Universal Diesel M 25xpa Operator's Manual
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WESTERBEKE CORPORATION AVON INOUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 TEL 5085887700267 FAX 5085599323 225 UNIVERSAL SPARE PARTS OIL FILTER Change every 100 Hours FUEL FILTER Change every L11 AIR CLEANER ELEMENT Clean every 250 hours HEAT EXCHANGER END GASKET Check once a year Always carry a spare A Kit Impeller Kit Heat Exchanger Gasket Fuel Filter Fuel Filter with Gasket Oil Filter Fan Belt Zinc Anodes UNIVERSAL SPARE PARTS KITS UNIVERSAL also offers two Spare Parts Kits cach packaged in a rugged hinged tool box Kit A includes the basic spares Kit B is more extensive for off shore cruising 39 THERMOSTAT and GASKET Carry a spare for extended cruising RAW WATER IMPELLER Check once a year ZINC ANODES Od DRIVE BELTS Cheek weekly and proper tension B Kit Impeller Kit Oil Filter Water Pump Repair Kit Zinc Anodes Heat Exchanger Gasket Thermostat Kit Complete Gasket Kit Injector Fuel Filter Fucl Filter with Gasket Fan Belt Glow Plug HARDWARE TORQUES NOTE Unless stated otherwise for a specific assembly use the following torque values when tightening standard hardware Pitch Grade 4 6mm bolt headnut 8rnm boll headnut 10mm bolt headnut 10mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 13mm bolt headnut 14mm bolt headnut 14mm bolt headnut 16mm bolt headnut 16mm bolt headnut Grade 6T 6mm bolt headnut 8mm bolt headnut 10mm bolt headnut 10mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut Grade 7T ST and 8S 6mm bolt headnut 8mm bolt headnut 10mm bolt headnut 10mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 12mm bolt headnut 13mm bolt headnut 14mm bolt headnut 14mm bolt headnut 16mm bolt headnut 16rnm bolt headnut Grade 5 Cap Screw 14 UNC 14 UNF 5116 UNC 5116 UNF 38 UNC 38 UNF 716 UNC 7116 UNF 12 UNC 12 UNF 125 125 15 125 ISO15 175 15 15 2 15 2 125 125 15 125 ISO15 175 125 125 15 125 ISO15 175 15 15 2 15 2 38 Ibft kgm 2951 0407 72267116 1016 137224 1931 130217 1830 253398 3555 253398 3555 217362 3050 325506 4570 362267579 5080 340557 4777 542796 75110 514767 71106 4365 0609 108159 1522 217325 3045 195304 2742 362579 5080 362506 5070 347492 4868 5887 0812 145217 2030 289398 4055 268376 3752 542759 75105 506651 7090 434615 6085 579868 80120 7231085 100150 6871013 95140 10851664 150230 10131591 140220 911 1215 1113 1518 IS20 252S 2123 2932 2833 3746 3035 4148 4449 616S 5055 6976 6S73 94101 73S0 101111 I I I I UNIVERSAL ENGINES PARTS IDENTIFICATION TYPICAL ENGINE MODEL 358 SHOWN51 AMP DC ALTERNATOR OIL FLEXIBLE PRESSURE OIL PAN FRONT AIR FILTER SILENCER FUEL LIFT PUMP 6 HEAT EXCHANGER ZINC TRANSMISSION SHIFT LEVER OIL PRESSURE SENDER MANIFOLD CONNECTION LEFT SIDE TIMING MARK THROTTLE CONTROL LOCATION BRACKET FUEL FILTER REAR LEFT SIDE 36 10 NAME PLATE REAR FRONT HEAT EXCHANGER TRANSMISSION CONTROL BRACKET TRANSMISSION SHAFT COUPLING FILL THERMOSTAT HOUSING FUEL INJECTION PUMP FRESHWATER PUMP RAW WATER PUMP STOP AND THROTTLE CONTROLS COOLANT DRAIN OIL DRAIN HOUSE FLEXIBLE MOUNT UNIVERSAL MARINE ENGINES SPECIFICATIONS Four cycle freshwater cooled vertical inline marine diesel engines HORSEPOWER CYLINDERS BORE AND STROKE COMBUSTION CHAMBER DISPLACEMENT cubic RATIO FIRING ORDER VALVE CLEARANCE ENGINE DlL ENGINE DlL CAPACITY TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION FLUID ENGINE DRY WEIGHT wlransFUEL COOLANT CAPACiTY ENGINE COOLING ROTATION FUEL NOZZLE TYPE FUEL INJECTION PUMP STARTING MOTOR STARTING AID ALTERNATOR STANDARD M320B M25XPB M35B 20 3500 rpm 26 3000 rpm 353000rpm 3 3 4 264 x 268 in 299 x 290 in 299 x 290 in 67 x 58 mm76 x 736 mm76 x 736 mmSpherical type three vortex combustion system 4389 C1 6108 C1 8145 C1 231 231 231 123 123 1342 005 to 0071014 to 018 mm SAE 30 1 OW 30 or 1 OW 40 Above CF Or CG4 Grade40 Ots38L 40 Ots38L 544 Qts51L HBW50 HBW50 HBW100 Dexron II or Dexron III 2411bs110kg 295 Ibsl134kg 352 Ibs159kg No2 Diesel Oil cetane rating of 45 or higher 375 Qts35L 4 Ots38L 6 Ots56L block controlled with raw water exchanger and centrifugal fresh water pump Clockwise when viewed from the front Bosch throttle type Bosch PerMD Type minipump 12 volt 12 kw activated shih wSolenoid Voltage 105 120 VDCCurrent 87 90 AmpsResistance 10 12 Ohms 51 amp 12 volt with internal regulator Reg set volts 147vmaximum MARtHE POWER 225225 UniVGrsal 35 UNIVERSAL MARINE ENGINES SPECIFICATIONS Four cycle freshwater cooled vertical inline marine diesel engines HORSEPOWER CYlINOERS BORE ANO STROKE COMBUSTION CHAMBER OISPLACEMENT cubic RATIO FIRING ORDER ENGINE OIL VALVE CLEARANCE ENGINE OIL CAPACITY TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION FlUIO ENGINE DRY WEIGHT wlransFUEl COOLANT CAPACITY ENGINE COOLING ROTATION FUEl NOZZLE TYPE FUEL INJECTION PUMP STARTING MOTOR STARTING AIO ALTERNATOR STANDARD M320A M25XPA M35A 18 3600 rpm 23 3200 rpm 30 3200rpm 3 3 4 260 x 245 in 295 x 276 in 295 x 276 in 64 x 70 mm76 x 70 mm76 x 70 mmspherical type three vortex combustion system 389 C1 57 CI 755 CI 231 21 1 21 1 123 123 1342 SAE 30 lOW 30 or lOW 40 Above CF or CG2674 Grade0057 to 007014 to 018 mm 320ts3L 43 Ots4L 5 Ots47L HBW50 HBW50 HBWl00 Dexron II or Dexron III 2351bsl06kg 285 Ibs129kg 335 Ibs152kg No2 Diesel Oil cetane rating of 45 or higher 30ts28L 5Ots47L 5 Ots47L block controlled with raw water exchanger and centrifugal fresh water pump Clockwise when viewed from the front Bosch throttle type Bosch PerMD Type minipump 12 volt 12 kw activated shiff wSolenoid Voltage 105 120 VDCCurrent 87 90 AmpsResistance tO 12 Ohms 51 amp 12 volt with internal regulator Reg set volts 147vmaximum MARINE POWER UnlVGrsal 34 are tight AdobeUCShave any areas winter ditioner such refill the A insert the screw the pivot point AdobeUCS6 8 PANEL MANUAL STARTER DISCONNECT TOGGLE SWITCHESNOTE The engine control system is protected by a 20 amop manual resel circuil breaker located on the engine as close as possible to the power source Problem Probable Cause PREHEAT depressed no panel indications 1 Oil Pressure switch 1 Check switches andor battery connections fuel solenoid electric fuel pump and preheat solenoid not energized 2 20 amp circuit breaker tripped 2 Reset breaker If opens again check preheat solenoid circuit and run circuit for shorts 10 ground START SWITCH DEPRESSED no starter 1 Connection to solenoid faulty 1 Check connection engagement 2 Faulty switch 2 Check switch with ohmmeter 3 Faulty solenoid 3 Check that 12 volts are present at the solenoid connection 4 loose battery connections 4 Check battery connections S Low battery S Check battery charge state NO IGNITION cranks does nol start 1 Faulty fueling system 1 Check for fuel 2 Check for air in the fuel system 2 Allow system to bleed 3 Faulty fuel lift pump 3 Replace fuel lift pump NDT CHARGING BATIERY 1 Faulty alternator drive 1 Clleck tile drive belt and its tension Be sure the alternator turns freely Check for loose connections Check the output with a voltmeter Ensure 12V are present at tile regulator terminal BATIERY RUNS DOWN 1 Oil pressure SWltcll 1 Observe if the guages and panel lights are activated when the engine is not runnmg Test tile oil pressure switch 2 High resistance leak to ground 2 Check the wiring Insert sensitive 025 ampmeter in battery lines Do NOT start engineRemove connections and replace after short is located 3 low resistance leak to ground 3 Check all wires for temperature riuse to locate the fault 4 Faulty alternator 4 After a good battery charging disconnect alternator at output If leakage stops Remove alternator and benck test Repair or replace WATER TEMPERATURE AND OIL PRESSURE GAUGES If the gauge reading is other than what is normally indicated by the gauge when the instrument panel is energized the first step is to check for 12 volts DC between the ignition Band the Negative Bterminals of the gauge Assuming that there is 12 volts as required leave the instru255ment panel energized key switch onand perform the following steps 1 Disconnect the sender wire at the gauge and see if the gauge reads zero which is the normal reading for this situa255tion 2 Connect the sender terminal at the gauge to ground and see if the gauge reads full scale which is the normal reading for this situation 28 If both of the above gauge tests are positive the gauge is undoubtedly OK and the problem lies either with the conduc255tor from the sender to the gauge or with the sender If either of the above gauge tests are negative the gauge is probably defective and should be replaced Assuming the gauge is OK check the conductor from the sender to the sender terminal at the gauge for continuity Check that the engine block is connected to the ground Some starters have isolated ground terminals and if the bat255tery is connected to the starter both plus and minus ground side will not necessarily