Icom Ic m700pro
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL SSB RADIO IMPORTANT EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS READ THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL CAREFULLY The explicit definitions described below apply to this before attempting to operate the transceiver instruction manual SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUALThis manual WORD DEFINITION contains important safety and operating instructions for Personal injury fire hazard or electric RWARNING shock may occur the ICM700PRO SSB RADIO TELEPHONE CAUTION Equipment damage may occur If disregarded inconvenience only No risk NOTE of personal injury fire or electric shock PRECAUTIONS RWARNING NEVER connect the transceiver to an In maritime mobile operation KEEP the transceiver AC outlet directly This may pose a fire hazard or re and microphone as far away as possible at least 1 m sult in an electric shock from the magnetic navigation compass to prevent er roneous indications RWARNING NEVER mount the transceiver over head The weight of the transceiver is approximately 8 USE an Icom microphone andor handset only sup kg but its apparent weight will increase several fold plied or optional Other brands may have different pin due to wave shocks and vibration The transceiver assignments and may damage the transceiver must be mounted on a flat hard surface only AVOID using or placing the transceiver in areas with NEVER connect a power source of more than 16 V DC temperatures below 20C 4F or above 60C such as a 24 volt battery This connection will ruin the 140F transceiver AVOID connecting the transceiver to a power source NEVER allow children to play with equipment contain using reverse polarity This connection will not only ing a radio transmitter blow fuses but may also damage the transceiver NEVER expose the transceiver to rain snow or any AVOID placing the transceiver in excessively dusty en liquids vironments or in direct sunlight NEVER install the ICM700PRO into a plusgrounding AVOID placing the transceiver against walls or putting ship Such a connection might blow fuses and is not anything on top of the transceiver This will obstruct usable heat dissipation DO NOT use chemical agents such as benzene or al cohol when cleaning as they can damage the trans ceivers surfacesiiIN CASE OF EMERGENCY for maritime operationIf your vessel requires assistance contact other vessels and the Coast Guard by sending a distress call on2182 kHz Push 2182kHz to select the emergency fre 1 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY quency 2 THIS IS name of vessel Push ALARM and TX FREQ for 1 sec to trans mit a 2tone alarm signal for at least 30 sec 3 LOCATED AT vessels position The transceiver automatically stops the alarm after 50 4 Give the reason for the distress call sec 5 Explain what assistance you need Push ALARM to turn the alarm transmission off then push and hold the PTT switch on the micro 6 Give additional information phone and send the following information Vessel type Vessel length Vessel color Number of people following versions are available for theICM700PRO Version Description 2182 kHz 2tone alarm is builtin Marine FSKCW narrow filter is optional All SSBFSK channels available 2182 kHz 2tone alarm is No transmit frequency programming allowed iii TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT ii 5 SET MODE 1114 EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ii I Set mode operation 11 PRECAUTIONS ii I Set mode contents 11 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY iii VERSIONS iii 6 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 1521 TABLE OF CONTENTS iv I Connections on rear panel 15 I Unpacking 15 1 OPERATING RULES AND GUIDELINES 1 I Connector information 16 I Ground connection 18 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION 24 I Power source 18 I Front panel 2 I Antenna 19 I Display 4 D MN100MN101L 19 D AT130 19 3 SELECTING A 57 D NonIcom tuner 19 I Memory modeVFO mode 5 I Mounting 20 I Selecting a channel 5 D Mounting location 20 D Scan function 6 D Mounting example 20 I Selecting a frequency 6 D Transceiver dimensions 20 I Resetting the CPU 7 I Installing internal options 21 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT 810 D Opening the case 21 I Basic voice receive and transmit 8 D Installing an optional filter and alarm unit 21 I Functions for transmit 8 I Fuse replacement 21 D Transmit frequency check 8 7 22 I Functions for receive 9 D Squelch function 9 8 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS 23 D Noise blanker 9 I Specifications 23 D AGC off function 9 I Options 23 D Clarity control 9 I CW operation 10 I FSK operation 10iv OPERATING RULES AND GUIDELINES 1 CALL PROCEDURES LOGSCalls must be properly identified and time limits must All