Westerbeke Diesel 14088 Wb Technical Manual
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a Generators Declaration of Conformity Application of Council Which Conformity is declared Manufacturers Name Manufacturers Address Type of Equipment Product Name ModelsProduct Options Supplementary Information EMC 8913361EEC ENS00811 ENs00822 ENS5020 Westerbeke Corporation 150 John Hancock Road Myles Standish Industrial Park Taunton MA 027807319 USA Marine Diesel Engine Westerbeke Marine Diesel Engine 12CTWO 20BTWO 30BTHREE 3SCTHREE 44AFOUR 63DFOUR 82BFOUR 80N4 11OT4 120N6 170T6 All 1The equipment listed is only for use in Marine Applications aboard boats 2The equipment listed must be located below decks on the vessel and Permanently installed in its location 3The equipment listed must be wired to the grounding system of the vessel I the undersigned hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directivesand StandardsPlace Taunton Massachusetts USA Date September 25 2001 Carleton F Bryant FuU NameChief Operating Officer Titlespare parts AdobeUCSTABLE OF STANDARD HARDWARE TIGHTENING TORQUES Unless stated otherwise for a specific assembly use the following torque values when tightening standard hardware Pitch Ibft kgm Grade4T 6mm bolt headnut 1 29 51 0407 8mm bolt headlnut 125 72116 10 16 10mm bolt headlnut 125 137 224 19 31 10mm bolt headlnut 15 130 217 18 30 12inril bolt headlnut 125 OSO253398 3555 12mm bolt headlnut 15 253398 3555 12mm bolt headlnut 175 217 362 30 50 13mm bolt headlnut 15 325 SO6 45 70 14mm bolt headnut 15 362579 5080 14mm bolt headlnut 2 340557 4777 16mm bolt headlnut 15 542796 75 110 16mm bolt headlnut 2 514 767 71 106 Grade IiI 6mm bolt headlnut 1 4365 0609 8mm bolt headlnut 125 108 159 15 22 IOmm bolt headlnut 125 217 325 3045 101nm bolt headnut 15 195304 27 42 12mrn bolt headlnut 125 OSO362579 5080 12mm bolt headlnut 15 362SO6 50 70 12mm bolt headlnut 175 347 492 4868 Glilda II III 11l1li B B 6mm bolt headlnut 1 5887 08 12 8mm bolt headlnut 125 145 217 20 30 10mm bolt headnut 125 289398 40 55 10mm bolt headnut 15 268376 3752 12mm bolt headlnut 125 OSO542 759 75 105 12mm bolt headlnut 15 SO6651 70 90 12mm bolt headlnut 175 434615 6085 13mm bolt headlnut 15 579868 80 120 14mm bolt headlnut 15 723 1085 100 150 14mm bolt h8adJnut 2 687 1013 95 140 16mm bolt headlnut 15 1085 1664 150 230 16mm bolt headlnut 2 1013 1591 140 220 Gradali capsr14UNC 9 11 1215 14UNF 11 13 15 18 516UNC 18 20 2528 516UNF 21 23 2932 38UNC 28 33 37 46 38UNF 3035 41267 48 716UNC 4449 61 68 716UNF SO 55 6976 12UNC 6873 94 101 12 UNF 73 80 101 111 Engines Generators 65 TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS Lbt KsIm Cylinder head bolt main wetM10 145423 6146 75 85 Cylinder head bolt sub wetMS 121446 2169 2030 See the CylInder Head Boh TIghtening Sequence Connecting rod cap nut M8 142314 2531 32 35 Flywheel bolt M10 176146 6869 6595 Crankshaft pulley nut M16 247231 8677 100 120 Main Bearing cap bolt M10 173615 3977 5055 Rocker shaft hoIddown bolt M8 121085 1591 15 22 Rocker CCNer nut M6 10362506 0507 Nozzle holder flttIngto engineM20 213615 4338 5060 Nozzle union coIortilClng nut M12 171808 2169 2530 Nozzle retaining nut M16 212531 2S92 3540 Fuel injection pipe nut M12 171808 2531 2535 Delivery valve holder M16 172531 2820 35 39 Injection pump hollow screw M10 14723 1085 1015 Solenoid locknut M30 362892 3615 4050 Water temperature gauge joint M16 231446 2169 2030 01 filer M20 17795940 1113 00 relief plug M18 222892 3615 4050 01 drain hose plug 193615 4338 50 60 Glow plug M10 121085 1446 15 20 Glow plug lead wire fitting nut M4 70723 108 01 015 NOTE Hardware listed on the previous page is metric with values given as in the following example Flywheel boItM10 17M10 diameter 17 indicates 17 mm across the flats of the bolt head Wet indicates that the bolts If removedare to have a thin oil film wiped on them before they are retorqued If the bolts have not been removed and need only to be retorqued then no aD is needed Refer to page 69 for the location of the main and sub bolts WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 64 AdobeUCS2 3 AdobeUCS30B THREE MARINE DIESEL SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS FUEL SYSTEM General Fuel Injector Pump Engine Timing spDI timingInjector Pressure Nozzle Lift Pump PN037818 Air cleaner Air Flow engine SYSTEM General Operating Temperature Fresh Water Pump PN 037015 Raw Water Pump PN033636 Raw Water Flow at 3600 rpm measured before discharging Into exhaust elbowSystem Capacity fresh SYSTEM General Open flow totally selfbleeding manual priming No2 Diesel cetane 45 or betterInIlne plunger type Bosch type19 2611260BTDC Static 1991 psi 140 kgtcm2ThrotUe type 12volt DC lift capacity 5 ft 15 mPlastic screen type cleanable 604 cfm 17 cmmFresh watercooled block with heat exchanger 170 190260 F 77 88 CCentrifugal type metal impeller beltJriven Positive displacement rubber impeller 111 US gpm 42 Ipmapproximate 4 qts 38 litersPressure type by Trochoid pump gearJriven with extemal pressure relief valve v WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 62 Engine Type267 Govemor Valve Mechanism Combustion Chamber Bore Stroke Piston Displacement Firing Order Direction of Rotation W 30B TlIREE MARINE DIESEL ENGINE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Diesel fourcycle threecylinder fresh watercooled vertical inline 27 hp at 3600 rpm centrifugal weight type Overhead SwIrl chamber type 299 x 276 inches 76 x 70 mm5909 cubic inches 0952 Itters132 Clockwise when viewed from the front Maximum Torque at 2200 rpm43 Ibft 59 kgmCompression Ratio Compression Pressure Valve Seat Angle Valve Clearance engine coldDimensions Inclination Dry Weight Fuel Consumption Propeller allowing rated RPMIdle Speed Cruise RPM 231 398 psi 28 kglcm2at 280 rpm Intake 45260 Exhaust 45260 Intake 00098 inches 025 mmExhaust 00098 inches 025 mmHeight 1975 inches 50165 mmWKlth 1600 inches 40640 mmLength 2881 inches 73177 mmContinuous 14260 Temporary 25260 not to exceed 30 min272 Ibs 1233 kgs119 US gph 45 Iphrunning at 2500 rpm 1200 rpm 2500 3000 rpm lfNIWESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 61 P 2 D x 9 P 3 20B TWO MARINE DIESEL SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS FUEL SYSTEM General Fuel Injector Pump Engine Timing spUi timingInjector Pressure Nozzle U1tPump PN 037818 Air cleaner Air Row engine SYSTEM General Operating Temperature Fresh Water Pump PN 037015 Raw Water Pump PN033636 Raw Water Row at 3600 rpm measured before discharging into exhaust elbowSystem Capacity fresh SYSTEM General Westerbeke Engines Open flow totally selfbleeding manual priming No2 Diesel cetane 45 or betterInIlne plunger type Bosch type19 t 1260 BlDC Static 1991 psi 140 kgcm2Throttle type 12volt DC lift capacity 5 ft 15 mPlastic screen type cleanable 406 cfm 11 cmmFresh watercooled block with heat exchanger 170 1900 F 77 88 CCentrifugal type metal impeller beltdriven Positive displacement rubber impeller 111 US gpm 29 qts 27 litersPressure type by TrOChoid pump geardriven with external pressure relief valve I Engines Generators 59 AdobeUCSW 20B TWO MARINE DIESEL ENGINE Engine Type Governor Valve Mechanism Combustion Chamber Bore Stroke Piston Displacement Firing Order Direction of Rotation Maximum Torque at 2200 rpmCompression Ratio Compression Pressure Valve Seat Angle Valve Clearance engine coldDimensions Inclination Dry Weight Fuel Consumption propeller allowing rated RPMIdle Speed Cruise RPM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Diesel fourcycle twocylinder fresh watercooled vertical inline 18 hp at 3600 rpm centrifugal weighttype Overhead Swirl chamber type 299 x 276 inches 76 x 70 mm3875 cubic inches 0635 liters12 Clockwise when viewed from the front 30 Ibft 415 kgm231 398 psi 28 kgcm2at 280 rpm Intake 45267 Exhaust 45267 Intake 0010 inches 025 mmExhaust 0010 inches 025 mmHeight 1975 inches 50165 mmWidth 1600 inches 40640 mmLength 2587 inches 65710 mmContinuous 14267 Temporary 25267 not to exceed 30 min228lbs 1034 kgs07 US gph 265Iphrunning at 2500 rpm 1200 rpm 2500 3000 rpm Engines Generators 58 including engines 5 been created 5 AdobeUCS Adjust the injection timing by adding or removing shim thickness from under the injection pump 1 mm of shim thickness is equivalent to 10 01 change In injection timing The addition of shim thickness retards the timing whereas the removal 01 shim thickness advances the timing Engines Generators 55 Injection Timing Marks R R T R L R A AdobeUCSvalve clearances Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence CAUTION rlghten the cylinder head bolts to the specified torque before the valves are adjusted NOTE The rocker shaft assembly should be removed to allow access to the cylinder head bolts 2CYLIHDER 28B TWO UNDERLYIN6 CYLINDERS 3CYLINDER 38B THREE 243IUNE FRONT ENGINE FROHT 0SUB BOLTS 2 Cylinder 2OBTWO 03 CyRnder 30BTHREE Cylinder Head Bolt rlghtening Sequence Torque the cylinder head bolts in the numbered sequence shown in the Rlustration shown above The engine should be cold Before torquing each head bolt loosen the bolt slightly and then tighten the bolt to the specified torque Torque Specifications 20B TWO Bolts 1 and 2 144t02171bft 20 to 30 kgmBolts 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 542 to 6141bft 75 to 85 kgm30B THREE Bolts 1 2 and 3 Bolts 456789 10 and 11 144 to 217 Ibft 20 to 30 kgm542 to 6141bft 75 to 85 kgmRocker shaft holddown bolts 108to 1591bft 15 to 22 kgmAll Main bolts are 14 mm across the bolt head lIats All Sub bolts are 12 mm across the bolt head lIats Rocker shaft holddown bolts are 12 mm across the bolt head lIats WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 52 After Every 800 Hours 01 Operation 1 Remove and check fuel injectors Injector spray pressure 1991 psi 140 psi 140 kglcm2 10 kglcrifI I POOR NOTE poor fuel quality and contaminants will shorten the injector and injector pump service life