Teleflex Hydraulic Engine Controls Workshop Manual
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and Service 04 SERIES CAUTION THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT USE OIL Use 5050 by volume water DO NOT USE STOPLEAK TYPE ANTIFREEZETHIS MANUAL SHOULD BE KEPT ON BOARD YOUR VESSEL 182042 Rev5 Page 1 of 36 Pages 105 LIMITED WARRANTY POLICY TELEFLEX MORSE TRADEMARK Morse warrants that its manufactured products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship fora period of twentyfour 24 months from the date of original manufacture Teleflex Morse will rebuild or replace atits option all products of its manufacture proven to its satisfaction to be defective within such warranty period andreturned to Teleflex Morse Sarasota Florida transportation charges prepaid Teleflex Morses sole obligation andbuyers exclusive remedy hereunder is limited to such rebuilding or replacementNo products may be returned to any Teleflex Morse factory unless the prior consent for said return shall have beenobtained from the Teleflex Morse Customer Service Department in Sarasota Florida This Limited Warranty does notcover shipping costs to the Teleflex MorseSarasota factory any costs for labor or otherwise related to produceremoval or replacement or any other costs of any nature without consent by Teleflex products and accessories made by others are warranted only to the extent of original manufactures warrantyto Teleflex MorseThis warranty shall not apply to acts of God war or civil insurrection nor shall it apply to products which in the solejudgment of Teleflex Morse have been subjected to negligence abuse sanctioned racing events tampering alteration nor due to improper installation operation maintenance or storage nor to otherthan normal application use of service including but not limited to operational failures caused by foreign materialsin the system or operation at pressures in excess of recommended shall be solely responsible for determining suitability for use of Teleflex Morse Products Teleflex Morseshall not in any event whatsoever have any liability with respect to such FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS ORIMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANDFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE TELEFLEX MORSE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL OR CONTINGENT DAMAGES WHATSOEVERNOTE TO CONSUMERS THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXTENDED TO THE COMMERCIAL AND INSTALLERS OF TELEFLEX MORSE PRODUCTS ONLY THE WILLEXTEND WARRANTY COVERAGE TO YOU WHICH COVERS TELEFLEX MORSE PRODUCTS TELEFLEXMORSE WARRANTY TO SUCH CUSTOMERS DEALERS AND INSTALLERS IS INTENDED TO SUPPORT THEWARRANTY EXTENDED TO CONSUMERS Teleflex Morse Electrical Systems 6980 Professional Parkway East Sarasota FL 342408414 Phone 9419071000 FAX 9419071010 Page 2 of 36 Pages Table of MORSE ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMWHY IT WORKS 4 PARTS LIST 16PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION 4 System Parts List Nylon 14COMPONENT INSTALLATION 4 System Parts List Copper 17 Sender Installation 4 COMPONENT CROSS SECTIONS 18 NEUTRAL SAFTY SWITCH22 Throttle Slave Installation 6 Clutch Slave Installation 8 TEMPLATES 25 Valve Installation 9 CDF04 MOUNTING PLATE 27TUBING INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION 10 TUBING DIAGRAMS 28 Rules for Routing Tubing 10 Plan ITwin Engine One Station 28 Install Tubing Between Senders and Slaves 11 Plan IITwin Engine Two Station 29 Plan IIITwin Engine Three Station 30FILLING AND BLEEDING SYSTEM 11 Filling the System 11 Plan IVTwin Engine Four Station 31 Bleeding the System at Slave 11 SUPPLEMENTAL THROTTLE CONTROL Bleeding the System at Senders 12 CIRCUITS 32SYSTEM FLUID 12 Plan IS 32MAKING THE SYSTEM OPERATIONAL 12 Plan IIS 32 Synchronizing the Controls 12 Plan IIIS 33 Connecting Engine Controls 12 Plan IVS 33OPERATION 12 34 Throttle Senders 12 Clutch Senders 13 Maintenance 13 Page 3 of 36 PagesTeleflex Morse Engine Control System with a pilot check valve which locks the throttle slave in theWhy it Works position it has taken in response to the sender The throttle slave can be driven only by the sender it cannot drive theThe movement of a senders control arm transmits mechani sendercal energy to an internal piston which in turn pushes hydraulic fluid through the other corresponding control senders and Extra hydraulic fluid and a pressure head for the system issingle control slave This movement of hydraulic fluid drives maintained by the systems reservoir The reservoir is chargeda piston in each of the senders and slave The movement of with 80 psi of air over the hydraulic fluid within it This keepsthe individual pistons causes shaft rotation in each unit the entire system under pressure at all times and prevents a vacuum from existing on the back side of any piston when theThe piston in each of the individual control senders and system is operatedslaves has two small valves which are opened when thepiston reaches the end of its stroke allowing additional fluid Fluidflow to and from the reservoir is regulated by a chargingto pass through the system By allowing this flow of hydraulic valve located on the bottom of the reservoir This valve isfluid the controls may be synchronized with each other by necessary to keep the system under pressure and to premoving the control arm at one control station from stop to vent excessive pressures caused by the expansion of fluidstop when the fluid becomes warmThe control slave is very similar to the control sender except Nylon tubing is used to pipe the system for two reasons 1the body is a rectangular block An overtravel bungee is ease of installation 2 nylon tubing expands and contractsused in the linkage between the slave arm and engine control in very much the same manner as the hydraulic fluid a mostarm to assure that the slave can reach the end of its stroke important factor The expansion and contraction of thein each direction The slave for the transmission has a built tubing reduces drift of the controls as temperature changesin detent mechanism to indicate neutral position thereby helping to keep all the components of the system