' Volvo/md5a: Volvomd5a user Volvo Md5a User Manual'
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FOREWORDBefore you start running your new Volvo Penta marine engine you would beadvised to read through this instruction book carefully It contains all theinformation you need to run and service your engine in the best possible wayVolvo Penta has built up an extensive service organization with service shops andspecially trained personnel at your serviceAlways contact your local Volvo Penta representative for advice and when in needot service and partsWe are convinced that the demands on good running economy and topperformance which you have every right to expect of a quality product will be metand that your engine will serve you faithfully on many pleasant warranty certificate is supplied with each engine It contains the for the engine and should be studied carefullyAlso included is a report card which is to be completed by the dealer or boatseller If our warranty is to apply however it is an absolute condition that themeasures given in the Check and Service Scheme are carried out and that yourengine and equipment are looked after according to the instructions in thismanual When in doubt always get in touch with an authorized Volvo PentadealerIn all correspondence with your dealer and when ordering parts state the and serial number of the engine and reverse gear see starboard sideof engine 2General Information 34Running Instructions 56 Starting the engine 5 Running instructions 6 Shutdown procedure 6Technical Description 79Checks and Service Scheme 10Checks and Service 11 17 Check daily before starting 11 Check every 14 days 11 12 Service every 50 hours of operation 12 13 Service every 100 hours of operation 13 19 Layingup and launching 20 23Fault Tracing Scheme 24Technical Data 25 26Wiring Diagram 27Engine Component Guide 28Index alphabetical order 29 1PRESENTATION INSTRUMENT PANEL 1 Switch optional equipment 2 Warning lamp Excess temp 3 Place for instrument 52 mm opt equipment 4 Warning lamp No oil pressure 5 Switch optional equipment 6 Warning lamp No battery charging 7 Siren No oil pressure excess temp 8 Key switch Volvo Penta Single Control System CONTROL SYSTEM For side mounting 1 Control lever 2 Disengaging button Push in the button when the control lever is in neutral and move the lever a bit forwards Release button The lever is now used only for engine speed control To use the lever for both engine speed control and gearchanging push in the button and pull back the lever to neutral N Neutral F Control lever in position for running Forward R Control lever in position for running Reverse T Engine speed control2 GENERAL information on the function of your engine FUEL Use diesel fuel oil of quality Autodiesel Poorer fuel quality can cause interruptions in operation Use only oil with quality CD DS according to the API system LUBRICATING Volvo Penta oil for diesel engines can be used with OIL advantage since it meets these quality demands See under Technical Data concerning the viscosity A new marine engine must be runin with due care during the RUNNINGIN first 20 hours of operation If full output is taken out during this time it should only be done for short periods Oil change Change the engine lubricating oil and the oil filter after the engine has been run for 20 hours See further under Checks and ServiceENGINE SPEED Max speed 417 revsec 2500 revmmFor choice of correct propeller refer to the Volvo Penta propeller diagram Check theengine speed with normal load in the boat In order to utilize the maximum performanceof the engine an engine speed as high as possible should be chosen but not howevergreater than 417 revsec 2500 revmmNOTE When the boat has been in the water for some time the speed and max revmmcan drop due to marine growth on the hull Prevent marine growth by painting the bottomof the boat with antifouling paint See under Measures taken when launching 3 GENERAL of whether the boat is being used for long cruises or short bathing trips theboat should be equipped with the safety equipment listed below It can of course besupplemented further according to personal tastes Investigate at regular intervals toensure that there is safety equipment on board and that it is in working for all on boardFIRE EXTINGUISHER approved at least one and installed where it is easy to get atDISTRESS ROCKETS and matches Packed BOXTOOLS suitable for the equipment on boardON BOARD KIT containing eg impeller etcANCHOR with lineRADAR REFLECTORRADIO for listening to eg weather reportsCOMPASS which is deviatedBOAT HOOK and