Racing Rules Of Sailing Us Prescriptions 2013 2016
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Add in the list of appendices Procedures for Appeals and Requests SoundSignal Starting System Alternative Procedures for Dispute Resolution INTRODUCTION Add as a new last paragraph in the Introduction Prescriptions US Sailing prescriptions are printed in bold italics except Appendices R S and T Those three appendices are US Sailing prescriptions EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Add at the end of the Introduction Equal Opportunity As the national authority for the sport of sailing US Sailing is committed to providing an equal opportunity to all sailors to participate in the sport of sailing Change rule 34 title to RACE COMMITTEE ABSENT After rule 34 add mark is missing but another one remains in place the finishing line is a line through the remaining mark at a 90 angle to the last leg and of the shortest practicable length If the race committee is absent when a boat she should report to the race committee her finishing time and her position in relation to nearby boats at the first reasonable opportunity Change rule 40 title to PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT After rule 40 add government regulations that click the PFD link for more information After rule 481 add sailtrim and masthead windindicator lights shall not constitute a breach of this rule Add rule 56 56 FLAGS US Sailing prescribes that a boat shall not display flags except for signaling A boat shall not be penalized for breaking this rule without prior warning and opportunity to make correction After rule 60 add boat may participate in the hearing provided she makes a written request before the hearing begins When she does so the redress for her at that hearing Add rule 614 614 Fees for Protests and Requests for Redress or requests for redress After rule 632 add of the hearing and the nature of the requall allow reasonable time for boats to make After rule 634 add ano person who brings an incident to the attention of the protest committee or who will give evidence regarding an incident shall be a member of the protest committee for a hearing involving that incident and ba request for redress based on a protest committee decision shall be heard by a committee that contains no members of the committee that made the original After rule 643bUS Sailing prescribes that the authority responsible for interpreting the rules of a handicap or rating system is the organization that issued the handicap or the rating certificate involved After rule 67 add aA boat that retires from a race or accepts a penalty does not by that action alone admit liability for damages bA protest committee shall find facts and make decisions only in compliance with rules No protest committee or US Sailing appeal authority shall adjudicate cA basic purpose of the rules is to prevent contact between boats By participating in an event governed by the a boat agrees that responsibility for damages arising from any breach of the shall be based on fault as determined by application of the and that she shall not be governed by the legal doctrine of assumption of risk for monetary damages resulting from contact with other boats Rule 705a After rule 705aUS Sailing prescribes that its approval is required Go to click the No Appeal link for more information or to obtain approval After rule 761 add ority or race committee shall not reject or cancel the entry of a boat or exclude a competitor eligible under the notice of race and sailing instructions for an arbitrary or caprson of race color religion national origin gender sexual orientation or age Add rule 82 82 OR HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS thority shall not require a competitor to assume any liabilities of the organizing authority race committee protest committee host official involved with the event This is commonly referred to as an or hold harmless agreement Go to click the link for more After rule 863 add US Sailing prescribes that proposed rules may be tested but only in local races However er events if for each event the organizing authority first obtains written permission from US Sailing and the proposed rules are After rule 882 add shall not change or delete rule 614 Appendix R or its prescriptions to rules 40 67 or 761 However for an international event the prescription to rule 40 may be A At the end add the following note US Sailing Note on Scoring a Long Series The scoring systems in Appendix A may be inappropriate for a long series such as a clubs season championship held over several weeks or months in which some boats do not compete in all of the races and in which more boats compete in some races than in others Go to the Scoring a Long Series link for an explanation of the scoring problems that occur scoring systems and language for sailing instructions to implement them Appendix G After rule G2 add in her class rules the sails of a boat that is not in an ISAF Class or Recognized Class shall comply with rule G1 However offshore racing boats not in a class that is subject to rule G1 shall carry numbers allotted by US Sailing on mainsails spinnakers measurement exceeding 130 of the base of the foretriangle This rule applies only to a boat whose owners national authority is US Sailing Go to click the Sail Numbers link for the full text of ng boats in the United States and for an application for a sail number Appendix L At the end of the preamble to Appendix L add US Sailing Note US Sailing has produced a guide to simplified sailing instructions suitable for events such as club or local regattas Go to the Simple SIs link to read and download this guideAppendix L Add Instruction 56 56 Flag A displayed with no sound while boats are finishing means No more racing today Appendix L Add Instruction 1610 1610 If the race committee posts a list of boats scored OCS ZFP or BFD on the official notice board before the protest time limit a request for redress based on such a posted score shall be made no