synchronized The tubing is virgin nylon which has beenOn most engines the throttle exerts considerable force to heat and light stabilized and contains no plasticizers Thereturn to the idle position Each throttle slave is equipped burst pressure of the tubing is in excess of 1200 psiPreparation for Installation Use Loctite hydraulic sealant on all NPT fittings prior to installation DO NOT use teflon tape or pipe dope CAUTION Sender Installation Dirt and foreign matter in the hydraulic system 1 Locate sender on panel so that the control arms arc will not cause damage and malfunction It is extremely interfere with the ships wheel or panel Be certain that important to keep tubing and fittings clean access is available to the small bleeder screw at the top of when installing and connecting components each sender head Cut tube cleanly and tape the open end while The design of the new Engine Control T handle requires a running tubing minimum distance between control heads to provide ad equate handle clearance when two sets of controls areBefore installation is started the parts list should be checked mounted side by side See Figure 1to verify that a complete system has been received Parts NOTE This minimum distance does not apply to installalists are located on pages 16 and 17 tions using the optional knob style control handlesIt is advised that all system components be installed send 2 Using the template provided in the appendix mark and cuters shift throttle slaves and reservoir prior to running the a hole for the sender Figure 29 is the proper template for thesystem tubing This allows the tubing to be run between two single head and Figure 30 for the side by side senderdefinite points with less chance of an error mounting Refer to Figure 1 for minimum distance requiredShould it become necessary for the tubing to be strung first when mounting two sets of controls side by sidea system of marking the different tubing runs should be used 3 Drill 716 holes in the panel for the mounting bolts 4 Set sender in place and check to see if all mounting holes match upComponent Installation 5 The senders ports are tapped 14 NPTF Suitable have red plastic plugs installed in their ports to ers must be installed to accept the tubing used It is morekeep out foreign matter As you remove these red plastic convenient to install these adapters prior to mounting theplugs replace them immediately with the proper adapter senders Instructions for copper tubing installations are onthen install the red plugs into the adapters until you are ready page 12to connect tubing Page 4 of 36 Pages 6 Secure senders per Figure 2 for single head or Figure 3 NOTE for side by side mountingIf the area under the control panel is too confined to 7 The senders handle position may be set within limits byallow the tubing to be connected with moderate loosening the tightening screw using a 14 allen wrench inease do not secure the sender at this time Proceed the lower end of the arm and then rotating the arm as desiredwith the installation of the remaining senders per and resetting the screw After the arm is set it will have a 115Steps 1 thru 5 above The sender may be secured maximum arcafter the tubing has been connected to it 8 Secure the remaining senders per Steps 1 thru 7 NOTE The minimum distance does not ap ply to installations using the knob style control handles Figure 1 Mounting T Handle Controls Side by Side Figure 2 Single Head Sender Figure 3 SideBySide Senders Page 5 of 36 PagesThrottle Slave Installation Steps 1 thru 8 apply to both ST04 and ST06 Systems NOTE 1 Secure the mounting bracket to the engine A suitable The standard Teleflex Morse System bracket must be fabricated MC04 uses the ST06 Integrated Throttle 2 Secure the throttle slave to the mounting bracket using Slave You may have chosen to order a 3816 mounting bolts nonstandard system which includes the ST04 Throttle Slave and STV10 Lockout 3 Install a lock nut and bungeeball joint on the end of a Valve Depending on which system you 1420 stainless or brass threaded rod have follow the corresponding installa 4 Position the throttle slave to its midstroke and connect the tion instructions in this section bungee end of the 1420 threaded rod to it not provided 5 Position the engines throttle arm to its midstroke DeterTeleflex Morse throttle slaves must be mounted so that at the mine the length of threaded rod required and cut off themidstroke of both the engines throttle arm and the slaves excesscontrol arm they are 1 In the same plane 2 parallel to eachother and 3 right angles will be formed between the con 6 Connect a lock nut and a balljoint to the engines linkage and each arm See Figure 4 arm and the free end of the threaded rodIf these criteria are met an ideal installation will result 7 Find the proper hole in the slave arm to provide a linkage length combination that will allow idle to full throttle on theA spring bungeeball joint assembly is furnished with each engine using all but a few degrees of slave arm travel in eachthrottle slave It is installed in the slave armto throttle direction By adjusting the balljoint and bungee a finelinkage according to Figure 4 It allows up to 316 slave adjustment in both directions can be achieved Be sure thearm overtravel in each direction This overtravel lets the slave arm can overtravel through the bungee to the end ofslave cylinder travel its full stroke and still provide full travel its stroke in each directionto the throttle arm You must use almost all of the slave travelor about 75 to operate the throttle The slave must go full 8 After determining the correct rod length securely lock thestroke in each direction in order to synchronize the system balljoint and bungee assembly to the threaded rod with lock nuts provided Disconnect the linkage from the throttle slavesThe throttle slaves arm may be set to any desired position by armloosening the tightening screw using a 316 allen wrenchin the lower end of the arm and then rotating the arm as ST06 Installation Onlydesired and resetting the screw After the arm is set it willhave a 78 maximum arc 9 To prevent engine retard due to governor spring or vibration a pilot check valve is built into the ST06 