paddleMOORING ROPESFOGHORN and BEFORE STARTINGMake sure thatThere is no FUEL LEAKAGEThere is no WATER LEAKAGE from engine and hullThere is no OIL LEAKAGEThere is no SMELL OF LPGAS in the deep cavities in the boat or elsewhereThe OIL LEVEL is correctThere is enough FUEL for the planned voyageThe proper NAUTICAL CHARTS are on board for the planned voyageIf there are some other persons on board make sure that some of them is able tooperate the boatIf there are persons on board who have never been on a boat before tell them where thelifejackets are located and where the is placed Also tell them anythingmore you think necessary from a safety point of view Should something during the voyage it is very often too late to tell those on board how works4 RUNNING THE ENGINE Switch on the main switch Start the engine room fan if fitted and let it run several minutes before starting the engine Open the cock for the cooling water intake Disengage the engine speed control from the gear changing as follows Move the control lever to neutral push in the red disengaging button and move the lever slightly forwards Release the button The lever can now only operate the engine speed Check to make sure that the stop control is pushed in Turn the key switch one stage to the right The warning lamps for battery charging and oil pressure should now go on and the siren should sound Push in and turn the key further to the right to start the engine Release the key when the engine starts Hand starter If the engine is started with the starting crank the decompression handle on the rocker arm cover should first be folded up Fold down this handle for running when the cranking has got the engine up in speed Starting in cold weather is facilitated if the coldstart control is pulled out Push it in again after a while Check immediately after starting that the warning lamps for the oil pressure and battery charging are out and that the siren is quiet If any of the lamps are on and the siren is sounding the engine must be stopped immediately and an investigation made Run the engine warm at rapid idle Check to make sure that the cooling water flows out with the exhaust gases NOTE The key switch should always be switched on as long as the engine is running to ensure that there is battery charging 5RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS Reduce to idle and check that the engine is running smoothly Engage the control lever for gearchanging as follows Push in the red disengaging button and pull the lever back to neutral Release the button The control lever can now be used both for gearchanging and engine speedRUNNING The single lever control has both engine speed and manoeuvering functions F Forward N Neutral R Reverse T Engine speed control To achieve good running economy the engine should not be run at max speed for a longer period Make sure that the battery charging warning lamp does not light when the engine is running The siren will sound and the respective warning lamp go on if the engine temperature becomes excessive or the oil pressure too lowSHUTDOWN PROCEDURE After shutdown the engine should be allowed to idle for a couple of minutes or so with the control lever in neutral Stop the engine by pulling out the stop control when the engine is idling Then turn back the key switch to the initial position Switch off the main switch NOTE This switch must never be switched off until the engine has stopped Close the fuel and cooling water cocks if the boat is not going to be used for some time Check for leakage before leaving the beat In cold weather and whenever there is risk of icing the cooling water should he drained from the engine and reverse gear See under Layingup and launching6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONThe MD5A is a singlecylinder 4stroke marine diesel engine with direct injection andseawater coolingENGINE ASSEMBLYThe engine block and cylinder head are made of cast iron Cylinder angle 45o Thecylinder liner is replaceable The engine has overhead SYSTEMThe lubricating system includes a fullflow oil filter which filters all the oil before it reachesthe lubricating points A relief valve in the oil pump prevents the oil pressure frombecoming SYSTEMThe engine has a starter motor and alternator with builtin rectifier Voltage regulation istaken care of by a transistorized regulator mounted on the alternator The it possible to charge two battery circuits independent of each other if a accessory is fitted on the alternatorA main fuse which can easily be reconnected is fixed to the engine It protects theelectrical system