Marine Forecast
With the update to the marine zones that NOAA did on April5, 2011 I have added logic to report more of the zones. This impacts two areas. One is the Great Lakes where we were missing some zones. The other is the Weather Statement zones. These are mainly way off shore. I will report the latest weather statement but please check the date as it may be days, weeks, or years old. If I get requests, I will put logic to blank out old reports.Overview
The Marine Foecast default setting picks the Marine Zone closest to the selected location defined by the distance from the selected location to the center of the zone. The second zone attemps to use the area synopsis for the primary zone. In some cases, around the Great Lakes for example, there is no synopsis so the second zone may be blank. You can change either of these zones by clicking on EDIT. That will take you to an edit page where you can select your zone from the list box.You may notice that there are 4 fields, 3 list boxes and a text box. You can actually select either 2 or 3 zones. If you want a third zone, you can select it from the list box or type it into the text box. The text box will override the list box if you use both. The zones shown in the list box are all the zones within 500 miles. You can enter a zone beyond 500 miles if you know the zone name usign the text box. The three zone layout is shown below
If you are not interested in seeing the marine forecast, you can toggle (on/off).
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