
Voltage Regulator for Papoose

The first sign of a problem was the engine running erratically, going up and down a few hundred RPM accompanied by my knot meter saying we were going 9 knots when we were going 4. It was suggested that this could be caused by the alternator. A voltmeter indicated 12.5 volts with the engine running, which indicated it was not being charged. I opened the voltage regulator and it did not seem to be working. When I pushed the relay manually, I could hear the engine load up so I felt this was an indication that the alternator was working. I have ordered a new regulator from Van Ness Engineering and hope to have it in a few days. I am writing this because the hookup is different.

The new one will have 3 terminals where the old one had 5 plus a ground but one was unused. Here is the mapping.

Old Regulator Terminal New location
Case ground wire Neg on new regulator
IGN Pos on new regulator
NEUT Remove
FLD Field on Alternator (no change)
BAT Big terminal on Alternator
LAMP Was unused

In addition, I was advised to remove the three terminal noise suppressor that went between the alternator and the rest of the wiring. It was for old AM and SSB radios, which I do not have.

Installed it, it works. Nothing more to say.

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