from damage in the event of overloading The wiring diagrams for theengine and instrument panel are shown on page 27 7 TECHNICAL SYSTEMThe fuel system contains a feed pump with prefilter fine filter injection pump andinjector The feed pump which is of the diaphragm type has also a hand priming leverAlso fitted is a coldstart device with lever for connection of the pushpull controlCOOLING S YSTEMThe engine is seawater cooled The cooling system includes a seawater pump as wellas a water distributor housing with thermostatThe seawater pump has an impeller of neoprene rubber driven by the camshaft via arubber flangeThe thermostat installed in the water distributor housing regulates the water flow so thatthe water always flows through the exhaust manifold and out into the exhaust of whether the engine is cold or warm8 TECHNICAL GEARThe Volvo Penta reverse gear type Mono Shift MSB has a reduction ratio of 1911The reduction gear is integrally built with the reverse gear Power transmission from theengine to the reverse gear is via a rubber flangeThe Volvo Penta patented cone clutch is used for Forward and Reverse operation andensures smooth and quiet engagement Very small forces are required to operate thereverse gear 9CHECKS AND SERVICE SCHEMEChecks and service should be regularly carried out according to the intervals givenbelow Let an authorized Volvo Penta Service Shop look after your engine CHECK DAILY BEFORE STARTING that Page The oil level in the engine is between the marks on the dipstick 11 CHECK every 14 days that The oil level in the reverse gear is between the marks on the dipstick 11 The electrolyte level in the battery is correct The belt tension 12 SERVICE EVERY 50 HOURS OF OPERATION Change the oil in the engine 12 Change the oil in the reverse gear 13 Check and adjust the valve clearances 13 SERVICE EVERY 100 HOURS OF OPERATIONS OR AT LEAST ONCE EACH SEASON Change the oil filter 13 Check the pulley belt 14 Checktighten the cylinder head bolts 15 Check the cooling system 15 Check the electrical system fuses etc 16 Fuel system filter strainer injector venting 1719 SERVICE IN CONJUNCTION WITH LAYINGUP AND LAUNCHING THE BOAT Inhibiting scheme I Inhibiting measures carried out with boat in the water 20 Inhibiting scheme II Inhibiting measures carried out with boat on land 21 Service in connection with launching 2210 CHECKS AND SERVICECHECK DAILY BEFORE STARTINGOIL LEVEL IN ENGINE Each day before starting check that the oil level is between the marks on the dipstick Top up with oil if necessary through the oil filler hole NOTE Do not top up above the MAX mark Concerning choice of oil see under Technical DataCHECKS every 14 daysOIL LEVEL IN REVERSE GEAR Screw up the dipstick wipe it clean and insert it again without screwing it down Pull up the dipstick and check the oil level which should be between the marks If necessary top up with oil through the oil filler hole on the opposite side of the reverse gear Do not top up above the MAX mark Screw down the dipstick again Note that there is a sealing washer on the dipstick Concerning choice of oil see under Technical Data 11CHECKS AND LEVEL IN BATTERYThe level should be between 510mm 316 38 above the cell plates in thebattery If necessary top up with distilled water IMPORTANT Observe great carewhen doing this since the electrolyte is abrasive and the gas which is formed TENSIONING Correct belt tension is necessary for full alternator output The belt should be so tensioned that it can be depressed 5 mm 316 with the thumb midway between the pulleys To tension the belt first slacken the alternator retaining points stretch the belts and tighten up the points again A well worn or crached belt should be EVERY 50 HOURS OF OIL IN ENGINE With a new or newly reconditioned engine the oil should be changed for the first time after 20 hours of operation and after that after every 50 hours of operation Run the engine warm Suck up the oil through the dipstick hole Fill with oil to the correct revel See under Technical Data concerning choice of oil NOTE Change also the oil filter Fram Filter PH3614 at every other oil change12 CHECKS AND SERVICECHANGE OIL IN REVERSE GEAR The oil can be drained from the reverse gear by removing the plug under it or by sucking up the oil through the dipstick hole with the help of an oil scavenging pump Fill with oil through the filler hole to the correct level on the dipstick NOTE Do not fill above the MAX mark on the dipstick Concerning choice of oil see under Technical DataVALVE CLEARANCE The valve clearance should be checked and adjusted by authorized