distress emergency and safety calls must bebe respected recorded in complete detail Log data activity is usu ally recorded in 24 hour time Universal Time UTC Give your call sign each time you call another vessel is frequently used or coast station If you have no call sign identify your vessel name and the name of the licensee Adjustments repairs channel frequency changes and authorized modifications affecting electrical op Give your call sign at the end of each transmission eration of the equipment must be kept in the main that lasts more than 3 min tenance log entries must be signed by the authorized licensed technician performing or super You must break and give your call sign at least once vising the work every 15 min during long shiptoshore calls Keep your unanswered calls short less than 30 sec Do not repeat a call for 2 min RADIO LICENSES 1 SHIP STATION LICENSE Unnecessary transmissions are not allowed You must have a current radio station license before using the transceiver It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is not licensed PRIORITIES Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate govern and keep an uptodate copy handy Safety and dis ment agency for a license appli tress calls take priority over all others cation This license states the call sign which is your crafts identification for radio pur False or fraudulent distress calls are prohibited and poses punishable by law 2 OPERATORS LICENSE A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the li PRIVACY cense most often held by small vessel radio operators Information overheard but not intended for you can when a radio is not required for safety purposes not be lawfully used in any way The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must Indecent or profane language is prohibited be posted or be kept with the operator Only a licensed radio operator may operate a transceiver However nonlicensed individuals may talk over a transceiver if a licensed operator starts supervises and ends the call and makes the necessary log en tries Keep a copy of the current government rules and reg ulations handy 1 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION I Front panel 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 SSB RADIO TELEPHONE iM 700PRO 1 2 3 TX FREQ A LM RX DUP SIMP 4 5 6 2182KHz TU N E AGC RESET TX SQ L N B 7 8 9 D SC SCAN F 1 0 1 2 3 4 A ALARM TX FREQ CL 0 CHFREQ FOR ALARM TX MODE AGC NB SQL SCAN ALARM T ONLY ENT GROUP TUNE CHANNEL VOLUME CLARITY MICROPHONE SPEAKER POWER DIMMER q w e r t y u i o 0 q MICROPHONE CONNECTOR p 16 u ANTENNA TUNE SWITCH TUNE p 8 Accepts the supplied microphone or an optional Tunes the connected tuner to the antenna handset Activates only when an optional antenna tuner such as Icoms AT130 is connected NOTE No audio is output via the speaker when the microphone or handset is not connected NOTE When selecting automatic tuning in set mode pushing this switch is not necessary to tune w POWER SWITCH POWER the antenna p 11 Turns power on and off i CHANNEL SELECTOR CHANNEL p 5 e SPEAKER SWITCH SPEAKER In memory mode selects an operating channel Turns the builtin speaker on and off within the selected channel group appears in the display while the speaker is turned A maximum of 50 channels are available in each off channel group depending on set mode setting pgs Any external speaker connected to the rear panel is not 13 14 turned off In VFO mode changes the operating frequency in 01 kHz steps r DISPLAY INTENSITY SWITCH DIMMER Frequencies selected in VFO mode are temporary Turns the display backlighting on and off o SCAN SWITCH SCAN p 6 t VOLUME CONTROL VOLUME Push to toggle scan on and off Adjusts the audio output level Audio does not come from the speaker when 0 CLARITY CONTROL CLARITY p 9 A microphone is not connected Shifts the receive frequency 150 Hz for clear re The SQL switch is turned on and no signal is being ception of an off frequency signal received y GROUP CHANNEL SELECTOR GROUP In memory mode selects 1 of 3 channel groups A B or C p 5 In VFO mode no function Selects an item in set mode p 112 PANEL DESCRIPTION 21 KEYPAD 8 ALARM SWITCH ALARM p iii CL No function Emits a distress alarm signal from the speaker Transmits a distress alarm or alarm testing signalCHFREQ Toggles between memory mode and VFO when pushed together with the TX FREQ mode p 5 switch This key may be disabled by your dealer NOTE General versions are not equipped with thisT ONLY No function ALARM switch ENT No function 0 No function to 92 SQUELCH SWITCH SQL p 9 Activates the voice squelch function to reject unde sired background noise while no signal is being re ceived The squelch opens only when the received signal con tains no voice or FSK components3 NOISE BLANKER SWITCH NB p 9 Turns the noise blanker function on to remove pulsetype