Century 120 N6 Technical Manual
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SERVICE MANUAL 80N4 and 11OT4 120N6 and 170T6 MARINE DIESEL ENGINES 45KW 60Hz 35KW 50Hz BED 55KW 60Hz 45KW 50Hz BED 65KW 60Hz 55KW 50Hz BED 95KW 60Hz 80KW 50Hz BEDMARINE DIESEL GENERATORS PUBLICATION NO47069 FIRST EDITION JANUARY 2002 l rWESTERBEKE j WESTERBEKE CORPORATION MYLES STANDISH INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 JOHN HANCOCK ROAD TAUNTON MA 027807319 TEL 5088237677 FAX 5088849688 WEBSITE Mmbu Nalional Marine Manujacturur AssocIation CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGExhaust gas from diesel andgasoline engines and some ofits constituents are known tothe State of California to causecancer birth defects and harm gasses contain Carbon Monoxide an odorless andcolorless gas Carbon Monoxide is poisonous and can and death Symptoms of Carbon can Throbbing in TemplesNausea Muscular Vomiting Weakness and Sleepiness Inability to Think CoherentlyIF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMSGET OUT INTO THE FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY If symptoms persistseek medical attention Shut down the unit and do not restartuntil it has been inspected and repairedA WARNING DECAL is provided by WESTERBEKE andshould be fixed to a bulkhead near your engine also recommends instaling CARBONMONOXIDE DETECTORS in the livingsleeping quartersof your vessel They are inexpensive and at your local marine store WARNING Geneoators Produce CAABON MONOIIIlE ROIIJIar Manonanoo Engines Generators SAFETY PREVENT BURNS FIRERead this safety manual carefully Most accidents are causedby failure to follow fundamental rules and when dangerous conditions exist and take the A WARNING Fire can cause injury or deathnecessary precautions to protect yourself your persollneland your machi1lery Prevent flash fires Do not smoke or permit flames orThe following safety instructions are in compliance with the sparks to occur near thc carburetor fuel line filter fuelAmerican Boat and Yacht Council ABYC standards pump or other potential sources of spilled fuel or fuel vapors Use a suitable container to catch all fuel whenPREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK removing the fuel line carburetor or fuel filters Do not operate with a Coast Guard Approved flame arrester removed Backfire can cause severe injury or A WARNING Do not touch AC electrical connections death while engine is running or when connected to shore Do not operate with the air removed power Lethal voltage is present at these connections Backfire can cause severe injury or death Do not smoke or permit flames or sparks to occur ncar the Do not operate this machinery without electrical fuel system Keep the compartment and the enginegener enclosures and covers in place ator clean and free of debris to minimize the chances of Shut off electrical power before accessing electrical fire Wipe up all spilled fuel and engine oil equipment Be aware diesel fuel will burn Use insulated mats whenever working on electrical equipment PREVENT BURNS EXPLOSION Make sure your clothing and skin are dry not damp particularly shoes when handling electrical equipment Remove wristwatch and all jewelry when working on A WARNING Explosions from fuel vapors can cause injury or death electrical equipment Do not connect utility shore power to vessels AC circuits except through a shiptoshore double throw Follow refueling safety instructions Keep the vessels transfer switch Damage to vessels AC generator may hatches closed when fueling Open and ventilate cabin result if this procedure is not followed after fueling Check below for fumesvapor before running the blower Run the blower for four minutes before start Electrical shock results from handling a charged capacitor ll1g your engll1e Discharge capacitor by shorting terminals together All fuel vapors are highly explosive Use extreme care whenPREVENT BURNS HOT ENGINE handling and storing fuels Store fuel in a wellventilated area away from sparkproducing equipment and out of the reach of children A WARNING Do not touch hot engine parts or Do not fill the fuel tanks while the engine is running exhaust system components A running engine gets Shut otf the fuel service valve at the engine when servicing very hot the fuel system Take care in catching any fuel that might spill DO NOT allow any smoking open flames or other Always check the engine coolant level at the coolant sources of fire near the fuel system or engine when servicing recovery tank Ensure proper ventilation exists when servicing the fuel system Do not alter or modify the fuel system AWARNING Steam can cause injury or death Be sure all fuel supplies have a positive shutotT valve In case of an engine overheat allow the engine to cool Be certain fuel line fillings are adequately tightened and before touching the engine or checking the coolant free of leaks Make sure a fire extinguisher is installed nearby and is properly maintained Be familiar with its proper use Extinguishers rated ABC by the NFPA are appropriate for all applications encountered in this cnvironment Engines Generators SAFETY STARTING TOXIC EXHAUST GASES A WARNING Accidental starting can cause injury A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is a deadly gas or death Disconnect the battery cables before servicing the engine Ensure that the exhaust system is adequate to expel gases generator Remove the negative lead first and reconnect discharged from the engine Check the exhaust system it last regularly for leaks and make sure the exhaust manifold waterinjected elbow is securely attached Make certain all personnel are clear of the engine before starting Be sure the unit and its surroundings are well ventilated Run blowers when running the generator set or engine Make certain all covers guards and hatches are re installed before starting the engine Dont run the generator set or engine unless the boat is equipped with a functioning marine carbon monoxide detector that complies with ABYCA24 Consult your boatBATTERY EXPLOSION builder or dealer for installation of approved detectors A WARNING Battery explosion can cause injury For additional information refer to ABYC T22 educational information on Carbon Monoxide or death Do not smoke or allow an open flame near the battery A WARNING Carbon monoxide CO is an invisible being serviced Lead acid batteries emit hydrogen a odorless gas Inhalation produces flulike symptoms highly explosive gas which can be ignited by electcal nausea or death arcing or by lit tobacco products Shut off all electrIcal equipment in the vicinity to prevent electrical arcing dur Do not use copper tubing in diesel exhaust systems Diesel ing servicing fumes can rapidly destroy copper tubing in exhaust systems Never connect the negative battery cable to the posi Exhaust sulfur causes rapid deterioration of copper tubing tive connection terminal of the starter solenoid Do resulting in exhaustwater leakage not test the battery condition by shorting the terminals Do not install exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn together Sparks could ignite battery gases or fuel vapors through portholes vents or air conditioners If the engine Ventilate any compartment containing batteries to prevent exhaust discharge outlet is near the waterline water could accumulation of explosive gases To avoid sparks do not enter the exhaust discharge outlet and close or restrict the disturb the battery charger connections while the battery flow of exhaust Avoid overloading the craft is being charged Although diesel engine exhaust gases are not as toxi as Avoid contacting the terminals with tools etc to prevent exhaust fumes from gasoline engines carbon monOXIde burns or sparks that could cause an explosion Remoe gas is present in diesel exhaust fumes Some of the wristwatch rings and any other jewelry before handlIng symptoms or signs of carbon monoxide inhalation or the battery poisoning are Always tum the battery charger ofT before disconnecting Vomiting Inability to think coherently the battery connections Remove the negative lead first Dizziness Throbbing in temples and reconnect it last whenservicing the battery Headache Muscular ACID Nausea Weakness and sleepiness AVOID MOVING PARTS A WARNING Sulfuric acid in batteries can cause severe injury or death A WARNING Rotating parts can cause injury or death When servicing the battery or checking the electrolyte level wear rubber gloves a rubber apron and eye protec Do not service the engine while it is running If a situation tion Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is destructive arises in which it is absolutely necessary to make operat If it comes in contact with your skin wash it off at once ing adjustments use extreme care to avoid touching mov with water Acid may splash on the skin or into the eyes ing parts and hot exhaust system components inadvertently when removing electrolyte caps Engines Generators II SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry when servicing ABYC NFPA AND USCG PUBLICATIONS FOR equipment avoid wearing loose jackets shirts sleeves rings necklaces or bracelets that could be caught in INSTALLING GASOLINE AND DIESEL ENGINES AND moving parts GENERATORS Make sure all attaching hardware is properly tightened Read the following ABYC NFPA and USCG publications Keep protective shields and guards in their respective for safety codes and standards Follow their recommenda places at all times tions when installing your WESTERBEKE Do not check fluid levels or the drive belts tension while ABYC American Boat and Yacht Council the is operating Safety Standards for Small Craft Stay clear of the drive shaft and the transmission coupling Order From when the engine is running hair and clothing can easily ABYC be caught in these rotating parts 3069 Solomons Island Rd Edgewater MD 2 037HAZARDOUS NOISE NFPA National Fire Protection Association Fire Protection Standard for Motor Craft A WARNING High noise levels can cause hearing Order From loss NFPA I Batterymarch Park Never operate a generator without its muffler installed PO Box 901 Quincy MA 022699101 Do not run an engine with the air intake silencer removed USCG United States Coast Guard USCG 33CFR183 Do not run engines or generators for long periods with their enclosures open Order From US Government Printing Office Washington DC 20404 A WARNING Do not work on machinery when you are mentally or physically incapacitated by MANUALMany of the preceding safety tips and warnings are repeatedin your Operators Manual along with other cautions andnotes to highlight critical information Read your maintain your equipment and follow all ENGINE AND to install a gasoline engine or generator shouldbegin with a thorough examination of the American Boat andYacht Councils ABYC standards These standards are froma combination of sources including the USCG and the NFPASections of the ABYC standards of particular interest areH2 VentilationH24 Gasoline fuel systemsPI Exhaust systemsP4 Inboard enginesE9 DC Electrical systemsAll installations must comply with the Federal Code ofRegulations FCR Engines Generators iii installing WESTERBEKE engines and generators it is important that be paid to the following AND federal regulations ABYC guidelines and safety codes must be complied withwhen installing engines and generators in a marine installations where the exhaust manifoldwater injected exhaust elbow is close toor will be below the vessels waterline provisions must be made to install a siphonbreak in the raw water supply hose to the exhaust elbow This hose must be looped aminimum of 20 above the vessels waterline Failure to use a siphonbreak whenthe exhaust manifold injection port is at or below the load waterline will result inraw water damage to the engine and possible flooding of the boatIf you have any doubt about the position of the waterinjected exhaust elbow relativeto the vessels waterline under the vessels various operating conditions install A siphonbreak requires periodic inspection and cleaning to ensure Failure to properly maintain a siphonbreak can result in damage Consult the siphonbreak manufacturer for proper SYSTEMThe exhaust hose must be certified for marine use The system must be designed toprevent water from entering the exhaust under any sea conditions and at any angleof the vessels hull A detailed 40 page Marine Installation Manual covering gasoline and diesel engines and generators is available from your WESTERBEKE dealer Engines Generators iv TABLE OF 2 Wiring Diagram 44780 84Testing for Overhaul 3 Remote Instrument Panel Wiring44392 86Engine 4 Wiring Diagram 44781 87Angular Tightening Methods 8 Engine 89 108Standard Torque Specifications 9 An extensive chartEngine Disassembly 10 Torque Data 109 IIIImportant Measurements 11 BE Generator 112 Voltage Regulator 1l3Disassembly Steps 12 Generator Information 15 AC Voltage Connections 115Cylinder Head Disassembly 16 Internal Wiring diagram 34 Refer to the index for specific items in this section Electronic Governor Adjustments 117 such as pistons flywheel crankshaft valves push the Electronic Governor 118 rods camshaft etc BE 119Assembly 35 46 Generator Maintenance 120 Refer to the index for specific items in this section such as rocker arms oil cooler engine timing etc 45 BED Generator Specifications 121Lubricating System 4 7 55 BED Generator Specifications 122Cooling System 49 65 BED Generator Specifications 123Raw Water Pump 52 95 BED Generator Specifications 53 BON4 Engine Specifications 125Engine Adjustments 55 110T4 Engine Specifications 126Fuel System 56 120N6 Engine Specifications 127Tachometer 62 170T6 Engine Specifications 128Alternator 63 69 Layup and 46 Complete testing and breakdown of the Manda 51A alternator Metric Conversions Data 129Starter Motor 70 83 Special Tools l31 Complete testing and breakdown of the starter motor Index 132 Engines Generators 1 SOFTWARE Customer Identification CardProduct software technical data parts lists and catalogs provided from sources other thanWESTERBEKE are not within WESTERBEKES control CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE Engines OF SUCH SOFTWARE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR WITH RESPECT Customer INCLUDING ACCURACY TIMELINESS OR MR GENERATOR THEREOF AND WILL IN NO EVENT MAIN STREETBE LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGE OR INJURYINCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT HOMETOWN USAOF THE FURNISHING OR USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE Model 55 BED Ser customers should keep in mind the time Expires 1112001span between printings of WESTERBEKE product softwareand the unavoidable existence of earlier software The product software provided with The WESTERBEKE serial number is an alphanumeric number that can assist in determining the date of products whether from WESTERBEKE orother suppliers must not and cannot be relied upon exclu ture of your WESTERBEKE The manufac turers date code is placed at the end of the engine serialsively as the definitive authority on the respective product It number and consists of a character followed by three numnot only makes good sense but is imperative that appropriate bers The character indicates the decade A1960s of WESTERBEKE or the supplier in question C1980s 0 I 990s E2000s the first number represents thebe consulted to determine the accuracy and currentness of the year in the decade and the second and third numbers repreproduct software being consulted by the customer sent the month of CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS SERIAL NUMBER LOCATIONAs this manual takes you through the operating procedures The engines serial number can be found stamped into themaintenance schedules and of your marine engine block just out board of the injection pump An identiengine critical information will be highlighted by NOTES fication plate on the engine manifold also displays the engineCAUTIONS and WARNINGS An explanation follows model and serial numberNOTE An operating procedure essential to note The generator serial number is stamped on the left side of the generator housing and on the flat surface above the rotary A CAUTION Procedures which if not strictly carrier bearings observed can result in the damage or destruction of ENGINE OVERHAUL your engine The following sections contain detailed information relating to the proper operation characteristic of the major components and systems of the engine Included are A WARNING Procedures which if not properly disassembly inspection and reassembly instructions for the guidance of suitable equipped and staffed marine engine followed can result in personal injury or loss of life service and rebuilding facilities The necessary procedures should be taken only by such PARTS Additional detailed information and specifications areWhenever replacement parts are needed always provide the provided in other sections of this manual covering theengine model number and serial number as they appear on generator alternator starter motor engine adjustmentsthe silver and black nameplate located on the manifold You cooling pumps etcmust provide us with this information so we may your engine In addition include a complete and part number for each part needed see theseparately furnished Parts List Insist upon parts because will fit or generic parts are frequentlynot made to the same specifications as original equipment Engines Generators 2 TESTING FOR OVERHAULHOW TO DETERMINE ENGINE OVERHAUL PERIOD OVERHAUL of Low Compression Compression pressure tends to increase a little in a newGenerally the time at which an engine should be overhauled engine until piston rings and valve seats have been broken inis determined by various conditions such as lowered engine Thereafter it decreases gradually with the progress of wearpower output decreased compression pressure and increased of these partsfuel and oil consumption The lowered engine power output When decrease of compression pressure reaches the repairis not necessarily due to trouble with the engine itself but is limit the engine must be caused by injector nozzle wear or injection pump The engine requires overhaul when oil consumption is highwear The decrease in compression pressure is caused by blowby evident and compression values are at minimum ormany factors It is therefore necessary to determine a cause below Engine compression should be 31 kgcm 441 psi ator causes on the basis of data produced by periodic 200 rpm The maximum difference between cylinders mustinspection and maintenance Oil analysis on a seasonal basis not exceed 10is a good means of monitoring engine internal wear Whencaused by worn cylinders or piston rings the following will occur 1 Before disassembly and cleaning carefully check for 1 Low engine power output defects which cannot be found after disassembly and 2 Increased fuel consumption cleaning 3 Increased oil consumption 2 Drain water fuel and oil before disassembly 4 Hard engine starting 3 Clean or wash the engine exterior 5 Noisy engine operation 4 Do not remove or disassemble the parts that require noThese symptoms often appear together Symptoms 2 and 4 disassemblycan result also from excessive fuel injection improper injec S Perform disassembly in a proper order using proper toolstion timing and wear of the injectors They are caused also Keep disassembled parts in order Apply oil when necesby defective electrical devices such as the battery alternator sary Take special care to keep the fuel system parts fromstarter and glow plugs Therefore it is desirable to judge the intrusion of dust and dirtoptimum engine overhaul time by the lowered compression 6 Parts must be restored to their respective components frompressure caused by worn cylinders and pistons plus increased which they were removed at disassembly This means that alloil consumption Satisfactory combustion is obtained only parts must be set aside separately in groups each marked forunder sufficient compression pressure If an engine lacks its component so that the same combination or set can becompression pressure incomplete combustion of fuel will reproduced at assemblytake place even if other parts of the engine are operating 7 Pay attention to marks on assemblies components andproperly To determine the period of engine overhaul it is parts for their positions or directions Put on marks ifimportant to measure the engine compression pressure regu necessary to aid assemblylarly At the same time the engine speed at which the measurement of compression pressure is made should be checked S Carefully check each part or component fore any sign ofbecause the compression pressure varies with engine rpm faulty condition during removal or cleaning The part willThe engine rpm can be measured at the front end of the tell you how it acted or what was abnormal about it morecrankshaft accurately during removal or cleaningNOTE To test engine compression see the ENGINE ALTERNATOR section of this manual When rebuilding the engine the alternator should be and inspected The housing can be wiped off with a solvent and the alternator terminal studs should be cleaned with a1 Wah all parts except for oil seals arings rubber sheets wire brush Make certain the studs are tight and clean the etc with cleaning solvent and dry them with pressure air wiring connections that connect to the wiring harness2 Always use tools that are in good condition and be sure Tum the rotor pulley by hand It should tum smoothly you understand how to use them before performing any job Depending on when the alternator was last serviced the brushes may need replacing If the alternator is at all suspect3 Use only good quality lubricants Be sure to apply a coat send it to a service shop for testing and overhaul of oil grease or sealant to parts as specified For additional information on alternators refer to the4 Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten parts for which ALTERNATOR and MANDO torques are specified SERVICE in this manualS Ant time the engine is assembled new gaskets and arings must be installed Engines Generators 3 ENGINE following chart describes certain Refer also to the more detailed relating to engine service the probable causes of in the back of this manualthese problems and the to overcome NOTE The engines electrical system is protected by a 20these problemsThis chart may be of assistance in determining ampere manual reset circuit breaker The preheat solenoid isthe need for an engine overhaul mounted on the same bracket PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE HARO STARTING LOW CRANKING SPEEO 1 Engine oil viscosity too high 1 Replace engine oil with less viscous oil 2 Rundown battery 2 Recharge battery 3 Worn battery 3 Replace battery 4 Battery terminals loosely connected 4 Clean terminals and correct cables 5 Defective starter 5 Repair or replace starter DEFECTIVE INJECTION SYSTEM 1 Air trapped in fuel passage 1 Bleed air from fuel system 2 Clogged fuel filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Low injection pressure 3 Adjust injection pressure 4 Inadequate spray 4 Clean or replace nozzle 5 Injection pump delivering insufficient fuel 5 Repair or replace injection pump 6 Injection too early 6 Adjust injection timing MAIN ENGINE TROUBLES 1 Low compression a Incorrect valve clearance a Adjust valve clearance b Inadequate contact of valve seat b Lap valve c Valve stem seized c Replace valve and valve guide d Broken valve spring d Replace valve spring e Compression leaks through cylinder head gasket e Replace gasket I Piston ring seized I Replace piston and piston ring g Worn piston ring and cylinder g Overhaul engine 2 Burnt glow plug 2 Replace glow plug 3 Faulty glow plug operation 3 Correct lead wire connection 4 Incorrect governor lever position 4 Set lever to starting position LOW OUTPUT LOW COMPRESSION See HARD STARTING INJECTION SYSTEM OUT OF ADJUSTMENT 1 Incorrect injection timing 1 Adjust injection timing 2 Insufficient injection 2 Repair or replace injection pump 3 Low injection pressure 3 Check injection nozzle and adjust pressure INSUFFICIENT FUEL 1 Air trapped in fuel system 1 Check and retighten connector 2 Clogged filter 2 Clean or replace filter 3 Contaminated fuel tank 3 Clean tank INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Clogged air cleaner 1 Clean or replace air cleaner continued Engines Generators 4 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE OUTPUT cont OVERHEATING 1 low coolant level 1 Add coolant 2 Loose Vbelt 2 Adjust or replace Vbelt 3 Incorrect injection timing 3 Adjust injection timing 4 Low engine oil level 6 Add engine oilEXCESSIVE Oil Oil 1 Defective oil seals 1 Replace oil seals 2 Broken gear case gasket 2 Replace gasket 3 Loose gear case attaching bolts 3 Retighten bolts 4 Loose drain hose 4 Retighten hose 5 Loose oil pipe connector 5 Retighten oil connections 6 Broken rocker cover gasket 6 Replace gasket 7 Loose rocker cover attaching bolts 7 Retighten attaching bolts Oil lEVEL RISING 1 Incorrectly positioned piston ring gaps 1 Correct ring gap positions 2 Displaced or twisted connecting rod 2 Replace connecting rod 3 Worn piston ring 3 Replace ring 4 Worn piston or cylinder 4 Replace piston and rebore cylinder Oil lEVEL FALLING 1 Defective stem seal 1 Replace stem seal 2 Worn valve and valve guide 4 Replace a valve and valve guideEXCESSIVE FUEL ENGINE BODY 1 Noisy knocking 1 See KNOCKING 2 Smoky exhaust 2 See SMOKY EXHAUST 3 Moving parts nearly seized or excessively worn 3 Repair or replace 4 Poor compression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 5 Improper valve timing 5 Adjust 6 Improper valve clearance 6 Adjust INSUFFICIENT INTAKE AIR 1 Air intake obstructed 1 Remove obstruction NOZZLE TROUBLES 1 Seized nozzle 1 Replace 2 Worn nozzle 2 Replace IMPROPER FUEL Replace with proper fuel FUEL lEAKS Find fuel leaksSMOKY EXHAUST WHITISH OR PURPLISH 1 Excessive engine oil 1 Correct oil level 2 Excessive rise of oil into combustion chamber a Poor piston contact a Check b Seized piston ring b Replace or clean c Excessive clearance c Replace or correct continued Engines Generators 5 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE EXHAUST cont WHITISH OR PURPLISH cont d Worn valve stem and valve guide d Replace e Low engine oil viscosity e Replace f Excessive oil pressure f Correct 3 Injection timing is too late 3 Adjust 4 Insufficient compression 4 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING BLACKISH OR DARK GRAYISH 1 Engine body troubles a Poor compression a See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING b Improper valve clearance b Adjust 2 Insufficient intake air air cleaner clogged 2 Clean air cleaner 3 Improper fuel 3 Replace with proper fuelABNORMAL SOUND CRANKSHAFT AND MAIN BEARINGOR NOISE 1 Badly worn bearing 1 Replace bearing and grind crankshaft 2 Badly worn crankshaft 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Melted bearing 3 Replace bearing and check lubrication system CONNECTING ROD AND CONNECTING ROD BEARING 1 Worn connecting rod big end bearing 1 Replace bearing 2 Worn crankpin 2 Grind crankshaft 3 Bent connecting rod 3 Correct bend or replace PISTON PISTON PIN AND PISTON RING 1 Worn cylinder 1 Rebore cylinder to oversize and replace piston 2 Worn piston pin 2 Replace piston 3 Piston seized 3 Replace piston and rebore cylinder 4 Piston seized and ring worn or damaged 4 Replace piston and rings VALVE MECHANISM 1 Worn camshaft 1 Replace 2 Excessive valve clearance 2 Adjust 3 Worn timing gear 3 Replace 4 Worn fan pulley bearing 4 ReplaceROUGH OPERATION INJECTION PUMP SYSTEM 1 Uneven injection 1 Adjust injection or replace parts 2 Control rack malfunctioning 2 Disassemble check and correct injection pump 3 Worn delivery valve 3 Replace 4 Inadequate injection nozzle spray 4 Replace injection nozzle GOVERNING SYSTEM 1 Governor lever malfunctioning 1 Check governor shaft and correct operation 2 Fatigued governor spring 2 Replace continued Engines Generators 6 ENGINE PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE ENGINE KNOCKS WITHOUT MUCH SMOKE 1 Main engine troubles a Overheated cylinder a See OVERHEATING LOW OUTPUT b Carbon deposits in cylinder b Clean 2 Too early injection timing 2 Correct 3 Too high injection pressure 3 Correct 4 Improper fuel 4 Replace with proper fuel KNOCKING WITH DARK SMOKE 1 Poor compression 1 See LOW COMPRESSION HARD STARTING 2 Injection pump malfunctioning 2 AdjustRepair 3 Improper nozzle a Poor spray a Clean or replace nozzle b Poor chattering b Repair or replace nozzle c Afterinjection drip c Repair or replace nozzle d Nozzle needle valve seized d 1 Fuel filter clogged 1 Clean or replaceEXHAUST SOUND 2 Water mixed in fuel 2 Replace 1 Vbelt slackening or slippery with oil 1 Adjust replace or clean 2 Damaged water pump 2 Replace 3 Lack of coolant 3 Add 4 Low oil level or poor oil quality 4 Add or change 5 Knocking 5 See KNOCKING 6 Moving parts seized or damaged 6 Replace 7 Defective thermostat 7 ReplaceLOW OIL PRESSURE 1 Worn Bearings 1 Engine overhaul replace bearings 2 Relief valve malfunction 2 Overhaul oil pump 3 Clogged oil cooler 3 Repair 4 Diesel dilution of the oil 4 Injection pump repair Engines Generators 