Eliminate undesirable injection conditions including after dripping 1155 Wiii COOl2 Check the compression pressure Remove each plug and check each cylinders c0m255pression pressure The engines cranking speed is at 280 rpm 20B TWO 30B THREE Standard Minimum 389 psi 28kglcm 312 psi 22 kglcm2Maximum difference between cylinders 355 psi 25 kglcm23 Check the a1temator for proper operation 4 Check the tightness of bolts nuts and clamps Servicing After Every 1000 HoUrs 01 Operation 1 Remove clean and pressure test the primary heat exchanger A local automotive radiator shop should be able to clean and test the heat exchangerNOTE Operating in silty andor tropical waters may require that a heat exchanger cleaning be performed more often than 1000 hours 2 Check the injection pumps timing v WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 51 AdobeUCS3 Torque the cylinder head holddown bolts 4 Adjust valve clearances 5 Adjust the aJtemator and water pump drive belt tension if required 6 LiIbricate the throttle the RUN linkage cable and the transmissions remote control cable 7 Change the transmissions transmission lubricant 8 Adjust the engines idle speed 1000 1200 rpmServicIng After Every 100 HoIDS of Operation 1 Change the engines lubricatlon oD and oi filter 2 Adjust the aItemator and water pump drive belt tension if required ServicIng After Every 250 Hours of Operation Replace the fuel liter elements in the OIHIngine fuel filter and in the optional watersediment separator Servicing After Every 500 HoIDS of OperatIon 1 Torque the cylinder head holddown bolts 2 Adjust the valve clearances 3 Crain flush and refill the fresh water cooling system 4 Check the condition of the starter motor drive pinion lubricate pinion 5 Check the resistance of the glow plugs NOTE Items marked by an asterisk should be performed by a competent mechanic 6 of the sea water pump Examine the pumps impeller and other pump components for wear Replace worn components as needed 7 Check the condition of the water injected exhaust elbow Inspect for corrosion and carbon buildup clean as needed Replace if corrosion is excessive IvIWESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 50 and add Pwblem Engine Stops Battery runs down prmable Cause 1 Fuel starvation Fuel shutoif is turned OFF 2 Fuel pump is inoperative 3 Water is in the fuel 4 Exhaust system is restricted 1 Alternator output is low 2 Fajjty alternator 3 Bad battery connectlons WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 48 1 Check to see that the shutoff valve at the fuel tank is ON 2 Inspect the fuel pump to see if it is pumping Manually prime the system and check the return flow 3 Pump water out of the bottom of the fuel tanksand change the fuel filters and bleed the fuel system 4 Check exhaust system for some type of blockage such as carbon buildup at the exhaust elbow Check for a fault in the muffler Check for a collapsed exhaust hose 1 Check drive belt tension Make an output check with a voltmeter at the B terminal on the alternator 2 Voltage leak through the alternator when oot operating 3 Connections are corroded or loose at the battery orand at the engine pmblem START switch Is depressed no starter engagement Engine cranks but does not start Failure to stop probable Cause 1 Connection to solenoid faulty 2 Faulty START switch ohmmeter 3 Faulty solenoid 4 Loose battery connection S Low batteries 1 Shutoff valve at fuel tank 2 Faulty fueling system to engine 3 Air is in the fuel system 4 Fuel pump is not operating S Fuel filters are clogged 6 Blockage in exhaust 1 Mechanical Run linkage disconnected Engines Generators 47 1 Check connection S at the starter solenoid for 12 volts with the switch depressed 2 Check switch with an 3 Twelve volts Is present at the S terminal of the starter solenoid 4 Check battery connections at both the and ground S Check battery charge state Low voltage at the solenoids S terminal with no activation 1 Retum shutoff valve to its ON position Now bleed the fuel system 2 Check for fuel 3 Bleed the fuel system Locate the leak and correct it 4 Check pump operation 5 Cleanrepace filters 6 Remove exhaust hose from the engine and crank to start 1 Stop engine by man255ually moving the RUN linkage to STOP That faRing shut OFF fuel and air ENGINE Introduction The tables which follow indicate procedures based upon certain problem indicators the probable causes of the problems and the to overcome these problems Note that the engines control system electrical systemis protected by a 2OAmpere manual reset circuit breaker located on the rear lifting bracket problem Key switch ON but no panel or test function PREHEAT switch is de255pressed no preheat solenoid activation no electric fuel pump or alternator excitation probable Calise 1 Battery OFF 2 20 Amp circuit breaker is tripped 3 Loose battery cable connection 1 Faulty solenoid connections or switch 2 Faulty connection or tripped 10 Amp breaker on the I terminal on the preheat solenoid WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 46 1 Tum Battery ON 2 Reset the breaker by pushing in the button 3 Check the connection to the starter and the connection to the ground stud on the bell housing 1 Connection for 12 volts at S terminal of the solenoid is faulty 1 Check the preheat switch 2 Check for 12 volts at the 10 Amp breaker Check for 12 volts at the R terminal on the alternator when the the preheat button is pushed AdobeUCS6 The position of the cover plate underneath the ad273aIing 1ever is factory adjusted to ensure lever travel from neutraI to A and B DO NOT LOOSEN TIm CAP SCREWS HOLDING nus ASSEMBLY Doing this voids transmission warranty 7 Fill gearbox with automatic trnn9DiSion fluid to the lew indiratrd by the dipstick mark See the illusbalion to the right8 Note tbat to check oil level the dipstick drops on the housing It does not SCJeW in 9 The HBW gear box can be fnewheeled in Neutral To stop propeIIer shaft roIation while UDder saiI place the gear into Reverse NOTE The transmission is vented through a small hole in the dipstick Keep this vent clear Transmission 20BOnIy 30B 30B Gear Ratios HBW50 HBWIOO HBWI50V 20512721 1481 17912721 177121312991 These transmissions each have their own oil sumps and dipsticks The HBW transmission uses Automatic Transmission Fluid ATFtype A or Dextron II or III Engines Generators 45 OPTIONAL TRANSMISSIONS HBW l50V HBW50 100 All HBW models tum right hand propellers All HBW models have their own oil sumps and dipsticks All HBW models use ATF lubricant All HBW models should be shifted into gear in one swift motion not allowed to slip in slowly Control of Gearbox 1 The gearbox is suitable for single lever remote control using 33C cable 2 The cable should attach at right angles to the actuating lever using the cable bracket supplied 3 Both gear box lever and remote lever must be in neutral position when cable is attached so that travel of gearbox lever will be equal forward or reverse J4 Check that actuating lever hub does not touch cover plate hub Maintain at least 05 mm 0002clearance 5 Over travel of the actuating lever does no harm However if the travel is too short to give full engagement premature wear excessive heat generation and gear failure may result Westerbeke Diesel Engines WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 44 o o jos Control of Gearbox AdobeUCSpivot point proper clutch workmanship under AdobeUCSTHE MODEL 120 HAS A BREATHER FITTING ON THE TOP OF THE CASE PRM NEWAGE TRANSMISSIONS MODELS 80 AND 120 SERIAL INITIAL OPERATION DIFSTIlK 112267 HEX PLUG MODEL 80 MODEL 120 USES A 8MM HEX PLUGBefore getting started remove the dipstick and fill the gear box with engine oiLUse a heavy duty engine oil with an API classification of CF or CG4 or better For recommended oil viscosity see the following chart Operating Temperature Oil Viscosity Above 68 F 20 CSAE 30 10W30 or lSW40 41 68 F 526720 CSAE 20 or 10W30 Below 41 F 5267 CSAE 10W30 A CAUTION DO not allow two or more brands of engine oil to mix Each brand contains its own additives additives of different brands could react in the mixture to produce properties hannful to your transmission Fill the transmission with the recommended capacity oil model PRM8010 US pint O6Lmodel PRM 12014 US pints O8LNOTE Always clean the area arowui the dipstick plug before filling with oil Replace the dipstick by screwing it down Run the engine to warm up the oil and after shutting down the engine recheck the oil level CHANGING THE TRANSMISSION OIL Change the oil for the first time after about 25 hours of operation then every 250 operating hours or at least once a year or when you change engine oil Check for leaks and make visual inspection of the shift cables and shaft coupling Push a suction pump hose down through the dipstick hole to the bottom of the housing and suck out the oil If space allows use the transmission drainRemove the drain plug from the bottom of the transmission I with sealing washerand allow the oil to drain into a container then reinstall the plug with its sealing washer Wipe down the transmission and properly dispose of the used oil After running the engine shut down and recheck the oil level NOTE W7zen changing the oil take care not to lose the drain plug sealing washer The drain plug will leak withaw this sealing washer A WARNING Never pull out the dipstick while the engine is running Hot fluid will splash from the dipstick hole This could cause severe bums DAILY OPERATION o Check the transmission oil o Visually check the gear shift linkage and transmission D Start the engine in neutral allowing a few minutes at idle to warm the oil o Shift into gear NOTE Too Iowan idle speed will produce a chanering noise from the transmission gear and damper plate In such cases the idle speed should be increased GEAR SHIFTING The engine most be at idle Pause in neutral before selecting ahead or astern Transmission models PRM 80 and 120 ate