noise such as engine ignition noise NB appears when the function is turned on4 AGC OFF SWITCH AGC p 9 Deactivates the AGC function to receive weak sig nals blocked by strong adjacent signals appears when the AGC switch is turned on stands for AGC deactivated5 MODE SWITCH MODE Selects an operating mode temporarily Available modes differ with version USB AM J2B AFSK FSK R3E and CW modes are available The temporary mode is cleared and the previous mode appears when changing a channel6 TRANSMIT FREQUENCY SWITCH TX FREQ p 8 Displays the transmit frequency and opens the squelch to check and monitor the transmit fre quency7 2182 kHz SELECTION SWITCH 2182kHz RESET p iii Selects channel 0 2182 kHz distress call fre quency The channel selector does not function when select ing channel 0 Ignores external control and gives the front panel control priority when an external controller NMEA format is connected These keys function in some versions See the separate KEYPAD OPERATION and CHANNEL LIST instruction sheet for operating details 3 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION I Display 4 3 2 1 q ALM w RX DUP SIMP e TUNE AGC 0 r TX SQ L N B o SCAN t y u i q ALARM INDICATOR p iii i SCAN INDICATOR p 6 Appears when the alarm function is activated such Appears when the scan function is in use as for an alarm test or distress alarm transmission The scan function is not available on some versions Not available in General version Pushing SCAN starts and stops scan w RECEIVE INDICATOR o NOISE BLANKER INDICATOR p 9 Appears while receiving and when the squelch is Appears when the NB switch is turned on open 0 AGC OFF INDICATOR p 9 e TUNE INDICATOR p 8 Appears when the AGC switch is pushed to indi Flashes while the connected antenna tuner such as cate the AGC function is deactivated Icoms AT130 is being tuned Tuning starts when transmitting on a new frequency or 1 MODE READOUT pushing the TUNE switch Shows the selected operating mode type of emis sion r TRANSMIT INDICATOR Appears when transmitting 2 SPEAKER OFF INDICATOR Appears when the SPEAKER switch is pushed to t SRF METER indicate the front panel speaker is deactivated Shows the relative received signal strength while receiving 3 FREQUENCY READOUT Shows output power while transmitting Shows the selected frequency whether in mem ory mode or VFO mode p 5 y CHANNELVFO INDICATOR p 5 Shows the transmit frequency for duplex chan Shows the selected group and channel in mem nels when transmitting or when pushing TX ory mode FREQ p 8 FREQ appears in VFO mode 4 SIMPLEXDUPLEX INDICATORS u SQUELCH INDICATOR p 9 These appear to show whether the selected chan Appears when the squelch is on nel is simplex or duplex In VFO mode only simplex channels are available No indicator means that there is no transmit frequency programmed4 SELECTING A 3I Memory modeVFO modeThe transceiver has 2 operating modes memory modeand VFO mode Memory mode is used to select preprogrammed marine channels in one of the 3 channelgroups VFO mode is used to select preprogrammed channelsPush CHFREQ to toggle between memory and VFOmodes CHFREQ FREQ appears when in VFO mode SQL In VFO mode only simplex operation is possible Memory mode CHFREQ SIMP SQL VFO modeI Selecting a channelThe transceiver has 150 channels divided into 3groups of 50 max channels However the number of SQL Rotatechannels in each group can be restricted in set mode GROUPpgs 13 14 depending on your needs Group A NOTE When channel 0 andor 2182 kHz is se lected with the 2182KHz switch channel selection DUP SQL is NOT possible In such cases push 2182KHz in advance Group B to select a Push CHFREQ to select memory mode if neces channel group sary SIMP Rotate the GROUP selector to select the desired SQL channel group then rotate the CHANNEL selector Group C to select the desired channel DUP SQL Rotate CHANNEL Group B channel 1 DUP SQL Group B channel 2 to select a channel within DUP a group SQL Group B channel 50 5 3 SELECTING A CHANNEL D Scan function The scan function allows you to automatically search channels within a group for signals There are 2 scan types selectable in set mode as follows Channel scan Scan operation Rotate the GROUP selector to select the group you wish to scan ch 2 ch 3 Push SQL to close the squelch if necessary scan is SQL appears ch 1 ch 4 cancelled Push SCAN to start scanning when SCAN appears transmitting Push SCAN again to stop scanning ch 50 ch 5 SCAN disappears Channel resume scan ch 2 ch 3 scan pauses for 10 sec after ch 1 ch 4 the squelch opens then resumes ch 50 ch 5 I Selecting a frequency The transceiver has 05 to 300 MHz general coverage receive capability with 100 Hz resolution Use VFO mode to select frequencies around the prepro grammed channels in memory mode NOTE Frequencies selected in VFO mode are for temporary use and are not stored