7 ANGULAR NUT AND BOLT TIGHTENING METHOD1 Carefully wash the nuts and bolts to remove all oil and 6 Draw another line FG on the face of each of the parts grease to be clamped This line will be in the direction of the2 Apply a coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the specified angle Q across the center E of the nut or threads and setting faces of the nuts and bolts bolt3 Tighten the nuts and bolts to the specified torque snug 7 Use a socket wrench to tighten each nut or bolt to the torque with a torque wrench point where the line AB is aligned with the line FG CENTER LINE Example Specified Angle and Tightening Rotation LINE A 30 1112 of a turn l C D B C D 60 90 180 16 of a turn 114 of a turn 112 of a turn E 360 One full turn4 Draw a line AB across the center of each boltS Draw another line CD on the face of each of the parts to be clamped This line should be an extension of the line AB D f COINCIDING LINE G Engines Generators 8 STANDARD BOLTS I TIGHTENING TORQUE The torque values given in the followillg table should be applied where a particular torque is not specified kgm Id I I e 09 M 8 X 125 13 05 16 1 06 21 07 07 M10 X 125 28 07 33 38 43 09 I 51 13 M10 X 15 27 07 32 08 37 09 42 10 49 12t 6 2 13 67 14 16 8 8 18 9 19 M12 X 125 12 13 77 15 7 20 17 M12 X 175 58 12 63 12 72 14 82 16 91 18ft r 2 2 9 23 13 6 26 M14 X 15 97 19 104 21 11 24 145 29 28ft M14 X 20 91 18 98 19 112 22 128 25 136 27 M16 X 15 133 27 151 31 173 35 197 40 204 41f 4 ItT M18 X 25 192 38 218 250 50 285 57 I 294 392 4081f M20 X 25 243 49f i 278 I 318 64 L 3 R 72 73 374 75 M22 X 15 i 320 1 II 404 81 I 463 528 10 5 106 541 108 M22 X 25 i 278 56 376 75 I 431 86 491 98 503 101 M24 X 20 i 458 92 r9 1Ir 5 626 20 1 126 706 141 M24 X 30 431 86 451 90 517103 589 118 664133 117 NOTE Bolts marked with all asterisk are usedfor female threaded parts made of soft materials slIch as castillgs Engines Generators 9 ENGINE DISASSEMBLY GENERATOR ENGINE DISASSEMBLY Disconnect the AC wiring and unplug the engines DC Take the following precautions wiring harness at the generator control panel Remove the Clean the exterior of the engine of any deposits of battery cables from the engine and tape over the terminals dirt and oil NOTE Label any lines hoses or cables as you separate tzem Be careful not to damage the disassembled parts Separate the exhaust hose at the water injected elbow and Arrange parts in the order of disassembly Mark or disconnect the fuel supply and return lines label parts as needed to insure proper mating and Drain the engine oil and the coolant from the engine reassembly Keep parts clean Carefully support and then unbolt the generator backend Mount the engine on a suitable engine stand for from the engine See SPECIAL TOOLS in this manual disassembly Additional generator information will be found in the With the separated from the engine GENERATOR section of this manual begin the following step by step procedure to disassemble the engine PROPULSION ENGINE 1Remove the transmission damper plate from the Switch off the batteries and disconnect the battery cables engine flywheel from the engine and tape over the terminals 2 Remove the engine oil cooler and oil hoses Note oil Drain or pump out all the engine oil and drain the coolant hose connections from the oil cooler to the engine from the engine and engine hoses 3 Remove the engine heat exchanger If possible leave Unplug the instrument panel wiring harness Drain the one end of each hose connected to the part being removed transmission fluid and the transmission oil cooler hoses Detach the oil cooler hoses and unbolt the transmission from 4 Remove the bell housing and the circuit breaker the engine preheat solenoid mounting bracket 5 Remove the engine back plate 6 Remove the start motor drive belt and the alternator Label the wires and cables 7 Remove the engine mounted raw water pump complete with its adapter mounting plate See RAW J I WATER PUMP for parts breakdownDRAIN PETCOCK DRAIN fJ 8 With the hoses disconnected remove the thermostat housing and housing gasket leaving the temperature 0 sender in place 9 Remove the coolant circulating pump Refer to TRANSMISSION COOLANT PUMP ASSEMBLY If the transmission is not being rebuilt it should be visually 10Remove the air intake silencer and the intake manifold inspected Flush out and pressure test the oil cooler and 1lRemove the oil filter and the mounting bracket from the replace the coolant hoses Inspect and lubricate the gear shift engine block linkage and the propeller shaft coupling Clean and repaint 12Unbolt the elbows and remove the exhaust manifold in the transmission and change the transmission fluid its entirety For transmission service and maintenance refer to your 13Remove the fuel injection pump Disconnect the fuel transmission manual To rebuild a transmission contact injection pipes and fuel leakoff pipe from the fuel injection your WESTEEKE dealer or an authorized pump and nozzles transmission service center NOTE Put plugs or caps on the openings of the injection pump and nozzle connectors Golf tees work well as plugs DAMPER PLATE 14Remove the fuel injection nozzle Loosen the fuel BOLTS injection nozzles with a wrench Remove the nozzles and gaskets from the cylinder head lSPepare to disassemble the engine block DAMPER PLATE Engines Generators 10 TO MAIN ENGINE DISASSEMBLY 1 Idler Gear Measure the following points before disassembly FEELER GAUGE mmin Standard Limitt f Idler Gear End 0058 0115 02 Play 0002 0005 0008 mmin Standard Limit MEASURE IDLER GEAR END PLAY1 0 Timing Gears 010 017 03 Backlash 0004 0007 0012Includes the crankshaft gear the camshaft gear and the DIALidler gear INDICATOR 2 Cam Shaft Measure the following points before disassembly mmin Standard Limit MEASURE TIMING GEARS BACKLASH Cam Gear End 0050 0114 02 Play 0002 0005 0008 CAMSHAFT GEAR 3 Crankshaft Bearing Cap THRUST PLATE Measure the crankshaft end play at the thrust bear ing center main bearing before disassembly FEELER GAUGE mmin Standard Limit1 1 Crankshaft End 015 033 04 Play 0006 0014 0016 MEASURE CAM SHAFT GEAR END PLAY MEASURE CRANKSHAFT BEARING CAP END PLAY Engines Generators 11 DISASSEMBLY 6 2 12 10 11 8Disassembly Steps1 Dipstick and guide tube e tu be2 Air breather3 Turbo adapter r4 Oil feed pipe5 Oil drain pipe 96 Turbocharger 57 Gasket8 Starter Turbocharger9 Drive belts Plug oil ports in turbocharger body irnmediately10 Alternator after removal of the turbocharger11 Waterpump pulley 1 3 612 Cylinder head cover 12 10 11 lIUoUu 8 9 4 5 Engines Generators 12 Steps 1 Rubber hose water bypass 9 Oil pump driving pinion 2 Rocker arm shaft assembly 10 Starting handle nut 3 Push rod 11 Taper bushing 4 Clinder head bolt 12 Crankshaft pulley and dust thrower 5 Cylinder head assmbly 13 Timing gear cover 6 Cylinder head gasket 14 Oil thrower 7 Water pump assembly 8 Tappet chamber cover 15 Flywheel 3 4 12 11 14 10 J Engines Generators 13 INDICATE SIX CYLINDER MODELSUGGESTED ORDER SHOWNOF DISASSEMBLY 14 CRANKSHAFT 11 CRANKSHAFT 3 OIL PUMP AND COUPLING 8EARING LOWER AND ARING CAP 2 OIL PAN NOT SHOWN 3 THRUST BEARING 1j l 5 PISTON AND CONNECTING RODl I 8TAPPETS1j Irj I 4 FLYWHEEL HOUSING 9 TIMING GEAR CASE 1 OIL COOLER INSPECT OIL COOLER ASSEMBLY 7 CAMSHAFT 0 REPLACE ANY PARTS THAT jJ 10 IDLER GEAR SHOW EXCESSIVE WEAR SHAFT OR DAMAGE 6 IDLER Steps 1 Oil cooler 2 Oil pan OIL COOLER 3 Oil pump and coupling INSPECT OIL COOLER ASSEMBLY 4 Flywheel housing REPLACE ANY PARTS THAT 5 Piston and connecting rod SHOW EXCESSIVE WEAR OR DAMAGE 6 Idler gear 7 Camshaft 8 Tappet 9 Timing gear case OIL COOLER 10 Idler gear shaft ELEMENT 11 Crankshaft bearing cap 12 Crankshaft bearing lower half 13 Thrust bearing 14 Crankshaft 15 Crankshaft bearing upper half 16 Oil Jet 6 cyl turbo only BYPASS VALVE ORING SPRING AND PLUG Engines Generators 14 TOPRING CARBON DEPOSITS 2ND RING SQUARE COMBUSJION3 CHAMBER REMOVE CARBON DEPOSITS2 NUMBERS INDICATE 3 ORDER OF DISASSEMBLY 1 PISTON RINGS 2 SNAP RINGS 3 PISTON PIN AND CONNECTING ROD 4 CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS 5 PISTON REMOVING THE PISTON RINGS SNAP RING any carbon deposits from the upper part of thecylinder boreThis will prevent damage to the piston and the pistonrings when they are removed from the cylinder bore1 Piston Rings REMOVING THE SNAP RINGS Use a piston ring remover to remove the piston rings Do not attempt to use some other tool Piston ring stretching will result in reduced piston ring tension2 3 SNAP RINGS and Piston Pin PISTON PIN 1 Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the snap ring 2 Tap the piston pin out with a hammer and brass bar REMOVING THE PISTON PINS BRASS BAR Engines Generators 15 CYLINDER HEAD DISASSEMBLY NUMBERS INDICATE THE SUGGESTED ORDER OF DISASSEMBLY SPLIT COLLAR p 7 SPRING SEAT UPPER B VALVE SPRING INTAKE MANIFOLDGASKET SIX CYLINDER SERIES SHOWN 11 VALVE STEM 9 VALVE SEAT OIL SEAL LOWER FOUR CYLINDER SERIES5 THERMOSTAT HOUSINGGASKET 10 VALVE 1 EXHAUST MANIFOLDGASKET INSPECTION AND REPAIR Make all necessary adjustments repairs and part replacements if excessive wear or damage is discovered during inspection WHEN REMOVING THE SPLIT COLLAR USE VALVE SPRING COMPRESSOR Engines Generators 16 CYLINDER HEAD Water Jacket Water Pressure Test Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage Use the hydraulic gauge to check the water jacket water pressure 1 Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge to measure Apply water pressure to the water jacket at 5 kgcm2 the four sides and the two diagonals of the cylinder 711 psi for three minutes head lower face Check the entire cylinder head for water leakage 2 Regrind the cylinder head lower face if the mea sured values are greater than the specified limit but less than the maximum grinding allowance TESTING THE WATER JACKET PRESSURE If the measured values exceed the maximum grind ing allowance the cylinder head must be replaced Cylinder Head Lower Face Warpage mmin Maximum Grinding Standard Limit Allowance 005 02 0008 03 0012 0002 or less A VALVE GUIDE Valve Stem and Valve Guide Clearance Measuring Method I 1 With the valve stem inserted in the valve guide set 8 the dial indicator needle to 0 2 Move the valve head from side to sideINSPECT THE STRAIGHT EDGE AND Note the total dial indicator reading TIRCYLINDER FEELER GAUGE This value is the clearance between the valve stemHEAD FACE and the valve guide If the measured values exceed the specified limit the valve and the valve guide must be replaced as a set Cylinder Head Height Reference Standard 8995 3544 9005 3548 Limit 8965 3530 mmin Valve Stem Clearance Intake Side TIR Exhaust Side TIR Standard 0039 00015 0064 00025 0068 00027 0093 00038 020 mmin Limit 0008 025 00098 Note If the cylinder head lower face is reground valve depression must be checked MEASURE THE VALVE STEM AND GUIDE CLEARANCE Engines Generators 17 Measuring Method II Valve Depression 1 Measure the valve stem outside diameter 1 Install the valve CD to the cylinder head ClJ 2 Use a caliper calibrator or a telescoping gauge to 2 Use a depth gauge or a straight edge with steel rule measure the valve guide inside diameter to measure the valve depression from the cylinder The difference between the valve stem outside di head lower surface ameter and the valve guide inside diameter is equal If the measured value exceeds the specified limit to the valve stem clearance the valve seat insert andor valve must be replaced If the valve is replaced the valve guide must be also replaced mminMEASURING THEVALVE GUIDE 10 Standard I Limit Intake and Exhaust Valve Depression 10 0039 I 25 0098Valve Guide Guide RemovalUse a hammer and the valve guide remover to drive outthe valve guide from the cylinder head lower face Valve Contact Width 1 Inspect the valve contact faces for roughness and unevenness Make smooth the valve contact surfaces 2 Measure the valve contact width If the measured value exceeds the specified limit the valve seat insert must be replaced mmin Standard LimitThe height of the valve guide top edge from thecylinder head upper face should be 141 mm 055 in Valve Contact Width 15 0059 20 0078 Engines Generators 18 Seat Insert Seat Insert Removal 1 Arc weld the entire inside circumference CD of the valve seat insert 2 Allow the valve seat insert to cool for a few minutes This will invite contraction and make removal of the valve seat insert easier Valve Seat Insert Correction 1 Remove the carbon deposits from the valve seat insert surface 2 Use valve cutters 15 30 or 75 blades to remove scratches and other rough areas This will bring the contact width back to the stand ard value of 90 Remove only the scratches and rough areas Do3 Use a screwdriver to pry the valve seat insert not cut away too much Take care not to cut away free unblemished areas of the valve seat surfaces Take care not to damage the cylinder head V4 Carefully remove carbon and other foreign material from the cylinder head insert boreIValve Seat Installation 1 Carefully place the attachment CD having the smaller outside diameter than the valve seat insert on the valve seat insert NoteThe smooth side of the attachment must contact thevalve seat insert Angle Location Standard I 2 Use a bench press to slowly apply pressure to Intake Valve Seat Angle 45 the attachment and press the valve seat insert into Exhaust Valve Seat Angle 45 place Amount of pressure needed is more than 2500 kg NoteNote Use an adjustable valve cutter pilotDo not apply an excessive amount of pressure with the Do not allow the cutter pilot to wobble inside the valvebench press Damage to the valve seat insert will guideresult 3 Apply abrasive compound to the valve seat insert surface 4 Insert the valve into the valve guide 5 Hand lap the valve and the valve seat with a lapp ing cup This will provide optimum valve and valve seat con tact for effective gas sealing 6 Check that the valve contact width is correct 7 Check that the valve seat insert surface IS in contact with the entire circumference of the valve I Engines Generators 19 SPRING Valve Spring TensionValve Spring Free Length Use a spring tester to measure the valve spring tension If the measured value is less than the specified limit theUse a vernier caliper to measure the valve spring free valve spring must be replacedlength kglbIf the measured value is less than the specified limit thevalve spring must be replaced Standard Limit mmin Valve Spring Tension at 40 mm 145 3086 115 2436 Standard Limit Set length Exhaust and Intake Valve Spring Free 490 1929 470 1850 Length TAPPET Cam Follower or Valve Lifter Inspect the tappets for excessive wear damage and any abnormalities Q NORMALValve Spring InclinationUse a surface plate and a square to measure the valve Use a micrometer to measure the tappet diameterspring inclination mminIf the measured value exceeds the specified limit thevalve spring must be replaced Standard Limit mmin 2797 2798 2792 Tappet Diameter 11020 11024 11000 Standard Limit Valve Spring less than 27 0106 Inclination 13 0051 Use a dial indicator to measure the clearance between the tappet and cylinder body tappet travelling bore mmin ELlNATION Standard Limit I SQUARJ1Sj Tappet and Tappet i 0020 0054 01 Travelling Bore 0002 0004 0001 Clearance I w VALVE SPRING TESTER Engines Generators 20 ROD MEASURING THE ROCKER ARM SHAFTUse a filler gauge to measure the valve push rod runoutRoll the push rod along a smooth flat surfase illustration mmin Limit Push Rod RunOut 03 0012 PUSH ROD Rocker Arm Shaft Outside Diameter Use a micrometer to measure the rocker arm outside 1 bof FEELER diameter GAUGE If the measured value is less than the specified limit the shaft must be replaced mmin Standard Limit Rocker Arm Shaft 1898 1900 1885Rocker Arm Correction Diameter 0747 0749 0743Inspect the rocker arm valve stem contact surfaces forridgesG and scoringIf the surfaces have light ridge or scoring they may behoned with an oil stone ROCKER ARM t SCORING 2 V Rocker Arm Shaft and Rocker Arm Clearance 1 Use a vernier caliper to measure the rocker arm bushing inside diameter mmin Standard I Limit Rocker Arm Bushing 1901 1903 1905 Inside Diameter 0749 0750 1 0751 2 Measure the rocker arm shaft outside diameter Replace either the rocker arm or the rocker armROCKER ARM SHAFT AND ROCKER ARM shaft if the clearance exceeds the specified limitInspect all disassembled parts for wear damage andany abnormalities IEE T 0 1 00 ROCKER ARM SHAFT T mmin ROCKER ARM Standard Limit ASSEMBLY I Rocker Arm Bushing 001 005 02 and Rocker Arm I 00004 00020 00079 Shaft Clearance I 3 Check that the rocker arm oil port is free of obstruc tions If necessary use compressed air to clean the rocker arm oil port WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 21 GEAR AND IDLER GEAR SHAFT1 Use a micrometer to measure the idler gear shaft CAM BEARING outside diameter II If measured diameter exceeds specified limit replace the idler gear shaft mmin Standard LimitrIdler Gear Shaft 449 3 Align the camkshaft bearing oil holes with the matOutside Diameter 1768 ing oil ports machined on the cylinder body cam shaft bearing fitting bore MEASURING IDLER GEAR SHAFT 2 Use a dial indicator to measure the idler gear inside diameter mm 4 Use a micrometer to measure the cam lobe height Standard Limit If the cam lobe height is less than the specified li Idler Gear and Idler 02 mit the camshaft must be replaced Gear Shafft Clearance 0008 mmin Standard Limit Cam Lobe Height CD 771 0304 721 0284 MEASURING Cam Journal IDLER GEAR 560 2205 556 2189 Diameter AB 10CAMSHAFT 1 Use the camshaft bearing remover and installer to remove camshaft bearing from the cylinder body Camshaft Bearing Remover and Installer 2 Measure the clearance between the cam journal and the camshaft bearing mmin I I Standard Limit Cam Journal and Cam Bearing Clearance 003 009 0001 0004 015 0006 sE 1 REMOVER ANO INSTALLER MEASURING THE CAMSHAFT Engines Generators 22 5 Place the camshaft on a measuring stand Cylinder Liner Projection Inspection Use a dial indicator to measure the camshaft run out 1 Hold a straight edge CD along the top edge of the cylinder liner to be measured Note the total indicator reading TIR 2 Use a feeler gauge to measure each cylinder If the measured runout exceeds the specified limit liner projection the camshaft must be replaced mmin mmin Limit LimitI Camshaft RunOut TIR 012 0005 Cylinder Liner Projection 003 010 0001 0004 The difference in the cylinder liner projection heighti CYLINDER BODY AND LINER between any two adjacent cylinders must not exceed 003 mm 0001 in Cylinder Liner Bore Measurement Use a cylinder indicator to measure the cylinder liner bore at measuring position CD in line with the crank o STRAIGHT EDGE shaft and across the crankshaft Measuring Point CD mm in 200 079 Maximum Wear Portion If the measured value exceeds the specified limit the cylinder liner must be replaced Cylinder Liner Replacement CD Cylinder Liner Removal 1 Set the cylinder liner remover to the cylinder liner 2 Check that the remover shaft ankle is firmly gripp ing the cylinder liner bottom edge 3 Slowly turn the remover shaft handle counterclock wise to pull the cylinder liner free Cylinder Liner Remover 9852311690 Cylinder Liner Remover Ankle For all models except 6BG1 9852325570 For 6BG 1 5852310040 NOTE Take care not to damage the cylinder body upper face during the cylinder liner removal procedure REMOVER TOOL mmin I Standard Limit Cylinder 102021 102060 10220 4 Cyl Liner Bore i 4017 4018 4024 Total Indica 1105021 105060 10520 6 Cyl tor Reading 4135 4136 4142 Note The inside of the dry type cylinder liner is chrome plated It cannot be rebored or honed If the inside of the cylinder liner is scored or scorched the cylinder liner must be replaced Engines Generators 23 Bore Measurement Cylinder Liner Outside Diameter Liner Grade Selection 1 Take measurements at measuring points CD and The term grade refers to the cylinder body insidediameter and the cylinder liner outside diameter combi Measuring Points mminnation CD 200 0788Measure the cylinder body inside diameter and select 2 1050 4137the appropriate cylinder liner grade 3 1950 7683Loose fitting cylinder liners the liner is too small for the 2 Calculate the average value of the 6 bore will adversely affect engine cooling effi to determine the correct cylinder liner grade MMINciency and may lead to serious engine damageCylinder liners which are too large for the cylinder bore CYLINDER LINER FITTING 0001 0019will be difficult to install CLEARANCE STANDARD 000004 00007 MEASURING THE MEASURING CYLINDER BODY 10 POINTS lrJCylinder Body Inside Diameter Measurement Cylinder Bore and Cylinder Liner Outside Diame 1 Take measurements at measuring point CD across ter Combinations the positions WW XX VV and ZZ Measuring Point CD 115 mm 4531 in Reference 80N4110T4 mmin 2 Calculate the average value of the four measure Cylinder Liner ments to determine the correct cylinder liner grade Grade I Cylinder Bore Outside Diameter fT 105001 105010 105011 105020 MEASURING 1 41339 41343 41343 41346 I POINT 1 2 105011 105020 105021 105030 41343 41346 41347 41350 I 105021 105030 105031 105040 3 41347 41350 41350 120N6170T6 mminLINERS i 0 Cylinder Liner P I Grade I i Cylinder Bore I Outside Diameter I 107001 107010 107011 107020 1 i 42126 42130 I 42130 42134 107011 107020 107021 107030 2 i 42130 42134 42134 42138 107021 107030 107031 107040 y 3 I 42134 42138 42138 42142 Engines Generators 24 Liner Installation Piston Grade Selection 1 Carefully wipe away any foreign material from the The term piston grade refers to the piston diameter cylinder liner inside and outside surfaces and the and cylinder liner bore combination cylinder bore Selection of the proper piston grade will ensure efficient 2 Use new kerosene or diesel oil to thoroughly clean engine operation free from cylinder liner and piston the cylinder liner and bore surfaces problems 3 Use a clean rag to remove all traces of kerosene or Measure the cylinder liner bore after installing the cylin diesel oil from the cylinder liner and bore surfaces der liner Then select the appropriate piston grade for the installed cylinder liner CYLINOER LINER rtl3 INSTALLER TOOL 0 I I CYLINDER LINER BORE I I fUNDER BODY 4 Insert the cylinder liner CDinto the cylinder body from the top of the cylinder body Cylinder Liner Bore Measurement 5 Set the cylinder liner installer to the top of the 1 Locate the two measuring points cylinder liner Cylinder Liner Measuring Point CD 20 mm 0788 in Cylinder Liner Installer Cylinder Liner Measuring Point 2 105 mm 4173 in For 4 Cyl 9852325540 2 Measure the cylinder liner bore at measuring point For 6 CYL 5852210180 CD and in four different directions WW 6 Position the cylinder body so that the installer cen XX VV and ZZ ter is directly beneath the bench press shaft 3 Calculate the average value of the eight measure center ments mmin 4 PRESS SHAFT Cylinder Liner Bore Total Indicator Reading NSTALLER 4 Cyl 102021 102060 1 I 6 Cyl 105021 105060 40166 40181 41347 41362 Notelt is most important that the correct piston grade be used Failure to select the correct piston grade will result in piston seizure Always measure the cylinder bore and select 7 Check that the cylinder liner is set perpendicular to the appropriate piston grade the cylinder Check that the cylinder liner does not wobble 8 Use the bench press to apply an initial seating force of 500 kg 11025 Ig to the cylinder liner 9 Use the bench press to apply a final seating force of 2500 kg 55125 Ib to fully seat the cylinder liner10 After installing the cylinder liner measure the cylin der liner projection Refer to Cylinder Liner Projection Inspection Engines Generators 25 Outside Diameter 1 Piston outside diameter vary depending on the pis ton type to be used 2 Measure the piston outside diameter at the measur ing piston 0 shown in the illustration 3 Piston Grade Steel Strut Builtin Type Autothermatic Type You can find steel strut on the inner surface of piston as shown in the illustration FEELER GAUGE Piston Ring Gap mmin 1 Insert the piston ring horizontally in the position it Grade i 4 Cyl 6 CYL would assume if it were installed to the piston intor the cylinder liner 101955 101974 104955 104974 A 2 Use an inverted piston to push the piston ring into 40140 40147 41321 41328 the cylinder liner until it reaches either measuring i 101975 101994 104975 104994 point CD or measuring point f Cylinder liner C 40148 40155 41329 41336 diameter is the smallest at these two points Do not allow the piston ring to slant to one side or STEEL STRUT the other It must be perfectly horizontal Cylinder Liner Measuring Point CD 10 mm 039 in Cylinder Liner Measuring Point f 130 mm 512 in o PISTON r PISTON RING Cylinder Liner Bore and Piston Clearance 3 Use a feeler gauge to measure tne piston ring gap 1 Steel strut Builtin Type Autothermatic Type For all 4B 6B series If the measured value exceeds the specified limit 0055 0085 mm 00021 00033 in the piston ring must be replaced mmin PISTON AND PISTON RING Standard I Limit 1st Compression 025 045 I 150Piston Ring and Piston Ring Groove Clearance Ring Gap 00098 00177 i 00591 Use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance between 2nd Compression I 020 040 I 150the piston ring and the piston ring groove Ring Gap 00079 00157 00591 iDo this at several points around the piston I 020 040 150 Oil ring GapIf the clearance between the piston ring and the piston 00079 00157 i 00591ring groove exceeds the specified limit the piston ringmust be replaced mmin Standard Limit 0085 0110 020 1st compression ring 00033 00043 00079 0030 0055 015 MEASURING PISTON 2nd compression ring RING GAP 00012 00022 00059 0030 0070 015 o Oil ring 00012 00028 00059 o Engines Generators 26 PINPiston Pin Outside Diameter PIN HOLE DIAMETERUse a micrometer to measure the piston pin at several pointsIf the measured piston pin outside diameter exceeds thespecified limit the piston pin must be replace mmin I Standard Limit Piston Pin Outside 35000 35005 3495 If an inside dial indicator is not available use the follow Diameter I 13780 13781 I 13760 ing procedure to check the piston pin fit 1 Use a piston heater to heat the piston to approxi mately 60C 140F 2 Push strongly against the piston pin with your thumbs The piston pin fitting should feel tight USING A HOT PLATE TO HEAT THE PISTONPiston Pin and Piston ClearanceUse an inside dial indicator to measure the piston pinhole mmin Piston Pin Hole Diameter I Standard 35000 35008 4 CYL I 13780 13783 6 CYL I I 35010 35018 I I 13783 13787 PISTON PIN SHOULD FIT PISTONPIN HOLE 10Piston Pin and Piston Pin Hole the clearance between the piston pin and thepiston pin hole by calculating the difference betweenthe piston pin hole diameter and the piston pin mmin I Limit Piston Pin and Piston Pin 0050 0002 Hole Clearance I Engines Generators 27 CONNECTING ROD Connecting Rod Bushing Removal Connecting Rod Alignment 1 Clamp the connecting rod in a vise 2 Use a brass bar and a bench press or hammer to Use a connecting rod aligner to measure the parallelism remove the connecting rod bushing between the connecting rod big end hole and the con necting rod small end hole If either the measured parallelism exceeds the specified BENCH limit the connecting rod must be replaced PRESS Connecting Rod Alignment CONNECTING ROD Per Length of 100 mm 394 in mmin SMALL END I Standard Limit OLD BUSHING I 005 00020 020 Parallelism or less 00079 Connecting Rod Bushing Installation Use the connecting rod bushing installer to install theCONNECTING connecting rod bushingROD ALIGNER Connecting Rod Bushing Installer 9852313690 J29765 NOTE The connecting rod bushing oil port must be aligned with the connecting rod oil port 3 Use a piston pin hole grinder CD fitted with a reamer or an adjustable pilot reamer to ream the piston pin hole mmin Standard Piston Pin and Connecting Rod Small End Bush Connecting Rod Bushing 35017 35025 ing Clearance Inside Diameter 13786 13789 Use a caliper calibrator and a micrometer to measure the piston pin and connecting rod small end bushing clearance If the clearance between the piston pin and the connect ing rod small end bushing exceeds the specified limit replace either the piston pin or the connecting rod bushing mmin P Standard Limit ALIGN OIL Piston Pin and Connec SOLID PORTS 0010 0030 005 ting Rod Small End 00004 00012 00020 REAMING THE PISTON HOLES Bushing Clearance PISTON PIN CONNECTING ROD MEASURING SMALL END BUSHING CLEARANCE TAKING MEASUREMENTS Engines Generators 28 Rod Bearing Inspection CRANKSHAFT1 Fit the connecting rod bearing lower half into the Crankshaft and Bearing Inspection connecting rod bearing cap2 Check the connecting rod bearing lower half ten 1 Inspect the crankshaft journal surfaces and the sion crank pin surfaces for excessive wear and damage If the tension is insufficient the bearing must be 2 Inspect the oil seal fitting surfaces of the crankshaft replaced front and rear ends for excessive wear and damage3 Tighten the connecting rod and the bearing cap to 3 Replace or repair the crankshaft if any excessive the specified torque wear or damage is discovered 4 Inspect the crankshaft oil ports for obstructions kgmlb ft 1st step 2nd step 5 Use high pressure air to clean the oil ports if neces saryConnecting