ideal for single lever engine controls controlling both the thronle and the gear shift at one time A WARNING When shifting gears bring the engine throttle to idle and pause in neutral before shifting ahead or astem LOCKING THE PROPELLER Locking of the propeller shaft by an additional brake is not required Use the geat shift lever position opposite your direction of travel for this purpose Never put the gear shift in the position corresponding to the direction of travel of the boat WHEN UNDER SAIL OR BEING TOWED Rotation of the propeller without load such as when the boat is being sailed being towed or anchored in a river as well as operation of the engine with the propeller stopped for charging the batterywill have no detrimental effects on the transmission Engines Generators 43A AdobeUCS of the lever using AdobeUCSthe top a 6 AdobeUCS3 Filling the on Sump Add fresh oil through the oil filler cap on the valve cover After refilling the oil run the engine for a few moments while checking the engines oil pressure Make sure there is no leakage around the new oil filter or from the oil drain system and stop the engine Fill to but not cover the high mark on the dipstick should the engine require additional oil Oil Filler Cap Rocker over Oil Dipstick lower Crankcase v WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 40 Engine Oil Change to include filter1 Draining the Oil Sump Remove the oil drain hose from its attachment bracket and lower it into a container and allow the oil to drain or attach a pump to the end of the drain hose and pump the old oil out Make sure the oil drain hose is properly secured in its holder after all of the old oil has been drained Always observe the old oil as it is removed A yel255lowgray emulsion indicates the presence of water in the oil Although this condition is rare it does require prompt attention to prevent serious damage Call a competent mechanic should water be present in the oH Sea water present in the oil can be the result of a fault in the exhaust l y system attached to the engine andor a siphoning through the sea water cooling circuit into the extiaust filling it up into the engine 2 Replacement of the Oil Filter When removing the used oil filter you may find it helpful and cleaner to punch a hole in the upper and lower portion of the old filter to drain the oil from it into a container before removing it This helps to lessen spRiage A small style automotive fHterwrench should be helpful in removing the old oil filter Place some paper towels and a plastic bag around the filter when unscrewing it to catch any oil left in the filter Oil or any other fluid on the engine reduces the engines cooling ability Please keep your engine cleanInspect the old oil filter as it is removed to make sure that the rub255ber sealing gasket came off with the old oil filter If this rubber sealing gasket remains sealed against the engine block gently remove it The replaceable cartridgetype oil filter requires no cleaning inside so it may be properly disposed of When installing the new oil filter element wipe the filter gaskets sealing surface on the engine block free of oil and apply a thin coat of clean engine oil to the rubber gasket on the oil filter Screw the filter onto the threaded oil filter stUb and then tighten the filter firmly by hand NOTE GeneriC filters are not recommended as the material standards or diameters of im255portant items on generic parts might be entirely different from genuine parts Immediately after an oil filter change and oil fill run the engine for a few minutes to make sure the oil pres255sure is nonmal and that there are no oil leaks around the new oil filter WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 39 SYSTEM Engine Oil For engine lubrication use lubricating oil designated for diesel service These oils are classified according to the API specifications into service grades CF and CG4 The use of CF or higher CG4grades made by wellknown manufactures is recommended The oil selected should be used thereafter Engine Oil Viscosity SAE NumberUse an oD having a viscosity best suited to the atmospheric temperature Use of an allseason oil SAE 1 OW30 with minimum viscosity change under different temperatures is suggested Atmospheric Temperature 68 F 20 Cor higher 41 F 5 C68 F 20 C41 F5 Cor lower Viscosity SAE 30 or 10W30 SAE 20 or 10W30 SAE 10W30 NOTE Do not use an engine lubricating on with an SAE number greater than 30 in the engine Oil Pressure The oD pressure during operation of the engine is indicated by the on pressure gauge on the Admiral Panel During normal operation the on pressure will range between 30 and 55 psi At idle speed the oil pressure witl range between 15 and 30 psi At the time of cranking the oil pressure will rise with speed NOTE A newly started cold engine can have an oil pressure reading upwards of 55 psi A warmed engine can have an oil pressure reading as low as 15 psi These readings may also vary depending upon the speed at which the engine is running Engines Generators 38 EARLY MODEL ENGINES Domestic Hot Water Both the 20B TWO and the 30B THREE en255gines are equipped with a domestic hot water connection If the owneroperator wishes to connect a hot water heater remove the bypass hose and connect a heater as described In the Instructions presented below General WIth the bypass hose part 30962removed there remain two connect255ing points A and B for hoses to run to and from the water heater These connections assure a flow of hot water through the heater at all times but do not restrict the engines cooling water Row Controller Installation The heater should be mounted conveniendy either in a high or low position in relation to the an255gine so that the Connecting hoses from the heater to the engine can run in a ieasonabIy direct line without any loops which might trap air Connection point A on the Row Control housing should connect to the lower of the two connections on the water heater whDe the upper connection on the heater returns to connection B nearest to the heat exchanger REMaTE EIrANSIOI TARr REMOYE RETURN BENO FROM ENINE FLOW CONTROLLER PRESSURE CAP IS RITED LOIER TIAN MANIFOLD CAP BEATER COILS BELOI PRESSORE CAP ON EIINE MANIFOlO RIR BLEED PETCOCl HERTER BELOW ENINE KEATER calLS ABOYE PRESSURE CAP ON EN611E The illustrations shown above are Row Control deSigns that have been adapted to operate with the single pass manifolds installed on the 206 TWO and the 306 THREE engines 245 WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 37 so that aluminumremote AdobeUCSThe alternator and water pump drive belt is properly adjusted if the belt can be deflected no less than 38 inch and no more than 12 inch 10 mm 12 mmas the belt is depressed with the thumb at the midPoint be255tween the two pulleys on the longest span of the belt See the illustration on the previous pageA spare drive belt should be carried on board 267Refer to the SPARE PARTS section of this rnanual The illustration below shows the cooling system components for the 306 THREE engine The 206 TWOs cooling system is much the same Refer to the Parts Ust for each components name and part number Cooling System Components Exploded View WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 35 AdobeUCSSea Water Circuit The sea water flow is created by a gearclriven positive displacement neoprene Impeller pump The pump draws sea ocean through the sea cock and sea water strainer and passes the water to the heat exchangers sea water inlet The sea water passes through the heat exchangers tubes absorbing heat from the fresh water c1rcUating around the tubes The sea water is then discharged from the cooling system over255board through the waterinjected wet exhaust sys255tem A zinc anode or pencI is located in the sea water cooling c1rcuitwithin the heat exchanger The pur255pose 01 the zinc anode is to sacrifice itself to electrolysis action taking place in the sea water HEW AHODE REPLACE REPLACE Zinc Anode Conditions CLEAH OR REPLAC cooling circuit thereby reducing the effects of electrolysis on other components of the system The condi255tion of the zinc anode should be checked monthly and the anode cleaned or replaced as required Spare anodes should be carried on board Zinc anode debris should be cleaned from the area inside of the heat exchanger where the zinc is located If this zinc debris is allowed to accumulate it will block the tube open255ings through which the cooling sea water should flow Sea Water Pump The sea water pump is a selfpriming gearclriven rotary pump with a nonferrous housing and a neoprene impeller The impeller has flexible vanes which wipe against a curved cain plate within the impeller housing producing the pumping action On no account shoUd this pump be run dry There should always be a spare impeller and impeller cover gasket aboard an impeller kitSea water pump impeller faUures occur when lubricant sea wateris not present during engine operation Such falures are not warrantable and the operators are caulioned to rnake sure sea water flow is present at startup Alternator and Water Pump Drive Belt Tension IWARNINGI Never attempt to adjust the drive belts ten255sion whUe the engine is in operation CAUTION Excessive alternator and water pump drive belt tension can cause rapid wear of the belt and reduce the service life of the fresh water pump and alternator shaft bearings Exces255sive slack or the presence of oU on the belt can cause belt slipping resulting in high operating temperature as well as insufficient alternator output Engines Generators 34 COOLANT RECOVERY TANK PASSAGE MANIFOLD Coolant Recovery Tank Recommended Installation FBI the fresh water system as follows 1 Remove the pressure cap from the manifold 2 Pour a clean antifreeze mixture into themanifold and allow enough time for the coolant to fill the fresh water cooling system 3 Start the engine and allow It to corne up to Its operating