Throttle CAUTION Slave The Throttle Slave must not be mounted to any surface exceeding 220 F 103 C If NOTE mounting in a hot spot is unavoidable the This builtin valve will lock the slave arm in place slave must be insulated from the heat allowing it to be moved only by the sender 10 Locate a tee and bleeder valve on the throttle slave and install suitable adapters to accept tubing per Figure 5 NOTE Tube connectors are installed on the tubing per instructions under Tubing Installation and Connection on page 8 11 Verify all fittings installed have been tightened Repeat these throttle slave installation procedures for the second engine ST04 Installation Only 9 To prevent engine retard due to governor spring or vibration a separate STV10 lockout valve is used with the ST04 Throttle SlaveFigure 4 Throttle Slave to Throttle Arm Installation Page 6 of 36 Pages Figure 5 ST06 Integrated Throttle Slave with Tee and Bleeder Valve Installation NOTE NOTE If the throttle slave is in a limited space it may Tube connectors are installed on the tubing be removed from the bracket during the lock per instructions under Tubing Installation out valve installation The STV10 Lock Out and Connection Valve must be plumbed as shown in Figure 6 The lockout valve will lock the slaves arm 11 Using a short piece of tubing provided connect the open and allow it to be moved by only the sender port on the tee to the S2 port on the lockout valve See Figure 6 See Figure 16 for Copper Tubing connection The check valve and slave must be mounted in Plug open fittings at the V1 and V2 ports close proximity to one another If theyre not abnormal locking action and poor performance 12 Verify all fittings installed have been tightened Repeat will result these throttle slave installation procedures for the second10 Install the lockout valve on the throttle slave and enginesecure it using clean lubricant or Loctite hydraulic sealant onthe threads Install appropriate adapters to accept tubingRefer to Figure 6 CONTROL ARM MAY BE ROTATED TO ANY POSITION ON SHAFT Figure 6 ST04 Throttle Slave with STV10 LockOut Valve Page 7 of 36 PagesClutch Slave Morse clutch slave must be mounted so that when theengines transmission is in neutral and the Morse clutchslaves arm is at its midstroke both arms will be 1 in thesame plane 2 parallel to each other and 3 right angles willbe formed between connecting linkage and each arm seeFigure 7 Figure 8 Detent Ring Location 5 Secure detent ring in this position by tightening the set screw 6 Install a lock nut and ball joint on the end of the 1420 stainless steel or brass threaded rod not provided Figure 7 Proper Clutch Slave to Throttle Arm 7 Position the clutch slave to its midstroke and connect the Installation ball joint end of the 1420 threaded rod to it 8 Position the engines clutch arm to neutral determine the NOTE proper length of the threaded rod required and cut off the The clutch slaves arm may be set to any excess desired position by loosening the tightening 9 Install a lock nut and ball joint on the other end of the screw using a 316 allen wrench in the lower threaded rod end of the arm Rotate arm as desired and reset the screw After the arm is set it will have 10 By locating the slave arm balljoint in its proper hole and a 78 maximum arc adjusting both ball joint on the threaded rod find the correct length of linkage that will allow both full forward and full reverse on the transmission for full throw on the clutch slave1 Secure mounting bracket to the engine A suitable bracket armmust be fabricated 11 After determining the correct linkage length securely2 Secure the transmission slave to the mounting bracket lock the balljoints to the threaded rod with locknuts prousing the 3816 mounting bolts vided Disconnect the linkage from the clutch slaves arm3 Set the transmission in the neutral position and the clutch 12 Locate and secure in place two tees two bleeder valvesslaves arm at its midstroke and two tubing adapters per Figure 94 Loosen the set screw in the detent ring on the clutch slave 13 Repeat this clutch slave installation procedure for theand rotate the detent ring to the full detent position To locate second enginethe detent ring see Figure 8 Figure 9 SS04 Shifter Slave Bleeder Valve and Tubing Adapters Installation Page 8 of 36 PagesReservoir Installation R04 Reservoir Installation NOTE The reservoir should be located in the ships engine room in The standard Morse System MC04 uses an accessible location In locating the reservoir the following the R13 Integrated Reservoir You may conditions should be met have a different system which includes the 1 Reservoir must be in a vertical position with pressure R04 Reservoir and an MCV04 Charging gauge on top Valve Depending on which system you have follow the corresponding installa 2 Sight glass must be visible and easy to read tion instructions in this section 3 Pressure gauge be visible and easily read 4 The operator must have easy access to the air filler valve NOTE on the top of the tank If your installation includes two reservoirs 5 The operator must have easy access to the fill port on top one for each engine or is a singleengine of the tank installation special plumbing will required 6 Reservoir must be mounted to the bulkhead wall or post which is not covered in this manual Con using either bolts or screws tact Teleflex Morse for this information NOTE There are two ports located on the bottom of the reservoir One is plugged and can be used as a R13 Reservoir Installation drain port The other has a filter assembly and is used for connecting to the system See Figure 11The reservoir should be located in the ships engine room inan accessible location In locating the reservoir the should be met1 Reservoir must be in a vertical position with pressuregauge on top2 Sight glass must be visible and easy to read3 Pressure gauge must be visible and easily read4 The operator must have easy access to the air filler valveon the top of the tank5 The operator must have easy access to the fill port on topof the tank6 The operator must have easy access to charging valve onbottom of reservoir7 Reservoir must be mounted to the bulkhead wall or post Figure 11 Ports on Bottom of R04 