should give Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 134 and 135MTE You must not give Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Page 134 and 135 Method of Administration and DoseMTF You should give one tablespoon 15 ml or 12 ozMTG You should give one 75 ml or 14 ozMTH You should give one teaspoonful 4 ml or 1 drachmMTI You should give by mouth number You should give a tumblerful of water with each doseMTK You should give by intramuscular injection number milligramsMTL You should give by subcutaneous injection number milligramsMTM You should give by intramuscular injection number ampoulesMTN You should give by subcutaneous injection number ampoules Frequency of DoseMTO You should give once onlyMTP You should repeat after number hoursMTQ You should repeat every number hoursMTR You should continue for number hours 127 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Cross Code Meaning Reference Frequency of External Application MTT You should apply once only MTU You should apply every number hours MTV You should cease to apply MTW You should apply for number minutes DIET MUA Give nothing by mouth MUB Give water very freely MUC Give water only in small quantities MUD Give water only as much as possible without causing the patient to vomit MUE Give ice to suck MUF Give fluid diet milk fruit juices tea mineral water MUG Give light diet such as vegetable soup steamed fish stewed fruit milk puddings or equivalent MUH Give normal diet as tolerated CHILDBIRTH MUI Has she had previous children MUJ How many months pregnant is she MUK When did labor pains start Give enema MRX MUL Encourage her to rest between pains MUM Encourage her to strain down during pains MUN What is the frequency of pains indicate in minutes To induce sleep give two sedative tablets MSK MUO Patient should strain down and you exert steady but gentle pressure on lower part of the abdo men but not on the womb to help expulsion of the placenta MUP You should apply tight wide binder around lower part of abdomen and hips MUQ You should apply artificial respiration gently by mouth technique on infant128 SECTION 3MEDICAL ADVICE CrossCode Meaning Reference VACCINATION AGAINST SMALLPOXMUR Has the patient been successfully vaccinatedMUS Has the patient been vaccinated during the past three yearsMUT Patient has never been successfully vaccinated against smallpoxMUU Patient was last vaccinated indicate dateMUV Patient has vaccination marks GENERAL I consider the case serious and urgentMVB I do not consider the case serious or urgentMVC Put patient to bed lying down at absolute restMVD Put patient to bed sitting upMVE Raise head of bedMVF Raise foot of bedMVG Keep patient warmMVH Keep patient coolMVI You should continue your local treatmentMVJ You should continue your special treatmentMVK You should continue giving Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134 and 135MVL You should suspend your local treatmentMVM You should suspend your special treatmentMVN You should cease giving Table M3 in Chapter 3 Section 4 Pages 134 and 135MVO You should isolate the patient and disinfect his cabinMVP You should land your patient at the earliest opportunityMVQ Patient should be seen by a doctor when next in portMVR I will arrange for hospital admissionMVS I think I should come on board and examine the caseMVT No treatment advisedMVU Refer back to me in number hours or before if patient worsens 129 CHAPTER 3 SECTION 4 TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS TABLE M1REGIONS OF THE BODY Side of body or limb affected should be clearly indicatedright left FIGURE 1 Front 1 Frontal region of head 13 Arm upper 25 Scrotum 2 Side of head 14 Forearm 26 Testicles 3 Top of head 15 Wrist 27 Penis 4 Face 16 Palm of hand 28 Upper thigh 5 Jaw 17 Fingers 29 Middle thigh 6 Neck front 18 Thumb 30 Lower thigh 7 Shoulder 19 Central upper abdomen 31 Knee 8 Clavicle 20 Central lower abdomen 32 Patella 9 Chest 21 Upper abdomen 33 Front of leg 10 Chest mid 22 Lower abdomen 34 Ankle 11 Heart 23 Lateral abdomen 35 Foot 12 Armpit 24 Groin 36 Toes FIGURE 2 Back 37 Back of head 44 Back of hand 51 Buttock 38 Back of neck 45 Lower chest region 52 Anus 39 Back of shoulder 46 Spinal column upper 53 Back of thigh 40 Scapula region 47 Spinal column middle 54 Back of knee 41 Elbow 48 Spinal column lower 55 Calf 42 Back upper arm 49 Lumbar kidney region 56 Heel 43 Back lower arm 50 Sacral region OTHER ORGANS OF THE BODY 57 Artery 69 Lip lower 81 Tongue 58 Bladder 70 Lip upper 82 Tonsils 59 Brain 71 Liver 83 Tooth teeth 60 Breast 72 Lungs 84 Urethra 61 Ears 73 Mouth 85 Uterus womb 62 Eyes 74 Nose 86 Vein 63 Eyelids 75 Pancreas 87 Voice box larynx 64 Gall bladder 76 Prostate 88 Whole abdomen 65 Gullet esophagus 77 Ribs 89 Whole arm 66 Gums 78 Spleen 90 Whole back 67 Intestine 79 Stomach 91 Whole chest 68 Kidney 80 Throat 92 Whole leg Indicate side as 4TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS FIGURE 1 131 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE FIGURE 2132 SECTION 4TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS TABLE M2LIST OF COMMON DISEASES1 Abscess 32 Duodenal ulcer 64 Phlebitis2 Alcoholism 33 Eczema 65 Piles3 Allergic reaction 34 Erysipelas 66 Plague4 Amoebic dysentery 35 Fits 67 Pleurisy5 Angina pectoris 36 Gangrene 68 Pneumonia6 Anthrax 37 Gastric ulcer 69 Poisoning corrosive7 Apoplexy stroke 38 70 Poisoning noncorrosive8 Appendicitis 39 Gonorrhea 71 Poisoning barbiturates9 Asthma 40 Gout 72 Poisoning methyl alcohol10 Bacillary dysentery 41 Heat cramps 73 Poisoning gases11 Boils 42 Heat