temperature Monitor the coolant in the manifold and add antifreeze coolant as air is expelled Once all air is expelled from the system fill the manifold to the filief neck and install the pressure cap 4 Remove the plastic cap from the plastic coolant recovery tank and fill the tank with coolant halfway be255tween the ADD mark and the MAX mark Replace the plastic cap 5 Run the engine and observe the coolants expansion flow into the plastic recovery tank 6 Check for leaks between the pressure capfiller neck and then plastic recovery tank Stop the engine and allow it to cool Coolant should be drawn back into the cooling system as the engines temperature comes down 7 Add coolant to the recovery tank as required to top off the fresh water coolant system Thermostat Generally thermostats are of two types One is simply a choking device which opens and closes as the engines temperature rises and falls The second type has a bypass mechanism Usually this is a disc on the bottom of the thermostat which moves downward to close off an intemal bypass passage within the head Since 1980 each type of thermostat has a hole punched through it The hole is a bypass to prevent the exhaust manifold from overheating during the engines warmup Replacement thermostats must have this design characteristic vWESTERBEKE Engines Generators 33 Concentration Freezing Temperature ANTIFREEZE CONCENTRATION DATA Ib 13 23 30 35 45 50 60 OF 23 14 5 4 22 40 58 An antHreeze COIlCei Ibation should267be selected on the basis of a temperature which Is about 100 F 50 Clower than the actual atmospheric temperature expected B Filing the Fresh water System A coolant recmery tank kit Is supplied with each Westerbeke diesel engine The purpose of this recovery tank is to allow for engine coolant expansion and contraction during engine operation without the loss of coolant and without introducing air into the cooling system This coolant recovery tank should be installed at or above engine manifold level in a location where it can be easIy monitored and where coolant can be easily added if needed see the figure belowA stainless steel mounting bracket is supplied with each kit along with a 3Oinch length of clear plastiC hose and clamps to connect the hose beWleen the engines manifold fitting to the hose spud on the base of the recovery tank FUNCTION OF MANIFOLD PRESSURE CAP COOLANT EXPANSION CooIantfrom the engine when heated during engine operation will expandlilting the springloaded manifold pressure cap and enter the recavery tank via the hose connecting the recovery tank to the manifold When the engine is shut down and cools a small check valve in the pressure cap is opened by the contrac255tion of the engine coolant allowing some of the coolant in the recovery tank to be drawn back into the engines cooling system free of air and without loss Periodically check that the passage Abetween the goo fitting on the manifold and the filler neck in the manifold is clear so coolant can flow in either direction WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 32 AdobeUCSCOOUNG SYSTEM Description Westerbeke marine diesel engines are designed and equipped for fresh water cooling Heat produced in the engine by combustion and friction is transferred to fresh water which circulates throughout the engine This circulating fresh water cools the engine block and Its internal moving parts The heat is transferred ex255ternally from the fresh water to sea water by means of a heat exchanger simOar in function to an automo255tive radiator Sea water flows through the tubes of the heat exchanger whOe fresh water flows around the tubes engine heat transferred to the fresh water is conducted through the tube walls to the sea water which is then pumped into the exhaust system where finally it is discharged overboard In other words the engine is cooled by fresh water the fresh water is cooled by sea water and the sea water canries the transferred heat over the side through the exhaust system The fresh water and sea water circuits are independent of each other Using only fresh water within the engine allows the cooling water passages to stay clean and free from harmful deposits The two independent circuits and their components are discussed in the follow255ing paragraphs Fresh Water Circuit NOTE Referto paragraphs A and B in this section on the recommended antifreeze and water mixture to be used as the fresh water coolant and for infonnation on filling the fresh water system Fresh water Is pumped through the engine by a beItdriven circulating pump absorbing heat from the en255gine The fresh water coolant circulates through the engines block absorbing heat then passes through the thermostat into the exhaust manifold to the heat exchanger where it is cooled and then is returned to the engine block through the suction side of the fresh water circulating pump When the engine is started cold external fresh water flow Is prevented by the closed thennostat although some fresh water flow is bypassed around the thermostat to prevent exhaust manifold from overheatingAs the engine wanns up the thermostat gradually opens allowing full flow of the engines fresh water coolant to flow unrestricted to the extemaJ portion of the cooling system A Fresh Water Coolant A freshwater and antifreeze mixture should be used yearround Water when it freezes expands to split the heat exchanger and crack the engine block A mixture of proper concentra267 tion will prevent freezing Use soft water with few impurities such as tap water potable wateror rainwater Never use hard or foul water Use of hard water or water containing impurities wIll lead to the collection of scale in the engine and heat exchanger which wJli reduce the cooling systems efficiency Antifreeze of poor quality or without rust inhibitors will cause corrosion within the cooling system Always use antifreeze which is compatible with aluminum cooling system components and is made by a reliable manufacturer Never mix different brands of antifreeze Make sure the engines cooling system is well cleaned before adding antifreeze Recommended antifreeze for year round use is ZEREX or PRESTONE with rust inhibitors In order to control the concentration of the mixture mix the antifreeze and freshwater thoroughly before ad267 ding it to the cooling system Engines Generators 31 DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING SCHEMAnC 39144 11 nAar c nclOC rtJ u ato c n 225 Ir iI JJi17 r J J a t u J J rt I 1 I zgC r I L MUVI247M 59 MtP 61 T IACTlO I 225 T ADMIRAL PANEL Jl1 14 ftM LO 1 I raelllAl ITCII n h II t CAPTA I N PANEL ft CAl CII i At iihlil n 267267JW 01 n D 255lUI 51 AMP AI TfRNAIOA TUOUO AlTUIIUOR 011 THE 138 rl UC tx 711 II ue ct 1011 n Qac II 8 oc oo OPTIONAl AI TfRNAIQRS UIA I lItt 225225225 01 225 fMa K ry II n na 10 AMP ALT 10 114 LT ILU 4 225 141 lIE 72 AMp AI T 114 eRA I Plld 14 LT 8 256 UN I VFRSA pRESTO lIE pROPULSION 51 AMp All v WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 30 AdobeUCSDC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM 39144 This diagram illustrates the 12 VDC negative ground electrical circuiL Two optional instrument panels are also shown the Captains Panel and the Admirals Panel NOTE AN ONOFF SWITCH IOCIT 225 SHOULD BE IN225 J STALLED BETWEEN THE BAmRY AND STARTER TO DiS CONNECT THE BAT TERY IN AN EMER GENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RATING OF 175 AMPS AT 12 VOC WILL SERVE THIS fUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED TO MAKE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT A243l Ulilll o ADMIRAL PANEL CAPTAIN PANEL Engines Generators 29 2tSSTlJ2 P No 39600 Ll Fi J iJ M P c f B r so L 2Lj3g 3 5 0 I 2 OIl w Tc253 j 7323 Panel DC Control Circuit Wiring Diagram 36844 page 2 of2 12 VOLT DC C8 20A fSTART lJNI 611 NOTE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM UFTPUMP DP lIN JJsz I I FUELSOL I SNDR 52 51 51 51 WTSNDR WTSW sl 2671 TACH 247I II WT i QI I 1 THIS PRODUCT IS PROTECTED BY A MANUAL RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCAlEl NEAR THE STARTER EXCESSIVE CURRENT DRAIN WILL CAUSE THE BREAKER TO TRIP AND THE ENGINE WILL SHUT DOWN THE BUILDERIOWNER MUST BE SURE THAT THE INSTRUMENT PANEl WIRING AND ENGINE ARE INSTALLED TO PREVENT CONTACT BETWEEN ELECTRICAL DEVICES AND SALTWATER 2 AN ONOFF SWITCH SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE BATTERY AND STARTER TO DIS255CONNECT THE BATTERY IN AN EMERGENCYAND WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONllNUOUS RATING OF 175 AMPS AT 12 VOLTS DC WILL SERVE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED TO MAKE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT 3 THE GRAY WIRE AT PLUG 215 UNUSED AND SHOULD BE INSULATED WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 28 AdobeUCSI I Admirals Panel DC Control Circuit Wiring Diagram 36844 page 1 of2 WIRING DIAGRAM WATEII swmtI LT BWE ALfERNATOR 35 A 40 A 10 AI I Iii I I lll all r t WITCH J iIffI USED ON SOlE MODELS E SENDER I NEUlIIAI I EIIGINE BLOCK c v I t we II I II I I I TACHOMETER I START PREHEAT swrTCH J WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 27 ADMIRAl PANEL Panel DC Control Circuit Wiring Diagram 36467 page 2 of2 woe ia I I 225 J 225 225 225 225 g 1 I SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM I rstarrEIl 267R 225 225 R n CIOWfIWGS J I I L I l L OJSNCIl 225 sw 225 225 11 225225 START 225225 T Mer 10 ON 1IOSmON ntE ALARM WSIL SOUNDOIl PIiIESSURE 1ItO aTTEIIW 0tAAGE IfGICA1QRS WILL UGWT zPIISM PREHUT swaTCH fOA5 TO 3DS243COltOS AS REQuIRED AIut WILL SToP CCNTCNUNG 10 PUSM pq243H243AT SWITCNIlUSM Ttl STAAT WITe ALSO WItEN ntE etGlNE STAATS AEI243ASE TM243 STAltT SWITCH ONLY N THE OIL ESSURE INDICATOR AMP GO243S OUT RtLEsE THE PltEItUT SWITCM TUCItI THE ICr 10 1ME OFF POSITION l fltlS PClODuCT IS JIROTECT243O 8T NAHUM RUET OACU1T BREAKER LOCATED HEAA TIlE CURRENT gAAIH WILL CAUSE THE BAEAIt243A TO TAIl AltD