Autohelm Raymarine: Z290 Nmea Bridge Z290 Bridge Between Sea Talk And Nmea Buses
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Distributed by Any reference to Raytheon orRTN in this manual should be interpreted as RaymarineThe names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon CompanyNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 1 NMEA BRIDGE Operation and Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 1 Introduction 3Chapter 2 Mounting 4Chapter 3 631 NMEA Output 632 NMEA Input 933 Main Alarm 1234 Connecting to a Personal Computer 14Chapter 4 Fault Finding 174 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation HandbookNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 5Chapter 1 is the language used by all Autohelm products to This is unique to Autohelm The NMEA Bridge byproviding conversion between SeaTalk and NMEA 0183 dataformat allows operation with other manufacturers equipment The NMEA Bridge provides Conversion of NMEA 0183 data formats to SeaTalk Conversion of SeaTalk to NMEA 0183 format Operation of the Autohelm Main Alarm when an alarm condition exists on the SeaTalk bus RS232 terminals to send NMEA data to a personal computer echoes NMEA out6 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation 2 MountingSelect a suitable location that is away from direct contact with water clean and greasefree accessible for cabling reasonably well protected from physical damage1 Once a suitable location has been found thoroughly clean the surface with an alcohol based cleaner2 Remove the protective backing from the NMEA Bridge and firmly press onto the mounting surfaceNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 7 D43423 Alternatively the NMEA Bridge may be attached using the 2 self tapping screws provided4 Remove the top of the Bridge by squeezing the lid at each end and pull away from the base5 Route all the necessary cables into the Bridge6 Connect the wires as described in section 3 Also secure cables close to the unit8 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation 3 NMEA you have the appropriate SeaTalk thedata listed below is transmitted in NMEA 0183 format for usewith nonSeaTalk equipmentNote NMEA is also output in response to NMEA inputData Transmitted NMEA HeaderApparent Wind Angle MWV VWRApparent Wind Speed MWV VWRAutopilot Alarms PNATDBearing to Waypoint BWCCourse Over Ground M VTGCross Track Error APB XTEDate ZDADepth DBTDistance Log VLWDistance Trip VLWGPS FixNo Fix GGA GLLGPS HDOP GSA GGAGPS PDOP GSADead Reckoned XTE XTRNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 9Data NMEA HeaderGPS Satellite Azimuth GSVGPS Satellite Elevation GSVGPS Satellite PR Number GSVGPS Satellite SNR GSVGPS Differential Station ID GGAGPS Differential AGE GGAGPS Number of Satellites GGAGPS Antenna Height GGAGPS Quality Indicator GGAHeading Magnetic or True HDM HDG VHW HDTLatitude Longitude GGA GLLLocked Heading HSCMOB Cancel PNATARoute WPLSpeed Over Ground VTGSpeed Through water VHWTemperature Water MTWTime ZDATime Offset ZTGTrue Wind Angle MWVVariation HDGWaypoint Destination No APB BWCWaypoint Arrival Alarm APB AAMWaypoint Distance BWCWaypoint Time To Go ZTG GLL version 15 is transmitted if version 15 is received viaNMEA If GLL version 20 is received via NMEA GLL version20 will be transmitted10 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation NMEA Bridge should be connected to SeaTalk and theother manufacturers equipment as follows NMEA SEATALK ALARM RS232 SEATALK NMEA OUT OUT IN Red Screen v 5A 0v Yellow Data Screen 0v Red v Power D17711NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 1132 NMEA InputThe NMEA Bridge can also be used to convert NMEA 0183 datato SeaTalk NMEA 0183 data is also retransmitted on NMEAOUT in response to NMEA IN This allows to be connected directly to the SeaTalk busNote Data will not be transmitted to SeaTalk if it is already onpresent on the SeaTalk busData Received NMEA HeaderApparent Wind Angle MWV VWRApparent Wind Speed MWV VWRBearing to Waypoint APB BWR BWC RMB BER BECCourse Over Ground M VTG VTA RMC RMACross Track Error APB XTE APARMB XTRDate ZDA RMCDepth DBT DPTDistance Log VLWDistance Trip VLWGPS FixNo Fix GGA GSAGPS HDOP GGA GSAGPS PDOP GSAGPS Satellite Azimuth GSVGPS Satellite Elevation GSVGPS Satellite PR Number GSVGPS Satellite SNR GSVGPS Differential Station ID GGAGPS Differential AGE GGA12 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation HandbookData NMEA HeaderGPS Number of Satellites GGAGPS Antenna Height GGAGPS Quality Indicator GGAHeading Magnetic or True HDM HDG VHWHDTLatitude Longitude GGA GLL inc Version 15 RMC RMA IMA GLP GOP GXPGDPMOB Cancel PNATARoute WPLSpeed Over Ground VTG VTA RMC RMASpeed Through water VHWTemperature Water MTWTime ZDA GLL ZFO ZTGTrue Wind Angle MWVVariation HDG HVM RMCRMA HVDWaypoint Destination No APB BWR BWC RMB BOD WCV BER BECWaypoint Arrival Alarm APB APA AAMWaypoint Distance BWC BWR RMB BER BECWaypoint Lat Lon BWC BWR BEC BERNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 13Waypoint Capture WPLWaypoints last one next 4 PNATACabling ST123000 autopilots14 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook Yellow Data Screen 0v Screen 0v NMEA SEATALK ALARM RS232 SEATALK NMEA OUT OUT IN Red 12V 5A Fuse D17701133 Main AlarmThe NMEA Bridge can be used to drive the Autohelm MainAlarm Cat No Z035 This alarm will sound as soon as one ofNMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 15the following alarms is present on the SeaTalk bus Deep Depth Shallow Depth Autopilot off course Watch alarm Wind shift Low battery Large Cross Track Error No NMEA data NMEA Data error No autopilot Main power No autopilot actuator Drive stopped Stern drive auto release Waypoint advanceThe Main Alarm will sound 30 seconds after the This allows the alarm condition to be cancelled andtherefore avoiding sounding of the main alarmCabling16 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation HandbookThe Main Alarm should be wired to the NMEA Bridge as follows Black Red Main Alarm Z035 NMEA SEATALK ALARM RS232 SEATALK NMEA OUT OUT IN Red Screen v 5A 0v Yellow Data Screen 0v Red v Power D1769134 Connecting a Personal ComputerThe NMEA Bridge can be used to send or receive NMEA data toor from a personal computer via the RS232 OUT and NMEANMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 17IN terminals as shown in the following illustrations Red Screen v 5A 0v NMEA SEATALK ALARM RS232 SEATALK NMEA OUT Power OUT IN Yellow Data Screen 0v Red v D1772118 NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation HandbookPC Serial Port Connections to NMEAThe following diagram shows the pin connections for 25 and 9pin PC serial ports to NMEA 2 Transmit 2 Receive 3 Receive 3 Transmit 5 Ground 7 Ground DB25 25 PIN DB9 9 PIN SERIAL CONNECTOR SERIAL CONNECTOR D1773a1NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook 19Chapter 4 Fault FindingAll Autohelm products are tested procedureprior to packing and shipment In the unlikely event that a faultdoes occur the following check list should help cure theproblem Fault Cause Action No operation No power supply Check the SeaTalk bus connectors are correct between the Bridge and the power supply Check the fusecircuit breaker NMEA data not Equipment not Refer to the converted and setup to manufacturers transmitted onto transmit correct operating the SeaTalk bus NMEA sentences handbook NMEA Bridge Check incorrectly connections wired Variable information such as XTE bearing to waypoint LatLon already on SeaTalk bus
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