exhaustion 74 Bronchitis acute 43 Heat stroke 75 Prolapsed Bronchitis chronic 44 Hepatitis disc slipped disc14 Brucellosis 45 Hernia 76 Pulmonary tuberculosis15 Carbuncle 46 Hernia irreducible 77 Quinsy16 Cellulitis 47 Hernia strangulated 78 Rheumatism17 Chancroid 48 Immersion foot 79 Rheumatic fever18 Chicken pox 49 Impetigo 80 Scarlet fever19 Cholera 50 Insulin overdose 81 Sciatica20 Cirrhosis of the liver 51 Indigestion 82 Shingles herpes zoster21 Concussion 52 Influenza 83 Sinusitis22 Compression of brain 53 Intestinal obstruction 84 Shock23 Congestive heart failure 54 Kidney stone renal colic 85 Smallpox24 Constipation 55 Laryngitis 86 Syphilis25 Coronary thrombosis 56 Malaria 87 Tetanus26 Cystitis bladder 57 Measles 88 Tonsillitis inflammation 58 Meningitis 89 Typhoid27 Dengue 59 Mental illness 90 Typhus28 Diabetes 60 Migraine 91 Urethritis29 Diabetic coma 61 Mumps 92 Urticaria nettle rash30 Diptheria 62 Orchitis 93 Whooping cough31 Drug reaction 63 Peritonitis 94 Yellow fever 133 CHAPTER 3MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE TABLE M3LIST OF MEDICAMENTS FOR EXTERNAL USE 1 Auristillae Glyceris 7 Naristillae Ephedrine Glycerin ear drops Norephedrine hydrochloride drops EAR DROPS NASAL DROPS 2 Guttae Sulfacetamidi 8 Paraffinum Molle Flavum Sulfacetamide eye drops Yellow soft paraffin ANTISEPTIC EYE DROPS SOFT PARAFFIN 3 Guttae Tetracainae 9 Paraffinum Molle Flavum Carbasi Absorbentis Tetracaine eye drops Tulle gras dressing Paraffin gauze ANAESTHETIC EYE DROPS BURNWOUND DRESSING 4 Linimentum Methylis Salicylatis 10 Unguentum Bacitracini Methyl salicylate liniment Bacitracin ointment SALICYLATE LINIMENT ANTIBIOTIC OINTMENT 5 Lotio Calaminae 11 Unguentum Benzocaini Compositum Calamine Lotion Compund benzocaine ointment CALAMINE LOTION PILE OINTMENT 6 Lotio Cetrimidi 12 Unguentum Xylocaini Hydrochloridi Cetrimide lotion Mylocaine ointment ANTISEPTIC LOTION LOCAL ANAESTHETIC OINTMENT FOR INTERNAL USE Allergic Conditions PENICILLIN TABLETS 13 Compressi Promethazini Hydrochloridi 125 mg per tablet Promethazine hydrochloride tablets ANTIHISTAMINE TABLETS 17 Compressi Sulfadimidini 25 mg per tablet Sulfadimidine tablets SULFONAMIDE TABLETS 14 Injectic Adrenalini 500 mg per tablet Adrenaline injection ADRENALINE 1 mg in Ampins 18 Injectio Procaine penicillin GCAUTION THIS INJECTION NO 14 TO BE USED ONLY PENICILLIN INJECTION ON MEDICAL ADVICE BY RADIO EXCEPT IN 600000 units per ampoule CASE OF ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK DUE TO PENICILLIN INJECTION 19 Injectio Streptomycini Sulfatis Streptomycin sulfate injection Antibiotics STREPTOMYCIN INJECTION 15 Capsulae Tetracyclini Hydrochloridi 1000 mg per ampoule Tetracycline hydrochloride capsules TETRACYCLINE CAPSULES 250 mg per capsule 20 Injectio Tetracyclini hydrochloridi Tetracycline hydrochloride 16 Compressi TETRACYCLINE INJECTION 100 mg per ampoule Preparations listed may have been substituted by equivalent preparations in the ships medicine chest For the sake of uniformity medicaments are indicated in the first place by their Latin denominations so that a correct transla tion can be found in each language134 SECTION 4TABLES OF COMPLEMENTS Asthma Counpound Colocynth and Jalap tablets21 Compressi Aminophyllini VEGETABLE LAXATIVE TABLETS Aminophylline tablets ASTHMA RELIEF TABLETS 30 Magnesii Hydroxidum 300 mg per tablet Magnesium hydroxide mixture LIQUID LAXATIVEMilk of THIS TABLET NO 21 TO BE USED ONLY ON MEDICAL ADVICE BY RADIO Malaria 31 Compressi Chloroquini Sulfatis22 Compressi Ephedrini Hydrochloridi Chloroquine sulfate tablets Ephedrine Hydrochloride tablets MALARIA TABLETS EPHEDRINE TABLETS 200 mg per tablet 30 mg per tablet Pain23 Tinctura Benzoini Composita 32 Compressi Acidi Tincture of benzoin compound acid tablets INHALATION MIXTURE ASPIRIN TABLETS 300 mg per tablet Cough24 Compressi Codeini Phosphatis 33 Injectio Morphini Codein phosphate tablets Morphine sulfate injection CODEIN TABLETS MORPHINE INJECTION 15 mg per tablet 15 mg per ampoule25 Linctus Scillae Opiata Sedation Linctus of squill opiate 34 Compressi Butobarbitali COUGH LINCTUS Butobarbitone tablets SEDATIVE TABLETS Diarrhea 100 mg per tablet26 Mistura Kaolini et Morphinae Kaolin and morphine mixture 35 Compressi Phenobarbitali DIARRHEA MIXTURE Phenobarbitone tablets PHENOBARBITONE TABLETS Heart 30 mg per tablet27 Compressi Glycerylis Trinitratis Glycerin Trinitrate tablets 36 Compressi Chlorpromazini Hydrochloridi HEART TABLETS Chlorpromazine hydrochloride tablets 05 mg per tablet TRANQUILLIZER TABLETS LARGACTIL 50 mg per tabletNOTE For congestive heart failure the following prepara tions are available on board ship but they should be CAUTION THIS TABLET NO 36 TO BE USED ONLY used only on medical advice transmitted in plain lan ON MEDICAL ADVICE BY RADIO guage and not by Code Salt Depletion or Heat Cramps Compressi Chlorothiazidi Chlorothiazide or equiva 37 Compressi Natrii Chloridi Solv lent 500 mg per tablet Sodium chloride tablets Compressi Digoxin Digoxin tablets or equivalent SALT TABLETS 025 mg per tablet 500 mg per tablet Indigestion Seasickness28 Compressi Magnesii Trisilicas 38 Compressi Hyoscini Hydrobromidi Magnesium trisilicate Hysocine Hydrobromide tablets STOMACH TABLETS SEASICKNESS TABLETS 03 mg per tablet Laxatives29 Compressi Colocynthidis et Jalapae Compositae 135 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 4 DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES PAGESECTION 1 DISTRESS SIGNALS 139SECTION 2 TABLE OF LIFESAVING SIGNALS 140SECTION 3 RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES 147 137 CHAPTER 4 SECTION 1 DISTRESS SIGNALS PRESCRIBED BY THE INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA 1972To be used or displayed either together or separately by a vessel or seaplane on the water in distress requiring assistance fromother vessels or from the shore1 A gun or other explosive signal fire at intervals of about a minute2 A continuous sounding with any fogsignaling apparatus3 Rockets or shells throwing red stars fired one at a time at short intervals4 A signal made by or by any other signaling method consisting of the group SOS in the Morse Code5 A signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word MAYDAY6 The International Code Signal of distress indicated by NC7 A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball8 Flames on the vessel as from a burning tar barrel oil barrel etc9 A rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light10 A smoke signal giving off a volume of orangecolored smoke11 Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each side12 The radiotelegraph alarm signal13 The radiotelephone alarm signal14 Signals transmitted by emergency beaconsNOTES a Vessels in distress may use the radiotelegraph alarm signal or the radiotelephone alarm signal to secure attention to distress calls and messages The radiotelegraph alarm signal which is designed to actuate the radiotelegraph auto alarms of vessels so fitted consists of a series of twelve dashes sent in 1 minute the duration of each dash being 4 sec onds and the duration of the interval between 2 consecutive dashes being 1 second The radiotelephone alarm signal con sists of 2 tones transmitted alternately over periods of from 30 seconds to 1 minute bThe use of any of the foregoing signals except for the purpose of indicating that a vessel or seaplane is in distress and the use of any signals which may be confused with any of the above signals is prohibited cAttention is drawn to the relevant sections of the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual and the following signals i a piece of orangecolored canvas with either a black square and circle or other appropriate symbol for identi fication from the air ii a dye marker A series of twelve four second dashes at intervals of one second Two audio tones transmitted alternately at frequency of 2200 Hz and 1300 Hz for a duration of 30 seconds to one minute Either the signal described in above or a series of single tones at a frequency of 1300 Hz 139 CHAPTER 4 SECTION 2 TABLE OF LIFESAVING SIGNALS I LANDING SIGNALS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF SMALL BOATS WITH CREWS OR PERSONS IN DISTRESS MANUAL SIGNALS LIGHT SIGNALS OTHER SIGNALS SIGNIFICATION Day Signals or code letter K given by light or Vertical motion of a white flag or of the or firing of a green star signal soundsignal apparatus arms This is the best place to land Night Signals or code letter K given by light or Vertical motion of a white light or flare or firing of a green star signal soundsignal apparatus A range indication of direction may be given by placing a steady white light or flare at a lower level and in line with the observer Day Signals or code letter S given by light or Horizontal motion of a white flag or of or firing of a red star signal soundsignal apparatus the arms extended horizontally Landing here highly danger ous Night Signals or code letter S given by light or Horizontal motion of a light or flare or firing of a red star signal soundsignal apparatus 1 or signalling the code letter S followed by the code letter R if a better landing place for the craft in distress is located more to the right Day 1 Horizontal motion of a white flag fol in the direction of approach Signals lowed by 2 or signaling the code letter S 2 the placing of the white flag in the followed by the code letter L 1 or firing of a red star signal verti if a better landing place for the craft ground and cally and 3 by the carrying of another white flag in in distress is located more to the left 2 a white star signal in the direction in the direction of approach the direction to be indicated towards the better landing place Landing here highly danger ous A more favorable loca tion for landing is in the 1 or signalling the code letter S direction indicated followed by the code letter R if a better landing place for the craft in distress is located more to the right Night 1 Horizontal motion of a white in the direction of approach Signals light or flare 2 or signaling the code letter S 2 followed by the placing of the white followed by the code letter L 1 or firing of a red star signal verti if a better landing place for the craft light or flare on the ground and cally and a 3 the carrying of another white light or in distress is located more to the left 2 white star signal in the direction in the direction of approach flare in the direction to be indicated towards the better landing place140 SECTION 2TABLE OF LIFESAVING SIGNALS II SIGNALS TO BE EMPLOYED IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF SHORE LIFESAVING APPARATUS MANUAL SIGNALS LIGHT SIGNALS OTHER SIGNALS In general affirmative Vertical motion of a white flag or firing of a green star signal Specifically rocket line is or of the arms held tail block is made fast hawser is made fast man is in the breeches buoy haul Vertical motion of a white light or firing of a green star signal or Horizontal motion of a white or firing of a red star signal flag or of the arms extended In general negative horizontally Specifically slack away avast Horizontal