in memory While in memory mode rotate the GROUP and Rotate CHANNEL selectors to select the channel nearest SIMP CHANNEL the frequency you want SQL Push CHFREQ to select VFO mode 16 MHz selected FREQ appears Rotate the CHANNEL selector to select the de SIMP sired frequency SQL Frequency changes in 100 Hz steps to select a 16001 MHz selected frequency in 01 kHz steps6 SELECTING A CHANNEL 3I Resetting the CPUUnder some circumstances the transceiver s internalCPU may cause erroneous indications on the displayIf this happens reset the CPU as followsWhile pushing ENT 0 push POWER to turn Group A channel 1 is RXpower on SIMP selected after resetting The CPU is reset and the display at right appears the CPU CAUTION Resetting the CPU returns set mode contents to their default values 7 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT I Basic voice receive and transmit Select the desired channel to be received with the GROUP and CHANNEL selectors Check the following in advance When receiving a signal the Smeter shows the signal Microphone is connected strength SPEAKER switch is turned off Adjust VOLUME to the desired audio level when SQL switch is turned off receiving a signal CLARITY control is set to the center position Push MODE to select the desired operating mode Memory mode is selected if the received signal is in a different mode Push CHFREQ to select memory mode if neces Push TUNE to tune the antenna tuner if con sary nected This operation is not necessary when automatic tuning is selected in set mode p 11 To transmit on the channel push and hold the PTT switch on the microphone TUNE flashes for 1 to 2 sec for the first transmission on a channel when an antenna tuner is connected After the flashing stops speak into the microphone microphone SQL at your normal voice level connector The RF meter shows the output power according to your voice level SPEAKER CLARITY Release the PTT switch to return to receive I Functions for transmit D Transmit frequency check When DUP appears on the display such as for a Push and hold TX FREQ to monitor the transmit fre shiptoshore channel the transmit frequency differs quency from the receive frequency TX FREQ In such cases the transmit frequency should be mon itored before transmitting to prevent interference to other stations The display shows the transmit frequency8 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT 4I Functions for receiveD Squelch functionThe squelch function detects signals with voice com Push SQL to toggle the function on and offponents and squelches mutes unwanted signalssuch as unmodulated beat signals This provides DUPquiet standby SQLWhen you need to receive weak signals the squelch SQL appears when the squelch function is turned onshould be turned offD Noise blankerThe noise blanker function reduces pulse type noise Push NB to toggle the function on and offsuch as that coming from engine ignitions RX DUPThe noise blanker may distort reception of strong sig NBnals In such cases the noise blanker should beturned off NB appears when the noise blanker function is turned onD AGC off functionThe receiver gain is automatically adjusted according Push AGC to toggle the function on and offto received signal strength with the AGC AutomaticGain Control function to prevent distortion from RX DUP AGCstrong signals and to obtain a constant output levelWhen receiving weak signals with adjacent strong appears when the AGC function is or noise the AGC function may reduce thesensitivity In this situation the AGC function shouldbe deactivatedD Clarity controlVoice signals received from other stations may be dif Adjust CLARITY to improve the audio signalficult to receive This may sometimes happen if a station is transmitting slightly off frequency In suchcases compensate the receive frequency only usingthe CLARITY control CLARITY 9 4 RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT I CW operation The transceiver has the following CW keying features CW key connection selectable in set mode as described on page 12 Full breakin receiving is possible while transmitting Delay keying automatic transmission with keying Off manual transmission is necessary before keying Connect a CW keyer or an external electronic keyer to the ACC1 socket as shown at right Select the desired channel to operate CW mode When the selected channel is not in CW mode CW key push MODE one or more times to select CW pin 2 Operate the CW keyer to transmit a CW signal 4 2 5 NOTE 1 8 3 6 7 pin 1 CW mode is not available in some versions CW narrow can be selected in set mode p 12 when an optional filter is installed ACC1 socket I FSK operation The transceiver has FSK and J2B modes for FSK op FSK terminal unit connection erationuse FSK when using the builtin oscillator use J2B when using an AFSK terminal unit Connect an FSK