Reservoirusing either bolts or screws MCV04 Charging Valve Installation NOTE The charging valve should be located in the general vicinity The charging valve is located on the bottom of of the reservoir the reservoir The plug located on the charg 1 Install appropriate adapters for the tubing used For port ing valve holds the fluid filter in place This locations see Figure 12 plug and filter can be removed to drain the reservoirs fluid See Figure 10 2 Mount the charging valve using two screws or bolts Figure 10 Charging Valve on R13 Reservoir Figure 12 MCV04 Charging Valve Page 9 of 36 PagesTubing Installation and Connection Rules for Routing Tubing CAUTION NOTE Dirt and foreign matter in the hydraulic The instructions and illustrations in this section system cause damage and malfunction It apply to nylon tubing ONLY Information on is extremely important to keep tubing and use of Copper Tubing may be found on page 12 fittings clean when installing and connect 1 Keep tubing free of dirt and foreign matter ing components Cut tube cleanly and 2 Keep tubing away from batteries since battery acid is tape the open end while running tubing corrosive to the tubing 3 Tie the tubing down at regular intervals using tubing installation plans are provided in the Tubing ties and clampsDiagrams Section later in this manual 4 Do not allow tubing to become kinked If it does replace that particular run of tubing1 Twin Engine One Station Plan I 5 String tubing so that it will not interfere with hatchways or2 Twin Engine Two Station Plan II machinery removal3 Twin Engine Three Station Plan III 6 Use only nylon tubing supplied with system from Morse Assemble tubing connectors on every tube end as described4 Twin Engine Four Station Plan IV and illustrated in Figure 13Before beginning to run the tubing it is recommended thateach tube be assigned a number which is marked on both NOTEends and marked at the origin and desti The roll of tubing should be laid in a horizontal ponation of that tube These designations should also be sition and moved as little as possible to avoidrecorded on the chosen plan diagram for future reference kinking and tangling 1 Cut the tubing with a ra 5 Force the sleeve 530045 zor or very sharp knife leav into the end of the tubing by ing the cutoff end as square pushing it against a clean as possible flat surface Thread the lock ring 530025 toward the end of the tube as far as pos sible by hand Leave suffi cient room between the lock ring and the end of the tube to install theOring 211010 2 Slip the nut 530015 over the tubing end The nut should slide freely 6 Install the 0ring 211010 3 Push the lock ring over the end of the tubing 530025 over the end of the and against the lock ring tubing and move it back at 530025 least one sleeve length from the end The lock ring may slide on freely or require slight pressure and screw on action The lock ring has a left hand thread 4 Insert the sleeve 530045 in the tube until it just makes contact all around Figure 13 Assembling Tubing Connectors Page 10 of 36 PagesInstall Tubing Between Senders and Slaves 5 The system will now begin to fill with fluid As the systemSee Pages 2227 for Plumbing Circuits fills the fluid level in the reservoir will become lower When the fluid level is between 1 to 2 inches from the bottom of the1 Locate the tubing roll in a convenient location sight glass release the pressure and refill the tank as in Step2 Starting at the highest control station begin running tubing 4from the upper tubing port of the right most sender to its 6 Repressurize the system and repeat this procedure ofconnecting point as shown on the diagram filling the reservoir as required until no fluid drop is noted At this point the system is filled and must now be bled NOTE Tubing may be run from the sender to connect 7 Check entire system for leaks and correct as required ing point or from connecting point to sender whichever is easier Bleeding the System at Slave3 Secure each end of the newly run tube by Inserting the NOTEtube end assembly into the proper adapter 530175 pre The bleeding procedure is much easier for twoviously installed in components Tighten down only until people to perform than one One to keep thethere is firm resistance felt on the wrench reservoir filled and under pressure while the other one bleeds the system4 Run the tubing from the lower port of the same the previous steps 1 Fill the reservoir as required5 Progress leftward across the control panel until all lineshave been run and secured Then go to the next lower station NOTEand run tubing from it in the same manner as it was from the Verify that linkage is disconnected andupper station senders handles are free to move6 If the boat has more than two stations continue running While bleeding move the slave arm and verifytubing from them in the same manner still following the that the piston has bottomedtubing diagram 2 Using the bleeder tube provided and a clean empty7 At this point all tubing should be run and connected Now container insert the bleeder tube in the bleeder valve at onesecure tubing using ties and clamps This should be done side of a slave Open the bleeder valve about one turn andprior to filling the system bleed system until no air bubbles are evident in the flowing fluid When the fluid is clear close the bleeder valve During NOTE the bleed operation maintain the system pressure above 60 When securing tubing with clamps do not psi and the fluid level in the sight gauge above the twoinch over tighten clamps or ties as overtightening mark Should the fluid level drop below two inches close the will crimp the tubing causing poor bleeder valve and release the pressure from the system system operation Refill the reservoir with the fluid that has been bled off repressurize the system and continue bleeding Bleed long enough that no air or foam remains in this branch of theFilling and Bleeding System system Draw at least a full reservoir of fluid thru each sideFilling the System of each circuit1 Verify that all sender arms are free to traverse their NOTEcomplete arc Since there are two positions at each slave to2 Verify that all bleeder valves on the throttle and clutch be bled and four slaves the