Voltage Regulator for Papoose
The first sign of a problem was the engine running erratically, going up and down a few hundred RPM accompanied by my knot meter saying we were going 9 knots when we were going 4. It was suggested that this could be caused by the alternator. A voltmeter indicated 12.5 volts with the engine running, which indicated it was not being charged. I opened the voltage regulator and it did not seem to be working. When I pushed the relay manually, I could hear the engine load up so I felt this was an indication that the alternator was working. I have ordered a new regulator from Van Ness Engineering and hope to have it in a few days. I am writing this because the hookup is different.
The new one will have 3 terminals where the old one had 5 plus a ground but one was unused. Here is the mapping.Old Regulator Terminal | New location |
Case ground wire | Neg on new regulator |
IGN | Pos on new regulator |
NEUT | Remove |
FLD | Field on Alternator (no change) |
BAT | Big terminal on Alternator |
LAMP | Was unused |
In addition, I was advised to remove the three terminal noise suppressor that went between the alternator and the rest of the wiring. It was for old AM and SSB radios, which I do not have.
Installed it, it works. Nothing more to say.
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