personal See under Valves in Technical DataSERVICE EVERY 100 HOURS OF OPERATION OR AT LEASTONCE EACH SEASONOIL FILTERThe oil filter should be replaced for the first time after 20 hours of operation during therunning in period and subsequently at every other oil change IMPORTANT Beforeremoving the filter switch off the main switch Screw off and scrap the oil filter It maybe necessary in certain cases to lift off the belt and tension out the alternator to permitfree passage for the filter 13CHECKS AND SERVICE Coat the new filter rubber gasket with oil Check the area on the engine in contact with the filter and screw on the filter by hand until it just touches the engine Then screw the filter a further half turn but not more NOTE Only use a genuine oil filter Start the engine allow it to idle and immediately check that the oil pressure warning lamp is out Check the oil level and also for any leakage round the oil filterCHECK THE BELT Check the belt thoroughly for wear and cracks Replace it if there is any indica tion of such To remove the belt slacken the alternator retaining points in order to be able to slip the belt off Wipe clean the belt groove on the pulleys before fitting the new belt Tension the belt so that it can only be depressed 5 mm 316 with the thumb between the pulleys After the engine has been run for an hour or so recheck and if necessary adjust the belt tensioning14 CHECKS AND THE CYLINDER HEAD BOLTS Authorized personal should checktighten the bolts with a torque wrench before starting a new or newly reconditioned engine for the first time and again after it has been in operation for 20 hours Check the valve clearance after tightening up the bolts The bolttightening sequence can be seen from the adjacent illustration Concerning the tightening torque see under Technical DataCHECK THE COOLING SYSTEMThe cooling system is functioning normally when the Temp lamp is out and the siren isquiet Excessive temperature Temp goes on the siren sounds may be due to thefollowing clogged water intake defective impeller or flange in the seawater pumpfaulty thermostat or temp gauge sender Look out for water penetration during allwork on the cooling system The impeller can be damaged due to Check and replace the impeller eg shortage of water Remove the cover on the water pump Pull out the shaft the length required in order to screw out the impeller lock bolt Hold against the shaft and pull off the impeller If the impeller is damaged fit a new one NOTE If the shaft has been removed entirely from the pump housing check when refitting it that the Dring between the sealing rings in the housing gets onto the shaft Tighten up the impeller with the lock bolt If the impeller and shaft can be rotated then the flange is defective A new flange can be fitted after the pump has been removed Fit the cover with its gasket 15CHECKS AND SERVICE ELECTRIC SYSTEM Alternator The engine is equipped with an alternator To ensure that the alternator with the builton regulator functions without interruptions the following important points must be observed 1 Never switch off the main switch until the engine has been stopped To do otherwise would be to ruin the charging regulator 2 Do not mix up the battery connection poles A plus sign and a minus sign are marked on the respective poles The minus pole is connected up to the engine body Cable shoes should be greased and wall tightened 3 Rewiring between the charging circuits may not be carried out while the engine is running Fit a Volvo Penta charging distributor accessory on the alternator when more than one battery is connected up4 Observe the following in the event the engine is started with an auxiliary battery Let the ordinary battery remain connected up Connect the auxiliary battery to the ordinary battery plus to plus and minus to minus When the engine has started remove the auxiliary battery but do not break the ordinary batterys wiring circuit5 Do not use a rapid charging unit when the alternator is connected to the battery6 Before doing any work on the alternator equipment first disconnect both the battery cables7 In the event any electrical welding work is done on the engine or the installation components disconnect the charging regulator cables at the alternator and insulate the cable ends8 Check regularly the belt tension and the cable connections16 CHECKS AND SERVICEChange FuseA fusebox is mounted on the cylinder A fuse breaks the electrical system when thesystem is overloaded Reconnect the electrical system by transferring the to the next fuse contactStarter motor and alternatorAll