Rod and Bearing 4 60o3Cap Bolt Tightening Torque 289 FITTING THE LOWER BEARING Crankshaft Journal and Crankpin Outside Diame 4 Use an inside dial indicator to measure the connect ter ing rod inside diameter 1 Use a micrometer to measure the crankshaft journal mmin outside diameter across points CD CJ and Connecting Rod Bearing 64 2520 Nominal Diameter 2 Use the micrometer to measure the crankshaft jour nal outside diameter at the two points and 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to measure the crankshaft out side diameter If the measured crankshaft journal diameter andor the crankpin outside diameter are less than the standard value the crankshaft must be reground mmin 6 Cyl Position at i Standard Center 1 79905 79925 Crankshaft Journal Bearing Only I 31459 31467 Diameter I Other 79919 79939 Bearings i 31464 31472 mmin 4 Cyl Position at I StClndard r Crankshaft Journal All B i 79905 79925 Diameter earmgs 31459 31467 Engines Generators 29 mmin Standard 63924 63944 Crankshaft Pin Diameter 25167 25175 4 Measure the crankshaft journal outside diameter andor the crankpin outside diameter and the bearing inside diameters to determine the bearing Journal and Bearing ClearancesIf the bearing clearance exceeds the specified limit thecrankshaft must be reground except for the 120N6 and Connecting Rod Bearing Inside Diameter170T6 or the bearing must be replaced Tighten the connecting rod and the bearing cap with mmin specified torque and use inside dial indicator to mea 6 CYL Position at Standard Limit sure the connecting rod bearing inside diameter Center kgmlb ft Journal Bearing 0001500039 1st step 2nd step 011and Main Bearing Only Connecting Rod and Bearing 4Clearance Other 00250084 00043 Cap Bolt Tightening Torque 289 60 o 3 g Bearings 0001000033 mmin mmin Connecting Rod Bearing 4 Cyl Position at Standard 1 Limit Nominal Journal EI3 All 00390098 I I 011and Main Bearing Bearings 0001500039 MEASURING CONNECTING mmin ROD BEARING Standard Limit 10Crankpin and 003007 010Connecting Rod 0001200028 00039Bearing Clearance Crankshaft RunOut 1 Mount the crankshaft on a set of Journal Bearing Inside Diameter 2 Set a dial indicator to the center of the crankshaft 1 Install the main bearing cap with bearings to the journal cylinder body with the specified torque and facing 3 Gently turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of the arrow mark on the bearing cap toward engine rotation front Place them in order of punched cylinder numbers Read the dial indicator TIR as you turn the crank shaft 2 Use an inside dial indicator to measure the main bearing diameters If the measured value exceeds the specified limit the crankshaft must be replaced kgmlbtt 241 1 Main Bearing Cap Torque 1735 72 mminMain Bearing Nominal 80Diameter 3150 Engines Generators 30 mmin Crankshaft Regrinding Procedure 4 CyL Model Standard Limit I i r i 1 Regrind the crankshaft journals and the crankpins Crankshaft I 6 Cyl I I 040 0016 2 Fillet the crankshaft journal and crankpin radious to 005 0002 RunOut I 4 Cyl I 030 0012 a minimum of R35 02 If the crankshaft generated a crack after repair There must be no stepping around the fillet area replace the crankshaft 3 Finish the crankshaft journal crankpin and oil port The crankshafts for the 120N6 and the 170T6 engines corners to a smooth surface having a chamfer can not be bench pressed because they are finished in radius of 1 mm 004 in the Tufftride method Crankshaft Journal andMain Bearing and Connecting Rod Bearing Ten 04 11 or less Crankpin Roughnesssion 4 Measure the crankshaft journal and crankpin clearCheck to see if the bearing has enough tension so that ancegood finger pressure is needed to fit the bearing intoposition Refer to Crankshaft Journal Clearance and Crank pin and Clearance on FITTING THE BEARINGS 5 Measure the crankshaft runout Refer to Crankshaft RunOut Crankshaft Grinding Limit 4 CyL mmin Limit Crank Journal Diameter 794 19 3127Crankshaft Regrinding 4 CyL Crankpin Diameter 63424 2497To ensure crankshaft reliability pay close attention tothe following items during and after the crankshaft Undersize bearings 025 mm 0010 in and 050 mmgrinding procedure 0020 in are available to compensate for excessive mmin clearance between the crankpin bearing and the crank Undersize Bearing shaft Regrinding of the crankshaft to fit the undersize 025 0010 050 0020 bearings is required Availability mminNote Crankshafts for the 120N6 and the 170T6 can not be Standard Limitreground because they are finished in the Tufftride metwd Crankpin and I 003007 010No attempt should be made to grindfinish these faces of the Connecting Rod 0001200028 00039journals and crankpins as they are Tufftrided special Bearing Clearance Ihardening the undersize bearings are not prepared Undersize bearings 025 mm 0010 in and 050 mm 0020 in are available to compensate for excessive clearance between the crankshaft journal bearing and the crankshaft Regrinding of the crankshaft to fit the undersize bearings is required mmin 00 z 6B Engines Only Position at I Standard Limit tj n and Main Bearing Only Clearance Centr Other I 00390098 Crankshaft Journal Beanng 10001500039 i i 00250084 Bearings 0001000033 i 011 00043 4B Engines Only i Position at Standard Limit Crankshaft Journal i All and Main Bearing B 1 00390098 011 Clearance eanngs 0001500039 00043 Engines Generators 31 Clearance is another method to measure the clearance PlASTIGAGE Journal Bearing Clearance 1 Clean the cylinder body the journal bearing fitting portions the bearing cap and the inside and out side surfaces of the bearing 2 Install the new journal bearing to the cylinder body 3 Carefully place the crankshaft on the bearing 4 Rotate the crankshaft approximately 30 to seat the bearing Crankshaft Pin Bearing Clearance 5 Place the Plastigage arrow over the crankshaft 1 Clean the crankshaft the connecting rod the bear journal across the full width of the bearing ing cap and the bearings Apply engine oil to the Plastigage to keep it from 2 Install the bearing to the connecting rod falling Do not allow the crankshaft to move when installing o the bearing cap 3 Hold the connecting rod with the bearing installed PlASTIGAGE against the crankshaft pin 4 Attach the plastigage to the crankshaft pin Apply engine oil to the plastigage to keep it from falling 5 Install the connecting rod bearing cap and tighten it to the specified torque Do not allow the connecting rod to move when o o installing and tightening the bearing cap 6 Remove the bearing cap6 Install the bearing cap with the bearing 7 Compare the width of the plastigage attached to7 Tighten the bearing cap to the specified torque either the crankshaft or the bearing against the Do not allow the crankshaft to turn during bearing scale printed on the plastigage container cap installation and tightening If the measured value exceeds the limit perform the following additional steps TIGHTEN THE BEARING CAP 1 Use a micrometer to measure the crankshaft outside diameter 2 Use an inside dial indicator to measure the bearing inside diameter 3 Replace the crankshaft andor the bearing if the measured values exceed the limit8 Remove the bearing cap9 Compare the width of the plastigage attached to either the crankshaft or the bearing against the scale printed on the plastigage container If the measured value exceeds the limit perform the following additional steps 1 Use a micrometer to measure the crankshaft outside diameter 2 Use an inside dial indicator to measure the bearing inside diameter 3 Replace the crankshaft andor the bearing if the measured values exceed the limit Engines Generators 32 Tufftriding Inspection 6 Cyl Oil Seal Wear Ring Replacement 6 120N6 and 170T6 Removal 1 Use an organic cleaner to thoroughly clean the Use the oil seal wear ring remover to remove the oil crankshaft There must be no traces of oil on the seal wear ring from the crankshaft front end surfaces to be inspected Oil Seal Wear Ring Remover 2 Prepare a 10 solution of ammonium cuprous chlo ride dissolved in distilled water OIL SEAL WEAR 3 Use a spot glass rod to apply the solution to the RING REMOVER surface to be inspected Hold the surface to be inspected perfectly horizontal to prevent the solution from runningNote Do not allow the solution to come in contact with theoil ports and their surrounding area TEST LIQUID SHOULD AMMONIUM NOT BE APPLIED Installation CUPROUS NEAR THE OIL PORT CHLORIDE Use a brass bar and a hammer to drive the oil seal Jt wear ring into place FACE IN CONTACT WITH CRANKPIN OR 1 Wait for thirty to forty seconds If there is no discoloration after thirty or forty sec onds the crankshaft is useable If discoloration appears the surface being tested will become the color of copper the crankshaft must be Crankshaft Gear Inspection replaced Visually inspect the crankshaft gear 2 Clean the surface being tested with clean water of Replace the crankshaft gear if excessive wear or steam immediately after completing the test damage is discoveredNote The ammonium cuprous chloride solutiol is highly Because of this it is imperative that the surfacesbeing tested be cleaned immediately after completing the lest Use the crankshaft gear remover to remove the crank shaft gear Crankshaft Gear Remover 9852101410 Engines Generators 33 Flywheel Housing Oil Seal Replacement Removal Use a pry bar to remove the flywheel housing oil seal Installation o Use the oil seal installer to install the flywheel housing oil the crankshaft gear installer to install the AND FL VWHEEL HOUSING INSTALLINGREAR OIL SEAL THE OILRing Gear Inspection SEALERInspect the ring gear TIMING GEAR CASE COVERIf the ring gear teeth are broken or excessively wornthe ring gear must be replaced Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Replacement Removal Use an adapter and a hammer to remove the crank front end oil seal Installation Use the crankshaft front oil seal installer to instal crankshaft front oil seal REMOVING THE RING GEARRing Gear RemovalStrike around the edges of the ring gear with a hammerand chisel to remove it INSTALLING FRONT OIL SEALRing Gear Installation 1 Heat the ring gear evenly with a gas burner to invite thermal expansion Do not allow the temperature of the ring gear to exceed 200C 390F 2 Use a hammer to install the ring gear when it is suf ficiently heated Engines Generators 34 ASSEMBLY SNAP RING PLIERS 4 PISTON ASSEMBLY 3SNAPRING 2 PISTON PIN 1 PISTON 4 Piston Ring 1 Use a piston ring installer to install the three piston rings Install the piston rings in the following order 1 Oil ring 2 2nd compression ring 2 CONNECTING 3 1st compression ring ROD l The marked side of the two compression rings must be facing up5 CONNECTING The undercut side of the second compression ROO BEARING ring will be facing down As the oil ring has no any facing mark it may face in either direction 2 Lubricate the piston ring surfaces with engine NUMBERS INDICATE THE SUGGESTED ORDER OF ASSEMBLY oil 3 Check that the piston rings rotate smoothly in the piston ring grooves 1STCOMP PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD Y f 2NDCOMP Important Operations cJ 1 Piston PISTON Use a piston heater to heat the pistons to approxi OIL mately 60C 140F 2 Connecting Rod PISTON RINGS 1 Install the connecting rod to the piston with 5 Connecting Rod Bearing setting the marks as illustrated 1 Install the connecting rod bearings to the con 2 Install the piston pin into the piston and the necting rod largeend and the connecting rod connecting rod bushing cap PISTON HEAD 2 Install the bearing cap to the connecting rod with semitightening the cap bolts FRONTMARK 3 Lubricate the bearing with engine oil USING A PISTON HEATER 3 Piston Pin Snap Ring 1 Use a pair of snap ring pliers to install the pis ton pin snap ring 2 Check that the piston moves smoothly on the piston pin Engines Generators 35 6 SPRING SEAT SPLIT COLLAR T ASSEMBLY 5 SPRING SEAT UPPER 4INTAKEEXHAUST c 10 INTAKE MANIFOLD 1 VALVE STEM SPRINGS OILSEAL 3 SPRING SEAT CYLINDER HEAD LOWER EXHAUST MANIFOLD HOUSING AND GASKET GASKET8 THERMOSTAT 9 WATER PIPE OUTLET 2 INTAKE ANDImportant Operations EXHAUST VALVES 1 Valve Stem Oil Seal 1 Lubricate the oil seals and valve stem sealing area with engine oil 2 Use a valve stem oil seal installer to install the oil seal INSTALLER 3 Intake and Exhaust Valve Springs Install the valve springs with their painted end the close pitched end facing down2 Intake and Exhaust Valves 1 Place the cylinder head on a flat wooden sur face 2 Lubricate valve stems with engine oil 3 Install the valves to the intake or exhaust guides PAINTED PORTION Install the valves to their original lapped valve seats Engines Generators 36 ASSEMBLY TORQUE Spring Seat Split Collar 1 Use a spring compressor to push the valve spr ing into position 2 Install the spring seat split collar 6 Exhaust Manifold and Gasket 3 Set the spring seat split collar by tapping lightly 1 Install the exhaust manifold gasket around the head of the collar with a rubber The TOP mark must be facing up hammer 4 CYL AND 6 CYL USE DIFFERENT MANIFOLD GASKETS SETTING THE SPRING 6CYL SHOWN SEAT SPLIT COLLAR 2 Install the exhaust manifold 3 Tighten the exhaust manifold bolts to the speci fied torque a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration kgmlbft Exhaust Manifold Bolt 5 Intake Manifold and Gasket 29 05 210 36 Torque 1 Install the intake manifold gasket The intake manifold gasket must be installed SIX CYL with its unchamfered corner facing up and to the front of the engine G I I 11 I I I 9 1 12 J lREAR UNCHAMFERED CORNER FOUR YL 2 Install the intake manifold 6 3 Tighten the intake manifold bolts to the speci fied torque a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration 1 5 kgmlbft Intake Manifold Bolt 26 05 188 36 Torque INSTALL EITHER END OF THE TUBE TO THE SPOT FACING 6 CYL ONLY Engines Generators 37 ASSEMBLY 5 CRANKSHAFT THE ROCKER ARM MUST BEARING LOWER AND BEARING CAP BE INSTALLED WITH THE OIL PARTS FACING UP 12lAo 20lL PUMP AND INDICATE SUGGESTED ASSEMBLY SEDUENCE 14 OIL PAN NOT SHOWN 1 OIL JET 8 CAMSHAFT 1010LERa 1 OIL COOLER GEAR jJ 9 IDLER GEAR SHAFT MAJOR COMPONENT REASSEMBLY STEPSImportant Operations WITH OIL HOLE DJiJ1 Oil Jet 6 Cyl Turbo Install the oil jets taking care not to damage the oil jet nozzles kgmlbft Oil Jet Torque 21 05 152 36 I2 Crankshaft Bearing Upper Half 3 Crankshaft Bearing Lower Half and Crankshaft Bearing Cap 4 Crankshaft NO OIL GROOVE LOWER D HOLEThe Crankshaft Bearing Configulation Crankshaft counterweight size will vary from engine With Oil Groove Without Oil GroovE to engine Check your Parts Catalog Part Number listing to determine crankshaft counterweight size Bearing Upper 4 All Upper Halves for your engine Half 6 All Upper Halves 5 Thrust Bearing All Lower Halves Center Bearing Install the thrust bearings with the oil groove side Bearing Lower 4 Except Center facing the crankshaft sliding face Only Half Bearing 6 All Lower Halves Take care not to misinstall the bearing halves Engines Generators 38 ASSEMBLY 8 Camshaft Tighten the thrust plate bolts through the camshaft gear hole kgmlbft Thrust Plate Bolt Torque 26 05 188 36 I kgmlbft Camshaft Gear Bolt Torque6 Crankshaft Bearing Cap 1 Lubricate the bearing cap bolts with engine oil 2 Install the bearing caps to the crankshaft The arrow mark must be pointing to the front of the engine 3 Tighten the bearing cap bolts to the specified torque a little at a time in the numerical order shown in the illustration kgmlbft Crankshaft Bearing Cap 240 1 1735 72 9 Idler Gear Shaft Bolt Torque Use the thrust collar fixing bolt as a guide to install the idler gear shaft 4 Check that the crankshaft turns smoothly by manually rotating it The oil port must be facing the camshaft 10 Idler Gear 1 Install the idler gear Set the timing marks A and B as shown in the illustration 2 Tighten the idler gear bolts seating the thrust collar to the specified torque The thrust collar must be installed with the 7 Timing Gear Case chamfered side facing the front of the engine 1 Apply liquid gasket to the timing gear case sur kgmlbft faces contacting the cylinder body Idler Gear Bolt Torque 55 1 398 72 I 2 Tighten the timing gear case bolts to the speci fied torque kgmlbft INJECTION PUMP GEAR CAMSHAFT GEAR CMARK Engines Generators GEAR 39 ASSEMBLY Piston and Connecting Rod 7 Lubricate the connecting rod cap bolt threads Position the piston ring gaps as shown in the illus and setting faces with Mos grease tration 8 Use the angular tightening method to tighten 1 Set the piston ring gaps as shown in the illus the connecting rod cap bolts to the specified tration torque kgmlb ft 2 Lubricate the piston the piston rings and the connecting rod bearings with engine oil 1st step 2nd step 3 Position the piston front mark towards the front Connecting Rod Bolt Torque 4 60 o 3g of the engine and Angle 289 2 Oil Pump and Coupling PISTON RING ALIGNMENT 1 Lubricate the oil pump with the specified grade of engine oil 4 Use the piston ring compressor to compress the piston rings 2 Install the oil pump with the coupling 3 Tighten the oil pump bolts to the specified torque FRONT kgmlbft MARK Oil Pump Bolt Torque 53 10 383 72 I 3 Flywheel Housing 1 Apply a liquid gasket to the shaded area of the illustration 2 Install the flywheel housing 5 Use a hammer grip to push the piston in until it makes contact with the crankpin Tighten the flywheel housing bolts to the speic fied torque At the same time rotate the crankshaft until the crankpin reaches its highest point kgmlb ft Flywheel Housing Outer Bolt 161 1 1157 72 6 Set the bearing cap cylinder number marks and Bolt Torque Inner Bolt 26 05 188 36 the connecting rod cylinder number marks The marks must be facing the exhaust manifold CYLINDER NUMBERS APPLY LlaUID GASKET REFER TO THE ANGULAR TIGHTENING METHOD FLYWHEEL HOUSING Engines Generators 40 ASSEMBLY 14 Oil Pan MAJOR COMPONENT REASSEMBLY 1 Apply liquid gasket to the areas indicated by the arrows in the illustration Important Operations 2 Install the oil pan gasket 1 Flywheel 3 Install the oil pan 1 Lublicate the flywheel bolt threads Tighten the oil pan bolts to the specified torque 2 Install the flywheel kgmlbft Oil Pan Bolt Torque 26 05 185 36 I The crankshaft rear end dowel pin and the fly wheel dowel hole must be aligned 3 Tighten the flywheel bolts to the specified torque in the numerical order shown in the illustration kgmlbft Flywheel 116 15 1157 108 Bolt Torque 223 22 1612 159 LUBRICATE WITH ENGINE OIL 15 Oil Cooler 1 Apply liquid gasket to the oil cooler gasket 2 Install the oil cooler gasket to the oil cooler body case 3 Install the oil cooler Tighten the oil cooler bolts to the specified torque Start from the middle and work out to either side 2 Injection Pump and Injection Pump Gear Assembly kgmlbft 1 Install the injection pump bracket with the injec Oil Cooler Torque 26 05 185 36 I tion pump to the timing gear case Dowel the injection pump bracket with the tim OIL COOLER ing gear case ASSEMBLY 2 Tighten the injection pump bolts to the speci fied torque3 ELEMENT kgmlbft I Injection Pump Bolt Torque I 26 05 188 36 I 3 Align the injection pump gear C timing mark with the idler gear C timing mark INJECTION PUMP 1 BYPASS VALVE ORING SPRING AND PLUG INJECTION PUMP GEAR OIL COOLER BOLT WESTERBEKE Engines Generators TORQUE SEQUENCE 41 ASSEMBLY3 Crankshaft Pulley Nut 6 Cylinder Head Gasket and Bolts a Apply MoS2 to the crankshaft pulley nut threads a Carefully place the cylinder head gasket on the and fitting face cylinder body upper surface b Use the appropriate wrench to tighten the The gasket TOP mark must be facing up crankshaft pulley nut to the specified torque b Align the cylinder body dowels and the cylinder Kgm IbH head dowel holes CRANKSHAFT PULLEY NUT TORQUE 440 50 3181 362 4B SERIES 6B SERIES 440 50 3181 362 TOP MARK P FRONT SOCKET WRENCH c Carefully place the cylinder head on the cylinder body d Tighten the cylinder head bolt as follows4 Tappet Chamber Cover 1 As cylinder head bolts have two kinds of length install them at the proper location The shorter a Apply liquid gasket to the tappet chamber cover ones 4 cyl series 4 bolts 6 cyl series 6 gasket bolts must be used at the injection pump side b Install the tappet chamber cover and tighten the 2 Follow the numerical sequence shown in the bolts to the specified torque illustrations Kgm lbH TAPPET CHAMBER COVER 26 05 188 36 BOLT TORQUE FRONT TAPPET CHAMBER COVER TORQUE SEQUENCE5 Water Pump 3 The cylinder head bolt tightening method vary depending on the gasket type to be usedNOTE Refer to the Coolant Pump sectioll ill this manual fordetails of the water pump Engines Generators 42 ASSEMBLY For laminated steel type gasket 14 ROCKER ARM Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the ASSEMBLY cylinder head bolt threads and setting faces Use the Angular Tightening Method kgmlbft 1st step 2nd step 3rd step 1 CYLINDER HEAD Bolt Torque 70 506 90O5 651 36 90o3 For steelasbestos sandwich gasket Apply engine oil to the cylinder head bolt threads and setting faces kgmlbft 1st step 2nd step New bolt 95o5 68636 Bolt Torque 70 506 Reused bolt 115o5 831 36 I 7 Rocker Arm and Rocker Arm Shaft 1 Check that the rocker arm shaft bracket lower surface oil port is free from obstruction 2 Install the rocker arm shaft with the bracket to the cylinder head 3 Tighten the rocker arm bracket bolts to the specified torque a little at a time in the numeri cal order shown in the illustration 4 Lubricate the rocker arm and the rocker arm shaft with engine oil 8 TAPPET kgmlbftl CHAMBER Rocker Arm Shaft Bracket COVER 31 05 224 36 Bolt Torque Qi 2 3 7 ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY 4 4 BRACKETS NUMBERS INDICATE SUGGESTED ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE 2 3 5 Adjust the valve clearance Refer to MAINTENANCE for the valve clearance ROCKER ARM SHAFT adjustment procedure THE ROCKER ARM MUST BE INSTALLED WITH THE OIL PARTS FACING UP 3 ROCKER ARMS Engines INDICATE SUGGESTED ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE 43 ASSEMBLY 1 Cylinder Head Cover 3 Oil Filter Assembly 1 Check that the rocker arms the rocker arm 1 Before the installation set the special gaskets shafts and the valve springs are thoroughly which are included within the repair kit with the lubricated with engine oil two oil filter mounting bolts If required relubricate these parts 2 Apply a coat of LOCTITE 271 on the bolt 2 Place the cylinder head cover gasket on the threads to seal the bolts from the crankcase as illustrated cylinder head cover 3 Install the oil filter assembly and tighten the Check the head cover gasket for looseness bolts securely 3 Tighten the cylinder head cover bolts to the kgmlbtt specified torque a little at a time in the sequ Oil Filter Assembly ence shown in the illustration Mounting Bolt Torque6 cn kgmlbtt Cylinder Head Cover Bolt 21 05 152 36 Torque4 cn kgmlbtt 4 Injection Nozzle Cylinder Head Cover Bolt Install the injection nozzles with the injection nozzle 11 05 79 36 Torque gaskets Be carefull not to damage the nozzle tips kgmlbtt e 2 19 02 137 15 6 CYLINDER CYLINDER HEAD NOZZLE Lc COVERS GASKET 5 Fuel Injection Pipe and Fuel Leak Off Pipe 4 CYLINDER 1 Install the fuel injection pipes and tighten the bolts to the specified torque kgmlbtt 2 Starter Injection Pipe Torque 31 02 224 15 I Install the starter to the flywheel housing and tighten the bolts to the specified torque 2 Carefully position and set the clips CD It is very important that each clip be positioned kgmlbttl correctly Starter Fixing Bolts 84 607 An improperly positioned clip will result in Torque objectionable fuel pulsing noise and injection pipe breakageDRIVE BELT 3 Install the fuel leak off pipesAdjust the drive belt tensionRefer to MAINTENANCE for the drive belt Engines Generators 44 ASSEMBLY6 Fuel Pipe Feed Pump to Fuel Filter 16 Alternator installation7 Fuel Pipe Fuel Filter to Injection Pump a Put the alternator in position Install the adjusting8 Fuel Return Pipe bolt in position to hold the alternator in position Install the fuel pipes and tighten the fuel pipe joint b Put the belt in position on the pulley Move the bolts to the specified torque alternator away from the engine to make an adjustment to the belt Take care not to interchange the check valves and joint bolts c Tighten the bolts d Make sure the tension of the belt is correct about Kgm lbft 12 deflection at the center with pressureI FUEL PIPE JOINT BOLTTORQUE 17 01 123 079 Intake Pipe MARINE TRANSMISSION Install the intake pipe and tighten the intake pipe 1 Assemble the damper plate to the flywheel flange bolts to the specified torque 2 Reinstall the marine transmission and fill with ATF Dextron III Kgm lbfI INTAKE PIPE FLANGE BOLT TORQUE 17 01 123 07 NOTE Some transmissions such as the Borg Warner Velvet1 Olnstall the Thermostat and Thermostat Housing Drive require oil coolers Oil coolers should be cleaned a Inspect the thermostat housing and the housing pressure tested and repainted at engine overhaul The gasket Apply some sealant to the gasket when transmission oil cooler hoses should also be inspected reassembling Refer to the text on Heat Exchangers b Install the temperature switch and sender and 3 Fill the engine cooling system with antifreeze reconnect their wires mixture and the engine oil sump with lube oil11lnstall the Oil and Water Sender and Switch AP1 spec CF or CG412lnstall the Starter Motor The engine should be test run under load prior to reinstalling At this time readjust the valve13lnstall the Breaker Panel and the Preheat clearances on the hot engine Solenoid Allow the engine to cool to room temperature and re14Reinstall the Engine Electrical harness torque the cylinder head bolts and recheck the15 Mount the complete Exhaust Manifold and the valve clearances See ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS Expansion Tank to the Cylinder Head MANIFOLDHEAT EXCHANGER 1 Mount the generator back end assembly with itsThe exhaust manifold which was disassembled from the control panel Reconnect all DC wiring andcylinder head should be inspected before reassembly reconnect all AC connectionsa Remove the exhaust elbows from the lower surface of the manifold Clean and inspect for cracks and defects Replace as needed A CAUTION Check al AC and DC wiringb Remove the exhaust nipples elbows and plugs from connections to WESTERBEKE wiring schematics the manifold and heat exchanger and diagramsc Remove water connectors from the ends of the manifold Be sure to note the proper location and arrangement of each for proper alignment 2 Fill the engine cooling system with antifreeze mixture and the engine oil sump with lube oild Examine all parts for defects corrosion and wear AP1 spec CF or CG4 and replace as needed The engine should be test run under load prior toe Flush out the manifolds interior with a liquid cleaner reinstalling At this time readjust the valve and rinse thoroughly with fresh water clearances on the hot enginefUse a pipe cleaner to clear the passage that Allow the engine to cool to room temperature and re connects the coolant recovery tank tubing torque the cylinder head bolts and recheck theg Flush out the coolant recovery tank and its valve clearancesSee ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS connecting tubeh Replace the heat exchanger zincLlnstall new hose connections and clamps for the cool ing system Engines Generators 45 ASSEMBLYENGINE TUNING OPERATION 10Check that the engine oil is continuously circu lating from the oil pump to the valve rockersAfter reassembly the engine must be tuned This will through the cylinder headensure that the engine operates at its If there is no oil circulation or if the oil circulation is sluggish stop the engine and make the appropriate1 Mount the engine on a test bench repairs or adjustments2 Connect the electrical wiring Refer to the WIRING Reinstall the cylinder head cover DIAGRAM 11lncrease the engine speed to 1500 rpm to do the3 Connect the air intake line to the air cleaner engine warmingup operation4 Connect the exhaust pipe 12Check the engine for oil fuel coolant and air5 Manually operate the fuel feed pump to feed fuel intake leakage to the engine 13 Check for abnormal noise and odor6 Bleed the fuel lines of air 14Check for abnormal electrical charging7 Crank the engine with the starter nonignition 15 Check the engine fastening parts for looseness operation for about twenty seconds This will prelubricate the engine internal components 16 When the engine coolant temperature reaches 75C 167F or more increase the engine speedS Start the engine and allow it to run at 750 to SOO to 2000 rpm and allow it to run for twenty rpm for five minutes seconds9 Remove the cylinder head cover while the engine This will give the engine the essential runin is running operating time 17Adjust the engine operation speed to the specified value 1S Stop the engine to complete the tuning procedure Refer to the following pages for details of subassemblies These sections also include Wiring Dagrams Specifications Torque Diagrams Generator Data and a detailed Section Engines Generators 46 LUBRICATING SYSTEMOIL SYSTEM FLOW DIAGRAM Full flow filter Oil pressure r and oil filter I Starter I I ypass n lf1 I warning light switch