he connected to the block Problem Battery runs down Engine overheats NOTE Shut engine down immediately Exhaust smoking problems Transmission will not shift in or out of gear or drive the vessel Excessive vibration ENGINE Probable Cause 1 Oil Pressure switch 2 High resistance leak to ground 3 Low resistance leak 4 Alternator 5 Poor battery connections 1 Raw water not circulating 2 Coolant not circulating 1 Blue smoke 2 White smoke 3 1 1 2 Black or gray smoke Transmission faHure Faulty engine alignment Cutless bearings support strut and propeller could all be suspect MARINE POWER 27 1 Observe if gauges and panel lights are activated when engine is not running Test the oil pressure switch 2 Check wiring Insert sensitive 0 225 25 ampmete in battery lines Do not start engineRemove connections and replace after short is located 3 Check all wires for temperature fise to locate the fault 4 Disconnect alternator at output after a good battery charging If leakage stops remove alternator and bench test Repair or replace 5 Check cable connections at battery 1 Broken or loose belt at raw water pump 2 Raw water pump failure Check impeller replace 2a Obstruction at raw water intake or raw water filter 2b Thermostat remove and test in hot water Replace thermostat 2c Loss of coolant check hoses hose clamps drain plug etc for leaks 2d Broken or loose belts tightenreplace 2e Air leak in system run engine and open cooling system petcocks heat exchanger manifold etc to bleed air Add coolant as needed 1 Incorrect grade of engine oiL la Crankcase is overfilled with engine oil oil is blowmg out through the exhaust2 Engine is running cold 2a Faulty injector or incorrect injector timing 3 Improper grade of fuel 3a Fuel bum incomplete due to high back pressure n exhaust or insufficient air for proper combustion Check for restrictions in exhaust system check air intake3b Improperly timed fuel system misadjusted valves or poor compression 3e Lack of air check air intake and air filter Check for proper ventilation 3d Overload 3e Propeller la Check cable connections at steering station and at transmission lever lb Check transmission fluid 1 Check shaft couplings or engine damper plate ld Check engines damper plate 1 Check the coupling lalnspect all engine mounts 2 Inspect propeller and shaft AdobeUCSENGINE The following trouble shooting chart describes certain prob255lems the probable causes of the problems and the to overcome the problems Problem Probable Cause Key switch on PREHEAT switch 1 Battery Switch not on depressed no panel indications fuel solenoid or electrical fuel pump 2 20Amp circuit breaker tripped J 10Amp breaker tripped 4 Loose battery connections 5 Preheat solenoid not operating Key switch on PREHEAT switch 1 Connection to solenoid faulty depressed START switch depressed no starter engagement 2 Faulty START switch J Faulty solenoid 4 loose battery connections 5 Low batteries Engine cranks but does not 1 Faulty fueling system start 2 Preheat solenoid faulty J low compression Engine cant be stopped 1 Faulty shutoff lever at engine NOTE The engine s electrical system is protected by a 20Ampere manual reset circuit breaker located on the bracket on he left side of he engine The preheat solenoid is moullled on lhe same bracket 1 Check switch andor battery connections 2 Reset breaker if breaker trips again check preheat solenoid circuit and check Circuit for shorts to ground J Check voltage at and after breaker 4 Check connection to starier solenoid and connection to engine ground stud Check battery cable connections 5 Check solenoid 1 Check connection at solenoid 2 Check switch with ohmmeter J Check that 12 volts are present at starter solenoid activation connection 4 Check connection to starter solenoid and connectIOn to engine ground stud Check battery cable connections 5 Check battery charge state 1 Check that fuel valves are open 2 Check solenoid J Compression test the engine 1 Reconnect shut off lever 2 Pushpull shut off cable from steering 2 Reconnect pushpull cable station to engine disconnected Engine stops 1 Fuelhft pump failure 1 Fuel lift pump should make a distinct ticking sound Replace pump with spare 2 Switches andor wiring loose 2 Inspect wiring for short circuits and loose connections or disconnected Inspect switches for proper operation J Fuel starvation J Check fuel supply fuel valves fuel lift pump 4 20 Amp circuit breaker tripping 4 Check for high DC amperage draw during operation Ensure breaker is not overly sensitive to heat which would cause tripping 5 Exhaust system is restricted 5 Check for blockage collapsed hose carbon buildup at exhaust elbow 6 Water in fuel 6 Pump water from fuel tankschange filters and bleed fuel system Battery not charging 1 Alternator drive 1 Check drive belt tension Aternator should turn freely Check for loose connections Check output with voltmeter Ensure 12 volts are present at the Exc terminal 26 WATER HEATER CONNECTIONS WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONS This engine is equipped with connections for the plumbing of engine coolant to heat an onboard water heater The water heater should be mounted in a convenient location either in a high or low position in relation to the engine so that the con255necting hoses from the heater to the engine can run in a rea255sonably direct line without any loops which might trap air Hoses should rise continuously from their low point at the heater to the engine so that air will rise naturally from the heater to the engine If trapped air is able to rise to the heater then an air bleed petcock must be installed at the higher fit255ting on the heater for bleeding air while filling the system NOTE If any portion of the heating circuit rises above the engines closed cooling system pressure cap then a pressur255ized aluminumremote expansion lank must be installed in the circuit to become the highest point Tee the remote expan255sion tank into the heater circuit choosing the higher of the Mo connections for the return Tee at the heater and plumb a single line up to the tanks location and the other back to the engines return Instalthe remote expansion lank in a con255venient location so the fresh water coolant level can easily be checked The remote expansion lank will now serve as a check and system fill point The plastic coolant recovery lank is not used when the remote expansion lank kit is installed since this tank serves the same function HEATER ABOVE THE ENGINE REMOTE EXPANSION l TANK j 1260 I t WATER HEATER THERMOSTAT HOUSING 25 The pressure cap on the engines manifold should be installed after the engines cooling system is filled with coolant Finish filling the cooling system from the remote tank after the system is filled and is free of air and exhibits good coolant circulation During engine operation checking the engines coolant should be done at the remote tank and not at the engine manifold cap The hose connection from the heater to the remote expansion tank should be routed and supported so it rises continuously from the heater to the tank enabling any air in the system to rise up to the tank and out of the system NOTE Air bleed petcocks are located on the engines heat exchanger and on the thermostat housing Open these pet255cocks when filling the enginesJresh water SSlel7l to allmA air in the coolant circuil O escape Close lighlV after al the air is removed THERMOSTAT HOUSING HEATER BELOW THE ENGINE WATER HEATER AdobeUCSENGINE ADJUSTMENTS THROTTLE AND STOP ASSEMBLY The throttle and engine stop levers arc located on the out255board side of the engine just below the fuel injection pump Brackets are provided for ownerinstalled pushpull cables that run to the steering station The throttle high speed adjustment has been factory set and is wire locked The throttle idle screw is adjustable These levers and brackets should be periodically lubricated and checked for loose fastenings STOP LttH267 MODELS M320 SPEED ADJUSTMENT SETLEVER STOP AND THROmE LEVERS HIGH SPEED ADJUSTMENT FACTORY SETMODELS M25 M35 VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT NOTE Valve adjustment should nOl be necessary under nor255ma operating conditions These adjustments when required should be performed by an authorized mechanic Remove the valve rocker cover to expose the engines valve train Remove the glow plugs from each of the cylinders to enable the engine to be easily rotated by hand to position each cylinder for valve adjustment Valves are adjusted with the piston in the cylinder being adjusted at TOC Top Dead Centerof its compression stroke Each cylinder is adjusted following the engines firing order 24 Firing Orders 3 Cylinder Models 1 3 2 4 Cylinder Models 1342 Adjust the valves beginning with Cylinder 1 Rotate the crankshaft slowly and observe the operation of the valves