work connected with the starter motor and alternator shoold be done by an shop Inspection and control should he carried out in connection with a of the the state of charge of the batteryThe state of charge of the battery should he checked at cast once each season This isdone by using a hydrometer which shows the specific gravity of the electrolyte thisvarying with the state of charge See the Technical DataFUEL SYSTEMObserve the greatest cleanliness when handling the fuel Try to avoid fuel splash Change fuel filter The filter element in the fuel filter should be changed at least once each season To do this remove the filter centre screw and lift off the filter Clean the container and contact surfaces Fit the new filter element and its gasket Pump up the fuel with the hand primer Vent the fuel system If the pumping effect is poor turn over the engine a bit so that the drive cam alters its position 17CHECKS AND SERVICE Extra fuel filter If an extra fuel filter is fitted together with a water separator check the transparent bowl to see if there is any water in the fuel If necessary drain the filter via the cock in the bottom of the bowl Try to avoid fuel splash Pump up the fuel with the hand primer and vent the system The fuel filter element should be changed at least once a season FUEL STRAINER The fuel pump on the engine has a builtin strainer which is accessible after removing the cover Clean the strainer at least once a season Immediately after starting the engine check for leakage Always vent the fuel system See under Venting the fuel injector should be removed once a season and handed in to a diesel shop forcleaning and checking the opening pressure the spray pattern and for leakage Toremove the injector unscrew the delivery pipe and the bypass oil line Fit protective capsover the both the nuts over the fork holding the injector to the cylinder head and lift up theinjector If the injector feels stiff to remove due to gumming grip it with eg polygrippliers and carefully rotate it back and forth while levering it up at the same time with ascrewdriver eg under the fork Before fitting check to make sure the contact surfaceon the injector and copper sleeve is clean Connect up the delivery pipe and the returnline but do not tighten the delivery pipe nut at the injector Turn over the engine with thestarter motor until fuel comes from the delivery pipe Tighten up the delivery pipe nut andmake sure the delivery pipe cone is fitted properly Concerning tightening torque seeTechnical Data18 CHECKS AND SERVICEVenting the fuel systemIn order for the engine to be able to start the fuel system must be vented on the changing the fine filter With leakage and work on the fuel linesWhen draining through the drain hole When the engine has not been used for aWhen cleaning the fuel pump strainer long timeAfter running the fuel tank emptyWhen installing the fuel injection pumpVenting is as follows1 Open the vent screw on the fuel filter2 Pump forward the fuel with the help of the hand primer until fuel free from air bubbles flows out Close the vent screw If the pumping effect is poor turn over the engine a bit so that the pump drive cam alters its position3 If the fuel injection pump has been removed or when starting an entirely new engine for the first time the fuel injection pump must be vent To do this open the vent screw on the pump Pump with the hand primer until fuel free from air comes out Slacken the injector delivery pipe nut and turn over the engine by means of the starter motor until fuel comes from the delivery pipe Tighten up the delivery pipe nut and start the engine 1 Vent screw fuel filter 2 Hand primer 3 Vent screw injection pump 4 Delivery pipe nut 19LAYINGUP AND IN CONNECTION WITH LAYINGUP ANDLAUNCHING THE BOATINHIBITING ENGINE AND REVERSE GEARIDLE ENGINE FOR BRIEF PERIODS WITH BOAT IN THE WATERTo prevent the engine from corrosion attacks it must be run warm at least once every14 days as long as the boat is in the water If it is anticipated that the boat will not beused for more than a month longterm inhibiting should be carried outINHIBITING FOR A LONG PERIODAn authorized service shop should test the engine and equipment before inhibiting theengine for a long period acc To Inhibiting Schemes I and II A suitable procedure wouldbe to test the Scheme ICarried out with the boat in the water Run the engine warm1 Pump out all the oil from the engine and reverse gear Use an oil scavenging pump2 Change the oil filter Fill the engine and reverse gear to the correct level with Volvo Penta oil which also has rustproofing