terminal unit as shown at right Select the desired channel FSK channels are available depending on version Push MODE one or more times to select the type of emission FSK or J2B pin 4 Operate the FSK terminal unit FSK keying NOTE pins 2 5 AF input FSK shift frequency and FSK polarity can be 4 2 5 adjusted in set mode p 12 1 3 TxRx control 8 pin 3 Some transceivers my operate 17 kHz higher 6 7 than the ICM700PROs J2B mode even when Ground the same displayed frequencies are in use ACC1 socket FSK terminal unit10 SET MODE 5I Set mode operationSet mode operation is used for programming infrequently changed values or conditions of functions NOTE Some of the set mode items described in this section are not available on some transceiver versions Push POWER to turn power off if necessary POWER 1 ENT While pushing ENT 1 push POWER to turn power on and enter set mode Rotate the GROUP selector to select the desired Condition item Item Rotate the CHANNEL selector to set the values or conditions for the selected item Turn power off and on again to exit set modeI Set mode contents 1 Connected antenna tuner The transceiver has several tuner control systems for AT130 use with an optional Icom antenna tuner Select the default condition depending on the connected antenna tuner NOTE Internal switch selection may be required AT120 when using a nonIcom tuner p 19 AH3 2 Automatic tuning condition When the optional AT130 automatic antenna tuner is Tuning starts when pushing connected tuning can be started automatically with PTT on a new frequency out the TUNE switch for instant operation If manual tuning is required this automatic operation Tuning starts only when can be deactivated TUNE is pushed default 3 Scan type selection This item sets scan to function as channel scan or Channel scan channel resume scan Scan is canceled when transmitting Both channel scan and channel resume scan search around a user selected channel or search in the band Channel resume scan when a channel is selected Scan pauses when squelch opens then resumes after 10 sec default 11 5 SET MODE 4 Scan speed Selects scan speed as follows Fastest scan speed default 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 unit secch Slowest scan speed Faster Slower 5 CWFSK narrow filter This item selects the passband width for CW A1A Passband FSK or J2B mode 23 kHz6 dB default NOTE When on is selected without optional fil ter installation the transceiver does not function in Passband these modes 500 Hz6 dB 6 FSK shift frequency Several shift frequencies the difference between the Shift frequency 170 Hz mark and space frequency are used for FSK opera default tion This item allows you to select a shift frequency for almost any FSK system Shift frequency 425 Hz Shift frequency 850 Hz 7 FSK polarity Normal and reverse polarities are available for FSK FSK normal operation This item allows you to select one of these default polarities FKREV off normal FSK reverse key open mark key close space FKREV on reverse key open space key close mark 8 CW breakin The CW breakin function in A1A mode toggles Full breakin Automatic keying without transmit and receive with CW keying Full breakin al delay time default lows you to receive signals between transmitted key ing pulses during CW transmission Semi breakin Semi breakin allows you to mute receiving until keying stops with Automatic keying with delay some delay time time OFF Manual transmission necessary for keying12 SET MODE 59 LCD contrastThe LCD contrast can be adjusted through 10 levels Lowest contrastto suit transceiver mounting angle location and ambient lighting default 7 Highest contrast10 ID number setting for remote controlWhen connecting an external controller such as a NMEA ID 1personal computer 2digit ID codes are required toaccess the transceiver The ICM700PRO adoptsNMEA0183 format and uses a proprietary sentence default 2for remote control NMEA ID 9911 Remote control input terminalRemote control signals can be input via the RE REMOTE socketMOTE socket or CLONE jack default CLONE jack12 Display you to select 1 of 4 intensity levels for the dis Dimmestplay backlighting default Brightest13 Group A channel inhibitThis item allow you to set the number of usable chan Minimum number of channels set fornels in channel group A up to a maximum of 50 Group A 1channels Maximum number of channels set for Group A 50 default 13 5 SET MODE 14 Group B channel inhibit This item allow you to set the number of usable chan Minimum number of nels in channel group B up to a maximum of 50 channels set for Group B 1 channels Maximum number of channels set for Group B 50 default 15 Group C channel inhibit This item allow you to set the number of usable chan Minimum number of nels in channel group C up to a maximum of 50 channels set for Group C 1 channels Maximum number of