for Cylinder 1 Watch for the intake valve to open indicating the piston is on its intake stroke the piston is moving down in the to rotate the crankshaft slowly and look for the intake valve to close The piston is now starting its compression stroke the piston is moving up in the cylinder lowards IDCTIMING MARK Watch the timing hole in the bell housing for timing numbers to appear Position the ITC Mark in alignment with the notch in the timing hole The piston in Cylinder is at TDe Adjust the valves in Cylinder 1 Proceed to the nexl cylinder in the firing order Three cylinder models Rotate the crankshaft 2400 in the normal direction of rotation and adjust the 3 Cylinders valves Rotate the crankshaft another 2400 and adjust the 2 Cylinders valves Four cylinder models Rotate the crankshaft 800 in the normal direction of rotation and adjust the 3 Cylinders valves Rotate the crankshaft another 800 and adjust the 4 Cylinders valves Rotate the crankshaft another 1800 and adjust the 2 Cylinders valves DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING SCHEMATIC 31944 yo 0 n i 1 CAPTAIN PANEL till Rw 51 AMP AI JEBNATOR o PRESTO ITF AfP AI T SHWPARD ON TN243 a 3C 0 liB ll 315 Ii loeB i t He n r MTo IN I VERSAI ON 00 PRESTO I TF o i AMP AI OPT I aNAl AI HENAIORS 256 A to 225225 A Too 267 rvJ xu g n u rIARo 23 AdobeUCSDC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM 31944 This diagram illustrates the 12 VDC negative ground electrical circuit Two optional instrument panels are also shown the Captain Panel and the Admiral Panel NOTE AN ONOFF SWITCH SHOULD BE INSTALLED BE1WEEN THE BATIERY AND STARTER TO DISCON255NECT THE BATIERY IN AN EMERGENCY AND WHEN LEAVING THE BOAT A SWITCH WITH A CONTINUOUS RAT255ING OF 175 AMPS AT 12 vae WILL SERVE THIS FUNCTION THIS SWITCH SHOULD NOT BE USED TO MAKE OR BREAK THE CIRCUIT 9 rlHiiIlH I 1 11 ADMIRAL PANEL CAPTAIN PANEL 22 AdobeUCSDC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE 12 VOLT DC CONTROL CIRCUIT The engine has a 12 volt DC electrical control circuit that is shown on the wiring diagrams that follow Refer to these dia255grams when or when servicing the DC elec255trical system on the engine DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT A CAUTION Drive belts must be properly tensioned Loose drive belts will not provide proper alternator charging and will eventually damage the alternator Drive belts that are too tight will pull the alternator out of alignment andor cause the alternator to wear out prematurely Belt tension adjustment is made by pivoting the alternator on its base mounting bolt 1 Loosen the alternator adjusting strap bolt and the base mounting bolt 2 Pivot the alternator on the base mounting bolt to the left or right as required 3 Tighten the base mounting bolt and the adjusting strap bolL 4 Operate the engine for about 5 minutes at idle then shut down and recheck belt tension BElT TENSION BATTERY CARE Review the manufacturers and then estab255lish a systematic maintenance schedule for your engine start255ing batteries and house batteries o Monitor your voltmeter for proper charging during engine operation o Check the electrolyte level and specific gravity with a hydrometer o Use only distilled water to bring electrolytes to a proper lcvel o Make certain that battery cable connections are clean and tight to the battery posts and to your engineo Keep your batteries clean and free of corrosion 21 A WARNING Sulfuric acid in lead batteries can cause severe burns on skin and damage clothing Wear protective gear A CAUTION When quick charging the battery with an external charger be sure to disconnect the battery cables from the battery so the quick charge doesnt damage the alternator diodes GLOW PLUGS The glow plug is a small heater installed in each chamber They run off the engine starting bauery and become red hot when activated The glow plugs are wired through the preheat solenoid When preheat is pressed at the control panel this solenoid should click on and the glow plug terminal should begin to get hal Glow plugs can be checked by unscrewing and holding them against a good ground engine blockand turning them on The tip should glow red hot You can also usc an ammeter to test the power drain 8 to 9 amps per plugor an ohmmeter to test resistance I to 12 ohmsA WARNING These glow plugs will become very hot to the touch Be careful not to burn your fingers when testing plugs Reinstall the plugs in the engine and test them again The plugs should get very hot at the terminal endwith 20 to 25 seconds If the plugs dont heat up quickly check for a short circuit A CAUTION Do not keep glow plug on for more than 30 seconds GLOW PLUG TERMINAL PREHEAT GLOW PLUGS CENTRE SHAFT J SILICON CAP y TUBE FROM PREHEAT SOLENOID AdobeUCSDC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The charging system consists of an alternator with a mounted voltage regulator an engine DC wiring harness a mounted DC circuil breaker and a battery and connection wires Because of the use of integrated circuits Iesthe electronic voltage regulator is very compact and is mounted internally or on the back of the alternator Alternator If you suspect that the alternator is not producing enough voltage to charge the engines battery check the following A WARNING A failed alternator can becDme very hDt Do nDt touch until the alternator has cODled dDwn o Make certain your alternator is securely mounted o Check the drive belts for proper tension o Inspect for loose or disconnected wires at the alternator NOTE An isolator with a diode a solenoid or a battery selector switch is usually mounted in the circuit to isolate the balleries so the starting ballery is not discharged along with the house batteries If the isolator is charging the slarling ballery but not the house ballery the alternator is OK and the problem is in the ballery charging circuit A WARNING Shut Dff the engine battery switch Dr discDnnect from the battery when wDrking Dn the engine electrical system Checking for Proper Voltage If you suspect the alternator has failed perform the following tests with the engine off 1 Using a voltmeter connect the voltmeter red wire clip to the output terminal B 2 Connect the voltmeter negative wire to any ground on the engine 3 Check the battery voltage It should read 12 to 12 volts 4 Check the voltage between the alternator positive minai B and any engine ground If the circuit is good the voltage at the alternator should be the same as the battery unless theres an isolator in the circuit then the reading would be zeroA CAUTION TD aVDid damage tD the battery charging circuit never shut Dff the engine battery SWitch when the engine is running 20 A WARNING Before starting the engine make certain that everyone is clear Df mDving parts Keep away frDm sheaves and belts during test prDcedures 5 Start the engine 6 The voltage reading for a properly operating alternator should be between 135 and 145 volts If your alternator is overor undercharging have it repaired at a reliable service shop NOTE Before removing the alternator for repair use your voltmeter to ensure that 12 volts DC excitation is preselll at the R terminal if the previous lest showed ollly ballery volt255age at the B output terminal 14 PINK1IlUE 14 PINK8LUE 1U RED tl5l5 TYPICAL UNIVERSAL 51 AMP ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS 1iiifcznE247 14 PINKIBLUE L 814 BROWN OPTIONAL 72 AMP ALTERNATOR CONNECTIONS AdobeUCSFUEL SYSTEM FUEL ADDITIVES If fungus or bacteria is causing fuel problems you should have an authorized dealer correct these problems Then use a diesel fuel biocide to sterilize the fuel follow the While the likelihood of having to service the fuel system at sea is slim the possibility does exist Therefore we recom255mend that banjo washers injector seat washers and a fuel fil255ter be earned on board at all times Purchase needed spares from your local UNIVERSAL dealer or distributor If a leak should develop at a banjo washer that cannot be corrected by a simple tightening of the fitting replace the sealing washer PRIMING BLEEDINGTHE FUEL SYSTEM The onengine fuel system is virtually self priming Under ordinary circumstances the engines electric fuel lift pump which is energized by the key switchpreheat button will supply a continuous flow of fuel from the tank This fuel is drawn through the fuelwater separator to the engine lift pump the primary spinon fuel filter and the injection pump A WARNING Do not allow smoking or open flames near the fuel system when servicing Also provide proper ventilation TO FUEL FILTER FROM FUEL TANK 1LCHECK AND CLEAN filTER AT OIL CHANGE TO FUEl FILTER FUEL LIFT PUMPS FROM FUEL TANK 19 If it becomes necessary to bleed air from the system use the following procedure Loosen all the high pressure injector lines not