later than one hour after the protest time limit This changes rule 622 Appendix R Procedures for Appeals and Requests Appendix R Appendix R beAppendix S After Appendix R add Appendix S see Appendix S beAppendix T After Appendix S add Appendix T see Appendix T beProtest Form Replace the ISAF Protest Form with the US Sailing Protest Form At end of introductory paragraph add This appendix is a US Sailing prescription committee may act as permitted by rule 712 and shall act as required by rule 713 subject ovided in rule R71a Frequently Asked Questions FAQ on the advice on how to prepare an appeal can be found on the US Sailing website Go to click the Appeals FAQ link R1 WHERE TO SEND AN APPEAL OR REQUEST All appeals and requests shall be sent to the Race Administration Director at US Sailing at either PO Box 1260 or 15 Maritime Drive Portsmouth RI 02871 or by email to or a request by a protest committee for confirmation or correction of its decision to the association appeals committee for the Sailing Association or the Sailing Association will be s committee for the ICSA and ISSA The director will forward an appeal of a decision of an association appeals committee a eals committee for confirmation or to the US Sailing Appeals Committee The director will forward an appeal of a decision of a protest committee acting under rule 691 an appeal of a decision of a protest committee of a US Sailing national championship and a request by such a committee for Appeals Committee R2 TO APPEAL OR MAKE A REQUEST To appeal a no later than 15 days after receiving the written decision being appealed or a protest committees decision not to reopen a hearing the appellant shall send an appeal and a copy of the decision to US Sailing The appeal shall state why the appellant believes the committees decisibwhen the hearing required by rule 631 has not been held within 30 days after a or request for redress was delivered the appellant shall within a further 15 days send an appeal with a copy of the protest or request and any relevant correspondence The appeals committee to which the appeal is forwarded shall extend the time if there is good reason to do so or cwhen the protest committee fails to comply with rule 65 the appellant shall within a reasonable time after the hearing send an appeal with a copy of the If a copy of the or request is not available the appellant shall instead send a statement of its substance The appellant shall also send with the appeal following documents and information available a the written sbif the appeal is from a decision of an association appeals committee the written decision of the protest committee and the appeal to the association appeals committee ca diagram prepared or endorsed by the protest committee that shows 1the positions of all boats involved at relevant times and their tracks 2the course to the next 3the speed and direction of the wind 4relevant or zone and 5if relevant the depth of the water and the speed and direcdthe notice of race sailing instructions any other documents governing the event and any changes to them ethe names mailing addresses and email addresses of the chairman of the protest committee and if reappeals committee and fany other relevant documents To request confirmation or correction of its decision a protest committee or association appeals committee shall send to US Sailing a copy of its decision and all relevant documents and comments see rule R22 To request an interpretation of the rules a club or other organization affiliated to US Sailing assumed facts and be endorsed Sailing committee is considered to be an organization affiliated to US Sailing R3 FEES If the appeal or request is being made to an association appeals committee see rule R12appeals committee may charge a fee in which case the association appeals committee will for a request to the protest the fee to whom the fee is payable and the address to which the fee must be sent If the appeal is being made to the US Sailing Appeals Committee sby a member of US Sailing or another nationa A fee of 25 is charged for a request for an interpretation of the rulessuch a request from a US Sailing committee There is no fee for a request from an association appeals committee for confirmation or correction If a fee is required for an appeal or request will be considered For appeals and requests made to the US Sailing Appeals Committee the ectronically as describeR4 NOTIFICATION OF THE COMMITTEE WHOSE DECISION IS BEING Upon receipt of an appeal the appeals committee shall send a copy of the appeal to the committee whose decision is being appealed asking it for any documents required by rule R5 COMMITTEE R51 Protest Committee documents requested under rule R4 and any facts or other informatiso by the appeals committee R52 Association Appeals Committee aThe association appeals committee shall send to all committee whose decision is being appealed documents comments and clarifications it ha or committee bThe association appeals committee shall send its decision in writing to all to the hearing and the protest committee cAn association appeals committee shall consider an appeal it has reR53 US Sailing Appeals Committee The US Sailing Appeals Committee shall send to all committee and to the association appeals committee whose decision is being appealed or nt documents comments and clarifications it or committee R54 Inadequate Facts Reopening An appeals committee shall accept the protest committees finding of facts except when it decides they are inadequate In that case it t committee to provide additional facts or other information or to refacts and the protest committee shall promptly do so R6 COMMENTS to the hearing the protest committee acommittee may make comments on the appeal or request on any of the documents listed in ons received under rule R72dComments shall be sent in writing to the appeals committee no or committee receives the document The appeals committee need not consider comments sent after that time or R7 PROVISIONS IN ADDITION TO THOSE OF