motion of a white or firing of a red star signal light or flare III REPLIES FROM LIFESAVING STATIONS OR MARITIME RESCUE UNITS TO DISTRESS SIGNALS MADE BY A SHIP OR or combined light and sound signal thunderlight consist ing of 3 single signals which Orange smoke signal You are seen assistance will are fired at intervals of approxi be given as soon as possible mately one minute Repetition of such signal shall have the same White star rocket consisting of 3 single signals which are fired at intervals of approximately one minute If necessary the day signals may be given at night or the night signals by day 141 CHAPTER 4DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES IV AIRTOSURFACE VISUAL SIGNALS Signals used by aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to direct ships towards an aircraft ship or person in distress PROCEDURES PERFORMED IN SEQUENCE BY AN AIRCRAFT SIGNIFICATION The aircraft is directing a vessel towards an aircraft or vessel in distress Repetition of such signals shall 1 CIRCLE the vessel at least once 2 CROSS the vessels projected 3 HEAD in the direction in which have the same meaning course close AHEAD at a low alti the vessel is to be directed tude while ROCKING the wings See Note 4 CROSS the vessels wake close ASTERN at low altitude while ROCKING the wings See Note The assistance of the vessel is no longer required Repetition of such signals shall have the same meaning NOTE Opening and closing the throttle or changing the propeller pitch may also be practiced as an alternative means of attracting attention to that of rocking the wings However this form of sound signal may be less effective than the visual signal of rocking the wings owing to high noise level on board the vessel Signals used by a vessel in response to an aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations SIGNIFICATION Acknowledges receipt of air crafts signal Hoist Code and Answering pen Change the heading to the required Flash Morse Code signal T by sig dant Close up or direction or nal lamp Indicates inability to comply Hoist international flag N Flash Morse Code signal N by sig NOVEMBER or nal lamp142 SECTION 2TABLE OF LIFESAVING SIGNALS V SURFACETOAIR VISUAL from surface craft or survivors to an aircraftUse International Code of Signals Use the following surfacetoair visualor plain language by use of a signals by displaying the appropriate ortorch signalling lamps or signal signal on the deck or on the International Code of ICAO visual sym Signals bols Require assistance V V Require medical assistance W X No or negative N N Yes or affirmative C Y Proceeding in this direction ICAO annex 12 Search and rescueReply from an aircraft observing the above signals from surface craft or survivors SIGNIFICATION Use any other suitable Message understood signal Flash the landing lights Rock the wings during or navigation lights on Flash Morse Code sigDrop a message or daylight or and off twice during nal T or R by light hours of darkness or or Use any other suitable Message not under signal stood repeatFly straight and level Flash Morse Code Sigwithout rocking wings nal RPT by light oror 143 CHAPTER 4DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES VI SIGNALS TO SURVIVORS Procedures performed by an aircraft SIGNIFICATION Drop communication The aircraft wishes to equipment suitable for Drop a message or inform or instruct sur establishing direct con vivors tact High visibility colored streamer Signals used by survivors in response to a message dropped by an aircraft SIGNIFICATION Flash Morse Code sig Dropped messages is Use any other suitable nal T or R by light understood by the signal or survivors Dropped messages is not understood by the Flash Morse Code signal RPT by light survivors144 SECTION 2TABLE OF LIFESAVING SIGNALS CONFLICT AND PERMANENT IDENTIFICATION OF RESCUE CRAFT Shape color and positioning of emblem for medical transports1 The following emblems can be used separately or together to show that a vessel is protected as a medical transport under theGeneva Convention2 The emblem positioned on the vessels sides bow stern and deck shall be painted dark red on a white background a On the vessels sides the emblem shall extend from the waterline to the top of the ships hull b The emblems on the vessels bow and stern must if necessary be painted on a wooden structure so as to be clearly visible to other vessels ahead or astern c The deck emblem must be as clear of the vessels equipment as possible to be clearly visible from aircraft3 In order to provide the desired contrast for infrared film or instruments the red emblem must be painted on top of a blackprimer paint4 Emblems may also be made of materials which make them recognizable by technical means of At night and in restricted visibility the emblems shall be illuminated or lit2 At night and in restricted visibility all deck and overside lights must be fully lit to indicate that the vessel is engaged in medical equipment1 Subject to the instructions of the competent authority medical and religious personnel carrying out their duties in the battlearea shall as far as possible wear headgear and clothing bearing the distinctive emblemFlashing blue light for medical transports1 A vessel engaged in medical operations shall exhibit one or more allaround flashing blue lights of the color prescribed inparagraph 42 The visibility of the lights shall be as high as possible and not less than 3 nautical miles in accordance with Annex 1 to Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 19723 The light or lights