injectorsand crank the engine starter motor as fue I spurts from between the nut and the line tighten the injector Jines in sequence and then tighten the bleed screw NOTE Do not attempt this procedure on a hot engine A WARNING Always wear protective clothing safety glasses and gloves when bleeding high pressure injector lines fiLTER ELEMENT Air CANISTER AIR ENGINE M2673S8 SHOWNSome UNIVERSAL engines use a replaceable air filter cle255ment wrapped around a metal canister This element can be removed and brushed off or cleaned with an air hose When it become too contaminated it can be replaced The canister with its interior element should also be removed and cleaned periodically Simply wash the assembled unit in a nonflarn mabIe cleaning solvent Use this same cleaning procedure for other UNIVERSAL air cleaners that use a similar type canis255ter NOTE To operate efficiently a diesel engine must intake a continuous volume of clear air Hard starting an erratic idle alld black exhaust smoke are all symptoms of a restricted air intake clockwise carefully REMOTE OIL FILTER INSTALLATION This popular accessory is used to relocate the engines oil fil255ter from the engine to a more convenient location such as an engine room bulkhead NOTE Refer to the ENGINE OIL CHANGE page in this manualor instructions on removing the oil filter To install simply remove the engine oil filter and thread on UNIVERSALs remote oil filter kit as shown APPLY A THIN COAT OF CLEAN OIL TO THE ORING WHEN INSTALLING THIS KIT THREAD THE KIT ON THEN TIGHTEN BY HANDA 314 TURN AFTER THE ORING CONTACTS THE BASE 17 Always install this kit with the oil filter facing down as illus255trated Contact your dealer for more infonnation NOTE Westerbeke is not responsible for engine failure due to incorrect installation athe Remote Oil Filrer FASTEN SECURELY TO A BULKHEAO SCREWS ARE OWNER SUPPLIEDAPPLY A THIN COAT OF CLEAN OIL TO THE FILTER GASKET WHEN INSTALLING ONCE THE FILTER CONTACTS THE BASE TIGHTEN IT A 314 TURN ENGINE OIL CHANGE DRAIN THE SUMP The engine oil should be warm Remove the oil drain hose from its attachment bracket and lower it into a container and allow the oil to drain or attach a pump to the end of the drain hose and pump out the old oil Make sure the oil drain hose is capped and properly secured in its holder after all the old oil has been drained NOTE Thread size for the lube oil drain hose capped end is 114 NPT Always observe the old oil as it is removed A yellowgray emulsion indicates the presence of water in the oil Although this condition is rare it does require prompt attention to pre255vent serious damage Call a competent mechanic if water is present in the oiL Raw water present in the oil can be the result of a fault in the exhaust system attached to the engine andor a siphoning of raw water through the raw water cool255ing circuit into the exhaust filling the engine This problem is often caused by the poor location or the ack of an anti255siphon valve See UNIVERSALS Installation Manual Replacing the Oil Filter When removing the used oil filter you may find it helpful and cleaner to punch a hole in the upper and lower portion of the old filter to drain the oil from it into a container before removing it This helps to lessen spillage NOTE Do not punch this hole without first loosening he filter to make certain it will come off An automotive filter wrench should be helpful in removing the old oil filter Place some paper towels and a plastic bag around the filter when unscrewing it to catch any oil left in the filter Inspect the old oil tilter as it is removed to make sure that the ruhber scaling gasket comes off with the old oil filter If this rubber sealing gasket remains sealed against the engine block gently remove it When installing the new oil filter element wipe the filter gaskets sealing surface on the engine block free of oil and apply a thin coat of clean engine oil to the rubber gasket on the new oil filter Screw the filter onto the threaded oil filter stub and tighten the filter firmly by hand NOTE Use genuine UNIVERSAL oil filters generic filters are nol recommended REFILL THE DlL SUMP Add fresh oil through the filler cap After refilling run the engine for a few moments while checking the engines oil pressure Make sure there is no leakage around the new oil filter or from the oil drain system and then stop the engine Then check the quantity of oil with the lube oil dipstick If OIL DRAIN HOSE the engine requires additional oil fill to but not over the OIL CONTAINER r AWARNING Used engine oil contains hannful Avoid prolonged skin contact Clean skin and nails thoroughly using soap and water launder or dis255card clothing or rags containing used oil Discard used oil properly high mark on the dipstick APPLY OIL TO GASKET 255WHEN ASSEMBLING NEW FILTER SPIN267ON OIL FILTER 16 OIL FILTER ENGINE COOLING CIRCUIT Changing the Raw Water Impeller 1 Close the raw water intake 2 Remove the inlet and outlet rxrt hoses from the pump noting the port location and positioning 3 Remove the pump assembly and its gasket from the engine 4 Remove the three hex head screws that hold the housing to the cover 5 Tap the housingcover assembly on its side to loosen and separate the cover from its housing 6 Remove the cover and its Oring and remove the impeller gasket and plate 7 Remove the retaining ring circ1ipand pry out the impeller Take care not to lose the key off the shafts key255way ACAUTION If any of the vanes have broken off the impeller they must be found to prevent blockage in the cooling circuit They often can be found in the heat exchanger 8 Replace the gasket impeller and Oring 9 Apply a film of petroleum jelly or silicone to the inner surface of the impeller housing NOTE Just coat the surface do not over apply 10 Install the cover housing over impeller 11 Install the three hex screws and tighten 15 12 Mount the pump to the engine taking care thai the end seal and gasket are in place Do not tighten the pump mounting screws just finger tight 13 Rcasemhlc the hose connections and open the raw water intake 14 Start the engine in idle this will allow the pump to align itself with its drive shaft 15 Stop the engine and tighten the pump assembly mount255ing screws 16 Start and run the engine check for leaks and check for a norrnal operating temperature NOTE Should a failure occur with the pumps internal parts seals and bearingsit may be more cost efficient to purchase a new pump The price of individual parts would almost match the price of a new pump Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger is a copper tUhe which encloses a num255ber of small copper tubes Raw water is pumped through the small copper tubes and the freshwater coolant from the engine is circulated around the copper tubes The raw water removes heat from the freshwater coolant To keep the heat exchanger operating efficiently it should be removed from the engine every 1000 hours to be thoroughly cleaned and pressure tested HEAT EXCHANGER ORING Zinc Anode CLEAR OUT DEBRIS DRAIN POOR ZINC ANODE i A zinc anode or pencil is located in the raw water cooling cir255cuit within the heat exchanger The purpose of the zinc anode is to sacrifice itself to electrolysis action taking place in the raw water cooling circuit therehy reducing the effects of on other components of the system The condition of the zinc anode should be checked monthly and the anode cleaned or replaced a required Spare anodes should he car255ried onboard The area in the exchanger where the anode is located should periodically he cleaned of anode dehris ENGINE COOLING CIRCUIT THERMOSTAT A thermostat located ncar the manifold at the front of the engine controls the coolant temperature as it continuously flows through the closed cooling circuit When the engine is first started the closed thermostat prevents coolant from flow255ing some coolant is bypassed through a hole in the thermo255stat to prevent the exhaust manifold from overheatingAs the engine warms up the thermostat gradually opens The thermostat is accessible and can be checked cleaned or replaced easily Carry a spare thermostat and gasket THERMOSTAT GASKET i THERMOSTAT HOUSING To Replace the Thermostat SEAL Remove the two cap screws and disassemble as illustrated When assembling the new thermostat and gasket put a thin coat of sealant on both sides of the gasket before pressing in place Run the engine and check for normal temperatures and that there are no leaks at the thermostat housing 14 RAW WATER COOLING CIRCUIT The raw water flow is created by a positive displacement impeller pump This pump draws water directly from the ocean lake or river from a throughhull opening through a hose to the water strainer The raw water passes from the strainer through the pump to a heat exchanger through the heat