J Battery I J TURBO ONLY 11 f 1 j I valve V LJ I I IValve opening pressu re 1 kgcm 1 OLIt h Lpressureswc i I Ini 8 Oiling pump 5 iet 1 6BD1T only r I I I Partial I I I Valve opening Oil I filter I pressure 45kgcm relief Pisto I I L J valve I I I I J Oil pan OIL PUMP Visually inspect the disassembled parts for THIS GEAR TYPE OIL excessive wear and damage PUMP IS DRIVEN BY THE CAMSHAFT OIL Oil Pump Drive Gear PUMP DRIVE Use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance between the oil pump cover oil pump case inside surface and NUMBERS INDICATE the drive gear SUGGESTED ORDER If the clearance exceeds the specified limit the drive OF DISASSEMBLY gear andor the oil pump cover must be replaced mmin Limit Oil Pump Cover and Oil Pump 018 00071 Drive Gear GEAR DRIVE SHAFT OIL PUMP COVER FEELER GAUGE GEAR6 DRIVEN GEAR SHAFT Jj2 SUCTION PIPE Make the necessary adjustments repairs and parts replacements if excessive wear or damage is indicated Engines Generators 47 LUBRICATING SYSTEM Cartridge SpinOn Type Removal Remover and Installer Filter Wrench 1 Loosen the used oil filter by turning it counterclock wise with the filter wrench I STRAIGHTEDGE 2 Discard the used oil filter Installation FEELER GAUGE 1 Wipe the oil filter mounting face with a clean rag This will allow the new oil filter to seat properlyOil Pump Driven Gear 2 Lightly oil the OringUse a feeler gauge to measure the clearance between 3 Turn in the new oil filter until the sealing face is fitthe oil pump case cover inside surface and the drivengear ted against the Oring 4 Use the filter wrench to turn in the oil filter an addiIf the clearance exceeds the specified limit the driven tional 34 of a turn or one turngear or the oil pump cover must be replaced 5 Check the engine oil level and replenish to the spec mmin ified level if required Limit 6 Start the engine and check for oil leakage from the Oil Pump Body and Driven oil filter Gear Clearance 1 ELEMENT OIL COOLER NUMBERS INDICATE THE ORDER OF ASSEMBLYSPIN DN OIL FILTER INSPECT AND MAKE ALL DRING NECESSARY REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS Install the oil cooler element to the oil cooler and tighten the cooler element fixing nuts to the speci fied torque kgmlbtt Oil Cooler Element 26 05 188 36 Fixing Nut Torque DRAIN CONTAINER u CHANGING THE OIL Engines Generators 48 COOLING SYSTEM1 COOLANT PUMP NUMBERS INDICATE PULLEY ORDER OF DISASSEMBLY 2 COVER AND GASKET f 3IMPELLER COOLANT PUMP DISASSEMBLY SNAP RING 3 Snap Ring Use a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the snap 1 Impeller ring Use the remover to remove the impeller 4 Spindle Bearing and Spacer Use a bench press and a suitable remover to REMOVER remove the spindle bearing and spacer PUMP BODY VISE 2 Use a bench press and a suitable rod to remove the pulley center 5 Seal Unit Washer and Seal Use a suitable remover to remove the seal unit the PULLEY CENTER washer and the seal Engines Generators 49 COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTION AND REPAIR ASSEMBLY Make the necessary adjustments repairs and parts 7 Spindle Bearing and Spacer replacements if excessive wear or damage is discovered during inspection Lubricate the bearing with multipurpose grease Use a bench press to install the spindle the bearing and the spacer REMOVING THE BEARINGS AND SPACER SMALLER BEARING LARGE BEARING6 Bearing Replacement 8 Snap Ring Removal Use a pair of snap ring pliers to install the snap Use a bench press to remove two bearings and the ring spacer 9 Pulley Center Installation Use a bench press and a bar to install the pulley Use a bench press to install two bearings and the center spacer PRESS BAR PULLEY CENTER Use a micrometer to check the fitness at the three points shown in the illustrations mmin Shaft to Pulley Center 002 006 Fitness 00008 00024 10 Seal Unit Washer and Seal Shaft to Impeller 007 011 1 Apply a thin coat of liquid gasket to the seal Fitness Fitness 00028 00043 unit outer periphery before installation Pulley Center to Pulley 014 00055 Fitness or less 2 Use a bench press and a bar to install the seal unit into the pump body SHAFT IMPELLER PULLEY CENTER PULLEY o V TAKING MEASUREMENTS Engines Generators 50 COOLING SYSTEM 11 Impeller HEAT EXCHANGER 1 Use a bench press to install the impeller to the The heat exchanger should be inspected and serviced spindle during an engine overhaul 2 Use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance 1 Disconnect the hoses and remove the hoses fittings between the impeller and the pump body drain plug and zinc anode Also remove the end fittings and gaskets mmin 2 Inspect the tube casing for wear and dents if at all Clearance between suspect replace the heat exchanger 0308 0011800315 Impeller and Pump Body 3 Clean out any zinc debris and pressure test the coolant and raw water passages BENCH PRESS 4 When reassembling install new gaskets and Orings Apply some lubricant to the new gaskets and to the fittings as you install them 5 Install a new zinc anode FEELER GAUGE t Note All of the above can be accomplished by sending the heat exchanger to a heat exchanger service shop They will also service transmission and engine oil coolers 12 Pulley I 6 Repaint the assembled heat exchanger with Install the pulley and tighten the pulley bolts to the WESTERBEKE heat resistant spray enamel specified torque kgmlbft I Pulley Fixing Bolts Torque I INSTALLING THE PULLEY THERMOSTAT ZINC ANODE Disassemble and inspect both halves of the thermostat ALSO SERVES AS A housing looking for cracks and deterioration replace if DRAIN FOR RAW WATER necessary Install a new thermostat and gasketINSPECT THE THERMOSTAT HOUSINGS F OCRACKS OR DAMAGE INSTALL A NEW R b C THERMOSTAT AND GASKET i j TO REMOVE HEAT EXCHANGER REPLACE GASKET 1 DRIVE BELT Adjustment 1 Inspect the cooling fan drive belt for cracking and other damage Replace if suspect 2 Check the drive belt tension by exerting a force of 10kg 22 Ib midway between the pulley and the alternator pulley 3 Adjust the belt tension by loosing the alternator THE GASKET IS GROOVED mounting bolt and adjusting bolt and pivoting the AND FITS AROUND THE alternator OUTER EDGE OF THE THERMOSTAT Be sure to retighten the bolts after adjusting the belt tension Engin s Generators 51 WESTERBEKE RAW WATER PUMP COMPLETE OVERHAULPUMP REMOVED FROM INSPECTION1 Remove the six screws and lock washers and the sealing Inspect all parts for wear and corrosion It is also Oring Inspect the Oring for reuse recommended that Orings gaskets and seals be replacedNOTE Inspect the impeller for cracks or stiffness and replaceif necessary PARTS LIST2 Remove the impeller key Key Part Name Part Number Quantity3 Remove the lock nut and withdraw the drive gear from Pump Housing 44344 the pump shaft and remove the key Insert a metal rod 2 Shan 43510 019 in diameter thru the hole in the shaft to prevent it 3 Impeller 43506 from turning while removing the lock nut 4 Cam 43503 5 Cover 435094 Using snap pliers remove the snap ring 6 Gear 43511 S Press out the shaft and bearing assembly from the pump 7 ORing 43567 housing Using an arbor press support the bearings inner 8 Key 43675 2 race and press the shaft out of the bearings 9 Bearing 35972 2 6 Remove the Orings from the shaft 10 Seal 43566 1 11 ORing 435687 Remove the shaft seal from the housingNote the seal 12 Snap Ring 43569 face position in the housing so as to reinstall the new 13 ORing 43570 1 seal correctly 14 Cap Screw 43673 68 Remove the cam screw and sealing washer and withdraw 15 Nut 45691 1 the cam from the housing 16 Lockwasher 317BO 6 17 ORlng 44183 18 Screw 19 Washer 32869 1Reassemble the pump in the reverse order Cap Screw 43674 1Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the lip of theshaft seal and on the shaft itself when installing assembly into the pump housing CAREFULLY MESH THE PUMPS GEAR WITH THE TIMING GEARWhen installing the pump cam inside the housing apply a WHEN ASSEMBLEDsmall amount of Permatex 1 to the inner surface of the camand to the securing screw threads Remove any excess 6 USE PERMATEX 1 ON THE SCREW THREADS AND THE INNER CAM INSPECT HOUSING FOR CRACKS AT REASSEMBLY APPLY A LIGHT COAT OF SILICONE OR PETROLEUM JELLY TO THE INNER SURFACE OF THE HOUSING Engines Generators 52 TURBOCHARGER mmin 6 Cyl Limit Rotor Shaft Radial Play TIR 0215 00085 4 If the measured value exceeds the specified limit replace the shaft MAGNET BASE TURBO CHARGER TO OIL SUMP Rotor Shaft Axial Play Measurement Turbocharger Mounting Flange Gasket 1 Install a dial indicator on the turbine housing as illu trated Carefully position the gasket with the edged side facing up2 Use the dial indicator to measure the rotor shaft axial play with moving the shaft push and pull Read the total indicator reading TIR mmin Limit Rotor Shaft Axial Play TIR 011 000433 If the measured value exceeds the specified limit Turbocharger the shaft must be replaced Semitighten the turbocharger mounting nuts The nuts will be fully tightened after installation of the oil pipes kgmlbft Turbocharger Mounting Nut Torque PULL trr PUSH AND t PUSH AND PULLRotor Shaft Radial Play Measurement Oil Drain Pipe 1 Turn over the turbocharger with the turbine exhaust inlet flange facing up 1 Remove the exhaust manifold distance tube immediately beneath the turbocharger 2 Install a dial indicator to measure the rotor shaft radial play This will make it easier to install the oil drain pipe3 Use the dial indicator to measure play Read the TIR 2 Install the oil drain pipe and tighten the oil drain mmin pipe flange nuts to the specified torque 4 Cyl Limit kgmlbft Rotor Shaft Radial Play TIR 019 00075 Oil Drain Pipe Torque 38 07 275 51 I 3 Reinstall the exhaust manifold distance tube Engines Generators 53 TURBOCHARGER FIXING BOLTS Oil Feed Pipe kgmlbft 1 Prelubricate the turbocharger with engine oil Turbo Adaptor Fixing 53 10 383 72 through the oil port shown in the illustration Bolt Torque 2 Install the oil feed pipe and tighten the pipe flange bolts to the specified torque kgmlbft CHECKINGOil Feed Pipe Flange 1 Check the air intake duct connections for air lea 26 05 188 36 kageBolt Torque 2 Check the intake manifold connections for air lea kage 3 Check the exhaust duct connections for smoke lea kage 4 Check the turbocharger mounting nuts for loose ness 5 Check the oil feed pipe for oil leakage 6 Check the oil return pipe joints for oil leakage Kgm IbIt lOlL RETURN PIPE BOLTS TORQUE 21 05 152 36 Turbo Adapter 6 cyl 1 Use a screw driver to insert the gas sealing ring to the turbocharger exhaust outlet port 2 Tighten the turbo adaptor fixing bolts to the specified torque GAS SEALING RING Engines Generators 54 ENGINE TIMING ADJUSTMENT 4 Hold the fuel control lever at the fully open positionBring No I piston to the top dead center on the compression 5 Slowly tum the crankshaft pulley clockwise and at thestroke Tum the crankshaft pulley clockwise viewed at same time feed fuel to the injection pump by slowlyengine front and align the mark on the crankshaft pulley pumping the feed pump When the fuel stops to flow outwith the TOC mark from No I delivery valve holder stop turning the crank shaft pulley and pumping This is the beginning of fuelRemove the access cover at the front of the injection pump injectionand check the alignment between the pointer A on theinjection pump gear lock plate and the projected pointer B on 4 CYL SHOWNthe timing gear case If A and B are in alignment the timing THE 6 CYL HAS EIGHTis set correctly TIMING NOTCH LINESIf they are in alignment No1 cylinder is at the TOC on PUNCHED ON THE GEARthe compression stroke If it is in misalignment recheck by CASE AND THE TOC MARK ON THE CRANKturning the crankshaft pulley one more tum to repeat the to make sure that it is in alignment TIMING GEAR CASE PUllEY MARK 6 Notice which injection timing mark is aligned with the pulley mark The timing mark in alignment with the pulley mark indicates the degrees before TOC the start of fuel injectionCheck the crankshaft position for the start of fuel injection 7 Blowout the remaining fuel fromthe delivery valve holder Check that there is no fuel being delivered from1 Tum the crankshaft pulley viewed from the priming pump the engine front about 302 Remove No I high pressure injection line INJECTION TIMING BCTC 4 CYL 14 4 CYL TURBO 12 DELIVERY VALVE HOLDER INJECTION TIMING BlDC 6 CYL 12 6 CYL TURBO 12 SPRING mij DELIVERY VALVE3 Remove the injection pump No1 delivery valve holder delivery valve and spring and reinstall the delivery valve holder back into the pump DELIVERY VALVE HOLDER TIGHTENING TORQUE 39 44 Nm 4 45 Kgm289 325 ftIb Engines Generators 55 ENGINE PROCEDURES1 Align the pulley mark and the specified timing mark Refer to the injection timing Loosen the four injection pump attachment nuts LOOSEN FOUR NUTS3 To advance the timing pivot the injection pump at the 80TH SIDES pump drive shaft away from the engine To retard the timing pivot the injection pump at the pump drive shaft toward the engine NOTE A 1mm misalignment between the timing marks on the crankshaft pulley will correspond to about 2 in crank angle4 Recheck the timing following procedures 1 through 55 Tighten the four injection pump attachment nuts6 Again remove No1 delivery valve holder and reinstall the delivery valve spring and the valve holder DELIVERY VALVE HOLDER TIGHTENING TORQUE 39 44 Nm 4 45 Kgm289 325 ftIb7 Reinstall the No1 high pressure injection line TIMING GEAR CASE Engines Generators 56 ENGINE ENGINE COMPRESSION OIL PRESSUREMake certain the oil level dipstick is at the correct level The engines oil pressure during operation is indicatedand the air intake filter is clean The battery and starter motor by the oil pressure gauge on the instrument panel Duringmust also be in good condition normal operation the oil pressure will range between 40 and 60 psi 28 and 42 kgcm1 Warm the engine to normal operating temperature2 Move the control lever to a position for shutting off the NOTE A newly started cold engine call have an oil pressure fuel Disconnect the wires if a fuel shutdown solenoid reading up to 60 psi 42 kglcm2 A warmed engine can have is used an oil pressure reading as low as 35 psi 25 kgIc171 2 These3 Remove all the glow plugs from the engine and install readings will vary depending upon the temperature f the engine and the rpm the compression gaugeadapter combination to the cylinder on which the compression is to be measured Low Oil Pressure The specified safe minimum oil pressure is 5 10 psi A gradual loss of oil pressure usually indicates a worn bearings For additional information on low oil pressure readings see TESTING ENGINE COMPRESSION the ENGINE chart Testing Oil Pressure To test the oil pressure remove the oil pressure sender then install a mechanical oil pressure gauge in its place After warming up the engine set the engine speed at idle and read the oil pressure gauge OIL PRESSURE 50 psi at 1800 rpm SENDER AND SWITCH TORQUE 9 13 fIlb 12 18 m kg Oil pure at 1800 or 1500 rpm should maintain a reading of 50 pSI4 Close the raw water seacock thruhull5 Crank the engine and allow the gauge to reach a maximum reading then record that reading PREHEAT SOLENOID6 Repeat this process for each cylinder COMPRESSION PRESSURE 441 psi 310 Kgem at 200 rpm ALLOWABLE LIMIT 370PSI 260 Kgem MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CYLINDERS 20A BREAKER 2844 psi 20 KgemNOTE lfthe readings are below the limit the engine needs an overhaul7 Reinstall the glow plugs and reset the fuel shutoff to the run positionS Open the raw water seacock thruhullLow low compression is found detemline the cause byapplying a small amount of oil in the cylinder thru the glowplug hole Allow the oil to settleInstall the pressure gauge and repeat the above test If thecompression reading rises dramatically the fault is with therings If the compression valve does not rise the problem iswith the valvesA slight rise in compression would indicate a problem with Iboth the rings and the valves Oil PRESSURE SWITCH Engines Generators 57 ENGINE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENTNOTE The cylinder head bolts have been tightened withthe Angular Tightening Method shown ill this manual it is not necessary to retighten the cylinder head SCREWbolts before adjustng the valve clearances VALVE CLEARANCEChart shows six cylinder model 0076 IN 040MM Cylinder No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Valve arrangement I E I E I E I E I E I E When No1 cylinder is at TDC in the 00 0 0 0 0 compression stroke When NO6 cylinder is at TOC in the 0 0 0 0 00 4 Loosen each valve clearance adjusting screw as shown in compression stroke the illustration 5 Insert a 040mm 0016 in feeler gauge between the1 In order to bring No1 or No6 six cyl No4 piston rocker arm and valve stem end four cyl to the top dead center in the compression 6 Turn the valve clearance adjusting screw until a slight stroke align the TDC mark and the crankshaft pulley drag can be felt on the feeler gauge mark 7 Tighten the locknutChart shows four cylinder model LOCKNUT TORQUE 188 36 Hlb 26 05 kgm Cylinder No 1 2 3 4 8 Rotate the crankshaft 360 Valve arrangement I E I E I E I E 9 Realign the crankshaft pulley TDC notched line with the When No1 cylinder timing pointer is at TOC in the 0 0 0 0 10 Adjust the clearances for the remaining valves as shown compression stroke in the illustrations When NO6 cylinder is at TOC in the 0 0 0 0 compression stroke2 Do the adjustment on the circle marked valves in the above table where No1 piston is in the TDC in the compression stroke After these steps do the adjustments on the double circle marked valves where the No6 NO1 CYLINDER IS AT TOC IN COMPRESSION STROKE piston six cyl No4 piston four cyl is on TDC in the compression stroke3 After adjusting the valves with piston No1 at TDC rotate the crankshaft 360 again aligning the TDC mark and the pulley mark This brings piston No6 or No4 to TDC then adjust the remaining valves FRONT NO1 CYLINDER IS AT TOC IN COMPRESSION STROKE 1Iat FRONT NO4 CYLINDER IS AT TOC IN COMPRESSION STROKE Engines Generators 58 FUEL SYSTEM FUEL INJECTION PUMP Changing the Fuel Filter The fuel injection pump is a very important component 1 Shut the fuel supply off of the diesel engine requiring the utmost care in handling 2 Slip a plastic bag over the fuel filter to prevent If the fuel injection pump requires servicing remove it and fuel spillage then loosen the fuel filter turning take it to an authorized fuel injection pump service facility with a filter wrench Do not attemJt to disassemble and repair it 3 Using a rag wipe clean the sealing face on the housing bracket so the new filter can be seated properly 4 Lightly oil the sealing Oring on the new filter To reinstall turn the filter assembly carefully until the Oring contacts the sealing surface of the housing bracket Turn 23 further o I I 0 with the filter wrench 3RG Pump No 101 NOTE The cartridge contains fuel Take care not to pill it NpPE SA95 LICENCE BOSCH during disassembly 5 Open the fuel supply The filter will fill with fuel ldentificetion number Check for leaks 6 Run the engine to make certain there are no leaks IDENTIFICATION PLATE AND PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER 1 Injection pump adjustment and repair should be made by the nearest DKKC Diesel Kiki Co Ltd or ROBERT BOSCH Authorized Service Outlet 2 When you ask such authoriged service outlet the adjustment or repair the Identification Plate and LIGHTLY WIPE Product Serial Number will give them a necessary WITH CLEAN FUEL clue to get technical data distributed by the manu facturers previously TO LlFTPUMP AND Without this data the Service Outlet will be unable FUEL to effectively service your injection pump If you are unable to locate the data applicable to your injection pump please contact your PREFILL WESTERBEKE dealer WITH FRESH FUEL FUEL INJECTORS FEED PUMP Poor fuel quality contaminants and loss of positive fuel KNOB pressure to the injection pump can result in injector faults Fuel injectors must be serviced in a clean room environment Before removing the old injector clean the area around the base of the injector to help prevent any rust or debris from falling down into the injector hole If the injector will not lift out easily and is held in by carbon buildup or the like work the injector sidetoside with the aid of the socket wrench to free it and then lift it out The injector seats in the cylinder head on a copperSTRAINER FUEL FEED PUMP sealing washer This washer should be removed withCLEAN WITH DIESEL FUEL the injector and replaced with a new washer when the new injector is installed The fuel injectors should be pressure tested after 750 operating hours INJECTION STARTING PRESSURE 181 Mpa 2630 psi Fuel Feed Pump The fuel feed pump is an integral part of the injection HOLDDOWN NUTS TORQUE 19 02 kgm 135 15 fHb pump The fuel strainer in the pump should be serviced Refer to the illustration 59 FUEL SECTION 5 NOZZLE HOLDER PUSH RO 4 Injection Nozzle NOZZLE HOLDER There must be no oil on the contact surfaces of the CAP NUT injection nozzle and the injection nozzle holder Clean these contact surfaces with diesel fuel before CAP NUT installation GASKET The nozzle dowel pin must be aligned with the NUMBERS INDICATE dowel hole in the nozzle holder body THE ORDER OF DISASSEMBLY NOZZLE ADJUSTING ALIGN THE DOWEL SCREW WITH THE HOLE 5 Retaining Nut kgmlbft PUSH ROD Nozzle Retining Nut SPRING 7 1 Torque6 RETAINING NUT Nozzle INJECTOR Remove the nozzle assembly from the nozzle body 1 TORQUE WRENCH Keep the parts separately to maintain the proper needle valve to body combination Push Rod Spring Check the push rod spring for wear weakness and cor INJECTION TESTING rosion 1 Using the nozzle tester check the spray pattern and injection starting pressure of nozzle and if it exceeds the limit adjust or replace the nozzle When Nozzle Holder Push Rod using nozzle tester take the following precautions 1 Check the nozzle holder push rod curvature 2 Check the nozzle holder push rod and needle valve contact surfaces for excessive wear and poor con A CAUTION The spray injected from the nozzle is tact of such velocity that it may penetrate deeply into the skin of fingers and hands destroying tissue If Injection Nozzle it enters the bloodstream it may cause blood poisoning 1 Check the injection nozzle needle valve the valve seat and the injection nozzle hole for carbon depos its NOZZLE INJECTION TESTER If carbon deposits are present the injection nozzle and the needle valve must be replaced 2 Hold the nozzle body vertically Pull the needle valve about onethird of the way out of the nozzle body Release the needle valve Check that the needle valve falls back into the noz zle body as far as the valve seat If the needle valve does not fall back into the nozzle body as far as the valve seat the injection nozzle alf the diesel fuel of the nozzle tester is discolored and the needle valve must be replaced replace it At the same time clean or replace the fuel filter b Set the nozzle tester in a clean place where there 3 Injection Pipe Connector is no dust or dirt kgmlbft c Mount the nozzle holder on the nozzle tester Nozzle Connector Torque 55 05 388 36 I d Use the fuel at the approximate temperature of 68F 20C Engines Generators 60 FUEL SECTION e Operate the hand lever of nozzle tester several GLOW PLUGS times to bleed the air in the nozzle line then move the hand lever at intervals of one stroke per second The glow plugs are wired through the preheat solenoid while reading the injection starting pressure When PREHEAT is pressed at the control panel this solenoid should click on and the glow plug should Injection Starting Pressure Adjustment begin to get hot The Injection nozzle injection starting pressure can be Inspection adjusted after the screw is installed To inspect the plug remove the electrical terminal con INJECTION STARTING PRESSURE 2630 psi 181 MPa 185 Kgem nections then unscrew or unclamp each plug from the cylinder head Thoroughly clean each plugs tip andJJllW W threads with a soft brush and cleaning solution to remove all the carbon and oil deposits While cleaning examine the tip for wear and burn erosion if it has eroded too much replace the plug Testing GOOD BAD BAD An accurate way to test glow plugs is with an ohmmeter Touch one prod to the glow plugs wire connection and the other to the body of the glow plug as shown A good glow plug will have a 04 06 ohm resistance Spray Condition Check During Injection Nozzle Testing This method can be used with the plug in or out of the Operation engine You can also use an ammeter to test the power 1 Tighten the cap nut drain 5 6 amps per plug 2 Check the injection nozzle starting pressure 3 Check the injection nozzle spray condition Nozzle Holder Cap Nut A WARNING These glow plugs will become very hot to the touch Be careful not to burn your fingers when kgmlbtt testing the plugs Cap Nut Torque 45 05 325 36 I TESTING A GLOW PLUG WITH AN OHMMETER KEYPREHEATflJ Kgm IbII TESTING A GLOW PLUG INJECTION HOLDDOWN NUTS TORQUE 19 02 13715 USING A TEST LIGHT GLOW PLUGS FROM PREHEAT TERMINAL Reinstall the plugs in the engine and test them again The plugs should get very hot at the terminal end within 20 to 25 seconds If the plugs dont heat up quickly check for a short circuit When reinstalling the glow plugs use antiseize compound on the threads A WARNING Do not keep a glow plug on for more than 30 seconds Kgm IbII I GLOW PLUG TIGHTENING TORQUE TORQUE 27 195 Engines Generators 61 METER NOTE Current model tachometers use a coarse adjustment dial to set the tachometer to the crankshaft pulley IpI11S TheThe tachometerhour meter used in propulsion engine instru calibrating screw is then usedfor fine tuningment panels contains two separate electrical circuits with acommon ground One circuit operates the hour meter and theother the tachometer The hour meter circuit operates on 12volts alternator charging voltage supplied to the terminalon the back of the instrument JUMPER WIREThe tachometer circuit operates on AC voltage 68 volts fedfrom one of the diodes in the alternator and supplied to thetachometer input terminal while the engine is running andthe alternator producing battery charging voltage 130148 TERMINALvolts DCThe following are procedures to follow when COARSE TERMINALa fault in either of the two circuits in a tachometerhour TACH INPHour meter Inoperative CALIBRATION AC VOLTAGECheck for the proper DC voltage between and telminals TACHOMETER CHECK New Installation1 Voltage present meter is defective repair or replace NOTE In a new installation having new instrument panels the tachometer may 170t always be correctly calibrated to the2 Voltage not present trace and electrical con engines rpm This calibration should be checked in all new nections for fault Jump 12 volts DC to meter installations telminal to verify the operation 1 Warm up the engine to nonnal operating Inoperative Remove any specks on the crankshaft pulley with a cleanCheck for the proper AC voltage between tachometer input cloth and place a piece of suitable reflecting tape on thetenninal and tell11inal with the engine running pulley to facilitate use of a photoelectric type tachometer1 Voltage present attempt adjusting meter through calibra 2 Start and idle the engine tion access hole No results repair or replace meter 3 Aim the light of the tachometer onto the reflecting tape to2 AC voltage not present check for proper alternator DC confinn the engine speed Check the instrument panel output voltage tachometer reading Adjust the tachometer in the panel by using the instrument coarse adjustment to calibrate the3 Check for AC voltage at tach telminal on alternator to instrument reading to the closest RPM that the photo tach ground is showing Then use the fine calibration adjustment to4 Check electrical connections from tachometer input ter bring the instrument to the exact reading as the photo tach minal to alternator Sticking1 Check for proper AC voltage between tach inp tenninal and telminal2 Check for good ground connection between meter terminal and alternator3 Check that altemator is well grounded to engine block at alternator pivot boltTachometer Inaccuratea With a handheld tach on tile front of the crankshaft pulley retaining nut or with a strobetype tach read the front crankshaft pulley rpm at idleb Adjust the tachometer with a small Phillips type screw driver through the calibration access hole in tl1e rear of the tachometer Zero tile tach and bring it to the rpm indicated by the strobe or hand tach Verify tile rpm at idle and at high speed and adjust the tach as needed Engines Generators 62 WESTERBEKE 51A MANDO ALTERNATOR DISASSEMBLY AND TESTING A WARNING A failed alternator can become very hot Do not touch until the alternator has cooled down REAR HOUSING A WARNING Before starting the engine make certain that everyone is clear of moving parts Keep away from sheaves and belts during test procedures FAN A WARNING Multimeters and DC Circuits DC and AC circuits are ofter mixed together in marine applications Always disconnect shore power cords isolate DC and AC converters and shut down generators before performing DC testing No AC tests should be made without proper knowledge of AC