reservoir must beslaves are closed and linkages disconnected filled at least 8 times during the bleed opera tion The fluid which has been bled off should IMPORTANT NOTE be used to refill the reservoir See section onSystem Fluid for fluid speci 3 Tighten bleeder valve after the bleed operation fications on Page 10 4 Bleed the second port of the slave as described in Steps3 Remove fill port plug from the reservoir and fill the 1 2 and 3reservoir within one inch of the top of the sight tube with 5 Repeat steps 1 thru 4 with a second person at the senderMCO03 water glycol fluid Replace fill port plug moving the handles back and forth slowly five to ten times4 Pressurize reservoir to 100 10 psi through the air filler 6 Continue performing the preceding five steps for eachvalve in the top of the reservoir remaining slave Page 11 of 36 PagesBleeding the System at Senders The ethylene glycol chosen for use should be as pure no additives as possible mixed with distilledAfter bleeding system at each slave bleeder valve each water then filtered to assure its purity NEVER USE STOPsender must now be bled A small amount of air will be LEAK TYPE at the high point in each sender head Filtration is accomplished by passing the fluid through a 51 Refill reservoir if required fill tank at this time to between micron filter before using in the system12 and 23 full and leave about 100 psi on the pressuregauge Field service prefiltering can be accomplished by using a Mr Coffeeor equivalent paper filter placed in a funnel and NOTE then pouring the ethylene glycol solution through it Place a rag over the bleeder hole on the One paper filter will filter approximately 12 gallon of sender to prevent fluid from spilling on the ethylene glycol solution console The MCO03 fluid provided by Morse is Very slowly open the bleeder plug using a 316 allen mixed and filtered to assure its purity and is ready for usewrench See Figure 10 for location of bleeder screw Making the System Operational Synchronizing the Controls The system is now operational except for synchronizing the controls 1 Go to one control station and move each senders arm from stop to stop 3 to 5 complete cycles Each sender should be synchronized at this time NOTE This can be performed at any of the control stations 2 If the position of the senders handle requires an awkward motion by the user adjust the handle by loosening the set screw using a 14 allen wrench and rotating the handle so Figure 14 Bleeder Screw that the user has more of a direct pushpull motion Do not position handle so that it binds against the sender body at3 Allow the fluid to bleed out until the fluid is clear without air either end of its strokebubbles 3 Should one of the controls not come into Tighten the bleeder screw after bleeding go to that station which is out of and perform Step 15 Repeat Steps 1 to 4 above for each sender Connecting Engine Controls6 The reservoir level should be between 12 and 23 full Ifthe level is below this the reservoir should be filled to this 1 Connect throttle linkages to the throttle slave Repeat forlevel Verify that pressurize in the reservoir is between both engines80 and 85 psi 2 Connect clutch linkages to the clutch slave Repeat for both enginesSystem Fluid NOTEThe fluid recommended for use in the system is a 5050 For any operational problems at this pointmixture by volume of distilled water and ethylene glycol The consult the trouble shooting sectiontype of ethylene glycol used is very important for of your system and especially the valve Some additives especially silicone addi Operationtives are very thick in consistency and will clog the elements Throttle Sendersin the valve If this occurs your system willbe unable to maintain between sender and Forward Motion Increases Throttleslave Aft Motion Decreases Throttle Page 12 of 36 Pages NOTE When working on engine and operating the Prior to starting engines both throttles and engine throttle arm by hand disconnect clutches should be synchronized This is throttle linkage from the control slave If done by moving the senders control arm in linkage is not disconnected the pilot check a complete cycle fore and aft stop to stop valve will not allow a throttle retardation This needs to be done at only one station unless a sender arm is actuated to de crease the throttleClutch SendersForward Position Forward Position NeutralAft clutch and throttle sender bodies are made of 6061T6 aluminum which has been anodized To clean them a warm soapysolution should be used Do not attempt to use an abrasive compound as is done when shining brass Maintenance Schedule Every 30 Days 1 Check hydraulic fluid level should be between 12 and 23 full on the sight glass 2 Check system pressure pressure should be between 7090 psi see note below concerning reservoir pressure NOTE The reservoir pressure will vary between 7090 psi due to temperature changes There is no reason to become alarmed unless the pressure drops below 70 psi then the system should be repressurized to 80 psi If the pressure loss is over a relatively short period check for air leakage Should the pressure loss from full pressure to minimal operation pressure be over an extended time period just repressurize the system This extended pressure loss is normal and may be compared to the same type pressure loss one experiences with a good set of automotive tires after an extended time Every 6 Months 1 Check fluid level in the reservoir level should be approximately 12 to 23 of sight glass 2 Check system pressure it should be between 7090 psi Consult the note above about system pressure change 3 The system is but the balljoints on control linkages should be oiled 4 Check mounting bolts on the control slaves clutch and throttle to verify that vibration has not loosened them 5 Check lock nuts on control linkages verify that they are tight 6 Check fitting connections for any leakage 7 Where tubing runs are exposed and are bordering heavy traffic areas check for damage and repair as required Page 13 of 36 PagesCopper Tubing Installation and ConnectionUse these instructions in conjunction with this ManualsSection on Tubing Installation Page 81 Use 516 OD soft copper refrigeration type tubing2 Use