exchanger tubeswhere it cools the engines circulating fresh water coolant The raw water is then discharged into the water injected exhaust elbow mixing with and cooling the exhaust gasses This mixture of exhaust gas and raw water is driven through the stern tuhe and overboard Raw Water Pump TIle raw water pump is a selfpriming rotary pump with a nonferrous housing and a neoprene impeller The impeller has flexible vanes which wipe against a curved cam plate within the impeller housing producing the pumping action On no account should this pump be run dry as water acts as a lubricam for the impeller There should always be a spare impeller and impeller cover gasket aboard an impeller kitRaw water pump impeller failures occur when lubricant raw wateris not present during engine operation Such failures are not warrantable and operators are cautioned to make sure raw water flow is present at startup RAW WATER PUMP WEAR PLATE HOUSING AdobeUCSand add SCHEDULE NOTE Use the engine hour meter gauge to log your engine hours or record your engine hours by running time CHECK HOURS OF OPERATION SCHEDULED EACH EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE DAY 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1250 MAINTENANCE Engine Hoses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hose should be hard tight Replace if soft or spongy Check tighten all hose clamps Heat Exchanger 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clean or replace anode Open heat exchanger end Zinc Anode cap and clean out debris Remove every 1000 hours for professional cleaning and pressure testing Electric Fuel Lift 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clean at 50 hours then clean every 250 hours Pump Filter if applicableRaw Water Pump 0 0 0 Remove pump cover and inspect impeller for wear replace if needed Also replace gasket Lubricate both when reassembled Inspect pump for internal wear cover plate wear and cam wear Coolant System 0 0 Drain flush and refill cooling system With appropriate antiireeze mix Fuel Injectors 0 Check and adjust Injection opening pressure and spray condition see Engine Motor 0 0 Check solenoid and motor for corrosion Remove and lubricate Clean and lubricate the Starter motor pinion drive Preheat Circuit 0 0 Check operatIOn of preheat solenoid Remove and clean glow plugs check resistance 1112 ohmsEngine Cylinder 0 0 Incorrect valve clearance will result in poor engine Compression and pertormance check compression pressure and timing Valve Clearance and adjust valve clearances DC Alternator 0 0 0 Check DC charge from Check mounting bracket tighten electrical connections Heat Exchanger 0 Remove have professionally cleaned and pressure tested REngine Transmission 0 Chattering at idle and low rpms is an indication of Damper Plate damper plate wear Remove and replace UNIVERSAL recommends this service be pertormed by an authorized mechanic 12 MAINTENANCE Fuel Supply FuelWaler Separator Engine Oil Level CoolanlLevel Drive Belts MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE A WARNING Never attempt to perform any service while the engine is running Wear the proper safety eqUipment such as goggles and gloves and use the correct tools for each job Disconnect the battery terminals when servicing any of the engines DC electrical equipment NOTE Manathe following maintenance jobs are simple but others are more difficult and may require the expert knowledge of a service mechanic CHECK HOURS OF OPERATION EACH EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED DAY 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1250 MAINTENANCE 0 Diesel No2 rating of 45 cetane or higher 0 Check for water and dirt in fuel drainreplace filter if necessary0 Oil level should indicate between MAX and LOWon dipstick 0 Check at recovery tank if empty check at manitold Add coolant if needed 0 Inspect for proper tension 38 to 12 depreSSionand adjust it needed Check belt edges for wear ot Engine 0 NOTE Please keep engine suiface clean Check tor tuel oil and water leaks Inspect wiring Dir and oil will inhibillhe engines ability and electncal connections Keep bolts nuts tight 10 remain cool Check for loose belt tension Engine Throttle and 0 0 0 0 0 0 Check tor loose tiltings colter pins etc Transmission Control Lubricate with WO40 or equivalent Cables and Shutoff Levers Adjust Engine Idle Speed 0 Adjust to 7501200 rpmFuel Filter 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial change at 50 hrs then change every 250 hrs Starting Batteries 0 Every 50 operating hours check electrolyte levels and House Batteriesand make sure connections are very tight Clean oft excessive corrosion Engine Oil and Filter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial engine oil tilter change at 50 hrs then change both every 100 hours Torque Cylinder Head At engine overhaul or cylinder head overhaul Hold Down Bolts Lubricate Panel Key 0 At first 100 hrs then each year at wlntenzing Switch with Lockeze Transmission Fluid 0 0 0 0 0 Initial fluid change at 50 hrs then every 250 hrs or once a year Air Cleaner 0 0 0 0 0 Clean the filter and element Exhaust System 0 0 0 Imtlal check at 50 hrs then every 500 hrs Inspect tor leaks Check siphon break operation Check the exhaust elbow for carbon andor corrosion buildup on inside passages clean and replace as necessary Check that ali connections are tight 11 THE DAILY ROUTINE CHECK LIST Each day before starting your engine take a few moments to run this check list o Visually inspect the engine for fuel oil or water leaks o Check the oil level o Check the transmission fluid level o Check for loose wires at the alternator o Check the starting batteries level weeklyD Check drive belts for wear and proper tension weeklyD Log your engine running time These hours relate to scheduled maintenance o Check fuel supply always keep fuel tanksas full as possible o Look for clean fuel in the fueVwater separator bowl o Check the coolant level in the plastic recovery tank NOTE Excessive loss of coolant indicates a cooling system leak Check the entire system If necessary use a cooling sys255tem pressure tester to pressurize the cooling system to locate he area of leakage In cases of excessive coolant loss refill Ihe S1Slem as oUllined ill Ihe ENGINE COOLING CIRCUIT section ill this manuaL 10 START YOUR ENGINE NOTE See STARTING STOPPING PROCEDURE in Ihis manual for more detailed instructions I Put transmission in neutral throttle advanced 2 Turn KEY to the ON position 2 oclock3 Depress PREHEAT IOta IS seconds4 While pressing PREHEAT push START When engine starts release START 5 Hold PREHEAT until oil pressure reaches 15 psi andlor alarm shuts Qff NOTE Should engine fail to stan wait 30 seconds repeaT the above procedure and PREHEAT longer 6 Allow a few minutes for the engine to warm at a comfort255able rpm approx 1200 rpmthen reduce the rpm shift into gear and get underway A CAUTION When shifting the transmission always reduce the engine rpm to idle then shift the firmly from one direction to another A slight pause in neutral will allow the propeller to slow Shifting at high rpm will damage the plate BREAKIN PROCEDURE THE FIRST 50 HOURS Although your engine has experienced a minimum of one hour of test operations to ensure accurate assemhly and proper operation of all systems lime is required The service life of your engine is dependent upon how the engine is operated and serviced during its initial 50 hours of usc Your new engine requires approximately 50 hours of initial conditioning operation to hreak in cach moving part in order to maximize the performance and service life of the engine Perform this conditioning carefully keeping in mind the fol255lowing 1 Start the engine according to the Starting Procedure sec255tion in this manual run the engine at fast idle while checking that all systems raw water pump oil pressure battery chargingarc functioning 2 Allow the engine to warm up preferably by running at fast idleuntil the water temperature gauge moves into the 130oJ40260F range 3 While using the vessel run the engine at varying engine rpms for the first 25 hours 4 Avoid rapid acceleration especially with a cold engine S Usc caulion nol 10 overload the engine The presence of a gray or black exhaust and the inahility of the engine 10 reach its full rated rpm arc signs of an overload 6 During the next 25 hours the engine may be operated at varying engine rpms with short runs at full rated rpm Avoid prolonged idling during this breakin period 9 Breakingin a new engine hasically involves seating the pis255ton rings 10 the cylinder walls This cannot be accomplished hy long periods of running at iulc nor hy early running at full rpm Idle running may glaze the eylinuer walls resulting in excessive oil consumption and smoky operation Excessive