circuits EXCITER TERMINAL R TACHOMETER TERMINAL Iiiiio CAPACITORCOVER SENSING TERMINAL S GROUND REFER TO THE TERMINAL E WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR THE ABOVE WIRING HARNESS CONNECTIONS JUMPER B TESTING THE EXCITATION CIRCUIT TESTING THE OUTPUT CIRCUIT 1 Connect the positive voltmeter lead to the excitation 1 Connect the positive voltmeter lead to the output terminal R on the alternator and the negative lead to terminal B and connect the negative lead to the ground the ground terminal E on the alternator terminal E on the alternator 2 Turn the ignition switch to the on positiul and note the 2 Wiggle the engine wiring harness while observing the voltmeter reading The reading should be 13 to 25 voltmeter The meter should indicate the approximate volts see illustration battery voltage and should not vary If no reading is 3 If the reading is between 75 and 11 volts the obtained or if the reading varies check the alternator rotor field circuit probably is shorted or grounded output circuit for loose or dirty connections or Disassemble the alternator and test the rotor as damaged wiring described under CLEAN AND TEST ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS in this section NOTE Prior to any altemator testing impect the entire altemator system wiring for defects Check all conllections 4 If the reading is between 60 and 70 volts the rotor for tightness and clealliiness particularly battery cable field circuit probably is open Remove the regulator clamps and battery tenninals Inspect the altemator drive and inspect it for worn brushes or dirty slip rings belt for excessive wear and replace if necessary Also adjust Replace the brushes if they are less than 1I4in 6 mm for proper belt tension long If the brushes and slip rings are in good condi tion disassemble the alternator and test the rotor as outlined under CLEAN AND TEST ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS in this section WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 63 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE e Remove the regulator coverTESTING THE EXCITER LEAD f Temporarily reinstall Jumper Al and all associated nuts Leave Jumper B installed g Remove the plastic plug from the side of the regulator h Connect a jumper between the top brush lead and the ground JUMPER A 5 If no reading is obtained an open exists in the REGULATOR U L lead or in the excitation circuit of COVER the regulator Disconnect the lead from exc terminal R Connect the positive voltmeter lead to the excitation SENSING OUTPUT lead and the negative voltmeter lead to ground terminal TERMINAL TERMINAL E If the voltmeter now indicates an approximate battery voltage the voltage regulator is defective and must be GROUND replaced If no voltage is indicated check the excitation circuit for loose or dirty connections or damaged wiring TEST VOLTAGE REGULATOR Perform this test to determine if the voltage regulator is CONNECT operating correctly using a 0 20 volt DC voltmeter JUMPER WIRE NOTE The battery must be fully charged to obtain a proper BRUSHES voltage reading in this test If necessary charge the battery with a battery chargeror allow the engine to run a sufficient length of time to fully charge the battery before taking a REGULATOR reading 1 Connect the positive voltmeter lead to the positive battery terminal and the negative voltmeter lead to the negative terminal 2 Start the engine and run it at fast idle until the engine reaches its normal operating temperature Adjust the PLASTIC PLUG TOP LEAD engine speed to 1500 2000 rpm and observe the FROM BRUSH voltmeter for the highest reading The reading should be between 137 and 147 volts 3 If the reading is high check for a loose or dirty i Repeat steps 1 and 2 alternator ground lead connection If the connection is NOTE Do lot let Ihe Itage exceed 16 10111 good the voltage regulator is faulty and must be j If a voltmeter reading of 145 volts or above is replaced Be sure to disconnect the battery cables before now obtained the voltage regulator is faulty and attempting to remove the alternator must be replaced If the voltmeter reading is below 4 If the reading is low 145 volts inspect the brushes and slip rings for a Stop the engine and remove the alternator wiring wear dirt or damage If the hrushes and slip rings connections are good the alternator is fault internally b Remove the Phillips cover screw from the regulator Disassemble the alternator and test the components cover see illustration as outlined in this section c Remove the nut from the output terminal and the nut from the sensing terminal and remove Jumper A d Remove another nut from the sensing terminal and the nut from the excitation terminal Engines Generators 64 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE REMOVE ALTERNATOR 10 Place an oversized Vbelt around the pulley and fasten the pulley in a vise 1 Disconnect the negati ve battery ground cable 11 Use a 78 in box wrench to loosen and remove the 2 Disconnect the wiring leads pulley nut 3 Loosen the screws Holding the alternator rotate it 12 Remove the pulley nut lockwasher pulley fan and toward the engine and lift the belt off the pulley spacer 4 Remove the screws and washers and remove the alternator TERMINAL NUTS PHILLIPS FAN SCREWS PUllEY AND FAN COMPONENTS A CAUTION DO NOT insert screwdriver blades OUTPUT more than 116 in 16 mm Damage to the stator TERMINAL winding could result from deeper penetration NOTE Score the stator and the front alld rear housings so the llnit may be reassembled correctly 13 Remove the four throughbolts and carefully pry the DISASSEMBLE ALTERNATOR front housing away from the rear housing using two screwdri verso 1 Remove the terminal nuts to remove the jumper see illustration REAR HOUSING 2 Remove the remaining terminal nuts 3 Remove the capacitor 4 Remove the Phillips screw from the regulator cover SCREW DRIVER 5 Remove the cover 6 Remove the nut from the terminal 7 Remove the jumper 8 Remove the terminal insulators 9 Remove the two Phillips screws and remove the 14 Carefully push the rotor assembly out of the front brushregulator assembl y housing and rear housing NOTE If he bearing is removed from he hOllsing nell bearing mltst be installed IS After removing the three bearing locking screws care fully press the front bearing out of the housing Press REMOVAL against the inner race of the bearing WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 65 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE 2 Inspect and test the diodetrio assembly a Using a commercial diode tester a 12volt DC test lamp or an ohmmeter check the resistance between BEARING LOCKING each of the three diode terminals and the indicator SCREWS light stud light stud FRONT BEARING BEARING DRIVER DIODE TRIO ASSEMBLY h Reverse the tester leads and repeat the resistance FRONT BEARING FRONT HOUSING checks c A very low resistance should be indicated in one16 Remove the rectifier assembly by removing the Phillips direction and a very high resistance should be indi screw and lifting out the assembly cated in the other direction if the diodes are normal d If any diode appears to be defective replace the complete assembly Do not attempt to replace an individual diode 3 Test the dioderectifier bridge as follows a Using a commercial diode tester check for continuity from each of three terminals to the ouput terminal RECTIFIER REMOVAL GROUND RECTIFIER TERMINAL DIODESCLEAN AND TEST ALTERNATOR COMPONENTS h Reverse the tester leads and repeat Step a c Continuity should exist in only one direction and1 Inspect and test the brushregulator assembly The all diodes should check alike brush set may be reused if the brushes are 1I4 in 6 mm or longer The brushes must not be oil soaked d Perform the same continuity checks between the cracked or grooved three terminals and strap ground terminal This should show continuity in only one direction Test for continuity between I and 2 and 3 and 4 using through the diodes and all diodes should check a test lamp or an ohmmeter These checks will indicate alike a good brushregulator assembly replace the complete assembly if necessary e If any diode appears to be defective replace the rectifier assembly TESTING BRUSH ASSEMBLY Engines Generators 66 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE4 Clean and inspect the front and rear housings a Inspect the rear housing for cracks or breaks in the casting stripped threads or a damaged bearing bore Replace the housing if any of these conditions exist b Inspect the front housing for cracks stripped or damaged threads in the adjusting ear or an outof LAMINATIONS round bore in the mounting foot If possible correct slightly damaged threads using a tap b Check the resistance from each lead 1 2 and 3 to Replace the housing if necessary the laminations 4 There should be no continuity c If the housings are to be reused clean them in if the insulation is good solvent and dry with compressed air c Inspect the stator windings for signs of discolorationS Clean and inspect the rotor shaft bearings A discolored winding should be replaced NOTE Do not use a solvent on the rear rotor bearing d If a winding shows a high resistance or an open since it is serviced as a unit with the rotor circuit between any two of the three winding terminals or indicates poor insulation between the a The bearings should be wiped clean with a lintfree windings and the laminations the stator must b cloth containing a moderale amount of commerc 1 replaced solvent Do not immerse a bearing in solvent or use pressurized solvent or air 8 Check the rotor assembly as follows b Check the bearings for obvious damage looseness NOTE If slip rings need to be replaced you must or rough rotation Replace a bearing if any doubt replace the entire rotor exists as to its condition a Visually inspect for physical defects such as dam NOTE If the rear rotor bearing needs replacement aged shaft threads worn or damaged bearing areas replace the entire rotor burned or pitted slip rings or scuffed pole fingers6 Inspect the belt pulley for rough or badly worn belt b Measure the winding resistance across the slip rings grooves or keyway and for cracks or breaks Remove A Place the ohmmeter leads on the edges of the minor burrs and correct minor surface damage replace slip rings not on the brush contact surfaces The a badly worn or damaged pulley correct winding resistance at 70 80 F 21 27 C is 41 to 47 ohms c Minor burning or pitting of the slip ring surfaces FRONT can be removed using a crocus cloth Thoroughly HOUSING J FRONT wipe the slip rings clean after polishing removing BEARING all grit and dust d Check for a grounded slip ring or rotor winding by measuring the resistance from each slip ring to the rotor body or pole finger B An open circuit should EAR HOUSING be indicated in both cases for a good rotor e If the windings are defecti ve or physical damage cannot be corrected replace the rotor assembly 9 Use a commercial capacitor checker to test the capacitor for capacity shorts leakage and series resistance P B L OSF REG Lz EXC7 Test the stator windings as follows S a Using an ohmmeter or test lamp check for F continuity between all three leads 1 2 and 3 A low ohm reading or lit test lamp should be E observed INTERNAL CIRCUIT WIRING Engines Generators 67 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE 2 Place the rotor pulley end up on the bed of an arbor press on two steel blocks 3 Press the front housing and bearing assembly down onto the rotor shaft Press against the bearings inner race only using a sleeve driver Take care to insure that POLE FINGERS the rotor leads clear the steel blocks SLEEVE DRIVER FRONT HOUSING AND BEARING ASSEMBLYSLIP RINGS ROTOR INSTALLING THE FRONT HOUSING ON THE ROTOR ALTERNATOR 4 Install the rectifier assembly into the rear housing1 Carefully press the front bearing into the front housing 5 Insert the Phillips screw and tighten it pushing against the bearings outer race using a bearing driver Lock the bearing in place with screws TORQUE 25 35 bin 28 40 Nm BEARING RECTIFIER DRIVER ASSEMBLY FRONT BEARING OUTER FRONT HOUSING RACE 6 Assemble the front and rear housings as follows a Put the stator winding in the front housing with the FRONT BEARING ASSEMBLY stator leads away from the front housing and the notches in the stator laminations aligned with the four throughbolt holes in the housing b Align the scribe marks you made in the stator and front and rear housings during disassembly BEARING LOCKING c Slip the rear housing into place over the rotor shaft SCREWS Align the mounting holes and put the stator leads through the holes at the top of the rear housing d Install the four bolts and tighten them TORQUE 35 65 Ibft 40 73 Nm NOTE If the front housing is lIeH the throughholt FRONT BEARING Vill not be tapped ASSEMBLING THE BEARINGS Engines Generators 68 MANDO ALTERNATOR SERVICE7 Install the spacer and the fan Then push the pulley INSTALL ALTERNATOR lockwasher and nut onto the shaft Turn the nut a few 1 Install the alternator screws and washers turns8 Place an oversized Vbelt around the pulley and fasten 2 Connect the wiring leads the pulley in a vise 3 Put the belt on the alternator crankshaft and coolant pump pulleys 4 Adjust the alternator belts tension see DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT under ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS OVERSIZED VBELT MANDO ALTERNATOR SPECIFICATIONS Battery Voltage 12 Volt Maximum Speed 13500 RPM Cut in Speed Max 2000 RPM at exc Max 1500 RPM at L2 Reg Set Voltage 147 Volts Ambient Temp 20C 100C Ground Negative INSTALLING THE PULLEY AND THE FAN NUT9 Use a torque wrench to the tighten the nut TORQUE 35 50 Ibft 47 68 Nm10 Carefully install the brushregulator assembly on the rear housing with the two mounting screws11 Install the small terminal insulators12 Install the large terminal insulator13 Install the jumper14 Install the nut on the terminal15 Install the brushregulator assembly cover16 Install the Phillips screw for the brushregulator assembly cover TORQUE 25 351bft 28 51 Nm17 Install the capacitor18 Install the terminal nuts19 Install the jumper20 Install the last terminal nut Engines Generators 69 STARTER MOTOR START SWITCH BATIERY CONTROL SWITCH FIGURE 1 STARTER WIRING Continuity CheckTo independently test the starter it is necessary to remove Disconnect the field lead on the starter from the solenoid Mit from the engine However before doing this checks terminal and insulate it carefully to prevent accidental contactshould be made to ensure that the problem is with the starter Set the transmission in neutral Use a voltmeter to check forand not with the engine battery wiring or switches When voltage at the solenoid S terminal while the start switch isthe other possible problem sources have been eliminated held in the START position If voltage is not present at the Sthen remove and test the starter Comparison of test results terminal use the voltmeter and the wiring diagram to tracewith the chart will aid in isolating the prob the control circuit and locate the point of voltage loss and corlem within the starter to specific components This will rect it as the repair or repairs needed to restore the starter to Starter If the battery wiring and switches are in satisfactory condiBaHery Test tion and the engine is known to be functioning testing as well as successful operation requires a remove the starter for further testingfully charged battery capable of supplying the current needs Starter NoLoad Testof the starting system Step one in the starting system is to test the battery Follow the battery manufac With the starter removed from the engine the noload testturers instructions can reveal damage that can be corrected by repair or it may indicate the need for component testing after the starter is disWiring and Switches assembled Repair and component test procedures areVisual Inspection described in the UNIT REPAIR section The noload test is also used to test units for normal operation after repair orVisually inspect all wiring and switches in the starting cir overhaul Comparison of test results with the Troublecuit for damage and loose or cOlToded connections This shooting chart will indicate what corrective action if any isincludes all ground connections Clean and tighten the con as required Replace damaged wiring or components Engines Generators 70 STARTER MOTORTest HookUp Figure 2 NOTE During the noload test close the switch and operateConnect the starter for the noload test as shown in the the starter for cycles of 30 seconds maximum using suitable instruments battery cables and con cycles allow the starter to cool for at least two minutes othnecting wiring Do the following erwise overheating and damage to the starter may result1 Secure the starter in a suitable test stand to check its 1 Momentarily close the switch operation a If there is a high current flow and the starter fails to2 Use a momentary contact pushbutton switch in the test operate zero rpm release the switch immediately circuit for a quick release if very high current surges Internal mechanical damage is indicated Discontinue are encountered the test and refer to Make all connections or disconnections with the switch b If there is no current flow and the starter fails to oper open and the carbon pile load turned off ate zero rpm release the switch immediately An open circuit is indicated Discontinue the test and4 If sparking or current flow in the battery circuit is refer to noted when making the connections the starter sole noid switch contacts may be frozen shut refer to c If there is a current flow and the starter operates release the switch and proceed with the next step of the noload test5 As the last step in making the test connection ground the negative battery cable securely to a clean metal 2 Close the switch and observe the voltmeter Adjust the ground on the starter frame carbon pile load to obtain a 10 volt reading 20 volts on a 24volt starter Observe and record the ammeter and rpm6 The carbon pile load is used to adjust the operating readings Release the switch voltage for comparison with specifications It may not be necessary in all cases but should be used to elimi 3 Compare the ammeter and rpm readings to those listed nate the need for interpolation of test data under SPECIFICATIONS at the end of this section If the readings are outside the limits shown refer toTest Procedure to determine the most likely causes If the readings are within the limits the starter is operating normally A CAUTION Keep fingers and tools away from the opening in the DE drive end housing while testing The strong shifting action of the solenoid could cause personal injury or damage as the drive pinion moves into the cranking position and spins VOLTMETER CLAMP ON AMMETER SWITCH BAT S M CARBON PILE FIGURE 2 STARTER NOLOAD TEST HOOKUP Engines Generators 71 STARTER ble cause and its remedy The problems listed in the chartIf the results of the noload test are outside the limits refer apply specifically to the noload test and do not necessarilyto the following chart for the proba apply to operation under other circumstances PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE Normal current and speed a Starter OK a Recheck battery switches and wiring including battery cable loss Check if starter operation on engine is slow or sluggish Current flow with test circuit switch open a Solenoid switch contacts stuck closed a Test and if necessary replace solenoid assembly Failure to operate with very low or no a Open solenoid wiring a Inspect and test solenoid assembly current b Open field circuit b Inspect and test frame and field assembly c Open armature coils or high insulation c Inspect armature between commutator bars d Broken brush springs or worn brushes d Inspect brushes and brush springs Failure to operate with high current a Frozen bearing or other damage to drive a Inspect bearings armature drive shaft train and related drive parts b Direct ground in terminals or fields b Inspect and test frame and field assem bly solenoid assembly armature and brush installations for shorts Low speed with high current a Excessive friction in bearings or gear a Inspect bearing armature drive shaft reduction unit bent armature shaft or and gear reduction gears loose pole shoe bent drive shaft b Shorted armature b Inspect and test armature c Grounded armature or fields c Inspect and test frame and field coil assembly and armature Low speed with normal or low current a High internal electrical resistance caused a Inspect internal wiring electrical connec by poor connections defective leads or tions and armature commutator dirty commutator b Causes listed under Failure to operate b Remedies listed under Failure to operate with very low or no current with very low or no current High speed with high current a Shorted fields a Inspect and test field and frame assembly Refer to the UNIT RlPAIR section for required disassembly inspection test and if necessary repair or replacement REPAIR This section provides instructions for complete disassembly of the starter as would be the case for overhaul If the starterNOTE Always install fasteners at their original locations is not due for an overhaul and repair affecting specific partsIf it is necessary to replace fasteners use only the correct only is required the starter may be disassembled only to thepart numbers or equivalent If the correct part number is not extent necessary to gain access to these parts Parts use only a fastener of equal size and strength Use from the starter as subassemblies or groups need not be disa torque wrench to tighten fasteners when a torque value is assembled for such limited repair unless they contain thespecified Torques specified are for dry unlubricated fasten affected parts Total disassembly is recommended howeverers unless otherwise specified to ensure that all parts can be thoroughly cleaned 3 In this section the starter is broken down by main groupsFigure 3 shows the starter broken down into its component These groups are then disassembled into individual parts andparts and assemblies Do not attempt to disassemble the fol assemblies Illustrations accompany the text to show specificlowing components which are serviced as assemblies operations To see the parts relationship of the complete starter refer back to Figure 3 Solenoid assembly 1 To begin make a mark completely down one side of the Clutch Drive assembly 2 starter to ensure proper alignment of all its components at Brush Holder assembly 3 assembly Use a colored pencil or marker that will show on Armature assembly 13 all parts Frame and Field assembly 19 Engines Generators 72 STARTER MOTOR 13 28 j 33 i 30 31 32 15 1fIJ I 12 8l 6 I 2223 1 SOLENOID ASSEMBLY 10 7 Jb 2 CLUTCH DRIVE 35 ASSEMBL Y 6 0 3 BRUSH HOLDER 2 ASSEMBLY 21 4 BRUSH GROUNDED 5 BRUSH INSULATED 6 DE HOUSING 18 BUSHING 21 SHIFT LEVER SCREW 7 BRUSH SPRING 34 22 SHIFT LEVER WASHER 8 DE ARMATURE 23 SHIFT LEVER NUT BEARING 25 SOLENOID SCREW 9 CE ARMATURE 26 PLATE IF USED BEARING 27 DRIVE HOUSING PLUG10 CENTER SUPPORT 28 DOWEL PIN BEARING 29 INSULATED BRUSH SCREW11 SHIFT LEVER 30 WASHER FIBER12 PINION STOP 31 WASHER THIN ONE OR13 ARMATURE TWO MAY BE USED14 CE FRAME 32 WASHER THICK15 DRIVE SHAFT 33 FRAME SEAL16 ARMATURE SUPPORT 34 BUSHING PLUG IF USED BRACKET 35 STOP RING17 DRIVE SHAFT 36 DRIVE HOUSING BOLT LONG SUPPORT 37 DRIVE HOUSING BOLT18 DRIVE HOUSING SHORTER ON SOME MODELS19 FRAME FIELD 39 GROUNDED BRUSH SCREW ASSEMBLY 41 THRU BOLT20 CE FRAME ORING 42 BRUSH PLATE SCREW FIGURE 3 STARTER ASSEMBLY Engines Generators 73 STARTER MOTORGeneral Disassembly 5 Frame field and brush holder group A dowel pin 28Figure 4 and frame seal 33Remove or Disconnect a The armature assembly 13 may come off with the frame field and brush holder group A or may be1 The motor lead on the frame field and brush holder retained by the gear reduction and drive group B group A from the solenoid assembly 1 Reinstall the nut on the solenoid terminal 6 Armature assembly 13 with bearings 8 and 9 a Remove the nut on the solenoid slip off the motor a Do not remove the bearings from the armature lead and reinstall the nut assembly unless replacement is required refer to CLEANING INSPECTION AND REPAIR2 Thru bolts 41 7 Solenoid screws 253 Brush plate screws 42 8 Solenoid assembly 14 CE frame 14 and Oring 20 a Pivot the inside end of the solenoid assembly 1 out Important of engagement with the shift lever in the gear a In the following step use care not to lose the small reduction and drive group B and withdraw the dowel pin 28 installed between the frame field and solenoid assembly brush holder group A and the gear reduction and drive group B This dowel pin is required for assembly and must be saved If the dowel pin should be lost it must be replaced with a 2 mm 0079 in dia x 10 mm 0394 in long pin pro cured or manufactured locally 42 Ii 25 14 A 1 SOLENOID ASSEMBLY 8 DE ARMATURE BEARING 9 9 CE ARMATURE BEARING 13 ARMATURE ASSEMBLY 14 CE FRAME 20 CE FRAME ORING 25 SOLENOID SCREW 28 DOWEL PIN 33 FRAME SEAL 41 THRU BOLT 42 BRUSH PLATE SCREW A FRAME FIELD BRUSH HOLDER GROUP B GEAR REDUCTION DRIVE GROUP FIGURE 4 ELECTRICAL GROUP Engines Generators 74 STARTER of Frame Field and Brush Holder GroupFigure 5Remove or disconnect1 Insulated brush screws 29 a Move the brush holder assembly 3 with the brush es 4 and 5 away from the frame and field assem bly 19 slightly to reach across with a screwdriver and remove the screws 292 Frame and field assembly 193 Grounded brush screws 39 19 FRAME FIELD4 Brushes 4 and 5 if replacement is required 3 BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY a Grasp the brush end of each brush spring 7 with 29 INSULATED BRUSH 4 BRUSH GROUNDED needle nose pliers twist the spring end away from 5 BRUSH INSULATED SCREW the brush 4 or 5 and withdraw the brush 7 BRUSH SPRING 39 GROUNDED BRUSH SCREW5 Brush springs 7 if replacement is required a Grasp the brush end of each brush spring 7 with FIGURE 5 FRAME FIELD AND BRUSH HOLDER GROUP needle nose pliers twist the spring end away from the brush socket on the brush holder assembly 3 and remove the spring 11 NOTE At this stage of disassembly all electrical com ponents can be inspected and if required independently tested as specified in CLEANING INSPECTION AND of Gear Reduction and Drive GroupFigure 6Remove or disconnect1 Housing bolts 36 and 372 Armature support bracket 16 Important a The washers 30 through 32 may stick to the arma 30 0 ture support bracket or to the drive shaft and clutch group C as the armature support bracket is 31 removed In either case note the position and num 32 ber of each of these washers 63 Washers 30 through 32 21 a Save the washers they are to be installed in the same 6 DE HOUSING BUSHING position and number at assembly 11 SHIFT LEVER4 Drive housing plug 27 and plate 26 16 ARMATURE SUPPORT BRACKET a Pry out the drive housing plug using a large screw 18 DRIVE HOUSING 32 WASHER THICK driver 21 SHIFT LEVER SCREW 34 BUSHING PLUG IF5 Shift lever nut 23 washer 22 and screw 21 22 SHIFT LEVER WASHER USED 23 SHIFT LEVER NUT 36 DRIVE HOUSING BOLT6 Remove the shift lever 11 and the drive shaft and 26 PLATE IF USED LONG clutch group C from the drive housing 18 together 27 DRIVE HOUSING PLUG 37 DRIVE HOUSING BOLT then separate them 30 WASHER FIBER SHORTER ON SOME MODELS a Do not remove the bushing plug 34 or the bushing 31 WASHER THIN ONE OR C DRIVE SHAFT CLUTCH TWO MAY BE USED GROUP 6 from the drive housing 18 unless replacement is required refer to CLEANING INSPECTION AND REPAIR FIGURE 6 GEAR REDUCTION AND DRIVE GROUP Engines Generators 75 STARTER of Drive Shaft and Clutch GroupFigures 7 and 8Disassembly of the drive shaft and clutch group is notrequired unless it is necessary to clean inspect or replaceone or more parts of the group separately Then proceed or disconnect1 Stop rings 35 and pinion stop 12 a Position the drive shaft and clutch group on the work bench with the internal gear end down b Using an open tube slightly larger than the shaft see Figure 8 drive the pinion stop 12 toward the clutch drive assembly 2 until it clears the stop rings 2 CLUTCH DRIVE 10 35 ASSEMBLY 15 DRIVE SHAFT c Using care not to scratch the drive shaft 15 pry the 10 CENTER SUPPORT 17 DRIVE SHAFT stop rings out of the shaft groove and slide them off BEARING SUPPORT the end of the shaft 12 PINION STOP 35 STOP RINGS 2 PCS d Inspect the edges of the shaft groove for burrs that may have been formed through repeated cranking FIGURE 7 DRIVE SHAFT AND CLUTCH GROUP cycles Such burrs may make removal of the pinion stop and clutch drive assembly 2 difficult If burrs are found use a suitable file to carefully remove the burrs only not the base metal Thoroughly clean away metal filings e Slide the pinion stop 12 off the drive shaft 15 Discard the old pinion stop 12 and stop rings 35 New parts must be used at assembly2 Clutch drive assembly 2 from drive shaft 153 Drive shaft support 17 from drive shaft 15 a Do not remove the bearing 10 from the drive shaft 15 unless replacement is required refer to CLEAN ING INSPECTION AND REPAIR 142 MM 056 IN DIA 6 22MM 087 IN DlA OPEN TUBE FIGURE 8 REMOVING PINION STOP Engines