shall be exhibited as high above the hull as practical and in such a way that at least one light shall be visiblefrom any direction4 The recommended blue color is obtained by using as trichromatic coordinates green boundary y 00650805x white boundary y 0400x purple boundary x 01330600y5 The frequency of the flashing light shall be between 60 and 100 flashes per minuteRadar transponders1 It should be possible for medical transports to be identified by other vessels equipped with radar by signals from a radar tran In accordance with Article 27 of the Second Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 this chapter also applies to coastal rescue craft 145 CHAPTER 4DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE fitted on the medical transport2 The signal from the medical transport transponder shall consist of the group YYY in accordance with article 40 of the followed by the call sign or other recognized means of acoustic signals1 It should be possible for medical transports to be identified by submarines by appropriate underwater signals transmitted bythe medical transports2 The underwater signal shall consist of the call sign of the ship preceded by the single group YYY transmitted in Morse on anappropriate acoustic frequency eg 5 kHzRescue craft carried by medical transports1 Every rescue craft should be equipped with a mast on which a Red Cross flag measuring about 2 x 2 meters can be blue light for medical aircraft1 The light signal consisting of a flashing blue light is established for the use of medical aircraft to signal their identity Noother aircraft shall use this signal The recommended flashing rate of the blue light is between sixty and one hundred flashesper minute2 Medical aircraft should be equipped with such lights as may be necessary to make the light signal visible in as many directionsas possible146 CHAPTER 4 SECTION 3 RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES RECEPTION OF SAFETY MESSAGES Any message which you hear prefixed by one of the following words concerns SAFETY MAYDAY Indicates that a ship aircraft or other vehicle is threatened by grave and Distress imminent danger and requests immediate assistance PAN Indicates that the calling station has a very urgent message to transmit con Urgency cerning the safety of a ship aircraft or other vehicle or the safety of a person SECURITE Indicates that the station is about to transmit a message concerning the safety Safety of navigation or giving important meteorological warningsIf you hear these words pay particular attention to the message and call the master or the officer on watch DISTRESS TRANSMITTING PROCEDURES To be used only if IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE is requiredUSE PLAIN LANGUAGE WHENEVER POSSIBLE If language difficulties are likely to arise use Tables 2 and 3 on Page149 sending the word INTERCO to indicate that the message will be in the International Code of SignalsCall out letters as in Table 1 on Page 148 Call out numbers figure by figure as in Table 1To indicate DISTRESS1 If possible transmit the ALARM SIGNAL ie twotone signal for 30 seconds to one minute but do not delay the messageif there is insufficient time in which to transmit the Alarm Signal2 Send the following DISTRESS CALLMayday Mayday Mayday This is name or call sign of ship spoken three times3 Then send the DISTRESS MESSAGE composed ofMayday followed by the name or call sign of shipPosition of shipNature of distressAnd if necessary transmit the nature of the aid required and any other information which will help the rescue EXAMPLES OF DISTRESS PROCEDURE1 Where possible transmit ALARM SIGNAL followed by spoken words Mayday Mayday Mayday This is name of shipspoken three times or call sign of ship spelled three times using TABLE 1 on Page 148 Mayday name or call sign of shipPosition 54 25 North 016 33 West I am on fire and require immediate assistance2 Where possible transmit ALARM SIGNAL followed by spoken words Mayday Mayday Mayday name of ship spokenthree times or call sign of ship spelled three times using TABLE 1 Mayday name or call sign of ship Interco Alfa Nadazero Unaone Pantafive Ushant Romeo Kartefour Nadazero Delta Xray Ship in Distress Position 015 Degrees Ushant 40miles I am sinking3 Where possible transmit ALARM SIGNAL followed by spoken words Mayday Mayday Mayday name of ship spokenthree times or call sign of ship spelled three times using TABLE 1 Mayday name or call sign of ship Interco Lima Pantafive Kartefour Bissotwo Pantafive November Golf Nadazero Unaone Soxisix Terrathree Terrathree Whiskey Charlie BravoSoxisix Ship in Distress Position Latitude 54 25 North Longitude 016 33 West I require immediate assistance I am on fire 147 CHAPTER 4DISTRESS AND LIFESAVING SIGNALS AND RADIOTELEPHONE PROCEDURES TABLE 1 PHONETIC ALPHABET AND FIGURE SPELLING TABLES May be used when transmitting plain language or code Letter Word Pronounced as Letter Word Pronounced as A Alfa AL FAH N November NO VEM BER B Bravo BRAH VOH O Oscar OSS CAH C Charlie CHAR LEE or P Papa PAH PAH SHAR LEE Q Quebec KEH BECK D Delta DELL TAH R Romeo ROW ME OH E Echo ECK OH S Sierra SEE AIR RAH F Foxtrot FOKS TROT T Tango TANG GO G Golf GOLF U Uniform YOU NEE FORM or H Hotel HOH TELL OO NEE FORM I India IN DEE AH V Victor VIK TAH J Juliett JEW LEE ETT W Whiskey WISS KEY K Kilo KEY LOH X Xray ECKS RAY L Lima LEE MAH Y Yankee YANG KEY M Mike MIKE Z Zulu ZOO LOO NOTE The syllables to be emphasized are boldfaced Figure or Figure or Mark to be Word Pronounced as Mark to be Word Pronounced as Transmitted