TloE OGIt WILL SMUT OOWH THE IUILOACWNA MUST 8243 SURE THAT ntE IISTNUfofENT MIEI G 243I ENGIN200 ARE NSTAu243O TO PREvEIn CONTACT B243TWEEt ELECTAICJL DEVICES MD sLTWATEA 2 OttoOFF SWITCM 5MOUCD IE INSTAU243D eETVEEN THE lBATTEAv 27312431 STAATEA TO QlSCOuI200CT TM243 BATTEAT IN AN EMERGENCY AND WM243H L243AIllIG nt 04T A SWITCK WITH A aJNntUOUS RA1IHG Of I7SAMPS AT IZvoe Wlt1SERVE TttIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH 5HCIULO NOT 8E USUI TO MAKE CoR 8REAIt THE OACUIT 1 WlIiE liZ JIIUG z rs 5243 MISOIOUID 8E INSULATEO WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 26 AdobeUCSr Captains Panel DC Control Circuit Wiring Diagram 36467 page 1 of2 OIAGRAM y rI2 PZ 0 i I I 225 I I 225 r I rff 1 0 J SUItT LAP I 5 c I ST sw r I 225 I I 225 i 1 i woe i iao iJ I s I 2671tI I I TEMP SWITeK J I 1 I i i roff I 0 II TIIIoIOMT1 I IWESTERBEKE Engines Generators 25 I I I I I Ell I I I AdobeUCSThe charging system consists of an alternator with an internal voltage regulator an enginemounted circuit breaker a battery and connecting wires Because of the use of ICs integrated circuitsthe eleCtronic voltage regulator is very compact and is built into the rear bracket of the alternator Charging Voltage Test If you suspect that the alternator is not producing enough voltage to charge the engines battery perform the following voltage test ANPHETER r e for Charging Voltage Test 1 Using a voltmeter connect the voltmeters red wire dip to the B output terminal on the alternator Refer to the schematic shown above 2 Connect the other wire dip to a ground on the engine 3 Stan the engine and increase the engines speed to 2000 rpm Now record the reading given by the voltmeter The voltage reading for a properly operating alternator should be between 135 to 145 volts If your alter255nator is over or under charging have it replaced or rebuilt by a reliable service shop NOTE Before removing the alternator for repair rnake sure 12Volts excitation is present at the R terminal should the above test show only battery voltage at the B output terminal Engines Generators 24 below is a wiring harness for the 30B THREEs electrical system The wiring hamess for the 20B TWOs electrical system differs only in that it has one less glow plug terminal Optional Fuel Run Solenoid WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 23 SYSTEM Engine 12Volt DC Control Circuit The Westerbeke modles 20B TWO and 30B THREE propulsion engines each have a 12Volt DC elec255trical control as shown on the wiring diagrams which follOW Refer to these diagrams when or servicing electrical components on the engine CAUTION To avoid damage to the battery charging circuit never shut off the engine battery switch whDe the engine is running However shut oIfthe engine battery switch to avoid electrical shorts when working on the en255gine electrical circuit Battery Specification The minimum recommended capacity of the battery used in the engines 12Volt DC control circuit is 90125 AmperHlours minlmumCAUTION When quickcharging the battery with an external charger be sure to disconnect the battery cables from the battery Leaving the charging circuit connected whDe quickcharging wDl damage the aItemators diodes Alternator CAUTION When testing the alternator circuit charging circuitdo not use a highvoltage tester such as a megger damaged diodes could resuil During highspeed operation of the engine do not disconnect the positive terminal of the bat255tery from the B terminal of the alternator nor disconnect the negative terminal of the battery from the ground When cleaning the engine with a steam cleaner be careful to keep steam away from the alter255nator WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 22 AdobeUCSFuel Injection Pump The fuallnJectIon pump Is one of the most Important components of the diesel engine and ttoarerore caBs for the utmost caution In handling Furthermore the fueJlnJection pump has been thoroughly benchtesIecI and should not be tamperBd with Idle speed and timing adjustment are the only adjustments the servicing dealer can perform on the injection pump Other types of adjustments or repairs must be performed by a qualified injection service shop IIC CozmecUo Pump Ground Wire rEngine Mounted Fuel Filter WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 21 The Westerbeke fuel system bleed Is manual In operation WhOe it Is unlikely that the operator will be forced to service the system at sea the possibDity does exist Therefore we recommended that a replacement fuel filter be carried on board at all times Each fuel filter comes with two Oring gaskets Select the part number for this fuel filter from your Parts Ust and purchase spares from your local Westerbeke Dealer or Distnbutor If a leak should develop at a fuel banjo or sealing washer location that cannot be remedied by a slight tighten255Ing of the filter cup retainer replace the filter along with the Orings supplied with the new filter Replacing the Fuel Filter Element After the first 50 hours of operation loosen the toter cup retainer and remove the toter cup Be careful in carhing any fuel that may spill from within the filter cup Discard the old filter element and the old Orings Clean the filter cup and install the new filter along with the new Orings Carefully replace the filter cup and retainer Take care not to cross thread the retainer when threading on to the filter bracket NOTE DO NOT overtlghten the titer cup retainer excessive tightening can strip the soft aluminum threads on the fuel filter assembly ALUMtNUM TREADS TR CUP Mer the first SOhour change the change period may be increased to 200 hours or once per season WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 20 AdobeUCSNotes on the Fuel System The illustration that follows is an exploded view of the 20B TWOs fuel system This system is similar to the 30B THREEs fuel system in that it has only one less fuel injector and one less pumping element in the injector pump v WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 19 Priming the Fuel System The models covered by this manual have a single replaceable fuel filter in the fuel system This filter Is located between the engine mounted electric fuel pump and the inlet to the fuel injection pump The exploded view below shows this filter element as Item 21 SeNicing this filter element is explained a few pages further in this manual When the titer element in this cannister has been changed the air in the system is bled out by simply turning on the panel key switch which energizes the fuel pump The pump delivers fuel to the system which pushes the air out AIIowthe fuel pump to operated for approximately on minute to accomplish this 21 Prolonged cranking intervals without the engine starting can resuH in filling the enginemounted exhaust system with sea water coolant This may happen because the sea water pump is pumping sea water through the sea water cooling system during cranking This sea water can enter the engines cylinders byway of the exhaust manifold once the exhaust system fills Prevent this from happening by closing the sea water supply throughhull shutoff drain the exhaust muffler and correct the cause for the excessive engine cranking needed to obtain a start Engine damage resuHing from this type of sea water entry is not a warrantable issue the owneroperator should keep this in mind v WESTERBEKE Westerbeke Diesel Engines Engines Generators 18 FUEL SYSTEM Diesel Fuel Use No 2 diesel fuel with a cetane rating of 45 or higher Never use kerosene or home heating 01 In cold weather particularly water vapor is produced by condensation when air is present In the fuel tank Keep fuel tanksfull and completely free of dirt and water Fuel FUterWater Separators A primary fuel liter of the water separating type l1llm be installed between the fuel tank and the engine To remove water and other contaminants from the fuel before they can be carried to the fuel system on the engine Most insIaIIers included with the gen255erator insIaIIaIion package a type of fIterWater separator for they are aware of the probeIms contaminants In the fuel can cause all of which are not warrantable through Westerbeke A typical fuel filterWater separator is IIUSIrated In this diagram This is the Raycor Model SOOMA In mind that if a water separator type filter is not installed betWeen the fuel supply tank and fuel system any water in the fuel will affect the fuel pump engine filter and injection equipment The owneroperator is responsible for making certain the fuel reaching the engines injection equip255ment is free of impuritieis This process is accomplished by intstalling and maintaining a proper system In addition any gasoline in the fuel system will damage the engines fuel injection pump assembly and injectors as gasoline does not have the same lubricaticg qualities as diesel fuel Fuel FilterWater Separator If a filterWater separator is not installed between the fuel tank and the enginemounted fuel system water in the fuel system wl1l inhibit proper starts and particles will pass on to the lift pumps filter eventually clogging it and pass on into the engines injection equipment Notes on Fuel System iWARNINGI Shut off the fuel service valve althe tank when servicing the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that may spDi from within the pump when the base is removed DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other sources of fire near the fuel system when servicing Ensure proper ventDiation exists when serviCing the fuel system y WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 17 AdobeUCSthat the AdobeUCSEngine Breakn Procedures Although your engine has experienced a minimum of one hour of test operations to ensure accurate as255semblyand proper operation of all systems breakin time Is required The service life of your engine is de255pendent upon how the engine Is operated and serviced during