standard 45 flares for fittings Be careful to make good flares and do not allow dirt or chips into the system DO NOT use pipe dope on fitings Refer to cautions in this manual3 All tubing runs outside the engine room should be run together Singlebundled4 Inside the engine room lengths of tubing on each side of the same circuit should be essentially the same length5 If desired short lengths maximum 24 of Aeroquip 26515 Hose with 4015B Fittings may be used for the transition from hullmounted to enginemounted tubing This will prevent workhardening of the copper from flexing and vibration Again make sure no dirt or chips are introduced into the hose ends or damage and malfuntion of the system may occur Figure 15 Charging Valve on Bottom ofThe following figures illustrate the proper connections for R13 Integrated tubing installation between components of the Engine Contol System Figure 16 ST06 Integrated Throttle Slave Page 14 of 36 Pages Figure 17 ST04 Throttle Slave with STV10 LockOut ValveFigure 18 Ports on Bottom of R04 Reservoir Figure 19 MCV04 Charging Valve NOTE The Tube Fitting and Bleeder Valve may be reversed on the Pipe Tee to allow for easier tube connec tion Figure 20 SS04 Shifter Slave Page 15 of 36 PagesSystem Parts ListNylon Tubing SINGLE ENGINE TWIN ENGINE le le le le le le nd nd nd nd nd nd le le le le le le Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha and Ha and and and and and T T T T T T H H H H H H D D D D D D T T T T T T S3 S2 S1 T3 T2 T1 S3 S2 S1 T3 S1 T2 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC or or or or or or or or or or or or le le le le le le le le le le le le and and and and and and and and and and and and ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba D D D D D D S3 T3 S3 S2 S2 S1 S1 T3 T2 T2 T1 T1 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MCCOMPONENT DESCRIPTIONR13 Reservoir Charging Valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1MCVF04 Charging Valve Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1MCVF05 Charging Valve Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLB4 or ControlLeft Ball Handle or 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 6 6CLT4 ControlLeft T HandleCRB4 or ControlRight Ball Handle or 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 6 6CRT4 ControlRight T HandleCDF04 Dual Mounting Plate 1 2 3 2 4 6CF04 Control Fittings 2 2 4 4 6 6 4 4 8 8 12 12SS04 Shift Slave 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2SSF04 Slave Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2ST06 Throttle Slave Double 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Pilot Check ValveSTF12 Slave Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS NOT INCLUDED IN SYSTEMSMCEF04 Extra Fittings Package 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1MCT02 100 Nylon Tube 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 MCT05 500 Nylon Tube 1 1MCO03 Hydarulic Fluid 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 As Required Page 16 of 36 PagesSystem Parts ListCopper Tubing SINGLE ENGINE TWIN ENGINE le le le le le le nd nd nd nd nd nd le le le le le le Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha and Ha and and and and and T T T T T T H H H H H H D D D D D D T T T T T T S3 S2 S1 T3 T2 T1 S3 S2 S1 T3 S1 T2 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC or or or or or or or or or or or or le le le le le le le le le le le le and and and and and and and and and and and and ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H ll H Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba D D D D D D S3 T3 S3 S2 S2 S1 S1 T3 T2 T2 T1 T1 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 B5 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MCCOMPONENT DESCRIPTIONR13 Reservoir Charging Valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1MCVF10 Charging Valve Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1MCVF11 Charging Valve Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLB4 or ControlLeft Ball Handle or 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 6 6CLT4 ControlLeft T HandleCRB4 or ControlRight Ball Handle or 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 6 6CRT4 ControlRight T HandleCDF04 Dual Mounting Plate 1 2 3 2 4 6CF05 Control Fittings 2 2 4 4 6 6 4 4 8 8 12 12SS04 Shift Slave 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2SSF06 Slave Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2ST06 Throttle Slave Double 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Pilot Check ValveSTF13 Slave Fittings 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS NOT INCLUDED IN SYSTEMSMCO03 Hydraulic Fluid 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 Copper Tubing 516 OD As Required Page 17 of 36 PagesParts List AssemblyModel CRB4 Control Rt RedModel CRT4 Control Rt RedModel CLB4 Control Lft BlkModel CLT4 Control Lft BlkItem Description Part No Qty1 Lever Arm Tee Red 610120 1 Lever Arm Tee Black 610130 12 Screw 240057 13 Cam 730014 14 Setscrew 240357 15 Spring 430296 16 Screw 240337 27 Washer 260067 28 Detent Assembly 730020 29 Bushing 630051 210 Washer 740018 111 Wiper 700088 112 0RIng 211018 113 Quad Seal 224011 114 Bushing 630044 115 0Ring 211027 116 Bearing Race 190005 217 Bearing 190002 118 Pinion Assembly 720150 119 Body 900254 120 Cylinder Assembly 500120 1 Optional Handle Red CK01 Part of Seal Kit ECS05 Red Knob 610058 Consists of21 0Ring 211020 1 2 Valves 16001122 Cylinder End Eccentric 560034 1 Optional Handle Black CK02 1 ORing 21101823 0Ring 211028 2 Black Knob 610048 1 ORing 21102024 Piston Assembly 600070 1 2 ORings 21102425 Teflon Backup Ring 252125 2 1 ORings 21102726 0Ring 211125 1 1 ORing 21112127 Cylinder Tube 500131 1 1 Seal 22401128 Cylinder End 560064 1 2 Rings 252121 1 Gasket 39002829 Plate 520014 1 1 Wiper 70008830 Bolt 240717 231 Dill Valve wred seal 160061 2 Figure 21 Sender Assembly Page 18 of 36 Pages Ball and Tee Handle Installation CAUTION When Installing ball handle do not torque screw to CAUTION more than 10 ft lbs When installing tee handle do not torque screw to more than 14 ft lbs NOTE Standard handtightening with 14 short arm hex key wrench will not overtorque screwTORQUE TO90110 INLBS10125 