Tide and Current Charts and Tables with location
For Sierra Point 4.4 mi E, South San Francisco Bay, California Current
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Sierra Point 4.4 mi E, South San Francisco Bay, California CurrentNOTE: You can also select from nearby stations by going to the drop down list at the bottom of this page.
Wednesday February 19, 2025
Sierra Point 4.4 mi E
Wed -- 12:05 AM Moonrise
Wed -- 01:32 AM 0.50 knots Max Flood
Wed -- 04:45 AM -0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 06:53 AM Sunrise
Wed -- 08:13 AM -0.61 knots Max Ebb
Wed -- 10:04 AM Moonset
Wed -- 11:51 AM 0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 02:50 PM 0.54 knots Max Flood
Wed -- 05:52 PM Sunset
Wed -- 06:36 PM -0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 08:42 PM -0.25 knots Max Ebb
Wed -- 11:05 PM 0.00 knots Slack
Tide / Current data from XTide NOT FOR NAVIGATION
Wed -- 12:05 AM Moonrise
Wed -- 01:32 AM 0.50 knots Max Flood
Wed -- 04:45 AM -0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 06:53 AM Sunrise
Wed -- 08:13 AM -0.61 knots Max Ebb
Wed -- 10:04 AM Moonset
Wed -- 11:51 AM 0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 02:50 PM 0.54 knots Max Flood
Wed -- 05:52 PM Sunset
Wed -- 06:36 PM -0.00 knots Slack
Wed -- 08:42 PM -0.25 knots Max Ebb
Wed -- 11:05 PM 0.00 knots Slack
Tide / Current data from XTide NOT FOR NAVIGATION
12 am | 1 am | 2 am | 3 am | 4 am | 5 am | 6 am | 7 am | 8 am | 9 am | 10 am | 11 am | 12 pm | 1 pm | 2 pm | 3 pm | 4 pm | 5 pm | 6 pm | 7 pm | 8 pm | 9 pm | 10 pm | 11 pm |
0.3 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.2 | -0.1 | -0.3 | -0.5 | -0.6 | -0.5 | -0.4 | -0.2 | 0 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.2 | -0.1 | -0.2 | -0.2 | -0.1 | -0 |
center is 37.6667,-122.2833
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