speed or heavy overloading especially with a cold engine may cause scoring of the cylinder walls produc255ing similar results Operate the engine in moderation during the 50hour breakin period Don baby the engine bu do not abuse itNOTE Allemptillg to reduce idle speed helow the minimum shown may product wisiahle ellgine operatioll and stalling NOTE The propeller should he eithcr 2 or 3 Node It should allow the enRine to rfach iiS maximum rated rpm at full open throttle undenvay ill forward gear to ensure the amiahility of rated horsepower whell Iletded NOTE See the TRANSMISSION section of this manual jor hreakill illformation Oil your transmissiol PROCEDURE STARTING PROCEDURE Place the transmission in neutral and advance the throttle control to slightly open A CAUTION Make certain the transmission is in neu255tral starting in gear could result in serious damage to your transmission your boat and vessels nearby Turn the KEY SWlTCH to the ON position 2 oclockPREHEAT Depress the PREHEAT switch The voltmeter and panel lights gauges and meters will be aClivated The PRE255HEAT switch should be depressed in accordance with the following chart Abnospheric Temperalure Preheating lime 41260F5260Cor higher Approx 10 seconds 4n5260Cto 2n 5260CApprox 15 seconds 23260F5260Cor lower Approx 20 seconds Limit of continuous use 30 seconds before cranking START While still depressing the PREHEAT switch depress the START switch This will engage the starter solenoid Upon engine starting release the START switch Do not release the PREHEAT switch until the oil pressure reaches 15 psi Then as long as the high water temperature and low oil pressure protective circuits do not activate the engine will remain energized and continue to run NOTE When starting A voltage drop will occur when the preheat switch is depressed VOLTAGE DROP Should the engine not start when the START switch is depressed for 10 to 20 secolds release both switches and wait 30 seconds repeat the procedure above and preheat longer Never run the starter lor more than 30 seconds 8 ACAUTloN Prolonged cranking intervals without the engine starting can result in the engine exhaust system filling with raw water This may happen because the pump is pumping raw water through the raw water cool267 ing system during cranking This raw water can enter the engines cylinders by way of the exhaust manifold once the exhaust system fills Prevent this from happening by closing the raw water supply throughhull Shutoff draining the exhaust muffler and correcting the cause of the excessive engine cranking Engine damage result255ing from raw water entry is not a warrantable issue the owneroperator should keep this in mind Once the engine starts check instruments for proper oil pres255sure and battery charging voltage NOTE Never attempt to engage the starter while the engine is running NOTE Some unstable running may occur in a cold engine Depressing the Preheat switchor 05 second intervals will help stabilize the engine RPM until the operating tempera255ture reaches J70o190260F 7726088260Cand a propeller load is applied to the engine When the engine running and the preheat switch is depressed a charging load on the DC alter255nator will be discernible STARTING UNDER COLD CONDITIONS Make certain the lubricating oil confonns with the ratings for the prevailing temperature Check the table on the engine oil section of this manual The battery should be fully charged to minimize voltage drop Use a sufficient amount of preheat to aid in starting see chart On this page STOPPING PROCEDURE To stop the engine bring the throttle to an idle position and place the transmission in neutral Allow the engine to idle for a few moments to stabilize temperatures Pull the STOP lever to shut down the engine Then turn OFF the key 10 close down the electric fuel pump and accessories Made certain the key switch is in the OFF position 12 oclockIf the Key Switch is left ON the battery will diS255charge An engine alarm buzzer is provided to warn the oper255ator of this condition Key Switch ONThe best method of preventing the battery from discharge is to remove the key from the Key Switch after stopping the engine FOR INITIAL STARTUP PRESTART INSPECTION Before starting your engine for the first time or after a pro255longed layoff check the following items o Check the engine oil1evel add oil to maintain the level at the high mark on the dipstick o Check the fuel supply and examine the fuel bowls for contaminants o Check the transmission fluid level NOTE Refer to the specifications pages in this manual for fuel oil and transmission types and quantities RECOVERY TANK o Check the DC electrical system Inspect wire connections and battery cable connections o Visually examine the unit Look for loose or missing parts disconnected wires unattached hoses and check threaded connections o Check the coolant level in the plastic recovery tank and at the manifold NOTE If the engine has not yet been filled with coolanT refer to the ENGINE COOLING CIRCUIT section of this manual DIPSTICK MANIFOLD M35B SHOWN7 DIESEL FUEL ENGINE OIL AND ENGINE COOLANT DIESEL FUEL Use fuel that meets the requirements or specification of Class 2D ASTMand has a cetane rating of 45 or better Care Of The Fuel Supply Use only clean diesel fuel The clearance of the components in your fuel injection pump is very critical invisible dirt tides which might pass through the filter can damage these finely finished parts It is important to buy clean fuel and keep it clean The best fuel can be rendered unsatisfactory by careless handling or improper storage facilities To assure that the fuel going into the tank for your engines daily use is clean and pure the following practice is advisable Purchase a wellknown brand of fuel Install and regularly service a good filterwater separator between the fuel tank and the engine Raycor 500 FG or 900 FG is a good example of such a filter ENGINE OIL Use a heavy duty engine oil with an API classification of CF or CG4 or better Change the engine oil after an initial 50 hours of breakin operation and every 200 hours of operation thereafter For recommended oil viscosity see the following chart Operating Temperature Oil Viscosity Above 68F 2DCSAE 30 or 1 OW3D 41 68F 52DCSAE 20 or 1DW3D Below 41F 5CSAE 1DW3D A CAUTION 00 not allow two or more brands of engine oil to mix Each brand contains its own additives additives of different brands could react in the mixture to produce properties harmful to your engine 6 ENGINE COOLANT UNNERSAL recommends a mixture of 50 antifreeze and 50 distilled water Distilled water is free from the chemi255cals that can corrode internal engine surfaces The antifreeze performs double duty It allows the engine to run at proper temperatures by transferring heat away from the engine to the coolant and lubricates and protects the cooling circuit from rust and corrosion Look for a good quality antifreeze that contains Supplemental Cooling Additives SCAsthat keep the antifreeze chemically balanced crucial to long term protection The distilled water and antifreeze should be premixed before being poured into the cooling circuit NOTE Look for the flew IOllR lalfinf antifreeze that is nol1267 available Antifreeze mixtures will protect against an unexpected freeze and they are beneficial to the engines cooling system They retard rust and add to the life of the circulating pump seal ANTIFREEZE PROTECTION Antifreeze concen1ration Freezing Temperature 23 WF 5CCOOLANT RECOVERY TANK 30 8F 13C35 4F 20C50 40F 40CA coolant recovery tank kit is supplied with each UNIVERSAL diesel engine The purpose of this recovery tank is to allow for engine coolant expansion and contraction during engine operation without the loss of coolant and without introducing air into the cooling system This kit is provided and must be installed before running the engine COOLANT RECOVERY TANK CONTROL PANEL CAPTAIN PANEL This control panel is equipped with a Key Switch an RPM gauge PREHEAT and START buttons an fNSTRUMENT TEST button and three indicator lamps one for ALTERNATOR DISCHARGE one for low OlL PRES267 SURE RPM GAUGE REGISTERS REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE Of THE ENGINE AND CAN BE RECALIBRATED fOR ACCURACY fROM THE REAR Of THE PANEl Oil PRESSURE ALTERNATOR ALARM ALARM LIGHT LIGHT WATER TEMPERATURE ALARM LIGHT START BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES THE STARTERS SOLENOID WHICH CRANKS THE ENGINE THIS BUTTDN WILL NOT OPERATE ELECTRICALLY UNLESS THE PREHEAT BUTTON IS PRESSED AND HELD AT THE SAME TIME 5 and one for high ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE ft also includes an alarm buzzer for low OfL PRESSURE or high WATER TEMPERATURE The RPM gauge is illumi267 nated when the Key Switch is turned on and remains illumi255nated while the