its initial 50 hours of use Your new engine requires approximately 50 hours of initial conditioning operation to break in each moving part in order to maximize the performance and service life of the engine Perform this conditioning careful255ly keeping in mind the following 1 Start the engine according to the STARTING PROCEDURE section found in this manual Run the engine at fast idle while checking that all systems sea water pump oil pressure battery chargingare functioning 2 Allow the engineto warm up preferably by running at fast idleuntil the water temperature gauge moves into the 130140 F range 3 Whle using the vessel run the engine at varying engine speeds for the first 25 hours 4 Avoid rapid acceleration especially with a cold engine 5 Use caution not to overload the engine The presence of a gray or black exhaust and the inabDity of the engine to reach Its full rated speed are signs of an overload 6 DurIng the next 25 hours the engine may be operated at varying engine speeds with short runs at full rated rpm Avoid prolonged idling during this breakin period Brealdngin a new engine basically involves seating the piston rings to the cylinder walls This cannot be by long periods of running at Idle nor by earfy running at full rpm Idle running may glaze the cylinder walls resutting in excessive aD consumption and smoky operation ex255cessive speed or heavy ovedoading especially with a cold engine may cause scoring of the cylinder walls producing similar results As indicated above operate the engine in moderation during the 5Ohour breakin period Dont baby the engine but do not abuse itWESTERBEKE Engines Generators 15 AdobeUCSOnce the engine starts run1t at Idle for a few minutes to warm up the englneand check Instruments for proper oil pressure and battery charging voltage Never attempt to engage the starter whOa the engine Is running NOTE Some unstable running may occur In a cold engine but this condition should smooth out as the operating temperature of 170 1 goo F f7 88 CIs reached STOPPING PROCEDURE A manual pull type stop control tee handle or knobIs provided by the installer in a location close to the engines controls Know the location of this control before attempting to start the engine To stop the en255gine pullout on this tee handle or knob fully and hold it out untO the engine comes to a complete stop Push back on this control to retum it to the engine run position otherwise the erigine will not restart With the engine stopped tum the key switch turned to the OFF position 12 oclockIf the Key Switch is left ON the battery will discharge An engine alarm buzzer is provided to warn the operator of this condition Key Switch ONThe best method of preventing the battery from discharge is to remove the key from the Key Switch after stopping the engine CAUTION DO NOT attempt to shutdown the engine bytumingthe Key Switch OFF The Key Switch only provides power to the instrument panel the engine will continue running even if the Key Switch is turned OFF Shut down the engine by pUling the stop control out fully An optional key shut off package is available that allows the operator to shut off the engine by tuming the Key Switch OFF which tums OFF an electrically run Fuel Run Solenoid This electrical shut off option is in255stalled at the factory upon the specific requestorder of the ownerTHROTTLE COTRll LEVEl SJOP 225225225 POSInOIl STOP tunol LEVEl WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 14 PROCEDURE Place the transmission in the NEUTRAL position and advance the throttle to its full open position for a cold engine and partially open for a warm engine Tum the Key Switch to the ON position 2 oclockprime the engines fuel system at the mechanical fuel pump to bleed all the air from the fuel system if needed see page 39Depress and hold the PREHEAT switch Preheat according to the following chart Atmospheric Temperature 41260 F 5260 Cor higher 41260 F 5260 Cto 23 F SO C 23260 F 5260 Cor lower Umit of continuous use Preheating Time Approx 05 sec Approx 10 sec Apprax 15 sec 30 seconds before cranking Proper glow plug function is indicated by a voltmeter drop when the PREHEAT switch Is depressed This drop will be slight but discernible If no voltage drop is noted it may indicate defective glow plugs or a faul255ty preheat circuit check for loose holding the PREHEAT button depressed depress the START button The starter motor wil run thereby cranking the engine As soon as the engine runs release the START button and PREHEAT button Check your for proper engine operation Make sure sea water dischar255ges along with the exhaust discharge Should the engine not start when the START button is depressed for 10 to 12 seconds release both buttons and wait 30 seconds repeat the previous procedure Never run the starter motor for more than 30 seconds at a time CAUTION Prolonged cranking intervals without the engine starting can resuh In filling the exhaust system with sea water coolant This may happen because the sea water pump is pumping sea water through the sea water cooling system during crank255ing This sea water can enter the engines cylinders by way of the exhaust manifold once the exhaust system fills Prevent this from happening by closing the sea water supply throughhull shutoff drain the exhaust muffler and correct the cause for the ex255cessive engine cranking needed to obtain a start Engine damage resuhing from this type of sea water entry is not a warrantable issue the owneroperator should keep this in mind Engines Generators 13 5 AIaon The aIann is located above the test button and wUl sound if the engines oil pressure fails below 15 psi In this event the alarm will emit apulsating signal The alarm will also sound if the water tempera255ture in the fresh water cooling circuit rises to 2100 F In this event the alarm will emit continuous sig255nal NOTE The alarm will sound when the Key Switch is turned ON This sounding is nor255mal for the engines covered in this manual Once the engine starts and the engines oil pressure reacheS 15 psi the alarm will silence 6 Gauge This gauge is graduated in degrees Fahrenheit and is Dluminated while the Key Switch is tumed ON The engines norrnaI operating temperature is 170 1900 F 77 88C7 OD pressure Gauge This gauge is graduated in pounds per square inch PSIand is Dluminated while the Key Switch is turned ON The engines normal operating 011 pressure ranges between 30 60 PSI NOTE When the engine is manually shut down and the engines Key Switch is turned OFF the water temperature gauge witl continue to register the last temperature reading indicated by the gauge before electrical power was tumed OFF The all pressure gauge witl fall to zero when the Key Switch is turned OFF The temperature gauge will once again register the engines true temperature once electrical power is restored to the gauge NOTE A separate alarm buzzer with harness is supplied with every Admiral Panel The in255staller is responsible for electrically connecting the buzzer to tle fourpin connection on the engines electrical hamess The installer is also responsible for installing the buzzer in a loca255tion will be dry and where it witl be audible to the operator should it sound whDe the engine is running The buzzer will sound when the ignition key is turned ON and should sHenee when the engine has started and when the engines oil pressure rises above 15 psi Wo245 WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 12 Admirals Panel General This control panel is equipped with a key switch and an RPM gauge with an ELAPSED TIME meter which measures the engines running time in HOURS and in 110 hours The panel also includes a water temperature gauge which indicates water temperature in degrees Fahrenheit WATER267 Fan on pressure gauge which measures the engines on pressure in pounds per square inch OIL PSIand a DC control circuit voltage gauge which measures the systems voltage VOLTSAll gauges are illuminated when the key switch is tumed ON and remain Diuminated while the engine is in operation The panel also contains two rubberbooted push buttons one for PREHEAT and one for START 1 Key Switch The Key Switch provides power only to the instrument cluster Be aware that the key switch does not shutdown the engine when the key is tumed OFF Refer to the STOPPING PROCEDURE section of this manual 2 PREHEAT The PREHEAT button energizes the alternators exciter the engines glow plugs and bypas255sesthe engines protective oil pressure switch In addition this button energizes the START button 3 SIABI The START button when pressed energizes the starters solenoid which cranks the engine This button will not operate electrically unless the PREHEAT button is pressed and held at the same time WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 11 AdobeUCSS AIann The alarm is located above the test button and wiUsound if the engines oil pressure falls below IS psi In this event the alarm will emit a pulsating signal The alarm will also sound if the water temperature in the fresh water cooling circuit rises to 2050 F In this event the alarm will emit continuous signals NOTE The alarm will sound when the Key Switch is turned ON This sounding is nonnal for the engines covered in this manual Once the engine starts and the engines oil pressure reaches 15 psi the alarm will silence 2676 Water TenJlmture GaUge This gauge is graduated in degrees Fahrenheitand is illuminated 267whiIe the Key Switch is turned ON The engines normal operating temperature is 170 1900 F 17880 C Oil Presswe Gauge This gauge is graduated in pounds per square inch pSIand is illuminated wbilc the Key Switch is turned ON The engines normal operating oil pressure ranges between 3060PSL 267NOTE When the engine is manually shut down and the engines Key Switch is turned OFF the water tewperature gauge will continue to register the last temperature reading indicated by the gauge before electrical power