Nm TORQUE TO 90110 INLBS 10125 Nm Page 19 of 36 PagesParts List Continued Item Description Part No Qty 1 Lever Arm 610024 1 2 Screw 240057 1 3 Spacer 540018 1 4 Wiper 700088 1 5 ORing 211018 1 6 Quad Seal 224011 1 7 Bushing 630044 1 8 ORing 211027 1 9 Bearing Race 190005 2 10 Bearing 190002 1 11 Pinion Assembly 720150 1 12 Body 901054 1 13 Cylinder Assembly 501120 1 Part of Seal Kit ECS06 14 ORing 211020 1 Consists of 15 Cylinder End Eccentric 560034 1 16 ORing 211028 1 2 Dill Valves 160061 17 Piston Assembly 600070 1 2 ORings 211010 18 Teflon BackUp Ring 252125 2 1 ORing 211018 19 ORing 211125 1 1 ORing 211020 20 Cylinder Tube 500131 1 1 ORing 211027 21 Tube 500164 1 2 ORings 211028 1 extra 22 ORing 211010 2 1 ORing 211030 23 ORing 211030 1 1 ORing 211125 24 Plate 520634 1 1 Seal 224011 25 Bolt 240717 2 2 Rings 252125 26 Dill Valves wred seal 160061 2 1 Wiper 700088 Figure 22 ST06 Throttle Slave Assembly Page 20 of 36 PagesParts List ContinuedItem Description Part No Qty1 Lever Arm 610024 12 Screw 240057 13 Cam 730014 14 Setscrew 240357 15 Spring 430296 16 Screw 240337 27 Washer 260067 28 Detent Assembly 730020 29 Bushing 630051 210 Washer 740018 111 Wiper 700088 112 0RIng 211018 113 Quad Seal 224011 114 Bushing 630044 115 0Ring 211027 116 Bearing Race 190005 217 Bearing 190002 118 Pinion Assembly 720150 119 Body 900254 120 Cylinder Assembly 500120 1 Part of Seal Kit ECS0621 0Ring 211020 1 Consists of22 Cylinder End Eccentric 560034 1 2 Dill Valves 16006123 0Ring 211028 2 2 ORings 211010 not used24 Piston Assembly 600070 1 1 ORing 21101825 Teflon Backup Ring 252125 2 1 ORing 21102026 0Ring 211125 1 1 ORing 21102727 Cylinder Tube 500131 1 2 ORings 21102828 Cylinder End 560064 1 1 ORing 211030 not used29 Plate 520014 1 1 ORing 21112530 Bolt 240717 2 1 Seal 22401131 Dill Valve wred seal 160061 2 2 Rings 252125 1 Wiper 700088 Figure 23 SS04 Transmission Slave Assembly Page 21 of 36 Pages Optional Neutral Safety Switch Kit SSH01 Installation Instructions1 Before wiring the Switch determine the best routing for the wires as they lead away from the switch2 Break out an appropriate knockout in the Switch Cover and feed the wires through before placing cover on Switch When positioning the wiring be sure that it will not interfere with the mechanical function of the switch or slave2 Using the common and normally closed Switch Terminal Screws wire the switch into the circuit between the Starter Solenoid and the Starter Key Switch in accordance with the engine manufacturers Using 632 screws pn 240857 6 flatwashers pn 260147 6 lock washers pn 260107 and 632 hex nuts pn 270177 mount Switch to Plate as shown in drawing Do not tighten screws at this time4 Using 832 round head screws pn 240201 and 8 lock washers pn 260052 mount the Plate to the slave body as shown in drawing Do not tighten screws at this time5 Shift the transmission to Forward or Reverse so that the Cam Follower Wheels are out of the Detents and the Arms are in the UP position as shown in the drawing6 Make adjustments to the Switch and Plate so that the Switch makes contact when the slave arm is in the UP position7 After making necessary adjustments tighten all four mounting screws Be sure the slave arm does not cause too much overtravel on the Switch causing possible damage to the switch arm1 Before wiring the Switch determine the best routing for the wires as they lead away from the switch2 Break out an appropriate knockout in the Switch Cover and feed the wires through before placing cover on Switch When positioning the wiring be sure that it will not interfere with the mechanical function of the switch or slave2 Using the common and normally closed Switch Terminal Screws wire the switch into the circuit between the Starter Solenoid and the Starter Key Switch in accordance with the engine manufacturers Using 632 screws pn 240857 6 flatwashers pn 260147 6 lock washers pn 260107 and 632 hex nuts pn 270177 mount Switch to Plate as shown in illustration Do not tighten screws at this time 4 Using 832 round head screws pn 240201 240857 SCREW and 8 lock washers pn 260052 mount the Plate to the slave body as shown in drawing Do not tighten screws at this time 520524 SWITCH PLATE 5 Shift the transmission to Forward or Reverse 870220 SWITCH COVER so that the Cam Follower Wheels are out of the 260147 FLAT Detents and the Arms are in the UP position WASHER as shown in illustration 270177 HEX NUT 6 Make adjustments to the Switch and Plate so that the Switch makes contact when the slave arm is in the UP position 260107 LOCK WASHER 7 After making necessary adjustments tighten all 870240 MICRO four mounting screws Be sure the slave arm does SWITCH not cause too much overtravel on the Switch causing possible damage to the switch arm DETENT ARM shown in up position 240201 SCREW 260052 LOCKWASHER CAM FOLLOWER WHEEL Page 22 of 36 PagesFigure 24 Clutch Slave Figure 25 Throttle Slave Part of Fitting Kit MCVF08 Consists of 4 Oring 211016 Part of Fitting Kit RS01 Seal Kit 4 Plug 380514 Consists of 4 Spring 430546 2 Oring 211010 4 Poppet Assy 450040 1 Oring 211011 1 Reservoir Plug 380030 1 Oring 211117 1 Inst Sheet 180054 2 Oring 211206 2 Oring 211910 Figure 27 Charging Valve on 2 Seal 224014 R13 Integrated Reservoir 1 Inst Sheet 181033Figure 26 R13 Integrated Reservoir Page 23 of 36 Pages MCV04 CHARGING VALVEPart of Fitting Kit MCVF08Consists of 4 Oring 211016 4 Plug 380514 4 Spring 430546 4 Poppet Assy 450040 1 Reservoir Plug 380030 1 Inst Sheet 180054 For Reservoir Seal Kit RS01 See Figure 26 Figure 28 R04 Reservoir with MCV04 Charging Valve Page 24 of 36 PagesTemplates LINE INDICATES OUTER EDGE OFCONTROL SENDER DRILL 716 DIA HOLES DRILL 716 DIA HOLES 4 PLACES 2 PLACES REMOVE THIS AREA REMOVE THIS AREA FROM FROM THE PANEL THE PANELFigure 29 Single Head Figure 30 SidebySide Mounting Page 25 of 36 PagesThis page intentionally blank to allow removaluse of Template Page 26 of 36 PagesCDF04 Mounting PlateThis plate simplifies mounting of 1CL and 1CR control as a dual mark position of the 4 mounting bolt holes and outline ofunit material to be removed1 Select mounting location checking for adequate handle 3 Remove plate from dash Drill 4716 diameter holes throughout full arc Also check