properties to the correct level The lubricating system is thereafter ready for operation the next season If rustproofing oil is used it should be of the type Esso Rustban 623 Sheel Ensis Oil or corresponding In this case the oil filter should be replaced when launching320 LAYINGUP AND LAUNCHING Drain the fuel filter4 Disconnect the fuel pump flexible suction hose from the fuel system and insert the free end in a can filled with 13rd Volvo Penta oil or preservative oil and 23rds diesel fuel oil Bleed the fuel system Let the engine run at rapid idle for about 10 minutes NOTE If the fuel system has an electrically operated fuel pump it must be switched off before the engine is Scheme IICarried out with the boat on land Drain the cooling water from the engine and reverse gear Check to make sure that the water runs out since impurities can block the cock Then close all cocks and refit the drain cock in the reverse gear6 Disconnect the reverse gear suction line from the reverse gear Connect a hose with inner diameter 12 and insert the free hose end in a container with fresh water Arrange to have water added to the container and run the engine at idle for about 5 10 minutes so that it is flushed throughout with fresh water Make sure that there is no dirt near the exhaust outlet Drain all water from the engine and reverse gear Then close all drain7 points Mix a rustproofing mixture consisting of 15 20 litres 13 Impqts 16 us qts 18 lmpqts 21 US qts fresh water and 2 4 litres 18 Impqts 20 US qts 35 lmpqts 53 US qts rustproofing oil NOTE Water first and then the oil Use eg Esso Cutwull 40 Shell Donax C or similar As an alternative a 30 glycol mixture can be used8 21LAYINGUP AND LAUNCHING Insert the hose into the rustproofing mixture Start the engine and allow it to idle until the mixture is finished NOTE The water pump must never be allowed to run dry9 Since the rustproofing mixture does not provide any protection against freezing it must be drained from the engine and reverse gear Remove the cover from the cooling water pump Check to make sure the impeller is in good condition NOTE Do not pull out the impeller if it is in good condition10 Remove the injector and hand it in to a diesel shop for cleaning and checking Inject Volvo Penta oil into the cylinder Turn over the engine several turns with the starter motor or the crank NOTE Prevent oil splash Fit the checked injector but do not finaltighten it It will be removed again before launching11 Clean the outside of the engine and reverse gear Touch up any bare patches on the paintwork with the same type of paint as the original Spray the electrical system components and all the controls with antimoisture spray12 Remove the battery It needs to be maintained to prevent it from being in connection with launching If Volvo Penta oil has been used only the oil level in the engine and reverse gear needs to be checked If another type of preservative oil has been used both oil and filter must be replaced See under Service 14 after every 50 hours of operation1422 LAYINGUP AND LAUNCHING Screw tight the cover with its gasket on the cooling water pump Connect the hose between the cooling water intake and the reverse gear Checktighten all the hose clamps Close the drain cocks Clean the outside of the engine and the reverse gear15 Install the battery which should be fully charged Grease the cable shoes Connect up the battery cables IMPORTANT Do not mix up the polarity Tighten up the cable shoes well16 Remove the injector Take measures to avoid oil splash and run the engine several turns so that the oil on the piston crowns is blown out Fit the injector See under Tightening torques Technical Data17 Launch the boat Change the fuelfilter cartridge Pump forward the fuel and vent the system See under Venting the fuel system18 Start the engine See the instructions on page 5 Run the engine warm with the reverse gear engaged Check to make sure there is no leakage of fuel air water or exhaust gases Check that all the controls etc are functioning properly19 If necessary contact authorized Volvo Penta service shops and let them service the engine and reverse gear according to the instructions in the servicing scheme20 23 FAULT TRACING SCHEMETRACING FAULTS WITH INTERRUPTIONS IN OPERATIONThe fault tracing scheme given below lists only the most usual reasons for faults that giverise to interruptions in operation With the help of the instructions given in this handbookthe owner can generally remedy most of the reasons for the faults listed below When indoubt always contact the nearest Volvo Penta service shop