channels set for Group C 50 default14 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 6I Connections on rear panel e o i q u r t y w External speaker Optional AT130 12 V batteryq ANTENNA CONNECTOR p 19 u TUNER RECEPTACLE Connects a 50 HF band antenna with a 50 Connects a control cable to an optional AT130 AN matched coaxial cable and a PL259 plug TENNA TUNER A female connector is supplied for connectionw GROUND TERMINAL IMPORTANT Connects a ships or vehicles i DC POWER RECEPTACLE ground See p 18 for details Connects to a regulated 1216 V DC power source such as a 12 V battery or DC power supply usinge ACC1 and ACC2 SOCKETS the supplied DC power cable See p 16 for details R CAUTION DO NOT connect to a 24 V batteryr CLONE JACK This will damage the transceiver For Dealer use only o FUSE HOLDERSt REMOTE SOCKET p 17 Hold two 30 A fuses for ve and ve terminals Re REMOTE socket for Marine and General versions place both fuses when one fuse is blowny EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACK Connects a 416 external speaker using a 14 monaural plug This external audio is not muted by the SPEAKER switch on the front panelI Unpacking Microphone EM101 1 NUTS AND BOLTS Microphone hanger 1 Allen bolt M6 50 4 DC power cable OPC568 1 Selftapping screws M6 30 4 Mounting bracket 1 Nuts M6 use 2 pcs for each bolt 8 Bracket knobs 8820000170 4 Flat washers M6 8 Spring washers M6 4CONNECTORS Selftapping screws DIN connector 8pin for ACC1 1 35 30 for mic hanger 2 DIN connector 7pin for ACC2 1 Speaker plug 5610000040 1 FUSES Tuner connector 56100000150 1 FGB 30 A rear panel 2 Pins for tuner connector 6510019030 4 FGB 5 A internal 2 15 6 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION I Connector information ACC1 PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 CWK CW and FSK keying input Input level Less than 06 V for transmit 2 GND Connects to ground Connected in parallel with ACC2 pin 2 Inputoutput pin Ground level 05 to 08 V 3 SEND Goes to ground when transmitting Input current Less than 20 mA When grounded transmits Connected in parallel with ACC2 pin 3 2 4 5 Modulator input Input impedance 10 k 4 MOD 1 3 Usable when pin 3 is grounded Input level Approx 100 mV rms 8 6 7 AF detector output Output impedance 47 k 5 AF Fixed regardless of AF position Output level 100300 mV rms 6 NC No connection Output current Max 1 A 7 136 V 136 V output when power is on Connected in parallel with ACC2 pin 7 Control voltage 3 to 0 V 8 ALC ALC voltage input Input impedance More than 10 k Connected in parallel with ACC2 pin 5 ACC2 PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Output voltage 8 V 03 V 1 8V Regulated 8 V output Output current Less than 10 mA 2 GND Same as ACC1 pin 2 2 4 5 3 SEND Same as ACC1 pin 3 1 3 4 NC No connection 6 7 5 ALC Same as ACC1 pin 8 6 RLC TR relay control output When transmitting 0 V less than 05 A 7 136 V Same as ACC1 pin 7 MICROPHONE PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Audio input from the microphone 1 MIC Input impedance 600 element 2 NC No connection AF output controlled with VOLUME 2 1 3 AF1 Output impedance 4 Connected to pin 4 in the microphone 7 3 AF input 8 6 4 AF2 4 5 Connected to pin 3 in the microphone 5 PTT PTT switch input When grounded transmits 6 GND Connected to ground 7 MIC Coaxial ground for MIC 8 AF Coaxial ground for AF1 and AF2 TUNER PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 KEY Key signal input 0508 V during tuning 1 2 2 START Start signal output Pulled up 8 V 0 V100 msec as start signal 3 136V 136 V output Max current 2 A E ve terminal For USA version 3 4 4 ANTC Antenna current input Input level Approx 2 Vrms Europe version16 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 6 REMOTE PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Modulation input from an external Input impedance 600 1 MOD terminal unit Input level Approx 13 mV rms 2 MOD Coaxial ground for MOD AF detector output for an external Output impedance 600 3 AF 6 9 terminal unit Output level 02525 V rms 4 AF Coaxial ground for AF 1 5 5 NMI NMEA data input NMEA standard formatlevel 6 NMI Coaxial ground for NMI 7 NMO NMEA data output NMEA standard formatlevel 8 NMO Coaxial ground for NMO 9 GND Ground for digital equipment DC 136V PIN PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 3 147 ve ve DC input Max power consumption 30 A4 6 2 5 ve ve DC input 7 8 9 8 17 6 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION I Ground connection The transceiver and antenna tuner MUST have an Good ground points adequate ground connection Otherwise the overall Ships ground terminal efficiency of the transceiver and antenna tuner instal External ground plate lation will be reduced Electrolysis electrical shocks External copper screen and interference from other equipment could also occur