Transmitted 0 NADAZERO NAHDAHZAYROH 6 SOXISIX SOKSEESIX 1 UNAONE OONAHWUN 7 SETTESEVEN SAYTAY SEVEN 2 BISSOTWO BEESSOHTOO 8 OKTOEIGHT OKTOHAIT 3 TERRATHREE TAYRAHTREE 9 NOVENINE NOVAY NINER 4 KARTEFOUR KARTAYFOWER Decimal DECIMAL DAYSEEMAL point 5 PANTAFIVE PANTAHFIVE Full stop STOP STOP NOTE Each syllable should be equally emphasized148 SECTION PROCEDURES TABLE 2 Position in Code1 By Bearing and Distance from a Landmark Code letter A Alfa followed by a threefigure group for ships TRUE bearing from landmark Name of landmark Code letter R Romeo followed by one or more figures for dis tance in nautical miles or2 By Latitude and Longitude Latitude Code letter L Lima followed by a fourfigure group 2 figures for Degrees 2 figures for Minutes and eitherN November for Latitude North or S Sierra for Latitude South Longitude Code letter G Golf followed by a fivefigure group 3 figures for Degrees 2 figures for Minutes and eitherE Echo for Longitude East or W Whiskey for Longitude West TABLE 3 Nature of Distress in Code Code Words to beLetters transmitted Text of SignalAE Alfa Echo I must abandon my vesselBF Bravo Foxtrot Aircraft is ditched in position indicated and requires immediate assistanceCB Charlie Bravo I require immediate assistanceCB6 Charlie Bravo I require immediate assistance I am on fire SoxisixDX Delta Xray I am sinkingHW Hotel Whiskey I have collided with surface craft Answer to Ship in DistressCP Charlie Papa I am proceeding to your assistanceED Echo Delta Your distress signals are understoodEL Echo Lima Repeat the distress positionNOTE A more comprehensive list of signals may be found in Chapter 2 149 APPENDIX USRUSSIA SUPPLEMENTARY SIGNALS FOR NAVAL VESSELSIR 1 I am engaged in oceanographic operationsIR 2 I am hydrographic survey equipment meters asternIR 3 I am recovering hydrographic survey equipmentIR 4 I am conducting salvage operationsJH 1 I am attempting to retract a grounded vesselMH 1 Request you not to cross my course ahead of meNB 1 I have my unattached hydrographic survey equipment bearing in a direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSPJ 1 I am unable to alter course to my starboardPJ 2 I am unable to alter course to my portPJ 3 Caution I have a steering casualtyPP 8 Dangerous operations in progress Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSQF 1 Caution I have stopped enginesQS 6 I am proceeding to anchorage on course QV 2 I am in a fixed multiple leg moor using two or more anchors or buoys fore and aft Request you remain clearQV 3 I am anchored in deep water with hydrographic survey equipment streamedRT 2 I intend to pass you on your port sideRT 3 I intend to pass you on your starboard sideRT 4 I will overtake you on your port sideRT 5 I will overtake you on your starboard sideRT 6 I amFormation is maneuvering Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSRT 7 I shall approach your ship on starboard side to a distance of 100s of meters yardsRT 8 I shall approach your ship on port side to a distance of 100s of meters yardsRT 9 I shall cross astern at a distance of 100s of meters yardsRU 2 I am beginning a port turn in approximately minutesRU 3 I am beginning a starboard turn in approximately minutesRU 4 The formation is preparing to alter course to portRU 5 The formation is preparing to alter course to starboardRU 6 I am engaged in maneuvering exercises It is dangerous to be inside the formationRU 7 I am preparing to submergeRU 8 A submarine will surface within two miles of me within 30 minutes Request you remain clearTX 1 I am engaged in fisheries patrolSL 2 Request your course speed and passing intentionUY 1 I am preparing to launchrecover aircraft on course UY 2 I am preparing to conduct missile exercises Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSUY 3 I am preparing to conduct gunnery exercises Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSUY 4 I am preparing to conductam conducting operations employing explosive chargesUY 5 I am maneuvering in preparation for torpedo launching exercises Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSUY 6 I am preparing to conductam conducting underway replenishment on course Request you remain clearUY 7 I am preparing to conduct extensive small boat and ship to shore amphibious training operationsUY 8 I am maneuvering to launchrecover landing craftboatsUY 9 I am preparing to conductam conducting helicopter operations over my sternUY 10 I am testing my gun systemsUY 11 I am testing my missile systemsUY 12 I am preparing to conductam conducting gunnerybombing exercises from aircraft on a towed target Request you remain clear of the hazard which is in the direction from me as indicated Table 3 of ICSZL 1 I have received and understood you messageZL 2 Do you understand Request acknowledgment 151 Special Warning SignalsThe following signals are used by Russian naval vessels to warn foreign vessels that they haveviolated Regulations for entry navigating and stopping in Russian Territorial Waters Territorial Sea or Russian Inland Waters SNG You have violated the Russian borders I demand that you leave Russian waters immediately SNO I demand that you leave Russian waters immediately Unless you do so a force of arms will be used against you SNP You are violating the regulations for navigating and remain ing in Russian waters I demand that you cease violations SNR Despite warnings you continue to violate the regulations for navigating and remaining in Russian waters You are to leave them immediately By day these signals will be made by flags of the International Code of