Engine becomes abnormally hot Engine does not reach correct operating speed at full throttle Engine runs unevenly or Engine does not start vibrates abnormally Engine stops Reason See Main switch not switched on flat pp 5 12 16 battery breakage in electric 17 27 X cables or blown fuse Empty fuel tank closed fuel pp 17 18 X X cock blocked fuel filter Water air or impurities in fuel pp 17 18 19 X X X X X X X Defective injector pp 18 26 Idling speed not properly p 25 X X adjusted Boat overloaded X Marine growth on boat bottom X Damaged propellor X Blockage in cooling water p 15 X intake cooling jackets defective impeller or thermostat24 TECHNICAL DATATechnical designation MD5A 4stroke diesel with of cylinders 1Propeller shaft output kW hp at 2500 revmin 55 75acc To DIN Leistung B f r operating speed revmin 2500Bore mm in 84 3307Stroke mm in 80 3150 3 3Displacement dm in 0443 27 2 2Compr pressure MPa kpcm lbfin 200 220starter motor speed 20 22 284 313Idling speed revmin approx 700Direction of rotation looking at flywheel inclination underway Rearwards max 15 To the sides max 20Engine weight incl Reverse gear kg lb 111 244ValvesValve clearance hot engine Inlet mm in 030 00012 Exhaust mm im 035 00014Reverse GearType designation MSBReduction ratio Forward and Reverse SystemEngine Oil Capacity engine litres Impqts US qts ex cl filter 20 180 210 Incl filter 21 185 220 Oil quality Diesel lubricating oil Service CD DS Viscosity Above 10C 14F Volvo Penta CD Double Grade oil SAE 20W30 Below 10C 14F Volvo Penta CD Single Grade oil SAE 10W Oil pressure hot engine 2 2 Idling speed MPa kpcm lbfin 15 25 1525 2135 2 2 At full speed MPa kpcm lbfin 40 50 4050 5771 25 TECHNICAL DATAReverse Gear Oil See under Engine Oil capacity litre qt 055 05Cooling starts to open at C F 602 1402 fully open at C F 90 195Fuel SystemFuel injection pump make type Bosch PFR1K 2 2Feed pressure MPa kpcm lbfin 75 075 11Injector make Bosch holder KBAL 65 nozzle DLLA 150 2 2 opening pressure MPa kpcm lbfin 1800 180 angle crankshaft degrees BTDC 25 28Fuel quality Autodiesel Cet rating minimum 45Electrical SystemBattery voltage 12vBattery capacity standard 60 Ah max 120 AhStarter motor 08 kW 11 hpAlternator 35A 420WBattery electrolyte specific gravity 3 Charging carried out at gcm 1230 3 Fully charged battery gcm 1275 1285Tightening head nuts Nm kpm lbftf 70 70 50Connecting rod bolts Nm kpm lbftf 70 70 50Crankshaft main bearings Nm kpm lbftf 70 70 50Flywheel nut Nm kpm lbftf 500 500 362Injector nuts Nm kpm lbftf 10 10 726 WIRING DIAGRAMCable Colour Code 2Marking Colour mm AWGA White 6 9B Black 15 15B Black 06 19B Black 075 18C Red 6 9C Red 35 1C Red 06 19F Yellow 15 15G Brown 15 15H Blue 35 1I GreenRed 15 15I GreenRed 075 18J Green 15 15J Green 06 19J Green 075 18K BlueYellow 075 18L WhiteRed 075 18M BlueRed 075 18List of Components 9 Place for instruments opt equipment1 Extra switch 10 Rapid connector2 Battery charging warning lamp 11 Starter mot or3 Excessive temp warning lamp 12 Alternator4 Low oil pressure warning lamp 13 Fusebox5 Key switch 14 Main switch6 Siren 15 Battery7 Alarm unit 16 Temperature sender8 Battery charging warning lamp for battery circuit 17 Oil pressure sender opt equipment 27 ENGINE COMPONENT GUIDE 1 Connection for manual starting crank 2 Fusebox 3 Thermostat housing 4 Decompression handle 5 Injector 6 Oil filler cap engine 7 Reverse gear water drainage 8 Reverse gear oil drainage 9 Engine water drainage 10 Reverse gear oil filler 11 Cooling water pump 12 Reverse gear oil dipstick 13 Fuel filter 14 Vent screw 15 Fuel hand primer 16 Engine oil dipstick 17 Oil filterThe tool kit supplied with the engine contains the following toolsUSspanner 1012 UPspanner 1416 screwdriver Phillips screwdriver flat end pliersoil scavenging pump with hose and suction pipe as well as Allen spanners for the drive28 7 14 16 27 Lubricating oil 3 25Battery 12 Main Switch 5 6Belt tensioning 12 14 Oil change 12 13Charging regulator 7 16 Oil dipstick engine 28Controls 2 6 Oil dipstick reverse gear 28Cooling system 8 Oil filter 14 20 28Cylinder head bolts 15 Oil level check 11Deinhibiting 22 Preparations before starting 4Drain cocks 28 Running 6Electrical system 16Engine assembly 7 Safety equipment 4 Seawater pump 8 15 28Fault tracing scheme 24 Starter motor 17Fuel 3 Starting 5Fuel filters 17Fuel pump 8 Technical data 25 26Fusebox 7 17 Thermostat 8 26Hand primer 8 17 23 28 Valve clearances 13 25Hand starter 5 28 Venting the fuel system 19Impeller 15 W iring diagrams 27Inhibiting 20Injector 18 23Instruments 2 27 29
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