
Background -- Maximizing Speed to Windward

Without Fancy Instruments

Optimum Tool

I call THIS tool the optimum tool because you can use it back at your computer to do the calculations you did on the boat with the graph paper but without any graphs. It is a simple tool to fit a parabola through three points. You enter the three points that you have determined are around your optimum with one close to the optimum , one pinching, and one falling off.

Using the tool

This tool is simple. You have taken three sets of measurements you like and recorded the apparent wind and boat speed for three different apparent wind angles. That gives you 9 data points you enter into the top section of the tool. The next section just summarizes these three sets of measurements adding the computations of true wind and VMG to wind to what you entered.

The final section lists your targets. We can see we are remarkably close to the same answer we got on the water (in our dry lab). The graphical method gave us an answer of 5.9 knots as the target boat speed at an apparent wind direction of 30.5 degrees. The optimum tool gives 6 knots at 30.7 degrees. Remember that the VMG to Wind is very flat at the top so close if perfect.

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