
Tide Charts


The tide section has two tide reports. Each report is of a single station. There are three formats presented for each station. On the left is the tide table showing max and min values. The graph shows an hourly value across the day. On the bottom is a table that shows the value for each hour during the day.

Change Location

To change the overall location for the page, click on "Change Location" on the top left of the page. To change the location of just a tide section, use the EDIT link on that station. Each of the two tide stations has its own EDIT link.

The edit consists of a drop down list of all the tide and current stations within 100 miles of the page location. Note that both tide and current sites are listed. By default, the program will select the nearest tide site as tide 1 and the nearest current site as tide 2. If there is not a current site within 25 miles, the second nearest tide site will be used as tide 2.

Underlined Links

The underlined Tide / Current links will take you to the NOAA tide or current site respectively.

There is a separate edit page for each tide selection.

Printer Page

The link at the top of the page will take you to the printer page. That page gives you the ability to crate a single page that you can take with you on the water. It will have the marine weather at the top and the 3 day airport wind summary at the bottom. Between that are up to 6 tide reports, One of them will be a graph and the other 5 will be hourly reports. You can have anywhere from 2 to 6 tide stations on the printer page. All the data is shared with the main page so changing it one place will change it on the other. The main page will not show the other 4 stations but they will be saved along with the other data for the main page.

Not for Navigation

The data presented in the tide reports is for your amusement only. It should not be used for navigation. If you run aground because this data is wrong, it is your fault for not verifying the data ahead of time. Much of the current data was collected as part of one of the works programs back in the depression and does not take into account any changes in the geography since then. All of this said, this is data from xTides and is what you will see anywhere else. I am pleased to see that the government is posting this data once again. For several years, they would not publish current data. One thing you should do is follow the links to the NOAA tide and current site and compare the data on this site with the data on the official NOAA site. I have found errors on the xTide data and made some corrections but I am sure there are other errors.

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