Generators 76 STARTER MOTORCLEANING INSPECTION TESTING AND REPAIR 6 Brushes 4 and 5 for excessive wearCleaning a The minimum allowable brush length is 12 mm 0472 in Replace excessively worn brushes inNOTE Do not clean or immerse starter parts in grease dis setssolving solvents Solvents will dissolve grease packed in thedrive assembly and may damage the armature or field coil 7 The DE housing bushing 6 for scoring or other daminsulation age Replace a damaged bushing refer to REPAIR 8 Ball bearings 8 9 and 10 as follows1 All starter parts with a soft cloth prior to testing a Hold the armature 13 or drive shaft 15 and rotate the outer bearing race by handFigure 3 b Check that the bearing turns freely without binding orInspection in the following steps refers to visual inspection the feel of flat spotsof the starter parts and assemblies to determine their serviceability Electrical tests for certain assemblies are described in c Replace damaged bearings refer to ELECTRICAL TESTING 9 Armature assembly 13 for the following1 All parts for cracks distortion other structural damage a Gear teeth that are broken or that show evidence of Replace parts or assemblies which are cracked bent or step wear or root interference otherwise damaged b Rough commutator surface Polish with a No 4002 Threaded parts for stripped crossed or otherwise dam grit polishing cloth if necessary Thoroughly clean aged threads Replace parts with thread damage that metal dust from between the commutator bars If the cannot be cleaned up using a suitable tap or die commutator surface cannot be repaired in this man Replace any hardware items that have damaged threads ner replace the armature assembly Do not tum the commutator in a lathe3 The solenoid assembly 1 for a cut or torn boot If the boot is damaged replace the solenoid assembly c Worn commutator Replace the armature assembly if the commutator OD is less than 35 mm 1378 in or4 The clutch drive assembly 2 for the following if the undercut depth at any point is less than 02 mm Replace the clutch drive assembly if damaged 0008 in Do not undercut the insulation a Pinion gear turns roughly or turns in both directions 10 Drive shaft 15 for the following Replace the drive b Pinion gear teeth broken or showing evidence of shaft if damaged step wear a Scored or damaged shaft where it turns in the c Deep scoring or other damage to the shift lever collar bushing 65 The brush holder assembly 3 for the following b Internal gear with teeth broken or showing evidence Replace the brush holder if damaged of step wear a Loose riveted joints c Damaged spline The clutch drive assembly must b Cracked or broken insulation slide smoothly and easily over the full length of the spline Engines Generators 77 STARTER MOTORComponent Electrical Testing BATIERYFigures 9 and 10 the following electrical tests on the solenoid assembly 1 armature assembly 13 and frame and field assembly 19 to determine their Using a suitable ohmmeter check the windings of the solenoid assembly I for continuity as follows a Check the resistance of the solenoid pullin and holdin windings in series by measuring the resist ance between the motor terminal see Figure 9 and the solenoid case The resistance should be approxi mately 095 ohms for 12voIt starters and approxi mately175 ohms for 24voIt starters h An extremely high resistance reading indicates a break or fault in the winding continuity A very low resistance reading indicates a short or ground in the MOTOR winding circuit Either condition is cause for TERMINAL replacement of the solenoid assembly2 Check the armature 13 as follows for shorts opens or FIGURE 9 SOLENOID TERMINALS grounds using suitable test equipment and instruments test lamp must be 110 volts or less a Rotate the armature in a growler holding a steel strip such as a hacksaw blade against the armature If a short circuit is present the steel strip will vibrate in that area h Check the armature for grounds using a test lamp or ohmmeter There shall be no continuity between the armature shaft and any point on the commutator c Check for opens by visually inspecting the points where the armature conductors join the commutator A poor connection often will be indicated by signs of arcing or burning of the commutator d Replace armatures which are shorted grounded or show evidence of opens3 Check frame and field assembly 19 for grounds or opens using a test lamp 110 volts max or ohmmeter as follows a Check that there is continuity no opens between the field terminal that connects to the solenoid and the connection points for the insulated brushes on the field coil straps h Check that there is no continuity no grounds between the frame and the field terminal that con nects to the solenoid c Replace frame and field assemblies that have grounds or opens FIGURE 10 FRAME AND FIELD ASSEMBLY Engines Generators 78 STARTER MOTORRepair Procedures Remove or 3 and 11 a The center support bearing 10 from the drive shaft1 If necessary replace the bearings 8 and 9 Figure 3 on 15 using a locally fabricated tool as shown in the armature 13 as follows Figure 11 NOTE Ball bearings which are removed from the Install or Connect armature must be replaced with new bearings The h The center support bearing 10 from the drive shaft removal procedure causes internal damage to the 15 using a locally fabricated tool Figure 11 With bearings the drive shaft in a suitable support fixture place theRemove or disconnect tool bolt ends through the access holes in the wide end of the drive shaft and squarely press the bearing a CE andor DE bearings 8 andor 9 from the shaft off of the surface on the center shaft of the armature 13 using a suitable bearing puller 3 If necessary replace the bushing 6 Figure 3 in theInstall or Connect drive housing 18 as follows h New CE andor DE bearings 8 andor 9 to the a From inside the drive housing 18 drive out the armature assembly 13 using a tube that bears on plug 34 if present Use a file to clean away rem the bearings inner race only Press on the bearing nants of the old stake to allow installation of a new until the inner race bottoms out against the shoulder plug Clean away any metal shavings on the armature shaft h Using a suitable open tube press out the bushing 62 If necessary replace the center support bearing 10 Figure 3 on the drive shaft 15 as follows c Using a suitable open tube press the new bushing 6 into the drive housing 18 until the end of the NOTE Ball bearings which are removed from the bushing is flush with the inside of the housing drive shaft must be replaced with new bearings The removal procedure causes internal damage to the d Install a new plug 34 if used to the drive housing bearings Stake housing material over the plug at three places equally spaced TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW PRESS MATERIALS NEEDED ACCESS PIECE OF FLAT METAL STOCK ABOUT 5MM OR 316 IN CENTER HOLE SUPPORT THICK AND 55 MM OR 2 114 IN SQUARE OR ROUND BEARING THREE 6 MM OR 316 IN BOLTS OF EQUAL LENGTH LONG ENOUGH TO EXTEND AT LEAST 35 MM 1 38 IN CENTER BELOW THE FLAT STOCK WHEN INSTALLED THROUGH SHAFT IT TO USE NUTS INSTEAD OF TAPPED HOLES USE LONGER BOLTS TO COMPENSATE FOR NUT THICKNESS 1 LOCATE THREE HOLES EQUALLY AROUND A 32 MM 126 IN CIRCLE ON FLAT STOCK DRILL AND TAP HOLES AS NEEDED TO MATCH BOLT THREADS 2 INSTALL BOLTS IN FLAT STOCK AND TIGHTEN ENDS OF INSTALLED BOLTS SHOULD PASS THROUGH ACCESS HOLES IN END OF DRIVE SHAFT WITHOUT BINDING FIGURE 11 TOOL FOR REMOVING CENTER SUPPORT BEARING tWESTERBEKE I Engines Generators 79 STARTER MOTORASSEMBLY 1 Lubricate the DE housing bushing shift lever and drive shaft as described under LUBRICATION During Assembly ASSEMBLY1 The armature bearings 8 and 9 Figure 3 and drive shaft Install or Connect support bearing 10 are pennanently lubricated Do not add lubricant to these bearings Lubricate the following 2 The arms on the shift lever 11 with the shift collar on just before or during assembly avoid excessive grease the drive shaft and clutch group C 3 DE housing bushing 6 in drive housing 3 The assembled shift lever 11 and the drive shaft and clutch group C into the drive housing 18 aligning the b The pivot hole and working surface on the ends of holes in the drive shaft support 17 Figure 7 with those the shift lever 11 in the drive housing c The internal gear shaft and spline on the drive shaft 3 Make sure that the drive shaft support is fully seated 15 in the drive housing and that the drive shaft bearingDrive Shaft and Clutch Group l0 Figure 7 remains fully seated in the drive shaftFigures 7 and 12 support1 If disassembled position the drive shaft on the work sur 4 Shift lever screw 21 washer 22 and nut 23 face with the internal gear end down and assemble the Tighten drive shaft and clutch group as follows a Nut to 45 Nm 40 lbin Important 5 The plate 26 if used and the drive housing plug 27 3 If the center support bearing 10 is being replaced to the drive housing 18 install it on the drive shaft 15 as specified in REPAIR PROCEDURES step 2 before proceeding with 6 Washers 30 through 32 in the same number and posi assembly tions as noted at or Connect 7 The armature support bracket 16 to the drive housing 18 aligning the mark made prior to disassembly with1 The drive shaft support 17 to the drive shaft 15 seat that on the drive housing ing the bearing 10 in the support 8 Drive housing bolts 36 and 372 The clutch drive assembly 2 to the drive shaft 153 A new pinion stop 12 onto the drive shaft 15 the end METAL BLOCK APPROX with the recess for the stop rings 35 up 9 MM 316 IN 3 Install the stop rings 35 in the groove in the drive shaft 15 b Pick up and support the assembly under the pinion stop 12 A metal block with a Vshaped cutout that will slide over the shaft between the pinion gear and the stop can be clamped in a vise to provide support see Figure 12 c Make sure the stop rings 35 in the drive shaft APPROX groove are fully seated in the pinion stop recess and 38 MM 1 12 IN stake the upper edge of the pinion stop 12 over the stop ring 35 at four places equally spaced Do not allow staked metal to contact the drive shaft 15Assembly of Gear Reduction and Drive Group 142 MM 056 INFigure 6 Important If the DE bushing 6 and plug 34 are being replaced install them in the drive housing 18 as specified in REPAIR PROCEDURES step 3 before proceeding with assembly FIGURE 12 PINION STOP SUPPORT BLOCK Engines Generators 80 STARTER MOTORAssembly of Frame Field and Brush Holder Group NOTE The brush leads may be damaged by 513 and 14 handling Do not overflex tlJe leads near the clip welds or the clips may break off BRUSH HOLDER 2 Brushes 4 and 5 if removed ASSEMBLY a See Figure 14 for the proper installed position of all brushes Make sure the insulated brushes 5 go into the brush sockets of the brush holder assembly 3 that are mounted on the insulation b To install each brush grasp the free end of the brush spring with needle nose pliers twist clockwise to clear the brush socket and insert the brush partly into the brush socket c Gradually release the spring so that its end contacts SPRING POST BRUSH SOCKET the side not end of the brush see Figure 13 This will hold the brushes retracted until after the brush FIGURE 13 BRUSH SPRING ON POST holder is installed over the armature commutator 3 Grounded brush screws 39Install or Connect a Position the terminals of the grounded brush leads behind the terminal tabs on the brush holder 3 see1 Brush springs 7 if removed Figure 13 a Start each brush spring onto the post on the brush b Insert the brush screws 39 through the terminal holder assembly 3 as shown in Figure 13 just tabs on the brush holder and thread them into the enough to hold the inside end of the spring from brush lead terminals turning Tighten b Grasp the free end of the spring with needle nose pliers and twist clockwise over the top of the brush c Grounded brush screws to 15 Nm 13 Ibin socket c Push the spring fully onto the post and release the free end to engage the notch in the brush socket INSULATED BRUSH INSULATION BRUSH SPRING GROUNDED BRUSH SPRING POST FIGURE 14 SPRINGS AND BRUSHES ON BRUSH HOLDER Engines Generators 81 STARTER MOTOR Important4 The frame and field assembly 19 to the brush holder a The Oring can easily be damaged during installa assembly tion of the cE frame 14 To prevent such dam a Position the brush holder assembly 3 with age install the Oring as described in the following installed brushes over the terminal end of the frame steps and field assembly 19 h Install the Oring on the frame field and brush hold h Attach the terminals of the insulated brush leads to er group A so that it is against the shoulder on the the conductors in the frame and field assembly with field frame that will abut the CE frame when the insulated brush screws 29 installed This is the normal installed position forTighten the Oring c The insulated brush screws to 15 Nm 13 Ibin c Carefully roll the Oring out of its normal installed position up onto the major OD of the field frameStarter Assembly Allow the Oring to remain in this position until theFigures 4 and 15 cE frame is partially the gear reduction and drive group B with the 6 cE frame 14pinion gear end down and proceed as follows a Align the marks on the CE frame and frame andImportant field assembly 19 Figure 5 made prior to disasIf the armature bearings 8 and 9 are being replaced install semblythem on the armature 13 as specified in REPAIR PROCE h Start the CE frame onto the frame and field assemDURES step 1 before proceeding with assembly bly leaving a gap just slightly larger than the thickInstall or Connect ness of the Oring 201 Solenoid assembly 1 7 Brush plate screw 42 a Pivot the plunger of the solenoid assembly into a Use a scribe or similar tool to align the tapped holes engagement with the shift lever in the gear reduction in the brush holder assembly 3 Figure 5 with the and drive group B screw holes in the CE frame 14 h Position the solenoid assembly mounting flange and Tighten install the solenoid mounting screws 25 h Brush plate screws to 28 Nm 25 lbinTighten 8 Thru bolts 41 c Solenoid screws to 28 Nm 25 lbin a Install the thru bolts and tighten them by hand but do2 Frame seal 33 not close the gap between the CE frame and the frame and field assembly where the Oring 20 goes3 The armature assembly 13 with bearings 8 and 9 into the gear reduction and drive group B h Roll the Oring 20 back down into its installed position between the CE frame and the frame and a Make sure the gear teeth are aligned then seat the field assembly bearing 8 on the armature shaft fully into the hous ing recess c Align the timing ribs on the edge of the CE frame 14 with the timing spots on the frame and field4 Frame field and brush holder group A assembly A to assure proper brush alignment a Place the dowel pin 28 in the hole in the armature Refer to Figure 15 Marks are located in 2 places on support bracket of the gear reduction and drive the motor but will only match one way group B Tighten h Position the frame field and brush holder group over d Thru bolts 41 to 85 Nm 75 Ibin the armature assembly 13 align the hole for the dowel pin 28 and the marks made prior to disas 9 The motor lead on the frame and field assembly 19 sembly and seat in the gear reduction and drive Figure 5 group B a Remove the nut from the terminal on the solenoid c Twist the brush springs 7 Figure 5 away from the install the motor lead terminal and reinstall the nut brushes 4 and 5 Figure 5 slide the brushes in to Tighten contact the commutator on the armature 13 b The nut on the terminal of the solenoid assembly to and release the brush springs to contact the ends of 11 Nm 100 Ibin the brushes5 Oring 20 Engines Generators 82 STARTER MOTORSTARTER INSTALLATION CE FRAMETesting After Repair Dr OverhaulAfter repair or overhaul the starter can be tested as specified in the Starter NoLoad Test found in the sectionAfter repair overhaul testing or replacement of the it using the following torques when making the elec TIMINGtrical connections to the starter MARKS A CAUTION Make sure the negative battery cable is disconnected at the battery when making the elec trical connections to the starter Otherwise injury may result If a tool is shorted at the solenoid bat tery terminal the tool will heat enough to cause a skin burnTighten FRAME AND a Solenoid battery B terminal nut to 18 Nm 13 lbft FIELD ASSEMBLY b Solenoid switch S terminal nut to 18 Nm 16Ibin FIGURE 15 ALIGNING TIMING MARKSSTARTER 12 Volt models have these NoLoad Test Specifications AMPS RPM VOLTS Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 10 125 190 3000 5600All 24 Volt models have these NoLoad Test Specifications AMPS RPM VOLTS Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 20 75 90 3600 5400Starter Solenoid current consumption PULL IN WINDING HOLD IN WINDING RATED VOLTAGE AMPS VOLTS OHMS AMPS VOLTS OHMS 12 52 59 10 017019 12 14 10 076 081 24 100 125 20 016 020 12 14 20 115 165 Engines Generators 83 WIRING DIAGRAM 44780 ALTRNUOR 2np 12A ALleRNATOR 2y A II o J VIO tl 01 III OIlG o IVIO 110111 II IIOIVIOaATTEo SWICH 11 AVI OSSUR rl1 I LlII 122 VOC III Ill L 0 1 ttl II 11111 4 1 STABlER MOTOR LU 14 1111 114 VIOI I 10 a IEO 114 Rn uBllI au Is SIlo7 IlIH III 11 WHI16l J J IU 1t1 YO YlO OI 0 tit 0 L YIOj r LD It jUftWI Jfu IlOTI MOV JUMPER IMEI CTIG SOID RMOT PIEl 1M2 GIQUID TlNIIAl or IHUT SOlUOID 01 24Y SYSUN OIl 1821 m WI INHAT SWITCH Tl122 lBI5 TBIl 1BI2 START SWITCH T8IO TlI2S T824 STCP SWITCH HOUR VOLT tI1I METER LBH I METER Engines Generators 84 WIRING SCHEMATIC 44780 BATTERY 12lVOC CIRCUIT BREAKER STARTER r l J I STARTER I grg SOLENOIOJ GtOWPLUGS I PItEHEATi SOLENOI AL HRNAlOR 87 KISURT JO IIZRUN II40 7 01 L PRSS lK TEWP WATER TEW 51 TeM 511 reH WI reM r STO sneH KZRUN RlAr I IUODZ 1 PREHEAT START S TeH WI TeH IIISTART RElAY r r 1 l J L J Oil 8YPASS SIITCH AUI 0 SIITCH Oil PRSS SOlDER1811 TIIJ TBI 1112l TBZ TlIS TIIl TIll TBZ TIIl5 WATER HM SIIDI TIlltO STOP SWI TeH OIL PRESS GAUGE PREHEAT START SWI TeH 5 TeH IND LIGHT r l J TfPIAl REWOTE STARTSTOP ANfl CONTIOfilS VOL H4 T R NOl o REMOTE COfIICTOR PINS HQURMlR Engines Generators 85 REMOTE INSTRUMENT PANEL 44329 STOP SWITCH 2 5 o REMOTE PANEL CONTROL REAR VIEW PREHEAT SWI TCH 1 PREHEAT START SWI TCH STOP SWITCH t16 REDVL 116 116 REDWHT 116 WHT 0QQ 110 RED PREHEAT 1 START SWITCH SWITCH 1 0 116 WHTRED MALE CABLE CONNECTOR 114 RED REAR VIEW 114 RED 116 VElRED I PN 44336 Engines Generators 86 WIRING DIAGRAM MARINE ENGINES 44781 ALTERNATOR 24V 42A ALTERNATOR 0 51A I 00 OIL PRESSURE I ll1ill I EJLIIAJ SWITCH USED 6ifSOiirMODHS IlMllU 1224 VDC NOTE SI THI ODUCT IS IRoHeTEO BY WAfrlUAt IIST CIRCUIT IIRtAlR LOCATED IIEAR THE S1 STARTER exCESSIVE CURIIIH ll CAUSE THE BR ItR TO JRI AND THE NGIN IlL SHUT DOWN tHE IIUILDIfOWNEII lIun liE SURE THAT THE INSTIIUIINT ANEL WilliNG AND S2 116 AilE IItSTALLED TO PRVl1T CONTACT IIETEEN ElECHtlCAl DEVICES ANO SEAWATER2 AN ONOFr SWITCH SHOULD liE INSTAlLEO 8ETwEEN THE UTTERl AND STARTER TO DISCONNECT THE IIATTE N AN OHRGENCT AND WHl1 tEAYING THE aOAT A SWCH TH A CONTINUOUS UTIli OF I1S AMS AT 12 VDC LL SRYE THIS FUNCTION THIS PZ STCH SHOULD NOT eE UseD TO MAI OR 8REAII THE CIRCUIT PI1 THE PltrIll IIE AT LUG Z IS UNtSED AND SHOULD II INSULATED ITAIN PANEl ONLT45 THE GAY ItE AT PLUG 1 IS UNUHD AND SHOULD Itt INSULATED ADMltAl PANEl ONU CONNECT THE CIItCUIT IIIAKER AND RESISTOR RE TO THE fItMINAl FOR I l VOLr ADMIRAL SUTOIS ONLY FOR l4 VOLT SlSTENS REMOVE THE CIRCUIT 8REUER AND CONNECT 01 RESISTOR RE TO THE 114 LT 8tU RES AND THEN GAOUND THE 1 TAWINAL PANEL WTR TaP OAUOI o 110 RED Hr 11il01 Engines Generators 87 WIRING SCHEMATIC MARINE ENGINES 44781 BATTERYI22YDC START SOl STARTER Al TERNATOR lOA 12Y CB 20A CB OPTIONAL ALTERNATORS I I IT 8lU I lot PI Hit 0 z PRESTOLITE 72 AMP ALT KEY sw VOL 90 AMP ALT PREHEAT SWI TCH RED ORN ORN CASE GN DISCONNECT JUMPER FOR USE WITH TWO BATTERIES LESTEK 135 160 190 AMP ALT Ih12UIII Engines Generators 88 ENGINE Starting 90 Starter Inoperative 90 Starter Operates but engine does not turn over 91 Engine turns over but does not start though fuel is being delivered to the injection pump 92 Engine turns over but does not start 93Unstable Low Idling 94Insufficient Power 96Excessive Fuel Consumption 99Excessive Oil Consumption 10 1Overheating l 02White Exhaust Smoke l 03Dark Exhaust Smoke l 04Oil Pressure Does Not Rise 105Abnormal Engine Noise l 06NOTE Use this section to quickly diagnose and repair engine failures Each chart has three headings arrangedfrom lefi to right 1 Check Point 2 Trouble Cause 3 Remedy Engines Generators 89 ENGINE HARD STARTING 1 STARTER INOPERATIVE Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG NG Transmission neutral switch Defective neutral switch Replace the neutral switch if so equippedI J NG Loose battery cable terminals Clean andor retighten the bat Battery I Poor connections due to rusting tery cable terminals NG NG Battery discharged or weak Recharge or replace the battery NG NG Drive belt loose or broken r Adjust or replace the drive belt OKI NG Defective starter switch or NG Replace the starter switch or Starter switch r r the starter relay starter relayI OK NG Defective magnetic switch or Repair or replace the magnetic Starter motor starter relay r switch OK NG Starter motor I Defective starter motor Repair or replace the starter motor Engines Generators 90 ENGINE HARD STARTING2 STARTER MOTOR OPERATES BUT ENGINE DOES NOT TURN OVER Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Loose battery cable terminals NG Clean andor retighten the bat Battery Poor connections due to rusting tery cable terminals NG Battery discharged or weak Recharge or replace the battery NG NG r Drive belt loose or broken Adjust or replace the drive belt OK NG NG Starter motor r Defective pinion gear r Replace the pinion gear NG Defective magnetic switch NG Repair or replace the magnetic t switch NG Brush wear NG Replace the brush andor the Weak brush spring t brush spring OK NG Piston crank bearing seizure NG Repair or replace the related Engine r t or other damage parts Engines Generators 91 ENGINE HARD STARTING 3 ENGINE TURNS OVER BUT DOES NOT START FUEL IS BEING DELIVERED TO THE INJECTION PUMP Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Continued from the previous page OK I Injection nozzle injection starting NG NG Adjust or replace the injection Injection nozzle pressure too low r nozzle Improper spray condition OK Defective fuel injection nozzle NG Injection pump resulting in fuel drippage after fuel injection NG Replace the delivery valve NG Defective injection pump control Repair or replace the injection rack operation pump control rack NG Injection pump plunger worn or Replace the injection pump stuck plunger assembly OK Injection pump VE pump Injection pump drive shaft seizure Replace the injection pump drive or other damage shaft NG Injection pump governor spring Replace the injection pump seizure governor spring Engines Generators 92 ENGINE HARD STARTING 4 ENGINE TURNS OVER BUT DOES NOT START Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Defective engine stop mechanism Replace the engine stop NG Engine stop mechanism mechanism NG Defective fuel cut solenoid valve Replace the fuel cut solenoid VE pump valve FUEL IS NOT BEING DELIVERED TO THE INJECTION PUMP NG Fuel Fuel tank is empty NG Fill the fuel tank OK Repair or replace the fuel lines Fuel piping NG Clogged or damaged fuel lines Loose fuel line connections NG Retighten the fuel line connections OK Fuel filter Fuel filter overflow valve does not close Repair or replace the fuel filter overflow valve NG Replace the fuel filter element or Clogged fuel filter element the fuel filter cartridge OK Fuel system NG Air in the fuel system Bleed the air from the fuel system IContinued on the next page Engines Generators 93 ENGINE UNSTABLE LOW IDLING PROPULSION Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Low idling NG Low idling improperly adjusted NG r Adjust the low idling OK NG Throttle control system Throttle control system improperly adjusted r Adjust the throttle control system OKI NG NG Fuel system r Fuel system leakage or blockage r Repair or replace the fuel system NG NG Air in the fuel system r Bleed the air from the fuel system NG NG Water particles in the fuel system t Change the fuel OK Fuel filter Clogged fuel filter element NG Replace the fuel filter element or r the fuel filter cartridge I Continued on the next page Engines Generators 94 ENGINE UNSTABLE LOW IDLING PROPULSION Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Continued from the previous page OK I Injection pump NG Defective governor lever operation NG Repair or replace the governor lever NG Regulator valve improperly NG Adjust or replace the regulator adjusted VE pump only valve NG NG Broken plunger spring Replace the plunger spring NG Worn plunger Replace the plunger assembly NG NG I Worn camshaft Inline pump only Replace the camshaft NG NG Worn roller tappet Inline pump Replace the roller tappet only NG NG Worn cam disc VE pump only Replace the cam disc Valve clearance Valve clearance improperly NG Adjust the valve clearance adjustedl Engines Generators 95 ENGINE INSUFFICIENT POWER Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG Air cleaner Clogged air cleaner element r Clean or replace the air cleaner element OK NG Fuel Water particles in the fuel r Replace the fuel OK NG NG Fuel filter r Clogged inlet filter screen r Clean filter screen OK NG Fuel feed pump Defective fuel feed pump r Repair or replace the fuel feed pump OK Injection nozzle Injection nozzle sticking Replace the injection nozzle Injection nozzle injection starting NG NG Adjust or replace the injection pressure too low r nozzle Improper spray condition OK Fuel injection pipes Fuel injection pipes damaged or NG Replace the fuel injection pipes r obstructed IContinued on the next page Engines Generators 96 ENGINE INSUFFICIENT POWER Checkpoint Trouble Cause from the previous page OK I Injection pump Defective delivery valve Replace the delivery valve NG Defective timer MG Repair or replace the timer NG NG Adjust or replace the control Improper control lever operation lever Adjust the injection timing NG Defective injection timing Repair or replace the injection pump timer NG Weak governor spring Replace the governor spring NG Worn plunger Replace the plunger assembly NG Worn camshaft inline pump only Replace the camshaft Continued on the next page Engines Generators 97 ENGINE INSUFFICIENT POWER Checkpoint Trouble Cause from the previous page OK I NG NG Injection pump Worn roller tappet t Replace the roller tappet OK Exhaust gas leakage from the Turbocharger exhaust system Repair or replace the related parts Air leakage from the intake system NG NG Defective turbocharger assembly r Replace the turbocharger assembly OK Blown out cylinder head gasket Worn cylinder liner Compression pressure Piston ring sticking or broken Replace the related parts Improper seating between the valve and the valve seat OK NG Valve clearance improperly NG Valve clearance r Adjust the valve clearance adjusted OK NG NG Valve spring r Valve spring weak or broken Replace the valve spring OK NG Exhaust system Exhaust pipe clogged Clean the exhaust pipe OK NG Full load adjusting screw seal Open and improperly set adjusting screw seal NG Adjust and reseal the adjusting screw Engines Generators 98 ENGINE EXCESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG Repair or replace the fuel systemI Fuel system Fuel leakage t related partsi OK II NG Air cleaner Clogged air cleaner element t Clean or replace the air cleaner element OK II Low idling speed NG NG t Poorly adjusted low idle speed r Adjust the low idle speed OK II Injection nozzle injection starting NG Injection nozzle pressure too low r Adjust or replace the injection nozzle Improper spray condition OK I NG Fuel injection timing Fuel injection timing improperly adjusted t Adjust the fuel injection timing OK I Defective delivery valve result NG Injection pump ing fuel drippage after fuel t Replace the delivery valve injection OK I Air leakage from the turbocharger NG Repair the turbocharger intake Turbocharger t intake side side I Continued on the next page Engines Generators 99 ENGINE EXCESSIVE FUEL CONSUMPTION Checkpoint Trouble Cause from the previous page OK I NG NG Turbocharger r Defective turbocharger assembly r Replace the turbocharger assembly OK I NG Valve clearance Valve clearance improperly adjusted r Adjust the valve clearance OK I Blown out cylinder head gasket Worn cylinder liner NG NG Compression pressure Piston ring sticking or broken I Replace the related parts Improper seating between the valve and the valve seat OK I NG NG Valve spring Valve spring weak or broken r Replace the valve spring Engines Generators 100 ENGINE EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Engine oil NG Engine oil unsuitable NG Replace the engine oil f Too much engine oil Correct the engine oil volume OK I NG Oil seal and gasket Oil leakage from the oil seal andor the gasket NG Replace the oil seal andor the gasket OK I NG NG Air breather f Clogged air breather r Clean the air breatheri OK I Defective valve seals Inlet and exhaust valves NG NG Replace the valve seals