Acceptable ground points Stainless steel tuna tower For best results use the heaviest gauge wire or strap Stainless steel stanchion available and make the connection as short as possi Through mast ble Ground the transceiver and antenna tuner to one Through hull ground point otherwise voltage differences between Metal water tank 2 ground points may cause electrolysis Undesirable ground points R CAUTION The ICM700PRO has a negative these points may cause electrolysis ground NEVER connect the ICM700PRO to a Engine block plusgrounding ship otherwise the transceiver Keel bolt will not function Unusable ground points these connections may cause an explosion or elec trical shock Ground system example Gas or electrical pipe Fuel tank Oilcatch pan Transceiver yyyyyy Optional AT130 yyyyyy yyyyyy Copper pipe Metal object yyyyyy Copper screen I Power source The transceiver requires regulated DC power of 136 DC power cable connection V and at least 30 A There are 3 ways to supply NOTE Use terminals power for the cable connection Direct connection to a 12 V battery in your ship through the supplied DC power cable Crimp Use the PS60 DC POWER SUPPLY to connect to an red black AC outlet Use the PS66 DCDC CONVERTER to connect to a 1932 V DC power source or R CAUTION The supplied DC power cable MUST 12 V Solder be used to provide power to the transceiver battery AVOID exceeding the 3 m 10 ft length of the DC Supplied power cable If it is necessary to make a run of DC power cable over 3 m use 6 or similar weight cable instead of the supplied DC power cable for a maximum run of 6 m 20 ft18 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 6I AntennaMost stations operate with a whip or long wire insu With a 50 matched antenna all marine bands canlated backstay antenna However these antennas not be used The following antenna matcher or ancannot be connected directly to the transceiver since tenna tuner may be helpful for antenna impedance may not be matched with the transceiver antenna connector D MN100MN100L ANTENNA MATCHERS Antenna wire MN100MN100L D AT130 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER To antenna element AT130 ICM700PRO E 136 START KEY KEY START 136 E Control cable sold separately Coaxial cable An optional OPC566 is available D NonIcom tuner Some nonIcom tuners may be used with the IC M700PRO Please consult your dealer or marina if you wish to connect one The following internal set tings may be required for connection Supplies 8 V when push Grounded when pushing TUNE ing TUNE used for AT130default S9 Start port level Accepts LOW as an an Accepts HIGH as an answer back signal swer back signal used for AT130default S11 Key port input 19 6 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION I Mounting R WARNING NEVER mount the transceiver over D Mounting location head The weight of the transceiver is approximately Select a location that provides easy access to the front 8 kg but its apparent weight will increase several panel for navigation safety has good ventilation and is fold due to wave shocks or vibration The trans not subject to sea spray The face of the transceiver ceiver must be mounted on a flat hard surface should be at 90 degrees to your line of sight when op erating it RCAUTION KEEP the transceiver and microphone at least 1 meter away from your vessels magnetic nav igation compass Check the installation angle the display may not be easy to read at some angles D Mounting example Spring washer Flat washers Nuts Use two nuts to prevent loosening D Transceiver dimensions 350 1325 32 319 12 9 16 3125 125 16 290 117 16 280 11 29 32 58 115 41 2 143 55 8 152 6 67 25 8 11 16 935 3 100 315 16 Unit mm inchs 170 611 1620 CONNECTIONS AND INSTALLATION 6I Installing internal optionsD Opening the caseFollow the case and cover opening procedures Front sealingshown here when you want to install an option or adjust a setting for nonIcom tuner control Rear sealing Remove the 9 screws from the rear panel then re move the rear frame and rear sealing Remove the transceiver case When reassembling the transceiver check the fol lowing points Internal fan and slits in the case are on the same side Front sealing is mated correctly Rear sealing is attached in the proper orienta Rear frame tion Screws are tightened securelyD Installing an optional filter and alarm unitAfter opening the case as shown above install thedesired option to the position as at right These options are available or already builtin for the Version Marine General FL100 optional optional CWFSK NARROW FILTER Space for UT95 UT95 builtin optional 2TONE ALARM UNITAfter installing the 2tone alarm unit into a Generalversion remove the plastic cover on the ALARMswitch to use the switch Space for the FL100 Plug in here Right or left orientation is okayI Fuse replacementThe transceiver has 