General Help
There are 10 sections to this Tide and Weather site. Each section is divided by a thick black horizontal line. Every section as one or more of these options:- EDIT - A link to a page to change the section specific settings
- (on/off) - a toggle to choose if the section contents should be displayed or not
- Links - underlined text are links to more detail or the source of the data.
- Help - link to a help page for the section (coming soon)
Change Location
To change the overall location for the page, click on "Change Location" on the top left of the page. To change just the location of the airport, click EDIT in the Airport Report section. You will be shown a drop down list of all the airports within 200 miles. Just select whichever one you want and click submit.Current Conditions
The Airport Report is comprised of two sections. The first gives the most up to date report of wind and weather for the airport. These are updated once an hour. The age of the report is listed in the title for the conditions report.Wind History
The three day (72 hour) wind history is shown for your airport. They are arranged in 3 rows of 24 hours. This allows you to look down any column and see when the wind picked up, or died down, over the last few days. This is useful in planning when you might expect the wind to change in the next few hours..Links
The link Current Conditions will take you to the airports web site where you can see the same information that is on this page. The page buffers the data so if it looks like the data may be old on the page, click the link and see. The Wind History link takes you to the NOAA wind history page. The data on the wind history is after a couple of hours old so don't expect it to have the current conditions wind report in it. Often there will be an hour between the current conditions and the history that is missing. That is normal.NOTICE: Some pages have affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read website Cookie, Privacy, and Disclamers by clicking HERE. To contact me click HERE. For my YouTube page click HERE