the Valve seals t Worn valve stems and valve r valves and the valve guides guides OK II Piston rings NG t Piston rings worn broken or improperly installed NG r Replace the piston rings or properly installI OK I NG Cylinder lines scored or NG Cylinder liners f worn r Replace the cylinder linersI Engines Generators 101 ENGINE OVERHEATING Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG Insufficient antifreeze NG Replenish the antifreeze Cooling water I r Insufficient raw water Correct raw water flow OK I NG Drive belt loose or cracked NG Drive belt causing slippage r Replace the drive belt OK I NG Raw water pump Impeller or bearings r Repairreplace raw water pump OK I NG Water pump Defective water pump r Repair or replace the water pump OK ICylinder head and cylinder body NG Defective sealing cap resulting in NG f t Replace the sealing capsealing cap water leakage OK I NG NG Thermostat I Defective thermostat r Replace the thermostat OK I NG Cooling system clogged by Clean the foreign material from Cooling system foreign material the cooling system I OK I NG Fuel injection timing f Fuel injection timing improperly adjusted NG Adjust the fuel injection timing Engines Generators 102 ENGINE WHITE EXHAUST SMOKE Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG NG Fuel r Water particles in the fuel r Replace the fuel OK I NG Fuel injection timing r Retarded fuel injection timing Adjust the fuel injection timing OK I Blown out cylinder head gasket Worn cylinder liner NG NG Compression pressure r Piston ring sticking or broken r Replace the related parts Improper seating between the valve and the valve seat OK I Turbocharger Defective turbocharger Replace the turbocharger OK I Defective valve sealsInlet and exhaust valvesValve seals NG Worn valves stems and valve NG r Replace the valve seals the valves and the valve guides guides OK I Piston rings Piston rings worn broken or NG Replace the piston rings or improperly installed properly install OK I NG NG Cylinder lines scored or Cylinder liners Replace the cylinder liners worn Engines Generators 103 ENGINE DARK EXHAUST SMOKE Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy NG Air cleaner r Clogged air cleaner element NG Clean or replace the air cleaner element OK Injection nozzle injection starting Injection nozzle NG pressure too low NG Adjust or replace the injection nozzle Improper spray condition OK NGFuel injection timing NG Fuel injection timing improperly adjusted r Adjust the fuel injection timing OK Defective delivery valve resulting Injection pump NG in fuel drippage after NG Replace the delivery valve fuel injection NG NG Excessive injection volume r Adjust the injection volume Engines Generators 104 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE DOES NOT RISE Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Engine oil r NG Improper viscosity engine oil Too much engine oil NG Replace the engine oil Correct the engine oil volume OK Defective oil pressure gauge Repair or replace the oil Oil pressure gauge or sendor Oil pressure indicator light NG or sendor NG pressure gauge or sendor OK Oil filter Clogged oil filter element Replace the oil filter element or the oil filter cartridge OK NG Relief valve and bypass valve Relief valve sticking andor weak bypass valve spring NG Replace the relief valve andor the bypass valve spring OK NG NG Oil pump Clogged oil pump strainer Clean the oil pump strainer NG NG Replace the oil pump related Worn oil pump related parts parts OK Rocker arm shaft Worn rocker arm bushing NG r Replace the rocker arm bushing OK NG Replace the camshaft and the Camshaft Worn camshaft and camshaft bearing r camshaft bearingsi OKII NG NG Replace the crankshaft andor Crankshaft and bearings r Worn crankshaft and bearings f the bearings Engines Generators 105 ENGINE ABNORMAL ENGINE NOISE 1 Engine Knocking Checkpoint Trouble Cause RemedyCheck to see that the engine has been thoroughly warmed up befoe beginning the procedure Fuel NG Fuel unsuitable NG Replace the fuel OK I NG Fuel injection timing NG Fuel injection timing improperly adjusted e Adjust the fuel injection timing OK I Injection nozzle NG Improper injection nozzle starting pressure and spray condition Adjust or replace the injection nozzle OK I NG Compression pressure r Blown out head gasket Broken piston ring NG Replace the head gasket or the piston ring 2 Exhaust Leakage Noise Tighten the exhaust hose NG Exhaust System r Loosely connected exhaust or broken exhaust hose NG connections Replace the exhaust hose OK I Replace the washers Injection nozzles andor glow Loose injection nozzles andor NG Tighten the injection nozzles plugs glow plugs andor the glow plugs I I I Continued on the next page Engines Generators 106 ENGINE ABNORMAL ENGINE NOISE 2 Exhaust Leakage Noise Checkpoint Trouble Cause Remedy Continued from the previous page OK I NG Loosely connected exhaust mani NG Tighten the exhaust manifold Exhaust manifold r r fold andor glow plugs connections OK I NG NG Cylinder head gasket r Damaged cylinder head gasket r Replace the cylinder head gasket 3 Continuous Noise NG NG Drive belt r Loosen drive belt r Readjust the drive belt tension1 I OK I NG Raw water pump Impeller or bearings f Repairreplace raw water pump OK I NG Water pump bearing Worn or damaged water pump bearing r Replace the water pump bearing OK j Alternator Defective alternator NG Repair or replace the alternator r OK I NG Valve clearance improperly Valve clearance adjusted r Adjust the valve clearance Engines Generators 107 ENGINE ABNORMAL ENGINE NOISE 4 Slapping Noise Checkpoint Trouble Cause RemedyI NG NG Valve clearance improperly Valve clearance r adjusted Adjust the valve clearance OK I NG NG Rocker arm Damaged rocker arm r Replace the rocker arm OK I NG NG Flywheel Loose flywheel bolts r Retighten the flywheel bolts OK I NG Crankshaft and thrust bearings r Worn or damaged crankshaft andor thrust bearings Replace the crankshaft andor the thrust bearings OK I Crankshaft and connecting rod NG Worn or damaged crankshaft Replace the crankshaft andor bearings r andor connecting rod bearings the connecting rod bearings OK I NG Connecting rod bushing and Worn or damaged connecting rod Replace the connecting rod piston pin r bushing and piston pin bushing andor the piston pin OK I Worn or damaged piston and Piston and cylinder liner NG cylinder liner Replace the piston and the cylin der liner Foreign material in the cylinder Engines Generators 108 TORQUE DATA 4208 Kgm lbIt 30458TIMING GEAR CASE FUEL SYSTEM I 1902 13715 18836 o l 7I 1701 16010 12307 2605 1886 FLYWHEEL Pr l HOUSING 0602 4315 2105 15236 2605 18536 1105 r OIL COOLER For steel 70 95 05 asbestos 506 686 36 New bolt sandwich 70 115 05 R gasket 506 831 36 eused bolt For lamnated steel sheet 7090 05 900 3 o 506651 36 o gasket Apply MOS2 grease INTAKEEXHAUST MANIFOLDS CYLINDER HEAD Engines Generators 109 TORQUE DATA Kgm lbfl PISTON 460 3 g 289 5310 38372 6 CYL 223t22 1612t159 FUEL FILTER 4 Q I 60t5 4338t362 FLYWHEEL 26O5 8836 26O5 2411 18836 173572 0 aiij I lol t r 21O5 15236CYLINDER BODY 6 CYL SHOWN TURBOCHARGER WESTERBEKE Engines Generators 110 TORQUE DATA 8 I i I 26O5 lSS36 Kgm IbIt ft 31O5 W22436 re I THERMOSTAT I ASSEMBLY ROCKER ARM 5313S372 18B36 15 CAMSHAFT 1157105 Lubricate with engine oil 551 39B72 Engines Generators 111 THE BE GENERATOR SINGLE AND THREE PHASE EMERGENCY STOP GENERATOR generator is a fourpole brushless selfexcited gneratorwhich requires only the driving force of the engine to produceAC output The copper and laminated iron in the exciter statorare responsible for the selfexciting feature of this generatorThe magnetic field produced causes an AC voltage to beinduced into the related excitor rotor windings during rotationDiodes located in the exciter rotor rectify this voltage to DCand supply it to the windings of the rotating field This createsan field which rotates through the windingsof the main stator inducing an AC voltage which is suppliedto a load An AC voltage is produced in the of the main stator and is in tum supplied to avoltage regulator The regulator produces a DC voltage to CIRCUITfurther excite the exciter stator windings enabling the to produce a rated AC output The voltage regulator SWITCHsenses AC voltage output and adjusts DC excitation to theexciter stator winding according to amperage load thegenerator is furnishing To maintain a constant voltage output OPERATION A CAUTION Prior to performing any maintenanceTwo or more of these generators may be run in parallel by make certain that the generator is shut down switchessimply adding a parallel device The parallel device is added are off and the unit is at room temperatureto the electrical terminal box to ensure equal output ofgenerator voltage Contact your WESTERBEKE dealer orthe WESTERBEKE factory for information on parallel Use compressed air to clean the generators extclior Do notoperation use liquids or water Do not use compressed air on any interior components as this could result in short circuits AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR PARALLELING DEVICE NOT SHOWN 1 TERMINAL LATOR AC TERMINAL Engines Gsnerators 112 VOLTAGE REGULATOR voltage regulator is an advanced design which ensuresoptimum AC alternator performance It is equipped withcomplete protection circuitry to guard against that could be detrimental to the AC alternator c green L yellow L Hertz i Amp g Slab ill Volt as a VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIAGRAM AmpHertz These two adjustments arc used in onjunction with the two protection circuits in the voltage regulator that are indicatedThis potentiometer is used to adjust output voltage At proper by the illumination of a colored LED lightsengine operating speed the output voltage should be held at 1 from a noload condition to a full rated generator output 1 Delayed overload protection yellow LEDand from power factor 10 08 with engine drive speed 2 Low speed protection red LEDvariations up to 6 Both systems have an intervention threshold which can bePrior to starting the engine tum the VOLT and STAB adjusted using the respective potentiometer Each of the twotrimmers using a mini phillips screwdriver fully in a circuits are able to cause an adequate reduction in excitorcounter clockwise Minimum direction until you feel them voltage to safeguard the excitor windings and prevent theirhit their stops overheatingTum the AMP and HER1Z trimmers completely clockwise The overload protection system has a delay which permitsMaximum in the same manner temporary overloading of the generator during times such asWith the alternator running at noload at normal speed and motor startup or other similar load surge demands Thewith VOLT adjust at minimum it is possible that output regulator also has a third LED green that glows duringvoltage will oscillate Slowly rotate the VOLT adjust clock generator operation to indicate correct operation of thewise The voltage output of the alternator will increase and regulator with the Increase the voltage to the desired value In thissituation only the green LED will stay potentiometer permits variation of the to generator load changes so as to and obtain a minimum recovery time tothe normal voltage outputIn order to adjust the regulator stability the alternator must berunning at noload and the output must be monitoredTum the STAB adjust slowly clockwise until the voltagestarts to fluctuate At this point rotate the STAB until the voltage is stable within 1 or 2tenths of a volt Engines Generators 113 GENERATOR INFORMATIONUSE OF ELECTRIC MOTORS Generator Frequency AdjustmentThe power required to start an electric motor is considerably Frequency is a direct result of speed asmore than is required to keep it running after it is started indicated by the followingSome motors require much more current to start them than o When the generator is run at 1800 RPM the AC voltageothers Splitphase AC motors require more current to start output frequency is 60 Hertzunder similar circumstances than other types They are commonly used on easystarting loads such as washing o When the generator is run at 1500 RPM the AC voltage output frequency is 50 Hertzmachines or where loads are applied after the motor isstarted such as small power tools Because they require 5 to Therefore to change the generators frequency the7 times as much current to start as to run their use should be generators drive engines speed must be changed Along withavoided whenever possible if the electric motor is to be a reconfiguring of the AC output connections at the by a small generator Capacitor and repulsion a regulator board voltage output adjustment must also beinduction motors require from 2 to 4 times as much current made See ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR in the manualto start as to run The current required to start any motorvaries with the load connected to it An electric motor connected to an air compressor for example will require more A CAUTION Prior to any cleaning or than a motor to which no load is connected make certain aI switches are off and the generator isIn general the current required to start liSVolt motors connected at room temperatureto medium starting loads will be approximately as follows MOTOR SIZE AMPS FOR AMPS FOR Generator Maintenance STARTING HP RUNNING AMPERES AMPERES o Maintaining reasonable cleanliness is important 16 32 64 to 224 Connections of terminal boards and rectifiers may become 14 46 92 to 322 corroded and insulation surfaces may start conducting if 13 52 104 to 72S salts dust engine exhaust carbon etc are allowed to 12 72 144 to 292 build up Clogged ventilation openings may cause 34 102 204 to 40S excessive heating and reduced life of windings 1 13 26 to 52 o For unusually severe conditions thin rustinhibiting petroleumbase coatings should be sprayed or brushedNOTE In the above table the maximum Amps for Starting is over all surfaces to reduce rusting and corrosion Typicalmore for some small motors than for larger ones The reason materials suggested are Daubert Chemical Co Nonfor this is that the hardest starting types splitphase are not Rust AC41O and Ashland Tectyle 506 or equivalentmade in larger sizes o In addition to periodic cleaning the generator should beBecause the heavy surge of current needed for starting inspected for a tightness of all connections b evidencemotors is required fOf only an instant the generator will not of overheated terminals and c loose or damaged wiresbe damaged if it can bring the motor up to speed in a few o The drive discs on single bearing generators should beseconds If difficulty is experienced in starting motors tum checked periodically jf possible for tightness of screwsoff all other electrical loads and if possible reduce the load and for any evidence of incipient cracking failure Discson the electric motor should not be allowed to become rusty because rust may accelerate cracking The bolts which fasten the drive discRequired Operating Speed to the generator shaft must be hardened steel SAE gradeRun the generator first with no load applied then at half the 8 identified by 6 radial marks one at each of the 6generators capacity and finally loaded to its full capacity as comers of the headindicted on the generators data plate The output voltage o The rear armature bearing is lubricated and sealed noshould be checked periodically to ensure proper operation of maintenance is required However if the bearing becomesthe generating plant and the appliances it supplies If an AC noisy or roughsounding have it or ampere meter is not installed to monitor voltageand load check it with a portable meter and amp probe o Examine bearing at periodic intervals No side movement of shaft should be detected when force is applied if sideNOTE When the vessel in which the generator is installed motion is detectable bearings are wearing or wear oncontains AC equipment of I20 volts only it is recommended shaft of bearing socket outside bearing has occurredthat the generators AC tenninal block be configured to pro Repair must be made quickly or major components willvide one 120 volt AC hot leg for the vessels distribution rub and cause major damage to generatorpanel This will ensure good motor starting response from the o Compressed air can be used to clean the exterior Do not use compressed air on internal components Engines Generators 114 GENERATOR AC VOLTAGE CONNECTIONSAC VOLTAGE CONNECTIONSThe frame ground wire whitegreen must be when changing the AC output configuration L1 o 23 L1 13of the AC terminal block For making connections to the ACterminal block use terminal ends for 114 inch studs that willaccept multi strand copper wire sized for the amperage ratingfrom the hot lead connection The frame ground wire is white L2 5 o 67 L2 57or white with a green strip It connects between the neutralstud and the generator frameGenerator Frequency L3 0 N L3 9 10 II 9111 Frequency is a direct result of speed 1800 rpm 60 hertz 1500 rpm 50 hertz 12 82 To change generator frequency SERIES Y PARALLEL Y 4BOV60 Hz 20BV60 Hz Configure the AC terminal block for the desired voltage 190V50 Hz 3BOV50 Hz frequency as shown Ensure that the case ground wire is connected to the correct terminal block neutral ground studNOTE The whitegreen ground wire may be removed in those L1 0 L1 1 12 where the AC circuit has a separate neutral andground circuit This will prevent the unit from being a groundsource in the vessel L2 0 L2IMPORTANT 45 67When changing from 50Hz to 60Hz the generatorpower and nominal vottage will increase by 20but the current does not change from the 50Hz value L3 0 L3Should voltage stay at 50Hz then the output power 89 10 1 1may be increased by 5 due to improved is accomlished by resetting the AVR froom 60Hzto 50Hz the voltage and powervalues must decrease by 20 ot the 60Hz value SERIES DELTA 240V60 Hz 2 PARALLEL DELTA 120V60 Hz 2 220V50 Hz 1100V50 Hz NOTE IF WIRING FOR 50 Hz THE 60 Hz JUMPER MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE REGULATOR SINGLE PHASE L1 lL2 4 7 1 10 o 69 o 8 1 1 N o DOUBLE DELTA 120240V60 Hz 110220V50 Hz Engines Generators 115 INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM 12 WIRE 3 PHASE RECONNECTABLEI I GROUND 111I A EXCITER STATOR I rI I 1 I 0 STATOR C sllJYI I1 EXCITER YEllOW I I I ROTOR FIELD I 6 I 8t5 I I 2 4i3 IQUTH I I I C I I I 1 hPD f1 LIh I I BLUE I DIODES IL LrJ 1 I 7 6 5 J 2 11 I FUSE L RED a RED tl IE 23 FOR SENSING 100140V 12 WIRE 3 PHASE o 12 FOR SENSING 200280V SHOWING PARALLEL Y z I o a THE PO PARALLEL DEVICE YEllOW IS OPTIONAL UP TO 320 KVA THE LINK P ACTIVATES OR DEACTIVATES THE PARALLELING DEVICE IF IT IS PRESENT Engines Generators 116 ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR TO ElECTlIONIC CONTROLLERThe system is composed of three basic components ICjj 1n IIUl1 Controller Mounted in the instrument panel TOTERMIN N 1 IOARD It UltACJ BlACK2 Sensor Installed on the bellhousing over the 2 Y flywheel ring gear 3T IUClWH r3 Actuator Mounted at the front of the engine and TO SENSD SHIELDEDll TtGOVERNOR attached with linkage to the throttle arm of the CAllLE g4 WHIR injection pump VIOlET VIOlET 5 oJ TO LINEAR ACT UATOfi OlET VIOLET 6 TERMINAL BOARD 3 CONTROLLER REFER TO WIRING DIAGRAMS PN30300B 12V PNj39747 24V INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT The controller has two adjustment pods You need a mini screw driver to adjust these One is speed and the gain These are noted on the drawing of the controller When you press the preheat switch the actuator linkage attached to the throttle arm of the injection pump should move outward towards the injection pump and return back into the actuator in a quick motion SENSOR Start the engine The speed should be in the low idle PN039172 range 600700 rpm If the engine speed is higher than this idle range shut the engine down Check the linkage LINEAR between the actuator and throttle arm The throttle arm ACTUATOR PN303007 12V stop should be about touching the open idle stop screw PN3974624V boss Adjust the linkage to position the throttle ADJUSTMENT The controller has an adjustment screw for speed1 Speed This adjustment is used to raise or lower the adjustment Turn this screw outward counter clockwise engines speed to the desired hertz a few turns Restart the engine2 Gain This adjustment affects the reaction time of the actuator to the load changes NOTE If there is any oscillating of the actuator linkage producing hunting adjust the gain towards zero 0 until NOTE A high gain adjustment can induce an oscillating this hunting is removed of the actuator producing a hunting mode In such Increase the engine speed slowly with the speed caseslessen the gain adjustment adjusting screw turning it inward clockwise In some instances this screw may need to be turned 610 before an increase in engine speed is noted Bring the engine speed to 1800 rpm 60 Hz 1500 rpm 50 Hz1 With no power to the governor adjust the GAIN to Momentarily push the actuator linkage towards the 900 oclock actuator and release The actuator should quickly regain2 Start the engine and adjust the speed by turning the proper speed If there is any hunting adjust the gain speed pot clockwise to desired speed towards zero 0 until this hunting is removed When the gain is adjusted you may need to readjust the NOTE Controllers are factory adjusted to minimum rpm speed at no load shut the generator down However for safety one should be capable of disabling Push the DC exciter circuit breaker in Start the the engine if an overspeed should exist generator3 At noload turn the GAIN potentiometer clockwise Check speed Hertz set at 60 Hz until the engine begins to hunt if the engine does Load the generator not hunt physically upset the governor linkage If the governor is slow to react and maintain 60 Hertz4 Turn the GAIN potentiometer adjust the gain clockwise Again you may need to adjust until stable the speed at no load NOTE The controller operates on I2VDC The voltage You will find the governor will maintain 60 05 Hertz range is 20 96VDC 12VDC 144VDC voltage right up to the full rated amperage output for the generator varies above or below these ranges the controller will not operate and the engine will run in an idle mode until proper voltage is supplied to the controller Engines Generators 117 THE ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR Problem Probable Cause appears dead 1 Low battery voltage at controller 1 Check wiring for cause Check battery state of chargeEngine runs at idle 2 Stuck linkage 2 Lubricate free up linkage between controller and throttle arm 3 No signal or weak signal from sensor 3 Check for improperly installed or damaged sensor in flywheel Measure AC voltage from sensor while housing Replace or adjust engine is running at idle Voltage should be 15 volts or greater 4 Check Actuator depress PREHEAT and check for battery voltage between negative black lead at terminal block a Pu rple lead to black 4 Replace controller if battery voltage is not present at bOth leads b Second pu rple to black 5 Pertorm the following check between terminals at the actuator and the negative DC lead at the controller terminal block Preheat depressed a Low voltage 12020 VDC at either a Broken actuatcr lead actuator connection b Battery voltage at both actuator b Broken actuator lead connections c Battery voltage at one actuator lead c Replace the actuator but not the otherActuator fully extends when PREHEAT 1 Check controller Lift one of the purpleis depressed and stays extended actuator leads from the terminal block Depress PREHEAT a Actuator fully extends a Short in lead to actuator b Actuator does not fully extend and b Replace controller connections NOTE Release PREHEAT and reconnect the purple leadActuator hunts oscillates and 1 Linkage between actuator and throttle 1 running binding 2 Improper adjustment of GAIN on 2 Lessen GAIN adjustment Recalibrate the Controller controller 3 Inadequate DC power supply to controller complete the following tests Connect a DC voltmeter across the plus and negative leads at the controller terminal block Lift both purple leads from the terminal block Connect one purple lead to the C plus terminal and the other to tie DC negative Momentarily depress PREHEAT The actuator should fully extend 3 If actuator does not fully extend check the actuator leads If the voltage is less than specified check for loose or poor connections low battery voltage voltage drop in DC circuit due to remote panel installation and small wire sizes making connections DC voltage registering on the meter should be 12 VDC System 96 VDC or higher 24 VDC System 192 VDC or higher NOTE Reconnect actuator leads properly after making this test 3a Sensor positioned marginally too far 3a Check the position of the sensor away from flywheel teeth giving erratic signal voltage to controller Engines Generators 118 BE NOTE AC GENERATOR MUST BE PERFORMED WITH THE ENGINE OPERA TIN AT 60 HZ FAULT PROBABLE CAUSENO AC VOLTAGE OUTPUT AT NO LOAO 1 Short or open in the 4 Open in exciter main stator winding stator winding 2 Shorted poziresistor 5 Open in rotating on exciter rotor field winding 3 Four or more shorted or open diodes on exciter rotorRESIDUAL VOLTAGE PROOUCEO AT 1 Blown 6 AMP fuse 3 Shorted or open mainNO LOAO 15 20 VOLTS AC auxiliary circuit feed to AVR stator auxiliary winding 2 Faulty voltage regulator 4 AC circuit breaker trippedLOW AC VOLTAGE OUTPUT AT 1 Reset voltage potentiometer 3 Open or shorted exciterNO LOAO 60 100 VAC rotor winding 2 Open or shorted diodes in exciter rotor 1 to 3 diodes 4 Faulty voltage regulatorHIGH AC OUTPUT VOLTAGE 1 Reset voltage VAC OR HIGHER 2 Faulty voltage VOLTAGE OUTPUT 1 STB pod on regulator 2 Faulty voltage SPEED STEADY needs adjustmentAC VOLTAGE DROP UNDER LOAD 1 Diodes on exciter rotor60 100 VOLTS AC breaking down when load is applied inductive 13 diodes Engines Generators 119 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE A CAUTION Prior to performing any maintenance make certain that the generatoe is shutdown switches are off and the unit is at room temperature CLEANING Use compressed air to clean the exterior of the 3 Remove the seager rings with snap generator Do not use liquids or water Do not use ring pliers compressed air on interior components as this could 4 Remove the bearings with a proper cause short circuits bearing puller Rotation Diode Bridge COVER 1 Disconnect the five wires of the rotating diode bridge REAR QeJFRONT PANElFRONT COVER 2 Remove the blocking bolt and PANEL pulling gently remove the SIDE PANELS diode bridge aIL I TERMINAL BOARD AVR COMPONENT DIODE BRIDGE M B r c SPACERSREAR OOSEAL HUBLlU DiSC DIODE 10 DIODE BRIDGE COUPLING HUB BRIDGE ARMATURE BEARING ROTOR AND FAN REASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY 1 Heat the bearing with a special magnetic device and using insulated If it becomes necessary to disassemble gloves assemble the bearings to the statorrotor assembly use the following the shaft text as a guide 1 Insert a suitable puller which can be easily made and remove the exciter 2 Put the seager rings back into place Thoroughly clean the shaft and 2 Extract the rotor using a hoist with spread a thin layer of Permabond soft ropes of sufficient strength or similar product over the shaft seat Carefully remove the rotor and place it on the prepared work area It may be necessary to remove the front cover to extract the rotor due to the diameter of the fan SNAP RING 3 Reassemble the exciter carefully PLIERS making sure the diode connecting cables are turned toward the outside 4 Install the rotor and completely ROTORFAN ASSEMBLY reassemble the generator with all the covers back in place WESTERBEKE Engines GeneratDr 120 45 BED GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel four cylinder fourcycle marine engine Vertical inline overhead valve water cooled General Closed system with bleed points direct injection 70 hp 1800 rpm and 60 hp 1500 rmp Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or Naturally aspirated Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type InlineGovernor Integral with injection pump Fuel Injection Timing WBTDC Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 402 x 465 inches 1020 x 1180 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacernent 262 cubic inches 43 liter on engineFiring Order 1 3 4 2 Air cleaner Replaceable paper Liner Type Dry Air Flow 123 cfmDirection of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front engine Torque 210 ftIb 1500 rpm Fuel Consumption 35 US gph 132 IphCorn pression Ratio 171Dirnensions inches rnrn Height 336 inches 855 mm ELECTRICAL SYSTEMwout transmission Width 306 inches 778 mm Starting Battery 12 Volt negative ground Length 625 inches 1588 mm Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCAWeight dry 1585 Ibs 719 kgs DC Charging Alternator 51 Amp rated beltdriven TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Starting Aid Glow Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpm Starter 12 Volt 329 KWLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm DC Cranking Current 400 CCAInjector Pressure 2133 psi 150 kfcmValve Seat Angle Intake 45 LUBRICATION SYSTEM Exhaust 45 General Gear typepressure Clearance