for access to the allen material from shaded area as shownscrew bleeders in the control heads and clearance below themounting surface 4 Proceed with sender mounting per installation manual2 When location is determined use the plate as a templete and 18 THICK PLATE Page 27 of 36 PagesTubing CircuitsPlan I Twin Engine One plumbing shown in diagram advances throttle in aclockwise direction For a see supplemental diagram Plan IS and citcuits accordingly Page 28 of 36 PagesTubing CircuitsPlan II Twin Engine Two plumbing shown in diagram advances throttle in aclockwise direction For a see supplemental diagram Plan IIS andreplumb throttle citcuits accordingly Page 29 of 36 PagesTubing CircuitsPlan III Twin Engine Three plumbing shown in diagram advances throttle in aclockwise direction For a see supplemental diagram Plan IIS andreplumb throttle citcuits accordingly Page 30 of 36 PagesTubing CircuitsPlan IV Twin Engine Four plumbing shown in diagram advances throttle in aclockwise direction For a see supplemental diagram Plan IVS andreplumb throttle citcuits accordingly Page 31 of 36 Throttle Control CircuitsPlan IS Plan IISSingle Station Throttle Advance Two Station Throttle Advance Page 32 of 36 Throttle Control IIIS Plan IVSThree Station Throttle Advance Four Station Throttle Advance Page 33 of 36 Problem Cause Solution Spongy Controls Entire System Air in System 1 Check reservoir and verify that there is fluid and pressure is 80 psi 2 Inspect for fluid leaks at all connections 3 Check for air leaks in the reservoir use soapy water solution 4 Bleed entire system 5 Synchronize controls on one clutch or throttle system Spongy Controls on one clutch or Air in that singular system 1 Check reservoir verify that there is fluid and throttle system pressure is 80 psi 2 Inspect for fluid leaks at all connections of the s ystem in question 3 Bleed system in question 4 Synchronize controls Sender arm wants to stop at its Controls out of Synchronize controls midstroke FuII throttle on the sender will not 1 Throttle linkage length out of 1 Readjust length of the throttle linkage achieve maximum throttle RPM on adjustment 2 Service Engine Engine 2 Engine out of tune Full idIe on sender will not achieve idle 1 Throttle linkage length out of 1 Readjust length of the throttle linkage RPM on engine adjustment 2 Service Engine 2 Engine governor out of adjustment 3 Engine out of tune Engine Throttle tends to creep toward Pilot check valve malfunctioning 1 Remove pressure from system idle 2 Repressurize the system 3 Repurge the system of air Slaves internal piston seals or syn 1 Remove pressure from system chronizing valves leaking due to 2 Rebuild or replace throttle slave wear or debris 3 Repressurize the system 4 Repurge the system of air Full Throttle on sender gives idle on System tubing connected back 1 Remove pressure from the system engine ward 2 Reverse tubing at the throttle slave 3 Pressurize system 4 Synchronize throttle control After a long running period the Throttle Slave is located at an engine hot Several Suggested Remedies tends to go out of spot which has caused excessive 1 The use of heat resistant gasket material heating of the throttle slave which approximately 18 Thick between the in turn has caused the slave to de mounting bracket and engine velop a vapor lock 2 Spaces between the bracket and engine and slave and bracket 3 Shielding around the throttle slave 4 Remounting of the throttle slave in a less hot area Contamination in pilot check valve 1 Remove pressure from system keeping it from functioning prop 2 Repressurize the system erly 3 Repurge system of air If twin engines are equipped with 1 Readjust springs proper tension synchronizer governor or NOTE excessive tension in either throttle synchronizers tension springs are extremes will cause out of adjustment problems Page 34 of 36 Cause SolutionLoss of system pressure but not loss Air leak in reservoir While pressure is on system use a soapy waterof fluid solution to find an air leak on the tank When leak is found remove pressure and repair repressurize system to 80 psiNOTESystem pressure will vary as much as10 psi due to temperature changesWhen system pressure drops below70 psi a leak should be checked forLoss of pressure and fluid on system System leak 1 With pressure on system check for fluid leaks at all connections 2 When found repair leak If a tubing connection is leaking remove and replace 0ring if leak persists see section of trouble shooting which concerns leaks at fittings for further repair procedures 3 Pressurize system bleed system filling as required 4 Synchronize controlsSender arm moved at one station re Improper reversed tubing connec 1 Recheck tubing connections made againstsuIts in the wrong arm movement at tions tubing diagram usedthe other station s 2 Remove pressure from the system 3 Reconnect tubing as required 4 Repressurize and bleed system 5 Synchronize controlsSender arm moved at one station re Tubing runs improperly connected 1 Compare tubing connections made withsuits in another arm moving at the Prime area for improper connection tubing diagram used check area of chargingsame station would be at the charging valve valve 2 Remove pressure from system 3 Reconnect tubing as required 4 Pressurize system bleed system 5 Synchronize controlsCrimp or kink in tubing Numerous 1 Cut out kinked or crimped portion of line 2 Splice line together using tube connectors and unionLeak at a fitting Bad 0Ring Remove fitting replace 0Ring replace fitting Pressurize system and check for leakage If Leakage continues replace entire tubing connector and adapter as System seems locked up Slipped sender handle 1 Reestablish senders handle position ifafter initial installation required to allow full 115 degree travelForward or reverse on clutch sender Clutch save to transmission linkage Readjust linkage lengthwill not obtain a full forward out of adjustmentor reverse on on clutch sender gives Tubing incorrectly connected 1 Remove pressure from systemreverse on engine 2 Reverse tubing at the clutch slave 3 Pressurize and bleed system 4 Synchronize clutch controls Page 35 of 36 PagesPage 36 of 36 Pages
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