Signals By night they will be in Morse Code by signallamp In addition the signals may be transmitted by RT in plain language on 500 kHz 2182 kHz and 1568 MHz as well as byvoice using megaphone or any other amplifying device Warning signals to foreign submarines which are submerged The signal of two series of explosions with three explosions in each series where the interval between the explosions in aseries is one minute and the interval between the series is three minutes means You are in Russian waters I demand that yousurface immediately Unless you comply with this order within 10 minutes a force of arms will be used against you An acoustic signal by sonar may be given simultaneously with the same meaning as described above The signal will consistof five dashes each dash three seconds long interval between dashes three seconds152 INDEXES PageSignaling Instructions and General Signal Code 155Medical Signal Code 159 153 INDEX SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL SIGNAL CODE SEE SEPARATE INDEX FOR MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Numbers refer to pages A rafts 36 D required 37Abandon vessel 29 search 38 Damage casualties 49Accident or distress position 43 send 37 received 49 signals 2930 Bodies located 47 Dangerous goods 84Adrift boatraft 36 search and rescue 47 Dangers to navigation warnings 65 from anchorage 78 Boom across caution 67 Dead number of persons 30Afloat 31 Bulkheads watertight 56 reckoning position 41 from grounding 54 Bunkers 89 Depression atmospheric pressure 94Aground assistance 36 Buoy navigating and steering instruc deep 94 vessel 36 tions 73 intense 94Ahead engine maneuvers 60 Buoys aids to navigation 62 Depth water 68 maneuvers 76 Burns severe 30 Derelict 65Aids to navigation 62 Diesel oil 89Aircraft in distress 39 C Disabled 31 locate 41 38Alight 31 Cable hawser 58 Disembark 36Alongside boatraft 36 Canal 63 Distress 3941 maneuvers 77 Cancel message 100 position 40 4243Alphabet flags inside front cover ii Carbon tetrachloride fire signals 3940Anchor underwater operations 51 extinguishers 52 transmitting procedures 147Anchorage 78 Cargo 84 Disturbance serious 34 portharbor 87 Cast off 60 Ditched 31 towing to 57 Casualties radiation 29 Diver underwater operations 51Anchoring 7778 Caution navigate with 67 Doctor 30Answer communications 100 Channel 63 Draft 69Arms signaling 1516 Circling aircraft 32 Drift survival craft 44Arrival estimated time of 88 Close distance 44 Drifting disabled 38Assistance 31 Clouds 91 declined not required 35 Coal 90 E given not given 35 Collision 49 proceeding to 43 mat diver 51 Electronic navigation 7071 required 33 leak 56 Emergency signals 2948Astern maneuvers 76 Communicate 100101 Engines 79Atmospheric pressure 94 Communications acknowledge 100 Exercise signals communications aircraft 31 102 B calling 100 Exercises carrying out 89 exercise 102 Explanation and general remarks ofBallast 84 reception 102 signals 3Bar 56 transmission 102 Explosion distress 40 depthdraft 6869 Compass adjusting 71 Explosions fire 52Barometer 94 Complements tables 104Beaching 54 Connect towing 57 FBeacons aid to navigation 62 Contact vesselaircraft in distress 41Bearing magnetic Fairway 63 Convoy 94 33 Fire assistance 34 Course aids to navigation 62 explosion 51 33Berth 78 Firefighting appliances 52 indicate 64Boarding 7980 Firing range 67 search and rescue 44Boats available 37 Fishcatch carrier boat 85 Crew persons on board 84 155 INDEXSIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL SIGNAL CODEFishery 8586 fast 91 Meteorology 9198 limits 86 floes 92 Minefield 71 protection 86 patrol ship 93 Mines 71Fishing 85 Icebergs 93 Minesweeping 71 gear dangers to navigation 85 Icebreaker 93 Miscellaneous signals 88 vessel 85 single letter signals 25 Missing vesselaircraft 45Flag signaling 910 Icefield 93 Morse signaling by hand flags or armsFlares 42 Identification signal 90 15Flashing light signaling 1112 Inflatable raft 32 symbols alphabet and numerals 17Flight aircraft 32 Information available no 89 table 16Floating ice 93 Injured number of persons 30 Mother ship fishing 85 mine 72 International Code of Signals trawl 85 purpose 3 NFlooded 56Flying aircraft 32 K Navigating and steering instructions 87Foam fire extinguisher 52 Navigation 6275Fog 96 Keep away 74 lights 72Follow wake 72 clear 74 Nets 85Fuel oil 89 close 74 drift 85Fumigation 90 seine 85 L G O Landing 31Gale 91 boarding 80 Oil fire 52Give way 74 Lead course 87 Oily mixture 84Grounding 53 Leak 56 Overtake do not 74Groups transmission signals 102 assistance 34 Leeward keep 73 PGrowlers ice 93 Lifesaving signals 140 station 39 Pack ice 93 H Light searchlight 72 Parachute 32Hand flags signaling 1516 Lighthouse 62 Pass ahead 73Harbor anchorage 78 Lights aids to navigation 62 Passing signals 73 port 87 Lightvessel 62 Persons on board 84Hawser 58 Line towing 58 saved or lost 47Headway maneuvers 76 List assistance 33 Phonetic tables 1718 148 towingtugs 61 boatsrafts 36 Pick up persons by clearance 103 dangers to navigation 68 33 Maritime Declaration of 103 Located vesselaircraft wreckage 41 Picked up search and rescue 47 questions 103 Longline fishing 85 Pilot 87Health Regulations International 103 Lost persons 47 assistance 87Heave to 83 Loud hailer voice over 5 20 boat 87Helicopter signals 33 Low water 75 Pilotage radar 70 87High water 75 Plain language communications 101Holding ground anchorage 78 M Port harbor 87Hostile aircraft 68 pilot 87 submarine 67 Make fast navigating and steering steer to navigating and steering in vessel 67 instructions 73 structions 