3 fuses to protect internal circuitry 2 fuses for the fuse holder on the rear paneland 1 for inside If the transceiver stops the fuses below 30 A 5A 21 7 What appears to be equipment malfunction may not be damaging or difficult to solve Check the following chart before making any adjustments or sending the trans ceiver to an Icom Service Center PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF POWER Power does not come on Power cable is improperly connected Reconnect the cable securely p 18 when POWER is Blown fuse Check for cause then replace the fuse p 21 pushed with a spare one No sound comes from the The SPEAKER switch is turned on Turn off the SPEAKER switch p 2 speaker Microphone is not connected Connect the microphone to the p 2 MICROPHONE connector The squelch is closed Push the SQL switch to turn the p 9 squelch off Sensitivity is too low and Antenna is not properly matched to the Push TUNE to tune the connected pgs only strong signals are operating frequency antenna tuner or select automatic 2 11 audible tuning using set mode when an RECEIVE optional AT130 is connected Wrong tuner condition is selected in set Set the proper condition for the p 11 mode connected tuner Received audio is unclear Wrong type of emission is selected Push MODE to select the proper p 3 or distorted operating mode AGC is deactivated while receiving a Push AGC to activate the AGC p 9 strong signal function Noise blanker is turned on when Push NB to turn the noise blanker off p 9 receiving a strong signal The CLARITY control is rotated too Adjust the CLARITY control to receive p 9 far clockwise or proper audio output Your signal does not Antenna tuner is improperly matched to Push TUNE to tune the connected pgs reach as far away as the operating frequency when manual antenna tuner or select automatic 2 11 usual tuning is selected tuning using set mode CW or FSK mode is selected for voice Push MODE to select USB mode or p 3 TRANSMIT transmission AM R3E etc Transmit signal is unclear Wrong type of emission is selected Push MODE to select the proper p 3 or distorted operating mode Microphone is too close to your mouth Speak into the microphone naturally and do not hold the microphone too close to your mouth DISPLAY All indicators appear and The highest contrast is selected in set Set to the proper display contrast p 13 the channel number mode cannot be read22 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS 8I Specifications TRANSMITTER Output power 150 W PEP 60 W above 24 MHzGENERAL Spurious emissions 75 dB typical Frequency coverage Carrier suppression 65 dB typical Receive 500 kHz29999 MHz Unwanted sideband suppression 70 dB typical Transmit 16 29999 MHz 40 49999 MHz Microphone impedance 600 60 69999 MHz 80 89999 MHz 120 139999 MHz 160 179999 MHz 180 199999 MHz 220 229999 MHz RECEIVER 250 275000 MHz Sensitivity Mode USB AM CW FSK and AFSK USB CW AFSK FSK for 12 dB SINAD available modes differ with version 035 V typical 18299999 MHz Number of channels 150 channels max3 groups of 50 10 V 1617999 MHz 63 V 0515999 MHz channels each AM for 10 dB SN Antenna impedance 50 nominal 22 V typical 18299999 MHz Usable temp range 30C to 60C 22F to 140F 63 V 1617999 MHz Frequency stability 10 Hz 30C to 60C 22F to 140F 32 V 0515999 MHz 20 Hz above 15 MHz for General and Spurious response rejection 80 dB typical 16299999 MHz Marine versions Audio output power 50 W at 10 distortion with a 4 load Power supply requirement 136 V DC15 Audio impedance 4 to 8 negative and floating grounds Clarity variable range 150 Hz available depending on version Current drain Transmit max output power 30 A Receive max audio output 25 A negative ground Dimensions 2914W1164H315D mm 113W44H128D in Weight 79 kg 174 lb negative ground All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligationI Options AT130 AUTOMATIC MN100 MN100L HS50 HANDSET ANTENNA TUNER ANTENNA MATCHER ANTENNA MATCHERMatches the transceiver to a Matches the transceiver to a Matches the transceiver to a Provides better audio receplong wire antenna with a mini dipole antenna Covers all HF long wire antenna Covers all tion during offshore conditionsmum of insertion loss bands from 15 to 30 MHz HF bands from 15 to 30 MHz and comes in handy for listen 8 m 2 antenna wires come 15 m 1 antenna wire comes ing privacy on board attached attached PS60 DC POWER SUP PS66 DCDC CON FL100 UT95 2TONE ALARM UNIT PLY VERTER CWFSK NARROW FILTERProvides 136 V DC 30 A Provides 136 V DC 30 A Allows better receiver selectiv Provides an alarm transmisoutput from an AC outlet output from a 1932 V DC ity for CW and FSK sion for emergency use during power source Bandwidth 500 Hz6 dB maritime operation 23Count on in JapanCopyright 1997 by Icom Inc 1132 Kamiminami Hiranoku Osaka 5470003 Japan
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