RULES 70 AND 71 R71 Right to Appeal or Request Confirmation or Correction to a hearing may appeal an association appeals committees decision bAn association appeals committee may request confirmation orR72 Other ProvisionsaNo member of the association appeals committee shall take part onfirmation or correction to the US Sailing Appeals Committee bAn appeals committee may direct a protest committee to conduct a hearing to consider The US Sailing Appeals Committee may direct an association appeals committee to consider an appeal it hadAn appeals committee may seek clarifications of rules governing the event from R8 EXPEDITED APPEALS An expedited appeals system which can only be used at US Sailing Protected Competitions appendix is a US Sailing prescription US Sailing prescribes that when the sailing instructions so indicate the SoundSignal Starting System described below shall be used This systand makes it unnecessary for competitors to use stopwasignals are also recommended when practicable Course and postponement signals may be made orally Audible signals shall govern even when supplemental visual signals are also used The starting sequence shall consist of the following sound signals made at the indicated times Signal Sound Time before start Warning 3 long 3 minutes Preparatory 2 long 2 minutes 1 long 3 short 1 minute 30 seconds 1 long 1 minute 3 short 30 seconds 2 short 20 seconds 1 short 10 seconds 1 short 5 seconds 1 short 4 seconds 1 short 3 seconds 1 short 2 seconds 1 short 1 second Starting 1 long 0 Signals shall be timed from their commencement A series of short signals may be made before the sequence begins in order to attract attention Individual recalls shall be signalled by the hail of the sail number or some other clearly distinguishing featureboat Flag X need not be displayed Failure of a competitor to hear an adequate cshall not be grounds for redress This appendix is a US Sailing prescription One or more sections of this appendix apply only if the sailing instructions so state The rules in this appendix are intended to improve compliance with the Basic Principle Sportsmanship and the Rules and may be used for Sections A and B provide alternative penalties that encourage competitors to take a penalty when they may have broken a rule of Part 2 or rule 31 They can be used together or individually Sections C and D each provide a modified hearing procedure that is less formal and less timeconsuming than the usual hearing procedure They are designed to encourage boats to enforce the rules by protesting Sections C and D are not designed to be used at the same event but either Section C or Section D may be used with Section A or B or with both Note however that if Section D is used Section B Please report your experiences with and evaluations of these rules to If Section A applies rule T1 shall be included in the sailing instructions T1 PENALTIES AT THE TIThe first two sentences of rule 441 are changed to A boat may take a OneTurn Penalty when she may have broken a rule of Part 2 or rule 31 However when she may have broken a rule of Part 2 while in the around a other than a starting SECTION B T2 PENALTIES TAKEN AFTER A RACE After a race a boat that may have broken a rule of Part 2 or rule 31 racing may take a PostRace Penalty for that incident The penalty shall be a Scoring Penalty calculated as stated in rule 443cHowever rules 441abby informing the race committee in writing and identifying the race The PostRace Penalty shall be a20 if taken before the protest time limit or b30 if taken after the protest time limit but before the beginning T3 INFORMING THE RACE COMMITTEE A boat intending to protest or request redress based on an incident in the racing area that she is involved in or sees shall at the first reasonable opportunity after she finishes inform the race committee at the finishing line of her intent to protest or request redress and when applicable the identity of the protestee T4 CHANGES IN HEARING PROCEDURES If the protest committee is able to assemble the to a hearing before the protest or redress time limit it may begin the hearing and Rule 635 is changed to At the beginning of the hearing if there is no objection the or request is valid and the hearing shall be continued If an objection is made the protest committee shall take any no further change Insert a new sentence after the third sentence of rule 636 However the committee may limit the number of witnesses and the time during The first sentence of rule 652 is changed to A to the hearing is entitled to receive the above information in writing provided she asks the protest committee for it no later than thirty minutes after being informed of the decision or coming ashore following the last race of the The US Sailing prescriptions to rules 60 632 and 634 are deleted The third sentence of rule 66 is changed to A to the hearing may When Section D applies a boat may take the applicable PostRace T5 PROTEST ARBITRATION An arbitration meeting will be held prior to a protest hearing for each of Part 2 or rule 31 but only if each is represented by a person who was on board at the time of the incident No witnesses will be permitted However if the arbitrator decides that rule 441bnot appropriate the meeting will not be held and if a meeting is in Based on the evidence given by the the arbitrator will offer an opinion as to what the protest committee is likely to decidebno boat will be penalized for breaking a rule or cone or more boats will be penalized for breaking a rule identifying the boats and the penalties A boat that may have broken a rule may take a PostRace Penalty as provided in Section B However the penalty in rule T22aonly until the protest time limit or until the beginning of the arbitration meeting whichever is earlier During a meeting a boat may take a If a boat asks to withdraw her the arbitrator may act on behalf of the protest committee in accordance with rule 631 to accept the Version Distiller 900 Word
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