73Hydrography 6275 towing line 59 Position indicate 41 Man overboard search and rescue 46 Pratique 103 I Maneuvers 80 Precautions tropical storm 91 towingtugs 60 Prevailing weather boatsrafts 36Ice 91 Maritime Declaration of Health 103 Procedure signals 17 20 accretion 93 Mark to be transmitted table 148 Proceed damagerepairs 50 drift 92 Men on board 84 underway 80156 INDEXSIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL SIGNAL CODEProceeding to assistance 35 Sick number of persons 30 Trawl 85Propeller engines 79 Sight search and rescue 41 Tropical storm 91 shaft assistance 33 Signal cannot read transmission 100 Tsunami 67 engines 79 Signaling methods 5 Tug assistance navigation 67Propeller underwater operations 51 Signals appropriate in all transmissions towing 56Purse seine 85 definitions and meanings 4 Tugs 5661 explanation and general remarks 3 R general instructions 68 U miscellaneous 88Radar 70 purpose International Code of 3 Underwater operations 51Radiation danger 65 Signals appropriate in all Underway 81 hazard 68 transmissions 20Radio direction finder 70 V Single letter signals 22Radioactive material 65 for icebreaker andRadiobeacon aids to navigation 62 Veer towing 59 assisted vessels 25 Vessel in distress 39 search and rescue 44 with complements 5 20 locate 41 Sinksunk vessels 39 Visibility procedures 147149 Slack towing 5 14 20 Visual contact search and rescue 44 Sludge ice 91 signals communicate 101Rafts 36 Smoke float position 42Read transmission signal cannot 100 position 42 signals position 42 Voice over loud hailer 5 20Receive communications signal 100 SOSMAYDAY 39 139144 147149 102 Sound signaling 13 WRefloating 54 signals position 42Remain where you are 83 Speed 82 Wake navigating and steering instrucRepairs 49 32 tions 73Repeat communications signal 102 towing 61 steer in my 73Rescue 46 Steer 73 Warnings 6668 results 47 Steering gear assistance 33 Warps fishery 86Rocket fire search and rescue 46 Sternway maneuvers 76 Water depthdraft 6870 line look out for 46 towing 61 pumps fire 52Rockets position by 42 Stop heave to 83 Weather 97 maneuvers 83 forecast 97 S towing 61 Wind 97Safety signal 100 Storm 91 Windward navigating and steering inSave vessel cannot 46 Stretcher 30 33 structions 74Sea 95 Submarine survey 51 Wreck 65 conditions 95 Survival craft 35 Wreckage 46 marker dye position 42 Survivors 4748 Sweep net 86 ZSearch 32 and rescue 4448 Swell 9596 conditions 95 Zone dangerous mines 71 44 assistance 32 Swept channel 72 authority 44 T results 45Searchlight navigation lights 72 Take off persons search and rescue 46 position 42 Temperature 94Send boatraft 37 Tide 74Set and drift search and rescue 44 Towing 56Shallow water 65 line 58Shelter anchorage 78 Toxic effects explosion 53 towing 58 Transmit communications 102Shoal 65 Transmitter 71 157 INDEX MEDICAL SIGNAL CODE Numbers Refer to Pages A localization of symptoms 110 J Dislocation 114Abscess 113 Doctors instructions 107 Joints diseases 122Accidents 114115 Dose administration and method and dose method 127 frequency 127 LAlcohol 119Animal bite 115 E Localization of symptoms diseases orAnswer to questions 125 injuries 110 Ear diseases 121 B External application frequency 128 Eye diseases 121 MBedsores 119 Masters instructions 107Bleeding general symptoms 113 F Medical advice 125129 particular symptoms 114 additional information requestBody organs other 130 Flatulence 117 125 regions 130132 Fractures 114 assistance request 109124Bowels general symptoms 113 Medicaments list external use 134Breathing 111 G internal use 134135Buboes 120 Mental diseases 118Burn 115 Gangrene 115 state 111 General medical advice 125 Miscellaneous illness 122 C instructions 107 Muscles and joints diseases 122 symptoms 110116Catheter 118 Genitourinary system diseases 118 NChildbirth answers 123 Giddiness 119 questions 128 Nausea 117Circulatory system diseases 119 H Nervous system and mental tables 130133135 118Concussion 114 Headache 118 Nose and throat diseases 111Contusion 114 Health previous 110Corrosive swallowed 115 Heart and circulatory system P thrown on patient 115 diseases 119Cough diseases of respiratory system Hemorrhoids 117 Pain diseases of heart and circulatory116 Hernia 117 system 119 general symptoms 112 Hiccough 117 general symptoms 112Cramp pains 117 Hospital admission 109 Parasitic diseases infectious and 120 Patient description 109 D I Poisoning 115 Poisons 115 Illness miscellaneous 122 Port nearest 109Delirium tremens 119 Infectious and parasitic diseases 120 Prescribing medicaments 127Delusions 119 Injuries 114115 Progress report 123Diagnosis 125 localization of symptoms 110 Pulse diseases of heart and 116 Instructions to doctors 107 system 120Diet 128 masters 107 general symptoms 111Digestive system diseases 116Diseases list of common 133 Isolation 120 159 INDEX R Sweating 111 general symptoms 113 Swelling 113Rash general symptoms 113 Symptoms particular 114115 V infectious and parasitic diseases 120 T Vaccination infectious and 109 diseases 121Reply to questions 125 Table M1 regions of body 130 smallpox 129Respiratory system diseases 116 M2 list of common diseases 133 Venereal diseases 121 M3 list of medicaments 134 Vomiting diseases of digestive sys S 135 tem 117 Temperature 110 general symptoms 113Skin diseases 122 Throat diseases 115Sleep unable to 112 Treatment by medicaments 127 WSnake bite 115Special treatment 125 U Wind anus has not passed 117Sputum 116 Wound deep 114Stool 116 Urine diseases of genitourinary sysSuicide 114 tem 118 160
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