was turned OFF The oil pressure gauge will fall to zero when the Key Switch is turned OFF The temperature gauge will once again register the engines true temperature once electrical power is restored to the gauge WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 10 AdobeUCSENGINE CONTROL PANELS WesteJbeke offers two types of control panels as optional equipment Read the following instructions that apply to the panel you purchased with your engine GENERAL This contropauel is equipped with a Key Switch an RPM gauge PREHEAT and START buttons an instrument test button three indicator lamps one for alternator discharge one for low oil pressure and one for high engine coolant temperature and an alarm bur for low oil pressure or high water temperature The RPM gauge is illuminated when the key switch267 is turned ON and remains illuminated while the engine is in operation The key switch and the three buttons serve the following functions I Kev Switch The Key Switch provides power only to the instrument panel cluster Be aware that the key switch does not shutdown the engine when the key is turned OFF Refer to the STOPPING PROCEDURE section of this manual 2 PREHEAT The PREHEAT button energizes the alternators regulator the engines glow plugs and bypasses the engines oil pressure alarm switch In addition this button energizes the START button 3 START The START button when pressed energizes the staners solenoid which cranks the engine This button will not operate electrically unless the PREHEAT button is pressed and held at the same time 4 Test Button The Test Button located above the key switch tests the alternator the oil pressure and the water temperature control circuits When this button is pressed the alternator the oil pressure and the water temperature indicator lights illuminate in addition to sounding the buzzer Engines Generators 9 Description of Starting System All Westerbeke diesel engines use electric starters assisted by glow plugs for both normal and cold weather starting The figure belaN shows a crosssectional view of one cylinder The glow plug is located in the c0m255bustion chamber so that Its tip is in the Injector nozzles SplaY path When the glow plug is energized by the PREHEAT button the plug glaNS red at the tip and assists in igniting the fuel The result is a rapid start with less wear on the starter This system is common to Westerbeke Diesels The start circuitry is designed so that the PREHEAT button must be depressed for the time specified in the Preheat chart shaNn on page 13 Then whDe keeping the PREHEAT button engaged the START button is depressed to crank the engine Combustion Chamber NOTE The START button will not energize unless the PREHEAT button is depressed When depressing the preheat switch we are activating the glow plugs in the cylinder head so use the preheat Intermittently so as not 10 overheal the glow plugs WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 8 FOR STARTING This section of the manual provides the operator with preparation initial starting breakin starting cold or warmand stopping procedures Follow the procedures as presented for the conditions indicated and your Westerbeke engine set will give you reliable performance and long service life Fill your engine with oil up to or near the upper limit on the dipstick the installation angle may have an effect on the dipstick readingSelect readily available lubricating oil with an API specification of CF or CG4 and an SAE number suitable for the temperature in your operating area For the quantity of oil needed in your engine refer to the 267SYSTEM SPECIFICATION section of this manual Fm the transmission to the FUll mark on the dipstick with the correct lubricant Refer to the SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS section of this manual page 11 for the 206 TWO and page 14 for the 306 THREEUPPER LlIootlT rNORMAL LEVELLlNtT Each unit is supplied with a coolant recovery kit 24977as standard equipment to which the following ap255plies A Remove the pressure cap from the engines exhaust manifold and slowly fill the engines cooling sy255tem with a mixture of water and antifreeze suitable for your temperature zone See the COOUNG SYS255TEM section of this manual Operate the engine and observe the coolant level in the manifold Maintain this level to the base of the filler neck Once the engine reaches its operating temperature 170 190260 Fmake sure there is coolant flowto the domestic water heaters when installed Top off the cool255ing system and install the pressure cap B Make sure the plastic recovery tank is properly mounted near the unit with the bracket providedin a location where it can be monitored and filled easily The recovery tank should be mounted at manifold level or above In those installations that require It the plastic recovery tank can be mounted below the exhaust manifolds level C Add coolant to the plastic tank after the engine has been started and operating temperature has been reached to make sure all air is expelled from the manifold and the engines cooling system With the manifold filled and the pressure cap installed fill the plastic recovery tank half full MOlJitor dany and add coolant as needed Fill the fuel tank with a good grade of No2 diesel fuel and manually prime the fuel system up to and including the engine When running fuel is free of air the engines fuel system is bled and the engine is ready to start Make sure the Installation Checks have been made in accordance with thoJe specified in the CHECKS section of this manual Engines Generators 7 AdobeUCSUNIT 10 PLATES 225 MODEL SPEC AVON A USA SERNO 20B TWO UNIT 10 PLATE 225 MODEL SPEC AVON A USA SERNO 30B THREE UNIT 10 PLATE The unit 10 plate is attached to the exhaust manifold of the engine These illustrations are provided so that the OINI1eoperator may transcribe the specifications and serial number from the ID plate on the engine to one of the Hlustrations above This will allow for easy reference when seeking parts service or technical needs WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 6 Thank you for selecting a Westerbeke marine product for your use We at Westerbeke are pleased to have you as a customer Read this manual carefully and observe all safety precautions included throughout Operating procedures periodic preventive maintenance procedures installation checks system descriptions and minor adjust255ment procedures are included herein so you can operate your equipment safely and properly maintain the equipment at a high level of efficiency and expect dependable perfonmance and long service life in return Should your unit require special attention contact your Westerbeke dealer for assistance The Westerbeke Service Organization is trained to provide the support necessary to ensure longterm dependable perfor255mance If within 60 days of submitting the Warranty Registration Form for your unit you have not received a Cus255tomer Identification Card see your warranty please contact the factory in writing with Model information including the engines serial number and commission date from IESTERBEkE CORPORATION AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AYoN MA 02322 WESTERBEKE Engines Generators Customer Identification WESTERBEKE OWNER MAIN STREET Mail To HOMETOWN USA Model30B THREESer 0103XXXX Expires 920102 Inspection of Equipment The engine is shipped from the factory mounted securely and properly crated Accessory equipment is shipped in a separate small box usually packed within the engines crate Before accepting shipment of the engine from the transportation company the crate should be opened and the contents inspected for concealed damage If etther visible or concealed damage is noted you should require that the delivery agent sign Received in damaged condition on the proper delivery receipt Also check the contents of the shipment against the packing list and make sure that the proper notation is made if any discrepancies exist These noted discrepancies are your protection against loss or damage Claims conceming loss or damage must be made to the carrier not to the Westerbeke Corporation Engines Generators 5 INTRODUCTION This manual contains the equipment operating procedures as well as additioual information needed to help the operator keep the marine equipment in proper working order Study and follow the instructions carefully A planned maintenance program is included in this manual adhering to the program will result in better equipment performance and longer equipment life Proper diagnosis of a problem is the most important step to satisfactoIy repair consequently a table is included UNDERSTANDING THE DIESEL ENGINE The diesel engine closely resembles the gasoline engine since the mechanism is essentially the same The cylinders are arranged above a closed crankcase the crankshaft is of the same general type as that of a gasoline engine and the diesel engine has the same type of valves camshaft pistons connecting rods and lubricating system Therefore to a great extent a diesel engine requires the same preventive maintenance as a gasoline engine The most important factors are proper ventilation and proper maintenance of the fuel lubricating and cooling SYStems Replacement of fuel and lubricating filter elements at the time periods specified is a must and frequent checking for contamination that is water sediment or algaein the fuel system is also essential Another important fuctor is the use of the same brand of high detergent diesel lubricating oil designed specifically for diesel engines Be careful not to put gasoline in the diesel fuel tanksGasoline does not have the same lubricating qualities as diesel fuel consequently gasoline in the fuel lines will damage components in the lift pump assembly fuel injection pump and in the injectors The diesel engine does differ from the gasoline engine however in its method of handling and firing