engine is in operation ALARM THE ALARM WILL SOUND If THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE fALLS BELOW 15 PSI IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILL EMIT A PULSATING SIG267 NAl THE ALARM WILL ALSO SOUND If THE WATER TEMPERATURE IN THE fRESHWATER COOLING CIRCUIT RISES TO 20Sf IN THIS EVENT THE ALARM WILL EMIT A SIGNAl NOTE THE ALARM WILL SOUND WHEN THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED ON THIS SOUNDING IS NORMAl ONCE THE ENGINE STARTS AND THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE REACHES 15 PSI THE ALARM WILL SILENCE TEST BUTTON WHEN PRESSED TESTS THE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL CIRCUITS WHEN PRESSED THE ALTERNATOR THE OIL PRESSURE AND THE WATER TEMPERATURE INDICATOR LIGHTS ILLUMINATE IN ADDI267 TION TD SOUNDING THE ALARM BUZZER KEY SWITCH PROVIDES POWER TO THE INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER AND THE DC ALTERNATOR REGULATOR TERMINAL PREHEAT BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES THE fUEL LIfT PUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS ANa BYPASSES THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH IN ADDITION THIS BUTTON ENERGIZES THE START BUTTON CONTROL PANEL UNIVERSAL offers two optional panels Refer to the instruction page that applies to the panel you purchased ADMIRAL PANEL This control panel is equipped with a Key Switch and RPM gauge with an ELAPSED TIME metcr which measures the engines running time in hours and in 1110 hours The panel also includes a WATER TEMPERA267 TURE gauge which indicates water temperature in degrees Fahrenheit an OIL PRESSURE gauge which measures the engine5 oil pressure in pounds per square inCh and a DC control circuit VOLTAGE gauge which measures the sys255tem5 voltage All gauges are illuminated when the key switch is turned on and remain illuminated while the engine is in operation The panel also contains two rubberbooted pushbuttons one for PREHEAT and one for START When the engine is shut down with the Key Switch turned off the water temperature gauge will continue to register the temperature rcading indicated hy the gauge bctllfC elec255tncal power was turned off The oil pressure gauge will fall to zero when the Key Switch is turned oft267 The temperature gauge will once again register the engines true temperature when electrical power is restored to the gauge A alarm buzzer with harness is supplied with every Admiral Panel The installer is responsible for electrically connecting the buzzer to the connection on the engines electrical harness The installer is also responsible installing the buzzer in a location where it will be dry and where it will be audible 10 the operator should it sound while is running The buzzer will sound when the igni255hon key IS turned on and should silence when the engine has started and the engines oil pressure rises above 15 psi WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS GRADUATED IN DEGREES fAHRENHEIT AND IS ILLUMINATED WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS f PRESSURE GAUGE THIS GAUGE IS GRADU255ATED IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PSIAND IS ILLUMINATED WHILE THE KEY SWITCH IS TURNED ON THE ENGINES NORMAL OPERATING OIL PRESSURE RANGES BETWEEN 3026760 PSI RPM GAUGE REGIS267 TERS REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE OF THE ENGINE AND CAN BE RECALIBRATEO FOR ACCURACY FROM THE REAR Of THE PANEL HOURMETER REGISTERS ElAPSED TIME AND SHOULD BE USED AS A GUIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE PREHEAT BUTTON WHEN PRESSED ENERGIZES THE ALTERNATORS REGUlATOR THE FUEL LIFT PUMP THE fUEL SOLENOID ON THE INJECTION PUMP AND THE ENGINES GLOW PLUGS AND BYPASSES THE I OIL PRESSURE AlARM SWITCH IN ADDITION I BUDON ENERGIZES THE START BUDON START BUTTON WHEN STARTERS SOLENOID I THIS BUDDN WILL NOT OPERATE ELECTRICALLY UNLESS THE PREHEAT BUDON IS PRESSED AND HELD ATTHE SAME TIME 4 AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTIM KEY SWITCH PROVIDES POWER ONLY TO THE INSTRUMENT PANEL CLUSTER INDICATES THE AMOUNT THE BATTERY IS BEING CHARGED SHOULD SHOW 13V TO 14V HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE ALARM AN ALARM BUZZER HAS BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THE INSTRUMENT PANEL If THE ENGINES FRESH WATER COOLANT REACHES 210260 f 19BOCTHIS SWITCH WILL CLOSE SOUNDING THE AlARM WHICH WILL EMIT A CONTINUOUS SIGNAL LOW OtL PRESSURE AlARM A LOW OIL PRESSURE AlARM SWITCH IS LOCATED OfF THE ENGINES OIL GALLERY THIS SWITCH MONITORS THE ENGINES OIL PRESSURE SHOULD THE ENGINEiS OIL PRESSURE FALL TO 526710 PSI THE SWITCH WILL CLOSE SOUNDING THE ALARM IN THIS EVENT THE AlARM WILL EMIT A PULSATING SIGNAL AdobeUCSa closed see the to instal B1970s C1980s D 990s TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 Description 20 Warranty Procedures 2 Alternator 20 Typical Customer Identification Card 2 Checking for Propcr Voltage 20 Product Software 2 Engine 12 Volt DC Control Circuit 21 Notes Cautions and Warnings 2 Drivc Belt Adjustmcnt 21 Serial Number Location 3 Battery Care 21 Understanding the Diesel Engine 3 Glow Plugs 21 Ordering Parts 3 Wiring Diagram 22 Spares and Accessories 3 Wiring Schematic 23 Protecting Your Investment 3 Engine Adjustments 24 Admiral Control Panel 4 Throttle and Stop Assembly 24 Captain Control Panel 5 Diesel Fuel Engine Dil and Engine Coolant 6 Diesel Fuel 6 Valve Clearance 24 Water Heater Connections 25 Water Heater Installations 25 Care of the Fuel Supply 6 Engine 26 Engine Oil 6 Control Panel 28 Engine Coolant 6 Manual Starter Disconnect Toggle Switches 28 Coolant and Recovery Tank 6 Water Temperature and Preparations for Initial StartUp 7 Prestart Inspection 7 Oil Pressure Gauges 28 Tachometer 29 Procedure 8 Starting Procedure 8 Preheat 8 29 Hourmeter Inoperative 29 Tachometer Inoperative 29 Start 8 Tachometer Sticking 29 Starting Under Cold Conditions 8 Stopping Procedure 8 BreakIn Procedure 9 Calibration 29 HBW Transmission 30 Initial Operation 30 The First 50 Hours 9 Gearbox Operation 30 The Daily Routine 10 Check List 1 0 Start Your Engine I 0 Maintenance Schedule 11 When Under Sailor Being Towed 30 Locking the Prop 30 Control Cables 30 Maintenance 31 Transmission Fluid 31 Engine Cooling Circuit 13 Description 13 To Refill With Coolan 13 Capacity 31 Fluid Change 31 Checking the Bowdin Cable or Rod Linkage 31 Thermostat 14 Propeller Shaft Alignment 31 To Replace the Thermostat 14 LayUpWinterize 31 Raw Water Cooling Circuit 14 Raw Water Pump 14 Changing the Raw Water Impeller 15 Heat Exchanger 15 Zinc Anode 15 Engine Oil Change 16 LayUp and 32 LayUp 32 Propeller Shaft Coupling 32 Fresh Water Cooling System 32 Lubrication System 32 Fuel System 32 Drain the Sump 16 Raw Water Circuit 32 Replacing the Oil Filter 16 Intake Manifold 32 Refill the Oil Sump 16 Starter Motor 33 Remote Oil Filter 17 Cylinder Lubrication 33 Installation 17 Transmission 33 Fuel System 18 Fuel Filters 18 Fuel Water Separator 18 Fuel Additivcs 19 Spares 33 Batteries 33 33 Specifications 34 Spares 19 Parts Identification 36 Primary BlecdingThe Fuel System 19 Metric Conversions 37 Air 19 Standard Hardware Torques 3R DC Electrical System 20 Spare Parts 39 1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS RECOMMENDED INSTALlATION CODES AND SAfETY STANDARDS ENGINE INSTALlATIONS Preparations to install an engine should begin with a thor255ough examination of the American Boat and Yacht Councils ABYCstandards These standards are a combination of sources including the USCG and the NFPA Sections of the ABYC standards of particular interest are H2 Ventilation Pl Exhaust systems P4 Inboard engines E9 DC Electrical systems All installations must comply with the Federal Code of Regulations FCR ABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBUCATIONS FOR INSTAWNG DIESEL ENGINES Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications for safety codes and standards Follow their when installing your UNIVERSAL engine ABYC American Boat and Yacht CouncilSafety Standards for Small Craft Order From ABYC 15 East 26th Street New York NY 10010 NFPA National Fire Protection Protection Standard for Motor Craft Order From NFPA 1 Banerymarch Park PO Box 9101 Quincy MA 022699101 USCG United States Coast GuardUSCG 33CFR183 Order From US Government Printing Office Washington D C 20404 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS TOXIC EXHAUST GASES I A WARNING Calllon monoxide COis a deadly gas 225 Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifolds are securely attached and no warping exists Pay close attention to the manifold water injection elbow and exhaust pipe nipple 225 Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated 225 In addition to routine inspection of the exhaust system install a carbon