Intake and exhaust Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon typeengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm Sump Capacity 145 US qts 138 litersEngine Speed 50 Hz 1500 rpm not including filter 60 Hz 1800 rpm Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psi engine hot GENERATOR DATA Oil Grade API Specification CG4Generator Power 1800 1500 rpm SAE 30 10W30 15W4045KW 35KWDesign Brushless four pole revolving field EXHAUST SYSTEM power takeoff Exhaust Elbow 45 elbowFrequency All units adjustable to 50 or 60 Hertz Exhaust Hose Size 4 10 1016 mm hosePhase Three phase Single phase units availablePower Factor 08 ENGINE AIR 12 lead reconnectable Combustion Air 1230 cfmVoltage Regulation standard 1 no load to full load Note The pressure differential between the outside of the engine Class H as defined by NEMA MGI65 ment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2 inches of water 51 mrn at full open throttle measure with a Direct drive centrifugal Rise Within NEMA MGI2240 definition full load COOLING SYSTEM Meets CE requirements General Fresh watercooled block Level controlled with heat Output 60 Hertz 50 Hertz LL LN LL LN Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 Star 480 277 400 230 Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller Star 208 120 230 127Series Delta 240 120 230 115 Raw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber Delta 130 110 eng ined rivenZig Zag 400 230 330 190 Coolant Fresh WaterVoltage regulator is adjustable 5 System Capacity 17 US qts 161 liters3 Phase amperage calculation x 1732 x PF Engines Generators 121 55 BED GENERATOR SECTION GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel four cylinder fourcycle turbocharged General Closed system with bleed points marine engine Vertical inline overhead valve water cooled direct injection 90 hp 1800 rpm Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher and 80 hp 1500 rpm Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Turbo charged Fuel Injection TIming 12 BTDCGovemor Integral with injection pump Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 402 x 465 inches 1020 x 1180 mm Fuel Filter on engine Full flow Displacement 202 cubic inches 43 liter Air cleaner Replaceable paper elementFiring Order 1 3 4 2 AirFlow 190 cfm62 cmmDirection of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front engine Torque max 280 ftIb 1500 rpm Fuel Consumption 48 US gph 182 IphCompression Ratio 171 ELECTRICAL inches mm Height 336 inches 855 mm Starting Battery 12 Volt negative groundwout soung guard Width 306 inches 778 mm Length 625 inches 1588 mm Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCAWeight dry 16471bs 746 kgs DC Charging Altemator 51 Amp rated beltdriven Starting Aid Glow plugs TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Starter 12 Volt 29 KWCompression Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpm DC Noload Current 2 of rated ampsLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm DC Cranking Current 450 amps engine coldInjector Pressure 2630 psi 185 kfcmValve Seat Angle Intake 45 LUBRICATION SYSTEM Exhaust 45 General Gear typepressure Clearance Intake and exhaustengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon typeEngine Speed 50 Hz 1800 rpm Sump Capacity 145 US qts 138 liters 60 hz 1800 rpm not including filter Operating Oil Pressure 250 85 psi GENERATOR DATA engine hotGenerator Power 1800 1500 rpm Oil Grade API Specification CG455KW45KW SAE 30 10W30 15W40Design Brushless four pole revolving field COOLING SYSTEM power takeoff General Fresh watercooled block All units adjustable to 50 or 60 Hertz controlled with heat exchangerPhase Three phase Single phase units available Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 CPower Factor 08 Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdrivenWire 12 lead reconnectable Raw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber Regulation Standard 1 no load to full load Class H as defined by NEMA MGI65 Coolant Fresh Water System Capacity 17 US qts 161 litersCooling Direct drive centrifugal Rise Within NEMA MGI2240 defination full load EXHAUST Level Meets CE requirements Exhaust Elbow 45 elbowVDltage Output 60 Hertz 50 Hertz Exhaust Hose Size 4 10 1016 mm LL LN LL LNSeries Star 480 277 400 230 ENGINE AIR Star 208 120 230 127Series Delta 240 120 230 115 Combustion Air 160 cfmParallel Delta 130 110Zig Zag Note The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compart 400 230 330 190 ment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2Voltage regulator is adjustable 5 inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer3 Phase amperage calculation x 1732 x PJ Engines Generators 122 65 BED GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel six cylinder fourcycle Vertical inline General Closed system with bleed points overhead valve fresh water cooled direct injection marine engine 100 hp 1800 rpm Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher and 85 hp 1500 rpm Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Naturally aspirated Fuel Injection Timing WBTDCGovernor Integral with injection pump Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 413 x 492 inches 1050 x 1250 mm Fuel Filter on engine Full flow Displacement 396 cubic inches 65 liter Air cleaner Replaceable paper elementFiring Order 153624 Air Flow 170 cfm62 cmmCylinder Liner Type Dry engine of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front Fuel Consumption 49 US gph 185 IphEngine Torque 313 ftIb 1500 rpm ELECTRICAL Ratio 171 Starting Battery 12 Volt negative inches mm Height 342 inches 868 mm Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCAwout transmission Width 306 inches 778 mm Length 749 inches 1903 mm DC Charging Alternator 51 Am prated belt d rivenWeight dry 19371bs 878 kgs Starting Aid Glow plugs Starter 12 Volt 29 KW actuated shift TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS DC Noload Current 2 of rated Pressure 441 psi 31 kgem at 200 rpm DC Cranking Current 450 CCALimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcmInjector Pressure 2631 psi 185 kfcm LUBRICATION SYSTEMValve Seat Angle Intake 45 General Gear typepressure circulation Exhaust 45Valve Clearance Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon type Intake and exhaustengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm Sump Capacity 145 US qts 138 litersEngine Speed not including filter 50 Hz 1500 rpm 60 Hz 1800 rpm Operating Oil Pressure 28 85 psi engine hot GENERATOR DATA Oil Grade API Specification CG4 SAE 30 lOW3D 15W40Generator Power 1800 1500 Brushless four pole revolving field COOLING SYSTEM power takeoff General Fresh watercooled block controlled with heat exchanger All units adjustable to 50 or 60 Hertz Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 CPhase Three phase Single phase units available Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller Factor 08 Raw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impellerWire 12 lead reconnectable Regulation Standard 1 no load to full load Coolant Fresh Class H as defined by NEMA MGI65 System Capacity 25 US qts 237 litersCooling Direct drive centrifugal blower EXHAUST Rise Within NEMA MGI2240 defination full load Exhaust Elbow 45 Level Meets CE requirements Exhaust Hose Size 4 ID 1016 mm hoseVoltage Output 60 Hertz 50 LL LN LL LNSeries Star 480 277 400 230 ENGINE AIR Star 208 120 230 127 Combustion Air 170 cfmSeries Delta 240 120 230 115Parallel Delta 130 110 Note The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compartZig Zag 400 230 330 190 ment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2Voltage regulator is adjustable 5 inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer3 Phase amperage calculation x 1732 x PF Engines Generators 123 95 BED GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel six cylinder fourcycle turbocharged General Closed system with bleed points marine engine Vertical inline overhead valve fresh water cooled direct injection145 hp Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher 1800 and 125 hp 1500 rpm Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Turbocharged Fuel Injection Timing 12 BTDCGovernor Integral with injection pump Noule MultiholeBore Stroke 413 x 492 inches 1050 x 1250 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacement 396 cubic inches 65 liter on engineCylinder Liner Type Dry Air cleaner Replaceable paper elementFiring Order 153624 AirFlow 240 cfm 62 cmm engine of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front Fuel Consumption 72 US gph 273 IphEngine Torque max 423 ftIb 1800 rpmCompression Ratio 171 ELECTRICAL inches mm Height 342 inches 867 mm Starting Battery 12 Volt H negative groundwout transmission Width 306 inches 778 mm Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCA Length 750 inches 1903 mm DC Charging Alternator 51 Amp rated dry 2100 Ibs 952 kgs Starting Aid Glow plugs TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Starter 12 Volt 29 KWactuated Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpm DC Noload Current 2 of rated ampsLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm DC Cranking Current 450 CCAInjector Pressure 2631 psi 185 kfcmValve Seat Angle Intake 45 COOLING SYSTEM Exhaust 45 General Fresh watercooled block Clearance Intake and exhaust controlled with heat cold 0016 inches 040 mm Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 CEngine Speed 50 Hz 1500 rpm Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdriven 60 Hz 1800 rpm Raw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impeller engined riven GENERATOR DATA Coolant Fresh WaterGenerator Power 1800 1500 rpm System Capacity 25 US qts 2371 liters95KW 80KWDesign Brushless four pole revolving field EXHAUST SYSTEM power takeoff Exhaust Elbow 45 elbowFrequency All units adjustable to 50 or 60 Hertz Exhaust Hose Size 4 ID 1016 mm hosePhase Three phase Single phase units availablePower Factor 08 LUBRICATION SYSTEM 12 lead reconnectable General Gear typepressure Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon typeVoltage Regulation Standard 1 no load to full load Class H as defined by NEMA MGI65 Sump Capacity 220 US qts 208 not including filterCooling Direct drive centrifugal blower Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psi 35 42 Rise Within NEMA MGI2240 defination full load engine Level Meets CE requirements Oil Grade API Specificationr CG4 SAE 30 10W30 15W40Voltage Output 60 Hertz 50 LL LN LL LNSeries Star 480 277 400 230 ENGINE AIR Star 208 120 230 127 Combustion Air 190 cfmSeries Delta 240 120 230 115Parallel Delta 130 110 Engine Cooling 200 cfmZig Zag 400 230 330 190 Note The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compartVoltage regulator is adjustable 5 ment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2 inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer3 Phase amperage calculation x 1732 x PJ Engines Generators 124 80N4 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel four cylinder fourcycle marine engine General Closed system with bleed points Vertical inline overhead valve water cooled direct injection 80 hp 2500 rpm Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating 0145 or Naturally aspirated Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type InlineGovemor Integral with injection pump Fuel Injection Timing WBmCBore Stroke Noule Multihole 402 x 465 inches 1020 x 1180 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacement 262 cubic inches 43 liter on engineFiring Order 1 3 4 2 Air cleaner Replaceable paper of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front Air Flow 150 clmEngine Torque 210 fHb 1500 rpm engine Ratio 171 Fuel Consumption 47 US gph inches mm Height 320 inches 813 mmwout transmission Width 252 inches 645 mm ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Length 472 inches 1168 mm Starting Battery 12 Volt H negative groundWeight dry 971 Ibs 4408 kgs Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCA TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS DC Charging Altemator 51 Amp rated beltdriven Starting Aid Glow Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpmLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm Starter 12 Volt 3 KWInjector Pressure 2133 psi 150 kfcm DC Noload Cu rrent 2 01 rated ampsValve Seat Angle Intake 45 DC Cranking Current 400 CCA Exhaust 45Valve Clearance Intake and exhaust LUBRICATION SYSTEMengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm General Gear typepressure Speed Idle 600 900 rpm Cruise 1800 2200 rpm Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon type Max 2400 2500 rpm Sump Capacity 145 US qts 138 liters not including filter COOLING SYSTEM Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psiGeneral Fresh watercooled block engine hot controlled with heat exchanger Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4Operating Temperature 170 190 F 77 88 C 0 SAE 30 10W30 15W40Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdriven Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impeller enginedriven General HURTH Standard Transmission Casehardened helical gears hydraulically operated multiple discCoolant Fresh Water clutchSystem Capacity 17 US qts 161 liters Gear Ratio Standard 2001 Hurth 45A or Hurth 63A EXHAUST SYSTEM Propeller Shaft Right handedstandard Elbow 45 0 elbow Propeller 22x16 P2 blade or 22x14 P3 blade using standard propeller should allow the engine to reach its fullExhaust Hose Size 4 ID 1016 mm hose transmission rated rpm 2500 000 100 at full open throttle while underway in forward gear ENGINE AIR REQUIREMENTS Lubricating Fluid Dextran IIICombustion Air 150 cfm Transmission Sump Capacity Hurth 45 213 US qts 20 liters The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compartment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2inches 01 water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer Engines Generators 125 11 OT4 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel four cylinder fourcycle turbocharged General Closed system with bleed points marine engine Vertical inline overhead valve water cooled direct injection 110 hp 2400 Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher rpm Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Turbo charged Fuel Injection Timing 12 0 BTDCGovernor Integral with injection pump Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 402 x 465 inches 1020 x 1180 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacement on engine 202 cubic inches 43 literFiring Order Air cleaner Replaceable paper element 1 3 4 2Direction of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front AirFlow 230 cfm engine Torque max 280 ftIb 1500 rpm Fuel Consumption 61 US gph Ratio 171Dimensions inches mm Height 320 inches 813 mm ELECTRICAL SYSTEMwout transmission Width 283 inches 719mm Starting Battery 12 Volt negative ground Length 472 inches 1168 mm Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCAWeight dry 987 Ibs 4480 kgs DC Charging Altemator 51 Amp rated beltdriven TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Starting Aid Glow Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpm Starter 12 Volt 3 IYVLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm DC Noload Current 2 of rated ampsInjector Pressure 2133 psi 150 kfcm DC Cranking Current 400 CCAValve Seat Angle Intake 45 0 Exhaust 45 0 LUBRICATION SYSTEMValve Clearance Intake and exhaustengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm General Gear typepressure Speed Idle 600 900 rpm Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon type Cruise 1800 2200 rpm Sump Capacity 145 US qts 138 liters Max 2300 2400 rpm not including filter Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psi COOLING SYSTEM engine hotGeneral Fresh watercooled block Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4 controlled with heat exchanger SAE 30 10W30 15W40Operating Temperature 180 1900 F 77 88 0 CFresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdrivenRaw Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impeller TRANSMISSION enginedriven General HURTH Standard Transmission Fresh Water helical gears hydraulically operated multiple discSystem Capacity 17 US qts 161 liters clutch Gear Ratio Standard 2001 Hurth 45A or Hurth 63A EXHAUST SYSTEM Propeller Shaft Right handedstandard Elbow 45 0 elbow Propeller 24x18 P2 blade or 24x16 P3 bladeExhaust Hose Size 4 ID 1016 mm hose using standard propeller should allow the engine to reach its full transmission rated rpm 2400 000 100 at full open throttle while underway in forward gear Lubricating FIid Dextran 11 Transmission Sump Capacity Hurth 45A 213 US qts 20 liters Air 230 cfmNote The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compartment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer Engines Generators 126 120N6 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel six cylinder fourcycle Vertical inline General Closed system with bleed points overhead valve fresh water cooled direct Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher injection marine engine 120 hp 2500 rpmAspiration Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Inline Naturally aspirated Fuel Injection Timing WBTDCGovernor Integral with injection pump Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 413 x 492 inches 1050 x 1250 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacement 296 cubic inches 65 liter on engineFiring Order 1 53624 Air cleaner Replaceable paper of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front Air Flow 240 cfmEngine Torque 298 ftIb 1500 rpm engine Ratio 171 Fuel Consumption 65 US gph 246 IphDimensions inches mm Height 325 inches 823 mmwout transmission Width 252 inches 645 mm ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Length 564 inches 141omm Starting Battery 12 Volt negative groundWeight dry 11751bs 5341 kgs Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCA TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS DC Charging Alternator 51 Amp rated beltdriven Starting Aid Glow Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpmLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm Starter 12 Volt 3 rW actuated shiftInjector Pressure 2631 psi 180 kfcm DC Noload Current 2 of rated ampsValve Seat Angle Intake 45 DC Cranking Current 400 CCA Exhaust 45Valve Clearance Intake and exhaust LUBRICATION SYSTEMengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm General Gear typepressure Speed Idle 600 900 rpm Cnuise 1800 2200 rpm Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon type Max 2400 2500 rpm Sump Capacity 22 US qts 208 liters not including filter COOLING SYSTEM Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psi 35 42 kgcmGeneral Fresh watercooled block engine hot controlled witil heat exchanger Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4Operating Temperature 180 190 F 77 88 C SAE3o 1OW3 15W40Fresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdriven Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impeller enginedriven General HURTH Standard Transmission Casehardened helical gears hydraulically operated multiple discCoolant Fresh Water clutchSystem Capacity 25 US qts 237 liters Gear Ratio Standard 2001 Hurth 45A or Hurth 63A EXHAUST SYSTEM Propeller Shaft Right handedstandard Elbow 45 elbow Propeller 22x16 P2 blade or 22x14 P3 blade using standard propeller should allow the engine to reach itsExhaust Hose Size 4 JD 1016 mm hose transmission full rated rpm 2500 000 100 at full open throttle while underway in forward gear ENGINE AIR REQUIREMENTS Lubricating Fluid Dextran 11Combustion Air 240 cfm Transmission Sump Capacity Hurth 45 213 US qts 20 liters The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compart Hurth 63 42 US qts 40 liters versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer Engines Generators 127 170T6 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL FUEL SYSTEMEngine Type Diesel six cylinder fourcycle turbocharged General Closed system with bleed points marine engine Vertical inline overhead valve fresh water cooled direct injection 170 hp Fuel No2 diesel oil cetane rating of 45 or higher 2500 rpm Fuel Injection Pump BOSCH Model A type Turbocharged Fuel Injection Timing 12 BTDCGovernor Integral with injection pump Nozzle MultiholeBore Stroke 413 x 492 inches 1050 x 1250 mm Fuel Filter Full flow Displacement 423 cubic inches 65 liter on engineFiring Order 153624 Air cleaner Replaceable paper of Rotation Clockwise when viewed from the front AirFlow 365 cfm engine Torque max 423 ftIb 1800 rpm Fuel Consumption 93 US gph 352 IphCompression Ratio 171Dimensions inches mm Height 335 inches 823mm ELECTRICAL SYSTEMwout transmission Width 280 inches 711 mm Length 5Z5 inches 1410 mm Starting Battery 12 Volt H negative ground Battery Capacity 750 900 Cold Cranking Amps CCAWeight dry 12451bs 56523 kgs DC Charging Altemator 51 Amp rated beltdriven TUNEUP SPECIFICATIONS Starting Aid Glow Pressure 441 psi 31 kgcm at 200 rpm Starter 12 Volt 3 KWLimit of difference Not to exceed 2844 psi 200 kgcm DC Noload Current 2 of rated ampsInjector Pressure 2631 psi 185 kfcm DC Cranking Current 400 CCAValve Seat Angle Intake 45 Exhaust 45 LUBRICATION SYSTEMValve Clearance Intake and exhaustengine cold 0016 inches 040 mm General Gear typepressure Speed Idle 600 900 rpm Oil Filter Full flow paper element spinon type Cruise 1800 2200 rpm Sump Capacity 22 US qts 208 liters Max 2400 2500 rpm not including filter Operating Oil Pressure 25 85 psi COOLING SYSTEM engine hotGeneral Fresh watercooled block Oil Grade API Specification CF or CG4 controlled with heat exchanger SAE3o 1oW3o 15W40Operating Temperature 180 190 F 77 88 CFresh Water Pump Centrifugal type metal impeller beltdriven Water Pump Positive displacement rubber impeller General HURTH Standard Transmission Casehard enginedriven ened helical gears hydraulically operated multiple disc clutchCoolant Fresh WaterSystem Capacity 25 US qts 237 liters Gear Ratio Standard 2001 Hurth 45A or Hurth 63A Propeller Shaft Right handedstandard transmiSSion EXHAUST SYSTEM Propeller 24x18 P2 blade or 24x16 P3 bladeExhaust Elbow 45 elbow using standard propeller should allow the engine to reach its transmission full rated rpm 2500 000 100 at full openExhaust Hose Size 4 10 1016 mm hose throttle while underway in forward gear Lubricating Fluid Dextran II Transmission Sump Capacity Hurth 63 42 US qts 40 liters Air 365 cfmNote The pressure differential between the outside of the engine compartment versus the inside of the engine compartment should not exceed 2inches of water 51 mm at full open throttle measure with a manometer Engines Generators 128 STANDARD AND METRIC CONVERSION Inches in x 254 Millimeters mm x 0394 Inches Feet tt x 305 Meters m x 3281 Feet Miles x 1609 Kilometers km x 0621 MilesDISTANCE EQUIVALENTS 1 Degree of Latitude 60 Nm 111120 km 1 Minute of Latitude 1 Nm 1852 kmVOLUME Cubic Inches in x 16387 Cubic Centimeters x 061 in Imperial Pints IMP pt x 568 Liters L x 176 IMP pt Imperial Quarts IMP qt x 1137 Liters L x88 IMP qt Imperial Gallons IMP gal x 4546 Liters L x 22 IMP gal Imperial Quarts IMP qt x 1201 US Quarts US qt x 833 IMP qt Imperial Gallons IMP gal x 1201 US Gallons US gal x 833 IMP gal Fluid Ounces x 29573 Milliliters x 034 Ounces US Pints US pt x 473 LitersL x 2113 Pints US Quarts US qt x 946 Liters L x 1057 Quarts US Gallons US gal x 3785 Liters L x 264 Ounces oz x 2835 Grams g x 035 Ounces Pounds Ib x 454 Kilograms kg x 2205 PoundsPRESSURE Pounds Per Sq In psi x 6895 Kilopascals kPa x 145 psi Inches of Mercury Hg x 4912 psi x 2036 Hg Inches of Mercury Hg x 3377 Kilopascals kPa x 2961 Hg Inches of Water H20 x 07355 Inches of Mercury x 13783 H20 Inches of Water H20 x 03613 psi x 27684 H20 Inches of Water H20 x 248 Kilopascals kPa x 4026 H20TORQUE PoundsForce Inches inIb x 113 Newton Meters Nm x 885 inIb PoundsForce Feet ttIb x 1356 Newton Meters Nm x 738 ttIbVELOCITY Miles Per Hour MPH x 1609 Kilometers Per Hour KPH x 621 MPHPOWER Horsepower Hp x 745 Kilowatts Kw x 134 MPHFUEL CONSUMPTION Miles Per Hour IMP MPG x 354 Kilometers Per Liter KmL Kilometers Per Liter KmL x 2352 IMP MPG Miles Per Gallons US MPG x 425 Kilometers Per Liter KmL Kilometers Per Liter KmL x 2352 US MPGTEMPERATURE Degree Fahrenheit OF OC X 18 32 Degree Celsius OC OF 32 x 56LIQUID WEIGHTS Diesel Oil 1 US gallon 713 Ibs Fresh Water 1 US gallon 833 Ibs Gasoline 1 US gallon 61 Ibs Salt Water 1 US gallon 856 Ibs Engines Generators 129 METRIC CONVERSIONS INCHES TO MILLIMETERS MILLIMETERS TO INCHES Inches mm Inches mm mm Inches mm Inches c 1 2540 15 38100 1 00394 15 05906 2 5080 20 50800 2 00787 20 07874 3 7620 25 63500 3 01181 25 09843 4 10160 30 76200 4 01575 30 11811 5 12700 35 88900 5 01969 35 13780 10 25400 40 101600 10 03937 40 15748 10 MILLIMETERS 1 CENTIMETER 100 CENTIMETERS 1 METER 3937 INCHES 33 FEET INCHES TO METERS METERS TO INCHES Inches Meters Inches Meters Meters Inches Meters Inches 1 00254 7 01778 01 3937 07 27559 2 00508 8 02032 02 7874 08 31496 3 00762 9 02286 03 11811 09 35433 4 01016 10 02540 04 15748 10 39370 5 01270 11 02794 05 19685 11 43307 6 01524 12 03048 122 1 24 TO CONVERT METERS TO CENTIMETERS MOVE DECIMAL POINT TWO PLACES TO THE RIGHT YARDS TO METERS METERS TO YARDS Yards Meters Yards Meters Meters Yards Meters Yards 1 091440 6 548640 1 109361 6 656168 2 182880 7 640080 2 218723 7 765529 3 274320 8 731520 3 328084 8 874891 4 365760 9 822960 4 437445 9 984252 5 457200 10 914400 5 546807 10 1093614 MOVE DECIMAL POINT FOR HIGHER VALUES eg 6000 METERS 656168 YARDS POUNDS TO KILOGRAMS KILOGRAMS TO POUNDS Ib kg Ib kg kg Ib kg Ib 1 0454 6 2722 1 2205 6 13228 2 0907 7 3175 2 4409 7 15432 3 1361 8 3629 3 6614 8 17637 4 1814 9 4082 4 8818 9 19842 5 2268 10 4536 5 11023 10 22046 GALLONS TO LITERS LITERS TO GALLONS Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Liters Gallons Liters Gallons1 1 379 10 3786 1 026 60 1566 2 757 20 7571 2 053 90 2377 3 1136 30 11357 5 132 120 3132 4 1514 40 15142 10 264 150 3962 5 1893 50 18928 20 528 180 4754 PINTS TO LITERS LITERS TO PINTS Pints Liters Pints Liters Liters Pints Liters Pints 1 047 6 284 1 211 6 1268 2 095 7 331 2 423 7 1479 3 142 8 379 3 634 8 1691 4 189 9 426 4 845 9 1902 5 237 10 473 5 1057 10 2113 TEMPERATURE 32 40 50 60 70 75 85 95 105 140 175 212 of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 60 80 100 C Engines Generators 130 SPECIAL TOOLS CONNECTING ROD BUSHING CRANKSHAFT GEAR INSTALLER 47020 REMOVER 47D CRANKSHAFT PULLEY SOCKET 6 crL 54MM CRANKSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL 4 crL 42MM INSTALLER 47019 CYLINDER LINER INSTALLER 47015 COMPRESSION GAUGE ADAPTER 47019 VALVE STEM OIL SEAL INSTALLER 47014 CRANKSHAFT TAPER COMPRESSION GAUGE BUSHING REMOVER 47017 CRANKSHAFT BEARING CYLINDER LINER REMOVER ANGLE REMOVER AND INSTALLER 47D22 47021 VALVE SPRING COMPRESSOR CYLINDER LINER REMOVER NOTE Numbers in italic are WESTERBEKE part PISTON RING numbers Contact your WESTERBEKE dealerfor COMPRESSOR additiollal tools Engines Generators 131 INDEXAC Voltage Connections 115 17 34Alternator 63 69 Instrument Panel Wiring 44329 86 66 Introduction 2 Disassembly 65 Lubricating System 047 Testing 63 Maintenance Generator 118Angular Nut Bolt Tightening 8 Measurements 11BE Generator 112 Metric Conversion data 129 130Compression Engine 57 Oil Cooler 048Coolant Pump 049 Oil Flow Diagram 047Cooler Oil 048 Oil Pump 47Cylinder Head Torque 042 Pump Coolant 049Diagram Wiring 47781 87 Pump Fuel Feed 59Diagram Wiring 47780 84 Pump Fuel Injection 59Engine Disassembly 10 14 Pump Oil 047Drive Belt 51 Pump Raw Water 52Electronic Governor 117 Raw Water Pump 52Engine Adjustments 55 58 34Engine Assembly 35 46 Camshaft 22 Crankshaft Bearings 38 Connection Rod 28 Cylinder Head Cover 040 Crankshaft 29 Exhaust Manifold 37 Cylinder Head 16 Flywheel Al Cylinder Liner 23 Injection Nozzle 045 Flywheel 34 Injection Pump 040 IdLer Gear 22 Oil Cooler 042 Piston 15 27 Oil Pan 42 Piston Pin 26 Rod Al Push Rod 21 Piston 35 Rocker Ann 21 Rocker Arm 043 Tappet 20 Timing Gear Case 39 VaLve Guide 17 Valves 36 Valve Seat 18 Water Pump 042 Valve Spring 20Engine Compression 57 Specifications 170T6 128Engine Index 89 A 89 108 Specifications 120N6 127Engine Tuning 046 Specifications 110T6 126Fuel Feed Pump 59 Specifications 80N4 125Fuel Section 60 Specifications 95 BED 124Generator BE 112 Specifications 65 BED 123Generator Information 114 Specifications 55 BED 122Generator Maintenance 120 Specifications 45 BED 122Glow Plug Test 61 Starter Motor 70 83Heat Exchanger 51 Disassembly 74Injection Pump 59 ELectrical Testing 78Injection Nozzle 60 61 77Injection Timing 55 Parts 73 72 Engines Generators 132 62 Turbocharger 53Testing for Overhaul 3 Valve Clearance Adjustment 49Thermostat 51 Voltage Regulator Adjustments 113Timing Injection 55 Wiring Instrument Panel 44329 86Torque Data 109 111 Wiring Diagram 44780 84Torque Specifications 9 Wiring Diagram 44781 87Torque Cylinder Head 42 Wiring Diagram Internal BE Generator 119 Wiring Schematic 44780 Electronic Governor 118 Wiring Schematic 44781 Engine Index 89 4 89 108 Engines Generators 133 Engines
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