of fuel The carouretor and ignition SYStems are done away with and in their place are two components the fuel injection pump and fuel injectors ORDERING PARTS When contacting your Westerbke dealer parts distributor or the factory concerning your Westerbeke unit always provide the engines model and serial number and transsmission number as they appear on the black and silver Westerbeke plate which is mounted on the engines exhaust manifold Note that component locations in the manual are referencedfrom the front of the engine which is the pulleydrive belt end The end is the rear endLeft and right sides are detennined by the engine imagine straddling the engine and facing in the same direction as the front of the engine the left side is at your left the right side is at your right Westerbeke engines are thoroughly checked and given a final run under various load conditions before leaving the factory This is done to ensure dependable operation long service and a satisfied owner Care at the factory during assembly and thorough testing have resulted in Westerbeke units being capable of many thousands of hours of dependable service However the manufacturer cannot control the type of treatment a unit receives in the field This part is up to the owneroperator WESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 4 IMPORTANT PRODUCT SOF1WARE DISCLAIMER Product software of all kinds such as brochures drawings technical data operators and workshop manuals parts lists and parts price lists and other related and specifications provided from sources other than Westerbeke is not Within Westerbekes control and accordingly is provided to Wester255beke customers only as a courtesy and service WESTERBEKE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CON255TENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR WITH RESPECT THERETO INCLUDING THE ACCURACY TIMEUNESS OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENT BE UABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES OR INJURY INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE FURNISHING OR USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE For example components and subassemblies incorporated into Westerbekes products and supplied by others such as engine blocks fuel systems and components transmissions electrical components pumps and other productsare generally supported by their manufacturers With their own software and Westerbeke must depend on such software for the design of Westerbekes own product software Such software however may be outdated and no longer accurate Routine changes made by Westerbekes suppliers of which Westerbeke rarely has notice in advance are frequently not reflected in the supplierS software untO after such changes take place Westerbeke customers should also keep in mind the time span between printings of Westerbeke product software and the unavoidable existence of earlier noncurrent Westerbeke software editions in the field most Westerbeke products include special features that frequently do not in255clude complete documentation In summation product software provided With Westerbeke products whether from Westerbeke or other sup255pliers must not and cannot be relied upon exclusively as the definitive authority on the respective product It not only makes good sense but is imperative that appropriate of Westerbeke or the sup255plier in question be consulted to determine the accuracy and currency of the product software being con255sulted by the customer Engines Generators 3 COOLANT PRESSURE ft AIR INTAKE LO253 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY DC AlTERNATOR I Oil DRAIN FRONT PARTS IDENTIFICATION RIGHT SIDE Fill Oil Fill DIPSTICK FRONT FIlTER AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER LEFT SIDE 10 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER REAR STAIRTER MOTOR WES7ERBEKE Engines Generators 2 be AdobeUCSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 225 Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing equipment tie back long hair and avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves rings necklaces or bracelets that could be caught in moving parts 225 Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened Keep protective shields and guards in their respective places at all times 225 Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while the engine is operating 225 Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily be caught in these rotating parts HAZARDOUS NOISE A WARNING High noise levels can cause hearing loss 225 Never operate an engine without its muffler installed 225 Do not run an engine with the air intake 225 Do not run engines for long periods with their enclosures open A WARNING Do not wodc on machine when you are mentally or physically incapacitated by fatigue OPERATORS MANUAL Many of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repealed in your Operators Manual along with other cautions and notes to highlight critical information Read your manual carefully maintain your equipment and follow all safety procedures ENGINE INSTAllATIONS Preparations to install an engine should begin with a thor255ough examination of the American Boat and Yacht Councils ABYCstandards These standards are a combination of sources including the USCG and the NFPA Sections of the ABYC standards of particular interest are H2 Ventilation PI Exhaust systems P4 Inboard engines E9 DC Electrical systems All installations must comply with the Federal Code of Regulations FCRABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBUCATIONS FOR INSTAllING DIESEL ENGINES Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications for safety codes and standards Follow their when installing your engine ABYC American Boat and Yacht CouncilSafety Standards for Small Craft Order from ABYC 3069 Solomons Island Rd Edgewater MD 21037 NFPA National Fire Protection Protection Standard for Motor Craft Order from NFPA II Tracy Drive Avon Industrial Park Avon MA 02322 USCG United States Coast GuardUSCG 33CFR183 Order from US Government Printing Office Washington DC 20404 WESTERBEKE Engines Generators iii AdobeUCSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ACCIDENTAL STARIlNG A WARNING Allldental starling can cause Injury If IiIIaIbJ 225 Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect it last 225 Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before starting 225 Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re255installed before starting the engine BATTERY EXPLOSION A WARNING Battery explDSion can cause Injury If tIfIaIII 225 Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a highly explosive gas which can be ignited by electrical areing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrical equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing dur255ing servicing 225 Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi255tive connection tenninal of the starter solenoid Do not test the battery condition by shorting the terminals together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapors Ventilate any compartment containing batteries to prevent accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not disturb the battery charger connections while the battery is being charged 225 Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent bums or sparks that could cause an explosion Remove wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handling the battery 225 Always turn the battery charger off before disconnecting the battery connections Remove the negative lead first and reconnect it last when disconnecting the battery BATTERYACm A WARNING SUlfuric acid In batteries can cause InlIlY Of death 225 When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec255tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive If it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once with water Acid may splash on the skin or into the eyes inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps TOXIC EXHAUST GASES A WARNING carbon monoxide COIs a deadly gas 225 Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifolds are securely attached and no warping exists Pay close attention to the manifold water injection elbow and exhaust pipe nipple 225 Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated 225 In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system install a carbon monoxide detector Consult your boat builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors 225 For additional information refer toABYC T22 educa255tional information on Carbon MonoxideA WARNING camon monoxide COIs an inlllsible odorless gas inhalation produces flulike symptoms nausea or death 225 Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust sys255tems Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper tubing resulting in exhaustlwater leakage 225 Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could enter the exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft 225 Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxic as exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monoxide gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the symp255toms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or poisoning are Vomiting Muscular twitching Dizziness Intense headache Throbbing in temples Weakness and sleepiness AVOID MOVING PARTS A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury or death 225 Do not service the engine while it is running If a situa255tion arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make operating adjustments use extreme care to avoid touch255ing moving parts and hot exhaust system components Engines Generators ii shore power fumesvapor before AdobeUCS I It o 4 pfl OPERATORS MAR E DIESEL E INES 20B TWO I 30B THREE I I EDITION FOUR JN2000 AdobeUCS
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