monoxide detector Consult your boat builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors 225 For additional information refer to ABYC T22 educa255tional information on Carbon MonoxideA WARNING Carbon monoxide COis an invisible odOfless gas Inhalation produces flulike symptDms nausea Of death 225 Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust sys255tems Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper tubing resulting in exhaustwater leakage 225 Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could enter tbe exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft 225 Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxic as exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monoxide gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the symp255toms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or poisoning are Vomiting Dizziness Throbbing in temples Muscular twitching Intense headache Weakness and sleepiness iii AVOID MOVING PARTS I A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury 267 or death 225 Do not service the engine while it is running If a situation arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make operat255ing adjustments use extreme care to avoid touching mov255ing parts and hot exhaust system 225 Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing equipment avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves rings neckJaces or bracelets that could be caught in moving parts 225 Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened Keep protective shields and guards in their respective places at all times 225 Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while the engine is operating 225 Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily be caught in these rotating parts HAZARDOUS NOISE I A WARNING High noise eres can cause hearing 267 loss 225 Never operate an engine without its muffler installed 225 Do not run an engine with the air intake 225 Do not run engines for long periods with their enclosures OpeD A WARNING Do not work on machinery when you are mentally or physically incapacitated by fatigue OPERATORS MANUAL Many of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repeated in your Operators Manual along with other cautions and notes to highlight critical information Read your manual carefully maintain your equipment and follow all safety procedures AdobeUCSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PREVENT BURNS EXPLOSION continued225 Follow refueling safety instructions Keep the vessels hatches closed when fueling Open and ventilate cabin after fueling Check below for fumesvapor before running the blower Run the blower for four minutes before start255ing your engine 225 All fuel vapor are highly explosive Use extreme care when handling and storing fuels Store fuel in a wellventilated area away from sparkproducing equipment and out of the reach of children 225 Do not fill the fuel tankswhile the engine is running 225 Shut off the fuel service valve at the engine when servicing the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that might spill DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other sources of fire near the fuel system or engine when servicing Ensure proper ventilation exists when servicing the fuel system 225 Do not alter or modify the fuel system 225 Be sure all fuel supplies have a positive shutoff valve 225 Be certain fuel line firtings are adequately tightened and free of leaks 225 Make sure a fire extinguisher is installed nearby and is properly maintained Be familiar with its proper use Extinguisher rated ABC by the NFPA are appropriate for all applications encountered in this environmenL ACCIDENTAL STARTING I A WARNING Accidetrtal slaTting can cause iajuty 267 ar death 225 Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect it last 225 Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before starting 225 Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re255installed before starting the engine ii BATTERY EXPLOSION I A WARNING Battery explasian can cause injury 267 ardeath 225 Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a highly explosive gas which can be ignited by electrical arcing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrical equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing during seJVicing 225 Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi255tive connection terminal of the starter solenoid Do not test the battery condition by shorting the terminals together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapor Ventilate any compartment containing baneries to prevent accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not disturb the battery charger connections while the battery is being cbarged 225 Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent bums or sparks that could cause an explosion Remove wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handling the battery 225 Always tum the battery cbarger off before disconnecting the battery connections Remove the negative lead first and reconnect it last when disconnecting the battery BATTERY ACID A WARNING Sulphuric acid in batteries can cause sereTe iajury If death 225 When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec255tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive If it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once with water Acid may splash on tbe skin or into the eyes inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS UNIVERSAL DIESEL ENGINES INTRODUCTION Rem this safety manlllll carefully Most accidents are caused IJy failure to follow juruiJlmenJal rules and precautions Know when dangerous conditions erist and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself your personnel and your machinery The foUuwing safety instructions are in compliance with the American Boat and Yacht Council PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK A WARNING Do nat touch AC electrical nile engine is running IX nen connected to shore power Lethal roltage is present at these connections 225 Do not operate this machinery without electrical enclosures and covers in place 225 Shut off electrical power before accessing electrical equipment 225 Use insulated mats whenever working on electrical equipment 225 Make sure your clothing and skin are dry not damp particularly shoeswhen handling electrical equipment 225 Remove wristwatch and all jewelry when working on electrical equipment 225 Do not connect utility shore power to vessels AC circuits except through a shiptoshore double throw transfer switch Damage to vessels AC generator may result if this procedure is not followed 225 Electrical shock results from handling a charged capacitor Discharge capacitor by shorting terminals together PREVENT BURNS HOT ENGINE A WARNING Do not much hat engine parts or exhaust system components A running engine gets vert hat 225 Always check the engine coolant level at the coolant recovery tank I A WARNING Steam can cause injury or death 225 In case of an engine overheat allow the engine to cool before touching the engine or checking the coolant PREVENT BURNS ARE I A WARNING Steam can cause injury or death 225 Prevent flash fires Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur near the carburetor fuel line filter fuel pump or other potential sources of spilled fuel or fuel vapors Use a suitable container to catch all fuel when removing the fuel line carburetor or fuel filters 225 Do not operate with the Coast Guard Approved flame arrester removed Backfire can cause severe injury or death 225 Do not operate with the air removed Backfire can cause severe injury or death 225 Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur near the fuel system Keep the compartment and the clean and free of debris to minimize the chances of fire Wipe up all spilled fuel and engine oil 225 Be aware diesel fuel will bum PREVENT BURNS EXPlOSION A WARNING Explosions from fuel raptllS can cause injury Dr death CALIFORNIA PROPOSmON 65 WARNING Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer birth defects and other reproductive harm OPERATORS MANUAL Univarsal MARINE DIESEL ENGINES M320A M320B M25XPA M25XPB M35A M35B PUBLICATION 200494 1 ST EDITION I APRIL 1997 WESTERBEKE CORPORATION267 AVON INOUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 225 TEL 5085887700 225 FAX 5085599323 NMMA Member Nalional Marine AdobeUCS225 225 OPERATORS MANUAL Unlvarsal MARINE DIESEL ENGINES M326720A M326720B M26725XPA M26725XPB M26735A M26735B PUBUCATION 200494 1 ST EDITION I APRIL 1997 WESTERBEKE CORPORATION267 AVON INDUSTRIAL PARK AVON MA 02322 225 TEL 508588noo 225 FAX 5085599323 NMMA NaJolllll Manufocturrrs Association AdobeUCS
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